REZ2016-00009 - Henrico County
REZ2016-00009 - Henrico County
REZ2016-00009 Wellesley, LLC Staff Report for Board of Supervisors Public Hearing Prepared July 28, 2016 This report is prepared by the Henrico County Planning Staff to provide information to the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors to assist them in making a decision on this application. It may also be useful to others interested in this land use matter. I. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Planning Commission: April 14, 2016 May 12, 2016 July 14, 2016 Deferred at the applicant's request Deferred at the applicant's request Recommend for approval Board of Supervisors: August 9, 2016 Pending II. IDENTIFICATION AND LOCATIONAL INFORMATION: Request: Amend proffered conditions accepted with Case C-109C-86 regarding signage. Existing Zoning: B-1 C Business District (Conditional) Acreage: 6.994 Acres Existing Use: Retail shopping center Location: Southwest intersection of Lauderdale and Park Terrace Drives Magisterial District: Three Chopt Comprehensive Plan Recommendations: Commercial Concentration Parcel No.: 735-759-2130 Zoning of Surrounding Properties: North : South : East: West: REZ2016-00009 RTHC Residential Townhouse R-3AC One-Family Residence R-3AC One-Family Residence R-4AC One-Family Residence R-3AC One-Family Residence R-4AC One-Family Residence District District District District District District (Conditional) (Conditional) (Conditional) (Conditional) (Conditional) (Conditional) Page 1 Ill. SUMMARY OF STAFF REPORT: This is a request to amend one proffer accepted with rezoning case C-109C-86 related to signage for the Shops at Wellesley shopping center. The existing proffer allows for one (1) freestanding sign not to exceed twenty (20) feet in height or one hundred (100) square feet in area. This proposal would allow for more than one detached, ground mounted , monumental-type sign . Electronic message signs would also be prohibited . The site is zoned B-1 C and is located at the southwest intersection of Lauderdale and Park Terrace Drives. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Commercial Concentration . The applicant and the Wellesley Architectural Review Board (ARB) met several times to discuss the request. Concerns were raised regarding the height and placement of the proposed signs. To address these concerns , the applicant has proffered a height limit of thirteen and a half (13.5) feet. In addition, the placement of the signs would be generally consistent with the exhibit entitled "Proposed Monument Locations", provided the northern most sign be located at least seventy-five (75) feet south of the corner of Lauderdale and Park Terrace Drives. For informational purposes, the applicant has also provided elevations of the proposed signage. Because the proposed sign height limit of thirteen and a half (13.5) feet is lower than the previously proffered height limit of 20 feet and the applicant has addressed the concerns of the Wellesley Architectural Review Board , staff believes the proposed proffer amendment would not negatively impact the shopping center or adjacent residential uses. For these reasons , staff supports this request. The Planning Commission recommended approval of this request at their July 14, 2016 meeting . IV. LAND USE ANALYSIS AND IMPLICATIONS: The subject site is the Shops at Wellesley and consists of approximately 7 acres. It is located at the southwest intersection of Lauderdale and Park Terrace Drives and is zoned B-1 C. The one story shopping center is approximately 42,000 square feet and was approved and constructed via POD-001-89. The retail center is surrounded by the Wellesley subdivision and adjacent property includes a mixture of RTHC , R-3AC , and R-4AC zoning . The site is governed by proffers accepted with rezoning case C-109C-86 . This case rezoned approximately 400 acres for the development of the Wellesley community , which includes a variety of mixed residential uses, a conservation district, and a commercial district. This commercial district, the Shops at Wellesley, was developed primarily as a neighborhood retail center. Existing tenants include a number of commercial , medical , and office uses. As part of C-109C-86, a number of proffers were accepted that govern the development of the B-1 parcel including signage. Proffer #8 (page 11 of C-109C-86) related to signage specifically states: • Other than for traffic directional signs limited to three (3) square feet each , only one (1) free-standing sign , not exceeding twenty (20) feet in height nor one hundred (100) square feet in area , shall be permitted on the B-1 zoned parcel. REZ2016-00009 Page 2 With this request, the applicant is proposing to amend and restate Proffer #8 as follows: • Any detached signs shall be ground mounted , monumental-type signs and shall not exceed 13 and a half feet in height. Any detached signs shall be located as generally shown on the exhibit attached hereto entitled "Proposed Monument Locations"; provided that the northern sign shall be located at least seventy-five (75) feet south of the corner of Lauderdale Drive and Park Terrace Drive. Electronic message signs shall be prohibited . The Shops at Wellesley has four access points, two on Park Terrace Drive and two on Lauderdale Drive. The existing detached sign for the shopping center is located on Lauderdale Drive approximately 465' south of the intersection of Park Terrace Drive and is shown on the attached photo. It is a monument style sign , externally lit, with brick columns on either side. The shopping center name is at the top of the structure with 21 green tenant panels below it and surrounded by white lattice. It is approximately 10 feet in height and 100 square feet in sign area. In the B-1 District, the zoning ordinance allows a maximum of two detached signs for shopping centers on a corner lot, provided the signs are 75 feet apart, the aggregate square footage of the two signs do not exceed 150 square feet in area, and the sign height does not exceed 25 feet. Additionally, no detached signs can be placed within 150 feet of an R district on the same side of the street. The applicant has indicated two detached signs are desired . For informational purposes, the applicant has provided elevations of the proposed signage. The applicant has also proffered a site plan entitled "Proposed Monument Locations" indicating where the signs would be located . A new sign would replace the existing detached shopping center sign and a second sign would be located seventy-five (75) feet south of the corner of Lauderdale and Park Terrace Drives . Because the proposed sign height limit of thirteen and a half (13 .5) feet is lower than the previously proffered height limit of 20 feet and the applicant has addressed the concerns of the Wellesley Architectural Review Board , staff believes the proposed proffer amendment would not negatively impact the shopping center or adjacent residential uses. For these reasons , staff supports this request. The Planning Commission recommended approval of this request at their July 14, 2016 meeting . V. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ANALYSIS: Comprehensive Plan Recommendation: The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Commercial Concentration. The proposed proffer amendment is consistent with this designation . Vision, Goals, Objectives, and Policies: This request is consistent with the following Goals, Objectives and Policies of the 2026 Comprehensive Plan: • Economic Objective 5: Promote reinvestment in older neighborhoods to meet the needs for retail services and employment in the area. REZ2016-00009 Page 3 • Land Use and Community Character Objective 10: Use development design guidelines and standards to enhance, promote and protect a high-quality community identity and aesthetic. VI. PUBLIC SERVICE AND SITE CONSIDERATIONS: Major Thoroughfare and Transportation: No objections to this request. Drainage: No comments on this request. Public Utilities Services: The existing shopping center on the parcel is currently served with County water and sewer. The Department of Public Utilities has no objections to the applicant's request to amend proffers related to detached signage. Signs with permanent footings must not be built in existing water or sewer easements on the site, and would require a DPU review of the building permit to install the sign . Department of Community Revitalization: No comments on this request. Schools: This case does not have adverse educational impacts. Division of Fire: No comments on this request. Division of Police: No comments on this request. Recreation and Parks Department: No park or recreation facilities , historical, archaeological or battlefield impact. Libraries: No comments on this request. Topography and Land Characteristics Adaptability: There are no known topographic reasons why the property could not be developed as proposed. REZ2016-00009 Page 4 REZ2016-00009 FIRST AMENDED AND RESTATED B-1 C PROFFERED CONDITION 8 8. Detached Signage. Any detached signs shall be ground mounted, monumental-type signs and shall not exceed fourteen ( 14 thirteen and a half (13.5) feet in height. Any detached signs shall be located as generally shown on the exhibit attached hereto entitled "Proposed Monument Locations"; provided that the northern sign shall be located at least seventy-five (75) feet south of the corner of Lauderdale Drive and Park Terrace Drive. Electronic message signs shall be prohibited. WELLESLEY LLC By:_ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ Penny GilesJames W. Theobald, Attorney-in-Fact Date: April 21 ,July 12. 2016 7552518 ~~ 041340.00001 ,) REZ2016-00009 FJRST AM ENDED AND RE T ATED B-lC PROFFER ED CONDITION 8 8. Detached Signage. Any detached signs shall be ground mounted, monumental-type signs and shall not exceed thirteen and a half (13 .5) feet in height. Any detached signs shall be located as generally shown on the exhibit attached hereto entitled "Proposed Monument Locations"; provided that the northern sign shall be located at least seventy-five (75) feet south of the corner of Lauderdale Drive and Park Terrace Drive. Electronic message signs shall be prohibited. WELLESLEY LLC By:_---=--,~=--..,._, ,....-._,_l_Lt.J_,( =-=--=--'--- James . Theobald, Attorney-in-Fact Date: Jul y 12, 2016 , 7552518-5 041340.0000 1 LEGEND • - • Property Line (Appro•. Locetlon) • Existing Monument ~ c:> .- ProJ>OMd Mc>nufMnt Location (Fi.Id Verify) .., ., "i?"~ - "' .Q. -::..:.: J The Shops at Wellesley ""CAPSTONE ~ ADVISORS -------·-· Proposed Monument Locations I REZ2016-00009 I 7/13/2016 Scale: NTS .-:-.. . , • s COMMONWEALTH OF' VIRGINIA COUNTY OF HENRICO March 9, 1987 W.F. LaVECCHIA, P.E. County Manager Re: Conditional Rezon ing Case C-109C-86 The· Snyder Hunt Corporation 800 Hethwood Blvd. · Blacksburg, Virginia 24060 Attention: Mr. David E. Reemsnyder, II Gentlemen: This is a correction of our letter to you dated January 20, 1987. The corrections are . denoted in bold type. The Board of Supervisors at its meeting on January 14, granted your request to conditionally rezone from A-1 Agricultural to R-2AC, R-3AC and R-4AC One· Family Residence (Conditional); R-.5C General Residence (Conditional); RTHC Residential Townhouse (Conditional); B-lC Neighborhood Business (Conditional) and C- lC Conservation District (Condi tionaJ), described as follows: Parts of Parcels 70-A2-6 and 72-B2-22, Sec. I - Parcel A Rezoned to R-4AC Beginning at a point on the westerly line of proposed Lauderdale Drive extended; thence S• .5 lo 47' 50" W., 165.37' to a point; thence S. 490 22' 40" W., 200.00' to a point; thence N. 11 o 08' 00" W., 570.00' to a point; thence N. 220 07' 00" 732.95' to a po int; thence with a curve to the left having a radius of 800.00', a length of 99.97' to a point; thence S. 170 23' 00" E., 175.65' to a point; thence S. 3° 34' 00" W., 446.'29' to a point; thence S• .530 .53' 20" E., 240.77' to a point; thence S. 360 06' 40" W., 340.00' to the point of beginning, containing 8.746 acres. Sec. I - Parcel B Rezoned to RTHC Beginning at a point on the westerly li'n e of proposed Lauderdale Drive extended; thence with a curve to the left having a radius of 857.71', a length of 486.52' to a point; thence S. 72° 37' 00" W., 250.00' to a point; thence with a curve to t he right having a radius of 800.00', a length of 519.04' to a point; thence N. 2° 41' 00" E., 690.02' to a point; thence N. 490 07' 00" E., 599.93' to a point; thence S. 33° .53' 00" E., 815.00' to a point; thence S. 400 · 58' 00" E., 439.49' to the point of beginning, containing 18.051 acres. Sec. I - Parcel C Rezoned to R-4AC Beginning at a point at the southwest corner of a forement ioned Parcel A, Sect ion I; thence S. 440 52' 35" W., 200.00' to a point; thence S. 690 52' 35" W., 276.74' to a point on the northerly line of Gayton Road; thence with a curve to the left having a rad ius of 843.57', a length of 345.80' to a point ; thence N. 40° 46' 35" W., 7 50.00' to a point; (804 ) 74 7-4 206 PARHAM & HUNGARY SPR ING ROADS f P.O. BOX 27032 f RICHMOND . VIRGINIA 23273 :::- ~ . o l of \\ ., The Snyder Hunt Corporation March 9, 1987 -2- thence N. 58° 44' 00" E., 765.00' to a point; thence N. 320 38' 00" E., 290.38' to a point; thence with a curve to the [eft having a radius of 800.00', a length of 419.07' to a point; thence S. 220 07' 00" W., 732.95' to a point; thence S. 110 08' 00" E., .570.00' to the point of beginning, containing 21.024 acres. Sec. I - Parcel D: Re.zoned to R-~AC Beginning at a point on the northerly line of Gayton Road at the southwest corner of aforementioned Parcel C, Section I; thence N. 400 46' 35" W., 1006.18' to a point; thence with a curve to the right having a radius of 1121.00', a length of 408.19' to a point; thence N. 770 09' 20" E., 471.89' to a point; thence S. 140 41' 40" E., 300.00' to a point; thence S. 81° 42' 00" E., 499.77' to a point; thence N. 590 2.5' 00" E., 260.36' to a point ;thence with a curve to the left having a radius of 800.00', a length of 553.29' to a point; thence S. 32° 38' 00" W., 290.38' to a point; thence S. 580 44' 00" W., 765.00' to the point of beginning, containing 21.555 acres. Sec. I - Parcel E: Rezoned to R-3AC Beginning at the common northerly corner between Parcels C and D, Section I, thence with a curve to the right having a radius of 800.00', a length of 7.37.60' to a point; thence N. 17° 23' 00" W., .340.00' to a point; thence with a curve to the right having a radius of 755.19', a length of 829.62' to a point; thence S. &JO 50' 00" E., 360.01' to a point; thence S. 500 10' 00" E., 610.57' to a point; thence S. 330 53' 00" E., 110.00' to a point; thence S. 490 07' 00" W., .599.93' to a point; thence S. ZO 41' 00" W., 690.02' to the point of beginning, containing 23.035 acres. Sec. I - Parcel F: Rezoned to R-3AC Beginning at the northwest corner of aforementioned Parcel D, Section I, thence S. 590 25' 00" W., 260.36' to a point; thence N. 81 o 42' 00" W., 499.77' to a-. point; thence N. 14° 41' 40" W., 798.4.5' to a point; thence N. 47° 48' 00" E., 350.00' to a point; thence S• .5ZO 12' 00" E., 370.1.5' to a point; thence S. 890 .52' 00" E., 1.58.64' to a point; thence with a curve to the left having a radius of 755.19', a length of 230.88' to a point; thence S. 170 23' 00" E., 340.00' to a point; thence with a curve to the left having a radius of 800.00', a length of 184.31' to the point of beginning, containing 14.426 acres. \ Sec. I - Parcel G: Rezoned to R-3AC Beginning at a point at the northwest corner of aforementined Parcel F, S~ction I; thence in a westerly direction along the centerline of a branch, 470.00' more or less, to its intersection with Peters Branch; thence in a northerly direction along the centerline of Peters Branch, 1340.00', more or less; thence N. 690 28' 00" E., .300.00' more or less to a point; thence S. 440 56' 00" E., .367 .38' to a point; thence S. 18° 42' 00" E., 260.00' to a point; thence S. 470 48' 00" W., 860.00' to the point of beginning, containing 14.70 acres, more or less. Sec. I - Parcel H: Rezoned to R-3AC Beginning at a point at the northeast corner of aforementioned Parcel F, Section I, . 2 o-f \ \_ ' -· . ·~ .-: \- · - r--.. The Snyder Hunt Corporation March 9, 1987 -3- thence N. 89° 52' 00" W., 158.64' to a point; thence N. 520 12' 00" W., 37.0.15' to a point; thence N. 47° 48' 00" E., 510.00' to a point; thence S. 830 50' 00" E., 301.48' to a point; thence with a curve to the left having a radius of 755.19', a length of 598.74' to the point of beginning, containing 4.578 acres : Sec, I - Parcel I: Rezoned to R-2AC Beginning at a point at the northeast corner of aforementioned Parcel H, Section I, thence N. &JO 50' 00" W., 301.48' to a point; thence N. 1$0 42' 00" W., 260.00' to a point; thence N. 44° .56' 00" W., .367.38' to a point; thence N. 690 28' 00" E., 1032.81' to a point; thence S. 22° 00' 00" E., 722.68' to a point; thence S. 82° .37' 00" W., l 65.00' to a point; thence with a curve to the left having a radius of 75.5.19', a length of 488.43' to the point of beginning, containing 14.502 acres. Sec. I - Parcel J: Rezoned to R-2AC Beginning at a point at the southeast corner of aforementioned Parcel I, Section I, thence N. 22° 00' 00" W., 722.68' to a point; thence N. 69° 28' 00" E., 634.87' to a point; thence S. 61° 10' 00" E., 525.10' to a point; thence S. 19° 50' 00" W., 599.89' to a point; thence S. 82° 37' 00" W., 585.13' to the point of beginning, containing 14.50 J acres. Sec. I - Parcel K: Rezoned to R-3AC Beginning at a point at the southeast corner of aforementioned Parcel J, Section I, thence S. 70 23' 00" E., 254.45' to a point; thence S. 290 07' 00" W., 658.05' to a point; thence N. 33° 53' 00" W., 110.00' to a point; thence N. 500 10' 00" W., 610 •.57' to a . point; thence N. 83° 50' 00" W., 360.0 l' to a point; thence with a curve to the right having a radius of 755.19', a length of 488.43' to a point; thence N. 82° 37' 00" E., ' 750.13' to the point of beginning, containing 10.935 acres. Sec. I - Parcel L: Rezoned to R-SC Beginning at a point at the northeast corner of aforementiot\ed Parcel J, Section I, thence S. 61° 10' 00" E., 1151.13' to a point; thence S. 63° 06' 40" W., 12.5.00' to a point; thence with a curve to the left having a radius of 113.3.13', a length of 435.97' to a point; thence N. 4go 56' 00" W.,' to a point; thence with a curve to the left having a radius of 777.88', a length of 6.57.78' to a point; thence N. I 9° 50' 00" E., 599.89' to the point of beginning, containing I 0.7 50 acres. Se~. I - Parcel M: Rezoned to RTHC Beginning at a point at the southeast corner of aforementioned Parcel L, Section I, thence with a curve to the left having a radius of 1133.13', a length of 889.08' to a point; thence S. 86° 06' 40" W., 540.00' to a point; thence N. 330 53' 00" \V ., 414.65' to a point; thence N. 290 07' 00" E., 658.05' to a point; thence N. 7° 2.3' 00" W., 254.45' to a point; thence with a curve to the right having a radius of 777.88', a length of 6.57.78' to a point; thence S. 4go .56' 00" E., 195.83' to the point of beginning, containing 17.668 acres. ~ ~: - z. 3 ----of' \\ ------ ·--- .. The Snyder Hunt Corporation March 9, 1987 Recreation - Parcel A: -4- Rezoned to R-3AC Beginning at a point · at the southeast corner of aforementio"ned Parcel M, Section I, thence S. 30 53' 20 11 E., 250.00' to a point; thence wi·t h a curve to the right having a radius of 1373.74', a length of 455.68' to a point; thence N. 400 58' 00" W., 439.!J9' to a point; thence N. 33° 53' 00" W., 400.35' to a point; thence N. 860 06' 40 11 E., 540.00' to the point of beginning, containing 4. 918 acres. Recreation - Parcel B: • Rezoned to R-3AC Beginning at a point on the easterly line of Lauderdale Drive extended; thence N. 360 06' 40" E., 820.00' to a point; thence with a curve to the left having a radius of 1373.74', a length of 503.37' to a po int; thence with a curve to the left having a radius of 927.57', a length of 315.96' to a point; thence N. 850 36' 00 11 E., 215.09' to a point; thence with a curve to the right having a radius of . 782.21', a length of 37.21' to a point; thence S. JO 40' 30" E., 110.93' to a point; thence S. 510 57' 00 11 W., 1175.00' to a point; thence S. 52° 01' 45" W., .300.00' to a point; thence S. 51° 47' 50" W., 1.34.63' to the point of beginning, containing 7.708 acres. Recreation - Parcel C: Rezoned to R-3AC Beginning at the common corner between aforementioned Recreation Parcels A and B; thence with a curve to the left having a radius of 137.3.74', a length of 455.68' to a point; thence S. 760 53' 00" E., 435.00' to a point; thence S. 500 07' 00" W., 176.62' to a point; thence S. 4° 24' 00" E., 266.5.3' to a point; then~e S. 350 36' 00" W., 40.00' to a point; thence with a curve to the right having a radius of 927.57', a lengt~ of 315.96' to the point of beginning, containing 3.3.34 acres. Section II - Parcel A: Rezoned to R-SC Beginning at a point at the northwest corner of aforementioned Recreation Parcel C; thence N. 30 53' 20" W., 250.00' to a point; thence with a curve to the right having a radius of ll 33.13', a length of 285.65' to a point; thence N. 890 55' 00" E., 616.73' to a point; thence S. 140 53' 00" E., 400.00' to a point; thence S. 500 07' 00" W., 385.00' to a point; thence N. 760 53' 00' W., 435~00' to the point of beginning, containing 8.822 acres. Section II - Parcel B: Rezoned to R-5C Beginning at a point at the northwest corner of aforementione~ Parcel A, Section II; thence with a curve to the right having a radius of 1133.13', a length of 103~.39' to a point; thence N. 630 06' 40" E., 125.00' to a point; thence with a curve to the left having a radius of 1137.07', a length of 396.47' to a point; thence S. 10° 45' 00" W., 379.27' to a point; thence S. 360 25' 00" W., 57 5.11' to a point; thence S. oo 05' 00" E., 260.00' to a point; thence S. 890 55' 00" \V ., 616.73' to the point of beginning, containing 11.128 acres. ·- ------- -- - - - - - - - - - .... The Snyder Hunt Corporation March 9, 1987 Section II - Parcel C: -5- Re zoned to R-SC Beginning at a point at the northeast corner of aforementioned Parcel B, Section II; thence S. '46° 52' 00" E., 127 .78' to a point; thence with a curve to the right having a radius of 756.99', a length of 362.89' to a point; thence S. 190 24' 00" E., 65.04' to a point; thence S. 1.50 30' 00" W., 661.14' to a point; thence S. 6i0 25' 00" W., 449.94' to a point; thence N• .38° 35' 00" W., 210.00 1 to a point; thence N. oo 05' 00" W., 260.00' to a polnt; thence N. 360 25' 00" E., 57 5.1 l' to a point; thence N. 1oo 45' 00" E., 379.27' to the point of beginning, containing 11.562 acres. Section II - Parcel D: Rezoned to R-SC . Beginning at a point at the northeast corner of aforementioned Parcel C, Section II; thence with a curve to the left having a radius of 770.78', a length of .572.19' to a point; thence .s. 61 o 56' 00" E., 210.00' to a point; thence S. 500 37' 00" W., 271.51' to a point; thence S. 880 00' 00" W., 414.99' to a point; thence N• .540 30' 00" W., 12.5.00' to a point; thence N. 15° 30 1 00" E., 661.14' to the point of beginning, containing 5.663 acres. Lake Parcel: Rezoned to · C-lC Beginning at a point at the southeast corner of the aforementioned Parcel D, Section 2, thence S. 50° 37' 00" W., 488.49' to a point; thence N. 390 23' 00" W., l l 5.00' to a point; thence S. 500 37' 00" W., 250.00' to a point; thence S. 30 53' 00" E., 240.04' to a point; thence S. 28° 04' 00" W., 449.26' to a point; thence with a curve to the left having a radius of 782.21 '; a length of 369.53' to a point; thence S. 850 36' 00" W., 175.09' to a point; thence N. 40 24' 00" W., 266.53' to a point; thence N• .50° 07' 00" E., 561.62' to a point; thence N. 14° 5 31 00" W., 400.00' to a point; thence S. 38° .35' 00" E., 210.00' to a point; thence N. 67° 25' 00" E., 449. 94' to a point; thence S. 5,4° 30' 00" E., 12.5.00' to a point; thence N. 88° 00' 00" E., 414.99' to the point of beginning, containing 13.8.59 acres. Retail Parcel A: Rezoned to B-lC Beginning at a point at the northwest corner of aforementioned Recreation Parcel B; thence with a curve to the right having a radius of 1373.74', a length of 503.37' to a point; thence S. 360 06' 40" W., 480.00' to a point; thence N• .530 .53' 20" W., 240.77' to a point; thence N. 30 34' 00" E., 446.29' to a point; thence N. 17° 23' 00" W., 17 5.65' to a point; thence N. 720 .37' 00" E., 250.00' to a point; thence with a curve to the right having a radius of 857.71 ', a length of 486.52' to the point of beginning, containing 8.762 acres. Section III, Parcel A: Rezoned to RTHC Beginning at a point at the northeast corner of aforementioned Recreation Parcel B; thence with a curve to the right having a radius of 782.21 ', a length of 535.73' to a point; thence S. 520 26' 00" E., 119.95' to a point; thence with a curve to the left having a radius of 701.59', a length of 186.5.3' to a point; thence S. 22° 20' 00" W., Z2..4 - -- - · ·----· 5 of-J.L __ k:&VDffo - OOOOj --- ---- - --·-- -· -- - ... The Snyder Hunt Corporation March 9, 1987 -6- 151.47' to a point; thence with a curve to the right having a radius of 855.62', a length of 369.87 1 to a point ;thence S. 540 39' 25" W., 9.96' to a point; thence N. 350 20' 35" W., 79-5.00' to a point; thence N. 10 40' 30" w:, 110.93' to the point of beginning, containing 6.543 acres. Section III, Parcel B: Rezoned to R-SC Beginning at a point on the northerly line of aforementioned Parcel A, Section III; thence N. 28° 04' 00" E., 440.26' to a point; thence N. 30 53' 00" W., 240.04' to a point; thence N. 500 37' 00" E., 250.00' to a point; thence S. 390 23' 00" E., 600.00' to a point; thence S. 61° 56' 00" E., 100.00' to a po~nt; thence S. 280 04' 00' W., 656.25' to a point; thence with a curve to the right having a radius of 701.59', a length of 304.75 1 to a point; thence N. 520 26' 00" W., 119.95' to a point; thence with a curve to the left having a radius of 782.21 ', a length of 203.41' to ~he point of beginning, containing 11.489 acres. Section Ill - Parcel C: Rezoned to R-3AC Beginning at a point at the northeast corner of aforementioned Parcel A, Section III; thence wlth a curve to the left having a radius of 701.59', a length of 486.74' to a point; thence S. 17° 25' 00" E., 580.00 1 to a point; thence S. 550 12' 00" W., 3.51.27' to a point; thence S. 710 10' 00" W., 350.09' to a point; thence N. 350 20' 35" W., 558.83' to a point; thence N. 54° 39 1 25" E., 9.96' to a point; thence with a curve to the left having a radius of 855.62', a length of 369.87' to a point; thence N. 220 20' 00" E., 151.4-7' to the point of beginning, containing 12.281 acres. Section III - Parcel D: Rezoned to R- 3AC Beginning at a point at the southeast corner of aforementioned Parcel ~. Section Ill; thence N. g30 13' 00" E., 347.6.5' to a point; thence S. 340 55' 30" W., 99.99' to a point; thence S. 350 25' 25" W., 950.68' to a point; thence N. 350 26' 45" W., 295.95' to a point; thence N. 35° 20' 35" W., 320.00' to a point; thence N. 71° 10' 00" E., 350.09' to a point; thence N. 550 · 12 1 00" E., 351.27' to the point of beginning, containing 7.587 acres. Section III - Parcel E: Rezoned to R-2AC Beginning at a point at the northeast corner of aforementioned Parcel D, Section III; thence S. g30 13' 00" W., 347.65' to a point; thence N. 170 25' 00" W., 580.00' to a point; thence with a curve to the left having a radius of 701.59', a length of 505.31' to a point; thence S. 580 41' 00 11 E., 57 5;06 1 to a point; thence S. 34° 55' 30" W., 632.03' to the point of beginning, containing 10.200 acres. Section III - Parcel F: Rezoned to R-SC Beginning at a point on the northerly line of aforementioned Parcel C, Section III; thence N. 280 04' 00" E., 656.25'; thence S. 610 56' 00" E., 50.02' to a point; thence N. 87° 49' 00" E., 498.41' to a point; thence S. 15° 04' 00" W., 75.00' to a point; thence with a curve to the right having a radius of 701.59', a length of 1072.81' to the point of beginning, containing 7 .049 acres. - 2 2~ & of _.l1 ..__ The Snyder Hunt Corporation March 9, 1987 -7- Section III - Parcel G: Rezoned to R-2AC Beginning at a point at the northwest corner of aforementined Parcel E, Section III; thence with a curve to the left having a radius of 701.59', a length of 198.98' to a point; thence N. 15° 04' 00" E., 245.00' to a point; thence with a curve to the right having a radius of 1316.53', a length of 298.71 1 to a point; thence N. 280 04' 00" E., 175.00' to a point; thence S. 61° 56' 00" E., 880.00 1 to a point on the westerly line of Pump Road; thence S. 30° 31' 25" W., 140.67 1 to a point; thence with a curve to the left having a radius of .58.5.00 1, a length of 175.35 1 to a point; thence N. 600 15' 40" w., 132.66' to a point; thence S. 350 28' 30" W., 460.00' to a point; thence S. 34° 55' 30" W., 174.79' to a point; thence N. 580 41' 00" W., 57 5.06 1 to the point of beginning, containing 15.491 acres. • Section III - Parcel H: Rezoned to R-SC ·- ~- ) Beginning ·at a point at the northwest corner of aforementioned Parcel G, Section III; thence S. 280 04' 00" W., l 75.00' to a point; thence with a curve to the left having a radius of 1316.53', a length of 298.71 1 to a point; thence S. 150 04' 00" W., 170.00 1 to a point; thence S. 870 49' 00" W., 498.41' to a point; thence N. 61° 56' 00" W., 150.02' to a point; thence N. 39° 23' 00" W., 485.00' to a point; thence N. 500 37' 00" E., 760.00' to a point; thence S. 610 56' 00" E., 66.5.05' to the point of beginning, containing 15.643 acres. Section III - Parcel I: Rezoned to R-SC Beginning at a point at the northwest corner of aforementioned Parcel J, Section III; thence N. 28° 57' 50" E., 791.03' to a point; thence N. 18° 55' 15" E., 82.85' to a point; thence N. 270 08' 15" E., 150.12 1 to a point; thence S. 620 49' 40" E., 394.7 5' to a point; thence S. JOO 36' 00" W., l 037 .00' to a point; thence N. 60° 46' 30" W., ~45.73' to the point of beginning, containing 8 •.594 acres. · Section III - Parcel J: Rezoned to R-5C Beginning at a point on the westerly line of Pump Road at the northeast corner of aforementioned Parcel G, Section III; thence N. 61° 56' 00" W., 1710.73' to a point; thence N. 280 42' 35" E., 57.95' to a point; thence S. 63° 01' 50" E., 618.58' to a point; thence N. 280 57' 50" E., 612.ll' to a point; thence S. 600 46' 30" E., 554.78' to a point; thence S. 30° 28' 00" W., 601.28' to a point; thence S. 61° 56' 25" E., 555.56' to a point; on the westerly line of Pump Road; thence S. 300 31' 25" W., 70.00' to the point of beginning, containing 10.276 acres. The Board of Supervisors accepted the following proffered conditions which further regulate the above described property in addition to all applicable provisions of Chapter 22, Code of Henrico (Zoning Ordinance). They are as follows: l. No building permit for the construction of buildings on the Property (exclusive oI 2: ·:i ?t- of.--'--"-- The Snyder Hunt Corporation March 9, 1987 -8- sales center from which the Property may be marketed} shall be obtained until plans for the construction of Lauderdale Drive over the Property and property adjacent on the north to Broad Street Road are approved by the appropriate . governmental bodies having jurisdiction with respect thereto, and a completion bond ls posted with the Henrico County Department of Public Works guaranteeing the completion of at least two (2) lanes of such road within two (2) years of the posting of said bond, and guaranteeing the completion of the remaining two (2) lanes of such road within four (4) years of the posting of said bond. 2. A scenic easement for landscaping and natural areas Will be. provided as set forth below, except to the extent necessary for utility easements, signage, roads, access driveways for major project areas and other purposes required or permitted by the Planning Commission at the time of subdivision approval and/or Plan of Development review, or by any other governmental body, agency, commission, board, department or official thereof: (a) (b) (c) .-..~'--- Thirty (30) feet in width adjacent to both the easterly and westerly right-ofway lines of Lauderdale Drive over the Property and the property adjacent to the north to Broad Street road; Twenty-five (25) feet in width adjacent to the right-of-way lines of the West Loop Road and the East Loop Road shown on the rezoning plat; Twenty-five (25) feet in width adjacent to the southern right-of-way line of Three Chopt Road Extended shown on the rezoning plat. Existing vegetation and underbrush may, and fallen, diseased or dead plant growth shall, be removed from such easement areas, and if so removed, additional plantings shall be added. Where the placement of utility easements within a scenic easement area results in the inability of the owner to provide adequate screening within such scenic easement area, additional plantings shall be provided adjacent to such scenic easement area to provide appropriate screef!ing for uses on the Property. 3. No driveways serving individual dwellings, other than driveways for access drives for major project areas shall have direct access to Lauderdale Drive, Three Chopt Road Extended and the West Loop Road and the East Loop Road shown on the rezoning plat. 4. Homes in all R-2A single family detached zoning districts shall have . a minimum of 1,900 square feet of finished floor area. The aggregate density in such R-2A districts shall not exceed 2.5 units per acre. 5. Homes in all R-3A single-family detached zoning districts shall have a minimum of 1,700 square feet of finished floor area. The aggregate density in such R-3A districts shall not exceed of 3.0 units per acre. 6. Homes in all R-4A single-family detached zoning districts shaU have a minimum of 1,500 square feet of finished floor area. The aggregate density in such R-4A districts shall not exceed 3.5 units per acre. _ _ __ ···- - - -~g__,_2&.~7 £.=.L. . \_L ____ _ ~~ --- OJ,0-0CCc6{ ' I ... ..~ ..• ~ The Snyder Hunt Corporation March 9, 1987 -9- 7. Homes in all RTH zoning districts shall have a minimum of 1,000 square feet of finished floor area and an aggregate density not in excess of 4.5 units per acre. 3. The visible portions of exterior residence foundations shall be constructed of brick, stone or finished stucco. 9. To the extent reasonably practicable, the clearing of mature trees on residential ·1ots sha1J be limited to trees in areas required to accommodate the structure and its normal and customary accessories, open yard areas and those limited areas required to permit utility services and driveways. 10. Recreational Areas A and B as shown on the rezoning plat shall only be developed and used for recreational, athletic and leisure facilities and such other normal, customary and accessory activities and uses as are incidental thereto. 11. Recreational area C as shown on the rezoning plat shall only be developed and used for clubhouse purposes, and for recreational, athletic and leisure facilities and such other normal, customary and accessory activities and uses as are incidental thereto, provided, however, such property may also be used for a sales and marketing pavilion while the Property is under construction. . 12. No buildings constructed on the Property shall exceed the lesser of three (3) stories or 35 feet in height, exclusive of chimneys and architectural design features. 13. Prior to or concurrent with the recordation of a subdivisiOn plat approved by the County and before the conveyance of any portion of the Property covered by said subdivision plat (other than for the dedication of easements, roads or utilities), there shall be recorded a document in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Henrico County, Virginia, setting forth controls on the deve'iopment and maintenance of such portions of the property. ll~. No more than seventy (70) acres of R-5C zoned property shall be developed to R5C standards with a maximum aggregate density not to exceed ten ( l 0) units per acre. The balance of the R-5C zoned property shall be developed for residential for-sale units which shall have a minimum of a 1,000 square feet of finished floor area or for residential housing for the elderly at an aggregate density not in excess of eight (8) units per acre. For purposes hereof, residential housing for the elderly shall be defined as a residential unit in which at least one (1) of the occupants is at least sixty-two (62) years of age. (15· The maximum number of residential units which may be constructed on the Property shall not exceed 1,650. ---:--. ) I i 16. Owner shall submit a Drainage Impact Study to the County prior to the development of the Property; to the extent required to prevent down stream flooding (100 year design storm) on-site storm water retention shall be provided so that the rate of runoff of water that would be produced by a lifty (50) year storm will not exceed the rate of runoff of water that would be produced by a ten (10) year storm had the Property not been so developed. -----·-·-- . ·-- - - - - · -- ·· ----· ·- - .. ~. ~:. The Snyder Hunt Corporation March 9, 1987 -10- 17. A dense evergreen buffer area of a m1mmum of thirty (30) feet in width will be provided and maintained along the western boundary of Parcels I and J of Section III shown on the rezoning plat, and along the eastern portion which abuts A-1 zoning as of this date, except to the extent necessary for roads utility easements, signage or other purposes specifically permitted by the Planning Commission at the time of Plan of Development review, or by any other governmental body. Existing vegetation and underbrush may, and fallen, diseased or dead plant growth shall, be removed from such buffer area, and if so removed, additional plantings shall be added. Where the placement of utility easements within such buffer area results in the inabiJity of the owner to provide adequate screening within such buffer area, additional plantings shall be provided adjacent to such buffer area to provide appropriate screening for the uses on the respective parcels. 18. Owner shall not request or be entitled to receive Certificates of Occupancy for more than 400 residential units on the Property per year from the date of final action by the Board of Supervisors except as provided in the next sentence. Certificates of Occupancy for more than 400 residential units per year shall be available during a given year to the extent that in prior years, Certificates of Occupancy have been issued for fewer than 400 residential units in any given year. The following proffered conditions shall be applicable to the B-1, Neighborhood business district parcel ("Retail A" on the rezoning plat) in addition to the foregoing proffered conditions: .r--...--.J l. No more than sixty thousand (60,000) square feet of gross floor area shall be constructed on the B-1 zoned parcel. 2. No more than sixty-five percent (65%) of the B-1 zoned parcel may be covered by \ buildings, driveways and parking areas. . 3. The exposed portion of each exterior wall surface (front, rear and sides) of each building constructed on the B-1 zoned parcel shall be similar to the exposed portions of other exterior walls of such building in architectural treatment and materials, unless different architectural treatment and/or materials are specifically approved with respect to the exposed portion of any such wall, at the time of Plan of Development review. No exposed portion of any exterior wall shall all consist of untreated or painted cinderblock. 4. The parking lot serving the B-1 zoned parcel shall be landscaped, including, but not limited to, the planting of shrubbery and/or trees in the islands located within such parking lot or between parking rows. 5. Parking lot lighting shall be provided by directional fixtures which shall not exceed twenty-five (25) feet in height, and which shall be positioned in such a .manner as to minimize the impact of such lighting off-site, and shall produce a lighting intensity of a maximum of one-half {l/2) foot candle at the boundaries of the B-1 zoned parcel, except at vehicular access points or as otherwise required at the time of Plan of Development review. Parking Jot lighting shall be reduced to no more than a security level, following the close of business operations on the - ----- - --------- .. , ~· ·\ The Snyder Hunt Corporation March 9, 1987 -11- B-1 zoned parcel. 6. 7. No portable signs shall be placed on the B-1 zoned parcel. A dense evergreen buffer area of a minimum of thirty (,30) feet in wic; Lh wiU be provided and maintained along the western boundary of the B-1 zoned parcel where it adjoins Parcel A in Section I as shown on the rezoning plat, except to the extent necessary for roads, utility easements, signage or other purposes require<~ or permitted by the Planning Commission at the tirne of Plan of Development review, or by any other governmental body, agency, commission, board, ·department or official thereof. Existing vegetation and underbrush may, and fallen, diseased or dead plant growth shall, be removed from such buffer area, and if so removed, additional plantings shaJl be added. Where the placement of utility easements within such buffer area results in the inability of the owner to provide adequate screening within such buffer area, additional plantings shall be provided adjacent to such buffer area to provide appropriate screening for the uses on the respective parcels. 8. Other than for traffic directional signs Jimi ted to three (3) square feet each, only one (l) free~standing sign, not exceeding twenty (20) feet in height nor one hundred (100) square feet in area, shall be permitted on the B-1 zoned parcel. cc: Clerk, Board of Supervisors ~ervisor, Real Estate Assessment t.JConditional Zoning Index Mr. Jay M. Weinberg Mr. James. W. Theobald Sovran Bank . / 7'-4" T-o· Fabricated aluminum cap painted P-1 Fabricated aluminum ID cabinet painted P-1 . Copy routed with translucent Whi te push-thru acrylic , first surface applied translucent Red vinyl. Back lit with White LED's. 9 N ., . ~ "' ;., suite 200 mechonlcsvllle , vo 23111 phone: 1804) 730-0503 fox : (804) 746-5210 8 Co!:>'l!lghl ad 'llee studlO< UC 2015 I I Fabricated aluminum reveal painted P-4 . 9 ~ [@: ad vice studios, LLC 6400 mechanlcsvllle turnpike Al ~1 Tenant Tenant Tenant Tenant I Name Name Name Name J_ L . 1 1'-0" 1 Custome< Approval: Fabricated aluminum pole covers pai nted P-2 . Dote: Client: Fabricated aluminum tenant cabinet, retainers and divider bars painted P-3 . Individual translucent White acrylic faces. Tenant graphics are applied first surface vinyl BY OTHERS. Internally illuminated with 800ma fluorescent lamps as req'd for even illumination . No hot spots or shadows permitted . Capstone Advisors l'lojecl: The Shops at Wellesleoy Location : Henrico , Vir1inta # : II II L ...LJ_L,-.L_r_J_ ,.L _J_ , - L , L,_l I 1 1 T T:'3400tAtlDERDALE i Revision II Fabricated aluminum cap painted P-1 . L,i-1 J_ J APRI L 21 , 2016 .i__, ] L -- Flat cut out aluminum address copy, painted P-1 and pin mounted to brick base. 9'-10" I COLOR SPECIFICATIONS: D/F OPTION 'A' PYLON ELEVATION Revision Dote: Masonry base , brick to be determined. 1 LLI.LTITJ __ Ll1TL_e_1L1T._1_ 1 _L_1 T r __ r::_J=:=r::::_t:::~ Cl~_T _J__ -'--_J__----'~--'-------'-- 75 sq feet 1'-o· Oote: DECEMBER 11 , 2015 Tenant Name I Tenant Name l 3142-A Scale: 3/8" • Tenant Name Tenant Name :I;- -=====Ji 1 This drawing It lhe sole property of od vice srudlOs. UC. Reproduction Of these drawings iS 5t1icttV prohibited without !he wrfnen CONenl OI ad vk:e srudlos, LLC. Use or thb deslon In fUI or in port 13 stnctt,i l)l'Ohlbtted. Al drawings Ond design concepft 1emoin property OI od vice studios, UC. C==:J Tenant Name 11 Tenant Name I- ~ Fabricated aluminum cap painted P-1 Tenant Name o P-1 o P-2 Wh ite o P-3 1'-10" I • P- DISTRIBlJTION. BEST EFFORTS HAY£ BEEN MADE TO SIMULATI THE ACTUAL COLOR(S).HOWEVER, EXACT COLOR(S) CAN ONLY BE SEE N FROM THE SPECIFJED COLOR SYSTEM'S CHIP OR SAMPLE. Med . Beige END VIEW 4 Light Beige THIS PRINTED COLOR RENDERING IS INTENDED TO BETTER APPROXIMATE COLOR HUES AND Red I REZ2016-00009 I All permits (Including electrical permits, if required) and final electrical connection(s) for this/these sign(s) are by others PROJECT: \vELLEaSLEY Hen rico , Vtratnta CLIENT: Capstone Advisors PREPARED BY: Tenant Name Tenant Name Tenant Name Tenant Name Tenant Name ad vice studios. LLC 6400 mechonlcsvllle turnpike suite 200 mechanlcsvllle , vo 23111 phone: (804) 730-0503 tax : (804) 7 46-521 O N ..... II'\ r., ~ Tenant NameHTenant Name Tenant Name Tenant Name II T .... n-::1nt Na;; D/F PYLON SIGN CONCEPT 'A' 0raw1ng#: 3142-A scale: NONE Date: December 11 , 2015 Revision If 1 2 D/F ILLUMINATED PYLON SIGN - CONCEPT 'A' © Copyright ad vice atudloa, LlC 2015 This draw ing is t he sole property of ad vicestudios, LLC. Reproduction of thesl!! drawings is strictly prohibited without t he written consent of ad vice studios, LLC. Use of this design in full or in part Js strictly prohibited. AU drawings and desi1n concepts remain property of ad vice studios, LLC. THIS PRIN TED COLO R RENDE RI NG IS INTENDED TO BETTER APPROXIMATE CO LOR HUES AHO DISTR IBUT ION. BEST EFFORTS HAVE BEEN MADE TO SIMULATE THE ACTUAL COLOR(S).HOWEV ER, EXACT COLOR(S) CAN ONLY BE SEEN FROM THE SPECIFIED COLOR SYSTEM'S CHIP OR SAMPLE. [REZ2016-00009 I Revision Date: December 22 , 2015 December 31 , 2015 April 21 , 2016 QUANTITY: (1) REZ2016-00009 Zoning Amend Proffered Conditions (C-109C-86) Three Chopt District Ref: 735-759-2130 REZ2016-00009 2026 Land Use Plan Amend Proffered Conditions (C-109C-86) Three Chopt District 400 Feet 0 Ref: 735-759-2130