2008 Full Moon Winterfest Swordfishing Tournament
2008 Full Moon Winterfest Swordfishing Tournament
2008 Full Moon Winterfest Swordfishing Tournament Schedule of Events Registration & Kick-Off Party Thursday, December 4, 2008 ❖ Tournament Day - Saturday, Dec. 6, 2008 5:00pm Lines In Boats may depart out of nearest inlet. There is no Bimini Start. Bonefish Mac’s Sports Grille 2002 East Sample Road Lighthouse Point, FL 33064 (Located on the SE corner of Sample Road & Federal Hwy just behind CVS) ❖ Weigh-In - Sunday Early Morning, Dec. 7, 2008 Lighthouse Point Marina (Located one canal north of Hillsboro Inlet on west side of intracoastal) 6:00pm – 8:30pm Registration 8:30pm Captain’s Meeting 9:00pm Raffle Drawing (need not be present to win) 12:00 am Weigh Station Opens 2:00 am Lines Out 4:00 am Weigh Station Closed (all eligible fish must be at the weigh station by 4:00 am) All raffle monies will be donated to Hugs for Kids. ❖ Award Presentation - Sunday Afternoon 3:00pm at Bonefish Mac’s Sports Grille A special thanks to all of our sponsors and contributors: Bonefish Mac's Sports Grille Broward Design Center Custom Rod & Reel Diamond Fishing Products Florida Sport Fishing Magazine Gray Taxidermy H2Ocean Hydro Glow Kluch Clothing KMC Marine Lighthouse Point Marina Lindgren-Pitman LMR Custom Rods & Tackle Moldcraft Lures Offshore Innovations PanaPesca Poon Harpoons RJ Boyle Studios SCALES Standard Coffee Swordfishing Central Uncle Buck Graphic Arts X Generation Custom Rods Brochure Layout & Select Ad Designs by: Printing Services by: Bill Buckley – Uncle Buck Graphic Arts, LLC (561) 445-3770 • [email protected] www.UncleBuckArt.com Dan Quong – D&D Printing 1060 NW 5th Street, Boca Raton, FL 33486 954-571-4109 Directors: Drew & Tracey Kettelhut Certified Weigh Master: Brad Goldring Photography: Martine Rogers Cover Artwork: RJ Boyle Cover Design: Bill Buckley Committee Members: Don Beddia Kris Klemetsmo Kim Beddia Beth Kwatcher Danielle Cios Bob Morganelli Tess D’Armetta Darlene Morganelli Liz Goldring Mark Ricciardi Full Moon Adventures, Inc. is proud to support HUGS for KIDS. For more information, please visit www.hugsforkids.org 3 2008 Full Moon Winterfest Swordfishing Tournament 4 2008 Full Moon Winterfest Swordfishing Tournament Tournament Rules 1. The kick-off party will be located at Bonefish Mac’s Sports Grille located on the SE corner of Sample Road & Federal Highway in Lighthouse Point on Thursday, December 4, 2008 from 6:00pm – 10:00pm. 2. Early entrance fee is $325 - valid thru December 3, 2008. 3. All late entry fees after December 3, 2008 are $375. 4. You may register early for the tournament at the following locations: • Custom Rod & Reel, Lighthouse Point • RJ Boyle Studios, Deerfield Beach or mail your entry to tournament: • Full Moon Adventures 628 NW 47th Terrace, Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 5. All captains and anglers must sign the tournament registration form. 22. Any protests must me made by no later than 4:00am, Sunday, December 7, 2008. All protests must be in writing along with $200 cash. 23. In the event only one tournament legal fish is caught, the winner will receive the 1st–5th place prizes. 24. In the event that no fish are caught, the tournament will be rescheduled to Saturday, December 13, 2008. Entry fees will not be refunded. 25. Social security numbers are required prior to receiving any awards. If not provided, prize monies will be withheld. ALL WINNERS WILL BE REQUIRED TO TAKE A POLYGRAPH TEST 6. Only one swordfish may be weighed per boat. 7. Official tournament channel is VHF 72. 8. All participants must fish with conventional rod and reel gear. Absolutely N0 electric reels or buoy Gear Permitted. 9. It is the responsibility of all participants to abide by state and federal fishing and permit regulations. WEIGH-IN LOCATION The Weigh-In will be located at the Lighthouse Point Marina Fuel Dock. Enter Lighthouse Point Inlet and travel North on the Intracoastal Waterway. The marina is located on the first canal on the Left. 10. Boats may leave from their home port. 11. Boats may start fishing for swordfish at 5:00pm. 12. In order for a swordfish to be eligible for any category in the tournament, the length must be a minimum of 47” from the fork of the tail to the tip of the lower jaw. 13. Once a swordfish is boated, you must notify the committee boat (VHF 72) of its length. In order for your fish to count in this tournament, confirmation from the committee boat must be received. 14. In an effort to document the swordfish released during this tournament accurately, you must notify the committee boat of all released fish. 15. Lines out at 2:00am. 16. You may only transport your fish to the weigh station in the boat it was caught in. 17. The weigh station will be located at the Lighthouse Point Marina (located just north of Hillsboro Inlet.) 18. The weigh station will be open from 12:00am – 4:00am. If you are still hooked up to a fish at 2:00am, you must notify the committee boat. In order for that fish to count, you must arrive at Lighthouse Point Marina by 4:00am. No Exceptions! 19. In the event of a tie, the 1st boated swordfish will be the tie breaker. The committee boat will document the official time of all boated fish. 20. In the event of unsafe weather conditions, the tournament date will be changed to Saturday, December 13, 2008. Entry fees will not be refunded. 21. All participants who enter and fish in this tournament do so at their own risk. 5 2008 Full Moon Winterfest Swordfishing Tournament 6 Boat N umber Entry Application (staff u se only) 2008 Full Moon Winterfest Swordfishing Tournament ❑ Early Entry valid through December 3, 2008: $325 ❑ Late Entry after December 3, 2008: $375 Calcuttas: ❑ Big Fish...$300 ❑ Broadbill Bonanza...$200 ❑ Broadbill Split...$100 Please mail this form to: Full Moon Adventures, Inc. 628 NW 47th Terrace Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 Vessel or Team Name ________________________________________________________________________ Vessel Make & Length________________________________________ I aknowledge that this vessel has a valid 2008 ❑ Highly Migratory Species (HMS) permit. Captain/Angler #1 ________________________________________Shirt Size S M L XL 2XL 3XL Mailing Address ____________________________________________________________________________ Phone_______________________________________E-mail________________________________________ Signature _______________________________________________SS# _______________________________ Angler #2 _________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address ____________________________________________________________________________ Phone_______________________________________E-mail________________________________________ Signature _______________________________________________SS# _______________________________ Angler #3 _________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address ____________________________________________________________________________ Phone_______________________________________E-mail________________________________________ Signature _______________________________________________SS# _______________________________ Angler #4 _________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address ____________________________________________________________________________ Phone_______________________________________E-mail________________________________________ Signature _______________________________________________SS# _______________________________ Angler #5 _________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address ____________________________________________________________________________ Phone_______________________________________E-mail________________________________________ Signature _______________________________________________SS# _______________________________ By signing this form, I acknowledge that the tournament and its sponsors are not responsible for the conduct, personal injury, damages, or negligence on the part of any participant. It is understood that all participants in this tournament enter and fish at their own risk. Full Moon Adventures, Inc. and all persons connected with the operation shall be exempt from any libel, slander, loss, damage, negligence, harm, injury or death suffered by any participant, which may occur during the tournament. All anglers are required to sign his/her entry form as certification that they read and agree to abide by all rules for this tournament. No entry will be accepted unsigned. Tournament Prizes ( main event ) 2008 Summer Sword Slam Winner: Bouncer’s Dusky Team 545 lbs! 1st Place $5,000* plus Trophy, Poon Harpoon, X-Generation Rod, and Swordfish mount donated by Gray Taxidermy 2nd Place $2,500* plus Trophy 3rd Place $1,500* plus Trophy 4th Place $500* plus Trophy 5th Place $250* plus Trophy *All prize amounts shown are based on 50 boats entered in this tournament. Calcuttas ( must be entered in main event to participate ) Big Fish – $300 Entry Fee Winner takes all for the heaviest fish entered in this division Broadbill Bonanza – $200 Entry Fee 50/30/20 split for the three heaviest fish entered in this division Broadbill Split – $100 Entry Fee 60/40 Split for the two heaviest fish entered in this division r e v e r o tF h g u o F h s i f d r o Sw y g up, the er hookin feet of the ft a rs u o 200 five h ore than here line sh within ex- M d the massive fi irtual stalemate w the reel. n a id a , sa av s of that h this after lifetime” rter turn il sh of a This is the fishalways boat – ined only by qua 008 fi 2 , e e ally, a ta th n tu u n J “It’s was ga d, eve n he mashed wers. “ but somehow e n ay 25th c a lo d n F s s re ff e d a n la e g d ut the aust n C We five slapped talks abo fisherme shed h It took “but even manian ster McLean sma 545 everyone y.” g at “ pe,” said King, his huge tail and with his y ri a C rd o g ro p sw deck with Leadin lowers and Bu by landing a gets awa a day–dro eing set, the transom ston across the le ‘King’ F r Florida record nday. grabbed t while it was b began. d d sh u fi H e h e T fee e,” ent Stev a 25–yea swordfish on Su ing guid tournam i on the nd 2,000 time fish ken part in it took bill.” ut, Miam battled arou an hour after the , C ll ts t lb 10 oz fu n n e e a rr s m at l cu ver ta ars a just ff Govern , the team powerfu In 42 ye I have ne ure out th Fishing oBouncer’s Dusky to bring the fish se of the for Smith to fig , that they “ eclared Smith, “ gher fish.” u a c e B t rs o u d ho h ou r 33–fo dock for bottom h a tou than five ving the ncer had some halffish, and not the a fight wit le a n d o n for more boat. a t, tha l– Bou as a Interrs recalls boat Captain - it w ce of skil . into the 0lb Pennget the Flowe ening’s fishing, “hook up early, 7 very ouned team which inin had hooked e a k n o o e to v n e t ld c to li . a e u n ” ta d e o fe y st p e th ri a w rl g e te e a a C y p e n Th legend by the ex n Using 80lbel, the team ma in 45 minutes. predicted the go to the scales ith. strength swordfishing Steve Huddlesto and al re with ing. n s t ghed Sm K o a u lb s ti o 5 a la b ll 2 n a ” e 4 c in d s, a re th lb , ” 0 to 2 clude Smith, Capta a it 1 se t ke by clo ka all.” size – li good loo I missed tt fish crystal b Bouncer Herndon. Kettlehu r- “We got a n’t believe its sounded and, as “So must be a fuzzy n h w o J re d D n a could he fish then dent swordfish tou nder- “It erful thu ent presi r “We t. T Tournamhe world’s largest the best of ouv- sunken boa ragged on, a pow d said: “T now can say, toeighted the hea ” the fight sed in the boat. lo c rm nament ge, that it has w a tournament. o st An excerpt from an article in the knowled to be caught in CaymanianCompass newspaper. rd o sw st ie r e t s n o M 2008 Full Moon Winterfest Swordfishing Tournament 10 2008 Full Moon Winterfest Swordfishing Tournament 11 2008 Full Moon Winterfest Swordfishing Tournament 12 2008 Full Moon Winterfest Swordfishing Tournament 13 2008 Full Moon Winterfest Swordfishing Tournament REPORT YOUR CATCH! 1-800-894-5528 Q: What are the recreational reporting requirements for billfish and swordfish? A: Anglers must report all non-tournament landings of Atlantic blue marlin, Atlantic white marlin, Atlantic sailfish and North Atlantic swordfish, including those landed on a charter/headboat, to NOAA Fisheries by calling 1-800-894-5528 within 24 hours of the landing. The toll-free call will take less than 5 minutes for each response and an additional 5 minute confirmation call from NOAA Fisheries will verify the reported data and issue a confirmation number for enforcement purposes. This requirements applies only to non-tournament recreational landings to avoid duplicative reporting with the Recreational Billfish Survey. North Carolina and Maryland are also exempted from nontournament billfish/swordfish landings reporting since these states have modified their large pelagic/bluefin tuna catch card reporting programs to cover these species. Purchase or Renew your HMS permit at http://www.nmfspermits.com 14 ONLINE REPORTING! You can now submit your catch report on the internet by going to... http://hmspermits.noaa.gov/permitidlandings.asp 2008 Full Moon Winterfest Swordfishing Tournament 15
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