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For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at JANUARY 2016 FEATURES ON THE COVER January 2016 | Vol. 50 | No. 1 4 THE LORD SHOWED HIM A TREE SBN Presents Donnie Swaggart GS Rally PART I by Jimmy Swaggart 12 HE OPENED TO US THE SCRIPTURES by Frances Swaggart 18 BLESSED IS THE MAN WHO, PASSING THROUGH THE VALLEY OF BACA, MAKES IT A WELL 20 EDITOR DONNIE SWAGGART HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN! by Gabriel Swaggart EDITOR-IN-CHIEF JIMMY SWAGGART by Donnie Swaggart 34 FROM THIS DAY FORWARD by Loren Larson STAFF WRITER/EDITOR 36 SUPERSESSIONISM DESIREE JONES by John Rosenstern GRAPHIC DESIGNER 38 HOW SHOULD A CHRISTIAN VIEW NEW YEAR'S? by Mike Muzzerall 40 MORE THAN CONQUERORS by Dave Smith JASON MARK CONTRIBUTING EDITORS CATHIE MOODY SHARON WHITELAW PHOTOGRAPHY JASON MARK JAIME TRACY ISAAC BENAVIDEZ PRODUCT WARRANTY Jimmy Swaggart Ministries warrants all products for 60 days after the product is received. As well, all CDs, DVDs, and other recorded media must be in the original plastic wrap in order to receive a refund. Opened items may only be returned if defective, and then only exchanged for the same product. Jimmy Swaggart Ministries strives to provide the highest quality products and service to our customers. 42 FROM ME TO YOU by Jimmy Swaggart 7 SonLife Radio Stations & Programming 24 SonLife Broadcasting Network Programming & TV Stations 30 2016 Resurrection Campmeeting Schedule 32 Letters From Our Audience 51 JSM Ministers’ Schedule Visit our Website at: or email us, our U.S. office address is: [email protected], our Canada office address is: [email protected]. Jimmy Swaggart Ministries P.O. Box 262550 | Baton Rouge, LA 70826-2550 prayer 225.768.7000 | main 225.768.8300 | orders & donations 1.800.288.8350 THE EVANGELIST JANUARY 2016 3 The Lord Showed Him A Tree part i By Jimmy Swaggart Exodus 15:1 — “Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the Lord, and spoke, saying, I will sing unto the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider has He thrown into the sea.” ‘Self’ is absent from this song. It is all about Jehovah and His power to save. MOSES BEGAN AND ENDED his wilderness life with a song. That of Deuteronomy, Chapter 32, is the one referred to in Revelation 15:3. There was no singing in Egypt; there was groaning. Singing only follows redemption. The song portrayed in Chapter 15 of Exodus is the oldest song of praise in existence. The greatest poets unite in admiration of its surpassing beauty and sublimity. It is a song of praise. Its theme is Jehovah Jesus, one might say. It praises Him for His destruction of the enemy. It begins with redemption and ends with glory. There were two companies of singers—one formed of men, led by Moses, the other of women, led by Miriam. She and her choir “answered the men.” This is the first of the 10 songs of praise recorded in the Bible; the last is Revelation 14:3. “Self” is absent from this song. It is all about Jehovah and His power to save. I WILL SING UNTO THE LORD The first song recorded in the Bible is that of Lamech, but it certainly is not of the Lord, being a song that glorifies man’s inhumanity to his fellow man (Gen. 4:23-24). This song recorded in Exodus, Chapter 15, celebrates the deliverance of the children of Israel from Egyptian bondage and glorifies the 4 JANUARY 2016 THE EVANGELIST Lord who has done the delivering. It is the first song of praise and redemption simply because redemption had been carried out in type. The song was accompanied by tens of thousands of tambourines, i.e., “timbrels,” which were, no doubt, of every size and description. As well, tens of thousands of Israelite women— seemingly both young and old—danced before the Lord to the accompaniment of the musical instruments and the singing as they gave praise to the Lord for His great deliverance from Egyptian bondage. Consequently, as it is recorded in the Word of God, Moses wrote the very first gospel song, so to speak. He also wrote the very first psalm (Ps. 90). More than likely, he also wrote Psalm 91. So, the very first thing we find after the salvation and redemption of the children of Israel is rejoicing. No wonder! REJOICING When a person comes to Christ (any person), joy fills the heart simply because the enmity between them and God, which was caused by sin, has now been removed due to the shed blood of Christ being applied to the heart and life. This is all done by faith (Jn. 3:16; Eph. 2:89). So, this which the children of Israel did on the far shore of the Red Sea portrays the joy of the heart and the joy of the soul for what the Lord has done. THE JIMMY SWAGGART It is the only true joy there is and the only true rejoicing there is. This doesn’t mean that every new convert, or every Christian for that matter, has to sing and dance before the Lord, but it definitely does mean that there will be a rejoicing heart. That goes with salvation, and I really cannot see how in the world that anyone could come to Christ—which means to be “born again,” which means that they are now a new creation in Christ Jesus—and not have a rejoicing heart. CHRISTIANITY As well, we are told that there are seven major religions in the world. Although not a religion, but rather a relationship with Christ, still, Christianity is put in that category. It is the only one of the seven that has a songbook because it is the only one of the seven that has anything to sing about. To show the reader how important the right kind of music and singing is as it regards the worship of the Lord, we need only to look at the book of Psalms, which is the largest book in the Bible. This tells us what the Holy Spirit thinks of worship, and it tells us how that the greatest degree of worship is found in music and singing. There are certainly other ways to worship God, but I think that the greatest way of all, or possibly that which the Holy Spirit uses more than all, is music and singing. MUSIC Music, as devised by the Lord, is made up of rhythm, melody, and harmony. If any one of those three is hindered, continuity is destroyed, and it becomes virtually impossible to worship the Lord by such music. So-called modern contemporary Christian music falls into that category. It may be referred to as “Christian,” but it is not Christian. While the flesh may respond to such music, it is impossible for the spirit of the individual to do so. Most of these so-called Christian rock entertainers, and that’s what they are, look to the mainstream rockers as their examples, which, to be frank, is an abomination. The tragedy is, pastors will shepherd their young people into these so-called concerts, which have absolutely no spirituality, at least as it regards the Lord. In fact, to be blunt, clear, and plain, this particular type of music is of Satan. It’s not of God, it has never been of God, and it is abominable to even claim that it is. Pastors who promote such stuff are going to answer to God for the souls of the young people under their charge. INSPIRATION! As we have already alluded, most of these so-called Christian groups get their inspiration from their worldly counterparts. Now, think about that for a moment, please! How in the world can someone be inspired by those who are controlled by demon spirits and still claim that what they’re doing is of the Lord? In fact, such is an abomination before the Lord. To be frank, the name of that game is money. So-called Christian rock is to the secular rock music scene as methadone is to the drug scene. Radio stations that refer to themselves as Christian and play that type of music are actually promoting the Devil. Christian television shows that feature such fall into the same category. To be sure, the owners of such stations, the deejays, and the pastors of churches who promote this stuff, or even who place their seal of approval on it, once again, are going to answer to God, and the answer is not going to be very favorable. Exactly as secular rock music, all of its promotion of drugs, illicit sex, alcohol, and murder contain a spirit of darkness that joins with the spirit of those who listen to such so-called music. It is the same identical thing with the so-called Christian rock. [CONTINUED ON PAGE 6] PRICELESS CORNER We have set aside this corner of The Evangelist to show God’s Plan of Salvation. If you are unsure where you will go when you die, please listen to what God has said in His Word: FIRST: GOD LOVES YOU! “For God so loved the world that he gave His only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have Everlasting Life” (Jn. 3:16). SECOND: MAN IS A SINNER, AND SIN HAS SEPARATED HIM FROM GOD “For there is not a just man upon Earth, that doeth good and sinneth not” (Eccl. 7:20). “For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). THIRD: JESUS CHRIST IS THE ONLY REMEDY FOR SIN “For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God ...” (I Pet. 3:18). “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under Heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). FOURTH: YOU MUST RECEIVE JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR PERSONAL LORD AND SAVIOUR Jesus calls this experience the new birth. He told Nicodemus: “... Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God” (Jn. 3:3). We invite you now to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour. “But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name” (Jn. 1:12). WE BELIEVE: »»The Bible is the inspired and only infallible and authoritative written Word of God (Ps. 119; Mat. 4:4; Lk. 24:27). »»There is one God, eternally existent in three Persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit (I Jn. 5:7). »»In the Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His Virgin Birth, in His Sinless Life, in His Miracles, in His Vicarious and atoning Death, in His Bodily Resurrection, in His Ascension to the Right Hand of the Father, in His personal future return to this Earth in Power and Glory to rule a thousand years (Jn. 1:1-4; Eph. 2:13-18; Rev., Chpts. 19-20). »»In the Blessed Hope — the Rapture of the Church at Christ’s Coming (I Thess. 4:13-18). »»The only means of being cleansed from sin is through Repentance and Faith in the Precious Blood of Christ (Rom. 5:1; Eph. 2:8-9, 13-18). »»Regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for personal Salvation (Jn. 3:5-8; Titus 3:5). »»The Redemptive Work of Christ on the Cross provides Healing of the human body in answer to believing prayer (Ex. 15:25-26; James 5:14-15; I Pet. 2:24). »»The Baptism with the Holy Spirit according to Acts 2:4 is given to Believers who ask for it (Acts 2:4; 10:44-46; 19:1-7). »»In the Sanctifying Power of the Holy Spirit by Whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a holy life (Rom. 6:3-14; 8:1-2, 11). »»In the Resurrection of both the saved and the lost: the one to Everlasting Life and the other to everlasting damnation (Rev. 20:5-6, 11-15). PRAY THIS PRAYER AND MEAN IT WITH ALL OF YOUR HEART: “Dear “ Lord Jesus, I now realize that I am a sinner. I accept the fact that You died for me on the rugged Cross of Calvary. I now open my heart’s door and receive You as Saviour and Lord of my life. Please take full control of me and help me to be the kind of Christian You want me to be. Amen.” If you prayed this prayer in all sincerity, you are now a Child of God. So that we might rejoice with you, we invite you to fill out this coupon and mail it to Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, P.O. Box 262550, Baton Rouge, LA 70826-2550. In Canada, mail to Jimmy Swaggart Ministries of Canada, P.O. Box 1020, Niagara Falls, Ontario, L2E 6V9. We will send you a free copy of Jimmy Swaggart’s book What Must I Do To Be Saved? This book will help you grow in grace and knowledge. DEAR JIMMY: TODAY I ACCEPTED JESUS AS MY LORD AND SAVIOUR. NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE/PROVZIP DATE OF DECISION AGE JIMMY SWAGGART There is a bondage to such music exactly as there is to alcohol, drugs, gambling, and nicotine. WIN THE YOUTH? Win them to what? Ten years ago, it was claimed that such music would win young people to Christ. What a ridiculous statement that is! People are brought to Christ not by using the raw ways of the world, or any ways of the world for that matter, but rather by the Holy Spirit. To be sure, He not only doesn’t need the ways of the world, He absolutely rejects the ways of the world. So, anyone who would claim such a thing simply doesn’t know the Bible and has no knowledge of the Lord per se. However, most now are not even claiming that such is winning youth to Christ, but rather that it’s “good clean entertainment.” While it might be entertainment, it’s definitely not good, and it’s definitely not clean. To be frank, there are almost as many drugs sold or used at these Christian rock concerts as in the secular concerts. That particular type of music, if it can be called music, certainly doesn’t glorify God. To be frank, to even insinuate that it does is an insult to the Lord. A PERSONAL EXPERIENCE Some years ago, Frances and I were in Budapest, Hungary, in a particular church for a service. Not being able to speak or understand Hungarian, I had no idea of the words they were saying as it regarded the songs they were singing; however, I did recognize the melodies, and you could sense the presence of the Lord as the people were worshipping. While they sang in Hungarian, I sang the same song in English. Just before the service was turned to me, they had a young man sing, who had just come from the United States. He got up and sang a particular song that he had learned in the states, which he had translated into Hungarian. It was one of the Christian rock songs. As stated, that particular music has no melody or harmony. As a result, the people just sat there and stared because there was nothing else they could do. As stated, it is impossible to worship with that type of music, and to be frank, who would want to try to worship with such being offered? The people in the church little knew me, if at all, and I did not know them either. barometer, then the churches in the United States are in sad shape indeed! There are exceptions, and thank God for those exceptions, but they are few and far between. UNTO THE LORD The song that Moses sang—along with the children of Israel—was evidently given to him by the Lord. Immediately, it glorified the Lord, speaking of the great victory that He had brought about for the children of Israel. It began that way, and it ended that way. I was either 8 or 9 years of age; the exact year slips my mind. At any rate, I had just been saved and baptized with the Holy Spirit a short time earlier. So, what I was seeing was not staged, but yet, was a perfect example of this of which I speak. As they sang the old songs of glory, they could worship the Lord simply because the songs were of the Lord. When the young man sang, presenting the garbage—and that’s exactly what it was—that he had learned in the states, they could not worship simply because worship to such is impossible. Those who claim they can worship the Lord according to such simply do not know what worship actually is. SPIRITUAL BAROMETER One can pretty well judge the spiritual barometer of a church by the type of music that it promotes. The Spirit of the Lord will portray Himself in this particular category of worship as He does in nothing else. As stated, the book of Psalms is the largest book in the Bible, telling us what the Holy Spirit thinks of worship according to music and singing. If, in fact, I am correct about music being a spiritual On a particular night in question, while in church and observing the evangelist as he played the piano, the Lord put it into my heart to seek Him as it regarded the talent to play that particular instrument. I can remember sitting beside my dad, and all through the service, asking the Lord for this particular talent. I remember very vividly some of the things I said to Him. Being just a child, I knew very little about sin, but I remember promising the Lord that if He would give me this talent, I would forever use it for His glory. I also remember saying that I would never play in a nightclub. That is about the limit that I had of things of the world at that particular time. I can still see myself sitting beside my dad. I can see myself praying, and once or twice, my whispering to the Lord must have become obvious because my dad looked at me and shook his head as if to say, “Be quiet.” At any rate, I could hardly wait for the service to conclude. I had asked the Lord for this talent, and I believed in my heart with simple childlike faith that the Lord had heard me, and He would give me that for which I had asked. [CONTINUED ON PAGE 8] 6 JANUARY 2016 THE EVANGELIST FULL-POWER STATIONS Baton Rouge, LA............................. 88.5 (WJFM) Covering parts of Southern Louisiana Crete, IL........................................... 88.1 (WBMF) Covering South Chicago and Chicago Heights Lake Village, AR/Greenville, MS......95.9 (KUUZ) Covering parts of Western Mississippi and Eastern Arkansas Ottawa, IL...................................... 88.9 (WWGN) Covering Ottawa, West La Salle, East Joliet, and North DeKalb Bowling Green/Toledo, OH. . . . 730 AM (WJYM) Covering parts of Northern and Central Ohio, Eastern Indiana, and the Southern tip of Michigan Kankakee, IL...................................88.3 (WAWF) Covering Northeastern Illinois and Northwestern Indiana Atlanta/Texarkana, TX. . . . . . . . . .100.1 (KNRB) Covering parts of Northeastern Texas, Northwestern Louisiana, Southwestern Arkansas, and Southeastern Oklahoma Nashville, AR....................................96.9 (KSSW) Covering Southwestern Arkansas Mobile/Citronelle, AL.....................102.1 (WQUA) Covering Mobile, Alabama Graysville, TN................................... 95.7 (WAYB) Covering parts of Southern Tennessee and Northern Georgia Lafayette/Church Point, LA.............91.9 (KCKR) Covering Southern and Western Louisiana Camden, AR..............................1450 AM (KNHD) Covering parts of Southern Arkansas Ada, OK.............................................88.7 (KAJT) Covering South Central Oklahoma Grenada, MS....................................95.7 (WTGY) Covering parts of Northwestern Mississippi Albion/Rochester, NY.................... 102.1 (WJCA) Covering North Western New York State Bentonia/Yazoo City - Jackson, MS. . .92.1 (WJNS) Covering Central Mississippi and Eastern Louisiana Norman/Oklahoma City, OK.............89.3 (KSSO) Covering Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Guthrie, OK................................1490 AM (KMFS) Covering Oklahoma City, Edmond, and parts of Central and Northern Oklahoma Jonesboro, LA.................................104.9 (KTOC) Covering Northern Louisiana Augusta/Little Rock, AR..................97.7 (KJSM) Covering Central Arkansas, Western Tennessee, a small part of Northwestern Mississippi, and a small part of Southern Missouri Desoto/St. Louis, MO...................... 100.1 (KDJR) Covering Southern Missouri, parts of Eastern Missouri, and Western Illinois Panama City, FL................................91.7 (WFFL) Covering Panama City, Florida Beatrice/Lincoln, NE....................... 88.9 (KNBE) Covering South Eastern Nebraska Grand Island/Hastings, NE...............90.7 (KNFA) Covering South Central Nebraska Lakewood/Jamestown, NY........88.9 (WYRR) Covering Lakewood and Jamestown, NY Corrigan/Lufkin, TX.........................99.3 (KYTM) Covering Corrigan and Lufkin, TX Palm Springs, CA..............................90.9 (KPSH) Covering the Coachella Valley Bastrop, LA......................................88.3 (KJGM) Covering Bastrop, Monroe, and the Northeastern part of Louisiana Winfield/Wichita, KS........................91.9 (KBDD) Covering South Central Kansas and North Central Oklahoma Bristow, OK.....................................104.9 (KREK) Covering Bristow, Sapulpa, Cushing, Drumright, Okmulgee, Chandler, and the southside of Tulsa, OK TRANSLATOR STATIONS Andalusia, AL.............. 89.7 Eufaula, AL.................. 88.9 El Dorado, AR.............. 89.7 Bishop, CA................... 91.7 Key West, FL................ 90.5 Dublin, GA................... 90.9 La Grange, GA............. 90.3 Waycross, GA.............. 90.7 Carlinville, IL............... 89.1 Effingham, IL............... 88.7 Freeport, IL.................. 91.3 Jacksonville, IL........... 88.1 DeRidder, LA............... 89.5 Grayson, LA................. 91.9 Many, LA..................... 91.3 Minden, LA.................. 91.1 Morgan City, LA.......... 91.5 Natchitoches, LA......... 90.1 Alexandria, MN........... 91.7 Morris, MN.................. 90.5 Kirksville, MO.............. 88.1 Mountain Grove, MO... 91.7 St. James, MO............. 89.3 Springfield, MO........... 91.5 Willow Springs, MO.... 90.5 Columbia, MS.............. 88.3 Morehead City, NC...... 91.9 Rockingham, NC......... 88.3 Corning, NY................. 89.5 Chambersburg, PA...... 89.7 Franklin, PA................ 90.3 Lock Haven, PA........... 89.3 Mansfield, PA.............. 91.5 Andrews, SC................ 88.7 Clinton, SC.................. 88.3 Manning, SC................ 88.7 Winnsboro, SC............ 91.9 Brookings, SD............. 89.7 Mitchell, SD................. 89.3 Watertown, SD............ 90.1 Yankton, SD................. 90.7 Pikeville, TN................ 91.3 Bonham, TX................. 91.1 Columbus, TX.............. 91.1 Midland, TX................. 91.7 Palestine, TX............... 90.7 THE EVANGELIST JANUARY 2016 7 [CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6] THE PIANO RADIO PROGRAM GUIDE ALL TIMES ARE CENTRAL TIME ZONE TIME PROGR AM 6:00 - 7:00 AM The Word with Gabe and Jill Swaggart 7:00 - 8:30 AM LIVE The Message of the Cross 8:30 - 9:00 AM LIVE Insight with John Rosenstern 9:00 -11:00 AM LIVE Frances & Friends with Frances Swaggart 11:00 -12:00 PM SonLife Radio Music 12:00 - 1:00 PM Loren Larson 1:00 - 2:30 PM The Message of the Cross (different than AM broadcast) 2:30 - 2:55 PM SonLife Radio Music 2:55 - 3:00 PM A Daily Devotional reading by Gabe Swaggart 3:00 - 4:00 PM Donnie Swaggart Broadcast 4:00 - 5:00 PM SonLife Radio Music 5:00 - 6:00 PM Jimmy Swaggart Broadcast 6:00 - 7:00 PM SonLife Radio Music 7:00 - 8:30 PM The Message of the Cross rebroadcast 8:30 - 9:00 PM Insight with John Rosenstern rebroadcast 9:00 - 11:00 PM Frances & Friends with Frances Swaggart rebroadcast 11:00 - 12:00 AM Sonlife Radio Music 12:00 - 1:00 AM Loren Larson rebroadcast 1:00 - 2:30 AM The Message of the Cross (different than AM broadcast) 2:30 – 3:00 AM SonLife Radio Music 3:00 - 4:00 AM Donnie Swaggart Broadcast 4:00 - 5:00 AM SonLife Radio Music 5:00 - 6:00 AM Jimmy Swaggart Broadcast 7:00 - 8:30 PM WED LIVE Family Worship Center Service wednesdays only 7:00 - 8:30 PM THU Crossfire Service thursdays only 9:00 - 10:00 AM SAT Salvation Station (Children) saturday only 11:00 - 12:00 PM SAT 5:00 - 6:00 PM SAT 11:00 - 12:00 AM SAT Generation of the Cross (Young Adults) saturday only Bob Cornell Generation of the Cross (Young Adults) saturday – rebroadcast only 7:00 - 8:00 AM SAT/SUN The Message of the Cross replay 10:00 - 12:00 PM SUN LIVE Family Worship Center Service 6:00 PM SUN LIVE Family Worship Center Service 10:00 - 12:00 AM SUN Family Worship Center Sunday AM Service 8 JANUARY 2016 THE EVANGELIST rebroadcast When the service ended, I very hesitantly walked up onto the small platform. Our church was very small, and the musical complement consisted only of an old upright piano. To my recollection, I had never sat down on a piano stool in my life. So, for the first time, I sat down and put my fingers on the keys. Immediately, I began to make chords. I did not know what the chords were, but I did know the finger positions were right because it sounded right to my ear. After the service, my dad asked me where I had learned those chords, for, evidently, he had heard me. I shook my head in the negative and replied that I had not learned them anywhere. Ignoring what I had said, he asked me if I had been up to my aunt’s house, who had a piano, and if I had been playing her instrument. “No,” I replied! He then asked, “Has Sister Culbreth (our pastor’s wife, who was an excellent pianist) been showing you some chords?” I again replied in the negative. He then asked, “Well, have you been going to the church to practice?” Once again, I replied “No!” “Well, where did you learn those chords?” he asked. I remember my reply as though this happened yesterday. I said, “I asked the Lord to give me the talent to play the piano, and I guess He has already started!” I don’t recall what he said then, but I do remember that he very much approved of my request. A GIFT FROM THE LORD Some may remonstrate by saying that musical talent runs in my family, and the Lord had nothing to do with what talent I do have. While it is certainly true that musical talent definitely runs in my family, with two of my cousins being quite prominent in the musical field, still, I believe that the Lord gave me the talent that I have. Along with the talent to play the piano, I believe He also gave me an understanding of music that glorifies His name. Whatever style I have was not copied from anyone. The Lord gave it to me exactly as it is. With our music, we have seen literally millions of people blessed, stirred, encouraged, and strengthened in the Lord. Of course, I give Him all the praise and all the glory. JIMMY SWAGGART our worship as it regards music and singing, must glorify His name. As is portrayed to us here very clearly, this great song was sung by Moses and the children of Israel. I think we should conclude that the Holy Spirit would desire that we use this presentation as a foundation for our musical efforts. As we will see, the Lord is glorified throughout, with man glorified not at all. THE LORD In respect to what I’ve just said about the Lord giving me a knowledge of music which glorifies Him, that doesn’t mean that for music to glorify the Lord, it has to be identical to the music that I play. That would be facetious, to say the least! But I definitely do believe that it will be somewhat similar. I will confess that when I read his note, I was somewhat taken aback. But yet, after a moment, I realized that most churches have been so off track, regarding the worship of the Lord, for such a long time that they hardly know what true worship is anymore. Music is not neutral. It was originated by God. The Word of God tells us that when God created the Earth, “the morning stars (angels) sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy” (Job 38:4-7). WORSHIP Once again, we go back to the book of Psalms and realize that in every one of the psalms and songs—for that’s what the word psalms actually means— the Holy Spirit gave the words, and even gave instructions to the writers of some of the psalms as to what type of musical instrumentation should accompany the psalm. When we realize this, we should then understand just how important music and singing actually are as it regards the worship of the Lord. Over the SonLife Radio Network and the SonLife Broadcasting Network, we play only music that originates at Family Worship Center. Concerning this, a man wrote me the other day and stated, “Brother Swaggart, thank you so much for putting the station in our city (he was speaking of a radio station owned by the ministry). You are teaching us how to worship.” I’m certainly not meaning that this applies to all churches, for it doesn’t; however, I definitely do believe that it applies to most. As we’ve already stated, music is a barometer, I think, of the spirituality of the church. When the spirituality begins to go wrong, which means the pastor and people are veering away from the Word of God, it will tell first of all in the music that they produce. So, when I make statements about music, I am, at least to a certain extent, making statements in the realm of revelation from the Lord. In other words, I know somewhat of that of which I speak. That’s at least one of the reasons I cannot stand to listen to modern so-called Christian rock, or whatever it is, which is nothing but a product of the flesh, and which only appeals to the flesh. Then I hear the voice of the Holy Spirit saying: “So then they who are in the flesh cannot please God” (Rom. 8:8). That which we do as it regards anything done for the Lord, especially “The LORD is my strength and song, and He is become my salvation: He is my God, and I will prepare Him an habitation; my father’s God, and I will exalt Him” (Ex. 15:2). The first phrase actually says in the Hebrew, “My strength and song is Jah.” In fact, the name Jah had not previously been used. It is commonly regarded as an abbreviated form of Jehovah. It takes the place of Jehovah here probably because of the rhythm of the song. The “salvation” addressed here refers to being delivered out of the hand of Pharaoh and his hosts; consequently, the children of Israel were saved from destruction. We certainly should get an idea from this as to what the word salvation actually means. Without exception, it refers to what Jesus did for us in the giving of Himself on the Cross as a sacrifice. This satisfied the demands of a thrice-holy God and, thereby, delivers the sinner from the clutches of Satan because all sin has been atoned. As sin is the legal right that Satan has to hold man in bondage, with all sin atoned, Satan has lost his authority. So, an authority he presently exerts is a pseudo-authority. In other words, any sinner can turn to Christ if he so desires, and every bondage of sin will then be broken. Every Christian can look to Christ and the Cross, and whatever authority that Satan has exerted over him will quickly fade. THE EVANGELIST JANUARY 2016 9 JIMMY SWAGGART Without actual emancipation, there will be no song of praise. Who would ever thank a ransomer who left him in bondage? DELIVERANCE It is all in the Word, as given by Paul: Jesus Christ and Him crucified (I Cor. 1:23). HABITATION “I will prepare Him an habitation,” probably means in the Hebrew, “I will glorify Him.” This is agreed upon by most of the Hebrew scholars. Moses was remonstrating by using the phrase, “my father’s God,” that the Lord had given promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Those promises had been kept in totality. Not one had fallen to the ground. As a result, Moses said, “I will exalt Him.” The pronouns He, Him, Thy, Thou, and Thee, as they refer to the Lord, are found 33 times in this psalm! How significant and how searching is this! How entirely different from most modern hymnology! So many hymns today (if they deserve to be called hymns) are full of maudlin sentimentality instead of divine adoration. They announce our love to God instead of His love for us. They recount our experiences instead of His mercies. They tell more of human attainments instead of Christ’s atonement. As stated, it’s a sad index of our low state of spirituality! Different far was this song of Moses and Israel: “I will exalt Him,” sums it all up. 10 JANUARY 2016 THE EVANGELIST REDEMPTION The first song of Scripture has been rightly designated the song of redemption, for it proceeded from the hearts of a redeemed people. From all of this, we find there are two parts to redemption. They are: 1. Redemption is by purchase, which speaks of what Christ did at the Cross. 2. Redemption is by power, which speaks of the power of the Holy Spirit that is made possible by the Cross of Christ. Some believers get redemption and ransom confused. Ransoming is but a part of redemption. The two are clearly distinguished in Scripture. It is said of Christ in Hosea 13:14: “I will ‘ransom’ them from the power of the grave; I will ‘redeem’ them from death.” Again we read: “For the Lord has ‘redeemed’ Jacob, and ‘ransomed’ him from the hand of him who was stronger than he” (Jer. 31:11). Ransom is the payment of the price, which Jesus did at the cross. Redemption, of which ransom is but a part, in the full sense, is the deliverance of the persons for whom the price was paid. It is the latter that is obviously the all-important item. Of what use is the ransom if the captive be not released? The Greek word for redemption is rendered “deliverance” in Hebrews 11:35. In the book of Revelation, Jesus is pictured both as a “Lamb,” which refers to the purchaser, and as a “Lion,” which refers to the powerful emancipator. On the Passover night, Israel was secured from the doom of the Egyptians. At the Red Sea, they were delivered from the power of the Egyptians. Thus delivered (redeemed), they sang. It is only a ransomed and redeemed people, conscious of their deliverance, who can really praise the Lord the deliverer. Not only is worship impossible for those yet dead in trespasses and sins, but also intelligent worship cannot be rendered by professing Christians who are in doubt as to their standing before God, and necessarily so. Praise and joy are essential elements of worship, but how can those who question their experience in the Beloved, who are not certain whether they would go to heaven or hell should they die this moment, be joyful and thankful? It’s impossible! Uncertainty and doubt beget fear and distrust and not gladness and adoration. Excerpt from the newest book by Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart: The World, The Flesh, And The Devil ORDER IT ONLINE (09-130) | Price: $30 Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through January 31, 2016. For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at HE OPENED TO US THE SCRIPTURES by frances swaggart Proverbs 30:5-6—“Every word of God is pure: He is a shield unto them that put their trust in Him. Add thou not unto His words, lest He reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.” I find fiction writers some of the best spiritual writers whether they are Christians or not, religious or not... —Eugene Peterson ONE OF THE MOST frequent questions we receive on Frances & Friends has to do with Bible translations—their accuracy, credibility, and their use by preachers in the local church. In 2007 at a writers symposium, Peterson gave a rare interview to Dr. Dean Nelson, the founder and director of the journalism program at Point Loma Nazarene. The translation (as it is known) that seems to stir the most controversy is The Message, which is neither a Bible nor a translation. Nelson questioned the influence and quotations by fiction writers in Peterson’s work, including authors Wendell Berry, Flannery O’Connor, Walker Percy, Wallace Stegner, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Anne Tyler, and James Joyce. Yet for more than 13 years, modern churches embracing a feel-good-about-yourself doctrine have been encouraging their congregations to trade in the Word of God for a book about the Bible that reads like a secular novel. The reason this thought-for-thought interpretation is so popular is because many Christians know so little of the Bible that it’s hard for them to discern if what they are hearing from the pulpit is, in fact, Scripture. That’s what makes a book like The Message so dangerous to the saved and to the unsaved. It may have a biblical sound, but it is not the Bible. It was written by an educated man, but it was not inspired by the Holy Spirit. ABOUT THE AUTHOR The Message: The Bible In Contemporary Language is one of more than 30 books written by Eugene Peterson—a retired Presbyterian minister and former professor of spiritual theology. As a lover of storytelling, Peterson often quotes and references writers of fiction in his own books and sermons. 12 JANUARY 2016 THE EVANGELIST In response to Nelson’s interview question, Peterson said that as a young pastor, he experienced an “imagination conversion” while reading Ulysses—a famously modernist novel by James Joyce—which revealed to him a clear comparison between the ordinary individuals in his congregation and the fictional book’s main character. “I find fiction writers some of the best spiritual writers whether they are Christians or not, religious or not, they’re probing the ordinary world of our lives,” Peterson said. “They’re great. I think pastors should read fiction a lot more than they do.” This is concerning since fiction is defined as written stories about people and events that are not real and literature that tells stories that are imagined by the writer. Peterson thinks so highly of imagination and fiction that he confirmed to Nelson his belief that all seminary students should spend their first two years in literature training. This point about Peterson’s love of storytelling and fiction is important because a storyteller’s main Visit my website at | Find us on Facebook FRANCES SWAGGART goal is to captivate and entertain an audience, not necessarily relay a truth to them. It was reaction from his audience—his congregation—that led Peterson to write The Message. The book’s publisher, NavPress, quotes Peterson’s reason for the project: While I was teaching a class on Galatians, I began to realize that the adults in my class weren’t feeling the vitality and directness that I sensed as I read and studied the New Testament in its original Greek …. I hoped to bring the New Testament to life for two different types of people: those who hadn’t read the Bible because it seemed too distant and irrelevant and those who had read the Bible so much that it had become ‘old hat.’ So Peterson rewrote his own version of Galatians, shared it with his congregation, and later included portions of it in another one of his other books, Traveling Light, which was read by a NavPress editor. The editor liked what he read and asked Peterson if he would be interested in “translating” the entire New Testament. Peterson left his pastorate and started writing full-time. Ladies and gentlemen, I point this out because this is how book deals are made. Editors and publishers know what books will sell, and they know how to market them; that’s their business. In reality, The It’s the publisher who called The Message a “version of the Bible,” not Peterson, although he does not argue the point. disrespectful, In an interview with Christianity Today, Peterson said, “When I’m in a congregation where somebody uses [The Message] in the Scripture reading, it makes me a little uneasy. I would never recommend it be used as saying, ‘Hear the Word of God from The Message.’ But it surprises me how many do.” Message includes New Age, occultrelated, and racy street language. Unfortunately, with the endorsement of highprofile ministers, authors, secular and Christian rock stars, and politicians, The Message has been marketed and pushed onto pulpits and into the hands of pastors who are willing to compromise and into the ears of undiscerning Christians. It’s concerning that 10 million copies of this book have been sold. As Carl Brown pointed out on Frances & Friends: “Professing Christians have no desire for the Word of God, and that’s a problem because if you don’t know what the Bible says, then anything goes, and that’s what we see happening in this country—there lies that vacuum because preachers are not preaching the Word of God to people, and preachers who do that are going to give a heavy account.” WORDS IN THE MESSAGE According to its publisher, The Message is a “reading Bible” written in the same type of conversational language that we use to speak with friends. It’s been stripped of “formal terms” (i.e., Lord Jesus) and ver s e numb er s to make it read like “one of your favorite novels.” In reality, The Message includes d i s r e s p e c t f u l , N e w A g e, occult-related, and racy street language. How can these t ypes of w o r d s b l e s s , e n c o u r a g e, and strengthen the child of God whose mind has been regenerated by the Holy Spirit? THE EVANGELIST JANUARY 2016 13 FRANCES SWAGGART With the cut of just four words—"Hallowed be Thy name"— Peterson removed the believer's acknowledgement of God's holiness and reverence for His name. THE MESSAGE KING JAMES VERSION Our Father in heaven, Reveal who you are. Set the world right; Do what’s best— as above, so below. Keep us alive with three square meals. Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others. Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil. You’re in charge! You can do anything you want! You’re ablaze in beauty! Yes. Yes. Yes. Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. The comparison of the Lord’s Prayer between the King James Version of the Bible and The Message book should be enough to make any Christian shudder: With the cut of just four words—“Hallowed be Thy name”—Peterson removed the believer’s acknowledgement of God’s holiness and reverence for His name. With the addition of four words—“as above, so below”—Peterson replaced God’s all-important will being done with a well-known occult term. The author of The Message decided that the curse word damn should be used frequently as well as these crude and sexually explicit terms throughout his book: Scent of sex, sex orgies, slut, spreading your legs, and hell-raisers. These are words used by secular novelists, not by someone inspired by the Spirit of the living God. Much more could be said about this book that is believed by so many to be an actual translation of the Bible. Again, The Message is not a translation of Scripture; it is just a book that has gained popularity by being endorsed by ministers of seeker-sensitive churches, who are aligned with the same type of agenda as outlined in the Purpose-Driven Life. In my husband’s book, Brother Swaggart, How Can I Understand The Bible?, he explains the meaning of true translation: 14 JANUARY 2016 THE EVANGELIST Our present society is being flooded with so-called translations that are really interpretations or thought-for-thought translations, such as the Message Bible. Actually, these types of efforts cannot even be construed as Bibles. At best they are religious books. The only translation that can be concluded as the Word of God is a word-for-word translation, such as the King James. There are one or two other word-for-word translations; however, with these I am not familiar. But yet, there are several other things that need to be said about the King James translation. As we have already mentioned, the King James translation, despite being edited several times, still contains a fairly liberal usage of Elizabethan English. To all King James devotees, and I am one, it must be understood that the prophets and the apostles who were used by the Spirit of God to write the sacred text did not speak Elizabethan English. As well, when Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were originally written, the Words of Christ were not in red. These particular words in red are actually a marketing tool that was not used until the 20th century. And again we emphasize that while the original manuscripts were most Visit my website at | Find us on Facebook FRANCES SWAGGART definitely inspired by the Holy Spirit and, thereby, error-free, doesn’t mean that the translation is error-free. No translation was inspired by the Holy Spirit, and none to my knowledge were claimed to be. While there have been other translations from then until now, the King James is concluded by many scholars to be closer to the original text than any other effort. Down through the last several centuries, it, by far, has been the most widely used and widely known. In this same book, my husband also offers a comprehensive chronology that tells the dramatic story of how the Bible was actually translated. The timeline stretches from 1500 B.C. when the Old Testament was put into writing to 1611 when the King James Version was completed—the version that has stood the test of time for more than 400 years. Compare these centuries of translation work to Peterson’s so-called translation efforts where he brags, “I did the Beatitudes in about 10 minutes.” When asked if Peterson actually uses The Message for his own personal devotions, he told Christianity Today no, he does not. What does that tell you? BIBLE STUDY Church, the best way to avoid the danger of a book like The Message is to read and study the Bible. The Word of God tells us, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (II Tim. 2:15). TWELVE RULES FOR INTERPRETATION OF THE BIBLE 1. Improve your ability in the tongue in which you read the Bible. For example, master the English language if the English Bible is to be used. 2. Accept the literal meanings of words. Apply to the Bible the same rules (grammar, figures of speech, types, symbols, allegories, parables, poetry, prophecy, history) that you would to any form of human expression found outside the Bible. 3. Learn the manners, customs, and peculiar idioms of the periods during which the Bible was written. Compare these centuries of translation work to Peterson’s so-called translation efforts where he brags, ‘I did the Beatitudes in about 10 minutes.’ 4. Get acquainted with the geography of all Bible lands. 5. Acquire a general knowledge of the history of the Bible peoples and kingdoms so that you can understand Bible history as a whole. 6. Recognize the overall plan of the Bible: the ages and dispensations; the ultimate purpose of God to defeat Satan and restore man’s dominion, rid the world of rebellion, and establish an eternal kingdom on earth ruled by God, Christ, and the resurrected saints. 7. Recognize the three classes of people dealt with in Scripture—the Jews, the Gentiles, and the church of our Lord Jesus Christ. Sometime back, my husband put together a list of ways for believers to best interpret the Bible. He said that anyone who will study these rules and use them as a basis for Bible study will find the Word of God opening up to him in a greater way. The Lord will help you learn the Scriptures. As you consider the following study helps, let me close my portion of this article with a verse from the book of Luke: “And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while He talked with us by the way, and while He opened to us the Scriptures?” (Lk. 24:32). THE EVANGELIST JANUARY 2016 15 FRANCES SWAGGART 8. Keep in mind the historical background of each book and the circumstances under which it was written. 9. Never change the literal meaning of Scripture to a spiritual, mystical, symbolic, or figurative meaning unless this is done by God Himself. Take everything in the Bible literally unless this could not possibly be the meaning. When the language used is symbolic, dig out the literal truth conveyed by it. 10. When studying the Bible, keep a complete concordance to look up any subject that confuses or compels you, and to unearth the true definition of any Greek or Hebrew word where there is a question of proper translation. 11. Be as analytical and honest with the Bible as with any other book. Study it not to disprove it, but to master its secret contents and to conform to its teaching. When approached in this manner, you will find it to be in unity. 12. It must be settled once and for all that the Bible does not contradict itself, and all Scriptures on a subject are in harmony. It has a way of confusing its enemies and blessing its friends. The only thing difficult about the Bible is that it is a very large book, and it will take time to master its contents to the point where you get a general understanding of it. Read it over, and over! Practice its teachings, and it will soon become a simple and practical book. SOURCES Frances & Friends. SonLife Broadcasting Network, Oct. 13. A Conversation With Eugene Peterson, Author, 12th Annual Writer’s Symposium By The Sea, Feb. 23, 2007. NavPress Bible Research, Internet Resources for Students of Scripture Doug LeBlanc, “I Didn't Want to Be Cute,” Christianity Today, 46/11 (October 7, 2002), p. 15. Jimmy Swaggart. Brother Swaggart, How Can I Understand The Bible? (World Evangelism Press, 2009) 7-9. Jimmy Swaggart. 25 Great Years…25 Anointed Sermons, (Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, 1981) 187-188. Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through January 31, 2016. For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at BLESSED IS THE MAN WHO, PASSING THROUGH THE VALLEY OF BACA, MAKES IT A WELL by donnie swaggart Psalms 84:5-6 — “Blessed is the man whose strength is in You; in whose heart are the ways of them. Who passing through the valley of Baca make it a well.” THE THEME OF PSALMS is trust, worship, and praise. Psalms is meant to be a book of refreshing for the soul in the midst of difficult situations. Bad times are going to come, but if you don't give up, you are just passing through. Psalms expresses the complete range of human emotion and experience. It takes us from exaltation, to humiliation, and back to exaltation as one learns to praise the Lord in every situation. As well, Psalms is a book of music. Actually, Psalms is the earth’s first songbook. It is a songbook of praise and worship. Since the largest book in the Bible is given over to praise and worship, then shouldn’t praise and worship characterize the majority of our communion and fellowship with the Lord? Also, Psalms is one of the greatest books of prophecy found in the Bible. Its principal predictions concern the perfections, the sufferings, and the succeeding glories of the Lord Jesus Christ. Its prophecies give us a look into the glorious coming kingdom age. BLESSED IS THE MAN The man who is blessed is the man who follows the ways of God, which is His Word. His will is His Word, and His Word is His will. We all have a choice to make in life—to follow the ways of man 18 JANUARY 2016 THE EVANGELIST or to follow the way of God. Notice that man’s ways are plural, for man is always coming up with something new. God’s way is singular; it never changes, for His Word can never change. THE VALLEY OF BACA Baca means, “the place of tears.” This tells us that in the life of every believer, there is going to be a time and place of tears. There will be a time when it seems as if all we hold dear is ripped from us. Our hearts are broken due to circumstances beyond our control, or even at times, our own actions and sin have brought us to the place of tears. PASSING THROUGH Notice the text says, “Who passing through.” I want you to focus on this. Notice that it doesn’t say that this person didn’t stop in the valley of Baca and buy a piece of land and build a house. Get a hold of this truth. Bad times are going to come, but if you don’t give up, you are just passing through. WHO MAKES IT A WELL What does this mean? A well speaks of water, and water speaks of life. Visit my website at DONNIE SWAGGART As well, water is a type of the Holy Spirit. The idea is to turn your weeping into praise. If you do this, the Lord says in Isaiah 44:3, “For I will pour water upon him who is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground: I will pour My Spirit upon your seed, and My blessing upon your offspring.” In Chapter 43:2, He said: “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, BRASILIA, BRAZIL Evangelist Donnie Swaggart ministered to thousands at Conferência do Reino (Kingdom Conference) in Brasilia, Brazil during his visit there in October 2015. Brother Donnie said these were some of the best meetings that he's ever had. "These dear people were so complimentary and thankful for what this ministry has done in the country of Brazil," he said. "I had so many people come up to me and relay their stories of how their parents, or even their entire families, had been saved while watching the telecast. Some said that if it weren't for the telecast, they didn't know where they would be today." COURTESY PHOTOS they shall not overflow you: when you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon you.” Turn your valley of Baca into a place of worship. No matter the hurt and no matter the pain of heart, turn your valley of weeping into a place of praise and worship, and watch the Lord lead you through the valley and into His arms. HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN! by gabriel swaggart FOR THIS MONTH’S ARTICLE, I was planning to finish the third part from the previous month’s article, but seeing that it is the beginning of a new year, I wanted to take this opportunity to relay to each and every one of you how special last year’s events were. As many of you know, the Lord began to lay it upon my heart to hold one-night rallies throughout this nation with one message in mind—Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Boy, what a year it was! Each city was special and unique in and of itself, and the results were mind-blowing. BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA We began in Birmingham, Alabama, where you could literally feel the electricity flowing through that auditorium. The Spirit of God moved in a tremendous way, and we saw hundreds of people walk down that aisle to say yes to Jesus Christ! To be completely honest, I was extremely nervous, for I really did not know what to expect. However, the Lord knew, and He moved upon the service in a tremendous way. To say I was pleased would be an understatement; I think I could say that I was ecstatic! The people were hungry, and they came to receive something from the Lord, and boy, did they ever! SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Our next stop was to the great city of San Antonio, Texas, and once again, the Lord did not disappoint. People came from all over Texas, as well as California, Oklahoma, and Louisiana. They came to experience the presence of God. When I gave the altar call that night, the altars were flooded with people who came forward to accept Jesus Christ as their Saviour. There were tremendous testimonies that came out of that particular service that I do not have the room in this article to share, but I will say this: those who came forward will never be the same again. 20 JANUARY 2016 THE EVANGELIST Call us at 225.768.3072 | Email us at [email protected] | GABRIEL SWAGGART LAKELAND, FLORIDA The following month, we drove to Lakeland, Florida. Yes, you did read that right; we drove to Lakeland, Florida, from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. You may ask, “Pastor Gabe, why did you drive to Lakeland?” Well, when we set out to do these rallies, we knew that flying would be too expensive, and we wanted to save as much money as possible. Of course, the weight of the added expenses weighed heavily on my mind. While asking the Lord for His direction, my secretary called me and told me that a dear friend of this ministry felt led of the Lord to drive us to Lakeland absolutely free. He is a personal friend of mine, who lives in the great state of Pennsylvania, and whose family owns a charter bus company. The only thing that he requested was that we pay for the gas and a hotel room, to which I said "yes!" Todd and Tonya, I cannot thank you enough for what you did for our group. We simply could not have done this without you. That Friday night, the Lord laid a word on my heart, “Ere The Lamp Of God Went Out In The Temple Of Our Lord,” and we saw hundreds of people flood that altar to accept Jesus Christ. Personally, I felt that this was a turning point for our meetings, meaning that I felt an anointing upon me that I had not personally felt in the previous two meetings. I believe that it was just the beginning of things to come. SPARTANBURG, SOUTH CAROLINA JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI The very next meeting was special to me, for we would venture in the great city of Spartanburg, South Carolina, where we would hold our rally in the same exact venue where my grandfather held a crusade some 24 years previously. It was the one I was looking forward to the most, and it was the one that I was most nervous about. We capped of f our year in Jackson, Mississippi. Now, for those who may not know, I am part Mississippian. My mom was born in Mississippi, and I have family still living there, most notably, my grandfather, Junior Robertson, who lives in Louisville, Mississippi. This auditorium was the biggest venue of the year, and I did not know what the response would be. My heart was pounding as I would begin the drive to the auditorium and I was completely overwhelmed to see the people literally wrapped around the venue. This particular service was probably the best one of the year, for the music was so powerful that the people were filled with electricity and were ready. I preached on the subject, “The Doctrine Of The Baptism With The Holy Spirit.” The place was nearly packed to capacity, and God moved, once again, in a tremendous way. As well, Todd and Tonya were so kind to drive us in their charter bus from Baton Rouge to Spartanburg, and back to Baton Rouge. It was a tough trip, but well worth the drive. I had planned to go to Jackson so that much of my Mississippi family could come and be a part of this service. Thankfully, many of them were able to come. We saw hundreds come forward, with many receiving the Holy Spirit. It was a tremendous moving of the Holy Spirit that night, and it was a night that I will never forget. [CONTINUED ON PAGE 22] THE EVANGELIST JANUARY 2016 21 [CONTINUED FROM PAGE 21] ““You can’t separate Christ from the Cross and the Cross from the Christ.” — Mike Muzzerall Class: New Testa ment Survey It was great to have many of my Mississippi family there. Jill and I were also very pleased to have my sister, Jennifer, and her husband, Cliff, and their two children, Harper and Harrison, there with us. As well, Cliff's parents, Marion and Wilna, were also able to drive from Georgia to be with us in that service. My grandfather, Junior Robertson, was able to come, and I was so pleased to have him with us, for without him, this service would have been incomplete. In addition, to have my grandparents and my mom drive over from Baton Rouge to meet us was quite an honor. I believe that one of these days, I’m going to be able to have all of my family come together to be in one of these rallies with Jill and me to be a part of what God is doing through these services. CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA D e g r e e s O f f e r e d: T h . C . - C e r t i f ic a t e o f Th e ol o g y T h . A . - A s s o c i a t e o f Th e ol o g y B . D i v. - B ac h e l or o f D i v i n i t y B .T h . - B ac h e l or o f Th e ol o g y Online Courses Available Now at P.O. Box 262550 | Baton Rouge, LA 70826-2550 225.768.3890 | [email protected] | In closing, as excited as we are about what God did last year, we are even more excited about what God is going to do this year. I cannot wait until February, for we will be going to one of my favorite cities, Charlotte, North Carolina. We will be at the Ovens Auditorium in that great city. So, if you live in Charlotte or anywhere around Charlotte, it will be worth your time to be a part of the Gabriel Swaggart Rally, where the Spirit of God is moving and lives are being touched and changed by the power of God. These are soul-winning campaigns, and we are believing the Lord for a greater harvest of souls than what we have ever seen before, for it’s not an event; it’s a movement! As the title says: Happy days are here again! Jesus Said It, I Believe It, And That Settles It (15-650) In John 4:50, Jesus tells a man, Go your way: your son lives. In this anointed message, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart follows this man on his 25-mile faith walk that starts with Christ’s word that healed his son that same hour. Includes: • Praise And Worship (Joseph Larson) • Trust In The Lord (FWC Choir) • It Will Pass (Donna Carline) • If Not For Grace (Martha Borg) • This World Is Not My Home (Jimmy Swaggart) • Sermon: Jesus Said It, I Believe It, And That Settles It Reach Out Your Hand And Take It! (15-636) In this powerful message, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart compares the believer to the floating ax head in II Kings. The believer is joined to the stick—the Cross of Christ. Learn how the Cross alone can join man back to God. Includes: • Hallelujah Anyhow (Bob Henderson) • The King Of Who I Am (Grace Larson) • King Jesus (FWC Choir) • Sermon: Reach Out Your Hand And Take It! I Am The LORD And I Will Deliver You (15-635) In Exodus 6, the Lord told Moses that He would deliver Israel from Egyptian bondage. Under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart explains how this same word given to Moses then is also for the church today. Includes: • We Shall See The King (FWC Choir) • I’ve Been Through Enough (Grace Larson) • I Saw A Man (Jimmy Swaggart) • Sermon: I Am The Lord And I Will Deliver You It’s Real (15-644) Preaching at the International Youth Conference, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart reminds the church that the baptism in the Holy Spirit is a real experience intended for every believer. Anyone desiring to be filled with the Spirit must experience this powerful service. Includes: • Praise And Worship (Grace Larson) • That’s The Kind Of God That I Serve (Dudley Smith) • Sermon: It’s Real • Bonus: You’ve Got To Be Born Again (Dudley Smith) The Answer For All Anxiety (15-609) Worry can do so much damage in a person’s life. In this anointed message by Pastor Gabriel Swaggart, Christians learn the importance of changing their focus from negative circumstances to Jesus Christ, who cares about every detail of their lives. Includes: • Love Will Roll The Clouds Away (Randy Knaps) • So Faithful (Jimmy Swaggart) • Take Me Through This Valley (Martha Borg) • Sermon: The Answer For All Anxiety The New Cart (15-643) In one of the most controversial messages ever preached at Family Worship Center, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart admonishes the church to wake up and realize that neither believers nor the church should use the sinful methods of the world—new carts. Includes: • Praise And Worship (Robin Herd) • I’ve Got A New Song (FWC Choir) • The Blood Is Still There/When I See The Blood (Joseph Larson) • I Know Who Holds Tomorrow (Jimmy Swaggart) • Sermon: The New Cart Borrow Your Vessels & Borrow Not A Few (15-608) Many Christians live as the widow in II Kings—desperate to escape bondage and poverty and helpless against the creditor (Satan) from coming to collect. Pastor Gabriel Swaggart reminds the church that this is not God’s plan for His children. Includes: • Hold To God’s Unchanging Hand (Joseph Larson) • If Jesus Goes With Me (Jimmy Swaggart) • Wait’ll You See My Brand New Home (Danny Bishop) • Sermon: Borrow Your Vessels & Borrow Not A Few Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through January 31, 2016. For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at CHANNEL LISTINGS PREACHING THE CROSS 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK UNITED STATES (NATIONWIDE) CABLE, SATELLITE, & DIGITAL LISTINGS S AT E L L I T E DIRECTV® Network Dish Network Verizon FiOS Glorystar Covers: US/Canada/Mexico/Central America Galaxy 19 Covers: US/Canada/Mexico/Central America Roku AT&T U-Verse Charter D AY S 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week TIMES 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day CHANNEL 344 257 297 125 125 580 Check Local Listings for Channel UNITED STATES (REGIONAL) CABLE LISTINGS S TAT E Alabama Alabama Arizona Arizona California California California California California California California Colorado Connecticut Connecticut Delaware Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Georgia Georgia Hawaii Idaho Idaho Illinois Illinois Illinois Illinois Illinois Illinois Illinois Illinois Illinois Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Iowa Kansas Kansas Kentucky Kentucky Louisiana Louisiana Louisiana Maine Massachusetts 26 JANUARY 2016 THE EVANGELIST CIT Y CABLE SYSTEM Anniston Birmingham Safford Show Low Bakersfield Burlington Los Angeles Palm Desert San Diego San Francisco San Rafael Denver Hartford, Northaven, etc. Mancester Wilmiington Astor ∙ Astatuloa ∙ Lakes of Mt. 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Services MTCO Comcast Comcast Brighthouse Comcast Comcast Time Warner Cable One United Telecom Cable One Time Warner Time Warner Cox Cable Clear Choice Cable Cox Cable Time Warner RCN CHANNEL 91 279 91 91 254 115 14/15/32/47 152 489 102 487 91 90/190/192 72 487 168 95 218 266 21 187 164 25 112 162 91 91 270 194 115/365 385 16 161 201 74 103 279 90 111 68 91 162 91 55 62 276 225 389 489 270 UNITED STATES (REGIONAL) CABLE LISTINGS [CONTINUED] S TAT E Michigan Michigan Michigan Michigan Minnesota Minnesota Mississippi Mississippi Mississippi Missouri Missouri Missouri Missouri Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska New Jersey New Jersey New Jersey New Jersey New Mexico New Mexico New York New York New York New York New York New York North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Ohio Ohio Ohio Ohio Ohio Ohio Oklahoma Oklahoma Oklahoma Oklahoma Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee CIT Y CABLE SYSTEM Detroit Detroit Detroit Oakland County ∙ Livonia Minneapolis Thief River Falls Biloxi Columbus Grenada Higginsville Kansas City Kirksville St. Louis Auburn Columbus ∙ Fremont Lincoln Norfolk Audubon ∙ Burlington ∙ Central ∙ Gloucester ∙ Jersey City ∙ Meadowlands ∙ Monmouth ∙ Ocean County ∙ Plainfield ∙ Pleasantville ∙ Princeton ∙ Somerset ∙ Hillborough ∙ Trenton ∙ Union ∙ Vineland Long Beach Island Northwest Toms River Albuquerque Rio Rancho Albany ∙ Binghamton (Montrose ∙ Bath ∙ Jamestown) ∙ Syracuse Buffalo Carmel New York New York Rochester Asheboro ∙ Denton ∙ New London Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Greensboro Raleigh Enderlin Akron ∙ Canton ∙ Cleveland Cincinnati ∙ Dayton Cleveland Columbus Columbus Toledo Wapakoneta Altus Clarksdale ∙Batesville Duncan Ponca City Bucks County ∙ Chester County ∙ Delaware County ∙ Elizabethtown ∙ Harrisburg ∙ Lancaster ∙ Greencastle ∙ Williamsport ∙ Millersburg ∙ Levittown ∙ Lower Marion County ∙ Montgomery County ∙ Willowgrove Philadelphia Philadelphia (8 AM to Noon) Providence Charleston Columbia ∙ Statewide Rock Hill, Fort Mill, Lancaster, York, Chester, Clover, Lake Wylie Beresford Dyersburg Comcast Brighthouse WOW (Wide Open West) Time Warner Comcast Sjoberg’s, Inc. Cable One Cable One Cable One Citizens Cablevision Time Warner Cable One Charter Time Warner Time Warner Tim Warner Cable One CHANNEL 389 193 194 193 191 182 91 91 91 122 489 91 155 2/8 10/14/18/21/70 192 91 Comcast 190 Comcast Comcast Comcast Comcast Cable One Time Warner Time Warner Comcast Time Warner RCN Time Warner Randolph Telephone Charter Comporium Time Warner Time Warner Time Warner Time Warner MLGC Enderlin Time Warner Time Warner WOW (Wide Open West) Time Warner WOW (Wide Open West) Buckeye Telephone Service Co, Inc. Cable One Cable One Cable One Cable One 22 280 19 91 91 489 489 191 489 270 489 257 81 391 1265 92/489 92/489 92/489 150 192 192 193 186 193 109 75 91 91 91 91 Comcast 190 Comcast Comcast Cox Cable Comcast Time Warner Comporium Cable Beresford Cablevision Cable One 190 4 70 270 92/489 391 487 91 THE EVANGELIST JANUARY 2016 27 CHANNEL LISTINGS PREACHING THE CROSS 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK UNITED STATES (REGIONAL) CABLE LISTINGS [CONTINUED] S TAT E Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Utah Washington Washington Washington Washington, DC CIT Y CABLE SYSTEM CHANNEL Amarillo Austin Dallas Houston Gilmer Greenville Port Lavaca ∙ Aransas Pass San Antonio Texarkana Throckmorton ∙ Lake Graham ∙ Newcastle Waco ∙ Killeen Salt Lake City Goldendale Seattle Seattle Washington, DC Cable One Time Warner Time Warner Comcast Gilmer Cable Television Geus Cable Cable One Time Warner Cable One TGN Cable Time Warner Comcast J&N Cable Comcast Frontier RCN Spruce Knob Seneca Rocks Telephone (SKSRT) Comcast Time Warner Time Warner/AT&T Charter 190 192 68/1068 22 West Virginia Riverton West Virginia Wisconsin Wisconsin Wisconsin Wheeling Green Bay ∙ Milwaukee Milwaukee Milwaukee 91 489 489 76 205 551 91 89/489 91 487 489 91 487 14/102 24 270 34 UNITED STATES OVER-THE-AIR (DTV) LISTINGS For those of you who are not familiar with digital television, these are free “old fashioned TV channels” that are able to be picked up with a digital tuner and antenna. Most new televisions are equipped with built-in digital tuners or you can purchase a tuner from your local electronics store (Best Buy®, Radio Shack®, etc.). As well, you can purchase the proper antenna at your local electronics store. Many viewers under the broadcast signal of the television station can use a small, digital antenna inside the home. For those on the outer edge of the signal or to receive the best signal, an outdoor antenna may be required. Both indoor and outdoor antennas are available for less than $50! S TAT E Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Arizona Arkansas Arkansas California California California California California California California California Colorado Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida 28 CIT Y Berry Birmingham Fayette Montgomery Phoenix Fayetteville Litlle Rock Bakersfield Fresno Los Angeles Redding/Chico Sacramento Salinas San Francisco Santa Maria/San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara Denver Fort Myers Gainesville Jacksonville Miami Orlando JANUARY 2016 THE EVANGELIST S TAT I O N 38.4 24 15.4 5 22.3 & 50.3 16.2 14.2 34.6 33.5 35.4 & 64.1 41.2 9.1 & 49.6 27.4 68.3 40.2 5.1 22.3 2 24 16.2 55.4 S TAT E Florida Florida Georgia Georgia Idaho Illinois Illinois Iowa Kentucky Louisiana Louisiana Louisiana Michigan Minnesota Missouri Missouri Nevada New Mexico New York New York North Carolina CIT Y Tallahassee Tampa Atlanta Savannah Boise Champaign Chicago Des Moines Louisiville Baton Rouge Monroe Shreveport Detroit Minneapolis Joplin St. Louis Las Vegas Albuquerque Cobleskill New York Charlotte S TAT I O N 4 43.1 16.2 46 41.3 46 62.3 14 21/50.1 14.1 39.4 14 47.3 25.2 49.2 7.2 30.3 32.3 41.4 42.5 55.3 S TAT E CIT Y S TAT I O N North Carolina Fayetteville 15.3 Ohio Cincinnati 25.6 Ohio Cleveland 27.3 Oklahoma Oklahoma City 21.2 Pennsylvania Philadelphia 4.1 (8AM-Noon)|4.3 (24 Hrs) Pennsylvania Philadelphia 8.2 Puerto Rico San Juan 25.2 16.3 South Carolina Spartanburg/Greenville Tennessee Jackson 27.3 Tennessee Memphis 44 Tennessee Nashville 31.3 Texas Amarillo 22.2 Texas Austin 17.3 Texas Dallas 31.1 & 47.5 Texas Houston 10.2 Texas Lubbock 29.3 Texas Odessa 22.3 Utah Salt Lake City 23 Washington Seattle 24.1 Wisconsin Milwaukee 68.1 INTERNATIONAL LISTINGS INTERNATIONAL CABLE & SATELLITE LISTINGS COVERING United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Asia & India Africa Africa Australia & New Zealand Austria Barbados Belgium Belgium Brazil (Nationwide) Bulgaria Bulgaria Cayman Islands Central & South America/Caribbean Czech Republic Denmark, Finland, Norway (Nationwide), Sweden France France Germany - Cologne, Dusseldorf, Bonn & Aachen Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany & Switzerland Israel, Middle East, Northern Africa, Europe Israel Italy Italy Middle East & Asia Netherlands New Zealand Poland Poland Puerto Rico Russia & Eastern Europe Russia West Slovakia South America Spain C A B L E / S AT E L L I T E D AY S TIMES CHANNEL Sky Satellite Freesat Freeview ABS 1 Intelsat 20 Thaicom 5 OPTUS D2 AustriaSat Lime TV TéléSAT TV Vlaanderen StarOne C2 Satellite Dcable 3 Air Media Lime TV Hispasat 1E Skylink Viasat WEBSERVICE - Play Media Canal Sat Net Cologne Kabel Deutschland Unity Cable Kabel BW Sky Deutchsland Stadtwerke HD+ Astra 1 Zattoo Hot Bird 6 Hot Cable Tivu Sky Italia Eutelsat 25 Canal Digital Sky Korbank MGK Choice Amos 2 Yamal 1 Skylink Intelsat 21 Canal+ 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 594 695 239 for more info for more info for more info for more info 313 4 532 356 for more info 104 for more info 265 205 409 847 238 302 975 442 983 for more info for more info 180 75 850 for more info 208 203 155 4˚ West for more info 265 for more info 463 Until a channel comes to your area, enjoy your favorite radio and television programs by visiting You can already view live services and prerecorded programming online! THE EVANGELIST JANUARY 2016 29 30 JANUARY 2016 THE EVANGELIST E X PE R I E N C E T H E DI F F E R E N C E! WEBC&S PRECAMPMEETING SESSIONS (Located in the SonLife Radio Building) Monday...............................................................1-4 PM & 6-8 PM Tuesday...............................................................1-4 PM & 6-8 PM Wednesday...............................................................9 AM – 12 PM CAMPMEETING SCHEDULE OF SERVICES (Located in Family Worship Center) Wednesday 7 PM Donnie Swaggart 8 AM David Borg 10 AM Loren Larson 2 PM Bob Cornell Thursday 7 PM Gabriel Swaggart Friday 7 PM Jimmy Swaggart Saturday 7 PM Donnie Swaggart 10 AM Jimmy Swaggart 6 PM Gabriel Swaggart Thursday - Saturday Sunday ACCOMMODATIONS HOTEL PHONE HOTEL PHONE Siegen Inn Honore Ln. 225.366.6776 Hampton Inn Commercial Rd., Port Allen, LA 225.389.6655 Chase Suites Hotel Corporate Blvd. 225.927.5630 Holiday Inn Express & Suites Siegen Holiday Circle 225.778.5722 Comfort Suites Valley Creek Dr. 225.923.3377 Hyatt Place Bluebonnet Blvd. 225.769.4400 Courtyard by Marriott North Mall Dr. 225.293.7200 La Quinta Inn Reiger Rd. 225.291.6600 DoubleTree by Hilton 4964 Constitution Ave. 225.925.1009 Microtel Inn & Suites Reiger Rd. 225.291.6200 Drury Inn and Suites Essen Park 225.766.2022 Wyndham Gardens Bluebonnet Blvd. 225.293.1199 Embassy Suites Hotel Constitution Ave. 225.924.6566 Renaissance Bluebonnet Blvd. 866.469.5448 Fairfield Inn by Marriott 7959 Essen Park Ave. 225.766.9493 SpringHill Suites by Marriott 7979 Essen Park Ave. 225.766.5252 Hampton Inn Reiger Rd. 225.751.4600 TownePlace Suites by Marriott 8735 Summa Blvd. 225.819.2112 Call for special rates during JSM Campmeetings! RECREATIONAL VEHICLE ACCOMMODATIONS AVAILABLE ON JSM PROPERTY Paved parking spaces for Recreational Vehicles with electricity, water, and sewer connections - $16.95 per day FOR MORE INFORMATION: 225.768.3438 or visit FAMILY WORSHIP CENTER 8919 WORLD MINISTRY AVENUE, BATON ROUGE, LA 70810-9099 THE EVANGELIST JANUARY 2016 31 A L L L E T T ER S A R E C U R R EN T A N D H AV E B EEN ED I T ED F O R S PAC E . COUPLE IN SOUTH AFRICA RECEIVES GOD’S HELP WITH MONEY PROBLEM DEAR EVANGELIST: My husband and I are gospel singers and like to listen to SonLife. A few years ago, Donnie was preaching in our country in Kriel at Roepersfontein. They had a big tent, and we were helping with the praise and worship. Donnie was preaching and jumped off the platform and walked up to my husband, put his hand on my husband’s shoulder and said to him, “Brother, this boat will make it to the other side, even if it’s battered, it will make it!” Now at that stage, we were in a financial situation. We took that word and asked the Lord to help us, and we came out of the financial problem. Please go on with your good work; we pray for your ministry. – South Africa FAMILY THRILLED TO SEE SBN AVAILABLE ON TELEVISION IN THEIR AREA DEAR EVANGELIST: I was changing channels on Friday, I think, and there was your program so I began watching. I have been watching on the computer, but I was thrilled to see it on TV. We have three TVs in our home and I go from room to room watching. I am the same age as Donnie, and my parents have long been followers also of your ministry. Sunday morning in church, I leaned over to my Mom in church and told her that SonLife Network is now available. My Mom smiled and said, “I know, your Dad and I watched it all day Saturday and Saturday night!” Thank God for you and your ministry. – Virginia DENMARK CHURCH INTRODUCES PASTORS TO THE MESSAGE OF THE CROSS DEAR EVANGELIST: It it has been a great blessing for us listening to the Message of the Cross through several years. We are a small church in Denmark trying to do our best to get this message out to as many people as possible. God has opened some doors in Scandinavia as well as in Poland and India. I was so glad to hear that you will be sending the Expositor’s Study Bible to many Indian pastors. For the last five to six years, we 32 JANUARY 2016 THE EVANGELIST have had seminars for preachers in different places in South India trying to introduce them to the Message of the Cross, mostly village pastors. Thank you for the inspiration we get through your programs to know more and are even better equipped to bring this message out to wherever the Lord is opening a door. Last November, I was preaching in a conference in Norway about the meaning of the Cross in our daily life. A Swedish lady said, “I have not heard such a preaching about the Cross for 50 years.” We desperately need this message in Scandinavia. We are praying for your ministry. Please remember us in your prayers. Once again, thank you so much. God bless you abundantly. – Denmark WHEN JESUS CHRIST GIVES YOUR LIFE MEANING, IT’S HARD NOT TO SHOUT DEAR EVANGELIST: I was thinking about these people who simply don’t understand why we get so excited about Jesus and the answer you can give to the people is this: There are those of us who know what it is to have God move and totally change our life from a hopeless situation into a life full of newness and restoration, and it is just not possible to be calm about it. I mean, when Jesus Christ gives you meaning back to your life, it is kind of difficult to just sit still and not jump up and shout it to the world. You can tell them it is usually those of us who have to depend on God the most because we are the ones who have to have Him do everything because our natural talents aren’t even worth considering. We just can’t help ourselves because it is just plain exciting and worth getting up and shouting when we really acknowledge what He has done for us! I just personally cannot see how you can talk about Jesus and not get overly excited about Him! So, when someone calls or emails and asks the panel about why we are all so animated here at JSM, then just tell them, Mrs. Frances, that we just simply can’t help it! Ha! Praise the Lord, and may all of you be blessed immensely for your dedication to truth in this world that is full of deception. – Email MEDIA CHURCH MEMBER IN ENGLAND OPENS HER HOME FOR FWC SERVICE DEAR EVANGELIST: I just want to thank you and thank God for such a powerful ministry. I tuned into Frances & Friends the other night and it was so powerful, I was just hooked for the whole hour; I couldn't move. It’s like the power of God held me there. I went to church Sunday morning (I’m a practicing Holy Spirit-filled Pentecostal believer) and I just didn’t enjoy the services, and I haven’t been enjoying church for a while. But I went to a sister’s house (she no longer attends our church; she’s a Media Member of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries and she has church in her living room) and I joined her for service, and I tell you it was powerful and anointed and when we took communion, the power of God just came into my heart and lifted every burden! Praise God! – England LORD LEADS SINGING BELIEVER OUT OF ONE JOB AND INTO A BETTER ONE DEAR EVANGELIST: I was in the middle of a horrible time in my life. I had a job working in 100-degree heat, and we had to wear long-sleeve shirts and blue jeans. Just when I did not think I could go another step, the Holy Spirit was all over me. A song began to rise up in my spirit! I began to sing: Well I know my Lord is gonna lead me out! I know my Lord is gonna lead me out, I’m gonna pray and do the best I can, cause I know my Lord Is gonna lead me out of this pilgrim land! Well glory! Somebody ought to get happy because two weeks later, I had a new job! In air conditioning! With better pay! Glory to God! – Georgia VIEWER LEARNS SO MUCH MORE WATCHING SBN DEAR EVANGELIST: To the wonderful panel on The Message Of The Cross, I wanted to say that even though I’ve been reading my Bible from Genesis to Revelation since I was 13 years old and I’m now 55, I’m learning so much and more when I study with you all. Not that I haven’t been learning since I was 13, but God has opened me up even more and I love the commentaries! I’ve been setting my alarm clock to make sure that I’m up and ready, and I have a Ladies’ Expositor’s Bible that I study, along with the commentary. I’m thanking and praising the Lord Jesus Christ for you all and for my life and for my being able to study with you all. I love you all and I pray God’s blessings continue upon us! – Pennsylvania FANTASTIC TESTIMONY ON THE RESULTS OF GIVING TITHES AND OFFERINGS DEAR EVANGELIST: I listen to what you teach on tithing and I want to give a fantastic testimony on the results of giving tithes and offerings to SBN. I have someone who has no bank account, so he gives me money and asks me to pay his tithes and offerings. When I ask him where he wants me to pay it to, he says, “Give it to Jimmy.” Well, since he has been giving his tithes and offerings, he now has a job that pays $5 more an hour with paid holidays. He has started a successful grasscutting business on the side. Someone gave him two riding lawn mowers for free! One of his customers is moving out of state and gave him—are you ready— another push mower, an edger, a weed eater, a pressure washer, a small shed, and a few other things! His motor on his truck was going out and someone sold him one for only $400! He prayed putting it in and was able to do it himself. When he needs something, a neighbor will ask him to do odd jobs for them and pays him. Oh boy, praise God, it works. I also am blessed and I now give every month to JSM. It is all about where you tithe! – Email ANOTHER SOUL LED TO THE LORD ON SBN SHOW DEAR EVANGELIST: What a program today! Nicki from Kansas was just led to the Lord by Mike Muzzerall! I was standing at the kitchen sink just listening and weeping. This is one of the many reasons my tithes and offerings go to JSM. Another soul! My, my, my and glory to God! – Email THE EVANGELIST JANUARY 2016 33 FROM THIS DAY FORWARD by loren larson Haggai 2:19 — “From this day will I bless you.” AUTHOR'S NOTE This word from the Lord has had such an impact on my own personal life that I felt that I needed to share it with you as well. In searching for what to write as this new year begins, my attention was drawn to an article that I had previously written in December 2004—over 11 years ago. Since this article was first written, Jimmy Swaggart Ministries (JSM) has launched the SonLife Broadcasting Network. As well, World Evangelism Bible College has blossomed in house and has inaugurated its online programs, which are already active in more than eight different countries. Personally, I have watched my family “grow up” and “prosper” in the Lord. I thought it would be good to remind all of us of God’s promise by reprinting this word. Time will not diminish a true word or promise that comes from the Lord. As we begin this new year, let us keep our eyes on the prize— Christ Jesus—and let us dedicate our lives to reaching more people than ever with the message of Jesus Christ and Him crucified. FROM THIS DAY FORWARD A few days ago, while conducting a SonLife radiothon, the Lord gave a word to those associated with the radio network/Jimmy Swaggart Ministries. It stemmed from the little book of Haggai and concluded with the promise, “From this day will I bless you.” 34 JANUARY 2016 THE EVANGELIST This word from the Lord has had such an impact on my own personal life that I felt that I needed to share it with you as well. CONSIDER YOUR WAYS The children of Israel had been held in Babylonian captivity for 70 years. The Lord allowed a remnant to return to Jerusalem after the allotted 70 years had been served. The remnant was to rebuild Jerusalem. Headed up by Zerubbabel and other leaders, the tattered remnant made its way back to a ruined and wrecked Jerusalem. Their first task was to rebuild the altar (a type of the Cross of Calvary). Their second task was to rebuild the temple. They were successful in laying the foundation of the temple, but then strong opposition arose to the work. Seemingly surrounded by enemies and given an official order to do so, the remnant stopped work on the temple. For the next 16 years or so, they focused on building their own homes and prospering themselves. It seems that no expense was spared in preparing their houses, while at the same time, the house of the Lord stood in ruins. God called a prophet by the name of Haggai to address the situation. He stood where he could be heard and rebuked the relatively small remnant living in Jerusalem. LOREN LARSON Our labor will involve a commitment to preaching and teaching the Cross, the giving of our personal funds, and intercessors who know how to call on God. So gather your materials and prepare to labor! This is the reason the church exists. It is not that we should build our own homes, ministries, etc. It is to promote the redemption plan of God. A CALL TO BELIEVE About 30 days after the labor on the temple had begun, Haggai went to the remnant of Jewish workers. His message was simple: “How do you see it now?” This question was a pointed exhortation to see that what they were building was far more important than what met the natural eye. The building on which they labored was almost ugly in comparison to Solomon’s grand edifice. He accused them, and rightly so, of focusing on their own desires while God’s house lay desolate and wasted. He went on to say that the reason the people were not prospering was because they had neglected the work they had been raised up to do. In response, God had called for a drought on prosperity in every measure and had “blown” upon all the labor of their hands. A CALL TO LABOR As Haggai’s message sounded, it was accompanied by a great moving of the Holy Spirit. This operation of the Spirit brought great conviction, repentance, and a renewed zeal for the work of God. The leaders and the people began to gather materials to rebuild the temple and within 24 days, they were prepared to complete work on the temple. God is calling out to His people to “consider their ways.” In many church circles, “knowing God” has been degraded to simply receiving earthly temporal and personal blessings. The church’s true responsibility is to promote the redemption plan of God (all that the Jewish temple exemplified). In a nutshell, we need to return our attention to Christ and Him crucified and the presentation of that message to a world that is hurting and to a church that is dying. However, the beauty of the temple was in its message, not its construction. The message of redemption is still what God sees as beautiful. Haggai encouraged the people by saying, “Be strong and work and do not fear, for the Spirit of the Lord is with you to help you.” As laborers in God’s kingdom, we are to labor and believe the effectiveness of God’s message (Christ and Him crucified) as we preach it or take it to others. We need to return our attention to Christ and Him crucified and the presentation of that message to a world that is hurting and to a church that is dying. A CALL TO HOLINESS Haggai would come a little time later and tell the laborers that they needed to attend to holiness. Holiness is not brought about by religious selfefforts. True holiness is produced by the effectual working of the Holy Spirit in the heart of man. For the believer today, the only route to true holiness is by embracing the sanctification process that is produced by trusting in Christ and Him crucified. To embrace any other method of sanctification makes the believer a “spiritual adulterer” and “unclean” in the eyes of God. You must not only accept this message, but you must reject everything and anything else other than this message. A PROMISED BLESSING Haggai addressed the remnant of Israel one time after that, giving two separate messages in one day. In the first of his two messages, he stated the promise that came forth several weeks ago to us here at the SonLife Radio Network and Jimmy Swaggart Ministries. That message said, “From this day forward … I will bless you.” THE EVANGELIST JANUARY 2016 35 SUPERSESSIONISM by john rosenstern DOES THE CHURCH REPLACE, supersede, or fulfill the nation of Israel in God’s plan? Is the church the “new” Israel? This theory is also called “replacement theology” or supersessionism. A modern term now used that makes this idea more palatable is “fulfillment theology.” IT MAY SURPRISE MANY Protestants to know that there has been, and still is, a large group that believes the church inherits the promises that God gave to Israel. Roman Catholicism has embraced this thought process from its genesis. The term supersessionism comes from two Latin words: super (on or upon) and sedere (to sit). It conveys the idea of one person sitting on another’s chair, displacing the other. There are many variations of supersessionism, as there is with all error. It is not a one-size-fitsall teaching. VARIATIONS “Punitive” or “retributive” supersessionism deals with God’s punishment of Israel for her disobedience. The church replaces Israel because Israel forfeited the right to be the people of God by not accepting Jesus Christ as Messiah. This teaching was common during the patristic (early church) era. An example of this was Origen. He said, “And we say with confidence that they (the Jews) will never be restored to their former condition. For they have committed a crime of the most unhallowed kind.” 36 JANUARY 2016 THE EVANGELIST Roman Catholic priest and reformer Mar tin Luther embraced punitive supersessionism. For Luther, the destruction of Jerusalem was proof of God’s permanent rejection of Israel: “Therefore this work of wrath is proof that the Jews, surely rejected by God, are no longer his people, and neither is He any longer their God.” Adolph Hitler used Martin Luther’s disdain toward the Jews to his advantage by persuading many Protestants and Roman Catholics to support his ethnic cleansing of ex terminating Jews. Replacement theology removes the significance and importance of Jews, and for that matter, God’s promises. “Economic” supersessionism excludes Israel’s disobedience and subsequent punishment by God for rejecting Christ. In this view the church was seen as prefigurative in a carnal way in Israel. Israel’s role in history is said to have expired with the coming of Jesus. It is now superseded by the arrival of a new spiritual Israel—the Christian church. All of those who are in Jesus, then, are the true Israel. Some of the early church fathers also espoused this view of supersessionism. Modern popularity of the view was advanced by Christian philosopher Karl Barth. “Structural” supersessionism focuses more on God as a redeemer and largely ignores the Hebrew Scriptures. It renders them indecisive for shaping Christian convictions about God’s work in redemption. The “New Testament priority” is viewed as superseding the original meaning of the Old Testament passages. Because of this teaching, many Christians have little interest and, therefore, little understanding of the Old Testament. ISRAEL’S FUTURE The doctrine of supersessionism is explained by our asking these questions: What is the future of Israel as a nation of Jews? Does the future of Israel include restoration and repatriation to the land God promised Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? Most supersessionists believe that there will be a future salvation of Israel, but there aren’t any who believe there will be a restoration of the nation of Israel. Salvation means that many Jews will believe in Jesus Christ and be saved. The concept of restoration includes the idea that Jews will be replanted in their land and given a unique role and mission to the nations of the world. JOHN ROSENSTERN HISTORY OF SUPERSESSIONISM Once again, the early church fathers had a big influence on shaping attitudes toward the Jews. Justin Martyr is considered very important in the history of supersessionism because he was the first one to identify the church as Israel. He would go as far as to say this: “How is it that you (Jews) repent not of the deception you practice on yourselves, as if you alone are Israel? ... We, who have been carried out from the bowels of Christ, are the true Israelite race.” Origen said, “The Jews were abandoned altogether, and possess now none of what were considered their ancient glories, so that there is no indication of any Divinity abiding amongst them.” Augustine made some strong statements affirming the future salvation of Israel. He credits that this view was “familiar” to believers of his day. Salvation and restoration though are two different thought processes. Thomas Aquinas adopted the views of Augustine and by the time of the reformers, there arose much confusion over Israel. As far as her restoration is concerned, it wasn’t until dispensationalism came to light. Today we have another miracle to look upon. In spite of every effort of Satan to kill the Jews, God would fulfill His promise to restore them to their land. Next month, we will prove from the Bible, and history, that God’s promises to Israel include restoration and repatriation to the land he promised them. Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through January 31, 2016. For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at MIKE MUZZER A LL HOW SHOULD A CHRISTIAN VIEW NEW YEAR'S? by mike muzzerall BEFORE I ACCEPTED JESUS CHRIST, New Year’s Eve was just another reason to party and to drink and dance the night away. I was good at the first part and not so good at the second parts. Of course we waited for the magical hour of midnight and then attempted to sing “Auld Lang Syne,” and saw that most people didn’t know the words or their meanings. Then came the o-so-familiar New Year’s resolutions, which usually didn’t last a week. So, how should a Christian view New Year's? HISTORY OF NEW YEAR’S CELEBRATIONS “The earliest known record of a New Year festival dates from about 2000 B.C. in Mesopotamia (Babylonia) which began with the new moon after the spring equinox” (Encyclopedia Brittanica). The Romans changed it to Jan. 1 in honor or Janus, the god of gateways and beginnings. The Janus coin had two heads—one looking to the past with the other looking to the future. In Medieval Times, most of Europe regarded March 25 as New Year’s Day. With the establishment of the Gregorian Calendar (A.D. 1582), New Year’s was restored to Jan. 1. SUPERSTITIONS AND INHIBITIONS The World Book states, “Many ancient peoples performed rituals to do away with the past and purify themselves for the New Year.” Kissing someone—a loved one or even a total stranger—goes back to the ancient Roman New Year’s celebration of the Festival of Saturnalia (December). In The Saturnalia, it says, “During my week the serious is barred; no business 38 JANUARY 2016 THE EVANGELIST allowed. Drinking, noise and games and dice, appointing of kings and feasting of slaves, singing naked, clapping of frenzied hands…such are the functions over which I preside.” Statius recounted, “December tipsy with much wine, and laughing Mirth and wanton Wit” (Silvae, I.6.1ff; also Suetonius, Domitian, IV.1; Dio, Roman History, LXVII.4.4). Kind of describes the wanton revelry of today’s New Year’s celebrations. It was during this time that the Roman magistrates and soldiers made their annual “New Year’s Resolution” to be loyal to the Emperor of Rome. Today, resolutions run the gamut from losing weight to becoming more organized. IS NEW YEAR’S IN THE BIBLE? The closest to the New Year celebration we can find is found in Exodus 12:1-2: “And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying, This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you.” This introduced the Passover. This is where the similarities between a biblical and secular New Year’s begin and end. First of all, it was a solemn time. There were no bands playing, no noise makers, and no dancing the night away. Instead of sounds of laughter, homes were filled with a holy awe in anticipation of what God was going to do. There were no superstitious acts done hoping for prosperity. The Hebrew slaves just wanted to be set free. No one made New Year’s resolutions. It wasn’t about personal changes they longed for. It was about the changes God was about to bring forth in the lives of those who believed. TAKE A MOMENT AND MAKE SURE The indispensable part of their New Year’s celebration was the Paschal Lamb followed by the application of the sacrificial blood. God’s people started their year making sure that they and their loved ones were under the blood. Nothing else mattered. May I suggest that there is no better way to usher in your new year than to make sure that your family and loved ones are covered by the blood of the Lamb? Please take a moment and make sure. Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through January 31, 2016. For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at MORE THAN CONQUERORS by dave smith Romans 8:37 — “Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” God does not promise to protect us from having any problems, but He does promise to either deliver us from our problems or give us enough grace to go through them in victory (II Cor. 12:9). »» Loss of a spouse, child, parent, close friend, or relative through death or suicide. Many people think that when they become a Christian they should never have any problems. This belief is encouraged by the unscriptural teachings of extreme positive confession. Looking at the life of Job and the sufferings of the numerous believers who are honored in God’s hall of fame (Heb. 11:32-38) is all that should be needed to counteract these false beliefs. »» The spouse who wants a divorce. WHAT IS YOUR RESPONSE? What should we do with our problems? How should we react to the following types of situations? »» Not enough money to pay the bills, put food on the table, or buy clothes for the children. »» The physical or sexual abuse of a child or close friend. »» A child who is addicted to drugs or alcohol, becomes pregnant, runs away from home, or is abducted. The most important thing is not what happens, but how we respond to the circumstances. The message of the Bible is that God is working to bring good and growth for believers in every situation (Rom. 8:28). This may seem unrealistic and naïve, especially when we are right in the middle of a crisis, but this is what the Bible declares, and it is supported by numerous examples. WHAT GOD ALLOWS »» When doctors say that there is nothing more they can do. Jesus said that Satan’s plan and purpose is to steal, kill, and destroy, but His plan is for abundant life (Jn. 10:10). The devil attacks us physically, mentally, and spiritually to entice us to sin and to destroy our faith in God, but God allows Satan to attack us for discipline because of sin in our lives or to grow our faith and give us greater victory. »» A loved one who is seriously injured or disabled. Most of us believe that peace is the absence of problems, so when problems »» Loss of a job with no possibility of another one. »» Repossession of a car, home, farm, or business, or bankruptcy. »» A home that is burglarized or destroyed by fire. 40 JANUARY 2016 THE EVANGELIST come, we pray that God will remove them. We fail to realize that God has allowed our problems and is trying to work through them for our benefit. That is why the Holy Spirit inspired Paul to write “in all these things we are more than conquerors.” Paul emphasized this same thought in Romans 5:3-5: “And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation works patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope makes not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit which is given unto us.” James said something similar in James 1:2-4: “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith works patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that you may be perfect and entire [mature] wanting nothing.” Peter also wrote in II Peter 1:5-7: “And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; and to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; and to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity.” Next month, we will begin looking in the Bible at specific examples of when this happened in peoples’ lives in the Bible. Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through January 31, 2016. For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at HAPPY NEW YEAR! It seems that it was just the day before yesterday that I said the same thing for the beginning of the previous year. Time seems to leap past us at such a rapid pace, but I thank the Lord that my health is excellent, that I feel better than I’ve felt in a long time, and that the Lord is blessing abundantly so. I want this to be the greatest year that we’ve ever had, and when I say “we,” I’m speaking of “you.” When I say the best year, I mean in every capacity—financially, domestically, physically, and above all, spiritually! EXPECTING THE GREATEST YEAR YET I believe that we are on the eve of the greatest move of God that we’ve ever seen and, in fact, the world has ever seen. While the Lord has not given me the year that this will take place, He has, I think, told me explicitly that it is going to take place. When I say the greatest time or the greatest year, I’m speaking of souls being saved, believers being baptized with the Holy Spirit, deliverance coming to those who need this great work effected within their lives, and those who are sick being healed. Our Lord is able, and we give to Him all praise and glory. PLEASE NOTICE I would urge each and every one of you to get a copy of every book that we put out. We always cut the price as much as we can to make it possible for all to get a copy, and I do so for a reason. The material contained therein is heavily laced with the Message of the Cross, irrespective of the subject. That will be a tremendous blessing to you in helping you understand the Word of God a little better. No matter how busy you are and no matter if you have to sacrifice to get the book, it will be well worth your while for you to make it a habit of getting this material. I know that 42 JANUARY 2016 THE EVANGELIST we have information in all of the books that we put out that cannot be found anywhere else, and, of course, I’m speaking of the Message of the Cross. You need to know all about this that you can, even to where it becomes a part of your nature. That’s how important all of this is. NEW FRIENDS We have people from all over the nation who are moving to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, for the express purpose of attending Family Worship Center. How so pleased and happy we are to have them. They are tremendous blessings to the work of God, to the church, and to world evangelism in general. Many of these people help us with the phones, and how so much that is appreciated I’m not telling you to move, but I am telling you to be led of the Lord. So, if you have been praying about this, ask the Lord to give you leading, and we will help you pray as well. If it’s God’s will, we want you here! DONNIE'S AND GABRIEL'S RALLIES It doesn’t really matter where they’re going to be, wherever that is (it’s listed here in the Evangelist), if you are in driving distance, you must avail yourself of the opportunity of being there. All of these rallies are one night only, and all have the musicians and singers that you see on the television, plus, of course, the dynamic preaching of both Donnie and Gabriel. This I promise: you won’t be disappointed, it won’t be a waste of time, and when you leave, you’ll know that you have been to church. Frances and I attend every one that we can, and what a blessing! This I can say: Whichever you attend, you will hear preaching that will lift up Jesus and music and singing that will cause you to worship. It will be a little bit of heaven on earth. FROM ME TO YOU Actually, there is only one qualification, and that is to be born again. Are there any monetary charges? No! That’s between you and the Lord. Of course, as you well know and understand, it costs us money to come into your homes, your hearts, and your lives 24 hours a day, seven days a week. So, we encourage all of the people who are members of the church to pay their tithes to the ministry; however, as I’ve stated, that’s between you and the Lord. People ask me all the time, “Brother Swaggart, where do I pay my tithes?” THE MEDIA CHURCH We have an average of approximately a hundred each week who join the Family Worship Center Media Church. If I remember correctly, the biggest number we had in one week was 375. The answer to that is very simple. You support that which feeds you. As I said, it’s just that simple. Again, let us say a very happy new year to you, and we pray that God will bless you abundantly, and I know that He shall. Irrespective, how glad we are to have these people, no matter where they are in the world. To be sure, we have people who are members of Family Worship Center literally from all over the world. What are the qualifications to join? In the Master’s service, yours, Jimmy Swaggart Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through January 31, 2016. For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» Genesis [639 PAGES 11-201] Exodus [639 PAGES 11-202] Leviticus [435 PAGES 11-203] Numbers Deuteronomy [493 PAGES 11-204] Joshua Judges Ruth [329 PAGES 11-205] I Samuel II Samuel [528 PAGES 11-206] I Kings II Kings [560 PAGES 11-207] I Chronicles II Chronicles [505 PAGES 11-226] Ezra Nehemiah Esther [288 PAGES 11-208] Job [320 PAGES 11-225] Psalms [688 PAGES 11-216] Proverbs [320 PAGES 11-227] Ecclesiastes Song Of Solomon [245 PAGES 11-228] Isaiah [688 PAGES 11-220] Jeremiah Lamentations [688 PAGES 11-070] Ezekiel [520 PAGES 11-223] Daniel [403 PAGES 11-224] Hosea Joel Amos [496 PAGES 11-229] Obadiah Jonah Micah »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah [530 PAGES 11-230] Haggai Zechariah Malachi [448 PAGES 11-231] Matthew [625 PAGES 11-073] Mark [606 PAGES 11-074] Luke [626 PAGES 11-075] John [532 PAGES 11-076] Acts [697 PAGES 11-077] Romans [536 PAGES 11-078] I Corinthians [632 PAGES 11-079] II Corinthians [589 PAGES 11-080] Galatians [478 PAGES 11-081] Ephesians [550 PAGES 11-082] Philippians [476 PAGES 11-083] Colossians [374 PAGES 11-084] I Thessalonians II Thessalonians [498 PAGES 11-085] I Timothy II Timothy Titus Philemon [687 PAGES 11-086] Hebrews [831 PAGES 11-087] James I Peter II Peter [730 PAGES 11-088] I John II John III John Jude [377 PAGES 11-089] Revelation [602 PAGES 11-090] Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through January 31, 2016. For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at (09-100) »» Regular Print Bonded Leather $100 $60 »» Giant Print Hardcover $90 $50 »» Spanish Edition Bonded Leather $100 $60 »» Russian Edition Bonded Leather $100 $60 »» Crossfire Edition Hardcover $60 $40 »» Signature Edition Cromwell Premium Genuine Leather $200 $125 »» Portuguese Edition Bonded Leather $100 $60 »» Ladies’ Edition Bonded Leather $100 $60 »» English New Testament $40 $25 »» Spanish New Testament $40 $25 offer #012016A Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through January 31, 2016. For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at Jimmy Swaggart Great Hymns Of The Church, Volume 1 (02-184) • There’s Room At The Cross For You • I Would Not Be Denied • I Shall Not Be Moved • When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder • I See A Crimson Stream Of Blood • Near The Cross • At Calvary • O I Want To See Him • The Old Account Was Settled • Rock Of Ages Jimmy Swaggart Great Hymns Of The Church, Volume 3 (02-189) • Blessed Quietness • The Cross Is Not Greater • Kneel At The Cross • We’ll Understand It Better •Victory • God Will Take Care Of You • Precious Lord, Take My Hand • O Happy Day • Love Lifted Me • In The Garden Jimmy Swaggart Great Hymns Of The Church, Volume 2 (02-185) • Glory To His Name • Amazing Grace • Are You Washed In The Blood? • ‘Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus • There Shall Be Showers Of Blessings • Tell It To Jesus • He Took My Sins Away • The Healing Waters • There’s Going To Be A Meeting In The Air • Standing On The Promises Jimmy Swaggart Great Hymns Of The Church, Volume 4 (02-192) • Have Thine Own Way, Lord • Pass Me Not • Our Lord’s Return To Earth • There’ll Be Peace In The Valley • The Old Rugged Cross • There Is a Fountain • Will The Circle Be Unbroken? • I Am Thine, Oh Lord • I’m Bound For That City • Yes, I Know Jimmy Swaggart Great Hymns Of The Church, Volume 5 (02-196) • Blessed Assurance • I’ll Fly Away • Holy, Holy, Holy • Some Golden Daybreak • Friendship With Jesus • Lift Me Up Above The Shadows •He Was Nailed To The Cross For Me • At The Cross • Softly And Tenderly • Wonderful Words Of Life Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through January 31, 2016. For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at I Will Remember (15-664) Pastor Donnie Swaggart teaches from Psalm 77 on the importance of music and how it prepares hearts to hear and receive the Word of God. Experience the minister, musicians, and singers as they team together in this anointed worship service. Includes: • Praise & Worship (Randy Knaps) • Walkin’ and Talkin’ with Jesus (Choir) • I Believe (Trio) • The Lily of the Valley (Jimmy Swaggart) • This Blood (FWC Singers) • Oh Lord You’re Beautiful (Grace Larson) • Sermon: I Will Remember A Song Of Praise In The Morning (15-653) Psalms is not only a book of songs it’s also a book of prophecy. In this anointed message, Pastor Donnie Swaggart draws from Psalm 30 to preach on the power of praise before, during, and after a night of weeping. Includes: • Praise & Worship (Joseph Larson) • It’s Amazing (FWC Choir) • His Name Is Jesus (Kim Coleman) • House Of Gold (Jimmy Swaggart) • Sermon: A Song Of Praise In The Morning Is Not This David? (15-649) For 16 months, David was out of the will of God. Pastor Donnie’s message shows the depths of sin to which believers can sink. Learn this: that if you won’t quit on the Lord, the Lord won’t quit on you. Includes: • Praise & Worship (Grace Larson) • Spirit Of Elijah Medley (FWC Choir) • He Accepted Me (Jimmy Swaggart) • If He Has To Reach Way Down (Tara Montpetit) • Jesus, Just The Mention Of Your Name (Jimmy Swaggart) • Sermon: Is Not This David? To Set At Liberty Them That Are Bruised (15-647) In a message taken from Luke 4, Pastor Donnie Swaggart addresses the sensitive subject of child abuse—physical, sexual, and verbal—and its longtime effects on survivors. The One anointed to heal the brokenhearted can also set the bruised free. Includes: • Praise & Worship (Joseph Larson) • When He Sets Me Free (FWC Choir) • I’ve Not Seen A Mountain (Grace Larson) • Who Am I? (Jimmy Swaggart) • Sermon: To Set At Liberty Them That Are Bruised The Offence Of The Cross (15-617) Why does the modern church reject the Message of the Cross? The reason is not new. In fact, renowned ministers from centuries past faced the same type of rejection. Pastor Donnie reveals Satan’s tactics behind this dangerous deception targeting believers. Includes: • Praise & Worship (Robin Herd) • You Don’t Know (FWC Choir) • The Old Rugged Cross (Joseph Larson) • Life’s Railway To Heaven (Jimmy Swaggart) • Sermon: The Offence Of The Cross Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through January 31, 2016. For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at JSM T-shirts (Love It Or Leave It) This patriotic t-shirt is one every believer can be proud to wear. The front bears the message, “We are a Christian nation: Love it or leave it; don’t try to change it.” On the back is God’s promise to His people from II Chronicles 7:14. This shirt is 100-percent cotton, and comes in gray. Sizes S-XL: $15; 2X-3X: $18; product number 41. JSM T-shirts (IYC 2015) Now you can wear the popular theme from the 2015 International Youth Conference: “I Just Feel Like Something Good Is About To Happen” printed on this high-quality, 100-percent cotton ministry t-shirt. Designed with all ages in mind, this t-shirt serves as a great reminder of what the Lord has in store for the believer, as well as a terrific witnessing tool to family and friends. Available in navy blue. Sizes S-XL: $15; 2X-3X: $18; product number 42. JSM T-shirts (Crossfire Won & Done) In 2012, the International Youth Conference theme was “Won & Done.” This popular phrase summarizing the victory offered to believers in Christ is now available on this high-quality, 100-percent cotton ministry t-shirt. Available in black. Sizes S-XL: $15; 2X-3X: $18; product number 46. JSM T-shirts (Signature) You’ve heard Brother Swaggart say it, but now you can wear it—his personal definition of a Spirit-filled service, attributed to him by his signature: “Old-fashioned, heartfelt, Holy Ghost, Devil-chasin’, sin-killin,’ true-blue, red-hot, bloodbought, God-given, Jesus lovin,’ indoor campmeting!” This high-quality t-shirt is 100-percent cotton. Sizes S-XL: $15; 2X-3X: $18; product numbers 37 (purple) and 38 (chestnut). JSM T-shirts (Experience The Difference Globe) SonLife Broadcasting Network’s goal is to reach the entire world with the gospel of Jesus Christ, as depicted on this high-quality, 100-percent cotton t-shirt. The image of the globe, circled by the dove, also includes the ministry’s slogan, “Experience the difference.” Available in green. Sizes S-XL: $15; 2X-3X: $18; product number 40. JSM T-shirts (Crossfire Youth Ministries) Crossfire Youth Ministries is recognized around the world through its televised services on the SonLife Broadcasting Network which shows the power of the Holy Spirit ministering to young people of every color and creed. Now you can show your support of this outreach with this t-shirt that bears the Crossfire name. Available in green. Sizes S-XL: $15; 2X-3X: $18; product number 44. JSM T-shirts (Recycled Teenager) Crossfire Youth Ministries events are for people of all ages, including “recycled teenagers”—a phrase adopted by Pastor Gabriel Swaggart to mean anyone who experiences a renewed sense of youth in Christ during the anointed services at Crossfire and FWC. The well-designed logo centered on this high-quality,100-percent cotton t-shirt makes for a great witnessing tool. Available in gray. Sizes S-XL: $15; 2X-3X: $18; product number 45. JSM T-shirts (Crossfire logo) Crossfire Youth Ministries reaches people of all ages around the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Now you can wear this youthful logo that symbolizes world evangelism to teenagers and young adults—a ministry that upholds the Bible and refuses to compromise. Made of 100-percent cotton and is available in navy. Sizes S-XL: $15; 2X-3X: $18; product number 43. JSM T-shirts (SBN Navy) Since its inception five years ago, the SonLife Broadcasting Network has focused on sharing the gospel with the world. Now you can help spread the mission of SBN by wearing this popular ministry t-shirt bearing the network’s logo with the phrase, “Changing lives with the Message of the Cross.” Available in navy blue. Sizes S-XL: $15; 2X-3X: $18; product number 34. Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through January 31, 2016. For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at The Truth About Common Core Education in America is being attacked by a system called Common Core. It is anti-Bible, anti-God, and anti-democracy. Frances Swaggart’s guests on her program explained the terrible direction of Common Core, and that which the people ought to know. There are four hours of discussion on the two DVDs in this package. It’s a topic which every American needs to understand. 15-648 The Truth About Catholicism Is Catholicism Christian? Are Catholics saved? Regrettably and sadly, if one believes the Bible, then no, Catholics aren’t saved. While there are many Catholics who do definitely come to Christ, if and when such happens, to maintain their position in Christ, they are going to have to leave Catholicism. 15-634 The Truth About The Masons Many believers think that the Masonic Lodge is a Christ-like organization. It isn’t! In fact, the embodiment of Masonic teaching is anti-Bible. This DVD will give you an insight into that which is believed by the Masons and the far-reaching influence of this organization. Frances & Friends’ panel member, Jim Nations, expounds upon this all-important subject. 15-633 An Exposé On The Religion Of Islam The world needs to know the truth about the religion of Islam. Unfortunately, the world seems to escape this information. Of all the religions of the world, Islam is violent beyond compare. The teaching given in this DVD is a must for every believer. You should know what Islam really is. 15-622 The Truth About Jehovah’s Witness Christians should know and understand the method of false doctrines. The teaching taken from Frances & Friends, given on this DVD, will spell out the direction of these false ways. Every believer needs to know the truths that are vain in presentation. People perish for lack of knowledge. We are very proud to be able to offer material that will be a blessing to any believer. Join Frances Swaggart, Donnie Swaggart, Mike Muzzerall, and Jim Nations, as they discuss this all-important subject. 15-607 The Truth About Mormonism Mormonism is one of the fastest growing religions in the world. The great question is, “Is it biblical?” If everything else is right, and our Lord is portrayed wrong, then the religion itself is wrong, such is Mormonism. 15-606 The Truth About Seventh-day Adventist There is nothing in the world worse than a false way of salvation. Regrettably and sadly, even though there are many good Adventist people, still, its direction is unscriptural. Every believer needs to know what this particular doctrine teaches. Follow along as Frances & Friends’ panel member, Mike Muzzerall, shows and explains the various teachings of this religion. 15-632 Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through January 31, 2016. For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at How To Be Led By The Spirit (Romans 8:14) (07-541) Christians not led by the Spirit are led by the flesh, which proves to be disastrous. Learn what it means to be led by the Spirit and how the Holy Spirit accomplishes His work in the life of the believer. Walking After The Flesh — Walking After The Spirit (Romans 8:1) (07-527) When it comes to living a life of victory, it is imperative that every Christian understands the difference between waking after the Spirit, where there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, and walking after the flesh. Tongues And Interpretation (I Corinthians, Chs. 12, 14) (07-526) Without a doubt, the most used gifts in the church today are the gifts of tongues and the interpretation of tongues. Unfortunately, these gifts are often misused. This teaching explains what these gifts are and how they should be used. Tongues And Their Operation (Acts, Chs. 2, 8-10, 19; Isaiah 28:11-12) (07-520) When a Christian is baptized in the Holy Spirit, the initial physical evidence of this infilling is speaking with tongues. Using the book of Acts, Brother Swaggart teaches on the value that tongues adds to the lives of all believers. The Holy Spirit: A Separate Work Of Grace (Acts, Chs. 2, 8-10, 19) (07-522) Believers who are not baptized with the Spirit will accomplish little for the Lord Jesus Christ. Why? This message answers that question and teaches how the Lord only accepts that which is conceived and carried out by the Holy Spirit. The Value Of Speaking With Other Tongues (Acts, Chs. 2, 8-10, 19) (07-519) In this teaching about speaking with tongues, Brother Swaggart takes Scriptures from the book of Acts to answer several questions about this initial physical evidence, which is demonstrated by every Christian who experiences the mighty baptism in the Holy Spirit. The Baptism With The Holy Spirit (The Book Of Acts) (07-521) In this teaching, Brother Swaggart walks listeners through the book of Acts and explains, biblically, how the baptism of the Holy Spirit is still for today, is an experience beyond salvation, and is commanded for every single believer to receive. The Operation Of The Gifts (I Corinthians, Ch. 12) (07-525) Exactly how do the gifts of the Holy Spirit operate? Brother Swaggart gives the answer in this important teaching from I Corinthians, Chapter 12. Every Christian should have a complete understanding of this important truth from the Word of God. The Function Of The Holy Spirit (The Book Of Acts And Romans, Ch. 8) (07-518) The precious Holy Spirit, the third person of the Godhead, plays a specific role in the lives of believers. Brother Swaggart draws from Romans 8 to lay the foundation for how the Holy Spirit works—His function and His manner. The Gifts Of The Spirit (I Corinthians 12:8-10) (07-524) The child of God who does not know what the gifts of the Holy Spirit are or how they work is an unlikely recipient. Learn about each gift mentioned by the great apostle Paul in this teaching by Brother Swaggart. Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through January 31, 2016. For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at Donnie Swaggart Loren Larson Office: 225.768.8300 Email: [email protected] Office: 225.768.3890 Email: [email protected] SPECIAL EVENT: JANUARY 22, 2016 – PHOENIX, AZ SBN Presents Donnie Swaggart ² FRI 7 PM FEBRUARY 5-7, 2016 – MOBILE, AL Pastor James Busby Cross and Crown Family Worship Center *** ALL OTHER INFO TBD *** FEBRUARY 19-21, 2016 – BRADENTON, FL Pastor Bill Bailey Happy Gospel Church 1915 53rd Ave. East, Bradenton, FL 34203 941.756.6942 | [email protected] ²FRI 7 PM | SAT 7 PM | SUN 9 AM, 11 AM & 6 PM JANUARY 8-10, 2016 – INDIO, CA Pastor Ronan Munoz Abundant Life Church 82-665 Miles Ave., Indio, CA 92201 760.610.4566 ² FRI 7 PM | SAT 10 AM - 12 PM (Teaching Session) SAT 7 PM | SUN 9 AM & 11 AM APRIL 8-10, 2016 – GARLAND, TX Pastor Charles Lincoln Christ Unveiled Ministries 1622 East Miller Road, Garland, TX 75041 972.926.5203 | ² FRI 7 PM | SAT 10 AM - 12 PM (Teaching Session) SAT 7 PM | SUN 9 AM & 11 AM Gabriel Swaggart Bob & Sharon Cornell Office: 225.768.3072 Email: [email protected] Office: 225.768.3887 Email: [email protected] SPECIAL EVENT: FEBRUARY 19, 2016 – CHARLOTTE, NC Gabriel Swaggart Rally Ovens Auditorium 2700 East Independence Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28205 ² FRI 7 PM SPECIAL EVENT: APRIL 22, 2016 – ALBUQUERQUE, NM Gabriel Swaggart Rally Kiva Auditorium 401 2nd St NW., Albuquerque, NM 87102 ² FRI 7 PM Josh Rosenstern Office: 225.768.8300 Email: [email protected] FEBRUARY 26-28, 2016 – SAN ANTONIO, TX Pastor Lou Georges Cross Of Christ Family Worship Center 203 Rockwood Ct., San Antonio, TX 78210 210.683.8853 | [email protected] ² FRI 7 PM | SAT 10 AM - 1 PM (Teaching Session) SAT 6 PM | SUN 1 PM DEC. 31, 2015 - JAN. 3, 2016 – OAK FOREST, IL Pastors Norman and Myra Back To The Cross Ministries 15601 South Lamon Ave., Oak Forest, IL 60452 708.799.3284 ² THURS 7 PM | SAT 1 PM | SUN 1 PM JANUARY 30-31, 2016 – MONACA, PA Pastors David and Wanda Grove Church of the Redeemed of Beaver Valley Senior Citizen Center at the Beaver Valley Mall - Unit 284 570 Beaver Valley Mall Blvd., Monaca, PA 15061 724.709.8368 | [email protected] ² SAT 6 PM (Sharon ministering) | SUN 10 AM * Samuel Cornell will be leading worship in both services David Borg Office: 225.768.3890 Email: [email protected] APRIL 22-24, 2016 – NORTHFIELD, MN Pastor Steve Roberts Gospel of Life Family Church 2010 Jefferson Rd., Northfield, MN 55057 507.259.2644 ² FRI 7 PM | SAT 7 PM | SUN 10:30 AM Please visit to view full list of meetings. THE EVANGELIST JANUARY 2016 51 Family Worship Center Church, Inc. Jimmy Swaggart Ministries P.O. Box 262550 Baton Rouge, LA 70826-2550 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID FAMILY WORSHIP CENTER CHURCH, INC. COPYRIGHT © 2016 by Jimmy Swaggart Ministries. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the publisher’s prior written permission. Family Worship Center Church, Inc. Jimmy Swaggart Ministries of Canada P.O. Box 1020 Niagara Falls, Ontario L2E 6V9 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through January 31, 2016. ForCOPYRIGHT Fast &©Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at 2016 by Jimmy Swaggart Ministries. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the publisher’s prior written permission.
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