Larry Suffredin - Jewish Chicago


Larry Suffredin - Jewish Chicago
Take me into the
Voting Booth with you
Please Pick Me Up, I’m FREE
There is much to be learned in these pages
Winter / Election - 5770/2010
O’Brien, Brown
Preckwinkle and Stroger
head to the wire
for President of the
Cook County Board
Steve Bernstein
“not qualified”
Abbey FishmanRomanek
“ethical violater”
Friedman, MD
nois 10th Congressional District
ment in a Party primary, but if you live in the 10th
ou to support Dr. Arie Friedman in the Republican
ef Political Correspondent, American Thinker
aims for
third term
on County
for the 10th district Republican Congressional slot is one
e onto the Jewish political scene in quite some time. His
lence and outstanding achievement. His unabashedly
rael is a breath of fresh air. Friedman is open lengths
h Chicago strongly and enthusiastically endorses Arie
Avy Meyers, Jewish Chicago
Arie Friedman, MD
and David Ratowitz
y 2 in the Republican Primary
Voting Begins January 11
are two of
Four Jewish
Epstein and Bender
headline outstanding
Jewish Judicial
Complete Election
Guide Inside
Elliot Richardson
leads the Democratic
Charge for Israel
in the 10th Congressional
Terrence J. O’Brien will use his management experience to cut wasteful spending,
curb rising taxes and end the poor management in Cook County government.
• Fighting for meaningful property tax relief
• Immediately repeal the 1% sales tax increase
• Overhaul the budget & reduce spending
• Stop the corruption of “pay-to-play” politics
• End unethical hiring practices
• Demand openness & a transparent budget process
• Bring back good paying jobs that high taxes are driving away
• Increase dialogue & cooperation among all Cook County Offices & Departments
For more information and
to get an O’Brien yard sign
to show your support for
common sense and ethical
government in Cook County,
visit our website at
or call us at 312-733-8003.
Paid for by O’Brien for Cook County 662 W. Grand Ave., Chicago, IL 60654
Fairness, Integrity and Experience
Rated Qualified, Recommended or
Highly Recommended by ALL Bar Associations
for Circuit Court Judge
• B.A. Northwestern University
• J.D. Loyola University Chicago - School of Law
• Former Assistant State’s Attorney and attorney
in private law firm
• Over 22 years of experience in both civil litigation
and criminal law
• Lead attorney on over 50 jury trials in both State
and Federal Court, as well as hundreds of bench
trials. Presided over dozens of trials and motions
as a Judge
• Selected as one of Illinois’ Super Lawyers
by Law & Politics
• Voted by peers as a member of Leading
Lawyers Network
Decalogue Society of Lawyers
Punch 181
Paid for by Elect Judge Lyons.
Jewish Chicago Election Analysis
by Avy Meyers
Illinois has the earliest election in the nation this year -- February 2 -- five days before
Super Bowl Sunday.
Early voting this year started January 11 and runs through January 28, according to
election lawyer James P. Nally. He informs us that “there are 51 voting sites in Chicago,
and city residents who are registered to vote are able to vote in the location of their
choice. Suburban voters have 43 locations to choose from. Chicago polling places can
be found on the Chicago Board of Elections Website. The Cook County Clerk’s Website
lists all the suburban locations.”
Under this new provision of the state election code, eligible voters may still register
or update their records during the grace period, but only at election board headquarters,
and they must vote during that same visit.
Nally adds that “Grace period voting runs through January 21. Chicago voters must
register and vote in person at the Chicago Board of Elections, 69 W. Washington, 8th
floor. Suburbanites would go to the Cook County Clerks Office, 69 W. Washington, 5th
For many of us, the primary is the real election. Many of the Republican candidates in
the city are just token candidates, although it is apparent that the backlash to Democratic
rule occurring in the U.S. may create some serious upsets. In Cook County there is only
one judicial race in which a Republican is running, and there are actually two from that
I am not going to preach too much about registering and voting here because if you
weren’t interested in politics, you would not have picked up this publication.
Make sure you check out the Judicial Section of Jewish Chicago. There are some
phenomenally excellent Jewish sitting judges and candidates vying for office. There is
also some that should have the good sense to remove themselves from the ballot rather
than create a huge public embarrassment.
Before I get started with the candidate rundown, it is important for everyone to know
the criteria we used in making our endorsements.
Just being Jewish is not enough, not even close to enough. If a Jewish candidate is
pitted against a non-Jewish candidate, and all things are equal in terms of their ability to
do the job, there won’t necessarily be an endorsement.
There are some non-Jews who have done an absolutely superb job of taking care of
both Jewish concerns and the community. They will most certainly be endorsed, and yes,
even against Jewish opposition. If a Jewish candidate is well-qualified for the office, but
does not take care of real Jewish concerns for his or her constituents, he or she will not
be endorsed.
If there is no real benefit to the Jewish community in a race, it may not be touched.
There are political experts in regular newspapers and other media who can perform that
function. This is a Jewish newspaper and I focus on Jewish concerns.
The bottom line is that Jewish Chicago looks for candidates of quality for the
community as a whole who will take care of Jewish concerns as they arise. The primary
Jewish concerns are on a national level and concern Israel.
Liberal, conservative, left wing, right wing—Jewish Chicago is not a fan of any of these.
Practical solutions to real-life problems is the best way to go. The only “ism” I am into
is Judaism.
Advertising in Jewish Chicago has nothing to do with who gets endorsed. People who
know me understand that. Compare the ads and the endorsements, and it is obvious that
many endorsed candidates placed no ads, and there are advertisers who are not endorsed.
State Senator Ira Silverstein bought the most expensive ad, the back cover in the 2008
primary issue, and he didn’t care for our “shame on you, Ira” comment. Tough luck.
In the judicial races, I am totally dependent on input from sitting judges and leading
lawyers who I call on for endorsements. If a friend of mine is running, and the panel
chooses someone else, he or she gets the Jewish Chicago nod, though I may vote for my
I am hosting a live one-hour election preview show on CANTV-19, Sunday morning
January 20, that will be co-hosted by Chicago’s leading election lawyer, Jim Nally. The
program is being produced by Sonny Hersh and will most likely air on YouTube within
a day as a two-part show. Go to our Website at, or go to YouTube and
search sonnyhtv.
Earlier this year, Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart named by Time magazine as one of
the 100 most influential people in the world, nominated me for the Illinois State Crime
Commission’s 2009 Community Outreach Award for the TV show, and I actually was
presented the award at their June banquet.
● U.S. Senate
There are five Democratic candidates for the U.S. Senate, three who could be
considered serious. State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias is young, good-looking, and
energetic. A former pro basketball player in Greece and someone who has been friendly
with President Obama created some buzz early in his term. He is a member of the family
that owns Broadway Bank and underwent considerable criticism for loans he approved
to known members of the Mafia.
Giannoulias has assembled a good team of experienced campaign professionals and
Punch 111
Larry Suffredin
In a new term I want to:
1) Make the Independent Health Board
permanent so it can continue to protect and
maximize our health resources
2) Separate the Forest Preserve Board from
the County Board to insure environmentally
proper policies continue to be established;
3) Reduce the sales tax by another .50%
4) Work with a new president to make the
whole County government more responsive
to best practices so that we may lower taxes
while still providing better service.
I have played a key role in
1) Revising the Shakman Decree and working to insure that hiring and promotion issues are free of political influences
2) Creating an Independent Health Board to cut waste in our extensive health care system and to expand services to the increasing
number of citizens who depend on them
3) Establishing best land restoration practice to protect our Forest Preserves
4) Codifying all the laws of the County and Forest Preserve and making them available online
5) Establishing transparent rules for budgeting to make it easier for citizens to see how tax dollars are spent
6) Protecting people against overly high real estate assessments and taxes by holding 36 seminars on
how to appeal assessments to the Cook County Assessor and Board of Review.
Endorsed by
• Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky • Congressman • Mike Quigley • Commissioner • Forrest Claypool • Commissioner Debra Shore
• Senator Jeff Schoenberg • Senator Ira Silverstein • Representative Lou Lang • Representative Elaine Nekritz • Alderman Joe Moore
• Mayor Liz Tisdahl • Mayor George VanDusen • New Trier Committeeman • Bill Crowley • Northfield Committeeman Mike Kreloff
• 49th Ward Committeeman David Fagus • Citizen Action Illinois • IVI/IPO • Democratic Party of Evanston
• 49th Ward Democratic Organization • 50th Ward Democratic Organization
Judge John Patrick
Callahan, Jr.
Countywide Circuit Court Candidate
(Kelley Vacancy)
Appointed by the Illinois Supreme Court on September 8, 2009
to fill the Daniel J. Kelley Vacancy.
Found “Recommended” by the Decalogue Society of Lawyers and
“Qualified” or “Recommended” by all eleven of the evaluating bar
On December 4, 2009 the Chicago Bar Association stated that
“Judge Callahan possesses an outstanding temperament and
is well respected for his knowledge of civil and criminal law.”
Vote for
Real Courtroom Experience
● Over 21 years of courtroom and litigation experience.
● Former Assistant Cook County State’s Attorney
prosecuting hundreds of bench trials and over 35 felony jury trials.
● Over 13 years of private practice experience handling transactional
and litigation (jury and non-jury) matters.
● Cook County Democratic Party.
● Independent Voters of Illinois - Independent Precinct Organization.
● Chicago Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO.
● Chicago Fire Fighters Union.
● Fraternal Order of Police - Chicago Lodge 7
Judge Callahan and his wife Joanne have two children, Kevin and Mary Kate.
Punch 166 for Judge Callahan
on February 2, 2010
is definitely leading the race early. While he says he is deeply committed to Israel’s
security, he favors a two-state solution that the nations themselves hammer out.
Keep dreaming, Alexi. Unfortunately, the Arabs have absolutely no interest in any real
peace. Former Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin offered all the Arab countries
their land back. Jordan could have had much of the West Bank back in return for peace
and recognition of Israel. Is that too much to ask? Jordan said no. Egypt made peace
and got back the Sinai. The peace cost Egyptian president Anwar Sadat his life. He was
assassinated by his own people. Let’s remember that our “friend” Sadat penned a book
that said Hitler was right. He just got tired of attacking Israel and tasting defeat and made
Other major efforts have been made by Israel to give away just about everything and
anything to achieve recognition and peace. Real peace is that precious to Israel. The
Arabs were offered 98 percent of what they wanted, and they said no. The hatred of the
average Arab on the street toward Jews should not be taken lightly and originated a few
thousand years before Israel took back in 1967 what G-d gave our forefathers Avraham
(Abraham), Yitzchak (Isaac), and Yaakov (Jacob) the land of Israel for all time.
Israel is something like 11,000 square miles, one-fifth the size of the state of Illinois.
Arab lands contain over 840,000 square miles. The only land the Arab people are
comfortable seeing the Jews settle is just east of Israel on the bottom of the Mediterranean.
That being said, Giannnoulias’s stance on Israel may well be the best of the Democratic
His chief rival, David Hoffman, is Jewish. He is the former inspector general of
Chicago and gave Mayor Daley grief in spades. He is very intelligent and capable, a true
Here is what he has to say about Israel: “I believe that only the U.S. can provide the
leadership that is required for serious peace negotiations in the Middle East. The United
States can – and should – play an active role in facilitating those negotiations. I pledge
to support those efforts and will work to ensure the search for peace in the Middle East
tops the U.S. foreign policy agenda.
“I am committed to the security of Israel as our most steadfast ally and the only true
democracy in the Middle East. As a member of the U.S. Senate, I will strongly support
comprehensive peace initiatives that aim to bring lasting peace and security to Israel and
the Palestinians. However, neither the United States nor others can impose a realistic
and lasting solution, as Israel and the Palestinians must be the ones to negotiate the core
issues of any peace agreement. I support a two-state solution, but understand that such
a solution requires proof that the Palestinians will not engage in terrorism against Israel
and its citizens and clearly recognize its right to exist.”
This is really not much worse than Giannoulias. Neither does much for me.
Cheryle Jackson is the black candidate, and her primary concerns are for her people.
She is the former press secretary of Governor Rod Blagojevich and headed the Chicago
Urban League. She wants the U.S. out of all Middle East conflicts right now. She is a
friend of President Obama. She does not concern herself with Israel at all.
Robert Marshall is a conservative Democrat and an M.D. Jacob Meister is the other
candidate in the race.
For the record, our present U.S. Senator is Blagojevich appointee Roland J. Burris,
who is a national object of scorn and ridicule.
Jewish Chicago takes a pass on endorsing in the Democratic U. S. Senate race.
On the Republican side, 10th District U. S. Rep. Mark Steven Kirk is a clear front
runner in an otherwise lackluster field. He is known as a moderate who has, in fact,
positioned himself to get some Democratic voter support, which earns the ire of many a
Republican. Kirk is pro abortion, and he actually voted for the Cap and Trade legislation,
which had to be 100 percent politically motivated and cost him some respect while
making friends with others.
Kirk has been a strong and consistent supporter not just of Israel, but of Jewish
activities by the people of his north suburban district.
Jewish Chicago endorses Mark Steven Kirk for the Republican nomination for
U.S. Senate.
● U.S. House
There have always been a fair share of Jewish congressional candidates as is the case
this year, usually all Democratic. What is almost shocking is that there are four Jewish
Republican candidates.
While a serious majority of Jews are still Democrats, the Republicans are catching
up. Just as former President George W. Bush created a new generation of Democrats,
President Obama is doing the same for the Republicans.
I’ve covered a couple of meetings of the Republican Jewish Coalition, headed by
Michael Menis, and they get a serious crowd. They also had a large presence at the
Greater Chicago ‘08 Jewish Festival, while there were virtually no Democratic office
holders present. They are working hard at currying our favor.
Being a Republican or a Democrat is not a Jewish thing at all and making a religion
out of secular politics isn’t real. And that comes from a religious (Jewish-wise) political
junkie, but I’ll go left, right, or middle depending on whom I feel will best serve the
interests of our general community as well as the Jewish people.
5th Congressional District
This is a very famous district whose incumbents have had some very serious input
on the national scene. Former U.S. Rep. Dan Rostenkowski, the powerful former head
Making A Difference
Since being named to fill a vacancy by the Illinois Supreme Court,
Judge Lebovits has worked to make the court system function more
efficiently and fairly, to treat people with dignity, to see to it that true
justice is done.
It is a continuation of his life’s work. For more than 25 years, in several
positions in our legal system, Judge Lebovits has shown himself to be
a protector and defender of women and children, an advocate for the
family, someone who cares, and who knows how to make things better
- for people and the community.
He has a proven record of achievement and excellence. And an inspiring
record of compassion and integrity.
A Legal Lifetime Protecting
Women, Children, and Families
Democrat, 9th Judicial Subcircuit
(Otaka Vancancy)
Just some of the many Jewish, Legal and Political Leaders
and Community Organizations that have endorsed Judge Lebovits
• Hon. Gerald C. Turry Mayor, Village of Lincolnwood • Hon. George Van Dusen, Mayor, Village of Skokie • Hon. Robert Callero, Mayor, Village of Niles • State Senator Howard Carroll, Retired • State
Senator Arthur Berman, Retired • Michele Bromberg, Trustee, Village of Skokie • Pramod C. Shah, Trustee, Village of Skokie • Donald Gelfund, Trustee, Niles Township • Alderman Bernard Stone, 50th Ward,
City of Chicago • Alderman Patrick O’Connor, 40th Ward, City of Chicago • Alderman Patrick Lavar, 45th Ward, City of Chicago • Indo-American Democratic Organization • Randy Barnette, 39th Ward
Committeeman • Hon. Peter Moy, Retired Mayor • Village of Lincolnwood • Hon. Frank Chulay, Retired Mayor,Village of Lincolnwood • Personal PAC • Chicago Fire Fighters Union Local No.2 • Illinois
Committee for Honest Government • United Hellenic Voters of America • Italian American Political Coalition • Beryl Herman, Clerk, Village of Lincolnwood • Larry Elster, Trustee, Village of Lincolnwood •
Jesal Patel, Trustee, Village of Lincolnwood • Larry Froman, Trustee, Village of Lincolnwood • Nick Leftakes, Trustee, Village of Lincolnwood • Renee Sprogis-Marohn, Trustee, Village of Lincolnwood • Tom
Heidtke, Trustee, Village of Lincolnwood • Jerry Malkin, Chairman, Zoning Board, Village of Lincolnwood • Edie Davis co-founder Shalva • Tamar Friedman, co- founder Shalva • Fayge Siegel, co-founder
Shalva • Shulamis Weinfeld, co-founder Shalva • Esther Berman, former President of Hadassah and member of Cook County Commission on Woman Issues • Cortney Stark Cope, former President Shalva •
Lois Zoller • Ina Winston, former President of the Woman’s Bar Association of Illinois • Caroline Shoenberger, Former Director Child Support Enforcement, Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office, and past
Chief of Consumer Fraud Division, IL. Attorney General’s Office • Kimberly Anderson, past Chair Domestic Relations Committee, Chicago Bar Association • Georgia Talaganis, Lincolnwood Library Board
• Paul Eisterhold, Chairman, Lincolnwood Planning Commission • Gail Ito, Chairperson, Lincolnwood Park Board • Luis Martinez, Chairman, Lincolnwood Human Relations Commission • Neil Hartigan,
former Illinois Attorney General and State of Illinois Lieutenant Governor • Fred Lane, former President Illinois State Bar Association • Victor Henderson, past President Chicago Bar Association • Eugene
Pavalon, former President Illinois Trial Lawyer Association • Dr. Hyder Mohammed, President of Indian Associations • Iftekhar Shareef • Vipul Shah • Usha Kamaria former Niles Township Trustee • Sam Bhatt
Keep A Mensch on the Bench!
Paid for Elect Judge Yehuda Lebovits. A copy of our report is on file with the State Board of Elections
of the House Ways and Means Committee, was the longtime congressman until he got
caught misusing his postal franking privileges.
Rostenkowski was upset by a total upstart who only lasted one term, replaced by the
infamous Blagojevich. (I am so tempted to haul out quotes from past issues stating from
the get-go that Blagojevich was absolutely no good. Maybe I’ll put it on the new Website
when it is up and running at
Blagojevich won the governorship and was elected to a second term before his
indictment and impeachment. He was succeeded by White House Chief of Staff Rahm
Emanuel who set up a special election in which Cook County Commissioner Mike
Quigley took a big step up from being “Stroger thorn” to U.S. congressman.
Quigley showed some real integrity over at the Cook County Board and walked a
very fine line to be a vocal opponent, while not earning enough ire from the regular
Democrats for them to throw all their efforts into sinking him.
Now I am worried about the guy. All of the aforementioned 5th District congressmen
were great friends of Israel. Yes, even Emanuel when he was in Congress. Quigley is
close to mum. (Despite repeated efforts, I’ve never been granted an interview with him.) Here is what his Website says: “Mike’s recent trips to Iraq, Israel, and Gaza
reemphasized his goals to establish sound Middle East policy, and he believes that
Congress and the Obama Administration should work together towards responsible,
pragmatic, and thoughtful foreign policy.”
That is the epitome of a totally meaningless statement. The days are gone when
Democrats were automatically great for the Jewish people and Israel, when Hubert
Humphrey and Henry “Scoop” Jackson among many others were doing everything they
could to curry our favor.
The left is disturbingly pro-Palestinian. Speaking of which, I scratch my head at how
there are so many Palestinians. The 1900 British census in Israel as reported by Joan
Peters in “From Time Immemorial” showed 110,000 people in the entire country. It
was a ghost-town country. Many of the Arabs in the region were nomads without any
permanent home.
Of those 110,000 people, there were sixty thousand Jews, forty thousand Arabs, and
ten thousand Christians. That’s it!
So how are there two million Arabs in the
West Bank with roots they say that go back
many generations? And how are there “zillions”
of Arabs nearby who claim they were forced
to leave during the 1948 war when the Arab
countries declared war on us the day after
Israel was made a state. (For the record, the
Arab countries urged the Arabs living in Jewish
places to leave to avoid being killed, while our
Arabs neighbors planned to totally decimate and
destroy us. Once done, the exiting Arabs would
be welcomed back.)
Once upon a time, the Arabs I met were
Illinois State Bar Association
Highly Qualified
Egyptian or Lebanese or Jordanian or Syrian.
Highly Recommended
Women’s Bar Association
every Arab I meet is a Palestinian. How
Decalogue Society of Lawyers
Highly Recommended
can that be?
Highly Recommended
Lesbian & Gay Bar Association
Chicago Bar Association
For much of civilization, the Arabs were too
Asian American Bar Association
busy fighting amongst themselves to bother
Chicago Council of Lawyers
us. The Arab peoples have a famous ancient
Cook County Bar Association
saying: “I against my brother; I and my brother
Hispanic Lawyers/Puerto Rican Bar
against my cousin; I and my brother and my
Hellenic Bar Association
against the world. . .”
Black Women Lawyers Association
Don’t think for a second just because many
Arabs seem primitive, that they are stupid.
These people work in force and solidarity in
their hatred of Jews. They are waging war on
on fronts many of us can’t even imagine. So
to Mike Quigley, darling of the liberals and
Executive Director and Legal Service Provider
independents. He has a lot of Jewish support
• Adjunct Professor of Law - John Marshall Law
because we constitute a significant part of the
liberal/progressive movement. Also, many Jews
the left side of life have a very unrealistic
• 2007 finalist for Associate Judge of the Cook
of reality about Israel.
County Circuit Court
One of my late mother’s best friends is very
• 100% favorable bar association evaluation ratings
active politically and a true Democrat at heart.
She was telling me all these positive things
• 28-year veteran litigator in domestic relations law
about Quigley. I asked her where Quigley stands
and criminal defense
on Israel because all I have seen is the kind of
non-speak I quoted earlier.
• Created one of the nation’s first court-based
She is friendly with someone very involved
clinics in partnership with Domestic Violence
with Quigley, who was unable to give an answer
maybe because there isn’t a palatable one out
• Juris Doctor Michigan State University College of
there. Quigley is running unopposed in the
Law 1981
Democratic primary.
There are three Republican candidates,
including our first Jewish Republican
Paid for by the Vote Trew Committee
congressional candidate, David Ratowitz. He
A copy of our report is or will be available for purchase
has a very impressive background. He grew up
from the State Board of Elections, Springfield, Illinois
in south suburban Hazel Crest. He went on to
study anthropology at the University of Iowa
Commitment & Leadership
Vote Democratic  Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2010
9th Judicial Subcircuit
Vacancy “A”
Cook County Circuit Court
February 2, 2010
9th Judicial Subcircu
Vacancy “A”
Cook County Circuit C
February 2, 2010
on an Army ROTC scholarship, graduating as the Distinguished
Military Graduate with a bachelor of arts in 1992.
David entered active duty and graduated from U.S. Army
Airborne and Ranger schools. He served as an officer in the 82nd
Airborne and 2nd Infantry Divisions from
1992 to 1997 while stationed in Korea,
Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and deployed
to Haiti. He was honorably discharged
in 1997 with the rank of captain, field
In 2000, David founded a successful
real estate development and property
management firm in New Orleans where
he lived for eight years. He earned
concurrent MBA and JD degrees from
Tulane University in 2003.
Hurricane Katrina blew the roof off his house. He came back
to Chicago where he runs a successful legal practice, which
specializes in federal employment law and provides investor real
estate services. He recently turned 40 and is very worried about
whether there will be Social Security in his future. He stands strong
on Israel. He has two opponents who just plain do not rate.
Jewish Chicago endorses David Ratowitz for the Republican
Paid for by Citizens to Elect
nomination for Congress in the 5th District and relishes seeing
Joseph Berrios
him battle Mike Quigley in the fall.
In the 7th Congressional District, incumbent Danny Davis
came close to running for the Cook County Board. While
Davis considered the run, a number of candidates filed in the
odd chance there would be a wide-open race. Alderman Bob
Fioretti and State Senator Ricky Hendon withdrew when
Davis decided going for re-election was his best bet.
Davis has two interesting opponents. Sharon Denise Dixon
has been the alderman of the 24th Ward for the past three years.
She has had no significant accomplishments, and there is no
mention of Israel or the Mid East on her Website.
Darlena Williams-Burnett is the wife of Alderman Walter
Burnett. She has some very significant support in Illinois
Secretary of State Jesse White and Cook County Recorder
of Deeds Eugene Moore and has actually made overtures to
make friends with the Jewish and Israeli community.
Incumbent Davis has never sought to curry Jewish favor, and
Will fight for: Reform of the financial Markets
I see no evidence of any real support for Israel. In fact, he has
serious ties to people who are not our friends. I see no reason
Stability in the Housing market,
to stick with him.
Increase funding for early childhood education
Jewish Chicago supports Darlena Williams-Burnett for
the Democratic nomination in the 7th Congessional District.
New job development and retention...
The Republican primary in the 7th District finds our second
Jewish Republican congressional candidate Mark M. Weiman, My door is wide open to
a dentist who is running unopposed.
In the 9th Congressional district, 12-year incumbent U.S.
the Jewish and Israeli Communities
Rep. Jan Schakowsky, political boss of the North Shore and
much of her district, is running unopposed for the Democratic
Endorsed by:
slot. She is Jewish, though her husband is not.
Our third Jewish Republican congressional candidate is Joel
Secretary of State Jesse White
Barry Pollak, who faces Assyrian opponent Susanne Atanus,
who ran a write-in campaign two years ago.
Alderman Walter Burnett
Pollak is in his early 30’s, attended Solomon Schechter Day
Alderman Danny Solis
School and Niles North High School, where he graduated first
in his class in 1995. He was also captain of the swimming team,
Alderman Willie Cochran
president of the math team, and an All-State Scholar-Athlete.
Ald. Joann Thompson
Pollak went on to Harvard where he was the first student
to combine the fields of social studies and environmental Recorder of Deeds Eugene “Gene” Moore
science and public policy. His thesis examined the response
of Inuit Eskimo communities to oil development on Alaska’s
North Slope. In 1999 he graduated magna cum laude and Phi
Beta Kappa and won a Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial
Vote February 2nd in the Democratic Primary for
Scholarship to study in South Africa.
He graduated Harvard Law School earlier this year where he
had been a research assistant to Alan Dershowitz.
In April 2009, Pollak caught the public eye by challenging
U.S. Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA), asking: “How much, if any,
U.S. Representative for Congress, 7th District - Punch #41
responsibility do you have for the financial crisis?” Frank blew
up, Pollak stayed calm, and now he is seeking the Republican
slot to challenge Jan Schakowsky. He is good on Israel.
State Central Democratic Committeewoman, 7th District - Punch #51
This promises to be a really interesting campaign.
Paid for by Darlena Burnett for Congress, Darlena Burnett for State Central Committeewoman
A Proven Record
...helping taxpayers
Assessor of Cook County
A Heart for the People
Darlena Williams-Burnett
On February 2, Vote
David Ratowitz
Candidate for U.S. Congress IL-5
Endorsed by: Cook
County Commissioner TONY PERAICA
“David Ratowitz is an assertive, intelligent young leader with strong conservative convictions .
. . Representatives who legislate within the boundaries of the U.S. Constitution - not according
to special interests - are in painfully short supply in Washington, D.C. David understands well
that enhancing personal freedom and prosperity means limiting government. I enthusiastically
endorse David Ratowitz for U.S. Congress in 2010.”
Entrepreneur, U.S. Army veteran and
conservative activist David Ratowitz
aims to strengthen our economy and
community by supporting:
* Across-the-board tax cuts
* Reduced federal spending
* Halt to all bailouts/stimulus spending
* Patient-centered health care reform
* Universal school choice
David has signed onto:
* AFP “No Climate Tax” pledge
* ATR Taxpayer Protection pledge
* 10th Amendment Center pledge
* RLC Liberty Compact
* Audit the Federal Reserve initiative
David is a member of Temple B’nai
Yehuda in Homewood and is a member
of the Republican Jewish Coalition.
David is a U.S. Army Airborne
and Ranger school graduate.
Vote David Ratowitz in the 5th Congressional
District Republican Primary on February 2
Paid for by Ratowitz for Congress
William Burnett Raines
Candidate for Cook County Judge
Berland Vacancy
Endorsed by, JewishChicagoMagazine
Bill Raines was a Deputy Cook County in the Cook County Sheriff’s
Department who moved to Oakland to become a Police Oficer and moved
to Investigator when he was shot in the line of duty and forced to retire.
He attended Law School in California, moving back to Chicago where he
worked as an Asst. Cook County States Attorney. He moved on to private
practice where he became a Special Counsel in the fraud Investigations
Department for Freemont Compensation Insurance Group. He has been a
partner in the Law firm of Shestokas and Raines since 2001.
Punch #153
Paid for by Citizens for Bill Raines
Jewish Chicago supports Joel Barry Pollak for the Republican nomination in the
9th Congressional District.
The 10th Congressional District is the most crowded and interesting race of all -- three
Democrats, five Republicans, and no Green party candidate.
All three Democratic candidates have substance and support from different directions.
Dan Seals is taking his third shot at Congress. He ran strong but losing campaigns to
Rep. Mark Steven Kirk the last two elections. He had the lead in an early poll, but as he
has run twice, he has seriously good name recognition in the North Shore. Running good
races twice against Kirk in a district with a significant amount of Jews, he knows what to
say about Israel to please the locals, and his stance is pretty good. The race is only starting
to kick in, so we will now see what’s what.
State Rep. Julie Hamos is a surprise entrant in this race. She had an extremely
distinguished career in the Illinois House and was the champion of the public transit crowd
when the CTA and PACE were teetering thanks to the usual shenanigans in Springfield
She is the wife of retired Judge Alan Greiman and interestingly was a very successful
lobbyist before becoming a state representative doing serious six-figure business. To her
credit she took her job in Springfield very seriously, learned, worked hard, and did well.
She was even taking some shots at House Speaker Mike Madigan. I was really proud of
Hamos decided she was going to retire from the legislature and announced she would
run for state-wide office, not knowing which one, but as the chips fell, she would choose
her spot. It’s pretty clear she had her eye on the attorney general’s office. Like most
political observers she fully expected Lisa Madigan to anounce a run for the governorship.
Madigan surprisingly decided she was happy where she was and would stay put.
All of sudden there was no state-wide slot that appealed to Hamos. At that point she
should have recanted her previous statements, eaten some serious crow on a one-time
basis, and gone back for another term in the 18th District where she truly excelled.
It seems she just plain needed to move on and chose to run for Congress in the 10th
District where she doesn’t live, but is not very far geographically.
I alluded earlier concerning Quigley that someone who excels in one place does
not always excel in another. Springfield has different issues than Washington, and the
ramifications are much different. I felt early it would be a slam dunk to support Hamos,
but all it took was her position on the Middle East to make me question what was going on.
From her Website she has this to say on Israel: “While in Israel in 2008, Julie saw
first- hand Israel’s desire for a two-state solution. She fully supports the vision of a safe
and secure Israel living in peace alongside an independent Palestinian state.”
Hamos is the daughter of Holocaust survivors. As a child, she fled Hungary in 1956.
Hamos should know better. Since she strongly seeks a two-state solution, I have no
option other than choosing a no-Julie Hamos-in-Congress solution.
The third candidate is Elliot Richardson. Richardson is a civil rights attorney with
an exemplary record of participating in worthwhile charitable contributions. He has an
excellent grasp of the economy and is very prudent fiscally.
No Democratic candidate in this race has a better understanding and grasp of the
Middle East than Richardson. No other candidate will be a better friend to the Jewish
Interestingly, as I started to endorse him on the TV show I said that despite the fact
that there is a Jewish candidate in this race, and Richardson told
me there was a second Jewish candidate in the race, I had no
idea who he meant. I never thought of the name Richardson as
Jewish, but then one of my teachers was a Rabbi Smith. Then he
told me where he was bar mitzvah, synagogue affiliations, the
whole shot.
If I were going to endorse him before I learned he was Jewish,
I guess his being Jewish isn’t going to upset the applecart.
Arie Friedman, MD
Jewish Chicago strongly and enthusiastically endorses
for Illinois
Elliot Richardson for the Democratic nomination
in the10
10thCongressional District
Congressional District.
The Republican side of the ledger has three candidates worth talking about. State
“I do not often make an endorsement in a Party primary, but if you live in the 10th
Representative Elizabeth Coulson,
a moderate,
is ayouphysical
and has
district in Illinois,
I encourage
to support therapist
Dr. Arie Friedman
in thedone
primary.” –in
Political Correspondent,
some teaching. She has been involved
and has generally
friendly to us. She is fan of former U.S. Rep. John Porter. She is an extremely saavy,
“Arie Friedman MD, candidate for the 10th district Republican Congressional slot is one
tenacious politician who thinksof out
every angle
she onto
has the
in her
the brightest
new stars
to come
in quite
some time. His
path the
in life
shows repeated
way. When it comes to Israel and
East, Iexcellence
can’t find
word sheachievement.
has to say,
proud and accurate stance on Israel is a breath of fresh air. Friedman is open lengths
that is not a good thing. We canbetter
no than
just assume
friends. Even
his opposition.
endorses Arie
though she has been friends with
not necessarily
for Congress.”
– Avy Meyers,
reflect on her stance on the Middle East.
Robert Dold, a Kenilworth native, runsPediatrician
Rose Pest Solutions.
I don’t ever remember writing about a candidate in that business.
He served as an investigative counsel for theNavy
Reform and Oversight Committee and worked for the viceDesert Storm
president in the first Bush administration. Dold
been active
in local Republican Party activities for more than 20 years. He
has also worked on numerous presidential
He is good on Israel, no question.
Five District
Arie Friedman M.D, candidate for
the of10th
Vote February 2 in the Republican Primary
Early Voting Begins January 11
Republican congressional slot, is one of the brightest new stars to come onto the Jewish
political scene in quite some time. His path in life shows repeated excellence and
outstanding achievement.
Friedman attended the Sager Solomon Schechter Elementary School and Highland Park
High School. He graduated from the University of Chicago with a bachelor’s in Biology. A member of North Suburban Beth El Synagogue, he is married to Michelle Rosenthal, a
very nice person. They have five children.
Shortly after graduation, he joined the U.S. Navy where he served for seven years. The
first year learning to fly; then five years as a Seahawk helicopter pilot, serving two tours in
the Gulf War as part of Operation Desert Storm. He landed his helicopter aboard moving
ships on 406 occasions, including 183 at night,
He spent his last year of service teaching other pilots.
From there he went to the University of Illinois Chicago Medical School where he
finished first in his class.
He was chairman of pediatrics at Condell Hospital. Today he is a pediatrician with
offices in Lincolnshire and Gurnee and was recently named as one of the region’s top
physicians by North Shore magazine.
Friedman is a remarkable individual. His unabashedly proud and accurate stance on
Israel is a breath of fresh air. He is head
and shoulders above his opposition.
Jewish Chicago strongly and
Friedman M.D. in the 10th
Congressional District Republican
● Illinois State Races
In the gubernatorial contest, we are
blessed to be rid of Rod Blagojevich. He
was never endorsed in these pages, and
we issued more than our fair share of
warnings about the guy. There are two
candidates vying for the Democratic
nomination. Incumbent Pat Quinn,
who was elected lieutenant governor
and moved to the top spot with the
impeachment of the aforementioned
indicted felon. His opponent, 41- yearold Dan Hynes is serving his third term
as state comptroller.
Hynes comes from a political family;
his father, Thomas Hynes, served as
Cook County Assessor, president of the
Illinois Senate, and Democratic Ward
committeeman of the 19th Ward in
Hynes has had his eye on higher office
for a while, finishing second to Barack
Obama in the 2004 Democratic primary
for the U.S. Senate. He hasn’t done a
bad job, but he really hasn’t captured
anybody’s imagination, either.
I first met Quinn in 1972 when I
arranged for his candidate, Donald Page
Moore, running for Cook County States
Attorney, to speak in the Mayfair Junior
College auditorium (the building is now
the Irish-American Heritage Center).
Quinn went ballistic at me for the poor
turnout. I did exactly the same things I
did to publicize gubernatorial candidate
Dan Walker, who packed the 2,000-seat
auditorium. Moore got less than 100. I
put flyers on the walls and put a story
in the paper. Former governor Walker
(now a convicted felon), was just plain
more popular, tons more. I’ve never
voted for Quinn.
Quinn is a do-gooder. He helped lead
a successful fight to reduce the size of
the Illinois House from 177 to 118 and
was highly instrumental in creating
CUB, the Citizens Utility Board.
Quinn pushed last year to increase
the state income tax as the fairest way
to raise the added revenue the state
desperately needed. He was not a fan of
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Vote Elliot Richardson
Democrat for congress
Illinois’ 10th District
Israel remains the beacon of democracy in the Middle
East and is our greatest ally in the region. It is crucial
we preserve this special relationship and provide Israel
the support she needs to ensure her security.
As your Representative, Elliot will:
* Work to marginalize Hamas, Hezbollah, and other
terrorist organizations that threaten Israel
* Support strong sanctions against Iran that restrict
that nation’s access to refined gasoline
* Stand firm with Israel in opposing Iran’s attainment
of nuclear weapons
* Advocate that the peace process must include the
recognition of Israel’s right to exist
* Publicly highlight Israel's world-leading scientific,
technological and medical achievements
The most important focus of our economy must be
the creation of jobs in the 10th District. This can be
achieved by providing needed relief to small business
owners and the creation of a new energy economy in
the district.
As your Representative, Elliot will:
* Work to open credit for small business owners by
lending TARP money returned by large banks
directly to small business
* Work with the House Committee on Small Business
to shorten depreciation schedules for small business
and reduce the capital gains tax for investment in
small business
* Provide tax credits for workers who wish to continue
their education or learn a new profession
* Invest in research and development for a new
energy economy which will facilitate economic
growth and reduce our dependence on foreign oil
Vote Elliot on Feb. 2, 2010
Paid for and Authorized by Friends of Elliot Richardson
Vote Elliot Richardson
Democrat for congress
Illinois’ 10th District
Israel remains the beacon of democracy in the Middle
East and is our greatest ally in the region. It is crucial
we preserve this special relationship and provide Israel
the support she needs to ensure her security.
As your Representative, Elliot will:
* Work to marginalize Hamas, Hezbollah, and other
terrorist organizations that threaten Israel
* Support strong sanctions against Iran that restrict
that nation’s access to refined gasoline
* Stand firm with Israel in opposing Iran’s attainment
of nuclear weapons
* Advocate that the peace process must include the
recognition of Israel’s right to exist
* Publicly highlight Israel's world-leading scientific,
technological and medical achievements
The most important focus of our economy must be
the creation of jobs in the 10th District. This can be
achieved by providing needed relief to small business
owners and the creation of a new energy economy in
the district.
As your Representative, Elliot will:
* Work to open credit for small business owners by
lending TARP money returned by large banks
directly to small business
* Work with the House Committee on Small Business
to shorten depreciation schedules for small business
and reduce the capital gains tax for investment in
small business
* Provide tax credits for workers who wish to continue
their education or learn a new profession
* Invest in research and development for a new
energy economy which will facilitate economic
growth and reduce our dependence on foreign oil
Vote Elliot on Feb. 2, 2010
Paid for and Authorized by Friends of Elliot Richardson
Diann K. Marsalek, Esq.
Candidate for Cook County Judge
for the vacancy of Judge Philip Bronstein
● BA and MA, DePaul University and JD, NIU College of Law
● Licensed attorney for over 19 years
● Trial experience as a former Assistant Attorney General
● Lawyer/Hearing Officer for the Illinois Secretary of State
● Slated by the Cook County Democratic Party
● Endorsed by Cook County College Teachers Union #1600, Chicago Fire
Fighters Union Local 2, Hispanic Illinois State Law Enforcement, Fraternal Order
of Police (FOP) – Chicago Lodge 7, Illinois Committee For Honest Government,
Italian American Political Coalition, United Hellenic Voters, Advocates Society of
Polish American Lawyers
● Rated Qualified by the Chicago Bar Association, Women’s Bar,
Decalogue Society and many other bar associations
● President of 2 community organizations to improve the quality of life of
Lake View & Uptown residents
Vote for fairness, integrity and experience on February 2, 2010
We Can’t Wait
Punch 156
Another 40 Years
Paid for by Citizens to Elect Diann K. Marsalek.
A copy of our report will be filed and available with the Illinois State Board of Elections.
On February 2, 2010, vote for
Scott Lee Cohen
and help elect the first
Linda J. ofPauel
Illinois since 1968.
Jewish Lieutenant Governor
Democrat for Judge of the Circuit Court
Dolan Vacancy Punch
Endorsed by:
● Cook County Democratic Party
● Chicago Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO
● Independent Voters of Illinois, IVI-IPO
● Chicago Firefighter’s Union Local 2
● Stonewall Democrats of Illinois
● Victory Fund
● Italian American Political Coalition
● Personal Pac
● Asian American Action Fund
of Greater Chicago
Found Qualified, Recommended or
Highly Recommended by
all bar associations
566 West Lake Street
Chicago, IL 60661
Phone: 312-441-0300
[email protected]
“Ms. Pauel is considered to be a very good lawyer
with good legal ability and a professional demeanor.”
Chicago Council of Lawyers
Paid for and authorized by Citizens to Elect Linda J. Pauel
gambling expansion and ran into the bulldozer named Michael J. Madigan, Speaker of the
Illinois House, who works tirelessly to increase his personal power at the expense of the
citizens of Illinois.
Madigan knocked Quinn for a loop. The laughable ethics reform bill that Madigan
managed to get passed, may limit some individual contributions, but set virtually no limit
on the amount of money you can give Madigan, who spreads as much as hundreds of
thousands of dollars to individual candidates who act in the best interests of Michael
J. Madigan, thus owning them. Quinn signed the bill; he was in a no-win situation any
way he went.
I do think I am going to vote for Pat Quinn for the first time in my life, I’m not crazy
about the idea, but Quinn means well, and he is certainly not bought-and-paid-for.
Jewish Chicago endorses Pat Quinn for the Democratic nomination for governor.
On the Republican side there are seven candidates. Two strike me as having something
going for them. Dan Proft is a political commentator for WLS radio and is conservative
politically. He has something of a following, but nothing spectacular.
Former two-term Illinois Attorney General Jim Ryan is no stranger to readers of
Jewish Chicago and was endorsed in his first try for the governor’s office in 2002
versus Blagojevich. Ryan has had his share of personal tragedy and beat non-hodgkin
lymphoma. He has been a strong advocate for battered women, abused children, and
crime victims.
As attorney general he surrounded himself with a quality crew of top attorneys and was a
very strong advocate for the environment in a very responsible manner. It was his office
that led the successful fight to shut down the “environmental remediation” on the CP
Claire property on Pratt Avenue in west Rogers Park that was fouling the environment
and causing many in the community discomfort and illness.
Jewish Chicago endorses Jim Ryan for the Republication nomination for
In the lieutenant governor’s race, there are six Democratic candidates. Ricky
“Hollywood” Hendon is an extraordinary and entertaining individual. He is extremely
open and gets himself into plenty of trouble. He is the assistant
Democratic majority leader in the Senate and has served
there for 16 years. His background is in the entertainment
industry. He ranks as one of the most interesting people I’ve
ever interviewed, and even when I disagree with him, he has
a charm that makes it seem better.
He is not the only candidate in this race who is somewhat
different, Scott Lee Cohen is a total novice politically. He
broke into the public forum through his group that trumpeted
that Rod must resign. He worked with the staff at GraingerTerry, my favorite PR firm headed by Phil Molfese.
Cohen, a successful businessman, surveyed the political
landscape and decided to throw his hat into the political ring
in the lieutenant governor’s race. While he speaks out about the problems in Springfield,
he tends to emphasize the positive. He wants government to be accountable. He has held
regular job fairs attracting hundreds of people. He extensively traveled up and down
the state. He has made a first-hand examination of alternative forms of energy. He has
worked at this longer than any other candidates and is a very good listener. I also know
for a fact he is a very good-hearted, charitable man, hearing that from lots of people who
have gotten to know him.
It’s a slam dunk. Jewish Chicago endorses Scott Lee Cohen for the Democratic
nomination for lieutenant governor of the State of Illinois.
On the Republican side of the lieutenant governor’s race, we have no recommendation.
The Illinois State Attorney General’s race has only one Democrat, Lisa Madigan, the
incumbent attorney general. Steve Kim is the sole Republican.
The Republican primary for Illinois Secretary of State finds Robert Enriquez running
The Democratic candidate is also running unopposed, but is worthy of special
mention. The world- famous founder of the Jesse White Tumblers, and the two-term
Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White is running for a third term. White has no shortage
of fresh original, creative, and helpful ideas and continually improves the quality of the
service the secretary of state’s office provides the people of Illinois. A special shout-out
to his fine PR man, Dave Drucker, a joy to deal with.
The Republicans have three candidates running for Illinois State Comptroller. They
are Judy Baar Topinka, Jim Dodge, and William J. Kelly.
Judy Baar Topinka was state treasurer for three terms, the first woman to hold the
office. She ran for governor four years ago against Blagojevich with our strong support.
She ran an awful campaign, and I hope she has a better staff than in ‘06. She is a true
friend of the Jewish community. She invested significant funds in Israel bonds, was
honored by a hospital in Jerusalem, and there’s lots more.
Judy Baar Topinka is a clear choice for the Republican nomination in the state
comptroller’s race, and Jewish Chicago strongly endorses her.
The Democratic side of the race finds David E. Miller, S. Raja Krishnamoorthi,
and Clinton A. “Clint” Krislov. We have no recommendation.
In the state treasurer’s race we find Justin Oberman running against Robin Kelly.
Oberman, who is Jewish, is the son of former independent alderman Marty Oberman.
He comes from a family that is strongly committed
to community service. He has a financial background
and a good head on his shoulders. He has served in
senior executive roles in the U.S. Departments of
Transportation and Homeland Security.
In private industry he has worked with large and
has readers
New Yearand
to the
of Jewish
green technologies,
As we start a new decade in
emphasis if elected, will be toward creating jobs and
Illinois, let’s usher in new leadership in
building a green economy.
Springfield – leaders we can trust to look
Robin Kelly is a former state representative who
out for
public interest.
Alexi Giannoulias as chief of
It’s a new generation but the name OBERMAN still means reform
Jewish Chicago endorses Justin Oberman for the Democratic nomination for
am running
State Treasurer in the Democratic Primary, and
of the
of Illinois.
I hope to earn your vote on February 2nd. As Treasurer, I pledge to:
● State Senate
The vast majority of Illinois State Senate seats in Jewish districts are not up for election
this year.
The only contested race
is the Seventh
District, which finds incumbent Heather
TO Jim
Steans being challengedTO
by reform
Steans is (probably not) Jewish
(we apologize for the error), married to Leo Smith; they have three children, and I have
found no evidence of any
real Jewish
in our government and
The district lies alongwork
the lake,
going as and
far north
as Touhy
for election
reformAvenue and Howard Street
with western borders that vary from Ridge Avenue up north and going as far as Fairfield
programs toboundary.
Avenue with Irving ParkUse
the southern-most
Steans comes from a wealthy
energy,School of Government.
family and graduated from
Harvard in
John F.
and transportation
Steans was the hand-picked
of her predecessor,
Carol Ronen, to succeed her.
Ronen resigned her state
to accept
six-figure salary, more than
Provide honest and efficient
double her senate salarymanagement
by Blagojevich.
the appointment, Ronen
of families’ college
resigned. Given her lengthy
Ronen’s pension
is based on
funds through Bright Start
a percentage of her last paycheck. So instead of her pension being a set percentage of an
about a $60,000 salary, it
is the financial
same percentage
a much higher
sector of
to approximately $130,000
safeguarding taxpayer money
This could be a reward for being the only Jewish member of the governor’s commission
on race and
to not resign in disgust over
of allies of Black
| Paid
for by Oberman
for Illinois
Muslim leader Louis Farrakhan, who stood strong with the strong Jewish-hating rhetoric they
personally heard espoused on the invitation of the Black Muslim member of the committee.
Ronen is a bad egg; Steans, her protégé, made huge contributions to Blagojevich.
To Steans’ credit, she has been hands-on in certain areas, including community policing.
Her opponent Jim Madigan is a newcomer to the political scene. The Ohio native came
to the area to attend law school at the University of Chicago. He is a non-profit civil rights
attorney, who teaches at the University of Chicago Law School. He is running on a platform
of political reform, is openly a member of the gay community, and strongly opposes video
gambling and additional sales tax. Madigan looks very promising, but I really don’t know
a lot about him.
In the 7th Illinois Senate District we urge you to do your homework and make the right
We Can’t Wait
Another 40 Years
On February 2, 2010, vote for
Scott Lee Cohen
and help elect the first
Jewish Lieutenant Governor
of Illinois since 1968.
Leadership that Listens
566 West Lake Street
Chicago, IL 60661
Phone: 312-441-0300
[email protected]
Victor Forys, MD
for Commissioner of the 17th District
Prescription for Reform
● Illinois House of Representatives
In the 12th District of the Illinois House of Representatives, Sara Feigenholtz is not only
running unopposed on the Democratic side of the ticket, but no Republican filed to run against
her. Feigenholtz has held office since 1994. She is a graduate of the Ida Crown Jewish Academy
and has long been the go-to person for Jewish legislation in the Illinois House, sponsoring bills
of legitimate concern to the Jewish community.
Unopposed or not, Feigenholtz deserves your vote.
Jewish Chicago endorses Sara Feigenholtz for the Democratic nomination of the 12th
District of the Illinois House.
In the 15th District, incumbent state representative John D’Amico has taken very good care of
his Jewish constituents. While we do have some concerns about D’Amico, they are not sufficient
enough to deny him support.
Jewish Chicago endorses John D’Amico for the 15th District Representative Democratic
In the 16th District we find Lou Lang. Once rumored to have a gambling problem, (I’d be
interested if any of you have any solid information on the subject; I don’t). Lang has become
the champion of gambling in every way, shape, and form. Check his contribution list; his
money comes almost exclusively from casinos, gambling equipment manufacturers, race tracks,
horsemen, and the like. He was a major force behind the bill that will put video gambling
machines in every venue that can serve liquor, from a bar to your corner convenience store,
every Dominicks, Jewel, CVS, and Walgreens in every city that doesn’t vote them down.
His total focus on subjects like gambling are the reason his district, comprised of West Rogers
Park, Lincolnwood, Skokie, and Niles has at times gotten less money from the State of Illinois
than any other in the northern half of Illinois.
To his credit, when he takes a break from boosting gambling, he has at times been helpful to
the day schools and Agudath Israel.
No way can Jewish Chicago recommend this guy. Anyone who served in his heavily Jewish
district would feel obligated to do as much, if not more, for the general, as well as Jewish
In the 17th District, which is suburban, formerly Elizabeth Coulson’s, Daniel J. Biss is the only
Endorsed by
Congressman Mike Quigley
Cook County Commissioner Forest Claypool
Cook County Commissioner Larry Suffredin
Paid for by Citizens for Forys
Deidre Baumann
for Judge
Circuit Court of Cook County
Informed. Independent.
Deidre Baumann
17 Years Representing People Against
the Government and Large Corporations
Fights Against Racial Profiling
Advocates for the Rights of Women
Fights for the Rights of Employees
“Deidre Baumann appeared before me when I served as judge on the U.S. District Court
for the Northern District of Illinois. I found her always to be a highly skilled, informed,
and wonderfully gifted advocate. She is a credit to the Bar, and through her dedication
has come to share great respect among my colleagues. She is a person of high integrity
and honesty. Her extensive skills and legal experience makes her an ideal candidate
for Cook County Judge. Deidre Baumann will serve the community with the kind of
intellect, impartiality, and fairness that we all desire in our judiciary.”
– Honorable Edward A. Bobrick (Retired)
Ballot No. 152
©2009 Fringe Graphics /
Lead Counsel in the Burr Oak
Cemetery Litigation
Paid for by Deidre Baumann for Judge
Democrat and Hamilton Chang is the only Republican. More in the fall.
There is lots of action in the 18th District from which Hamos left to run for the U.S.
Congress. There are five candidates, all Democrats. Three have respectable campaigns going,
all progressive and liberal. All five live in Evanston, which is the heart of the district together
with Wilmette, Winnetka, Kenilworth, and Rogers Park.
Eamon Kelly is a recent law school graduate who was chief of staff for the State Board of
Education. (Patrick Keenan-Devlin, not Kelly, we apologize for the error) scored well at the
endorsement session of the Democratic Party of Evanston (D.P.O.E.), he got 60 percent of the
vote. You need two-thirds to get the official endorsement. Here are the people Kelly lists on
his Website as endorsing him: Cook County Commissioner Larry Suffredin; 9th Congressional
Committeewoman and former State Senator Carol Ronen; Illinois Federation of Teachers;
Chicago Teachers Union; North Suburban Teachers Union; Personal PAC (Pro-Choice Political
Action Committee); and Indo-American Democratic Organization.
Jeff Smith is an independent Democrat, Harvard law School graduate, and was elected the
Democratic chairman of the 9th Congressional District of Illinois in 1986 for a four-year term.
He has a long history of community involvement. Here is the list of people endorsing him taken
from his Website: Sierra Club; IVI-IPO; Personal PAC; Northside Democracy for America;
Progressive Democrats of America (Illinois); Coalition of Black Trade Unionists; Illinois
REALTORS® Political Action Committee; Illinois Committee for Honest Government; National
Associationn of Postal & Federal Employees Local 701; Jewish Political Alliance of Illinois;
U.S. Representative Mike Quigley (IL-5); Commissioner Mariyana Spyropoulos (Metropolitan
Water Reclamation District); Hon. Elizabeth Tisdahl (mayor, Evanston); Hon. Lorraine Morton
(former mayor, Evanston); Hon. Jay Lytle (former mayor, Evanston); Alderman Joe Moore
(49th-Chicago); Alderman Jane Grover (7th- Evanston); Alderman Lionel Jean-Baptiste (2ndEvanston), Alderman Mark Tendam (6th-Evanston); Alderman Melissa Wynne (3rd-Evanston);
Hon. Keith Terry (President, Dist. 65 Board of Education); Hon. Emory Williams (Chairman
Board of Trustees, Oakton Community College); Hon. Steve Gilford (former president, District
202 Board of Education); Hon. Steve Engelman (former alderman-7th, Evanston); Hon. Emily
Guthrie (former alderman 3rd-Evanston); Hon. Mimi Ryan (former trustee, Village of Wilmette);
Hon. Jonathan Baum (former member, District 65 Board of Education); Hon. Lisa D’Angelo
(former member, District 65 Board of Education); Hon. Rose Johnson (former member, District
65 Board of Education.); Andrea Raila (Cook County Commission on Women’s Issues).
If you ask me, calling alderman, former alderman, and school board members Honorable is
a bit much.
Robyn Gabel, the only Jewish candidate in the race, has been the executive director of the
Illinois Maternal and Child Health Coalition for 20 years. Their mission is improving the health
of women and children in Illinois through policy development, education, and advocacy.
In April 2005, Gabel received a Fellowship for Community Leaders Award from the Chicago
Community Trust. She serves on a number of statewide boards concerned with poverty, maternal
and child health, prenatal care, Medicaid, family services, and more. She has received a healthy
number of awards for her work in the field.
Gabel’s list of endorsements are led by U.S. Representative Jan Schakowsky; Honorable
Arthur Berman, (former state senator); Hon. Barbara Flynn Currie ( state representative); Hon.
Sara Feigenholtz (state representative); Hon. Luis Gutierrez (U.S. Representative); Hon. Lisa
Hernandez (state representative); Hon. Lou Lang (state representative); Hon. Karen May (state
representative); Hon. Dawn Clark Netsch (former Illinois Comptroller); Hon. Kwame Raoul
( state senator); Hon. Miguel del Valle (City Clerk, Illinois Academy of Audiology, Illinois
Society of Advanced Practice Nursing, Personal PAC-a political action committee for a prochoice Illinois); Rev. Robert V. Thompson ( SEIU Healthcare Illinois).
I’ve spoken very briefly with Gabel and her husband. Even less with Smith. The best place
for information on the race is the Evanston Review. Attending one of the public forums is a
good idea. I would have been very open to interviewing the main candidates on the show, but
none approached me, and I have been so swamped, I didn’t reach out. I regularly interview five
candidates per show as opposed to the usual one or two, never more than three till now.
I have a gut feeling whom I like, but without sufficient conversations and information, Jewish
Chicago recommends you do your homework and check this race out yourself.
In the 53rd District, Buffalo Grove native and incumbent Republican State Rep. Sidney
Mathias will square off against Democrat Linda Birnbaum in the fall.
In the 54th District, an old acquaintance, Matt Flamm, former Evanstonian now a Palatine
resident, is running as the sole Democrat for state representative.
In the 57th District, Jewish incumbent Elaine Nekritz will face Republican Richard G.
Hamen in the general election.
In the 58th District, Highland Park native, Democratic incumbent Karen May will face
Republican Lauren Turelli in the general election.
In the 59th District Democratic primary, Buffalo Grove’s Elliot Hartstein will face Carol
● Cook County Races
From my standpoint, the race for Cook County Board President is far and away the
most interesting. Let’s talk up the Republican race first. Once upon a time there actually
were Republicans elected to this office. Tony Peraica came close in 2006. Jewish
Chicago easily backed him over Todd Stroger.
This year we have two Republican candidates. John Garrido is a tactical lieutenant
for the Chicago Police Department in the 25th District. You can watch my uncut, fulllength interview with him by going to YouTube and typing in sonnyhtv, or by going to the
JEWISH CHICAGO Winter/Primary Election ©2010 All rights reserved
Jewish Chicago is a complimentary publication that is
usually published just prior to elections. The opinions
of our columnists and writers do not necessarily reflect
the opinions of Jewish Chicago. email - jewishchicago@ Phone 773-290-2677.
Our website is at We invite you to
visit for all the latest on the North Town
News Magazine hosted by publisher, Avy Meyers.
Publisher and Editor .................... Avy Meyers
Copy Editor ..........................Bruce Clorfene
Graphic Artist .................... Marvin B. Simcha
Photography .................................Sonny Hersh
Our web site will be switching to:
TV show Website, For that matter you can type in the names of most of
the candidates into Google, click video, and watch me interview them. All interviews
on the show are live to tape. The editing consists of fixing the start-and- stop points
and putting the titles on screen. You get to watch the whole interview totally raw as it
happened. If either the candidate or I put our feet in our mouths, and mine are size 14
so it hurts, it stays in the show. That is a big part of the charm. We put the shows on the
Web about three years ago, and understand, there is no sex, drugs, or rock-and-roll to
popularize them. Yet over a 100,000 shows have been watched, and the number watched
Happy New Year to the readers of Jewish
daily is soaring. Don’t you people have anything better to do?
Chicago. As we start a new decade in
So go watch John Garrido. I like John; he has his head screwed on straight, knows
Illinois, let’s usher in new leadership in
how bad our political system is, and is realistic about the subject.
Springfield – leaders we can trust to look
His opponent is Roger Keats, a former state senator. I saw him at the last meeting of
out for the public interest.
the Republic Jewish Coalition I covered, but I never got the chance to speak to him. I am
told his father is Jewish; I wouldn’t know. Interestingly, and he doesn’t know this, when
It’s a new generation but the name OBERMAN still means reform
I was in college, we were going out with the same girl at the same time. He is unaware
of it unless he reads this. The girl was the problem, and thank G-d I have not seen her
I am running for Illinois State Treasurer in the Democratic Primary, and
in over 30 years. I don’t hold it against him; she was extremely good- looking and very
I hope to earn your vote on February 2nd. As Treasurer, I pledge to:
charming. Honesty and loyalty were not her strong points.
Still, if I wanted to go Republican here, I think I’d want some young fresh blood,
and that means that Jewish Chicago endorses John Garrido for the Republican
nomination for President of the Cook County Board.
As for the Democrats, all four have appeared on the show,
and all four have held the same red scissors and said, “Hi,
Restore trust in our government and
I’m Marty Levinson, welcome to the North Town News
work for election and ethics reform
Magazine.” Check the show Website, I am not kidding.
The incumbent, Todd Stroger is a legacy. His daddy had
Use existing programs to encourage
the job, Mayor Daley figured the position had to go with
innovation in technology, green energy,
someone in the black community and picked Todd. In an
healthcare, agriculture and transportation
era where I have never seen so many grossly unpopular
Provide honest and efficient
candidates with historically low ratings, Todd has truly
management of families’ college
earned his. When he was here for the show, I have to say
funds through Bright Start
he is a very likeable guy. He really wanted to please, was
extremely friendly and polite. He came here with his posse;
Apply financial sector experience to
there must have been about five guys in his entourage. I
safeguarding taxpayer money
don’t even want to think about how high their salaries might be. He watched some of the | Paid for by Oberman for Illinois
interviews before he came on. The show is filmed in my house. Sonny Hersh, my entire
technical crew, slowly but surely acquired some great equipment over the years.
We turn my dining room into the studio; the living room becomes the green room.
Stroger sat in the easy chair in the living room right under a replica of Chagall’s
stained-glass windows of the twelve tribes. He asked with a polite smile, “Are
Republican for Illinois 10th Congressional District
these the twelve sons of Abraham?”
He’s a really nice guy, but he is in so far over his
head it isn’t funny.
Then comes Toni Preckwinkle, the affable
“I do not often make an endorsement in a Party primary, but if you live in the 10th
Minnesota native and darling of the progressive set.
district in Illinois, I encourage you to support Dr. Arie Friedman in the Republican
Her claim to fame as the 5th Ward alderman in the
primary.” – Richard Baehr, Chief Political Correspondent, American Thinker
Hyde Park/Kenwood area is her independence from
the regular Democratic organization. She regularly
“Arie Friedman MD, candidate for the 10th district Republican Congressional slot is one
railed against the machine and voted against Mayor
of the brightest new stars to come onto the Jewish political scene in quite some time. His
Richard M. Daley’s budget. She was on the show
path in life shows repeated excellence and outstanding achievement. His unabashedly
twice and does a good “Hi, I’m Marty Levinson;
proud and accurate stance on Israel is a breath of fresh air. Friedman is open lengths
welcome to the North Town News Magazine.”
better than his opposition. Jewish Chicago strongly and enthusiastically endorses Arie
This time around, she has been actively courting
Friedman MD for Congress.” – Avy Meyers, Jewish Chicago
Mayor Daley’s support because she figures that will put her over the top. We
discussed it off the air, but it is no real secret she wanted it. In a year where twelve
aldermen voted against Daley’s budget, if not a record number of no’s, it’s close.
She voted for the budget. She wanted Daley’ imprimatur. Daley decided he is not
endorsing anybody in this contest.
One of the more interesting phenomena in this race is facebook and twitter. I
Navy Pilot
seriously got into facebook the last few months, and it has been a great means of
communications. I am facebook friends with all the various political operatives
Desert Storm Veteran
in the County Board presidential race. John Keller is the Preckwinkle person I
see face-to-face, and I like him a lot; he is good people. Campaign manager Scott
Cissek works his head off day and night. Preckwinkle is supposed to be the shining
Solomon Schechter
white knight for the liberal/progressive crowd in this race. When I see Cissek’s
postings, it’s “having breakfast and this opponent’s corrupt;” “catching a snack
and this one opponent is slime.” I really got turned off by his slander and massive
over-kill without any regard to the truth or reality.
Father of Five
In the meantime Preckwinkle is actually a ward committeeman, and together
with Stroger they are the only ward committeemen in the race. When asked about
her lack of administrative experience, Preckwinkle commented that being alderman
Vote February 2 in the Republican Primary
is administrative experience. Running a ward office with a handful of employees is
Early Voting Begins January 11
a lot different than running a multi-billion-dollar county budget.
Preckwinkle is a very good alderman, has good contact with her constituents,
and would best serve the citizens of Cook County by remaining in her present role.
Paid for by the Campaign to Elect Arie Friedman OBERMAN
Arie Friedman, MD
Next up is Clerk of the Cook County Circuit Court Dorothy Brown. she has 2,200
employees; that is real administrative experience. It’s funny how things change in the
public eye. In her third term, when Brown first ran, she was hailed as a reformer. She
is someone with real credentials: law degree, MBA, CPA, serious computer skills, a
creative mind, and a very hard worker. The Tribune
loved her like there was no tomorrow.
When you are new to the scene you have no track
record, no baggage; become an incumbent, and it’s
“Monday morning quarterback,” “back-seat driver
time”. In the early years she did a lot to modernize
and computerize the office. She has worked hard on the
Mariyana T.
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District
A former Assistant State’s Attorney of Cook County,
Mariyana will use her MBA and legal skills
to protect the environment.
Illinois Integrated Justice Information System, an effort to
get everyone in the justice system here on the same page
Dedicated to:
in the information technology world.
• Improving the quality of rivers, streams and groundwater
Brown is a seriously intelligent woman who wants to
• Promoting public involvement in the conservation of water
succeed. On the downside, I can’t start to reveal how many
people feel a good bunch of her staff are surly and rude.
Then there was the party a year ago where her employees
Democrat ... for a Greener Cook County • Vote #84
were raising money for her. That seems mostly forgotten.
She is the front- runner in the early polls, but as a thirdterm holder in a job where her name gets around a lot, that is understandable. Her negatives
came up pretty high, and there are a lot of undecided voters. In a four- way field, it’s possible
to win with less than 30 percent of the vote.
The remaining candidate is Terry O’Brien, president of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation
District of Greater Chicago, a position he has held for over a dozen years. He was first elected
to the MWRD in 1988. He was not only not the slated candidate, he didn’t even have the
support of his own ward committeeman. His only endorsement came from Pioneer Press. As
a youth, O’Brien was actually a laborer for the same unit he heads and is a third generation
employee of the MWRD.
He grew up around Bryn Mawr and Kedzie avenues and the Rockwell and Albion streets
in West Rogers Park. He is no stranger to the Jewish community. I knew Terry when he
Rated Qualified and Recommended by all
first thought about running and ran against the
Rating Bar Associations in Cook County
regular Democrats. I was actually pleasantly
• Lifelong Resident of Cook County
shocked when he won. Shortly after he was
• Cook County Prosecutor for over 25 years
elected, I got a call from the late Dora Dicker,
mother of my best friend, Harold Blaszka, “ob
• Litigated thousands of complex civil and criminal felony trials, including
many revenue matters, injury claims against Cook County, hate crime
m.” She got an amazingly high water bill for
offenses, rapes, murders and other violent crimes
her two-flat. Either the bill was wrong, or she
had a major pipe break that could threaten
• Argues numerous cases before the Illinois Appellate and Supreme Courts
the very foundation of her home. She had
• Relied upon by elected and appointed officials of Cook County for legal
repeatedly called the alderman and the city
knowledge and opinions.
to no avail. She knew I covered politics and
• Endorsed by the Chicago Federation of Labor
thought maybe I knew somebody who could
• Endorsed by the Chicago Fire Fighters Union
fix the problem.
• Taught advanced trial practice at area law schools. Lectured criminal &
I knew nobody in the city water department.
civil law issues to police officers, schools, civic and church groups
The only person I knew who was remotely
• Widowed, Father to Elise, Jimmy, Bobby and Ryan
connected to water was O’Brien, but the
• Past Regional Commissioner and National Executive Board Member
MWRD only handles things after you flush,
so it’s the out-take not the in pipes. Not only that, but he wasn’t part of the in crowd; he ran
of the American Youth Soccer Org.
against the regular Democratic organization. It seemed hopeless, but these were people close
to me who could be in serious trouble so I had to do something, and I called O’Brien. He
called the head of the city water department, and within 24 hours it turned out that the pipes
were okay, and Mrs. Dicker had received an erroneous bill.
That story spread. If a shul (synagogue) had a problem, they heard I was friendly with
Paid for by Citizens for James Michael Bailey
someone who could solve things,
and they called me to talk to
Terry. From Lubavitch to Bais
Yaakov, O’Brien helped more
Jewish organizations, schools,
synagogues, and individuals than
many Jews who lived their life in
the community. The only people
he disappointed were those who
wanted to do things in a less than
ethical manner.
Bar Associat
Employees of the MWRD are not
allowed to contribute to O’Brien’s
campaigns. No exceptions. He
actually sends checks back to
people who try. Sometimes they
are insulted, but O’Brien wants no
appearance of impropriety.
The MWRD is the only agency
in Illinois, which gets a AAA
bond rating from all the major
agencies. That is the highest bond
rating available anywhere. They
w w w. J u d g e H o g a n . o r g
have had that rating for years, yet
Highly d
Paid for and authorized by Hogan for the Appellate Court. A copy of our report, filed with the State Board of Election and the County Clerk, is or will
be made available for purchase from the State Board of Elections, Springfield, IL and from the Cook County Clerk, 69 W. Washington, Chicago, IL.
#13 7
Preckwinkle’s people and yellow journalists like Jay Levine and Andy Shaw have tried
mightily to Monday-morning quarterback the situation to no avail because truth is not
on their side.
The reason O’Brien’s name recognition is so low, despite 22 years in office, and 13 as
president, is that he runs that agency honestly and intelligently, and the media just finds
that boring.
O’Brien is the poster boy for good government. When he took over as head of the
MWRD, they had over 3,000 employees. Since then they have taken on the added
responsibility of storm water management. Still, through natural attrition and retirement,
they are down to 2,046 employees. No layoffs whatsoever, and no budgetary firings
unlike the city, county, state, federal government, etc. This is one soundly run agency.
Last year, despite the horrid economy, the MWRD actually rebated $56 million to
the people of Cook County. Not the first time they have done that. Almost every single
government agency will spend every last nickel they were granted, whether it went for
a good purpose or not, to make sure they don’t get a budget cut the next year. Not the
Then there is the subject of disinfecting the water that flows in the
At one time there were only a handful of different kinds of fish, and almost all were
bottom feeders. Now there are 68 varieties; the wild gefilte would make it 69. While
it may be better than an open sewer, there are enough similarities that no one advises
anyone to eat the fish or swim in the water.
Most government agencies would relish an extra $1.6 billion to hand out contracts to
their relatives and cronies, hire friends, and more. Instead, O’Brien had them commission
a $4-million study with the University of Illinois Environmental Department to see if
there were merit to the idea. Early findings indicate not.
As for the Cook County Board, O’Brien is the only candidate calling for an immediate
rollback of the entire Stroger sales-tax increase. He would make up the difference by
actually making sure insurance companies and Medicare/Medicaid are properly billed
for services, and the billing would be followed up.
There are actually numerous different purchasing agencies in Cook County
government. O’Brien would consolidate them into one unit, which not only eliminates
certain conflicts, but would enable the county to take full advantage of volume discounts,
just like the MWRD with their AAA bond rating does.
Let’s face it, O’Brien is not only an honest do-gooder,
he is a seriously terrific business executive.
The single finest candidate in any election on the ballot
in the state of Illinois this year is Terrence J. O’Brien.
Jewish Chicago proudly and enthusiastically
endorses Terry O’Brien as head and shoulders above
any candidate in the race for president of the Cook
County Board.
 
● Cook County Commissioners
We’ll deal with three races here. In the 10th District,
former U.S. Representative Mike Quigley is running as
far north as Arthur Avenue; incumbent Commissioner
Bridget Gainerfor
is running
unopposed, butofhas
Victor Forys, MD
Prescription for Reform
impressed early in her career.
Jewish Chicago endorses Bridget Gainer for Democratic
nomination for Commissioner of 10th District of Cook
In the 13th District comprised of Rogers Park, West Rogers
Park, Morton Grove, Lincolnwood, Skokie, Northbrook,
Glenview, Niles, Evanston, Wilmette, Winnetka, and Glencoe,
incumbent Larry Suffredin has served with distinction over
the last seven years. Suffredin is the rare public official
who really wants to do well for his constituents. He holds
numerous seminars on subjects like property-tax appeals in
multiple locations throughout the district.
He has a very user-friendly staff. He has distinguished
himself by creating the independent health board for Stroger
Hospital. He has worked tirelessly to clean up the patronage problem and create
Endorsed by
transparency in county government. His biggest problem is he tries too hard to please
everybody. That is an impossible task.
Congressman Mike Quigley
He recently lost his father, who was one of the liberators of Auschwitz.
His opponent hasn’t bothered to run a campaign, Cook County Commissioner Forest Claypool
so we won’t bother to name him.
Punch 111 on election day. Jewish Chicago strongly
endorses Larry Suffredin for
Cook County Commissioner Larry Suffredin
a third term as Commissioner of the 13th District of Cook County.
The IVI-IPO is a one-stop web spot where candidates can communicate with
In the 17th District, which stretches from the fathest southwest portion of Cook
voters, fundraise, list endorsements, recruit volunteers, and more. Voters can see
County all the way to the farthest northwest portion,
Victor Forys clearly stands out
detailed candidate profiles, polling places, print sample ballots and learn about
over his three opponents. Not only does Dr. Forys think out of the box,
Paid for by Citizens for Forys
perspective of a medical doctor who has to deal with the nonsensical way the county runs
candidates running for office.
their medical department. Forys has the support of Commissioner Forrest Claypool,
U.S. Representative Mike Quigley, and Commissioner Larry Suffredin.
Find out more at
Jewish Chicago endorses Dr. Victor Forys for Commissioner of the 17th District
of Cook County.
Introducing … eVoter™
The majority of the Democratic and Republican county races are uncontested, so we
will only deal with the contested ones. In the race for sheriff, there is actually someone
running against Tom Dart. His name is Sylvester Baker, and I can’t figure for the life
of me what scenario he thinks would get him a win.
Dart was named by Time magazine as one of the 100 most influential people in the
world. Not the U.S., not the State of Illinois, not Cook County, the world! The bold,
intelligent, and compassionate stances Dart has taken in the area of mortgage foreclosure
are legendary. The Burr Oaks cemetery case consumed him. Dart works hard, and he
usually succeeds. He is shedding new light on Cook County Jail. He is always looking
Endorsed by
Tom Tunney
Greg Harris
Alan Greiman,
Court (Ret.)
Paid for
and authorized
by Citizens toCourt
Elect Sebastian
Hon. Marvin Leavitt,
50th Ward Regular Democratic Organization and
Senator Ira I. Silverstein, Committeeman
by the Decalogue Society of Lawyers
Qualified by the Chicago Bar Association
and The Chicago Council of Lawyers
to improve things.
Jewish Chicago endorses Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart for the Democratic
nomination for Sheriff of Cook County.
In the race for Cook County Assessor, there are three Democratic candidates. Former
alderman Robert Shaw, Cook County Board of Review Commissioner Joseph Berrios,
and former alderman and retired judge Raymond Figueroa.
During my interview with Figueroa, I went on an uncalled-for tirade against Berrios
that may have felt good at the time and expressed my frustration with the way things
work, except I was out of line and inaccurate about Berrios, and I publicly apologize to
As a result, I feel it would be highly improper for me to endorse in this race.
J U S T I C E B A S E D O N M U T U A L R E S P E C T.
● Judicial Races
It is really important to point out that over the years our coverage and interviewing of
judges and judicial candidates has done nothing but increase. It all started with retired
Judge Marvin J. Leavitt, a brilliant, highly respected member of the legal profession,
who like many Jews had trouble getting elected county-wide.
Very few voters are familiar with most candidates on the general ballot other than
the most notable and visible officials, like presidents, senators, governors, and mayors.
The percentage of people who know who their state senator or state representative is
abysmally low, which would explain why we have such utter trash making laws in their
own self-interest in Springfield.
When it comes to judges, even though they are only on the ballot a maximum of
twice every other year, they make decisions that can affect our very lives, freedom, and
financial well-being, not to mention loved ones, friends, neighbors, and society as a
whole. It seems that when it comes to that part of the ballot, people just focus on names,
if they focus at all. Cohen must surely be Jewish; Smith no way, O’Rourke has to be an
Irishman; Wachowski must be a Pole; and people vote accordingly.
Not only can they be dead wrong about correct nationality and religion, and this is not
infrequent, the ballot is littered with unqualified judicial candidates and some who have
committed serious ethical breaches. If you think this works out like TV where the good
guy gets elected in the end, and the highly qualified good guy from our side of town gets
elected, you have to be kidding.
And those miscreants will be the ones to make those crucial decisions affecting your
life, freedom, and financial well-being. It’s vitally important to do your homework.
The endorsements and recommendations listed here are not mine. With my increasing
coverage of judicial races over the years, I have access to and get input from a number
of highly qualified judges and legal minds. They do the deciding. There are times I really
don’t like their consensus, but that is what I will be listing here along with some of the
most pertinent comments.
There are a large number of judges whose interviews are available on YouTube, www. When you get on YouTube, you can subscribe; it’s free.
To give you an idea how important it is for you to get out there and vote, the first
Jewish judge in a dozen years to be elected county-wide, Judge Michael Hyman, who
gathered 26 percent of the vote in a five-man race. It wasn’t the Jewish vote that put him
over. He hired a reformed former gang leader, Wallace “Gator” Bradley, to help in
his campaign. The Sun-Times blasted Hyman on their front page, which caused a huge
backlash in the black community whose vote won the day for Hyman,
the most highly qualified person in that race.
Prior to Hyman it was Judge Shelly Sutker-Dermer, a respected jurist,
who now presides over the Skokie court house. She won county-wide
in 1996; so please keep in mind that these highly qualified, honorable
people need your help.
There are only two Republican candidates on the judicial ballot, and they
are running against each other for the same vacancy. Know that with the
exception of that race, whoever wins the Democratic primary in all of
these judicial races is the winner come November.
● Appellate Court
We start with the First Appellate Court, the McNulty vacancy.
We have a unanimous selection here in Judge James R. Epstein. His
great grandfather came here in 1902 from Lithuania to accept a Rabbinical
position on the West Side. His grandfather Sam was twelve years old
and didn’t speak a work of English. Thirteen years later he graduated
from the University of Chicago Law School. He became a judge and
served with distinction for many years.
His grandmother also became a judge;
she was one of two women in the
Northwestern Law School class of 1922.
His father also distinguished himself in
the legal profession. Judge Epstein’s
wife was a judge in the criminal division.
A tragic accident ended her life. Epstein
was happy practicing law, but with two
young children, he made the transition to the judiciary so that he would
be able to spend more time with them.
12x18 LAWN SIG
In the movie The Informant, Judge Epstein was a character in the actual case, portrayed
by Matt Damon.
Judge Epstein was found highly qualified (the highest rating) by the Illinois State Bar
Association and gets extremely high marks from everyone in our panel and many more
bar associations.
Punch 134 in the voting booth for Judge James R. Epstein as the best qualified
candidate for the Appellate Court. It can be argued that he may be the best judicial
candidate on the ballot, period. Jewish Chicago strongly endorses Judge Epstein and
urges you to make a special trip to the polls to punch 134 on any voting machine in
County Cook.
In the O’Malley vacancy for the First Appellate Court, both Judge Thomas L. Hogan
and Don Sampen received good grades from the bar associations. Our experts showed a
distinct preference for Judge Hogan, who “enjoys an excellent reputation as a trial judge
and is well respected for his integrity, legal knowledge, judicial experience, and work
Jewish Chicago endorses Judge Thomas L. Hogan for the O’Malley vacancy in the
First Appellate Court. Punch 137 on election day February 2.
The South vacancy. Two of the five judges received good grades from the bar associations
and our panel, Judge Mary Katherine Rochford and Judge Sebastian Patti. Both are
considered good choices.
Jewish Chicago has no specific endorsement in this race.
● Circuit Court
William Burnett Raines
There are three candidates running for the Berland vacancy. Deidre Bauman whose
mother is Jewish and is a Rogers Park native. She has been involved in the Burr Oaks
cemetery case.
Judge William Hooks is a real-life military colonel. He inspires
love or hate and little in-between. The members of the panel who
liked him thought the world of him. Those who didn’t found him
abrasive, among other Qualified
William Burnett Raines is a former police officer, who was
shot in the
line of duty and was forced to retire due to his injuries.
He went toChicagoBarAssociation
law school and served as a state’s attorney in Oakland,
and thenChicagoCouncilofLawyers
Chicago. He entered private practice and has quite a
following in the Jewish
community. Some extremely influential
(machers) chose him to represent them. Our
panel, though split, clearly favored Raines.
by, JewishChicagoMagazine
Jewish Chicago
endorses William Burnett Raines for the Berland vacancy in the
Circuit Court. Punch 153.
Bill Raines
a Deputy
in the
County Sheriff’s
For the
our panel
thinks highly
of Diann
for hermoved
legal skills,
are enamored
of her activism
and involvement
to they
to become
a Police
Oficer and moved
in community policing.
to Investigator
he was
the line
Punch 156
for Diann
day.of duty and forced to retire.
The Dolan
qualified candidates
the position,
Susan where he
He attended
to Chicago
Kennedy Sullivan and Linda J. Pauel, who has the endorsement of the
as an Asst.
He moved
on to private
Our panel
did notStates
have a specific
in this
where he became a Special Counsel in the fraud Investigations
The Hayes vacancy has three candidates, and only Raymond W. Mitchell
for Freemont Compensation Insurance Group. He has been a
has been found consistently qualified by the bar associations. Without a
in the Law firm
and Raines
since 2001.
panel, we cannot
make an endorsement
in this
The Kelly vacancy has five candidates, two of whom, Judge John Patrick
Callahan and Joanne F. Fehn have appeared on our show.
Paid for by Citizens for Bill Raines
The Chicago Bar Association
ratings state: “Judge Callahan possesses an
outstanding temperament and is well-respected for his knowledge of civil
and criminal law.” Our panel agrees.
Jewish Chicago’s endorsement goes to Judge John Patrick Callahan
Jr. Punch 166.
In the McCarthy vacancy, Daniel J. Gallagher was given good marks by
more important bar associations than Maureen Masterson Pulia. The other
candidate did not participate in the evaluations and was not recommended.
Our panel made no specific selection, so do your homework and choose
the person you think will make the best judge.
For the O’Malley vacancy, Judge Thomas V. Lyons is running unopposed.
He gets consistently high marks from almost every member of our panel.
Unopposed or not, quality judicial service deserves recognition.
Jewish Chicago endorses Judge Thomas V. Lyons for election to the
Circuit Court of Cook County. Punch 181 on election day.
The Ryan vacancy has a crowded field of seven candidates. The endorsed Democratic
candidate, Sandra G. Ramos, shows up as not recommended by the Chicago Bar
Association, as well as the Chicago Council of Lawyers. Edmund Paul Michalowski was
on the show and is recommended by one member of the panel. Interestingly, we were both
honored on the same night by the Illinois State Crime Commission and Police Athletic
League. He was honored by the PAL for his impressive charitable work. His background
is in the state’s attorney’s office. James Michael Bailey has some Jewish blood, and he
has very respectable bar ratings.
Our panel had no specific recommendation in this race.
Candidate for Cook County Judge
Berland Vacancy
Dennis Michael Fleming
Judge of the Circuit Court
9th Judicial Subcircuit - Otaka Vacancy
33 years experience as a trial lawyer
14 years quasi-judicial experience as
Commissioner of the State Board of Claims
The City’s Department of Administrative Hearings
The City’s Department of Human Resources
Chairman of the License Appeal Commission
Qualified or Recommended by
The Chicago Bar Association
The Chicago Council of Lawyers
The Decalogue Society
“Mr. Fleming is praised for his extensive litigation experience
in both criminal and civil matters. He litigates complex cases
with great competence and fairness...
Adversaries describe him as a good practitioner who is
honest, courteous, even tempered and highly professional
The Council finds Mr. Fleming qualified to serve in Circuit Court.
The Chicago Council of Lawyers
Punch 194
May the Worthy Win!
Punch #153
● Ninth Judicial Subcircuit
The races for two openings in the Ninth Judicial Subcircuit have taken more of my
time than any other race over the last few months. It is not unusual for me to speak to
candidates and observers on this subject for four to six hours some days. I could probably write a 200-page book on the subject.
This race is loaded with subterfuge, sub plots, excellence, and in one instance, a lack
of ethics. We have limited space; here are the basics.
The Ninth Judicial Subcircuit has been known as one place where Jewish candidates
are successfully elected to the circuit court. The area consists of Rogers Park, West Rogers
Park, part of Peterson Park, Edgebrook, and Sauganash in the city. In the suburbs it covers Lincolnwood, Skokie, Niles, Evanston, Morton Grove,
Wilmette, and part of Glenview and Northfield. The map I
have doesn’t show clear city lines.
Most of the candidates filed petitions in both subcircuit
races and then played a waiting game on the final day to
jockey for the race they felt would be in their best interest. The single largest voting bloc belongs to Evanston with
Avy Meyers
about 35 percent of the vote, and they usually are united,
not this time. They split in these races, as well as the
Town News Magazine
18th District state representative race.
The first vacancy listed on the ballot is the Otaka vacanMarty is located at
cy. The first elected Asian-American judge died suddenly
last summer. The Illinois Supreme Court selected Lincolnwood native Judge Yehuda Lebovits to fill the vacancy.
His mother used to visit my mother almost every Shabbos, and his dad was the president of my shul.
Lebovits has been a lawyer for over 25 years and specializes in protecting the rights
of women, children, and families, and many feel it is very important for there to be a
Jewish judge serving in that role. Lebovits grew up in West Rogers Park and is a product of the Jewish day-school system. His
children attended Hillel Torah, and Lebovits is active in both the
Jewish community and the general community. He has numerous
Abbey Fishman-Romanek is the daughter of a Rabbi and a
Holocaust survivor. She worked in the private sector for many
years before taking a job in the attorney general’s office under
Lisa Madigan in 2004. It is common knowledge in the legal community that she resigned the office rather than be fired for using
the facilities of the office for the congressional campaign of Dan
Seals. I’ve heard that from at least ten sources, including high-ranking members of the
DPOE. I asked her point-blank on the show, and she admitted to her wrong-doing.
In the legal community this is considered a serious ethical breach, and the feeling is
unanimous that this should disqualify her from getting a positive ranking from any of the
bar associations. While not all the ratings are out, my legal panel is shocked that she got
anything other than unqualified. The feeling is virtually unanimous that she has no business being on the ballot, and the honorable thing for her to do is withdraw her name, but
then she has clearly violated some serious ethics here, and there is no reason to think she
will do the proper thing.
The Evanston mayor and city council must know about it because despite her support
from U.S. Representative Jan Schakowsky and members of the DPOE, Evanston Mayor
Tisdahl and eight of the nine city council members have backed a different candidate.
Jewish Chicago urges Abbey Fishman-Romanek to withdraw her candidacy in
this election.
Geary W. Kull is a sitting judge with good ratings. He is sticking with
using Geary because it sounds Irish, though he is a Pole. This is a common occurrence in judicial elections because unfortunately the name game
means so much.
The fourth man on the ballot is Dennis Michael Fleming. Fleming has
a history of excellence in scholarship that goes back to high school. His
family lived for many years on the 6700 block of Fairfield in West Rogers
Park. His father, a veteran of the Chicago Police Department, was honored
in the early 1960s by the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai Brith at their
annual banquet. He was the officer who arrested George Lincoln Rockwell,
who was the founder and leader of the American Nazi Party.
Fleming has been a lawyer for 33 years and has 14 years of quasilegal experience as a commissioner in various governmental agencies. He
presently chairs Chicago’s License Appeal Commission. I have personally
known Dennis for over 25 years and have tremendous respect for him and
his accomplishments. He has been a member of the 50th Ward Democratic
Organization for over 30 years, which covers West Rogers Park and the
Jewish part of Peterson Park.
Fiftieth Ward Committeeman State Sen. Ira Silverstein has been
silent in this race. He is supposed to be the top Jewish political
leader in Chicago, yet he refuses to back Lebovits or any candidate in the
other ninth subcircuit race. If he is the 50th Ward committeeman, how can
he ignore Dennis Michael Fleming, a 30-year veteran with excellent lead
TEL.: 773.561.9815
Then, of course, Ira is trying to please North Shore political
FAX: 773.561.0714
boss Jan Schakowsky, who is backing Romanek because she threw her
support behind him against incumbent Alderman Bernard Stone, and, of
[email protected]
course, Silverstein needs to try to please Richie Daley, who also backed him
and dislikes Schakowsky as much as she dislikes Daley.
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Of course, Silverstein has to please his wife Debrah, who is the real political boss of the
50th Ward and makes all the hard decisions herself. Silverstein had been invited to over
ten months of tapings in a row without saying yes once despite living and working a few
blocks from my house and my hours being flexible. I also sent a copy of every invitation
to a neutral source so there is a record of each invitation. I am giving Silverstein a carte
blanche public invitation to appear any time we are filming.
This race has some real intrigue. The endorsements are up to my panel.
As stated, they feel Fishman-Romanek should exit the race. Kull has mild support from
one member who also likes Lebovits and Fleming.
Lebovits clearly has supporters, people who feel he was appointed to the spot as a Jew,
that Ninth Subcircuit positions should go to Jews, and that he is needed in the community.
He got decent ratings from all bar associations other than the Council of Lawyers, who
wanted more recent experience in one area.
Fleming has his supporters also. One person told me that by backing him in this race
I would clearly be showing the world that my first and last criterion is the quality of the
individual and would earn me most respect in the long run. Everyone seems to respect
Fleming, who got good marks from every bar
Still, endorsements have to come from a clear
consensus of the panel, who have not reached it.
Whether you punch 192 for Judge Yehuda
Lebovits or 194 for Dennis Michael Fleming, it’s
a good vote.
Jewish Chicago has no endorsement for the
Otaka vacancy in the Ninth Subcircuit, so you
need to be the judge here.
The final slot on the ballot is Additional
Judgeship A. The Illinois Supreme Court appointed
Judge Michael Ian Bender to fill the slot. Bender
is the son of legendary Jewish Judge Gerald
Bender. Michael and his father both served as pro
bono personal attorneys for Simon Weisenthal.
Judge Bender has solid ties with the Jewish
community and is very well thought of by a number
of Rabbis in West Rogers Park and the suburbs. He graduated cum laude from law school,
is a past president of the Decalogue Society of Jewish lawyers and the Skokie Park
District. While serving as a public administrator for Cook County, he went to great lengths
to personally ensure that all Jewish bodies were buried in Jewish cemeteries under proper
While president of the Skokie Park District, Judge Bender instituted regular evenings
of separate swimming for men and women, made sure programs offered on Saturday were
also offered on Sunday, and regularly made kosher food was available at park district
His marks and comments from the various bar associations are consistently good.
Jeffrey Dov Greenspan is well-liked and well-thought-of with good marks from most
of the bar associations. He is a Solomon Schechter and Ida Crown parent and belongs to
Rabbi Lazovsky’s synagogue.
Mary Trew gets very good marks from the bar associations, including the Decalogue
Society. She is the executive director of a domestic violence legal clinic. She probably has
a future somewhere as a judge.
William Joseph Luby is the Irish entrant in the race. He comes from a legal background
and received good marks from the bar associations.
Scott Bagnall was not deemed qualified by the bar associations.
The sixth candidate, who was the early favorite in the race and the darling of the
DPOE and Jan Schakowsky, who so far (January 10th) has been shut out by the major bar
associations as unanimously not qualified and not recommended is Steven James “Steve”
Bernstein. He is a former Evanston alderman and husband of Judge Jeannie Cleveland
Everybody likes Steve Bernstein; I like Steve Bernstein; lots of people respect him, but
every bar association has given him a major thumbs down. He is a transactional lawyer,
things like real estate closings. The bar associations want serious litigation experience and
lots of it.
If I had more space, I’d share of the really terrific things the bar associations had to
say about some of these candidates, but no good words for Bernstein. One member of
my panel who really likes Steve and was surprised, told me that this isn’t the first time
someone like Steve came up not qualified, and the right thing for him to do is withdraw
from the race, do what he needs to get qualified, and then run again. I repeated his opinion
to a couple other panel members, who agreed with the logic.
In the final race on the ballot, the Jewish Chicago judicial panel heartily and
enthusiastically endorses Judge Michael Bender for the Additional Judgeship A
vacancy in the Ninth Subcircuit. Punch 196 when you vote.
Thanks for dropping by, everybody. After this issue is out we’ll be opening our new
Website at where you will start finding regular features
and columns. Publication-wise, see you in October, everybody. Thanks for picking up
Jewish Chicago.
Celebrating 24 years
Tannenbaum Chabad House
Northwestern Jewish Center
cordially requests the honor of your presence at our
Service Recognition Award Reception
Mr. And Mrs. Joshua and Allison Troppe
Achievement Award
and the Revered Memory of our dear late friend
Mr. James Glyman, O.B.M.
Treasured Friend Commemorative Award
February 21, 2010
Allen Center, Northwestern University
2169 North Campus Drive Evanston,
Concert by:
The Carlebach Combo
Hors d’oeuvres, five o’clock, Reception, six o’clock sharp
Couvert $150 per person, R.S.V.P. by February 15, 2010
South Neighborhood Association of West Rogers Park
The South Neighborhood Association of West Rogers Park, Beat 2413, is an alliance of individuals, block clubs and police
officers. The association is your representative to the police and other community services and has regular CAPS, Community
Policing problem-solving meetings the third Tuesday of each month (except December). We also, periodically, have Special
Speakers talk about community and safety issues.
Beat 2413 2010 Schedule
Emmerson Park
January 19
March 16
May 18
July 20
September 21
November 16
Meetings Start at 7:00PM
Green Briar Park
February 16
April 20
June 15
August 17
October 19
There will be NO December Meeting
Court Advocacy Meets 2nd Thursday at 24th District 3pm
Emmerson Park Field House - 1820 W. Granville - Green Briar Park - 2650 W. Peterson
Look for Community Notices, Alerts, and Updates at:
Safe neighborhoods are every everybody's business.
Please tell your neighbors and friends. - You can make a difference.
e-mail [email protected] -- on the Internet
PO Box 597694 -- Chicago, Illinois -- 60659-7694 -- 773.782.6313 -- Fax 773.338.2491
To contact the beat facilitator Send an email to: [email protected]
For an email of this schedule Send a blank email to: [email protected]
January 27th
February 24th
March 24th
April 28th
May 26th
June 23rd
July 28th
August 25th
September 22nd
October 27th
Wednesday, December 8th
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
No November
7:00 pm
Boone School, 6710 N. Washtenaw
Warren Park, 6601 N. Western
Boone School, 6710 N. Washtenaw
Boone School, 6710 N. Washtenaw
Boone School, 6710 N. Washtenaw
Warren Park, 6601 N. Western
Warren Park, 6601 N. Western
Warren Park, 6601 N. Western
Boone School, 6710 N. Washtenaw
Boone School, 6710 N. Washtenaw
Devon Bank, 6445 N. Western
Judge Michael Ian Bender
9th Subcircuit Judge, Seat A
Strongly and Heartily
Endorsed by
Punch #196
Judge Michael Ian Bender has presided over thousands of matters and has heard hundreds of trials.
Judge Bender graduated from law school cum laude, served on the Law Review Editorial Board, and
earned a Masters in Information Technology law, with honors.
Judge Michael Ian Bender was the former personal counsel to Nazi Hunter Simon Weisenthal, PastPresident of the Decalogue Society of Lawyers, and Past-President of the Skokie Park District.
“Michael I. Bender is ‘Qualified’ for the office of Circuit Court Judge. Mr. Bender was admitted to
practice law in Illinois in 1991. Mr. Bender is knowledgeable, hardworking, diligent, and dedicated to
public service. Mr. Bender possesses the requisite qualifications to serve as a Circuit Court Judge.”
Chicago Bar Association
As Public Administrator for Cook County, he ensured that all Jewish bodies were buried in Jewish
cemeteries under proper supervision.
Additionally, Michael Bender has been instrumental in securing Parnusah for many community person
and their families.
Paid for by the Committe to Elect Judge Michael Ian Bender