May 2011 - Central Texas Gem and Mineral Society
May 2011 - Central Texas Gem and Mineral Society
VOLUME 2011, ISSUE 5 T H E MAY PAGE 1 I N F O R M E R Email information or requests to: [email protected] PRESIDENT’S REPORT 1, 2 MINUTES From the Front Desk— President —Betty Scarborough 2 SHOP REPORT EDITOR’S NOTES 3 B-DAY & MAY 2011 ANNIVERSARIE SHOWS AND 4 EVENTS OFFICERS, AND 5 CHAIRPERSONS 2011 SHOW 6 PHOTOS 2011 SHOW PHOT0S The show was a great success story. 7 Well we did it. Another show down. We were very short handed but everyone pitched in and did their part so we had very few hitches. I may be prejudiced but I would like to thank Maria and Rhett for both busting their rumps- even though neither are members, they gave it their all and I appreciate it. We had very few problems that I was informed about so I am assuming things went well. We were short a few display cases but it looked nice so unless you were in on it you wouldn’t have known. We will need to start planning for next year pretty soon so please be thinking about anything you would like to investigate changing. If you have any suggestions on how to make it better or more accessible please let one of us know. We really want your feedback. On another subject- Charles Royall has volunteered to give a program on Alibates Flint after our business meeting. We look forward to that. If ANY member would like to put on a program on any rock related subject we would love to entertain them. It doesn’t have to be scientific, just something you like to talk about. Please keep that in mind also. We also need to think about classes we could hold, or lessons people would like to learn how to do. We need suggestions for anything. Hopefully everyone is getting back on their feet or will be very soon. As a last thought – I should warn everyone- “Maria has her license now – so she is allowed out on her own – so driver be ware” See you all at the next meeting. VOLUME 2011, ISSUE 5 PAGE 2 MAY No guests or new members were present to introduce. Minutes of CTGMS meeting held Monday, April 4, 2011 Secretary, Grace Hoy The meeting was called to order. 29 members signed in. After the pledge of allegiance and the prayer, Minutes were approved. The Treasurer’s Report was presented and approved. Old Business: There had been a question at an earlier meeting as to whose signatures were on the CD. Two original signatures were needed, and those have never been changed. One of the original signers is Bob Patterson. Two volunteers are needed for signatures. President Betty Scarborough stated that the members need to think about that. New Business: This year’s children’s activity at the public library is called, “Digging Up Treasures.” The head of the children’s activity has asked if the CTGMS could come and talk about dirt and rocks. Carlos said that he can take dirt and tumbled rocks and coral. Betty will let the Club know about the date and time. Participants will be Pre-K. An article about the upcoming CTGMS Show was in today’s paper. Everyone was encouraged, when in Eastland, to stop by and thank the folks at TXOL in Radio Shack. This is who sponsors our website. Reports from Committee Chairpersons: Show Chair, Sallie Lightfoot, was not present; but she left Betty a list. Soup and sandwiches were needed for the Friday lunch before the Show. Several volunteered for that. Everyone was reminded to bring two dishes to the dealer dinner Friday evening by 6:30 p.m. Fliers were still needing to be taken for the radio and to hotels. Members needed to be at the Club at 8:30 Friday to load up what is needed on pickup trucks to be taken to the Civic Center for the Show. Sallie had enough tumbled rocks and children’s prizes. Anyone who takes complementary tickets for the Show was reminded to put their name on the back of the tickets. Everyone is needed for the Show. Dealer Chairs, Tony and Judy Steele, reminded everyone helping with setup that the middle booths could not be set up until the dealers were all in. This would be sometime after 1:00 a.m. or after lunch on Friday. Jerry Davis talked about the demonstrations at the Show. He asked demonstrators to sign up and show up about 1:00 p.m. Friday or after. He asked that they bring a cover for their work for when they were gone, and reminded everyone that plastic would only do for the table skirt because of the torches. JoAnn Wilks, Scholarship Chair, reported that this year’s scholarship recipient is Kiva Harris, a geology student at Hardin-Simmons. Charlie Lightfoot stated that he has displays. Midland is bringing ten cases, and Lubbock is bringing five cases. Refreshments for next month’s meeting on May 2 are: Linda Hollowell, Judy East, and Marty McKissack. The meeting was adjourned. The Shop Report — Foreman - Tim Walker As always, what ever you work on at the shop, clean up after yourself. Don’t leave it for the next person. Report anything you think needs repairs. We don’t want anyone getting hurt. VOLUME 2011, ISSUE 5 MAY Editor’s Notes: ++++++++++++++++++ If you have a story or a news item please email it to me at ctgms50@gmail Send it in email or as a Microsoft Word document attachment. Remember to get it to me by the 20th of the month. PAGE 3 a couple of groups at their home in Brownwood. We have our officers that volunteer their time to keep the club running smoothly. We have several members that take display cases to other club shows to represent our club: Dave & Beverly Vargo, Charles and Sallie Light foot, Bob & Helen Patterson, and others. This is only a small sampling of the members that do things for the club. I know I left some out, but not on purpose. I just want all to know I appreciate the work you do The show was a success as for the Club. always. I really enjoyed the opportunity to visit with our dealers and want to extend them a BIG thank you! As our president said, we were short on the number of members we had to work at the show. But you know what...I didn’t notice anything that was lacking. Everyone jumped in and helped all over the place with big smiles all around. As usual, there was enough food to feed a small army and it was all good. BIRTHDAYS Kudos to every one of you! The demonstration tables were a big hit as always. We had silversmithing, beading, gem trees, Tony Mckinney May 31 chasing & embossing, vibro-tumbling, rock carving, rock drilling, faceting, and probably some things I am missing. ANNIVERSARIES I sure missed some of our members that were not able to attend due to illness and other things. Beverly and Dave Vargo May 5 Another thing I missed is the “Rockhound of the Year” award. We haven’t presented it for a couple of years now. We have some members I would like to GET WELL SOON! thank for all their hard work… Tim Walker is always doing something around the clubhouse. Reparing equipment, wiring the storage container, cleaning the equipment, cutting rocks, teaching new members and many other items. Carlos Talley is another one of our hard workers that is always busy. He is already working toward Notes sent: next year’s show. He built a small table out of river Don Brenholtz– Hip replacement, doing much better rocks he thought might bring $10. I believe it sold for and hopes to be home soon. $30. If you have any large roundish rocks he could use, bring them to the club. He also keeps the grass Nell Gee-still having problems with her neck cut, helps with repairs and anything else that needs to Zack Stockton-feeling some better be done. Jim Owens taught silversmith classes, which Ernie-still not doing well takes a lot of time, and helped around the clubhouse. John and Ruth Sparks taught wire wrapping to VOLUME 2011, ISSUE 5 PAGE 4 MAY Upcoming Shows May 28-29—FORT WORTH, TEXAS: 60th annual show, “Marvelous Minerals”; Fort Worth Gem & Mineral Club; Will Rogers Memorial Center, 3401 W. Lancaster; Sat. 9-6, Sun. 10-5; adults $5, seniors and students $4, ages 16 and under free; more than 25 dealers, exhibits, kids’ games, door prizes, grand prize, silent auction; contact Steve Hilliard, PO Box 418, Decatur, TX 76234, (817) 925-5760; e-mail: [email protected]; Web site: June 4-5—STAFFORD, TEXAS: Wholesale and retail show; The Bead Market; Stafford Centre, 10505 Cash Rd.; Sat. 10-5, Sun. 10-4; free admission; dealers, gemstones, pearls, glass, lampwork, seed beads, silver, bone beads, findings, tools, books, jewelry; contact Rebekah Wills, (903) 240-7198; e-mail: [email protected]; Web site: 11-12—LIVE OAK, TEXAS: Wholesale and retail show; The Bead Market; Live Oak Civic Center, 8101 Pat Booker Rd.; Sat. 10-5, Sun. 10-4; free admission; dealers, vintage beads and buttons, gemstone beads, glass beads, seed beads, lampwork, PMC, silver, findings, books, tools, jewelry; contact Rebekah Wills, (903) 240-7198; e-mail: [email protected]; Web site: www. 9-10—AUSTIN, TEXAS: Wholesale and retail show; The Bead Market; Travis County Expo Center, 7311 Decker Ln.; Sat. 10-5, Sun. 10-4; free admission; pearls, gemstones, silver, vintage beads and buttons, findings, PMC, seed beads, lampwork and glass beads, tools, books, jewelry; contact Rebekah Wills, (903) 240-7198; e-mail: [email protected]; Web site: www. NEWS LETTERS FROM OTHER CLUBS ON THEIR WEBSITE FREDRICKSBURG,TX ARLINGTON, TX DALLAS, TX MIDLAND, TX OUR WEB SITE SPONSOR VOLUME 2011, ISSUE 5 Gemstone of the Month EMERALD PO Box 7343 Abilene, TX 79608-7343 Editor: Gary Hudson Email: ctgms50@gmail We are on the web: OFFICERS 2010 President ………… Betty Scarborough Past President ……. Bob Patterson Vice President ……. Linda Hollowell Secretary ………… Grace Hoy Treasurer …………. Errol Rutledge Corresp Sec ……… Joyce Talley 325 572-4716 325 698-8648 325 537-4557 325 698-5482 325 672-7505 325 692-0063 Committees/Chairpersons Show …………………………. Field Trips …………………… Classes ………………………. Nominating ………………….. Programs …………………….. Shop ………………………… Club House and Grounds…… Dealers for show ……. ……… Budget ……………………….. Scholarship ………………….. Show Demonstrations ………. Silversmithing Classes ……… News letter Editor …………… Web Master………………….. PAGE 5 MAY Sallie Lightfoot Tony & Judy Steele Charlie Lightfoot James Grant Tim Walker Charlie Lightfoot Tony & Judy Steele Errol Rutledge JoAn Wilks Jerry Davis Jerry Davis Gary Hudson Jerry Davis Emerald is the Modern and Traditional birthstone for May. It is also listed as a birthstone for the Zodiac signs for Taurus and Cancer, as the Planetary stone for Taurus and the Talismanic stone for Gemini. Emerald is the only stone, besides Topaz, that is listed as in all of the ancient birthstone tables. This gem is suggested as an anniversary gift for the 20th and 35th anniversaries and as an alternate stone for the 55th wedding anniversary. Emerald is the name given the green variety of beryl and ranges between 7.5 and 8 on the Mohs scale. The name Emerald is derived from the F r e n c h "esmeraude” and the Greek root "smaragdos” which means 'green gemstone'. Top quality emeralds are a deep grass green with a slightly bluish cast, but many lesser quality stones are lighter shades of green and can have a more yellowish tone. Emeralds are found in many countries, but Columbia and Brazil are the major producers and Columbia is recognized as the source for the finest stones. They are also found in Pakistan, Russia, Australia, South Africa, India, Norway, and the United States. Because emeralds usually contain many cracks, fissures, and inclusions, the majority of these stones are "oiled". This means that they are immersed in oil which reduces the visibility of the inclusions, and also improves the clarity. Oiling is almost universal and because it is so common today, it is not considered necessary to disclose this fact Emeralds are brittle stones and care should be taken when wearing or cleaning them. They should never be immersed in an ultrasonic or subjected to steam cleaning. Emeralds were used as amulets to ward off epilepsy in children and thought to cure diseases of the eye. Folklore suggests that these stones will improve memory, intelligence, and enhance clairvoyance thus helping to predict future events. They are also worn to enhance love and contentment. Cleopatra prized emeralds above all other gems. birthstone/emerald.htm May flower of the month Lilly of the valley MISSION STATEMENT The Central Texas Gem and Mineral Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to the study of rocks, minerals and fossils. We offer field trips and provide educational opportunities and instruction to members in a variety of areas related to the Lapidary Arts and Jewelry making. We also award a scholarship to a student enrolled at a local college in a field closely related to geology. We provide educational displays related to this hobby at shows of a similar interest. —- Jerry VOLUME 2011, ISSUE 5 MAY PAGE 6 VOLUME 2011, ISSUE 5 MAY PAGE 7