February 2010 - Puget Sound Olds Club
February 2010 - Puget Sound Olds Club
THE PUGET SOUND ROCKET Newsletter of the Puget Sound Olds Club An Official Chapter of the Oldsmobile Club of America February 2010 Tragedy in Scottsdale…on Thursday evening January 21, the worst storm that the Scottsdale/Phoenix area had seen in over 40 years tore through the Russo and Steele Auction site inflicting millions of dollars in damage. Many “one of a kind” collector cars were damaged beyond repair. Greg Hinton, a Puget Sound Olds Club member, had his 1954 Olds Super 88 suffer what could be total damage. At this writing, Greg did not know if the car could be repaired. (See a photo on Parting Shots) The Haggerty Insurance agents were first on the site and gave their insured policy holders a choice; a check for the total value of the car or make arrangements to have the car repaired if possible. This unusual storm makes one very clear point. Be sure you have your car insured for “Agreed value”. You never know when or where something could happen to your car. Who would think that if your car was parked under a tent in a usually safe area that an “Act of God” would destroy it. See “Parting Shots” for additional auction photos. BETWEEN THE BUMPERS PAGE 3 Puget Sound Oldsmobile Club – February 2010 HERE’S MY RIDE PAGE 4 MEETING MINUTES PAGE 10 1 President’s Message Puget Sound Olds Club 2010 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Pat Ellwood [email protected] 425.672-7664 Vice President Ed Straw [email protected] 425.485-3093 Secretary Secretary Mary Lindholm [email protected] 425.337-4847 Treasurer Kathi Straw [email protected] 425.485-3093 Membership Chairman Bill Iverson [email protected] 425.271-0195 Newsletter Editor Ed Konsmo [email protected] 253.845-2288 OCA BOARD MEMBERS Ed Konsmo, OCA Vice President Erik Martinson, PNW Zone Director Ken Pilidis, PNW Zone Director PSOC Website: www.pugetsoundoldsclub.org Hi all, We had a good turnout for the first meeting of the year. A couple of new members showed up which is very encouraging, let’s try to keep the momentum going. Call someone that you know who is a current member that you haven’t seen at a meeting for a while and encourage them to come, if they live close to you offer to pick them up and give them a ride to the meeting. I hope everyone has sent in their dues after the e-mail reminder from Ed that was sent out shortly after Januarys’ meeting. Please send it in if you haven’t already done so. After my first meeting as president I have decided to fine tune the way the meeting runs. I will now call for reports from the Membership Chairman and from the OCA Zone Directors before proceeding to old and new business. At the January meeting I opened discussion on a new club position of wagon master which I will bring up again under old business. My thoughts behind this are to have more club runs during the spring, summer, and fall cruising season. Currently we have volunteers who host the club meetings each month, I would propose two options. 1. The host plans the run to concur with a morning breakfast meeting after which we go on a cruise to a destination or no breakfast and we do a lunch with a meeting, either way would be great. 2. The wagon master in conjunction with the host helps plan the run and if the host cannot participate in the cruise then the wagon master plans the cruise. This is just my thoughts; I am looking forward to a lively discussion on this issue. From what I have seen and heard most everyone likes to cruise in their Olds. Just as a reminder we are meeting at the Redmond Library this month. Check the news letter for the time. It will be earlier than usual due to the Super Bowl. See you all at the meeting Pat Ellwood President DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTAL TO THE MONTHLY NEWSLETTER: Information to be considered for submittal in to the newsletter needs to be received by the 25th of the month. Please send your information as an e-mail or attach it to your e-mail in word document form. If you have problems or questions, call Ed or Pam at 253-845-2288. Please e-mail your submittal to: [email protected] Puget Sound Oldsmobile Club – February 2010 2 “BETWEEN BETWEEN THE BUMPERS” BUMPERS” … By Ed Konsmo This month’s “Between the Bumpers” is not going to cover any particular subject. There are several topics that I would like to cover on in brief. Or, to use one of today’s new buzz words, “vett”. The first month of 2010 is history. As the days get longer and the nights shorter, it is time to think about what events we will attend and participate in this spring and summer. As I was searching through the Northwest Car Events Calendar, I was amazed how many events are within a short driving distance of the Puget Sound area. That, of course, depends on what is considered a short drive. I know some folks who think nothing of driving 300 miles on a weekend to attend one of their favorite shows. In November we elected Pat Ellwood as president of the Puget Sound Olds Club. It would appear from what Pat said to those who attended the January chapter meeting; this year is going to be a great ride. In another way to put it, “Get in…Sit Down…and Hold On!” Pat has some great ideas and would like to see more of our members participate in chapter events. If you have not been a regular attendee of the monthly meetings, I would strongly recommend that you come to one soon. You will soon know that you have been missed! This past week, your Editor and OCA Vice President completed the annual check of the OCA chapters for compliance. Several interesting trends surfaced. While a number of chapters had their membership shrink, quite a few chapters had increases in membership. That brings up the subject of the membership of the Puget Sound Olds Club. Our membership renewals are substantially less this year than they were in 2009. Bill Iverson, Membership Chairman, asked me today to check and see if the 27 members who did not renew their chapter dues in 2010 were still OCA members. To our amazement, all but three of the 27 were still current with their OCA dues. Where are you? Your presence is needed. The swap meet season is just a few weeks away from starting. The first one is the “Early Bird Swap Meet” at the Puyallup Fairgrounds, February 13-14. Yours truly will have a booth with the PSOC Banner in the Fair Plex building. Stop by and say hello. If you miss the first swap meet in February, not to worry. Closely following the February meet is the “Almost Spring Swap Meet” in March, again in Puyallup. If you miss that one, you can attend the Portland Swap Meet in Portland. If you miss that one, you are on your own! Here is something to ponder. If you have a 1950 Olds, of any model, you may want to consider a trip to Tinley Park, IL to attend the 60th Anniversary of the 1950 Oldsmobile. Steve DeNovi, former OCA President, is hosting this great event on August 21. There will an unbelievable gathering of 1950 Oldsmobiles. Pam and I are planning to load our ’50 Town Sedan in the trailer, hook it up to the truck and head east. If this trip is anything like the tour to the 100th Anniversary of Oldsmobile, it will be a blast. If you were on the 1997 caravan, you will remember that we stopped in Tinley Park. If you would like to join in, let us know. Thanks for listening to my ramblings…see you at the meeting on Sunday at NOON! Puget Sound Oldsmobile Club – February 2010 3 “HERE’S MY RIDE!”… by Larry Genschorck I’ve always been an old car nut, I go to all the car shows from the Goodguys to LeMays but I had never seen an Oldsmobile of this year at the shows. I liked the style and the color; drove it and had to have it! All though my favorite Olds is a 1957, some day I will have one of those and of course it will be a convertible. Looking forward to some car shows with my new club. Larry Puget Sound Oldsmobile Club – February 2010 4 LeMay Museum Update The Puget Sound Olds Club members voted at the January 3rd meeting to become a part of the LeMay Museum. Each month we will bring you information regarding the progress of the Museum. New Fife Location on I-5 The LeMay Museum administrative offices have moved to a new location in Fife, Washington. The new address is 3701 20th St. East, Fife, WA 98424. Our mailing address remains the same as do our phone numbers, 253.779.8490 and toll free 1.877.902.8490. The 42,000 sq. ft. interim facility provides more space for administrative functions and features attached warehouse space for storing and working on cars. The move consolidates what were previously multiple locations in downtown Tacoma and Clover Park. The move will reduce overall operating costs and allow our staff to work together in one location. The new complex features a 38,000 sq. ft. space which creates the opportunity for vehicle storage comparable to that of our Club Auto satellite location Kirkland. We are also offering dry, climate controlled and secure storage at a very reasonable cost. MONTHLY PRICING (minimum three-month commitment) Single car storage: $130 for LeMay Museum members $150 non-members Car Judging Symposium Set for February Presented by the Classic Car Club of America Saturday, February 27, 2010, 10 am – 1 pm At the Club Auto Kirkland For Museum and CCCA members No Charge; coffee and donuts provided Puget Sound Oldsmobile Club – February 2010 5 LET’S GET PERSONAL FEBRUARY FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS 1 Happy Birthday to all of the February babies Sandy O’Donnell Trudy Gamash 4 Howard McCormick Chuck Young 5 Harry Straw 11 Paul Turkovich 13 Carol Secord 16 Jeanette Bingham 20 Bob Bass Vicki Martinson 21 Hugh Russell ??? A mystery day in February for Karin Winter CALENDAR OF EVENTS of the Puget Sound Chapter February 7 – Chapter Meeting NOTE STARTING TIME: 12: 12:00 p.m. Redmond Public Library Directions on page 13 UPCOMING CLUB MEETING HOSTS * February Hosts - Ed & Kathi Straw 2010 MEETING HOSTS March April May June July August September October November December Ed & Erma Booth Mary Lindholm Erik & Vicki Martinson Harry & Bonnie Straw Don & June Wahlstrom No Host - ZONE SHOW Ned Peterson Bill & Judy Iverson Jim & Nina Rogers No Host - Christmas Party Thanks to all. *Provide quality gift & refreshments Puget Sound Oldsmobile Club – February 2010 6 MEMBER NOTES This is a new page this month that will feature notes of interest about and for our members. If you have something interesting to report, please send an e-mail to your editor at [email protected], or call and leave a message at 253-845-2288. Judy Iverson is recovering at home after a short stay in the hospital. Please remember her in your prayers. We hope to see her smiling face back in the front row at our chapter meetings soon. Please congratulate yourself for being a part in helping the Puget Sound Olds Club to be a 100% compliant chapter for the second consecutive year. Sending in your OCA dues a month or so in advance the expiration date really helps. Way to go! At the January Chapter Meeting, Mike Klecz, was voted a complimentary membership in the Puget Sound Olds Club. Last summer at the OCA Nationals in Seven Springs, PA, Mike donated the Oldsmobile Clock that was sold at the 2009 Pacific Northwest Zone Show. We would like to welcome the following new members to the PSOC. Peter and Mariah Calkins…………………Mountlake Terrace, WA Colin and Jennifer Desilets……………..Lynden, WA Larry and Debbie Genschorck…………Belfair, WA Jimmy Hoard……………………………………Seattle, WA Mike Klecz……………………………………….St. Charles, MO John and Stephanie McCauley……….Selah, WA Sean Thatcher………………………………..Bellevue, WA Jeff and Karin Winter……………………..Bothell, WA Greet these new members when you see them at our chapter meetings. Puget Sound Oldsmobile Club – February 2010 7 National Membership Application Name __________________________________________________________Spouse: _________________________________ Home Phone ( )_________________________________ Cell Phone: ( ) _____________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________________________________ City _________________________________________ State _____________________ Zip_____________________________ Cars (please include color):__________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ National Dues: One Year's membership (U.S. only)…3rd Class: $30, One Year's membership (U.S. only)...1st Class: $40, Two Year membership (U.S. only)...3rd Class: $55, Two Year membership (U.S. only)...1st Class: $70. Canada and Mexico...1st Class: $42, Overseas: One Year...$60, Associate...$5. Please make check payable to OCA and mail to Bill Iverson. Please remit U.S. Funds only. Expiration date will be on JWO label. Each member is entitled to one 25-word free ad each month. Name, address and phone, not counted in 25-word count. Allow several weeks for your first JWO. Send to: BILL IVERSON, Membership Chairman Puget Sound Chapter, OCA 13819 139th Ave SE Renton, WA. 98059 ___________________________________________ __________ Signature __________________________ Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Please look at the next page. You will find the Puget Sound Chapter membership form. Remember that membership in the O.C.A. is a requirement for membership in the Puget Sound Chapter. There is a seat waiting waiting for you at the February February 7 - Chapter meeting & Super Bowl Sunday - Noon starting time - This month ONLY! Puget Sound Oldsmobile Club – February 2010 8 OLDSMOBILE CLUB OF AMERICA PUGET SOUND CHAPTER 2010 MEMBERSHIP MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL NOTICE OCA# ________________________________________________ (Membership in the O.C.A. is a prerequisite for membership in the Puget Sound Chapter). NAME:____________________________________________________________ SPOUSE'S NAME:__________________________________________________ ADDRESS:________________________________________________________ CITY:________________________ STATE:________ ZIP CODE:____________ Please check here if this is an address change HOME PHONE: (_______)______________________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________ BIRTHDAY INFORMATION: MONTH___________ DAY_________ SPOUSE: MONTH___________ DAY_________ $15.00 annual dues payable payable by December 31. 31. Make checks payable to Puget Sound Chapter, O.C.A. and mail to: Bill Iverson, P.S.C. Membership Chairman 13819 139th Ave. S.E. Renton, WA 98059 Please assist us in updating our roster by listing below your current Oldsmobile(s): 1) YEAR_______ MODEL____________________ COLOR_______________ 2) YEAR_______ MODEL____________________ COLOR_______________ 3) YEAR_______ MODEL____________________ COLOR_______________ 4) YEAR_______ MODEL____________________ COLOR______________ Puget Sound Oldsmobile Club – February 2010 9 MEETING MINUTES OLDSMOBILE CLUB OF AMERICA PUGET SOUND CHAPTER January 3, 2010 MINUTES Meeting called to order by Pat Ellwood, president. Minutes of the November meeting were approved. Treasurer's Report – Kathi Straw – Report approved. Holiday Dinner – The management and staff were efficient and accommodating. Erma Booth and June Wahlstrom were thanked for making the arrangements. It was agreed to send a thank you letter to Lorissa Williamson, General Manager of the Poodle Dog Restaurant, for making the evening so enjoyable. LeMay Museum Membership – Ed Konsmo – It was agreed to purchase a membership at the $250 level. This would give us preferred access to group events and tours; we would be listed in their annual publication, four tickets to the annual open house, and four preferred parking spaces for the open house. It was suggested the tickets to the open house could be used as raffle prizes at our annual zone show. Ed will confirm the date groundbreaking for the museum will take place and find out if membership would allow us to hold our car show on the museum grounds. Next Meeting – Sunday, February 7, Redmond Public Library – Since it is Super Bowl Sunday, we will try to reserve the meeting room starting at 12 noon. Driving directions and a definite time will be included in the newsletter. Program for 2010 Nationals – Kathi Straw – Kathi received a request from Nationals asking if the club would like to have a quarter-page advertisement in the program. It was agreed to purchase a color ad. Pam Konsmo will submit the ad, using the format that already exists. Nametags – The nametags will cost approximately $4. A sign-up sheet was circulated. Ed Straw will inquire whether the person who made the previous tags is able to make them. If not, he will try another source. Membership – Bill Iverson – Members were reminded to renew their chapter dues. If you are unsure of your status, contact Bill. Ed Konsmo will send a reminder notice via email. Cruises and Events – Pat Ellwood – Pat encouraged members to consider planning and participating in more cruises. Discussion will continue at the February meeting. Erik Martinson suggested having a meeting or cruise to the Performance Grill in Auburn. It could be an activity in March or April. Erik will develop a list of Friday or Saturday night cruise-ins in the south end and Pat will develop a list for the north end. A list of cruise-ins will be published in the newsletter. (Minutes continued on next page.) Puget Sound Oldsmobile Club – February 2010 10 Help Wanted – Members were encouraged to let others know via the newsletter if they would like help, advice (or just company) when involved in a car project. (Minutes continued on next page) Zone Report – Erik Martinson – Jackets awarded to 30-year members are still in production. The reservations for the hotel in Reno for the 2011 Nationals can only be made on-line. The 2012 Nationals in Des Moines IA will be all indoors. 2010 Northwest Car Events Calendar – Bill Iverson – The calendar is now available at member cost of $2. Donation of Clock – Ed Konsmo – Mike Klecz, a former member, donated a clock that was sold at the zone show. Mike would like to donate a clock each year in return for a membership in the club. The proposal was approved. Raffle Results Quality Gift/Meeting Hosts – Ed and Pam Konsmo Quality Gift – Husky Tool Bag – Harry Straw $25 – Howard Von Pressentin Brake cleaner – Jim Rogers '70 model – Bill Iverson Pez dispenser and toy truck – Jim Rogers Auto wipes – Nina Rogers Upholstery cleaner – Pam Konsmo Auto protectant – Nina Rogers Gas treatment – Howard Von Pressentin Carpet cleaner – Harry Straw Carb cleaner – Mary Lindholm Racing pedals – Nina Rogers Candle jar – Harry Straw Tulip bulbs – Nina Rogers Work gloves – Ken Thompson Flat Fix – Pat Ellwood Mirror tool – Bill Iverson Amaryllis bulb – Don Wahlstrom INTERNET SOURCES FOR YOUR OLDS PARTS kelseytire.com Reproduction tires for collector cars www.coker.com Reproduction tires for collector cars www.smsautofabrics.com Fabrics for all American cars from the 40's-90's, plus a little more www.accmats.com Auto Custom Carpets www.opgi.com/indexnewasp Original Parts Group - specializing in classic GM "A" Body restoration parts www.supercarsunlimited.com Restoration parts for your cutlass/442/hurst olds/vista cruiser www.442.com Buy and sell cars and parts plus helpful technical information www.yearone.com Reproduction and Restoration parts www.drdecal.com Restoration decals & literature www.fusick.com New & reproduction parts www.thepartsplaceinc.com Restoration parts www.autosunvisors.com Restore or buy replacement sun visors www.partsvoice.com 138 million OEM parts www.oldcarnetwork.com New & reproduction parts www.stencilsandstripes.com Reproduction paint stencils, stripes, and decals www.window-sticker.com Window Sticker Reproductions www.oldsgmail.com Information on Oldsmobile G-Body cars (1978-1988) www.oldsmobility.com Information on 1967 A-Body cars http://www.oldsclub.org/OldsmobileMailList.htm Olds discussion forum Puget Sound Oldsmobile Club – February 2010 11 WHERE TO GO…CAR SHOWS and SWAP MEETS FEB 6-7 PUYALLUP, WA; 36th Corvette & Hi Performance Meet Puyallup Fair & Events Center, 110 9th Ave SW, Puyallup, WA 98371; 9:30 am-4:00 pm, 8 am-2 pm; Classic & High Performance Society (CHiPS), 360-786-8844; [email protected]; www.corvhp.com FEB 13-14 PUYALLUP, WA; Early Bird Swap Meet Western Washington Fairgrounds, 110 9th Ave SW, Puyallup, WA 98371; 8 am-5 pm; 9 am-5 pm; Adm Fee; Tacoma Model T Club, 253-863-6211; www.earlybirdswap.org FEB 13-14 SALEM, OR; Salem Roadster Show Oregon State Fairgrounds, 2330 17th Street NE, Salem, OR 97302; 9 am-9 pm; 9 am-5 pm; Adm fee- $10 - $50 Invitational; Greg Roach & Bob Symons, 503-363-0442, 541-990-2201; [email protected] FEB 20-21 CENTRAL POINT, OR; Southern Oregon Rod & Custom Show Jackson County Fairgrounds, 1 Peninger Road, Central Point, OR 97502; 9 am-9 pm, 9 am-4 pm; Adm fee – Adult $7/ Children $2; No Reg Fee; Rouge Valley Street Rods, 541-770-5892, 541-944-2096; [email protected]; www.roguevalleystreetrods.com MAR 13-14 PUYALLUP, WA; Almost Spring Swap Meet Western Washington Fairgrounds, 110 9th Ave SW, Puyallup, WA 98371; 8 am-5 pm (Sat), 9 am-3 pm (Sun); Adm fee $5 (Sat); $3 (Sun); Gallopin’ Gertie Model “A” Ford Club, 253-833-3926; [email protected]; www.gertieas.org MAR 20-21 EUGENE, OR; Eugene Roadster Show Lane Event Center, Eugene, OR 97402; Petersen Collector Cars, 541-689-6824 (Susan Peterson), 541-521-9007 (Dennis Burri); [email protected]; www.roadstershows.com MAR 21 BELLINGHAM, WA; Leprechan Daze Car Show K-Mart Parking Lot, West Edge, 1001 East Sunset Drive, Bellingham, WA 98226; 12:00 noon-4 pm; Adm free; Reg. Fee $10; 4th Corner Elites of Bellingham, 360-380-2773; [email protected] Puget Sound Oldsmobile Club – February 2010 12 DIRECTIONS TO THE REDMOND LIBRARY FOR THE CHAPTER MEETING, FEBRUARY 7, 2010 1. From Highway 520, heading east: Take the W. Lake Sammamish Parkway NE Exit. At the bottom of the Exit, turn left to go north on W. Lake Sammamish Parkway. (W. Lake Sammamish Parkway becomes 154th Avenue NE.) Proceed one mile to NE 85th and turn right at the light onto NE 85th. Go over the bridge, through one light and turn left into the Library parking lot. IMPORTANT NOTICE! For this meeting ONLY, due to the Super Bowl scheduled to start at 3:30 PM, our chapter meeting will start at 12:00 PM. (noon) Directions from Highway 405 (North or South): Take exit 18 (Kirkland/Redmond) and go east on NE 85th (Redmond Way). This becomes NE 80th as it curves down into Redmond. Turn left at 160th NE, then left again at NE 85th. Library is 1st driveway on right. Directions from the intersection of WA-202 N/Redmond Way and Highway 520 Eastbound: Head northwest on WA 202, which will become Redmond Way. Drive 0.9 mile, then turn Right onto 160th Ave NE. Drive 0.2 mile, and turn Left onto NE 85th St. Drive 0.1 mile and Turn Right into the parking lot of the Redmond Regional Library. 1. Puget Sound Oldsmobile Club – February 2010 13 Future National Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Meets Meets 2010 - July 21 – 25; Sturbridge, MA; Sturbridge Hotel; Hosted by the New England Olds Club. 2011 - July 27 – 31; Reno, NV; Grand Sierra Resort and Casino; Hosted by the Nor Cal Olds Club. 2012 - July 4 – 7; Des Moines, IA; Iowa Events Center (The first Indoor Nationals ever); Hosted by the Olds Club of Iowa OCA CHAPTER COMPLIANCE Congratulations to the twenty-two (22) OCA Chapters that are 100% compliant for 2010! This is a record number of chapters to achieve 100%. The previous record was 12 100% chapters in 2009. A great vote of thanks goes to the membership chairpersons of these chapters for their hard work in helping their chapters achieve this goal. On a sad note, it appears as though we will lose a chapter. The Smoky Mountain Olds Club has requested that they cease as an OCA Chapter. If you live near this chapter in Tennessee, perhaps you can help to breathe some life back into the chapter. As of this writing on February 1, the date that all chapters are to have their roster submitted for the annual compliance verification, there are three chapters that have not submitted their chapter roster or contacted the OCA Vice President for an extension. As stated in Policy Manual 8.10; “Any Chapter not in compliance by February 1 will have their Charter suspended until the Chapter becomes compliant.” We hope that these chapters will have their rosters submitted soon to avoid continued suspension. Puget Sound Oldsmobile Club – February 2010 14 OUR ADVERTISING PRICE INFORMATION THIS QUARTER PAGE SPACE IS BUSINESS CARD SPACE IS AVAILABLE FOR ONLY AVAILABILE $24.00 a year – member rate $60.00 a year – non-member FOR FUTURE ADVERTISERS AT THE RATE OF Only $60.00 a year – Member rate $120 a year – Non-Member rate OTHER RATES AVAILABLE ARE: Member: $125/Year full page ad, Non Member: $288/Year Member: $75.00/Year 1/2 page ad, Non Member: $180/Year (The full page and half page rates are discounted annual rates.) If you have any business contacts that might be interested in advertising their services, please alert them to the fact that they can cover more than 80 car enthusiast homes by advertising in this publication. All the way from business card size ads to full-page coverage. Color or black & white – same price!! We’ll even help them design an ad at no charge. Puget Sound Oldsmobile Club – February 2010 15 CLASSIFIEDS Classified ads are free, unlimited words within reason. They will run for three consecutive months. Please submit your classified advertisement in electronic format by the 25th of the month to [email protected]. FOR SALE 1964 Cutlass Holiday Coupe White w/black interior. Front bucket seats w/center console. 455 engine, 200-4R trans., post rear w/3:55 gears. Ceramic coated headers, 2 ½” ST/STL pipes w/Flowmaster mufflers. 15x7 Olds Rally Wheels w/near new tires. Very nice car. Asking $22,500. Call Ned at (425) 316-3200 or [email protected]. (2) 1967 – 442. Odometer shows 58,000 miles. Asking $15,000 OBO. Original in & out. Some under hood modifications, all original equipment and parts will go with the car. No rust anywhere. Picture is available. Bill 706 663-2087 or [email protected] in Georgia. (2) 1969 Cutlass S 2-door hardtop. Red. Good condition. $7,000 (253) 797-8474 (This is John Lamb’s daughter’s car) (?????)LWTC 1974 Delta 88 4dr HT - 45,000 miles, original family owned, dad passed away in 1985 & car has been stored inside since. Asking $3,500. HydraMatic, V8 – Ray Hackbarth, (253) 841-3620 (??????) LWTC Tire – One BF Goodrich tire. G78-15 NEW $25.00. Call Howard (206) 782-1393 (1) Tires – Four Custom Touring Vogue, 205/75-14. Used. $300.00 call Ken (206) 930-1741 (2) Tires – Five 225/75R-14 wide white walls, less than 2,000 miles. $400.00 call Pat (425) 672-7664 (3) LEADS: I have parts for 1956 98 Starfire Holiday Coupe. Ed Booth (253) 752-6158 (1) 1957 Olds parts for sale. Ed Booth (253) 752-6158 (1) 1957 Olds 98 Star Fire coupe parts for sale: AC compressor, deluxe radio, front bumper, rear end, steering wheel shaft, switches, windshield washer bottle, jack, and much more. Also some chrome for 4-door. Ed Booth (253) 752-6158 (1) 1961 Olds 88 4-door – ran well and worked fine, but has been sitting outside for about 15 years. Make an offer. Ron Haave (253) 847-6236 (1) 1964 Olds 394 ci, complete rebuild, needs assembling. Call Bob Carpenter (425) 530-2082 (2) 1972 Olds Cutlass F-85 2-Door Coupe, 350 Rocket, Stock, $4,500 Call Todd 360-490-8050 [email protected] (3) (Continued on the next page) Puget Sound Oldsmobile Club – February 2010 16 NEEDS: Rocker molding passenger side for 1962 Jetfire or Cutlass. Harry Straw (425) 778-2354 (1) Need both axles for ’65 Cutlass. Call Erik (425) 228-4422, or cell (206) 714-6395 (1) IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ADS: A number at the end of each listing indicates how many months the ad has already run. If you have a THREE after your ad, you will need to contact us if you wish to have it run again the following month(s). Just e-mail or call us. Thank you. OUR ADVERTISERS…… To place your ad, send your business card or artwork and appropriate fees to: Puget Sound Olds Club, % Editor, PO Box 82042, Kenmore, WA 98028-0042. Member Cost: $12/mo full page ad, $8/mo 1/2 page ad, $5/mo 1/4 page ad, $2/mo business card ad ($24 per year) Non-Member Cost: For NON-members $24/mo full page ad, $15/mo 1/2 page ad, $10/mo 1/4 page ad, $5/mo business card ad. Puget Sound Oldsmobile Club – February 2010 17 Puget Sound Oldsmobile Club – February 2010 18 “ PARTING SHOTS OF THE RUSSO and STEELE AUCTION” Puget Sound Oldsmobile Club – February 2010 19
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