Momma Don`t Allow…or Does She? - Arizona Bluegrass Association
Momma Don`t Allow…or Does She? - Arizona Bluegrass Association
February 2016 Editor: Frank Hamilton Prep & Dist: Carole Morris Momma Don’t Allow…or Does She? by Leslie Rhodes “Momma Don’t Allow” became the theme of the Sixth Annual White Tanks New Year’s campout. I had no idea people could get so creative with a song. Not just one night around the campfire, but three days and three nights. What a blast! We had nine or10 RVs each night and five dogs; can you beat that? Oh, yes, one dog was a barker, yup, one of ours. His name is Mandolin and he just couldn’t understand why everyone was not coming over to say hi to him. We couldn’t have ordered more perfect weather. The coldest night was Wednesday. Thursday night was a bit warmer and jackets didn’t come out on Friday evening until late. The days were just beautiful and perfect for jamming. Thursday jams moved around all day, from one RV to another. At one point we had two jams going. Potluck was amazing; visiting and sharing food really brings people together. Jammers moved from the potluck to the fire and began jamming. Some of us hit the sack 1 It takes all kinds. Pickers and grinners enjoy music, comraderie and the open air. early. OK, just Rick and I were tired. We enjoyed relaxing in the RV, listening to everyone laughing and playing music. Oh my goodness, “Momma Don’t Allow” will never be the same in my mind again. Fun, Fun, Fun! Friday mid-morning brought the Brunch Share-athon with the White Elephant Gift Exchange. This brought a lot of laughing, visiting and getting to know new friends. Our non-camping friends began arriving for the jam around noon. At one point, we counted 30-35 jammers and around 20 grinners and children. To be clear, dogs weren’t counted. I asked the jammers if they wanted to “split” the jam. “Momma don’t allow no jammin’ splits around here” was the answer; crazzzzzy jammers. We had an amazing bass player join ABA while jamming with us. Welcome to Seth Zimmerman and Audrey Spencer. Seth had a workout for sure!! Great friends made The Arizona Bluegrass Association New Year’s Campout a success. I hope those who didn’t make it this year will make it a point to attend the next New Year’s Campout. Jamming into the night at Terry Hutson’s camper. Terry is the Nehemiah Band manager Check out website for more pictures of our campout! Mark Your Calenders: Next Year’s New Year’s Campout 12/29/2016 – 1/2/2017. (LtoR) Kurt and Steve share a laugh. 2 Cattle Track Concert Series Winding Down You may not be aware that the ABA helps sponsor some great bluegrass events in our area. R&R Productions has been bringing top drawer bluegrass concerts to the Cattle Track Theatre for two years. The final event of the 2015-16 season is scheduled for Feb. 4th and it’s something very special. Gary Reid (acclaimed record producer, author and actor) is bringing his one-man play, “A Life of Sorrow: the life and times of Carter Stanley” to the Cattle Track stage, located at 6105 Cattle Track Road in Scottsdale. Gary is the recognized authority on all things related to the Stanley Brothers. Watch history come alive as Gary embodies Carter Stanley and weaves a mesmerizing tale of events leading up to Carter’s untimely death. As an extra bonus, there will be a Q&A with Gary after the show. This truly is a once-in-a-lifetime event, so get your tickets now from Brown Paper Tickets: www.brownpapertickets/ event/2474893. R&R’s January concert featured the steaming hot bluegrass group, Sideline. It was a near sell-out crowd. Those who attended were treated to an outstanding performance that never let up in its’ intensity. Gifted performers Skip Cherryholmes, Steve Dilling and Jason Moore combined forces with two new talents, the Aldridge brothers. They just flat out tore up the Cattle Track Theatre. A fun time was had by all. Don’t miss out on the fun at the February 4 event. Go to www. brownpapertickets/event/2474893 today to purchase your tickets for “A Life of Sorrow:the life and times of Carter Stanley”. Silent Auction Tickets to Bluegrass On the Beach 2016 Through the generosity of Larry Baker, the promoter for Bluegrass on the Beach, the ABA has two Consider Giving tickets to be auctioned off for to this the terrificABA 3 day event — March 4, 5 & 6th — a $174 value!! So how can you get your hands on these tickets? A silent auction will be held at the upcoming ABA sponsored Cattle Track Theatre performance of “A Life of Sorrow: the life and times of Carter Stanley” on February 4th. The winner will be announced at the end of the show before the Q&A with actor and record producer, Gary Reid. This year’s lineup for Bluegrass on the Beach is spectacular featuring Joe Mullins & the Radio Ramblers, Michael Cleveland & Flamekeeper, Larry Gillis & Swampgrass plus many, many more top notch bands. Check out the website for more information: So come on out and support the ABA at the Cattle Track Theatre on Feb. 4th, whether you win the auction or not, you’ll still walk away a winner! 3 The Blythe Bluegrass Festival “Always the 3rd weekend of January” Article and photography by Andy King As the tag line states, the 29th Annual Blythe Bluegrass Festival was held January 15-17 at the Colorado River Fairgrounds, Blythe, California. This year’s artist lineup included: The Gibson Brothers, The Blue Canyon Boys, Band of Ruhks, Possom Trot, David Parmley & Cardinal Tradition, Lonesome Otis, Chris Jones and the Night Drivers, Burning Hearts Bluegrass, Sideline, Marty Warburton and Home Girls, and The Vintage Martins. For 29 years the Annual Blythe Bluegrass Music Festival has been part of the Palo Verde Valley. Originally hosted by the Colorado River Boys, an army of volunteers keeps the Festival runing. Chris Jones and the Night Drivers play their first set. (L-R) Mark Stoffel—mandolin, Chris Jones— Guitar, Jon Weisberger—Bass and Ned Luberecki— banjo. Luberecki left the band at the end of last month to play with the Becky Buller Band. The Blythe Bluegrass Jam Band. A collection of the hottest pickers in the area brought together to play a special set at the Blythe Festival. Bill Cox, Dick Brown, Alvin Blaine, Robert Bean, John Kennedy, Marty Warburton. 4 The Band of Ruhks tearing it up! (L-R) John Meyer—Banjo Don Rigsby—Mandolin Ronnie Bowman—Bass Kenny Smith—Guitar Nu-Blu Concert Review by Karmann Powell I first saw Nu-Blu on Huckabee’s program on Fox in 2014. They played “Jesus and Jones” with blues man, Sam Moore. I immediately fell in love with the song. Last January, my daughter and I fought the Super Bowl and Phoenix Open crowds, and the rain, to see Nu-Blu at the ABA-Sponsored Cattle Track Theater in Scottsdale. I had the opportunity to visit with Daniel and Carolyn Routh for a few minutes after the Concert. I was impressed, not only with their music, but with who they are as individuals. Later, I interviewed Daniel and Carolyn for an article in TRC Magazine in which they talked about their music, their faith and Carolyn’s recovery from a stroke. When Daniel mentioned that Nu-Blu was coming through AZ on their way to the NAMM show in southern California, I took the news to Kirby Moses, the pastor of North Valley Christian Church that meets in the Opera House at Pioneer Living History Museum in north Phoenix. I’m the worship leader and music director for the church. I was thrilled when Pastor Kirby and the elder board agreed to host a Nu-Blu concert. I was even more thrilled when Nu-Blu accepted the invitation! It was short notice to say the least. It all came together the week between Christmas and New Years. However, with the help of the Arizona Bluegrass Association, “Sunny Susan” Anderson’s e-mail network, fliers, Facebook postings and some local advertising, 60+ people were in attendance for the Nu-Blu Concert on January 17. Nu-Blu played two 45 minute sets, that included gospel, traditional bluegrass, tear-jerker originals, and foot stomping standards. They thoroughly impressed the audience. The band consisted of Daniel Routh on guitar; Carolyn Routh on upright bass and lead vocals; Levi Austin on banjo and guitar; and the newest member of Nu-Blu, Clint White on fiddle. It was Clint’s first performance with the band. He goodheartedly agreed to take all the blame for anything that goes wrong for at least six months. At the end of the second set, audience members refused to leave until Nu-Blu played one more Stanley Brother’s tune. When the Concert was over, there were lots of smiling faces and praise for Nu-Blu’s wonderful show. Carolyn Routh said that Arizona was Karmann and Kompany entertained the crowd with a couple of songs one of her favorite states to visit. before the concert. (LtoR) Joe Stolpa, Karmann Powell and Joe Brokaw. She loves the warm weather, 5 as well as the people who live here. Nu-Blu will be back in Arizona when they headline the 2016 Marana Bluegrass Festival in April. Local band, Karmann and Kompany, opened the Concert with a couple of songs. I’m the lead singer for the band. My roots are in bluegrass, and the guys who play with me, Joe Brokaw on bass and Joe Stolpa on lead guitar, have a rock and blues background. We joke that we represent the “blues-grass” arm of bluegrass. This gave me a moment to talk about the music at North Valley Christian Church, where we encourage the congregation to sing. And from time to time we have what we call “Bluegrass Gospel Sunday.” That’s when the lone worship leader (me) is joined by Rick Rhodes, previous ABA Board Chairman, and current ABA Board member Leslie Rhodes to bring a revival feeling to the friendly, country church atmosphere of our small church. My recommendation? If Nu-Blu is playing any where near you, RUN to see them. I promise you will not be disappointed. Visit Nu-Blu’s web site to keep up with the latest news and tour information. Nu-Blu is Daniel Routh on guitar; Carolyn Routh on upright bass and lead vocals; Levi Austin on banjo and guitar; and the newest member of Nu-Blu, Clint White on fiddle.(pictured above) 6 ABA January Board Meeting Notes Submitted by Jan Zale—ABA Secretary Your 2016 Board of Directors met for the first time on Saturday, January 23, 2016 in Coolidge, AZ, right before the start of the Agri-Country Bluegrass Festival. Treasurer Andy King presented the financial report that shows that the ABA continues to be in good shape with a healthy balance sheet. We now have a PayPal remote device that will attach to a smart phone so we can take credit cards at the booth and other remote locations … provided the volunteer has a smart phone with the necessary app, and there is a strong internet signal. Igor Glenn presented ideas on Futuregrass and ways to get kids more involved, even before they can play a stringed instrument. James Reams also talked about Futuregrass and the upcoming play on Carter Stanley that will be shown in Scottsdale in early February. This will be a great way for folks of all ages to learn more about the roots of Bluegrass. The Board thought this would be such a good idea that they decided to offer 20 scholarships to see the play; ten for youth under 18 and ten for those above 18. If you would like to recommend someone for a scholarship, please email [email protected] with the name and contact info of whom you’d like to endorse and a short description why. There was also discussion of appointing a “youth ambassador” who would work under Futuregrass to work with young people in Arizona who are interested in Bluegrass. Much of the discussion with Futuregrass was centered on how to bring new people and ideas into the Association as the definition of bluegrass changes throughout the country. We all agreed that we need to continue to grow with the times without losing track of our roots. Leslie Rhodes gave a report on the New Year’s Eve Campout at White Tanks Regional Park. She said they had a good group and all had a great time. The area is already reserved for next year so start planning now to play Bluegrass for New Year’s Eve. Chairman James Reams started a discussion on broadening the roles of new and existing Board members. There is a need for someone to work on promotions and grants, a youth ambassador as mentioned above, an events and volunteer coordinator, and more. These don’t need to be Board positions, so if there are members out there interested in these activities please email the Secretary Jan Zale, jan@, who will forward your request to the appropriate Board member. James Reams opened a discussion on the possibility of the ABA sponsoring a Bluegrass Roundup or small festival sometime in 2017. Board members are going to look at possible venues, then discuss these in more detail at a future meeting. Dates for this eventl also will need to be researched to make sure we avoid current bluegrass events. James, who has had success starting similar events outside Arizona, will bring an outline of how he thinks this event could start up. 7 Meeting Continued... The annual meeting last November (formerly known as the Christmas Party) was discussed. Overall response from the 60-70 members who attended was that they liked the change in format and would like to see it again. Two Board members volunteered to look at other parks that may be more centrally located. The Board decided to keep the day the same, the Saturday before Thanksgiving. So mark Saturday, November 19, 2016, for the next annual meeting and party. The Board decided to hold meetings on the second Saturday of every other month. All meetings are open to the membership and our next meeting is scheduled for March 12th at 10 a.m. on the campus of the Beatitudes, 1610 W. Glendale, in Phoenix, AZ. A jam from 12 p.m. – 2 p.m. will follow the meeting. Come one come all. Meeting adjourned at 10 a.m. Upcoming Festivals and Events! FEBRUARY February 4 “A Life of Sorrow: the life and times of Carter Stanley”, Cattle Track stage, located at 6105 Cattle Track Road in Scottsdale. Gary Reid (acclaimed record producer, author and actor) is bringing his one-man play. Go to www.brownpapertickets/event/2474893 today to purchase your tickets. February 6 Goldfield Gospelgrass, Goldfield Ghost Town on US 88, north of Apache Junction, AZ. FREE admission. Band line-up includes Nehemiah, Brush Arbor Revival, Cabin John, Cinder Mountain, and Jam Pak Blues ‘N’ Grass Neighborhood Band, plus many more! For more information, call 303.628.3725 or visit February 6 Barbara’s Place Presents: The Long Ago Stringband at 9003 W Lillian Lane, Tolleson, Az 85353. The evening begins with a potluck at 6 pm, with the band taking the stage at 7 pm. Bring your instruments to jam after the show. From 101, exit McDowell, East/Left to 91st Ave. Turn South/Right, over I-10 to 2nd stop light. Turn East/Left on Lilllian Lane. 3rd House on Right. Parking thru Driveway to Pasture. From I-10 to 91st Ave Exit, South/Left over I-10 to 2nd stop light. Turn East/Left on Lillian Lane. 3rd House on Right. Parking thru Driveway to Pasture. DO NOT BLOCK DRIVEWAY. If lost, call 602-549-6205Febuary 19-21 February 19-21 Colorado River Bluegrass Festival, Rotary Park, 2315 Balboa Drive Bullhead City, Arizona.. Band lineup: Ronnie Reno and the Reno Tradition, Karl Shiftlett and The Big Country Show, Bluegass Patriots, Goldwing Express, Marty Warburton and The Home, Girls and Flint Hill Special and Traditional Bluegrass. For more information visit: 8 JAM SCHEDULE Submit additions, corrections etc. to Art Wirtz at [email protected] Sundays 1st of the month 4:00 pm Saddle Brooke Clubhouse Jam – Agave Lounge, Saddle Brooke Country Club. 64500 E. Saddle Brooke Blvd. Saddle Brooke (Tucson) AZ.85739. Food (Pizza etc.)Available for purchase (CC only) after 5:00 PM. Contact James: 520 405 5943 or [email protected]. Year Round. Jammers only No Guests. 1st and 3rd of the month 3:00 pm Elks Club Jam Elks Club, 2455 N. Apache Trail, Apache Junction, AZ (October – April) Contact Jan Zale: 602 619 4163 Mondays 2nd and 4th of the month 6:30 pm Scottsdale Jam, Granite Reef Senior Center,1700 N. Granite Reef Road. Contact: Priscilla Harp [email protected] 480 219 2510 C 480 612 5963 or Debi Duvall [email protected] 480 600 0606 All experience levels and all instruments. Tuesdays 2nd of the month 6:00 PM Foothills Library, Roadrunner Room, 19055 N. 57th Ave, Glendale, AZ 85308. Round robin style, Audience welcome, Contact: 623 930 3844. 1st and 3rd of the month 6:00 pm Peoria Library Acoustic Jams, 8463 W. Monroe St. Peoria, AZ. Contact: Bill Francis [email protected] or Bob Delaney [email protected] 1st and 3rd of the month 6:00 pm Shalimar Jam, 2032 E. Golf Ave., Tempe, AZ. Contact: Dan Stone 480 213 8747 [email protected] Acoustic only, All experience levels, traditional Bluegrass and American roots music. Year Round 4th of the month 6:30 Sun City Jam, First Christian Church, 14001 N. Thunderbird, Suns City. . Contact: Paul Wilson 623 939 2406, [email protected] All experience levels, Acoustic only, Country, Bluegrass, and Gospel. 5th of the month 5:30 – 8:30 5th Tuesday Jam at the Stones- Potluck and Jam. 2512 South Bala Dr., Tempe Contact:Dan Stone [email protected] (does not include a jam on December 31) acoustic only, traditional bluegrass and American roots music. Wednesdays all Noon – 2:30 pm Pyle Adult Recreation Center, SW Corner of Rural and Southern, bluegrass, Country, Gospel, and folk. Acoustics instruments (Electric OK if quiet) All experience levels Contact: David Bernstein 480 234 6350 [email protected] Year round 6:00 pm Wednesday Jam, Rose Garden,11596 Sierra Dawn Blvd., Surprise, AZ.Contact: Gene Vaughn 623 877 4962 [email protected] All experience levels, acoustic only, open to any song choice. 9 Wednesday all 6:00 pm Phoenix/Hootenanny Jam, The Beattitudes Campus, Luther Life Center, 1610 West Glendale Ave. Phoenix (Directions at guard gate on Glendale Ave. North Side) 6pm-Round Robin Jam everyone welcome 7pm-Individual Performances (Professional entertainers scheduled by the Beaded Lizard Folk Musicians. Contact: Igor Glenn 602 315 1525. Last of the month 6:00 pm Glendale Library Jam, 5959 W. Brown Road, Glendale , AZ (in the large meeting room) Contact: Ivy 623 930 3573. Year Round Thursdays Fridays All 4:30 pm – 8 pm Open mic format. American Legion Dining Hall 99th Ave Just North of Peoria Ave. American legion has food available (Steaks ,Fish Fry) 4:30 – 6:30. Contact; Gene Burkhart 817 223 8526 [email protected] or Jackie Thomas 623 815 2308 [email protected] Year Round 9:00 am Pyle Adult Recreation Center Jam, 655 East Southern Tempe, AZ (SW corner of Rural and Southern, enter from Southern) Globe Room. Contact David Bernstein 480 234 6350 dnbernstein@gmail. com . Acoustic instruments (Electric Ok if quiet) All experience levels. All types of songs. Year Round 2nd of the month 6:00 PM Coolidge VFW Post, 328 W. Coolidge Ave., Coolidge, AZ Fish Fry Dinner starts at 5:00 PM Contact Klyle Stall 520 709 1279. (non-smoking facility) 6:00 pm Knights of Columbus Jam, 8066 N 49th Ave, Glendale, AZ. Fish Fry begins at 5:00 pm or you can order off of the menu. Contact: Dave Lawrence [email protected] Acoustic instruments, Primarily for Intermediate to Advanced Pickers but beginners are always welcome and encouraged. 3rd of the month 7:00 pm Gilbert Jam, First Methodist Church, 331 South Cooper Road, Room 142, Gilbert, AZ Contact:Marty Province [email protected] All instruments OK but mainly acoustic, all experience levels, all types of songs, Sept.- May. Park in East Parking lot behind Church. 1st and 3rd of the month 1:15 pm Foothills Library South of Highway 101 at 57th Ave in the west Valley. All levels , all songs. contact David Lawrence [email protected] Year Round. Saturdays 3rd of the month Noon- 3:30 AZ Pickers and Grinners Jam, Performer and Round Robin, 2802 E.Devonshire, Phoenix, AZ Contact Andy Hurlbut 602 437 0811 4th of the month 9:00 am Phoenix Mountain Dulcimer Group and Jam, MetroCenter Mall:9617 N. Metro Parkway W., Phoenix,AZ Community Room (Next to Food Court) Beginner to advanced, all instruments welcome, Year Round. Contact: Mike McClure 602 739 4577 or [email protected] 2:00 pm Milanos Music Store 38 W. Main Street in Mesa. Open Jam in the middle of the store. Bluegrass and American Roots music. Contact Linton-Milano 480-833-2323. January 2016 10 ABA BANDS LISTING The Bands Listing is a FREE service to acoustic bands that have at least one ABA member in the group. This listing is also on the ABA website. To have your acoustic band listed, send an email to the Beacon Editor ([email protected]) with the following information: Name of the band, contact name and email address (this person must be a current ABA member), short description of the band’s music. BD FRANK AND FRIENDS – “Gluebrass Music” Slightly miss-aligned bluegrass with a twist, country, folk and acoustic blues. Contact BD Frank at [email protected] and/or visit www.gluebrassmusic. com BRUSH ARBOR REVIVAL - Old-Time Gospel. Contact Peggy Craig (928) 713-3616, bluegrassdove21@ CABIN JOHN BLUEGRASS - Traditional bluegrass and gospel. Contact Anni Beach (ACVCBeach@aol. com) or Howard Anderson ([email protected]). CINDER MOUNTAIN - Bluegrass band; secular and gospel. Contact John [email protected]. CISCO AND THE RACECARS - Award-winning bluegrass, old-time country, popular music for all occasions. Contact Francisco Briseno, [email protected]. FIRESIDE BLUEGRASS - A traditional and gospel bluegrass band. Contact Alan Lister (623)692-8620 or [email protected]. FLINT HILL SPECIAL - Glen Wilbourn: (928) 632-8411 or [email protected] and visit www. GENERATION - Award-winning youth string band playing bluegrass, old-time country, and more. [email protected] (928)-830-6360 GILDED STRINGS - Contact: Debi DuVall (480) 600-0606 or [email protected]. Wide range; oldies but goodies; blues, country, folk, gospel, and bluegrass. GREENWOOD SIDEE - Award winning old-time country, folk, and blues for all occasions. Contact Giselle Lee, [email protected]. GRITS N ROSES BLUEGRASS BAND - Rick Rhodes [email protected] (602) 768-0478. IGOR’S JAZZ COWBOYS - Wide range of musical styles including bluegrass, and traditional. Igor at (602) 315-1525 and visit JAM PAK BLUES ‘N’ GRASS NEIGHBORHOOD BAND - Multi-generational traditional bluegrass and gospel for all occasions. Contact Anni Beach (480) 963-6811, [email protected] and visit www. 11 ABA BANDS LISTINGS (continued) JAMES REAMS & THE BARNSTORMERS - James Reams & The Barnstormers provide a contemporary take on traditional bluegrass; blending it with innovation and vitality to create their own branch on the “roots” tree. Contact James Reams (718) 374-1086 or email: [email protected]. For more information visit their website at: KARMANN & KOMPANY - Folk, country, bluegrass, gospel, contemporary, and blues. For more information—928.899.8956, [email protected], MORNING FIRE - Young bluegrass band ready for ‘tween’ performances. Contact Thalia Arviso/Anni Beach, [email protected]. NEHEMIAH - Gospel Bluegrass, Contact Terry Hutson (623) 694-4650, [email protected]. PAYDIRT - [email protected], (480) 980-0856. RED ROCK CROSSING - Bluegrass with a twist. Rochelle (623) 229-5986 - [email protected]. RUSTY STRINGS BLUEGRASS BAND - Contact Klyle Stall (520) 709-1279 or e-mail [email protected]. STRING ‘EM UP BAND - Hard-driving bluegrass. Contact John Evans, 480-390-7502. VERNON MCINTYRE’S APPALACHIAN GRASS - Entertains with driving instrumentals, tight harmony, amusing novelty songs, and trick fiddling. Contact Kitty McIntyre, [email protected]. - Ma rk - Arizona Bluegrass Association Board Meeting AND.......Jam ~ The A.B.A. Board Members are excited about having you join us March 12, 2016 for our Board Meeting and J A M. The Board meeting is scheduled from 10:00 A.M. - 12:00 Noon. As SOON as the Board Meeting is concluded the jam will begin NOW... If you are unable to To attend the Board Meeting the jam is still open - so plan on arriving at the jam around noon - The fun will be held at the Beatitudes Campus. Watch for more detailed information in the March Beacon -for now - just MARK Your Calendars, we look forward to YOU joining us. ar nd r Cal u o Y e Saturday March 12, 2016 10:00 A.M. - Noon~ Board Meeting 12:00 Noon ~ 2:00 P.M. .. J A M More information coming in the March Beacon Leslie: 602-565-3285 or [email protected] Welcome New Members! Matthew Phillips & Lauren Hunt-Wisdom 12 February Birthdays Ginny 2/1 Ruby Collins 2/2 Travis Amundson 2/5 Art Church 2/6 Joseph Szatkowski 2/6 Lucy Hart 2/7 Bob Lockett 2/8 Ila Coffey 2/12 Roy Bryan 2/13 Sarah James 2/13 Mike Cahill 2/14 Margaret Taylor 2/17 William Weber 2/20 Carolyn Szatkowski 2/21 Paul Wilson 2/23 Barb Newman 2/26 Suzette Smith 2/27 Melvin Hart 2/28 Stephen Hartwell 2/28 Rochelle Tinstman 2/?? ABA CONTACT INFORMATION Address — Arizona Bluegrass Association, P.O. Box 8139, Glendale, AZ 85312-8139 Website — Membership questions — [email protected] Visit and join our group on Facebook! ABA Board Members: James Reams (Chairman) - [email protected] Ned Robbins (Vice Chairman) - [email protected] Andy King (Treasurer) - [email protected] Jan Zale (Secretary) - [email protected] Igor Glenn (Futuregrass Coordinator) - [email protected] Steve Hartwell - [email protected] Leslie Rhodes - [email protected] The Arizona Bluegrass Association is a 501C3 organization and is eligible for tax deductible donations. Funds received go towards Future Grass projects and also can be designated for the Debbi Stone Memorial Fund which supports bluegrass youth projects. 13 Renew or become a member online through our website at Email OR US Postal Mail (CIRCLE ONE) ____________________________________________________ __ PLEASE SEND THIS FORM (ALONG WITH PAYMENT) TO: ARIZONA BLUEGRASS ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 8139 GLENDALE, AZ 85312-8139 INSTRUMENTS THAT YOU PLAY: ______________________ _________________________________ PREFERENCE to receive your newsletter by: BIRTHDAY: HIS MM/DD HERS MM/DD (______)________—_______ _______________________ PHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS ___________________________ ______ _________-______ CITY STATE ZIP CODE+4 ____________________________________________________ ___ ADDRESS APT. ____________________________ PICKER: ___ GRINNER:___ SPOUSE’S NAME ____________________________ PICKER: ___ GRINNER:___ MEMBER NAME CIRCLE ONE: NEW MEMBER RENEWING MEMBER $20/YEAR DATE: _________ ARIZONA BLUEGRASS ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION The ABA Bluegrass Beacon is published monthly by the Arizona Bluegrass Association. Articles, photographs, letters, classifieds and business advertising should be submitted by the 15th of the month preceding publication to Editor at [email protected]. Business advertising rates are as follows: Full page - $50 Half page - $40 Quarter page - $30 Business card size - $15 There is no charge for members classified advertising, “Jams”, and “Coming Events”, which will be included on a “space-available” basis. Checks should be made payable to Arizona Bluegrass Association and should be mailed to the P.O. Box 8139, Glendale AZ 85312-8139 Membership dues are $20 per year for individual or family. Memberships can be paid for online through PayPal at The Arizona Bluegrass Association is a non-profit corporation formed under the laws of the State of Arizona for the promotion of bluegrass, “old-time”, gospel, and traditional instrumental and vocal music of the United States, and is recognized by the IRS as a 501C3 tax exempt organization. Arizona Bluegrass Association P.O. Box 8139 Glendale, AZ 85312 14