February - Braeswood Place Homeowners Association
February - Braeswood Place Homeowners Association
Sentinel President’s Message February 2015 by James P. Baker Braeswood Place Homeowners Association A Deed-Restricted Community 4010 Blue Bonnet Suite 112 Houston, TX 77025 713-666-7248 [email protected] Have you paid your Annual membership dues? Pay online at: www.braeswoodplace.org Of Interest: As I mentioned last month, the BPHA deed restrictions for the Braes Heights sections of our neighborhood are up for renewal. Braes Heights sections are located between Stella Link and Sewanee and Gramercy to the 3600 block of Glen Arbor. I cannot overemphasize the importance of renewing these deed restrictions before they lapse this summer. BPHA will be organizing teams to accomplish getting the notarized signatures of each homeowner in Braes Heights. It will be a group effort requiring everyone’s attention and commitment. Please be proactive in helping all of this come together seamlessly to preserve our community. I could not be more impressed with the grassroots effort of the Gramercy neighbors coming together to make their voices heard with regard to the development of Southside Place and City of Houston land (COH land is subject to BPHA deed restrictions) at the site of the former Shell facility. If any other BPHA residents would like to lend a hand in this effort, please contact your Area representative listed on the back of the Sentinel for information. Project Brays Update – The Braes Bayou expansion project continues to roll forward, alleviating constraints in the pg. 4 area flood control system. For further information, please see Billy Pilgrim’s update on Page 4. Precinct One Bicycle Similarly, the Bellaire Boulevard overlay pavement project continues with expected comRodeo Event – pg 5 pletion in March. Please exhibit extreme caution when driving on these uneven and sometimes unmarked stretches of Bellaire during this construction period. Index: On another note, construction of a 90+ unit four-story Senior Living facility adjacent to President’s Message1 Bethany United Methodist church is in the planning stages. Neighbors in areas 8 and 9 Calendar/Reminders2 may call Sarah Boehm at 713-667-2870 to get more information. Security 3 Membership 3 Braes Bayou Assoc 4 Harris County Precinct One Constable Alan Rosen is hosting a Bicycle Safety Rodeo on BPMOYC 4 February 28 at 9 am at Mark Twain. Please see Page 5 to reserve a spot! Bicycle Rodeo 5 Longfellow Elem 5 Finally, let’s continue to ensure this a safe year in our neighborhood. Please be vigilant Twain Elem 6 about securing your houses, cars and valuables. Have the Constable’s number proPershing MS 7 grammed in your phone if you are a dues paying member and be sure to report any suspiPreserving Trees 7 cious activity. Garden Club 8 Yard of the Month 8 RESERVE THE DATE! Directors Map 9 April 7, 2015 6:30 pm Advertisers 9-19 Contact Info 20 BPHA General Membership Meeting Pershing Middle School 1 BPHA BOARD MEETING Thursday, February 12, 2015 - 7 pm BPHA CALENDAR OF EVENTS February and March Thurs Feb 5 Tues Feb 10 Thurs Feb 12 Sun Feb 15 Mon Feb 16 Mon Feb 16 Mon Feb 16 Tues Feb 17 Thurs Feb 19 Thurs Feb 19 Sun Feb 22 Tues Feb 24 Thurs Mar 5 Tues Mar 10 Thurs Mar 12 Mon Mar 16 Mon Mar 16 Mon Mar 16 Tues Mar 17 Thurs Mar 19 Thurs Mar 19 Tues Mar 24 St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, Recycle South of BB Recycle North of BB BPHA Board Meeting Deed Restriction Renewal Signing 1-4 pm, BPHA Office JUNK Heavy Trash South of BB and east of Bevlyn Sentinel Deadline for March BBA mtg, 7:30pm, Gathering Place, 5210 S. Willow JUNK Heavy Trash North of BB, S Braeswood west of Bevlyn BSN mtg, 6:30 pm, Linkwood Comm Center, 3699 Norris Recycle South of BB Deed Restriction Renewal Signing 1-4 pm, BPHA Office Recycle North of BB 6800 Buffalo Speedway, Jamail Family Center Residents are welcome to attend and observe Board meetings. We designate the first 15 minutes of BPHA Board meetings for “Open Feedback” by BPHA members who register in advance to speak. To register, members must call the BPHA Office, 713-666-7248, by 2 pm, Wednesday, February 11. The 15 minutes will be divided equally among the registered speakers with 5-minute maximum time for each. BUILDER’S PLEDGE OF MAINTENANCE Each month, Builders agree to participate in BPHA’s Construction Guidelines and Pledge of Maintenance while constructing and remodeling homes in our area. By signing the pledge, these companies agree to follow a number of guidelines that make their construction site more “neighbor friendly”. We appreciate the builders’ commitment to our neighborhood! Recycle South of BB Recycle North of BB BPHA Board Meeting Sentinel Deadline for April TREE Heavy Trash South of BB east of Bevlyn BBA mtg, 7:30pm, Gathering Place, 5210 S. Willow TREE Heavy Trash North of BB, S. Braeswood west of Bevlyn Recycle South of BB BSN mtg, 6:30 pm, Linkwood Comm Center, 3699 Norris Recycle North of BB 3630 Tartan – Amana Group 3522 Merrick – Donoho Construction 3727 Turnberry – Robert Covington Homes 3831 Tartan – Gary Miller Construction 4063 Aberdeen – Cason Graye Homes 3734 Maroneal – Aberdeen Building Group 4003 Tartan – David Weekley Homes BB-Brays Bayou; BW-Braeswood; BBA-Braes Bayou Assoc; BSN-Braeswood Super Neighborhood; KYP-Karl Young Park; SL-Stella Link; SVDP-St. Vincent de Paul Before beginning new construction, remodeling, or adding a room, driveway, or garage, you must submit three sets of plans for BPHA deed restriction review. There is a $200 fee for renovation plan review and a $500 fee for new construction plan review. LOST OR FOUND A PET? Contact the Braeswood Place Pet Rescue Group! www.braeswoodpets.com Tim Hebert – [email protected] 713-446-0574 or 713-668-1273 “Finding homes for homeless animals and pets for petless homes” ADVERTISER NOTICE BPHA does not endorse nor recommend Sentinel advertisers. Before contracting for service, check references and recommendations from independent sources. 2 Constable Patrol Statistics for December 2014 Accidents Alarm Responses Animal Assist Burglary of Habitation Burglary of Vehicle Checks of Residences Checks of Buildings/Schools Checks of Parks, Parking Lots Disturbances/Loud Noise Follow up Medical Emergency Found Property Illegal Dumping Information Calls Investigations of Suspicious Persons, Cars Open door/window response Solicitors Stranded Motorists Assists Theft Traffic Monitoring (arrests, citations, hazards, stops, warnings, removals) Vacation Watches Warrant Service Miles Patrolled SECURITY UPDATE 4 37 2 1 11 466 90 61 6 2 0 4 2 12 48 21 7 2 2 116 284 1 4,664 by Janet Maxian Traffic monitoring: Motorist stopped on Stella Link on a recent weekday morning for expired inspection sticker. The deputy ran the driver license which revealed that this 48 year old male had a criminal record dating back to age 18. He has been in and out of jail and prison for offenses, such as theft, burglaries, possession of drugs. At the time of this traffic stop, he had outstanding warrants for theft. He was arrested. Burglary of numerous garages – unlocked and items stolen from unlocked cars parked inside Burglary of Motor Vehicles – all were unlocked; Burglary of habitation – The burglars entered through the back door and exited through the front door. Jewelry seemed to be the target of the burglary. Alarm system was activated by the break-in and probably cut short their time. WARNING! The deputies advise that some criminals are now entering homes through the bathroom window which usually does not have a sensor. The deputies advise us to: *Continue calling the police for anyone or anything that arouses our suspicion. *Lock all vehicles, gates, exterior doors to our homes and garages. The deputies feel that the thieves will keep returning to our neighborhood as long as we make stealing from us easy. *Keep home alarm systems activated when we are at home and when we are away. They recommend sensors for glass breakage be present on all windows including bathroom windows. *Always be aware of our surroundings. They caution us to refrain from any activity that would make this difficult, such as the use of our cell phones. BPHA MEMBERSHIP UPDATES Thank you to our newest members who have gone over and above! SUSTAINERS Richard Hightower Richard Scamell Matt & Kristin Barker SUPPORTERS William Laing Kevin Schroeder John & Connie Wallace Doug & Kristin Natelson Rob Lee & Claudia Christin Roc & Lindsley McClean 3 BRAYS BAYOU ASSOCIATION by Billy Pilgrim Project Brays: At the January meeting of the Brays Bayou Association, I talked to Gary Zika, Project Brays Program Manager, with regard to the widening of the Brays Bayou channel through Braeswood Place. He said that originally the plan was to widen the channel from Bertner Street in the Texas Medical Center to Buffalo Speedway. The plan now is to extend the widening a distance of 2200 feet west of Buffalo Speedway to the outfall on the south bank at the foot (north end) of Bevlyn Street. The Bevlyn outfall is a natural break point and is a good location to end of this phase of the project. Gary estimated start of construction will begin in about a year and will then take a year to complete. There are some obstacles to overcome, particularly with regard to loss of a number of trees due to widening the top of the bank by 25 feet. There are several "memorial" trees that will have to be dealt with as well as the small park on the north bank east of the West University waste treatment facility at Kirby. However, HCFCD will utilize its tree program following this phase of the project and replace any trees lost during construction. Bridge replacement is not part of this phase of the project. BRAESWOOD PLACE MOTHERS OF YOUNG CHILDREN byKristin Hamilton I am thrilled to begin my new term as President of this amazing group of moms! I have met so many wonderful moms and look forward to meeting many more! We started this year with great events! Pedicures and Pinot was a huge success and a great time was had by all! Thank you to Jody Martin for organizing! Thank you to Elizabeth Escobedo for organizing and hosting the How to Lose Weight Without Dieting event! We are busy working to plan so many fun events for moms, kids and couples! Remember to renew your membership so you don’t miss out! If you are interested in joining, contact Jody Martin at [email protected]. SPONSORS We are looking for sponsors to help us with some of our larger kid events. Sponsors are welcome to place promotional signs at the event and will be mentioned in the Sentinel. Please contact me at [email protected] if you would like to sponsor an event. UPCOMING EVENTS -Kids Event at Mad Potter -Spring Couples Event at Rodeo Houston -Lunch at Mia’s Table STORK REPORT Jean and Scott Crosby welcomed twins Sean Connor and Keegan Alexander on January 15! Big brother Roman is so excited! Erin and Richard Meisel welcomed Feliks Henry Meisel on October 18. Canine siblings Bertie and Jeeves are in love! 4 Harris County Precinct One Constable Alan Rosen Bicycle Rodeo Bike Safety Inspection and Skills Course Non-competitive fun for bicyclists ages 5 to 12 Saturday, February 28th 9:00 a.m. Mark Twain Elementary 7500 Braes Blvd, Houston, TX 77025 To register your child, please contact Deputy Mathews: [email protected] or (713) 755-7677 Bring the following: Bike Helmet Parent Please wear tennis shoes, jeans or shorts Must know how to ride a bicycle Activities will include: Bike Safety Check Helmet fitting Bike Skills Course Goodie Bags Hot Dogs/Snacks LONGFELLOW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL by Jessica Evans Congrats to our Longfellow Elementary Spelling Bee Winners! 1st place: Stephen Schrock, 4th Grade; 2nd Place: Ian Crafton, 5th Grade; 3rd Place: Ethan Salters, 4th Grade. The winner will go on to compete at the district level later this year. Fifth grade students went to camp for three days in January immersing themselves in team building, nature and science. Our Fine Arts Magnet program is school-wide (all students participate) and includes Band, Orchestra, Art, Dance and Music. Upcoming Fine Arts Events listed below: February 4-Dance students see "Framing Dance" at the Hobby Center February 7-Dancers will compete at the MA Regional Dance Competition February 13-Magnet performers will give back to the community by performing at Quentin Mease Hospital February 23-Music/Choir will attend a clinician workshop and concert February 24-Music/Choir will perform at St. Luke's Presbyterian Church March 7- Solo and Ensemble for Orchestra and Band held at Parker Elementary Art students have submitted their pieces for the rodeo competition. Other Longfellow Events: February 17--Longfellow Math and Literacy Parent Day March 11, 9-11 am - Leadership Day-$25 Registration Fee. This is a great opportunity to learn more about The Leader in Me Program and how to implement it. Registration information will be up soon on the Longfellow Home Page. MARK TWAIN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL by Nicole Shah Join Mark Twain supporters for a “rockin” evening of “Twain in the Fast Lane”, a dinner and auction benefiting the students of Mark Twain. The event starts at 7:30 pm on February 13 at Audi Central Houston. To purchase tickets, visit www.marktwainpto.org. Additionally, please mark your calendar for the 2015 Mark Twain Kindergarten Round-up. Friday, March 6, 2015, 9Aam, Mark Twain Elementary Cafeteria All ZONED families with incoming Kindergartners are welcome and encouraged to attend the 2015 Mark Twain Kindergarten Round-Up. Check in begins at 8:30 am and the program begins at 9 am. Children will have the opportunity to visit a Kindergarten classroom and become familiar with the school. Parents will receive an overview of the Kindergarten year at Mark Twain Elementary. Parents will submit an Intent to Enroll form and schedule a registration appointment. Registration will be in April. Please let us know if you plan to attend by emailing Rachel Ezell at [email protected]. PLEASE make every effort to attend. We want zoned families to secure their spots as early as possible. If you cannot attend, please come to the school office to submit an Intent to Enroll form. If you have any questions, please contact Denise Rodriguez at [email protected] or call our office at 713-295-5230. 6 PERSHING MIDDLE SCHOOL NEWS by Kate Perez Principal Kim Heckman recently announced some strategic moves to improve academics. In the 2015-2016 school year, there will be more double blocking of certain classes, an increase in core classes and a corresponding decrease in elective offerings. You can stay up to date with what is going on at Pershing on the school and PTO websites: http://www.houstonisd.org/pershing and http://pershingpto.org/ In other news, the PTO is now ramping up its planning on end-of-the year activities for our soon-to-be graduating 8th Graders. Hats off to moms Jennifer Enos, Jennifer Johnson and Dawn Koenig for spearheading activities. Thanks to Nancy Onken, Ivy Diaz and all of their volunteers for heading up Pershing's Bingo Night in January. It was another great success! And, thanks to Gretchen Mazziotti for her work on fundraising with our Corporate Partners. We appreciate your support of our school: Gold Level: eConserve; Stormy Hayes-Knipe, Greenwood King Properties; Oakington Realty; Texas Citizens Bank; Vivaldi Music Academy; Village Plumbing; and Austin Landscaping. Bronze: Cammarata Pediatric Dentistry and Roger Martin Properties. In-Kind: Rx Catering and Guigliani's PRESERVE OUR BEAUTIFUL TREES If you have a large tree on your property that is located within ten feet (10’) of the curb, more than likely this tree is protected by the City of Houston and CANNOT be cut down. Another way of saying it -- the first 10’ of your lot, starting at the street and measuring back toward your home, is in the City of Houston easement or right-of-way. If an existing, large tree lives within this 10’ frontage of your property, IT IS PROTECTED. If the tree is cut down without City approval, someone WILL BE fined – either the homeowner or the builder, if spec. An almost 36” diameter tree was cut down last year in the Braes Heights section of our neighborhood. How many years did it take for this tree to grow – maybe 50+? A call was made to the builder who said a permit had been obtained from the City of Houston for removing the tree. In fact, no permit had been obtained. Thanks to one of our City Council Members, a City arborist was contacted, came to assess the situation, and is following through on mitigation issues. The builder and/or owner will have to pay the fine, which can run into the thousands of dollars. BPHA Homeowners – current and future – who plan to build a new home or widen a driveway, etc.: you must make yourself knowledgeable about the City of Houston tree ordinance. Your architect/builder should also know the stipulation about cutting down trees. Check the City of Houston website, http://www.houstontx.gov/, or call 311 to find out the issues – protected tree size, fines, etc.. It is the homeowner’s or builder’s responsibility to know the issues about protected trees in our neighborhood. 7 BPHA GARDEN CLUB by Janet Maxian The date and time of the February gathering of the Braeswood Place Garden Club has been set for February 7 at 10 am at the home of Kathy Knippa, 3711 Gramercy. After the business meeting, Bobby Hatfield of Hatfield Landscapes will conduct a hands-on demonstration of pruning roses! Members are asked to bring their pruners. If you have questions, please call Kathy at 713-661-9939 or Janet at 713-668-4645. GARDEN OF THE MONTH by Jackie Addington Yard of the month for February is located at 4115 Falkirk, home of Audrey and Manley Mandel. Long-time residents of Braeswood Place, the homeowners planted the beautiful live oak in the front yard in 1963. It was 8" in diameter when planted and today it provides a canopy for much of the yard. Nandina, loaded with berries, azaleas, and a boxwood hedge frame the front of the house. A very large bed of liriope under the tree provides a lush ground cover for almost half the yard. The homeowner also propagates and grows many varieties of coleus in his green house. Watch the garden club news for the date when Mr. Manley will come to speak about growing coleus. Home of Audrey and Manley Mandel 8 ½ PAGE ADVERTISEMENTS - Page 1 Block# 4100 4000 3800 3700 3600 3500 3200 3100 Area Directors on the BPHA Board are elected by members within designated geographical areas. This map approximates the boundaries for Areas 1 through 12. To determine your BPHA representative, find the location of your home on the map and the corresponding Area number. Match that Area number to the list of Board Members shown on the back page of the Sentinel. WHY CHOOSE OUR SERVICES? 713.778.1476 We offer online billing and accept all credit cards We have balanced billing maintenance plans for carefree automated service We customize each maintenance plan to match the clients budget and goals www.AustinLandscaping.net Our landscape designs are hardy, lush, and professional and our pricing is competitive Our managers are native, degreed & experienced with local landscapes Lawn Care Average mow price in your area is only $30.00 for weekly and $35.00 for biweekly service! 9 2007 Recipient of Mayoral Honorable Mention Award, Keep Houston Beautiful Dream. Build. Enjoy. Your land, our quality Build the home of your dreams on your own land in a location you know and love. With the David Weekley Homes Build on Your Lot Program, you’ll enjoy the best in Design, Choice and Service from a home builder known for giving you more. Experience the David Weekley Difference. For more information about David Weekley Homes Build on Your Lot program, call 281-249-7760 See a David Weekley Homes Build on Your Lot Sales Consultant for details. Prices, plans, dimensions, features, specifications, materials, and availability of homes or communities are subject to change without notice or obligation. Illustrations are artist’s depictions only and may differ from completed improvements. Copyright © 2014 David Weekley Homes - All Rights Reserved. Houston, TX (HOUA54559) Give us 10 minutes and we will give you a free list of quick and affordable ways to add value & appeal to your home. Call us today! Year-End Report - Braeswood Place Currently Available for Sale Original, Older Homes Available on 1/1/15 Average asking price Highest asking price Lowest asking price Pending sales first day of quarter Original, Older Homes 4 $635,500 $699,000 $595,000 4 New/Recent Construction Available on 1/1/15 Average asking price Highest asking price Lowest asking price Pending sales first day of quarter Sold in Fourth Quarter 2014 Sold in Fourth Quarter 2014 Average asking price Highest asking price Lowest asking price Average days on market 15 $555,660 $750,000 $330,000 33 New/Recent Construction 9 $1,375,321 $1,750,000 $829,000 6 Sold in Fourth Quarter 2014 Average asking price Highest asking price Lowest asking price Average days on market 6 $1,171,916 $1,550,000 $882,500 8 The Sales Leader in Braeswood Place . Steve Anton Hallmark Properties 713-666-3400 THE IDEA BANK FOR CUSTOM HOMES. the Idea Bank for custom homes. As the largest custom home builder in Texas, we’ve built luxury homes since 1986 on every kind of home site. We’re always learning from our customers, too, as we work with them to design their one-of-a-kind home from scratch. Our Build on Your Lot team has learned there is more to building a custom home than just a floor plan and a home site. It’s a process, and we are experts in delivering the things you want most in your home, on time and on budget. When we’re finished, there won’t be another home “ like yours. That’s something you can take to the bank. COME TO A CUSTOM HOME BUILDING WORKSHOP WITH YOUR IDEAS! Call us today at 713 667 3397 LUXURY, CUSTOM HOMES FROM THE $500s TO $1-MILLION+ From the first meeting to the handing over of the keys, Partners in Building was there whenever we needed them and built a house that will last a lifetime. We have told many of our friends, “Why would you build a house with anyone else?” – Charlie and Carol “ The Build on Your Lot team at PARTNERS IN BUILDING is like 31393735 W. Holcombe DumbartonBlvd., St. #235 Houston,TX TX77025 77025 Houston, 713-825-8015 713-825-8015 [email protected] [email protected] Call or email for free market Callanalysis or email free market orfor market update. analysis or market update. 713-825-8015 713-825-8015 www.larrymartinrealtor.com www.larrymartinrealtor.com For a Free Home Evaluation go to www.pricevalue.info 5HDO(VWDWH6HUYLFHV5HDO(VWDWH6DOHVDQG$SSUDLVDOV Real Estate Services • Real Estate Sales and Appraisals AAFull FullService ServiceRealtor Realtorwith withvalue valueadded addedknowledge, knowledge,resources, resources,and andunderstanding understandingofofthe the current Real Estate Market. current Real Estate Market. Full Service Real Estate Brokerage Full Service Real Estate Brokeragewith withflexible flexiblecommission commissionrates ratesand and3232Years Yearsexperience experience in ourinparish neighborhoods. our neighborhoods. WE’RE LEADING HEART CARE SO YOU CAN LEAD A HEALTHY LIFE. Our world-class cardiologists have been pioneering innovations in heart care ever since Dr. Michael DeBakey revolutionized heart treatment at Houston Methodist more than 60 years ago. We have built a legacy of leading cardiovascular medicine by providing patients access to the most advanced procedures, no matter how routine or complex the condition. Take your first step toward a healthier heart. Call 713.790.3333 or visit houstonmethodist.org/debakeyheart for a physician referral. CardiologyTier2-BraeswoodPlcFullPg.indd 1 1/7/15 10:11 AM I want to be YOUR Realtor®! Lorian Welsh Ready for a change in scenery? CLHMS, SRES, CSP Ask me for a complimentary professional market analysis of your home. Circle of Excellence OR Request helpful information on how to buy a home in a competitive real estate market. AREA SPECIALIST & RESIDENT REALTOR-ASSOCIATE® 713.558.1919 [email protected] Let me guide you through the process! Welcome Home marthaturner.com incredible renovations On Time On Budget…Guaranteed! Design - Build - Remodel Before ONE STOP SHOP: Structural Engineer, Architectural Designer, Interior Decorator on staff DEPENDABLE: On time On Budget…Guaranteed! ACCOMPLISHED: BBB Award if Excellence for Last 6 Years 2012 Texas Remodeler of the Year EXPERIENCED: Over 35 years designing & building homes After Follow us! (713) 532-2526 - 5814 WINSOME LANE - WWW.INCREDIBLERENOVATIONS.COM Tax Savings, Don’t Just Look to Your CPA Recently the CPA of one of our clients called us with a conundrum. He knew that our client was expecting a similar tax bill to the one from the prior year. But he also knew the couple had withdrawn a considerable sum from a teacher’s retirement plan, as well as from an IRA. The actual tax bill was going to be about $40,000 higher than the previous year’s. Did we have any ideas on reducing this figure? The CPA asked. After some discussion with the client’s other advisors, we learned that a $38,000 contribution to a different retirement plan had not been communicated to the CPA. The simple act of closing this “information gap” saved $15,000 of that $40,000 bill. We see, and resolve, these types of issues on a daily basis. For financially successful households, barriers to communication between different advisors can be substantial. Sometimes advisors behave territorially. Sometimes the client doesn’t think to communicate to everyone. However it happens, the result is missed opportunities to avoid losses and make gains. So if you only look to your CPA to find tax savings, you may be looking in the wrong place. There is only so much a CPA can do. In my experience, a much better source of tax savings comes from having someone with a holistic view of your financial picture, someone who can integrate and optimize the efforts of all of your advisors. Whether it is us or someone else, make sure you have someone doing that for your family. If you’d like to discuss this or other financial issues, please contact PARTNERSINWEALTH President (and Braeswood Place homeowner) Jim Waters, CFP®, at 713.964.4028 or [email protected]. SPREAD HAPPINESS, NOT GERMS. Meyerland, 4936 Beechnut, Houston, TX 77096 713.893.1223 Meeting all your business needs Printing Signage Promotional Products Silkscreen & Embroidery Paul Montoya [email protected] Cell: 832.722.6244 asi/228441 HPFTX Office: 713.433.5282 • Fax: 713.434.1485 P.O. Box 450775 • Houston, Texas 77245 www.HoustonPrintFactory.com www.houstonprintfactory.espwebsite.com (Promotional Products Website) Blue Water Irrigation Systems Automatic Landscape Sprinklers • Installation • Repair • Foundation Watering • Drainage Licensed professionals in business since 1981 with over 3000 satisfied customers Call for an appointment: (713) 661-0312 Our customers are your neighbors...and so are we! (Ask for our Braeswood Place referrals) Paul Weitz MPL 37548 Family Owned & Operated Licensed & Insured (713) 771-8000 [email protected] Ph: 713-838-9333 $15 off with Ad A FULL SERVICE RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL PLUMBING CO. www.PrimeStorage.net Fax: 713-838-9449 9333 Main St. • Houston, Tx 77025 Tim Poulos • Property Manager BRAESWOOD PLACE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION www.braeswoodplace.org OFFICERS President James Baker 832-309-5830 [email protected] V. Pres. East Jack Stopnicki 713-299-5556 [email protected] V. Pres. Central Linda Barcot 832-217-8581 [email protected] V. Pres. West Carla Brownlee 713-661-2538 [email protected] Treasurer Mary Beshears 832-287-5216 [email protected] Secretary Stephen Ostrow 713-661-9346 [email protected] DIRECTORS Director Area # 1 Steve Sheaffer 281-460-5010 [email protected] Director Area # 2 Todd Nunnally 713-664-7332 [email protected] Director Area # 3 Drake Terrell 713-557-6000 [email protected] Director Area # 4 Dennis Barrow 713-659-6400 [email protected] Director Area # 5 Bob Eby 713-664-6706 [email protected] Director Area # 6 Michael Kent 713-398-9444 [email protected] Director Area # 7 Catherine Hanslik 713-898-0992 [email protected] Director Area # 8 David & Rui Roberts 713-665-6979 [email protected] Director Area # 9 Jerry McClain 713-203-6934 [email protected] Director Area # 10 Stephen Liss 713-615-6073 [email protected] Director Area # 11 Roger White 832-373-8798 [email protected] Director Area # 12 Joanne Eisenberger 281-974-5089 [email protected] COMMITTEE CHAIRS Appearance/Street Recon Jack Stopnicki 713-299-5556 [email protected] Brays Bayou Assoc. Billy Pilgrim 713-661-6513 [email protected] Building Plan Review David Sears 713-627-9690 [email protected] Campus Park Bill Blackwood 713-668-1535 [email protected] Deed Restrictions Elke Groomer 713-666-0565 [email protected] Fogging Chris Ramas 713-665-6254 [email protected] Fourth of July Chair POSITION OPEN-NEED VOLUNTEER! Garden Club Co-Pres Kathy Jenkins 713-661-9939 [email protected] Janet Maxian 713-668-4645 [email protected] Garden of the Month Jackie Addington 832-767-5667 [email protected] Karl Young Park Jarret Reeves 281-685-6666 [email protected] Membership Rob Lee 713-840-4762 [email protected] Moms’ Club Kristin Hamilton 281-352-0546 [email protected] National Night Out Kathleen Fenoy 281-501-8586 [email protected] Co-Chairs Nicole Shah 713-839-0595 [email protected] Recycling Susie Loredo 713-588-1160 [email protected] Security Janet Maxian 713-668-4645 [email protected] Sentinel Editor Alison Bell 713-504-4610 [email protected] Super Neighborhood Billy Pilgrim [email protected] Traffic Committee Nicole Shah 713-839-0595 [email protected] BPHA OFFICE Brenda Blackwood 713-666-7248 [email protected] Hours: M, W, F: 10-2 4010 Blue Bonnet, Suite 112, Houston, TX 77025 WELCOME TO BRAESWOOD PLACE!!! Recently moved into our neighborhood? We are happy to deliver a Welcome Brochure to you with information about our Association and Constable Patrol Program and an area map with the name of your Area Director. Contact the BPHA Office at 713-666-7248 or [email protected] and provide your name, address and phone number. Be sure to visit www.braeswoodplace.org. our website at BRAESWOOD PLACE It’s a Great Place to Live MEMBERSHIP IN BPHA The Homeowners Association of Braeswood Place collects annual dues of $75. Constable Patrol membership is $285 per year for 24/7 coverage. New and established residents are encouraged to contact the BPHA Office for more information about becoming a member in the Homeowners Association and the Constable Patrol Program. [email protected] 713-666-7248 JOIN ONLINE: www.braeswoodplace.org The Sentinel is published monthly by BPHA, P.O. Box 20486, Houston, TX 77225, for the residents of Ayrshire, Braes Heights, Braes Oaks, Braes Terrace, Braes Manor, Emerald Forest, and Southern Oaks subdivisions. Our Editor is Alison Bell. The deadline for articles and advertisements to be included in the MARCH issue of the Sentinel will be Monday, February 16. Submit articles, Good Neighbor stories, compliments, criticisms, questions or suggestions to: [email protected]. The Sentinel is typically delivered on the first weekend of the month. Contact your Area Director if you do not receive it. HELPFUL NUMBERS City of Houston 713-247-1000 Council Rep, Dist C-Ellen Cohen (Residents North of Bayou) 832-393-3004 Council Rep, Dist K-Larry Green (Residents South of Bayou) 832-393-3016 County Commiss-El Franco Lee 713-662-3821 Electricity-CenterPoint Energy 713-207-2222 Gas-CenterPoint Energy 713-659-2111 Graffiti Hotline 713-247-1576 Harris County Mosquito Control 713-440-4800 Houston Police-Beechnut 713-314-3900 20 Poison Control Hotline 1-800-764-7661 State Rep-Sarah Davis 713-521-4474 State Sen-Joan Huffman 713-662-3821 Texas Fish/Wildlife (for birds) 713-876-1520 Street Light/Stop Sign Repair 713-207-2222 Stop Sign Repair 713-837-0311 Trash Collection 713-837-0311 U.S. Rep-John Culberson 713-682-8828 U.S. Rep-Ted Poe (e of BS, S of BB) 713-681-8763 Water & Sewer Repair 713-837-0311
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