November - Temple Beth Am


November - Temple Beth Am
Temple Beth Am
November 2015 Cheshvan/Kislev 5776
2250 Central Blvd. Jupiter, FL 33458
Published Monthly
(561) 747-1109
Vol. 1, Issue No. 186
Four reasons why you should join me at the AIPAC Conference Policy this upcoming
March: October 2015 is just another reminder of how vulnerable our beloved Israel is,
being in the midst of the most volatile region that is a home for the worst terrorist groups.
What saved Israel in the past and will ensure its future is its strategic alliance with the
United States. By keeping this relationship strong and solid despite all the challenges,
AIPAC protects the State of Israel. Every year AIPAC organizes a Policy Conference in
Washington DC. All of them are important, but I believe that the one this year is crucial.
1. This is an election year, and even though the speaker list has not been published yet, I promise you
that anyone who thinks he or she has a shot at being the next President of the United States will be
there. You may think that you know where they stand vis-à-vis Israel, and that’s what I had thought
before I went to the conference four years ago. But having the opportunity to listen to the candidates
for an adequate amount of time (not a 30 second sound bite during a debate), taught me about the
level of their understanding of the Middle East, the depth of their commitment to Israel and their
plans for the future.
2. Some of you supported the Iran Deal and some of you were against it. The reality is that the deal
passed, and considering the speed with which events unfold in the Middle East we have neither the
time nor the resources to dwell on it. Now we need the pro-Israel community more than ever to
ensure that the agreement is implemented as it was intended in a way that benefits both America and
Israel. AIPAC needs our help so it can alert the public and prompt politicians to react appropriately
should the Iranians violate their part of the agreement.
3. In the past decade we have seen organized campaigns around the world to harm Israel’s economy by
promoting a policy of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel. We must support
AIPAC in its battle against international organizations and governments that attempt to isolate and
delegitimize Israel. We must prevent BDS from sanctioning not only Israel but any company that
plans to invest in Israel.
4. Unfortunately, our focus shifts to Israel mostly at times of struggle and conflicts. But when we
attend the Policy Conference we are reminded of all that is so good and beautiful in our homeland.
We learn what makes Israel a world leader in technology, as well as Israel’s unprecedented level of
innovation and creativity
attending the AIPAC Policy Conference we make our concerns for Israel's future evident to our leaders in
Washington. I hope you will be able to join us on March 20-22, 2016 for the conference. For more details visit
Rabbi Alon Levkovitz
Temple Beth Am
November 2015
Hal Baseman, Capital Campaign Chairperson
A particularly relevant excerpt from the book of “I really should have paid attention in Hebrew School”.
And Construction Moses went up to the township planning board for many, many weeks and when he returned
he brought wisdom, permits, and these Ten Commandments of Chidush to the members of Temple Beth Am:
Thou shall improve thy Temple by making thy Sanctuary more intimate and inspirational, so that it
can be a pleasant place of worship – where thou can see thy Rabbi without a telescope, even if it
means thou cannot sit way in the back and pretend to be awake.
And thou shall divide the Social Hall into two, nay make that three Great rooms, so that thou can
have many informative programs, fun events, meetings, Mah Jongg tournaments, dancing, parties,
and whatever else thou want’th.
And thou shall make thy Lobby area look like a truly warm place of welcome rather than what-ever it
looks like now.
And thou shall expand thy Chapel to allow for crying babies and joyous children, so that their
exhausted parents shall feel comfortable and the elders among us can stop complaining to thy Board.
And thou shall improve thy Sound and Visual System, so that thou can clearly better hear the
beautiful music and singing and every word of thy Rabbi’s sermons and not have to guess as to what
to complain about.
And thou shall go forth and make thy Offices larger and more functional, so that thou hard working
staff and volunteers can serve thou as a beacon of efficiency among the dark chaos of accounting,
record keeping, phone answering and such.
And thou shall expand the Youth Lounge, so thy youth can better lounge, thus maketh’ing Judaism
important and memorable to thy lounging youth.
And thou shall do many other great things that thy President and his design committee hast specified,
but to be honest – this humble scribe recording these commandments hast forgotten or not much paid
attention to.
Finally, thou shall Contribute greatly to the Capital Campaign in both Donation and cheerful spirit,
for thou looks best when thou is generous and happy, understanding that without thy support
none of this will get done. And if it is not done, then it is likely the earth shall open up and
swallow thou, allowing thine enemies to build a Chipotle’s parking lot over the very spot where
thou sunk into the ground. And thus the ducks and geese shall do their smelly, foul things right
over where thou sunk into the ground for all of eternity – heh, heh, heh.
And one more thing, thou shall honor thy Voluntary Financial Commitment and give regular
donations, so thy Temple can pay the electric bill in order for thou to see all of the greatness of what
thou hast constructed.
If thou do’est what is commanded for this Chidush Capital Campaign, then thou shall be happy, good
looking, and wise (if not a tiny bit gullible) for all of the days of thy life. And thou shall dwell in a great place
of worship, community, and joy in the land of Jupiter forever more, unless thy spouse’s relatives decide to
move here, in which case, relocating might not be a bad option for thou to consider…
And the members listened and the Chidush Capital Campaign was a Blessing. And there was much rejoicing.
Temple Beth Am
November 2015
Mark Slifkin
Adult Education Program Catalog:
Big thanks to Carol Sleeper, Melanie Goldsobel and congr egant Jamie Frankel for their effor ts to pr oduce a gr eat
adult education catalog. There are many educational things to do – I am sure you will find something that appeals to
you. See you there! This is definitely a case of ‘if you build it they will come’ only in our case ‘if you provide it they
will come’.
Sukkah Construction & TOS Garden Clean Up:
Once again under the leadership of congregant Paul Steidle and his construction crew of 14 volunteers, the Sukkah was
built so our entire congregation could participate in the mitzvah of sitting in the sukkah, from our preschool & religious
school children to our congregants who participated in the ritual of shaking the lulav prior to our Friday night Service.
Kerrie Rhoades & Paula Deakter and their cr ew of 9 cleaned up the gar den. Men’s Club representatives Mel
Wolfe and Jack Tannenbaum pr ovided food and dr inks for all.
Anne Frank Exhibit:
WOW! Over 1,000 congregants, adults, school children visited TBA to see the Anne Frank Exhibit on loan from The
Anne Frank Center USA. Thank you to Congregants Leah & Ed Frankel for arranging it and a special thank you to
Carol Sleeper and congr egants Stacey Runfola and Jonah Cohn for all their har d wor k in setting up the event.
Also thanks to the Men’s Club and Sisterhood for being greeters and a special thank you to all the congregant docents
who guided the visitors through the exhibit.
Your Chance to help the TBA Board:
The TBA Board needs your help! It is that time of the year when we form our Board Nominating Committee under the
leadership of ex-officio Hal Baseman. Our Bylaws require 3 congregants in addition to 2 existing Board members. If
you are interested in serving on this very important committee and the task of interviewing and nominating TBA
members for the Board please let the office know by December 15th, 2015.
Interfaith Service:
The 19th Annual Thanksgiving Interfaith Service this year is at St. Peter Catholic Church on November 25, 2015. This is
a fantastic interfaith event so please join us. On November 23, 2016 the Thanksgiving Interfaith Service will be held in
TBA’s newly r enovated Sanctuar y, Social Hall, Chapel and Lobby.
CHIDUSH ‫( ִחידוּשׁ‬Renewal):
By now you have read Hal Baseman’s “Words of Reflection” article on his interpretation of the Ten Commandments of
Chidush. Now if you want to hear Rabbi Alon and Brian Cohn discuss the vision, see the r ender ings and ask
questions, don’t miss the Chidush Open House on November 10, 2015 at 6:00pm – 7:30pm.
During November we plan to have a Project Chidush tab on our TBA website where you can follow our progress. http://
Our Board member names are always listed in the Scribe – talk to them anytime about your thoughts, suggestions and
ideas – our tag line ALL OF US TOGETHER only works if we have YOUR input!
Scribe articles are great and contain interesting tidbits about TBA – enjoy them. Call me at 561-222-8350 if you have
ANY questions or just wish to chat. Email wor ks also: [email protected].
Mark Slifkin
Temple Beth Am
November 2015
Carol Sleeper
As I am writing this article we are nearly finished with the Anne Frank: A History for Today
exhibit at Temple Beth Am but by the time that you read this article the exhibit will be over and
shipped to the next group lucky enough to be able to host the display. We have had almost 1,000
people already come through and see this educational and inspirational exhibit. In the next four
days we still have 6 more group tours and 1 more Sunday when the exhibit is open to the public for viewing. It would be
an understatement to say that this project was successful. I know that the Scribe should not always be the venue for
thanking people but I think that I would be remiss if I didn’t take this opportunity to let the congregation know about the
hard work and effort by so many that went into this project. When Rabbi Alon brought this project to the staff we
thought that the timing was off, good idea, bad timing. But it was an opportunity that we couldn’t pass up. Thank you to
Leah and Ed Frankel for br inging the idea to the Rabbi because without your suggestion ther e would be
hundreds of children and adults in our community that would have missed the chance to learn more about intolerance
and how it affects them. Thank you to Jonah Cohn for donating the funds as part of his Bar Mitzvah project so that we
could have Hillary Eddy Stipelman from the Anne Frank Center in New York come and train the docents on the best
way to showcase this traveling exhibit.
The night of the public grand opening saw 250 people from our community come out to hear Sylvia Spitalnick, also
from the Anne Frank Center in New York, speak about the importance of this exhibit. There was plenty of food and a
chance to view the exhibit. Leaders from our community were invited and many were able to join us including Jupiter
town councilman Ilan Kaufer, executive director of the Commission for Jewish Education Charles Cohen, principal of
the Meyer Academy Dr. Leslie Dangerfield, and the Palm Beach County School district’s coordinator of holocaust
studies Maureen Carter, to name a few. This night couldn’t have happened without Stacey Runfola who stepped up to
make sure that this project not only happened but that it happened right. Many nights were spent texting or emailing
back and forth to make sure that every detail was taken care of. Letters had to be written, plans had to be made, and
Stacey was always ready with “I can do that”.
Sisterhood and Men’s Club were asked to help us find ushers/greeters and Carole Levine worked the room wherever she
was, talking up the exhibit and getting leads for volunteers. Jack Tenenbaum, also not so shy, found volunteers,
organized them and scheduled them so that whenever we were open to the public there was someone to greet them.
Thank you to the ushers/greeters: Jack Tenenbaum, Lois & Sandy Edelstein, Lenny Zysman, George Kissil, Ralph
VanBaalen, Herb Gildenhorn, Lou Wolfson, Bob Hochman, Sandy Goldberg, David Elias, Joe & Carole Meshil,
Samuel Gordon, and Maril Levy.
Thank you to Liz Cohn, Marcy Morris and Danna Cohen for designing educational mater ials to be used by the
children who came to see the exhibit. The suitcase discussion, the exhibit scavenger hunt and the leaves for the Tree of
Hope were perfect vehicles for making the exhibit interactive and enjoyable while still educational.
The biggest thank you goes to the docents who took the time to come to the training sessions, then went home and did
more research and took their job of docent very seriously. No matter how prepared you are, you worry before your
group tours. I know I did. Yet despite the butterflies and nerves they all were spectacular. It was my privilege to work
with all of these docents and get to know them better. Huge thanks to the docents, in no particular order: Liz Cohn, Artie
& Barbara Seltzer, Karen Feller, C.K. Tenenbaum, Nanci Hochman, Sheila Teitelbaum, Audrey Ades, Ilene
Gerber, Barry Weiss, Nina Nemerofsky, Barbara Levy, Herb & Phyllis Cohen, Stacey Runfola, Sharon Bennett,
Jonah Cohn, Sammie Fried, Brielle Cohen, and Brianna Steidle. Kol HaKavod!
Temple Beth Am
November 2015
Friday, October 30, 2015
Join us Friday night, October 30, 2015
Sephardic Themed Shabbat
Sephardic inspired reception
Shabbat Service with a Sephardic flair
Special New Member welcome
Friday, November 6, 2015
Join us Friday night, November 6, 2015 during Shabbat Services for our guest
speaker Jason O’Connor. Jason will be talking about the Legacy of Kristallnacht and
the Jewish world.
The road to the Holocaust began with an idea, the idea was codified into law and
cemented into action in the form of a mass pogrom that would forever change the
fate of European Jewry. Today the Jewish world continues to face a similar threat
and yet the world remains silent.
Jason has taught at Temple Beth Am for many adult education classes. He was born
in South Africa and raised in Israel. Jason has an MA in Holocaust and Genocide
Studies from Gratz College (2014), an MA in Near East and Judaic Studies from
Brandeis University (2005) and a BA in Political Science and Judaic Studies from
Florida Atlantic University (2002). He currently teaches high school social studies at
North Broward Preparatory School and is an educator for the March of the Living Southern Region.
Temple Beth Am
November 2015
Friday, November 20, 2015
6:00pm Spirited Shabbat Reception
6:30pm Shabbat Song Session & Learning with
Music Director/Rabbinic Intern, Brett Tancer
7:00pm Shabbat Service with Torah Reading and
Birthday Blessings
& Guest Speaker, Megan Feldman
When Megan Feldman Bettencourt found herself embittered
after a breakup and a string of professional setbacks, she met
an extraordinary man named Azim. Azim had forgiven the
man who killed his beloved only son, and even reached out to
the killer’s family. He truly seemed to be at peace.
As a veteran journalist, Megan recognized it for the amazing
story it was. But as a self-admitted grudge-holder, she was
perplexed. Was there something wrong with him, or was there
something wrong with her? She wondered about our ability to
forgive—why we have it at all, why we do it, and whether it
can help us.
Megan Feldman is an award winning writer and adjunct
professor of Journalism and Public Relations at Metropolitan
State University. Her features have appeared in magazines
such as Glamour, Details, Newsday and the Dallas Observer.
Thank you so much for the food, cards, calls, visits and best wishes during my
recent illness. I appreciate and love you all.
Carol Carswell
Temple Beth Am
November 2015
FRIDAY, December 4, 2015
Join us on Friday Night, December 4th during our
7:00pm Shabbat Service where Doug McGetchin
will be our guest speaker.
Mr. McGetchin is an Associate Professor of History at
Florida Atlantic University where he conducts research and
teaches about modern Europe, South Asia, and connections
between them.
Mr. McGetchin will be teaching an Adult Education course
at Temple Beth Am in January, Hitler vs Ghandi.
Where is it written?
A look at why Jews do the things that we do. Rituals, customs,
holiday observances, and life-cycle events - did you ever wonder why
we do them and where they originated? Now’s your chance to find out the answers to
some of your questions.
Join us for this 3 part program facilitated by Temple Beth Am member Evelyn Maltman.
Thursday evening at 7:00pm November 5th
Thursday evening at 7:00pm November 12th
Thursday evening at 7:00pm November 19th
Light Refreshments will be available at 6:30pm prior to the class.
Evelyn Maltman began her work in Reform Judaism Outreach more than 25 years ago.
She is a URJ trained professional facilitator for various Outreach programs. In 1999, she
received her training in the Outreach Fellows Program at Hebrew Union College,
Cincinnati. Evelyn and her husband, Allan, moved to Jupiter, Florida in February 2013
and found their new spiritual home at Temple Beth Am.
Temple Beth Am
November 2015
Thursday Night Adult Education:
Best of Talmud
Class taught by Rabbi Alon Levkovitz
Rabbinic Intern Brett Tancer
December 3rd, 10th & 17th at 7:00pm.
*Light refreshments @ 6:30pm.
Saturdays, 9:00am
Thursdays, 12:00noon
Learn to chant the Bible with
Rabbinic Intern Brett Tancer.
(Very “basic” Hebrew reading skills needed.)
Sundays, 10:00am
Temple Beth Am
Sundays, 12:00noon
November 2015
Debbie Baseman, Chairperson
Another High Holy Days season has come and gone. I’d like to take a moment to thank a few people.
Thank you to Cantor Jessica Turnoff Ferrari and Rabbinic Intern/Music Director Brett Tancer, along with their team for
the inspirational music, which so perfectly set the mood of our Services. And a very special thank you to Rabbi Alon
Levkovitz for his guidance thr ough the Ser vices, his well-positioned wit, and for his thoughtful sermons and
messages – which provided the opportunity to pause, reflect, and realize the importance of Temple Beth Am’s High
Holy Days Services.
Thank you Richard Remick for working behind the scene getting the building into shape for the High Holy Days. I
can’t begin to describe what he does for us, so I won’t even try. Richard took a break this year from organizing the
ushers and Bob Hochman graciously volunteered to take over this task. Thank you so much to Bob for organizing the
ushers this year. Bob did a fantastic job (he even put up with my micro-managing!) and I’m happy to say he has already
committed to doing it again next year. I would like to thank our wonderful crew of ushers and greeters:
Audrey Ades; Hal Baseman; Gwen Berry; Lisa, Keren & Asher Blatt; Steve Carp; Lois & Sandy Edelstein;
Mary & David Elias; Karen & Bob Feller; Mark Golzbein; Melanie Friedman; Melanie Goldsobel; Stan
Goldberg; Nanci & Bob Hochman; Carole Levine; Maril Levy; Susan & John Marzina; Jody Minde; Richard
Remick; Harvey Silverman; Carol Sleeper; Mark Slifkin; Cubby Steinhart; C.K. & Jack Tenenbaum; Vivian &
Allegra Treves; Ralph VanBaalen and Eric Weiner.
Thank you, Gali Levkovitz and her crew for preparing holiday dinners on Erev Rosh Hashanah and Kol Nidre as well as
lunch on Rosh Hashanah for those of us who “worked” the holidays. Delicious as always and very much appreciated!!!
Our landscaping looked pretty good this year! Thank you to Harvey Silverman with the help of Shawn Berry for getting
our property in tip-top shape. Lots of sweat and hard work went into that job!
Thank you Sisterhood for taking care of all the details for Selichot and for supplying the gifts of apple chips, honey and
a shofar to all the childr en after the Childr en’s Rosh Hashanah Service. They loved it!
Once again, we managed to pull off a pretty wonderful break-the-fast thanks to our wonder ful r esident chefs John
Marzina & Eric Weiner and (might as well be a chef) Bruce Cohen. Thank you also to Alfredo Montes and his
crew for being able to transform the back of the Social Hall within minutes from a place of worship to a hall feeding
over 200 people. Amazing!
Thank you Sharon Holinstat for doing the Yizkor Book once again for us. My deepest thanks to you, Sharon, because I
know this was the last thing you wanted to do, but you did it anyway and I am very grateful.
Thank you Debby Baker for once again handling our Food Drive benefitting The Alpert Jewish Family & Children’s
Service. The Food Drive was a great success. Thank you also to our younger volunteers who helped load the food into
the U-haul truck from Jupiter Auto Exchange: Crew leader Ben Levkovitz, Jonah Cohn, Naomi Cohn, Madison Cohen,
Ephram Jacob and Max Maline. And thank you also to Marcy Isdaner, Mary Ellen Levin & Seth Ackerman for
their help with the Food Drive.
Thank you to the entire staff at Temple Beth Am who worked above and beyond, every day, to help make TBA the best
it can be. Thank you Melanie Goldsobel for her perpetual “No problem. It’s all good. We can get it done” philosophy
during the busiest time of the year. Thank you to Margot Hauser who loves the craziness that we go through leading up
to the High Holy Days and who I love working with. And thank you Carol Sleeper for being right beside me working
diligently throughout the High Holy Days.
And last but not least, thank you to my wonderful husband, Hal Baseman. Without his support, I would not be able to
do what I do for the High Holy Days. I thank God every day that I have him by my side. He keeps me sane. And he
also does a great job in the parking lot-even when he gets abused by people who think he’s the hired-hand and not a
volunteer sweating to help people find spots when there aren’t any available. I love you, Hal.
It takes the hands of many people to “run the show” and I know I must be forgetting someone! Please forgive me if I
failed to mention you by name, but know that your help was greatly appreciated.
Temple Beth Am
November 2015
Jack Tenenbaum, President
October was a busy month for the Men's Club. There were a number of activities and the planning for many more.
Before I forget, I want to thank those who built the Sukkah at the end of September. Well over a dozen Men's Club
members (as well as non-Men’s Club members) were on hand to construct the Sukkah and a few more to provide
the building crew a continental breakfast. Thank you all.
Also, a major thank you to the many Men's Club members who acted as greeters for the Anne Frank Exhibit at the
Temple. Thank you all for pitching in with little notice to make this a success. There are too many to thank in this
limited space, but your efforts are appreciated.
The Northern Palm Beach County Coupon Books ar e still on sale in the Temple office. Ther e ar e a limited
number of books left. There are coupons for restaurants, sports activities, car rentals, and more. The money raised
from the sale of these books helps the Men's Club provide programs for all members of the Temple.
On October 10, the Men's Club had another Dining Out at Brio in the Gardens Mall, Palm
Beach Gardens. There were 40 participants. Brio included coffee free of charge (thank
you Nanci Hochman), and the Men's Club provided cake for dessert. It was a great time.
We also sponsored a Football Outing on October 25 - the Dolphins vs Texans. The $50
cost included tickets and luxury bus transportation to and from the game. Needless to say,
the event was sold out. If you missed this opportunity, watch for a spring baseball trip.
For the coming months, a number of events are planned:
1. There will be a Fishing Charter on Wednesday, November 18 at 4:30pm. Please watch for the announcement
of the trip in the weekly E-News.
2. The Men's Club will sponsor a Veterans Day Breakfast program on Sunday November 15, at 9:30am, including
guest speakers, breakfast (lox and bagels) and music. Cost is $10 per person. Last year's program was a huge
success. RSVP by November 12 to Jack at [email protected].
3. A Men's Club meeting will take place on Wednesday, November 11 at 6:30pm at the Temple. Please join us to
help plan and run activities for the congregation.
Looking ahead to December and January:
The Men's Club and Sisterhood are jointly sponsoring The First Annual Traditional December 25th Event with
Chinese food and a movie event for all ages. What better way to spend the 25th than that? (See page 17 in this
Scribe for detail.)
There is also the Men's Club Annual Deli Dinner on Saturday, January 23, 2016. This event is always sold out. This
year, there will be music, dancing, entertainment, and of course deli (corned beef, pastrami, brisket, etc. and all that
goes with it). Watch for the announcement - don't miss this one.
In the spring, the Men's Club will sponsor fishing trips, a baseball outing or two, and joint events with the
Sisterhood, including theater, dining, etc. We have a busy year planned.
Jack Tenenbaum
Temple Beth Am
November 2015
Lois Remick
Did the Pilgrims really eat Turkey on Thanksgiving? For the true story, keep reading through this article and you
will find the answer!
A special shout-out to thank Carole Levine for her leadership in organizing our last two big events: October‘s Lady
Anne’s Tea Room Luncheon and November's trip to the Wick Theatre to see A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to
the Forum. Carole put in many hours of work to make these wonderful events happen, for all of us to enjoy. Thank
you Carole!
Join us Thursday, November 12th, at 10:30am, at the Norton Museum of Art to see the special, inter national
exhibit: This Place: Israel Through Photography’s Lens. Cost is $17pp (for general admission and the docent-led
tour of the exhibit); Norton Museum Members pay $5 for the docent-led tour and have free admission. Optional
lunch to follow in the Norton Café; order and pay for your own meal. Group size is limited to 20, so please send in
your reservations and checks no later than November 5th. See the event flyer in the Scribe or in the Temple lobby.
Thank you Sally Siegel for making all these arrangements for us!
We look forward to seeing you at The One School PTO Holiday Boutique on Sunday, November 8th from 10:00am
to 2:30pm. Be sur e to stop at our Sister hood table. We will be selling one-of-a-kind, hand-made jewelry, as well
as Judaica items currently in the display case across from the office. Thank you Sharon Rosen for all your hard work
on behalf of Sisterhood!
The annual JCC Celebrating Sisterhood Brunch and Book Talk, co-sponsored by your TBA Sisterhood and other
north county temple Sisterhoods, is on December 9th at 10:00am at Temple Israel, 1901 Flagler Dr ive, West Palm
Beach. The JCC will be mailing invitations to all TBA women, so be on the look-out for it and please join your TBA
sisters for a terrific experience. The guest speaker is Jo Ivester, talking about her memoir The Outskirts of Hope.
Cost is $36 for Sisterhood Members, and $42 for guests.
You are invited to join our Savta’s Storytime group. You will be reading to our preschoolers in The One School,
every other Tuesday, from 9:30am to 10:30am. Please call Shelley Kissil at (561) 406-3667, or email her at
[email protected]. Shelly can give you more information about this new Sisterhood program, and add you to the
Savta list. Thank you Shelley!
According to Nathaniel Philbrick, the historian who wrote The Mayflower, wild turkey, deer, bluefish and cod were
on the menu as was plenty of beer, since the barley crop was good that year! They had a traditional English harvest
celebration, but the holiday of Thanksgiving was not proclaimed until 1863, when President Lincoln felt a cathartic
celebration of nationhood would help during the Civil War.
Men’s Club and Sisterhood invite you, your family and friends to attend TBA's First Annual Traditional December
25th Event, on Friday, December 25th, from 3:30pm to 7:00pm. Movies, childr en’s activities and, of course,
Chinese Food, will fill the hours with fun, friendship and food. Only 100 tickets are available for this event so get
your reservations and checks in early. Please see the flyer on page 17 in this Scribe and in the TBA lobby. Services
will begin at 7:00pm, after dinner.
The planning committee for this event is seeking additional volunteers to help on December 25th. Please call Lois
Remick at 627-7736 or write [email protected] to offer your services. Kulanu!
Calling all women who enjoy knitting, crocheting, and needlework: We invite you to join TBA's Knitting Club. The
group will meet at TBA on the second and fourth Monday of the month at 11:00am (but there is no meeting on Dec.
14th) from now through May. This month we meet on November 9th and 23rd. Sit and stitch and chat with friends
old and new. Please call Leona Usher at (561) 694-8298 or email her at [email protected] for more info about this
Sisterhood club. Thank you Leona!
Temple Beth Am
November 2015
Temple Beth Am
November 2015
Edie Wolf
The TBA Book Club is an informal group that meets four times a year on Mondays at 10:30am at the Temple. We
usually go out for lunch afterwards. Edie Wolf, the chairperson, will send out email reminders of upcoming dates
and the books we will read. If you have not attended the Book Club before but would like to receive email
reminders about upcoming meetings, please contact Edie to give her your contact information. Any questions or
suggestions may be directed to Edie at [email protected] or 443-223-9729.
Here is our upcoming schedule:
November 2, 2015: ALL THE LIGHT WE CANNOT SEE by Anthony Doer r - Marie-Laure lives with her
father in Paris near the Museum of Natural History, where he works as the master of its thousands of locks. When
she is six, Marie-Laure goes blind and her father builds a perfect miniature of their neighborhood so she can
memorize it by touch and navigate her way home. When she is twelve, the Nazis occupy Paris and father and
daughter flee to the walled citadel of Saint-Malo, where Marie-Laure’s reclusive great-uncle lives in a tall house by
the sea. With them they carry what might be the museum’s most valuable and dangerous jewel. In a mining town in
Germany, the orphan Werner grows up with his younger sister, enchanted by a crude radio they find. Werner
becomes an expert at building and fixing these crucial new instruments, a talent that wins him a place at a brutal
academy for Hitler Youth, then a special assignment to track the resistance. More and more aware of the human
cost of his intelligence, Werner travels through the heart of the war and, finally, into Saint-Malo, where his story
and Marie-Laure’s converge.
December 7, 2015: THE PARIS ARCHITECT - Char les Belfour e
January 4, 2016: THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN - Paula Hawkins
February 2, 2016: THE BOYS IN THE BOAT - Daniel James Brown
March 7, 2016: GO SET A WATCHMAN - Har per Lee
April 4, 2016: THE BOSTON GIRL - Anita Diamant
On November 2nd after our book discussion, we will have lunch at The Cooper Restaurant, 4610 PGA
Boulevard – Suite 100 in Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418. Please let Edie know whether you are coming to
Book Club AND whether you are planning on joining us for lunch by sending an email to
[email protected] or calling 443-223-9729.
Temple Beth Am
November 2015
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Lauren Weinstein
Please join us for
Temple Beth Am's 2nd
concert of our concert
Bring your friends and
family to this
enjoyable evening!
Tickets for Temple
Members are $15.00
Tickets available on
line at
For more information,
Lauren Weinstein
[email protected]
Audrey Ades
100 WOMEN WHO CARE meets at TBA on
November 18 at 5:30pm
“100 Women Who Care” is a secular organization that supports local not-for-profit organizations. With a
commitment of just 4 hours/YEAR and a quarterly donation of $100 per member, we donate $10,000 every
3 months to local groups that make a positive difference in our community.
Please contact Audrey Ades for more information ([email protected]).
We would love to have you join us!
Temple Beth Am
November 2015
Our volunteers cook and serve hot, healthy meals to the homeless population at St. George's the 3rd Monday of
every month. If you would like to volunteer on Monday, November 16th from 5:00 to 7:00pm please contact Lauren
Weinstein @ [email protected] or Eric Weiner@ [email protected]. This is a rewarding volunteer
experience for families, also. (Children aged 13 or over.)
We will be collecting donations of small sample size toiletries to make "goodie bags" to distribute to the needy at
our Christmas Eve dinner at St. George’s. We are in need of toothpastes, toothbrushes, socks, deodorants, hand
wipes, etc. Please star t collecting now. We will or ganize a time to make up the bags for the Chr istmas Eve
event, Dec. 24th. Volunteers needed.
Many thanks to our volunteers from Monday, Oct. 19th. Many of our volunteers were first timer's, but did an
amazing job. We worked hard and had fun!! We served over 225 meals !!
Thank you Bob Feller, John Marzina, Ralph VanBaalen, Richard Remick, Stacy Reich, Lisa, Philip, Keren and
Asher Blatt, and Marcy Morris.
Temple Beth Am
November 2015
Temple Beth Am
November 2015
Temple Beth Am
November 2015
Temple Beth Am
November 2015
Alissa Frankel, Education Director
You probably find yourself often asking your child “how was your day today?” And get answers
along the line of “fine” or “good”. Which doesn’t really tell you a whole lot. And there is a whole
lot going on in our school!
So let’s try to get at least a full sentence. Here are some potential thought-provoking questions that may lead to some
insightful details of their day.
What was the best thing that happened at school today?
Tell me one thing you learned today.
When were you the happiest today?
Tell me something good that happened today.
What do you think you should do/learn more at school?
If you got to be the teacher tomorrow, what would you do?
What is something new you learned today?
What challenged you today?
When did you feel most proud of yourself today?
What is one thing you hope to learn before the school year is over?
The answers you get may surprise you. Our students work hard while they are with us and we truly enjoy when we see
things “click” and hope we can foster your children sharing their experiences they enjoyed at Temple Beth Am with
you at home, too.
Save the date!
Friday, November 13th – Family Shabbat Experience @ 6:00pm
Sunday, November 15th – 6th Grade field trip to Miami
Sunday, November 22nd – Jewish Book Fair & Guest Children’s Author
There is no school the following dates in November due to holidays – 11/15 & 11/29
Danna Cohen, Jewish Life Activities Coordinator
Later this month many of you are going to come together with your loved ones around the dinner table.
You will probably engage in time honored family traditions; from carving the turkey, to watching the
big game, and if your family is anything like mine, that moment will come- the one you’ll groan about but secretly know
is the most special moment of the holiday- when everyone goes around and says what they are thankful for. This year at
Temple Beth Am we are starting something new that I hope will become just as much of a tradition: The Family Shabbat
Experience for kindergarten through sixth grade.
Passing our traditions from one generation to the next is a hallmark of Judaism, as Deuteronomy tells us, “You shall
teach them to your children.” We know that the best way to teach something to our children is by modeling it, and
Judaism provides us an opportunity to pass on our traditions every week with the arrival of Shabbat, but often life gets in
the way and before you know it the weekend has come and gone. Friday and Saturday will always come automatically,
but Shabbat only takes place when we make it happen.
The Family Shabbat Experience is designed to allow the entire family to come together and connect around the dinner
table, learn together about our traditions, and enjoy a meaningful and uplifting start to Shabbat. We can bake the challah
and bless the candles in class, but it is the time spent celebrating with family that creates the memories that inform who
our children will become, and what they will pass on to the next generation.
To paraphrase Rabbi A.J. Heschel, to educate the child without including the entire family is like attempting to heat a
home with all the windows open- or here in Florida cool a home in the middle of summer! I hope you and your family
will join us Friday, November 13th at 6:00pm at Temple Beth Am, to lear n J ewish, live Jewish, and star t new
traditions together.
Temple Beth Am
November 2015
Laura Williams, Youth Director
Meet our 2015 – 2016 JAMTY Youth Board
JAMTY is our high school Temple Youth Group (TYG). We have had a great start to our school year with so
many events still to come! JAMTY is led by an amazing Youth Board, which puts time into planning,
recruiting, and finding new ways to connect our Temple’s youth in meaningful ways. They are all outstanding
leaders in their own right, and here is a chance to get to know them a little better!
JAMTY Executive Board Hannah Rubin – President: I am a junior at Dwyer High School, and this is my 3r d year in
North American Federation of Temple Youth (NFTY). This summer, I was lucky to attend the NFTY URJ Kutz Camp. There I
discovered my passion for youth group and developed my leadership skills. When not at Temple, I compete in debate
tournaments, cheer on the Miami Dolphins, or cuddle with my dog.
Emily Minsky – Programming Vice President: I've been a J AMTY member since 9th gr ade and have been attending
NFTY events since my freshman Spring Kallah! I went to Kutz Camp (NFTY's summer home) this past summer and gained tons
of exciting program ideas that I can't wait to bring to JAMTY! A few things about me is I love debate, sushi, baking, and of
course Temple Beth Am. If you don't know me yet, come up and say hi! I'd love to chat about all things JAMTY and NFTY
Noa Kroyter – Communications Vice President: After discover ing NFTY last year at my fir st event (Fall Kallah), I
absolutely fell in love with the organization. I attended URJ Kutz Camp this summer for a month of leadership training. I
currently attend Dreyfoos High School of the Arts as a sophomore communications major and I enjoy writing on my school’s
newspaper and making films.
Maya Levkovitz – Membership Vice President: I am a sophomor e at Dr eyfoos School of the Ar ts, wher e I focus on
journalism and speech and debate. I am excited to welcome new members and create an inclusive and fun community for all
JAMTY members.
Abby White – Religious and Cultural Vice President: My job as RCVP is to incor por ate J udaism into our events and
programs. When I am not at Temple with JAMTY I am at Jupiter High School participating in the state champion Marching
Band. Being part of youth group for the majority of my life has impacted me so much in indescribable ways and I can't wait for
what my last two years with JAMTY will bring.
Brianna Steidle – Social Action Vice President: I star ted on the JAMTY board two years ago, and it didn't take long for me to
find my niche: community outreach. My goal as SAVP is to bring community service opportunities and chances to make a
difference. When not at Temple, I care for the furred and feathered residents of Busch Wildlife and A Second Chance Animal
Rescue. I photograph, design, and volunteer at the Lupus Foundation of America.
Aaron Kovner – Financial Vice President: This is my second year in a r ow as the FVP for J AMTY, although in seventh
and eighth grade I was also the FVP. Additionally, this is my second year attending NFTY events. My interests include running
track, where this is my sixth year. I am currently on the varsity team at Jupiter High School, as well as the captain of my track
Roni Kissil – 9th Grade Representative: I' m on the boar d because I love Temple, being with my fr iends, lear ning mor e
about my religion and connecting with other kids. I just got into JAMTY where I’ve learned a lot about teamwork and solving
problems. I’ve also learned how to step-up and to say what I think. Besides being on the board I love cats, swimming, and
hanging with my friends.
General Board
Jared Freedland – Upperclassmen Representative
Amanda Gelman – JAMTY JR Liaison
Arthur Gelman – Song Leader
Temple Beth Am
Upcoming Youth Group Events…
Friday, November 13th – 5th Grade Lock-in
Tuesday, November 17th – Cochavim Hangout – 4:00pm-5:00pm
Friday, November 20th – JAMTY’s Wandering Shabbat 5:30pm-9:00pm
Sunday, November 22nd – JAMTY JR’s Mystery Photo Scavenger
Hunt - 12:30pm Bus Pick-up
November 2015
Temple Beth Am
November 2015
Check out our Upcoming Events & Fun Parenting Tips on our Facebook group: Temple Beth Am Mishpacha/Family Center
Temple Beth Am
November 2015
Kerrie Rhoades, President
Our Annual Holiday Boutique is Sunday, November 8, 2015
from 10:00am - 2:30pm
From our families to yours - We wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! Our next PTO meetings are on Monday,
November 16 and Monday, December 14, 2015 at 9:15am in the small chapel off the main lobby of the
Monthly bake sales have continued to be a huge hit with amazing treats baked by the children and their families.
Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of our awesome bakers and our amazing bake sale co-chairs! Our next bake
sale is Sunday, November 8, 2015 from 10:00am - 2:30pm during our Holiday Boutique.
Our first Scholastic Book Fair of the year takes place Monday, November 2, 2015 - Sunday, November 8,
2015. We will begin our book fair with a Pajama Kick-off Breakfast Monday, November 2nd at 7:30am. We need
volunteers to help with the book fair during drop-off and pick-up times. Please let us know if you’re interested in
volunteering for this wonderful event.
Our Annual Holiday Boutique is Sunday, November 8, 2015 from 10:00am - 2:30pm in the Temple’s Social
Hall. The Holiday Boutique is a great fundraiser for The One School and a wonderful shopping event that can help
jump-start your holiday shopping. We have wonderful, new and exciting vendors. PLEASE come to show your
support and shop! Thank you to Amy Russell for chairing this event. Also, thank you to Yael Lawrence, Lindsey
Klatzko, Stacey DiPeri and Marci Katz for all of your har d wor k!
Finally, please join us at The Scott Boord Memorial Thanksgiving Program & Luncheon on Monday, November 23,
2015 at 11:00am in the Temple’s Social Hall. Amy Wood has gr aciously volunteer ed to chair this event. It is a
wonderful way to start the Thanksgiving Holiday.
Temple Beth Am
November 2015
OCTOBER 31, 2015
Pam Shore and Braeme Kasmai are proud to announce the Bar
Mitzvah of Julian Bernard Kasmai October 31, 2015.
Jules currently attends Beacon Cove Intermediate School in Jupiter.
He also Dances at Paris Ballet. Jules attended Goffrey School of
dance on a scholarship this past summer in NYC. Because of his
passion for dance and wanting to share it with others. Jules worked
babysitting and dog walking to start a dance scholarship to help other
students be able to afford the Dance school.
We invite the congregation to join us as we celebrate Julian
becoming a Bar Mitzvah on October 31st at 10:00am. Please join us
for Kiddush following the Service.
Pam Shore and Braeme Kasmai
NOVEMBER 7, 2015
With great love and pride we invite our synagogue family to join us as our
children Max and Jules are called to the Torah as B’nei Mitzvah on Saturday,
November 7, 2015.
Max is in 8th grade and Jules in 7th grade at Independence Middle School
where they are both part of the Pre-Business Academy. Max enjoys playing
sports, especially baseball for the Jupiter Hammerheads. He also enjoys
listening to music, watching Netflix and hanging out with his family and
friends. Jules enjoys playing tennis, basketball and especially soccer for
Massive Soccer Academy. She also loves listening to music, reading, and
creative writing.
Max and Jules decided to work as a team on their mitzvah project to collect
school supplies for children that cannot afford to buy them. They partnered with Grove Park Elementary School and
came up with the slogan “Give Back With Backpacks”. They set up a page on the website Go Fund Me and worked
with family, friends, and local businesses to raise money and collect supplies. They also reached out to their former
elementary school teachers to help out. With everyone’s support, they were able to donate 60 backpacks filled with
school supplies totaling over $3,000 to Grove Park Elementary School.
We are so excited for their special weekend. Thank you to Rabbi Alon, Brett Tancer, Cantor Jessica, and all of the
teachers and staff at Temple Beth Am for helping Max and Jules prepare for this day.
Ashley and Jon Popiel
Temple Beth Am
November 2015
NOVEMBER 14, 2015
Molly Eloise Fried, a vibrant young woman of uncommon empathy and compassion,
will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on November 14, 2015. The daughter of Jill
and Steven Fried, Molly is a 7th grader at the Benjamin School, where she has fashioned
an outstanding record of scholastic achievement.
Molly is an enthusiastic gymnast, volleyball player and basketball player, a longtime
member of the Student Council and a member of Benjamin’s winning “Odyssey of the
Mind" team. She is a foodie in the making (vegetarian only!) and an avid fan of Alton
Brown and other cooking shows. Summers find Molly at Camp Timber Tops in
Greeley, PA, where she has spent 5 summers (and counting!) with her friends and camp
family. Winters find Molly searching out the double black steeps and bumps in Big Sky, MT and Park City, UT,
where she earned the nickname “Mad Bomber”. Truly, Molly leads a life rich with adventure and opportunity.
Molly has studied hard with Rabbi Alon, Brett Tancer, Debbie Baseman and the entire Temple Beth Am
family. Thanks for leading such a wonderful organization.
As parents, we are extremely proud of Molly, especially in her attitude towards her friends and family, where she
practices a level of kindness not often found in adults, much less children. She is well on her way to leading a life of
achievement, service, love and joy. We love her very much.
Mazel tov.
Jill and Steve Fried
NOVEMBER 21, 2015
It is with great pride and joy that our son, Michael Alexander Grogins
(“Mikey”) will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on November 21,
Mikey is in the seventh grade at Independence Middle School where he is an
honors student in the Pre Law Academy. Mikey loves to play sports. He
plays travel baseball with the Jupiter Hammerheads, Mustang Football and
basketball with JTAA. When he’s not playing sports, he is gaming on
Playstation and watching sports on TV. He, as well as the rest of his family,
are avid Yankee fans. Mikey has two older siblings, Brittany and Jake. We
are so proud of Mikey!
We are very grateful for Brett Tancer, Rabbi Alon, Cantor Jessica and all of the teachers and staff at Temple Beth
Am for their guidance and help in preparing Mikey for his Bar Mitzvah. We also would like to thank Paula Deakter
and the preschool staff who handled Mikey with kid gloves and, where Mikey made some great, lifelong friends!
With gratitude and Love
Debbie and Danny Grogins, Brittany, Jake and Mikey
Temple Beth Am
November 2015
NOVEMBER 21, 2015
We are very proud that our daughter Marni Strauss will be called to the Torah to
become a Bat Mitzvah on November 21, 2015. Marni is in 7th grade at The
Meyer Academy. She LOVES playing volleyball and enjoys spending time with
her family and friends.
For her Mitzvah project she has started a fundraising foundation called “KIND
HEARTS” to raise money for families with kids battling all types of cancer. The
funds collected will go towards helping the families of these young patients pay
for medical and other associated expenses that can become overwhelming for the
families. KIND HEARTS was created after learning about one family’s struggle
after their daughter was diagnosed with a rare, hard-to-treat brain tumor. It has
put a tremendous strain on this one family, and Marni can’t imagine how many
more families like this are dealing with the similar financial burdens of having a
sick child. She will be selling bracelets, T-shirts, and water bottles.
Thank you to Brett Tancer, Cantor Jessica and Rabbi Alon for your support and guidance in preparing Marni for this
important milestone. We are also so thankful to the Meyer Academy and all the teachers that have had such a
profound impact on Marni since kindergarten. We are so excited for this special day.
Heather & William Strauss
Linda Goldman from Palm Beach Gardens
Wendy Gross from Jupiter
Michael & Heidi Stolowitz from Jupiter
& their daughter Keira
Dan & Michele Baxter from Jupiter
& their children Bryce, Ellie, Chase & Betsy
Marc & Stefanie Katz Shear from Jupiter
& their children Samuel & Nathan
Barbara Brams from Jupiter
Toby Asch from Juno Beach
David & Allison Kahn from Palm Beach Gardens
& their children Madeline, Olivia & Benjamin
Ron & Phyllis Shaw from Palm Beach Gardens
Stephen & Mindy Gottlieb from Palm Beach
& their children Jonathan, Evan & Matthew
Welcome Back to:
Robert Brodows & Brenda Stults-Brodows
from Palm Beach Gardens
Adam & Malinda Linkhorst from Palm Beach
& their children Jack, Spencer & Betsy
Philip & Maude Ackerman from
Palm Beach Gardens
Temple Beth Am
November 2015
November 1 - 7
Morris Ashkins: Father of Robert Ashkins
Louis Cohen: Grandfather of Bruce Cohen
Charles Duckman: Brother-in-law of Leon Schwartz
Jerry Hartman*: Husband of Esther Hartman, Father of Chris &
Eileen Turenne, Herbert & Cindy Hartman and Debora
Hartman. Grandfather of Tamara & Matthew Hartman
and Kacy, Jaclyn & Michelle Turenne
Doris Snyder*: Mother of Arnold Snyder and
Grandmother of Sheryl Stewart & Craig Snyder
Florette Diaz: Mother of Susan Enslein
Goldie Finkelstone*: Grandmother of Sandra Landsman
Elizabeth Choate: Mother of Tom Choate
Max Colton: Grandfather of Gary Colton
Ralph Frank: Father of Helene Margulies
Judy Gerstein*: Wife of Edward Gerstein
Susan Frank: Sister of Carol Sleeper
Iris Marcia Grill: Sister of Nina Golub
Harry Levin: Stepfather of Philip Blatt
Richard Meissler: Brother-in-law of Bobbie Meissler
Samuel Meshil: Father of Joseph Meshil
Louis Penn: Father of Lorraine Katz and
Grandfather of Debbie Roosth
Jules Schaffer: Brother of Donald Schaffer
Israel Schultz: Father of Allen Schultz
Claire Cohen: Aunt of Dolores Cowen
Saul Rosnov: Father of Pat Silverberg
Sheldon Diamond*: Father of Larry Diamond
Abraham Feitelberg: Father of Diane Belsky
Philip Markowitz*: Father of Irving Markowitz
Alvin Frank: Father of Bruce Frank
Morris Golzbein: Grandfather of Mark Golzbein
Rae Graceman*: Mother-in-law of Leila Graceman
Mildred Meissler: Mother-in-law of Bobbie Meissler
Julia Olanow*: Mother of Wendy Cohn
Frank Perloff*: Friend of the Congregation
Betty Rosenblatt*: Mother of Carol Willner
Arthur Schafler: Father of Alan Schafler
Annette Spungin: Grandmother of Marc Spungin
November 8 - November 14 (cont.)
Melvin Barr: Brother of Jack Barr
Valerie Boss Jolly: Sister of Daniel Boss
Lillian K. Lewis*: Mother of Bob Lewis
Libbie Schneider: Mother-in-law of Joetta Schneider
Charles Schwaber: Father of Carol Goodwin
Arthur Gelman: Father of Jay Gelman
Max D. Greenblatt: Father of Lenore Gerson
Eva Kalmanson*: Great-Grandmother of Amanda Schaub
November 15 - November 21
Abe Chaben: Stepmother-in-law of Sharon Holinstat
Lillie Kalafer: Grandmother of Carol Sleeper
Milton Pollov: Father of Gail Jarmel & Grandfather of
Valerie Snyder
Louis C. Sirkus*: Grandfather of Myrna Abramowitz
Morris A. Wolf*: Father-in-law of Bob Lewis
Abraham Belsky: Father of Stanley Belsky
Barbara Blagg*: Wife of Joe Blagg
Nathaniel Drourr: Father of Stephen Drourr &
Grandfather of Nathaniel Drourr
Isadore Golden: Grandfather of Stacy Kushner
Rose Silverman*: Mother of Tamar Maltz
Joseph Schwartz: Father of Diane LaBovick &
Grandfather of Brian LaBovick
Ben C. Fischman: Father of Edward Fischman
Barry Garson: Father of Jayme Charney
Spencer Kurtz: Father of Laurie Toback
Philip Levy: Father of Charles Levy
Thelma Miriam Plawsky: Mother of Lorraine Garfinkel
Lillian Pollov: Mother of Gail Jarmel & Grandmother of
Valerie Snyder
Paul Schwab: Father of Benjamin Schwab
Paul Schwartz: Father of Leon Schwartz & Grandfather of
Madeline Morris
Charles Siegel: Brother of Morton Siegel
Henry Sollo: Grandfather of Harriet Schaffer
Rose Kanter*: Mother of Edie Kaplan
Benjamin Mittenberg: Father of Irving Mittenberg
Samuel Solomon: Father of Roz Gitlitz & Grandfather of
Dena Gitlitz
November 8 - November 14
Steve Patch: Friend of Jo Smith
Rudolph Aronson: Father of Ray Aronson
Kenneth Greenbaum: Brother of Rhea Exizian
Carol Bosworth Kutscher: Sister of Phylis Newman
Ephraim Plawsky: Father of Lorraine Garfinkel
Rose Potlow: Aunt of Donald Schaffer
Sadie Turnoff: Grandmother of Jessica Turnoff Ferrari
Samuel Belsky: Brother of Stanley Belsky
Rose Feitelberg: Mother of Diane Belsky
Clara Markowitz*: Mother of Irving Markowitz
Helen Rosenberg: Mother of Ruth Rosenberg
Philip Schlisserman: Father of David Schlisserman
Selma Weintraub*: Wife of Mortimer Weintraub, Mother of
Helene Weintraub & Grandmother of
Michele Weintraub
Esther Maltman: Mother of Allan Maltman
Mike Ross: Father of Wendy Sherman
Abraham Silberstein: Father of Beverly Pace
Temple Beth Am
* Memorial Plaque
November 22 - November 28
Beulah Cooley: Mother of Myles Cooley
Marcus Weitzman: Relative of Jody Minde & Uncle of
Daniella & Jade Minde
Henry Engelhardt: Grandfather of Joel Engelhardt
Vera Kabolotsky: Aunt of Joseph Meshil
Norita Berman: Stepmother of Scott Berman
Bertha Fineberg*: Mother of Leona Usher
Jack Schaffer: Father of Donald Schaffer
Richard Ballin: Father of Jon Ballin
Lillian Buan: Mother of Annette Zigelsky
Charles Boltuch: Father-in-law of Trudy Boltuch
Cyrille Mendelson Cooper*: Sister of Esther Hartman, Aunt of
Chris & Eileen Turenne, Herbert & Cindy Hartman and
Debora Hartman. Great-Aunt of Tamara & Matthew
Hartman and Kacy, Jaclyn & Michelle Turenne
cont. on following page
November 2015
* Memorial Plaque
November 22 - November 28
Morris Gordon: Father of Herb Gordon
Rose Steinberg: Grandmother of Pamela Friedman
Stuart Cohen: Nephew of Jerry & Sandra Weiner
Nathan Holover*: Father of Rosalie Snyder and Grandfather
of Sheryl Stewart & Craig Snyder
Carl Jarmel: Father-in-law of Gail Jarmel & Grandfather of
Valerie Snyder
Abraham Klein: Father of Donald Klein
Maxwell Koch: Uncle of Karen Feller
Tzila Offer: Step-Grandmother of Gali Levkovitz
Beatrice Scheacter: Mother of Marcia Beutner
Ida Tatarsky: Grandmother of Gregory Taylor
Ida Denenberg: Grandmother of Robert Denenberg
Shellie Kronfeld*: Wife of Donald Kronfeld and Mother of
Dyann Gormezano
Ruth Mohl: Mother of Mim Davis
Melanie Sprechman*: Sister of Ken Sprechman
November 29 - November 30
Alan Bergman: Brother-in-law of Lillian Wasserman and
Uncle of Sara Ward
Thomas Russell: Father of Brian Russell
Gloria Schwartz: Wife of Leon Schwartz and Mother
of Madeline Morris
Eugene Amado: Father of Debbie Carr
Mildred Engelhardt: Grandmother of Joel Engelhardt
Harry Freedland: Father of Dan Freedland & Grandfather
of Howard Freedland
Jean Messing: Mother of Marsha Levinson and Grandmother
of Barry Levinson
November 9 & 23 at 11:00am
Need a Ride?
If you need a ride to or from Friday night Services
please contact the Temple office by the Tuesday
morning prior and we’ll see if there are any
volunteers that can pick you up. Please remember
that arrangements must be made at least four
days in advance.
Wednesdays at 12:45pm
Provide a Ride
Cracks, Bams, and Dots!
Transportation is for our senior members who
would not otherwise be able to get to Shabbat
Services. The rides are free. Volunteer drivers are
needed. If you’d like to volunteer to be one of the
mensches who provides rides for others and you are
coming to Services on Friday nights anyway and
have room for an extra person or two in your car,
please give the Temple office a call to sign up to be
a volunteer.
Oh, my!
Interested in joining a Mah Jongg Club
here at Temple?
Call Dotty Wisch at 746-7017 or email
[email protected], or call
Toby Zeichner at 745-0395.
Temple Beth Am
November 2015
Camp Coleman
Jeanne Tarsches-in memory of Laurence Rubin
Jeanne Tarsches-in memory of Irene Rubin
General Fund (cont.)
Nina & Richie Golub-in memory of Carole Levine’s
grandson, Daniel Arturo
Carole & Daniel Myerson-in memory of Julius Lehrhoff
Carole & Daniel Myerson-in memory of Seymour Dixon
Ken Lever-in memory of Sophia Goldberg & Harry H. Lever
Nino & Christine Migoya-in memory of Ron Sklar
Renee & Stephen Goldenberg-in memory of Ron Sklar
Terrence & Mary Kay Russell-in memory of Ron Sklar
Rabbi Phil Aronson-in memory of Howard Goldman
Ricia Scharf-in memory of Larry Scharf, father of
Caren Talero
Caring Community
Gary Pepper-in memory of Alex Pepper and Lily Pepper
Community Garden
Beth & Bill Goldman-in memory of their dear friend,
Michael J. Clark
Flower Fund
Tracie & Gary Krieger-in honor of their daughter
Charlotte becoming a Bat Mitzvah
Fredda & Paul Steidle-in honor of their daughter
Rebecca becoming a Bat Mitzvah
Zina & Michael Bereck-in honor of their son Alexander
becoming a Bar Mitzvah
Pamela Shore & Braeme Kasmai-in honor of their son
Julian Bernard becoming a Bar Mitzvah
Donald Klein-in memory of Tillie Klein
General Fund
Judge Emerson Thompson, Jr.-in memory of Ron Sklar
Mah Jongg Club-in appreciation
Ilene Vinikoor-in memory of Ron Sklar
Harriet & Don Schaffer-in appreciation
Elisha Roy-in memory of Ron Sklar
Jody Minde-in memory of Carole Levine’s grandson,
Daniel Arturo
Allen Schultz-in memory of Mary Jo Schultz & Evelyn Schultz
Judy & Norm Skurnick-in appreciation for all Debbie Baseman’s
hard work and dedication throughout the year
Corinne Lerner-in memory of David Dannin
Alan Bookman-in memory of Ron Sklar
Sessums Law Group-in memory of Ron Sklar
Sue & Dan Freedland-wishing a speedy recovery to Amy Russell
Mason, Black & Caballero-in memory of Ron Sklar
Robert Newman-in memory of Frieda Zigelsky
Carol Getson-in memory of Ron Sklar
Foster-Morales, Sockel-Stone-in memory of Ron Sklar
Maggie Merino-in memory of Ron Sklar
John Cardillo-in memory of Ron Sklar
Sylvia Walbolt-in memory of Ron Sklar
Judge & Mrs. Jacob Karno-in memory of Ron Sklar
John Patterson-in memory of Ron Sklar
Frank Walker-in memory of Ron Sklar
Morton Zigelsky-in memory of Frieda Zigelsky
Cheryl & Mitch Karpf-in memory of Ron Sklar
Norman Kronstadt-in memory of Ron Sklar
Diane Sosman-in memory of Herb Sosman
James Gilbert, Sonja Reposa & Eilene Brodie-in memory of
Ronald Sklar
Jesse Bennett, Jr.-in memory of Ron Sklar
Michael Lessne-in memory of Ron Sklar
Melinda Penney Gamot-in memory of Ronald Sklar
Temple Beth Am
Mortgage Elimination Fund
Sue & Dan Freedland-wishing a speedy recovery to
Amy Russell
Carol Carswell-in memory of Daniel Arturo
Marvin Slotkin-in memory of Lena Slotkin
Evelyn & Marvin Slotkin-in memory of Carole Levine’s
grandson, Daniel Arturo
Sue & Dan Freedland-in memory of Carole Levine’s
grandson, Daniel Arturo
Sue & Dan Freedland-in memory of Annette Freedland
Carol Carswell-in memory of Renee Gottlieb
Marilyn & Nate Finkel-in honor of the birthdays of
Karen Tunick and Erin Levier & the anniversaries of
Tara & Dave Jacobs and Allison & Paul Ford
Sue & Dan Freedland-in honor of Howard &
Tracey Freedland’s Aliyah
Carole & Daniel Myerson-in memory of Nathan Myerson
Charlie Madanick-wishing a speedy recovery to
Carol Carswell
Charlie Madanick-in memory of Carole Levine’s grandson,
Daniel Arturo
Norma Alkon-in celebration of her 90th birthday
Music Fund
Angie & Scott Fischer-in honor of their son Jacob becoming
a Bar Mitzvah
Tracie & Gary Krieger-in honor of their daughter Charlotte
becoming a Bat Mitzvah
Sharon Bennett-in memory of Dorothy Marx Bennett Werth
Marcy Morris-in appreciation of her High Holy Day honor
Robin & Russell Amsden-in honor of their son Jack becoming
a Bar Mitzvah
Joel Tancer-in appreciation
Rosalie Grass-in memory of Rose Harr
Project Chidush
Jeanne & Brud Tarsches
Liz & Brian Cohn--in memory of Carole Levine’s grandson,
Daniel Arturo
Wendy & Barry Cohn-in memory of Carole Levine’s
grandson, Daniel Arturo
November 2015
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
Seth Honowitz & Jamie Honowitz-in appreciation
Ruth Stavisky-in memory of Lawrence S. Gordon
Judy & Norm Skurnick-in appreciation
Dori Kiken-in memory of Adele Kiken
Selma Le Vine-in appreciation
Judy Rosenthal-in memory of Frank Schwartz
Robin & Russell Amsden-in honor of their son Jack
becoming a Bar Mitzvah
Jill & Eric Becker-in appreciation
Howard Slifkin-in memory of Joseph Wolf
Craig Vogel-in memory of Jessie Vogel
Charlotte Markowitz-in memory of Bernard Shimmerman
Julie & Bruce Blackwell-in memory of Ronald Sklar
The Florida Bar Foundation-in memory of Ronald Sklar
Rosalind Krieger-in honor of Howard & Emily Bromberg
Rosalind Krieger-in memory of Bruce D. Kreiger
Harriet Vogel-in memory of Jessie Vogel
Shirley Grangard-in memory of Bessie Rabinowitz
Ruti Lifshitz-in memory of Hannah Nissim
Lois & Barry Weiss-in memory of Robert Daniel Weiss
Dr. Pamela Elliott-in memory of Elma Downer Elliott
Lynn Klausner-in memory of Barney Fyvolent
Maxine Essinger-in memory of Goldie Ruth Levin
Sandy & Art Bobrow-in honor of celebrating 160 years with
Joan Cramer & Dick Gordon
Rabbi’s Education & Programming Fund
Wendy & Barry Cohn
Liz & Brian Cohn
Judy & Norm Skurnick-wishing Mazel Tov to Mr. & Mrs.
Mike Leighton on their grandson’s Bar Mitzvah
Debbie Roosth-in memory of Rheba Rosenberg
Arline & Mark Slifkin-wishing a speedy recovery to
Carol Carswell & Amy Russell
Arline & Mark Slifkin-in appreciation of Rabbi Alon & Gali
Gladys Gottleib & Joel Weinstein-in memory of Carole
Levine’s grandson, Daniel Arturo
Ricky Fischer Memorial Fund
Leona Usher-in memory of David Fischer
Margot & Paul Hauser-in memory of Artie Gropper
Leona Usher-in memory of Meyer Fineberg
Social Action Fund
Lois Remick-in memory of Isaac Koretz
Ceil Randell-in memory of Toby Schneider
Gladys Gottlieb-in memory of Ellen Wiest
The One School
Gladys Gottleib & Joel Weinstein-wishing a speedy
recovery to Amy Russell
Beth & Bill Goldman-in memory of Howard Goldman,
father of Bill Goldman, Grandfather of Gary
Goldman & Uncle of Rabbi Phil Aronson
Paula & Mike Deakter-wishing a speedy recovery to
Amy Russell
Wendy Sherman-in memory of Sue Ross
Tzedakah Fund
Terry Fixel & August La Rocca-in memory of
Ronald Sklar
Break-the Fast
David & Mary Elias
David Miller
Mike Fox & Estelle Gordon Cubby Steinhart
Jan Pollitt
High Holy Days Prayer
Sandy & Lois Edelstein
Leona Usher
Janet Erony-Kahan-in
memory of Bruce Erony
Jeffrey Elman-in memory of Arnold Elman
Dori Peltz (2)-in memory of Robert B. Peltz
Carole Meshil-in memory of Dorothy Garber
Linda Wolfe-in loving memory of her mother,
Zena Adelman
Mazel Tov
To Howard Freedland on the publishing of his book The Grape Stomp: A n Informational Digestif for a
Pretentious Wine World.
To Ilene Gerber whose grandson Joshua Nakazawa has accepted a full-time section cellist position with the
Hawaii Symphony Orchestra. While in Hawaii he is also playing with the Hawaii Pops, the Hawaii Opera
Theatre, and the Maui Chamber Orchestra. He has also been invited to apprentice with the National Arts
Center Orchestral Studies (IOS). He will play with them in January and May, 2016 and will also be playing
with the Charleston Symphony Orchestra in 2016.
To Myles & Korky Cooley on the birth of their granddaughter Maya Anju Chhabra born in Atlanta to their
daughter Lisa and her husband, Akhil Chhabra.
To Mel Serisky for being featured in the Palm Beach Post. Mel, who was a New York high school principal,
brought the first IB program to the United States.
Temple Beth Am
November 2015
Howard Debs
Ethan Denenberg
Madison Cohen
Alan Newman
Jordan Borenstein
Robert Cohen
Cara Shapiro
William LaBovick
Rachel Strauss
Carol Weiner
Lily Bucker
Marcy Morris
Lyla Deakter
Jeff Satinoff
Max Weintraub
Ed Yonkers
Barbara Goldman
Heather Wood
Jennifer Bucker
Harold Kay
Bill Prokocimer
Rose Andreassi
Jacqueline Black
Nicole Gould
Erin Kaufmann
Tahlia Lapides
Treasure Stein
Leo Stewart
Samuel Baker
Steven Barre
David Chleck
Catherine Drourr
Dana Foster
Jared Freedland
Sally Heims
Gracie Taylor
Jan Hochman
Stephen Lane
Cary Levine
Daniel Morello
Hillary Sternberg
Kevin Wagner
Lillian Wasserman
Ruth Weisberg
Penny Wender
Samuel Fox
Suzan Fox
Carol Mahramus
Michael Meidan
Kenneth Roosth
Eric Rosen
Marni Strauss
Temple Beth Am
Jason Simon
Adam Sabatose
Talia Bock
Lee Fox
Herb Gildenhorn
Samuel Gordon II
Michael Borenstein
Larry Levine
Phylis Newman
Morton Siegel
Harriet Starusta
Hayden Webber
Renee Weisman
Judy Goldstein
Andrea Hass
Joseph Kaye
Hannah Shakerdge
Joan Tager
Tana Copple
Cindy Taylor Hartman
Irma Meyer
Arthur Gelman
Matthew Gottlieb
Jennifer Shakerdge
Leonard Tylka
Michelle Borenstein
Molly Cohen
Nathan Finkel
Brooke Shainman
Vivian Treves
Jennifer Coleman
Rachel Denenberg
Harvey Falk
Daniel Arenson
Mickey Berman
Andrew Boyland
Shari Fox
Michael Grogins
David Miller
Benjamin Myers
Matthew Myers
Hillary Liss
Sally Siegel
Donna Wexler
Annette Zigelsky
Shellie Chiet
Edith Kaplan
Danny Meidan
Hilary Chiet
Tammy Webber
Amanda Frank
Liz Denmark
Eli Ergas
David Fialkow
Richard Golber
Shelley Kissil
Zona Castellano
Lisa Fishman
Allen Fox
Erika Wesch
Marilyn Lerner
Samantha Stein
Alberto Vargas
Steve & Betsy Towers
Mike & Pam Bell
Lee & Pamela Starusta
Stuart & Phyllis Fierman
Isaac & Adele Candiotti
Nate & Amy Dalton
Kenneth & Debbie Roosth
Craig & Amy Vogel
Ilan & Robyn Hurvitz
Michael & Susan Torbin
Steven & Meryl Goldberg
Bob & Celeste London
Kevin & Melissa Mulvaney
Paul & Margot Hauser
Allen & Suzan Fox
Seymour & Sandra Fox
Phil & Linda Dolen
Steve & Jill Fried
Win & Lenore Gerson
Gary & Rachel Goldman
Eric & Ilissa Levine
Ron & Phyllis Shaw
Irwin & Lois Friedenberg
Carole Levine & family on the loss of her
grandson, Daniel Arturo.
Gwen Berry & family on the loss of her
grandfather, Earl Whipple.
May God send comfort to those in
November 2015
November 2015
Calendar subject to change. Check our website at for updates.
Daylight Savings Time
PTO Book Fair
9:30 Religious
10:00 Adult
Biblical Hebrew
12:00 Adult Trope
2:00 Wick Theater:
A Funny Thing Happened
on the Way to the Forum
he Way to the Theate
8 PTO Book Fair
9:30 Rel. School
3 PTO Book Fair
7:30 Book Fair
Pajama Kick-off
4 PTO Book Fair
5:00 Religious
6 PTO Book Fair
9:30 Tot Along
9:15 Toddler
12:45 Mah Jongg
7:00 Choir
12:00 Lunch &
9:15 Mishpacha
Workshop with
Dr. Myles Cooley
5:00 Rel. School
10:00 Adult
Biblical Hebrew
10:00 PTO Holiday
12:45 Mah Jongg
6:00 Chidush
6:30 Men’s Club
6:30 Shalom Chai
7:00 Choir
12:00 Adult Trope
9:00 6th grade
Miami Trip
4:45 St. George’s
Soup Kitchen
12:00 Lunch & Learn
6:00 RS Shabbat
1:00 Sisterhood to
The Norton Museum
7:00 Shabbat
7:00 Adult Ed: Where
It Is Written
4:00 Chochavim
12:45 Mah Jongg
9:30 Tot Along
4:30 Fishing trip
9:30 Men’s Club
Breakfast for
Veterans Day
9:30 Religious School
9:15 Toddler
Enrich. Program
9:15 The One School
PTO meeting
22 R/S Book Fair
9:30 Tot Along Yoga
5:00 Religious
5:30 100 Women
Who Care
6:30 Shalom Chai
7:00 Choir
7:00 Board Meeting
11:00 Knitting Club
10:00 Biblical Hebrew
24 R/S Book Fair
5:00 Religious
The One School
6:30 Shalom Chai
7:00 Interfaith
Service at
St. Peter
Catholic Church
11:00 The One
11:00 Guest Author:
Alyssa Rudinsky
12:00 Adult Trope Class
12:30 JAMTY Jr.
Mystery Scavenger Hunt
20 TOS Closed
5:30 JAMTY’s
Wondering Shabbat
12:00 Lunch &
7:00 Adult Ed:
Where It Is Written
Evelyn Maltman
26 Thanksgiving
Office & The One
School Closed
5:00 Afternoon
Service & B’nei
Mitzvah of
Max & Jules
10:00 Morning
Service &
Bat Mitzvah
Molly Fried
8:30 5th grade
Evelyn Maltman
NO Rel. School or
Adult Education
7:00 Shabbat
Service with
speaker Jason
O’Connor on
7:00 Adult Ed:
Where It Is Written
Evelyn Maltman
10:30 Book Club
5 PTO Book Fair
6:30 Shalom Chai
11:00 Knitting Club
6:00 Spirited
Shabbat Recept.
10:00 Morning Service
& Bar Mitzvah of
Michael Grogins
5:00 Afternoon
Service & Bat
Mitzvah of
Marnie Strauss
6:30 Song Session
7:00 Service/Torah
reading/B’day bless.
& speaker Megan
Office & The
One School
8:00 JAMTY Jr.
Havdalah program
7:00 Shabbat
7:00 Spinney Brothers
Bluegrass concert
NO Religious
5:00 Religious
12:45 Mah Jongg
9:30 Tot Along
7:00 Choir
6:30 Shalom Chai
12:00 Lunch &
7:00 Adult Ed:
Best of the Talmud
Temple Beth Am
9:15 Toddler
Enrichment Prog.
5:00 6th gr. retreat
(Lake Worth)
6th gr. retreat
(Lake Worth)
5:30 Kid’s Shabbat
7:00 Shabbat
Service with guest
speaker Professor
Doug McGetchinNovember
Temple Beth Am
November 2015
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Temple Beth Am
November 2015
PERMIT # 1978
Temple Beth Am
2250 Central Blvd.
Jupiter, FL 33458
Current resident or
561-747-1109 - FAX 561-222-2781
Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 5:00pm
E-MAIL: [email protected]
Alon Levkovitz
Jessica Turnoff Ferrari
Rabbinic Intern:
Brett Tancer
Director of Engagement, Programming & Membership:
Carol Sleeper
Director of Administration & Accounting:
Melanie Goldsobel
Early Childhood Director:
Paula Deakter
Education Director:
Alissa Frankel
Jewish Life Activities Director: Danna Cohen
Youth Director:
Laura Williams
Facilities Supervisor
Shawn Berry
Executive Administrative Assistant &
Scribe Editor:
Margot Hauser
Assistant Scribe Editor:
Debbie Baseman
Early Childhood Administrator: Sherrie Kesselman
Robbin Briley
Vice President:
Vice President:
VP, Education:
Mark Slifkin
Brian Cohn
Bruce Cohen
Catherine Drourr
Carol Carswell
Mary Elias
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Gwen Berry
Bob Hochman
Cubby Steinhart
Leah Frankel
Steven Misshula
Leona Usher
Jeanne Tarsches
John Alexander
Brud Tarsches
Stephen Lewis
Beth Eisenman
Len Green
Arnie Weinstein
Bob Miller
Myrna Abramowitz Jody Minde
Hal Baseman (2 terms)
Jackie Halderman
Harvey Silverman
Ellen Vargas
Jack Tenenbaum
Maril Levy
Debby Baker
Alvin Schlossberg
Michael Deakter (2 terms)
Jerry Silvers
Tom Ross
Bruce Cohen
Capital Campaign Consultant: Mindy Hanken
[email protected]
Temple Beth Am
November 2015