Granville T. Woods Scholars Program
Granville T. Woods Scholars Program
• v: i--" ~ -< ~ ~ ~ ~ z -< z o -< ~ < ~ z ~ Granville T. Woods Scholars Program Participants in the Granville T. Woods Scholars Program receive a full scholarship to pay for tuition, fees, and text books. A state-of-the-art ~ ~ ~ ~ notebook computer will be loaned to scholars to keep during their participation in the program. Upon completion of the program, the computer will be awarded to graduates. During the summer, scholars will study abroad and participate in research internships. v: ~ ~ 0::: ~ :> APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION • GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Candidates applying for the Granville T. Woods Scholars Program must submit a Granville T. Woods Application for Admission. ill addition, the following documents must be submitted by the deadline date. Official high school transcript (required) ~ .~ Official college entrance exam scores: the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or the American College Testing Program (ACT) scores < i'--1 ~ z ~ ~ u tr: Scholarship Essay Teacher/Counselor recommendations (two are required) Official Advanced Placement scores (optional) Secondary School Report (extra curricular and personal activities, work experience, senior year classes, and academic honors) Scholarship application (required) BALTIMORE CITY COMMUNITY COLLEGE The Granville T. Woods Scholars Program SCHOLARSIllP APPLICATION PARr I: GENERAL INFORMATION Nrume _ Social Security Number _ Admess _ Telephone (Day) _ Telephone (Evening) _ Age _ Gender 0 Female 0 Male PART IT:ESSAY Granville T. Woods Scholarships are awarded based on one or more factors, including academic achievements and goals, extracurricular activities, work experience, and others. Students must submit a brief essay highlighting the academic interests and achievements, financial need, and/or special circumstances they would like the scholarship committee to consider. Please place your name and Social Security number on each additional page. See last page. PART ill: CERI1FICATE OF ACCURACY Please read and sign. I certify that the information contained in my scholarship application is true and correct. Name Date PART IV: SUBMIT APPLICATION Submit this form with other Granville T. Woods Scholarship Program application materials in the envelope provided by April 1. _ BALTIMORE CITY COMMUNITY COLLEGE The Granville T. Woods Scholars Program ADMISSIONS APPLICATION Office of Admissions: 2901 Liberty Heights Avenue- Baltimore, MD 21215-7893·410-462-8223· PERSONAL ITY 1-800-735-2258· DATA Social Security Number ODD-DO-DODD ODD Instructional Program ("Major") Special Entry Code (Select codes from list on back of this application) 1. Nmne------------------------------~~dt;------------------------~~~-------------------------------------- Mm Middle ODD Last 2. CurrentAddr~s,~--~~------------------------------------------------------------~------~---- _ Street Address 3. Birthdate (month, City day, year) State _ ___ 4. Home Telephone Work Telephone _ __ __ E-mail Address Is this a TDD number (Telecommunications call Devicefor (Optional) the Deaf)? DYes Name _ Home Telephone _ D No Relationship _ Work Telephone Area Code 6. Gender 0 M-Male 7. Racial/Ethnic 0 Category Residence Resident only) 11. Type of Visa 12. Military 0 Yes for 3 months or longer? Status 0 Yes 03-Asian 04-Hispanic 05-Caucasian 06-0ther 0 No 00 (Select code from list on back of this application) Countryofcitizenship ONo _ 0 2-Student Visa 0 3-Reservist 03-0ther 0 4-Dependent Alien Registration Number _ Are you applying for Veterans' educational benefits? 0 Y~ 0 No DATA 0 A5-New Student 14. Semester Applying for 16. Academic Objective at BCCC 18. High SchoollGED 0 A7-Transfer Student 0 l-Fall 0 2-Spring DOl-Associate High School Code Degree DDDDDD 0 3-Surnrner 002-Certificate 0 t-High School Diploma-Graduation (or expected HS graduation o Other 0 2-Native American 04-lnternational o l-Refugee/Permanent Resident o I-Active Duty 0 2- Veteran ENROLLMENT 13. Student 0 I-African American 0 l-Baltimore City 0 2-Maryland County Which county? (If not a city resident) o 3-0ut-of-State 10. U.S. Citizen? _ Area Code F-Female (for statistics 8. Have you been a Maryland 9. Permanent --c------------------------ Area Code Area Code 5. In case of an emergency, Zip _ 003-Neither Date 0 2-MD High School Diploma (GED) Date _ date) (Select code from list on back of this application) (School Name/City/State) _ lUghSchooICounselor _ 19. List all coUeges and universities School Name OTHER 20. attended, including BCCC, either full or part-time. Address From MoJYr. To MoJYr. Degree/Certificate Received DATA How did you hear about The Granville o I-School o 6-Radio Counselor T. Woods Scholars Program? 02- BCCC Admissions 07-Television (check aU that apply) o 4-Newspaper o 9-0ther 0 3-BCCC Publication 08-Friend o 5-Billboard _ Please read and sign the foUowing: To the best of my knowledge, every statement I have made on this Admissions Application is correct I realize that deliberately falsifying or omitting information could be grounds for dismissal from the College. I understand that it is my responsibility to notify the Admissions or Registrar's Office of any changes in this information. I accept and agree to abide by all policies and regulations of BCCC including those concerning drug and alcohol abuse. I understand that the unlawful use of drugs or alcohol will subject me to the penalties contained in those policies and regulations. SignatureofApplicant _ Date _ BALTIMORE CITY COMMUNITY COLLEGE The Granville T. Woods Scholars Program ADMISSIONS APPLICATION I~STRUCTIONAL PROGRAM ("MAJORS") INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAM ("MAJORS") CODES (D) Associate degree program Granville T. Woods Scholars Program Options 509 502 004 008 445 Public Policy Option Social and Behavioral Sciences Option Business Administration (D) General Studies (D) Special Entry Code CODES MARYLAND COUNTY CODES (Application item # 9.2) 01 Allegany 02 Anne Arundel 03 Baltimore 04 Calvert 05 Caroline 06 Carroll 07 Cecil 08 Charles 09 Dorchester 10 Frederick 11 Garrett 12 Harford 13 Howard 14 Kent 15 Montgomery 16 Prince George's 17 QueenAnne's 18 St. Mary's 19 Somerset 20 Talbot 21 Washington 22 Wicomico 23 Worcester 24 Baltimore City HIGH SCHOOL CODES ADMISSIONS/CALL 410-462-8300 MD TOLL-FREE 1-888-203-1261 TTY 1-800-735-2258 WEB SITE CENTER (Application item #18) 210035 Baltimore City College 210038 Baltimore Polytechnic Institute 210044 Baltimore School for the Arts 210060 Carver Voc-Tech 210082 Edmondson SeniorlWestside 210083 Fairmount/Harford Institute 210085 Forest Park 210089 Francis M. Woods 210075 Frederick Douglass 210101 Harbor City High School **HOOI Central Career Center at Briscoe 210106 Lake CliftonlEastern 210081 Laurence Paquin 210115 Mergenthaler Voc-Tech 210144 Northern 210143 Northwestern 210 160 Patterson 210170 Paul Lawrence Dunbar 210210 Southern 210211 Southwestern 210217 Waverly Career Center 210219 Walbrook High Uniform Services Academy 210220 Western **H999 Out-of-Maryland **H888 GED (MD HS Diploma) **HOOONo High School/GED 9/02 BALTIMORE CITY COMMUNITY COLLEGE The Granville T. Woods Scholars Program SECONDARY SCHOOL REPORT This report is to be completed by the student. Additional official documents are required, including official secondary school transcripts and college-entrance 1. examination scores. N~ _ Nickname (if applicable) Ad~s _ _ Social Security # High School Graduation Date _ Name of High School _ Cumulative Grade Point Average Advanced PlacementlInternational Class Rank _ Baccalaureate courses (yes or no) _ Please submit official secondary school transcript. 2. ACADEMIC HONORS Briefly describe any scholarship distinctions, honors/gifted and talented courses or any other honors you have earned beginning with the ninth grade. 3. TEST INFORMATION Please indicate Scholastic Aptitude Test scores (SAT I), the American College Test scores (ACT) or Advanced PlacementlIntemational Baccalaureate Exams which you have taken or plan to take. ACT date date SAT I date date SAT II date date APExams m Exams subject subject date date subject subject date date Please submit offical scores as soon as they are available. over 4. SENIOR YEAR CLASSFB Please list the classes you are or will be taking during your senior year all appear on your high school transcript if they do not 5. EXTRACURRICULAR & PERSONAL ACTIVITIES Please list your major extracurricular, community, athletic, cultural, artistic and family activities, and hobbies. (Enclose attachments if necessary.) Activity Grade level Brief description of your participation 6. WORK EXPERIENCE Please list any work experience (including swnmer employment) you have had in the past three years. Dates of employment Position and employer Brief description of duties (1) _ (2) _ (3) (4) _ -,.- 7. ACADEMIC HONORS Please provide any additional information regarding your background and experiences that may assist in the review of your application. (Enclose attachments if necessary.) _ BALTIMORE CITY COMMUNITY COLLEGE The Granville T. Woods Scholars Program TEACHER/COUNSELOR RECOMlVlENDATION This recommendation form is to be completed by a teacher or a counselor who can attest to your academic performance and/or personal attributes. Smdern'sNmne _ A~s _ Phone _ Teacher's/Counselor's Name _ Subject Taught _ HighSchool _ SchooIAd~s ~ RECOMMENDATIONSIEVALUATION _ (pleasetype or print) Please feel free to write whatever you think is important about the applicant, including a description of academic and personal characteristics. We are particularly interested in the candidate's intellectual purpose, motivation, maturity, integrity, independence, originality, initiative, leadership potential, special talents, and enthusiasm. We welcome any information that will assist us in distinguishing this student from others. (Use reverse side if necessary.) Please give an overall rating (Optional) o Below Average 0 Average 0 Good 0 Very Good 0 Excellent 0 One of the top few I have encountered BALTIMORE CITY COMMUNITY COLLEGE The Granville T. Woods Scholars Program TEACHER/COUNSELOR RECOMMENDATION This recommendation form is to be completed by a teacher or a counselor who can attest to your academic performance and/or personal attributes. Student's Name A~s _ _ Phone _ Teacher'S/Counselor's Name _ Su~~tTau~t------------------------------------------Hi~School--SchooIA~s RECOMMENDATIONSIEVALUATION _ _ (please type or print) Please feel free to write whatever you think is important about the applicant, including a description of academic and personal characteristics. We are particularly interested in the candidate's intellectual purpose, motivation, maturity, integrity, independence, originality, initiative, leadership potential, special talents, and enthusiasm. We welcome any information that will assist us in distinguishing this student from others. (Use reverse side if necessary) Please give an overall rating (Optional) o Below Average 0 Average 0 Good 0 Very Good 0 Excellent 0 One of the top few I have encountered BALTIMORE CITY COMMUNITY COLLEGE The Granville T. Woods Scholars Program SCHOLARSIllP ESSAY Granville T. Woods was known as "the greatest electrician in the world," even though he was often prevented from advancing in his employment. Instead of becoming discouraged, he used his inventions to reflect his mechanical genius. His first and second patents, while successful, did not provide him with any real income. With his third patent, however, Woods was able to sell his invention to the Bell Telephone Company of Boston. It was probably the sale that gave him the needed capital to establish his own company, Woods Railway Telegraph Company. Write a well-developed essay explaining how and why a Granville T. Woods Scholarship would enable you to achieve your goals. Highlight your academic achievements, your career aspirations, work experiences and any special circumstances to support your explanation. To receive a favorable decision regarding your scholarship application, your essay must have a recognizable thesis statement, an introduction, at least two body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Your essay must be typed and double-spaced. Your typed essay will be evaluated for organization, development, clarity, spelling, grammar and punctuation. Granville T Woods' dedication to education, perseverance despite numerous obstacles, and professional brilliance make him a role model for scholars.