Weyerhaeuser Real Estate Development Company (WREDCo
Weyerhaeuser Real Estate Development Company (WREDCo
Weyerhaeuser Real Estate Development Company (WREDCo) LAND AND TIMBER SALE Harrison County, Mississippi Section 27, Township 07 South, Range 12 West WREDCo has available for sale an approximate 235 acre tract of land located in southwest Harrison County, Mississippi PRICE: $2,345,000 Stone TRACT DESCRIPTION: An approximate 235 acres of timberland located north of Long Beach, Mississippi. Interior access on this tract is provided by internal roads and trails. This tract has rail access and great potential for industrial development, recreational use, or timberland investment. Jackson Harrison Hancock CONDITIONS OF SALE: Minerals: No oil and gas mineral rights will be conveyed by Seller. Seller is reserving a 50% royalty interest in any rock, sand, gravel, and aggregate that may be produced by Purchaser. Closing: Terms of the sale: a 5% deposit will be required upon execution of Buy-Sell Agreement, closing to take place within 30 days of agreement, cash or certified funds are required at closing. The Seller will provide a Warranty Deed to the property. The Seller is unaware of any hazardous or environmental concerns on this property. The Seller believes the title to be clear; however, if a title search reveals the need of curative work, the Seller shall have a reasonable amount of time to clear title. INSPECTION OF THE PROPERTY: Prospective buyers may enter upon the lands for inspection at any time provided they have completed and submitted an entry permit. Entry permits are to be sent via U.S. mail to Adrian Case, 211 Armstrong Road, Columbia, MS 39429. CONTACT US: Please contact Jim Frisch at (601) 268-6505 for additional information and questions regarding this property, or visit our Web Site for other property listings: www.wredcotimberland.com Vicinity/Location Map 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 NEW HOPE . ! 18 19 17 16 15 14 13 18 20 21 22 23 24 19 28 27 26 25 30 10 30 29 Harrison LEGEND G254 CITIES . ! Roads - Weyerhaeuser Road Class 31 32 33 34 County Roads 35 36 31 Easement-Restricted ROW Federal Highways Interstates ! ! ! ! ! LONG BEACH 6 5 Other Public Paved Roads . ! 4 3 Private owned State Highways 1 2 6 Protected Scenic Hwy Weyer Primary Weyer Secondary 7 8 9 10 MTRANS 12 11 7 0 HYDR0(LINE) Weyerhaeuser Real Estate Development Company G254 Tract 235 Acres Harrison County, Mississippi T07S-R12W Section (s) 27 Weyerhaeuser Proprietary Data Do Not Use as a Legal Description of Property 0 1,700 3,400 6,800 10,200 Feet 13,600 ± Stone Harrison Hancock Jackson Stand and Contour Map 10 1995 1995 1995 1995 2008 1995 2008 1995 2008 0 2008 2008 1995 LEGEND G254 Management Unit TTYPE Hardwood Open Pine Weyerhaeuser Real Estate Development Company G254 Tract 235 Acres Harrison County, Mississippi T07S-R12W Section (s) 27 Weyerhaeuser Proprietary Data Do Not Use as a Legal Description of Property 0 500 1,000 2,000 3,000 Feet 4,000 ± Pearl River Stone George Jackson Harrison Hancock Aerial Map Harrison LEGEND . CITIES ! Roads - Weyerhaeuser Road Class County Roads Easement-Restricted ROW Federal Highways Interstates Private owned Other Public Paved Roads State Highways Protected Scenic Hwy Weyer Primary Weyer Secondary G254 ! Weyerhaeuser Real Estate Development Company G254 Tract 235 Acres Harrison County, Mississippi T07S-R12W Section (s) 27 Weyerhaeuser Proprietary Data Do Not Use as a Legal Description of Property 0 625 1,250 2,500 3,750 Feet 5,000 ± ! ! Stone Harrison Hancock Jackson WREDCo LAND SALES Results Summary Region State County Tract Name Contact Phone Email MS/LA Mississippi Harrison RU G254 Jim Frisch 601 268 6505 [email protected] Land Distribution: Acres Pine - Nat % NFL 0 0% - Plantation 209 89% - Subtotal 209 89% 0 0% Hwd - Convertible - Perpetual 20 9% 0 0% 229 97% Set-aside/Inoperable 0 0% Non-Forest Land 6 3% 235 100% Non-stocked Total Available TOTAL Avail. Mature Volume Mix: Tons 0 0% - CNS 0 0% - PW 0 0% - Poles/Other 0 0% - Subtotal - Fiber TOTAL AVAILABLE Age Class Distribution: P Plt % Pine - Saw Hwd - Grade H Perp 0 0% 592 38% 985 62% 1577 100% Acres H Grd H Fbr % 0 0% 70% 0- 4 14 145 63% 60% 5- 9 0 0% 50% 10 - 14 64 28% 40% 15 - 19 0 0% 30% 20 - 24 0 0% 20% 25 - 29 0 0% 10% Mature Pine Types 0 0% 0% Mature Hardwood Types 20 9% 229 100% Non-stocked TOTAL AVAILABLE Site Distribution (Plt Site): Acres 0 0% 50 - 59 0 0% 60 - 69 0 0% 70 - 79 0 0% 229 100% 229 100% TOTAL AVAILABLE 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-2425-29 Mat Mat Pine Hwd % < 50 80+ Non- 0-4 stk 85 Note: Confidential evaluation material - no warranties or representations are made regarding the accuracy or completeness of this information. ENTRY PERMIT This Permit and Agreement is entered into this day of , 2009 between (Permittee) and Weyerhaeuser Real Estate Development Company (WREDCo). WREDCo is the owner and/or lessee of certain property hereinafter referred to as "Subject Property" and described as: Harrison County, Mississippi Township 07 South, Range 12 West Section: 27 Approximate 235 acres of land as shown in deed. Permittee desires to enter Subject Property for the purpose of inspection. WREDCo is willing to grant permission to Permittee to enter Subject Property on the following conditions which are acceptable to Permittee, IT IS AGREED as follows: 1. Permit of Entry. WREDCo insofar as its rights hereby grants to Permittee a permit of entry to enter Subject Property identified above for the limited purpose of inspection. Permittee will carry a copy of this Permit at all times that Permittee is on Subject Property. 2. Term. This Permit shall expire in any event thirty days following the date hereof. WREDCo's rights specified in paragraphs 3 through 8 below shall survive any termination of the Permit. 3. Assumption of Risk. Permittee agrees, by accepting and signing this Permit, to accept and assume all risk arising directly or indirectly out of the entry by Permittee or its agents on Subject Property and access roads of WREDCo. Permittee agrees that WREDCo, its officers, employees and agents, shall have no duty of care to keep Subject Property or access roads safe for entry or use. Permittee agrees that WREDCo does not, by granting this Permit, assume responsibility for or incur liability for any injury, death or loss to any person or property caused by that person. Permittee expressly waives and relinquishes any right which Permittee may now or hereafter have arising from the risks assumed by Permittee. Entry Permit Page 1 4. Damages. Permittee agrees to reimburse WREDCo for any and all damages to its surface and/or timber, including premerchantable timber, that may be caused by Permittees’ actions allowed within the terms of this Entry Permit. Said damages, if any, will be assessed using WREDCo’s standard in-house appraisal methods. 5. Indemnity. Permittee agrees to indemnify, save and hold WREDCo harmless from any loss, cost, liability or damage arising directly or indirectly out of entry by Permittee and its employees and agents on Subject Property and access roads. Permittee expressly waives immunity from liability under workers compensation laws and shall indemnify WREDCo from claims or injury to the permittee’s employees. 6. Survey and Data Collection, Confidentiality and Disclosure. Permittee agrees to furnish to WREDCo a copy of all data collected (if any) by Permittee and Permittee shall furnish copies of all reports prepared by Permittee whether for its files or for others. Permittee shall treat all data information collected by it as proprietary, private, confidential information belonging to WREDCo and Permittee shall agree not to disclose any such information or data to any third party, with the exception of any public agency which requires the data for permitting purposes without the consent of WREDCo. 7. Notices: The Permittee shall give WREDCo notice prior to entry by giving notice to: Jim Frisch at (601) 268-6505. 8. Non-Assignment. Neither this Permit nor any rights hereunder shall be assigned by Permittee without the prior consent of WREDCo. 9. Safety Requirements: As shown on the attached form. Executed by the parties as of the day and date first above written. Weyerhaeuser Real Estate Development Company By:__Jim Frisch___________________ Jim Frisch Miss/Lou Operations Manager By:________________________ Entry Permit Page 2 WREDCo: Committed to Your Forest Safety Personal safety is a top priority for WREDCo Company. Whether you are a visitor, contractor or employee, when you visit or work in our timberlands, we want you to stay safe – and to leave in as good condition as you were when you arrived. In that spirit, here are some potential risks to stay aware of: Traffic. Even though you’re not in a city, vehicular traffic still can be a risk. - Wear your seat belts and turn your lights on for “SAFETY”. - Logging and forestry activities involve a surprising amount of truck traffic. - Also, during many times of the year hunters or other recreationists drive through our timberlands. Î Tip: Drive defensively at all times, and stay aware of your surroundings and road conditions. Î Tip: Give way to log trucks, even if you have to back up to let them through. Î Tip: Wear a blaze orange vest or cap so you are visible to others. Nature: Even in a managed forest, Mother Nature rules. - Snakes; bees, wasps and yellow-jackets; spiders, ticks and chiggers (redbugs) – all have stings or bites that can range from annoying to painful to life-threatening. - Toxic plants, like poison oak and poison ivy, grow on the forest floor and the trees. Î Tip: Learn which snakes are poisonous, and what they look like; be especially watchful for snakes around brush piles or near water. Î Tip: Tucking your pants leg into your sock reduces exposure of your legs to bites. Î Tip: Use a good insect repellent on all exposed skin; check yourself for ticks and remove them as soon as you get home. Î Tip: Be prepared for emergencies. Make sure you have with you a first-aid kit; an insect-sting kit; and medication for any allergies, especially to stings or bites. Know the locations and phone numbers of nearby medical facilities. Carrying a cell phone is strongly recommended. Terrain. Especially in bad weather, uneven ground presents hazards. - Wet leaves or logs can make you slip. - Loose rocks can move and cause falls. - Hidden holes are a danger if you accidentally step into them. Î Tip: Wear shoes or boots with a good gripping sole. Î Tip: If possible, wear footgear that supports your ankles. Weather: Rain or snow, or extreme heat or cold, can make the forest treacherous. Î Tip: Wear the right clothing for the weather; bring extra clothing in case the weather changes. Î Tip: In hot weather, drink plenty of water; keep a gallon per person in your vehicle. Î Tip: When it rains hard, remember our creeks can rise quickly; head back out, to high ground. Fire: Forest wildfire is incredibly dangerous. Please help us prevent it. Î Tip: Don’t park in tall grass; a hot exhaust or catalytic converter can start a fire. Î Tip: If you are a smoker, use an ashtray. Always. Î Tip: Make sure your WREDCo representative instructs you on how to report a fire. Access: In many areas, access is restricted by gates for security purposes. Î Tip: Make sure your WREDCo representative instructs you on local procedures related to gates. Visitor/Contractor Date Entry Permit Page 3
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