city and travel buses daytime running lights
city and travel buses daytime running lights
DAYTIME RUNNING LIGHTS CITY AND TRAVEL BUSES 2 LED 3 function lights. You can find product details on page 10. Simply safe! Official studies have shown that driving with daytime running lights is simply safer because the vehicle is more easily and sooner visible to other drivers. Since June 2011, all new vehicles* in the ECE registration area must be equipped with daytime running lights. Cost benefits 90 % fuel savings compared to low-beam lights An official study conducted by the German Road Traffic Authority (BAST or Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen) showed that daytime running lights consumes up to 90 % less fuel than an activated low-beam light. In addition to the financial benefits, there is also the same savings potential with regard to CO2 emissions. Summary HELLA daytime running lights are not only safer, but also less expensive and more environmentally friendly than conventional low-beam lights. If you also consider the fact that LEDs have an extremely long service life, there is basically no question that HELLA daytime running lights are the perfect solution both technologically and economically. Online information For more detailed information on daytime running lights, please visit or * category M1 + N1 3 The world's first flexible daytime running lights: LEDayFlex Design A current trend in vehicle design is the customisation of headlight design for daytime and night-time driving. The lighting technology that we have further developed with our “LEDayFlex” daytime driving lights is the foundation for exciting design solutions. Technology “LEDayFlex” light chains with 5 to 8 firmly connected LED light modules can be integrated into an almost infinite number of configurations in the vehicle front-end. In the process, they follow the shape of the vehicle's contours in depth. “LEDayFlex” allows for many different design options as long as they comply with legal regulations. Designs can include a powerful daylight-like light signal during the day and, if desired, in versions with the option to switch over to position lighting, also at night. This gives the designer a powerful system. Design Designing a vehicle-specific lens set. 4 Set including electronic modules Accessories 5 LED light modules for daytime running light 2PT 010 458-801 Connecting cable set including mating connector 8KA 165 959-001 5 LED light modules for daytime running light with position light 2PT 010 458-811 2-wire extension cable 500 mm in length 8KB 178 139-001 6 LED light modules for daytime running light 2PT 010 458-821 AMP mating connector (1 set) 8KW 744 807-801 6 LED light modules for daytime running light with position light 2PT 010 458-831 AMP mating connectors (10 units) 8JA 746 184-032 7 LED light modules for daytime running light 2PT 010 458-841 Connector contacts (50 units) 8KW 744 837-002 7 LED light modules for daytime running light with position light 2PT 010 458-851 Individual seals (50 units) 9GD 746 185-002 8 LED light modules for daytime running light 2PT 010 458-861 Electronics module for 12 V/24 V 5DS 010 668-001 8 LED light modules for daytime running light with position light 2PT 010 458-871 Electronics module for position light version 12 V/24 V 5DS 010 668-011 5 LED daytime running lights LED daytime running light, rectangular LED daytime running light set with silver-grey aluminium housing and integrated electronics. Bracket for upright and suspended installation in or on the front apron. Multivoltage: 9-33 V, 12 V/5.5 W; 24 V/11 W. Set includes: 2 lights each with 3 LEDs, professional cable set with AMP supersealed LED daytime running light set, round with integrated electronics including cable set, universal bracket, 3 powerful LEDs per light. Multi-voltage 9–33 V, 12 V / max. 5.5 W; 24 V/11 W. plug, bracket. Set Daytime running light set Set 2PT 009 496-801 Single light with PO function with attached cable and 3-pin AMP plug 2PT 009 599-811 Single light 2PT 009 496-007 Optional accessories 6 for installation without bracket, left 2PT 009 599-111 without bracket, right 2PT 009 599-121 without bracket, with PO function, left 2PT 009 599-131 without bracket, with PO function, right 2PT 009 599-141 Optional accessories Connecting cable set including mating connector 8KA 165 959-001 Mounting plate, front screw connections 9AH 165 968-101 3-pin AMP mating connector (1 set) 8KW 744 807-801 Bracket for suspended mounting, 3-pin plug 8GH 165 967-001 3-pin AMP mating connector (1 set) 8KW 744 807-801 LED daytime running lights LEDayLine 15 LEDayLine 30 LEDayLine® LED daytime running light LED daytime running light set with integrated relay in black plastic housing and fastening springs for mounting in the front apron. Set includes: 2 lights each with 5 LEDs, professional cable set with AMP supersealed plug, fastening springs. Power consumption 8 W. LEDayLine® LED daytime running light LEDayLine 15 and LEDayLine 30 daytime running light sets for horizontal installation, with 2.5 m connecting cable and separate changeover relay for automatically turning daytime running lights on and off or for switching over to position light. Set includes: 2 lights each with 8 LEDs, changeover relay, comes with mounting frame. LEDayLine 15 Set LEDayLine 30 LEDayLine 15** set with position light, 12 V incl. professional cable set 2PT 010 043-801 12 V daytime driving light 2PT 980 860-801 with vehicle-specific cover* 2PT 010 043-811 12 V daytime running light with position light 2PT 980 860-811 24 V daytime driving light 2PT 980 860-851 24 V daytime running light with position light 2PT 980 860-861 Single light Daytime running light with position light, 12 V, left 2PT 010 043-011 Daytime running light with position light, 12 V, right 2PT 010 043-021 LEDayLine 30** set Daytime running light with position light, 24 V, left 2PT 010 043-031 12 V daytime driving light 2PT 980 850-801 Daytime running light with position light, 24 V, right 2PT 010 043-041 12 V daytime running light with position light 2PT 980 850-811 24 V daytime driving light 2PT 980 850-851 24 V daytime running light with position light 2PT 980 850-861 Optional accessories Connecting cable set including mating connector 8KA 165 959-001 3-pin AMP mating connector (1 set) 8KW 744 807-801 * In black (can be painted), suitable for Fiat Ducato, Citroen Jumper, Peugeot Boxer. ** Available as of the 4th quarter 2011 7 LED daytime running lights LED daytime me ru runn running nn n nin ing g li llight, ligh igh ght, rrod-shaped od-s od -sha hape ha p d pe LED daytime running light horizontal installation, with 22.55 m connecting cable and separate g liligh ghtt se sett fo forr ho hori rizo zontal installation changeover relay for automatically switching on and off. Set includes: 2 lights each with 12 powerful LEDs, attachment screws and changeover relay. Set Set 12 V daytime running light set 2PT 980 680-801 12 V daytime running light set 2PT 980 680-821 24 V daytime running light set 2PT 980 680-851 24 V daytime running light set 2PT 980 680-861 Single light 8 LED daytime running me ru runn nn nni nin ing li ing llight, igh gh htt, t, rrod-shaped od-s od d-ssha haped hape d LED daytime light installation, with 2.5 m connecti connecting cable and separate me running g ligh g t set for horizontal installation changeover relay for automatically switching on and off. Set includes: 2 lights each with 12 powerful LEDs, attachment screws and changeover relay. Delivery includes mounting frame. Single light 12 V 2PT 980 680-001 12 V 2PT 980 680-101 24 V 2PT 980 680-501 24 V 2PT 980 680-601 Daytime running lights with light bulbs 90 mm daytime running light and spotlights or fog lights Module headlights with optic-free glass cover with H15, 55 W / 15 W light bulb, with carrier frame. Single light 90 mm daytime running light and LED position light Lights with optic-free glass cover, with P21W long-life light bulb and Kartoval LED. Single light with daytime running light / spotlight, 12 V 1F0 010 293-001 with daytime running light / position light, 12 V with daytime running light / spotlight, 24 V 1F0 010 293-011 24 V on request with daytime running light / fog light, 12 V 1N0 010 294-001 with daytime running light / fog light, 24 V 1N0 010 294-011 Optional accessories Plug set, 3-pin 2BE 010 102-101 Optional accessories Mounting plate, front screw connections 9AH 165 968-001 Plug set, 3-pin 8JD 162 581-802 8JD 162 581-802 9 LED multi-function light 83 mm m LE L LED ED 3 fu func function ncti nc tion ti on llights: ights: ig hts: Indicator, ht or, p or, po position osi s tion on n llight, ig ght h , da daytime ayt ytim iim m running g lli light igh ght ght The iintegrated circuitry upp such lights when indicating, nteegr g atedd eelectronic leectro cttronic circ cui u trr is set et u ch h tthat hat th ha thee ddaytime aytim me rrunning g ligh gh hts ddim im w hen in hen he indi d caating di g pre-wired metre cable. -wired wi with th 2.5 met etre re ssheathed heathee four-core ur-core ca cabl ble. e. Single light Optional accessory 90 adapter oryy - 9 0 mm ada er rring in ng The adapter ring used to replace a 90 mm light with the 83 mm light. This means that vehicles g is u igh g tw that have comee equ equipped q ipped with a Hella 90 mm light ccan be easily converted to 83 mm lights. Optional accessories 12 V, 83 mm LED 3 functional lights 2BE 980 691-101 24 V, 83 mm LED 3 functional lights 2BE 980 690-101 Adapter ring 90 mm * Operating the lights with AC voltage or switched DC voltage is not permissible! The light's individual functions may only be operated with an on-board fuse of max. 3 A (per light). In case of an on-board current limit amounting to the above specification due to the control unit, there is no need for an additional fuse for the lights. 12 V version upon request. 10 9GD 980 696-001 Only daytime running lights Daytime running lights including position light max. 400 mm max. 1500 mm max. 1500 mm min. 250 mm* min. 350 mm* min. 600 mm** min. 600 mm** Legislation allows for various installation options. However, the distances and beam angles to be adhered to are specified. Check online for more information on other legal requirements and installation regulations. Please see the assembly instructions for more detailed information. ■ ** For vehicles with a width < 1,300 mm, the distance must be at least 400 mm. ■ When using the daytime running light as a position light, the standard position light has to be deactivated according to ECE-R-48. min. = minimum distance max. = maximum distance 11 HELLA KGaA Hueck & Co. Rixbecker Straße 75 59552 Lippstadt, Germany Tel.: +49 2941 38-0 Fax: +49 2941 38-7133 Internet: HELLA Limited Wildmere Industrial Estate Banbury, Oxon OX16 3JU Tel.: (01295) 225600 Fax: 0800 7832571 E-mail: [email protected] Website: © HELLA KGaA Hueck & Co., Lippstadt 9Z2 999 131-258 KO/08.11/1.0 Printed in Germany
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