WE... ...always stay on course!
WE... ...always stay on course!
Ausgabe 11/2012 WE... Customer art: the ‚second‘ life of a LIQUI MOLY oildrum. Bernd Schröder, member of the Sales team, on holiday with his surfboard. ...always stay on course! LIQUI MOLY helps Ausgabe 11/2012 Dear readers, dear customers, [email protected] Winter is nearly here! The days are getting shorter, the clocks have gone back, the first snow is falling and the car gets winter tyres. But, as much as might be changing, we at LIQUI MOLY will continue to do the same. Be it spring, summer, autumn or winter, in snow, rain or sunshine, we are there for every customer. Our hard-working Sales colleagues are always on the move; we look after our partners and business friends. Running for a good cause We are diligent, respectable and highly motivated. This is precisely why we are holding our course and won‘t allow ourselves to be thrown off by any adversity. We are active on all continents and around the clock. And the result is easy to see: in the past few weeks we have been able to expand further and welcome more new colleagues. We took part in many events and represented our brand! In this year‘s race 11 year-old Erik Pötschik was sponsored by LIQUI MOLY. 500 euros were spontaneously pledged for this activity. The kids and teachers were very pleased about this contribution. Be they events in Spain, China, Belarus or Japan: the variety of campaigns in which LIQUI MOLY is not only taking part, but is 100% behind, is great. An example of this: the use of our oils in machines 1,000 metres below the surface in South African mines. Have a flick through the magazine, let yourself be inspired and find out everything you need to know about our activities over the past few weeks. Thus every participant was a winner in this activity. Every year the Rouanet High School in Beeskow, Brandenburg, Germany organises a sponsored race. The goal is to raise as much money as possible to be used in various UNESCO activities. Such as projects in Pasto, Columbia and Bujumbura, Burundi, where partner schools are built and enhanced thanks to financial support. Every participant gave their best in order to raise as much money as possible for the school projects. In the end, this and many other contributions allowed not only the UNESCO projects to be supported, but the high school was also able to organise a festival in celebration of its 20 year anniversary. I hope you enjoy this voyage of discovery! Kind regards Ihr Konstantin Buhr 3 New colleagues Marcus Schilk strengthens LIQUI MOLY as a controller and ‚cost policeman‘. 4 The Sales team is strengthened by Torsten Seifert. He is a new Sales colleague and is responsible for brand-bound car dealerships in the Saxony area. Sabrina Kupferer is a new Export clerk at LIQUI MOLY. Andreas Zahner is a new Applications Engineer in the Research department at LIQUI MOLY. New Colleagues Werner Weber is the new janitor and Facility Manager of LIQUI MOLY. Saskia Fink is a new Export clerk at LIQUI MOLY. MÉGUIN also received reinforcements: Simon Skora (2nd from left) and Andreas Pfaff (2nd from right) are new in production. 5 New Colleagues Bettina Luxenburger and Dirk Hoffman (right) are new colleagues in Research & Development at MÉGUIN. Special 6 Ten former LIQUI MOLY colleagues, our treasured ‚band of pensioners‘, meet with HR Manager Rainer Maass (back row, 2nd from right) for a meal and get-together. Special MÉGUIN donates T-shirts for the students of Sport AG at the Hans Zulliger School in Enkenbach, Germany (special school for children with learning difficulties). This allowed us to help the kids despite a tight school budget and also to show our colours during their sporting events. MÉGUIN company vehicle in use as a lead car with loudspeakers at the RV Mehlingen cycle race. MÉGUIN was also kit sponsor for the training tops of the riders. 7 Congratulations Walter Peters (head of EDP) celebrates his service anniversary. He has been working at LIQUI MOLY for 25 years. 8 Beate Edenhoffer also celebrates her service anniversary. She has been working in production at LIQUI MOLY for 10 years. Congratulations Marianne Frahler celebrates the same anniversary. She, too, has been working in production at LM for 10 years. Andreas Magg (Purchasing, 2nd from left) and Jürgen Scheuring (Accounting) are also both celebrating anniversaries. They have both been working at LIQUI MOLY for 10 years. 9 Congratulations Congratulations LIQUI MOLY Portugal Congratulations are also in order at MÉGUIN: Andreas Junker (Production, left) celebrates his service anniversary (10 years) as does Dieter Rupp (25 years, Maintenance, 4th from right). Congratulations also go to Anne Grundig (Management office) and Michael Scholer (right, head of R & D). Both celebrate their 50th birthday. 10 11 Visitors Visitors Over 40 customers from Israel visited MÉGUIN in Saarlouis. 12 13 Neu-Ulmer Zeitung, 05/10/12 Augsburger Allgemeine, 27/10/12 14 IHK Magazin, 10/2012 15 16 LIQUI MOLY as a fashionable accessory: styled fingernails with the LM design in Russia. 17 International Press Portrait of Charles Kaki Ng, driver of the Engstler Team in the WTCC Speed Hunters (USA), 10/2012 18 19 20 21 news a cura della redazione [email protected] ANTEPRIMA PRODOTTO ESTENSIONE DELL'INTERVALLO DI CAMBIO OLIO Pro-Line TBN-Booster di LIQUI MOLY azienda tedesca tra i leader nella produizione di olii per motori, addittivi, prodotti per la cura dei veicoli e altro, protegge il motore a olio contro gli acidi. La qualità del carburante lascia il segno anche nei motori a olio. Se è cattivo allora l'intervallo di cambio olio è ridotto. Una delle cause di questo è l’alto contenuto di zolfo nella benzina e nel diesel. La Pro-Line TBN-Booster rifornito dall’azienda tedesca Liqui Moly neutralizza lo zolfo ei altri residui di combustione acidi nell'olio e consente quindi di estendere gli intervalli di cambio olio fino al 25 per cento in più. Questo nuovo sviluppo di motori LIQUI MOLY offre una protezione supplementare contro gli acidi che possono essere creati dallo zolfo. Questo additivo, che viene semplicemente aggiunto al motore a olio, consente intervalli di cambio olio significativamente aumentati fino al 25 per cento. Questo riduce il costo di acquisto di un motore a olio nuovo e minimizza i periodi di sosta del veicolo. Combustibili di qualità inferiore alla media, siano essi a benzina o diesel, contengono più zolfo di carburanti di elevata qualità, spiega Reiner Schönfelder, ingegnere di applicazione a LIQUI MOLY. Non appena il motore viene avviato, in particolare dopo un avviamento a freddo, un po'di carburante finisce sempre nel motore a olio e quindi un po' di zolfo. Lo zolfo è di per sé già corrosivo e può danneggiare la vita interiore del motore quanto l'olio, spiega Schönfelder. Ma molto peggio è quando c'è acqua nell'olio. Questo può già essere trovato nel combustibile o proviene da condensa. Anche piccole quantità di acqua sono sufficienti a legarsi con zolfo per produrre un acido solforico. Il motore a olio buono può trattenere per un po’, ma ad un certo punto perde la sua capacità di farlo. E 'quindi giunto il momento per il suo successivo cambio dell'olio.La qualità del carburante è una ragione decisiva per cui la vettura dello stesso modello ha diversi intervalli di cambio olio in tutto il mondo, dice Schönfelder. "Dopo aver sentito un crescente numero di denunce di intervalli di cambio olio frequenti abbiamo deciso di arrivare alla radice del problema", dice Schönfelder. Il risultato è stato un additivo per motori a olio che aumenta significativamente la protezione contro gli acidi ed è semplice da usare. Nasce così TBN-Booster. Può essere aggiunto nel motore a olio in qualsiasi momento. Dopo aver aggiunto, il motore dovrebbe essere lasciato acceso in modo che l'additivo può mescolarsi nel motore a olio. Ha senso aggiungere TBN-Booster come parte di un cambio d'olio. Aumenta il TBN (Total Base Number), che è un indicatore di protezione contro gli acidi. Il dosaggio è di circa 2-4 per cento a seconda del motore e la qualità del combustibile. Aggiungendo il due percento aumenta la TBN di ca. 4 mg KOH / g. L'uso di TBN-Booster ha senso se vi è un contenuto di zolfo superiore a 50 ppm. TBN-Booster è stato originariamente sviluppato in paesi che non dispongono di una qualità ottimale del carburante. 23 L'additivo è prodotto in Germania, il paese natale di LIQUI MOLY. "Vogliamo che ogni pilota del mondo, non solo quelli in Germania, per essere in grado di beneficiare della nostra esperienza." Giornale dell Aftermarket (Italy), 10/2012 22 MECHANI SCHEONDERDEL EN Autokatalog (Bulgaria), 10/2012 VOERT UI GONDERHOUDKAN T I J DENS REI NI GEN VAN ROET FI L T ERMETPRODUCT REI NI GEN VAN ROETFI LTER ZONDER DEMONTAGE Ni eu wer oet f i l t er senhu nmont agek os t enals nel hon der deneu r o' s .Daar om i shetzowelv oorde gar agi s tal sv oordek l anti nt er es s antomt ek i ez en v oorhetr ei ni genv ander oet f i l t er .Datk angebeu r en doordemont ageenr ei ni gi ngdooreenf i r mamaar ookd. m. v .eenr ei ni gi n gs pr odu c t .Hetr ei ni genmet demont agebehan del denwi ji neenv or i gar t i k el .Di t ar t i k elgaatov erhetr ei ni genv anv er s t opt er oet f i l t er s z onderdemon t age,meteenr ei ni gi ngs pr odu c t .Di e met hodei sv oor alhei l z aambi jv oer t u i gendi ev eel k or t er i t t enmak enenv oor als t ads v er k eert r ot s er en. Zowe l he t r e i ni gi n gs pr odu c t al she t s poe l i n gs pr odu c t wor de nv ol l e di gv i ae e ns onde , ge k oppe l daanh e t s pu i t pi s t ool e ndec ompr e s s or ,i nder oe t f i l t e rge s pot e n DoorDi et erDevr i endt ROE T F I L T E R Carfix (Belgium), Nov. 2012 ni euwer oet f i l t er ,deeni geopt i e. goede50. 000k m zi j ndef i l t er s v ander gel i j kgebr ui k t ev oer t ui genal Der oet f i l t erzor gterbi j Roetv er br anden v er zadi gd. Bi jdei ngangenu i t gangv ande di es el wagensv oordatr oet deel t j es Onde r houdt i j de nsr e i ni gi ng r oet f i l t erzi t t endr uk s ens or en.Di e zov eelmogel i j kui thetui t l aat gas T i j densdebehandel i ngmethet gev enhetmot or management wor dengehouden.De r ei ni gi ngs pr oductk ande s y s t eem hetper i odi ek es i gnaal v er br andi ngs gas s enwor dendoor DE MONT AGE&RE I NI GI NG w a n n e e r h e t t i j d i s v o o r r egener at i e. g a r a g e h o u d e r e l k g e w o o n demi cr os copi s chepor i ënv ande VSRE I NI GI NGSPRODUCT Opdatmomentwor dtdanwat onder houd,datgebeur tzonder f i l t ergel ei dender oet deel t j es I nhetar t i k eli ndev or i geedi t i e di es eli nges pot endi eont v l amten dr aai endemot or ,ui t v oer en. wor dent egengehouden.Act i ev e haddenwi jhetalov erhetl at en det emper at uuri ndeDPFdoet r oet f i l t er s ,ookDi es elPar t i cul at e Ve r wi j de r e nv anas r ei ni genv anr oet f i l t er sna s t i j gen.T emper at ur enbov en600° C F i l t er s( DPF )genoemd,gaande Voer t ui gendi er egel mat i gl ange demont age.Maarwel kpr ocesi s doender oet deel t j esv er br anden. v er zamel des t of deel t j esook z i ef i l t er r egener at i e) . nuges af s t andenaf l eggen,aaneenhoger Di chi k tv oorwel k ef i l t er ? et emper at ur enwor denook wegbr anden( ei k tbi jmi ns t enseenk war t i erv an t oer ent al ,mak enmeergebr ui kv an ber E ur o5nor m St ads v e r ke e re nkor t er i t t e n cons t ant e,hogemot or bel as t i ng hetr egener at i es y s t eem.Def i l t er s Roet f i l t er szi j nali nbeel ds i ndsde Hetf i l t er r ei ni genmeteenpr oducti s v ( hoogt oer ent al ) . ander gel i j k et r ans por t mi ddel en Eur o4nor m,di edenor m Eur o3 v oor alef f i ci ëntbi jdi es el v oer t ui gen k unnendanookv l ot100. 000of ( haal baarzonderf i l t er )v er s t r engde. di ewei ni gv ol doenaande zel f s200. 000k m hal env oorde KOST E NPL AAT J E Vanaf1997mochtdeui t s t ootnog v oor waar denv oorr egener at i e f i l t erv er zadi gdi s .Maaromdatni et z i ear t i k elCar F i x59) .Deze anwor den P r i j zenv anni euwer oet f i l t er s s l echt s0, 025gr am f i j ns t ofper ( al l er oeti nCO2 k v oer t ui genr i j denv oor namel i j kk or t e omgezet ,s t apel terzi chs owi es oas v ar i ër env an350eur ot otzel f s k i l omet erbedr agen.Si nds i t t en,manoeuv r er eni ns t eden. . .en opi ndef i l t erenmoetdi eger ei ni gd 2. 500eur o,ex cl us i efdet i j dom t e s ept ember2009i secht erdeEur o- r er br andenopdi emani erni etv eel wor den.Dani sdemont ageen ( de) mont er en. 5nor mv ank r acht .Di ehoudti ndat v r oet deel t j esdi edoordef i l t er r ei ni gi ngdoorges peci al i s eer de wagens80%mi nderr oet deel t j es Goedkoper wor dent egengehouden.Naeen f i r ma' s ,ofdeaank oopv aneen mogenui t s t ot endanbi jdev or i ge Rei ni gi ngdooreen ges peci al i s eer def i r mak os tde gar aget us s ende200à400eur o, waar bi jdegar agehouderzel fde DPFdi entt edemont er enent e mont er en. nor m.Roet f i l t er szi j nt otnut oede eni gemani erom daar aant e v ol doen,duswer denenwor den di eenmas s egepl aat s ti nr et r of i tof ' aff abr i ek ' . Goedkoops t Hetbehandel env aneen v er zadi gder oet f i l t ermetpr oduct k os teenk l ei nedr i ek war t i erwer k , depr oduct ennoggeen100eur o. RE I NI GI NGME TPRODUCT 24 Ee nv e r z adi gdeDi e s e l P ar t i c u l at eF i l t e rr aak t v e r s t opt e ns t r e e f t danz i j ndoe l v oor bi j Voordi tar t i k elwacht enweni etaf t othetmot or managementeen mel di nggeef ti nv er bandmetde dr uk waar denv ander oet f i l t er . Bi jSer goy neDi agnos t i csl egt ei genaarJ er oenVer t ongeneen 25 Vol v oaanhetdi agnos eappar aat . Di agnos e :dr ukmet i ng Metdedi agnos et es t ergaanwena wel k edr uk waar dengemet en wor denr onddeDPF .W aarwe nor mal i t erwaar desv an0t ot1hP a moet enk r i j genbi js t at i onai r dr aai en,l aatdeVol v owaar den t us s ende4à5hP aopt ek enen.Bi j gasgev enbenader tdedr ukde 100hPa.Di twi j s topeen ( begi nnend)v er s t opt er oet f i l t er . De mont agel ambdas onde “ Rei ni genzonderdemont age”moet welmeteenk or r el t j ezoutgenomen wor den,al hoeweldeDPFni et l os gek oppel dwor dtv andeau t o. W atwelgedemont eer dmoet wor den,i sdel ambdas onde.L angs daarmoetnamel i j khetpr odu cti n def i l t erges pot enwor den.Om eenv oudi gaandedi es el f i l t ert e k unnenmetdes onde,k unnen ev ent uel ebes cher mpl at enook gedemont eer dwor den. Aanbr e nge nr e i ni gi ngs pr oduc t I ndeopeni ngwaarde l ambdas ondet hui s hoor de,k annu meteens onde,engebr ui kv ande compr es s or ,hetpr odu ct aangebr achtwor den.Sommi ge f abr i k ant enl ev er enpr oduct enmet t wees oor t ens ondes :eenr echt een eengebogen.Spi r aal v or mi ge gaat j esr ondom det opv andi e s ondesv er v ul tdef unct i ev an ' r i ool r at 'env er s pr ei dthetpr oduct ov er algel i j k mat i gi nwendi gi nde f i l t er .Ergaateenv ol l edi ge v er pak k i ng( 1l i t er ) r ei ni gi ngs pr oducti ndef i l t er , waar naeenk war t i ermoetgewacht wor den. Aanbr e nge ns poe l i ng Metdezel f des onde,nogs t eedsi n combi nat i emetdecompr es s or ,k an nahetk war t i er t j ei nwer k enhet s poel i ngs pr oducti ngebr acht wor den. Mont agel ambdas onde enr ege ner at i e Metdebei depr oduct eni nde r oet f i l t erk andel ambdas ondet er ug gemont eer dwor den.Daar namoet hetv oer t ui g,bes tbui t ende gar agegebouwen,een20mi nut en r egener enmetbehul pv anhet di agnos et oes t el .I ndi enerdaar v oor f aci l i t ei t enzi j n,maghetv oer t ui g ookalr i j dend,metcons t ant e s nel hei denhoget oer ent al l en,de f i l t err egener er en.Der oet deel t j es v er l at enonderdev or mv anr ooken eendonk er edr ekdeui t l aat pi j p. Cont r ol emetdi agnos e t e s t er Dedi agnos et es t ert ek entbi jeen met i ngnadebehandel i ngmet r ei ni gi ngs pr oductende r egener at i e,dr uk waar denv an0, 6 t ot1, 2hPAop,watde' nor mal e' waar denbenader t . Def i l t erk anopni euw k i l omet er s l angr oetv r et en. 26 MetdankaanL i qu iMol yen Ser goy neDi agn os t i c s Ciudad Condal, que se prevé una ciudad fuera de España tres modelos: uno irá dirigido a MECHANI SCHEONDERDEL EN de 5.000 unidades anuales, que la compañía fundada en flotas, otro a servicio individual STAPPENPLAN: ya está asignada en su 2008 todavíaJornal está negociando. ciudadanos y un2012 tercero das Oficinas para (Portugal), Oct. REINIGEN VAN ROETFILTER MET REINIGINGSPRODUCT totalidad. Así, cuatro de cada Eso sí, en total, serán cinco a iniciativas de alquiler de cinco unidades fabricadas las ciudades elegidas en motos. Las primeras unidades en sus nuevas instalaciones nuestro país para ofrecer estos llegarán al mercado este mismo del polígono de la Zona servicios de moto sharing, noviembre, con un precio de Franca de la capital catalana además de algunas islas. entre 2.500 y 3.000 euros. ENTRARÍA EN FUNCIONAMIENTO EN 2013 Y DE ELLA SALDRÍAN 5.000 UNIDADES Ee r s t eme t i n g:dedr u kbi jgasge v e ngaat t e ge n100hP aaan: he t s i gn aal v oorbe gi n ne ndev e r z adi gi n g Del ambdas ondewor dt u i t deDP Fv e r wi j de r d.Dev r i j ge k ome n r u i mt edi e n t omdes ondeme t pr odu c t e nt oet el at e n España, lanzadera de Abat El mayor fabricante de motos eléctricas del mundo está estudiando la opción de instalar una fábrica de ensamblaje en nuestro país para abastecer Europa. En la actualidad, la multinacional estadounidense –especialista, entre otros, en baterías eléctricas I ndes pu i t be k e r ,ge k oppe l daandec ompr e s s or ,gaat e e n s ondeabastece wor dt aange s l ot e phe t s pu i t pi s t ool e nmoe t i nde con lasDeque alnoEjército v ol l e di gel i t erv anhe t r e i ni gi ngs pr odu c t v r i j ge k ome npl e kv andege de mon t ee r del ambdas onde de su país- cuenta ya con una factoría en China, con una capacidad de producción de medio millón de motos al año. Sin embargo, la importadora de Abat para toda Europa, El principal motivo: disminuir la empresa española Eco los costes de transporte de Expansión, está analizando las unidades. Además, con posibles ubicaciones para esta apuesta, muchos de los On de rdr u kv an8barwor dt des pu i t be k e rme t r e i ni gi ngs pr odu c t Nae e nk war t i e r t j ewac h t e nmaghe t s poe l i ngs pr odu c t i nde v ol l e di gi ndeDP Fge s pot e n u i t be k e r instalarspuna planta de montaje componentes de las motos en España, donde se fabricarían los suministrarían empresas modelos especialmente de nuestro país y de otros adaptados al gusto europeo. puntos de Europa, elemento 44 SOLO MOTO éste que, sin duda, redundaría en beneficio de los niveles de calidad del producto final. Esta nueva fábrica contaría con una línea de montaje y produciría cerca de 5.000 unidades, en principio todas ellas bajo pedido. Su puesta en marcha, una vez concedidos todos los permisos, en 2013. De momento, el primer mercado europeo de Abat es España y Portugal, donde cuentan en la actualidad con 22 puntos de venta, aunque están negociando para llegar al medio centenar a finales de año. metalcomotor.es. La nueva imagen de Liqui Moly L a firma alemana de aceites de motor y aditivos ha estrenado en Automechanika, la mayor feria accesorios del automóvil del mundo, el nuevo diseño que a partir de ahora lucirán todas las etiquetas de sus bidones de aceite. “Las etiquetas son el rostro del aceite de motor”, en palabras de Peter Baumann, director de marketing de Liqui Moly. Baumann destaca la funcionalidad de las nuevas etiquetas, ya que ahora el comprador encuentra rápidamente los datos más importantes: la viscosidad y las autorizaciones del fabricante. La nueva etiqueta pone énfasis también en la procedencia alemana de Liqui Moly. De ahí que el “Made in Germany” esté situado en un lugar preferente de la misma, equiparando de este modo calidad con origen. Más en www.liqui-moly.de. Solo Moto (Spain), 10/2012 Opni e u wme t de z e l f des on dewor dt he t s poe l i ngs pr odu c t on de r Del ambdas ondek anhi e r n aopni e u wge mont e er dwor de nopde dr u ki ndef i l t e rge s pot e n r oe t f i l t e r Numoe t demot or20mi nu t e nope e nh oogt oe r e nt al dr aai e nom E e nme t i ngnadebe han de l i ngt oont 0, 6h P abi js t at i onai r t er e ge ner e r e n.Re s u l t aat :v e e l r ooke ne e nz war t es u bs t ant i e dr aai e n.DeDP Fk anwe e rr oe t de e l t j e sopne me n Officina Atelier (Italy), 26/2012 27 28 Korjaamoviesti (Finland), Oct. 2012 Sportkello.com (Lebanon), 10/2012 29 Auto-Service (Greece), 9/2012 30 Speed-Press.com (Bulgaria), 10/2012 31 Liqui Moly estrena sitio web para móviles Notiziario Motoristico (Italy), Oct. 2012 A longtime industry leader in producing oils and additives to protect gears in automotive transmissions, LIQUI MOLY rises to the challenge of industrial applications as well. La empresa alemana amplia su web al español para móviles y Smartphone. La compañía alemana Liqui Moly, presente en más de 100 países y especialista en aceites para motores, aditivos, artículos para el cuidado del automóvil y productos destinados al servicio técnico, inicia una nueva andadura web con su versión para móviles de la página oficial de la empresa. El fin de esta nueva versión es dar mayores prestaciones y mejorar la comodidad de los usuarios de Smartphone. Pensando en ellos, se ha realizado un diseño optimizado sin variar los contenidos y estructura que permitirá mayor funcionalidad. Hasta ahora el sitio web móvil estaba disponible para PC en alemán e inglés. En ade- lante habrá también una versión española y francesa. El acceso a esta prestación es muy sencillo. Es suficiente con visitar la página web de la empresa, www.cpliquimoly.es. El sitio reconoce automáticamente si se ha accedido a él a través de teléfono móvil, y redirige al usuario automáticamente a la web móvil. El desarrollo de esta herramienta es el resultado de la evolución iniciada hace algunos meses por la compañía, cuyo primer paso en esta dirección fue una variante para celulares de su guía de aceites on-line gratuita al descubrir la ingente cifra de accesos desde estos dispositivos. Protecting Massive Gears OPEL CORSA ESTÁ DE CELEBRACIÓN por su trigésimo aniversario. Desde que la marca comenzase su producción en 1982, han pasado cuatro generaciones de vehículos y un total de 12 millones de By Peter Szarafinski Gear Solutions (USA), 3/2012 unidades Corsa fabricados./© GM Company. FORD GANA el ‘Premio Internacional al motor del año’ 2012 con su nuevo motor 1.0-Liter EcoBoost®./© Ford. Motormatica (Spain), 10/2012 JdO (Portugal, 10/2012 32 33 A DecreaseD fricTion AS A mAnufActurer of motor oilS And AdditiveS, liQui molY SPeciAlizeS in the Automotive Sector And iS the moSt PoPulAr BrAnd of luBricAnt in GermAnY. Another new Sector iS AlSo GAininG imPortAnce: ProtectinG the GeArS in induStriAl trAnSmiSSionS. for exAmPle, liQui molY hAS now eStABliShed itSelf in the South AfricAn mininG Sector, which iS A comPletelY new field for the comPAnY. But it hAS Been SucceSSful in trAnSferrinG itS know-how from cArS to diAmond mineS. Transferring Technology the occasion was provided by the continuing difficulties of mine operators with their transmissions—with the gearing in their conveyor systems, for example. the transmissions on large conveyor belts may have entirely different dimensions than automobiles, but the principles and most of the problems are the same, explains reiner Schönfelder, application engineer at liQui molY. “these include primarily wear and resistance to high temperatures,” he says. “especially in mining, dust accumulates in the transmission, increasing friction between the gears and other components. this results in greater wear and higher temperatures. An additional factor is the high ambient temperature, frequently driving up the temperature of the oil in the transmission to its upper limit. the risk of inadequate lubrication and excessive wear is correspondingly high. in addition to the repair costs themselves, a defect in such a conveyor system leads to considerable costs for loss of production. reliability is therefore of great importance.” the simplest solution is presented by additives for the transmission oil, and additives for motor vehicles are liQui molY’s specialty. in its home market the company is the market leader with chemical Tools Fig. 1: The gears in the transmissions of these massive pieces of equipment operate under huge strains and in harsh environments. corresponding expertise. the mine operators were skeptical. when it comes to oils and greases, they too possess a great deal of knowhow, but additives were uncharted waters for them. however, additives are nothing out of the ordinary for machines; they are an indispensable constituent of modern oils. ultimately these additives give the basic oil the properties required, says Schönfelder. here the company was able to contribute with its experience in the automotive sector. together with the mine operators, it ana- lyzed the concrete problems on site. this was followed by initial tests, which already delivered clear results: following the inclusion of the additives, the temperature of the transmission oil decreased 10 to 15 degrees celsius. ronnie Graven, who has been operating diamond mines for decades, has now placed his full trust in liQui molY. “this is a very simple solution providing better protection for our machines,” he says. “this not only reduces the risk of malfunctions, but maintenance costs were also reduced.” MARCH 2012 34 discovered that metal could be hardened equally low. “that is exactly why they Basically there are two approaches for subsequent friction this effect can be are so attractive,” he says. “that's what with molybdenum. reduction in a transmission: chemical and applied mechanical. duringone operation as well as in makes it worthwhile to take a shot in the example for mechanical reduction of friction is molybdenum production. dark to try and solve the problem before sulfide (moS2). this is a solid lubricant with a structure similar these two methods, mechanical and going through a complete diagnosis. if to graphite. it deposits on the surface of the metal andreduction acts as of friction, can also it doesn't work, it costs almost nothchemical a lubricating layer, preventing direct metal-to-metal contact. the tec from liQui molY ing. But if it does work you avoid long be combined. cera reduced friction decreases the heat caused byisfriction, thus originally it was devel- standstill times and high labor costs such a and product. the oil temperature. moreover, wear is reduced and the service oped for use in motor oil in cars, but for troubleshooting, not to mention the life increased. the benefits of molybdenum sulfide havebeneficial been it is also in transmissions. expenses for replacement parts.” known for some time. during the Second world war the Air instead of u.S. molybdenum sulfide, it conforce added molybdenum sulfide to the motor oil for aircraft tains minute ceramic particles with a engines. At that time the main objective was neither to increase hexagonal boron nitride base. these not service intervals nor to save fuel. the benefitonly was increase more direct: performance, they also the molybdenum sulfide significantly improved the emergency provide an additional advantage: they 2: There is no room for downtime due to transrunning characteristics. when an engine lost its oil a Fig. adhere so after tenaciously to the metal, that direct hit, the pistons seized up within minutes, they necessitating even withstand an oil change provid-in this operation. mission failures an emergency landing in hostile territory. theing molybdenum virtually thesulsame performance in the fide remained in the engine even after losingnew the oil. oil, the providing result is a highly effective wear protection additiveinwith rudimentary lubrication for the engine. this capability kept the the exceptional case of chemical friction reduction, special agents resistance to high temperature and presengine running longer, saving many pilots from being captured. tend to harden the surface of the metal. one of these agents sure. itsan use is not is limited to engines, naturally, such emergency running properties are also advanmolybdenum, embedded into the surface of the metal under can also be used inat comprestage even in non-military applications. in the because event of itdamage, pressure high temperatures. the surface is smoothed and and transmissions. they help to minimize the consequences, andsors, when pumps, no damage microscopically the small roughness reduced. this principle was ceramic particles are smaller than 0.5 is present they reduce friction and therefore wear. also exploited by the military. A manufacturer of tank cannons μm, allowing them to pass easily through the oil filter. 27 discovered that metal could be hardened with molybdenum. this effect can be applied during operation as well as in production. these two methods, mechanical and chemical reduction of friction, can also be combined. cera tec from liQui molY is such a product. originally it was developed for use in motor oil in cars, but it is also beneficial in transmissions. instead of molybdenum sulfide, it condiscovered metal could be hardened tains minutethat ceramic particles with a with molybdenum. this effect cannotbe hexagonal boron nitride base. these applied during operation as well as in only increase performance, they also production. provide an additional advantage: they these methods, mechanical and adhere so two tenaciously to the metal, that chemical reductionan ofoil friction, also they even withstand changecan providbe combined. cera tec from liQui molY ing virtually the same performance in the is such a product. it was develnew oil. the result originally is a highly effective opedprotection for use additive in motorwith oil exceptional in cars, but wear it is also beneficial in transmissions. resistance to high temperature and presinstead of molybdenum sulfide, it consure. its use is not limited to engines, tains minute ceramic particles with a because it can also be used in compreshexagonal boron nitride base. these not sors, pumps, and transmissions. the only increase performance, they also ceramic particles are smaller than 0.5 provide an them additional they μm, allowing to passadvantage: easily through adhere so tenaciously to the metal, that the oil filter. they even withstand an oil change provid28 gearsolutions.com ing virtually the same performance in the new oil. the result is a highly effective in the event of problems with transmiswear protection additive with exceptional sions, liQui molY recommends early use chemical Tools indiscovered the event of problems with transmismetal could bewhy hardened equally low. that “that is exactly they sions, liQui molY he recommends early use with this can be are so molybdenum. attractive,” says.effect “that's what of additives. these are not miracle applied during operation as wellagents makes it worthwhile to take a shot inas thein capable repairing severe mechanical production. dark to tryofand solve the problem before damage. they chemicalmechanical tools, with the these two are methods, and going through a complete diagnosis. if of costing and achieving chemical oflittle friction, cannothalso itadvantages doesn't reduction work, it costs almost good results many cases. the autobe combined. cera tec from liQui molY ing. But if it in does work you in avoid long motive liQui molY hadcosts good is suchsector, a times product. originally it was develstandstill and high has labor experience withinthe following oped for use motor oil mention inprocedure: cars, the but for troubleshooting, not to when with problems such as hard it is faced alsoforbeneficial in parts.” transmissions. expenses replacement shifting, temperaturesulfide, or excessive instead high of molybdenum it conequally low. “that is exactly why they noise, it is not worthwhile wasting time tains minute ceramic particles with a are so attractive,” he says. “that's what on detailed boron diagnosis and troubleshoothexagonal nitride base. these not makes it worthwhile to take a shot inalso the ing. Start using an appropriate transmisonly increase performance, they darkoil to additive try solve the problem before sion immediately. frequently provide an and additional advantage: they going through a complete diagnosis. that is all is needed to remedy theif adhere so that tenaciously to the metal, that it doesn't work,transmission it an costs almost nothproblem. problems they even“many withstand oil change providing. But if it does work you avoid are associated with increasing friction ing virtually the same performance inlong the standstill times and labor costs and corresponding wear,” Schönfelder new oil. the result is ahigh highly effective for troubleshooting, not with to where mention the explains. “this isadditive precisely addiwear protection exceptional expenses for replacement parts.” tives come in. And even if this doesn’t resistance to high temperature and pressolve the use problem, additives are sure. its is not our limited to engines, exceptionally compatible and incan never because it can also be used compresdamage a transmission.” sors, pumps, and transmissions. the the material costs forsmaller the additive ceramic particles are than are 0.5 minimal, and them the time required use μm, allowing to pass easily for through equally low. “thatadditives is exactly As mentioned, arewhy notthey a are so attractive,” he says. “that's what miracle cure and cannot remedy major makes it worthwhile takewould a shotnever in the mechanical damage. to“we dark that,” to try Schönfelder and solve thesays. problem claim “we before know going through aand complete diagnosis. the capabilities the limits of ourif it doesn't work, costs nothadditives very well itand are almost very honest if it doesabout work this. you avoid long toing. ourBut customers however, standstill and highadditives labor costs the benefitstimes of separate for for troubleshooting, not to mention the transmission oils do not appear to have expenses replacement parts.” made the for rounds in industrial circles. As mentioned, additives are not a miracle cure and cannot remedy major mechanical damage. “we would never claim that,” Schönfelder says. “we know the capabilities and the limits of our additives very well and are very honest to our customers about this. however, the benefits of separate additives for transmission oils do not appear to have made the rounds in industrial circles. www.suppac.fr the oil filter. chemical Tools in the event of problems with transmissions, liQui molY recommends early use 35 m m c t a t t t m An increasing number of automotive garages are using transmission additives as a special liquid tool in their tool kit. here it has become an important instrument for customer loyalty. imagine a car owner with transmission problems has already gotten a cost estimate from another garage for a new transmission, and your garage can solve the problem within an extremely short time for only a few dollars. which garage would you go to the next time you need some work done?” cation tips, and aid in solving concrete problems. this is why the chief of our research and development department visited South Africa personally to find a solution together with the mine operators on site. when none of the present products provides the desired results, the research department attempts to develop a new product. As a matter of fact, such solutions for special problems experienced by individual customers have resulted in an entire series of products, which are featured in liQui molY's standard product line today. summary South Africa was the stage for our premiere in the mining business. transfer of know-how from the automotive sector has proven successful. in the meantime, inDusTrial applicaTions in industrial circles, however, knowledge of the possibilities offered by additives is obviously lacking in many cases. evidently parts of the branch have basic reservations about using additives. Some of these reservations may result from lack of experience with additives. Fig. 3: Keeping these machines in motion is job one for LIQUI MOLY. Fig. 5: Failed gears in these conveyor belts can bring production to a halt. Fig. 4: Sand and other particulates demand extra protection for transmission components. the company has also established itself in mining in latin America as well. liQui molY is a medium sized, privately managed company with over 550 employees. in addition to additives it produces a wide range of motor oils as well as transmission oils, hydraulic oils, and a series of specialties. moreover, the line includes service products such as an entire series of automotive chemicals for workshop requirements, numbering more than 4,000 products altogether. we develop and tests our products in our own laboratories, marketing them in more than 100 countries around the world. Patent Pending Fig. 4: Sand and other particulates demand extra 30 gearsolutions.com 36 protection for transmission components. And some from the fact that there are a few black sheep here, as in every branch, who make incredible promises or offer inferior products, giving additives a bad name. in-depth information and tests can help clear up existing prejudices and skepticism. when we demonstrate, as we did on site in South Africa, that this can all be accomplished without major efforts, the people are completely amazed,” Schönfelder says. however, the use of liQui molY is not limited only to large transmissions. the vehicles used in the mines now also benefit from the extra protection provided by liQui molY, and this pays off. “we used to have to change the motor oil in our excavators and dumpers every 250 hours, and now only every 500 hours,” according to Graven. in the meantime, more than a dozen mines in South Africa benefit from the additional protection. the company produces exclusively in Germany to ensure the same quality worldwide. in the industrial sector it intends to offer the same product quality as well as the same service as for automobiles. liQui molY believes that long-term customer loyalty is the key to success. this is why we not only sell the right products, but also provide customers the support they need in the form of consulting services, appli- OIL Sampling Valves: Re-Invented Introducing “Pass-Thru” Technology A True Game Changer • Plated Steel Body & Cap • Hex Cap with Chain Tether • Unmatched Installation Choices • 1/4” 3/8” 1/2” & 3/4” NPT Male Pipe • Pass-Thru Sample Tube ¼” OD Oil From Sampling Tube contact Peter Szarafinski at +49 7 31/14 20 189 or [email protected]. Go online to www.liqui-moly.com. 32 gearsolutions.com MARCH 2012 Patent Pending about the author: • Internal Tube Seal/Wiper Strips Surface 31 37 Exhibitions Wessels + Müller exhibition in Munich, Germany 38 39 Exhibition in Iraq 40 41 Wessels + Müller exhibition in Berlin, Germany “Intermot“ in Cologne, Germany 42 43 Events WTCC in Suzuka, Japan 44 45 Promotion as part of the WTCC Suzuka, Japan 46 Rally in Lebanon 47 Promotion in Vitibsk, Belarus 48 Franconia rally in Germany 49 Training in Guangzhou, China 50 Jeep Rally in Brest, Belarus 51 Training in Spain 52 ADT Promotion in Minsk, Belarus 53 Moto GP in Sepang, Malaysia 54 55 National Press Releases Autohaus, 18/2012 56 Auto & Wirtschaft, 10/2012 57 Auto & Wirtschaft, 10/2012 BaumarktManager, 10/2012 Auto & Wirtschaft, 10/2012 58 FuM, 10/2012 59 Sales colleague Isa Kurt (right) honours two customers for their special cooperation with LIQUI MOLY, as part of our philosophy is to praise and appreciate our partners for outstanding commitment. 60 61 Time travel Overseas brochure from 1992 62 63 64 65 Sports Orange Zone 3/2012 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 Starke Leistung in Südbayern Am Samstag, dem 6.10.2012 fand die mittlerweile 27. Auflage der ADAC-Kathrein Rallye Rosenheim statt. Es fanden sich rund 80 Teilnehmer zusammen, um an dieser Veranstaltung, welche aus vier verschiedenen Wertungsprüfungen bestand, von denen es die ersten beiden jeweils doppelt zu befahren galt, teilzunehmen. Da die Rallye in den letzten Jahren aus meist sehr schnellen Passagen bestand und die Ausschreibung keinen Schotteranteil versprach, entschied sich das Rallyeteam Honke mit dem bärenstarken BMW M3 CSL anzureisen. Auf dem „heissen Sitz“ nahm dieses Mal jedoch nicht Stammbeifahrer Benjamin Sauerborn, sondern Matthias Motschenbacher aus Weismain Platz, da sich Benjamin selbst als Fahrer versuchte. Aufgrund starker einheimischer Konkurrenz und der Tatsache, dass das Duo Honke/ Motschenbacher zum ersten Mal gemeinsam bei einer Rallye antrat, rechnete man sich anfangs nicht sehr viel aus, sondern wollte problemlos ins Ziel kommen. Los ging es dann mit WP1, einer sehr schnellen, jedoch mit vielen Abzweigen gespickten Sprintprüfung, die man allerdings vom Start weg etwas verschlief. Auf der zweiten Prüfung, ebenfalls ein Sprint, welcher im letzten Drittel mit vielen uneinsehbaren Kurven, beziehungsweise Kuppen äußerst anspruchsvoll war, erreichte man sofort die dritte Gesamtzeit. Danach standen zwei Rundkurse auf dem Programm, die man recht ordentlich absolvieren konnte. Weil es keine Live-Zeiten gab und man nur die ungenauen selbst-gestoppten Zeiten mit den anderen Teilnehmern vergleichen konnte, lag man nach diesen vier WP´s gefühlsmäßig zwischen dem dritten und fünften Gesamtrang. Nun galt es nochmals die ersten beiden Sprintprüfungen zu befahren. Konnte man auf der fünften Sonderprüfung die Zeit aus dem ersten Durchgang gleich um vier Sekunden unterbieten, fuhr man auf der letzten Wertungsprüfung die selbe Zeit wie zuvor auf WP 2. Grund hierfür war der viele Dreck auf der Strecke, welcher von den Teilnehmern im ersten Durchgang herausgefahren wurde. Letztendlich hat es trotzdem zu einem ungefährdeten Klassensieg und einem höchst zufriedenstellenden dritten Gesamtrang, mit nur 1.2 Sekunden Vorsprung auf den Viertplatzierten Roland Macht, gereicht. Ihr Rallyeteam Honke www.rallyeteam-honke.de 74 75 Montag, 08.Oktober 2010 Billboard in Malaysia Workshop in Ukraine 76 77 78