Annual Report - Holy Trinity Alumni


Annual Report - Holy Trinity Alumni
Holy Trinity
Diocesan H.S.
98 Cherry Lane,
Hicksville, NY 11801
Summer Camps at Holy Trinity
Affordable, Fun and Educational
Art Camp (grades 6 – 10)
We strive to teach art appreciation
while students create their very own
masterpieces. With fun and e xciting
new ideas, the aspiring ar tists will
have an opportunity to gain handson experiences using different artistic
mediums. The students will also
expand their creative skills and
knowledge of the fine arts.
Theatre Camp (grades 6 – 11)
Theatre students will have the
opportunity to explore their creative
potential. Daily classes in Acting,
Voice, and Dance encourage students
to do what they love while
discovering important movements
within the performing arts. Each
program will have a showcase on the
last day of camp to highlight their
play a wide variety of spor ts including
Baseball, Boys Basketball,
Cheerleading, Wrestling, Boys’
Lacrosse, Girls’ Lacrosse, Girls
Volleyball, Girls Basketball, Boys and
Girls’ Soccer, Football and Softball.
Sports Camp (grades 3 – 12)
We are excited about the continued
growth and success of our summer
sports camps. Experienced camp
directors and coaching staffs have
improved the skills and techniques of
all our campers who come here to
Rain or shine, camp is in session.
Enrollment in all camps are based on
a first come, first served basis, so
please reserve early. For more
information or to register, please visit and click on
Summer Camps.
2011 Hall of Fame Inductees
Yet, in spite of the problems we face,
through strong fiscal responsibility,
Holy Trinity has continued to be a
“special time, place and spirit!”
Programs have not been cut, and our
level of academic success remains
superior. Our greatest concerns are
our aging physical plant and athletic
facilities. Our teachers and coaches
continue to help our students to e xcel
but always hope for that special donor
or donors to help improve Holy Trinity.
It is the mission of Holy
Trinity Diocesan High
School to be a living witness
to the Gospel of Jesus Christ
as a community of faith,
hope and love in the Roman
Catholic tradition. We seek
to educate the whole
February 2011
person: mind, heart, soul
Dear Friends of Holy Trinity,
and body, and to motivate
each student in the pursuit
of truth and academic
excellence, preparing them
for future educational
opportunities and service
to the Church and to
the world.
It is with great pleasure that I report to
you, the students, parents, faculty,
alumni and friends of Holy Trinity our
accomplishments for the 2010 fiscal
year. As always, Trinity never sleeps.
Our students have worked diligently on
their academics and have excelled on
their various fields of play. The entire
Class of 2010 planned to att end
institutions of higher learning and
earned over 39 million dollars in
At Trinity, our enrollment remains
steady. The Class of 2014, our curr ent
freshman class, is 400, and our tot al
student enrollment stands at more
than 1,400. The “Titan Spirit” is alive
and well within our students and their
I wish I could end my lett er here.
Unfortunately, the economic state of
the nation has hit the school that you
love in various ways. New York State
has continued to cut the mandat ed
services aid that it provides to Catholic
schools. Catholic schools were
assessed the MTA tax, while public
schools were exempt. The number of
families that request financial aid
greatly exceeds our resources. Gifts to
the school have decreased and, of
course, our expenses continue to
To help meet these needs, Holy Trinity
has welcomed a new Senior Dir ector of
Institutional Advancement, Mrs. Patrice
Panza and Associate Director, Mr.
Joseph Conefry. I believe that they will
assist Trinity with the formation of a
Strategic Advancement Plan, exploring
planned giving, capital needs and a
strengthening of the Annual Appeal. I
look forward to their assistance as they
help Trinity to move towards the
As always, I thank all who give
generously each year to Holy Trinity.
The support of the Trinity family –
students, parents, alumni, friends,
benefactors and, of course, teachers
and staff, allows us to continue our
mission of teaching the Gospel values
of Jesus Christ and educating our
students in the pursuit of truth and
academic excellence.
While I realize that these economic
times are difficult and there are many
legitimate causes asking for help, I ask
you to make 2011 the year Trinity is
placed high on your priority list f or a
gift. Help to nur ture the “Titan Spirit”
for years to come.
Wishing you the peace and
blessings of Christ,
Gene Fennell
The Monsignor John C. Seidenschwang Hall of Fame honor s selected community members each year for exemplifying the spirit
and vision of late Principal Monsignor John through their service and dedication to Holy Trinity. Each one of the honor ees
nominated this year has touched our community and changed it f or the better.
Kate Fagan Fenton, ‘77
Frank and Christine Lanzarone,
Alumni Parents
Alumna and friend, Kate is a Child Life
Specialist who has dedicated her career
to helping sick and terminally ill
children cope with the difficult
emotional and physical process of
hospitalization and treatment. She
serves on various committees and
boards of organizations that help
underserved children, and has
dedicated her life to “giving.” Kate is
the proud wife of James G. Fenton, Sr.
and mother to James, Meaghan,
Caroline and Connor.
The Lanzarones were active members
of the Titan Club for nine years while
their three children Anthony, James
and Megan attended Holy Trinity High
School. During their tenure as
President and Treasurer, the
Lanzarones helped the Titan Club raise
approximately $450,000 for the
Athletic and Performing Arts programs
because of their leadership and
Margaret Jacovina McGovern,
Alumna and friend, Margaret is
Professor and Chair of Pediatrics at
Stony Brook University School of
Medicine. She also ser ves as Physicianin-Chief at Stony Brook Long Island
Children’s Hospital. She has conducted
research on inherited disorders and has
developed a new therapy for Niemann
Pick disease. Margaret also serves on
the Advisory Board of the Suffolk
County Make A Wish Foundation.
Margaret is the proud wife of John and
mother to Anthony, Patrick and
The Holy Trinity Diocesan High School Hall of Fame honor s individuals, living or deceased, who have demonstr ated outstanding ability, leadership,
character, and/or dedication, heroism, and patriotism and whose lives and accomplishments can ser ve to inspire the Trinity community.
To be eligible for this honor, the recipient must be a Trinity graduate, staff member, or a friend and/or benef actor of Holy Trinity High School.
In all cases, the person must fulfill the following criteria:
• Exemplify the principles, philosophy and mission of Holy T rinity High School •Ser vice to the community
• Significant individual accomplishments • Unblemished r eputation with the general community
Name: ______________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________
City/State/Zip: _______________________________________________
Phone: ______________________________________________________
Email: ______________________________________________________
Name: _____________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________
City/State/Zip: _____________________________________________
Phone: ____________________________________________________
Email: _____________________________________________________
Holy Trinity Affiliation: n Alumni n Staff n Alumni Parent n Other
Reason for nomination: (Please attach additional sheet if necessar y) ________________________________________________________________
Mail, fax or email nominations to: Holy Trinity Diocesan High School, Hall of Fame Committ ee, 98 Cherry Lane, Hicksville, NY 11801
P: 516-433-7361 Fax: 516-433-2827 • E-Mail: ht [email protected]
Go Titans!
Holy Trinity High
School athletes are
having an excellent
year. Senior Colleen
Schmidt has won the
Nassau Suffolk
Catholic High School
Athletic Association
Cross Country
Championships and will be attending
Duke University in Fall 2011 on a tr ack
The Football team posted a 7-3 record,
making it to the Catholic High School
Football League (CHSFL) semifinals
before losing to Iona Prep. It was
another very successful season under
the guidance of Head Coach Tony
Mascia ’76. Coming on the heels of a
10-1 season and an appearance in the
2009 CHSFL championship game, it
was an example of the consistency of
the Trinity football program.
Individually, senior Nick Ferreiro
received the prestigious Msgr. Peters
Award for the top scholar athlete in the
CHSFL. As a three sport star at Holy
Trinity, Nick as done an unbelievable
job at balancing his exemplary work in
the classroom with his exploits on the
field. He is a testament to what Holy
Trinity is all about. Nick was also
selected as an All-League honoree. A
number of other Titans were CHSFL
all-league selections:
Sr. Wray Fucci
Sr. Louis Cotrone
Sr. James Collins
Sr. Mike Sinto (Defensive MVP
of CHSFL Senior Bowl)
Sr. Chris Olson
Jr. Mike Williams
So. Chris Laviano
Congratulations to Junior Luis Christie
for winning his second straight CHSAA
individual tournament at Garden City
Girls Basketball
The girls’ basketball team has been
going strong. They finished the
regular season with a record of 17-7
overall and 9-5 in the NSCHSAA
league. The Titans are currently
ranked 5th in Newsday’s Long Island
Top Ten girls basketball rankings and
Lanes. Christie, who had the secondhighest average in the CHSAA with a
218, rolled a 269 in Game 1 and
followed with a 200 and a 226 f or a
high series of 695 and an eight-pin win
over Chaminade's Joe Bucaria.
Kreul Classic
The Holy Trinity boys basketball team
was fortunate enough to take a trip to
Coral Springs, Florida to play the
prestigious Kreul Classic tournament.
The tournament was held December 17
through the 22nd at the Cor al Spring
Gymnasium. The Titans had a very
successful trip as they won the Publix
bracket of the tournament by defeating
Hallandale High School 81-70, Atlantic
High School 58-55 and Florida
powerhouse American Heritage 52-49
in the finals. Senior Tyler Seidman was
named the tournament’s Most Valuable
Player and Junior Mike Callaghan was
named to the all-tournament team.
Tyler also won the tournament 3 point
contest by beating out 31 contestants
from other participating teams. Coach
Joe Conefry summarized the trip “It was
an invaluable experience for our players;
these types of trips are not only great
for life experiences and to build team
chemistry but to win the tournament on
top of that was something they’ll
remember for the rest of their lives.”
Nick Ferreiro
Football team
Luis Christie
Signing Day
February 2nd was National Signing Day
for high school athletes. This year, five
Titan student-athletes signed letters of
intent to compete on the next level.
Pictured below are the athletes and the
schools they’ll be attending:
Wray Fucci, Football, James Madison
University; Louis Cotrone, Football,
Marist College; Colleen Schmidt, Cross
Country and Track, Duke University;
Lane and Lanier Mason, Track and
Field, Molloy College.
Boys basketball team
Signing day for high school athletes
will have the 3rd seed in the upcoming
playoffs. Holy Trinity is led by junior
Katie Poppe who came up big in a
signature win over St. John the Baptist
with twenty two points, eleven
rebounds, and ten steals. After the
league playoffs, the Titans will
compete for a State championship in
the “A” bracket.
On the Right Track
This past November, Holy Trinity
officially kicked off “On The Right
Track” a two year campaign to r aise
$250,000 for a new state of the art
asphalt base and rubberized running
track surface. We’re getting closer to
our 2011 goal of $125,000 but we still
need your support. Please consider a
gift to “On The Right Track” and join
Holy Trinity in its vision of cr eating a
track of the highest quality f or current
and future Titans. For your
convenience, you may use the enclosed
envelope to make your contribution.
With deep appreciation, Holy Trinity
thanks those who have already shared
in our mission:
Miss Christa Accardi ‘14
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Addeo
Mr. John J. Barrett ‘82
Mr. Gregory R. Bartolotta‘76
Mr. Douglas Bartolotta ‘79
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Black
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bongiovi
Mrs. Lynn Bove ‘80
Mr. Eric G. Bradley ‘88
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brooks
Mr. Russell Brown ‘10
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Denis Byrne
Mr. Michael Callaghan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Cammarata
Mr. Michael J. Carrano ‘70
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Carroll
Ms. Kimberly A. Carter ‘86
Dr. Michel-Jose Charles
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Clabby
Mr. Walter Cook
Mr. and John Corcoran
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Cotrone
Mr. Edward Cox ’77
Mr. Michael J. Cristina ‘05
Mr. James Dalto
Miss Diana De Simpliciis ‘09
Mr. and Mrs. James DellaRatta
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Devlin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Donnelly
Mr. Kevin Doyle ‘92
Mrs. Deborah Ehimwenma
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eibeler ‘73
Mr. Gene J. Fennell
Mr. David J. Flatley
Mr. Henry Frey
Mr. and Mrs. R. Fuertes
Mrs. Maria A. Ghali-Hana
Mr. Edward P. Gibbons, Esq. ‘81
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Grossjung
Miss Bridget Grover ‘08
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hawkins
Mrs. Mary Maier Huber ‘76
Mr. Arthur P. Jacobson, Jr. ‘72
Mr. and Mrs. George Jakubowski
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Kearns
Mr. and Mrs. Yash Kirtane
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Koegel ‘72
Mrs. Madelynn Kraner ‘72
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kuchinskas
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kuzniewski
Mr. and Mrs. Meldwyn MacDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mallen
Mr. Gregory Maloney ‘07
Mrs. Margaret McDonnell-Tiberio
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McDonough
Mr. and Mrs. William McShane
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Meade ‘79
Mr. Christopher F. Mercurio ‘98
Mr. Michael V. Meyers‘87
Mr. and Mrs. John Micallef
Mr. Kevin Milano
Mr. Paul Monaco
Mrs. Gail E. Morritt ‘74
Mr. Leonard Motsinger
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nappi
Ms. Kerry O'Brien
Mr. James O'Meara
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Owens
Mr. Robert G. Pennachio
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Policastro ‘76
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Ponte
Mr. William Pues
Mr. and Mrs. Terence K. Quinn‘76
Mrs. Jill H. Rathjen
Mr. and Mrs. William Rein
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ricigliano
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ryan
Miss Nancy Sherwood ‘72
Miss Karen E. Stamm ‘99
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Suydam
Miss Carol Tichio ‘01
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Twiname
Mrs. Lauralee Uberroth
Mrs. Rosemary Ulbricht ‘78
Mr. Richard C. VanAllen III ‘11
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Waxman
Mr. Mervyn Weeks ‘85
Mrs. Annie Weinstein ‘88
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Weiss
Mr. Frank D. Wilburn, Jr. ‘06
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Wilson
Mr. Andrew C. Witte ‘88
R.R.F.A. Consulting, LLC
White Cross Official School Shoes
Ridgewood Savings Bank
Island Photography
Holy Family Parish
Dorothy H. Krahm Charitable
Medco Plumbing Inc.
Frank & Gertrude Kaiser Foundation
Holy Trinity
Holy Trinity Diocesan High School
Revenue And Expenses
Summary Financial Report / July 1, 2009 June 30, 2010
Net Tuition (less financial grants and scholarships)
Bookstore and Cafeteria Sales
State Aid-Mandated Services
Donations, Events, Gifts
Athletic Activities
Co-Curricular Activities
Contributed Services
Rental Income
Fee Income
Invest Income
Net Assets Released from Restrictions
Total Operating Revenues
Instructional Expenses
Employee Benefits
Administrative Expenses
Development Costs
Rectory, Convent and Chapel
Bookstore, Cafeteria and Other
Athletic Activities
Co-Curricular Activities
Depreciation and Amortization Expense
Operation and Maintenance of Plant
Total Operating Expenses
Operating Subsidy
Decrease in Temporarily Restricted Net Assets
Changes in Net Assets
Capital Improvements
Capital improvement Loan Payments
Net Capital Improvement Activity
( 73,182)
Freshman orientation show
Arsenic & Old Lace
Alice in Wonderland
Christmas Concert
The 2010-2011 Performing Arts
season started with a wonderful
Freshman Orientation show which
was written, directed and performed
by this year’s Seniors who are in the
Performing Arts program. The 27
seniors met throughout the summer
to come up with the show’s concept
based on the Nickelodeon program,
“Ned’s Declassified School Survival
Guide.” The lyrics to songs such as
“California Girls” by Katy Perry were
re-written to give them a Holy Trinity
spirit (“HTHS Kids”). It was a great
show enjoyed by all and a wonder ful
way for freshman to be welcomed to
This year’s Christmas concert held on
Dec. 15 & 16, 2010 was a Holy T rinity
“first.” The ALUMinate choir caroled
in the lobby for the incoming concertgoers. Then, all the per forming arts
groups directed by Mr. Tyrone Jones –
Select Choir, Mixed Choir, Womens’
Choir, Advanced Orchestra and
Advanced Concert Band – collaborated
to perform a single musical work
called, “Noel: Night of Everlasting
Love.” It is the piece per formed yearly
as the “Candlelight Processional” at
EPCOT in Walt Disney World.
Approximately 250 students filled the
stage as the Christmas Stor y was retold
through narration, song and a living
nativity. This concert was a perfect
way to celebrate the Christmas season.
Eleven plays written by students were
selected to be performed during the
annual presentation of “One-Act
Plays” on Sept. 7 & 8, 2010. Each
playwright selected a student-director
and cast their pieces. Rehear sals were
moderated by Mr. Tyrone Jones, but
run by the students themselves. Ther e
was a wide-variety of themes, fr om
mini-musicals, “Le Chanson de la Vie:
Songs of Life”, to a play that answer ed
that age-old question, “What Guys Do
at Sleepovers.” This show was an
excellent showcase of the talent and
creativity of our Performing Arts
Arsenic and Old Lace
Five One-act shows
Freshman Orientation
One-Act Plays
Christmas concert
On Nov. 18, 19 and 20th, audiences
were brought into the curious home
of sisters, Abby and Martha Brewster,
with the comedy-crime thriller
“Arsenic and Old Lace.” This classic
story, written by Joseph Kesselring,
was brought to the Trinity stage by a
talented cast of 14 students. Each
night, audiences were entertained by
the likes of Theodore Roosevelt and
Dr. Einstein.
On January 6, 7, & 8, 2011, the Trinity
Dance Company performed this year’s
dance concert themed, “e-le-ments.”
For the first time, the dance concer t
incorporated four actors who
portrayed the elements, Earth, Water,
Fire and Air. It was an e xtraordinary
evening of artistry choreographed by
Holy Trinity Alumni, staff, current
students and other dancing
professionals and performed by 23 of
our Performing Arts students.
Alice in Wonderland
The Senior Repertory Theatre class
presented their production of “Alice in
Wonderland” on Feb. 3 & 4, 2011.
Seniors Emmanuel Polycarpe and
Anthony Page directed their peers
through this challenging play with
familiar characters such as the Red
Queen, the Cheshire Cat, the Mad
Hatter and Tweedle-Dee and TweedleDum. This production is the highlight
of the seniors Performing Arts
curriculum, as it brings together all
that they have learned throughout their
previous years.
April 5
Holy Trinity vs. St. Mary’s
Boys Lacrosse
April 5
Holy Trinity vs. St. John the Baptist
April 6
Holy Trinity vs. St. Anthony’s
Boys Volleyball
April 6
Holy Trinity vs. Chaminade
Girls Lacrosse
April 10
Holy Trinity vs. St. John the Baptist
Spring Musical “Into the Woods”
May 12, 13, 14
Holy Trinity Auditorium
Spring Choral Concert
May 18
Holy Trinity Auditorium
Spring Instrumental Concert
May 19
Holy Trinity Auditorium
April 8
Holy Trinity Athletic Field
Blood Donation Day
April 15
Holy Trinity Cafeteria
18th Annual Golf Outing
May 9
Cherry Valley Club
Benefactors Reception
May 12
Holy Trinity Library
Please visit the Holy Trinity website for more detailed information.
Trinity Visionary
Anonymous Donation
Mr. James J. O'Donnell
GIFTS RANGING $2,500-4,999
Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Anthonypillai
Mr. and Mrs. Ignazio Artale
Mr. and Mrs. John Bilardello
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Driscoll
Mr. and Mrs. A. Michael Frinquelli
Mrs. Maureen May
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Scharpf
Botto Mechanical Corporation
John J. Conefry Jr. Foundation
Seneca Data
Argo Group
Suburban Contract Cleaning
Class of 1976
Mr. and Mrs. James Botto
GIFTS RANGING $1,000-$2,499
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Barthel
Mr. Jimie Deliteris
Mr. Gene J. Fennell
Mr. Don Gallant, Sr.
Mr. Thomas J. Kane
Mr. and Mrs. Darren R. Meyers
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Ponte
Mrs. Jill H. Rathjen
Mrs. Suzanne Ruf
Councilman Anthony J. Santino
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schacca
Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Sheehan
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Wilson
The Giants Foundation, Inc.
TNS Specialties
Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation
Fannie Mae Foundation
Mount Saint Mary's University
White Cross Official School Shoes
Marlou Garments Inc.
Class of 1970
Mr. Kevin P. Cook
Class of 1971
Dr. Patricia Joyce
Mrs. Kathleen Bongiovi Olsen
Trinity Pillar
Trinity Champion
GIFTS RANGING $10,000-$24,999
GIFTS RANGING $5,000-$9,999
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Kearns
Frank & Gertrude Kaiser Foundation
Class of 1971
Mr. Kevin Silva
Class of 1973
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eibeler
(Mary Mackey)
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Coyle, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. O'Neill
Olson's Creative Landscaping Corp.
Youth Football Fun
Class of 1971
Miss Judith A. Galgano
Class of 1973
Mr. James Anziano
Miss Patricia A. Socha
Class of 1972
Mr. James P. Breslawski
Mr. John E. Gang
Class of 1973
Mr. Peter L. Aitken
Mrs. Maureen Fitzgerald
Mr. Joseph N. Jannace
Ms. Karen E. O'Callaghan
Class of 1979
Mrs. Maureen Smith Hannan
Class of 1984
Mr. Bryan Brady, II
Mrs. Kerry Friel-Minor
Class of 1986
Dr. Daniel P. Duggan
Mr. John Anderson
Mrs. Andrea Carman
Mr. George DiGiovanni
Mr. and Mrs. John Fennell
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Geiss
Mr. Patrick McKevitt
Miss MaryClare Pellett
Mr. and Mrs. George Reid
Mr. Bob Vissichelli
Ms. Marylou Wilson
The J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation
RC Dugans
JHC Lab-Resin
Harmony Bar and Grill
G.H. Cody, Inc.
Flanagan Kotarski, Inc.
Charles Ave. Cafe LLC
National Basketball Association
Snapple Distributors, Inc.
MSG Varsity
Island Photography
Lifetouch School Photography
BGB Contracting Inc.
Napolitano Distributing, Inc.
Class of 1970
Mrs. Deidre O'Brien Breen
Mr. Thomas J. Levy
Class of 1971
Mr. John P. Kelly, Jr.
Mr. James M. Madden
Mr. Ralph J. Perretta
Dr. Elizabeth Ackley Rocco
Class of 1972
Mr. Peter G. Hussey
Mr. Daniel McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sullivan
Class of 1973
Mrs. Nancy Pierce Igoe
Mr. John T. Lillis
Mrs. Dorothy DeVerna Maffei
Mr. John Murray, Jr.
Mr. Peter J. Ruffner
Class of 1974
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Fallon
Mr. Gerard E. Sheridan
Class of 1976
Mr. Gregory R. Bartolotta
Mrs. Ellen B. Regan
Class of 1977
Mr. Peter J. Nolan
Class of 1978
Mr. John F. Allen
Mr. Paul J. Farrell
Mrs. Rosemary Ulbricht
Class of 1979
Dr. Timothy P. Farrell
Mrs. Theresa A. Pascucci
Class of 1980
Mr. John Linnane
Class of 1981
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bishop
Class of 1982
Mr. Michael Galgano
Mr. Daniel J. Murphy
Class of 1983
Mrs. Susan E. Cassidy-Lyke
Class of 1984
Judge and Mrs. Timothy S. Driscoll
Class of 1987
Ms. Colleen E. Larkin
Class of 1988
Ms. Melissa J. Feeney
Mr. and Mrs. Greg D. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. William Artuso
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bausch
Mr. and Mrs. James Black
Mr. James J. Boglioli
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Borovina
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bosco
Mr. and Mrs. John Brolly
Ms. Enes Carnesecca
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Caruso
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clark
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Collins
Mrs. Maribeth Corr
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Day
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DeNisco
Mr. and Thomas J. Donnelly
Mrs. Allison Donovan
Ms. Margaret E. Doran
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Durnan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Eagan
Father Joseph Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fucci
Mr. George Hamre
Mrs. Margaret M. Healy
Mr. R. Kevin Keeler
Mrs. Jacqui Koplik
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt H. Kraeger
Mr. Sean Lapham
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Mason
Mr. and Mrs. George McDermott
Fr. Joseph Nixon
Dr. Joanne O'Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. O'Connor
Mr. Peter Olsen
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Quinn
Mr. Carmine Sabatasso and
Ms. Constance Moore
Mr. J. Ronald Swierski
Mr. Frank C. Waldron
Mr. Frank J. Waldron
Most Rev. Emil A. Wcela
Abbott Employee Giving Campaign
Our Lady of Mercy Academy
Paragon Food and Vending Service
Cardinal Controls
Notre Dame R.C. Church
Maspeth Federal Savings
Nawrocki Smith
Holy Trinity Convent
The Bank of New York Mellon
Community Partnership
JPD Carpentry
Fogarty Enterprises
Emerald Island Supply Co. Inc.
St. Ignatius Loyola RC Church
Holy Family Parish
SMJK Realty Group
Mutal of America
Rising Tide Natural Foods, Inc.
Colgate-Palmolive Company
New York Life Foundation
Class of 1970
Mr. Michael J. Carrano
Ms. Florence T. Frazer, Esq.
Class of 1971
Mr. Michael C. Allen
Mr. Paul P. Bozzo
Mrs. Jean Duffy Chambers
Mr. John Fitzpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Jacovina
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lombardo
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Neefus
Mrs. Gail A. Peyton Chillemi
Class of 1972
Mr. Frank N. Ambrosino
Mr. John Germain
Mr. James LoGatto
Mr. and Mrs. George Montana
Mr. Mark S. Rendely
Class of 1973
Mrs. Anne Quinn Dineen
Mrs. Donna Allen Finn
Rev. Francis T. Hoffmann
Miss Mary Keough
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Sullivan
Ms. Teresa A. Terlikosky
Mrs. Theresa McNiff Tietjen
Class of 1975
Mrs. Lori S. Malloy
Mr. and Mrs. Edward McGarvey
Class of 1976
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Terence K. Quinn
Miss Barbara A. Smith
Class of 1978
Dr. Louis DiLillo
Mrs. Mary Ann Vascotto
Class of 1979
Mr. Michael N. Cosenza
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Pannell
Class of 1980
Mr. John S. Ingrilli
Class of 1981
Mr. Shawn F. Mulligan
Class of 1982
Mrs. Cheryl Larkin Mullery
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Robinson
Class of 1984
Mrs. Theresa Patton
Mrs. Susan Rullo
Mrs. Kathleen O'Rourke Seaman
Class of 1985
Mr. Mervyn Weeks
Class of 1986
Mrs. Diane I. Anderson
Class of 1988
Mr. Michael C. Cairo
Mrs. Elizabeth Geerlings Horan
Class of 1991
Mr. David C. Knuth
Class of 1997
Miss Annemarie C. Mc Mullan
Miss Marisa J. Sargent
Class of 1998
Mr. Christopher J. Kammerer
Mrs. Maureen E. Meltzer
Class of 1999
Mr. Jesse A. Halpern
Class of 2002
Miss Mary Elizabeth Cannata
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ade
Mr. and Mrs. John Balducci
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bamberger
Mrs. Joyce Basel
Ms. Alice Bettinger
Mr. John P. Boglioli
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bongiovi
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Boninti
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Butterworth
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Calabrese
Mr. Michael Callaghan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Cammarata
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Carroll
Sister Margaret Casey
Mr. and Mrs. John Catera
Mrs. & Mr. Chan
Dr. Michel-Jose Charles
Mr. and Mrs. Franklyn J. Christie
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Connors
Mrs. Carolyn C. Coons
Drs. Thomas and Maryellen Cunningham
Mrs. Eileen Curran
Mr. William J. Dalton
Mr. Joseph DelGiorno
Mr. and Mrs. James DellaRatta
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Distante
Mr. Stephen Dombo
Mr. Michael Donnarumma
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Donnelly
Sister Nora Doody
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Englehart
Dr. Viviane Etienne
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Farrell
Ms. Elaine Fennell
Mr. David J. Flatley
Sr. Consuela Fox
Mrs. Mary Ann Frauenberger
Mr. Henry Frey
Mr. and Mrs. R. Fuertes
Mr. and Mrs. John Geerlings
Fr. Gerard Gentleman
Mr. and Ms. Michael Glaser
Mrs. Annemarie Gomez
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Halpern
Mr. Michael J. Hanophy
Mrs. Mari Lou Hernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Hirschy
Mrs. Claire Huggins
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Hughes
Mrs. Elaine Iandoli
Sister Barbara Jablonski, IHM
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. James Kahrs
Mr. James Kammerer
Ms. Ae Jin Kim
Mr. and Mrs. Yash Kirtane
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Kuzniewski
Mr. John M. Lannig
Sr. Janet Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lisoski
Mr. and Mrs. James Lohrius
Mr. and Mrs. George Lonergan
Mr. Thomas Lyons
Ms. Genevieve Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Mahe
Ms. Cynthia L. McKenna
Mr. Christopher McNamara
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Merola
Ms. Martha Moller
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Naftal
Miss MaryRose O'Hara
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Orgera
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Owens
Mr. and Mrs. William Parker
Mrs. Theresa Philzone
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pietrofere
Mrs. Carmen T. Puccio
Dr. and Mrs. William F. Reilly
Mrs. Kathleen Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robesch
Mr. Richard Romanik
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ropke
Ms. Margaret Rupp
Mrs. Kathleen C. Rut
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Ruzek
Mr. Gustave Scacco
Dr. and Mrs. Suhail Shah
Mr. and Mrs. James Sloan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snyder
Mr. Jeff Stern
Mr. and Mrs. James Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Suydam
Mr. William J. Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. John Timulty
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tomaino
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Tripp
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Uberroth
Mrs. Patricia Ulmschneider
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Vessillo
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vivona
Ms. Josetta Walker
Mr. and Mrs. James Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Weglarz
Sr. Eileen White
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wilczynski
Mr. and Mrs. Barrett Wilson
Mrs. Elizabeth Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Yap
Towers Perrin
Merck Partnership for Giving
Sisters of the Order of St. Dominic
Glacken Group, Inc.
Ridgewood Savings Bank
L.I. Locksmith & Alarm Company
F & F Roofing
Duplex Electrical Supply
Coyne Public Relations
TA Morris Sons Inc.
Class of 1970
Dr. Michael J. Ackley
Robert Byington, Ph.D.
Mr. Gregory J. Cooney
Mr. George J. Gorman, CPA
Dr. Thomas F. Gorman
Mr. Dennis Mahon
Mrs. Barbara J. Mahoney
Ms. Deborah Schmieder
Class of 1971
Ms. Theresa Cerezola
Mrs. Margaret A. Doherty
Ms. Eileen Finn
Ms. Ann Fitzpatrick
Ms. Deborah Halliday
Mrs. Mary Ann Hart
Mrs. Kathleen Kassebaum
Mrs. Mary Kelly-Miller
Mr. Joseph G. LaCapra, CPA
Mrs. Eileen Bossong Martines
Sr. Elizabeth A. Mc Garvey, OP
Mrs. Mary Ellen Pagnozzi
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Schober
Mr. Raymond T. Tamayo
Class of 1972
Miss Barbara Alonge
Mr. and Robert Del Rosso
Mr. Robert M. Dowling
Mr. Robert G. Gruenfelder
Mr. Arthur P. Jacobson, Jr.
Mrs. Madelynn Kraner
Mr. John F. McKeown, Esq.
Dr. Kevin P. McRedmond
Mrs. Carol Jancovic Michaud
Miss Kathleen A. Moran
Mr. Thomas J. Murray, CPA
Mrs. Rita A. Potter
Ms. Alice Fagan Reichenberger
Miss Nancy Sherwood
Mrs. Kathleen Cerezola Verderber
Mrs. Mary Kelly Weippert
Class of 1973
Mrs. Anne M. Alberto
Mr. Charles M. Barredo
Mrs. Susan Loeschner Coffey
Mrs. Margaret Lauth Farrell
Mrs. Mary V. Hill
Mr. Michael F. Kelly
Mrs. Nancy L. Weber
Class of 1974
Mrs. Marie D. Achatz
Mr. Christopher Blatz
Mr. Robert Callahan
Mr. Manny Camacho, Jr.
Dr. Gerard J. Cusa
Ms. Nan Doherty
Mrs. Kathleen M. Grimm
Mr. William Horan
Mr. Thomas M. Joyce
Mr. Philip Koch, PT
Ms. Jeanne Marcell
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mark
Mr. Timothy J. Moore
Mrs. Gail E. Morritt
Class of 1975
Stephen P. Bates, Ph.D.
Mr. Richard M. Callahan
Mr. Donald J. Fleming
Mrs. Ann-Marie W. Hoher
Mr. Michael Kaleda
Mrs. Susan Masciello
Ms. Eileen F. Wood
Class of 1976
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Cook
Mrs. Jean Donovan Felix
Mr. John McCarthy
Mr. John P. McEntee
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Policastro
Ms. Christine M. Willant
Ms. Eileen M. Williams
Class of 1977
Mr. Peter T. Lalonde
Mr. John J. Maggio
Mrs. Debbie Basel Manton
Mr. Robert Pannell
Class of 1978
Mr. John R. Baumann
Mr. John F. Gibbons
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gisonny
Mr. David A. Graham
Mrs. Virginia Bein Kornfeld
Fr. John D. McCarthy
Mr. Lawrence G. Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Policastro
Class of 1980
Mrs. Kerry J. Amodio
Mr. Robert A. DeGennaro
Mr. Robert M. Gries
Mrs. Barbara A. McNamara
Mrs. Madeline Petkevicius
Class of 1981
CDR and Mrs. John Bamonte
Mr. Edward P. Gibbons, Esq.
Mr. John P. McLaughlin
Ms. Mary O'Malley
Mr. John P. Orinkawitz
Class of 1982
Mrs. Lorraine McCloskey
Mrs. Deborah A. Morrison
Class of 1983
Mr. Joseph E. Carney
Mrs. Christine Wigand Curley
Dr. Margaret M. Ippolito
Mr. John M. Reinholz
Mrs. Eileen C. Stone
Class of 1984
Mr. Peter J. O'Shea
Class of 1985
Miss Megan Carney
Mrs. Noreen Lundy Cutajar
Mrs. Marie T. Deluca
Mrs. Kathleen Larkin-Keating
Mr. Robert Schwagerl
Ms. A. Regina Weber
Class of 1986
Mr. Thomas S. McCauley
Class of 1988
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kollmeier
Mrs. Kelly Martinsen
Mrs. Diane Guzowski Restivo
Class of 1990
Mr. Peter Reddy
Class of 1992
Mr. John P. Hughes
Class of 1993
Ms. Theresa Errante-Parrino
Class of 1995
Mr. Thomas P. Ferentino
Class of 1998
Mrs. Joy A. Ouellette
Mr. Robert G. Price, Jr.
Class of 2002
Miss Lauren Botto
Miss Kathleen Ehrling
Miss Lisa Kammerer
Miss Christine King
Miss Emily Walsh
Class of 2003
Mr. John Thomas Palamar
Class of 2004
Mr. Ryan M. Achatz
Class of 2004
Miss Dana L. Dorries
Class of 2005
Miss Diana M. Palamar
Class of 2006
Mr. Mark Sheiman
Class of 2007
Miss Courtney Tucci
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Abarno
Mr. Lenny Albert
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Arran
Dr. and Mrs. Glenn Askedall
Mrs. Carol Baglieri
Mrs. Margaret Bates
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Baumann
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bristol
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Caccuitto, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Calabrese
Ms. Rose Calfayan
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Carney
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Casey
Sr. M. Olivia Clifford
Sr. Anne Connor
Mrs. Linda Conti
Mr. and Mrs. Annibale Desimpliciis
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Donohoe
Ms. Ellen Flahive
Mr. and Mrs. James Friel
Mrs. Cathy Gallo
Mr. and Mrs. John Gandolfo
Mr. Michael A. Giardina
Mrs. Claire Gohn
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Guilfoyle
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Harrington
Ms. Vanessa Horn
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Knight
Mrs. Margo Lasker
Mr. Michael Lawler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Lenney
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Levy
Mr. Don Mackay
Mrs. Kathleen Maier
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Maliszewski
Mrs. Mary Ellen Martin
Mr. and Mrs. John McKenna
Mr. John McLeod
Mr. Leonard Motsinger
Mr. Robert J. Mullin
Mrs. Catherine E. Murphy
Mrs. Colleen O'Brien
Mrs. Anne O'Connell
Ms. Regina O'Connell
Mrs. Trish Pantina
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Passick
Mr. Robert G. Pennachio
Mrs. Katherine Picatagi
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Polizzotti
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Portela
Sr. Carol Radosti
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Roldan
Mrs. Helen Russo
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ryan
Mr. Edward Schneller
Mr. and Mrs. Carmine Silano
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald St. John
Ms. Karen Stulgaitis
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Tallon
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tarulli
Mr. Frank Vega
Mr. Matthew Weichner
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wigand
Mrs. Adele Yack
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Yarema
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Zompa
Treasure Isle Foods
Class of 1970
Mrs. Susan deLutio-Katz
Mr. Michael Farley
Mr. William T. Styne
Mrs. Linda Tapia Vittorio
Class of 1971
Mr. John F. Anton
Mr. J. Mark Kraus, Esq.
Mrs. Patrice Marchica
Mrs. Colleen Morris-Gill
Mr. Richard J. Novello
Mr. Daniel T. Reilly
Mr. Thomas C. Reilly
Class of 1972
Mrs. Susan Henderson Berntson
Mr. Brian M. Gregory
Mrs. Tracey Kelly
Mr. James Keough
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lambiase
Mrs. Susan Geary Mahon
Mr. James M. O'Leary
Mrs. Patricia Reeves
Mr. Frank Roggenkamp
Class of 1973
Dr. William Gibbons
Mr. James J. Jauregui
Mrs. Elizabeth Parker McClellan
Mr. Michael J. McConnell
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Waterbury
Class of 1974
Mrs. Donna M. Dominguez
Mr. Stephen T. Kehoe
Mrs. Maureen LaPiana
Mr. Mark Milstone
Mr. Peter J. Mundy
Mr. James R. Zeller
Class of 1975
Mr. Charles Lee
Mrs. Linda O'Regan Loretz
Mrs. Maureen Sheridan
Class of 1976
Mrs. Jean Baner Bauer
Mrs. Patricia J. Brooks
Ms. Mary Quinn
Mrs. Marylou Kavanaugh Schulz
Mrs. Antoinette Owczarek Sobel
Mrs. Coleen Zenker
Class of 1977
Mrs. Kathleen Preiss Collins
Mr. Douglas C. Engley
Mr. Paul F. Haggerty
Mrs. Violet Lutz
Class of 1978
Miss Doreen Daly
Mrs. Debra M. McNally-Crovets
Class of 1980
Rev. Matthew Cassidy, SJ
Ms. Amy Eaton
Mrs. Mary Ellen Whitney
Class of 1981
Mrs. Maureen Campbell Gambino
Class of 1982
Mr. John J. Barrett
Mr. Arturo J. Martinez, Jr., CPA
Class of 1983
Mrs. Janet Cassidy Kopf
Class of 1985
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Gerstenfeld
Class of 1986
Mrs. Mary Ellen Ezelius
Miss Kathleen M. Mundy
Class of 1987
Ms. Margaret A. Ackley
Mrs. Dolores Lacey Cannella
Class of 1988
Mr. Joseph W. Basel
Class of 1989
Ms. Pamela Boyd
Class of 1990
Mrs. Jean-Marie Anderson
Class of 1990
Miss Kristi Jasberg
Class of 1992
Mrs. Michelle M. Becker
Class of 1993
Mr. Matthew T. Milone
Class of 1994
Miss Treisha M. Green
Miss Mary E. Hannah
Class of 1995
Mrs. Rhiannon S. Corley
Class of 1996
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Campbell
Mr. Ryan Hunter
Mr. Philip Lattanzio
Mrs. Maria R. Spina
Class of 1997
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Hudson
Miss Catherine J. Mulvey
Class of 1998
Mr. Joseph Ciaravino
Miss Christine M. Licata
Class of 1999
Mr. Matthew Ade
Mrs. Meghan E. Metzler
Class of 2000
Miss Joan Turadek
Class of 2001
Miss Heather Ball
Miss Meghan Krasula
Miss Dana Martillo
Mr. Keith Wright
Class of 2003
Ms. Ann Marie Hawkins
Class of 2005
Mr. Gregg M. K. Arran
Class of 2006
Miss Elizabeth Augello
Mr. Len Domingo
Miss Danielle Miller
Class of 2008
Miss Bridget Grover
Miss Melissa Miller
Miss Maggie Morrisey
Class of 2009
Miss Terry Green
Trinity Friend
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Bonnici
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buoneto
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Colletti
Mrs. Mary A. Comerford
Mr. Martin Coons
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Costello
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Cunningham
Sr. Mary De Pazzi Socha
Mr. and Mrs. Vito M. Deliso
Mrs. Walter Doherty
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Domingo
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Errico
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Esposito
Mr. & Mrs. Flunory
Mrs. Kathleen A. Gaskin
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Gero
Mrs. Maria A. Ghali-Hana
Mrs. Barbara Goetz
Ms. Kathleen Napoli Guarino
Mrs. Eleanor Guarino
Guyrine Guin
Mrs. Dorothy Gulec
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Haleiko
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Harvey
Cathleen B. Hayes
Mrs. Donna Hinderhofer
Mr. and Mrs. Rory Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kapela
Mr. Eric Karahalis
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kelly
Sr. Theresa Kelly, RSM
Sr. Celine Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Kimelstein
Miss Linda Kucala
Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Laube
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lauricella
Ms. Jill C. Lupski
Ms. Gina Mascia
Sr. Johanna McLoughlin, RSM
Mr. and Mrs. John Micallef
Mr. and Mrs. Blaise F. Oddo
Mr. and Mrs. James O'Reilly
Mrs. Mary J. Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Pecora
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Peo
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pinnola
Mrs. Cele Radeloff
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. George Salamon
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Tralle
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Twiname
Mr. and Mrs. John Vilardi
Sr. Josita Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Znack
Mrs. Mary Zopf
Holy Trinity Volunteer Club
Class of 1970
Mrs. Margaret L. (DeCaro) Gunther
Mr. Richard G. Monaco
Class of 1971
Miss Jane F. Jauregui
Mrs. Ruthann Muscara Perry
Miss Marybeth Tarrant
Mrs. Elaine Cullen VanderClute
Class of 1972
Mr. James P. Cody
Mr. Robert Flood
Mrs. Mary Ann (Novakoski) Graffagnino
Mr. Jeffrey J. Marcell
Mrs. Victoria (Lindengren) Rimasse
Class of 1973
Mr. John K. Ianno
Mrs. Beverly Milstone Migliore
Miss Karen A. Miller
Class of 1974
Mrs. Noreen (Johnston) Iovino
Mrs. Lorraine (Ayral) Kocen
Mr. Brian J. LaBau
Mrs. Jennifer (Lalor) Morello
Class of 1975
Ms. Joan Flathmann Ackley
Mrs. Joan Traynor Beaudet
Anne Galati Campolieta
Mr. Paul Hartmann
Mrs. Patricia Holleran Kosiba
Mr. Richard J. Kremler
Mr & Mrs. Richard Parenty
(Janet Parenty ’75)
Class of 1976
Mrs. Mary Maier Huber
Class of 1978
Mrs. Margaret Touanen Brandt
Mr. John Pietzak
Mrs. Joan Lee Van Hise
Class of 1979
Mrs. Teresa Bakke Donahue
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hines
(Mary Hines)
Ms. Elizabeth M. Renker, Ph.D.
Class of 1980
Mrs. Jill (Klinger) Donlevy
Class of 1981
Mr. John M. Woods
Class of 1984
Mrs. Jennifer A. (Shea) Pascucci
Class of 1985
Mr. Richard J. Tamaro
Class of 1986
Mr. Francis J. Bliss
Class of 1987
Mr. and Mrs. John Curley
(John Curley ’87)
Mr. Christopher P. Fox
Mr. Michael V. Meyers
Class of 1988
Mr. Scott G. Hennessy
Mrs. Annie (Haskins) Weinstein
Class of 1991
Mrs. Julie A. (Bellomo) Genovese
Class of 1995
Mrs. Stephanie D. (Camillone) Caldon
Mr. Timothy J. Gleason
Class of 1996
Miss Rachael E. Hahn
Class of 1998
Miss Erin Ann Mc Govern
Class of 1999
Miss Joy-Anne D'Anca
Miss Danielle Scheafer
Miss Kristen Waterman
Class of 2000
Mr. Gregory P. Dina
Class of 2002
Mr. Philomey Charles
Mr. Michael Rodgers
Class of 2004
Miss Melissa A. Cook
Miss Olan Johnson
Miss Jennifer Quigley
Class of 2005
Miss Katrina Zendrian
Class of 2006
Miss Maggie Holy
Miss Kristina Pfeifer
Class of 2007
Mr. Michael Gold
Miss Jaclyn Lancellotti
Class of 2008
Miss Izabella Mata
Mr. Richard McDonough
Mr. Devon Meritz-Saccente
Miss Tara Reagan
Class of 2009
Miss Melissa Bevilacqua
Mr. Keith Donnelly
Miss Gloria Thomson
Mr. Timothy Van Wickler
Miss Emily Zelhof
Annual Fund
Each year, all members of the school community—alumni, par ents,
faculty, staff and friends are asked to support the students and the
programs at Holy Trinity with a gift to the Annual Fund. It is one of the
most important contributions you can make to our school. The Annual
Fund is the solid foundation that allows Holy Trinity to shine through as a
leader in Catholic secondary education on Long Island.
These funds bridge the gap between tuition r evenue and the actual cost of
providing an exceptional education.
The Annual Fund helps Holy Trinity to attract teachers of the highest
caliber, trained professionals dedicated to the education of young people.
It allows Holy Trinity to secure state of the art technology that prepares
students for the fast-paced modern world and readies them for the
workplace of the future. It provides financial assistance to students who
want to be part of the Holy Trinity family but don’t necessarily have the
means. It keeps the library filled with books and computers and labs
equipped with materials designed to stimulate the interest of students and
encourages them to enter a world of exploration. The Annual Fund
supports students in achieving academic e xcellence and allows the school
to operate from a sound fiscal foundation. The Annual Fund is f ar
reaching and supports virtually every facet of the school. But mor e
importantly, it directly assists the students.
Holy Trinity High School provides students with a strong, Catholic
education rooted in our faith, combined with a moral compass that will
guide them through a lifetime of important decisions. Holy Trinity proudly
graduates future pillars of the community, the best of the best.
Giving is an opportunity, a chance to support Holy Trinity High School,
and your own personal legacy. Your gift, regardless of the level, is your
expression of support and is deeply appreciated. Gifts are tax deductible
to the donor and can be given in the f orm of check, credit card or stock.
With warmest wishes,
Gene Fennell
Patrice Panza
Senior Director of
Institutional Advancement
and Alumni Affairs
Every effort has been made to accur ately record the names and gifts of all donors for the period July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010. Gifts received
after June 30, 2010 will be published ne xt year. In the event of an err or or omission, we extend our apologies and ask that yo u inform the
Advancement Office. Thank you for your continued support.
Academy Bound
member of the Varsity swim team.
Kevin’s appointment was an
acknowledgement of his
scholastic, athletic and
community service
achievements. As another
member of the National
Honor Society, Honor Roll
and Principal’s List at Holy
Trinity, Kevin is also
eligible to receive a New
York State Regents
Diploma with Advance
Designation. His resume
shows tremendous
involvement in school
sports and activities
including playing
offensive tackle on the
football team, swim
team member,
percussionist in the
school advanced band
and lead sound/lighting
technician for the school’s
Performing Arts
Congratulations to Patrick Dreiss and
Kevin Quinn who will be att ending the
Coast Guard Academy and Merchant
Marine Academy respectively.
Patrick’s impressive
scholastic, athletic and
community service
achievements were key
to his earning entry into
the academy as an
engineering major. His
scholastic achievements
include membership in the
National Honor Society, Math
Honor Society and Art Honor
Society. He has consistently
been on the Honor Roll and
Principal’s List at Holy Trinity
and is eligible to receive a
New York State Regents
Diploma with Advanced
Designation and Honors.
School sports and
activities during his four
years include place kicker on
the football team, member of the
soccer and lacrosse teams and a
! !!
Middle States
Holy Trinity Diocesan High School is
beginning a year-long period of selfstudy and planning that will lead to
re-accreditation by the Middle State
Association of Colleges and Schools.
The process used is entitled,
Accreditation for Growth or AFG.
The Middle States Association of
Colleges and Schools is a voluntary,
peer-based, non-profit association
dedicated to educational excellence
and improvement through peer
evaluation and accreditation. It is
one of six regional accrediting
organizations for higher education
institutions recognized by the Council
for Higher Education Accreditation
and the United States Department of
Ms. Kristen Kolbe, a member of the
Social Studies Department and Mrs.
Catherine Murphy, Chairperson of
the Performing Arts Department will
serve as Holy Trinity’s internal
coordinators during the process.
With the assistance of Ms. Kathleen
Moran, Assistant Principal, the
internal coordinators will lead the
Holy Trinity community in the
affirmation of the excellent education
they offer their students and provide
assurance to the entire school
community that their programs serve
the goals and intentions of their
Mission Statement. During this year
of self study and examination, faculty,
staff and parents will be taking an
active role in moving Holy Trinity into
the future.
Host School for MSG Varsity
Holy Trinity has been featured on MSG
Varsity for many of our sports and
performing arts events. In 2011, we
were given the opportunity to be a “host
school” for the weekly program “High
School Journal.” MSG Varsity’s High
School Journal is a weekly magazine-style
show designed to highlight the e xciting
activities students engage in from the
worlds of music, drama, dance and art.
The show goes on the road to host from
the halls and classrooms of a different
tri-state area high school each week.
The series will shine a spotlight on
students accomplishing noteworthy
achievements as well as high school
events that are important to our
communities. High School Journal air s
in HD every Tuesday at 7 p.m. on MSG
We are very excited to be involved in this
terrific program. You can be sure that
we are going to highlight our “ Triple-A”
school – Academics, Arts and Athletics
as well as all the great things we do for
our community. The show will be f ilmed
and aired sometime in the coming
months. Check our website for details
as they become available.
Where Are They Now?
(MCQUEEN) Class of ‘70
“As a member of the
first class in 1966, I
fondly remember the
first day Holy Trinity
opened. I lived down the street and
what had been an open field for many
years, now had a beautiful campus and
wonderful students! What I believe
made Holy Trinity so special was the
camaraderie of our class and our
relationship with the faculty and staff:
everyone was new to the school and we
were all working together to do our
best!” Since graduating, Patty has
earned a B.A. in English, a Masters
Degree in Library Science and a
Masters Degree in Human Resource
Development. She served in the U.S.
Navy for 20 years including tours of
duty in Hawaii, and was an Assistant
Professor of Naval Science (NROTC) at
Notre Dame and Director of
Apprentice Training Schools at Recruit
Training Command in San Diego.
Patty retired in 1994 as a Lieutenant
Commander in Jacksonville, Florida
where she now lives. “I’m a National
Board Certified Teacher in Library
Media and teach in an elementary
school that consists of mostly low
income students. My husband’s name
is Mike and we have two beagle dogs.”
(PANZECA) Class of ‘75
“Trinity gave me
confidence, a strong
sense of self, and the
courage to try new
things.” Since graduating, Mary Beth
earned a degree in Communication Arts
from Hofstra University and went on to
an illustrious career in the magazine
industry. Most recently, Mary Beth has
been appointed Publisher of the
National Enquirer. Prior to joining
American Media, Mary Beth Wright was
the Associate Publisher at OK!
Magazine. She has worked in publishing
since the early 80’s when she st arted her
career and has played major roles in
Omni Magazine, Savvy Woman US
Magazine and Disney’s FamilyFun
Magazine. Mary Beth is a board
member of the “Dwelling Place of New
York City”, a homeless shelter in New
York City that provides housing to
women in transition; an organization
run by the Sisters of Allegheny. Mary
Beth is also an avid photographer and
loves to travel and experience different
cultures. In 2001, Mary Beth was
inducted into the Holy Trinity Hall of
Fame and credits much of her success to
the encouragement, support, and
guidance she received as a student at
Holy Trinity.
The Guidance Department at Holy
Trinity offers a very unique
program for its Senior students.
Sister Margaret Casey worked with
local colleges and universities to
begin a College on-site registration
in 2008 and each year mor e and
more colleges are participating.
On-site registration offers our
seniors the opportunity to submit
their application to our Guidance
Department and get an on-site
appointment with an admissions
officer during the school day. In
most cases, the students will get
an acceptance decision at the time
of the appointment and possibly
notification of whether any
financial aid/scholarship money
will be provided. This year, the
participating colleges were C.W.
Post, Hofstra University, NYIT, St.
John’s University, Molloy College,
Mount St. Mary College, St.
Joseph’s College and Adelphi
University. These colleges waived
the application fee to the over 175
students who took advantage of
this great opportunity.
Haiti - One Year Later
A little over a year ago, on January 12,
2010, the country of Haiti suffered an
earthquake that affected an estimated
three million people. The Haitian
government reported that an 230,000
people had died, 300,000 had been
injured and one million made
homeless. They also estimated that
250,000 residences and 30,000
commercial buildings had collapsed or
were severely damaged. As expected,
the Holy Trinity community responded
immediately, donating almost $6,000
in collections during
homeroom, lunchtime, and
through random giving. A
number of our students are
from Haiti, or are first
generation families from
Haiti. Holy Trinity
welcomed students who
were able to relocate from
the devastation, and some
members of our community
were able to go and support
in the relief effort. Our
Chaplain, Father Joe Fitzgerald, made
two trips to Haiti last year, May 2-9
and August 1-9. Father Joe was par t
of a mission to assist in the adoption
of two children whose family had been
killed in the quake. He spent time in
the Villages of Tomasin, near Port au
Prince and Duverger and Dandann in
central western Haiti where the
orphanage was located. While in Port
au Prince he was able to go thr ough
the devastation of the city assisting
with prayer and when possible
Annointing of the Sick and Mass. “I
was overwhelmed to see such faith in a
people who experienced so much
destruction. There was a resiliency of
the people of Haiti that clearly came
from their trust in God, even though
they were suffering.” “Although there
were so many structural churches that
were demolished, there was the
presence of the true Church which is
the people of God around the World
and Sacrament. They did not go to
the Church, they were the Church.”
The most challenging part for me was
the language. I was able to
communicate with people through a
combination of Spanish, a little Fr ench
and Creole that I learned and some
English. But the great communicator
was sport—I played soccer or
The Bishop’s Visit
basketball with them and they wer e
appreciative of the presence of the
missionaries and our desire to help”
Most of the physical work I
participated in came when I was at the
orphanage. There was structural
damage to the buildings, and I was
able to assist in foundation digging,
framing and painting. Most of the
days were spent praying, working,
cooking, cleaning and we would f inish
each night with a mass that was about
two hours long!!! But it didn’t r eally
seem that long because of
the singing, at time
dancing, and powerful
prayer. I was blown away.
The experience was
amazing, and although
the buildings were shaken
and in many places
broken, the earthquake
has not broken the spirit
and faith of the Haitian
people—they have an
amazing trust and love for
God, and the Church. At times it
was difficult to be without
communication to the outside
world. What made up for it
though—and what was so real to
me as I looked into the eyes of the
people I worked with—was their
sense of faith, hope and love, the
pillars of Christianity. There is no
doubt Haiti will rise again.
On Tuesday, December 7th, Bishop
Murphy came for his annual visit.
After being greeted by members of
the Senior Student Council, he met
with the Sisters of Mercy and was
able to give Sister Consuela a special
blessing, as she was moving to
another Mercy Center in Pennsylvania
later that day. Bishop Murphy
helped with the morning
announcements and then held Mass
for several religion classes and
faculty. Mr. Chorusey’s freshman
English class then discussed “To Kill
A Mockingbird” with the Bishop, and
he even had the opportunity to role
play a scene. It was a wonder ful day
for both the Bishop and the students
who were so proud to host his visit.
Vocation Day
On February 9th, Holy Trinity
celebrated Vocation Awareness
Day. The students had the
privilege of meeting several orders
of sisters as well as several
Diocesan priests and deacons.
They shared the stories of their
journeys to the priesthood and
religious life. The students gained
insight into the various ministries
the sisters and the priests ser ve.
It was a joyful experience for