mission: rescue - Boise Rescue Mission Ministries
mission: rescue - Boise Rescue Mission Ministries
SEPTEMBER 2O15 MISSION: RESCUE Healing: Body & Soul You are making a difference! From the President Healing: Body and Soul Coming Soon! REV. BILL ROSCOE | P2 RICK’S STORY | P3 THRIFT STORE | P4 From the President men. We moved from the Mission Mission’s operations, and give us on Front Street in Boise, to the River another point of contact with people of Life Mission on 13th, increasing who need to know the Lord. the facility by over 24,000 square feet. And we moved into the new Lighthouse Mission in Nampa, gaining 2,000 square feet and a full city block for later expansion. Rev. Bill Roscoe We also opened Valley Women and President/CEO Children’s Shelter, providing 60 Email: [email protected] beds and meal services for women Blog: BoiseRM.org/category/blog and children in Nampa. The Bible tells us that God hears us when we pray. Since 1958 the Boise Rescue Mission Ministries has been blessed because of the prayer offered by us and for us. We appreciate this ministry of prayer. There is no way that the Mission could have experienced the growth we have in Dear Mission Friends, As our facilities have grown, so facilities and services without the has serve prayer of faithful people. We know Thank you for your support. Every more people with programs for that all of these blessings come with day when I wake up, my first thoughts recovery. We built 12 apartments the responsibility to fulfill God’s are to thank God for bringing us to in Nampa as transitional housing mandate to care for the needy: Idaho to serve at the Rescue Mission, for men, expanded and improved and with that, I thank God for all of the Addiction/Recovery Program, you and your sincere compassion for added the needy and homeless people we Program, developed the Academic serve. Program and the Work Readiness As I look back on the past 13 years, I’m amazed at what God has done our opportunity the Veterans to Ministry Program, and started a program for children. with this ministry. In just the past ten Today, we are on the cusp of another years, we have served over 3,340,000 great ministry opportunity; opening meals and provided 1,136,000 safe The Rescue Mission Thrift Store in nights of shelter to homeless men, Nampa. women and children. More than 2,800 people have made a public profession of faith at the Mission and countless others received the seed of bread with the hungry, and that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out; When you see the naked, that you cover him, And not hide yourself from your own flesh?” (Isaiah 58:6&7) With the assurance that God is with us, and that you are willing to support our work, we will do that good work and thank God for the privilege of planning and praying, the Mission’s service to the least, the last and the Thrift Store will open on October lost. God bless you! 19th and will begin providing real In that same time period, we have women in our Mission programs. added 140 shelter beds for women It will offer great bargains to the and children and over 300 beds for public, earn income to sustain the MISSION: RESCUE chosen . . . Is it not to share your After several years of research, faith that will lead to their salvation. 2 Is this not the fast that I have world work experience for men and September 2015 In His Service, Rick’s Story You can often find Rick volunteering went to church and didn’t have huffing glue, paint, or gasoline, and at the front desk of the River of anyone telling us the difference sometimes doing meth.” Life Rescue Mission, answering the between right and wrong.” phones and greeting guests and Over the years, Rick says he lost his He says that, looking back, he can family, his home, everything. But in see that his childhood was filled all that time, it never occurred to him with embarrassment and shame. “I that he wasn’t a pretty good guy, and was ashamed of my invalid father, he never thought he was an addict. embarrassed by the ragged clothes He says, “As I got older, I didn’t think I had to wear, embarrassed that I was really drinking that much and I couldn’t read well or keep up in I wasn’t doing drugs very often. But actually a bad guy.” school. So I grew up to be a fighter. then I lost my job because of an old I can’t say that I would have made hip injury. I wasn’t able to work, Rick tells me his family was one of the different choices, but sometimes I and was about to be homeless when poorest in a very poor neighborhood wonder how I would have turned my hip got so bad that I had to be in San Diego. “My dad was a complete out if I did have a real dad, someone hospitalized.” invalid by the time I was twelve. He who could teach me to be a man.” visitors with a smile. He says it is something he really enjoys now, but it wasn’t too long ago that he was a completely different person. He tells me, “I went through a lot of bad things in my life, but I didn’t realize, until I came to the Mission, that I was couldn’t talk, and had to be fed and shaved. My mom had her hands full taking care of him 24 hours a day, so the four of us kids didn’t have any structure or supervision. We never He says that, while he was in the “I remember exactly when I got high hospital, he started to have symptoms for the first time. I was in junior high. of withdrawal. “My legs started That first time I was just curious. shaking violently during an MRI. But then, I just kept going; drinking, That’s when my doctors told me they (continued on page 5) September 2015 MISSION: RESCUE 3 COMING OCT THE RESCUE MISSION THRIFT STORE Grand Opening! Save the date and plan to join us for a day filled with fun activities for the whole family. October 19th at 1215 12th Ave. South in Nampa Store hours: 9am - 7pm, Monday - Saturday Official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony: 4pm Watch our progress at BoiseRM.org/thrift-store FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Did the building used to be a Honks Dollar Store? Yes, it was, and a Rite Aid before that. Will my donations to the Mission continue to help people in need in our community? Absolutely! We are committed to making sure that the best of our donations go directly to our facilities to help the people who come to us in need. But that leaves plenty of items that we can put to work in the thrift store. No matter what you donate, you can be assured that it will benefit the men, women and children we serve each and every day. When will I be able to start dropping off donations at the Thrift Store? October 5th through the 16th, we will begin accepting donations at the Thrift Store between 9am and 5pm, M-F. 4 MISSION: RESCUE September 2015 RICK’S STORY (continued from page 3) thought I was an alcoholic. I honestly had no idea. I had convinced myself that everything I was doing was normal, so that was a wake up call for me. My sister helped me find the River of Life Rescue Mission and get into the New Life Program.” “So many good things have come from my time here at the Mission. I found Jesus Christ and with His help and that of the New Life Program staff, I was able to get clean and TOBER 19th! sober. And I can say my heart has changed 100%; I’m a new man.” After Rick started the New Life Program, he found out he had more serious health problems. He has had one surgery and is scheduled for another at the end of this month. He says, “I appreciate everything the THE RESCUE MISSION THRIFT STORE 1215 12th Ave. South, Nampa, 83651 Mission has done for me. I would like to thank all of the donors. Without ve hA them, none of this would be here S and I don’t know what would have t 12 happened to me. I would be sick and living on the street. Instead, I am able to stay here while I get the help I need. So I would like to say thank you.” Can I still take donations to the Mission’s other facilities? Absolutely! We are so grateful for your generosity and any of our facilities can Scan the QR code with your smart phone, or go to https://vimeo.com/136837030 to watch Rick’s video. accept your donations. If you have any questions about having items picked up, or about the kinds of items we need, you can call the Mission’s warehouse at 208-368-0824 . September 2015 MISSION: RESCUE 5 You Did It! Thank You! Because of you, the first day of school was filled with excitement for 164 kids who needed your help. They were able to start the school year right with new clothes, backpacks & school supplies. BREAD for LIFE DONOR CIRCLE Monthly Giving Made Easy Boise Rescue Mission Ministries has been honored with a nomination for this year’s Nonprofit Excellence We invite you to join our faithful Bread for Life Donor Circle, knowing your gifts allow us to provide warm meals, safe shelter and lifechanging opportunities to those who need it the most all year-round. Awards. These awards recognize the It’s easy to join and you can choose the frequency of your gifts. with the many moving stories in the 2015 nominations.” Set up your own recurring donation (monthly, quarterly, or annually) online at Community.BoiseRM.org/Bread - OR Contact Melanie at melaniem@boiserm. org or 208.343.2389 6 Excellence Award Nomination MISSION: RESCUE September 2015 outstanding accomplishments of nonprofit organizations in the state of Idaho. “We are so pleased with the fantastic response from the community and impressed said Janice Fulkerson, Executive Director of the Idaho Nonprofit Center, which organized the awards. The Mission will be recognized along with the other nominees at the Nonprofit Excellence Awards Dinner on September 15th during the Idaho Nonprofit Center’s annual conference. Six (6) of the organizations will be honored with 2015 Nonprofit Excellence Award. Holiday Volunteer Opportunities The holidays are right around the corner and this year’s schedule of holiday events and volunteer applications will be available online starting Thursday, October 1st. GO TO BOISERM.ORG Opportunities to serve fill up very quickly. Apply early so you don’t miss the chance to volunteer at your favorite event! Lives You Have Touched Last month, your generosity nights of safe shelter provided 11,166 Our Mission Boise Rescue Mission Ministries reaches out to the community by teaching the Word of God and providing food, shelter, clothing, and opportunities to recover from homelessness to men, women, and children in need. CURRENT NEEDS ££ Towels ££ Underwear ££ Socks ££ Cold weather clothing, ££ Razors ££ Deodorant ££ Bikes ££ Bike locks ££ Cold medications ££ Cough drops ££ Shoes ££ Boots ££ Clothing for larger men (2xxl, 3xxl, 4xxl) ££ Men’s socks ££ Men’s t-shirts (L, XL, XXL) ££ Liquid Laundry Detergent ££ Bleach ££ Comet/Ajax type powder cleanser ££ 33 gallon trash bags ££ 40-45 gallon trash bags to men, women, and children across the Treasure Valley who needed you. You also made it possible for us to serve 32,898 nutritious meals to our guests and people in need in the community, 17,155 of those meals were served to women and children. Thank you for helping us restore faith, hope, and family to the hungry and homeless people in our community. DONATION DROP OFF LOCATIONS: BOISE: Ministry Center 308 S 24th St, Boise 208 368-0824 Hours: Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm NAMPA: Lighthouse Rescue Mission 304 16th Ave N, Nampa 208 461-5030 September 2015 MISSION: RESCUE 7 BOISE Praiseworthy “At the Lighthouse, we are especially grateful to our friends who have been donating fresh fruits and vegetables to us this summer. We not only use the fresh produce in the meals we serve, but also are able to give it out to our neighbors in need via food boxes or fruit/vegetable bags. This produce is a healthy addition to the diets of many who otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford it.” ~ Chris Ellison, Director, Lighthouse Rescue Mission CITY LIGHT “We are so proud of the ladies in our Work Search program for their diligence in looking for work. 6 women from City Light have gotten jobs in the past two weeks, and two women from Valley start work at new jobs today!” ~ Julie Jones, Director, Women & Children’s Ministries HOME FOR WOMEN & CHILDREN 1404 W. Jefferson St. Boise, ID 83702 208-368-9901 RIVER OF LIFE RESCUE MISSION 575 S. 13th St. Boise, ID 83702 208-389-9840 FROM OUR FACILITIES MINISTRY CENTER NAMPA WAREHOUSE & ADMINISTRATION 308 S. 24th St. Boise, ID 83702 Admin - 343-2389 WH - 368-0824 Hours for donations: M to F, 9am to 5pm LIGHTHOUSE RESCUE MISSION 304 16th Ave. N. Nampa, ID 83687 208-461-5030 VALLEY Notes WOMEN & CHILDREN’S SHELTER 869 W. Corporate Lane Nampa, ID 83651 208-475-0725 THE RESCUE MISSION THRIFT STORE 1215 12th Ave. South Nampa, ID 83651 208-406-4006 Opening Day: October 19th, 9am to 7pm “I’m learning to live life the way it was meant to be lived. Happy, holy, and full of love.” BRMM BOARD OF DIRECTORS Vikki Chandler, Chair Tony Greer, Vice Chair/Secretary Don Anderson, Treasurer Roger Batt Jody Buckner Adalaide Fredriksen Don Brandt, Emeritus Sandy Dalton, Emeritus William Laska Dave Hills, Emeritus Rick Thomas Gerald Salisbury, Emeritus Craig Verdi Harold Thomas, Emeritus Kelly Watts 8 MISSION: RESCUE “I am so thankful to the Mission for being here for me through hard times, for taking me in, and for giving me a shoulder to cry on.” “I am a new person because of the New Life Program.” “Thanks for always believing in me and never giving up on me!” September 2015 FROM OUR GUESTS
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