db schenker shipping guidelines
db schenker shipping guidelines
DB SCHENKER SHIPPING GUIDELINES Shell Eco-marathon Asia 2016 Luneta Park, Manila, Philippines Import Duties and Taxes in the Philippines All importations made to the Philippines will be taxed by the Philippine government. Failure to submit these documents = Participant pays duties and taxes With this, Schenker will require you to send some documents ahead of time, time, for them to process your import Duties and Tax exemption. Offshore and Onshore Forwarder Definition OFFSHORE FORWARDER Forwarder in charge of cargo at the country of the Participant and its air/sea shipment. ONSHORE FORWARDER Forwarder in charge of cargo as it arrives to the Port of Manila. 5 Steps to Follow 1 2 3 Choose your own Offshore Freight Forwarder Prepare your Documents Prepare for Shipment 4 5 Vehicle Arrival in Manila Vehicle Exportation Note on step 4: Schenker Philippines is the nominated freight forwarder for onshore Step 1: CHOOSE YOUR LOCAL OFFSHORE FORWARDER A. Onshore and Offshore Forwarder Definition CHOOSE YOUR OWN OFFSHORE FORWARDER Coordination and shipping of your vehicle cargo from your country port to the port of Manila, Philippines. Your offshore forwarder will also re-export your vehicle cargo from Manila port to your country port. DB SCHENKER (REQUIRED) ONSHORE FORWARDER Movement of cargo within the Philippines Delivery of cargo from Schenker Warehouse to SEM Event Site (Luneta Park) After event, delivery of cargo from SEM Event Site (Luneta Park) to Schenker Warehouse Processing of Duties and Taxes Exemption for participants’ importation. Clearance of your vehicle cargo from Manila port up to delivery to Schenker warehouse How to choose your Offshore Forwarder You may choose Schenker or Non-Schenker Offshore Forwarder If you choose... NON-SCHENKER Offshore Forwarder Ensure that your Offshore Forwarder can: 1. Provide you an advance draft bill of Lading document* 2. Landing certificate for re-exportation of cargo from Philippines to your country 3. Clearly cover all shipping line charges **(for Oceanfreight only) * Some Forwarders do not provide advance draft Bill of Lading **Some shipping lines offer cheap rates but doesn’t include additional surcharges in Manila yet. If you choose... SCHENKER Offshore Forwarder Offshore Schenker and Onshore Schenker will ensure these are all provided. Step 2: PREPARE YOUR DOCUMENTS A. Checklist Send Soft Copy via Email not later than Source November 16, 2015 • Draft Bill of Lading Offshore Forwarder • Draft Commercial Invoice and Packing List Participant • Initial Photo of Participant’s Eco-car Participant • Participation Letter from University Participant • Certification (Oil and Fuel are drained and battery is disconnected) Participant • Guarantee Letter DBS Send Soft Copy via Email not later than December 29, 2015 • Most Current Photo of the Eco-car Participant Send Hard Copy not later than VIA SEAFREIGHT December 29, 2015 / VIA AIRFREIGHT January 12, 2016 • Original Copies of Commercial Invoice and Packing List Participant • Original Copies of Bill of Lading Offshore Forwarder • Original Fumigation Certificate Offshore Forwarder Step 2: PREPARE YOUR DOCUMENTS B. Mailing Address and Deadline Send Hard Copy of the documents to (via courier/package mail): Mr. Mario Diaz Schenker Philippines, Inc. Global Projects, O&G Dept. Km. 19 Schenker Compound, West Service Road Sucat, Paranaque City, 1700 Philippines Send Soft Copy of the documents to: [email protected] IMPORTANT TO KNOW: Late submissions will NOT be entertained for tax exemption. DB Schenker needs enough time for the application of duties and tax exemption. Shell and DB Schenker will not be held responsible for any issues or delay with Customs Clearance due to late submission of required documents. Should there be any additional charges i.e. port storage, demurrage, Duties and Taxes will be for the account of the student Step 2: PREPARE YOUR DOCUMENTS C. SEMA 2015 Incidents • • • One of the teams has mistakenly placed a wrong Consignee name in the Actual/Final Airway Bill of Lading when their car arrived in Manila airport. Due to a very complex process in application of duty and tax exemption with DOF as well as Import Clearance in Bureau of Customs, the team paid the duties and taxes of approx. USD 10,000.00 in order to meet the event date. Another team failed to send their car in Manila beyond the given arrival deadline so they were forced to pay duties and taxes. Another team went directly to Phil Customs to process their documents in releasing at Manila airport however they were restrained by officers as they are not the official broker. IMPORTANT TO KNOW: Late submissions will NOT be entertained for tax exemption. DB Schenker needs enough time for the application of duties and tax exemption. Shell and DB Schenker will not be held responsible for any issues or delay with Customs Clearance due to late submission of required documents. Should there be any additional charges i.e. port storage, demurrage, Duties and Taxes will be for the account of the student Step 3: PREPARE FOR SHIPMENT A. Packing Your Equipment Items should be packed in re-usable bolt and nut, plywood/ timber cases. For easy identification, Cases must be marked on (2) two opposite sides. Front side marking is compulsory All vehicles MUST have a unique “tamper proof” identification/serial number* on the engine and chassis of the vehicle for the duties and taxes exemption. Note: Failure to unpack the crates before the event, students will be charge USD 100.00 for unpacking. Failure to repack the crates after the event, students will be charge USD 100.00 for repacking. Shipping Mark Format: SEM ASIA 2016 [Name of the Team] [Name of the Institute / University] [Country of Origin] Case No. (i.e. case 1 of 2) and it should tally with your packing list/invoice Dimension: L x W x H (cm) Weight: XX kgs STEP 4: VEHICLE ARRIVAL IN MANILA Expected Dates of Arrival of Vehicles Ocean Freight Earliest: Jan. 4, 2016 Latest: Jan. 12, 2016 Air Freight Earliest: Jan. 4, 2016 Latest: Jan. 12, 2016 NOTE: 1. Ensure to submit the documents required on the deadline to enable DB Schenker to file Duties and Taxes, otherwise participant will pay. 2. Ask your Offshore Forwarder when you should ship out your car in order to arrive at the Manila port on the dates stated above. 3. If ship by ocean, participants must request their offshore forwarder to deal with shipping lines to provide 14-days container free time at Manila port. Step 5: VEHICLE EXPORTATION B. Re-exportation Requirements Provide the Landing Certificate, from your Offshore forwarder, to Schenker Philippines Cars must be pulled out from the Schenker warehouse not later than March 16, 2016. If not, storage charges will be billed to participant. Your Offshore Forwarder must handle this. Cars must be re-exported outside the Philippines after the event, or not later than two months. The participant will, otherwise, be charged with the 150% bondable amount of the assessed duty (30% of the invoice value), taxes (12% of the value) and premium bonds. It is highly encouraged to... Choose Schenker as Offshore Forwarder Connect with your Offshore forwarder as early as now and have a sample computation of your vehicle shipment cost Ensure your Offshore forwarder can provide you with an draft Bill of Lading before November 16, 2015 for review and checking. Ship vehicles via Sea Freight Contact Schenker Philippines Inc. Schenker Compound, Km. 19 West Service Road, Sucat, Paranaque City, 1700 Philippines IMPORTANT! Tel. +63 2 982 9999 Please include the following details in SUBJECT when sending Look for : email: Mr. Mario Diaz ext. 1204 (focal) •Team name Mr. Elouim Celestial ext. 1206 (back up) •University name Department: Global Projects, Oil & Gas •Country Email: [email protected] Shipping information and files may be downloaded from Shell.com http://www.shell.com/global/environment-society/ecomarathon/forparticipants/regional-information/asia/shipping-information.html [email protected]
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