december 27 1 - Play Nintendo


december 27 1 - Play Nintendo
eadlamp equipped.
Backpacks packed.
Kerchiefs tied just
right. Captain Toad and Toadette
were both ready for adventure
when they headed out to search
for those coveted Power Stars
and Super Gems. But I don’t think
they were ever ready for what was in
store for the both of them.
fter finding their first star
on the top of a peaceful
peak, a giant bird named
Wingo swooped down and stole it
from them. I could do nothing but
watch as the treasure-loving Toadette
held onto the treasure and was
carried off into the sky.
ur loyal Captain quickly
set off to find her.
Even though he can’t
jump like the red-hatted hero of
the Mushroom Kingdom, that
didn’t stop him. He just adjusted
his headlamp, took a deep breath and hopped …
er, stepped into action. Many dangerous worlds awaited Captain Toad on his
journey. But he wasn’t afraid. He would do whatever it took to get that
Power Star … er, I mean, Toadette back.
haunted mansion
overrun with Boos.
A towering castle
full of puzzles and secrets.
Even the lava-filled home of a
fire-breathing dragon! These
are only a few of the worlds
that Captain Toad explored on his quest to rescue
Toadette and find the Power Stars. They are also places I WOULD NEVER VISIT!
Captain Toad is so...well...reluctantly brave is a good way to put it. It must be
his positive attitude and ability to look at all problems from every angle.
Oh my Toad! Oh my
Toad! Oh my Toad!”
That was the reaction
I had when Captain Toad was
Toadnapped by a giant bird. And
not just any giant bird: WINGO!
He’s the scariest giant bird of
them all. Lucky for Captain Toad, Toadette quickly set off on her own
adventure to find him. Just between this journal and me, Toadette may even be
reluctantly braver than Captain Toad! I mean, when Wingo grabbed that Power
Star, she didn’t even let go!
s he explored each of
these worlds, Captain
Toad didn’t just find
treasure in easy-to-spot places.
No way. He had to check every
nook and cranny to discover
everything the worlds had to
offer. Sometimes he even had to
rotate cranks to make the entire
environment spin around! Or pluck
turnips to throw at enemies! This
one time he even went on a train,
in the snow! Note to self: Be like
Captain Toad. He really is the
coolest Toad around.
uring her adventure,
Toadette encountered just as many
challenges as Captain Toad, if not
more. She risked life and pigtail to
look for treasure and help save
the Captain from the clutches of
that foul feathered nuisance
Wingo. Didn’t Wingo know who
he was messing with? Toadette is
not afraid of anything! Well,
maybe the occasional spike …
or pool of lava … or Boo.
certain Piranha Plants too …
ou know what’s
crazier than a mine
cart full of turnips?
Seeing TWO Toadettes explore a
world at the same time. But
that’s exactly what happened
when the intrepid explorer
picked up a Double Cherry. For Toadette and, well, the OTHER Toadette,
this item was great for solving some of the world’s trickiest puzzles. After
multiplying, the two Toadettes did surprising things, like carefully making
their way through tricky mazes to activate separate switches. The Toadettes
made it all look simple … but it was far from easy.
thought I had seen
everything. Goombas
running through the
grass. Check. Goombas with wings.
Check. Goombas that look like
cats. Check. But Goombas floating
around in spiky inner tubes?
When Toadette wandered into a nearby Water Park, it looked like the Goombas
were having a pool party! But it was more of a CRUEL party! You know, because
Goombas are not the nicest creatures and … er …
nother amazing power-up Toadette found on her perilous journey
was a Super Pickax. And “Super” is putting it mildly. This powerful
item let Toadette break through bricks and even take out enemies.
You thought you were nice and secure hiding
behind that wall of tough bricks, didn’t you,
gold coins? Think again!
nyway, those floating
Goombas were only
some of the wild
enemies Captain Toad and
Toadette encountered on their
adventures. There were also flying
birds that slammed down to the
ground when someone got too close. Shy Guys who patrolled every corridor.
Boos that would appear whenever Captain Toad and Toadette’s backs were
turned. And giant fire-breathing dragons. Did I mention the giant
fire-breathing dragons? Because there were giant fire-breathing dragons!
Shy Guy
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