1985 9346 PDF ONTAR I O P ULP AnD CO R P O R A TE PAPER INDUSTRY OWNERSHIP S. ANDERSEN AND A.J. BROWNWRIGHT GREAT LAKES FORESTRY CENTRE CANAOIAN FORESTRY SERVICE GOVERNMENT OF CAN ADA 1985 MI SCELLANEOUS REPORT NO . 31 C Mi n i s t e r o f Supp l y a n d Se rvices Canada 19 8 5 Catalogue No . Fo 29- 8 / 31E I SBN 0-66 2- 14366 - 3 I SSN 0826- 0 222 Addi t i onal c opies o f th i s publica ti on are available at n o charge from: Communi cat ion s Services Great Lakes Fores try Cent r e Canadi an Fores try Service Gov e rnment o f Canada P. O. Box 4 90 Saul t S t e . Marie , Onta rio PM 5M7 AB STRACT Ownership o f a ll Ontari o-based pulp and paper mills and of the maj or paper converting plants and production f ac ili ties is SUIlIrlilrized . All maj or production facilities are lis t ed and s pec ifi c information is provided on ownership , location , total employment an d products . Ownership surrmaries give a brief history o f the corpor a tion (specific to its operation s in the province o f Qltario ) , i ts business activities , operating subsidiari e s , and parent enterprise . 'the Board of Di rector s is listed f or roost; corpor a tions and parent e nterprises . REsuME Toutes Ies wines de pates et papiers de 1 ' Ontario , l es p r inc i pales usines de transformation du papier et l es installations de production s ont re- cens ee s , La publication mentionne toutes les installa tions de production et fourn i t des r e nsei gnernents concernant les p roprie taires , l 'eq:Jla~t, l 'effeetif total et l es p rOOuits . Les r esumes sur cheque s ociete pr oprietaire cemportent un breE hist orique de la socie te ( no tamnent , en ce qui concerne ses activites en Ontario), e t donnent un epercu de ses activite s ccmrerciales , de ses f iliale s en explo i tation , et de son en treprise On y rrentionr.e eqalement les membres des conseils d I acitlinistration de la p l up:lrt des soc!etes e t entreprises meres . mere. ACKNOWLEOGMENTS 'Ihanks and appreciation are extended to Ms Lisa Tripp o f canadian Newspaper services Ltd. for permissi on to quote portions o f The Blue lklOk o f canadian Bus iness, 1984 edition ; to Mr. Rona l d R. Vanasse of Statistics Canada , Business Finance Division , f or the provision of enterprise structure sumnarieSi and t o Ms SUsan Stevenson o f Southam Business Publications , a divisi on o f SOutham Cormtunications Ltd ., f or permission t o quote various issues of Pul p and Paper canada-Annual and Directo ry. PREFACE In this r epcrt., the Ontario pulp and paper industry is defined as including all pulp and paper mi lls and a ll major paper converters operating in the province of Ontari o . It i s analogous t o the " pa per and Allied Industries " group as def i ned by Statistics canada un der t enns o f i ts Industrial Classifi catio n .system. (Ref er to Appendix 1 f or an eJ.ah:)ration of the def inition . ) All information provided in this report has been drawn fran readily available p.1blic sources and has, as f ar as possabfe , been ccrrcbcr a t ed by the various corporations and business enterprises l i st ed herein . The purpose of this r eport is to provide a basic reference on ownership sttuctures within the ontari o plip and paper industry , and surmary l istings of the majo r pulp and paper production f a c i liti es operating in the province o f cr.tar10 . (Refer to Appendix 2 f o r an elaboration o f the cri t eria used to define and. develop the ownership s tructures . ) I nformation was canpiled o n a geographically designated basis ( i .e . , within the province of Ontario), and on an industry-specific basis (i .e . , within the pulp and paper industry) . In this r egard, the smmaries listed in this report do not and IIUSt not be assurred to cons titut e a canplete o r canprehensive measure o f a particular corpor a tion ' s bcsdresa interests o r the SCDpe of its b.lsiness activities . such inf ormation may be obtained f ran a number of sources , both public and private. (Re fer to the surrmary listings of c i t ed and suggested references . ) All detai ls have been ve r i fied to an extent deemed a ppropriate to the nature and intent o f the publication . No liability o r responsibility 'Jill be assurred f or any use o r interpretation o f the serre , Readers are invited to bring inaccura cies o r shortcomings to the attention o f the author, so that these may be corrected L'1 s ubsequent editions . TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTROOUCTION 1 • The Cht ari o Por est Products Industry I Ownershi p ot t he CtJt ari o-bas ed Pul p and Paper Industry I AB ITIB I-PR ICE I r~ . 9 • ATLANTIC PACKI'6 ING PROllJCTS LTO . • • 19 • BEAVER WOOO FIBRE CCWANY LID . 21 • BELKIN PACKAG ING LID. 23 • BO ISE CASCADE CANADA LTD. • BONAR CANADA LID. • 29 • 31 • CANAD IAN PAC IFIC ENTERPRISES LID. • • 35 CONSOLlOATED-llATIillRST INC. 45 iXJ'ITAR INC. 49 DRG INC . 61 • E. B. EDDY FOREST PROOUCTS LTD. 65 IKO INDUSTRIES LTO. 69 JAMES RIVER-I'AP.ArnON LID. II KII1lERLY-CLARK OF CAIIADA LTO. 73 • KRUGER INC. • IfJORE CORPQR~TlON LTO. NORANDA INC. NORDF IB RE COMPA~Y ONTAR IO PAPER COMPANY LTO. 77 79 • • • • • • • • 83 • • 91 • 93 (cont' d) TAB LE OF CON TENTS (concl .) Page PAPERBOARD INDUSTR IES CORPORATION • 95 • ROLLAND INC. • • • • • .. ST. MARYS PAPER INC. SONOCO LID . o • • • • STRATHCONA PAPER aJoIPANY • IDRfWI P,ocKAGING INC. .. 99 • • IOJ • • • 105 • • 97 • • .. 107 INTRODU CTI ON T1:Ie Chtari o Forest Products Industry '!he f orest products industry is one of Ontario 's mjor econcxnic assets. I t o:rnpetes successfu lly in world markets and contributes substantially to the provincial share of the gross natio nal product . I n 1984, f ore st products exports f rem Ql tario totalled core than $3 billion. The industry employs ever 70 ,000 people directly and is the single IlDst significant eoononic activity throughout r:llJCh of northern ceeaere, Ontario's f orest products industry is essentially a mature industry : the t r a ditional softwood resource base is fully allocated, marke ts and products are generally well defined and well established , and opportunities f or s ignificant industrial expansion and develq:ment are constrained , i f not limited . If the industry has not already reached i ts zenith , it is undoubtedly entering UfCIO a period o f m::dest growt.~ and development . ~rtun ities f or industrial developrrent are likely to be localized and a product o f technological innova tion . Examples may be dra wn fran the waferbeard and fuel pelletizing industri e s, in whic h new process t echnologi e s and products were conceived and developed f or the profitable exploitation o f previously under-utilized mate rials and waste products . 'Ihe significance o f t echnological innovation is furtl1er e v i denced by the various plant n::xiernization and cceveraron programs undertaken by many o f the larger , fully integrated forest pr.oduets enterprises. The r e spective enterpr i ses have endeavored to f a cilitat e growth and pr ofitabi lity by impro v in g product quality, upgrading productio n processes and imprOV'ing raw materia ls utilization . It is highly improbable that any ne·.... lar~scale . fully integrated f o r est products operations -.dll be established within the f o reseeable future . The Q1tari o forest products industry operates wi thin a dyna :ni c and changing e nv f ronnee e , Some fun damen tal s tructura l changes are occu-..-riIlg : canadian-based producers are no longer the p rincipal suppliers to a .number o f key c:amodity markets , and have little o r no role in setting prices . Further ccre , the ol d f orest-the r esource base tl'.at has carried the indust..ry s ince the early 190 0s-15 r a pidly disappearing , and is being replaced by a new f orest o f largely unknown quality and opera ting attrib.rt.es . Change is a l so evident in the area of industrial ownership--"..mo owns what and why? Respective enterprises are continual l y reposition ing themsel ves , in an e f f o rt to achieve the highest potential f or econcedc growth and f i.na.'1c i a l gain. O'.me r s hip s eruceares within the industry can be expected to change as respectave investors !OOVe to optimize percei ved opportuni ties f or financial gain . Ownership o f the Grlt ari o - based Pulp and Paper Industry The Ontario-bas ed forest p roducts indust ry , a s de tai led in Appendix 1 , is not a s ingle industry , but r ather a group of industries . By defin ition , it represents an aggre gation o f related, though un iquely separable and distinc:;, industry groups and cat egor ies . '!he paper a nd allied industries group dcminate s the industry , surpassing the wood industries group both in t e rms of tot a l ~ ployrrent and in the value o f the goods produced . - 2 - - 'Ihe pulp and paper mills industry i s an integral part o f the paper and allied industri es group . I t is the single rrost s i gn ifi cant co:np::iIl ent o f the Ontari o-based f orest products industry, and i s un i que in terms of its relative size and its opera ting a ttrihltes . with fev exceptions , the industry is characterized by cx:mpanies maintaining and operating huge and highly capital-intensive production facilities . Unlike the various board products industri es , the sawmUling and the miscellaneous paper converting industries , the p,tlp and paper mi lls industry is controlled by a relatively s nall numbe r' o f ccepandee , These canpani es are , in themselves , generally owned and controlled by a small number o f internationally based congl cme r a t es - - ent e rprises with primary l::usines s interests i n natural r es ourc e i ndustries , publication and ca:rmunications industries , and the packaging and bui lding materia ls industries . Unlike the paper converting industry which exhibits the a ttributes o f a "perfectly COOlpE!titive" industry , the pulp and paper industry has the operating attributes of an o ligopol y . The entry o f ne w companies is inhibited by the high cost o f "gree nfield'" facilities establ i s hment , by the structural constra int s imposed by set markets , and by various provisions governing the a llocation and disposition o f raw naterials ( e . g . , timber lic ences , f orest IMnagement agreements). Canadian-based producers , o nce traditionally able to maintain price l eadership in certain ccxmo:lity markets , are no w all bet; eclipsed in this role . Notwithstanding the effects of s trikes and r ecess i ons, a ggregate North American demand f or p.l1p and paper products has increased in a relatively s tabl e and pr edictable manner . Inasnuch a s Ontari o-based production has increased , p roducers have been unable to expl oit fully the opportuni t i e s and potentia l o f the changing demand s tructure . 'lbe s hare o f Ontario-based prodtx:ers in traditional midwest e rn and northeastern Un i ted. State s markets continues to decl ine . various companies are f inding themselves r elegated. t o the position o f secondary supplier t o a number o f p reviousl y s tabl e and r e lat i ve l y secure markets. The e f f ect has been quite sign i f i cant , a t the ve ry least s hat t e r ing a certain complacency within the i ndustry . Ontario-based pr oducers can no l onger r e l y on a c heap resource base t o l ower production cos ts . F'urthenoore, the quality advantages o f northern sof t I<I(X)(i s peci es have been undermined by new process technol ogies and , no l onger able to exercise pric e l eadership , the industry has been stymied in its e fforts to cerepensate f o r cost increases by raising p rices. If a structural change is occurring wi thin the Ontario-based pulp and paper industry, it may well be that the pulp and paper mills ind ustry is moving towards a m::>re canpetitive market e nv i ronment. If so , producers must be able to keep cos ts down in o rder to ensure profits . Similar l y , t o maintain their share o f the markets , they tlUSt be able t o provide quality p roducts at ~titive prices . "Green fi eld " r ef er s t o II site with II s ignif icant 11iCk of tn t r-es r r uct w- e (J .e. , tran spor t llt lo n. power . communlCllt lon s . etc .> . lind Impl i es excessi ve mllnufllcturl ng co st s I f these fac i l i t ies hllve to be bui lt . - 3 - That the industry is changing is evidenced by the massive capital expenditure programs begun during the late 19705 . The change is governed not only by prevailing o per a ting and market e nvironments, OOt a lso by specif ic enterprise goals . In any cannercial undertaJdng, these goals, however detailed o r diverse , center on financial considerations : the realizatioo o f profit and the optimization of long-tenn value (or 'fro'Orth) . fbW a given enterprise endeavors to attain its goals is manifested in i ts operating s trate'JY o Since roost; enterprises opera t e with similar goals , i t f ollows that the y should aspire to strategies siJnilar to that of Boise cascade Ltd : ""loJe will echteve our corporate goal by developing and maintaining a distinctive ccmpetence within each o f our businesses . we wi 11 f ocus on those mark ets and products ..mich p rovide us the opportunity to be a lor-cost producer and a marketing l eader. We will allocate our resources accordingly. we emphasize those bcstnesses with the most attractive ~ portunities for profitability and growth , expanding these either internally o r by a CXJU,isi tion . and pnming those fa cilities that over time will not meet our f inancial criteria. we will expand priJ=larily in businesses within o r related to the forest products industry. We strive to rea lize additional val ue for our shareholders by e nsuring that our f amily o f b.Jsinesses is properly bal anced. fran the standp:>int o f cyclicality , capital intensity and bca tness d sk and IMnaged so as to capture the benefits o f integration where they exist . " (Anon . 19 8 5 ). Olanging patterns in corporate ownership structures are not necessarily g:werned by external factors, alt:hclugh s tandard econCTlli.c theory would suggest a general eoverent; to-..ards di~ rs if ication and expansion during periods of economi c stability . Converse l y , periods o f e conanic adversity would b:! expected to l ead to retrenchment, consolidation and a general divestiture o f ine f f i c i e nt operating assets. 'lhe extent to ....w.ch an e nt e rpr i s e reflects i ts rosiness interes ts in its ownership s tructure is det ermined lar gely by how i t choose s to r epresent itself . It f ollows that owner-~p sczuctures and changes will be mor e evident and easier to t=ack i f a r;iven en eerpr tse is organized as a conql.cceraee o f core or less independently ope~ati ng subsi diaries . Pscent corporate ownership changes in the Or rtar-Io-based pulp and paper industry are a pparenc , 'lhe f ollowing are a.anJg the lOOSt significant : il Dryden mi ll and associated assets of reed Pa per !.i..mited a cquired by Gr eat Lakes Forest Products Limite d in 1979; il) controlling s hares o f Abi tibi - Price Inc. purdlased by Ol ympia and York tevetcpeencs Limited in 1981 ; - 4 - iil) Abitibi-Price Inc. ' s 'Ihorold fine paper mill purchased by Fraser Inc. in 1981 ; iv) Marathon mill and associated assets of American can o f canada Limited acquired in a joint venture by the James River CorpJration of Richm:Jnd, Virginia (80%) and Buchanan Forest Products Limited of 'thunder Bay, Ontari o (20\) in 1983: v) Abitibi-Price Inc .'s Sault s ee , Marie groundwc:0:3. papers mill ecqutred by St . Marys Paper Inc. in 1984 . The factors contributing to these changes are varied-the motivation and rationale underly ing specific decisions are the domain o f the board of directors and , therefore, beyond the realm of public knowledge and enquiry . Nevertheless, a number o f explanations can be o f f e r ed to a ccocnt; f or s pecifi c actions: i) If the intent is to expand p roduction capac ity, it may be cheaper t o acquire existing capa.cit y than to undertake new const ruction . This nay be particularly true when interest rates and capital coats are high . til F'aci lities integration and the broadening o f a product base may o f f er opportuni ties f or ~roved utilization o f ra.... material s . iii } Th e a OIUisi tion of specific enterpris es a nd their associated r esource bas e may of f er opportunities f or consolida t i ng and a u gnenting timber s upp lies and reserves. i v) Existing businesses may be acquired to p rovi de the parent enterpr i s e with a reeens o f entering a s peci fic market , o r if the enterpris e is already established wi thin a particular market, o f otherwise consolidating or expanding i ts market position . v) An enterpris e may e lect to terminate o r dispose of particular bcstnesses if they are deemed unprofitable or likely to beccee s o. It may also divest itself of otherwise profitable busines s es if the se are deemed t o be s tra t egi cally incanpatible with its l ong-term goals o r its primary fields of endeavor and expertis e. An enterprise may also choose to conso lida te its position within those b.1sines ses perceived to be the ecee profitable, and to dispose of its l e s s prof i table un dertakings. vi) An enterprise with oper a t ing intere sts in char acte risticall y cyclical or vol atile markets may elect to diversify into un related b.lsinesses so as to minimize risk and to dampen cash f low irregularity and variability. vii ) An enterpris e may e lect to dispose o f certain assets o r bcetnesses so as t o be able to nndify its debt s tructure. viii) Assets and specific affiliated o r subsidiarJ bJsiness es may be liquidat ed it' a parent ent erprise is f orced into r eceivers hip o r canpelled to restructure i ts debt f inanc ing . !xl Various mer gers o r joint vent ures may be undertaken where mut ual l y beneficial opportunities are percetvec by two o r more enterprises . - 5 - x] An enterprise may dis pose o f an otherwise profitable bcstness or asset i f p resented with an o ff er " too good t o r e f use " . Canpanies ·...ith operating interests in the Ontario-baSed pulp and paper mil ls industry are listed in Table 1. Table 2 lists sane o f the major paper converters operating in CkItario . A ~rehensive list of CkItari o-based paper converters may be obtained by r efe rence to any number of published trade and manufacturers' directo ries (see cited r efe rences and suggested refe rence section) . Table 3 r an ks the major canadian corpcratdons with operating interests in Ontario-based pulp and paper mills and/or converting industries on the basis of estimated 1984 sales r evenues. (The source of sal es revenues is not indicated.) I t should be noted that , o f the listed industrials , many are engaged predcm.inantly in bJsiness a ctivities other than those of the paper and allied industri es groop . - 6 - Table 10 Pu l p ail l s a nd in tegrated pu lp an d pape r ai lls in the province or Ont a r i o , 1984 ~ of pa r e nt, o r control linq andlo r doa1n~ t sha re ho l d er 93. 2 Abi t ibi -Pric e I ne . Ol ymp i a and Yo r k Developments Ltd . At lantic Ps cK491nq Products Lt d . Gr a no vs ky The Beaver Wood Fibr e Company Ltd. Georgi a- Pac ific Interna t i onal Co rpo ration 1 00 . 0 Belkin Packaql nq Lt d . Keycorp Industries Ltd . 10 0 . 0 Bols. cascade ca na da Ltd . Bol se cascade Corpo ra tion 100. 0 ooai nion Cel l ulose Ltd . CI P Ltd. 100 . 0 10 0. 0 t.~ly Ceub . o t ca nadi an Pac i fic Ent e rprise. Ltd .) La Ca i:!lse de t*pot a t Placemen t du Quebec DoOlIIU r Inc. Doto r I nc. 10 0. 0 15. 0 30.0 100 . 0 10 0 . 0 E.8 . Eddy Forest Products Ltd . Eddy Pape r Company Ltd . ( subeidla ry o t George Weston Ltd .) Fr a s e r In c. NOrthwood Mills Ltd. ( s ubsidiary o t Noranda Inc. ) 6 8 .3 89 . 7 Cana di a n Pacific Ente rpris e s Ltd. 5 4 .3 fKO Indu~ tries Ltd . James Rive r - Mar a thon Lt d. K~ r l y wC l ark ot cana dA Ltd . 100. 0 r eo sa l es Ltd. Rive r Corpo r ation BUchanan Fo r e st Products Ltd . 3~s Ki~ r l y-elark Corpora t i on Ma cHillan Bloedel Ltd . Northwood Mill s Ltd . (subsid i a r y o t No randa In c .) ~rd t ibr . Frank Or si t a.tly ~pa ny 80 . 0 , 0.0 10 0. 0 48. 3 89 .7 • 111e Onta rio Pape r Cc:.pa ny Ltd . Tribune Cc.pan y 100 .0 Reid-Ooadnion Pa ckaqinq Ltd . Seneca I nve s tme nts Ltd. (subs i d i a ry o t Moore COrpo r a t ion Ltd. , 100 .0 100 . 0 10 0. 0 sonoco Ltd. Soneco I nte rn at i onal I nc . Sp r u c e Fa ll s Power and Pape r Compa ny Ltd . Kimbe rly-elark Cor po r at ion The New York Times Company St r a t hcona paper Company d1 v is ion o t Roman Cor po ra tion Ltd . St . Mar ys Pape r I nc . Northaa Inc. InVestments Lt d . Ra~ Repola Cor po rat i on Nordi c ADeri can sankinq Corpo rat i on S~ e l dln qs Trent v al l e y Pape rboa rd a Not a vailable di vis ion ot pa pe r board Indust r ie. Corporat i on 50.5 49. 5 • :<8 . 4 28 • .1 25.' 18 .2 • - 7 - Tab le 2. Ma j or paper converters, paper bo x and bag manulact u re rs and and paperboard products 1n the province ot Onta r io, 1984 ~nuta ctur.rs a t spec i aL t y pape r Name ot p a r en t. o r con t ro lling and/or dominant s ha re ho l de r Percent s ha re Abi t i b i - Pr ice I nc. Barbe c on In c. O l ~pla Atlantic: Packa q1n9 Products Ltd. Granovsky t a-i ly 10 0 . 0 Bonar packagi ng Ltd. diV ision ot Bona r Canada Lt d ., subsidiary ot Lev • Bona r Pl e . 10 0 . 0 &el kin Packagi ng Ltd. ke ycorp Industr ies Ltd . 100 .0 e ll' Inc. Domin i on Cel luloee Lt d. Ca nadi a n Pae i tic Enterpri ses Ltd. CI P Inc . 100 . 0 10 0 .0 D<:IIIIta r OO t o r Inc. La caiss. de Depot e t Pl aCil'_n t OC-ta r ree , SO~ Con t ai ne r s t nc . DRG Inc. ~cMi l l .n at Cana da Lt d . Bathu rst Inc . Moore Corpo r ation Paperboard Indus t ries Corpora t i on Tre nt Valley pape rboard Se l ect Corruga t i ng Se rvic e. ~rvl11. Belki n Industri e . Ltd. Lt~ . dQ K!mber ly-Cl a r k Corpor at ioa Mac~i l la n Bloede l Lt d . l ne. wi dely he ld dl vi.ioD ot ~re Corpor ation sa_ca I n... . t.ooe nu Ltd • • subsidi ary ot Moor . CO rpo r at ion pri va tel y own.d di Vi s ion at Paper boa r d I ndu s t r i e s Corpora t ion div isi on of Pa pe rboa r d I nd ustri. s Corpor a t ion 50 .,) 5 0 .0 100. 0 50 . 0 50.0 b b 100 .0 100 .0 •b b B. lkin Pa cka9in9 Ltd . 100 . 0 sceeee I nt. rn. ti on. l Inc . 10 0 .0 di vision ot To r h... " a c kaq ll1<J t ne , Th. Hami l t on Gr Qup div ision at Torham pac ka9 in9 I"c. di vision at To rham Packagi n9 t nc . d iv i s i on ot Ta rham Packagi ng I nc . a see ava i l abl e b !lot awlic...ble 30 .0 15 .0 7 0.3 S t r ll thCOr>4 Pape r CoDpany Atl•• Paperboa rd Boxes (Haai l t on l r i e l der/ Ont ar i o Paper Box Tr esldde r R~l d Paper Boxo s Quibec er e , C~nso l i daeed-Bathur. e $Oneco • Ooau r Inc. Sonoco I nt erna t i ona l I oc. OtIG ~~ rly-Cl.rk 93. 2 and Yor k Oevelopme nts Lt d . Abit ibi -P ri ce Inc. ~Man C~rpo ra ti on b 38 .8 b b b - 8 - Tabl. ] . Se lecte d Cana di an i ndus tri a l s wi t h t i es t o t he Ont a r io- bas ed pul p and paper indus try Ran l<:inqs CoQpa ny/cor po r a t l on C~adian Pacifi c Ltd . canadia ll Pacif ic &nterp r iSlls Lt d . We.ton Ltd . GeQr~ Nor.ndos Inc . Ownersh ip s.ales , a s 7 22 canadia n Paci f i c Ltd . " " 57 Wi t el nqton I nve stments Lt d . 46 a ras ca de Resour ce. L td . 40 93 Ol ympi a & Yor k oeve lopments 391 JO 2S 49 Ma cMi l l an Sl oed"l Ltd . 36 '40 DorIIU .r I nc. 40 40 ~ r ly-Cl ark of can.da Lt d . 140 Fra s e r t ne , lSI Onta r i o Pape.r C""'~n y 40 /. ' OS '" 306 167 Kru qer I nc . 17 3 Sohe CI .cad. Cana da !.td . 17 9 Reed IIIC. 20 6 lCeycorp Illdua t ri es Ltd. 22 1 Atlallt i c Pac kaqinq Products Lt d . a . 127 G.rea t Lakes For es t Products Ltd . " ,., 32 /. Rolla i'd I nc . 255 ' 49 303 21J '" '" ee ebec ce ree , 307 3 23 Sp ruce Fal l s Power a nd Pa pe r COllI, pa nyb n/ a 30IIa r In c . 441 ORG t nc , Oov~ r 460 Indust rie s Lt d . 555 wi de ly held ( 86'1 in Ca nada Mara nda I nc . ]0 Dotal' I nc. Ca is.e de de pot 40 100 100 S4 '14 64 133 100 POW'III r Co rpo ration o f canada Cdn . Pacif i c Ent e rp rises Lt d • ~ r l y-el. rk Corpor ation Cdn . Pac i f ic Ente rp r ises Ltd . NO rthwood Kil l. Lt d . Tri bune Company ", 92 ". 100 19. 10 0 Reed p a per Ho ldinqs Ltd . 98 C&pi e. l Enterpr i s e . Ltd . ./ 100 Knlqe r f ami l y Bolse Cascade Corpor a t ion Granovsky f aa11y 57 Lucien C. Rolland 50 Scot t Pape r Compa ny 409 58 We. te l l KO ld! nqs Ltd . JOO 100 Belkin Pa ckil qi n q Ltd . '"'53 . . . . /. 50 15 . "8. Sco t t Pape r Lt d . SO<I\II r v i Ue Be l kin Indus t ri es Ltd . " " " " " ., " ' 17 ( 238 ) POwe r Coq>O"t& elo D o f ca na da caisse de depot 70 35 52 11 10 3 Abiti bi · Pr i ce I nc. (6 1) Ma j or sha r eho l de r (Dec . 1984 ) 11 Moo.re CO t"pO.ra t i on Ltd . Con. o l1d.a t ed- Sathunt Inc. CI P I nc . a l\ ) As s ets ./ 51 49 Kimberly-cla rk Corpor a t i on Ne w york Tim.s eie • 287 39. 7S Low' Bana.r ' 93 eo 70 ORe e ic , /. ./ 50 KaVi. a Se curi t i e . Ltd. a Po. i t i on I r ankinq) approxi~ted on t he bas i s ot 198 4 s a les . Fin~ ci al Pos t 500 · , ~ac lea ll Hunt. r , May 1985 . Sou rce, The Fillallcial Post . -The b Pos i tion ( r an kinq) appro ximated on the basi. of 1983 sale .. Busi ness. 1984 . $OU.rCIII The Blue Book ot Ca nad ian Sou rce I Cana dia n Bus ines s , ·Canada 's Top 500 Com ~ n i e s · . CD Me di a Lt d ., J une 1985. - 9 - Ol y mp i a & Y or k De velopme n t s Li mit e d ABITIBI-PRICE INC. Barbecon Inc. OL I l'U' IA , TOfU( Dt:Vn.OPMENTS LI MITED 1 ONT 93 , [ J A.B I TIBI- PRI CE IR e . m ONT 100. Th .. Ptic e ec_ pan, L1.U e4 m QUE 51. 0 . 9. 0 C. l pe lt .. Pul p Coa.....ny Lia m 50. 0 AU9Y1t . 'UE <J H~. p r l n t COlllpa n , m 100. 0"' In te r Ci ty ' . p. 1'a 50.0 :h. Yor k Coa pa n, M~ T i.~ 5 L---- - - - - -- Tho• • on H .w.~p. r. Ll111t..d "'--- - - - -- 0"' u, . JI - 10 - OLYMPIA & YORK DEVELOPMENTS LTD. Bead office location and address Ol ympia & York Deve1cments Ltd . 1 First Canadian Place Toronto , Ontario M5X 185 Nature o f business Olympia & York Developrrents Ltd . , wholly owned by the ReichIrBnn f amily, is a privat ely owned, fully integrated real e state develop:nent and managerrent canpany with properties in Canada , the Uni t ed Stat e s and Europe . Olympia & York Developnents Ltd . is the e nt erprise parent of Abitibi- Pri ce Inc . ABITIB I- PR ICE INC. Head o ffice l ocation and address Abi t ibi -Price I nc . Toronto Dcminion Cen tre P .O . Box 21 Toronto , Ontar io MSK 183 Nature o f business - Abi tibi -Price 'Inc , , the wor ld 's largest prcducer of newsprint , is an in tegrated Canadian f ore s t products canpany with 1984 sales of I:K:lre than $2 billion and manufacturing oper a tions in both Canada and the United states . I n addition t o newspr int , the Ccmpany produces groun dwood papers, fin e papers , kraft pulp , bui lding products and lumber. The Cootpany a lso has paper o::mverting 0pe rations and a major distrib.1tion network f or p rinting papers . industrial paper pr oducts a nd in f ormation processing supplies . - ( Anon . 1984) . Abitibi -Price is also invo l ved in mining and min eral explora tion aC"'"..iv ities in Canada , principally on lands where it holds both timber and min e ral r ights . Abitibi -Price is a subsidiary o f Ol ympia & York Developrents Ltd. Di rectors Robert C. Gimlin Bernd K. Koken General lauris Nor stad Chairman and Chief Executive Of f i c e r President and Chie f Operating Of f i ce r Ho norary Director - '!hcmas J . Bell , M.C . Eanund C. Bovey , C.M . Gi lbert I . Newnan Francis J . Ryan , Q. C. Pa ul-Gaston Trembla y, C.M. His t ory ( speci~ic 11 - Ralph Rei chrrann Albert Rei chmann Paul Rei chmann J oim A. Tory" Q.C . David A. Ward, Q. C. Marcel Belanger , Q.C. Howard w. Bl a uvel t C. Emard Medland Kenneth R. '!hanson t o Oltario-based operat i ons ) '!be Abitibi Pulp & Paper eaupany Ltd. was incoq:or ated in 1912 and i ts nece was changed to Abi tibi Power & Paper Q:lnpany Ltd. in 19 14. Newsprint operations a t Iroquois ralls were tnccrporaeed into t.'1e ccepeny in 1915. In 19 27 the ccmpany aoqui.red the Mat tagami Pulp and Pa per co . mi ll in sroooth Rock Fa lls , and in 19 28 it merged with a number of o the r canpani e s inc l uding Spanish River Pulp and Paper Mills Ltd. and the Fort William Paper Ccrnpany Ltd. The Spanish Ri ver Pulp and Paper Mills Ltd . oper a tions a t Espanola, St urgeon Falls and sault see, Mari e were subsequently sold , in 1943, 1979 and 1984, r espective ly. In 1928 the cernpany a lso acquired interests in the Thunde r Bay Paper Ca:!pany Limited , wi th full ownership f ollowing in 193 2. In 1965 the cc::r.lfloIDy name was changed to AbitiJ:li Paper Ccmpany Limited. . ;ab i tibi s ecured oontrolling interests in Inter City Papers Limited in 1967 and purchased all outstanding s hares o f Hi lroy Enve l opes and Statio ne ry Limited in 1968 . In 1974 Abitibi Paper Canpany Limited a cquired controlling interest in '!he Price canpany Ltd.: acquisi tion o f all outstanding s hares in La Canpagnie Pri c e Limitee was realized in 1978. The co:npany changed its nar:te to Abitibi- Price Inc . in 1979 . In 198 1 o:xtt...~lling interests in Abitibi- Price I nc. W'3:re a oquired by Ol ympi a & '{ark Deve l c::pnents Limited . '!be ccmpany ' s Thorold f ine paper mi ll was sold in the same year. a:>ntroillng int e rest s in Barbecon Inc. wer-e acquired in 1985 . Or gani zat i onal structure Abitibi-Price cana qes its va rious busi nesses within three groups : core b.1siness , diversified ros iness , and U.S . b.ri..lding p roducts . Operating divisiors o f the CO~ bJsiness group incl ude newspr int , groundwood papers , ;.crate p.l1p , and Limber-, cperating divisions of the div e rsifi ed business group include Provincial Papers, I nter City Pa pers Ltd. , Hilroy, canada Envelope, and aarbeccn Inc. Div isions wi th oper a ting in terests in the prcvtnce of on tario are smrrnarizsd L" Table 4 . - 12 - Tabl e 4. Abitibi -Price Inc . Di v isi on or s egnent division s with opera ting interests in cotardc Nature o f business COre Business Group Newsprint Abitibi- Price Inc . is the toIOrldI s largest producer of standard grade news pr int (7 5\ uechanical p.1lp, 25 \ chemical pulp), with an estimated 13\ s hare o f total N;)rth American capacity and a oorresponding 7\ share of rated world capacity . Kraft Pulp Sof twood kraft pulp is sol d to other pllp and paper mills f or use in the manufacture of a wide variety o f p roducts . In tenns o f the o::xnpany ' s over a l l operations, market pulp sales are largely insignificant . On balance the canpany purchases s lightly eore market pulp than it sells . Diversified Business ProvL'1Cial Papers Abitibi -Price Inc ., through its Provincial Papers operations , i s the co.JI'ltry ' s largest p roducer o f premium coated papers. Inter City Papers Limited Inter Ci t y Papers Lilnited , canada 's largest paper merchant , markets and distributes a wide selection o f CClD1'l'ercial pr inting papers, business pesers and information processing supplies . Hilroy Ili lroy is a l eading manufacturer an d distriJ:utor o f persona l s tationery an d a variety o f paper and pa per- related products f or the school , heme and of f i ce . Canada Envelope cana da Envelope, the nation' s third large s t e nve lope manufacturer, produces a wi de variety of envelope products aimed pr imari l y at the o f f ice market. Barbecon Inc . Barbecon Inc . i s a cenedtan-ceoeo canpany and subsidiary o f Abi tibi-Price Inc. Its r egis t ered and p rincipal office La located in Toront o, Ontario . The o:mpany is the nation 's largest envelope manufacture r, and i s a major distributor o f print ing papers. - 13 - Ontario-based menut saturinq faci lities Table 5 lists all Ontario-based production faci lities and sales o f fiCl?-s Figure 1 depicts produeticn faci lities and sales off ices by operating division and organi zatio na l s tructure . Al l Ontari o-based pro:fuction f aclltii t es are listed i n Table 6 . by product categ:xy . Table 5. Abitibi-Price Inc . pulp and paper- Irl11s , o::>nve rting pla.nts and sales facilities in the province o f Q'ltario sal e s canpanie s and Product Manufactured a t Newsprint 'lbunder Bay Thunder Bay Div . Fort William Div. of fices Abitibi-Pri ce Inc . Toronto Ircquois Falls Kraft pulp smooth Rock Falls Abi tibi-Price Inc . To ronto Coated fine papers Georgeto-..n Thunder Bay Provincial Papers 'lhunder Bay Toronto Inter Ci ty Papers Limited comnercial p rinting papers , busInesa papers London Ottawa Toronto Paper bags, f olding cartons and other I nter City Papers IJ.rnited Price Wilson Division ins titutional paper London ottawa Toronto Envelopes , s oc::ia l stationery, s chool Canada Envelope Toront o and o f f ice suppli es Hilroy Tor onto Barbecon Inc . Markhdm Downsvie... Tor onto Canada Envelope Toronto London ottawa Hilroy To ront o garbecon Inc. Toronto - 14 - ABITIB I- PRI CE tNC . CCRE 91J5 IN[SS ,~ - i- L- nod 11111 I- II'lOQUO IS , AU.S 1 . - -1. ' . 111 01" . LoggI"9 ,.,...,,.,., S...... Ie.' """" ." '00'.,,.,., ' 19"'". lb. I . lb l'lbl -P ~l c . I. ",. Inc •• pu l p . nd prowln<;t of Ontar io . Oh/tIOOl _ _ I. t lU ll TKlNO£JI lIAT I- .n<l L. k,"'.d 0 1"1 ' 1.... Logg ing .nd S.,." lc" """" n...-a., '" 'ort0 1,, 1. 1011 ... ~ll ll _.pr l . t " Ill L- IRO;IUO IS ' ALLS I~O<Iuo ll , . 11. 01 "1.1.... lMu p ~ lnt 1/111 P~ l>UI" I nd u"~' ...... odllC'tIOIl . _ ".,.t lng p i ..., • •nd s.r " f..:'II 'I. . - 15 - I . u, S. !IlJI U11.... I'l'lOOUCT'S I ' 'fl~ Pltl:)f 'JCI "'1. .~"" c±J CITT PN'[RS 1.11I 'T£!) ,,,.,,,,,., f- I DU'ERSlf lm !ItIS,!t(SSE$ . 1-- P.l*'" Coerl ltg I """'" • EN"£l.CPf . """" ~ ....t I ."f P l •• ' I-- """"" e--tart ' ltg 1" •• ' P I... ' TaINOER SA" - ~ """"" S. ' n P a p", Coatl ft'g """"" i- Se le s Ofl le:. Oft l ~ . P I....' I I ....,.. ~ III T ' l'G I 1lOJSnt . Al. So ' .s OH ' .:. co.."" .. """"" llIYl$lON OlTA_A i- """"'" OU IS ' '''' O' '' S ION ","'" '- l- """"" I- So la , Of II .:. S. les OTT"' ~ l- Sa ' K Of II.:. """"" O ft, ~ . OTT.... ... iS.I " Ott l c:. S.I.s O/ fl c:. • aa ~l>a<:ooo ' ftc . _."9 e-.. P'.~ ' 1! !II". .tf0"'4 lIa r " - l)oy ftS" ' " CO"," '- 'S. ' u Off . c. """'" sa l. . Of li ce Toren' " S. 'es Off •.,." for~" ~ I - 16 - Table 6 . CKltario Abitibi - Price Inc . manufacturing facilities in the province o f Abitibi-Price I nc. Fort William Di vision P . O. Box 160 Postal Station " F" 'l1'n1nder Bay, Q1tario Abitibi-Price Inc . Provincial Papers Division P . o . BQX 2450 Thunder Bay, ontardo P7B 5E9 P7C 4V8 (807 ) 623-6486 Products : ne-<lSprint (S07) 683-6 211 Products: ooated printing papers, coated cover papers Total ertq)loyees : 360 Abitib i -Price Inc . Iroquoi s Fa lls Di v i sion Iroquois Fall s, Ontario Total employees: 850 Abitibi-Price Inc . Provincial Pa per s Divisi on POK 1EO 1 Roset ta Street Georgeto'Wn, O'ttario L7G 3P 1 (80 7) 258- 393 1 (4 16) 877-2221 Products : ne'NSprint Total employees : 1, 0 15 Abitibi-Price Inc. I roquoi s Falls Di v ision P . O. Box 310 Srrooth Rock Fa lls , CKltario POL 2llO Products: coated and g lazed papers Total employees : 41 Abitibi-Pri ce Inc . Canada Envel o pe Di v isi on 23 Disco Road P . o. Box 16 0 Rexdale , Ontario M9W 5L1 (705 ) 338-2505 Products: kraft pulp Total employees: 400 (4 16) 675-5900 Products: envelopes Total employ ees: 11 2 ( oont ' d) - 17 - Table 6 . Abitibi-Price Inc . Q1tario ( CXlrlcl. ) manufacturing facilities in the province of Abitibi-Price Inc . 'lbunder Bay Di vi s i o n Abitibi-Price Inc . Hi l roy 01vision P.O . Box 2390 Postal Station "F" 'lhunder Bay, Q'ltari o P7 B SE9 2560 Bowie Avenue Torooto , Ontari o (807) 683-6235 (4 16) 78 2-44 11 Products : newsprint Total employees: 375 sarbecco Inc . central a:>nverting Division M1 E 2R9 p rinting and wri ting papers , including social s tationery and school and o f fice Products: Total employees : 360 Barbecon Inc. Becon-Gage Envelopes 01 vision 3 40 Rimrock Foad pcvosvtev, Ontario M3J 3A6 56 Steelcas e Road West Markham , Ontario LJ R 1B2 ( 4 16 ) 638-6555 (4 16) 475-618 1 Products: envelopes Total empl oyees: 40 Barbecon Inc. sarber-Ellis Divi sion 20 Over lea Boulev ard Toronto , Ontari o M4H 1A7 (4 16) 421-8Z70 Products : social s tatione ry and miscellaneous conve rted Total employees: 75 Products : envelopes Total empl o yees : 98 (p lant ) 6 2 ( o ffice) Barbecon Inc . Becon-Gage Envelopes Di vi s ion 114 MarlOOrough Street P .O . Box 998 Brantford, Q"ltario NJ'r 557 (5 19) 752-4347 Products : envelopes paper products Total errployees : 6 1 - 19 - ATLANTIC PACKAGING PRODUCTS LIMITED ATLANTIC PACKAGING PRODUCTS LTD . Bead o ffice l oca t i on and addr es s Atlanti c Packaging Products Ltd . 111 Progress Avenue SCarborough , Ontario Hl P 2'f9 Nature o f buslnees Atlantic Packaging Products Ltd . is a privately owned ccmparry , It is wholly owned by the Granovsky f amil y . The Ontario-msed o::mpany manufactures llner board , corruga t i ng medium, ex>rruga t ed. s hipping con taine rs , gurrrned tape , po l ye thylene film , paper bags, sani tary tissues and disposable diapers . Di r ector s Phil Granovsky, O1a.irman an d Pres i de nt Irving Gr anovs ky History At lantic packaging o:mpany was established in 1946 and began operations as a manufacturer o f paper bags . In 1958 the canpany began making extruded polyethy l ene f i 1m, and with the instal lation of a pape: mill in 1968 the canpany entered. into the manufaetUl:e o f a variet y of paper-based p roducts. During the mid.- 1970s the cxxnpany narae '.AS changed to .~tlantic Packaging ~oducts L td . production cacilities Table 7 lists the company 's production fac i lities , a ll o f which are located in Qltario . - 20 - Table 7. Atlantic Packaging Products Ltd . production f a c i lities in the province o f CKltario Atlantic packaging Products Ltd . (mill and convertinq plant) 111 Progress Avenue Atlantic Pa ckaging Products Ltd . 45 Orlsolm Dr! ve Scarborough , Ontari o In gersoll, Ontario M1P 'ZI9 NSC r7 (4 16) 298-820 1 (5 19 ) 485-525 1 Products : l inertnard, corrugat ing Products: medium, tissues , flexible packaging, bags , corrugated containers , s ani tary corrugated containers, conve r-ted paper an d paper board pJ;'Oduets paper products Total employees : 470 (approx .) Atlantic packaging Products Ltd . Total e:nployees: 29 Atlantic Packaging Products Ltd. 57 11 Atlantic Drive Mississau ga , Ctltar io 6 Shaftsbury Lane Bramptoo , ontario L4W l H3 L6T 3X7 prcducta s c orrugated containe rs Total employees: 50 Atlantic packaging Products Ltd . 55 Milliken Blvd . Agi.ncourt, Ontari o M1V lV3 Products: household t.oo.Iels . disposable diapers , sanitary paper products To tal employees : 80 Products : corrugated container s , converted paper and paperboard products Total employees : 120 - 21 - Georgia-Paci f ic Co rp . BEAVER WOOD FIBRE COMPANY LIMITED GEORGIA-PAC IFIC CORPORATION Head o ffice l ocation and address Geo rgia-Pacific Corpor a tion 133 Pea c htree Atlanta I Georgia 30303 Nature o f business GeOrgia-pacific ccrpcr e tac e control s timberlands and manufactures , distributes and markets a variety of f orest products and building products including ply..-ood, paper, pulp , paperboard, gypsu:n, chemicals, furniture and lumber. ~raUons located outsiCe the united States are managed thro..tqh Georgia -pacific International Corpor a tion, a ...molly ocned subsidiary o f Geor gia- Pac ifi c Cor- por ataon , Georgia-Pacific Corpor a tion is the enterprise paren t o f the Beaver WOOd Fibre Co. Ltd. - 22 - THE BEAVE R WOOD FIBRE CD. LTD . Head o f f i c e l ocation and address The Beaver Wood Fibre Co . Ltd . 39 5 Allanburg Poad Thorold, Ontar io L "N l AS Nature of bus iness The Beaver Wood Fibre CO . Ltd . i s a wholly owned subsidiary of Georgia - pac i fic International Corporation o f At l an ta , Georgia . Head o f fices o f the Beaver WOOd Fibre CO . Ltd. are l ocated in Thorold , Ontari o . The ccmpany manufactures and marke ts a vari ety of paperboard and bJil ding materials products . Di r ector s ( The Beaver Wood Fibre Co . Ltd. , 1984 ) D. W. Watts Glenn E. Wilson Histor y (speci f i c to Chtari o-based oper at i ons ) 'rtle company was f ormed in 1913 by the Beaver Wood Fibre Co . Lt d . It was later acquired by certain-Teed Products COrpor ation , then by Bestwall Corporatio n , and finally by Georgia -Pa ci f i c Corpor a tion . Federal packaging & Pa rtition CO . Ltd . , a paper converter and subsidiary ccmpany , was s o l d in 1985. Chtario-based manufactur ing faciliti es The Beaver Wood Fibre Co . Lt d 3 19 Allanburg Road P . O. 8clX 104 7 Thorold, (DUrio L "N 1A5 (4 16) 227-665 1 Products : boxboard, chipboard , tube s tock, gypsum board papers , partition s tock, paperboard Total employees : 170 ( p lant) 18 (o f fice ) - 23 - BELKIN PACKAGING LIMITED Somerv ille Ent e rpr 1• • • [,t _ ned. { Bel C~ p l t~ l " ',- -- - r Belkin - -- - Be 98' I nd u s t r i e s Xe ye or p Indua t r t •• Ltatt ..t aee.., . -- -- - - - Limited Be 100.0 teo. ! c ••ry t ll . eel kin Ind ua t r t • • Ltatt ed "',- - - - - - - -0"'" Note: :Keycorp L"1dustries Ltd. . and Belkin Pac k aging Ltd. were amalgamated on 1 OCtober , 198 5 unde r the new name of Belkin Inc. Cc:r.m.mity Paper Fecycling Ltd. to be r e nerred Belkin Paper Stoc.'<. Inc . - 24 - KEYCORP INDUSTRI ES LTD. Head o f fic e locat i on and address Keycorp Industries Ltd . 136 51 Bridgeport Poad Ric:hIrond , British columbia V6V 1X1 Nature of business Keycorp Industries Ltd . is a subsidiary of capital Enterprises Ltd. of COlumbia . Keycorp Industries Ltd. is engaged p rimarily in the manufacture and marketing o f business f o rms and r e lated products . British Keycorp Industries Lt d. is the ent erpris e parent of Belkin Packaging Ltd . Di rectors Morris Belkin , Chai.rman and President H. Joseph Kelly Lorenzo N . Hoopes Douglas J . McKinnon A. Stuart Belkin Robert F . Krause Edwin C. Philli ps William E. Mastbaum C. R. Lawren c e Peers BELKIN PACKAGI NG LTD . Head of fice location and address Be lkin packaging Ltd. 8255 Wiggins Street Burnaby, British Col umbi a V3N zen Nature o f business Belkin Pac kag ing Ltd . is a wholly owned subsidiary of Keycorp Industrie s Ltd . o f BuInaby , British Col umbi a . Belkin Packaging Ltd. and its subsidiaries manufa cture and market paperb:Ja.rd and various paperboar-d p r oducts , p lasti c products , var ious euececedve products and cons truction mater ials incl uding industrial papers , roofing f elts , gypsum board and core boards. The canpany is a l so engaged in merchandising servi ces . ~rvil1e pa ckaging Ltd . Belkin Industries Ltd. i s a wholly owned subsidiary of ael.kin - 25 - Directors (Belkin Pac kaging Ltd., 1984 ) f'b rris seL'<i.n , O1a irman and President M. Josefh Kelly A. stuart Belkin Fobert F . Krause Edwin C. Phillips lorenzo N . Hoopes Dou glas J . McKinnon Wi lliam E . Mastbaum C.R. Lawrence Peers Hi story ( speci fi c to Cht ario-bas ed opera t ions) Belkin packaging Ltd . , through its Belkin Paperboard divis i on , operates paperboard mi lls in sritish ~lumbia , oeeaete and Q.lebec . 'Ihe Ctltari o-based operations were a CX}U1red in 1981 with the prrdlase o f the Toronto ooxboard plant , f ormerly owned by the Corltinental Group o f canada Ltd. , and its operating subsidiary , the COntinental can Company o f Canada . j\ corrugated container plant l ocated in Toronto was incorpor a t ed into the canpan y in October , 1984 . Ontari o-based proda::tion f aci li t i es Belkin Table 8 ) . packaging Ltd . oper a t e s a bo xboard plant in To ronto (see SOMERVILLE BELK IN INDUSTRIE S LTD. Head off ice l ocation and address scr:.e rville BeLldn Industries Ltd. 212 1 Argentia Poad Mississauga , Ontario LSN 1'18 Natu re of business 5cr.lerville Belkin Industri es Ltd . is a wholly owned subsidiary o f aelki."'l packaging Ltd . o f Burnaby , British COl umbia . sar.erv1l1e Bel kin Industries Ltd . i s e nga ged L, the manufacture of packagbg products i ncluding f o l din g cartons , milk cartons , and fle.'"dble packagL"g. The canpany a lso manufac-tures vacuun-formed p lastics , i.!! j ec-...ion~ded p lastics and eueceoefve prccuces , and provides mercr.andising services . Directors ( Somezville Bel kin Industries Lt d . , 7984 ) Fobe rt F. Krause z..brri s aelkin Olainnan David H. Gordon Doug las J . McKinnon Frank warnock P=esident and Chief Executive Off i cer - 26 - Cbtario-based prodrrtion fdCilities Sanerville Belkin Industries Ltd . operates several production facilities in ooeardo , three of which manufacture paperOOard boxes and r e lat ed produces (see Table 8 ) . COMMUNITY PAPER RECYCL ING LTD . Nature o f business A subsidiary o f Belkin Packaging Ltd . , camunity Paper Recycling Ltd . operates paper recycling plants in Burnaby, Edtontal , Calgary and Toronto . 'rtlese plants provide a steady, l ow-cost scarce of r aw material f or the three boaranills o f Belkin Packaging Ltd. - 'Z1 - Belkin packaging Lt d ., sccrerville Belkin Industries Ltd., and C0mmunity Paper Recycling Ltd . production facilities in the province of on tario . Table 8 . sanerville Belkin Industries Ltd. Packaging Division sarerville Be lkin Industri e s Lt d . Packaging Group crumlin Side Road P. O. IDx 5760 Tenninal II A" London , Ontario 66 Fay Avenue Toronto , Ontario M6M 2A9 N6A 4T2 (519) 451-6060 Products : f olding paperboard (4 16 ) 766-8 21 1 Products : boxes and cartons f olding paperb:lard boxes , miscellaneous cceverced pape r and paperboard products Total employees : 191 (plant) 56 (off ice) Total eq>loyees : 200 (plant) 65 (of f i ce) Somerville Belkin Industries Ltd. packaging 01 vision Be l kin Packaging Ltd . Belkin paperboard Di vi s i on 1291 California Avenue Brockville , Ontario KEN SW3 495 camti.ssioners Street 'rcrceeo , Ontario M4M lAS (613 ) 34 2-%4 0 (416) 46 1-8 26 1 Products: f olding paperboard Products : boxes and cartons bcxccerd , coated boxboard , linerboard , mi scellaneous paper fran recycled waste material Total emp l.oyeee s 18 5 Belkin Packaging Ltd. Total employees: 183 ( p lan t ) 4 2 (of f ice) D:mm..1ni t y Paper Fecycling Ltd. Corrugat ed Division 188 cartwright Avenue Toronto , Ontari o 475 Ccmnissioners fbad Toronto , Cntario MG.!\. 1% M4M 1l\6 (416) 787-4206 (4 16) 46 1-9241 Products: corrugated containers Products: recyc led waste, paper s tock - 29 - BOISE CASCADE CANADA LIMITED BOISE CASCADE CORPORATION He.3d office lccacion Boi s e Cascade ~ address Co~ration one Jefferson Square Boise, Idaho 837:28 s aeur e o f business Boise cascade o:>rporation is an Arrerican-owned, fully L"lt egra ted forest products ccmpany with corporate headquarter s located in Boise , Idaho . It is engaged pr i ncipally in the manufacture, distribution and marketing o f ne-..-sp r int and other paper products, packaging and of fice products. wood products and buil ding materials . ecdse Cascade Corporation Canada Ltd. is the enterprise parent of Boise Cascade - 30 - BO ISE CASCADE CANADA LTD . Head o f f i c e locat ion and address Boise Cascada Canada Ltd. Suite sao 33 00 Bloor Street West Toronto , Ontario M8X 2>< 2 Nature o f business Boise cascade Canada Ltd . i s a wholly owned subsi diary of Boise cascade Corporation of Boise , I daho . Headquarters of f i ces of Boi s e Cascade canada Lt d . are l ocated in Toronto , Ontario . The canpany is a fully integrated f orest products company maintaining and q>er a ting maj o r pulp and paper mi l ls in northwestern Ontario. The cempany manufactures a varie t y of forest p roducts , including market pulp , f ine papers, newsprint and lumber . Di r ectors (Eblse cascad e canada Ltd . , 1984 ) R. J cseph Knee land John R. Forrest President and Chief Executive Officer Chairman Philip Gordon Robe rt E. Menbr ey gex L . Dorman J ohn Wass erle in nce , Alan A. Macna ughton Peter Norri e Ebbert B. Taylor Charle s E. Fari e s , J r . K. Fred G. Williams Kenne th H. Woodl ey Ontar io-bas ed prodllCtion faci l i t ies Bois e Cas cade canada Lt d. Kenora Newsprint Division 504 9th Street P . O. Box 5000 Kenor a , Ontario P9N 3y1 (807) 468 - 64 11 Products: newspr int Total employees : 843 Bois e Cascade canada Ltd . Paper Mill Oi vision 1455 Idyl wi ld Drive Fort Fran ces, Ontario P9A 3M3 (807) 274- 77 43 Products : b leached kraft (rrarket ) pulp , newsprint, o f f set papers , specialty groundwood papers Total employees: 1 , 149 ( p lant 37 ( o ffi ce ) - 31 - BONAR CANADA LIMITED r.... ... I 8 01\& 1' PI.e COR 100.0 Bonal' I"t . l'~t 1on&1 Ho14109 . L1_ 1t .-c1 C" 100. 0 BONAR CANADA r.IHITD:I 0"" 100. 0 ..... , . ["',- ------- - - 0""JI P& <;II: - 32 - LOW & BONOR PLC Head o f f i c e location and address Low & senor PLC Bonar House Faraday Street Dundee , U.K. 001 9JA Low & Bonar PLC is registered in SCotland as the 1PoI & Ebnar Group Ltd . With bJ,siness interests around the world , the ccmpany CCJnducts its business through three divisions : packaging , textiles , and engineering . lDw & Bonar PLC is the enterprise parent o f Bonar · Canada. Ltd. and its wholly oo.med subsidiary , Bonar Packaging Ltd . BONAR CANADA LTD. Head office l ocation and address Bonar canada Ltd . 3027 Harvester Road Burlingt.oo:, ontario L7N 3J9 Nature o f business Bonar canada Ltd . is a wholly owned subsidiary o f Low s Bonar PLC o f the united Kingdon . Executive of f i c es of Bonar Canada Ltd . are l oca t e d in Burlington, ontario. The canpany manufactures a variety of paperboar d products (i .e . , f o lding cartons l, f l exible packaging products made fran paper, plastic and textiles , p r i nt ed bags, l unber protection wrap , and s em.i- 1:u1k containers , and it distribltes p:1ckaging machinery and min ing ventil a tor s . Bonar canada Ltd . , through its wholly ccned subsi diary Bonar Packaging Ltd . , is o ne o f Canada.t s largest manufacturers o f uuIti-wall paper and textil e bags and p lastic fle xible packaging . Directors ( a:mar canada Ltd ., 1983 ) E.G. Campbell B. G. Gi lbert Presi de nt and Chief Executive Of ficer Chairman w.s. W.L . Telfer R.R. Craig l-bffat R.J. Shirley - 33 - Cbtario-based prO'1uetion facilities Eonar canada Ltd . maintains and oper ates plants and sales o ffices across canada . Bonar Packaging Ltd . , a ..molly O'oIOed subsidiary , operates three ronverting plants in Q1tario (see Table 9 ) . Table 9. Bonar canada Ltd . and Bonar packaging Ltd . production f a cilitie s in the province o f Ontario . Ba'Jar Packaging Ltd . Paper Di vi s ion 2380 McDowall Road Burlington, O'Itar!o L7R 4A1 (4 16) 637-56 1 1 Products : paper bags, s lMll and nulti-wall plastic bags , packaging mad1.inery Total employees : 300 sonar Packaging Ltd . Bonar Packaging Ltd . 364 Massey Avenue 173 Bartley Dr!ve Toronto , Ontario Guelph, Ontario N1H 6R 1 M4A 106 (519) 821 -2570 (416) 755-2213 Products : paper bags Total employees: Products : f olding paperboard bcxes , blister cards and skin boards 29 (plant) 6 (office) Total employees : 57 (plant) 14 ( office) - 35 - Ca na di a n Pacif ic Limited CANADIAN PACIFIC ENTERPRISES LIMITED CI P INC . GREAT LAKE S FOREST PRODUCTS LI MITED - 36 - s.s Ca l •• • <1_ Oipo t . t pla o;• • • n t au Que-M C ."" ' .2 pgwwr Co rpo r a tion o t C&lMCU ."" '" CANADI A'" PACIFI C LI MITED 50. ."" l 1O·, CANADIAN PAC I FIC CltElU'RIS£S t.I~In:D ."" 'S. 100. [ 171 S4.J ] CIP IHC. 0"" GR!:A'I' tJJtE5 FOREST PRODUCTS LI HITE:D 271 ONT I - 37 - CANAD IAN PACIF IC LTD. Head office location dIXi' address canadian Pacific Ltd . Windsor station P . O. Box 6042 , Station A M:JNTREAL , Quebec H3C 3E4 Nawre of business canadian Pacific Ltd. is a widely held , caoedtan-cseed , diver sified b.1siness e nterprise . Al though the ccxnpany maintains significant busine s s int er.es ts in the United States and around the world, its primary oper a tin g interests are canadian and broadly based, extending a cross the na tion . They include rail, road, sea and air tran sportation, teleccmnunications , hotels and f ood services , real estate, resource developaent , manufacturing , insuran ce, agriproducts , eccncm.ic and transportatioo consulting . canadian Paci f ic Ltd . i s the enterprise parent o f canadian Pacific Ent erprise s Ltd . a nd its as s ocia t ed subsidiary cx::mpani es . Directors F . S. Burbidge O1a irman Presi dent an d Chie f Executive Of f i cer w. W. Stinson James W. Burns A1..lard Jiskoot C . A. Fielding .1• H• !-bore Tbanas G. Rust F . H. Shennan c. Douglas Reekie Pa ul Desmarais , c,c. Pobert s . Campbe ll Lloyd I. sarber , Q.C . A. S . Kingsmill , Q. C . Donald C . Matthews W. Earl e McLaughlin , Q.C. Stanley A. Milne r Paul L. Pare, Q. C . Claude Pratte , Q.C . Ray C. Wolf e , C.M. Rt. ace , Lord Polwarth , Lucien G. Rolland , Q .C• william D . !'l1l.holland Jean Casselman Wadds , Q. C . CANADIAN PACI FIC ENTERPRISE S LTD . Head o f fice loca.t i on and address cana dian Pacific Enterprises Ltd. 2300 , One Pa l liser Square 125 9th Avenue S . E. cal gary, Alberta T:a:; OP6 Nature of business canadian Pa cifi c Enterprises Ltd . i s a canadfan-ocned subsidiary corpor ation o f Cana dian Pacific Ltd. Canadian Pacifi c Enterprises Lt d . i s a diver sified business enterpris e with oper ating interests around the wor ld , a s well as - 38 - coast to coast in canada . Business interests include manufacturing , real estate , resccree developnent, insurance and agricultural products . canadian Pacific Enterprises Ltd . is the enterprise parent of two majo r forest products canpanies--cIP Inc . and Gr eat Lakes Forest Products Ltd. canadian Pacific Enterprises Ltd . holds a majorit y interest in Great Lakes For - e s t Products Ltd . and wholly owns CIP Inc . Directors Robert w. Campbell Stuart E . Ea gl e s F . S . Burbidge J . Macnamara Paul A. Nepveu R.D . SOUthern w.w. Stinson Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Presi dent M. Norman Anderso n 'Ib:xMs M. Galt w. Claude Pra t te , c .c. C . Merv Leitch , c.c. The Hen . J.L . Nichol , Q. C. Ray D. Wolfe , C.M. Paul L. Pare, Q.C . Earle McLaughlin A.A. MaCNaughton C . tcccies Reekie Paul Descarais , Q. C. Production fac ilities The various enterprises with Ontari o-based f acilities e ngaged in the production and rrarketing o f p.11p and paper products are S\mIlIClrized by product type in Table 10, and by production f a cilit y in Table 11 . CIP INC . Head of fice locat ion and address CIP Inc. 14 th Floor 1155 Metcalfe Street Montrea l ; Quebec H38 2X1 Nature o f business CIP Inc . is a wholly owned s ubsidiary corporation o f Canadian Pacif ic Enterprises Ltd. of cal gary , Alberta. CIP Inc . i s a maj or integrated f orest p roducts ccmpany engaged in the production and t!larketing of a variety o f pulp and paper products ; including news pr int; paperboard; pulp , packaging and s peci alt y paper products. 'Ihe ccmpany' s oper a t ions are l ocat ed prima rily in eastern Canada and Br i t i s h COl~~ia , a l tho ugh it has facilit i e s i n roos t; provinces . I t s products are marketed both dcmestically and internationally. CIP Inc . , throucjl i ts ex>ntainer and single servi ce divisions; operates four packaging and containerboard plants in the province o f Ontario. Thra.lgh i ts wholly owned subsidiary, Dcmini on Ce llulose Lt d . ; the canpany produces var ious tis s ue and household paper products. The canpany 's Ontario-based o per a t ions are listed in Table 11. - 39 - Directors O1a.inran , President and Odef Executive o f ficer C. S . Flenniken Michel Belanger .raees F. Hankinson Jacques de Bi l ly stuart E . Eagles Peter M. Nixon Paul H. Leman Claude Pratte , Q.c. Paul A. Nepveu Paul L . Pare, Q.C. E. Neil fok:Kel.vey History ( speci f i c to Clltari o-based oper at i ons) The o rigina l c:crnpany was i ncorporated by statute of the p rovince o f Quebec in 19 16 under the name of " St. Maurice Lumber ccnpeny" , The name was changed to the canadian International Paper canpany in 1925. 'Ih~ assets o f the canadian Internaticnll Paper C:mpany, a 'oIIIOOlly owned subsidiary of International Pap-!r CCmpany of New York , were acquired by Canadian Pacific Enterprises Ltd. in 1982 and the name was subsequently ci'..anged to CIP Inc. 'ltl e Hawkesrory, Ontario dissolving pulp nlill was closed in December o f 1982 . In 1984, Canadian Pacifi c Enterprises Ltd . acquired the assets o f Tahsis canpany Ltd . which were subsequently absorbed wit.lrl.n the operations of its ...molly owned subsidiary, Pacific Forest Products Ltd. Pacific Forest Products Ltd . was r enamad CIP Forest Products Inc . In 1985, CIP Forest Products Inc . was amalgamated with eIP Inc . under CIP In c. DOMINI ON CELLULOSE LTD. Bead of rice location and address DcminiCX1 cellulose Ltd. 15 51 ~~ Jb3.d 'IOrotmJ, Ontario M6M 4Y4 Nature o f business DcmL",ion Cellulose Ltd . i s a wholly o ened subsidiary o f CIP I nc. ccepeny manufa ctures an d markets tissue and s anitary paper products. 'Itle Products are marke ted by its s ubsi diary company , Fac e lle cempany Lt d . of Toronto , Ontario. - 40 - Directors Brian M. Bl akel y P . G. Day A.R. Murphy Pre side nt and Genera l Manager C. S . Flenniken P.E . Gagne W.H. Martin F.D . QJ.inn Marc Fegnie r Production facilit i es Dc:mi.nion Ce llulose Ltd . operates a plant in Toronto ( see Table 11 ) . GREAT LAKES FOREST PRODUCTS LTD. Head o f fice l ocation and address Gr eat Lakes Forest Products Ltd . P. O. Box 4 30 Thunder Bay I Ontari o P7C 4W3 Na.t ure of bus iness Gr eat Lake s Forest Produ=ts Ltd ' l .....i th corpor ate h eadquarters l ocated in Thunder BaYI ooearao , is a Canedi.an-ovned subs i diary ccmpany o f Cana dian Pacifi c Enterprises Ltd . o f Calgary I Alberta. Gr eat Lakes Forest Products Ltd . is a major integrated. manufa cturer o f forest products that mar kets b leached kraft ?lI p , newsprint , f ine papers and buil ding products . The canpany ' s plants are l ocat ed i n no rthwestern Ontario an d i ts sales are princi pal l y t o the unit ed States . Director s C . J . carter Pres i dent and C'lairman o f the Board C.R. EbWles B . H. Ridder , J r . R. w. campbell R.E. O1al.mers R. S . Defune W. Norman Ki s s i ck William W. Stinson J . G. Treze vant J . R. J one s Richard C. Meech, c.c. Bartlett B. Ranl:x:!ugh J. Ross Le.~ier St anley H. Stauffer Hi story Incorporated as the Great Lakes Paper Company Ltd. in 1919 1 the company began opera tions producing ~ pulp in 1924 . In 1936 the ccmpany was reor gan i zed as 'l1le Great Lakes Paper c.anpany Ltd . and a gain in 197 8 as Great Lakes Forest Products Ltd . I n 1979 the ccrnpan y acquired the mill and asscx:iated f o rest products assets o f Reed Ltd. , Dryden Di vision. - 41 - Prod uction raci l i ties 'rne operations o f Great Lakes Forest Products L td . are centered in north....es tern Ontari o with major production facilities located in Thunder Bay and Dryden (see Table 11 ). Table 10. canadian Pacific Enterpr ises Ltd. ( for e s t products manufa cturing subsidiaries) pulp and paper mills , oonverting plants and sales facilities in the province o f Ontario Product Manufactured at Conugat ed containers CIP Inc . Burlington sanitary food Sales o:mpanies and offices e IP I nc. Burlington """"'" Markham London Markham _dale Rexdale CIP Inc . Markham PURE-PAX: container s sanitary tissues Dcminion cellulose Ltd. Facelle company Ltd. ""ronto 'rcrcoeo Market pulp Car-tons Markham Grea t Lakes For est Products Ltd . Thunder Bay Dryden Newsprint Great Lakes For est Produ~--s Ltd . Thunder Bay Fine papers Gr<>..at Lakes Forest Products Ltd . Dryden Great Lakes Forest Products Ltd . ( f ine paper sat es) 'rcroneo - 42 - Table 11. canadian Pacific Enterprises Ltd. ( f o r e s t products manufacturing subsidiaries) p roductio n facilities in the province of onearfc Daninion cellulose Ltd. Toronto , Ontario CIP Inc . COntainer Division 747 Appleby Line Burlington , Ontario L7R 2'[6 155 1 Weston Road Toronto , Ontario M6M 4Y4 (41 6 ) 827-0012 ( 4 16 ) 243-301 1 Products : corrugated shipping containers Total employees: 170 CIP Inc . Products : f a c ial tissue, bathroan tissue , household towels Total employees : 463 (plant) 87 (of f ice ) Great Lakes Forest Products Ltd. Container Division 57 5 Pall Mall street London , Ontario P .O. Box 430 Thunder Bay , Ont ario NSY 2Z8 P7C 4W3 (5 19) 4 3 2- 118 6 (807) 475-2110 products : cor rugat e d s hipp ing containers Total employees : 280 Products: kraft market pulp, newsprint Total employees : 3 , 9 08 CIP I nc. COntainer Di vision 1170 Martin Grove Road Rex dale , Ontar i o M9W 4X1 ( 4 16) 247- 8 76 1 Products : corrugated containe r s Total employees: 125 (pl ant) 27 (of f ice) (cont'd) - 43 - Table 11 . Canadian Pacific D1:t erprises Ltd . ( f o r est p roducts manufacturing subsidiaries ) production facilities in the p rovince of Ontario (ccnc t , ) CIP Inc. 1 ) Single service 0 1vision 2 ) Containe r Division Great Lakes Fo r est Products Ltd. 200 Bullock Dr ive Markham, Ontari o Duke Street Dryden , Ontario LJp 1W2 PBN ( 4 16) :<94-9137 ( 807) 223 -2323 Products: 1 ) s ani tary feed containers 2) corrugat ed container s Total employees: 110 Products: zz.7 fine paper products including business f orm paper, book paper , b.Jsiness paper, envel ope , converting and printing paper, kraft market pulp Total employees: 1 , 67 1 - 45 - CONSOLIDATED-8ATHURST INC. 3' . 9 Powe t Co tpg t. t i on ot Canad A OUE '" 16 .2 A. _oci a t ed 9ew _pa pe t a CtOUP Lat t _1i C.. ] BAtb y ta t Pa~ t U.it ed. 01'" '" 100 . Con a o l id.a t.e'<1 - !lAt hy t a t Pon t ia c L i . i t ~ 'UE 100 . I l CB PAir I r.c. ]1 OUE '" TVinpa k Inc . ]1 OUE ". "-c"ll1an BAthy tat I n c:. m 1 cer" 4 se . Kac"i ll." Bl oede l Ll .. it.ed - 46 - CONSOLIDATED-BATHURST INC. Head oeeice locat i on and addres s consolida t ed- Bathurst Inc . 800 Dorchester Bl vd . W. P . O. Box 69 Montreal , Quebec H3B 1Y9 Nature oe business Consolidat ed- Bathurs t Inc ., with corporate headquarters located in funtreal, i s an eastern Canadian f orest products and packaging pro:h1cts o::mpany . It ranks among the 30 largest publically ocned manufacturing o::mpanies in ceneca . with production and sales oper a tions functions o r gan i zed within two beeiness groups , Pul p and Paper and packaging , the cx:mpany manufactures and markets a variety o f f o rest produces incl uding newsprint, kra ft pulp , containerboard , boxboard , kraft paper , h unber and packaging products. Dir ectors William I.M. 'rume r J r . T . Oscar Stranqeland Pi erre Arbour PDbert A. Bandeen J ean s .irnard J arres w. Burns Rt . aon, Viscount Rotherrnere Chief Executive Of ficer and Chainnan President and Chief Ope rating Of f icer A. Frank Know'le s Robert E. Morrow Dc:uglas A. Herl is H. Roy Crabtree Paul Desma rais Gus A. Van Wielingen Kenneth A. Randall J ohn M. seabrook Peter N . Thcmson R. M. P . Shields Hi s tory (speci fic to Cklcario-based oper ations) Consolidat ed-Bathurst Corpor a tion Lt d . was Inc orporated in 19 31 as a reor gani zatio n o f canada Po<.oIer & Paper corpor a etcn , In 196 0 the ccxnpany acquired a packaging plant in Dryden, Ontari o; hcsever , this p l ant was subsequently c losed down. '!h e a ssets of Gillies Bros . & Ccrnpany Ltd., a lumber manufa cturer, were acquired in 1963 . Control o f the New Brunswi ck-based ccrnpany , Bathurst Paper Ltd., was realized in 1966/1967 . In 1967, the name o f the CCClpill1y was changed t o COnsolidated-Bathurs t Ltd. Ont ario-based manufacturing f ac ili tie s COnsolidat ed- Bathurst rnc, , through its who lly owned subsidiary C8 Pak Inc . , has interests in a number of Ontario- bas ed packa ging plants. These fa cilities are list ed in Tabl e 12 . Twinpak Inc. is a subsidiary of CB pak: Inc . rla.cM.illan Bathurst Inc. is a joint venture enterprise , owned equally by Consolidat ed- Bat.'lurst Inc. and MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. - 47 - MacMIllAN BATHURST INC. Head o t tii ce location and dddress l-.acMillan Bathurst Inc . 2070 Hadwen Road Missi s sauga , Ontario LSK X9 Nature or business MacMillan Bathurst Inc . i s a j oint venture ent e rpris e un dertaken by MacMillan Bl oedel Ltd . an d COnsolidated Bathurst Inc . t o manufacture and market oorrugated shipping containe rs . TW ltlPAK INC. Head of rice l ocation and address Twi npak Inc. 2225 Boul . Hymus Dorval , Q.1ebec H9P 1J8 Nature or business T.ri.'"Ipak. is an eastern Canadian manufacturer o f packaging products and packaging systems. 'nle o::mpan y is a subsidiary of CB PaX Inc . , a holding canpeny f o r the various packaging subsi dia ries owned and o per a t e d by consolidatedBathurs t Inc . Table 12. consolidated Bathurst Inc . manufacturi ng f a ciliti es in the province of Ontario ( subsidiary and affiliat ed inter ests ) MacMillan Bathurst Inc . Mac Millan Bathurst Inc. 200 Brockport Drive Re.'<da..le, C!1tario 390 Woodla:..m Foad QlelEit , O1tarl0 M9N 5C9 N1H 6R1 (416 ) 259 -8421 5 19) 821-4930 Produc""...s: o:n'I1..l9'1ted shipping containers Total employees: 138 (plant ) 35 (o f f i ce ) Products: west corrugated shippL"'Jg con- taine rs Total employees : 127 ( plant) 39 (of fi c e) (cent I d) - 48 - Table 12 . O:>nsolidated Bathurst Inc . manufacturing f a cilities in the province o f cntario ( su.b3 i diary and a f fi liated interests) (cone !.) MaCf<'l.illan Bathurs t Inc. MacMillan Bathurst Inc . 1' 55 Talbot street 30 1 Forced Poad Saint 'Ihanas, ()ltaria NSP lG6 Pembroke, cntario KBA 6Y5 (519 ) 633-0770 ( 613) 73 2- 2873 Products: cor rug:lt ed shipping containers TOtal employees: 135 (p lant) Products: corrugated shipping ccn- tainers Total employees: 36 ( office) 115 (plant) 28 ( office ) MacMillan Bathurs t Inc. 730 I s lington Avenue Toronto , Q'ltario MSZ 4m ( 4 16) 259-842 1 Products : corrugat ed shipping con- tainers Total employees: 138 (p lant) 44 (office) l".acMi.llan Bathurst Inc . 'l\ri.npak Inc . (subsi diary o f CB pak Inc. ) water Street unit 369 , Elgin Street p. O. Box 150 P.O. Box 1480 Brantford, CDtario WUtby, cntario L1N 5R7 N3T 5% ( 4 16) 68 7-2600 (519 ) 759-2500 Products: corrugat ed s hipping containers Total employees: 167 (plant) 51 (office) Products: fle xible packaging products, metallized products, packag ing systems, multiwall paper products Total er::ployees : 18 0 - 49 - DOMTAR INC. Domtar Sonoco Containers Inc. D. t.a c.t.• • de t'fpo t e t Plac •••nt du Ou'bec QUE ". Doto r I nc . QUE I COHT" I NC. L 49 .0 Do.ta r So no e o Con t ai n e r . I n c . '" <01-- -mOT 1 So n oe o I n t e r na t i o na l ree . L - - -- -- - - - u,. - 50 - DOMTAR INC . Head o f fi ce location and address ocmtar Inc . 39 5 de M:lisonneuve Blvd . M::lntreal, Quebec w. H3A l L6 Nature o f business oomtar I nc . is a canadian-owned corporation . Its r egi s t e red and princi- pal o f f i c e i s l ocat ed in Montre a l , Quebec . Dcmtar Inc. i s a divers ified canpany engaged in the manufacture and marketing o f a wide range o f p roducts through f our oper a ting groups : pJl.p and paper products , packaging , chemicals . and construction materia l s . pcaear , through i ts various subsidiaries and aff iliates , i s a lso engaged in gas and oil explo ration and in related devetcceene programs . Dcmtar's sales and operations are predani.nantly Canadian . During the peri od 1980-1 984 , sales in the united States (fran both canadian and American oper a tions) represented approximately 24- 30\ o f Demtar's sales . Di r'!!Ctors Yves Pra t t e James H . smith Gi lles Blondeau Robert Despres Robert E . Heneault Jean-Clau de Lebel Lome C . Webster Chairman o f the Board Presi dent and Oti.ef Executive Of ficer Guy Cou1=be Remi aarccox Denis Giroux J ohn c . Majo r Robert Marcus J .A. Go rdon Be ll Rayrrond R. Pinard Michel P les s i S-Belair John G. Kirkpatrick Edward J . Wat ers History ( s poci fi c t o cnt ar i o-based oper at ions) Dcmi.ni o n Ta r and Chemical Ccmpany Ltd . was incorporated in 19 23 . The canpany ent ered the plip and paper industry in 19 57 when it obtained control o f HO\oard smith Paper Mills Lt d. , one o f Canada ' s largest produce!'s o f fi ne papers . In 1961 , tceear o:mpleted the acquisition o f that ccmpany and a cqukz-ed controlling interests in St . Lawrence corpor a tion Ltd ., a producer o f newsprint, cont.ainerboard , and va r i ous packaging products . '!he ccmpany subsequently acquired all outstanding shares o f St . Lawrence corporation Lt d. It was amalgamated with Howard smith Paper Mi lls in 1971. 1be present neee , Dcrntar Inc ., was adopted in 1978 . SUbsidiaries a lso operat e in the un i ted Stat es. Organi za t i onal structure oonear Inc. mana ges its vari ous bus i nes ses within f our groups : ?lI p and paper products , packaging , const ruction materials , and chemicals. (see Fig . 2.) - 51 - The pulp and paper p roducts group , the largest of ocmta.r's four o per ating groups. is one o f the major pulp and paper manufacturers in canada . '!he three opera ting divisions o f this group ( fine papers , newsprint and kraft pulp , and f orest products) , form a vertica lly integrated business frem the harvesting o f timber through to the marketing o f a diverse range o f paper products . 'Ihe packaging g:raJp produces CXlntainerboard, corrugat ed containers and cx:mposite cans. 'l1le group is o rgani zed by product Une into four divisions : containerb:lard , corrugated containers , recycling, and canposite can . The coostruction materials group i s a l eading manufacturer and distrib.1tor of construction materials in Canada . 'nle ro:Jfing and fiber products division is a ccnstit ue nt industry of the paper and allied industries group as defined by statistics canada . Divisions ...nth operating interests in the province of ontario are earfeed L, Table 13 . Table 13 . sun- Domtar Inc . divisions wi th operating interests in Q'ltario Division Nature of blsiness Pulp and paper products group Fo rest products 'nle Fine papers The fine papers division is the largest manu facturer o f uncoated f ine papers in Canada . The di·n.sion produces over 500 grades o f paper in a wi de variety of f inishes , weights and sizes . ~o?A'Sprint and kraft pulp divisiQr'l produces newspri nt and grouna ...ood specialty papers a t two integrat e d mills l ocated a t Dolheau and Donna cona, QUebec and kraft pulp a t Lebel - sur-Quevill on , Quebec . These products are marke t ed toge'"...her with the newspr int p roduced by the Red lb::k , Ontario :nill. operated by Dcmtar's packaging graJp. 'l11ese three newsprint mi l l s have the capacit y to produce approximately 4 0 0, 0 00 metric tonnes o f ne-..osprint and ground-wood specialty paper s per year . and kraft pulp f orest products division supplies Dc:mtar ' s ?1lP mi lls with wood. f i.ber , the p rincipal raw material used by the pulp and paper products and packaging groups . The division engages in the management of timbar resccrces , harvesting and purdlasing o f wood fiber and the production and sale o f lu:nber. The r.ewsprint (oont 'd) - 52 - Tabl e 13. Dantar Inc . divisions with operating interests in Ckltario (or;:ncl.) Di vision Nature o f b.lsiness Packaging group Containerboard The corrugat ed containers division is one of canada 's largest manufacturers o f corrugat ed cce camers , with 13 plants located in major industrial markets a cross canada . 'Ihe division obtains the bul.k of the r a w materials used i n i ts manufacture o f corrugated containers fran the containert:oard divisial . A l alg-tenn supply agreement is in ef fect with a western Canadian producer to provide the container OOard requirements o f two o f the div i sion ' s western plants. Recycl ing The Ccrnposite can The Corpor a tion owns 51\ of Domtar Containers Inc ., which is the canadian manufacturer o f coepost.ee metal cans and has the maj o r share canadian market . recycling division oper a tes three was te paper r e cyc ling plants with an aggre gat e capacity to salvage , handle and supply Dcmtar "s mills and o ther Canadian odlls with approximately 124 , 000 metric t a m es o f waste paper annually . The Di v isi on also acts as a broker of waste papers . gonoco l eading papero f the COnstnlct.ion mat erials group R:ofing and fiber products 'Ibis divis ion produces asphal t shingles , rolled pro:3ucts and roofing fe lts at five canadian l ocati o ns and has approximately 27\ o f the Canadian asphalt roofing products market. - 53 - Table 14 . Inc . ?J.1p and pape r mi l ls , con verting plants and s a les f acilities in the province of Ontari o pcetar sal es ccmpanies and o f f i ces Manufactured a t Fine papers ConTWall St. Catharines To r onto Buntin Reid Paper Ottawa London Mississauga Buntin Gilles Hamilton Ottawa Halls -canada Papers Toronto Newspr int Willowdale Liner board and corrugating r:edium Mississauf.}'l Corrugated ccetetne ra ?et e r bor oo.gh !led '""'" Trenton Etobicoke O1atham St . Mary ' s Concord Toronto Barrie O1atham Etobicoke Kitchener (2 o f f ices) London oeen Sound Peterboroogh Ruthven St . ~'s Toronto CcmpOsite cans Dcmtar Sonoco Contai ne r s Inc . Roofing f elt O1atham Mississauga Prescott Tho rold Brampton - 54 - OOHTAR HIt . ....., I ,,~ .~ 0 " 1$ ' '"' "" """ l oon' ''9 , .......... y .~" CCJ!'l.... Ll F, ... " - ..... Mil l "" ""..... _ n_ '...... 10" Loggl "'J , ..... .ft" ll s. ~J S . ~y l.,.s tceerro s.,.. Olli e. s ..- I"'0II111 . 1Lt OoClAU 'S. 1. s Oll ie . , ,-""-_. _ tl.. " ... p"..... .. i R. 14 on ">I. OON WALl£T R[D IIlXX I-- t ".per"" _c.... .,- _ u .. , O ITI S'DO _ _ ,- ST. C/oJloWlIOl£S IllXI'l oG NO Fl l1fl( l"RCtlUCt S 0"1' 10. MISS ' SSAI£A _ f l .. R_ II R...... w.. l c. ~ ..... NloN'RINT ....., _ l-I- R,,1 4 ' eo..- I LTON Bu. tl " Gl ln " . ' 1... .~ p"..... "'r e~."T T(R)tfTO I-- .... 1I....c. . ... . , ...... ,,- P ....... ... f e...... '---- on.".. _ . 1. Gillin ,......,,_eNt... "- - 55 - OtDU CA t5 ""'" ... I I " " ,AA ""', '" socce COlTAIHDlS »c, - '' - -",..., r- r- IlECTClIIG OIYl 5lCH aJlTAIHE/!8ONlO OIYU ICtl COItAlMERS OIYIS'Ctl I ..- s.... ~ , • •h Of tl .... ..- , - , "I'. c:M " , . ., P'Il[ SCOTT C--O". c... ' I ... , •• SS' 5SA lJ>A Cooopo. lh - I-- I-- b "'..., - c... , ...., -- ~ It ... '4 .1 5.01.. Offl e. ,- ~O l ~ _' . S,~ _ tl "'" " ..., ETOB •CCI:. ~ 60. PI• • ' .... s.o ' •• I-- I-- r- r- 5.01.. OU, .... om",. 5. 1• • Oll ie. I-- r- _ ,- .n.",... I-- I-",... ..-... Sa' " Oftl ee ,- 5.0' " _ _ ..." I ~c.... ~ "9n" ~ d l .. . ' SS I SSA\,CA L- ~ ,- _ . - e.orr.... ,.. _ ,_ • • II hI .. Olf 'c. -",... "" ecx ~I .11 ' O tt ' ~ ST. _ " 5 , . ,.... ll-eycl l P9 ,. ..., 5. 1.. Ol tl .. .-" r- r- h I.. OUI "" OfU .... '- IS~ """"" ....",,1 1 tI. Il.,.., l s.,.. Of ll . . - 56 - DOMTAR SONOCO CONTA INERS INC. Head of f ice rxmtar soncoo Containers I nc. 450 Evan s Avenue Etobicoke , Ontario Mal' 2I'5 Nature o f busines s Dcmta.r scoocc Containers Inc . is a subsidiary o f Dcmtar Inc . (5 1 .0' ) and a joint venture enterprise between Dalrt:ar Inc . and. Sonoco International Inc . of Hartsville , SOUth carolina . Executive o f fices o f Domtar sonoco Containers Inc . are located in Malton, Ontario . Dcmtar SOnOCX) containers Inc . is the l eading canadfan manufacturer of canposite peper-eeeal. cans and has the majo r s hare o f the canadian market. Canposit e cans are used in the p3.ckaging of a numbe r of products such as frozen j uice s , powdered bevera ge s, rootor oils. household c leansers and caulking. Table 16. Dautar Inc . and Dantar scoocc Containers Inc . manufacturing f ac ili- ties in the province of Ontario Dantar Inc . Pulp and Paper Products Group Dcmtar Inc . Pa ckaging Group Fine Papers 01vision COntainertoard 01vision 80 0 Second Street West cornwall, on tario P. O. Box 480 Re d Ibck , Ontario K6H 553 POT 21'0 ( 6 13 ) 93 2-6620 (807 ) 886-2211 Products : f ine papers book paper, paper , copy and writing paper board , pulp TOtal employees: incl uding bond , Products: linerb:Jard b.tsiness f orm paper , pr inting paper s , bleached kraft 1, 500 Total empl oyees : 600 (p lant) 100 (of fice ) (cont 'd) - 57 - Dantar Inc. and cemtar SOnoco COntainers Inc. manufacturing facilities in the province o f C!ltario ( coot ' d ) Table 16 . oontar Inc . Pulp and Paper Products GrOup Fine Paper s 01visi o n Dcmtar Inc . Pulp and Paper PrOducts Group Newsprint and Kraft :?u1p Di vis ion P. O. Box 606 P .O. Box 480 Postal Station "J" Toronto , Ontario Red Fb::k , Q'ltario POT 2PO (41 6 ) 425-3 111 (807) 886- 2211 Products : f ine papers, including tag, bcxboard, bristols , laminating , cover , poster , speci a l ty paper Products: Note: newsprint Red:Rx:k newsprint mill i s owned ar.d operated by the Packaging Group . Total employees: 100 Dcmtar Inc . Pulp and Paper Prcxiucts Group Fine Pa pers Oi vision P .O. Box 8 07 Trenton, Ontario 343 Gl e nda l e Avenue st . catharines , Ontario L2I' 2L9 KIN 5R8 ( 4 16 ) 227-37 2 1 (6 13) 392-65 05 Products : Total _ Dcmtar Inc. Packaging Group Containerboard 01 visi on f ine papers and paperboard inc luding bon d , bristols, el.ectri.cal insulating , f ile folders , glassine , greaseproof, laminating , anifold, offset pap-.-t', o nion s kin , poster, r e gi s t er , specialty paper, tabJ.l atinq, wet stre ngth, tag loyees, 255 ( plant) 58 (of fice ) Products: corrugating medium Total E!l<pl O'J'''ees : 14 0 (cent'd ) - 58 - Table 16. Demtar Inc . and D::mtar SOnoco (bntainers Inc . manufacturing f acilities in the p rovince o f Ontario (CXXlt ' d) Dc:mtar Inc . pa ckaging Group Corrugat ed Containers Di vis ion Dantar Inc . Packaging Groop ContainerOOard Oi vision 7447 Bramalea Fbad Mississauga, Ontario 450 Evans Avenue P.O. Box 270 Etobicoke, Ontario LSS lC4 ( 416) 255-8541 (4 16) 67 1- 2940 _ Products: ",5 corrugated containe r s Products : corrugating medium, linerboard Total employees: 300 Total employees : 114 Dcmtar Inc . Packaging Group Domtar Inc. packaging Group corrugated Containers Di vision Corrugated containe r s Division 1 Laird Dr i ve To ronto , ontario H4G ass n wellington Street East P . O. Eox 8 14 Kitchener , Ontario N'" 2E6 ( 4 16 ) 4 25-4 211 Products : corrugated containe r s Total employees: Dantar 100 Inc. Products: corrugat ed contai ners Total employees: 9 1 (pl ant) 4 1 ( offic e ) Dcmtar Inc. Constructi o n Materials Group Roof ing and Fiber Products Division 22 Ormond street P . O. Box 10 Thorold , Ontario L 2V 3Y7 (4 16 ) 227-37 14 Pro:1ucts: (S 19) 74 5- 6141 r oofing felt , s hea thing, building paper and board Total empl oyees : 53 packaging Group Corrogated COntainers Di vis i o n 7700 Keel Street Vaughan ( conccrd ! , Ontario UK l Bl ( 4 16 ) 663 -6330 Products: corrugated containe r s Total employees : 150 ( cont'd) - 59 - Table 16. ocmtar Inc. and D:Etar Sonoco containers Inc. manufacturing facilities in the province o f Ontari o (cone!.) Dcmtar Inc. COnstruction )oO.aterials Group Rxlfing and Fiber Products Division 22 Sydenham Street P.O. Box 966 Br~ , Ontario N3T 55 1 Dcrntar Inc . Packaging Group Corruga ted Containe r s Di vision 105 Park street SOuth P.O. Box 355 Peterborough, Ontario K9J 6z3 (705 ) 748-6881 Products: roofin g shingles, roll goods , a5filal t roof coatings and cements Total employees : 90 Dcmtar SOn<X:o containers Inc . 67 4 Richtrond Street West P . O. Box 339 Chatham, Ontario Products: corrugated containers Total 6Ilployees : 95 ( plant ) 32 (of f ice) Dantar Inc . Packaging Group corrugated Container s Di visi on N7M 5K4 30 4 Jc1ITeS Street South P.O. Box 1090 st . Mary' s , Ontario ( 5 19) 35 2-820 1 ( 5 19 ) 284- 1840 Products: f iber cans and t ubes Total 6Ilployees : 135 ( plant ) 21 (office ) Dcctar scnccc Containe r s Inc. 659 1 KiUrnat Road Mississauga, Ontario !.5N 3T4 ( 4 16) 858 - 788 0 Produczs e cans Products : corxugated ccncatne rs Total employees : 18 7 ( plant) 47 (offi ce) Demtar sonoco COntainers Inc. SUSan Street P. O. Box 100 Prescott, Ontario KOE 1TO ( 6 13 ) 9 25- 28 21 Products : cans , tubes Total employees: 105 (p l ant) 7 (of f ice ) - 61 - DRG INC. ORG PLC Head office locaticn ar.d addr ess DR; PU: 1 P.edo::::lif f e Street Bristol BS997QY Engl and Nature o f business 'through its various subsidiaries and aff iliate s located around the world, OFG PLC is e ngaged p r imarily in the I>Ial1ufacture and marketing o f peckaging: f ran paper, beard , p lastics and metal f oils t o consu:ner products inclu ding envelopes, stationery, papers , adhesive tapes and o f f i ce equipre.-,t and supplies . Canadian-based operations are managed through its subsidiary DR; Inc . - 62 - ORG INC. Head office location and address DRG Inc . 13 Laird Drive To r onto, ontario M4G 3T8 Nature of business CRG Inc . , a subsidiary o f DR:; PIC o f the r egistered and principal o ffices in Toronto , ooeardo , United Kingdclll, has its 'lbrough its various subsidia ries and divisions , the company manufact:ures and distribute s envelopes , and e nvelope-type p roducts , writing papers and stationery, rig id and flexible pac kaging materials, calendars , a dhesives and f i lmic and non- fi lmic tapes . The company is a l s o engage d i n advertising specia l ties and business gif ts . the printing and distribution of Chtario-based manufacturing facil i ties The various b.1siness un dertakings of DR:; Inc . a re managed through a s eries of divisions and subsidiaries including: DiG Gl.oI:e Envelopes DR:; packaging stationery Company Hospital SUpplies oro Plastics me sellotape DRG Special ity Advertising DRG Enveloppe Internationale Inc . OR; oro - 63 - Table 17 . DR; Inc . manufacturing facilities in the province o f Ontari o DR:; Inc . Globe Envelopes OA:; 545 Firs t Street 400 Humberline Drive London , Ontario N5v 1Z5 Rexdal e , Ontario M9W 5T3 (5 19) 455-5430 ( 4 16) 675-9370 Products : envelopes Total eaployees: V DR:; Inc . packaging Division oro 85 Laird Drive Products : envelo pes Total eaployees : 150 DR:; Inc . DR:; Stationery Canpany M4G 3'1'8 7 1 Todd Road Hal ton Hills , Ont ario L7G 4T4 ( 4 16 ) 421 -1700 ( 4 16) 877-£90 8 Toronto , Ontario Products : fle xibl e packaging materials, p rinting , special ty advertising and calendars , ther:ooforned expanded and o riented polystyrene , hospital packaging Total employees: DR:; DR:; I nc. OR:; Gl obe Envelopes 700 Inc. DR:; sellotape 10 Esandar Dri ve Toronto , Ontario M4G 1Y3 ( 4 16 ) 4 21-1 20 2 Products: pressure-sens i tive paper Total emplo yees : 60 Products : social statio nery , c0mmercial , heme and o f fice stationery, s chool stationery supplies Total employees : 110 - 65 - George Westo n Lim ited E. B. EDDY FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED Wltt1 nq t on I nve ! t~e n t. Lill.ited ". [ "IT 1" c..o r9'_ \ie _ton Li llli t ed ]1 ,,'r no l Edd y P~p" r COIll ~ny Li .. i t"d 756 ,UE 100 . E. B . EDDY FOREST FRODUCTS LI MI TED 271' -- - - - , " ' - 66 - GEORGE WESTON LTO. Head o f f i c e location and addr es s George Weston Ltd . 22 St. c lair Avenue East TOronto, Ontario M4T '257 Nature o f business George Weston Ltd. i s a Canadian-owned corpor a t i on wi th corporate headquarters located in Toronto , Ontario . I t is a broadly rased and dive r s i fie d bcstness enterprise which , through i ts s ubsi dia rie s and affi liates , is engaged in food processing , f ood distribution and resource operations throughout North America . George weston Ltd . i s the enterpr i se parent o f E.B . Eddy Forest Products Ltd. Directors Olai..rman and President Honor a ry Di rector W. Galen Weston Geo rge c . ~tealf Richard J . currie Jt)bert H. Ki dd John D. St evenson Dr . Pauline McGibbon David A. Nirol Hugo Mann Garry H. Weston Mark Hoffman S . Si.n:Jo Reisman John C. scarth E. B. EDDY FORE ST PRODUC TS LTD. Head o ffi c e location and addres s E.B. Eddy Forest Products Lt d . 1335 carling Avenue Ottawa, Ontario K1Y 4L5 Nat ure o f bus iness E.B . Eddy Forest Products Ltd . i s wb:;)lly ow ed by Geo r ge Heston Ltd. through a holdin g canpany , Eddy Paper Canpany Ltd ., which has its head o ffice in Hull, Quebec. I t is a fully integrated f o r est p roducts canpany Iranufacturing a variety of products including market kraft pulp, fine papers , sanitary tis s ue , specialty and packaging papers, white pine and spruce lUT'.ber. The eat'pany 's ~ufacturing f acilities a r e l ocated L., Espanola, Nai:rn Centre , Ottawa and Tirrmins , Ontario , and i n Hull and Davidson , Quebec . - 67 - Directors J.e. SCarth President and Chief Executive Of f icer Edward F . Boswell Peter Singer Edward M. Fox. Garry F . Chase Fred L . LeClair Ednund J . O'Brien George A. Neil Harold P. Roddick History (s peci f i c to O1tario-based operat i ons) 'n1e E. B. Eddy Company , which was o r i gina lly established i n 185 1 on the ottawa River as a wood products rosiness , was e xpanded in 1890 to i ncl ude pulp and paper and was located a t the p resent sit e in Hull , Quebec . A r i v al f o r e st products operation, J.R. Booth Ltd . , whi ch was est ablished in Ottawa , ont ario in the same e ra , was purchas ed by the Eddy Company in 1946 , shortly after control of the latter was acquired by Garfield weston . 'n1e Espanola operation , IoIhich was a cquired by Eddy in 1969, started up in 1905 as a groundwood mill and unden.'ent many changes in crwnership and product lines throughout its history . A nulti-million dol lar aoderni zation and expansion program was ccrrpleted i n 1983 , and r esulted in 1000 tons per day capacity f or bl eached softwcod and hardwood kraft pulp . Eddy ' s oper a tio ns in the Uni t ed Stat es began in 1969 thrcugh the acquis i tion of Eas t ern Fine Paper I nc ., a manufa cturer o f fine papers and s pec i alty coated papers . Ontario-based manufacturing facili ties E. B. Eddy Forest Products Ltd . E . B. Eddy Forest Products Ltd . (ottawa mi ll) Espanola, Ontario POP leo Mai ling address : P.O. Box 600 Hull. ~ JaX 3Y7 (7 05) 8 69- 20 20 Pro:iucts : ( mark et ) pUp, bag , book paper , kraf t paper , wrapping, business f orm paper , and o ther f ine and s pecialty paper s kraft Total employees: 1 , 008 (8 19 ) 59 5-521 1 Products: business paper s , r egis ter bond, lightweight publicatio n and o f f set , speci a l t y pac kaging and other s pec i a l ty and fine papers Tctal anp!oyees: 485 - 69 - IK O INDUSTRIES LIMITED IKO SALES LTO. Bead office locatioo and address IKD sales Ltd . 1600 42nd Avenue S . E. Calgary I Alberta T2P 2L2 Nature o f business I KD Sales Ltd . is a priva tel y owned holding company headquartered in calgary, Alberta. 'lbrough its wholly owned subsidiary , Il<O Industries Ltd., the COItpa"ly nanufactures and markets roofing products and f iberboard. IKO INOUSTRI ES LTD. Bead o f fice locat ion and address IKO Industries Ltd . 1 Yorkdale Place P. O. Box 1325 Toronto , Qltario Nature of business A wholly oWned subsidiary of n::o Sales Ltd ., the canpany manufactures and markets asphalt roofing products and fiberboard. - 70 - Directors Henry Koschitzky saul Koschitzky Ontario-based Jrldllufaeturing facilities ITO Industries Ltd . 71 Orenda Road Brarnpton. cntario L6w 1va 1450 Spence Street Halolkesbury . cntari o K6A 2Y3 (41 6) 457- 5321 (6 13 ) 6 3 2-858 1 Products : Total rm Industries Ltd . asphalt ro:>fing f elts and shingles. b.rilding papers _toyees , 134 Products : asphalt ro:>fing felt and shingles Total employees : 80 - 71 - JAMES RIVER-MARATHON LIMITED I 80 .0 I 20 .0 I J a_ R. Rive r Co r po ra t i on USA Buc~nan Fore.t Produc ts E. i _i t ..:l. ONT I [ JAMD R~,~~O' :l71 J ~~E S J ONT RIVER CORPORATIO N Bead o EEice l oca tion dnd address J ames Ri ve r Corpor a tion P. o. Box 2218 Tredegar Street Ri c:huclnd, Virginia Z3217 Nature o f bus iness J ames River Corp:>ration Ls an ~rican-own ed ccrpcrat ac n with corpor ate headquarte r s l ocat ed in Ri chroond , Vi rigina . It is en integrated manufacture r and converter of paper and related products wit.'l S9 manufa cturing fac ilitie s located in 19 s tates and in canada. The canpany p r ocesses basic r aw materials- '«lCd, pulpwood, synthetic f ibers , and plastic resins-into fL"\al p roducts that include t.oo..'el and tissue p roduc'"...s, f olding cartons , disposabl e f ood service i tems and a wi de arra y o f decorative or f unction a l specialty an d ccmnunication paper s . James R1ve r Ri ver-Marathon Ltd . COrpor a tion is the enterpr i s e parent of James - 72 - JAMES RIVER- -MARATHON LTD . Head o f f i c e l ocation and address J ames Ri ver-Marathon Ltd . P. O. B:lX 100 Marathon, Ontario POT 2EO Nature o f business James River -Marathon Ltd. is a subsi diary of J ames Ri ver COrpor a t i on o f Virigina. The company i s a jointly owned venture , with J ames River Ri~nd , Corpor a tion controlling 8 0 \ of i s sued comron stock a nd Buchanan Forest Products Ltd . of ThW'lder Bay , Ontario hol ding the r esidual 20 \ . The can:pany manufactures bl eached hardwood. and sof twood kraft p ulp . History James River-Marathon Ltd . was f ormed in 1983 with the pxcchase (by the ccrporataon and Buchanan Forest Products Ltd . ) o f the Marathon , 0nmill and its ' asso:::iated assets . The mill was f o rme rly owned and the Marathc::n Pulp Division o f American can canada Inc . The latter James River tario pulp operated as is a ·.molly O'W!1ed subs idiary of Aaerican can Ccmpany of Greenwich , Connecti cut . Manufacturing faci l i t i es James Ri ver- -Harathon Ltd . P. O. Box 100 Marathon, Ontar i o POT 2E0 (807 ) 229- 1200 Products: b leached hardwood and softwood kraft pulp Total employees, 350 ( plant ) 100 (of fice) -73- KIM BERLY- CLARK OF CANADA LIMITED IU ab.rr l,-Clarrk Co rrporration L~---------D" '00 . [ XIKBD Lf-CI-IUtX OF CAl\IADA LIMITED l ] SPRUCE FALLS POWER AND PAPER COMPANY LIMITED m'T . m -_ _ 'I . S PRUCE E'A U.S POHO AND PAPER COr-l'A1lT LI Ml n.D ... N.... f o rrk Ti ••• Coapan, 17l'-- - - - - - -D." KIMBERLY-C LARK CORPORATION Head of f ice l oca t ion and address Kimberly-Clark corpor atacn Neenah, Wisconsin 54956 USA Nature of business KiJnberly-C1.a.rk ccrpcr a tace , its consolidated subsidiar i es and equity canpanies are engaged in a single , worldwide business employing advanced cecrmolcgies in absorbency , fiber-f orming and othe r fie lds . The corporation produces and markets a wfde range o f products made fran natural and synthetic fibers f or personal care, health care, and other uses in the heme , business and industry. 'llle ccrporetac n also produces and markets specia l ty papers requiring specialized technology in develO?JeIlt a pplication as well as traditional paper and r elated products f or newspaper and other c:x::rmunication needs . canadian-based oper a tions of the Ki.mberly-<:l.ark Corpor a tion are managed throuqh its toIholly <Nned subsidiary , Kimberly-<:l.ark of Canada Ltd. - 74 - KIMBERLY -CLARK OF CANADA LTD. Head of f i c e loca~iOll and address Ki.mberly-Clark o f canada Ltd . 365 Bloor Str eet East Toronto , Ontario M4W 3L9 Nature DE business Ki.mberly-Clark of Canada Ltd . i s a wholly owned subsidiary o f the Kimberly-Clark corpor et acn o f Neenah , wi s consin. Kimbe rly-Clark o f canada Ltd . oper a tes a number o f f orest products e nterpri ses in Ctltario including paper converting p l an ts throughout southern cmtario , a major pulp mill in Terra ce Bay , and a sawmill in longlac . Directors Wayne R. Sanders walter J . crceen Dcnald M. Pringle Mar.rin F. Gadenne President Chairman of the Board James T . McCauley T . SCX>tt Clalmers Dona ld R. cameron on cerio-besea manufactur ing facil iti es Table 18 lis ts, by product category , the Ontario-based production fac ilities of Kimberl y-elark and its sul:sidiary ccecerues , Table 19 p rov i de s a summart o f 'the same . SPRUCE FALLS POWER AND PAPER COMPANY LTD. Head of fi c e locat i on and addres s Spruce ? a1ls Po1Ner and Paper Cc:mpany Ltd . P . O. Box 100 Kapuskasing, cntario PSN Zi2 Nat ure of business s p ruce Falls Power and Paper Company Ltd. is a subsidiary o f the Kimberly-Clark corpor e edon o f Neenah , Wisconsin and a j o int venture e nte rpr ise undertaken by the Ki..rDberly-Clark Corpor ation (51\) and The New Yor k Times Canpany ( 49%) of New York . Spruce Fa lls Power and Paper cempany Ltd . i s an int egrated f orest products enterprise engaged. in the manufacture and marke ting o f newspr int , various paper p roducts and lumber. - 7S - Di rectors President and Chie f EXecutive Of fice r Frederic A. campl ing Donald J . SChalky Harvin F . Gade ~.ichael E. Ryan Maurice R. Hicks Donald cameron Rene Brone lle Meredith O. Nelson Hist ory 'lhe Spruce Falls Power and Paper Company Ltd. was incoqor a t ed in 19 29. s ince its establishment , i t has been owned an d operated as a joint venture ent erprise by the Kimbe rly-Cl ark corporation and the New Yor k Times Canpany . Manufacturing fac i l i t ies Spruce Fa lls Paoooer and Paper Company Ltd . operates an integrated forest products f acility in KaplSkasing , cntario (see Tables 18 and 19 ) . Table 18. Kimberly-Clark o f Canada Ltd. and Spruce Falls Po'Ner and Paper Ccmpan y Ltd . pulp and paper mills , converting p lants and sales f acilities in the province o f Ontario Manufactured a t Market pulp Y.i.mberly-Clark of Canada Te rrace Bay sal e s companies and o f f i ces Ximberly-Clark of Canada Ltd . Toronto Ne wspr int Spruce Fa lls Power and Paper Ccmpany Lt d . KaplSkasing Spruce Fa lls Power and Paper Compan y Ltd . Spruce Falls Pa.oIer an d Paper company Ltd . spruce Falls Power and Paper Canpany Ltd . Kapuskasing Of fset paper spruce Falls Power and Paper o:mpany Ltd. Kapuskasing Sanitary paper products Tissues _ Toronto Toron to sprcce Falls Power and Paper Ccr.Jpany Ltd . Toronto dale Kimberly-Clark of Canada Ltd . Toront o Huntsville Kimberly-Clark o f canada St. Cathar ines Ltd. Toronto - 76 - Table 19. Kimberly-Clark o f canada Ltd. and Spruce Falls Power and Pa per C0mpany Ltd. manuf'actruzdnq facilities in the province of Ontario Kimberly-Clark of Canada Ltd. Kimberly-Clark of Canada Ltd. 10 Disco Road P. O. Box 620 Rexdale , Ontario M9W 51.6 P . O. Box 790 Huntsville , cncardc (4 16) 675-7880 (705 ) 789-4487 Products: facial and bathroom tissues , feminine napkins and other sanitary paper products Total empkoyees e 470 POA 1KO Products: tissues and sanitary paper products Total employees: 14 2 (plant ) 40 (offic e ) spruce Falls Power and Paper company Ltd . Ki.mberly-Clark of Canada Ltd. Pulp and For e s t Products Operations P . O. Box 100 Terrace Bay , Ontario POT 2WO Kapuskasing, Ontario P5N 2Y2 (705) 337- 13 11 ?roducts: newspr int . offse t paper, marke t pulp Total employees: 2. 200 ( 807 ) 825-3 211 Products: bleached hardwood an d softwood kraft pulp Total employees: 937 Kimberly-Clark of canada Lt d . 45 Merritt Street St . catharines, Ontario L2T 1J4 (4 16) 227- 116 1 Products : sanitary and s pecialty paper products Total employees : 18 0 (p l ant) 40 (office) - 77 - KRUGER INC. KRUGER INC . Bead o EEic~ location and address Kruger Inc. 3 285 Bedford. Foad P. o . Box 769 M:mtreal, Quebec H3S 1GS Nat ure o f business Kru~r Inc . is eastern canada ' s largest p rivately owned f o res t prOOucts enterprise . 'lhrough its three operating divisions , newsprint , packaging , and paperboard , the canpany manufactures and markets a variety of f o r est p roducts, incl uding p.I1p , newsprint and vari ous paperl:oard items: . Kruger Inc. is the ent erpr ise parent tainers and pa ckaging Ltd . o f Ontario-based. Craftwell Con - Directors Gene H. Kruger J. Stuart Hermon Frank F. Faludi Poland O. Cyrenne oav id J. Kruger Chairman President and Oriel' Executive Of f icer L. P . Fournier Henri Geoffrion J oseph K..""Uger II W.R. Her.ttitage B.J . Kruger J .F. Martin History ( speci Ei c to CiJtari o-bas ed operat ions) Kruger Pulp and Pa per Ltd ., ocned by the Kruger family , was incorpor ated in 1964 to consolidate the operations o f a numbe r of manufa cturing divisi ons , previously operated as separa t e cceperue s , The original caTlpaOY , Kruger Paper o:mpany Ltd . , was i.ncorplrated in 1921 . The current name, Kruger Inc . , was adopted in 1980 . - 78 - Qltario-based manuracturing racilities craftwell Containers and Packaging Ltd. (subsidiary o f Kruger Inc .) Kruger Inc . Packaging Divisi on :<BO Belfi eld Ibad Rexdale , Ontario M9W l H6 1.f3V 3Y8 (41 6 ) 67S -n40 (4 16 ) 7a45-7890 Products : corrugated containe r s , litho laminated containe rs 6 1 Bay..'(X)d Road Rexdale, ~tario Product corruga t ed containers Total employees : Total employees : 160 (plant ) 80 (of fice) 90 - 79 - MOORE CORPORATION LIMITED REID-DOMINION PACKAGING LIMITED MOORE CORPORATION LTD. Bead of f i ce lccatioo and address l't:XJre ccrpcratdon Ltd . 1 First Canadian Plac e P. O. Box 78 Toronto, Ontario MSX 1G5 Na.t ur e o( business aecee O:lrp::lraticn Ltd. is a widely held , canadian--o--med canpany . The o::mpany is the wor ld's la.r'gest manufacturer of busine s s forms, ·...i th operating facilities located i n canada, the t:nited states, Europe and Latin America. The <:a!lpall¥ also markets systems and provi des s e rvi c es and p roducts rel a ting t o the mana gemen t, r ecording , ca;m.mication , retention and retrieva l o f b.ls iness i nformation. f!tX)r e O:lrporation Ltd . i s the enterpris e parent Dcminion Packaging Ltd. o f Ontari o-b3.sed Feid - 80 - Directors Judson william Sinc lair David w. Presi dent and Chie f Executive Of ficer Barr Chaiman Edward H. crawford James D . Farley L . Edward Grubb J oseph Dean Muncaster Edwin Henry Heeney Cedric E1Irer Ritchie James Dcuglas Gibson Wa lter Frederic k Light MOORE BUSINESS FORMS Bead o f fi c e l ocation and address accee Business Forms (oivisi on of Moore Qnporation Ltd . ) 130 Adelaide Street west SUite 16 00 Toronto , Ontario MSH 3R7 Nature o f business Hoare Business Forms is an o per a ting division o f Moor e Cor'?='ration Ltd . , The division i s engaged in the manufacture and marketing of various business f o rms products including continuous f orms , f orms handling equipnent , tab card sets , sales books and registers . with head o f fi ces located in To ronto , Ontario . Cbtario-base1 manuf actur ing f acilid es On tari~based manufa cturing f a ci lities a re lis ted in Table 20. RE IO -OOMIN ION PACKAG ING LTO. Bead of f ice l ocat ion and address Reid-Dc:mini on Packaging Ltd . 4 25 Parkdale Avenue North Harnil tcrJ , Ontario La H SY4 Na t ur e of business Reid-Dcmi.nion Pa ckaging Ltd . i s a wholly owned subs idiary of Seneca Investments Lt.d , , a holding ca:npany o f M:::Jor e corpor a t aon Ltd. o f To r onto, Ontar io . Reid-Dcminion pa c kaging Ltd. i s a meoureceure r and distributor of rooulded pulp products, labe l s , f o l ding cartons , packaging systems , flexibl e packaging materials , var.toua paper products including l aminated , coated and glazed papers, as well as being a marketer of printing services, including lit..~aphy and gravure printing . - 81 - Di rectors ( Reid-EtJminion Packaging Ltd., 1984 ) J . E. Sinclair D. W. Barr R. W. Bastien J .D . Gi bson E.H. Heeney R. W. Hamilton F . E. Dougherty 0 .5 . Dunlop J . B. McArthur Manufacturing f acilities Ie1d-ocminion Packaging Ltd., throu91 its z.bulded Products Di v ision , operates a processing f acility in Br~tford , tntario (see Table 20 ) . Table 20 . lobore Corporation Ltd . and P.eid-Dcminion Packaging Ltd. manufacturing facilities in the province o f ontario reid-Oollinion Packaging Ltd. l'bUlded Products 01 vision 8 1 Elgin stre et P . O. Box 1360 Brantford, tntario NJ'r 5TG (5 19 ) 75 3-84Z1 Products : pre s s ed and moulded pulp goods including trays f or meat produce and f ood service , and egg cartons and trays Total errp loyees : 13 2 (plant) 26 (of fice ) M:xlre Business Fo rms (Di v i s i on o f !obOre Corporation Ltd . ) Dougl as Road Trenton, Ontario KBV 5 R4 !'bOre Business :'arms (Division of ~re Corpor a tion Ltd. ) 650 Victoria Terra ce Fe rgus , Ontari o N1M 1G7 (5 19) 843- 25 10 Products : tmlltiple busines s f orms Total empl oyees : 241 M::x:lre Business Fo rms (Di vis i on o f ~e Corporatioo Ltd .) Jack Street P.O. Box 580 Kemptville, Ontario KOG 1J O ( 6 13) 392:- 1205 Products : continuous business f o rms Total employees: 248 (613) 258 - 3485 Products: continuous r egister f orms , tab card s e ts Total employees: 70 (cont'd) - 82 - Table 20. l-b:>re corpor atdon Ltd . and Reid-Dc:minion Packaging Ltd . nanufacturing facilities in the province of on tari o (concl.) M:xlre Business Forms (Division o f Moore Corporation Ltd .) 103 '!he East Mall Toronto , Ontario ( 4 16) 239-7 131 Products : business f orms Total employees : 30 - 83 - NORANDA INC. MacMillAN BLOEDEL LIMITED MacMillan Bathurst Inc. FRASER INC . - 84 - Braacad" Re ao u r c e s Li miited ONT ". = NORANDA INC . Nor t hwood Hil la [' i ",it " d '" t L ss . on OUE Nor t hwood Pu l p and '" [ '" Fo .. ".t Kcaf t <I 50. T imbe r Li.. i t"d. COlllS'.. n,. USA Be Ma e l'lILI.A.'f BLOED£[. LI MITED ] L [======; L r= '" ]1 <1-= '-1 Macf11 11Vl Bathu rst I nc . ONT Conl olidated-Bathur st Inc . 271 =0;] Is l and Paper Hi l l . Li llit.1i Be 6B. r " ' -- -- 100. J<l---I 10. w e. FRASP! - - - -- HB Hac ! a .. e n F or e a t Pr oduct s I nc . OUE ",--oJ Norllllclt Pltrron Inc. Harold Cr a b t re.. Foundat i on 7 56 - -- -- ----0UE QUE - 85 - NORANOA INC. Bead o ffice l ocation and address Noranda Inc . o:mnerce COUrt West P.O. Box 45 Toronto , ontario MSL 186 Nature of business Noranda Inc . is a Canadian-owned. conglanerat e oonsisting o f more than 66 enterprises operating worldwide. Nor anda Inc . is a broadly based conglomerate with b.lsine s s interests in f orest products ( including pulp , paper , lumber and board products), mining, mineral explor ation , ref ining , manufa cturing (wire and cable , f oundry products , metals , mill products) , r esearch, and oil and natural, gas exploration and extra ction. Noranda Inc . , through its subsi dia ry , Northwc:od Mills Ltd . is the enterprise parent of Fraser Inc . , a wholly owned subsi diary of NortlMxrl Mills Ltd. Noranda Inc. also hol ds an interes t in MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. through its subsidiary , Northwood Mills Ltd . Director s Chairman and Chi e f Executive Of f ice r President and Orle f Operating Of f icer Alfred Powis Adam H. Zi.nmennan Paul M. Mar s hall James C . Dldley Fernand Pare Pierre Lamy William P . Wilder Harold M. wright J . W. Bird David E. Mitchell, Q.C .. J . Trevor Eyt.on , Q . C • Antoine 'I.'urrMl , Q. C. Donald S. MoGi ver in N ORTH~OOD Jack L . Cock'...ell Andre fobnast, Q. C. Brian Fleming , Q.C . H. Ric hard Whittall W. David McKeough HILLS LTD. Head o ffi ce l ocat i on and address Northwood Mills Lt d . sevench Floor , 55 Yonge street Toronto , Ontario MSE 1S4 Nat ure of business Northwood Mills Ltd. , wi th corpora te headquarters located in Toronto , CIltario is a subsidiary o f Noranda Inc . Northwood Mills is a broadly based f orest p roducts distributor and wholesaler . - 86 - Its sales d ivision is respons ible for the s a le of l umber, waf e r board and plywood to a ll narke ts as agent for North\oUOd Pulp and Timber Limited, Fra ser Inc . and non -affiliated p roducers. OVe r 80% of its s ales are made in North America . I ts wholesale division distributes buil ding products in Canada and sel ls l umber and pane l products to the uni ted states . Northwood Mills ' Norfibr e Div isi on markets wcodpu.Ip for Fraser Inc . and Mac lar en in North America and Europe. Frase r Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary o f Northwood Mills Ltd . Approxim3.tely 49% of the cornrron stock of MacMillan Bloedel Ltd . i s he l d by No rthwood Mills Lt d . MacMILLAN BLOEDE L LTD. Bead office, location and add ress ~DcMillan Bloedel Ltd. 1075 West Georgia Street Vancouve r , British Oolumbia V6E 3:R9 Nature of business MacMillan Bloedel Ltd . i s on e o f North America 1 s l arges t forest p roducts companies, wi th integrated oper a tions in canada and the United States as wel l as major Lnvestsenes in Canada , the Uni ted Kingdcm and contine ntal Europe . The ccmpany manages 1 . 6 mi lli on ha of productive timberlands , which supply approximately 80% o f its total f iber requirements . Of these timberlands , 1 .1 million ha are in British COl umbi a where the company 's headquarters and approximately 55% of its assets are l ocat e d. The products o f MacMillan Bl oedel and its a f filiated companies are marketed throughout the world and include l umber , panekboards, kraft pulp, newsprint , groundwo:xl. specialty papers , fine papers , containe rboard and corrugated containers. Director s R. V. smith The Hon , J.V. Cl yn e J .E. Richardson E.K. D.C. J ean J .N. COrk Davenport M. SOutham Hyland Presi dent and Chief Executive Office r Honorary Di r e ctor Honor ary Director catvert; C. Knudsen Alfred Powis R.E. Harris on Adam H. Zinmerrnan Dr . K.G . Pedersen J.P. Fisher G. H.D. Hobbs G. M. Tidball Hi s tor y MacMillan Bl oedel Ltd. was f o rme d by the amalgamation o f MacMillan and Bloedel Lt d. and the Powell River company Ltd . in 1959 . 'rtle Powell River CCCtpany Lt d . was iIlcorpor a ted in 191 1. MacMillan a nd Bloedel Lt d. W3.S f ormed in 195 1 through the merger of H. R. MacMi llan Export Q::rnpany Lt.d , , which started in 1919 , and Bl oede l Stewart & Welch Ltd. , which was e s tab lished in 1911. - 87 - 1979. Ltd . 'nle Sturgeon Falls, oeeaete mill '\olaS acquired by MacMillan Bloedel in 'nle fac ilit y was fo~rly owne d and oper a ted by Abitibi Pa per Ccmpany MacMillan Bathurs t Inc. was f ormed in 1983 as a joint venture undertaking by MacMil lan Bloedel Ltd. and consolidated Bathurst I nc. MacMILLAN BATHURST INC. Head o f fice l ocati on and address MacMillan Bathurst Inc. 2070 Hadwen Ibad Missis sauga, on tario LSK zs Nat ur e or business MacMil lan Bathurst I nc. i s a joint venture enterprise un dertaken by MacMil lan Bloedel Inc. and COnsolidated Bathurst Inc . to manufacture and market corrugated shipping containe rs . FRASER INC. Bead o f f i ce , locat ion and add ress Fraser Inc . n Rice Street Eclrunston, New Brunswick ElV 159 Nat ur e oE business Fraser Inc ., a subsi diary o f Northwcx>d Mills Ltd . , is an int agra ted f o rest products enterprise with manufacturing inter es ts i n luml::er, printing and wri ting papers, special ty papers, paperboard and boxboard , and sulphite and groundwood market pulp. '!he canpany operates two sawmills , biO pulp mills, and o ne l:x:»d:oard mill in New Brunswick , one paper mi l l i n Main e, o ne paper mill in Ontari o , and has a half interes t in a f ine paper mill i n Britis h COl umbi a and a sa~ ll in Maine. Directors J ohn P. Fi sher Adam. H. Zi.!m1erman Knut Grotteroo Carl E. Bei gie w. Randolph Cl erihue R. Ti.Irot.lty Kenny J .W. Bird Chairman and Chief zxecuef ve Of f i ce r Vi c e-cha.innan President and Orle f Operating Of fice r Powland C. Frazee H. Roy Crabtree Dav id J . Hennigar Tirrvthy R. Price Wi lliam O. Eberle xenne tb V. Cox J oseph sewall - 88 - History ( speci f i c to CtJe.a.rio-basa:1 operat i ons) Fraser ' 5 business began in New BrunS'.dck in 18 77 as a sawnilling enterprise. With the building o f the Edmundston , New Bnmswick pulp mi ll in 19 17 and the incorporation of Fraser canpanies Ltd., the ernpi"'.asis o f the canpany changed fran sawmilling to the manufacture o f pulp an d paper products . 'I11e ttlorold , ontario fine paper mill was a cqukz'ed in 1981 . previously owned and oper a ted by Abitibi -Price Inc . The mill was cn tari o-bas ed manuEacturing facili ties Noranda Inc ., through various s ubsi d iary and affiliated companies , maintains opP.rating interests in a numbe r of on eext o-besed pulp and paper proo.uction facilities . Table 21. These plants are l i s ted in Table 21. Noranda Inc . (subsidiary and affiliated ccepernes) manufacturing f acilitie s i n the p rovince o f Ontario MacMil lan Bloedel Sturgeon Falls 01vision MacMillan Bathurst I nc. St1Jl:'geOn Falls, on tar i o 1155 Talbot Street St . Thcmas , Ontario POH NSP l G6 = ( 705 ) 753-2170 Products: corrugating medium, harCboard Total employees: 400 MacMillan Bathurst Inc . (5 19 ) 63 3- 0 770 Prcxhx;t.s : corrugated s hipping con tainers To tal employees : 135 (plant) 36 (off i c e ) Mad1illan Bathurst Inc . 390 Woodla....rn Pcad West Guel ph, Ckltario Toronto , Q1tario N 1H 6 R1 M8Z 4N8 (519) 8 21- 49 30 (41 6) 259-8421 Products : corrugat ed shipp ing containers Total emp loyees: 730 Islington Avenue Products: corrugat e d shippin g c on tainers 127 ( p lant ) 39 (o f fi ce ) (cont ' d ) - 89 - Table 21 . Noranda Inc . (subsidiary and aff i liated canpanies) manufacturing facilities in the province o f Q1tari o (c:oncl.) Madtillan Bathurst Inc. 30 1 screed Poad Pembroke , on tari o K8A 615 MacMillan Bathurst Inc . Water Street P . O. Box 150 Whitby, on tario L1N SR7 (6 13) 732-2873 (416J 686 -2600 Products : corrugated s hippi ng containers Total employees : 115 (plant) 28 ( o ffice) MacMillan Bathurst Inc. 200 Brcx:kport Dri ve Rexdale , oeeaeie ..... 5C3 Products : corrugat ed shipping containers Total employees : 250 Fraser Inc . John Street P . O. Box 1046 'lborold , on tario LZV 3Z7 (4 16 ) 259-84 21 Products: corrugat ed s h i pping container s TOtal empl oyees: 138 (p l ant ) 35 (office) (416) 227-5271 Products : bond, b.lsiness f orm paper , envelopes , f ine papers Total employees : 700 - 91 - NORDFIBRE COMP ANY NORDFIBRE COMPANY Bead o ffi c e l ocati on and address Nordfibre Canpany Eloy seed P .O. Box 3100 North Bay, Ol tario P1B 8K1 Nature o f business Nordfibre company is a privately owned o::mpany , wholly owned by the 'lhe ccmpany manufacture s and mukets fiherOOard and acoustical insulating board products . Executive o f fices are located in North Bay, cntario. Frank: Orsi fami ly. History 'lhe North. Bay p lant , originally owned and oper ated by the Canadian Johns-Manville Carpany Lt d . , entered into pro.iuction in May 195 7 . I n 1978, the plant and its associ a ted assets were purchased by two l ocal an d p riva te intere sts, r egistered. as Nordtibre North Bay Ltd. and Nor dfibr e Cor poratio n , respective l y . with the purchas e o f the p lant and s ubs eque nt r eorganization, the ent erpri se a ssumed oper a tions under the name o f Nordfibr e cexnpany. Manufacturing facili t ies Nordfibre Cat1pany Eloy ibad P. O. Box 9 10 North Bay, Ontario P1B 8K1 (705) 474- 2300 Products : insulating and ecouaedcaf boar-d p roduces including wood f iber ceiling til e s and panels Total employees: 110 - 93 - Tribune Company L - - - - '- - - ONTARIO PAPER COMPANY LIMITED 'USA 10 0. J Oll'TAilI O P APER COt1f'ANY LIMITED 0"' O. R. S. P&~ r Co_pany Li _1ted. "'- - - - - - -- -'0"" On t a r i o P&~r Recyellnq I n c. ... "",---- -- -- -0"' Co n .o l l d a t ed. F i bre . Lb 1tN "',- - - - -- - - -QUE TRI BUNE COMPANY Bead o f f ice location and address "Oihme Caop>ny 435 N. Michigan Avenue Cri.cago, I llinoi s 6 06 1 1 U.S. A. Nat ure of business The Tribune cernpany o f Chicago, Illinois. is a broadly based cam1UY'Iications enterprise with inter ests in pJblishing , radio an d television broadcasting, cabl e te levisi on and the manufacture and marketing o f various forest products. 'Ihe Trib.tne Caupany is the ent e rprise parent o f 'n'l.e Ontario Pa per pany Ltd. ~ - 94 - THE ONTARIO PAPER COMPANY LTD. Corporat e o f fice '!he Ontari o Paper CarJpany Ltd . 80 King Street P ..O. Box 30 26 St . catharines, on tari o L 2R 7G2 Nature of busines s '!he Ontario Paper Company Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Tribun e canpany o f Chicago , Illinois . The corpor a t e o f fice o f The Ontario Pa per CCntpany Ltd . is l ocated in St . catharines, Ontario . The Ontario Paper Company Ltd . and i ts Quebec-bas ed subsi diary Q.N .S . Paper Ccmpany Ltd .. o f Baie cceeeu , Quebec , operate paper mi lls ut ili z ing both r oundwood an d recycled paper f or the production o f newsprint and various c hemical products . Directors Presi dent a nd Chief Executive Of ficer Executive Vi ce Pre sident and O1.ief Oper a t ing Officer J . E . Hcughton W.J . McNally B . Baril John w. Madigan Earle H . Harvey Pau l z.t:lrasse T .C .. Puc kett Stanton R. Cook History ( speci f i c t o Cht ario-based opera t i ons) '!he Ontario Paper <:aI1?any Ltd . was incorpor a ted in 1912 . Production at its '!harol d , Ontario plant began in 19 13. l,(.a jor plant renovation s were un de r > taken and complet ed in 198 2. Manuf acturing faci li t ies Ontari o Pa per COOIp:u1y Allanb.1rg lOad Thorold, Ontari o L2V J Z5 ( 41 6 ) 227- 1121 Products : newspr int , plip an d chemicals including alcohol , van i llin and salt cake Total employees : 1, 000 - 95 - PAPERBOARD INDUSTRIES CORPORATION Select Corrugating Services Trent Valley Paperboard PAPERBOARD INDU STRIE S CORPORATI ON Corporat e o f fi c e peperboard Industries Corpor a tion Glen Miller, Ontari o Mail ing Ad:iress : pa perl::oard Industri es COrpor a tion P .O . SOX 821 Trenton, Ontario KB\T 5RB Natur e o f bus iness Paperlxlard Industries Corporation is a privately owned ccmpany based in east ern Canada . Through its operating diVision s , Trent valley paperboard , Select Corrugating Se rvices , and Eoxcraft ~n treal, the canpany manufactures and marke ts f iberOOard b.rl.lding materials , corrugated containers, and bo:<board and papertoard special ty products . History ( s pec i fi c to O1tario- based operat i ons) Pape'rboazd Industries Corporation was f ormed in 1985 with the reorgani zation of i ts predecessor , Miller Bros. Q::mpany (196 2) Ltd. . Various operatiJ'lg divisions and subsidiary cempani es were amalgamated and are now maintained and oper a ted as dis cre t e divisions o f the newl y f o rmed corpora tion . - 96 - 'UJ,e Trent valley Paperboard division assumes the ass ets and operations of Trent Valley Paperboard Mills Ltd. , the select Corruga t ing Services division supersedes sel ect Corruga ting services Ltd . , and the Boxcra f t !>Dntreal division replaces Boxcr a f t Ltd. A former joint venture enterprise , cameron Packaging Ltd ., was dissolved with the f ormation o f the new corpor ation . Manuraeturi.ng faci l it ies paperlxlard Industries Corporation operates four manufacturing f a cilities in CDtario , as listed in Table 22 . Table 22 . Paperboard Industries Corporation manufacturing facilities in the pr ovince of Ontario Paperboard Industries Corpor a tion Trent valley pa perboard Oi vision Paperboard Industries ccrpcraetce select Corrugating Services Di v i s ion P . O. Box 821 Trentoo, Ontar i o 95 Brown's Line Toronto, Ql tar i o KBV 5RS Haw 356 (6 13) 392-1231 (4 16 ) 252-71 21 Prod~..s: fiberboard , panelboards , boxboard, containerboard, a ut cmJti ve panels , pasted boards, :t::ookbinders and Products : single-faced corrugated sheets, partitions, corrugated cartons, corrugated laminated boxes, die-cuts products Total employee s: 300 (p l ant ) 60 ( office saperboare Industrie s corpor ation Se l ect. COrrugating Servi ces Oi vision Total employees : 165 Paperboard Industries Corporation select COrrugat ing Services Oivis i on 110 Torbay Road, Uni t it5 Markham, Ontar i o LJR 1G6 Hwy. #11 and Bathurst Streets Br adford , Ontar io (416) 474-05 21 (416) 694-9907 Products: corrugated s ingl e-f a ced rolls Total enplDyees , 30 LOO l CO Pr'OOuets : single-faced corrugating sheets , die-cuts , corruga ted cartons , pre-print cartons Total employees: 10D - 97 - ROLLAND INC. ". tue ! ,," G. Roll~nd h .11,. QUE 19 . La Cai sle d. Oe po t .t Pla cemen t du Que bec: QUE [ ] ROLLAND INC. Ca~da Gl a : e d Pa pe r . Ltd •• (Coa ted Pape r Civi li on ) no roc. ' NT [ ]1 Gr a ph ic: Pi pe r . lm m ' NT 100 . Th. Wi l l on Mon r o e COllpany to t. i t ed L, Rol land Pape r Cor p . ' NT ]1 USA RO LLAN D INC. Cor por at e office Polland In C. SUi t e 36 20 800 Place Victoria ~ntreal, H4Z 1H3 Quebec - 98 - Naeuce o f business Rolland Inc . is a canadian-owned corp:>raUon with r egi s tered and p rincipal o f fices l ocated in M::mtreal , Quebec . COntrol ling interests are currently held by the Lucien G. Rolland fami ly . Rolland Inc . is engaged p r imarily in the manufacture, marke ting and dis tribJ.Uo n o f high quality fine paper, coated paper and s peci alty paper p roducts . Directors ( Rolland Inc., 1984 ) Chainnan and Chie f Execut i ve Officer Pre sident and Chie f Operating Of f icer Lucien G. Rolland P. Deni s Harnel Douglas A. Berlis p.oger Lac hapelle Ger ard Plourde Pierre A. salbUng G. Dnmlrt'ond Birks Roge r H. Char b::mneau Albert Rolland Marc Polland E . Jacques eourtois Richard A. I rwin Nicolas Rolland History ( s peci ric to Chtario-basei operdt i ons ) Rolland Inc . began as a privately oened ccmpany in 188 2 . was jnccrpcreced in 19 28 . '!he company canada Glazed Products LL"Uited was acquired in 1964 and is lX)W' operated as a division o f Rolland Inc . I n 19 75 , the canpany a cquired the fine paper divisi on assets o f Kruger Pulp and. Paper Ltd . and clo.anged the name to Graphic Papers in 1981. Manufacturing facilities Rolland Inc . maintains numerous sales o utlets throughout Ontari o . canpany operates a paper coating plant in SCarborough. Rolland Inc . (canada. Glazed Papers Ltd. ) ooated Paper s Division 213 1 Lawrence Avenue East scaroorough, Ontario M1R 3A2 (4 16 ) 48 7-46 21 Products: coated papers , g l a z ed papers, and s pecia l t y box wraps Total errpl oyees: 148 The - 99 - ST. MARYS PAPER INC. I Repo l ... Co rpo r a ti on Ra~ FI . I D. C. Sort haa I ne . ' SA JI Sh1.1d1nv _ tnve a t • • nt a Z5 , I) 2a . 4 28 . 4 L1_ :s.t-.1 "." ~o rd1 e 18.2 Aae r lean B.n klnq Co rpor a t i on .SA ~ ["'--- - - - - - .""] - 10 0 - ST. MARY S PAPER INC. corporate office St . Marys Paper Inc . 75 Huron Street sault see , Marie, Ontri o P6A 5P4 Nature o f business st . Marys Pa per Inc . is a maj or North American producer and marketer o f super -calendered and groundwood speci alty paper . History until 1928 , the sault see , Marie , Ontario groundwo:Jd mi ll \o1C\S owned and operated by Spmish River Pulp and Paper Mills Ltd . In that year , i t was J;XIrchased by Abitibi Power and Pa per Callpany Ltd . Facing a probable c l osure by Abi tibi - Price I nc ., the mi ll was p.IrChased by entrepreneur Dan Alexander and a consor-cfum o f investors in 1984 . '!he antiquated mill was subsequent l y renovat ed and lOOdified to produce super -eal endered groun&.ood pa~ . Manufacturing facilities St . Mary s Paper Inc . 75 Huron Street Sault see • Marie , Ontario P6A SP4 ( 705) 942-6070 Products : uncoated super-calendered paper, premium calendered rotogravure , groundwood s pecialty papers Total employees: 52'J - 10 1 - Sonoco International Inc. SONOCO LIMITED Soroaco I nt . rn&t1on&1 I n c:. JI - 102 - sosoco LTD . Corporate office Sonoco Ltd . 33 Pa rk Ave nue East P .O . Box 1208 Br an tfor d , Ont ario N3s 2Z3 Nature of business sonccc Ltd . i s a wholly owned s ubsi dia ry of the scnocc Products Company of Hartsville, south Caro lina. Executive offices of scnccc Ltd. are l ocated in erantfor d , Ontario. The ccnpeny manufactures and markets fiberroard, f i ber t ubes , paper cones, partitions , headers and fiber f orms f or concrete columns an d voids . Di rectors ( Sonoco Ltd. , 1985) Thanas S . Cameron F.L. H. Coker J . L. Coker President and Chie f Executive Of f i cer C.W. COke r , J r . J.M. Wi acek D.O . Kewi n W.F. Jepson A.F. Nevska DOMTAR SONOeO CONTAINERS INC . Hea d o f f i c e Damtar Sonoco Containe r s Inc . 450 Evans Avenue Etob i coke, Ontario MS'd 21'5 Nature of business oamtar Sonoco Contai ne r s I nc . i s a s ubs i diary o f Domtar Inc. ( 5 1.0 \) and a joint venture e nterprise between Dcrntar In c . and scnocc International Inc . o f Hartsville , South Carolina . Dantar sonoco Containe r s I nc . i s the l e ading canadian manufacture r of ccmpos.Lt e paper - metal, cans a nd has the maj or s hare of the Canadian market . Composite cans a re used in the packaging o f a number of p roducts suc h as frozen j uices, powdered beverages, rooter o i ls, househo l d c leanse r s an d caulking . Manufacturing facilities The production faci lities of Sonoco Ltd . and Domtar soocco COntainers I nc . are s tnrmaz-Lzed in Table 23 . - 10 3 - Table 23. scncco Ltd. and Dantar Sonoco COntainers Inc . manufacturing facilit ies in the province of ontario SOnoco Ltd . Sonoco Ltd . 33 Park Avenue P .O . Box 1208 Brantford, Ontario 59 1 Gardinere Road Kingston , Ontario K7M 3Y3 N3S ZZ:3 (5 19) 752-659 1 Products: tubes , cores , fiber cans , spools , partitions , fiber f orms o r concrete voids and columns, paperboard Total employees: 240 Sonoco Ltd. H1P m (4 16 ) 293-4166 tubes, cores , fiber cans, spcors , fiJ:er f orms Total employees : 37 scrccc Ltd. (f o rme rly : Feder a l packaging and Partition canpany Ltd . ) 5 16 Finley Av enue P . O. Box 148 Aj ax , Ontario L1S 3C2 P='Oducts : Products : spiral wound and convolute paper tubes Total employees : .2S Dantar scoccc containers Inc. 55 Progress Avenue scarborough, ontario Products : (6 13) 289-4880 miscellaneous converted paper and paperboard products , part! lions Total employees : 110 67 4 Richnnnd street Chatham, Ontario N7M 5K4 (5 19) 352-8201 Products: fiber cans and tubes Total employees : 135 (p l ant) 21 ( of f i c e ) Dantar Sonoco Containers Inc . SUsan Street P. O. Box 100 Pre s cott, ontari o KOE 1T O Products : cans , t ubes Total employees: 105 ( p l ant) 7 ( o ffice ) (cent'd) - 104 - Table 23. Sonoco Ltd. an d Dcmtar sonoco Con tainer s I nc . rranufacturing facilities in the province of Ontario ( conel .) Domtar SOnooo contai ners me. 6 59 1 Kitimat Road Mississauga, Q1tario LSN 3T4 (416) 8 58-788 0 Products: cans - 105 - Roman Corporatio n Limited STRATHCONA PAPER COMPANY ROMAN CORPORATION LTD. Corporate office R:man Corporation Ltd . Poyal Bank plaza SOUth ~r, SUite 3900 P .O . Box 40 Toronto, Ontario M5J 21<2 Na t ur e of business Po't'.a..."1 Corporation Ltd. is a privatel y owned holdir.g cc:::mpany with registered and principal o f fices located in Toronto , ontario. The ccmpany i s e ngaged prinarily in activities related to e.' tplor a tion f or petroleum and base metals . nu:cugh i ts Strathcona pa ger . Ccmpany division, it a l so manufactures and markets a variet y of boxboard p roducts . Direc'"...ors (Roman Cor p:>c Clt ion Ltd . , 1984 ) Steven B. Ranan Chainnan Jam S. Grant , 5:' . Helen E. Ranan-Barber Keith H. Barnes J ohn S. Grant, Jr . Vincent L . O1apin Geo rge B. Heenan W. Earl Ri ddolls Anthony Rana.n Frederick G. Ra:la!l John H. Coleman Charles D. Parmelee Rober N . Thanpson - 106 - STRATHCONA PAPER COMPANY Di visi on of f ice Strathcona Paper Canpclny Strathcona , Q'ltari o Mailing address : Strathcona Pa per Q:mpany P. O. Box 130 u apeoee , Ontar i o K1R 3L6 Nature o f bus iness The canpany , a division of markets boxboe.rd products . Rcxran ccrpor a tdon Ltd ., manufa ctures and History The Strathrona Paper Company began operations as a p rivate c:ompany , owned and operated by the W. J . Finl ay family . The ccrlpilJly was purchased by bran COrpor ation Ltd . in 1974 and subsequently operated a s a division of ~ COrpor a t i on Ltd . Manuf acturing facili ties Strathcona Paper canpany Di v ision o f Janan corpor a t i cn Lt d. Mailing a ddress : St r athcona Pa per company P . O. Bo x 130 jcapanee , Ontario K7R 3L6 (6 13 ) 378 -6672 Products : boxboard p roducts i ncluding f o l ding and non- f o lding, p lain and colored , ·..;hit elined , coated and uncoated Total enpl oyees: 240 - 107 - TORHAM PACKAGING INC. THE HAMILTON GROUP LTO . corporat e or~J..ce 'I11e Hami l ton Group Ltd . 505 0 ~..h Service Poad Burlington, Ontario L7L 4Y7 Nat ure o f business The Hamilton Group Ltd . is a diversified Canadlan-owned hol ding ccmpany which , through its subsidiaries and affi liates, i s engaged in manufa cturing, l easing, trortgage financing and the provisio n o f financial servi ces within Canada , Europe and Mexico. The Hamilt on Group L t d. i s a maj o r s harehol der i n Torham Packaging Inc. TORHAM PACKAGI NG INC. Cor porat e o£fi.ce Torham Pa c kaging In c. 85 3 Wcx>dwa.rd Avenue P . O. Box 3276 Postal Station "c" Hamilton , ontario L89H 7L4 Nature or business Torham Pa c kaging Inc ., an Or t.ar-io-based paper cceveree e , through its vari ous o per a ting divisions is engaged in the manufacture and marketing of f o l ding and set-up pa perboard products . - 108 - Manufacturing faci l i t ies Torham packaging Inc . , through its various divisions , opera tes a number o f OOX plants in O1tario (see Tabl e 24 ) . Table 24 . Torham Packaging Inc . manufacturing faci lities in the province o f Ontario Torham Pac kagi ng Inc . Tressi dder-Reid Paper Boxes Di vision 54 Burland Crescent P . O. Box 3280, Station Hamilton , Ontario "c" LaH 7L4 (4 16) 547- 1977 Products : set-up papertoard boxes Total errq:>loyees : 39 (plant ) 4 (of fice) 'rcmem Pa ckaging Inc . Atlas paperboard Boxes (Hami l ton ) Di v isi o n Torharn Pa ckaging Inc . Fiel der/Ontario Paper Box Divisi on 853 Woodward Avenue Hamilton, Ontario 44 Non.'lXd Te rrace Toronto , Ontario La H 7L4 M4E 3t 1 ( 4 16) 547- 3006 ( 4 16 ) 698- 2843 Products : f o l ding and s e t -up paper box es Total employees: 165 Products : s e t -up paperboard boxes Total employees: 39 (plant ) 4 (of f i ce)