Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
OctoberBlast! Volunteers Needed YogaFit Certification Workshop Scream Free Parenting Fall Parking Lot Sale Weekly Update | Tuesday, September 29, 2015 OCTOBERBLAST! Friday, October 30 Zombie Stomp 4 pm | Trunk or Treat Festival 5 pm Eglin's Annual Zombie Stomp is scheduled for a 3:30 p.m. show time on Friday, October 30, with the race starting and hordes giving chase at 4 p.m. This year's event is a FREE 3-Mile Fun Run, starting and finishing at the CE Pavilion on Cypress Road. Just show up prepared to be hunted by a fleet of of "The Running Dead!" Prizes will be awarded to the first surviving runners to cross the finish line with at least one of their flags still attached. No registration needed. Volunteers Wanted • 850-882-6223 Get your spook on and bring the whole family out to Eglin's Annual Trunk or Treat Festival at Postl Point. This kid-friendly event from 5-7:30 p.m. will feature music, games, prizes, a not-too spooky movie, a preschool maze, haunted bouncy castle, and a hayride stalked by zombies! Trunk or Treat Lane will be open from 5:30-7 p.m. During the event, judges will be out and about making on-the-spot award presentations to 25 "Best Costume" winners attending the event, and 5 "Favorite Trunk" winners from Trunk or Treat Lane. The Eglin Outdoor Recreation Center will remain open throughout the event to offer snacks, beverages, glow sticks and necklaces, and other items available for purchase inside the center. The Street Eatz food truck will also be on site for food and beverage purchases. Volunteers Wanted • 850-882-5058 Allen Turner For More Info on FSS Events & Activities, Visit: www.eglinforcesupport.com Calendar • Hours of Operation • Phone Directory • Map Community News Zombie Volunteers Needed: Zombie Stomp Friday, October 30 | 4 pm If you would like to be a Zombie volunteer, contact the Eglin Fitness Center to sign up and receive additional event details. Zombies must provide their own costumes; the event will provide the makeup. Run begins at 4 p.m., Zombies report early. Call 850-882-6223 for more info and to sign up. Decorated Vehicles Needed: Trunk or Treat Lane Friday, October 30 | 5:30-7 pm Eglin Outdoor Recreation is looking for a long line of vehicles to populate Trunk or Treat Lane this year. If you would like to volunteer to decorate your vehicle and provide treats to a large group of enthusiastic kids, we would like to hear from you! Awards will be presented to 5 "Favorite Trunk" winners, and all participating with decorated vehicles will be entered in a drawing to win a new Polaroid Camera and rolls of film. Everyone has a chance to be a winner! Lane will be open from 5:30-7 pm. Call 850-882-5058 for details on report time and to sign up. Event Volunteers Needed: Trunk or Treat Festival Friday, October 30 | 5-7:30 pm Eglin Outdoor Recreation is recruiting volunteers for the Trunk or Treat event to decorate the grounds, assist staff with indoor sales, direct parking, set up and man the event's games and activity areas, help with the haunted hayride, and assist with tear down after the event. All volunteers registered with Outdoor Rec will receive free food and beverages prior to the start of the event. Everyone interested in assisting with any or all of these duties are asked to contact Outdoor Rec to sign up and receive assignment details and report time for day of the event. Call 850-882-5058. HELP WANTED at Youth Center Eglin Youth Center looking for energetic, enthusiastic, positive attitude, "can do, will do" personality....if you’ve got what it takes, give us a call and maybe you can be one of our Super Star Volunteers. And, if you want to be a "tutor" for homework for youth 9-14 years old, we sure could use some help there too. Call John Lilly at 850-882-8212 or email [email protected]. Bayview’s German First Friday Friday, October 2 | 4:30-6:30 pm Eglin's Bayview Club members and their families are invited to enjoy a special social hour event featuring a FREE buffet for Eglin Bayview Club members, their immediate family, and all children ages 12 and under! TDY club members always receive Bayview pricing. Admission is $7.50 for all other club members and nonmembers ages 13 and older. Menu includes Bratwurst, Knockwurst, German Potato Salad, Sauerkraut, Peas & Carrots, and Cake. Drawings will be held throughout the evening for Eglin club members who are reminded to pick up their October club bucks. 850-651-1010 Youth Basketball & Cheerleading Registration Monday-Friday, October 1 – November 13 | 1-6 pm Registration for youth Basketball and Cheerleading opens Oct. 1 at the Eglin Youth Center. Registration for basketball is $50 per child, or $100 per family. Players must be age 5 prior to Nov. 30, 2015, and under age 17 prior to Feb. 27, 2016. Cheerleading registration is $5 per participant ages 5-12, plus uniform cost which runs $55-$65. Basketball evaluations will be held by age groups on Nov. 16-17 for ages 9-16. Age groups 5-6 and 7-8 will be assigned teams with no evaluation. Practices are held on Eglin beginning Dec. 1, with games played at the Eglin and Hurlburt Youth Centers on Saturdays from Jan. 9-Feb. 27, 2015. A parent meeting will be held on Nov. 30 at 5:30 p.m. in the Eglin Youth Center gym. For full details, including info on player evaluations and medical requirements, visit www.eglinforcesupport.com/youth or stop by the Eglin Youth Center. 850-882-8212 Fall Parking Lot Sale – Great Shopping Event! Saturday, October 3 | Shopping begins 8:30 am Everyone with base access is invited to shop or sell at Eglin's basewide Parking Lot Sale held on Georgia Avenue in the two large parking lots across the street from the Eglin Conference Center and Exchange Mini Mall. Sellers may park in either lot and use adjacent spaces to display their wares. Space for sellers is FREE, no reservation required! There's always an enormous selection and assortment of treasures to be found at this popular event! 850-882-1482. Transition GPS Workshop Monday-Friday, October 5-9; 19-23 (Sr TAP-Retirees only); 26-30 | 8 am-4:30 pm Monday-Friday, October 5-9; 19-23 (Sr TAP-Retirees only); 26-30 | 8 am-4:30 pm The 2011 Veterans Opportunity to Work (VOW) Act requires service members from all branches of the military to attend this workshop before separating. Briefings include employment, financial, and VA benefits. Preseparation Counseling is a prerequisite. Attire is civilian business casual. Spouses are encouraged to attend but must register in advance. Call A&FRC at 850-882-9060 to sign up. Scream Free Parenting Tuesdays, October 6, 13, 20, 27 | 10 am-Noon Eglin's Airman & Family Readiness Center is pleased to present "Scream Free Parenting" - a FREE powerful parenting series designed to help both parents and caregivers. This four-part series empowers parents to take control of their parenting styles, own their emotions, and create boundaries when dealing with children. A graduation is planned for all participants. Call A&FRC at 850-882-9060 to register. Classes are held in Bldg. 2579 on Gafney Rd, the Family Child Care/Bubble building. Capstone Wednesday, October 7, 14, 21, 28 | 9:30 - 11:30 am The culminating activity to verify Career Readiness Standards. Mandatory for all separating or retiring personnel ad should be accomplished no later than 90 days prior to discharge. Preseparation Counseling and Transition GPS Workshop are prerequisites. Call the A&FRC at 850-882-9060 to sign up. Officer’s PFR Thursday, October 8 | 9:30-11:30 pm This is a personal financial readiness class designed to assist first term officers. Call A&FRC at 850-882-9060 to register. Krewe of Boo New Orleans Halloween Tour Saturday and Sunday, October 24-25 Enjoy a great day in the in the Big Easy with fellow ghouls and goblins at New Orleans’ premiere Halloween event – the Krewe of Boo Halloween Parade in the French Quarter followed by an incredible Monster Mash costume post-parade party from 9 p.m.- 2 a.m. for ages 21 and up. Cost is $175 per person double occupancy, $280 single and includes transportation and hotel accommodations at Hilton New Orleans riverside. Call Eglin ITT to sign up at 882-5930. Open Mat for Grappling Tuesdays and Thursdays | 4:30-6 pm There will be Open Mat at the Main Fitness Center for anyone who would like to learn or practice any form of grappling such as Wrestling, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Sambo. All skill levels are welcome. Call 850-882-6223 or email [email protected] for more information. Integrated Learning Center (ILC) Open Tech Labs Thursdays | 10 am – 12 pm Do you have technology questions or need further assistance with OverDrive and Zinio? Bring your eReaders, tablets, laptops or other electronic devices and stop in anytime during Open Tech Labs for one-on-one assistance on a variety of computer topics. Registration is not required and the lab is first-come, first-served. If you are unable to attend open tech hours, call 850-882-9308 for an appointment. Toddler Time: Reading, Songs & More 1st and 3rd Tuesdays | 10 – 11:30 am Toddlers ages 0-4 are invited to a special time of reading and fun activities hosted by Eglin’s Integrated Learning Center (ILC). Toddler Time is held in Bldg. 2579, the Bubble Building, located just down the street from Eglin Elementary. For questions, call 850-882-9308 or email [email protected]. NO FEDERAL ENDORSEMENT OF SPONSORS OR ADVERTISERS INTENDED. Eglin eLife! is published every Tuesday by the 96th FSS Marketing Office to promote FSS events of interest to the base community. The Community News section highlights additional FSS events and information from other squadrons also of interest basewide and included as space allows. More information is available by calling the Marketing Office at 882-1482. An advertising rate sheet is available for businesses and private organizations interested in advertising. For More Info on FSS Events & Activities, Visit: www.eglinforcesupport.com Calendar • Hours of Operation • Phone Directory • Map
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