November 3, 2013
November 3, 2013
November 3, 2013 THIRTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME T HIS W EEK ' S M ASS I NTENTIONS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2013 7:00AM 9:00AM Antonino Coraci (Wife, Marina Coraci) Dr. Vito Luongo (Rachele Sannino) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2013 7:00AM 9:00AM Peter Romano (Joe & Lisa Locicero) Maryann Corozzo (Corozzo Family) WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2013 7:00AM 9:00AM Deceased Priests of the Diocese Decd. Members of Grieco/McCarthy Family (Joan Grieco) THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2013 7:00AM 9:00AM 7:00PM Concetta DeSantis (Daughter) Sue & Nick Gregoretti (Margaret & Don Murphy) CONFIRMATION FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2013 7:00AM 9:00AM Fedele Tullo (Family) Rose Lapelusa (Family) SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2013 9:00AM Catherine & Andrew Mele (Cathy Ferri) 5:00PM Vito Pepitone, John Romano, Linda Scagnelli, Dorothy Schmitt, Marjorie Schook, Josephine Zunno SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2013 8:00AM 9:30AM 11:00AM 12:30PM 5:00PM Nicholas Louis Napolitano (Loving Family) Mary & Vito Rabito (Arline Rabito & Diane Sama) Stephen McNally (Peter McNally) Veteran’s Day Mass For The Parishioners THE ALTAR BREAD for this week is donated in memory of Bella Moran, requested by her daughter, Michele. THE ALTAR CANDLES for this week is donated in memory of Dena LaPreziosa, requested by Maryann D’Angelo. THE SANCTUARY CANDLE for this week is donated in memory of Pasquale Ruotolo, requested by his loving family. Are you new to St. Helen Parish? If so, please remember to stop in the Rectory and register your family! Lena Agate, Sally Capoziello, Joyce Clancy, Mary Divers, Amalia Foglia, Joseph T. Friscia, Francesca Gaudino, Steve Giusto, Robert Keighron, Sr., Keri & Baby Tristan, Amelia Kalb, Baby T.J. Krieg, Michael Leccese, Thomas & Patricia Lipari, William J. Litt, Mary Lee Marotta, Joan McCosker, Kathy McSorley, Racquel Marotta, Dr. Antonio Paa, Joe Palagonia, Ernest Prete, Joseph Questore, Mary Romano, Jake Rothman, Anthony Russo, Fred Sepulveda, Rosalia Sindone, Chuck Szatkowski, Michael Tamburo, Chrissie Tremblay, Paul Tremblay, Paul John Tremblay, Ann Marie Vayda, Elizabeth Weimer, Virginia Wierzbicki, Brittany Zaita. Deceased: Antoinette Casazza, Ann DeCotis GOOD SHEPHERD STATUE: We are truly grateful to all our parish families who have signed up to pray for vocations. We would like to thank Maryann Kellen, who kept the statue during the past week. Anyone interested in keeping the statue in their home and praying for vocations for one week should contact the Rectory. The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy is prayed every Friday at 8:40AM. MARK’S GOSPEL LIVE! Friday, November 22, 2013 at 7:30PM In St. Helen Church Experience the entire Gospel of St. Mark in two amazing hours of awesome storytelling by priest and actor, Rev. Joseph Morris. Not a reading or talk, but a dynamic proclamation of an ancient story about God’s healing love. Pastors from the UK, Canada, and the USA have called this performance “mesmerizing,” “powerful,” and “a profound experience.” Admission: Free-will offering. Tuesday, November 5th is Election Day. Remember to cast your vote for the candidates of your choice, and the propositions with which you agree or disagree. November 3, 2013 Congratulations to the following Lucky Calendar Winners for the period of October 22-28, 2013: ST. HELEN SCHOOL INFORMATION Full or Half-Day Pre-Kindergarten for 3 yr. olds Full or Half-Day Pre-Kindergarten for 4 yr. olds Full Day Kindergarten through the 8th Grade Special Programs: 7:00AM arrival, after-school concluding at 6:00PM, TACHS preparation, K-8 Spanish, after-school enrichment and extra help. Also available: A “Mom & Me” program for ages 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 years old, and ESL Classes for Adults: we are offering a Basic English Language course for Spanish-speaking adults. Please call the School at 718-835-4155, or visit their website at to find out about the wonderful learning activities that are happening at St. Helen School! ATTENTION! VENDORS WANTED FOR ST. HELEN SCHOOL’S CHRISTMAS FAIR December 7th & 8th Tables: $50 per table for one day or $90 for both days The placement of tables in Fr. Dooley Hall will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Wall space is not guaranteed. Set-up time for vendors on the days of the events will be 9:00AM. Only new merchandise can be sold and merchandise that is considered offensive will not be sold. If you are interested in reserving one or more tables to sell merchandise please call the school at 718-835-4155. 10/22: 10/23: 10/24: 10/25: 10/26: 10/27: 10/28: Lassia Family No Winner No Winner No Winner No Winner Scida Family Margaret Sauer $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 25.00 25.00 20.00 First-Come, First-Served! St. Helen’s Home-School Assn. presents a Winner-A-Day Fundraising Calendars! Calendars are available by calling VICKY at 718-6419090 from 3-8PM. Pick your own lucky number from 000—999. Winning numbers are based on the NYS Lottery daily evening number. Payments will be mailed once a month to each winner. Proceeds to benefit St. Helen School. 2013 LUCKY CALENDERS NOW ON SALE AT HALF PRICE: $10.00 EACH! Sr. Ave Clark, O.P. will be speaking at St. Helen Church on Wednesday, November 6th at 12:30PM in the Church. Come enjoy her wonderful words and spiritual inspiration. The Support Group will follow. Please consider donating a pair of men’s socks for the homeless men from the St. Padre Pio Shelter in the Bronx. The box is in the Church vestibule. Thank you. TD Bank Affinity Program The Affinity Program allows you, the depositor, to name St. Helen as your organization of choice. At the end of the year TD calculates the total of the deposits associated with St. Helen, and then based on a certain percentage, donates a check to the parish. Key to the program: if you have an account at TD make sure St. Helen is listed as your organization of choice; if you are opening a new account at TD make sure you tell TD that your organization of choice is St. Helen. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL The parish has received a Notice of Violation from the NYC Department of Transportation. The Violation pertains to the condition of the sidewalk in front of the parking lot across from the Church adjacent to the School. The violation requires the parish replace approximately 5300 square feet of sidewalk. The parish has 45 days to comply. If you are interested in submitting a proposal to perform the required work please contact Rectory for specifics. Proposals need to be received by Tuesday, November 12. The Rectory number is 718 738-1616. November 3, 2013 AT ALL MASSES: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9TH SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10TH ITEMS REQUESTED: Breakfast Cereal, Instant Oatmeal Crackers and Cookies in Boxes Fruits & Vegetables (Canned) Instant Coffee, Tea, Hot Cocoa Juice Boxes or Canned Juice Pasta in Boxes Pasta Sauce in Cans or Plastic Jars Peanut Butter & Jelly in Plastic Jars Powdered Milk Rice (White, Rice-A-Roni) Soups of Any Kind Tuna, Ham, Chicken (Canned) Waldbaum’s Gift Cards Envelopes will be provided at the doors of the Church for monetary donations. Thank you for your generosity! SPONSORED BY: ST. HELEN’S ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY November 3, 2013 CATHOLIC MARRIAGE Recently there has been media coverage of Catholic marriage that has left some confusion. The requirement for Catholics is that they be married in a Church ceremony that takes place before a priest or deacon and two witnesses. The Church ceremony can be celebrated in the context of what is referred to as a Nuptial Mass or a simple ceremony; a couple seeking to arrange for the reception of the Sacrament of Marriage need to contact the Church at least six months prior to the planned date for the marriage. In the Church’s view, an authentic sacramental marriage cannot be dissolved. This teaching is grounded in Jesus’ own words about the nature of marriage, as related in the Gospel of Matthew (19:1-9). Thus, the Church does not grant divorces. There are situations, however, in which the Church can grant a “declaration of matrimonial nullity,” commonly known as an annulment. An annulment is not the same as a divorce, since an annulment is a determination by the Church that certain conditions for the valid reception of the Sacrament of Marriage did not exist on the day vows were exchanged. Once an annulment is granted by the Church, the individuals involved are free to enter the Sacrament of Marriage with another person of the opposite sex. A question that often arises in the case of divorce is whether a Catholic who is divorced can partake of the Sacraments. A Catholic individual who is divorced and has not remarried in a civil or other ceremony, therefore chooses to remain in a single state, can receive the Sacraments. A Catholic individual who is divorced and has entered into a new marriage without first obtaining a Church annulment of the previous sacramental marriage is in violation of Church law separating him or herself from the Eucharistic community and should therefore refrain out of respect for the teaching of the Church from receiving the Sacrament of the Eucharist. This individual should seek the counsel of a priest as the Church is always anxious to work with the individual in effecting a reconciliation.—Msgr. Al November 3, 2013
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