Haverford Highlights
Haverford Highlights
Page 1 Jeffrey S. Nesbitt, Ed.D. Principal 610-853-5900 Ext. 2511 ——————— Jerry Ummarino Asst. Principal 12th Grade 610-853-5900 Ext. 2541 ——————— Natalya Adelizzi Asst. Principal 11th Grade 610-853-5900 Ext. 2521 ——————— Gary Moyer, Ed.D. Asst. Principal 10th Grade 610-853-5900 Ext. 2531 ——————— Steve Quinn, Ed.D. Asst. Principal 9th Grade 610-853-5900 Ext. 2551 ——————— Joann Patterson Athletic Director 610-853-5900 Ext. 2561 ——————— Joanne Hayes Coord. Tech. Services 610-853-5900 Ext. 2090 Principal’s Message 1 Students of the Month 2-4 Visitors - Heinz Chapel 5 Upcoming Events for May 6 Upcoming Events for June 7 Graduation Signs 8-9 Secondary Art Show 10 Junior Achievement 11 Visit from Senator Leach 12 World Language News 13-16 Dress Code 17 Math and Writing Help 18 FBLA Apparel 19 H.E.A.R.T. 20 Contact Us 21 Haverford Highlights Principal’s Message May 2016 MA R C H From The Principal May has arrived and once again we are near the end of a school year. The May calendar is filled with many different awards presentations demonstrating again the phenomenal students we have at Haverford High School. We are presently in the middle of Keystone testing at the school. We have just hosted the Senior Prom and BLAST. Students were amazing at both events. It is both an exciting and stressful time to be a high school student. We have also had the Junior Prom which was very successful. The students once again showed what phenomenal students we have at Haverford High School. The Junior Prom has been held at Drexelbrook for several years and every year the security are happy to report that our students are the most amazing students out of all the events which they host. They are amazed by their behavior and the respect which they demonstrate. The end of the year calendar can be seen online. The senior events section and graduation sections have been updated for this year. Please make sure that you review all of the dates of the important events. There are many activities for all grade levels which will occur between now and the end of the school year. One significant change to the calendar is for underclassmen. Finals are now on Thursday, June 16 and Friday, June 17. Students will not report to school on Monday, June 20 unless they need to take a makeup exam. If students are absent from the exams for any reason they will need to take the exam during make up exam day or will need to come in sometime in the summer to make up the exam(s) missed. We do not permit students to take their finals early. The course selection process has been completed and we have begun the task of creating the master schedule for next year. We anticipate handing schedules very similar to the procedures during the previous school year. We plan to mail schedules in early August. Please keep in mind that schedules may show a blank or study hall in a location in which there was a course conflict. We will once again have a few days scheduled in August for students to come to the high school to make schedule adjustments. As a friendly reminder, please make sure that your son or daughter dresses appropriately for school. The most frequent springtime offenses are hats, short shorts and tank tops. Please remind your children that these are against the school dress code. Thank you for your continued support. Feel free to contact me at 610-853-5900 ext. 2511 or [email protected] if you have questions or concerns with which I may be able to assist. Page 2 STUDENTS OF THE MONTH FOR APRIL Please congratulate the following students who have been recognized by their teachers as Students of the Month for April. Adam Meisle Class of 2016 nominated by Ms. Laskaris Adam is very polite and well mannered, cooperative, kind to everyone. He always helps me in the classroom with supplies, always does his classwork and homework, always pays attention, always greets me, and wishes me a good day. He is such a pleasure to have around in general! Jack O’Reilly Class of 2016 nominated by Ms. Montgomery He is a director in my A.S.T. class. Though some students in his grade may be experiencing senioritis, he is consistently on point and ready to lead his cast. His behavior has a positive impact on the rest of the class. Jasmine Asbury- Johnson Class of 2017 nominated by Ms. Cesarini Jasmine has made huge academic improvements this year, specifically during quarter three. She earned honor roll with straight A’s for the first time ever. She has spent numerous hours working with teachers before and after school in order to achieve this goal. Jasmine is a polite, respectful student that is always kind to others and willing to help those in need. Page 3 STUDENTS OF THE MONTH FOR APRIL Katarina Hatzakis Class of 2017 nominated by Ms. Vindler Katrina has improved her grades, attendance and her attitude towards school. She is a pleasure to see every day. She has not missed a day of school this semester. Silvino Alexander Class of 2018 nominated by Mr. Frantz Silvino is a very good student. He is conscientious student and is always willing to help a fellow student with work. Silvino volunteers constantly in class and always has good ideas and thoughts for the conversation. His higher level thinking skills are very developed and it is a pleasure to teach someone of his caliber. Jamal Ellerbe Class of 2018 nominated by Mr. Decina Jamal has excelled in class by participating in thorough discussions. Jamal consistently contributes to class and displays his maturity. Page 4 STUDENTS OF THE MONTH FOR APRIL Theresa Brown Class of 2019 nominated by Ms. Dzielak Theresa is a truly remarkable young woman. I have the privilege of having her as a student in IPS and also in my support class. Day in and day out she works to the best of her ability to not just get good grades. She has a hunger for knowledge that is unparalleled to that of her peers. However, her character is what stands out to me the most. She is truly kind to everyone and includes her special needs classmates in not only conversation but has a sincere desire to obtain a relationship with them. She embodies everything that a parent would want their child to be and I am humbled and honored to have her as a student. Nazir Vasquez Class of 2019 nominated by Ms. Heuisler Nazir is a great student to have in class. He participates often, helps other students, and completes all of his assignments. He is also polite and friendly. Nazir spends many Saturday mornings at Villanova University in an engineering program because he is ambitious and driven. He is also a very talented artist. Page 5 Visitors from Heinz Chapel Choirs University of Pittsburgh On May 3, the Heinz Chapel Choir from the University of Pittsburgh made a stop on their Spring Tour to the Haverford High School Music Department. Haverford Choral alumnus, Hugh Huang, Class of 2014, is a member of this incredible group and conductor Dr. Susan Rice featured Hugh in one of the choir's pieces. Haverford's choirs sang several numbers for the visiting choir and the Pitt students reciprocated with a stunning sampler of pieces from their tour. Pictured are several Heniz Chapel Choir members, including Hugh Huang, middle, and conductor, Dr. Susan Rice, far right. Picture taken by Colin McCrossin Page 6 Upcoming Events for June June 1 Senior Awards in Auditorium at 7:00 June 2 School Board Meeting - Board Awards June 6 Senior Athletic Awards June 8 Senior Exams Block 1 and Block 2 - Full day June 9 Senior Exams Block 3 and Block 4 - Full day June 10 Senior Day! Senior Breakfast, distribution of yearbooks, yearbook signing in the afternoon June 13 Graduation Day! All Seniors MUST go to graduation practice in the morning at 9:00 a.m. THIS IS MANDATORY. Seniors will board buses at Haverford High School at 9:00. Buses will take you to Villanova University and you will return at approximately around 12:00 p.m. All graduating seniors will need to be at Villanova by 6:00 p.m. Graduation procession will start at 7:00. Senior grads need to dress appropriately and follow the rules and regulations signed by them. June 16 Final Exams for Underclassmen Blocks 1 and 2 Students dismissed at 10:50 a.m. June 17 Final Exams for Underclassmen Blocks 3 and 4, Students dismissed at 10:50 a.m. June 20 Make - up Finals for Students Have a relaxing peaceful summer! Page 7 Get ready for your student’s Graduation! Purchase a Graduation Banner or Lawn Sign with your son’s or daughter ’s name and Class of 2016. All orders are due by June 2, 2016. Let’s show your H-Pride! Page 8 Page 9 Secondary Art Show Page 10 Junior Achievement Company Program Junior Achievement Company Program allows students the opportunity to work with other business students and business professionals to organize and operate an actual business. Students not only learn how businesses function, they also learn about the structure of the U.S. free enterprise system and the benefits it provides. Individual Award Winners: President of the Year · 2nd Place – Annie Lindner – Impress / Aqua America Vice President of the Year · 2nd Place – Olivia Osborne – Impress / Aqua America Salesperson of the Year · 2nd Place – Luke Brophy – Armadillo / SAP America Also, our team members from Aqua America, IKEA and SAP America won the following team awards: Team Members for SAP -- Amanda Rioboli and Luke Brophy Team Members for Aqua -- Joel Allen, Olivia Osborne, Natalie Woodman, Peter D'Achille, Pat Gray, Maya Taylor, Elizabeth Egan, Elizabeth Parkinson, Olivia Matthews, and Ashley McGoldrick Team Members for IKEA -- Morgane Wojtowicz, Vincent Fung, and Andrew Ngo Team Award Winners: § 1st Annual JA You Choose Award: Armadillo / SAP America § Best Advertising: Armadillo / SAP America & Impress / Aqua America § Best Sales Pitch: Blüme / IKEA Page 11 Visit from Senator Daylin Leach A large and attentive audience of Haverford students enjoyed the recent visit of State Senator Daylin Leach. Leach, having served in the state legislature since 2003, brought his detailed knowledge of government and politics to this lively forum. Sen. Leach, with much humor and candor, first spoke to the students of the destructive impact that political gerrymandering has on our democratic system of government. Having recently enjoyed an enormous legislative success - the passage and signing of a bill legalizing the sale and use of medical marijuana - Sen. Leach subsequently explained the various governmental and political machinations involved in successfully shepherding this bill through the state legislature. Following this, numerous students asked thoughtful questions during the “question and answer” part of the program and Sen. Leach succinctly and engagingly responded. We at HHS hope for a return visit soon. Thank you Daylin! Picture taken by Colin McCrossan Page 12 World Language News - May 2016 Spanish students have been very busy this spring. On March 15, students in levels 3, 4, and 5 took the National Spanish Exam. Of the 18 students who participated, 12 of them were recognized for their achievement. Those winners are as follows. For Level 3: Janna Jordan (Silver medal), Sarah Allen, Daniel Criscuolo, and Drew Fuentes (Bronze medal), and Jade Cohen (Honorable Mention). For Level 4: Pryce Davies (Bronze medal), Emma Burhop, Emma Davies, and Alexa Kane (Honorable Mention). For Level 5: Elliot Miciek (Bronze medal), and Dana Kaufhold and Carissa Stoudt (Honorable Mention). Pictured: Front: Drew Fuentes, Emma Burhop, Jade Cohen, Carissa Stoudt. Center: Dan Criscuolo, Janna Jordan, Dana Kaufhold, Alexa Kane, Emma Davies. Rear: Ms. Reed, Elliot Miciek, Sarah Allen, Pryce Davies. Page 13 Spanish Oral Proficiency Expo On Saturday, April 16, four of Ms. Reed’s Spanish students participated in the 7th annual Oral Proficiency Expo sponsored by the Philadelphia chapter of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. Janna Jordan, Carissa Stoudt, Bridget Cincotta, and Elliot Miciek were part of 2 debate teams who discussed the immigrant situation in Europe, completely in Spanish. The team with Elliot and Carrisa won 1st place, and the team with Bridget and Janna won 2nd place. Afterward, students were treated to dancing, a Mexican lunch, and awards. Bridget Cincotta and Janna Jordan Carissa Stoudt Janna Jordan Page 14 Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica (National Spanish Honor Society) The 2015-2016 school year was the first year for a chapter of the National Spanish Honor Society at Haverford High School. Under the leadership of co-presidents Amanda Rioboli and David Tustin, Carissa Stoudt (Secretary) and Elliot Miciek (Treasurer), the Junipero Serra chapter did a large variety of activities. They sold pulseras, sponsored a child in Honduras, collected coats for an organization in Kennett Square, helped decorate and run the World Language Breakfast, planned fiestas, and helped with the DCIU prom. They applied for one of 3 awards given by AATSP. We were ecstatic and honored to win the Long-Term Activity Award for 2016. This first place award is $100 for the chapter plus a plaque which Ms. Reed will receive in person at the AATSP conference in Miami in July. Pictured: David Tustin, Ms. Reed, Elliot Miciek, Amanda Rioboli Page 15 DCIU Prom – May 13, 2016 The Spanish Club decided to do a community service project by helping to create decorations, make desserts, and help run and decorate the DCIU prom location on Malin Road in Broomall. A good time was had by all. Students who baked were: Victoria Hodgson, Nicole Barycki, Alyssa Eder, Jackie and Debbie Bates. Students who helped decorate before the event were: Matt Callahan, Ali Duffin, Kevin McGee, Chris Rioboli, Carissa Stoudt, Elliot Miciek, and Nicole Barycki. Students who helped run the event were: Jackie and Debbie Bates, and Robyn O’Halloran. Robyn O’Halloran Debbie and Jackie Bates Chris Rioboli, Matt Callahan, Ali Duffin, Nicole Barycki, Kevin McGee, Ms. Reed, Carissa Stoudt, Elliot Miciek Page 16 Student Dress Code Student dress should reflect good taste and not distract or disturb the normal activities of the school day. Students are not permitted to wear any article of clothing that advertises alcohol or drugs or has objectionable language. Students are also not permitted to wear studded collars, chains, etc. For reasons of safety, students should wear properly fitting clothing. Shorts, dresses and/or skirts must reach mid-thigh. In practice, we use the “finger tip rule”. This is when standing straight with shoulders relaxed, fingertips are in line with the hem of the shorts, skirt, or dress. Students are not permitted to wear tank tops or halter tops. In addition, the midriff area must be completely covered. Undergarments or sleepwear worn as outer garments are not permitted. Clothing may not be worn in such a manner that allows undergarments to be seen. Students are not permitted to wear hats, hoods, head coverings, or sunglasses in the building during school hours. The final decision regarding the appropriateness of a student's dress will be left to the discretion of the grade level administrator. Page 17 HAVERFORD HIGH SCHOOL MATH EXTRA HELP Do you need a place to get help completing your math homework or preparing for a test? The Math Center is the place for you! The Haverford High School math teachers are excited to offer extra help after school for Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, Algebra 3, and PreCalculus. Where: room 237 Time: 2:30 to 3:30 Days: Tuesdays and Wednesdays Beginning: Tuesday, September 22nd Did you know that additional help and resources are available online at cpm.org? HAVERFORD HIGH SCHOOL WRITING CENTER Need help with papers for any of your classes? Need advice with how to structure and organize your writing for essays for college admissions or other purposes? Come to Room 228 on Wednesday afternoons between the hours of 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. and an English teacher will be there to assist you with your needs. Looking forward to seeing you there! Page 18 FBLA Apparel Scarf ($17) _____ Bowtie ($17) _____ Neck tie ($15) _____ Magnet ($3) Send payment & order form to: Jessica Mini @ Haverford High School * Email [email protected] with any questions! Please support the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)! Please see Ms. Mini, Room 250 to order or purchase items. Thank you. Page 19 A Message from Haverford’s HEART TEAM (Students Assistance Program) DID YOU KNOW??? When someone is addicted to drugs or alcohol, the disease affects the entire family. All family members need information and support, and the PRO-ACT Family Education Program is a place for them to turn. The PRO-ACT program helps individuals and families recognize and address addiction problems in a spouse, parent, child or a loved one. Facilitated by trained volunteers who have been through the same situation, this informative education and support program gives participants the tools they need to address addiction in the family constructively and begin their own process of healing and recovery. PRO-ACT is a free three-session program which meets the first three Tuesdays of every month at Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems in Media. Pre-registration is required. To register, call 800-221-6333 9 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays, or visit http://councilsepa.org/programs/proact/family-education-program/ Page 20 What’s on Cable? HAVERFORD HIGH SCHOOL 200 MILL ROAD HAVERTOWN, PA 19083 Jeffrey S. Nesbitt, Ed.D. Principal 610-853-5900, ext. 2511 If any school-sponsored organization would like to add any upcoming activities and events to this newsletter, please contact Dr. Nesbitt either by telephone or e-mail. Haverford High School Events on Cable TV! Comcast—Channel 8 Verizon—Channel 40 Watch Comcast Ch-8 or Verizon Ch-40 for Haverford sports, concerts, seminars, announcements and School Board Meetings. The complete program schedule is on our website under the "Departments" tab. Send questions or comments to Monica Lalor, [email protected], 610-853-5900, ext. 7300. Many of our programs are able to be viewed online by going to www.haverford.k12.pa.us/video We’re on the Web! haverford.k12.pa.us
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