View March 2015 D`var - Congregation Beth David


View March 2015 D`var - Congregation Beth David
March 2015
The New Adventure Begins!
By Eleanor Weber Dickman
The sun was the brightest participant in the festivities that began on the front
lawn of Congregation Beth David at 10:00 am on Sunday, January 25, 2015.
Turning the atmosphere into a warm spring day, the sun reflected the warmth,
sense of community, and excitement of anticipation for the happy turnout of
congregants, congregation leaders, political friends, and guests.
It had been a long journey to this day. Fifty years ago, four founding families
began to put a vision into action. The Daniels, Dreifus, Kallman, and Postman
families put energy, dedication, resourcefulness, and commitment into creating
a new spiritual community.
In This Issue:
From the Rabbi
Page 3
Page 5
Pages 16 & 17
Don’t Miss
Page 18
All members of Saratoga’s City Council came out to
help breakground on our new building
Beth David’s congregational homes were many: from a Meeting House in
Santa Clara to the West Valley Presbyterian Church in San José, from El
Camino Real and McKinley Avenue in Sunnyvale in Stelling Road in
Cupertino to 19700 Prospect Road in Saratoga. The congregation grew, with
vision and vigor, with loyalty and pride.
Current President David Hoffman opened the proceedings banging (gently) on
the podium with his uniquely appropriate ‘gavel’ ― a hammer! With humor,
pride, and warmth, the tone of the event was set. David recalled the
congregation’s journey to its present home and acknowledged all the past
presidents whose leadership and commitment had helped shape and strengthen
the synagogue.
Senior Rabbi Ohriner opened the groundbreaking ceremony by acknowledging
that “The Jewish people have always understood that a holy community must
have a holy place (makom kadosh). Rabbi Alexander acknowledged “the
blessings bestowed upon us by dedicated and generous members.
Page 25
Page 26
100% CLUB
Pages 27 & 28
Pages 29 & 30
Continued on page 6
Main Office
[email protected]
Philip R. Ohriner
Senior Rabbi
[email protected]
Leslie Alexander
Rabbi of Community
Engagement and Outreach
[email protected]
Daniel J. Pressman
Rabbi Emeritus
Tanya Lorien
Dir. of Operations
[email protected]
Barbara Biran
Dir. of Ritual
[email protected]
Monica Hernandez
Bookkeeping Associate
[email protected]
Jillian Cosgrave
Front Office Associate
[email protected]
Lynn Crocker
Mkt & Comm Associate
[email protected]
Iris Bendahan
Dir. of Jewish Edu. Program
[email protected]
Andrea Ammerman
School Admin. Assistant
[email protected]
Mazel Tov
Please share our joy as our daughter, Ella, is called to
the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on:
Saturday, March 14, 2015
We invite you to join us
for a Kiddush luncheon
following the service.
(Jewish Experience for Teens)
[email protected]
Tal & Ilana Lavian
From the Rabbi
By Rabbi Leslie Alexander
In the 16 years in which I was not a congregational Rabbi, I had the opportunity to " shul hop".
For those unfamiliar with this interesting phrase, it means experiment with attending different synagogues. Actually,
Ken and I belonged to three synagogues in that time, experiencing the wonderful and not so wonderful aspects of
We learned A LOT! We found out just how crucial it is to be welcomed and embraced in the community. We
learned how much it mattered that we felt like WE mattered, that we were recognized and greeted when present, that
we were missed when absent, that we were invited to people's homes and that people enthusiastically accepted
invitations from us. We learned how great it felt when people asked us if we were going to
synagogue events and asked if we could meet up with them. We unfortunately learned a lot
at some places about being ignored, feeling lonely, thinking ourselves insignificant and not
quite good enough.
I came away believing firmly that it truly doesn't matter in a synagogue if a person knows
the prayers, can read the Hebrew, is as observant as the Rabbis or anything else that one can
learn or take on. People can be completely happy in a community without any of those
things IF they feel warm, included and cherished, not just by the clergy, but by each other.
I came away from that kind of experience knowing just what I would want to ensure if I ever served a congregation
again. And…here I am, blessed to work at CBD with an incredibly caring and devoted colleague, Rabbi Ohriner
and with all of you
This is a time of wonderful change and growth in our community. New Rabbis along with the continued presence of
our valued emeritus, new building, and wonderfully, many new CBD members. It is a perfect time to heighten our
awareness of what matters most here at CBD and it is the reason for the design of our new building- feeling
included and a part of an extended family. So, as Rabbi of community engagement and outreach, my FIRST
concern is making sure that our CBD slogan is true, that there really is a place for everybody at CBD.
If we make sure that all of us already connected to our synagogue feel happy here, we ourselves will be the best
advertising about CBD to others unaffiliated in he community.
With this in mind, we are very involved in reaching out to all of you, whether new or long time congregants of all
ages and stages of life to help you connect to one another in " micro- communities" called Havurot and to create
wonderful opportunities to socialize, celebrate and learn and support one another as extended family. In this issue of
the Dvar you will see a description of what a Havurah is and the positive dimensions it can add to your life and the
lives of your family. Many, many people who grew up as a part of their parent's havurah have a true sense of what a
" village" is and even in adulthood, still look at members of the havurah as their closest adult relationships.
We are, in addition, looking for members of CBD to volunteer to have your
" antennae up" at shabbat services to reach out to people who you may not recognize and welcome them to our
congregation. We want to make sure that visitors and new community members do not come to CBD and go home
not having been integrated in some way into the life of the community. If you can volunteer to help be a
matchmaker on Shabbat every couple of months, please let me, or Margie Pomerantz know.
A Beit Knesset- House of Community, has to be the place where all of us, whether we have been here 50 years or 5
minutes, know that we matter and that people will notice and engage with us when we attend and, if we are
generally present, notice and care if we are not.
This is a time of newness and excitement for our synagogue. May the bright, fresh and welcoming environment we
begin to build
signature match the joyful, open and embracing environment we create socially and spiritually, for
all of us, together.
Rabbi Leslie Alexander
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President’s Perspective
By David Hoffman, CBD Board President
Dear Friends,
For my March column, I am reprinting the remarks I
gave at Board Installation Shabbat on February 7th. (I
have omitted the Tu B’shevat puns, however!)
Shabbat Shalom!
Two years ago, I stood before you and described what
CBD meant to me, and my family, after my 2010 heart
surgery and challenging recovery.
Last year, I stood before you and spoke of how the
board and the staff of this amazing shul were going to
move boldly into our next 50 years.
Recall, in just the past 12 months, we held a retirement
celebration for Rabbi Pressman. We hired Rabbi
Alexander. We elevated Rabbi Ohriner. We formally
kicked off the Next 50 Building and Endowment
Campaign. We laid the groundwork for new exciting,
experimental and experiential Shabbat experiences.
The groundwork was laid, and two weeks ago, it was
broken, as the Next 50 Building project actually began.
And on February 14th, the first of our new Shabbat
experiences will kick off.
I count myself lucky to be able to serve a second term
during these transitional, liminal moments in our
Of course, like Dan Skilken eloquently stated during
our ground breaking about people thinking he was
crazy enough to envision and then lead the Next 50
project, I’ve got people asking me if I’m crazy wanting
to serve as president again. (The lead inquisitor is my
sister, a past president of her shul. She really seems to
enjoy reminding me that she is a past president).
I’d be crazy, and probably go crazy, but for the fact that
I’m not doing this alone.
This congregation is blessed with an incredible staff
that work their tails off on a daily basis. Whether it’s
Jillian’s friendly voice answering the phones; Nestor
setting up and breaking down room configurations;
Monica processing checks, Lynn keeping you updated
through our e-blasts, Iris, Andrea and Irene nurturing
our youth and teens; Barbara keeping the Torahs rolled
and Rabbis in line, and Tanya managing the office, the
facilities, and organizing the move into the portables,
our staff is an incredible resource that I am privileged to
work with.
Oh, did I mention our rabbis? The collaborative and
creative energies that emanate out of Rabbis Ohiner
and Alexander are simply intoxicating (think
Hamen-scotchen) enlightening and entertaining.
But our staff is only half the equation. You elected
an incredible board -- committed volunteers who
bring their own unique skills, abilities, interests and
energies to CBD. I have been privileged to sit on
many CBD boards; I am excited to work with this
Rabbi Tarfon reminds us that the “day is short and
the work formidable...” and then counsels that while
it is not our job to complete the work, neither are we
free to walk away from it.
I could not walk away from the work we began 2
years ago, which is I agreed to serve as President
again. We have completed some of our projects –
such as rabbinic succession and ground breaking.
We are in the process of other projects, such as
rolling out new programs for Shabbat – Netivot
Haneshamah, -- which arose from the
Congregational forum in June of 2013, where YOU
asked for alternative Shabbat experiences.
We have also been studying new models for
financial stability that we have been sharing with
you. New programming is in the works – Rabbi
Alexander has even co-opted my wife to lead a
program later this year!
The work is formidable… but so is this board. It
will rise to the task of sheparding the shul through a
year of construction and beyond.
The synergy of Board and Staff is what makes CBD
great, and what keeps me sane. I follow the advice
of Moshe Rebbeinu’s father-in-law Yitro – to find
and surround myself with good people, and
delegate. I am in good hands with this Board, and
so are you.
I thank you for your trust and confidence in me. As
I have said before, I am honored and humbled to be
able to lead this amazing Kehilla.
Shabbat Shalom,
David Hoffman
The New Adventure Begins!
Continued from front cover
In addition, Rabbi Ohriner offered an invocation which
acknowledged all those who had, over the decades, led the
synagogue’s growth and strength. “We gather in joy and
gratitude,” he said, “mindful of the blessings that have been
bestowed upon us ― knowledge, wisdom, understanding,
and the sense of community which has made us a true
‘Kehillah,’ a sacred congregation.”
Rabbi Ohriner quoted the proverb which prophesied growth
by “building through wisdom and establishing through
understanding. He cited four important foundations for
strengthening the synagogue: understanding, learning,
prayer, and community.”
Anna Eshoo, Congresswoman from California’s 18th
Congressional District, described the event by quoting, “This
is a day the Lord has made,” and acknowledged Rabbi Daniel
Pressman for his “33 years of extraordinary leadership.”
Saratoga Mayor Howard Miller acknowledged the founders,
clergy, staff, and Board members,
saying, “Future generations will
read and know about the
leadership of the visionaries who
established this congregation,” and
praised all those whose
“stewardship of faith and
community led to a renewed
commitment to this holy place.”
He concluded, “the expansion of
your spiritual home is an example
of living faith carried out by
Rabbi Pressman praised
congregation al leaders over the
years for being “forward thinking
in your vision and faith.” Noting
that contributions by members of Beth David have extended throughout the Jewish community of the South Bay,
he cited the names of congregants who have served in significant leadership positions with other Jewish
organizations throughout Silicon Valley.
Michelle Nathanson, Director of Development for The Jewish Federation of Silicon Valley, praised this “visible
milestone in our journey,” and recognized Beth David’s role as an institution and as a source of many of the larger
community’s most active and creative leaders in bringing “leadership, planning, vision, and foresight” to the larger
Jewish community.
Dan Skilken, whose leadership of the project has contributed significantly to its success, recalled a meeting two
years prior with Sandy Mayer and David Hoffman, who asked him to join a committee to remodel the courtyard.
Turning his fellow congregants into visionaries, Dan proposed a remodel of the entire building. The “Next 50
Project” had begun.
Thanks to the energy of Board members and key congregants ― as well as the power of the concept itself ― the
project received commitments and donations of $6.2 million in six months! Fundraising Chair Bonnie Slavitt
Moore was acknowledged for her leadership in coordinating the “Jewish Conversations” with congregants which led
to the generous support the synagogue quickly received.
The new facility will encompass 6600 square feet, and is described by Dan as “the expansion of our spiritual home
and living faith carried out by community.” Some of the exciting new features of the new facility will include a
40-foot high rotunda with a glass roof, and a “kotel” built with Jerusalem stone, as well as prayers submitted by
congregants to be embedded in the wall. In addition, plans call for the building of a new endowment to maintain this
Noting that “it takes good partners” to achieve this dream, Dan acknowledged architect Joel Karr of WK Design,
whose remodeling of Congregation Beth Jacob in Redwood City impressed Skilken and the “Next 50” Committee.
Karr, along with Bob Burns and Nick Bryson of Bryson Burns Construction, participated in the symbolic “groundbreaking” of a plot of grass near the synagogue entrance, along with the synagogue’s past and present rabbis
(including Rabbi Pressman’s predecessor Rabbi Jerry Danzig), with earlier rabbis also acknowledged by name.
Sandy Mayer, a member of the Next 50 Committee and the organizer of the groundbreaking event, was praised for
her “tireless efforts” in helping shape the project and for organizing the groundbreaking event.
Father José Galang, Pastor of the neighboring Church of the
Ascension (which for many years provided additional worship
space for Beth David members during the Jewish High Holy
Days), gave the closing benediction, extending “warmest
congratulations and prayerful wishes,” and praising the
congregation for its commitment, as “a people of peace,” to create
“a place for prayer, worship, and peace ― one people together.”
JYEP Students Help Break Ground and
Saying “Goodbye” to the Building
JYEP students in hard hats partook in the CBD Ground
Breaking event. They sang “Am Ehad” – One Nation,
an Israeli song of friendship and tolerance within the
Jewish nation. Representatives of each class
participated in digging out the first shovels of
earth. Two students shared their “Prayer for the
Community”, and finally, the favorite part,
drawing/scribbling/writing farewell messages in the
school hallway!
Congregation Beth David Micro Communities - Havurot
What is a Havurah?
A Havurah is a group of 10-12 couples or families or up to 20 individuals who get together on a regular basis in
members' homes to study together, to socialize and to celebrate Jewish life. All members of the Havurah make a
commitment to the group to meet regularly.
What is the Advantage of a Havurah?
A Havurah is an excellent way to become acquainted with others who have similar interests and are at similar
stages of life. For years CBD members have found that by joining a
Havurah they have developed an extended family at CBD. Havurah
members can be counted on to both celebrate lifecycle events together
and when necessary, provide comfort and support at difficult times.
What Kinds of Things does a Havurah Do?
It's up to you! Your group can enjoy a Shabbat dinner together, have a
Hanukkah party, build a Sukkah, even go camping if you're so inclined.
Each Havurah determines the types of activities it wants. Some involve
children, some do not. You can ask one of our Rabbis to attend a meeting
to discuss a variety of topics related to Jewish life. The Havurah chair, Ziva Fishman, Rabbi Alexander and
mentors from existent havurot are available to help with ideas.
How is a Havurah Formed?
After returning a completed Havurah application, you will be "matched up" with others who have similar interests,
backgrounds and requests. At the first meeting of your new Havurah, a Rabbi and /or the Havurah chair will be
there to help break the ice, to explain about how a Havurah functions and to give programming ideas. At this
meeting you will be able to get an initial idea of whether this havurah “match up” feels right to you. If so, GREAT!
If not, we will work toward finding you just the right havurah dynamic for you.
What if I Don't Like Everyone in My Group?
In any group of that size, there may very well be one or two you can't seem to get to know. The best advice is to
stick with it! You'll be surprised what can happen over time. Some of the CBD Havurot have been together for 30
years! If it's just not working out though, you can speak to the Havurah chair or Rabbi Alexander about your
CBD Lean In Circle
What do you aspire to achieve?
Come share your dreams and we will plan together to make them your reality.
Whether it is career, volunteer work, or a household goal, you can strategize
with others in our community.
Come join the Beth David Lean In Circle, a women's networking and support
group inspired by Sheryl Sandberg's book Lean In. Our mission is to help
women Lean In to their ambitions, whatever they may be.
Next meeting is Monday, March 9th, 7:30 - 9:00 p.m.
Lean In Circles are small peer groups that meet regularly to support one
another. There are more than 21,500 Circles in 97 countries and they work:
75% of members credit a positive change in their life to their Circle. Contact
Lori Kahn or Susan Rojo to learn more.
Join us the second Monday of the month after minyan, from 7:30 - 9:00 p.m.
Stay Up-To-Date on
All CBD Events
Go to:
and “like” our page!
Mordechai Rosenstein Joined Us as Our Artist in Residence
From January 28th – February 1st
Activities included: teen dinner and hands-on art experience; Conversations in Jewish Learning
presentation on creating Jewish art; a Kabbalat Hazak Shabbat cantorial service and dinner with
the artist who spoke on the art within Shabbat and Torah; a Torah talk on Saturday morning
followed by Mordechai sharing his journey as an artist; and an evening Wine and Hors d’oeuvres
reception with the artist.
Our JET teens enjoyed dinner and
art with Mordechai Rosenstein; just
one of the many great JET
programs for teens! (left)
Kita Zayin display their artwork after a wonderful
session with Artist in Residence, Mordechai
Rosenstein. (below)
Mordechai invited staff to create a
brush stroke to contribute to his
latest piece. Andrea Ammerman,
JYEP Admin Assistant is pictured
adding her flair. (above)
Tuesday, March 17th
Take some well deserved personal
time to focus on yourself.
Join us for relaxing evening of conversation
and crafting for women.
Enjoy wine, cheese and assorted delicacies
We will design and make cards—writing
one to
affirm ourselves and one to affirm
someone else.
 Share your future hopes and daily
challenges in this supportive
environment of women.
 Learn $7
Jewish wisdom
about how to
cherish eachRSVP
of life. at:
RSVP closes on March 16th or
when event is sold out. So, don’t delay!
Congregation Beth David
19700 Prospect Road ● Saratoga ● CA ● 95070 ● 408.257.3333 ● www.Beth–
10 Adar
9:00am Haftarah Trope Class
9:30am JCore Sunday School
9:30am Minyan sanctuary)
10:45am T'Fillah
11:15am Family Education
Hour - B'nei Mitzvah
12:30pm Kadima Board Mtg
12:45pm Teacher Meeting
1:00pm Purim Shpiel
Rehearsals - Book of Purim
17 Adar
JET SATO Sunday (off site)
9:00am Haftarah Trope Class
9:30am JCore Sunday School
9:30am Minyan
11:30am Purim Carnival
7:00pm Hazak - Pesach Wine
11 Adar
10:00am Intermediate
11:45am Beginning Hebrew
2:15pm Beginning Hebrew for
FSU Émigrés (offsite)
7:00pm Minyan
12 Adar
6:30pm Purim Shpiel
Rehearsals - Book of Purim
7:00pm Minyan
7:00pm Silicon Valley
Introduction to Judaism
Erev Purim
18 Adar
8:00am Yavneh Kita Gimel
Milestone Ceremony
10:00am Intermediate
11:45am Beginning Hebrew
2:15pm Beginning Hebrew for
FSU Émigrés (offsite)
7:00pm Minyan
7:30pm Lean In Circle
19 Adar
7:00pm Minyan
7:30pm Membership
Committee Meeting
20 Adar
4:00pm JEWEL
4:00pm JCore
6:00pm JET Dinner & Learn
7:00pm Minyan
7:30pm Morris Adler AZA
Business Meetings
7:30pm Neshikot BBG
Business Meeting
7:30pm Teen Leadership
24 Adar
JET SATO Sunday (off site)
9:00am Haftarah Trope Class
9:30am Minyan (sanctuary)
10:30am Sunday Seminar
11:15am Family Education
Hour - God
2:00pm Poverty Simulation
25 Adar
10:00am Intermediate
11:45am Beginning Hebrew
2:15pm Beginning Hebrew for
FSU Émigrés (offsite)
7:00pm Minyan
26 Adar
7:00pm Minyan
7:00pm Silicon Valley
Introduction to Judaism
2 Nisan
9:30am Minyan
10:00am Board Training with
Ron Wolfson
3 Nisan
10:00am Intermediate
11:45am Beginning Hebrew
2:15pm Beginning Hebrew for
FSU Émigrés (offsite)
7:00pm Minyan
4 Nisan
7:00pm Minyan
7:00pm Silicon Valley
Introduction to Judaism
7:30pm Progam Committee
5 Nisan
4:00pm JEWEL
4:00pm JCore
6:00pm JET Dinner & Learn
7:00pm Minyan
7:30pm Morris Adler AZA
Business Meetings
7:30pm Neshikot BBG
Business Meeting
7:30pm Teen Leadership
9 Nisan
9:00am Haftarah Trope Class
9:30am JCore Sunday School
9:30am Minyan
10:45am T'Fillah
11:15am Family Education
Hour - Passover ABC
10 Nisan
10:00am Intermediate
11:45am Beginning Hebrew
2:15pm Beginning Hebrew for
FSU Émigrés (offsite)
7:00pm Minyan
7:00pm Minyan
13 Adar
Ta'anit Esther
Family Megillah
Purim Dinner
Purim Shpiel: The
Book of Purim
8:00pm Ganze Megillah
27 Adar
General Board Mtg.
11 Nisan
7:00pm Minyan
14 Adar
21 Adar
6:00pm Adult Bnai Mitzvah
Study Group
7:00pm Minyan
7:30pm Adult Bnai Mitzvah
28 Adar
6:00pm Adult Bnai Mitzvah
Study Group
7:00pm Minyan
7:30pm Adult Bnai Mitzvah
7:30 Scholar-in-Residence:
The Seven Questions Asked
in Heaven
6 Nisan
6:00pm Adult Bnai Mitzvah
Study Group
7:00pm Minyan
7:30pm Adult Bnai Mitzvah
15 Adar
Shushan Purim
10:00am Friday Morning
Talmud Study: Tractate
11:15am Spiritual Ethics
Discussion Group
5:48pm Candle lighting
6:30pm Shabbat Mishpaha
6:30pm Family services
16 Adar
9:30am Services
12:00pm Ruah Rally
12:30pm Kiddush
1:30pm Hot Topics in
Halakhah Today
22 Adar
10:00am Friday Morning
Talmud Study: Tractate
11:15am Spiritual Ethics
Discussion Group
6:00pm PJ Shabbat
6:30pm Services
6:55pm Candle lighting
23 Adar
Shabbat Parah
9:30am Services/Bat Mitzvah
Ella Lavian
9:30am Zayin Shabbat School
10:30am Pathways of the
Soul - Netivot Haneshamah:
Learning Minyan with Rabbi
10:30am Youth Congregation
11:15am Tot Shabbat
12:00pm Ruah Rally
12:30pm Kiddush
1:30pm Book Discussion
1 Nisan
Rosh Chodesh Nisan
9:30am JCore Shabbat School
9:30am Services
9:30am Youth Congregation
10:30am Pathways of the
Soul - Netivot Haneshamah:
Torah study with Rabbi
11:00am Haverim
11:00am Scholar-inResidence: Relational
12:00pm Ruah Rally
12:30pm Kiddush
1:30pm Scholar-in-Resience:
Relational Judaism
8 Nisan
Shabbat HaGadol
9:30am Services
10:30am Pathways of the
Soul - Netivot Haneshamah
TORAH! LIVE! With Doug
10:30am Youth Congregation
11:00am Haverim
11:15am Tot Shabbat
12:00pm Ruah Rally
12:30pm Kiddush
1:30pm CBD Jewish Artists
29 Adar
10:00am Friday Morning
Talmud Study: Tractate
11:15am Spiritual Ethics
Discussion Group
6:30pm Services
6:45pm Scholar-in-Residence:
7:01pm Candle lighting
8:00pm Scholar-in-Residence:
God’s To-Do list
7 Nisan
10:00am Friday Morning
Talmud Study: Tractate
11:15am Spiritual Ethics
Discussion Group
6:30pm Services
7:08pm Candle lighting
5:30 – 6:30pm
Family Megillah
6:30 – 7:00pm
Dinner (RSVP Required)
7:15 – 7:30pm
Purim Shpiel: The
Book of Purim
8:00 – 10:00pm
Gantze Megillah
11:30am - 2:00pm
Purim Carnival
7:00 - 9:00pm
Hazak - Pesach Wine
1:30 – 3:00pm
Book Discussion
10:30am -12:30pm
Sunday Seminar:
Reshaping Judaism
and Reordering the
Jewish World
19th - 21st
(See flyer on page 18)
CBD Jewish Artists Group
Yiddish Discussion Group
Do you know Yiddish?
Would you like to chat
with others in Yiddish?
Email [email protected]
Mah Jongg Players
Would you like to play
Mah Jongg at CBD?
Games forming soon.
Email [email protected]
Or call Jillian in the CBD office at
Meets monthly to discuss Jewish Arts and
Crafts, after Kiddush lunch.
Everyone is welcome at any meeting, whether you
are an artist, crafter, or simply enjoy the academic
or aesthetic side of Judaica. All meetings begin
approximately 1 - 1:30 pm, after Kiddush Lunch
ends. Everyone is welcome to CBD’s Kiddush
Lunch, which begins approximately 12 noon.
Upcoming Presentations and Discussions:
Saturday, March 28th
Paul Freudenthal discusses Noah’s Ark, as
described in the Torah and in art
Saturday, April 18th
Jack Goodman discusses fine woodcraft, and
Rabbi Ohriner discusses the art of making
Want more information? Contact Jeff
Warwick at [email protected]
Dear Hevre,
As you should be aware, the Board has been studying a new financial model that would replace
the traditional dues model that our Kehilla has followed for the past 51 years.
In January and February of this year, we shared the results of our investigation with you, in a
series of informational meetings.
Based on your questions and feedback, we have prepared a Frequently Asked Questions
document that is on our website. You should have received a letter as well.
The Board will be voting on this new sustaining contribution model at the regularly
scheduled March board meeting – Wednesday, March 18th.
The meeting will commence at 7:45 pm after evening Minyan.
All board meetings are open to our membership. Come see your Board in “action”.
Sale of Ḥametz
NOTE: If possible, all ḥametz – food not acceptable during Pesaḥ (Passover), or materials containing such
unacceptable food – should be destroyed or given away before the holiday begins. Should this be
impossible, the ḥametz may be stored in such a way that we are sure not to use it during the holiday and its
actual ownership is transferred to a non-Jew until the holiday ends. Please complete the form below and
return to the CBD office no later than 11am on Friday April 3, 2015.
KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENT: That I, the undersigned, do hereby make
and appoint Rabbi Philip Ohriner my true and lawful representative to act in my place and
stead, for me and in my name and in my behalf, to sell all ḥametz owned and possessed by
me, knowingly or unknowingly, as stated in the Torah and defined by the sages of Israel
(e.g., ḥametz; hashash ḥametz—suspect ḥametz; and all kinds of ta’arovet ḥametz—ḥametz
mixtures); also, ḥametz that tends to harden and to adhere to the surface of pans, pots, or
other cooking or eating utensils, or whatsoever nature, and to lease all places wherein the
aforementioned ḥametz owned or possessed by me may be found, especially in the premises
located at my address listed below. Rabbi Philip Ohriner has the full authority and power to
sell said ḥametz and to lease said place or places wherein said ḥametz may be found, upon
such terms and conditions as discretion dictates. Rabbi Philip Ohriner has full power and
authority to assign or appoint a substitute or substitutes to act in my behalf with all the same
powers and authority that I have invested in the rabbi, and I do hereby ratify and confirm all
that Rabbi Philip Ohriner or a rabbinic substitute lawfully does or causes to be done by
virtue of these present.
And to this I hereby affix my signature on this ________ day of ______________
in the year ________________.
Name & Signature ___________________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________________________
City __________________________________ State _______________________
Telephone _________________________________________________________
We extend our special thanks to
MoverPros whose help was invaluable
to our move.
MoverPros donated
more than 100 of
labor hours over
more than 6 days.
They moved
furniture, disassembling and
reassembling cubicles desks and
MORE. We could not have done it
without them!
Do you have ideas about events
that you’d like to see at CBD?
Do you want to lend a hand at
planning events?
Come to the first meeting of our
NEW Program Committee.
Tuesday, March 24th
7:30 – 9:00 pm
We are going to plan engaging, fun and
creative events for our congregation.
All Are Welcome!
We wish the folowng member a happy anniversary. Be sure to
attend the Saturday, March 28th Ruah Rally (following serives)
for a special anniversary blessing.
Robert & Debra Fils
Martin & Sheryl Rattner
Jack Moore & Bonnie Slavitt Moore
Ryan & Lauren Lewis
Adrian & Cary Feria
Tal & Ilana Lavian
Donald & Susan Ehrlich
Joseph & Iris Bendahan
Victor & Ruth Brill
Charlie & Miriam Marr
Gordon & Judy Levin
Samuel & Kamilla Lif
Michael & Elaine Hamilton
Herman & Penina Stern
Martin & Roberta Schwartz
Barry & Rochelle Alhadeff
Michael & Jane Gold
Jason & Mishy Balaban
Happy Birthday
We wish the following members a very happy birthday. Be sure to
attend the Saturday, March 14th Ruah Rally (following services)
for a special birthday blessing
Denise Goldberg
Stephanie Levin
David Osofsky
Sondra Goldberger
Deborah Vick
Gila Ganel
Orin Almog
Benjamin Englander
Laura Abada
Mollie Halper
Ilene Janofsky
Barbara Goldstein
Lynn Ann Levi
Sima Vishnevsky
Danielle Borenstein
Aliza Aitchison
Toby Adelman
Amy Ball
Rachel Wigon
Opher Harel
Tal Volinsky
Harold Woron
Barry Cinnamon
Mariya Chalik
Kol Greene
Martin Spergel
Loretta Levin
Rochelle Alhadeff
Rita Schlosser
Harvey Checkman
Debra Schwartz
Brandon Glajchen
Daniel Gold
Howard Field
Jacob Applesmith
Patricia Werba
Rudi Katz
Stephanie Kass
Roza Levina
Kenneth Solnit
Jan Krum
Edward Levin
Brita Almog
Edward Levin
Jeanette Parmett
Steven Karel
Nancy Newman
Albert Ghan
Barbara Green
Ronen Vainish
Ina Checkman
Molly Vainish
Elise Wolf
Shoshana Batson
Ruth Miller
Susie Pierson
Sandra Silver
Irene Bricker
Scott Brandman
Hindy Ganeles
Luba Kogan
Vivian Golub
Daisy Gelb
Eugenia Mandrusov
Ethan Vick
Marianna Yanovsky
Muriel Barnett
Bonnie Ashkenazi
Adriana MuscatelWeiner
Emily Gannes
Kate Fox
Emerson Davis
Doris Katz
Eleanor Dickman
Samuel Paktor
Cheryl Zatkin-Steres
Liya Freydin
Cathy Beyda
Emanuela Smith
Avraham Perahia
Jeffrey Warwick
Rhianna Kass
Svetlana Veksler
Allan Berkowitz
Ariel Tseitlin
Vivian Herman
Daniel Taylor
Shannon Guggenheim
Ian Wolfe
Helen Tieger
Joan Silberstein
Arieh Strod
Joseph Isaac
Purim Carnival
Sunday, March 8th
11:30am – 2:00pm
Rachel Selincourt
Miriam Eylon
Dina Schneider
Grant Goodman
Steven Frankel
THANK YOU! To the following who have
donated to the Next 50 building campaign
It our hope to have 100% of CBD members step forward and
make a personally meaningful donation to the campaign. Your
participation is important, not the amount. See your name here!
(List updated as of February 24th)
Cookie Addison & Family
Davida & Charles Adelberg
Marilyn & Allan Ader
Yael & Elie Alcheck
Monique & Philip Alexander
Dr. Kenneth Aitchison &
Rabbi Leslie Alexander
Rochelle & Barry Alhadeff
Appleman Family
Judy & Michael Applesmith
Helen & Max Baer
Ginny & Bob Baird
David & Rabbi Ilana and Baird
Mishy & Jason Balaban
Amy & Gary Ball
Ruth & Noah Bareket
Elizabeth & Jim Batson
Betty Becker
Mindy & Rabbi Allan Berkowitz
Mary Jo & Alan Bernard
Marlene & Phil Bernstein
Cathy & William Beyda
Barbara Biran
Roberta & Jeremy Bloom
Ellyn & Kenneth Bloomfield
The Blumenthal Family
Judy & Brett Borah
Rhoda & Martin Bress
Ruth & Victor Brill
Bayla & Abe Bromberg
Linda & Barry Brummer
Marlene & Marshall Burak
Nestor Cabrales
Felissa & Myron Cagan
The Checkman Family
Seema Cicerone
Lori Kramer Cinnamon
Diane & Bert Clement
Joanne & Harry Cornbleet
Jillian Cosgrave
Lynn Crocker
Jerry Daniel
Karen & Jacob Deloumi
Eleanor & Lloyd Dickman
Sandra & Morris Dolmatch
Lou Dombro
Dorothy & Richard Dorsay
Galina & Mike Drabkin
Herb Dreifuss
Danielle & Hank Drew
Lory & Alexander Drukarev
Susan Greenberg-Englander &
Jeffrey Englander
Rhonda Farber
Hillary & Stanley Farkas
Jan & Bryan Ferguson
Harriet & Don Fernandez
Donald Field
Karen & Melvin Fihn
Reneé & Howard Fine
Ziva & David Fishman
Kama Fletcher
Julia & Adam Fuks
Ricki Lee & Neal Gafter
Emily & Howard Gannes
Susan & Lee Gavens
Ann Graubart Gershanov
Lee & Al Ghan
Ruth & Edward Gipstein
Wendy J. & Lance Glasser
Glenda & Harry Glatstein
Jane & Michael Gold
Sondra & Alex Goldberger
Sheila & Howard Goldstein
Isaac Goldstein
Barbara & Stephen Goldstein
& Family
Vivian & Sherman Golub
Alana & Grant Goodman
Janie & Greg Gotlib
Rhonda Raider & Donald Gould
Joseph Grapa
Cheryl & Dave Graubart
Barbara & Arye Green
Helaine & Stephen Green
Ann Greenspan
Karen & Allen Guggenheim
Susan & Clifford Gutterman
Joyce & Bill Halper
Nathan Handelsman
Harel Family
CBD Hazak
Vivian Herman
Monica Hernandez
Laurie Himelstein
Bonnie & Lee Hirsch
Debby & David Hoffman
Dr. Melinda Reynard &
Steve Hoffman
Sharon & Amir Horovitz
Madelyn & Dov Isaacs
Beverly & Fred Jacobson
Jane & Len Jacobson
Lori & Daniel Kahn
100% Club Continued
Renee & Jeffrey Kanel
Marcia Kaplan
Ellen & Steven Karel
Evan Kass
Stephanie & Ian Kass & Family
Marlene Kass
Rudi & Jeff Katz
Shoshana Wolf & Jonathan Katz
Doris & Stanley Katz
Bonnie Kehl
Carol & Roland King
Lynne & Stephen Kinsey
Morrie Kirschen
Eleanor & Ed Kiss
Jacqueline & Charles Klein
Susan & Thomas Klein
Ruth A. Kohan
Caryn & Ben Kovar
Anna Kraus
Judith & Israel Krongold
Lauren Flato & Steven Labovitz
Rachel Schwab & Chet Lanctot
Suzanne & Dave Larky
Judith & Allan Lavetter
Lorna Borenstein & David Lawee
Benjamin Leitner
Susan & Michael Leitner
Jeanette & Stuart Lerner
Loretta & Edward Levin
Judy & Gordon Levin
Bernard Levine
Fay Levinson
Paula Barbarito-Levitt &
Marc E. Levitt
Gloria & Ken Levy
Mimi & Reuben Levy
Sheryl & Eric Lewis
Andrea & Steven Linder
Tanya Lorien
Shelley & Ken Luskey
Sue & Ron Maltiel
Miriam & Charles Marr
Dan Maydan
Sandy & David Mayer
Sylvia & Michael Meltzer
Holly & David Mendel
Elizabeth & William Menkin
Sylvia & Leonard Metz
Bonnie Slavitt Moore & Jack Moore
Janine & Austin Moore
Vanina J. Sandel Mutchnik &
Sharon Mutchnik
Susan & Gary Nankin
Ronee & Ike Nassi
Nancy & Marty Newman
Phyllis & Neil Newman
Jenifer & Evan Ohriner
Rabbis Shoshana & Philip Ohriner
Crystal & Mendy Ouzillou
Alice Wald & Paul Overmyer
Judy & David Paktor
Andrew Passett
Lori Passett & Family
Robin D. Penn
Evette & David Pennypacker
Susannah & Karl Pfalzer
Joelle Pluemer
Margie & Howard Pomerantz
Rabbi Daniel Pressman
Susan Murai Raider & Andrew Raider
Lena & Jussi Rajna
Judie & Benjamin Ram
Thelma Ramm
Susan & Ron Remba
Robinson Family
Bettina & Daniel Rosenberg
Jill & Josh Rosenberg
Susan and Allen Rosenzweig
Riva Rubnitz
Alison & Ron Ruebusch
Robin Sabes
Marina & Michael Salzman
Christel Sanders
Felicia & Michael Schaffer
Cyndi Sherman & Steve Schleimer
Natalie M. Schriger
Myra & Pete Schwartz
Roberta & Martin Schwartz
Marilyn Sefchovich
Yulia Shvarts
Lil Silberstein
Ken Silver
Barbara & David Silverstein
Nancy & Dan Skilken
Morris and Fannie Skilken
Family Foundation
Irene & Walter Spector
Stephanie & Peter Spielvogel
Kitty Steinborn
Penina & Herman Stern
Joan & Henry Stone
Bonnie & Lee Stone
Rama & Arieh Strod
Meryle & Howard Sussman
Irene & Bob Swedroe & Family
Susan Gould & Rami Tabibian
Rochelle & Sander Taboh
Barbara & Chuck Taubman
Ann & Rick Tavan
Evelyn Tavan
Irina & Gene Tenberg
Support provided by Tides Foundation
Helen Tieger
Nazgol & Shelley Timmins
Aline Usim
Cara & Ronen Vainish
Reenie Wagner
Marjorie Alpert & Jeff Warwick
Barbie & Martin Weinstein
Sheila & Marty Weisberg
Carol & Jeffrey Weiss
Harriet & Frank Weiss
Linda & Joseph Weiss & Family
Gayle & Arthur Weissbrodt
Pat & Alan Werba
Drs. Carol & Terry Winograd
Marsha & John Witkin
Elise & Dennis Wolf
Roni & Andy Wolfe
Wendy Wu
Patty Yalowich
Yanovsky Family
Rhoda & Larry Yelowitz
Zimberoff Family Trust
Beryl Zimberoff
Phyllis & Jerry Zis
Contributions are vital to the life of our community. We acknowledge the gifts received between
Donations for January 1 – 31, 2015, from the following individuals and families
Annual Campaign
Rabbi Leslie Alexander, mazal
tov on your new position as
Rabbi of Community
Engagement and Outreach,
from Joseph & Iris Bendahan
Rabbi Philip Ohriner, mazal tov
on your transition to Mara
d'Atra, from Joseph & Iris
In honor of Dan Skilken and the
Skilken family as Congregation
Beth David moves forward with
its remodel. With love, The
Chappell Family.
Congregation Beth David
Next 50 Campaign
Congregation Beth David
In memory of Bonnie's mother,
Ruth Melnick, from Lee &
Bonnie Stone
In memory of my father, David
Mazur, from Riva Rubnitz
In memory of my mother, Rachel
Mazur, from Riva Rubnitz
In memory of my husband, Alan
Rubnitz, from Riva Rubnitz
In memory of my sister, Doris
Hubka, from Dr. William Hubka
In memory of my father, Andrew
Rauchwerk, from Martin
In memory of my father, Henry
Gage, from Ruth Brill
Congregation Beth David
Bible and Siddur and
Mahzor Fund
Congregation Beth David
Next 50 Campaign
In memory of my brother, Martin
Leeds, from Bernard Levine
Carol Osofsky, thank you for the
Shabbos meal, from Bob
Marilyn Sefchovich, in memory
of your sister, Penny Ann
Levin, from Ann Sharon
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, thank
you for your support and lovely
service in memory of my father,
from Joseph & Iris Bendahan
Daniel & Nancy Skilken, in honor
of the birth of your grandchild,
Levi Sherman Lewis, from Jack
Moore & Bonnie Slavitt Moore
Noah & Ruth Bareket, in honor of
the birth of your grandchild,
Gideon Natan Breitzer, from Jack
Moore & Bonnie Slavitt Moore
In memory of my mother, Rachel
Ashkenazi, from Herzel
In memory of my sisters, Lila
Fink & Chernie Berg, from
Phyllis Burdman
In memory of my brother &
sister, Sam Burdman & Mary
Wilensky, from Herman
Congregation Beth David
Endowment Fund
Bonnie Hirsch, in memory of
your father, Norman Coplon,
from Charles & Miriam Marr
In memory of my mother, Ruth
Sacolick, from Andrea Linder
Congregation Beth David
Marilyn Sefchovich, in memory
of your sister, Penny Ann
Levin, from Harry & Joanne
Bonnie Hirsch, in memory of
your father, Norman Coplan,
from Harry & Joanne Cornbleet
Stephen & Lynne Kinsey, thank
you for the lovely Shabbat
dinner for our son Bob, from
Herman & Phyllis Burdman
Congregation Beth David, in
honor of groundbreaking for
Next 50 building, from Harvey
& Ellen Gold
Congregation Beth David, from
Lynne Snyder
Kiddush Lunch Fund
Israel & Judith Krongold, in
honor of the birth of your
granddaughter, Michal
Krongold, from Vivian Herman
Eli Isaac, for refuah sheleimah,
from Joel & Myrtle Schwartz
In memory of my husband, Ralf
Herman, from Vivian Herman
March of the Living Fund
Congregation Beth David, from
Miriam Engel
Rabbi Alexander
Discretionary Fund
Rabbi Leslie Alexander, in honor
of Derron's Bar Mitzvah, from
David & Holly Mendel
In memory of my sister, Charlotte
Faneuil, from Michael Meltzer
In memory of my nephew and
father, Asaf Green and Elias
Green, from Arye Green
In memory of my father, Bernard
Dov Leibovich, from Haya
In memory of my mother, Adela
Leibovich, from Haya Shottan
In memory of my brother, Martin
Leeds, from Bernard Levine
Contributions (Continued)
Rabbi Ohriner
Discretionary Fund
Rabbi Ohriner
Discretionary Fund
Religious School Myuchad
Rabbi Philip Ohriner, thank you
for your support and lovely
service in memory of my father,
from Joseph & Iris Bendahan
In honor of Steven Frankel, for
your generosity in helping to
make the Ani V'Ata concert a
terrific success, from Marc &
Paula Levitt
In honor of Gary Ball & Molly
Ball, for your overwhelming
support the evening of the Ani
V'Ata concert, from Marc &
Paula Levitt
In honor of Rabbi Philip & Rabbi
Shoshana Ohriner, for your
support, hospitality, enthusiasm
and much more in making the
Shabbat weekend so special for
Ani V'Ata, from Marc & Paula
Rabbi Philip Ohriner, in honor of
Derron's Bar Mitzvah, from
David & Holly Mendel
Marilyn Sefchovich, in memory
of your sister, Penny Ann
Levin, from Martin & Rhoda
In memory of my father, Zalman
Agroskin, from Yakov
In memory of my mother, Ida
Meltzer, from Michael Meltzer
In loving memory of Barbara
Milstein Beyda, from William
& Cathy Beyda
In loving memory of Joseph
David Beyda, from William &
Cathy Beyda
In memory of my father, Samuel
Klein, from Jeanette Lerner
In memory of my brother, Martin
Leeds, from Bernard Levine
In memory of my mother,
Rebekka Rubinovich, from Liya
In memory of my father,
Alexander Rubinovich, from
Liya Freydin
Iin memory of Madelyn’s mother,
Florence Cheron, from Dov &
Madelyn Isaacs
Congregation Beth David, from
Guggenheim Entertainment Inc.
In memory of Irene's beloved
mother, Rose Simmonowitz,
from Robert & Irene Swedroe
In memory of Bob's beloved
father, Jerome Swedroe, from
Robert & Irene Swedroe
In memory of my aunt, Grete
Leidner, from Alice Wald
Rabbi Pressman
Discretionary Fund
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in honor
of Hanukkah, from Mary Egan
Religious School
Barbara Biran, in honor of
Derron's Bar Mitzvah, with
gratitude, from David & Holly
Religious School Myuchad
Judie Ram & Family, in memory
of your father, Dr. Bertram
Haymes, from Robert & Irene
Bonnie Hirsch, in memory of
your father, Norman Coplon,
from Robert & Irene Swedroe
Marilyn Sefchovich, in memory
of your sister, Penny Ann
Levin, from Robert & Irene
Religious School Principal
Discretionary Fund
Charles Taubman, in honor of
your birthday, from Howard &
Emily Gannes
Robert E. Levinson
Memorial Library Fund
Fay Levinson, in honor of your
uncle, Marvin Rosumny, from
Barry & Marilyn Siegel
Joe Vela, in memory of your
father, Victor Vela, from
Thelma Ramm
Bonnie Hirsch & Family, in
memory of Norm Coplon, a
very dear man, from Thelma
Joe Vela, in memory of your
father, Victor Vela, from Abe &
Bayla Bromberg
Support CBD
Note: This form has been shortened for space needs, for a complete list of designated funds please see the online D’var or phone the office.
Donor(s): (If donor is a Beth David member, you may leave address blank)
Name____________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________
In honor/memory of _____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
Acknowledge this donation to: (If acknowledgement goes to a Beth David member, you may leave address blank)
Name____________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________
Additional Message:_________________________________________________________________________________
□ I do NOT wish to have my donation acknowledged in the D’var
Donation Amount: $_________or check one of the following: ____$18
______ Congregation Beth David Fund
____ Myuchad Fund (Special Needs Program)
______ Beth David Endowment
____ March of the Living Scholarship Fund
______ Kiddush Oneg
____ Balk Family Camp Scholarship Fund
______ Annual Campaign
____ Robert E. Levinson Memorial Library Fund
______ Capital Campaign
Discretionary Funds (please specify):
____ Jewish Education Program/JET Scholarship Fund
____ Rabbi Leslie Alexander
____ Rabbi Philip Ohriner
____ Bible and Siddur Fund
____ Jewish Education Principal
____ JET Principal
Billing: (Choose One)
____ Check/payment attached, please process directly.
____ Bill my account for the above amount and process immediately. Account # ________________
We appreciate your donations!
JFS Passover Food Drive
March 10th – 25th
Jewish Family Services is holding its annual Project N.O.A.H. (No
One Abandoned Here) Passover Food Drive March 10
through March 25th.
Help JFS collect and distribute Passover Food to Families and
seniors in our community. The more food JFS collects, the more
the Feinstein Foundation will donate to JFS’ Project N.O.A.H.
We would greatly appreciate your contributions of the following
non-perishable Kosher for Passover 2015 food items: gefilte fish,
horseradish, jam, candies, matzoh Ball soup mix, latke mix, potato
starch, grape juice, macaroons, cookies, dried fruit (pre-bagged or
pre-boxed), matzo meal, cake meal, and tea.
Nonprofit Org
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Upcoming in March
Wednesday, March 4th
Family Megillah 5:30 – 6:30pm
Spaghetti Dinner 6:30 – 7:15pm
Purim Shpiel: The Book of Purim 7:15 – 7:30pm
Presented by Guggenheim Entertainment
Gantze Megillah 8:00 – 10:00pm - A full reading of the Megillah
Sunday, March 8th
Purim Carnival Sunday, March 8th 11:30am - 2:00pm
See flyers on pages 12 & 13
Congregation Beth David & Addison-Penzak JCC Present
Scholar-in-Residence March 19th - 21st
Dr. Ron Wolfson
Author, Professor at American Jewish University,
and Co-founder of Synagogue 3000
Dr. Ron Wolfson is a visionary educator and inspirational speaker. He is
author of many books including three which form the basis for this weekend’s
talks: Relational Judaism: Using the Power of Relationships to Transform the
Jewish Community; The Seven Questions You’re Asked in Heaven: Reviewing
and Renewing Your Life on Earth and God’s To-Do List: 103 Ways to Be an
Angel and Do God’s Work on Earth.
See flyer on page 18