INSPIRIT No 9 - Haigazian University
INSPIRIT No 9 - Haigazian University
INSPIRIT Issue No. 9 - Fall 2004-05 The Haigazian University Newsletter Celebrate with us! 2 Inspirit - Celebrate with us! From the President “Come celebrate with us” has been my invitation to most people I have met in the past months both in the USA and Lebanon. Celebration would be meaningless without the multitudes of people. This is what we have learnt from our Armenian and Middle Eastern culture. Indeed, the 50th anniversary of Haigazian University would be celebrated best with the people who have administered, taught, studied and served here in the past. We are particularly happy, however, that as we send our “Come celebrate with us” invitations this year, Haigazian University is a busy place planning for what is to come after the anniversary. Yes, our university is challenged like many other institutions to be truthful to its mission on the one hand and to reform its ways on the other. Celebration, therefore, is for the past as well as for the future. We are thankful to God for the fifty years past, but we want to be hopeful for the promising years of ministry and service that await us. Our partners are the people who made Haigazian what it has become, as well as the people who want to join in preparing for the future. And as was expected, we have launched our campaign to raise funds for our building project on May Ziadeh Street and the Board members of the university have been the first to pledge and contribute. Letters will be sent to friends and alumni to generously contribute to the “50th ANNIVERSARY BUILDING FUND” and we hope that all will find it meaningful and rewarding enough to participate in building the future of Haigazian University. I sincerely hope to have you join us late in June 2005 to celebrate together, and we look forward to your moral and financial support. Rev. Paul Haidostian, Ph.D. President Contents From the President 2 Staff News 6 Alumnus Profile 3 Faculty Profile 7 Board of Trustees Meeting in Beirut 3 7 Student Life 4 Faculty News 50th Anniversary Celebrations Student of the Year 2004 4 5 Miscellaneous News Haigazian University inaugurates the auto5 mation of its Library 5 CIBITIC 2004 6 Arman Loubnan Founders’ Day Christmas Concert 10 10 11 Public Lectures 12 Haigazian and Friendships 13 Commencement 2004 14 Haigazian University Women’s Auxiliary 15 3 Issue #9 - Fall 2004-05 Alumnus Profile Rev. Salim Sahiouny The President of the Supreme Council of the Evangelical Community in Syria and Lebanon. Honorary President and member in numerous ecumenical and international committees, managing boards, councils, and general assemblies in various countries. Rev. Salim E. Sahiouny, of Sidon, Lebanon, is a 1966 graduate of Haigazian University. Rev. Dr. Sahiouny was born in 1931. He attended the Bible School in Shemlan, Lebanon and since 1955 has served as a pastor in Marjayoun, Sidon, Beirut (Lebanon), and Hamah (Syria). He has also served as the school principal of the Hamah Presbyterian Church Secondary School, and as the director of the Dhour Shoueir Conference Center in Mount Lebanon. After completing his Bachelor of Arts (at Haigazian University in 1966) and his Master of Divinity (in the Near East School of Theology in 1973), Rev. Sahiouny went to study in the U.S. and earned his doctoral degree in 1981 from the McCormick Theological Seminary of Chicago, Illinois. He was married to Hind Abou Assaly and has two children: Marlene and Elias. His dear wife passed away in 2004. Rev. Dr. Sahiouny was the recipient of the Haigazian University Alumni Service Award in 2001. 1111111111111111 Board of Trustees Meeting in Beirut The Board of Trustees with 17 of its 22 members, held its second meeting of the year in Beirut, on April 30 & May 1, 2004. The meetings were pivotal in the sense that most of the discussions and decisions looked to the future, addressing major challenges on several fronts. A banquet was organized for the Board members in the Mugar Garden of Haigazian University. During the program the US Ambassador, Mr. Vincent Battle, who was leaving his post in Beirut, was given a token of thanks (an etching of the Mugar Building) for he greatly appreciated the mission of Haigazian University and was considered a friend of the University. Correction: Mr. Michel De Chadarevian, class of 1979, president of the Lebanese Ping-Pong Federation, has been elected member of the Lebanese Olympic Committee. 4 Inspirit - Celebrate with us! Student Life Student of the Year 2004 Elias, a student at the Dar el Awlad orphanage in Mansourieh, Mount Lebanon, is sponsored by the Haigazian University Spiritual Life students. He visited our campus on June 2, 2004, made a tour of the buildings, and enjoyed a day with his sponsors. *** The Environmental Club members toured various high schools in Lebanon over a number of weeks and discussed the how and why of recycling paper. *** The Heritage Club issued a Genocide CD and distributed it among the Lebanese academic community and abroad. It is worthwhile to mention that the CD was re-issued 4 times! Encouraged by this success the club members are preparing another one for the 90th commemoration of the Armenian Genocide. *** The Actors’ Club presented Antigone at “Masrah Beirut”. The Director was Sahar Assaf and eight students did a great job as actors. *** The members of the Desert Streams club in early March assisted the cleaning ladies and the janitors of the university in their daily tasks: cleaning classrooms, offices, lounges and even the toilets. Their initiative gave a welcome break to these people without whose input the life on our campus would be much less welcoming and home-like. Name: Abdelkhalek Abdelkhalek Date of Birth: May 2, 1982 Major: Management Information Systems Year: Senior. Education: BBS and St. Mary's Orthodox College. Ambition: Find the ideal company and reach high positions in the business computer world. HU Experience: Active participation in clubs (Social & XTremes), and member of the Desert Streams. Sports: Basketball & football. Hobbies: Hunting, basketball, and football. Motto: Excel yourself. A Note: “I hope that my second home, Haigazian University, will always prosper and may God bless all those who contribute to this great institution.” ABMDR Day at Haigazian University The Armenian Bone Marrow Donors’ Registry was active at Haigazian University in late March 2004. A number of students, faculty and staff members, as well as members of the Armenian Evangelical Community were there to listen to Dr. Frieda Jordan and donate a sample of their blood. Rev. M. Karagoezian, the President of the Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East, was among the first donors. 5 Issue #9 - Fall 2004-05 Miscellaneous News Haigazian University inaugurates the automation of its Library On December 15, 2004, the president of Haigazian University, Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian, and the mission director of the United States Agency for International Development in Lebanon, Mr. Raouf Youssef, inaugurated the automation of the Haigazian University Library, in the presence of the Minister of Youth and Sports, Dr. Sebouh Hovnanian, the president of the Union of Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East, Rev. Megrditch Karagoezian, vice governor of the Central Bank of Lebanon, Mr. Alain Balian, members of the board of trustees, faculty, staff, and press representatives. In his opening words, President Haidostian pointed out that the project of the library automation was the fruit of a partnership between Haigazian University and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). He said “Partnerships encourage excellence and knowledge; help the weak and needy; close the gaps among peoples, classes and hearts.” Then the mission director of the United States Agency for International Development, Mr. Raouf Youssef, noted that this partnership will benefit more than 750 students in Haigazian University, and the automation will manage and exchange knowledge between educational institutions in Lebanon and abroad. Afterwards the audience had a tour in the 2 libraries (80,000 volumes, rare books and periodicals), the English and the Armenian. Mr. Raouf Youssef was especially touched when he saw a copy of the first Armenian Bible published in 1666 in Amsterdam by Voskan Yerevantzi. CIBITIC 2004 First International Conference on Current Issues in Business and Information Technology May 21-22, 2004. The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics organized this conference and elicited international participation including the Rev. Dr. William McComish of Geneva, Switzerland. Thirty papers were presented discussing financial ethics, Islamic Banks, globalization, Internet protocol, budget deficits, and the intersection of accounting and technology. MP Dr. Ghinwa Jalloul and the General Director of the Ministry of Finance Dr. Fadi Makki also participated in the two-day conference. 6 Inspirit - Celebrate with us! Arman Loubnan Film depicts a fragile history after tragedy An 85-minute documentary on the Armenian community in Lebanon, first released at Haigazian University, was aired on the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation (LBC) that shed light on the history of their presence here, which, according to the producer Carmen Labaki, began well before the 1915 Genocide. The documentary, “Armenians in Lebanon” was filmed in Armenia, Turkey, Syria, and Lebanon in a successful attempt to illustrate the history of the Armenians and show their “dispersal” following the 1915 Genocide, which left more than a million dead. The documentary shows locations where Armenians were killed and tortured by the Turks. During the Genocide some were killed in Armenia while others were killed during a march from Turkey to Syria. On April 24, 1915, after the Armenians in the army were disarmed and then killed, the political and intellectual leaders met the same fate. “We went to Marqadeh in Deir ez-Zor to shoot the documentary. When I dug in the sand I found bones ... from the genocide,” Labaki said. From an article by Nada Raad Daily Star staff April 20, 2004 Staff News Mr. Hovsep Avakian (45), the talented handyman, passed away suddenly in July 2004, leaving his immediate and Haigazian family grieving an untimely loss. The growth Haigazian University is witnessing prompted the administration to add new members to its staff. Mrs. Mira Yardemian (class of 1997) became the new Public Relations Director after Mrs. Loucia Isaac-Seropian left the country for a position in Qatar. Ms. Maya Nahra was appointed to be an assistant to the librarian for the new automation tasks. Mrs. Maria Bakalian is coordinating all the 50th Anniversary celebration activities on a voluntary basis. Mr. Jean Karam was appointed to be the Personnel Officer. 7 Issue #9 - Fall 2004-05 Faculty Profile Dr. Hanine Hout Gharzeddine Dr. Hout received her B.A. in psychology from the American University of Beirut in 1986. Soon afterwards, she joined Columbia University in New York City, where she obtained an M.A. in Psychological Counseling, an Ed. M. in Counseling Psychology with an emphasis in Cross-Cultural Counseling, and a Doctorate in International Educational Development. As a graduate student, she became interested in studying about the history of different minority groups in the United States and the role of education in asserting their political positions in the American society. Her dissertation was entitled: Political empowerment through non-formal education among Arab Americans. Upon her graduation, Dr. Hout worked as a vocational/personal counselor for the Springfield Area Public College Collaborative Program, which was a project funded by the state of Massachusetts to help disadvantaged youth from different ethnic groups in various areas of academia, career planning and personal counseling. After her return from the United States in 1998, Dr. Hout began teaching a variety of courses in psychology and education at Haigazian University and the American University of Beirut as well as conducting workshops on different educational topics in a number of Lebanese schools. In fall 2001, Dr. Hout joined Haigazian University as a full-time faculty member in the SBS department and in spring 2004 she filled the position of the university’s counselor. Hanine is married to Marwan Gharzeddine, who is also a part-time faculty member in the SBS department at Haigazian University. They have two children, Luay, ten years old and Liana, seven years old. Faculty News Dr. Shereen Khairallah, the Chair of the English Department in the Faculty of Humanities, retired in July and said goodbye to Haigazian University. Dr. Mohammad Ladan, the Division Chair of the Mathematical Sciences was also promoted from Assistant Professor to the rank of Associate Professor. Dr. Najwa El Inglizi Inglizi, a parttimer in the English Department, became a full-time faculty member and was appointed as the new Chair. Dr. Ahlam Klailat, the Chair of the Faculty of the Social & Behavioral Sciences was promoted from Assistant Professor to the rank of Associate Professor. Dr. Lara Khatib, a part-time professor of psychology in the Faculty of Social & Behavioral Sciences, became a full-time professor in the same Faculty. 8 Inspirit - Celebrate with us! On the occasion of its 50th anniversary, Haigazian University organized a press conference on October th The President, Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian, introduced the audience to the historical background of the uni After noting that the 50th anniversary celebrations will also take place in the USA, Syria and Armenia, Dr agenda of the events that will take place throughout the academic year 2004-2005. Below please find the 50th anniversary calendar. ✓ October 18, 2004 Founders’ Day Time: 12:00 p.m. Place: Haigazian University Campus The University acknowledges its half-century heritage. Archives Display Launched on Campus ✓ et k Tic May 19– Second International Bu Topic: Management o Multi-track sessions co of debt management, o of Business Administra held on campus. May 23– December 20 & 21, 2004 Christmas Concert A Christmas Concert featuring the “Armiss” Armenian Evangelical choir and Mezzo-Soprano Anna Mayilian from Armenia, to take place in the sanctuary of the First Armenian Evangelical Church. Peter Balakian Lectures A series of lectures on c professor of Humaniti author of “The Burnin Dog of Fate”, in coopera in Beirut - Public Affa February 8–11, 2005 Student Art Exhibition Opening: Tuesday, February 8, at 5:00 p.m. A variety of art pieces prepared by the University students will be displayed in the Arthur Matossian Gallery of the Mugar Building. May 14–24, 2005 André Kalfayan Painting Exhibition Opening: Saturday, May 14, at 6:00 p.m. The works of the Lebanese artist, inspired by Lebanese architecture and culture, will be on display in the Arthur Matossian Gallery, Mugar Building. June 26 Baccalaureate Service A time of thanksgiving ating class, as well as fo service will be held in t Armenian Evangelical n tio ita Inv June 2 Alumni Reunion and G Reunite and rekindle mates and friends at a the surroundings of th 9 Issue #9 - Fall 2004-05 he 5th, 2004, at 12:00 noon, in the University’s campus in Beirut. iversity. r. Berge Traboulsi, a Faculty member at Haigazian and a member of the jubilee committee, presented the –20, 2005 usiness Conference 2005 of National Debt overing different aspects organized by the faculty ation & Economics, to be –26, 2005 s campus by Dr. Balakian, ies at Colgate University, ng Tigris” and “Black ation with the US Embassy airs Office. 6, 2005 g to God for the graduor the University. This the neighboring First l Church sanctuary. 27, 2005 Garden Event relationships with classan evening reception in he Mugar Garden. et k Tic June 29, 2005 Anniversary Banquet A gala event featuring a special program, to be held in one of Lebanon’s premier hotels, the Phoenicia Intercontinental. on ati it Inv July 1, 2005 Anniversary Commencement Along with conferring of degrees on the class of 2005, the ceremony will be the culmination of the year’s celebrations, to be held at the BIEL Royal Pavillion in downtown Beirut. on ati it Inv September 12–16, 2005 Multidisciplinary Conference An international academic conference: “The Armenians of Lebanon: Their Past, Present, and Future”, organized by the Department of Armenian Studies, to be held on campus. October 17, 2005 Founders’ Day Time: 12:00 p.m. Place: Haigazian University Campus Student Photo Exhibition Opens Place: Arthur Matossian Gallery, Mugar Building 10 Inspirit - Celebrate with us! 50 th Anniversary Celebrations Haigazian University Celebrates the First Event of Its 50th Anniversary: Founders’ Day On October 18, 2004, at 12:00 pm, the hall of the First Armenian Evangelical Church in Beirut was overflowing as students, alumni, faculty, staff, press, friends, and guests gathered to take part in Haigazian University’s Founders’ Day, the kick-off event of each academic year. Among the guests this year were the Ambassador of Armenia in Lebanon, Mr. Areg Hovannissian, and the keynote speaker of the occasion, the President of the Lebanese Press Federation, Mr. Mohammad Baalbaki. Mr. Baalbaki Beginning with the Lebanese National Anthem, followed by the invocation of the Campus Minister, the Rev. Nishan Bakalian, the Vice-Chairman of the University’s Board of Trustees, the Rev. Robert Sarkissian, announced the official commencement of the 50th anniversary celebrations. In her tribute to the Founders, the Dean of Arts & Sciences, Dr. Arda Ekmekji, highlighted the factors leading to the foundation of the University 50 years ago. Afterwards, the audience enjoyed a solo, “My Tribute” by Andrae Crouch, powerfully delivered by vocalist Houry Apartian, and accompanied on the keyboard by Haigazian student Vartan Agopian. The Director of the Student Life, Mr. Antranik Dakessian, introduced the Student of the Year for 2004, Mr. Abdelkhalek Abdelkhalek, who addressed the audience on behalf of the student body. The Dean of Business Administration and Economics, Dr. Fadi Asrawi, remembered the Rocket Society of Haigazian College by a very interesting slide presentation. Mr. Mohammad Baalbaki, emphasized on the role that the Armenian community in general, and Haigazian University in particular, played in the history of Lebanon, in the years of the Lebanese civil war, and its positive and exemplary contribution to Lebanese society. Finally, the president of the University, the Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian, offered words in which he considered the namesake of the university, Dr. Armenag Haigazian, as symbolically a founder behind the founders, since he as a person embodied the motto of the university: truth, freedom and service. Then the president acknowledged a Tribute to Maggie Matossian 11 Issue #9 - Fall 2004-05 number of significant people present in the audience: Mrs. Maggie Matossian, a member of the Board of Directors of Haigazian since the very first years, and later the founder of the Women’s Auxiliary; two of the 43 original students who were the first class to register in 1955 (Lucy Tabakian; Salim Dally); and General Wehbe, of the Rocket Society. Finally he expressed gratitude to the many people in Lebanon and the USA, who have worked, prayed, paid, planned, thought for Haigazian or received higher education in it. Following the Alma Mater, sung by Ms. Apartian, the attendees proceeded to the Matossian Gallery in the Mugar Building, where archival documents and photographs of 50 years of Haigazian’s history had been newly put on display. Working on the archives Christmas Concert The second event of the 50th anniversary celebrations of Haigazian University, was a Christmas Concert on the 20th and 21st of December 2004, in the sanctuary of the First Armenian Evangelical Church of Beirut. The concert featured the 60voice “Armiss” Choir, conducted by Rev. Nerses Balabanian, pianists Sevan Balabanian and Mathilde-Sandra Cholakian, and the renowned artist, mezzosoprano Anna Mayilian from Armenia. This was Mayilian’s premiere performance in Lebanon. The president of the university, Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian, noted that this concert carried a special message: “It is Armenia and Lebanon coming together. It is talent and discipline joined. It is joy and awe put to music, and music turned into a sign of life. It is a Christmas story told. It is an act of hope in an anxious world. It is Haigazian and its supportive community singing peace, love, and joy together.” The capacity audience, which included the US Ambassador to Lebanon Jeffrey Feltman, the Armenian Ambassador Areg Hovannissian, and other religious and political officials and representatives, enjoyed classical and contemporary musical masterpieces dedicated to Christmas. Featured composers included Bach, Handel, Vivaldi, Gelalian, Amirkhanian and others. Among the pieces impressively performed by Mayilian, the audience enjoyed little-heard settings of Armenian songs. Mira Yardemian 12 Inspirit - Celebrate with us! Public Lectures Armenian Department Cultural Hour On Friday, 30 April, 2004, Henry C. Theriault, Assistant Professor of Philosophy and the coordinator the Center for the Study of Human Rights at Worcester State College, lectured on The Armenian Genocide and the comparative dimension of denial. April 29, 2004, Maestro Harout Fazlian gave a presentation on Komitas and his Choral Masterpieces, accompanied by a live performance by the Komitas Choir (Ainjar). The event was held in the Mugar Garden and attended by a large audience of music lovers. On Thursday, 10 June, 2004, Mary Danielyan, Project Manager in the Architecture and Engineering Section of the Holy See of Echmiadzin, lectured on The contribution of Toros Toramanian to the study of Armenian architecture. On Wednesday, 16 June, 2004, Mary Danielyan delivered a second lecture on The creative role of Alexander Tamanian in Armenian architecture and city-planning. On Thursday October 28, 2004, Mrs. Frieda Haddad Abs, coordinator of the Social Work program at Haigazian University gave a lecture on A Sociological Interpretation of Protestant-Orthodox Relations in the Middle East. On Tuesday, November 23, On Thursday, 15 July, 2004, 2004, Dr. Ahlam Klailat, Hratch Tchilingirian, Tchilingirian Chair of the Social Behavioral Associate Director of Projects Sciences at Haigazian, lecof the Eurasia Program tured on The Relationship of at the Judge Institute of Socioeconomic Status to Bullying Management, University in Lebanese Private Schools. of Cambridge, lectured on The Armenian Community in Abkhazia Abkhazia. On Friday, 5 November, 2004, Hagop Cholakian, a seasoned educator and author based in Aleppo, Syria, lectured on The history of the Armenians in the Orontes River Middle Valley. On Thursday December 16, 2004, Dr. Raja T. Nasr, Professor of Education at Marymount University, VA lectured on Achieving Educational Objectives. The event was attended by the representative of the Minister of Education, chairpersons, principals, teachers and coordinators in the field of Education. 13 Issue #9 - Fall 2004-05 Haigazian and Friendships With President R. Kotcharian and Rev. M. Karagoezian With former Prime Minister, Rafiq Hariri With Dr. Radig Mardirossian, Rector of the State University of Yerevan With Interim President Aram Chobanian of Boston University With President Haroutune Armenian of the AUA Mr. & Mrs. Paren Sanents of Boston, MA With HU Supporters, Mr. & Mrs. Bassem Sayigh of Menlo Park, CA With Rev. James Gertmenian Minneapolis, MN With Maestro Vatsche Barsoumian Pasadena, CA 14 Inspirit - Celebrate with us! Commencement 2004 Clad in gowns and caps, 88 graduates (35 students with the BA degree in the Faculty of Business Administration & Economics, 21 with the BA in the Faculties of Humanities and Social & Behavioral Sciences, 31 students with the BS degree in the Faculty of Sciences, and one student with the MA in Education - School Administration) of Haigazian University marched, following their instructors, to the platform to receive their degrees from the hands of Haigazian University President, Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian, then marched out of the University, as the President put it, “as potential business leaders, as educators and teachers, as social workers and as lab scientists.” Eight students graduated with honors and one with high honors. Rev. Nishan Bakalian, the Campus Minister, offered the invocation. Then President Haidostian welcomed the almost 1,300 invitees - politicians, diplomats, officials representing President of the Lebanese Republic General Emile Lahoud, Prime Minister Mr. Rafik Hariri, House Speaker Mr. Nabih Berry and Army Commander General Michel Sleiman, clergy, community leaders, parents, relatives and friends of Haigazian University. The keynote speaker was the Personal Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Southern Lebanon, Mr. Staffan De Mistura, whose inspiring words were rooted in his experience in the troubled areas of the globe. Deans Dr. Fadi Asrawi and Dr. Arda Ekmekji presented the candidates for the degrees and President Haidostian handed them their degrees. The valedictorian address was delivered, both in English and Arabic, by Mireille Bogharian, a Business Administration major. After the singing of the Alma Mater, the President of Union of Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East, Rev. Megrditch Karagoezian, asked God’s blessings upon the graduates. Finally, everybody joined in to congratulate the happy and proud students in the Mugar Garden of Haigazian University. Prior to the Commencement Exercises, a Baccalaureate Service Mr. De Mistura Issue #9 - Fall 2004-05 was held in the First Evangelical Church, on Sunday, June 27, to thank God for His grace and goodness throughout the academic year 2003-2004. The sermon was delivered by Dr. Mary Mikhael, the President of the Near East School of Theology. Then two students passed on the light they received from President Haidostian to their classmates and pledged, on their behalf, to “hold high the light of truth, to defend the light of freedom and to spread the light of service” to their communities. Haigazian University Women’s Auxiliary For the sixth consecutive year, the Beirut Chapter of HUWA honored distinguished women from Lebanon for being pioneers in the philanthropic, cultural and academic fields. The event took place on Friday, May 7, 2004, at the Phoenicia Intercontinental Hotel under the auspices of Lebanese First Lady, Mrs. Andrée Lahoud. Present were almost three hundred women from various regions and communities in Lebanon. The five honorees of this year were: Mrs. Rabab Al Sader, Mrs. Hermine’ Aydenian, Mrs. Mounira Al Solh, Mrs. May Arida, and Mrs. Youser Saab. After a welcoming word by the Haigazian University Women’s Auxiliary Chair, Mrs. Terine Hasserjian, HUWA member Mrs. Silva Libaridian led the audience in a half hour audio-visual journey “down memory lane” presenting the lives of the five honorees in mesmerizing detail. Haigazian University President, the Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian addressed the audience with a message that identified the image of an “ideal mother” with that of the “servant” in such a way that the focus is put on responding properly to the true needs of others in society. He said that the honorees this year have all had “a special eye and a special hand on society.” The program included a luncheon, a special musical interlude, and an Armenian traditional dance. 15 A SIGN of Growth and a NEED for Support Haigazian University announces that it has established the 50th ANNIVERSARY BUILDING FUND both in Beirut and the USA to raise the necessary funds to expand our campus on the newly acquired piece of property. The new building will house modern facilities including a library, a graduate school, classrooms, labs, offices, sports facilities, and parking space. Friends, supporters, and alumni of Haigazian University are invited to contribute to this Fund by sending their checks to: • The President’s Office in Beirut. • Mr. Louis Kurkjian P.O.Box 5289 Fullerton, CA 92838-0289 USA For other ways of giving such as gifts of Negotiable Securities kindly write to [email protected]. Haigazian University is exempt from US Federal Income Tax under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. E-mail Addresses Requested As part of Haigazian University’s effort to remain in touch with its worldwide family of graduates, all alumni/ae are invited to send their e-mail addresses to: <[email protected]> I N S P I R I T The Haigazian University Newsletter Inspirit, the magazine for alumni and friends of Haigazian University, is published by the Office of the President. Need to reach INSPIRIT? Mexique Street, Kantari P.O.Box: 11-1748 Riad El Solh 1107 2090 Beirut, Lebanon Website: Telephone: Telefax: 961 - 1 - 739 412 961 - 1 - 350 926
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