Welcome to the flip book version of Norah Gaughan vol.9


Welcome to the flip book version of Norah Gaughan vol.9
Welcome to the
flip book version of
Norah Gaughan vol.9
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pattern images for more information.
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1. breena
knit in
Berroco Ultra ∞ Alpaca
2. auberon
knit in
Berroco Ultra ∞ Alpaca
3. rosina (mittens)
knit in
Berroco Ultra ∞ Alpaca
4. fleta
knit in
Blackstone Tweed™
5. nyx
knit in
Blackstone Tweed™ Metallic
6. gullveig
knit in
Berroco Ultra ∞ Alpaca
7. zazanna
knit in
Berroco Peruvia ∞ Quick
8. tavis
knit in
Blackstone Tweed™
9. kaide
knit in
Berroco Peruvia ∞ Quick
10. geordie
knit in
Berroco Peruvia ∞ Quick
11. parlan
knit in
Berroco Ultra ∞ Alpaca Light
12. ion
knit in
Blackstone Tweed™ Chunky
13. callen
knit in
Blackstone Tweed™
14. aeneas
knit in
Berroco Peruvia ∞
80335 10009
Berroco Ultra Alpaca, Berroco Ultra Alpaca Light, Blackstone Tweed, Blackstone Tweed Chunky, Blackstone Tweed Metallic, Berroco Peruvia & Berroco Peruvia Quick yarns are trademarks of Berroco, Inc.
knit in
Berroco Peruvia ∞
15. seumus
Fall/Winter 2011 COLLECTION
Look for other Berroco Pattern Booklets in your favorite knitting shop.
Norah Gaughan vol.9
Visit your
local yarn shop
to buy this and
other booklets, and
Berroco yarns.
#310 Berroco Soufflé™
#311 Berroco Flicker ™
#312 Berroco Boboli™
#313 Berroco Comfort ® & Vintage™
#314 Berroco Voyage™
& Berroco Nanuk™
#315 Bohemian Mix