September 2016 - Amazon Web Services
September 2016 - Amazon Web Services
September 2016 Inside this issue: Dear Friends in Christ, From the President 2 The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. [Ps 19:1] It’s true. All creation testifies of the Creator. The design speaks of the Designer. The smallest particles and everexpanding cosmos all witness to the existence of God. Come One! Come All! 2 From Pastor Matthew 2 O.W.L.S. 3 However, nothing under the sky and nothing beyond it tell of the love of God and the saving work of the Son of God—His birth, life, teaching, sacrificial death, resurrection, ascension and promise to come again for each and every believer to take them to the place that He has personally prepared for them in His Father House. The prophets proclaimed the Word of God and foretold the coming of the Messiah. God so loved the world that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. The apostles were taught and sent by Jesus Himself with the specific revelation that we are saved from sin and guilt by God grace alone, through faith in Jesus alone, according to the Scriptures alone. The heavens declare the glory of God in a general way. You and I are given the great privilege and holy task of sharing the glory of God in specific ways by pointing to Jesus the Savior. A Few Announcements 3 Social Concerns 3 Sept. Worship Teams 4 Food Bank 4 King of Kings Youth 5 Preschool and Kindergarten 5 Birthdays and Anniversaries 6 Prayer List 6 September Calendar 7 LWML 8 Ministry Action Teams 9 Financial Reports 10 Small Group Bible Studies 11 Drive Through Prayer 11 Faithfully, From Dennis Dyson our MLG President This is one of my favorite times of the year. The weather is getting a little cooler, I can sleep at night, and the church comes alive again. People are invigorated and looking forward to Sunday School, Bible Studies and renewing friendships that waned during the summer. However, it not as if nothing happens in the summer it just seems like things slow down. Dave Wenndt and the properties committee were very busy. There is a new roof on the Youth House and two new furnaces in the education wing. These were two projects that had to be addressed as they were causing problems that if delayed would only lead to more costly issues. Fortunately, we had a couple of anonymous donors offer to cover the cost of these projects. Thanks to them and their generosity and to Dave and all the work he has put in this summer. In addition to the improvements to our properties our youth were also very busy. Suzy Hennig led our youth and adults to New Orleans for the National Youth Gathering. To top that off as soon as they returned Suzy then led our churches Vacation Bible School. Thanks to Suzy for her hard work and also to all who helped. Oh, and a very big thanks to Doug Fischer for his tremendous work turning our sanctuary into a big and colorful cave. I also want you to know about something that puts King of Kings on the front lines of international missions. Our church helps support six Sudanese seminary students in Ethiopia. We provide tuition, transportation, books and meals. At Manpiny Theological College in Gambella we support Peter Pal Riek, Simon Duop Lat Jor and James Tor Tut. At Tabor Evangelical College in Awassa we support Peter Bol Lol, Gatwech Tauch and Peter Kich Tuor. Africa is one of the places in the world where Christianity is growing. How blessed we are that we can be a small part of expanding God’s kingdom. Dennis Dyson Come One, Come all! Come and build your relationship with God. Come Join one of our Bible studies. Kristi and I lead two Bible studies on Monday nights: Kristi’s study is held in our home at 7:00 pm on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. This does not require homework. It only requires your presence as we read chapters from the Bible and discuss God’s word. We are now in the book of Numbers. Oh, we also have dessert. My Bible study is a little more challenging as there is homework but we do get a good overview of the entire Bible in a couple of years. We meet in the church library at 7:00 pm on the 2nd and 4th Mondays. We will be starting in Genesis in September. Please consider joining us in one of these Bible studies. Give us a call at 425-255-8207. Dennis and Kristi Dyson From Pastor Matthew Both Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Grace, mercy , and peace from God, our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. I am writing this letter while I am preparing to leave for the Midwest for a meeting of the South Sudanese Lutheran Mission Society and to visit mission churches. It is touching my heart a lot to be a missionary pastor, because when I went to seminary, it was so that I could encourage others to know the Lord. Jesus told us to follow Him. My friends, both Sudanese and Anglo, I would like to tell you about mission outreach in 2017. After fundraising in the Midwest, the mission team will travel to Gambella, Ethiopia to build a church there. If you would like to join us, please be prepared to leave on April 20, 2017. I would love it if you could come with us. Rebecca and I and some of our kids will be going too. I love you my friends at King of Kings, and I thank my God every time I think of you (Phil 1:3). May God bless us in our mission work. Pastor Matthew Both Assoc. Pastor of Mission and Outreach OWLS Activities Older, Wiser, Lutheran Seniors Meetings are held at the lunch on the 2nd Monday. We have a social breakfast at All Are the Golden Steer at 9:00 AM on the first Friday of the month (9/2). Everyone is Welcome! welcome. On Monday August 12th we will have lunch at Agave in Kent Station. Meet at the restaurant at 11:30 am. The address is 504 Ramsey Way #107, across the walk from the Ram (in the old CALS). The lunch cost will be in the $13$15 range. On Thursday 9/29 meet at the church at 10:00 am to carpool to the zoo in Issaquah. Cost for the zoo is $11.50. We will have lunch somewhere in the area. Cost for lunch will be in the $12-$14 range. We expect to be back at the church by 3:00 pm. Any questions contact Karen Bliesner at 425-228-4584. 9/2 Breakfast-Golden Steer 9/12 Agave in Kent Station 9/29 Cougar Mountain Zoo HISTORIAN REQUEST FOR DATA Bob Bliesner and Dwaine Mittag are in the process of establishing an “Archives” for King of Kings “documents”. We have done an inventory of all the documents, keepsakes, etc. we could find at the church and now are interested in finding any additional “documents” which church members may have at home. So if you have any documents, memorabilia, etc. at home that you feel should be in the King of Kings Archives, let either Bob or Dwaine know. Electronic data is acceptable. If we agree that this is something which should be included we can make arrangements to acquire the data. Bob can be reached at [email protected] or 425-228-4584 and Dwaine can be reached at [email protected] or 425-271-4190. START SETTING ASIDE THOSE ITEMS FOR THE OCTOBER RUMMAGE SALE. Set up dates are Wednesday October 19 and Thursday October 20. The rummage sale will be Friday October 21 and Saturday October 22. Help setting up and working the sale is always needed. Please keep those dates free to help if you can, just an hour or two is greatly appreciated. For more information contact Denise Boroughs at 253 638 6382 9:00 AM 11:30 AM 10:00 AM LWML Sunday, October 2, 2016 We will have an Ingathering of items for the Food Bank. Watch the Kings News and the October Royal Mail for a list of desired items. Thanks to everybody who has contributed to the Food Bank Designated Fund, We now have sufficient funds to not have to draw from the budget until after October. Thanks for all the donations and keep it up. The ARISE men will be here in November. We do not know if the duties of the host church have changed or not, but will keep you posted. As you are making plans for your home garden, think about the food bank. Extra produce is appreciated by our clients. Our King of Kings garden will have only cucumbers and zucchini. We can always use more people serving in the various food bank activities. For more information on volunteering contact Barb Bruce at [email protected]. For more details see the Social Concerns Bulletin board in the fellowship hall. If you would like to help or have any questions contact Bob Bliesner at 425-228-4584 or [email protected]. Sunday Worship Teams - September September 4 Elders September 11 8:15 September 18 Gene Bruce September 25 Chris Christopherson 11:00 Thomas Youn Children’s Church 11:00 Lisa Stuart Jenny Gorman Sandy Wilkinson Kim Harkins Nursery 8:15 Heidi and Diana Antrim Gayle and Julia Sikes Natalie and Anita Kallish Rachelle Wix 11:00 Kim and Brittany Harkins Katie Finley and Jason Hennig Victoria and Lisa Cameron Aletha Voges & JoAnne Nobis 8:15 Antrim/Mayes Linderman/ Edwards Youn/Christopherson/ Craig Hupp Dyson 11:00 Nobis/Hahn Harkins/Dyson Munguia/Dale Biliski/Dyson 8:15 Ralph Linderman and Keith Line Corbin Sikes and Merlin Pitts Fritz Timm and Kevin Bunker Greg Sippy and Keith Line 11:00 Barb Tompkins & Terri Hahn Dennis and Kristi Dyson Thomas and Jennifer Youn Lisa Stuart and Janelle Heuslein 8:15 Nancy Johnsen Mike Bracken Sarah Edwards Vickie Haase 11:00 Pat Gorman Ken Wyneken John Hennig Matthew Both 8:15 Gene Bruce Theresa Lui-Kwan Teri April-McGourty Theresa Lui-Kwan 11:00 Liz McGourty Theresa Lui-Kwan Theresa Lui-Kwan Evie Lui-Kwan Music 8:15 Jackie Kinunen Donna Wenndt Jackie Kinunen Donna Wenndt Acolytes 8:15 Gina Dickson Sandy Griffiths Kennedy Hogan Sandy Griffiths Greeters Ushers Readers Visuals 11:00 Altar 8:15 11:00 Corrine Young Kim Harkins Diana Antrim Kim Harkins September is back to school. This month our most wanted items will focus on getting kids fed for school. Canned tuna, canned spaghetti/tomato sauce and pasta are our items for the month. These will help parents make a healthy lunch or dinner. Cereal is always a good choice as well as any non perishable foods. Also. don't forget your garden extras! Zucchini or carrots or anything you have in abundance may be left on top of the food bank box in the narthex. I'll check it regularly or you can let Hillari know and she will text me. And we always welcome monitory donations. Please keep our food bank in mind when grocery shopping. Just one or two small items can make a big difference. Thank you for your support! God Bless! KimPetz Food Bank director. The items of the month for September are Tuna, canned meals (i.e. chili, ravioli, spaghetti) King of Kings Youth "Area 51-a place where A L I E N S reside" IMPORTANT DATES! September 5 - No Youth (Labor Day) September 12– Puyallup Fair “For King and County” Concert September 19– Back to School BBQ J-Rock Mondays @ 6 PM Prayer Time Mondays @ 6:40 Youth Group Mondays @ 7PM Sunday morning high school Bible class meets at 9:45 am in the youth house (Area 51) King of Kings Preschool and Kindergarten 30 Days of Prayer for the School Year I recently came across a daily prayer calendar for the month of August specifically designed for the school year. It was arranged by Cheri Gamble at I have condensed this calendar into a weekly focus for prayer in our schools. Week #1: Pray for all teachers, from early childhood through high school, special education, guidance counselors, and substitute teachers. Pray for their patience, wisdom and strength as they interact with their students and families. Week #2: Pray for school staff members: bus drivers, coaches, janitors, cafeteria workers, support staff. Pray for their patience and understanding as they provide support to the students, the students’ families and faculty. Week #3: Pray for the students and their families. Prayers for the ones who feel left out and lonely, for the students from violent or broken homes, for students who are hungry, for students who are struggling in classes. Week #4: Pray for school boards and administrations. Pray for godly wisdom in all decisions made. Pray for curriculum to teach truth in all areas without political bias. Pray for the financial situation of our schools. Week #5: Pray for the church as they find ways to support the schools. Pray for Christian teachers, students, and staff to help them to witness to the people they interact with on a daily basis. Please join me in praying for our schools all year long. The power of prayer can do amazing things. CALENDAR: SEPT 1 – First day for Kindergarten/Jr-KG – 9:00am SEPT 6 – First day for PRE-I (1/2 class) – 9:00am & 12:30pm, PRE-K – 12:30pm SEPT 7 – First day for PRE-II – 9:00am and 12:30pm SEPT 8 – First day for PRE-I (1/2 class) – 9:00am & 12:30pm Birthdays and Anniversaries Bernice Karstens Dave Wenndt Kevin Bunker Nyatip Biel Ruth Wix Michelle Derington Margaret Peerson JD Wyneken Wang Jock Paula Klein Corrine Young Natasha Miller Sarah Zayic Sarah Both Chris Christopherson Donna Wenndt Marlene Lutthans 9/1 9/1 9/3 9/4 9/4 9/5 9/6 9/6 9/8 9/8 9/9 9/14 9/14 9/15 9/15 9/15 9/17 Daylen Whited Nellie Skagen Jameson Wix Gayle Sikes Ruth Weaver Julia Wenndt Laurie Cour Mike Bracken Diana Davis Steve Johnsen Jacob Bail Joy Skagen CJ Timm Wil Wilkinson Cindy Reishus Katie Wenndt 9/17 9/18 9/18 9/20 9/20 9/20 9/22 9/24 9/24 9/24 9/26 9/26 9/26 9/27 9/28 9/29 Chuck and Barb Tompkins September 2 38 years Alan and Denise Dalla Santa September 4 34 years Kevin and Terri McGourty September 8 32 years Rick and Cindy Reishus September 8 37 Years Dave and Marcia Doering September 13 47 years John and Suzy Hennig September 14 25 years Ulf and Inger Goranson September 16 We Pray for God’s ongoing mercy to all and especially for: Mark and Susan Loken September 22 Those who are ill or Our Shut Ins: injured: Nellie Skagen Jan M. Bill and Ruth Weaver Charles C. Marlene Lutthans Patty F. Arlene Peters Tim M. Leonard Schuman Esther C. Fran Bierne Cody H. Zetta Hunziker Lynn R. Edwin Williams Greg E. Averil Please call or email the church office Larry if you have names that need to be added or removed from this list. Ken N. 55 years 9 years Dave and Denise Boroughs September 23 9 years Alan and Almalyn Munguia September 23 7 years If you would like to send Victoria Cameron cards, goodies, or other encouragements while she is away at college, please call the church office for her address. MITEY MITES!! Looking Ahead – October 2 - LWML Sunday October 8 - Zone Rally at Lutheran Church of the Atonement in Burien. October 19-20 Rummage Sale Setup. October 21-22 Rummage Sale November 5 - Ladies Morning Out November 10 - Board meeting February 4 - Ladies Morning Out April 19-22, 2017 Spring Rummage Sale May 6, 2017 - Ladies Morning Out June 22-25, 2017 LWML Convention in Albuquerque NM Sept. 29-Oct. 1, 2017 LWML WA/AK District Retreat in Gig Harbor WA. Your mite box collections make a BIG difference. Bring your mites to circle meetings or The big Mite box is always out on the 3rd Sunday of every month. King of Kings Members! The Fall Rummage Sale will be October 21-22, 2016. If you would like to suggest how the LWML should spend rummage sale funds, place your suggestion in the basket in the church office. Ladies Morning Out , Saturday November 5, 2016 will be hosted by the Hope Circle. We will be entertaining the mothers (or fathers) and children from the Preschool and other friends, families, and acquaintances. If a parent can’t bring a child, you can bring them. This is an outreach program. We will have crafts, singing, a devotion, and good food. Ladies, you come too. It was a lot of fun just fellowshipping! Lutheran World Relief (LWR): We are collecting items for school kits for children all around the world. Each kit includes 70 sheet notebooks, blunt scissors, ruler that measure in centimeters, pencil sharpener, unsharpened pencils, 2.5 in erasers, 16 or 24 count box crayons and ball point pens. Now is a good time to buy these items as there are many back to school sales going on now. Circle Meetings Circle meetings are over for the summer. See you in the fall!! Charity Circle Thursday October 1 10:00 am Upper Ed. Leader: Karen Bliesner 425-228-4584 Hostess: Karen Bliesner Faith Circle Tuesday, October 6 9:30 am Upper Ed Leader: Shirley Sorensen 425-226-9958 Hostess: Shirley Sorensen Hope Circle Tuesday, October 6 7:00 pm at the home of Aletha Voges Hostess: Aletha Voges 253-639-3719 LWML Sunday, October 2, 2016 We will have an In-gathering of items for the Food Bank. Watch the Kings News and the October Royal Mail for a list of desired items. Ministry Action Teams Ministry Action Teams (MAT) September 2016 MAT 1. Education - Sunday school, VBS, Confirmation, Adult Ed, Library 2. Social Concerns - ARISE, Habitat for Humanity, REACH, Food bank 3. Outreach - Mugs and greeters, publicity 4. Stewardship - Ministry Fair, campaign 5. Worship- ushers, Altar Guild, Choirs, nursery, Organists, Children's Church, Visuals, Flowers, Readers, Banners, Decorating 6. Elders 7. Congregational Care & Stephen Ministry8. Finance 9. Property MAT LEADER Bob Bliesner 16. Youth, Family, Intergenerational 17. Communications 18. Spiritual Gifts 19. Technology AREA TEAM LEADERS SS: open, VBS: Suzy Hennig, Confirmation: Pastor Birner, Dennis Dyson, Theresa Lui-Kwan, Adult Ed: open Library: open ARISE, Habitat for Humanity, REACH: Bob 425-228-4584 Bliesner, Food Bank: Kim Petz Greeters and Mugs: Kristi Dyson Aletha Voges 253-639-3719 A. DallaSanta, L. Stuart, P. Gorman, R. Lui-Kwan Corinne Young, Terri Hahn, Diana Antrim, Maggie Heimsoth, Mo Kutschara, Teri April/McGourty, Donna Wenndt, Lisa Stuart, Theresa Lui-Kwan, Dwaine Mittag, Kristi Dyson, Shirley Sorenson Scott Edwards 425-432-4471 Kristi Dyson 425-255-8207 Gene Bruce Dave Wenndt Roger Hitzeman Dennis Dyson 10. Small Groups coordinator 11. Confirmand Graduation Margaret Wyneken Books 12. Fellowship 13. Endowment Dwaine Mittag 14. Human Resources Scott Edwards 15. Prayer Ministry PHONE Kristi Dyson Gene Bruce Gary Blanchard Gerald Lui-Kwan 20. Strategic Plan Part II Jason Hennig 21. Missions Pat Gorman Stephen Ministry is inactive Terri Hahn, Leon Kinunen, Teri Aprill-McGourty, 253-852-5807 Marla Trent, Maggie Heimsoth, Gene Bruce, Tammy Hausman, Pam Bunker 253-852-0586 Fritz Timm, John Derington 253-740-5094 425-255-8207 425-255-2925 Inactive starting May 2016 Lisa Stuart volunteers 425-271-4190 425-432-4471 Kevin Kallish Tues Eve Prayer: Kristi Dyson 425-255-8207 Tuesday Morning Prayer : Kristi Dyson Prayer Shawl Ministry : Jackie Kinunen 425-852-5807 Suzy Hennig, DCE 425-255-1740 Inactive starting June 2016 253-630-1899 Gary Blanchard, Pastor Birner, N. Both, K. Dyson, K. Finley, R. Lui425-301-8535 Kwan, C. Tompkins 253-246--9402 LOOKING FOR A WAY TO SERVE? The Finance Team is looking for a team of two members to be the OFFERING COUNTERS for the months of December, April, and August. Offering is counted on Sundays or Mondays. Please contact the office or Gene Bruce at [email protected] or leave a message at 253-852-5807. $$ Financial Report for July 2016 $$ 2016 July Monthly Budget $41,503 Monthly Income Monthly Expense $48,697 YTD Budget $41,503 YTD Income $48,697 YTD Expense $51,578 Aug Sep 2017 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr $51,578 $60,000 $50,000 $40,000 $30,000 $20,000 $10,000 $0 July Monthly Budget Monthly Income Monthly Expense YTD Budget YTD Income YTD Expense May June This is a ladies Bible study group that meet every Friday morning from 6:30 to 7:30 AM at Aletha Voges’ house. No need to call if you can’t come...we’re happy to see you if you can! For more information, call Aletha at 253-639-3719. DRIVE THRU PRAYER OUTREACH Have you driven past King of Kings in the past few weeks on a Saturday morning and noticed the canopy in the lower parking lot with the large sign that says “PRAY”? Since May 14th there have been two people each Saturday from 10 am to 1 pm manning our outdoor Prayer Chapel ready to pray with whomever stops by. From the first day we have had people stop and ask for prayer. Some of our visitors were in the midst of a personal crisis and were grateful for the opportunity to have someone pray with them. One lady prayed for us after we prayed for her. Another young man felt that God had been tugging at him in the past year, his prayer was that he would get back into the life that God had planned for him. A women from another church stopped to ask questions because her church thought that what we were doing was a great idea, they want to try something similar. Another woman saw our signs and prayer canopy and regretted that she didn’t stop. She was the first one there on the next Saturday! All of our visitors were grateful that we were there to pray with them. All of us who have manned the prayer chapel and had the opportunity to pray for someone in the community have been greatly encouraged by the experience! This is a unique opportunity to touch the lives of people in our community with the love of God. Many of those who stop don’t have a home church or a connection to a Christian community but they do have pressing needs and a need to know that they are loved by God! We are also connecting with the people who use our building and grounds every Saturday. Many who are attending AA meetings or using our ball field wave and give us a thumbs up as they arrive and leave. A few have stopped just to ask us about what we are doing and to encourage us. A couple have asked for prayer. The traffic in front of our church is heavy on a Saturday. We estimate 4000 to 5000 cars drive by in the three hours that we are there. This is an outreach that can have a huge impact as we become a regular presence. We schedule two people to work together on each Saturday. If you would like to participate on a Saturday contact Kristi Dyson or Pastor Birner for more information. Anyone can participate and we want to encourage more of you to share in this valuable outreach. You will be blessed if you do! Kristi Dyson “Personal Words From God” is an ongoing Bible study where we read through the Bible using a daily schedule. We meet weekly on Sunday mornings at 9:45 or 2nd and 4th Monday evenings at 7:00 in the church library. Anyone can join us at any time. Call Dennis or Kristi Dyson for more information at 425-255-8207. The Gospel According to Disney Meetings are on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. Join us at 7:00 pm at Bob and Karen Bliesner’s home. Enjoy finding scripture reflections to actions in comedy videos. Wednesday Morning Bible Study We meet each week at 10:30 AM in the Church Library, for more information contact the church office at 425-226-1480 The Naomi Group for those who have grief issues and want to explore life after experiencing loss. This group meets the 2nd Sunday of every month, from 4 to 6 PM, in the Library. Please call Kristi Dyson 425-255-8207 for more information. Gods Fearless People Meets the 1st & 3rd Thursdays of the month at 7 PM in Wil and Sandy Wilkinson's home. 17826 147th Ave. SE, Renton, WA. Our present study is focusing on basic Christian belief. The book is “Life with God” Men's Breakfast is the3rd Saturday of each month at 8:00 AM in the Parish Hall—Contact Scott Edwards, 425-432 -4471 Open to women who single for any reason, they meet the second Sunday of the month at 12:30 for fellowship and Bible Study at Allison Akahoshi’s house. If you are interested please call Allison at 425-917-5975. Prayer That Works We meet at Kristi Dyson’s home on the 1st & 3rd Monday each month beginning at 7:00 PM. In May we will be going back to the Bible for an in-depth study. We will be starting in Genesis. All are welcome! For more information call Kristi at 425-255-8207. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month, at 6:30 PM. We meet in the church library….so you don’t have to worry about cleaning your house! Please join us, bring a friend with you! Joan Linderman — 253-631-7142. 18207 108th Ave. SE Renton, WA 98055 King of Kings Lutheran Church and School Royal Mail (The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod) is published monthly by 18207 108th Ave SE, Renton, WA 98055 King of Kings Lutheran Church and School Phone: 425.226.1480 Fax: 425.226.4119 Website: School: 425.255.8520 Sunday Worship Schedule Liturgy of Praise 8:15 AM Praise Alive! 11:00 AM Nuer Language Service 2nd & 4th Sundays at 1:00 PM If you would like more information about King of Kings or to be added to our electronic mailing, please contact our office at 425.226.1480 or by e-mail [email protected] Christian Education 9:45 AM Ages 3 through Adult Office Hours Monday - Thursday 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM Friday 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Staff Head Pastor—Pastor Paul Birner—[email protected] Associate Pastor—Matthew Both—[email protected] OUR MISSION Secretary—Hillari Mein—[email protected] King of Kings, a Christian community, gathers people to Jesus, enables them to grow in faith, and equips them to serve, all for the glory of God. School Director—Deb Timm—[email protected] Youth Director—Suzy Hennig—[email protected] Custodian—Kim Petz—[email protected]