2013-2014 annual report
2013-2014 annual report
ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014 It is my pleasure to share with you this overview of another successful year at Nyack College and Alliance Theological Seminary. While statistics and financial statements make up the centerpiece of an annual report, I think you’ll agree that the lives of the men and women who are a part of our campus community tell the real story of our success. I believe Nyack College is redefining what excellence in higher education really looks like. Once again Nyack College is leading a movement—much in the way that it did just over a century ago. Nyack’s 19th-20th century movement carried Christian faith to places where it had never been proclaimed. Today, the people of Nyack College are leading a movement that takes Christian love to places where it is desperately needed. Once again, Nyack is changing the world with the Gospel. Since 1882, our students have been prepared for global citizenship—to cross the oceans or to cross suburban or city streets, passionate about touching “the haves and the have nots.” We can still applaud the fruit of our labor, but only if we also salute the men and women on the frontlines—mentoring faculty and staff—who model servant leadership for our students inside and out of the classroom. You’ll become acquainted with just a few of them in the following pages. FROM THE PRESIDENT To new friends who are just being introduced to Nyack, I trust that your interest will be peaked as you learn a bit more about the people, the programs, and the partnerships that motivate us to champion the cause of redefining Christian higher education. You are welcome to join us in this phenomenal cross cultural experience that includes lifelong learning and opportunities for global leadership. To those whose names we proudly publish on our list of donors, we say thank you! for being on this journey with us. With you, the many God-ordained undertakings that continue to transform lives are made possible. From the President ...................................................................................................................................IFC Passing the Baton: Dr. Ronald E. Eastman......................................................................................................2 New Board of Trustees Chair.........................................................................................................................4 1 Leading by Example: Dr. David C. Jennings.....................................................................................................5 About Nyack College ...................................................................................................................................6 Accreditations.............................................................................................................................................7 Enrollment Summary...................................................................................................................................8 Instructional Faculty ..................................................................................................................................11 Two Tales of Survival: Haitian Scholarship Recipients......................................................................................12 Commencement 2014..............................................................................................................................13 2013-2014 Financial Report......................................................................................................................15 2013-2014 Fiscal Year Donors...................................................................................................................16 TABLE OF CONTENTS We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 1:3 Celebrating a Legacy of Service Truer words than these could not be spoken about Dr. Ronald E. Eastman, a beloved pillar in the Nyack College and Alliance Theological Seminary campus community, who was named Chairman Emeritus in May 2014. 2 After nearly three decades as a Board of Trustees member and nearly two decades as Chairman of the Board, Dr. Eastman’s love and loyalty has been consistently demonstrated in his commitment to Christian higher education and his heart to see Nyack/ATS students equipped to touch the world for Christ in a significant way. PASSING THE BATON: DR. RONALD E. EASTMAN For dozens of years, the campus community prayed for a nursing program, which was the desire of many mission-minded students called to minister hope and healing around the globe. It was the transformative gift to the college from Dr. Eastman and his wife, Marilyn, that helped establish the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree program and the dedication of Nyack’s Cheryl Phenicie School of Nursing in October 2010. More recently, following his heart for the college’s growth and development, Dr. Eastman championed the effort and supported the opportunity to relocate the Nyack/ATS New York City campus to 2 Washington Street in Lower Manhattan. In fact, it was because of Dr. Eastman’s decades of expertise as a former Vice President for Real Estate Development with Marriott International and the generous sharing of his wisdom that our Executive Vice President and Treasurer David Jennings could proceed confidently in leading Nyack through the transaction. Commencement 2008 hooding ceremony for Dr. Ronald Eastman Dr. and Mrs. Eastman with the first School of Nursing graduates For so selflessly availing the college and seminary of his time, his talent, and his treasure, Dr. Eastman was inducted into the President’s Hall of Distinction. President Michael G. Scales says, “It was a proud and humbling moment at Commencement 2008 to present Dr. Eastman with an honorary Doctor of Divinity from Nyack College and Alliance Theological Seminary, acknowledging his selfless service to us. But the real privilege for me has been that I call him friend and brother. 3 NEW BOARD OF TRUSTEES CHAIR Dr. Michael Ahn (Myeong Kyu Ahn) Rev. Thomas R. Flanders Senior Advisor of LG Electronics Co., LTD President & CEO of LG Electronics, North America (retired) Superintendent, New England District, The C&MA In May 2014, Rev. Scott Slocum was welcomed as the new Nyack College/Alliance Theological Seminary Board of Trustees Chairman, assuming the role held for nearly 30 years by Dr. Ronald E. Eastman, who was named Chairman Emeritus. Miss Rose-Marie Armstrong Board Secretary (1983) Special Counsel, Investment Adviser Association Rev. John F. Soper District Superintendent, Korean District of the C&MA Dr. David D. Ireland Ex Officio, President, The C&MA Mr. Kenneth E. Baldes Founder and Senior Pastor, Christ Church, Montclair & Rockaway, NJ Ex Officio, Vice President for Operations/ Treasurer & COO The C&MA Mr. J. Michael Knefley A minister and speaker at conferences, churches, and retreats since 1979, Scott Slocum has served as senior pastor at Essex Alliance Church in Essex Junction, VT for the past 27 years. During this time, the church has become one of the fastest growing congregations in New England and the largest church of any denomination in the state of Vermont. Dr. Paul T. Cass REV. SCOTT SLOCUM 4 Board of Trustees Slocum, who earned a bachelor’s degree in Bible and Theology from Crown College in Minneapolis, Minnesota, joined the Nyack/ATS Board in 2005. He served on The Christian and Missionary Alliance National Board of Directors for a dozen years and is a member of The Alliance New England Executive Committee. Public Relations (Retired) Rev. Han Young Baek Mr. William M. Beatty CPA, Vice President, Goldman Sachs Dr. Paul D. Glenn Dr. John P. Stumbo Dr. Bruce Terpstra District Superintendent, C&MA Metropolitan District Rev. Dr. Denny Krajacic Associate Dean, Broward College (Retired) Dr. Tzuo-Yan Lee Mr. Mark Wellman Director, Energy Intelligence, Inc. Director, Packaging Solutions Development Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Mr. Les S. Robinson Miller Dr. Rockwell L. Dillaman Rev. Hector Ramirez Lead Pastor, Allegheny Center Alliance Church Ex Officio; Pastor, Riverside Community Church of the C&MA, Nutley, NJ; President, ATS Alumni Association Real Estate Analyst, Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. Dr. Ronald E. Eastman Senior Pastor, Ridgeway Alliance Church Dr. Carolyn Tonge Pharmaceutical R&D Consultant (retired) Mr. Glenn G. Daves Chairman of the Board (2014) Senior Pastor, Essex Alliance Church President, Ski Sawmill Family Resort Senior Pastor, Butler Community Alliance Church President of Paul T. Cass, MD., LLC (Elder care service) Rev. Scott G. Slocum Chairman Emeritus (2014) Group Vice President Real Estate Development Marriott International (Retired) Mr. Dwight Safer Mrs. Jennifer Ely Dr. Michael G. Scales Small business owner: Sage Bluff Alpacas Pension Administration and Human Resources (retired) Ex Officio; President, Nyack College/ Alliance Theological Seminary Dr. Duane A. Wheeland Board Vice Chair (2007) Ministries Liaison Director, The C&MA Ex Officio; Senior Business Manager IBM Microelectronics; President, NC Alumni Association Rev. Slocum and his wife, Diane, have been married for 34 years. They have three children—Sarah, Dayna, and Adam. The Slocums also have two grandchildren. President Michael Scales says, “I’m very excited to welcome Scott Slocum to this crucial leadership role. Chairman Slocum, the Board of Trustees, and I will continue to invite the guidance and counsel of Chairman Emeritus Eastman.” Executive Cabinet Dr. David F. Turk Dr. David C. Jennings Mr. Jeffrey Quinn Dr. Ronald Walborn Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Executive Vice President and Treasurer Vice President for College Relations Dean Alliance Theological Seminary A Tribute to Servant Leadership In 1984, David Jennings arrived on the Rockland County, NY campus of Nyack College to study church music and business. He has never been the same and neither has Nyack College. From his days as a student to his current role as an administrator, the number of hats he’s worn in between include Purchasing/Project Coordinator, Director of Campus Services, Vice President for Advancement, and during the institution’s 2006 search for its 12th president, he stepped in and seamlessly filled the role of Nyack’s interim president for the college and seminary. 5 His great love for the people of the Philippines and the passion to see them develop a personal relationship with Christ underlies his investment in Asia. In January 2015 he will lead his seventh global service-learning trip to Cebu with a group of Nyack faculty and staff. There in a community center run by two Nyack/ATS alumni, husband and wife Rick and Jiji Harner, the Nyack students learn from his example what it means to love and serve others. The length and depth of work that Dave Jennings has done in his time at Nyack College is too exhaustive to detail, but his recent unparalleled effort was serving as the College’s liaison with the CBRE real estate team and architects Lori Kupfer and Vincent Martineau in the transaction that resulted in the relocation of the Manhattan campus to 2 Washington Street in Battery Park. The May 2013 move to the 166,000 square foot space in a modern structure was a defining moment. God’s calling is the lead David Jennings follows. He walks the talk. LEADING BY EXAMPLE DR. DAVID C. JENNINGS Executive Vice President & Treasurer PROFILE ABOUT NYACK COLLEGE Nyack College/Alliance Theological Seminary is a private, co-educational institution of The Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA). In 1882, Dr. A.B. Simpson founded a one-year training institute in New York City for missionaries preparing for service in the United States and abroad. Nyack today is comprised of an accredited liberal arts college, seminary, and graduate schools offering more than fifty majors to nearly 3,000 students who earn associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees. The residential hillside campus, overlooking the Hudson River and Tappan Zee Bridge, is just twenty-five miles north of Times Square. Because of its proximity to the New York greater metropolitan region, Nyack has the most culturally diverse student body of any member of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities. U.S. News and World Report has ranked Nyack multiple times among the most diverse student populations in the Northeast. Mission Statement 6 Nyack College, a Christian and Missionary Alliance educational institution, through its undergraduate, graduate, and seminary programs, pursues its historic mission of preparing men and women to “take the whole Gospel to the whole world.” Core Values Nyack College seeks to exalt Jesus Christ and fulfill its mission by being: Academically Excellent: Pursuing academic excellence in the spirit of grace and humility. Globally Engaged: Fostering a global perspective within a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural Christian academic community. Intentionally Diverse: Providing educational access and support to motivated students from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds. Personally Transforming: Emphasizing the integration of faith, learning, and spiritual transformation. Socially Relevant: Preparing students to serve in ministerial, educational, healing, and community-building professions. Accreditations • Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools • Chartered by the Board of Regents of the University of the State of NY • Curricula registered with the NY State Education Department and approved for training of veterans • Listed by the US Department of Justice for educating international students • Early Childhood Education programs are nationally recognized by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) • Adolescence Math program is nationally recognized by the National Council for the Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) • Approved to operate in: • District of Columbia by the Educational Licensure Commission of the District of Columbia • State of Ohio by the Ohio Board of Regents • Commonwealth of Puerto Rico by the Council of Higher Education of Puerto Rico School of Music: • National Association of Schools of Music (NASM) since 1962 School of Education: • Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages program is nationally recognized by Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Business Administration (BS) Accredited by Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education Social Work program has been approved for accreditation with the Council for Social Work Education (CSWE) Alliance Theological Seminary: • Accredited by the Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada, and the following degree programs are approved: • National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) • Member and accredited by the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) for teacher certification • M.Div., MA in Intercultural Studies, Master of Professional Studies, MA (Biblical Literature), D.Min. Childhood Education programs are nationally recognized by the Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI) • Approved for a Comprehensive Distance Education Program • • Childhood Special Education programs are nationally recognized by the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Master of Mental Health Counseling Psychology (BA) College of Arts and Sciences: • Master of Divinity Adolescence English program is nationally recognized by the National Council for Teachers of English (NCTE) School of Nursing: • TOP TEN DEGREE PROGRAMS AT NYACK COLLEGE/ALLIANCE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY The Commission contact information is: The Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada 10 Summit Park Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15275 USA Telephone: 412-788-6505 • Fax: 412-788-6510 • www.ats.edu Master of Professional Studies Nursing (BS) Music Organizational Management (BS) Social Work (BS) Pastoral Ministry (BS) 7 Enrollment Summary Enrollment Profile UNDERGRADUATE: 1840 1818 DS / 13 NDS 9 AUDIT TRADITIONAL: 1659 OM: 181 115 IN-PROGRAM/62 AIT-ONLY or CONT/4 PRE-PROGRAM (AA) ATS: 800 MBA: 33 30 IN-PROGRAM / 3 CONT 3052 DS 30 NDS 35 AUDIT GRADUATE: 1277 1234 DS 17 NDS 26 AUDIT 8 MSOL: 95 51 IN-PROGRAM / 44 CONT EDG: 51 49 DS / 2 NDS AGSC: 292 290 DS / 2 AUDIT AJCO: 6 6 DS DS - Degree-Seeking NDS - Non-Degree-Seeking ROCKLAND UG/ATS/GRAD N % MANHATTAN UG/ATS/GRAD N % 1,500 48.7% 24 1,236 40.1% 9 OM (NY) OM N % PUERTO RICO UG/ATS N % ONLINE OM/GRAD N % 155 5.0% 2 39 1.3% 0 1637 DS / 13 NDS / 9 AUDIT 681 DS/15 NDS/24 AUDIT/80 DMin TOTAL: 3117 BY SITE Cont - In project or thesis continuation TOTAL (credit only) PERCENTAGE AUDIT ONLY–not inlcuded in counts below 152 4.9% 0 MATRICULATION Degree-Seeking Non-Degree 1484 16 98.9% 1.1% 1222 14 98.9% 1.1% 152 0 100.0% 0.0% 155 0 100.0% 0.0% LOAD STATUS* Full-time Part-time 1120 380 74.7% 25.3% 781 455 63.2% 36.8% 77 75 50.7% 49.3% 22 133 14.2% 85.8% 33 6 84.6% 15.4% FTE* FTE 1246.7 52.3% 932.7 39.1% 102.0 4.3% 2.8% 35.0 1.5% GENDER Female Male 836 664 55.7% 44.3% 790 446 63.9% 36.1% 99 53 65.1% 34.9% 64 91 41.3% 58.7% 21 18 53.8% 46.2% RACE/ETHNICITY American Indian/Alaska Native Asian Black/African American Hispanic/Latino Nat Hawaiian/Other Pacific Island White Two or More Races Non-Resident/International Unknown 7 243 365 241 5 507 25 89 18 0.5% 16.2% 24.3% 16.1% 0.3% 33.8% 1.7% 5.9% 1.2% 1 120 548 367 1 69 26 68 36 0.1% 9.7% 44.3% 29.7% 0.1% 5.6% 2.1% 5.5% 2.9% 2 3 70 37 0 24 5 3 8 1.3% 2.0% 46.1% 24.3% 0.0% 15.8% 3.3% 2.0% 5.3% 0 0 0 155 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0 2 11 8 0 16 0 0 2 0.0% 5.1% 28.2% 20.5% 0.0% 41.0% 0.0% 0.0% 5.1% 762 307 160 136 96 39 50.8% 20.5% 10.7% 9.1% 6.4% 2.6% 28.5 297 275 258 207 148 51 24.0% 22.2% 20.9% 16.7% 12.0% 4.1% 1 29 43 45 28 6 0.7% 19.1% 28.3% 29.6% 18.4% 3.9% 4 14 58 39 33 7 2.6% 9.0% 37.4% 25.2% 21.3% 4.5% 0 0.0% 14 35.9% 12 30.8% 5 12.8% 7 17.9% 1 2.6% 37.3 76.3% 20.4% 2.1% 0.4% 0.5% 0.3% 826 305 63 23 8 11 23.2% 70.3% 3.9% 1.3% 1.3% 0.0% 14 21 3 0 0 1 AGE ≤22 23-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+ Average MARITAL STATUS Single Married Divorced Separated Widowed Unknown *FT defined as 12 credits for UG, 9 credits for Grad 1144 306 32 6 8 4 34.6 66.3 41.2 66.8% 24.7% 5.1% 1.9% 0.6% 0.9% 71 60 6 5 3 7 41.4 46.7% 39.5% 3.9% 3.3% 2.0% 4.6% 36 109 6 2 2 0 39 100.0% 0 0.0% 35.9% 53.8% 7.7% 0.0% 0.0% 2.6% Enrollment by Country COUNTRY USA OTHER NORTH AMERICA Canada Mexico CENTRAL AMERICA Belize El Salvador Guatemala Panama SOUTH AMERICA Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador Guyana Peru Venezuela CARIBBEAN Barbados Dominica Dominican Republic Grenada Haiti Jamaica Saint Kitts & Nevis Saint Lucia St. Vincent & Grenadines Trinidad and Tobago ASIA China Hong Kong India Indonesia Japan Jordan Korea, South Lebanon Malaysia Philippines Syria Taiwan Vietnam EUROPE Albania France Germany Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Russia Spain Turkey United Kingdom N TOTAL 2725 20 17 3 6 1 1 3 1 39 1 13 1 3 2 8 9 2 96 3 2 12 3 26 32 1 1 1 15 138 12 3 7 2 1 1 93 1 4 6 1 3 4 34 1 2 10 2 1 3 2 2 2 1 8 Enrollment by Country continued UG % ROCK NYC 88.4% 859 583 PR ATS OM ROCK NYC 19 169 280 251 135 267 PR AGSC MSOL MBA EDG AJCO 85 22 1 1 49 6 0.6% 6 1 2 1 6 1 1 0.2% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.3% 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 TOTAL COUNTRY N AFRICA Angola Burkina Faso Ethiopia Ghana Liberia Madagascar Nigeria South Africa UNKNOWN 23 1 3 2 4 3 1 7 2 1 TOTAL UG % ROCK NYC 4 1 7 8 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 10 1 Pell Grant Recipients Total Enrollment (Degree-Seeking) 2 GENDER Female 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 3 3 1 21 24 2 1 2 2 1 4 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 29 16 2 1 1 2 1 1 Male 4.5% 1 RACE/ETHNICITY American Indian/Alaska Native Asian 1 1 Black/African American 1 Hispanic/Latino 1 1 1 1 2 1 Nat Hawaiian/Other Pacific Island 1 1.1% White 1 2 6 Two or More Races 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 1 Non-Resident/International Unknown 1 TOTAL NUMBER OF COUNTRIES REPRESENTED: 57 NOTE: USA =U S Citizens. All other countries = international and permanent resident students 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 0.0% TRAD UG (ROCKLAND) TOTAL 1 1 4 1 AGSC MSOL MBA EDG AJCO 33 51 6 Enrollment by Pell Grant Recipients & 1st Gen. Students 1 1 2 PR 3082 100% 952 678 20 181 343 298 135 290 95 1 1 ATS OM ROCK NYC 0.7% 3.1% 2 1 4 1 13 7 PR FIRST GENERATION STUDENTS* NUMBER OF FAFSA APPLICANTS 1 continues TRAD UG (MANHATTAN) TRAD UG (PUERTO RICO) OM N % N % N % N % N % 997 1818 54.8% 481 943 51.0% 429 674 63.6% 12 20 60.0% 75 181 41.4% 610 1098 387 720 55.6% 287 573 194 370 50.1% 264 401 165 273 65.8% 5 9 7 11 55.6% 54 115 21 66 47.0% 1 4 61 115 135 213 136 177 4 5 135 357 6 20 0 45 3 7 25.0% 1 100.0% 1 35 57.4% 61 164 67.8% 242 192 73.0% 263 1 100.0% 1 17 48.6% 35 8 50.0% 16 0 0.0% 37 11 61.1% 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 274 872 31.4% 262 605 8 16 3 7 97 180 331 533 363 502 5 6 162 429 19 41 0 85 17 35 607 1633 53.8% 42.9% 53.9% 62.1% 72.3% 83.3% 37.8% 46.3% 0.0% 48.6% 37.2% 52.4% 53.0% 63.4% 76.8% 80.0% 37.8% 30.0% 0.0% 42.9% 60.4% 43.3% * as determined by FAFSA applications * students included when 1) at least one parent’s education is known, and 2) all known did not attend college 63.6% N/A N/A 60.0% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 50.0% 31.8% 1 50.0% 2 1 25.0% 4 32 41.0% 78 23 54.8% 42 0 N/A 0 10 27.0% 37 5 100.0% 5 0 0.0% 3 3 30.0% 10 63 140 45.0% 9 Enrollment by State – Institutional 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006-09 2010 2011 2012 2013 2006-09 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0 10 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 % UNKNOWN 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 % INTERNATIONAL 5.2 5.6 4.4 5.4 5.2 5.9 5.1 5.5 5.5 % PUERTO RICO AND US TERRITORIES 1.8 2.0 2.5 2.8 3.1 4.4 3.6 3.7 5.1 % WEST: AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, MT, NM, NV, OR, UT, WA, WY 1.9 1.7 1.3 1.1 0.8 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.5 % MIDWEST: IA, IL, IN, KS, MI, MN, MO, ND, NE, OH, SD, WI 3.5 3.8 3.4 3.6 4.1 2.0 1.8 1.8 1.9 % SOUTH/SOUTHEAST: AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX 1.4 1.6 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.6 1.8 2.1 2.4 % MID-ATLANTIC: DC, DE, MD, PA, VA, WV 5.5 6.9 7.8 6.3 6.6 5.7 5.1 4.9 3.7 % NEW ENGLAND: CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT % NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY 4.9 4.7 4.3 3.9 3.8 3.3 4.1 4.1 4.4 75.4 73.1 74.4 75.5 75.0 76.0 77.0 76.4 75.4 Instructional Faculty LECTURER ASSISTANT PROFESSOR FULL TIME ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR 14 37 20 TOTAL PART TIME PROFESSOR SUB TOTAL ADJ OTH* SUB TOTAL TOTAL ADMIN FACULTY EMERITUS 39 110 157 21 178 288 41 24 FEMALE MALE 8 6 57% 43% 17 20 46% 54% 7 13 35% 65% 11 28 28% 72% 43 67 39% 61% 75 82 8 13 83 95 47% 53% 126 162 44% 56% 25 16 61% 39% 5 19 21% 79% AMERICAN INDIAN/ALASKA NATIVE ASIAN BLACK/AFRICAN AMERICAN HISPANIC/LATINO NON-RESIDENT/INTERNATIONAL WHITE 0 0 5 3 0 6 0% 0% 36% 21% 0% 43% 0 10 4 6 2 15 0% 27% 11% 16% 5% 41% 0 1 3 2 0 14 0% 5% 15% 10% 0% 70% 0 8 5 1 0 25 0% 21% 13% 3% 0% 64% 0 19 17 12 2 60 0% 11% 15% 11% 2% 55% 0 12 31 30 2 82 1 0 3 2 0 15 1 12 34 32 2 97 1% 7% 19% 18% 1% 54% 1 31 51 44 4 167 0% 11% 18% 15% 1% 55% 0 3 8 6 0 24 0% 7% 20% 15% 0% 55% 0 1 2 0 0 21 0% 4% 8% 0% 0% 88% * Non-instructional faculty or staff teaching as adjuncts Highest Degree of FT Instructional Faculty DOCTORATE (or other terminal degree) 77% MASTERS 23% Data provided by Human Resources (all except Emeritus) and the Provost’s Office (Emeritus) Table contains faculty from all sites. 11 NYACK ROCKLAND CAMPUS 12 Two Nyack College alumni survived the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that struck Haiti on January 12, 2010. Nyack’s response was to establish ten full tuition undergraduate college scholarships and 10 full tuition seminary scholarships –worth more than $1 million– for students displaced by the earthquake, who would be a part of a new generation of leadership committed to the rebuilding of that nation. MAY 2014 GRADS TWO TALES OF SURVIVAL Claude-Alix “Fabien” Crevecoeur Claude-Alix “Fabien” Crevecoeur had already earned a bachelor’s degree in engineering and telecommunications at a university in the Dominican Republic and was a bank employee at the time of the 2010 earthquake. In the aftermath, Fabien lost his job, but learned about the educational opportunity at Nyack College from a relative in the States. By the fall of 2010, he was enrolled at Nyack. Despite the literal shaking of his world, the May 2014 graduate demonstrated his will to persevere in spite of adversity when he completed his business degree summa cum laude and as a member of the New York State Pi chapter of Alpha Chi National Honor Society. While a Nyack Rockland campus student, carrying an 18-credit course load, Fabien was president of the Business Club, worked in the campus bookstore and was an accounting professor’s teaching assistant. He tutored students in calculus and participated in the student group, LoSTANDfound, in the cause against human trafficking. Fabien represented his alma mater in the annual intercollegiate competition sponsored by the New York Stock Exchange, Fed Challenge. After his personal encounter with natural disaster, it was instinctive for him to join the Nyack team of faculty and students volunteering with Samaritan’s Purse and New Life Fellowship Church in Queens on community service to people recovering from New York’s 2012 natural disaster, Hurricane Sandy. With business professors, Jim Muckell and Gordon Boronow, Fabien was a part of Nyack’s global service-learning trip to Mexico, where they helped rebuild a house for a family and also volunteered at an orphanage. NYACK MANHATTAN CAMPUS Lindza Lubin The Lubin family lost their home and all their belongings forcing them to sleep on the streets of Haiti’s Canape Vert following the earthquake. Ultimately, Lindza and her mother and siblings relocated to Massachusetts to live with relatives while her father stayed behind in Haiti. But even in a time of upheaval and transition, Lindza was preoccupied with continuing her education. The scholarship opportunity for Haitian students at Nyack was an answer to prayer. It didn’t make life in New York City easier, being so far away from her family. However, the encouraging community that welcomed her to Nyack became a surrogate “family” that helped her maintain focus and regain confidence to pursue her major in psychology with a minor in social work. Things were looking up for the dean’s list student after the debilitating earthquake. Then Hurricane Sandy struck Tri-State New York in October 2012. A commuter student who lived with two roommates, Lindza kept her television on to stay abreast of the storm’s progress. The three young women were trapped with the only exit door shut tightly by the force of the water. The young women bravely faced the overwhelming damage: overturned furniture and appliances afloat; their textbooks, electronics, and identification papers completely destroyed; and the haunting reminder of their near death experience—a watermark eight inches from the ceiling indicating how high the water had risen. Faculty and friends were a part of the recovery team who helped with clean-up. Both Fabien and Lindza are remarkable examples of our mission to serve students, but more importantly, how Nyack students, given the opportunity, do excel academically and engage globally and are personally transformed and socially relevant. Dr. Mark Burnett Celebration of last year’s commencement applauded the work of Christ in culture when the honorary Doctor of Letters was presented to five time Emmy® Award-winner Mark Burnett, producer of more than 2,400 hours of American television programming, which regularly airs in more than 70 countries worldwide. His network series include "Survivor" (CBS), "The Voice" (NBC), "The Celebrity Apprentice" (NBC), “Shark Tank” (ABC), and “Trust Me, I’m a Game Show Host” (TBS). With his wife, Roma Downey, he executive produced the Emmy®-nominated ten-hour miniseries, “The Bible,” that premiered on the History Channel in March 2013, which garnered 100 million viewers in the U.S. and is currently airing internationally. Mark’s television profile includes a strong presence in award show franchises, having produced the "MTV Movie Awards," the “People’s Choice Awards,” the "Video Game Awards," and the "Primetime Emmy® Awards." He is currently reviewing scripts on “A.D.,” his next scripted series for NBC set to debut in 2015. In addition to television, Burnett and Downey, released the feature film, “Son of God,” with 20th Century Fox, which grossed $50 million in its first three weekends. Burnett was inducted into the Broadcasting and Cable Hall of Fame in 2010 and was honored with a star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame. He served two elected terms on the Board of Directors for the British Academy of Film and Television Arts in L.A. 13 Dr. Roma Downey A celebrated, Emmy®-nominated actress and producer, Roma Downey is best known for her nine seasons as the tender-hearted angel on the hit CBS television show "Touched by an Angel" for which she earned multiple Emmy® and Golden Globe® best actress nominations. Dr. Downey has performed on stage with the famed Abbey Theatre Company and has appeared both on and off Broadway. She played the leading role of Jackie Kennedy Onassis in the Emmy® award-winning six-hour miniseries for NBC, “A Woman Named Jackie.” Dr. Downey not only starred in, but executive produced seven television movies for the CBS network, among them “Borrowed Hearts” with Eric McCormack and “Second Honeymoon” with Tim Matheson. With her company, LightWorkers Media, Downey and her husband, Mark Burnett, produced the Emmy®nominated miniseries, “The Bible,” for the History Channel which was watched by over 100 million people in the U.S. alone. “The Bible” became the fastest-selling DVD in the last five years. The Hollywood trade publication Variety recognized Downey and Burnett as "Trailblazers" and listed Downey as one of Variety’s “100 Most Powerful Women in Hollywood.” The Hollywood Reporter included the couple on their “Most Influential People of 2013” list. Downey won the 2014 Movie Guide Grace Award for her role as Mother Mary. The Doctor of Letters was also presented to Dr. Downey. 2014 COMMENCEMENT President’s Hall of Distinction Honorees The Lord Edmiston Distinguished by his role as a member of the British Parliament, Lord Edmiston completed the roster of honorary degree recipients receiving the Doctor of Letters at the 2014 graduation. Until 2010 he was the Chairman of the Midlands Industrial Council, a group of leading Midlands industrialists and businessmen who maintain a close dialogue with senior politicians. On January 18, 2011, he was introduced into the House of Lords, which provides a platform for him to be a voice in politics on both business and social issues. Climbing the ranks from his start as a bank clerk, Lord Edmiston is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. Today he owns a number of companies in the property, motor, and finance sectors with a combined turnover of approximately £500 million. 14 Lord Edmiston and his wife, Tracie, are the founders of a charitable trust called Christian Vision, which operates in a variety of countries and spearheads charitable and Christian media projects. In the U.K., Lord and Lady Edmiston have sponsored and are Governors of three schools called Grace Academy serving some 3,000 students between the ages of 11 and 18. The First Doctor of Ministry Graduates During his inaugural speech in April 2007, President Michael G. Scales cast his vision of seeing Nyack College attain university status. On July 19, 2010 the New York State Board of Regents approved the charter and master plan to register our Doctor of Ministry degree program, the first of three doctoral degrees required by the State. The program launched in January 2011 at Alliance Theological Seminary, making it the first doctorate offered by a C&MA educational institution. Under the leadership of Dr. Martin Sanders, program director, the first cohort of doctoral candidates for graduation received their D.Min. at the May 2014 commencement. Graduates included Lezlie F. Austin-Kennedy, Calvin Lamar Brown, Sr., Charles Butler, Janice FareedHardy, Eva R. Geddes, Gershwin Francis Emmanuel Grant, (the first to successfully defend his dissertation), Ronald J. Morrison, Paul Anderson Patrick, Roy Kevin Pembroke, Michael W. Plunket, and John Wayne Spriggs. Other Sources Investments 4% 2% Net Tuition and Fees Auxiliary Enterprises 9% Revenue, Gains, and Other Support Net Tuition and Fees Contributions, Gifts, and Grants Auxiliary Enterprises Investments Other Sources Total Revenues, Gains, and Other Support 32,641,952 $ 4,021,030 $ 7,016,889 $ 1,670,771 $ 922,871 70% $ $ Contributions, Gifts and Grants 15% 46,273,513 15 Fundraising Management and General Expenses Instruction Academic Support Student Services Auxiliary Enterprises Management and General Fundraising Total Expenses 0% Instruction 14% 19,579,865 $ 3,007,840 $ 10,477,119 $ 6,461,904 $ 6,454,827 $ 156,579 $ 46,138,134 42% $ Auxiliary Enterprises 14% Student Services 2013-2014 23% These financial statements are the responsibility of Nyack College management. An audit was conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. This fiscal year ending June 30, 2013 has been audited by BKD, LLP. A copy of the audit is available upon request. Nyack College is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. Academic Support 7% FINANCIALS 2013-2014 FISCAL YEAR DONORS PRESIDENT'S COUNCIL MEMBERS 16 Miss Rose-Marie Armstrong Dr. Barbara Austin-Lucas Ms. F. Ruth Bailey Rev. and Mrs. Thomas I. Bailey Dr. Thomas P. Bailey, Sr. Rev. Donna Baptiste Dr. and Mrs. Mario Oneil Barrett, III Mr. and Mrs. David A. Baynes Dr. and Mrs. Rexford A. Boda Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bohn Mrs. Eunice B. Brewer Mr. and Mrs. Josh P. Brookshire Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bucci Pastor and Mrs. Bryan R. Burrell Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Carlblom Mrs. Marilyn G. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Jerry B. Cash Mr. and Mrs. William A. Chapin Rev. and Mrs. Stephen B. Clark Rev. and Mrs. Cornelius W. Clarke Miss Florabelle Cobaugh Ms. Charlene E. Constantinou Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Cory Rev. Charles H. Dale Dr. and Mrs. Elias Dantas Mr. and Mrs. Glenn G. Daves Dr. and Mrs. James A. Davey Dr. and Mrs. David A. Denyer Dr. and Mrs. Rockwell L. Dillaman Dr. and Mrs. Paul Dordal Mrs. Mildred Dotter Dr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Eastman Mr. and Mrs. John E. Ely Ms. Penny W. Foland Mr. and Mrs. William Freeman Ms. Grace Gabrillo Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Gathro Mr. Douglas and Dr. Helen Gettle Dr. and Mrs. Paul D. Glenn Rev. Julio and Dr. Lucy Guzman Mr. and Mrs. William C. Haberer Mr. and Mrs. J. Gary Hamilton Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hammond Dr. and Mrs. Dion T. Harrigan Ms. Elizabeth L. Harris Dr. and Mrs. Glenn Harris, Jr. Mr. Thomas and Dr. Andrea Hennessy Dr. Claire P. Henry Rev. and Mrs. Frederick W. Henry Rev. Stanley R. Hiers Capt. and Mrs. Drew Holt Dr. and Mrs. David D. Ireland Dr. Antony T. Jaston Dr. and Mrs. David C. Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Joost, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Kageler Dr. Marie Herseth Kenote Rev. and Mrs. Dean F. King Mr. Luther H. Klatt Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Knefley Mr. John R. Koch Ms. Anne Lawther Mr. Joseph D. Lee Dr. and Mrs. Tzuo-Yan Lee Mrs. Shirley J. Lemberger Mr. Dennis and Dr. JoAnn Looney Dr. Leo Li and Dr. Tammy Lum Dr. and Mrs. R. Harold Mangham, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Maret Mr. and Mrs. James Mayer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. McClure Rev. and Mrs. Paul S. McKean Dr. and Mrs. Russell R. McLeod Mr. and Mrs. Earl S. Miller Mr. Lesly and Dr. Carole Milord Dr. and Mrs. In Hak Moon Mr. and Mrs. James G. Muckell Mr. and Mrs. Roy Naevestad Dr. and Mrs. Peter Norris Nanfelt Mrs. Virginia Ng Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Parsels Drs. Richard and Eleanor Pease Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Pease, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Perkins Dr. David L. Rambo Mr. Miles J. Reese Rev. and Mrs. Charles S. Rigby Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Riggs Mrs. Dorothy L. Ritter Mr. Luis and Dr. Carol Robles Mr. and Mrs. Dwight D. Safer Mr. Antonio Salva Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Scales Dr. and Mrs. Michael G. Scales Dr. and Mrs. Bennett J. Schepens Mr. and Mrs. W. Herbert Schmidt, Jr. Rev. and Mrs. Bruce M. Sexton Mrs. Pamela A. Shaw Ms. Barbara A. Shiffer Rev. and Mrs. Scott G. Slocum Mr. Christopher Joshua Smith Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Snyder Dr. and Mrs. John F. Soper Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Stebbins Mr. Paul and Dr. Lisa Steiner Dr. and Mrs. Jesse Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Thompson, Jr. Mr. and Dr. Eustace Tonge Dr. and Mrs. Alfred S. Townsend Dr. David Turk and Dr. Vara S. Neverow Mr. and Mrs. Edward Turner Ms. Bonnie L. VanOrnum Mrs. Jane Votava Dr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Walborn Rev. and Mrs. Kelvin L. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Wellman Rev. and Mrs. Harold E. Werley Dr. and Mrs. Duane A. Wheeland Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Wunker Anonymous Donor Mr. Brian Abate Mr. and Mrs. David C. Abbott Mr. George Abraham Mrs. Elizabeth G. Abrams Ms. Denise Absalom Rev. Frank L. Accardy Mrs. Julie W. Ackemann Mr. and Mrs. Clayton L. Adams Ms. Quinetta Adderley Pastor and Mrs. Ebenezer O. Adeyinka Mr. Jorge Luis Afanador, Jr. Ms. Edna Afiriyie Dr. and Mrs. David S. Ahn Dr. and Mrs. Michael Ahn Mr. Seung Lag Ahn Mrs. Viola M. Airgood Ms. Nancy J. Albertini Mr. and Mrs. Carl Aleksoff Mr. Douglas G. Alford Ms. Evelyn B Alford Dr. Paul L. Alford Mr. and Mrs. Aaron M. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R Allen Mr. Ralph W. Allen Dr. and Mrs. Norman E. Allison, Jr. Mrs. Donna Maria Allred Rev. and Mrs. Jonathan L. Amstutz Mr. and Mrs. Gerald An Mr. Christian Anarfi Ms. Maureen S. Anderl Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Anderson Rev. Donald E. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. John C. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Rockne S. Anderson Mr. Jon A. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. David P. Andresen Ms. Joan Angotti Mr. Russell Scot Anthony Ms. Michelle Antrum Mr. John J. Aragon Lt. Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Mark J. Armstrong Ms. Onda M. Armstrong Dr. and Mrs. Harry J. Arnold Mr. Paul C. Arnold Mrs. Patricia Deloris Atkins Ms. Nancy Au Mrs. Frances M. Auguston Mr. and Mrs. H. Arthur Avarali Mrs. Lorimer Bacasmot Rev. and Mrs. Han Young Baek Mr. David A. Baer Mr. Daniel T. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. David Bailey Dr. Thomas P. Bailey Mr. Lorenzo N. Bailey Ms. Rebecca A. Bailey Ms. Sara B. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Bailey, Jr. Mr. Warren C. Bailey Mrs. June R. Bainer Mr. Matt Bair Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Baldes Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Treptow Mrs. Doloris Bandy-Biddulph Mr. and Mrs. Alan John Barajikian Mr. and Mrs. Max Barber Mr. Christopher Barker Mrs. Elsie M. Barney Mrs. Patricia Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Stanley P. Barringer, Jr. Mr. Albert and Dr. Carol Bart Mr. Perry B. Bartlett Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Bassler Ms. Annie Battle Mrs. Wilda W. Baxter Mr. Paul Bazikian Mr. and Mrs. William M. Beatty Mr. Duane M. Beavan Rev. Paul E. Beavers, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. John Henry Bechtel Dr. and Mrs. Gerard Becker Rev. Howard W. Bedell Mr. and Mrs. Hudson T. Bedell Mr. and Mrs. William Bedford Mr. Donn E. Belfield Rev. and Mrs. Kevin J. Bellinger Dr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Belsterling Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bender Dr. and Mrs. Gary Benedict Mrs. Kathy Benjamin Mr. and Mrs. Albert Benn Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Berg Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Stuart Bergevin Mr. and Mrs. Roland M. Bertka Mrs. Patricia C. H. Berton Mr. Jim Beukelman INDIVIDUALS 2013-2014 FISCAL YEAR DONORS Mrs. A. Jean Bigelow Mrs. Eloise Biggin Mr. Elie Bijou Mr. and Mrs. Lewis W. Billups Dr. and Mrs. Lewis P. Bird Dr. and Mrs. Warren Bird Mrs. Nada L. Bisbee Mr. and Mrs. David L. Bishop Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C Bisulca Mr. and Mrs. David R. Black Mr. and Mrs. Mike Blackmon Mr. and Mrs. Rob R. Blackmore Rev. and Mrs. Roy C. Blake, Jr. Mr. David L. Blanchette Mr. and Mrs. James C. Blankemeyer Mr. and Mrs. John L. Bloomquist Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Boberg Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Boda Rev. and Mrs. Harvey Boese Mrs. Ann Bogert Rev. and Mrs. Anthony G. Bollback, Sr. Rev. and Mrs. Angel C. Bonilla Rev. and Mrs. Dennis R. Borg Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Boronow Mr. and Mrs. David S. Bosis Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Boston Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Botana, II Ms. Eleanor Bower Ms. Mary L. Bower Mr. and Mrs. William L. Bowers Mr. Lowell Bowers Rev. Loyal E. Bowman Rev. and Mrs. Roland Ray Bowman Mr. and Mrs. Loren D. Boydstun Mrs. Lena M. Boyer Ms. Nancy J. Boyer Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Boyes Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Glenn Brackmann Ms. AnnaRose Braden Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Brain Rev. W. Paul Braun Ms. Anne Elizabeth Brewer Rev. and Mrs. Nelson Jefferson Brewster Mr. Jeffrey L. Brigham Mr. John D. Brink Rev. and Mrs. James L. Brocious Mrs. Elizabeth Brock Miss Frances L. Brockington Ms. E. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brower Rev. Harry W. Brown, Jr. Rev. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Brown Ms. Louise Scales Brown Mr. Myron M. Brown Ms. Rachel Marie Brown Mrs. Sarita J. Brown Dr. and Mrs. Roger K. Brown Mrs. Regina A Brown-Rich Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Brust Mr. and Mrs. William T. Bryant, Jr. Mrs. John Buchino Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Buckhout Ms. L. Jane Buckley Mrs. Jean A. Buehrle Dr. Christine M. Buel Mr. Kevin A. Buel Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Bullers Mrs. Johnsie M. Burchfield Mr. and Mrs. Miles T. Burd Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Burke Mrs. Lorraine H. Burton Rev. and Mrs. Richard E. Bush Mrs. Myrtle E. Buyce Miss Ruth D. Byerly Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Byers Pastor and Mrs. Morton G. Cain Mr. Richard Calcaterra Mr. Josue Calderon Mrs. Berta C. Campagna Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Campbell Rev. and Mrs. Leslie M. Canning, Jr. Mrs. Lois Carey Rev. and Mrs. Philip N. Carl Dr. and Mrs. Luis A. Carlo Mr. David A Carlson Mrs. Lydia C. Carlson Chaplain Ronald D. Carson Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Carter Mrs. Beatrice Cartmel Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Casady Dr. and Mrs. Paul T. Cass, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. R. Timothy Cassel Mr. and Mrs. Jay Dean Castelli Ms. Anna L. Castner Wightman Dr. and Mrs. Gordon M. Cathey Ms. Amy Cervone Mr. and Mrs. Victor A. Chambers Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Champion Dr. and Mrs. Frank Chan Rev. Mia Chang Mr. Silas Chai and Mrs. Lucy Chao Mr. Michael Brandon Chapman Ms. Makeda Charles Ms. Amber Cheng Mr. Jun Ren and Mrs. Yu-Chen Cheng Mr. James Childs Dr. and Mrs. James Chin Mrs. Geraldine B. Chisholm Miss Stacy Chou Mr. and Mrs. Danny I. Chu Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Chu Mrs. Evelyn R. Churchill Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo G. Cid Mr. David Clark Mr. and Mrs. James K. Clarke Ms. Marcia A. Clawson Rev. and Mrs. E. Frank Clay, Jr. Mrs. Charis Clerico Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Clerico Mr. and Mrs. William R. Cline Mrs. Melverne Coates Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cochran Ms. Judy Cochran Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Alfred S. Cockfield Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Cogan Mrs. Carolyn Comstock Rev. and Mrs. Douglas G. Conley Dr. and Mrs. William C. Conrad Rev. and Mrs. David C. Constance Pastor and Mrs. Edward F Conway, Jr. Miss Dorothy M. Cook Ms. Erika T. Cook Ms. Denise M. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. William E. Cooper Mr. Richard Cooper Ms. Victoria L. Cooper Rev. and Mrs. William G. Copp Mr. and Mrs. Selbert Corbin Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Cox Mr. David D. Crane Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery S. Cranston Rev. and Mrs. Glenn A. Creveling Rev. Bradley Shane Crites Dr. and Mrs. Wayne L. Crowder, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Crozier Mr. and Mrs. Howard Crum Mr. and Mrs. Dimitri Cruz Mr. and Mrs. Juan Jose Cruz Dr. and Mrs. Elio Cuccaro Mr. and Mrs. Harrison G. Cunningham, Jr. Mrs. Lylith Currie Rev. and Mrs. John N. Cutts Mrs. Joanna D'Addario Ms. Elizabeth Dahlberg-Lee Rev. Daryl and Dr. Janet Dale Mrs. Loreli Damron Rev. Thomas Danney Mr. Charles D'Arcy Mrs. Marjorie D. Daverman Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Davie Rev. and Mrs. Charles A Davis, III Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Davis Rev. and Mrs. Clyde L. Davis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Davis Dr. and Mrs. L. Edward Davis Mr. Ghiath Abdallah and Dr. Amy Davis Abdallah Mrs. Janet V Davis-Sealy Mr. and Mrs. Alan T. Dawes Mr. and Mrs. Neal L. Dawes Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Deasy, Jr. Mrs. Joann Decker Ms. Claire DeJoseph Mr. and Mrs. H. Peter DeLisser Mr. and Mrs. Tim Yu Deng Rev. Charles A. Denhart Mr. and Mrs. George W. Derringer Ms. Denise M. Desrouilleres Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. DiMarsico Mr. Eric Diaz Ms. Edith A. Diffenderfer Mrs. Constance L. Dillon Mr. Samuel M. Dittmar Ms. Ruth E. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Dixon Mr. Carlos Donado Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Donworth Miss Barbara Elaine Doran Mr. Barry J. Dorfman Ms. Cynthia D. Dorsey Dr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Dost Mr. Timothy R Doty Ms. Barbara Belle Douglas Rev. and Mrs. George A. Downes Mrs. Gretchen M. Downs Rev. and Mrs. Donald D. Draggoo Mrs. Carol Dresselaers Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Dressler Mrs. Patricia Drumm Mr. and Mrs. David Dudley Mrs. Renee Duffelmeyer Rev. and Mrs. Dennis D. Durant Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Ebner Rev. Carl E. Eckdahl Rev. and Mrs. Gerald C. Eddy Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Eddy Mr. and Mrs. James E. Edmonds, Jr. Rev. and Mrs. David F. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Eells Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson Eells Ms. Alice M. Effland Mrs. Dorothy R. Ellenberger Rev. and Mrs. Paul R. Ellenberger Ms. Jennifer A. Ellenberger Rev. and Mrs. Robert W. Ellenberger Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Elliott Rev. and Mrs. Eldon Elsberry Dr. and Mrs. David Emanuel Mrs. Dorothy Emary Mr. and Mrs. Alan W. Emerson Dr. Edward C Emery, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Redman Engle Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Englund Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Epp Rev. and Mrs. H. Wayne Eppehimer Dr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Eriksen Mrs. A. Joyce Evans Mr. and Mrs. David R. Evans Miss Helen E. Evans Rev. and Mrs. James R. Evilsizor Mr. and Mrs. Rodolfo Fabregas Rev. and Mrs. Mark L. Faler Ms. Rudene Faloye Mrs. Ruth E. Famini Rev. and Mrs. Charles R Farber Dr. Janice Fareed-Hardy Mrs. Nadine Kuster Farrell Mrs. Betty J. Farringer Ms. Nichelle Faulkner Mrs. Joanne Faust-Batdorff Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Fennick Mrs. Dona H. Ferrell Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Fetherlin Rev. Warren W. Feustel Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Fikes 17 2013-2014 FISCAL YEAR DONORS 18 Mr. Paul T. Filipi Mr. Gerald Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Clifford B. Fisher Rev. and Mrs. John J. Fisher Rev. and Mrs. Rick K. Fisk Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. George B. Fletcher, Jr. Mrs. Claudia Flores De Valgaz Mr. Philip P. Floros Rev. John W. Fogal, Sr. Ms. Maryann Folco Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Folkestad Mr. and Mrs. John G. Fong Mrs. Barbara Ford Mrs. Jacqueline Fowler Miss Diane R. Fox Mr. and Mrs. Warren T. Francke Mr. and Mrs. Jerry B. Franklin Dr. and Mrs. David A. Frazier Ms. Darlene J. Frederickson Mr. and Mrs. Parker J. Freshwater Mr. William E Frew, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lance Fritz Mr. and Mrs. George J. Furman Mr. and Mrs. George J. Furman, Jr. Rev. and Mrs. Donald R. Furniss Mr. Daniel N. Futrell Rev. and Mrs. James B. Futrell Ms. Patricia Gabrielson Ms. Judith J. Gaeddert Mr. and Mrs. James L. Gainer Mrs. Dragana Gaisi-Buhl Mrs. Esther Gajtkowski Mr. Johnny Gamble Ms. Esther Garcia Mr. and Mrs. H. Paul Garcia Rev. and Mrs. Garry Gardner Drs. William and Donna Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Sam S. Garwood Mr. Benjamin R. Gates Miss Jennifer Gates Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan A. Gates Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Gathany Mr. Murry Gatling Mrs. Harriet Gawrilowicz Miss Carol J. Gehm Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gestal Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Gettman Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gialluca Mrs. Ruth Gibbs Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Gifford Mr. and Mrs. James R. Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. Billy G. Gilbreath Ms. Alma L. Gilleo Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gilman Ms. Marcia S. Gilmore Rev. and Mrs. Wesley N. Glass, Jr. Rev. and Mrs. Ralph E. Godwin Mrs. Alice Morrell Gonzalez Rev. and Mrs. David L. Goodin Mr. Thomas J. Gorgolione Rev. and Mrs. John R. Gorsuch Rev. H. Russell Graf Mr. and Mrs. James Graf Mr. and Mrs. John T. Graham Mr. David Jonathan Grames Mrs. Susan R. Grande Rev. and Mrs. Scott L. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Velon H. Gray Rev. and Mrs. Richard R. Green Mr. Jay A. Greenwell Rev. and Mrs. W. Henry Grosh Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Gruenig Miss Karen S. Gustafson Rev. and Mrs. Brian Lawrence Haggerty Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Hain Mr. Mark I. Halfpap Mr. and Mrs. John G. Hall Ms. Joy Maxine Hall Ms. Carol Anene Halvorsen Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Hammond Mr. Zhiyong-Jerry Shi and Mrs. Mei Han Ms. Janet L. Hansom Mrs. Elizabeth A. Hanson Miss Judith Harding Mrs. Doris H. Harper Mrs. Marion F. Harr Ms. Marion F. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Harris Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harrison Rev. and Mrs. Robert M. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. William J. Harrod Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Harshman Ms. Gladys I. Harshman Dr. and Mrs. F. Thomas Hartl Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Hartloff Dr. and Mrs. David F. Hartzfeld Rev. and Mrs. Wesley P. Hartzfeld Ms. Miriam Harvey Mrs. Thelma M. Haslett Mrs. Ruth L Hauenstein Mr. John Havrilla Mrs. Carol M. Hazlett Rev. Alfred Lee Hearn Rev. and Mrs. James V. Hedger Rev. and Mrs. Dean Hegarty Dr. Dorothy R. Heier Mrs. Lillian H. Heise Miss Harriet Z. Heisey Mrs. D. Jean Helker Rev. and Mrs. Paul Edward Helwig Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Henk Mr. and Mrs. David E. Henning Ms. Dorothy E. Henry Rev. and Mrs. Richard A. Herritt Mr. and Mrs. Jerrad J. Hertzler Rev. and Mrs. R. Bruce Hess Mr. and Mrs. Bradley J. Hickey Rev. and Mrs. John C Hickok Dr. and Mrs. Peter C. Hill Ms. Janice M. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hill Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Hills Mrs. Gertrude M. Hodge Mr. and Mrs. Brent D. J. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. J. David Holland Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Holodynsky Ms. Dorothy M. Hostetter Mr. and Mrs. George F. Howard Mr. and Mrs. David Howard Dr. Marion B. Howe Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hu Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Hubbard Ms. Marilyn Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Hubbart Rev. and Mrs. Burton F. Huegel Ms. Joyce Huenhold Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Hurd Pastor and Mrs. Burton D. Huth Dr. and Mrs. David K. Huttar Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Hutton Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Hyson, Jr. Mr. Adrian Michael Ibanez Mrs. Evelyn Iida Rev. and Mrs. George A. Imhoff Mrs. Mary Irby Dr. Maurice R. Irvin, Ph.D. Rev. and Mrs. Bruce A. Jackson Mrs. Jane Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Jackson Pastor and Mrs. Steven P. Jackson Mrs. Sarah Virginia Jacober Ms. Asma Jaffar Miss Betty Lou James Mr. Yohan D. Jang Pastor and Mrs. William E. Jasko Mrs. Joan B. Jenkins Mr. Steven B. Jenks Mrs. Barbara J. Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Jennings Mr. Charles Joanides Ms. Marilyn R. Johansson Ms. Debra A. Johnson Rev. Myron D. Johnson Mrs. Nannie L. Johnson Mr. Raymont Johnson Mr. Yeathus Johnson Rev. and Mrs. Richard H. Johnston Ms. Joyce Johnston-See Mr. and Mrs. Arnold K. Jones Mrs. Daphne Jones Mr. Robert Jones Mr. and Mrs. William A. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Russel V. Jongewaard Mr. Mario Joseph Mr. David A. Julian Rev. and Mrs. Ronald H. Julian, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Julian Dr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Julian Mr. Dino Danelly Julien Mr. Ulrich Kaiser Dr. Wayne Kallstrom Mrs. Nancy Kangas Mrs. Louise R. Karl Rev. Russell R. Kauffman Miss Joyce E. Kaufmann Mr. Muharrem Kavak Mr. and Mrs. Allan A. Keeler Ms. Eileen L. Kegley Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kellogg Mr. Peter D. Kenote Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Kesselring Mrs. Wilma J. Kidd Ms. Betty Jane Kiefer Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle L. Kilmore Dr. and Mrs. Dong Su Kim Ms. Hye Jin Kim Mr. Kevin N. Kim Mrs. Margaret J Kimpel Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Kincaid Rev. and Mrs. David J. King Mr. and Mrs. Julian D. King Ms. Olive Kingsbury Ms. Judith A. Kinsinger Dr. Henry P. Kirk, III Rev. and Mrs. William F. Kissell Dr. Patricia Kissell Mrs. Cheryl L. Kitchen Ms. Naomi Kleinschmidt Mr. Timothy Marc Kline Rev. and Mrs. Douglas J. Klinsing Mr. Earl L. Klunzinger Mrs. Pauline Knorr Miss Lillian E. Knowles Mr. and Mrs. David F. Knox Ms. Lynn Koch Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Koenig Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kohlhausen Mr. Matt T. Kokkonen Mr. Jeffrey Kolsch Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kooy Rev. and Mrs. John Koppenaal Rev. and Mrs. Richard W. Koskela Mr. and Mrs. Mike A. Krajacic Mr. Charles E. Kramer Dr. and Mrs. Dean F. Kroh Mr. and Mrs. David Kroning Mrs. Hermina Krucke Dr. and Mrs. David E. Kucharsky Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Kuiken Mr. John La Mantia Mr. and Mrs. James C. LaBarbera Mr. Charles Spurgeon Lady Mrs. Kathryn Land Ms. Shirley J. Lane Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Lane Dr. and Mrs. Bill W. Lanpher Mrs. Patricia Lanza Ms. Dorothy F. Large Mr. and Mrs. Ralph I. Larsen Mr. Steven C. Lausell Stewart Mrs. Marna L. Lauterwasser Ms. Corinne Lawrence 2013-2014 FISCAL YEAR DONORS Ms. Tracy L. Lawson Mrs. Anna D. Lawton Miss Stephanie Leap Ms. Elisa Leary Ms. Jessica Leclere Mr. and Mrs. Conway Lee Mr. Min Young Lee Mr. and Mrs. Steven Lee Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Leeper Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leiper Ms. Donna M. Leonard Dr. and Mrs. Douglas M. LePelley Ms. Margaret R. Lewis Mrs. William Liebhart Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Lima Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Lindner Mrs. Betty Sue Lindsey Mr. and Dr. Richard C. Lindsey Rev. H. Thomas Lindsey Rev. and Mrs. Robert C. Lindsey Mr. and Dr. Biao Liu Dr. Yulin Liu Rev. and Mrs. James H. Livingston Ms. June D. Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. Lynn L. Lloyd Ms. Ramona Lloyd Chaplain Robert G. Lokkesmoe Mr. Arthur E. Lomax Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Long Rev. and Mrs. Robert Harry Long Mr. Felix Lopez, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jose Lopez Mr. and Mrs. Hobert E. Lowrance Mr. John P Lucey Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Lundblad Ms. Leighann Lusito Dr. Elaine M. Lux Mr. Raymond K. Lyau Ms. Wilhelmina Lydon Mr. and Mrs. John You-Wang Ma Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mac Iver Rev. and Mrs. Warren MacEachern Mr. and Mrs. John Magera, Jr. Mr. Charles Makeda Mr. Richard Mako and Mrs. Michaelann Cox Mrs. Joan A. Mallory Rev. and Mrs. W. Forrest Mangham Mrs. Karen L. Mansfield Rev. and Mrs. L. Jay Mapstone Ms. Donna F. Maranto Mr. and Mrs. John Marburger Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Marcantonio Mr. Mark Marciano Mrs. Janet S. Mardis Dr. Luz B. Mariano Mr. and Mrs. Jon R. Mark Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Marshall Mr. Ivan R. Marti and Mrs. Lizzette I. Medina Mr. and Mrs. John H. Martig Mr. and Mrs. James L. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Robert E Martin Mr. and Mrs. Randy A Martinez Mr. Augustine J. Mascaro, Jr. Mr. Kenneth E. Mascaro Dr. Stephen and Dr. Debra Mascaro Mrs. June D. Maserang Mr. Craig Matteson Mr. Joseph J. Mattson Ms. Betty Chi Ying May Ms. Judy A. Mazgulski Ms. Karen McBean Mr. Daniel M. McBride Ms. Dorothy J. McBride Dr. and Mrs. John W. McCarthy Mrs. Margaret A. McClure Mrs. Mary A McClure Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. McConahy Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McCray Dr. Sandra Louise McCreery Rev. and Mrs. Gerald E. McGarvey Mrs. Mary A. McGarvey Ms. Ruth B. McGraw Mr. and Mrs. James McKenna Mr. and Mrs. Michael McKenna Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKenna Rev. and Mrs. James K. McKerihan Mr. Darren McKnight Ms. Ellen W. McLaughlin Rev. and Mrs. John R. McMannus Mrs. Althea Lucas McPherson Ms. Linda M. Meakim Mr. and Mrs. George Medina Mr. and Mrs. Terry J. Meeneghan Ms. Phyllis J. Meier Rev. and Mrs. Eric G. Michael Mr. and Mrs. Kurt T. Michaelson Mrs. Arlene Miller Mrs. Elizabeth Miller Rev. and Mrs. Lowell E Miller Rev. and Mrs. Douglas M. Mindek Mrs. Michele T Minor Mr. and Mrs. James R. Miskelly Mrs. Diana L. Mitchell Rev. and Mrs. Donald E. Mitchell Mrs. Jane Ann Moeller Mr. Misael Mojica Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mojica Mrs. Laura K. Moon Rev. and Mrs. David H. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Brant J. Moore Ms. Dian Moore Mr. and Mrs. Harold L Moore Mr. and Mrs. Hector Morales Mr. and Mrs. Simon Morgenstern Mrs. Lillian Morley Rev. Ed Moroney Ms. Kathleen L. Moroney Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Morrison Dr. and Mrs. Alvin J. Moser Rev. and Mrs. Cher Chou Moua Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Moulton Rev. and Mrs. Leroy B. Mouzon Mrs. Carol A. Mumaugh Ms. Maxine Munhall Rev. and Mrs. A. Sam Muntean Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Murner Mr. Raymond and Dr. Elena Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Philip Myers Mr. and Mrs. William J. Myers Mr. Calvin B. Nauman Mr. Dennis L. Nawrocki Mrs. Mary E. Negris Ms. Yaiza Negron Morales Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Nehlsen Mrs. Margaret J. Neigenfind Mrs. Lois Nelsen Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Kent A. Nelson Mrs. Naomi C. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nemeth Mr. Walter Neumann Ms. Betty D. Neville Mr. and Mrs. Ray M. Newton Mr. Thuan Si Nguyen Mr. Floyd Nicholson Mr. Michael Nicolai Mr. and Mrs. Parker A. Nilsen Dr. and Mrs. Donal E. Nilsson Mr. and Mrs. Joshua D. North Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. North, III Ms. Keyla Nunez Ms. Cynthia Ebele Nwizu Rev. and Ms. Michael O'Connor Ms. Cassandra Lee Oden Dr. Lyndell O'Hara Dr. and Mrs. Victor L. Oliver Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Olsen Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Olson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. O'Malley Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. O'Sullivan Dr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Paisley Rev. and Mrs. Gerald A. Palmquist, Sr. Prof. Matthew L. Panczyk Pastor Sam Park Mr. George C. Parrish Mr. Robert W. Parsons, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Stanley I. Partridge, Ph.D. Ms. Helen S. Payne Rev. and Mrs. Jesse A. Peace, Jr. Rev. and Mrs. Earl W. Peace Rev. and Mrs. Peter L. Pendell Mrs. Monica Peng Mrs. Anna Marie M. Perkins Ms. Eleanor Perz Mr. and Mrs. David E. Peters Ms. Karen Rose Peters Mr. and Mrs. Joel Peterson Mr. Carl Peterson, Jr. Dr. Clyde Pharr Mrs. Nellie I. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Don Pieken Ms. Fern F. Pierce Mrs. Marsha Pierce Rev. and Mrs. Milton A. Pierce Mrs. June Pietrykowski Mrs. Etta R. Pippi Ms. Lois E. Pletcher Mrs. Darleen K. Poelman Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Pogue Dr. and Mrs. M. Fred Polding Dr. and Mrs. Larry A. Poston Ms. Jannie L. Poullard Mrs. Audrey Hinkson Powell Ms. Frances E. Pratt Ms. Julie Prevost Dr. Dennis L. Price Mr. Paul David Puckett Mr. Steven Matthew Pullin Ms. Vanessa L. Quashie Mr. and Mrs. Trent W. Quinlan Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Brandon R. Rainoff Mrs. Beatrice I. Rakestraw Mrs. Patricia J. Rambo Mr. Kelvin Ramdhan Rev. and Mrs. Hector Ramirez Rev. and Mrs. H. Duane Ranard Miss Vera L. Rath Mrs. Barbara Elise Rathbun Chaplain and Mrs. David E. Rathjen Mrs. Miriam J. Read Ms. Cynthia A. Reeder Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Reeder Miss E. Lorraine Regnier Ms. Cynthia E Reid Mr. and Mrs. Steven Reid Mrs. Dorothy M. Reitsma Ms. Lisa M. Retallack Mr. Todd A. Retallack Rev. and Mrs. Martin James Reynhout Mr. and Mrs. Russell D. Rhodes Mrs. Mary Esther Rhodes Rev. and Mrs. James M. Riccitelli Mr. Elvet Richardson Mr. Robert M Richter Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Rickey Ms. Ruth Riemenschneider Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ries Mrs. Jane Rigsbee Mr. and Dr. Jonathan C. Ritchey Mr. Joel Rivera Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rivera Mr. Neel Roberts Mr. Charles W. Robie Mrs. Carolyn Robinson Mr. Daniel Rodriguez Mrs. Karen M. Rogers Mr. Stephen Roman Mrs. Ruth Ronk Mrs. Carol Root Dr. Aida Rosa Rev. Alan Rosenberg 19 2013-2014 FISCAL YEAR DONORS 20 Rabbi and Mrs. David H. Rosenberg Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur G. Rouse Mr. Boon Pang and Dr. Ching-Ching Ruan Dr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Ruegsegger Mrs. Anne Tong Rufrano Mrs. Alice M. Russell Ms. Barbara L. Russell Mr. Robert Rutledge Mr. and Mrs. William Ryan Mr. and Mrs. James Safer Mrs. Corrine Sahlberg Mr. Robert Salmon Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Salt Rev. and Mrs. Dan B. Salvesen Mr. John Samuel Mr. Arnold Samuelsen Mr. and Mrs. Miguel A. Sanchez Mr. Hiram Sanchez Santiago Rev. and Mrs. Walter G. Sandell Mrs. Doris T. Sanford Mr. Leonides Santos-Quinones Mrs. Filomena Sanzo Ms. Norma P. Sassaman Miss Eileen M. Sather Mr. and Mrs. Melvin S. Saunders Mr. and Mrs. Anwar Sawyer Mr. Daniel Curt Scales Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Schade Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan G. Schaeffer Mr. Willi G. Schakat Rev. Art and Mrs. Artel Scheid Mr. and Mrs. H. Leonard Schick Rev. and Mrs. Oliver E. Schlaegel Rev. Harold D. Schlaegel Mrs. Elinor Schmalstich Mr. and Mrs. J. Alan Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Schneider Miss Bonnie Scholl Ms. Susan C. Schreiner Mr. and Mrs. Lee T Schwegler Mr. Honor Edson Schwid Dr. and Mrs. Henry Wade Seaford, Jr. Miss Agnes M. Seaman Mr. and Mrs. Craig E. Seaman Mr. and Mrs. Clarence O. Searing Ms. Joan L. Searles Mr. and Mrs. Jay L. Sedwick Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Session Mrs. Suzanne M. Seward Dr. and Mrs. David A. Shafer Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Shafer Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Shaffer Mrs. Edna Shaffner Mr. and Mrs. John H. Shandrick Rev. Dr. and Mrs. John N. Shannon Rev. and Mrs. Edwin Arthur Shei Rev. and Mrs. James W. Shields Dr. and Mrs. Harold P. Shelly Mr. and Mrs. Larry Shelton Mr. John C. Shoemaker Rev. and Mrs. David W. Sidoruk Mr. Charles Sigmund Mrs. Nancy L. Simmons Mrs. Felicia Simms Ms. Annamma Simon Mr. Babu and Dr. Elizabeth Simon Dr. and Mrs. Larry D. Singer Mr. and Mrs. John D. Sinkey Ms. Kathy A. Skelley Ms. Margaret E. Skoog Ms. Janet S Sliva Mr. and Mrs. Brian Smeal Ms. Alisha Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Smith Mrs. Carol B. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A. Smith Rev. and Mrs. Donald D. Smith Rev. and Mrs. Jay M. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Terry W. Smith Ms. Lanette P. Smith Mr. Leroy Smith Ms. Margaret E. Smith Rev. and Mrs. Paul C. Smith Mr. Peter F. Smith Rev. and Mrs. Terry D. Smith Mr. Thomas H. Smith Miss Virginia E. Smotherman Mr. and Mrs. John M. Snuggs, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Graham T. Snyder Mrs. Pamela Crouch Soler Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Sootheran Mrs. Carol E. Southerland Mr. and Mrs. Michael Roydel Spence Rev. and Mrs. George V. Spencer Rev. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Spriggs Rev. and Mrs. Herbert K. Spring Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Spring Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sproul Mr. and Mrs. J. Jeffrey Spurling, Sr. Mr. Les St. Louis Ms. Ruth M. Stahl Mr. Robert R. Stains, Jr. Mr. Clifford E. Staley Mr. David Aaron Stall Dr. and Mrs. K. Brad Stamm Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Steckel Mr. and Mrs. David L. Stevens Mrs. Esther Stevens Mrs. Sonialee Stewart Rev. and Mrs. William Stieglitz Rev. and Mrs. William F. Stiemann Mr. Harry R. Stine Rev. and Mrs. John C. Stoeckle Ms. Corinne Stolp Pastor James A. Stork Dr. and Mrs. James Stough Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Stough Mr. and Mrs. Larry G. Stover Mr. Edward M. Stowe Dr. and Mrs. John P. Stumbo Rev. and Mrs. Bruce C. Stutzman Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Suckling Mrs. Natasha Lynn Sudler Mr. and Mrs. John D. Swanson Ms. Patricia M. Swanson Rev. and Mrs. R. Douglas Swinburne, Jr. Dr. David E. Tarr Mrs. M. Gaye Taylor Rev. and Mrs. David N. Teague Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Templin Dr. and Mrs. Bruce K. Terpstra Mr. and Mrs. John A. Thomas Mrs. Mary A. Thomas Ms. Susan Thomas Dr. and Mrs. W. David Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Thompson Dr. Leo S. Thorne Mr. and Mrs. Andre Thornton Mr. Frank M. Thurman Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Tickner Dr. and Mrs. Tite Tienou Mr. and Mrs. John W. Tikka Mr. and Mrs. Allan F. Titus Ms. Esther May Titus Ms. Karen Todd Ms. Madaline E. Toliver Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Tomaselli Ms. Gizella Toth Mr. and Mrs. Frederick O'neil Towles Mr. and Mrs. John Daniel Tracy Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Stewart Trainer Mr. and Mrs. David P. Trapp Mr. Robert C. Tringale Mr. Paul Trinkoff Mr. and Mrs. Leslie G. Tripp, Jr. Mrs. Sandra S. Trisler Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Paul D. Tropf Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Trottier Mr. and Mrs. Jay S. Troutman Mr. and Mrs. Gerald V. Turk Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Turnbull Mrs. Sonya Tyler Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Tyson Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan H. Uhlinger Mrs. Annette Ulmes Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ulrich Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Unkenholz Rev. and Mrs. Paul W. Valentine Mr. and Mrs. Andres Valenzuela Mr. Daniel L. Valle Mrs. Anna Maria A. Van Diest Mr. and Mrs. Jon E. Van Tassell Mr. and Mrs. Luis Velez Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Venard Mr. and Mrs. Robert Videc Ms. Melissa Lydia Villodas Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Visockis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Visti Ms. Celia Vizcarrondo Ms. Ruth L. Vogelmann Mr. William Vollinger Mr. James W. Wagner Mrs. Joyce Wagner Rev. and Mrs. W. Beau Wagner Chaplain and Mrs. Henry E. Wake Ms. Heather M Wakeley Rev. Grant R. Walborn Dr. and Mrs. Carl F. Waldron Mr. and Mrs. Rondell Walker Ms. Gail E. Warner Rev. Randolph L. Warner Mr. and Mrs. Willard Warren Rev. William E Warren Mrs. Millicent A. Waterman Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Marvin C. Watson Dr. Deborah E. Watson Mr. and Mrs. Joshua D. Way Mrs. Christine Webb Mr. and Mrs. David A. Webster Rev. and Mrs. Timothy A. Webster Mrs. Janice S. Wegiel Dr. and Mrs. David A. Weir Mrs. Bessie F. Weise Dr. and Mrs. Jefferson J. Weishaar Rev. Richard H. Welkley Rev. and Mrs. William C. Wells Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Welsh Mr. and Mrs. Byron Wert Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C Westcott Mrs. Dona Marlene Westergren Rev. and Mrs. Stephen M. Westergren Drs. Karl and Arline Westmeier Rev. and Mrs. Donald M. Weston Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Clair Westover Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Weyand Rev. and Mrs. J. Lee White Mr. Jefferson White Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. White Ms. Michele White Mr. George R. Whitfield Mrs. Adrienne P. Wickersham Mrs. Wilma C. Widenor Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Wido, Jr. Rev. Devona E. Wiederick Dr. and Mrs. Donald A. Wiggins Mrs. Ellanor Wilburn Mr. and Mrs. Wayne R. Wiley Mr. Fort and Dr. Barbara Wilkerson Rev. and Mrs. Burton D. Wilkins Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. Mick R. Williams Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Williams Ms. Edith G. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Neequaye Williams Mr. and Mrs. John Gerald Wilson Mr. Ronald L. Wilson Rev. Roy R. Wilson Mr. Wendell Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Wines Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds Wingard Mr. and Mrs. James R. Winrow Mr. and Mrs. William J. Winters Ms. Patricia Wischan-Rosen 2013-2014 FISCAL YEAR DONORS Rev. James Woehr Rev. and Mrs. Alan G. Wolcott Rev. and Mrs. William B. Wollett Ms. Patricia Ann Wood Pastor Christopher Woodards Dr. and Mrs. Eldon G. Woodcock Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Woodson Mr. and Mrs. D. Keith Woolard Mr. James K. Woolson Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Wright Dr. Janice Wright Miss Sandra L. Wright Mr. Theodore Martin Wurster Rev. and Mrs. Robert R. Wyllie Mr. Ray R. Wynter Ms. Yee Yang Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yearsley Ms. Rosalee C. Yeaworth Mr. Peter Yee Mr. and Mrs. Leonard C. Yerger Mr. and Mrs. Herman H. Yeung Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yocom Dr. and Mrs. Jinil Yoo Rev. and Mrs. O. Thomas Young Rev. Leon W. Young Mr. and Mrs. Patrick C.K. Young Mr. William Young Rev. and Mrs. William P. Younkins Dr. and Mrs. Keyone Kale Yu Mr. Mohammed K. Yusuf The Estate of Mary E. Dawson The Estate of Marion J. Dearmin The Estate of Charles Droppa The Estate of John P. Herring The Estate of Mary E. Mercer, M.D. The Estate of Edward F. Micka The Estate of Margaret Ellen Rupp The Estate of Nellie Smith The Estate of Dr. Lucius Walker Allegheny Center C&MA Church Alliance Chapel Appleton Alliance Church Auburn Alliance Church C&MA of Harrison Valley Calvary Tabernacle Assembly of God Chinese Christian Church of New Jersey Chinese Churches Association of the C&MA Christ Church Christian & Missionary Alliance Church Clarendon Road Church Community Bible Church Deltona Alliance Church Dover Avenue Alliance Church Dundee Presbyterian Church Mariners Eastern Pennsylvania District of the C&MA Elohim Christian Church Eugene C&MA Church Faith Alliance Church First Alliance Church First Alliance Church God's Battalion of Prayer Church, Inc Grace Chinese Alliance Church Grace Christian and Missionary Alliance Church Gracepoint Gospel Fellowship Greater Centennial AME Zion Church Harrisburg Chinese Alliance Church Holistic Bible Fellowship Korean District of the C&MA Lewisburg Alliance Church Lilburn Alliance Church Lockport Alliance Church Long Hill Chapel C&MA Metropolitan District of the C&MA New England District of the C&MA Overseas Chinese Mission Jireh Church Queens Herald Church C&MA Seattle Chinese Alliance Church South Bay LA Chinese Alliance Church Stanwich Congregational Church Stow Alliance Fellowship Syracuse Alliance Church The Little Flock Church Victorious Life Christian Church Westchester Chapel Church of the Nazarene Willowbrook Park Baptist Church All Bright Electric American Electric Power Aramark Global Business Services AT&T Foundation Automatic Data Processing, Inc. Becton, Dickinson and Company Big Brothers Big Sisters of Rockland County, Inc. BKD CPAs & Advisors C12 Group NJ Capstone Counseling LLC Chili's Grill & Bar Coca Cola Refreshments Creative Financial Planning, Inc. Dave & Buster's Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Family Empowerment Ministries Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund First National Trust Company / F.N.B. Wealth Management Gartner, Inc. GE Foundation Goldman, Sachs & Co. Harrington Press Heritage Hibachi Factory Hudson Link for Higher Education in Prison, Inc. IBM Matching Grants Program Jamba Juice Liberty Mutual Live It Forward, LLC Loscalzo Enterprises Ltd. Manhattanville College McKesson Corporation MeadJohnson Nutrition National Christian Foundation Seattle Our Space Family Mental Health Counseling PLLC Penn High Class of 1956 Pepino C LLC Pioneer College Caterers, Inc. PRW Wealth Management, LLC Regency Wealth Management Rino Paving & Construction Inc. Rockland County YMCA RSI Fund Raising SIM, USA Stepping Stone Construction Management Stir Crazy Tarantella's The Alliance Development Fund, Inc. The Cheesecake Factory The Christian and Missionary Alliance The Progressive Insurance Foundation The Towles Group, Inc. Tony Roma's Turiello's United States Plastic Corp. Wells Fargo Educational Matching Gift Program Wellsprings Counseling Center, LLC Wickes/arborists YourCause, LLC The M&T Charitable Foundation The Mennonite Foundation, Inc. The Orchard Foundation The Sedwick Foundation The Sherwin-Williams Foundation The T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Anonymous Donor ESTATES CHURCHES CORPORATIONS & ORGANIZATIONS FOUNDATIONS Dreams Foundation Eastman Family Foundation, Inc. Florida Baptist Foundation InFaith Community Foundation National Christian Foundation Mrs. Linda Zacharias Mr. Thadeus S. Zakowski Mrs. Roberta Zampolin Mr. and Mrs. Roy F. Zehner Rev. and Mrs. G. Louis Zeigler Mr. and Mrs. John F. Ziegler Anonymous Donor 1 South Boulevard, Nyack, NY 10960 845.358.1710 2 Washington Street, New York, NY 10004 212.625.0500 350 North Highland Avenue, Nyack, NY 10960 845.353.2020 Seminario Teologico de Puerto Rico Urbanización Roosevelt Calle José Canals # 458 Oficina 301 Hato Rey, PR 00918 787.274.1142 www.stdpr.org www.nyack.edu facebook.com/nyackcollege twitter.com/nyackcollege For more information, contact Jeff Quinn, Vice President for College Relations at 866.721.7946.
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