Fresh Produce for Hungry Families


Fresh Produce for Hungry Families
News and Information for Friends of the Freestore Foodbank
Fresh Produce for Hungry Families
On a hot summer afternoon in
July, the Brighton Center truck is
filling up with fresh farm-picked
produce, still warm from the sun. A
program of the Freestore Foodbank,
the Giving Fields is a community farm
in Melbourne, Kentucky that
provides garden fresh produce
for community partners in
the Northern Kentucky area.
Nearly 170,000 pounds of
food, including tomatoes,
beans, peppers, greens, onions,
and cucumbers was harvested
and distributed among the
Freestore Foodbank’s agency
partners in 2014.
“I wish everyone could see
how the clients react,” says
Talia Frye, Family Center
Director of the
Brighton Center.
“People shriek when
they see all the fresh
produce.” Once a
week during the
harvest season, the
Brighton Center
will bring a group
of volunteers to
the fields to help
pick and gather
the food. “Each
and every person
who completes the
experience loves it,” says Talia.
When the truck arrives back at
Brighton’s Newport area center, the
produce is unloaded in bins that are
placed in the agency’s front lobby.
News of the plentiful bounty quickly
gets out on the street, and clients
begin to line up, invited to load a bag
with whatever they’d like.
Among the folks gathering this
afternoon is Linda and her daughter,
Sarah. They are participants in the
center’s Stable Families Program,
which connects families
with children K – 3rd
grade to resources,
including food and
housing assistance.
Having grown up on a
farm, but now living
in the city, Linda says
that access to fresh
produce is “huge.”
“There just isn’t
quality produce available
in this area,” she says.
“And the condition
of the product that is
accessible is poor, at best.”
Linda and her husband lived on
the farm where she was raised, until
just several years ago. “Sarah and
Brian could go out, pick and eat
whatever they wanted, because it was
all organic,” she says a job opportunity
required a move to the city, a first of
many life-changes the family would
experience in the next 12 months.
Linda was soon forced to undergo
a complete colostomy, due to
complications from Crohn’s disease,
and her medical condition left
her unable to work. During
the time period when she was
in and out of the hospital, her
husband’s work hours were cut,
and they were faced with
medical bills totaling $25,000.
“The part that insurance
wouldn’t cover,” she says.
“Everything we had is gone.”
Twelve year-old Sarah is
a member of the national
junior honor society and is
proud of her two-year perfect
school attendance record. A diet that
includes fresh food has a significant
impact on her irritable bowel
syndrome, says Linda. “I notice a big
decrease in her symptoms when she is
eating healthy, nourishing food.”
The young family is moving to
Bracken County next month, where
the rent is cheaper. “I’m OK living
paycheck to paycheck,” she says,
“as long as the kids have what
they need.” n
To learn more about the Giving
Fields, contact Telly McGaha at
(513) 482-7542 or tmcgaha@
We provide food and services, create stability
and further self-reliance for people in crisis.
Board of Trustees
Message from the President & CEO
Jim Dressman
Board Chair
DBL Law Firm
Larry Williams
Immediate Past Board Chair
Trish Martindell
Vice Chair, Committee on Trusteeship
Damon Allen
Vice-Chair, Customer Connections
Federal Home Loan Bank
Lois Rosenthal
Diana Wright
Bob Edwards
Dear Friends and Supporters,
What started as a man salvaging useable items from the city incinerator 43 years ago has
grown into the one of Ohio’s largest food banks, serving 20 counties in Ohio, Kentucky and
Indiana. The time and talents of many individuals have formed the Freestore Foodbank
into what it is today. This past year, we lost three of our champions. Lois Rosenthal, Diana
Wright and Bob Edwards embodied the spirit of our mission and worked tirelessly to serve
our hungry neighbors in the Tri-State area.
Lois Rosenthal is a name synonymous with charitable giving. She joined our team as
a Board member over two decades ago. Lois was instrumental in launching a Freestore
Foodbank initiative to ensure that fresh food from grocers and retailers that would
otherwise be thrown away is provided to families who don’t have enough to eat. She also
left a tremendous footprint on our culinary job training program – Cincinnati COOKS!, as
well as our social enterprise – Cincinnati COOKS! Catering.
Diana Wright was first introduced to the Freestore Foodbank as a volunteer over
20 years ago. Later she became an employee, serving as Communications/Volunteer
Liaison Assistant at our Customer Connection Center. She recalled meeting our founder,
Frank Gerson, as one of the most memorable experiences in her history with the Freestore
Foodbank. And Diana mirrored Frank’s passion to help others. Customer service was her
top priority, always. Diana was committed to lending a helping hand to the best of her
ability and never allowed a disability that kept her confined to a wheelchair to stand in the
way. She was driven, determined and took the time and care to assist the neighbors that we
serve on a daily basis.
I can’t say the name Bob Edwards without mentioning our largest fundraising event, the
Rubber Duck Regatta. Bob often joked that, when he first took the idea of a duck race to
the Board, “they thought I was crazy, but let me run with it.” With Bob at the helm, the
event has raised the equivalent of 25 million meals in its 20 year history. The phrase “Buy
A Duck. Feed A Child.” was coined by Bob; a phrase that embodied his drive and his heart
to help others. As you browse through this issue, you will learn more about Bob’s devotion
to feeding hungry children and families in the communities where we live and work.
Lois, Diane and Bob were our champions; and while we mourn their losses, we are
honored to have had them in our lives and we embrace the tremendous impact they left on
our efforts. I challenge you to honor their memory and continue
their legacy by joining us as champions in the fight against hunger
in 2015. Together we can solve hunger!
Ramon Rodriguez
Vice-Chair, Development
Fifth Third Bank
Marsha Croxton
Vice-Chair, Foodbank
Women’s Crisis Center of Northern Kentucky
David Olson
Board Secretary
Frost Brown Todd LLC
Warren Weber
PNC Bank
Jeanette Altenau
Cassandra Barham
Benefits Rights
Advocacy Group
Bob Maly
Retired, Great American
Tim Massa
The Kroger Co.
Mark Bodnar
AXA Advisors
Julie McGehee
The EW Scripps Compnay
Anthony Cole
Anthony Cole Training
Paula Neises
Cassidy Turley
Anne Lilly Cone
Anne Lilly Cone & Co.,
Allan Cook
The Kroger Co.
Marty Dunn
Dinsmore & Shohl LLP
Scot Hendricks
The Kroger Company
Henry Karamanou
Procter & Gamble
Tom Kirkwood
Thompson Hine
Melissa Klein, MD
Cincinnati Children’s
Hospital Medical Center
Sean T. Parker
Fifth Third Bank
Dan Pfau
Cincinnati Fan
Richard Rosenthal
Uptown Arts
Marianne Rowe
Nonprofit Fundraising
Teresa Tanner
Fifth Third Bank
David Taylor
Procter & Gamble
Rich Vaughn
John Young
CEO Emeritus
Karen F. Maier
Frisch’s Restaurants, Inc.
Please call 513-482-7539 with any questions
or to change the frequency of your mailings
from the Freestore Foodbank.
Kurt Reiber
President & CEO
Two unlikely friends took a road trip.
A memory made.
by Mick Clay
prize winner, an astronaut,
Bob Edwards and
professional athletes,
I collided, whether
industrialists, authors,
fortunately or not (that
inventors, scientists
was our joke), eleven
to a plaque with a face
Rubber Duck Regattas ago.
I knew well, titled
We were polar opposites
“dedicated volunteer.”
along any longitude one
Bob left Marietta for
could draw. One on the
graduate school at the
left, one on the right. One
University of Pittsburgh
in ties and loafers, one in
where he worked in a “big
tee-shirts and work boots.
city” department store
Our equator where we
selling girls dresses. That
met was a work ethic, a
was where he met the love
stubbornness, a maddening
of his life, Sylvia—how
determination by nearly
proud he was to have won
any means necessary, to
her heart, how nervous he
make our community a bit
was on the first date.
stronger than it was the
After completing
moment before. And then do it all again the next year,
graduate school and a stint in the Army, Bob returned to
but better.
Sylvia and Pittsburgh. He worked his way up the chain at the
A couple of years ago I asked Bob if he and I could go on a
department store and a few job offers arrived. One from a retailer
road trip. “To where?” he asked, chuckling at the idea of going
in Seattle and one from Pogue’s in Cincinnati. He chose Pogue’s
on a road trip. “To Marietta,” I replied, “your hometown.” We
and bought the very first house he looked at in Kenwood where
agreed we would go in October, “when the leaves change, it
he raised his family.
would be a prettier drive.”
Bob could sell. His face would light up as he discussed selling
As we drove into Marietta and Bob pointed out the different
Polly Flinders dresses. He was good at it and the job took
buildings, it was like travelling back in time. Bob’s dad had been him everywhere, New York, San Francisco, Puerto Rico,
the general manager of Bonham’s Department Store downtown.
and Barbados where he brought the whole sales team to the
Men’s shoes, boots and shirts on the first floor, ladies on the
Crane Resort.
second floor and housewares on third. He went to work before
On a weekend at home Bob was up on the ladder cleaning
the sun rose and came home well after the sun went down. Their the gutters and he fell. Horribly injured, he lost his job. “I did
family home faced a gentle park along the Muskingum River,
not know what to do.” While working with a friend over his
a couple of short blocks to Bonham’s. “I used to run down the
health insurance, his friend said, “Bob, if you can sell little girls’
steps from school, bound into our house, drop some books, grab
dresses, you can sell insurance. Why don’t you try it? I’ll see you
a sandwich, hi Mom, thank you Mom, goodbye Mom and run
Monday.” There is not an award or bonus Bob did not win in
straight to the store to help out.”
the insurance sales world.
“I would clean the windows, clean the brass, help
I think most know the story from here. Bob Edwards the
unload deliveries, wrap gifts. Anything my father needed.
community leader, the volunteer, the board member, the
We worked.”
Jefferson Award
At Marietta College
winner, the founder
where Bob completed his
of the Rubber Duck
For more information about the
undergraduate degree,
Regatta and the
Bob Edwards Feed A Child Fund
we toured the beautiful
millions of meals
campus and made our way
provided to our
please contact Jennifer Ebelhar
to a newer building. Up
neighbors and
an elevator and around
their children.
at (513)482-7539
the circular room past
Two unlikely friends
the plaques of Marietta
a road trip.
[email protected] A memory
College’s most celebrated
alumni: a Nobel Peace
A memory shared. n
WINTER 20153
Generous Corporate and
Foundation Supporters Enable
Our Efforts Each and Every Day
The Freestore Foodbank continues to serve the needs of
local families through the amazing community support we
receive daily. Without this support, we would be unable to
assist those who are hungry and in crisis.
When community emergencies occur and critical funding
is needed, unrestricted grants allow us to respond and fill
that need. Key gifts were provided by the John J. and Mary
R. Schiff Foundation ($125,000), Robert and Adele Schiff
Family Foundation ($50,000), Meshewa Farm Foundation
($35,000), which also doubled their impact by donating as
a match during November’s Double Your Dollar$ Day, and
Annie and Elizabeth Anderson Foundation ($30,000). In
order to support the emergency food needs of our community
and assist in our outreach, SC Ministry provided two grants
equaling $25,000.
The new school year brought big changes to our Power
Pack program, which provides essential meals for more than
4,000 children each weekend. With the help of generous
donors, we upgraded pack contents to include additional
items and improve nutrition. This program was supported
by Josephine Schell Russell Charitable Trust, PNC Bank
($50,000), Farmer Family Foundation ($40,000), Daniel
and Susan Pfau Foundation ($40,000), H.B., E.W. and
F.R. Luther Charitable Foundation, Fifth Third Bank
and Narley L. Haley, Co-Trustees ($30,000), Helen G.,
Henry F. and Louise Tuechter Dornette Foundation, Fifth
Third Bank ($25,000), and Patricia Kisker Foundation
($25,000). Additional support came from Care Source
($20,000), Crosset Family Fund of The Greater Cincinnati
Foundation ($15,000), Marge and Charles J. Schott
Foundation ($20,000), Ethicon Endo-surgery ($15,000),
Belcan Corporation ($13,800), Charles H. Dater
Foundation ($10,000), Frank J. and Jacqueline D. Kloenne
Foundation, Fifth Third Bank and Narley L. Haley, CoTrustees ($10,000), Rachael Ray Yum-o! Organization
thanks to Feeding America ($10,000), Scripps Howard
Foundation ($10,000), Jack J. Smith Jr. Charitable Trust
($10,000) and Isaac M. Wise Temple ($10,000).
The Freestore Foodbank provides direct services to those
in need through our Customer Connection Center in Overthe-Rhine. The P&G Fund of The Greater Cincinnati
Foundation donated $50,000 to support essential health
and hygiene items for local families. The Sutphin Family
Foundation has generously provided $30,000 for rent
assistance and to provide essential home items for those
recovering from homelessness. Through a social media event
with the Walmart Foundation, we received $15,000 for
our Customer Connection Center to initiate healthy eating
Freestore Foodbank
workshops. Spaulding Foundation supported rent and
utilities assistance for families struggling with homelessness
through a $10,000 grant.
We support the needs of our community through our 260
partner agencies. The invaluable support of the R.C. Durr
Foundation has enabled an initiative to establish new food
pantries in rural Kentucky communities. Their support of
$150,000 over three years will help stabilize the area and
bring emergency food assistance to those that need it most. A
grant of $25,000 was made available to our partners through
the generous gift of the Manuel D. and Rhoda Mayerson
Foundation. Additionally, to better serve our community,
we updated our inventory software through a generous
donation from the Carol Ann and Ralph V. Haile Jr./
US Bank Foundation ($82,600).
The Cincinnati COOKS! culinary training program offers
a free 10-week course to help underemployed adults find
stable employment in the culinary field. This crucial program
at our Rosenthal Community Kitchen was supported by The
Standard ($25,000), General Mills Foundation ($20,000)
and Mary Hromish (MH Foundation) ($15,000). Cincinnati
COOKS! and the advanced Second Course program are
made possible through support from KeyBank Foundation
($25,000). The Kids Cafe after-school feeding program,
maintained by Cincinnati COOKS!, was supported through
the assistance of the William P. Anderson Foundation
($10,000) and Isaac M. Wise Temple ($10,000).
The Freestore Foodbank’s regional Health and Hygiene
program is supported primarily through the P&G Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation, which provides basic
hygiene items, including soap, toothpaste, lotion and much
more to families through a grant of $75,000. To encourage
healthy eating habits, the Freestore Foodbank continues to
expand the Giving Fields, a community farm that received
essential support for an outdoor classroom and equipment
from the Carol Ann and Ralph V. Haile Jr./US Bank
Foundation ($24,000).
We want to thank each and every supporter who
helps us to reach those in need. Your support means the
difference between crisis and stability for thousands of
hungry families. n
For more information, contact
Lindsay Smith at (513) 482-7098 or
[email protected].
1 in 6
Freestore Foodbank
Foundation Board 2014
A Message from the Board Chair
As the Freestore Foodbank ends another year of service providing food to
a network of 260 community partner pantries, churches, shelters and after
school programs that feed the hungry, I reflect with hope and optimism on our
community’s future. To meet the ever-growing need in our region, we must become
healthier, smarter and stronger by expanding our collaborations to maximize our
resources and improve our hunger relief efforts.
A great example of how this is working is in Northern Kentucky. The number of
people in Kentucky seeking help to feed themselves and their families is staggering.
A report released by Feeding America and the Kentucky Association of Food Banks
shows that every year, more than 600,000 Kentuckians, including nearly 300,000
children and seniors, receive food assistance.
Today, there is a network of social service agencies in Northern Kentucky who
share the same vision of a healthy, sustainable and self-reliant community, and are
working together to address the pervasive need in the region. The collaborative
approach helps meet basic needs through the sharing of resources, information and
best practices, as well as helping local agencies identify gaps in services and match
partner agencies with needed resources.
The Freestore Foodbank has been serving the Northern Kentucky area for more
than 25 years, today partnering with more than 80 organizations and schools in
nine counties to distribute donated food and product equivalent to 3,210,000
meals to nearly 60,000 food-insecure individuals, 20,500 of which are children.
The partnerships are working to collectively provide more effective and efficient
assistance to Northern Kentucky residents in need. Together, we are addressing the
root causes of chronic hunger so that every individual has the food and nutrition
they need to – achieve self reliance.
As you read the stories on the following pages, I hope you’re as inspired by what
we do together as I am. Thank you for standing with us in the fight against hunger.
Our partnership truly changes lives in the Tri-State area, we are deeply grateful for
our region’s generosity and support.
Bill Cloppert
David Olson
Vice President
Marianne Rowe
Cove Heilbronner
N E A R L y
neighbors in our tri-state
area is at risk of hunger.
Jim Dressman
Tom Kahle
Gary Miller
Michael Oyster
P.G. Sittenfeld
Jonathan Thornberry
Larry Williams
(Source: Feeding America Map the Meal Gap 2012)
Freestore Foodbank
Board of Trustees 2014
Larry Williams
Damon Allen
Vice Chair, Customer Connections
Ramon Rodriguez
Vice Chair, Development
Jim Dressman
Vice-Chair, Foodbank
Trish Martindell
Committee on Trusteeship
Warren Weber
Tom Kirkwood
Jeanette Altenau
Cassandra Barham
Anthony Cole
Anne Lilly Cone
Allan Cook
Marsha Croxton
Bill Dankworth
Chris Dolle
Marty Dunn
Bob Edwards
Terry Garcia Crew
Scot Hendricks
Melissa Klein
$1 = 3 meals
Karen Maier
Bob Maly
Trish Martindell
Tim Massa
Paula Neises
David Olson
Dan Pfau
Dick Rosenthal
Marianne Rowe
P.G. Sittenfeld
Teresa Tanner
David Taylor
John Young
Corwine Foundation
Board 2014
Tom Powers, Chair
Marty Dunn, Secretary
Bill Dankworth
Bob Habel
Grant Hesser Tom Kirkwood
Gary Millard
Paula Neises
Dan Pfau
Jonathan Thornberry
Larry Williams
Advisory Board 2014
Jeffrey Anderson
Dick Antoine
Gibson Carey
Steve Jemison
Tom Kahle
Cheryl Harden-Love
David Mann
Kurt L. Reiber
William T. Robinson
Larry Williams
Kurt L. Reiber, President & CEO
Larry Williams
Board Chair
h O u r s
PrOvided mOre than
20 milliOn
meals Over 3 states
and 20 cOunties.
we sOlve
cincinnati cOOks!
rOsenthal cOmmunitY kitchen
• Ten-week job training program to work in the food service industry.
• Targets adult students with barriers to employment.
• 114 graduates in 2014 with 90% employed after one year.
• Students prepare all meals for Kids Cafe program.
kids cafe PrOgram
• Provides nutritious evening meals to children.
• Up to 4,500 meals served weekly at 15 locations in OH and KY.
• Summer meals for children at six sites.
To be a leader of a
community mobilized
to end hunger and
address its causes.
whO are at risk Of
To provide food and
services, create stability
and further self-reliance
for people in crisis.
h e l P u s s e rv e t h e
PeOPle in Our regiOn
of donations
went directly
to programs
and services
tOgether we can sOlve hunger
POwer Pack PrOgram
• Bags of 15 kid-friendly food items sent home with children on weekends.
• 4,000 children served at more than 90 locations.
OUR 260 285,000
(Source: Feeding America map the meal Gap 2012)
rOsenthal fresh
fOOd initiative
• Collects fresh food from grocers that
would otherwise be thrown away.
• Rescued enough food for 3.4 million meals.
mObile fOOd PantrY
• 50 food deliveries to 7,500 families
in rural and underserved areas.
the giving fields
• Ten acre community farm in
Northern Kentucky.
• Enough fresh produce to
complete 117,000 meals.
custOmer cOnnectiOn center
• Services beyond the immediate food needs of families that
address the root causes of hunger and poverty.
Services Include:
• Choice Food Pantry served up to 300 families daily and
40,000 individuals annually.
• Enrolled 5,700 households in benefits such as SNAP,
health insurance and Medicaid.
• Homelessness Prevention Program managed
the finances of 600 people.
• Provided work clothing for 4,000 people.
• 15,000 bus tokens distributed for transportation to
employment or medical services.
• Secured identification and birth certificates for 2,000
individuals to support employment requirements.
Member Agencies July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014
July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014
Freestore Foodbank, Inc. and Affiliates
Freestore Foodbank, Inc. and Affiliates
for the year ended June 30, 2014
Public Support:
Contributions and grants United Way/Community Chest
Change in interest in Irrevocable Trusts
Total Public Support
$ 6,631,434
$ 7,067,434
Program services:
Government agencies Private organizations
Member agency fees/product resale
Client services – Individuals
Cooks catering
Special events
Less: special events direct expenses
In-kind goods and services:
Advertising services
Foodbank and Food Room donations – food and products
Interest and dividend income
Net unrealized gain on investments
Net gain on disposal of property & equipment
Total Revenues
Total public support and revenues
Client Services
Cincinnati COOKS!
In-kind expenses Foodbank supportive services
Social Enterprises
Management and General
Total Expenses
June 30, 2013
$ 2,510,153
$ 3,663,796
Cash and cash equivalents
$ 1,647,656
Restricted cash - Facility maintenance reserve237,501
Restricted cash - Representative Payee & Direct Rent Programs610,472
Accounts receivable
Pledges receivable
Prepaid expenses
Total current assets
Building and improvements
Furniture, fixtures and equipment
Less accumulated depreciation
Total property and equipment
Beneficial interest in charitable trust
Cash surrender value of life insurance policy
Total other assets
Current portion of long-term debt
& capital lease obligation
Accounts payable
Amounts held for others Representative Payee & Direct Rent Programs
Accrued expenses
Total current liabilities
Non-current portion of long-term debt
& capital lease obligation
Total liabilities
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Total net assets
Change in net assets
$ 2,501,704
Net assets at beginning of year
Net assets at end of year
Public Support
$7,067,434 11%
In-kind Services
$51,602,721 79%
General Activities
$6,652,535 10%
Cincinnati COOKS!/
$720,682 1.15%
Client Services
$3,663,796 5.83%
Abundant Life Ministries
Brighton Center:
Boone County Center
Hope Ministries of Northern Kentucky
Impact Storehouse
Seven Hills Church
Vineyard Christian Church
Brooksville Baptist Church
Adams & Brown Counties Head Start
Helping Hands In Christian Service
Hope Emergency Program
Mt. Orab UMC
Westfork Baptist Outreach Pantry
Brighton Center: Family Center
C.A.R.E. Mission Inc.
First Assembly of God
Holly Hill Children’s Services
Holy Family Home
Holy Spirit Outreach Ministry
Inter Church Organization:
Henry Hosea House
New Hope United Methodist Church
Northern Kentucky Community
Action Commission: Head Start
Plum Creek Christian Center
St. Bernard Parish
St. John Pantry
St. John’s Outreach Ministries
St. Paul’s Pantry
Transitions, Inc.
Saul’s Homeless Shelter
Clermont Adult Residential
Home: Hengsen
Felicity Community Mission
First Baptist Church
Goshen United Methodist Church
Holy Trinity St. Vincent De Paul
Mercy Works Eastgate
New Richmond Village Food Pantry
Social Enterprises
$218,569 .35%
Newtonsville Church of the Nazarene
Salvation Army: Batavia
St. Andrew St. Vincent De Paul
St. Bernadette St. Vincent De Paul
St. Elizabeth Seton St. Vincent De Paul
St. Veronica’s St. Vincent
De Paul Food Pantry
Williamsburg Emergency Mission
YWCA: Eastern Area
YWCA: House of Peace
Blanchester Community Food Pantry
Clinton County CA Food Pantry
Clinton County Homeless Shelter
Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church
Feed My Sheep Food Pantry
New Vienna UMC
Dillsboro Community Food Pantry
Heart House
North Dearborn Pantry
Southeast Indiana Economic
Opportunities Corporation
Grant County Helping Hands
Larry H. Spears Foundation Kitchen
Northern Kentucky Community Action
Commission: Grant County Pantry
7 Hills Neighborhood Houses
Adventist Outreach
Allen Temple: Temple Blessings
Alpha II Housing Alternatives
Anderson Ferry Church of Christ
Bell Home for Sightless
Bethany House Services, Inc.
Bethel Baptist Church
Bethesda House
Boys Hope/Girls Hope of
Greater Cincinnati
Caring Hearts Adult Day Care
Carthage Christian Church
Center for Chemical
Addicts Treatment
Children Inc.
Christ Church Cathedral: 5000 Club
Christ Community In College Hill
Christian Outreach Ministries, Inc.
Christian Wellness Ministries, Inc.
Church Of Our Savior
Churches Active in Northside
Cincinnati Islamic Center
Cincinnati Restoration Church
Cincinnati Urban Promise
City Of Refuge: Joyfull Harvest
Corpus Christi Food Pantry
Crayons to Computers
Creek Road Baptist: Pantry
Crossroads Center
Drop Inn Center
Presbyterian Church
Every Child Succeeds
Faith Food Pantry
Families Forward
First Lutheran Church
Gray Road Church of Christ
Greater New Hope Missionary
Baptist Church
Holy Family St. Vincent De Paul
Imani Family Center
Immanuel UCC: South Fairmont
Inter Parish Ministry
Jewish Family Service
Kelly Youth Services
LHMBC: Pantry/Cafe Hope
LIFE Food Pantry
Little Flower St. Vincent De Paul
Little Sisters of the Poor Nursing Home
Madisonville Education &
Assistance Center
Manna Outreach, Inc. Pantry
Mercy Health at St. John
Mercy Neighborhood: Home Program
Morning Star Baptist Church
Mt. Healthy Alliance, Inc.
Mt. Hope Baptist Church
My Brother’s Keeper
My Neighbors Place Food Pantry
Nast Trinity UMC
New Jerusalem: Hancock House
New Life Temple Sharing & Caring
New Vision UMC
Oakley Community Food Pantry
Open Door Ministries
Our Lady of the Woods, Inc.
Over-the-Rhine Soup Kitchen
Peaslee Neighborhood Center
Reach N Teach
Ronald MCDonald House Charities
Roselawn Food Pantry
Salvation Army
SEM Food Pantry
Services To Adults and Youth, Inc.
Serving Saylor Park
Society of St Vincent De Paul
SON Ministries
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church Pantry
St. Boniface St. Vincent De Paul
St. Francis DeSales School
St. Francis Soup Kitchen
St. Francis/St. Joseph House
St. George Interfaith Food Pantry
St. Leo Church Pantry
St. Paul UCC
St. William Saint Vincent De Paul
Su Casa
Talbert House
The Caring Place
The Church of the Resurrection
The Healing Center
The Lord’s Pantry
Tri-County Soul Ministries
Troy Residential Home
Union Baptist Food and
Clothing Ministry
Valley Interfaith
Walnut Hills Food Pantry
Walnut Hills Soup Kitchen
Washington UCC
West College Hill
Neighborhood Services
West End Emergency Center
Wynn Child Development Center
YMCA: Christ Child Day Nursery
York Street United Methodist Church
YWCA: Battered Women Shelter
YWCA: Domestic Violence Shelter
Power Pack Locations
$55,367,814 88.14%
$1,341,250 2.14%
Community Care Center
Interfaith House
Peebles Community Food Pantry
Winchester Baptist Church
Winchester Church of Christ
Holly Hill Elementary School
Denver Place Elementary School
East End Elementary School
Roy E. Holmes Elementary School
Cheviot School
Academy of World Languages
Alliance Academy
Bond Hill Academy Elementary School
Carson School
Chase Elementary School
Cincinnati Leadership Academy
College Hill Fundamental
Corryville Catholic Elementary School
Elmwood Place Elementary School
Evanston Academy
Frederick Douglass Elem School
Hays-Porter Elementary School
Heritage Hill Elementary School
Holy Family School
Horizon Science Academy - Cincinnati
John P. Parker
King Academy Community School
Midway Elementary School
Mt. Airy Elementary School
Mt. Auburn International Academy
Mt. Healthy North Elementary School
Mt. Washington School
Norwood Middle School
Norwood View Elementary School
Orion Academy
Oyler School
Pleasant Hill Academy
Reading Central Elementary School
Rees E. Price Elementary School
Resurrection School
Riverside Academy
Riverview East Academy
Roberts Paideia Academy
Rockdale Academy Elementary School
Roll Hill School
Roselawn Condon Elementary School
Rothenberg Preparatory Academy
Sharpsburg Elementary
& Primary Primary
Silverton Paideia Academy
South Avondale Elementary School
South Elementary School
St. Lawrence Elementary School
St. Boniface School
St. Francis De Sales School
St. Francis Seraph School
St. Joseph Catholic School
Struble Elementary School
Taylor Elementary School
VLT Academy
Washington United Church of Christ
Weigel Elementary School
Westwood Elementary School
Whitewater Valley Elementary School
William H Taft Elementary School
Williams Ave Elementary School
Winton Hills Academy
Community Action Committee
of Pike County
Waverly Primary School
Bloom-Vernon Elementary School
Clay Elementary School
East Portsmouth Elementary School
Green Elementary School
Minford Local Schools
New Boston Local Schools
Northwest Elementary School
Portsmouth Elementary School
Portsmouth West Elementary School
Valley Elementary School
Collins Elementary
R.A. Jones Middle School
Dayton High School
Grandview Elementary
Lincoln Elementary
Newport Intermediate School
Newport Middle School
Newport Primary School
Sherman Elementary
AJ Lindeman Elementary School
Arnett Elementary School
Early Childhood Center (JEBECEC)
Glenn O Swing Elementary
Howell Elementary School
John G. Carlisle Elementary School
Latonia Elementary School
Ludlow Elementary School
Ninth District Elementary School
Sixth District Elementary School
Tichenor Middle School
Zion Baptist Church
Zion United Church of Christ
Because He Lives
Daily Bread, Inc.
Greenfield Area Christian Center
Highland County Community Action
Highland County Homeless Shelter
Samaritan Outreach Services
Saturday Lunch
Action Ministries
Be Concerned, Inc.
Brighton Center:
Homeward Bound Youth Shelter
Children, Inc. Montessori
Early Learning Center
Children’s Home of Northern Kentucky
Community Family Church
Diocesan Catholic Children’s Home
Faith Christian Center
First Baptist Church
Garrard Street Church of Christ
Northern Kentucky Baptist Church
Sisters of Notre Dame
South Side Baptist Church
St. Augustine School
St. Vincent de Paul Nothern Kentucky
The Point
United Christian Volunteers
United Ministries
Welcome House of Northern Kentucky
Women’s Crisis Center
Comprehend, Inc.
Mason County Food Pantry
Christian Outreach Center
Northern Kentucky Community Action
Commission: Pendleton Pantry
Bridgehaven Homeless Shelter
Buchanan Food Pantry
Overflow Mission
Pike County Community
Action Food Pantry
Pike County Outreach Council
Community of Christ
God’s Pantry
Hopewell House
Manna from Heaven Food Pantry
Neighbor To Neighbor Ministries
Operation Safety Net Scioto County
Homeless Shelter
Our Father’s Bounty Food Pantry
Salvation Army: Portsmouth
St. Joseph St. Vincent De Paul
St. Mary’s Food Pantry
The Potter’s House
Wheelersburg UMC
Quercus Grove
United Methodist Church
Kids Cafe Locations
Cincinnati Early Learning Center Oyler School
FamiliesFORWARD Bond Hill Academy
FamiliesFORWARD - Carson School
FamiliesFORWARD - Hays-Porter
Elementary School
FamiliesFORWARD - Withrow
University High School
GLAD House
GRAD Cincinnati - Western Hills
High School
Salvation Army Citadel
Talbert House - Shroder High School
UC PASS - Academy of
World Languages
Glenn O. Swing Elementary School
Holmes High & Middle School
John G. Carlisle Elementary School
Latonia Elementary School
Ninth District Elementary School
Children’s Summer Feeding Program
Salvation Army Covington
Faces Without Places
GLAD House
Music Resource Center
Salvation Army Citadel
YOLO: First Unitarian Church
Clay Elementary School
Green Elementary School
Minford Elementary School
Pinkerman South Webster
Community Church
Valley Elementary School
Supplemental Food Programs for Seniors
Allen Temple
Freestore Foodbank - Customer
Connection Center
Hillcrest Senior Citizen
Madisonville Education
& Assistance Center
Mt. Healthy Alliance
The Caring Place
West College Hill
Neighborhood Services
Winton House
Potter’s House
Management &
General Activities
$1,508,875 2.40%
Donations of Food and Product July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014
4th & Plum Lofts
Abbott Nutrition
ACOSTA Marketing Group
Advanced Testing Labs
Alcohol & Tobacco
Tax Trade Bureau
All Saints Parrish
American Meat
& Seafood, Inc.
Americold Marshall
Anderson Hills
United Methodist Church
Appalachian Festival
Atlantic Foods Corporation
Aunt Millie’s Bakeries
Axces Financial
Bayer Healthcare LLC
The Beckman & Gast
Besse Medical Center
Beverage Indianapolis
SVC Center
Big Lots
Burnette Foods
Campbell’s Soup Company
Caruso, Inc.
Castellini Company LLC
Church & Dwight Co., Inc.
Cincinnati Bengals
Cincinnati Freezer Corporation
Cincinnati Reds
Cincinnati State
Cincinnati Symphony
Coffee Break Services
Crayons to Computer
Crosset Company
Darlington Cookie Company
Dater School
Dominion Liquid Tech
Domino’s Pizza
Duke Energy
Intermediate School
Protection Agency
Ethicon Endo-Surgery
Everydry Waterproofing
Fidelity Investments
Finneytown Key Club
First Group America
Flowers Baking Company
The Food Exchange LLC
Formica Corporation
The Fresh Market
Frey Farms
Frisch’s Restaurants
Frito Lay, Inc.
The FRS Company
General Electric
General Mills
Gentile Brothers
GFS Marketplace
Global Foods
Gold Star Chili
Good Source Solutions Inc.
Graeter’s Ice Cream
Green Bean Delivery
Grippo Foods Inc.
Harvest House
Heater Meals Inc.
The Hershey Company
Hillshire Farms
Hilton Netherland
HNA Logistics
Horseshoe Casino
Indian Hill Middle School
Innotech Ltd.
Integrated Research
Internal Revenue Service
J&B Group
J.M. Smucker
Jacobs Brothers
Jenmax Foods
Joe Lasita & Sons
John Morrell & Company
John Paul II
Johnson & Johnson
KDM POP Solutions Group
Keebler Company
Kellogg Company
Klosterman Baking Company
Kraft Foods
The Kroger Company
Mailender Inc.
Mars Company
Marsh Grocery
McLane Food Service
Meyer Dairy
Mike Albert Leasing
Mondelez International
Montgomery Food Share
Nash Finch Lima
Nestle Company
NFUSE Marketing
Ohio Farmers Produce
Ohio National
Financial Services
Peppridge Farms
Pepsi Beverages Company
Phillips Edison Company
Phototype Engraving
Pinecone Research
Plum Street Temple
PPG Industries
Pratt Display
Primrose Schools
ProCamps Worldwide
Procter & Gamble
Pure Romance
Quaker Oats
RDI Corporation
Reisenfold &
Sam’s Club
Sara Lee
Schneider Electric
Silverton Block Watch
Simco Sales
Stamp Out Hunger
Sugar Creek Packing Company
Sun Chemical Corporation
Sycamore High School
Sysco Cincinnati, LLC
Taylor Warehouse
Time Out for Women
Trader Joe’s
Tropicana Products
U.S Department of Energy
Our Donors July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014
U.S. Foodservice
United Dairy Farmers
University of
Cincinnati Athletics
US Bank
US Foods, Inc.
VA Medical Center
Volunteers for Veggies
White Castle
Whole Foods Cincinnati
Wild Pengiuin, LLC
Wise Temple
Xavier University
Zombie Walk
Zwanenberg Food Group
Special thanks to our sponsors and supporters of the 2013 Rubber Duck Regatta which raised $756,000 in its nineteenth year and
thank you to our generous partner the United Way of Greater Cincinnati who invested over $400,000 in our programs and services.
We received bequests from the estates of the
following generous individuals in Fiscal Year
2014. These gifts will help the Freestore Foodbank
Foundation fight hunger for years and years to come.
M. Patricia Conneighton Trust
Estate of Richard Davis
Estate of Ruth Hust
Helen L. Kropf Estate
Mr. Moses A. Levinson
Bernice H. Schneider Trust
Ms. Virginia Lee Smith
Wayne E. Williams Trust
Thank you to our wonderful supporters who are
members of the following giving societies. Your
support makes our programs and services possible.
You are an essential partner in the fight against
hunger and poverty. We are grateful for your
continued generosity.
Volunteers July 1, 2013- June 30, 2014
The following individuals and organizations contributed substantially to our volunteer
efforts in fiscal year 2014. We are grateful for their support as well as that of the
thousands of other volunteers who assist throughout the year
Rosetta Anderson
Richard Arthur
Theresa Bell
Tom Brausch
Shannon Burke
Pat Ciccarella
Tony Conte
Terri Dahlem
Saundra Davis
Bill Davis
Gwen Dean
Sara Dicken
Donald Duba
Jerry Duerk
Kim Enzweiler
Cathy Eubanks
Micah Farrar
Maureen Firestone
Enaysia Freeman
Derek Fry
Mary Gerson
Gary Gerwe
Patricia Golder
Michael Graves
Bob Griffin
Wiley Gunderson
Steve Hargis
Alice Harris
Iola Hawkins
James Helm
Ron Higginbotham
Judy Higginbotham
Dale Hoyt
Karen King
Joy Kraft
Claire Kramer
Kym Kuenning
Frank Lenkerd
Brenda Lewis
Mallory Liggett
Elena McDonald
Mary Megerle
Victoria Meyer
Polly Micelli
Sue Millard
Ben Millard
Jim Miller
Regine Moulton
Rasan Muhammad
Kevin Mulligan
Mark Murphy
Jill Murphy
Kelly Quilty
Karen Reiber
Rick Reinhart
Russ Renner
Jeffrey Richey
Rita Roeper
Fred Roeper
Mary-Ann Rosevear
Ralph Ruhe
AJ Sawyer
Philip Schwartz
Timothy Shafer
Susan Sizemore
Doug Slagle
Sandy Smith
Marla St. Martin
Austin Sullivan
Christofer Trentman
Kathleen Turk
Teresa Valentine
Michael Van Oflen
Pam Volz
Bettye Watson
Michael Wiesmann
Aaron Windeler
Charles Winters
Tom Wood
Ameriprise Financial
Barnes Dennig
Bishop Brossert High School
Busken Bakery
Campbell Soup
Cassidy Turley
Catholic Health Partners
The Children’s Home
of Cincinnati
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Medical Center
Christian Hills
Christian Academy
Church of the
Clark Montessori
Clark Schaefer Hackett
Clemson University
Duke Energy
Edwin H. Green
Intermediate School
Eric Mower and Associates
Ernst and Young
Ethicon Endo-Surgery
Faith and Love Fellowship Youth
Fidelity Investments
Fifth Third Bank
Franciscan for the Poor
The Gathering
General Electric
Get Noticed Get Found
Hillman Group
Hillshire Brands
Holmes Middle School
Horizon Science Academy
Hyatt Regency
Jewish Hospital
Junior League Cincinnati
Knights of Columbus
Kraft Foods
The Kroger Company
Lambda Chi Alpha
LaSalle High School
Lexis Nexis
Liberty Mutual Insurance
Mayerson High School ServiceLearning Program
Merrill Lynch
Messer Construction
Miami University
Miami Valley Christian Academy
Mike Albert’s Chevrolet
News America
Northern Kentucky University
Oakland Christian Church
People to People
Perfetti Van Melle
Pinkerman South Webster
Community Church
Raymond James & Associates
Roger Bacon High School
Sam’s Club
Gifts received after July 1, 2014 will be included in the 2015 Annual Report.
Seton High School
Sheakley Group
Spirit of Christ
St. Columban School
St. Gerards Church
St. Henry District High School
St. Thomas More Catholic
Newman Center
St. Xavier High School
The Standard
Starfire Council
Ticona/Turner Construction
UC Freshman Challenge
United Dairy Farmers
United Way of Greater
University of Cincinnati
US Bank
Viterbo University
Week of Hope
Western and Southern
Western Hills High School
Wise Temple
Wyoming City Schools
Xavier University
Individuals become members of our Tomorrow’s
Harvest Society by notifying the Freestore
Foodbank that they have included the organization
in their estate plans.
Ms. Barbara R. Apking
Mrs. Robert J. Ayer
Ms. Cindy Brouillette and Ms. Melanie Hester
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Collette
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry R. Dolph
Mr. Robert C. Griffin
Ms. Bethany P Heath
Mr. and Mrs. John Heuer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Hildbold
Mr. John P. Jentelson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W Kahle
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Kremzar
Mrs. Jean E. Lemon
Ms. Karen F. Maier
Mrs. Morita Marmo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. McGrath
Ms. Marilyn Z. Ott
Mrs. Marianne R. Rowe
Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Schwind
Mr. Sudhir Sen
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Sittenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Barry D. Sperling
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Stryker
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Sturdivant
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Van Oflen
Ms. Caryn Williams
Individuals become members of our Platinum
Plate Society by generously making a cumulative
annual gift of $5,000 or more. Thank you for
your contributions.
Gifts of $500,000 or more
The Kroger Co.
Gifts of $100,000 or more
The Carol Ann and Ralph V. Haile, Jr./
US Bancorp Foundation
Procter & Gamble Fund
Mr. Richard Rosenthal
John J. & Mary R. Schiff Foundation
Gifts of $50,000 or more
Ms. Mildred E. Barhorst
BV Wines
R.C. Durr Foundation
Fifth Third Bank
Steven A. Hunter Hope Fund
Newman’s Own Foundation
Robert and Adele Schiff Family Foundation, Inc.
Walmart Corporate Giving
Gifts of $25,000 or more
Anonymous (2)
Annie & Elizabeth Anderson Foundation
Richard A. Busemeyer Atheist Foundation
Church & Dwight Co., Inc.
CROSSMARK, CHI Management Group, LP
Estate of Richard Davis
Farmer Family Foundation
GE Foundation
H.B., E.W. and F.R. Luther Foundation
KeyBank Foundation
Kraft Foods
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Lambrinides
LaRosa’s, Inc.
Macy’s Foundation
Manuel D. & Rhoda Mayerson Foundation
Meshewa Farm Foundation
L & L Nippert Charitable Foundation
Ocean Spray and Smuckers
Panera/Breads of the World, LLC
Daniel and Susan Pfau Foundation
Standard Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Stein
United Way of Greater Cincinnati
Mr. Wayne E. Williams Trust
Isaac M. Wise Temple
Gifts of $15,000 or more
Anonymous (2)
Agrium U.S. Inc.
Bank of Kentucky
Barilla America, Inc.
Cast-Fab Technologies, Inc.
Cincinnati Bengals, Inc.
Clay Alliance
Colgate-Palmolive Company
Crosset Family Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Heinz North America Foundation
Hillshire Brands Foundation
Hyatt Regency Cincinnati
Interact for Health
Isidor-Kaltman Philanthropic Fund
of the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati
Andrew Jergens Foundation
Kemba Credit Union
Frank J. and Jacqueline D. Kloenne Foundation
MH Foundation, Inc.
Joseph A. and Susan E. Pichler Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
SC Ministry Foundation
Bernice H. Schneider Trust
Marge & Charles J. Schott Foundation
Scripps Howard Foundation
St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
Thaman Family Foundation of SEI Giving Fund
Mr. Chris Toncheff
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. White
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Wolterman
Glen Wright Donor Advised Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Gifts of $10,000 or more
Anonymous (2)
William P. Anderson Foundation
Big Heart Pet Brands
Marjorie and Steven Carleton Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Chicken of the Sea
Cincinnati International Wine Festival
Cincinnati Machines, Inc.
Charles H. Dater Foundation, Inc.
Robert and Jeanne Diesel Foundation
Dr. Pepper Snapple
Dunnhumby USA
Thomas J. Emery Memorial
George Fabe Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. Lee W. Fiser, Jr.
Give With Liberty
Gould & Smith Crane Rental, Inc.
Hunger Related Events Taste of NFL
Diana Jaeger Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Dr. Umesh and Mrs. Katina Marathe
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. McNerney
Meijer, Inc.
Pepsi Cola
PL Marketing
Post Foods, LLC
Robison Family Foundation
S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Scherer
Patrick J. and Susan E. Sedler Family Gift Fund
Ms. Louella Shaw
Skyline Chili, Inc.
Jack J. Smith, Jr. Charitable Trust
The Spaulding Foundation
Stagnaro Distributing
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Standley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Stegman
Paula M. Steiner Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven T. Sullivan
Bruce Springstein/Thrill Hill Productions, Inc.
Tippett Family Charitable Fund
Wellpoint Foundation
Ms. Charlene A. Williams
Wohlgemuth/Herschede Foundation
Eric B. Yeiser Family Foundation
Gifts of $5,000 or more
Anonymous (2)
Anonymous Fund of Pittsburgh Foundation
Advantage Sales & Marketing
American Electric Power
American Scaffolding, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Andrews
The Apartment Association Outreach
Mrs. Lauren and Mr. Jason Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Barnes
Beck Family Charitable Fund
Belcan Corporation Inc.
Beresh Pain Management, Inc
Rich and Lisa Boehne Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. Lou N. Bolognini
Boles and Priest Fund at Schwab Charitable
Edward C. and Robert C. Bott Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Buch Construction
Michael E. and Carolyn R. Burns Charitable Fund
Ms. Karen N. Cain
Cassidy Turley
Cincinnati Dreams Come True, Inc.
Cincinnati Interagency Federal Credit Union
Cold Jet
Mr. and Mrs. Craig H. Combs
Community Servers Information Technology
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Comte
Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Crouch
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Cryder
CSX Corporate Citizenship
Daisy Brand
Dannon Company Inc.
Darden Restaurants
Deoleo USA, Inc.
Designer Donations for Cincinnati Charities
Ms. Elizabeth A. Elliott
Feeding America
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Finke
William and Susan Friedlander Endowment Fund
of the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati
Frisch’s Restaurants, Inc.
General Mills Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hart
Jay and Teresa Hayden Family Foundation
of Morgan Stanley
Hazel Grimm Charitable Trust
HBK Wealth Management
Richard J. and Marion E. Heekin Memorial Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Heiser
Home City Ice Co.
Harvey C. Hubbell Trust
Mrs. Marianne and Mr. Donald James
Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies
Joiner Family Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Catherine and Reuven Katz Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Ms. Arleene Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Knochenmuss
Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Kohn
Kopco Graphics, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Kremzar
Ms. Linda E. Lauch
Mr. Harrison Lee
Leser Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Linnemann Family Foundation
LKC Foundation
Mrs. Morita Marmo
Maruchan, Inc.
Mason, Schilling & Mason Co., LPA
Mayberry Foundation
Mr. David R. Meyer
Miller-Valentine Walsh Fund
of the Dayton Foundation Depository
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Morison
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Neidermeyer
Neptune Equipment Company
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Oliver
Hyman & Bessie Passman Family
Charitable Foundations, Inc.
Pepper Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Pfau
Pikes Peak Community Foundation
Elizabeth Ricci Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Helen Steiner Rice Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Rodriguez
Rolling Acres
Dorothy G. and Joseph A. Roth Donor Advised
Fund of the Catholic Foundation
Sauerland Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Schiff, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Schulman
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Seinen
Solo Operating Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob K. Stein
Joseph S. Stern, Jr. Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. William Tedrick, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Todd Wandstrat
Mr. and Mrs. Warren F. Weber
Whole Foods Cincinnati
Mr. James E. Winter
Wyler Family Foundation
Yum! Brands Foundation
Individuals become members of our Gold
Plate Society by generously making a
cumulative annual gift of $2,500 or more.
Thank you for your contributions..
Gifts of $2,500 or more
Anonymous (4)
Mr. and Mrs. John B Abraham
Dr. Adnan Ahmed
Allusions Inc.
Dr. James Anthony and Ms. Sarah VonLehman
Ms. Barbara R. Apking
Ms. Uma V. Ashar
AXA Investment Advisors
Mr. Ronald P. Beck and Dr. David Beck
Mr. Craig D. Benhase
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy B. Berghoff
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Berte
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Bish
Rosemary H. and Frank Bloom Special Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. Mark Bodnar
Brandicorp LLC
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Briggs, Jr.
Dr. Kelly A. Brown
Burgess and Niple Charitable Gift Fund
of Fidelity Charitable
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Byerly, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Campbell
Campbell’s Sales Company
Ms. Nettie M. Canada
Caruso Inc.
Alan and Elizabeth Chambers Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Cheesecake Factory
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cherry III
The Christ Hospital
Cincinnati Asset Management
Cincinnati Brass Band
Coca-Cola Enterprises
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Cody
Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Collette
Community Shares
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Dankworth
David and Dee Dillon Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Dressman, Benzinger, LaVelle PSC
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Duke
Dye Family Charitable Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Ebner
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Edwards
Mr. David J. Ellis
EyeMed Vision Care
Mr. William R. Francis
Gilman Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Gladys Wittmeyer Knox Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Glassmann
Mr. Keith Gossage
Robert Gould Foundation, Inc
Grace United Methodist Church
Mr. Edward Grant
Dr. and Mrs. David Greenfield
Ms. Melinda Greenwood
Mr. William F. Groneman and
Ms. Maureen Flanagan
Mr. Arthur Haack
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Hammersmith
Tom and Jan. Hardy
Mr. Edward A. Harvey
George L and Anne P. Heldman Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Marilyn P. and Joseph W. Hirschhorn Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. Thomas E. Hobbins, Jr.
Barbara S. and Richard G. Hoefinghoff Family
Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Huesing Family Foundation
Mr. Forrest W. Huff
Estate of Ruth Hust
IBM Employee Services Center
Ms. Elizabeth Jackson
Johann Freestore Foodbank Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Ms. Jeannette Jones
Ms. Ellen Ann Kellogg
Kellogg Company
Dr. Susan Kemper
Keystone Bar & Grill
Khosla Foundation
Mr. Thomas J. Kirkwood
Klosterman Baking Co.
KS Energy Services LLC
Mr. and Mrs. George Kurz
Ms. Paula Landry
J. Timothy and Mary D. Leonard Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Lundbeck Cycles LLC
Dr. Max L. and Miriam R. Lurie Philanthropic
Fund of the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati
Ms. Karen F. Maier
Maly Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
H. Gordon Martin Foundation
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Mamie Maxwell
Mead Foundation
Mr. Thomas Mench
Mr. David E. Miller
Graham Edwin and
Sharon Janosik Mitchell Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Moccia
Mondelez International Foundation
Monti Inc.
Mr. Frederic D. Mosher
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Moster
Mt. Washington Presbyterian Church
Mr. Brian Murray
Ms. Paula Neises
Mr. William H. Newell and Ms. Susan K. Hopp
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Newman
Mr. Raymond A. Neyer
The Pampered Chef
Peter Cremer North America, LP
Peterloon Foundation
Mr. Stephen J. Peterson
Phillips Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Pricewaterhouse Coopers Charitable Foundation
Mrs. Kathy and Mr. Chris Przywara
Ms. Judith R. Ragsdale and Dr. Lesley Doughty
Dr. Ali Razavi and Mr. Guity Razavi
Ms. Rachel M. Reardon
Red Bull North America, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Reinsel
August A. Rendigs, Jr. Foundation
Riverbend Music Center
Roosa Family Chartiable Remainer Trust
Ms. Laura Rosenblum
Jack and Moe Rouse Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Ms. Ann M. Ruchhoft
Sathe Family Foundation Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Schiff, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Scott
Sharonville United Methodist Church
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Sinkula
Ms. Suki Skidmore
Mrs. Ellen and Mr. Clark Sole
Our Donors July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. St. Martin
Mr. Gary and Mrs. Nancy Strassel
Ms. Barbara N. Stratman
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Tanner
Ms. Teresa J. Tanner
Alyce and Bud Thomas
Timberhill Ltd. Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Tobergte
Mr. Neil W. Tollas and Ms. Janet Moore
Waddell Family Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Wayne
Mr. Edward Wells
David F. and Sara K. Weston Fund
WhiteWave Foods Company
Ms. Carolyn Y. Wiedamann
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus K. Wilkins
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. Williams
Winegardner & Hammons, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Winters
Individuals become members of our Silver
Plate Society by generously making a
cumulative annual gift of $1,000 or more.
Thank you for your contributions.
Gifts of $1,000 or more
Anonymous (11)
Anonymous Fidelity Charitable Fund
Anonymous Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ahlum
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Aitken
AK Steel Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Albers
Mrs. Suzanne R. Albert
All Occasions Event Rental
Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Almquist
Ms. Shannon Altschuler
American Association of University Professors
Ameritas Life Insurance Corp.
Ms. Harriet G. Anderson
Helen T. Andrews Foundation
of the Fifth Third Private Bank
Mr. Armand Antommaria
Anthony Cole Training Group, LLC
Ms. Norita D. Aplin and Mr. Stanley Ragle
Dr. and Mrs. Les Appel
Architects Plus, Inc.
Aristech Acrylics LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey N. Armitage
Armstrong Chapel
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Augspurger
Ms. Judy Avner
Dr. Sherif G. Awadalla
Mr. David J. Backscheider
Mr. George Bagel
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. William Bajorek
Julie R. Baker and Matthew E. Feldman Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Bank of America United Way Campaign
Barrett & Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bates
Mrs. Joan S. Bath
Mr. Todd A. Bauer
Mrs. Tara Bebber
Sandra and Jerry Bedacht Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. Michael Beeby
Mr. Leonard H. Berenfield
Mr. and Ms. Myles F. Berling
Karen M. and Bruce J. Berno Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mrs. Jennifer and Mr. Daniel Beyerbach
Bigglesworth Fund of Fidelity Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lee Bills
Mr. Michael Birbiglia
Ms. Victoria Bischoff
Bishop Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. R. Gregoire Blackmore
Blackstone Resources, Inc.
Blue Ash Life Squad Protective Assoc.
Ms. Elizabeth Blume
BNY Mellon
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Bodnar, CFP
Mrs. Sheryl Bogardus
Mrs. Martha P. Bolognini
Dr. Janet A. Borcherding
Ms. Nancy R. Bowers
Ms. Lori Bowman
Boymel Family Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brady
Mr. Daniel Briggs
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Brill
Bristol-Myers Squibb Myers Foundation
Matching Gift Program
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Brooks
Ms. Dianne C. Brown
Senator Sherrod Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Thane R. Brown
Brown Family Foundation, Inc.
Drs. Ronald and Melanie Brubaker
Mr. Walter Brueggemann
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Buchanan
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bunnell
Barbara and William Burke Family Fund
of the Scioto Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Burleigh
Burress Temple Apostolic Church
Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Busam
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Busch
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Butkovich
Ms. Angie Butta
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Calder
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas G. Calo
Mr. Richard D Caney
Carlisle Enterprises Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Carter
Ms. Barbara Casper
Ms. Lesta Chandler
Ms. Geraldine V. Chavez
Chavez Properties
Chemed Foundation
Ms. Linda A. Chernus
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Chewning
Ms. Frances Cheyne
Christ Church Glendale
Church of the Redeemer
Cincinnati Friends of Charity Foundation
Cincinnati Magazine
Cincinnati Woman’s Club Foundation
Cincy Customs Street Machines
Clarify Wealth Management
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Clayton
Ms. Claudia L. Cline
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Cloppert
Mr. Joseph E. Cluxton
Coldwell Banker West Shell Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Collar
Mrs. Diana L. Collins
Comey & Shepherd Realtors
Dr. Pearl J. Compaan
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Compton
Mr. Philip K. Cone and Mrs. Anne L. Cone
Ms. M. Patricia Conneighton
Dr. Beverly Connelly
Connolly Family Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Barbara J. Cook and Mr. Michael Mooney
David and Yvonne Cooper Donor Advised Fund
of Fidelity Charitable
Albert B. Cord Charitable Foundation
Mr. John P. Corrigan
Bob and Jeanine Coughlin Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Crable
Mr. Terrence M. Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Culbertson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Culnan
Mr. Scott Culshaw
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Cuni
Mr. and Mrs. Kent W. Cunningham
Mr. Douglass L. Custis
Ms. Anne Dagenbach
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Darling
Darmanin/Dickerson Family Fund
of Fidelity Charitable
Mr. Tom Daulton
Mr. Louis M. Dauner
Ms. Angela M. Davis
Ms. Mary G. Davis
Day Of Caring
Mr. Michael L. Dennemann
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Dettmer
Ms. Donna H. Deye
Ms. Ann Diersing
Mr. Shawn Dillon
Mr. Griffin Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Dobranski
Dr. Walter E. Donnelly, Jr.
Mr. Brian Driscoll
Duke Energy Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Dunn
Dunsker Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
E.B. Miller Contracting, Inc.
Mr. John W. Eckert
Mr. Chopper A. Eckhoff
Edgemere Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. Jimmy C. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Eggemeier
Richard Eisenberg Trust
Mrs. Katherine Elder
Electrodyne Company, Inc.
David and Kari Ellis Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard A. Ellspermann
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Endres
Dr. Zevi Miller and Ms. Ruth Engel
Erdman Charitable Trust
of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Pat and Gene Ewing Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Ms. Claudia K. Eyler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Faelten
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Farley
Faul Family Donor Advised Account
of the Johnson Charitable Gift Fund
Federal Home Loan Bank of Cincinnati
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Fein
Mr. John Russell Feldkamp
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Fels
Fencl Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Ferguson
Ms. Anna W. Fields
Mr. and Mrs. Laughton Fine
Mr. David Finholt
M Rachel Finke
Finn Foundation of the Bank of America
Charitable Gift Fund
First Giving
Stacey and David Fisher Philanthropic Fund
of the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fisk
Ms. Lisa Flacke
Richard L. and Freda K. Flerlage Foundation, Inc.
Florence Woman’s Club
Mr. Jeffrey Formey
Dr. and Mrs. Peter T. Frame
Frank Messer & Sons Construction Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Franke
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Frazier
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Friedmann
Ms. Carol S. Friel
Harry F. Fry and Mary Ann Fry Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. Michael A. Frye
Mr. Larry Geiger
Mr. Frank A. Gerson and
Ms. Constance A. Wischmann
Dr. and Mrs. W. Brian Gibler
Mr. James E. Gielty
Sharon and Robert Gill Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. Louis A. Ginocchio Jr.
Mr. James and Mrs. Linda Girbert
Givaudan Corp.
Glendale Place Care Center, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Gockerman
Ms. Jacqueline Golay
Mr. Clifford J. Goosmann and Ms. Andrea Wilson
Mr. Louis C. Graeter
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Grannan
Grant Thornton LLP
Ms. Stephanie Graves-Hamilton
Mr. John P. Gray
Mr. Joseph N. Green
Mr. Travis Green
Ms. Ann Grimm
Ms. Mary Dean Grote
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Grout
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony F. Guanciale
Haaff Gift Fund of Fidelity Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hackett
Nick and Barbara Hahn
Ms. Deborah Hale
Hall Family Charitable Fund
Mr. David W. Hammer
Ms. Mindy S. Hammer
Mr. Timothy Hammond
Mr. and Mrs. Greg W. Hang
Harmann Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mrs. Anne Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hater
Douglas and Linda Hawley Family Donor Advised
Account of the Johnson Charitable Fund
John and Carrie Hayden Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Head, III
Mr. Stan and Mrs. Sharon Heck
Heidelberg Distributing Co.
John and Patricia Heil Family Fund
of the Ayco Charitable Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Heintzelman
Mr. Kirk Heithaus
Mr. Scot Hendricks
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Hengehold
Mrs. Laura Henry
Mr. Warren S. Hensel, Jr.
Ms. Nancy B. Herbert
Ms. Robin Herrell
Hershey Company
Heuer Family Fund of Fidelity Charitable
Mrs. Janet A. Hickman
Hillman Group
Mr. Frederick W. Hinkle
Mr. Hugh H. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Hoffman
Ms. Anne Hoffmann
Ms. Jeanne A. Hoffmann
Ms. Peggy Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Holliday
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Holman
Holy Trinity - St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
Homan Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Hopping
Mr. Stewart Horn
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Hornung
Mr. Ray C. House
Ms. Janet Houston
Mr. Terrence Howe
Ms. Heather P. Howes
Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Hube
Human Nature
Mr. Josh Hunstad
Ms. Pamela M. Hutton
Mr. Gary M. Igney and Ms. Beverly S. Risner
Jack Guttman, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart W. Jackson, III
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Jacobs
JDL Warm Construction
Rev. Susan L. Jelinek
Mr. Akshat Jhaveri
Ms. Susan K. Jocketty
Mrs. Colleen Johnson
Mr. Raymond Lee Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Everett L. Jones
Mrs. Judy M. Jones
Hon. Nathaniel R. Jones
Steven and Carolyn Jones Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Scott A. Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Juenke
Jung Family Donor Advised Account
of the Johnson Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. J. Eric Kamfjord
Dave and Kathy Kammerer Family Charitable
Fund of Fidelity Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Kant
Dr. Daniel S. Kanter and Dr. Mary E. Sutton
Ms. Annette Kaplan
Mr. Nolan Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Karamanoukian
Mr. and Mrs. Bill E. Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Katzman
Mr. Brian Keane and Ms. Katherine E. Yutzey
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Keenan
Ms. Kate A. Kelley
Mr. Christopher B. Kelsen
Dr. Richard F. Kempczinski
Kendall Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Dr. Carolyn M. Kercsmar and Dr. Robert E. Bast
Ms. Angela J. Kern
Ms. Sharon A. Kerns and Mr. Michael W. Birck
Mr. Prem K. Khosla and Dr. Nandini N. Khosla
Ms. Lorraine Killeen
Ms. Geneva Kincer
Mr. Dennis King
Mr. and Mrs. Lionel R. King
Ms. Marilyn G. Kinne
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Kirkpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Kitzmiller
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Klosterman
Mrs. Anna Klousis
Kokosing Construction Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Koob
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Korn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Kosky
Mr. Stephen Kralovic
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kramer, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Krebs
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kreeger
Krol Family Charitable Fund
of the Johnson Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. Frederick W. Kropf
Mr. Michael Kuechenmeister
Mr. Thomas A. Kuhn
Dr. Thomas J. Kunkel
La Salle High School
Ms. Elesa M. Labanz
Robert and Chantal Lach Foundation
John and Susie Lame Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Ms. Mary Letty Lavely
Mrs. Jean E. Lemon
YourCause/Lenovo Employees Cares
Lerner Sampson & Rothfus
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Leugers, Jr.
Mr. Moses A. Levinstein
Mr. and Mrs. Barry D. Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lewellen
Mr. Andrew Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Philip K. Lichtenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Lilly
Mrs. Saundra Linn and Mr. Steve Linn
Dr. Douglas H. Linz and Dr. Deborah A. Middaugh
Lockspeiser Philanthropic Fund
of the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati
Lodge Care Center
Lodge Retirement Community
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L Loje
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Loos
Mr. Alfonso Lopez
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Lovell
Lubrizol Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ludy
Ms. Lizabeth Lukes
Ms. Lindsey W. Lyon
Mr. John Majoras
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mandel
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Manes
Mr. Mike Mangino
Market6, Inc.
Marriott International Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Martin
Mr. William Martin
Ms. Josephine J. Martino
J. Cromer Mashburn Family Foundation
Mr. and Dr. Philip S. Mastman
Dr. and Mrs. Mahendra Matta
Ms. Eula B. Mattheis
Mr. and Mrs. Randall S. Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Wolfgang Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. McGavran
Ms. Kaycee McGinley and Mr. Dwight Ellingwood
Mr. Powell McHenry
Mr. Arthur McMahon III
Mr. Robert A. McMahon
Ms. Amy McManus
Ms. Mary Ann Meanwell
Dr. and Mrs. Hayden E. Meeker, III
Beryl and Helen Merritt Charitable Fund of
the Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. Michael Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Kent Meyer
Dr. and Mrs. Roger Meyer
Mezzo Mezzo Social Club Inc.
Microsoft Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Millard
Barb Thomson and Terry Miller
Mr. Gary H. and Mrs. Angela B. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mills
Ms. Jan T. Montague
Mr. William L. Montague
Mr. Jonson Montgomery and
Ms. Rennie Montgomery
Ms. Michelle L. Moore
Moosman Family Farms II LLC
David and Judith Morgan Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Moritz Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Morris, Jr.
Mr. Marvin Morris
Ms. Suzanne Morrissey
Dr. Mary Sue Morrow, Ph.D.
Mrs. Susan S. Mosher
Motch Family Foundation
Motch Family Foundation
Mr. Sean Mullins
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mulvey
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Munch
Mr. and Mrs. George Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Myers
National Underwriter Company
Mrs. Mary T. Naylor
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Neffle
Network For Good
Dr. James W. Newberne
Ms. Barbara A. Noble
Mr. Claude Noe
Dr. and Mrs. James J Nordlund
Dr. and Mrs. Michael F Nordlund
Ms. Suzette Norgren
Northern Kentucky University
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. O’Brien
Ohio National Foundation
Olivetree Research, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Olson
Mr. Dennis G. Olver
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Orkiszewski
Mrs. Muriel Osher
Mr. Nicholas P. Ostrosky
Ms. Marilyn Z. Ott
Our Lady of Lourdes
Mrs. M. W. Overhoff
Dr. and Mrs. O’Dell M. Owens
Park National Bank
Ms. Kusum Patel
Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Paternoster
Dr. Bonnie Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. James Anthony Paulin
Mr. David C Payton
Mr. Jeffrey F. Peck
Ms. Joan G. Peck
John W. and Marianne Peck Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Scot D. Perlman
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Pike
Pike County Outreach Council
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Powers
Dr. Gerald T. Powers
Ms. Gail Prather
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Prince
Mr. Willets Prosser, Jr.
Proximiti Merchandising Group
Public Consulting Group, Inc.
Ms. Sylvia Kay Puryear
Mr. Mitchell P Quint
Raithel Family Fund of Fidelity Charitable
Mr. Ren Ramer
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ray
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ray
RBC Capital Markets Corporation
Mr. Constantine Regas
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt L. Reiber
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Reigle
Anthony Rein and Linda Harpster
Mr. Charles Retzler
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Riddle
Mrs. Deborah Ridenour
Mrs. George Rieveschl
Mr. Charles A. Riggs
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rindsberg
Ripples Project Foundation
RiverPoint Capital Management
Ms. Barb Robb
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Robbins
Mr. Thomas E. Roberts
Robertson Trust
Sferra Robinson Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. G. Thomas Rocklin
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Rosenberry
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rosenthal
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Roth
Brian and Jill Rowe Foundation
Mrs. Marianne R. Rowe
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Rozzi
Run 10 Feet Race
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Rusk
Mr. John M. Russell
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Ryan
Dr. Ronald A. Sachs
Ms. Ann Saluke and Mr. Don Yelton
Mrs. Marian E. Savage
Mr. Robert L. Schaengold
Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Schiff
Ms. Donna L. Schiff
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Schlueter
Peter and Marina Schmid Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Ms. Karen A. Schmidt
Michael and Judith Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Schmitz
Dr. David Schneider
Schneider Electric Square D Foundation
Ms. Diane Schneiderman
Ms. Nancy Schofield
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Schulenberg
Elder Schwarzer Family Fund of Schwab Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford E. Scott
Seapine Software, Inc.
Mr. and Ms. Brian D. Sebastian
Ed and Mary Jo Seibert Family Fund
of the Johnson Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. Kurt Seipel
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Seith
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Sexton
Ms. Grace Sferra
Ms. Susan E. Sharp
Sheakley Group Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Sheffer
Mr. and Mrs. Keven E. Shell
Mary Ellen and Phillip Shouse
Simply Giving Philanthropic Fund
of the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati
Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. Sicking, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth Curtis Sittenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Slater
Ms. Mary Beth Salyers
Smale Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Smale, Jr.
Ms. Virginia Lee Smith
Dr. Wiley R. Smith, Jr.
Mr. Alan G Smulian
Mr. and Mrs. Snelting
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Solomon
Southern Gateway Chorus
Ms. Melanie Spaedy
Ms. Tracy Splain and Mr. John Splain
Mrs. Barbara P. Squeri
St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church
Ms. Christine Stamler
Standard Employee Giving Campaign
Employee Donations
Mr. Craig C. Standen
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Stanton
Mrs. Mary S. Stapanian
Starbucks Coffee Company
Ms. Cynthia M. Stark
Dr. K. Scott Starks
Katherine and Tim Stautberg Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Steffen
Mr. James Stegeman
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Steinhard
Mr. Jeffrey Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Stevenson
Ms. Judy H. Stewart
Ms. Elizabeth Stoehr
Mr. David and Mrs. Margaret Story
Stowe Family Fund of Fidelity Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Stradling, Jr.
Mr. Paul Street
Dr. Susan R. Strick
Mr. and Mrs. George G. Strietmann
Ms. Kim Strubbe
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stuparyk
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Sturdivant
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Swanson
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Swartzel
Mr. Robert Tait, III
Ms. Beth Talbert
Dr. and Mrs. David Taylor
Ms. Gail J. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Theiss, II
Ms. M. Jane Thesken
Mr. Gerald Thibeau
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Tippmann
Mr. John Topits
Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing
of North America
Mr. Daniel F. Tracey
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Tracy
Transducers Direct LLC
Mr. Burr J. Travis
Mr. and Mrs. James Troutt
Marcia Brady Tucker Foundation
Ms. E. W. Marshall Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Turcotte
Mr. Charles W. Turner
Ms. Sophie Z. Tyirin
UBS Employee Giving Programs
United Dairy Farmers
United Way of Metro Chicago
University of Cincinnati
Dept. of Emergency Medicine
Dr. and Mrs. Chandrasekar Vaidyanathan
Ms. Denise A. Vajen
Valicor Environmental
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Van der Horst
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Vanderschueren
Mr. Neal G. Vansaun
Ms. Carolyn A. Voss
Mr. James J. Wahl
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Walker
Ms. Alberta S. Wardlaw and Ms. Sally Cuni
Steve F. Warkany Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Ms. Jennifer Warning
Mr. George H. Warrington and Ms. Drew Gores
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Weaver
Ms. Anne E. Weinkam
Ms. Susan K. Welch and Mr. Jeffrey Baum
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Wendel
Dr. Brad Wenstrup
Ms. Alice J. Wersel
Wesner Family Gift Fund
of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
West Chester Permit, LLC
Western Hills Retirement Village
Mr. William J. Weyand
Mr. Franklin H. White
Mr. and Mrs. Lance White
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Whitney
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Wiggers
Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Wilhelm
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Wilhelm
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Wilson
Mr. Michael G. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Winters
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Withers
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Witt, Jr.
Mr. Lothar F. Witt, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Witte
Mr. and Mrs. Jay V. Wittenbaum
Mr. John Van Woensel and Ms. Laura K. Fidler
Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Wolf
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. David Wolfe
Womens Guild Christ Lutheran Church
Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Wones
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Wood
Mr. Ryan Woods
Ms. Linda L. Workman
Ms. Amy Wright
Wrocklage Family Charitable Foundation
Mr. George M. Wyatt and Ms. Cheryl A. Stewart
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Yauss
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Yoho
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Zierolf
Ms. Catherine Zimmer
Mr. Richard Zimmerman
Mr. Richard V. Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Zofkie
Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Zorn, Jr.
Individuals become members of our Pewter
Plate Society by generously making a
cumulative annual gift of $500 or more.
Thank you for your contributions.
Gifts of $500 or more
Anonymous (12)
Mr. Thayer Abbot
Mr. Bernard Abrams
Mr. Joseph Adamcik
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Adams
Mr. James A. Adler
Agnes Nordloh Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Ahlrichs
Mr. William C. Akers
Al Neyer, Inc. Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Albin
Ms. Caroline Alikonis
Alliance of Crop, Soil and Environmental
Science Societies
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Altman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Ambach
Anderson Hills United Methodist Church
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Anderson, Jr.
Ms. Julia R. Anderson
Mr. Daniel E. Ansel
Ms. Tammy Anthony
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Anthony
Mr. Marvin Appel
Ms. Marcia Arentz
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Arken
P.J. and Gwen Arling Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Armsey
Ms. Pamela Williams Arya
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Assell
Mr. Kevin Aug
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard B. Bacevich
Ms. Beverly H. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Bakst
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Ball
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Banke
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg S. Bardon
Mrs. Julie S. Bartish
Mrs. Annette R Bartolo
Bassett Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. Nicholas C. Bauer
Mr. Robert P. Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P Bauke
Ms. Barbara Bausmith
Ms. Neva Lorraine Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Philip J Beckmann
Mr. Arthur J. Bedel
Beechwood High School
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bell
Mrs. Pamela Bell
Mr. Eric Benton
Ms. Sarah R. Berger
Mrs. Ellen Berghamer
I. Leonard and Miriam G. Bernstein Family
Fund of the Johnson Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. David Berry
Mr. George M. Berry
Richard Betagole Philanthropic Fund
of the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati
Mr. and Mrs. William Bick
Mrs. Mary Louise Bihn
Mr. Brent Billock
Ms. Mary Ann Binder
Ms. Jenifer Binnion
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Binzer
Mr. Jeffrey Bischoff
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Biscopink
Mr. and Mrs. James Bishop
Mr. and Mrs. John Bismayer
Mr. Eric Bissonette
Ms. Carol H. Blackburn
Dr. Maria Blake and Mr. Mel Stampe
Blank Rome LLP
Ms. Marie Blersch
Dr. Jeffrey Bloomer
Blue Ash Montgomery Rotary Club
Mr. James M. Boehm
Mr. John P. Boes and Mrs. Carol Boes
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Bohrer
Mr. and Ms. Ronald A. Bona-Hatem
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Bookmyer
Ms. Carol A. Born
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Bowden
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bowman
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Bradley, III
Ms. Jennifer L. Branch
Mr. and Mrs. Steve R Brassfield
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Brault
Mr. David A. Bray
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bressler
Ms. Barbara L. Brewer
Mr. and Mrs. J. Leland Brewster
Mrs. Virginia L Brezinski
Bridal and Formal
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Britton
Mr. John W. Brod
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Brown, III
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Brumfield
Mr. Michael L. Bruner
Mr. Alfred Brunner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bryson
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Buchanan
Ms. Juliann Bucher
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bugenstein
Mr. Charles B. Burford
Mr. Joseph W. Burke
Ms. Priscilla Burnam
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Busdieker
Ms. Priscilla Byer
Mr. John Cahill
Mr. Byrd Douglas Cain,III
Ms. Amy Callow
Mr. Mark Calo
Campbell County Cooperative Extension
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Campbell
Mr. Keith Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Cannon
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cannon
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Cappel
Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Carey, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Carlberg
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Carlson
Mrs. Vivienne A Carlson
Dr. Tara B. Carr and Mr. Stanley H. Carr
Mr. Russell E. Carson
Mr. Ernest A. Casanta
Cash Plus, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Cash
Ms. Mary Cassinelli
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Castrucci
Jagjit and Jasbir Chahal
Charitable Foundation USA
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Chavez Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Chernick
Mr. John and Mrs. Cecelia Chewning
Children’s Charitable Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew O. Chimsky
Mr. David W. Chrislip
Cincinnati State Technical and Community College
Ms. Donna M Cirasole
Mrs. Dorothy and Mr. John Clancy
Ms. Rheba Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Denis Clark
Ms. and Mr. Margaret A. Clark
Ms. Norma Clark
Ms. MariaAntionette Clayborne
Mr. Jeffrey Clayton
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Clem
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cohen
Marvin Collins and Dean Colville
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Colucci
Mrs. Karen and Mr. Michael Columbus
Ms. Nichole Combs
Commerce Bank
Mr. Matthew A. Connor
Ms. Genina Consalvi
Mr. Robert A. Conway
Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Burt T Corbin
Mr. and Mrs. Donald I. Corken, Jr.
J. Corson
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence R. Cosgrove
Cosmopolitan Hall, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Carey H. Costantini
Ms. Bettie Cottongim
Ms. Betty Coulter
Court Street USA
Mr. Ray C. Cox
Mrs. and Mrs. Adrian Coxhead
Mr. Marvin Crain
Ms. Kristine K Crane
Ms. Jodelle S. Crosset
Mrs. Colleen Crotty-Good
Mrs. Sherri Crowley
Mrs. Marianna H. Cruse
Mr. Douglas W. Cutshall
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Dahlem
Mr. and Mrs. Denis G. Daly
Mr. and Mrs. David Danley
Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Davidow
Mr. Ralph Davidow
Ms. Susannah Davids
Mr. Chris Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Davis
Mr. Larry E Davis
Ms. K. Meg Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Peter N. Dayton
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J Deangelo
Ms. Patricia A. Deaton
Mr. Michael A. DeFrancesco and
Ms. Martha Fellerhoff
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Dempsey, III
Mr. and Mrs. Noah L. Desch
Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Florence Dewitt
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Dickhoner
Mrs. Audrey C. Dierker
Mr. Thomas J. Digman
Shawn and Trevin Dillon
Ms. Lisa Dittrich
Mr. Michael A. Doherty
Ms. M. Joyce Donnellon
Mr. James H. Donovan
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence J. Donovan
Mr. John S Dorich
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Douglas
Mr. Jack Douglass
Mr. John D. Dovich
Mrs. Karen A. Drees
Mr. Robert G. Driehaus
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Druffel
Ms. Ardelle B. Duffy and Mr. Ronald Redder
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunn
Ms. Judith S. Dusterberg
Ms. Lori Dutton
Mr. Michael Thomson Earley
Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Easley
Mr. and Mrs. Jon R. Ecker
Edelman, Combs, Latturner & Goodwin LLC
Ms. Kathy S. Edelstein
Ms. Claire M. Edgell
Ms. Roberta Edrington
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Edwards
Mrs. Lynn C. Egan
Mr. Eric J. Elfner
Mr. James Elsener
Episcopal Retirement Homes, Inc.
Mr. Melvin Epperson
Ernst & Young LLP
EST Analytical
Ms. Nancy Everett
Ms. Elizabeth Everingham
Fabritec International
Faith Lutheran Church
Mrs. Sylvie H. Falk
Our Donors July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014
Mr. Kenneth A. Fancher
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Faris
Mr. Jerome F. Fatora
Ms. Mary E. Fay
Mr. Robert P. Fetters
Ms. Mary Ann Fieler
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Fitzgerald
Mr. Kevin P. Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Fitzpatrick, Jr.
Mr. Richard M. Flagg
Mr. John and Mrs. Mary Fleischman
Mr. Steven E Fleissner
Ms. Rebecca A. Flesch
Ms. Barbra Fogel
Mr. Winston Folkers
Mr. Chase A. Forgrave
Mr. William N. Forsstrom
Mr. Dieter Forthuber
Mr. Robert Frankenhoff
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Franks
Mr. Paul Franz
Ms. Margaret L. Frede
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Freeman
Mr. Tom Fritsch
Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Fulwiler
Fusion Technologies - East, LLC
Mr. Janis Gabbard
Mr. Larry M. Gache
Mrs. Janet C. Gallenstein
Mr. Jeffrey Galles
Mr. Timothy M. Garner
Dr. Mary F. Gaskill-Shipley
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Gattermeyer
Mrs. Eileen D. Gazzillo
Mrs. Philip O. Geier, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Geiser
Ms. Jean Gerhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Gerson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerwe
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Gerwe
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Gerwin
Ms. Kathleen Gibboney
Ms. Maggie Gieseke
Mr. Thomas A. Gilchrist
Mr. Steve Godfrey
Sharad and Jasleen Goel
Arlene Golembiewski Fund of Fidelity Charitable
Dr. and Mrs. Glenn S Gollobin
Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Good
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Mr. Wayne C. Goodrich
Ms. Misty L. Gooley
Mr. Thomas Gougeon
Grace United Methodist Disciples
Ms. Sharon Grant
Ms. Susan E. Grathwohl
Greater Cincinnati Credit Union
Greater Cincinnati Planned Giving Council
Greater Cincinnati U.A.W.
Community Action Program
Mr. and Mrs. Darwin E. Grener
Mr. Robert H. Griffin and Mrs. Barbara G. Lewis
Mr. Donald E. Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Griffith
Ms. Teresa Grimmer
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Grimwood
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Groeschen
Ms. Ardith A. Grote
Joseph D. and Connie K. Haas Fund
of Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mrs. Dena and Mr. Mike Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hall
Hall Family Charitable Fund of Fidelity Charitable
Ms. Sallie Hallaway
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Hamilton
Mr. Sidney A. Hannah
Richard D. Hannan Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Hanrahan
Ms. Nancy Hanseman
Mrs. Amy L. Hanson
Ms. Jennifer Hardenbrook
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Hardin
Mr. Steven Harmeyer
Ms. Stephena E. Harmony
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Harms
Ms. Martha Harris
Harrison Home Bakery
Mr. Robert Hartlaub
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hartmann
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Hastings
Ms. Louise K. Hausman
Ms. R. M. Haussermann
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Haverkamp
Mr. Craig A. Hayden
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Healey
Mrs. Maura Ann Healy-Thornburg
Mrs. Bethany P. Heath
Ms. Christine Heck
Mrs. Debra E. Heidrich
Jason and Jessie Heikenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Heitz
Mr. John R Helmick
Henderson Family Fund of Fidelity Charitable
Mr. Carl S. Hennigen
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Herche
Ms. Karen Hershenson
Mr. and Mrs. E. Joseph D. Herzog
Ms. Elaine M. Hickey
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hieber
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff R. Higgins
Mr. Christopher Hilberg
Ms. Jennifer L. Hilbish
Ms. Carol Hadley Hils
Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Hilvert
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Hoeh
Mr. Harry R. Hoerr
Mrs. Florette B. Hoffheimer
Ms. Eileen Hoffman
Mrs. Tracie Hoffman
Ms. Sarah Hoffmann
Mr. and Mrs. Martin F. Hollenbeck
Mrs. Denise H Holthaus
Mr. Ralph G. Honican
Ms. Shirley Ann Hoodin
Mr. Stanley A. Hooker, III
Mr. David Horn
Dr. Margaret K. Hostetter
Drs. David Hovde and Sharon Nicholas
Ms. Larrie M. Howard
Ms. Mabel T. Howatt
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Howe
Mr. Dale A. Hoyt
HP YourCause LLC
Ms. Mary Elizabeth Huey
Mr. Charles Huff
Mr. Larry Hug
Mr. Bradley Hughes and Ms. Karen Hughes
Ms. Catherine Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Hughes
Mr. Steve Huseman
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Hutton
Ms. Janice M. Huy
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Hyek
Hynden Family Charitable Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
E. Hynes Giving Fund of Fidelity Charitable
Mr. Earl J. Imhoff
Mr. Wilbur H. Ingels
Charlotte Ingram
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart H. Jacobs
Ms. Shena Potter Jaffee
Mr. and Mrs. James H. James
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Jamieson
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Janson
Ms. Elizabeth A. Jantsch
Ms. Lynda K. Jarc
Mr. Steve W. Jemison
Thomas M. and Marie M. Jenkins Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Andrew MacAoidh Jergens Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. Raymond A. Jeter
Ms. Kathryn S. Bernard Jinkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. Johnson
Mr. William & Theresa Johnson
Mr. Henry C. Johnston
Ms. Katrina Johnston
Robert A. Johnston Foundation of Fifth Third Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Johnstone
Ms. Michele Jolin
Ms. Leslie C. Jones
Mrs. Ellen Straus Jovic
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Julian
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Kaiser
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Kalla
Kao USA Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kearney
Mr. Tom Keen and Mrs. Teresa J Keen
Dr. Jeffrey T. Keller and Mrs. Adele M. Beiting
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome W. Keller
Mr. Timothy Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Keough
Kerman Family Fund
of Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. Kenneth H. Kerr
Mr. Timothy Kerr and Dr. Grace B. Kerr
Khoury Family Fund
of Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Ms. Jeanine K. Kieffer
Ms. Pamela E. Kiessling
Mrs. Georgia S. Kightlinger
Ms. Nancy Kincannon
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. King
Mr. Stephen M. King and Ms. Lynne M. Miller
Mr. Barry Kirschner
Kiwanis Club of Riverview - Delhi Hills
Mr. John Kling
Mrs. Anne C. Knodle
Ms. Anna Knue
Mr. Marty Kochevar
Mrs. Stacey Koenigsfeld
Ms. Christina S. Kohnen
Mrs. Rita Kohorst
Mr. and Ms. Douglas J. Koo
Mr. and Mrs. John Kornbluh
Ms. Carol W. Kortekamp
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kramer
Mrs. Judy Kraus and Mr. Paul Kraus
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Kretschmer, Jr.
Mr. Matthew Krumanaker
Kuby Family Fund of Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. Curt S. Kuhn
Mr. and Mrs. Werner Kummerle
Mr. Christopher Lahna and Ms. Meredith Schnug
Mr. and Mrs. John P. LaMacchia
Ms. Lori A. Lambert
Rev. Francis G. Lammeier
Landrum & Brown Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Langmeyer
Laufenburg Family Charitable Fund of UBS
Mrs. Robert S. Leake
Ms. Olga Lebron
Ms. Cynthia Ledford
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce J. Lenhoff
Mr. and Mrs. James Lenhoff
Mr. James R. Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Leupen
Dr. and Mrs. Jerrold M. Levin
Ms. Barbara Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lewis
Libby Perszyk Kathman, Inc.
Liben Music Publications
Mr. Chris M. Linck
Ms. Andrea E. Lippelman
Thomas J. and Adele G. Lippert Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. Fred Van Loan
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Lockwood
Mr. James F. Loomis
David and Margaret Lopez Charitable
Gift Account of Fidelity Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Loughran, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart P. Lowitz
Mr. Robert D. Lowndes
Mr. David Luebbering
Mr. and Mrs. John-Peter Lund
Mr. Joseph Lustik
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lynn
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Lyon
Dr. and Mrs. John A. MacLeod
Mr. and Mrs. John A. MacLeod, Jr.
Magnode Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Maines
Mr. Thomas R. Malench
Ms. Joan Mandel
Ms. Mary Alice Manley
Mr. Paul Michael De Marco
Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Marks
Ms. Peggy Ann Markstein
Mr. Melvin E. Marmer
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Martell
Mr. David W. Martin
Ms. Barbara M. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Martina
Martindell Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. James W. Martis
Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Marx
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Masterson
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Matlock
Ms. Terri Mauntel
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Maxwell
Ms. Mary Maxwell
Mr. John W. McCain and Ms. Debra L. Barrett
Mr. Ryan McCandless
Ms. Elizabeth A. McCord
Ms. Erin McDonough
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McGrath
Mr. Joel McGuire
Ms. Joyce McIntosh
Ms. Edith McKee
Mrs. Eileen McMahon
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McSwiggin
Mrs. Camilla Mecher
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Meiners
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Mellott
Ms. Kristin R. Melton
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mendelsohn
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mendelsohn
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Menkhaus
Merck Employee Giving Campaign
Mr. Harold Merrill
Ms. Sandra M. Mertes
Mr. Peter Mesrin
Ms. Deborah Messmer
Mr. Edward P. Meyer
Ms. Jayne B. Meyer
Ms. Betteann Meyerson
Ms. Nadine A. Middendorf
Midland Company Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Minham
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Miranda, III
Mr. Theodore R. Mitchel
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Mitchell, III
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Moeggenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Albert T. Moeller
Ms. Sally Moffitt
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mohr
Ms. Sharlene Mohr
Mr. J. Keith Molloy
Ms. Alison Momeyer and Mr. Jason W. Napora
Mr. Michael J. Monahan
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Moorhead
Mr. Mark Moorman
Mr. Richard T. Moran
Morgan Verkamp LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Morin
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Morley
Mr. and Mrs. T. John Morris
Ms. Linda Morris
Mr. Donald J. Morrison
Mr. George Morrison and Mrs. Sarah Morrison
Janice Coppage Mortenson Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mrs. Elizabeth Mossburger
Ms. Mary Ann Muething
Dr. James K. Mulderig
Mr. Jeffrey Muntel
Mr. Gerald J. Mushaben
Mr. Carl Myers
Nabama Foundation
Ms. Virginia T. Neave
Mr. and Mrs. Ken R. Neiheisel
Mrs. Mary D. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Neville
Mr. Justin Newnum
Mrs. Debra F. Newport
Ms. Kimberlee Nickolas
Ms. Karen M. Nirschl
Ms. Catherine J Noell
Mr. Timothy Nolan and Mrs. Margaret Nolan
Mr. Jerry Nordman
Mr. Patrick J. Nunner
Ms. Karen A. O’Connor
Ohio Association of Second Harvest Foodbanks
Mr. Brad Olson
Dr. and Mrs. Wendell O’Neal
Ms. Kelly O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Oppito
Orr’s Auto Body
Ms. Gale Ossenbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Osswald
Mr. Wayne J. Owens
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Page
Palazzolo Mfg. Co.
Ms. Rose Anne Palmieri
Bhargavi and Raglavan Pandalai
Pappas Restaurant, Inc.
Paul A. Pappenheimer, Jr. Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Ms. Jessica Pardue
Mr. and Mrs. Russell W. Parks
Parlour Salon
Ms. Cynthia Parrish
Mr. Matthew Paul
Mr. George Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. Poul D. Pedersen
Mr. David Lee Pelgen
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Philip
Mr. Donald Piening
Dr. and Mrs. Steven P. Pieper
Mrs. Susan Pierman
Pinnacle Employer Services, LLC
Pisegna Family Fund of Fidelity Charitable
Ms. Karen L. Pitzer
Ms. Susan H. Place
PNC Foundation Matching Gift Program
Ms. Eveline Poe
Mr. Hector Acevedo Polanco
Mr. Ken Popham
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Prather
Pray Family Charitable Fund of Fidelity Charitable
Presidential Plaza Associates, LTD
Mr. Gary J. Vissing and Ms. Margaret A. Prince
Mr. Joseph J. Prince
Mr. and Mrs. Dale W. Pritchett
Progressive Casuality Insurance Co.
Mr. Kevin E. Prows
Mr. Robert E Puthoff
Ms. Lucy Putnam
Drs. Ambrose and Mary Puttmann
Mr. Shane Qualls
Dr. Debra Quiles
Mr. Michael Raines
Mrs. Sheryl Rainwater
Mrs. Donna M. Raishart
Mr. and Mrs. Jawahar Rajpal
Ms. Anita Scovanner Ramsey
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Randall
Sue and Jerry Ransohoff Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Robert and Paula Rapaport Family Fund
Ms. Barbara Rauf
Ann Reber Gift Fund of Fidelity Charitable
Mr. Robert J. Reckers
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Reed
Ms. Deloris S. Reese
Ms. Kay A. Reeves
Mrs. Ann C. Regan
Dr. and Mrs. Joel R. Reginelli
Rick and Kathy Reinhart Fund of Fidelity Charitable
Mrs. Jennifer Reinshagen
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Reis
Mr. Michael J. Rench
Mr. Douglas W. Rennie
Mr. Brian J. Resnick
Ms. Lori M. Reuss
Miss Janet R. Reuter
Ms. Dorothy Reynolds
Ms. Janet R Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. W. Emerson Rhodes
Richter & Phillips Co.
Ms. Rita H. Riddell
Mr. Amos Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Roebuck
Ms. Judith Roesch
Ms. Deborah Rogers
Ms. Michelle Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Rohde
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Rohling
Ms. Kathryn Rolf
Ms. Barbara Rose
Roselle Foundation of Fifth Third Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rosen
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth W Rothe
Mr. Glenn Roush
Mr. James M. Rubenstein and
Ms. Bernadette L. Unger
Ruby Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. Dana Rudolph
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rudolph
Dr. Aaron Ruhalter
Mr. Matthew S. Rumely
Mark and Kim Rumpke
Mr. Winfred Rupert
Saber Healthcare Foundation
Ms. Shannon Sabo
Samuel Woodfill Elementary School
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sanderson
Mr. and Mrs. Kazuya Sato
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew A. Saunders, Jr.
Mr. Glenn E. Schaaf
Mr. and Mrs. David Schacherer
Ms. Rosemary Schatzel
Ms. Patricia R. Schell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W Scheper
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Schiermyer
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Schlipf
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Schmitz
Ms. Judith Schneider
Mr. John A Schnetzer, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Schoen
Ms. Susan C. Schoenling
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schoettelkotte
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Schramm
Greg and Valerie Schube
Mr. Keith Schutte
Mr. Philip J. Schutte
Mr. Joseph Schwab
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Schweitzer
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald B Scott
Mr. Robert Alan Seaman
Ms. Christine Sech
Mr. F. Peter Seidel
Mr. and Mrs. Vishnoo W. Shahani
Mr. and Mrs. Mohammed Shamma
Ms. Peggy Sharer
Mr. John B. Shea, III
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Sheer
Shell Oil Company Foundation Matching Gifts
Mr. Ralph T. Shipley and Mrs. Mary Gaskil-Shipley
Shiver Security Systems Inc.
Shobashalini Chokkalingam
Mr. and Mrs. Bipin S. Shroff
Ms. Hema Shukla
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Siegmann
Ms. Charlene B Silberhorn
Ms. Kristen M. Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin B. Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Sittenfeld
Mr. Robert Joseph Siverd, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. David A Skidmore, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Skolnik
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Slageter
Mrs. Mary S. Sloneker
Mr. John D. Slye
Ms. Christine Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Graig W Smith, M.D.
Mrs. Sheila M. Smith
Mr. Stephen E. Smith
Ms. Tara L Smith
Ms. Connie S. Sneed
Ms. Martha Solano
Ms. Janet C Spadora
Ms. Julie Spanyer
Mr. and Mrs. Willis R. Sparks
Ms. Maureen Speece
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Sphar
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Spurlock
St. Ignatius Church/Outreach
St. Xavier Swimming
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Staley
Starboard Strategy Corp.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Staubach
Ms. Elizabeth A. Stautberg
Ms. Madeline Steel
Ms. Carol R. Steger
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Stenger
Mr. Gregory W. Stephens
Mr. Frank E. Stetter
Steves/Ward Charitable Fund of Vanguard Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Stewart
Mr. James J. Stewart
Ms. Jean G. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Storrs
Ms. Mary Jane Stover
Mr. and Mrs. Ed L. Strelau
Ms. Carol Stretch
Mr. and Mrs. George Suckarieh
Superior Home Care Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Sutton
Mr. Timothy Swallow
Dr. and Mrs. Jimmy D. Swanson
Mr. Bryan Swinford
Mr. and Mrs. Mike A. Swofford, Sr.
Mr. Adam Symson
Mr. and Mrs. Max J. Tabar, Jr.
Dr. Thomas A. Tami and Ms. Molly T. Tami
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Tate
Ms. Delores E. Tate
Ms. Michelle Taute
Ms. Natasha Taylor
Mr. Mark F. Thaman
Mr. and Mrs. Abbot A. Thayer
Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Thierauf
Mr. Chris Thobe
Mrs. Lynda Thomas
Mr. William Thomas
Mrs. Alicia Thompson
Ms. Amy Tobin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Todaro
Dr. and Mrs. James Tojo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tomlinson
Ms. Karen J Tompos
Mr. Michael Tryby
Tsz and Sui Tsang
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Tucker
Mr. Michael C. Tully
Mr. Brett Turney
Ms. Barbara Tyirin
Ms. Lisa Tyler
Tyson Foods
United Way EFSP
UnitedHealth Group
US Bank Foundation
USA Funds Matcing Gifts Program
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Van Oflen
Ms. Shirley Vanabbema
Ms. Sue M. Vanney
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Vidal
Mr. Richard A. Vogele
Volkman Family Charity Fund
of the Johnson Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. Greg D. Voss
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony W. Walker
Dr. William E. Walsh, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Walters
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Walton
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Ward
Ms. Ann T. Warinner
Mr. and Mrs. Victor D. Warner
Mr. Mark Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson B. Watts
Ms. Kathleen A. Wayner
Wealth Dimensions Group, Ltd.
Ms. Elizabeth B. Weber
Mr. David C. Weisshaar
Ms. Carol J. Welch
Wendling Printing Co.
Mr. and Mrs. David Wenning
Ms. Jennifer West
Ms. Sally Wester
Westfield Insurance Company
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wiener
Mr. Gene Wiggs
Wildermuth Family Foundation
Mr. James Williams
Mr. Jeffrey B. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Williams
Mr. G Richard Wilson
Dr. Melinda Kay Wilson
Ms. Misty Wilson
Mr. Charles J. Winger
Mr. Kenneth Winnegrad
Winton Woods City Schools
Mr. Edwin A. Wolfer, III
Mr. Robert J. Wolfram
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Woll, Jr.
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Lauren Woodiwiss
Ms. Lauren Woodrick
Steve Wuesthoff
Laurence J. Wulker Fund of Fidelity Charitable
Mr. Mark A. Yarro
Ms. Judith L. Young
Mr. Denis W. Zahner
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zalot
Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Zeek, Jr.
Theodore B. Zeh, Jr. Giving Fund
of Fidelity Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. Kim William Zerby
Ms. Mary Zins
Mr. and Mrs. John Zorio
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Zumbiel
Gifts of $250 or more
Anonymous (3)
3 HAB, Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Abraham
Mr. Joseph A. Abt
Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Acciani
Ms. Christine O. Adams
Ms. Joan Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Adams
Ms. Betty Aerni
Dr. and Mrs. Steven H. Ahrenholz
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Alarie
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Albers
Mr. James M. Albers
Mr. and Mrs. Curt Albertson
Ms. Patti Albright
Dr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Steve R. Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Alf
Ms. Doris H. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Allison
Mr. Sherman J. Alter and Dr. Kathleen A. Alter
Mr. Steven Alverson
American Endowment Foundation
Mr. Americo Capodagli
Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc.
Ameritas Mutual Holding Company
Ms. Arlene G. Anderson
Ms. Jean Anderson
Mr. Aaron Ansteatt
Ms. Beth R. Antenucci
Mr. Kenneth Arlinghaus
Ms. Laverne Armstrong
Mr. Bret Arnett
Mrs. Lynne Arrasmith
Mrs. Angela M Auel
Mr. and Mrs. Larry B. Austing
Mr. and Mrs. James Auvil
Dr. John R. Babcock, Jr.
Ms. Laura Babcock
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Babey
Mrs. Nancy Back
Mr. Daniel Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Terry W. Bailey
Ms. Edith Baker
Dr. and Mrs. Norman R. Baker
Ms. Patricia Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Balanchuk
Mr. William S. Ball, Jr.
Ms. Jo Ann Ballinger
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bang
Mr. and Mrs. Avnish K. Bansal
Mrs. Debbie Barklage
Ms. Jennie Barnett
Ms. Carol Barnhorst
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Barnhorst
Ms. Margaret G. Barns
Mr. Richard Barron
Mr. Randy Bartell
Mr. and Mrs. David Bartley
Ms. Kathryn Basinger
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Bassman
Mr. Dexter K. Bastin
Ms. Minakshi Basu
Dr. Eric E. Batchelor
Mr. Larry A. Bates
Mr. Paul E. Bates
Dr. Judith C. Bausher
Ms. Judy A. Bean
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Becker
Mr. Donald E. Beckert
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Beckman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Beckman
Mr. Steven Beckman
Ms. Lauren Bedinghaus
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin A. Bedree
Ms. Martene A. Beimesch
Ms. Lois J. Belbot
Ms. Sally D. Belknap
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Bell
Mrs. Dena Benesh
Ms. Eileen Bens
Mr. Robert F. Bergholz
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Berns, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. David I. Bernstein
Mr. James T. Berry
Norah and Douglas Bertschy
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Besserman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Betagole
Michael Betts
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Beyer
Mr. Bret Bicknell
Mrs. Eliza L. Biederman
Mrs. Mary D. Biehl
Mr. and Ms. Larry Bierwirth
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Z. Billington
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A Biordi
Mr. Fred W. Blackburn
Ms. Holley Blagdon
Mr. Beale Blair
Dr. and Mrs. Harry A. Blaney
Mr. and Mrs. George Blanton
Ms. Marcia Blasingame
Mrs. Patricia Ann Blatter
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Blignaut
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Blocher
Mr. and Mrs. David H Blocksom
Mr. Tad Blood
Mrs. Shirlee C. Bloom
Ms. Barbara L. Blum
Mr. Leonard A. Blum, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Boberg
Ms. Holly Bode
Mr. and Mrs. Ekkehard H. Bohme
Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Boldt
Mr. Jeffrey C. Bollmer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Bond
Ms. Kathryn Boniface
Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Bonventre
Ms. Arlene Bookbinder
Boone Co. Public Library
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Boorn
Mr. William D. Borek and Ms. Evelyn C. Joseph
Ms. Mildred Bork
Mr. Jason C. Bourne
Mr. Robert J. Bowen
Mr. Richard L. Boyce and Ms. Martha L. Viehmann
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Boylan
Ms. Elinor Brack
Mr. John T. Brady
Mr. R. William Brady
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Braig
Mr. Clint A. Bramkamp
Mr. and Mrs. Bryce L. Bramsen
Mrs. Jeanne S. Brand
Brands Insurance Agency, Inc..
Ms. Carol S. Brandt
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Breitholle
Bret Foundation of Fidelity Charitable
Ms. Ellen T. Briggs
Ms. Dorothy M. Brinker
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Brinkman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brockert
Mr. Philip F. Brode, III
Dr. Joseph Paul Broderick
Mr. Darrell Brooke
Mr. James W. Brooker
Mr. George Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Brown, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Brown
Mr. Nate Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Brown
Brown Harris Trust of the
Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
Ms. Lois M. Bruck
Mr. and Mrs. Terry E. Bruck
Mr. Carl J. Brueggemann
Ms. Tia Brueggemann
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bruggeman
Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Brumm
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brungs
Mrs. Melissa Brunner
Mr. Michael L. Brunner
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Brunner
Ms. Patricia A. Bruns
Ms. Shirley W. Bruns
Mr. Robert L. Buchmann
Ms. Kathy M. Buckley
Mr. and Mrs. Otto M. Budig, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Buescher
Mr. Richard Buller
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore D. Bundy
Mr. and Mrs. John Bunyan
Mr. B. Steve Burgin
Mr. and Mrs. David C Burke
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Burke
Mr. Scott Burkhart
Mr. Brad Burlew
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Burnett
Mr. Alan T Burstein
Ms. Eleanor Marie Burt
Mr. David A. Bush
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Butterbaugh
Mr. Harold Byer
Mr. John Byrne
Mr. Matthew T. Cahill
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Caito
Ms. Julie Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Calhoun
Camco Hydraulics
Mr. Donald J. Campbell
Ms. Georgia Lee Campbell
Mr. John J. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wayne Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Campoamor
Ms. Susan E. Cannon
Ms. Shelly Capal
Anna K. and George G. Carey IV Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Dr. Terry Carrigan
Mr. Robert E. Carson
Ms. Bernice Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Q. Carter
Mr. Richard E. Cashman
Ms. Freida M. Cassidy
Ms. Dolores L. Cease
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Centers
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Chalk
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Chaloult
Ms. Susan Chaney
Chanima Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. M. Steven Chapel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Charak
Charter One Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William Chatfield
Cheney Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Cheviot Medical Center, Inc.
Chevron Humankind Matching Gift Program
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Chrislip
Church Women United, Inc.
Cincinnati Marathon, Inc.
Mr. David Cionni
David and Patricia Clary
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Close
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy D. Clutts
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Clyde
Mr. Cecil R. Cole
Mr. Edward H. Cole, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. V. Franklin Colon
Ms. Connie Colter
Communicare Health Services
Community Foundation
For The National Capital Region
Community Friends Meeting
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Compton
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Comte
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Connair
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Connaughton
Ms. Patty Conover
Mr. John C. Conwell
Mr. David M. Cook
Ms. Heather T. Cooley
Mr. Ernest Cooper
Eugene and Dianna Copeland
Mr. Matthew T. Copeland
Ms. Lois J. Copper
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Corn
Elizabeth H. and James R. Cornwell Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. Jack Corsmeier
Mrs. Bridget Cotton
Dr. Robin T. Cotton
Janeen Coyle
Ms. Laura L. Craft
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Crain
Dr. and Mrs. Alvin Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Crawford
Joanne Cresap
Dr. and Mrs. Carl Crew & Family
Mr. and Mrs. George Croog
Mrs. Nanette Crow
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce S. Crutcher
Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Culshaw
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Victor S. Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Curtiss
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Daley
Ms. Ellen M. Daly
Mr. Robert J. Dames
Arthur Daniel Charitable Trust
Ms. Rita Daniels
Mr. Mike Danowski
Mr. James R. Daria
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Davenport
Ms. Letitia J. Davenport
Mr. Eric W. Davis
Hayden Davis III
Ms. Marjorie E. Davis
Ms. Nancy Dawley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard de Coursey
Mr. Jerry Denges
Mr. and Mrs. Dexter A. Denney
Dede Dennig
Mr. Chester Denny
Ms. Mary K. Denny
Mr. Vincent DeSalvo
Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Dewees
Mr. David W. Deye
Mr. F. Wayne Dickens
Ms. Evelyn A. Dilger
Directions Research, Inc.
Ms. Ellen M. Disque
Mr. Delbert Dixon
The Honorable Susan J. Dlott
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Doench
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Dolle
Ms. Carol Dolzine
Mr. Pierre Dommestrup
Mr. Thomas Donnellon
Ms. Eleanor R. Donovan
Ms. Kathleen A. Donovan
Miss Jessica D. Dooley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Dorsey
Ms. Nancy Douglass
Ms. Monica C. Dowell
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Drake
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Drake
Mrs. Paula Drew
Mr. and Mrs. William Drew
Ms. Marilyn A. Driehaus
Mrs. Rita E. Driehaus
Ms. Joan D. Driver
Mr. Dennis Drotar and Ms. Peggy Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. David Dudenas
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Dugan
Ms. Margo Duke
Mrs. Suzanne F. Dunbar
Ms. Kathryn S Dunn
Mr. Paul C. Duplace
Ms. Nancy Duran
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Dyrenforth
E.T.C., Inc.
Mr. Jeff M. Eastep
Stephen S. and B. Christine Eberly Gill Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Edgett
Mr. Terry Egan
Mr. and Mrs. G. Norman Egner
Ms. Betty A. Ehrman
Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Eilers, III
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Ekstedt
Our Donors July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Elfers
Dr. and Mrs. Edward R. Elicker
Ms. Karen Ellison
Mrs. Constance Elsaesser
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Enneking
Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Erschell, Jr.
Mr. Steven A. Ettinger
Executive Jet Management
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Ten Eyck
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Fairbanks
Ms. Alexandra Falcone
Ms. Jackie R. Falk and Mr. Steve Watkins
Famous Dave’s of America Inc.
Ms. Margaret Fanella
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Fariello
Ms. Kristin Farrell
Farrish Law Firm
Mr. David Faulk
Ms. Priscilla C. Faux
Mr. and Mrs. James Fawbush
Feinblanking LTD.
Jayne and Marc Feldman
Ms. Barbara A. Feldmann
Paul A. and Martha R. Feller Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Kate Fenner
Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Fernandez
Dr. and Mrs. Bret A. Ferree
Mr. Jonathon J. Fete and Ms. Kathleen M. Semple
Mr. Kevin Fiehrer
Ms. Fran Fierson
Mr. Lisa Finkelstein
Mr. Dennis Finney and Ms. Laurie Frank
Ms. Gigiauna M. Fioresi
First Christian Church
First Presbyterian Church, Glendale
Mr. Brent A Firth
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Fischer, Jr.
Mr. Howard W. Fishburn
Ms. Mary L. Fisher
Ms. Debra A. Fix
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fix
Dr. David C. Flaspohler and Dr. Cynthia L. Crown
Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Flaspohler
Mrs. Irma L. Fleischer
Dr. David R. Flower
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. J. Eric Foell
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Foley
Mr. and Mrs. Bob J. Foliano
Ms. Rosalie T. Forrest
Mrs. Christine Forte
Kathleen Fowler
Mr. Timothy Fox
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Foy
Mr. David Francois
Ms. Brenda Franklin
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Franklin
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Frazer
Mr. George Fredrick
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Freeland
Ms. Kathryn L. Freemon
Adrianne W. and Richard A. Freiberg Philanthropic
Fund of the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Frericks, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Freson
Ms. Donna Friedhoff
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Friemoth
Ms. Gina Fries
Mr. Michael Fritsch
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Froehle
Mr. Thomas P. Frolo
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Frooman
Mr. Derek Fry
Full Throttle Indoor Karting, LLC
Col. and Mrs. Frank Fuller
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy A. Fuller
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Fussinger
Mrs. Shannan Gabe
Ms. Eleanor Gabriel
Mrs. Lois S. Gallon
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Garrison
Gas Engineering, MBA Chapter
Mrs. Amy C. Gase
Mr. David Gaston
Steven and Carol Gates Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Ms. Mary Geisen
Ms. Lisa Gennari
Jeffrey Gentile
Mr. Paul D. George
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Gerberick
Ms. Evelyn Gerdes
Mr. Wayne Gerding
Mr. and Mrs. Al Gerhardstein
Dr. and Mrs. Myron C. Gerson
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Gibbons, III
Ms. Dorothy J. Gibson
Mrs. Wilma Gieseke
Ms. Lesley Gilbertson
Mr. and Mrs. Norman H. Gilinsky
Ms. Nancy M. Gilligan
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Gimpel
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Ginty
Mr. Robert Girton
Mrs. Marilyn P. Glasgow
Mrs. Mary Glazer
Ms. Cathy Goddard
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Godwin
Mr. John M. Goettle
Dr. and Mrs. Sylvan Golder
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Goldman
Mr. Marvin C. Good
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goodhart
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Goodridge
Ms. Diane Gordon
Mr. Gary R. Gordon
Mrs. Lynne Gordon
Ms. Madeleine Gordon
Grange Insurance
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Granick
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gray
Ms. Kelly Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Grebe
Jann and James Greenberg
Mr. Matt C. Greive
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Gribleer
Ms. Carolyn C. Griffin
Griffith Family Charitable Fund
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Griffiths
Mr. Michael E. Griggs
Ms. Mary Beth Groene
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Groenke
Mr. Thomas J. Grogan
Mr. Jeffrey Gross
Ms. Sarah Beth Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Gross
Mr. Jeffrey T. Grothaus
Mr. Brian C Gruber
Mr. Raymond M. Gundrum
Gutowski Family Donor Advised Account
of the Johnson Charitable Gift Fund
Dr. and Mrs. Alan L. Guttman
Louis and Beth Guttman Philanthropic Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Gutzwiller
Ms. Paula C Gyuro
Ms. Arielle Haas
Ms. Lynne Haber
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Hackman, Jr.
Ms. Dana Hackney
Ms. Martha J. Hahn
Mr. Robert N. Hahn
Dr. and Mrs. Rolf M. A. Hahne
Judge Deidra L. Hair
Ms. Deborah D. Hall
Dr. and Mrs. H. Brian Halsall
Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. H. Bradley Hammond
Ms. Margaret B. Hammond
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Hammons
Mr. Richard H. Haneberg
Mr. W. M. Hanson
Ms. Elizabeth Haradon and Mr. Paul Fiorelli
Ms. Alicia B. Hardin
Ms. Claudia Harmeling
Mr. David Harmes
Ms. Victoria L. Harper
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Harrington
Chuck and Betsy Harris
Mrs. Lori Harris
Ms. Sian Harris
Ms. Valta R. Hartstern
Ms. Pam Harwood
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Haught
Mr. Randolph Haun
Mr. Eric Hawkins
Ms. Maryann Hayden
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hayden
Mr. R. Thomas Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Louis V. Haynes
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Patrick Healy
Pastor Fred Hedrington
Thomas Heffernan
Ms. Janet Heiden
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Heidt
Ms. Katherine T. Heimsath
Mrs. Claire Heitfeld
Julie and Roger Heldman Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Hemingway
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hendy
Mr. John K. Hennen
Dr. Jane Henney and Dr. Robert Graham
Mr. Ted F. Henschen
Mr. Edward Henschen
Mrs. Carol A Hensey
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Henshaw
Ms. Thelma Herbert
Mr. Jim M. Herrington
Allison And Brian Herriott
Mark P. Herschede Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. R. Frank Hess
Mr. and Mrs. Grant V. Hesser
Ms. Kim Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Hildbold
Mr. Henry P. Hildebrandt
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Hill
Mrs. Rebecca D. Hill
Ms. Mary M. Hilleary
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hill-Harriss
Ms. Sallie Hilvers
Ms. Mary R. Hilvert
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hilvert
Mr. Mark Hinchee
Hindu Society of Greater Cincinnati
Mr. Charles Hines, Jr.
Ms. Susan Hines
Ms. Carolyn E. Hinkle
Ms. Lucy Hodgson
Ms. Angeline Hoekman
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey A. Hoff
Ms. Jorie Hofmann
Mrs. Susan Hohe
Bari Holman and Martha Garner-Holman
Mr. and Mrs. Kent F. Holwadel
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Hondorf
Dr. Sandra L. Honsa-Schulz
Mr. Charles R. Hood
Mr. Derry L Hooks
Hope Ride, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Hoppenjans
Mr. Daniel W. Horn and Ms. Julie A. Holt
Mr. and Mrs. David Horn
Mr. Richard Horstman
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Hoskins
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Hostetler
Mr. and Mrs. James Houtz
Ms. Ann Howard
Mr. Kyle Howat
Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Howe
Ms. Jennifer Howell
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hubbard
Ms. Maggie Huether
Ms. Jennie L. Hughes
Mr. Donald W. Hughett
Ms. Bonnie S Hugus
Mr. William Hull
Ms. Lisa Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hunting
Imagine Nation Books, Ltd.
Insurance Women of Greater Cincinnati, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Ipach
Lance Ireland and Mischelle Ireland
Chris Irwin
Mr. and Mrs. James C Irwin
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Iskra
Mr. Ben Jacks and Ms. Marguerite S. Shaffer
Mr. Donald R. Jackson, Trustee
Robert and Susan Jackson
Mr. Thomas Miles Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Jackson
Dr. and Mrs. Ron Jaekle
Ms. Marilyn James
Ms. Dottie L. Janson
Mr. Cornelis H. Japikse
Mr. Benjamin Jaspers
Mr. Tim Jeckering and Ms. Barbara R. Huels
Mr. Kevin Jeffers
Mr. and Mrs. Larry & Jan Jeffers
Mr. Oscar L L. Jenkins
Mrs. Taylor Jenkins
Ms. Kristi Jennings
Mr. Robert Jesinger
Joey Votto Foundation
Ms. Brenda Johnson
Johnson Builders Ron Johnson, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Johnson
Mr. Jeffrey Johnson
Ms. Kelly Johnson
Mr. Robert D. Johnson
Mr. Robert Paul Johnson
Ms. Christal Johnson-Baker
Mr. Charles M. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Johnston
Ms. Lynn M. Johnston-Gionfriddo
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Jollis
Mr. Mark Jonas
Ms. Michelle Jones
Mr. John P. Jordan
Ms. Ruth Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Joseph
Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Kahn, III
Mr. Dennis T. Kaiser
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Z. Kamholtz
Mr. Garry Kamstra
Robert and Lynne Kanter Philanthropic Fund
of the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati
Mr. David W. Kapor
Mr. Howard A. Kapp
Mr. Derrick Karacostas
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Martin Karpen
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony John Kasak
Mr. William J. Kathman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart M. Katz
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Keating
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Kegg
Ms. Tonia Kellogg
Mr. Theodore Michael Kelly, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Kenkel
Mr. Christopher Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kerr
Mr. Robert P Kessler
Mr. Michael J Kiefer
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Kiener
Mr. and Mrs. Joel M. King
Mr. and Mrs. George Kinsella
Mr. Donald V. Kinsman
Mr. and Mrs. Allen L. Kirschbaum
Ms. Yolanda Kirschner
Donald and Anna Kittle
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kleeb
Ms. Kristin Klein
Mr. Roger Kleinfelter
Mr. Kenneth R. Klosterman
Ms. Kimberly Klosterman
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Klug
Ms. Kenny Knight
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Knue
Mr. David J. Knutson and Mrs. Anna M. Goldhahn
Mr. Timothy J. Koegel
Mr. Kenneth Koehler
Mr. and Mrs. John Kohlman
Ms. Diana M. Kolar
Mr. John P. Kolenski
Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Koppenhafer
Ms. Kathleen M. Kraemer and Mr. Peter R. Duffy
Ms. Evelyn Kramb
Mr. Jerome Joseph Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Kreitzer & Family
Mr. Joseph W. Krick
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Kroeger
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Krohn
Mrs. Marilyn A. Kroll
Ms. Gail Kruempelman
Ms. Linda Kruthaupt and Mr. Greg Menz
Mr. Thomas Kuechly
Dr. Christine Labowsky
Mr. Peter G. Laffoon
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A Lafley
Ms. Sally F. Laird
Mr. Roger D. Lambert
Jay and Susie Lame Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Lammert
Mr. Curtis Lane
Mr. Mark Lape
Mr. and Mrs. Peter LaPresto
Dr. John Larkin
Mrs. Bea Larsen
Mr. Matthew O Latham
Richard I. and Susan J. Lauf Fund
of Fidelity Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Lay
Mr. Brian A. Leary
Mr. Thomas H. Leech
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Leeman
Mr. Robert M. Lehnhoff
Ms. Beth Leibreich
Ms. Rebecca L. Leibreich
Ms. Nicole A. Leisgang
Mr. Alan R. Leist
Mr. Nelson R. Leist
Ms. Brenda J. LeMaster
Lisa and Steve Lemen
Ms. Teresa Leming
Mr. Stanley E. Lemkuhl
Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton H. Lempert
Dr. Robert S. Lenobel
Ms. Bonnie Leonard
Mr. Jim Letton
Lewellyn Mechanical Systems
Ms. Carolyn Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Gene D. Lewis
Mr. Mark S. Lewis
Ann Lewkowicz
LexisNexis Cares
Ms. Erin Liber
Ms. Holly Light
Mr. William C. Ligon
Mr. John Lilly
Cheyeh and Luan Ho Lin
Ms. Deanne M. Lind
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Linger
Ms. Dawn Link
Mr. Bob Lippert
Ms. Suzanne Lipps
Mr. Vincent Liu
Ms. Carol Livingston
Mr. Ellsworth Lockwood
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Lococo
Ms. Mary E. Loescher
Dr. Jennifer Loggie
Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Logsdon
Mr. John Longbottom
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick N. Longo
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip K. Longworth
Losantiville Country Club
Mr. Kurt Louis
Ms. Amy C Lovelace
Dr. and Mrs. Marvin H. Lucas, M.D.
Ms. Sandy Luckett
Mr. William H. Luerssen and Ms. Susan B. Small
Mr. Larry Lutz and Ms. Mary Lutz
Rev. and Mrs. Damon Lynch, Jr.
Ms. Allison Maas
Ms. Kathleen A. Mabjish
Mr. Eric MacKnight
Ms. Kathryn William Kien Magnuszewski
and Mr. William D. Magnuszewski
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H Maguire, III
Ms. Cornelia B. Mahn
Mailender Inc .
Mr. and Mrs. Matteo Mancini
Mr. Peter D. Mangold
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Manogue
Ms. Nancy S. Greiwe and Mr. William Markovits
Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Marshall, Jr.
Ms. Marianne Marshall
Ms. Linda L. Martin
Tom and Pat Mascaritolo Charitable Fund
of Fidelity Charitable
Ms. Evelyn P. Mason
Mrs. Marilyn E. Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Mason
Mr. Richard Mason
Ms. Sharon Massman
Ms. Mary-Morse Matthews
Ms. Minda Matthews-Smith
John Mauricio
Ms. Shelly Maxwell
Ms. Victoria Mayall
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Mayer
Mayerson Company
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mayhew
Ms. Lauri McConaghy
Drs. Brian and Janice McConville
Mr. and Mrs. Thorpe J. McConville
Mr. John W. McCracken
Ms. Mary R. McCray
Mr. Patrick McCullough
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McGehee
Ms. Charlene McGrath
Ms. Claudia McKee
Ms. Denise E. McNeill
Dr. and Mrs. O. Redmond McNeill
Ms. Sophia R. McWilliams
Ms. Cecile D. Mear
Ms. Daphne J. Mechlem
Dr. Charles Mehlman and Dr. Elsira Pina
Mr. Kenneth P. Meiners
Ms. Mary Carol Melton
Mr. Joe Mendelsohn, III
Ms. Mary Ruth Menke
Merck Foundation
Ms. Melissa Merriman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Mersch
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Merten
Mrs. Elmira Mertes
Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Messemer
Mr. Harry J. Meyer
Ms. Helen Meyer
Mr. Gregory W. Meyers
Ms. L. Pamela Meyers
Mr. Maxim Meyers
Richard I. Michelman and Karen E. Meyer Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mrs. Janet H. Middendorf
Mr. and Mrs. Don Middlemas
Mike Albert Fleet Solutions
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Miles
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Miller
Colleen Miller
Hayden and Haley Miller
Mrs. Jo Ann E. Miller
Mr. Luke S. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Miller
Ms. Margaret Miller
Ann B. Miller and Karol Mackey
Mr. William Miller
Mr. Lawrence D. Milligan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin And Mary Beth J. Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Minges
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Mintzer
Mr. Byron Mischen
Patrick Mitchell and Brenda Kloos
Mr. James Moffett
Ms. Cynthia Molloy
Mrs. Sally L. Monroe
Mr. and Mrs. Joel K. Monteith
Ms. Donna M. Montgomery
Ms. Christine S. Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Morand
Mr. and Mrs. Danny P. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Milton R. Morgan
Mr. and Ms. John E. Moseley
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Moskowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Erie B. Moss
Ms. Nora E. Moushey
Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church
Ms. Caroline V. Mueller
Ms. Julie D. Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Muething
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Muething
Ms. Molly Murphy
Ms. Sharon M. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Murray
Ms. Patricia L. Murray
Mr. Stephen Myer
Ms. Gail Myers
Mr. Jeff Nagel and Mr. Steve Nagel
Nagel Middle School
Mr. John A. Nagle
Ms. Laura Neack
Mr. and Mrs. Derek Neilson
Dr. and Mrs. W. Michael Nelson
Mr. Ryan Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Nelson
Mr. Marty Neltner
Ms. Mary H. Nemeth
Mrs. Amy Neuzil
Mr. Gerald E. Newfarmer and Ms. Amy C. Paul
Mr. and Mrs. Simon L. Newman
Ms. Margie Nimeskern
NKU Dining
Mr. Brian Noel
Mr. and Mrs. Dieter A. Noller
Mr. Donald L. Noltemeyer
North Side Bank & Trust Co.
William R. and Judy Nuss
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald O’Banion
Ms. Donna K. Ober
Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Oberjohann
Mr. and Mrs. E. Richard Oberschmidt
Ms. Marla S. O’Brian
Ms. Jeanna Odgers
Ms. Victoria L. O’Hara
Ohio Valley Wine & Beer Co.
On Display
Mrs. Karen L. Oney
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Orabella
Mr. Leonard Orme
Mr. Richard Ormrod
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Ostendorf
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Osterman
Mr. and Mrs. Peter O’Toole
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Ott
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Ottenjohn
Blad and Caroline Ovando
Mr. Richard A. A. Padgett
Mr. William Painer
Ms. Lisa R. Palmisano
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Panos
Mr. George Paraskos
Mr. Steven Park
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G. Parker
Dr. Matthew Parker
Mr. Mark Patlan
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Patterson
Ms. Helene Paul
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Paul
Ms. Sharon E. Pawlowski
Dr. Paul Payne
Mrs. Robert Payne
Ms. Gayle Paytes
Ms. Charlotte J. Pearn
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Pellegrini
Mr. Robert C. Pellegrino
Ms. Patricia L. Pendleton
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Perbix, Jr.
Mr. Jonathan K. Perlman
Dr. and Mrs. Paul H. Perlstein
Ms. Sally Ann Perry
Ms. Mary F. Persinger
Mr. Leland Person
Mr. Robert G. Pessler
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Peters
Mrs. Margaret F. Peters
Ms. Marilyn W. Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Peters
Ms. Linda A. Petrosky
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Philley
Ms. Sue Pick and Mr. Thomas F. Pick
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Pierce
Ms. Mary Piper
Ms. Sandra L. Plank
Mr. Douglas R. Pohlman
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth T. Poleyeff
Mr. Donald R. Popelar
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Poppe
Mrs. Viola Powers
Ms. Penny L. Prass
Mr. John E. Prather
Ms. Mary Alice Prazynski
Ms. Sherri Prentiss
Mr. and Mrs. Bill G. Pressler
Preview Group, Inc.
Ms. Inma C. Prieto
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Prifti
Drs. Marcia Kaplan and Michael D. Privitera
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Prybal
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Pujol
Ms. Katie Pulda
Mr. Robert D. Putnam
Ms. Carolyn E. Pyatt
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Quehl
Ms. Therese Quitter
Ms. Josephine V. Radice
Mr. Mark C. Radtke and Ms. Cynthia L. Eddy
Ms. Cynthia A. Radziwon
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Rajkumar
Mr. Mukesh Ram
Mr. William Cates Rambo
Mr. Kevin C. Randall and Ms. Elizabeth M. Stites
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Rankey
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rankin
Mr. Charles F. Rasch
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Rash
Mr. Joseph W. Raterman
Dr. and Mrs. Ranjit Rath
Mrs. Mary Ann Rathman
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence J. Rauch
Ms. and Mrs. Neil Ray
Mr. Paul Arvind Rebello
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Redwine
Ms. Adeline Reeves
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Reichard
Ms. Carla Reichelderfer
Ms. Shauna Reilly
Mr. George Reising
Ms. Diana Reitz
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Renn
Mr. Christopher R. Resch
Ms. Nancy E. Reynolds
Mr. Brian J Rhoads
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Joe R. Rice
Ms. Janet Rich
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Richard
Ms. Janet Rickabaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Ricketts
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Rigaud
Ms. Jacquelene W. Riley
Mrs. Johnnie Mae Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Rinear
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Rink
Mr. Nicholas Ripberger
Ms. Dolores I. Ritchie
Mr. Norman Ritz
Ms. Alice K. Roberts
Mr. Dennis E. Robich
Mr. Mark O. Robinson
Ms. Nancy P. Robinson
Mr. William T. Robinson III
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Rocks
Ms. Jeanne M. Rockwood
Mr. Wolf Roder
Mr. James D. Rodgers
Mr. Richard F. Roehr
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Rogers
Mr. Stanley E. Rolfes
Ms. Ann M. Rolwing and Mr. John Welling
Mr. and Mrs. Durwood G. Rorie
Dr. Florence Rothenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rothenbuhler
Mr. James Rothi
Ms. Suzanne M. Rothwell
Mr. Stanley C. Rouse
James and Barbara Rowland Charitable
Giving Account of Fidelity Charitable
Ms. Rachel Roys
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley G. Rubin
Mrs. Michelle L. Rubio
Mr. and Mrs. E. Peter Ruehlmann
Mr. Ernest E. Rummler, Jr.
Mr. Michael A Rundle
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Runion
Mr. John V. Rush, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Russell
Ms. Cathy Russo
Ms. Judy Samuel
Mr. Bruce Sanders
Ms. Veronica Sanford
D. Sangeeta
Mickie and Tony Sanzere
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sauerbeck
Mr. Robert F. Sauter
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Savage
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Scallan
Patrick Scarborough
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Schaber
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Schackmann
Betsey and Michael Scheffler Family Fund
of Franklin Templeton Investments
Ms. Linda B. Scheper
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Scherocman
Mr. William L. Scheyer
Mr. Richard J. Schiesl
Ms. Ginnell Schiller
Mr. and Mrs. John Schlossman
Mr. James C. Schmidt
Ms. Nancy C. Schmidt
Rev. George R. Schmitz
Mrs. Marlena Schnatz
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Schneider
Dr. Jeffrey Schneider and Ms. Sara Rollman
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Schneider
Ms. Lynn Schoener
Mr. R. A. Schoettinger
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry O. Schuehler
Dr. Stephen J. Schuermann and Dr. Jennie Hahn
Ms. Cynthia Schuler
Mr. Michael L. Schumacher
Ms. Linda Schuster
Dr. Terry Schwartz
Ms. Debbie Johnson Schwiebert
Mr. Michael P. Scola
Ms. Margaret Scott
Scott-Gross Company
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Seagram
Mark G Seiter
Ms. Barbara R Seiver
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Selnick, Jr.
Mr. Joseph M. Senger
Mr. and Mrs. John Serra
Ms. Mary A. Servizzi
Mrs. Phyllis Sewell
Sharonville License Bureau
Ms. Judith Sharp
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Shary
Orlena Pui Shea
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Shell
Mr. John M. Shepherd
Mr. and Mrs. Tony L. Shipley
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Shoemaker
Ms. Ellen Shuman
Mr. David P. Siegel
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Simion
Stacy K. Sims
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Sinclaire, Jr.
Ms. Linn M. Sinnott
Sisters Of Notre Dame de Namur
Ms. Patricia A. Sladeck
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Sloneker
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Smith
Ms. Kimberly A. Smith
Ms. Margaret A. Smith
Smith/Hallemann Partners
Prof. Troy R. Snider
Mrs. Gale D. Snoddy and Mr. Alan L. Margulies
Mr. and Mrs. Myron D. Snoke
Gene and Peggy Somoza Gift Fund
Ms. Lydia L. Sowles
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Spadafora
Dr. Nancy Spence
Ms. Elsie G. Sprague
Ms. Margo E. Sprague
Mr. Richard R. Sprigg
Mr. Leroy Stanforth
Ms. Grace Staples
Mr. Terry W. Starrett and Ms. Barbara B. Kenney
Mr. Alexander J. Staten
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Staten
Mr. and Mrs. Ken W. Stecher
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Stedtefeld
Mr. Robert L. Steele
Mr. Michael J. Stefanics
Mr. Paul T Stegman
Dr. and Mrs. Fred Steinbeck
Mr. and Ms. Joe Steiner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Steiner
Mr. David Steinert
Mr. and Mrs. James R Stengel
Mr. Patrick J. Stepaniak
Mr. and Mrs. J. Edwin Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Sticka
Ms. Roberta Stiens
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Stine
Mr. Benjamin Stockum
Mr. Raymond Stolarski
Mr. Lester Stoll
Mr. Michael C. Stonecipher
Ms. Melinda Stonerock
Ms. Susan P. Storer
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Stork
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Stout
Mr. Marc Stout
Ms. Martha Stricker
Mrs. Peggy Stricker
Ms. JoAnn Strong
Mr. and Mrs. John Strubbe
Mr. Louis Stultz, Jr.
Chris Sullivan
Mr. Mark Sutton
Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Swabek
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Swain
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Swinehart
Mr. Ben Swisher
Mr. and Mrs. William R Talbot, III
Mr. John A. Tallmadge and Mrs. Pamela Bach
Tashis Family Fund of the Schwab Charitable Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander W. Teass
Ms. June R. Tebbs
Dr. William L. Tedford
Ms. Suzanne Telintelo
Mrs. Pamela Terp
TGI Friday’s - Kenwood
Ms. Beverly L. Tharp
Mr. Mark C. Thiel
Mr. Scott Thierauf
Thomas & Ann Thinnes
Ms. Debra Thoma
Ms. Barbara Thomas
Dr. Gary A. Thompson Ph.D
Mr. and Mrs. Randall L. Thompson
Mr. William Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Thornton
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Thornton
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Ticotsky
Ms. Helga M. Tillinghast
Ms. Jean M Tingle
Brian and Jean Tobias
Mr. Charles E. Toelke, Jr.
Mr. Donald Tolle
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tomb
Ms. Beverly Torres
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Townsend
Treasures 4 Charity
Mr. and Mrs. J. Edwin Trefz
Ms. Alice Tresey
Ms. Bertie L. Trester
Ms. Nancy J. Tretter
Trevor Inc.
Ms. Gloria Ann H. Tribble
Mr. Robert L. Trick
Ms. Sylvia A. Troescher
Ms. Andrea True
Mary Ellen and Robert E. Trunick Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Tryed Stone New Beginning Church
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Stryker
Mr. Patrick Tso
Ms. Catherine E. Tumbusch
Mr. Richard T. Turner
Mr. Michael Turney
Mr. and Ms. Jeff T. Uetrecht
Ms. Dianne M. Ullrich
Ms. Louise K. Van Der Helm
Ms. Monica P. Vance
Ms. Cheryl Vandelicht
Dr. Debra Vankuiken
Samuel and Susan Varghese Charitable Trust
of the Johnson Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. William G. Verst, Jr.
Vess Family Fund
Ms. Ruth Ann Vetter
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Viel
Vikings Partners LLC Philanthropic Fund
of the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati
Village of Evendale Recreation Dept.
Viox Services, Inc.
Mrs. Barbara R. Voelkel
Mr. Richard Volk
Dr. Sally A. Vonderbrink
Vonderhaar Catering Inc.
Herbert Vonderheide Gift Fund of Fidelity Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Voorhorst
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell G. Voss
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Vuturo
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Wachs
Mr. and Mrs. Roger B. Wade
Ms. Kathleen Wade
Mr. Richard L. Wagner and Mrs. Anne Marie Wagner
Wags Park & Wags Park Spa
Mr. Alan Paul Walker
Mr. David A. Walker
Ms. Jane A. Walker
Mr. Kenneth Walker
Wallace Group Dentistry For Today, Inc.
Ms. Jean Wanninger
Mr. Theodore C. Wanstrath
Mrs. Anita A. Ward
Ms. Mary Ward
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Warner
R. Wayne
Ms. Elizabeth G. Weber
Mr. Jonathan T. Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. Weber
Janet and Robert Weber Family Foundation
Mr. William M Weber
Judy Wedgewood
Ms. Lori Wedig
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Wehling
Ms. Carol Wehmann
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Weinberger
Mr. Harvey M. Weitkamp
Mr. Robert A. Welch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Welder, Jr.
Mr. and Ms. Anthony J. Wellman
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Wesley
Ms. Kathaleen H. Weyer
Ms. Bonnie K. White
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Whitsett
Mr. Jonathan Wick
Mr. and Mrs. William Wickert
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon H. Wiers
Mr. Donald E. Wilcox
Mr. Carol A Wilder
Ms. Susan Wiley
Ms. Nora Wiley
Ms. Carolyn R. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Willis
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Willman
Ms. Ann M. Wilson
Ms. Anne N. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund K. Wilson
Mrs. James W. Wilson, Jr.
Ms. Mary Ellen Wilson
Ms. Mary C. Wine
Mr. Daniel Wines
Dr. William Michael Wing
Ms. Mary Glenn Winkler
Mr. and Mrs. David Witte
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Wohlfrom
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wolnik
Mr. David H. Wood and Ms. Rebecca S. Seeman
Mr. and Mrs. E. Anthony Woods
Ms. Eileen Bagus and Mr. Wayne Woodward
Ms. Diane Wright
Ms. Toni M. Wuebbling
Mrs. Jo Wynn
Xavier University
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Yoder
Mr. and Mrs. Dale B. Young
Ms. Dianna L. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua E. Young
Mr. George Yund
Mr. Jon Zapf
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan W. Zapf
Ms. Juliet Zavon
Karl and Bink Zengel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Ziemba
Ms. Cathy L. Zimmerer
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Zimmerman
Ms. Suzanne K. Zimmerman
Zip’s Cafe
Mr. Thomas J. Zumbiel, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Zwergel
Thank you also to the many other generous
financial donors we were unable to list due to
space constraints.
The above donors made gifts to the Freestore
Foodbank between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014.
Every effort was made to provide the most accurate
list possible. The Freestore Foodbank apologizes for
any exclusions or misspellings. n
Coming Together to Solve Hunger
The Freestore Foodbank understands how vital our
dedicated community supporters are to our efforts. So we are
overjoyed when we have
the opportunity to thank
supporters and also hear
their ideas and opinions.
Recently, we had our
Tomorrow’s Harvest
Society members,
individuals who have
included the Freestore
Foodbank in their estate
plan, join us in our
Rosenthal Community
Kitchen to bake alongside
some of our Cincinnati
COOKS! students.
This wonderful afternoon gave students and supporters the
opportunity to share and learn together. We look forward to
seeing our Tomorrow’s Harvest Society visit again soon.
We were also fortunate to have our Platinum Plate Society
members, individuals who have generously supported the
Freestore Foodbank with annual gifts of $5,000 or more, come
together for a special Chef’s Table dinner. The dinner was
A Special Thank You
prepared by our Second Course students, giving them the
opportunity to practice their fine dining skills. We were also
joined by some of our wonderful program managers who were
able to intimately discuss and answer questions about the
many programs and efforts
of the Freestore Foodbank.
The lovely evening was
made possible by Karen F.
Maier, Board Member of
the Freestore Foodbank.
We are thankful for
the generous supporters of
the Freestore Foodbank.
These events give us the
opportunity to express
our appreciation, but
they also give us the
opportunity to listen
to and learn from the
integral supporters of our efforts. Thank you to all who
attended and if you are interested in learning more about our
events or our giving societies please contact Mindy Hammer,
director of donor relations and strategic gifts, at
[email protected] or call 513-482-7099. n
Thank you to all of the wonderful supporters who chose to become
one of our Second Helping Matching Donors by making their gift a
match for Double Your Dollar$ Day. By applying their gift as a match,
we were able to double the impact of thousands of gifts, raising in one
day a total of $362,421 or the equivalent of 1,087,263 meals for hungry
children and families. We truly appreciate the support and generosity
of our community. n
Double Your
T H U R S DAY, N O V E M B E R 13
Making an Impact: Today and Tomorrow
John and Debbie Heuer were
introduced to the Freestore Foodbank
by a very special man, the late Bob
Edwards, founder and chair of the
Rubber Duck Regatta. His passion
was contagious and they soon became
invested supporters.
Bob introduced John and Debbie
to the Freestore Foodbank but the
mission continued to speak to them
on a personal level.
“Our belief is that people should
have their basic needs met: food,
shelter and clothing. To us, not having
that is a horrible thing. That is one of
the reasons we chose to support the
Freestore Foodbank.”
John and Debbie have supported the
Freestore Foodbank for about ten years,
but two years ago decided to make the
organization part of their estate plans.
They are dedicated to helping meet the
immediate needs but also want to ensure
the Freestore Foodbank can continue
fighting hunger and poverty for years
to come.
Debbie always says “For those who
are given much, much is required.” The
Heuers have taken that message to heart
and put it to action. We are grateful for
such dedicated supporters. n
WINTER 20155
B I G D AT E S TO R E M E M B E R I N 2 0 1 5 !
M AY 2 5
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