CXPI is supported. MLT PX-10 The MLT PX-10 logs the control results of CAN / LIN / ISO 14230 / IE Bus / I2C / CXPI communications and port input / port output / analog input on the same time axis. The Windows application for the MLT PX-10 displays the results in real time. The MLT PX-10 comes with a variety of sending functions and trigger functions. Accordingly, it can be used for simulation of communication nodes. 1 What is CXPI? CXPI is an abbreviation for “Clock Extension Peripheral Interface,” and is an in-vehicle communication standard that has been developed by the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc. (JSAE). CXPI meets the in-vehicle communication requirements for input/output-related fields. This protocol is useful for multiplexing of communication lines. CXPI is being standardized by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) with Japanese domestic manufacturers playing a central role. (As of February, 2016.) Standard number JASO D015 SAE J3076 ISO (Proposed) (As of February, 2016.) Features of CXPI CXPI is on the basis of periodic sending according to the master node schedule. For CXPI, the CSMA/CR (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Resolution) method and multi-master configuration are adopted, by which event sending is also supported. CXPI has the advantages of “securing high event responsiveness” and “easy node addition” with the support of event sending. Event Sending Periodic Sending The master node always sends a pulse-width modulated clock. Each sending node sends data encoded over the clock. Each receiving node decodes it. Master Node Slave Node CXPI Transceiver Microcomputer 1 bit (UART) Logical value 1 Logical value 0 2 Outline specification BUS type (single wire) Number of connected nodes 16 (The total extension of the communication bus is 40 m.) Maximum baud rate 20 kbit/s Access method CSMA/CR (multi master) Frame Network topology ID 7 bit (+ 1bit Parity) Type <Normal Frame> <Long Frame> Maximum data length 12 Byte 255 Byte Error detection method 8 bit CRC 16 bit CRC Data Length Code, Counter, and others. modulation method PWM (All slave nodes synchronize in each bit of bus clock.) Physical interface configuration Each node is connected by one communication line. Each node uses VBAT (+12V). Each node is equipped with a termination resistor and open drain transceiver. VBAT VBAT VBAT Transceiver Transceiver Controller Controller Master Node Transceiver Controller Slave Node Slave Node Access method 2 access methods are defined by CXPI. A network mounts one of access methods according to the system requirement. Event Trigger Method (Importance placed on event responsiveness.) Schedule : Timing by which a request by event occurrence can be sent Polling Method (Importance placed on communication periodicity.) Schedule Request (PTYPE) : Timing by which a request by event occurrence can be sent 3 Frame configuration * Only a normal frame by the event trigger method is introduced. A frame consists of a PID field and response field. The PID field is sent by the requesting node and the response field by the responding node. : IBS PID field Frame Info DATA DATA D DATA : IFS CRC Response field PID field The PID field is 1-byte, consisting of a 7-bit frame ID and a 1-bit parity bit. start bit bit0 bit1 bit2 bit3 bit4 bit5 bit6 Frame ID bit7 stop bit Parity bit Response field The response field consists of frame information, data, and CRC. Frame information Frame information is 1-byte, consisting of a 2-bit CT indicating frame continuity, 2-bit NM for Wakeup/Sleep processing, and DLC indicating data length. start bit bit0 bit1 bit2 CT bit3 bit4 bit5 NM bit6 bit7 stop bit DLC Data Data is a 0 to 12-byte arbitrary value specified by DLC in frame information. start bit bit0 bit1 bit2 bit3 bit4 bit5 bit6 bit7 stop bit Data Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) CRC is a 1-byte predetermined computational result for error detection processing. start bit bit0 bit1 bit2 bit3 CRC 4 bit4 bit5 bit6 bit7 stop bit Outline of the MLT PX-10 functions (CXPI) Components MLT PX-10 Navigator CXPI Communication Bus USB cable MLT PX-10 Hardware Connection example BUS monitoring ECU-1 (Master Node) ECU-2 (Slave Node) ECU-3 (Slave Node) ECU-4 (Slave Node) Node simulation master node simulation slave node simulation 5 Decoded waveform output !!! Use it as a monitor signal with an oscilloscope, logic analyzer, etc. PIN Name 1 +B(external power) 2 MON(CH1) 3 GND PWM decoded waveform 4 5 GND 6 CXPI(CH1) : CXPI bus waveform : Log example !!! Frame-by-frame display in items is easy to see at the time of log analysis. [ Log of PID and response fields ] Parity ID PID frame Response frame 000000384> 10:34:20 +108.0027794 I CXPI 1 OK 0 0 16 000000385> 10:34:20 +108.0076826 O CXPI 1 OK 1 0 16 6 0 3 FF FF FF FF FF FF 86 Consecutive numbers Time Relative time Type Protocol Data CRC Frame info Frame type Channel Status !!! A log indicating bus conditions is also output. [Log of various events ] Wakeup Clock 000000005> 10:33:01 +7.659449550 O CXPI 1 OK (129:ISTR=Wakeup) (132:TIME=420us) 000000008> 10:33:01 +7.668215410 I CXPI 1 OK (128:ISTR=Clock_started) 6 Error type and display !!! If a communication error occurs, the corresponding error code is displayed. 000000238> +12.24885320 O CXPI 1 NG 1 1 12 8 0 1 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF BE (0:ERR=00000002) Error Code Bit Error type Meaning of error : Undefined --- transmission timeout Lapse of a specified time in an unsent state after a 14 transmission instruction from the application. 13 abnormal reception Entry into such a state that the clock stops in the middle of receiving, etc. 12 abnormal transmission Entry into such a state that the clock stops in the middle of sending, etc. : Undefined --- 8 unknown frame sequence Receiving of some data in such a state that the ID is unrequested, etc. 7 data length error Detection of inconsistency between DLC and data count. 6 transmission failed Failure in sending the PID field because of bus occupation by other node(s). 5 transmission data lost Occurrence of an arbitration defeat in sending the PID field. 4 framing error Detection of inversion of a logical value in start bit or stop bit. 3 counter error Detection of abnormality in frame continuity. 2 parity error Detection of an error in PID field. 1 CRC error Detection of an error in response field. 0 bit error Detection of inversion of a logical value in sent data. 7 User module You can write a user-defined program that runs on the MLT PX-10 Navigator—this is called a Navigator user module. Navigator user modules allow sending of, response to, and display of any frame, and easy user operation with GUI components. Navigator user modules are written in pScript, which is our originally designed and developed script language. Because its grammar is simple, descriptions can be made easily without programming experience. !!! You can create a GUI User Module Editor on your own. Navigator user modules can provide a The results of editing GUI, which can be easily edited by the are stored as pScript User Module Editor. code. program(pScript) Navigator user modules can be created by any text editor. Setting to the MLT PX-10 Navigator Navigator user module MLT PX-10 Navigator に 組み込まれる形で動作します。 8 For reprinting or reproduction, our permission is required. The correctness of the information contained in this document has been doubly assured. However, we shall assume no liability for any customer damage caused by imperfection of the descriptions. The descriptions are subject to change without notice. For sales related inquiries Company: PRISM Co., Ltd. Chubu Branch Office Sales Rep: Sugiura / Fujimoto E-mail: For technical related inquiries Company: Website: [email protected] , E-mail: PRISM Co., Ltd. [email protected] [email protected] Address: 1-11-15, Sasame-cho, Anjo-shi, Aichi Address: 446-0073, Japan 1-10-17, Konan-cho, Fukuyama-shi, Hiroshima 720-0814, Japan 9