Star Runner Stormed Out
Star Runner Stormed Out
The The The Student Activity Book Student Activity Book No.1 Tw isted Ten Speed Featuring Kent& Jam es IT'S NOT MY YOU ARE! FAULT! Featuring Carlos& M att CARLOS! YOU READY TO GO? YOU CAN'T GO! No.4 Oh No,Forgotto M ow! Featuring Tam eka & Jenny HEY! COOL GAME! YEAH!, A NEW STAR RUNNER MOVIE! Student Activity Book No.3 Tardyforthe Party Featuring Tony & HisM om SOME FRIEND The The Student Activity Book No.2 StarRunner Storm ed Out IN A MINUTE! COME ON MOM! CORLETTE SANDE • CORLETTE SANDE PICTURES BY RUSS FLINT The • CORLETTE SANDE PICTURES BY RUSS FLINT The Student Activity Book CORLETTE SANDE PICTURES BY RUSS FLINT Student Activity Book No.6 Featuring Nikki& Sam m ie Featuring Nacom a & HerM om PICTURES BY RUSS FLINT Student Activity Book No.7 No.8 W hoops,Sploosh! And Pole No M ore PointlessPut-Downs Failing Fam ilyFallout • The The Student Activity Book No.5 BullyBum psand Blam es • Featuring Connie & Nikki Featuring Leroy & Russell OUTTA MY WAY! HEY! WHOOOOPS! I DON'T BLAME HIM FOR MOVING OUT! WHOA! i'm NOT YELLING NIKKI LOST THE GAME FOR US! THAT'S NOT TRUE! SPLOOSH! CORLETTE SANDE • CORLETTE SANDE PICTURES BY RUSS FLINT • CORLETTE SANDE PICTURES BY RUSS FLINT The The Student Activity Book No.9 • CORLETTE SANDE PICTURES BY RUSS FLINT No.10 PICTURES BY RUSS FLINT The The Student Activity Book • Student Activity Book TestCheat, Shredded Sheet Cancelled Canoe Blues Canoe Blues Continues Featuring Tony & M r.Chung Featuring Carlos& HisDad Featuring Carlos& HisDad Student Activity Book No.11 CHEATING WORKS! Doubt Aboutthe Route HEY, MOM! I'M WORKING NEXT WEEK! WHY CAN'T WE DO THINGS TOGETHER? I CAN WORK TODAY. OH NO! I FORGOT! I'M GOING TO WORK! • A powerful new system to teach children to prevent and resolve conflict. • Applies biblical principles of confession, forgiveness, communication, and character development. • Uses realistic stories, practical applications, role plays, and stimulating activities. • Designed for 3rd through 7th grades, but adaptable for younger and older students. • PICTURES BY RUSS FLINT CORLETTE SANDE • PICTURES BY RUSS FLINT CORLETTE SANDE • PICTURES BY RUSS FLINT Featuring Tony & His Mom BUT WE'RE GOING ON VACATION! OH, REALLY? CORLETTE SANDE CORLETTE SANDE • PICTURES BY RUSS FLINT YEAH! A NEW STAR RUNNER MOVIE! YOU CAN'T GO! COME ON, MOM! • Parent/Teacher Manual: This 200-page manual is ideal for Christian or home school curriculum, Sunday school, family devotions, or youth groups. • Student Activity Booklet Set: Your kids will love ‘em! Each 10-page booklet is power-packed with illustrated stories and activities to teach kids to be peacemakers. Kids see them as comic books and read them again and again! (Set includes one booklet for each of the 12 lessons.) • Manual plus 12 Activity Booklets: Includes license to reproduce pages in Student Activity Booklets. Published by Shepherd Press P.O. Box 24 Wapwallopen, PA 18660 (570) 379-2015 Developed by Peacemaker ® Ministries 1537 Ave. D, Suite 352 Billings, MT 59101 (406) 256-1583 This booklet provided courtesy of: ISBN 09663786-2-X (12 Vol. Set) 90000> CORLETTE SANDE 9 CYANMAGENTAYELLOWBLACK No..2 Featuring Tam eka & Connie GREAT SHOT! WHAT! YIKES! I DIDN'T STUDY No.12 Star Runner Stormed Out Student Activity Book • PICTURES BY RUSS FLINT 780966 378627 CYANMAGENTAYELLOWBLACK KEY THOUGHT IN THIS CHAPTER IS: Lesson 2 THE YOUNG PEACE MAKER conflict starts in the heart. What Causes CONFLICT? i don’t care what anybody says. i wanna go see star runner! What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don't they come from your desires that battle within you? You want something but you don't get it. James 4:1-2 © 1997 Corlette Sande. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication prohibited by law. 2-1 ST A R RU N N ER S T O R ME D OU T Tony & His Mom Featuring YEAh! KENt, A NEW STAR RUNNER III! this one is gonna be even wilder than THE first two movies! COME ON, MOM! WHAT?! I’M SORRY, Tony. THE radio SAYS THE ROADS will be dangerous. IT COULD BE HOT ENOUGH TO FRY GRANITE out there in a couple of hours! YOU’LL HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL NEXT SATURDAY. I’M SORRY, tony. YOU NEVER LET ME HAVE ANY FUN! YOU COME BACK HERE THIS MINUTE, YOUNG MAN! 2-2 Conflict Starts in the Heart Choices and conflicts start in the heart. Many of our conflicts happen because we make choices to get our own way. The Apostle James wrote a letter in which he said, “What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? You want something but you don’t get it” (James 4:1-2). YOUR mother DOesN’T WANT YOU TO GET HURT. she LOVEs YOU! she ONLY WANTs THE BEST FOR YOU. NAAAA! YOUR mom WORRies TOO MUCH. she DOesN’T WANT YOU TO HAVE ANY FUN! The choices we make to get our own way are deliberate. In other words, choices are the result of saying or doing something on purpose. Every choice is a personal choice. We may want to blame others for our choices, but our choices belong to us. Your Choices Belong to You You make your own choices and you are 100 percent responsible for them. Two categories of choices that people make are: Good . . . . . . . . . . . .Bad Right . . . . . . . . . . . .Wrong Obedient . . . . . . . . .Disobedient Respectful . . . . . . . .Disrespectful Wise . . . . . . . . . . . . .Foolish Righteous . . . . . . . .Sinful 2-3 Think about doing what’s right! NAA! think about doing what you want! The Root & the Fruit Plants get their nourishment through their roots. If those roots are good, a plant will produce good fruit. Likewise, bad roots will produce bad fruit (see Luke 6:43-45). Like plants, we have a root system in our hearts that produces different kinds of fruit. This root system is made up of the desires that are in our hearts. The fruit that grows from these roots is all the choices we make to say and do things. If our hearts are filled with selfish desires, the fruit will usually be sinful words and actions that result in conflict and broken relationships. On the other hand, if our hearts are filled with love for God and a desire to please him, then the fruit will be words and action that promote peace and strengthen relationships. Some of the desires in our hearts are clearly wrong, like greed or selfishness, and will produce bad fruit. Other desires may seem to be good, like wanting to get good grades, but even a good desire can produce bad fruit if you desire something too much. The desire can become a sinful demand. When you demand your own way, you are putting yourself first and you are likely to offend others. This is how conflict often begins (see James 4:1-2). I wanna do what i wanna do when i wanna do it! I need to look out for others as well as myself. What a cool watch tony has! I’d sure like to have one, too, but for now mine’s good enough for me. I know i’m right and you’re wrong! I don’t care if it belongs to tony. i’m gonna take that watch! ISH ELF S UN TENT CON E BL M HU PRO UD S ENVIOU could you please help me understand what you think i did wrong? GOD-CENTERED person SELF-CENTERED person SELFISH The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control (Gal. 5:22-23). 2-4 Bad Root, Bad Fruit CLEANING MY ROOM IS JUST TOO MUCH WORK! I want to do it my way! I want what i Want when I want it. A-A-AAAHHM-M-M-M SELFISHNESS Root: You want your own way. Fruit: You will argue, nag, whine, lie, or throw a temper tantrum to try to get people to give in to your desires. hey! that’s a cool sports watch. GREED i've got to have one just like it. Root: You want more, and you are not content with what you have. Fruit: You complain that you don't have what other people have. You take things that don't belong to you. 2-5 LAZINESS Root: You don’t like to work. You resist responsibility. Fruit: You refuse to do your chores or schoolwork. You sit and watch TV instead of doing something constructive. wise up, you people, you know I’m always right. Whaddya mean it’s my fault? You should have listened to me! PRIDE Root: You think you are better than others. You don't like to be wrong. Fruit: You become defensive and argumentative when someone corrects you. i should have them instead of you! WHERE’D YOU GET THOSE B-b--BEAUTIFUL in-lINE SKATES? I DIDN’T SAY SOMETHING WRONG, DID I? ARE Y0U MAD AT ME? What if nobody likes me at school? ENVY FEAR OF OTHERS Root: You want what others have. You are not content with what you have. Fruit: If your sister gets a new shirt, then you want one, too. You make fun of your brother because he gets good grades and yours aren't as good. Root: You are afraid of what others will think of you. You want too much to be liked and accepted. You must have other people approve of you and applaud your efforts. Fruit: You won't tell your friends that you are a Christian because you are afraid that they will think you are strange and reject you. You will go along with your friends so they will accept you, even when you know that what they are doing is wrong. You need constant reassurance that you are doing well. They should pick me and not her! O-O-O JUST YOU WAIT, LITTLE MISS POPULARITY! JEALOUSY Root: You are afraid of losing the love or friendship of someone special if that person pays attention to someone else. Fruit: You become angry at your friend for inviting another friend to go skating. You try to do everything you can to break up their friendship. everyone treats me so bad! I NEVER GET TO BE THE QUARTERBACK! SELF PITY Root: You feel sorry for yourself and you want others to feel sorry for you, too. Fruit: You pout and say, "Nobody has as many chores as I do!" or "You never let me do anything!" or "Nobody likes me." 2-6 Good Root, Good Fruit The good news is that you do not have to be controlled by sinful desires! You can ask the Lord to forgive you for following your selfish desires. More importantly, you can ask him to replace those sinful desires with the very best desire of all, a desire to love him with all your heart and please him in everything you do. As God changes your heart and gives you a growing desire to love and please him, you will be able to say no to your selfish desires and make the kind of good choices that lead to peace. This is the kind of fruit that God loves to produce in our lives through his Holy Spirit (see Gal. 5:22-23). If Carlos speaks angrily to you again, you should reply in a gentle voice. I DON’T LIKE THIS GAME, BUT I WILL PLAY IT BECAUSE YOU LIKE IT. The fruit THIS IS YOUR FAVORITE cd LET’S PLAY IT! GENTLENESS: A gentle heart is compassionate toward others. It is kind and loving, not harsh or violent. The fruit LOVE: A loving heart shows an unselfish concern for others and desires to do good to them. I WILL TREAT YOU THE WAY I WANT TO BE TREATED. I WILL WAIT UNTIL YOU’RE READY TO GIVE ME WHAT I ASKED FOR. IT DOESN’T MATTER THAT YOU ARE DIFFERENT. I WANT YOU TO BE MY FRIEND. The fruit PATIENCE: A patient heart will wait without grumbling or complaining. It’s your turn. You go ahead of mE. The fruit KINDNESS: A kind heart is interested in the well-being of others and will be considerate and helpful toward them. At the root and in the heart is a desire to love and please God. (see Gal. 5:22-23) 2-7 mom, i am really sorry I blew up at you. i was wrong to lose my temper. Will you forgive me? mom, i can wait and see the movie later. of course i forgive you, dear. i shouldn’t have yelled at you either. i know you’re disappointed, Tony, but i appreciate your patience. i respect you for how you’re handling this. i’ll get the door. Closing Prayer Dear Lord, sometimes when I get into conflicts, I blame others for my choices instead of taking responsibility for what I choose to do and say. Please forgive me and help me to accept that my choices are my own. Show me what I can learn from conflict so that I can be more like you. Help me to understand what is at the root of my sinful choices. Give me a new heart and fill it with desires that please and honor you. In Jesus' name, Amen. hey, tony! we all brought OLD videos of the star runner movies! I bought THE popcorn! I’LL MAKE THE hot chocolate! ACTIVITY Root & Fruit Maze Read what each person is saying. Can you trace down through the tangle of roots to find and identify what is in the heart that causes each person to think, speak and act that way? I wish I had a skateboard just like that. what will the guys think of me when they find out i like to cook? I can ski better than you can! Nobody i don’t mind likes me. waiting ‘til you’re everyone done with the phone. ignores me. even though you hurt me, i’d still like to be your friend. FEAR ENVY OF OTHERS GENTLENESS PATIENCE SELF-PITY PRIDE 2-9 ACTIVITY Monster Scramble Many of your desires are good at times, but when you desire anything too much, it can become a sinful demand or monster desire and lead you to make choices that cause conflict. Draw arrows to connect the good desires in the first column with the related monster desires in the second column. Then draw arrows from the second column to connect with the appropriate consequence in the third column. The first one is done for you. A Good Desire 1 Becomes a Monster Desire and Leads to a Bad Choice 6 I’M HUNGRY. 2 i want a good grade on my history test. 7 3 i want to go to sammie’s house to watch a movie, but dad just asked me if i have finished my homework yet. 4 i want some new clothes. 8 i lie to get what i want. hawwww haw! nikki is the dumbest kid in the class! haw, haw! I’LL EAT ALL THE ICE CREAM IN THE FRIDGE! 9 i will cheat to get what i want. 5 i want the kids in my class to THINK I’M FUNNY. That Results in a Bad Consequence 11 12 13 14 i got An f for cheating. i am grounded and i can’t go anywhere for a week. someone calls the police to report you. HEY, MOM. I DON’T FEEL SO GOOD. 15 10 how can i steal that shirt? kids don’t like me because i use them to get what i want. 2-10