Toronto Area Chapter


Toronto Area Chapter
Women’s Transportation Seminar TORONTO AREA CHAPTER
Working to create new opportunities & advance careers of women in transportation
Advancing Women in Transportation
Toronto Area Chapter
Toronto Area Chapter
Message from the Board
Dear WTS Toronto Area Chapter Members:
Inside this Issue
Programs and Events
WTS International and
Toronto Area Chapter 2
Upcoming Events
Spring Fling
Meet and Greet
Union Station Tour
Nine, Wine and Dine
Members Corner
Toronto Area Chapter Elections
Know your Toronto Area Chapter
Membership Program
“Race to Recruit”
Mentoring Program
As we look back almost a year to the Toronto Area
Chapter Inaugural Dinner last September, it is amazing
how far we have come! Together, we have met some
major milestones – not the least being that we are now
an officially ratified Chapter of WTS International! Over
the past few months, news has spread quickly about the
value and benefits of WTS membership. We are turning
the glass ceiling into a career portal through our networking opportunities,
inclusive and fun events, and unparalleled access to industry and government
leaders. I hope you will consider getting even more involved – we will be
holding our first Board elections this fall, and are looking forward to welcoming
our new 2014 Board members (see page 6 for elections information).
September marks the beginning of the WTS Membership Campaign which
includes incentives for new members and prizes for existing members (see
page 6 for more information). WTS is also introducing two new membership
categories for public sector and educational members. Please spread the word
to your colleagues and peers, so that they too can enjoy the friendships and
benefits that WTS membership brings.
I hope you enjoy this first issue of our Toronto Area Chapter Newsletter. Make
sure to mark your calendars for the upcoming Annual Dinner on November 6th
at the Old Mill. I look forward to seeing you there!
Looking for Volunteers
WTS is always looking for volunteers for any of our committees. Or, if you would rather help on an
event-by-event basis, join the WTS volunteer pool and help out whenever you can. Volunteering is
not only a great way to become more involved in WTS, it’s also a great way to expand your network
and increase your skill set. Make the most of your WTS membership and volunteer today.
Board of Directors
Karen Freund, HDR
Susan Reed Tanaka, TTC
Mary Proc, Metrolinx
Angela Iannuzziello, AECOM
Anna Pace, TTC
email: [email protected]
WTS International and Toronto Area Chapter
It is the mission of WTS International to build
the future of transportation through the global
advancement of women. To fulfill this mission, WTS
operates with specific goals and guiding principles
behind all of its activities and programs. WTS
International was founded in 1977. For the past two
years, a group of women in the Toronto Area had a
vision to bring WTS to Canada and made the WTS
Toronto Area Chapter happen. The Chapter was
ratified by WTS International this past May and has
been governed by an Interim Board of Directors.
Did you Know that one of WTS’ Goals is?
• Expand opportunities for women in the
transportation industry through professional
development, mentoring, and strategic positioning
of women.
From left: Susan Reed Tanaka, Mary Proc, Carol
Wilding (guest speaker) Angela Iannuzziello and
Anna Pace enjoying a laugh at the Spring Fling.
Did you Know that one of WTS’ Guiding Principles is?
• WTS spirit of community, inclusiveness, and mutual support – one of our greatest assets.
Upcoming Events
Save the Date
Join Friends and Colleagues as we celebrate ~ Connecting Toronto
Women’s Transportation Seminar
2013 Annual Dinner
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
The Old Mill
21 Old Mill Road
Toronto, Ontario M8X 1G5
6:30 pm – Meet and Greet
7:30 pm – Dinner
Guest Speaker:
Stephen Buckley
General Manager of Transportation Services at City of Toronto
Watch out for other exciting Toronto Area Chapter events.
Information will be provided by email, the WTS website and our LinkedIn page.
Advancing Women in Transportation
Toronto Area Chapter
Women’s Transportation Seminar TORONTO AREA CHAPTER
Spring Fling
The Spring Fling held on May 22, was our premier event for the first half of 2013 with 200 attendees.
The event was hosted by Greg Percy from GO Transit with Carol Wilding, President and CEO of the
Board of Trade speaking on the timely issue of transit funding. Thanks to Mary Proc and our fabulous
Program Committee for a spectacular event!
From left: Xina Wang, Angelina Ramdin and
Carol Kong at the 2013 Spring Fling.
WTS members enjoying the 2013 Spring Fling
networking reception before dinner.
Head table VIPs at Spring Fling included GO Transit
VP Greg Percy and Corina Moore, COO of Ontario
Northland Railway.
TTC colleagues, Anna Pace and Orest Kobylansky,
Head of Bus Transportation, enjoying a quiet word
before the Spring Fling dinner.
Meet and Greet
On December 4th, the WTS Toronto Area Chapter held a Holiday Social at Grano Restaurant which
included an inspiring talk titled “The Road Less Travelled: One Woman’s Journey in Transportation” by
Kathleen Llewellyn-Thomas, then Commissioner of Transportation and Community Planning for York
Region, and now Chief Operating Officer at the Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC). In
addition to a wonderful chance to meet and mingle, this event was also an opportunity to participate
in an entertaining and informative presentation by Kathleen. She relayed her experiences as a woman
in the transportation field, from her early days as a young and impressionable engineer at the City of
Toronto through to her time in senior roles at York Region. What resonated with many of the women in
attendance was Kathleen’s ability to maintain a sense of humour about her professional struggles. In
particular, her presentation offered a witty yet poignant perspective on how to survive and advance in
the business world – stay true to yourself; work with integrity; and approach every aspect of life with an
attitude of recklessness and frivolity that keeps the smile on your face. Great advice!
The WTS Toronto Area Chapter wishes Kathleen the best of luck in her new role at TCHC and we hope
she stays close to the transportation industry to serve as a spirited and strong role model to all women,
and men, in the field.
Advancing Women in Transportation
Toronto Area Chapter
Women’s Transportation Seminar TORONTO AREA CHAPTER
Union Station Tour
On June 27th, WTS Toronto Area Chapter members
got a rare behind-the-scenes tour of the phenomenal
construction taking place at Union Station. Union
Station is the busiest, most important multi-modal
passenger transportation hub in Canada, serving
more than 250,000 passengers daily. The station
is a National Historic Site and a significant part of
Toronto’s history and culture. It was an amazing
opportunity for WTS members to learn more
about the complexities of working on a major
transportation terminal while keeping it operating!
Again thanks to Mary Proc for organizing this great
event, and also thanks to GO Transit and the City of
Toronto for leading the tour. One of the perks of WTS
membership is an invitation to exclusive technical
tours like this!
WTS members posed in the excavated space below
today’s Union Station that will be transformed into an
entire floor of high-end retail stores.
What we saw:
GO Transit’s new track replacement and
revitalization of the train shed roof are critical
components of The Big Move, Metrolinx’s regional
transportation plan, which will dramatically improve
how people move in the Greater Toronto and
Hamilton Area. The most noticeable aspect of
the Union Station revitalization project is the new
glass atrium that is being built over the passenger
platforms and railway tracks that will bring natural
light into the station. The works also include new
staircases, additional vertical access points, and an
overhaul of the platforms and station concourses.
The transforming Union Station steel and glass train
shed roof.
For more information:
In parallel, the City of Toronto’s Union Station
revitalization will result in many benefits to
commuters, including bigger, brighter transit
concourses, more exits and entrances to the station,
new PATH connections, repair and rehabilitation of
an aging facility, and the introduction of an exciting
and revitalized retail presence. One of the initial and
most significant stages of the revitalization is the
“dig down”. The dig down involves excavating several
metres below Union Station’s existing floor level and
replacing 447 concrete columns to create space
for two new transit concourses and a new, lowerlevel pedestrian retail concourse. The underground
excavation (nearly 45 truckloads a night!) stretches
east to west from Bay Street to York Street and north
to south from Front Street to the Air Canada Centre.
A large section is happening immediately below the
tracks while the trains operate above ground!
For more information:
From left: Katie MacDonald and Amy Gingrich touring
the new train shed roof.
Witnessing the column replacements and excavation
under the existing rail tracks.
Advancing Women in Transportation
Toronto Area Chapter
Women’s Transportation Seminar TORONTO AREA CHAPTER
Nine, Wine and Dine
The first Toronto Area Chapter Golf Tournament – Nine, Wine and Dine – was held at the Ladies’
Golf Club of Toronto on August 12th. It was a great day and is sure to become an annual tradition!
Congratulations to the 2013 Golf Tournament winning golf team: Par Tee People, comprised of HDR staff
Karen Freund, Stephen Lipkus, Wallace Lee and Jim Christensen. Thanks to Susan Reed Tanaka and
Zee Zaid for arranging this terrific event.
The Toronto Area Chapter extends a big “Thank You” to participating organizations: Brad Golden
and Co., CH2M Hill, City of Toronto, CN Rail, CP Rail, EllisDon, GO Transit, Golder Associates, HDR,
Metrolinx, Parsons Brinckerhoff, PNR Railworks, Region of Peel, Thales Canada and TTC. A special
“Thank You” to Brad Golden for serving as the liaison with the Club and taking photographs.
Advancing Women in Transportation
Toronto Area Chapter
Women’s Transportation Seminar TORONTO AREA CHAPTER
Toronto Area Chapter Elections
This fall, the Toronto Area Chapter will hold its first Board elections. Angela Iannuzziello chairs the
Nominations Committee that will seek candidates to fill seven (7) positions. The nomination process will
start in September and the election will be held on November 6th, immediately before the Annual Dinner.
An information package will be forwarded to all members in early September.
Know your Toronto Area Chapter
As the Toronto Area Chapter was just recently ratified by WTS International, we have been governed
by an Interim Board of Directors. Your
WTS Toronto Area Chapter Interim Board
• Karen Freund, HDR
• Susan Reed Tanaka, TTC
• Mary Proc, Metrolinx
• Angela Iannuzziello, AECOM
• Anna Pace, TTC
Virginia Borkoski was our dynamic and
energetic Interim Chair until July when
she had to leave us and Toronto for an
assignment in New York. We are looking
forward to seeing Virginia back in Toronto
in the not-too-distant future.
From left: Karen Freund, Angela Iannuzziello, Mary Proc, Anna
Pace, Virginia Borkoski and Susan Reed Tanaka, members of the
Interim Board, proudly displaying their official Chapter Charter at the
2013 Spring Fling.
The Toronto Area Chapter has also formed several Committees that provide valuable advice and support
to the Board:
Program Committee – Sarah Currie and Maria Doyle, Co-Chairs
Membership Committee – Mara Bullock, Chair
Communications Committee – Katie MacDonald and Cathy Benjamin-Ostrander, Co-Chairs
Membership Program - “Race to Recruit”
As the Toronto Area Chapter approaches the final months of 2013, we are working to finish the year with
strong membership numbers. To support this effort, during September and October we will be launching a
chapter membership incentive challenge called the “Race to Recruit!”
During the campaign period, WTS will waive the $10 new member fee and reinstatement fees. In addition,
we will be introducing two new membership categories: Public Sector members who will enjoy the same
membership benefits as members in the WTS regular member category and WTS Educator members who
will serve as mentors and advisors to students and foster the growth of WTS student chapters.
Mentoring Program
If you are interested in being involved in the Toronto Area Chapter’s Mentoring Program, please send an
email with your contact information to: [email protected]
Advancing Women in Transportation
Toronto Area Chapter
Women’s Transportation Seminar TORONTO AREA CHAPTER