2016 Young Farmer`s Group Schedule
2016 Young Farmer`s Group Schedule
39357_YFC_16_Schedule_v5_39357_YFC_16_Schedule_v5 10/03/2016 08:34 Page 1 @Burwarton_show www.burwartonshow.co.uk g a t i n 1 25 y ea br rs w 1891-2016 ur B SHOW Cel e BURWARTON w ar h ton S o THURSDAY 4 AUGUST 2016 Burwarton Show Young Farmers’ Group SCHEDULE SCHED DU ELS NG CAM AZIIN M A ’ ’S H P JOSE IC THE PAN US C IR C FAMILY ING JCB DANC DIGGERS ALL EXHIBITORS MUST HAVE HAV A E VEHICLE AND PEOPLE PASSES TO GET TO THE YFC T AV TENT ON SHOW DAY. Correspondence & Enquiries to: Lizzie Lowe: 07817 918848 [email protected] Jenny Dale: 07854 208499 [email protected] Chairman C haiirm r an off commi committee: itte ee: Fred Fre r d “Hove” Allen re he ffaamily t ll a r o fo f t u o A great day 8.15am - 7.00pm 39357_YFC_16_Schedule_v5_39357_YFC_16_Schedule_v5 10/03/2016 08:34 Page 2 RULES Please note important changes Entries can be staged from 6.00p.m. – 8.00 p.m. on Wednesday 3 August and from 7.45a.m. - 9.15a.m. on Show Day. 2. Judging will start at 9.30am prompt. 3. No entry must be removed before 5.30pm on Show day. 4. For the individual class nos. 9-26 one or more entries can be entered BUT only one prize will be awarded 5. The Committee are not in any way responsible for any loss or damage of exhibits in the YFC Home tent or Stock Judging area. 6. Only Exhibitor Number(s) to be displayed on entries. 7. No Entry to have been shown in any previous YFC show in 2016. 8. The Judge’s decision is final. 9. The presentation of awards will take place at 1.00 p.m. outside the Young Farmers Tent. COMPETITIONS AND CLASSES IN THIS SECTION ARE OPEN TO MEMBERS OF YOUNG FARMERS CLUBS AFFILIATED TO THE NATIONAL FEDERATION OF YOUNG FARMERS CLUBS. ALL COMPETITORS MUST SHOW MEMBERSHIP CARDS IF REQUESTED TO DO SO. THESE COMPETITONS WILL BE RUN UNDER THE GENERAL RULES OF THE BURWARTON SHOW AS PRINTED IN THE AGRICULTURAL SCHEDULE PLEASE SEE MAP FOR LOCATION OF YFC TENT The GORDON MORGAN PERPETUAL CHALLENGE CUP will be awarded to the Club gaining the highest number of points in both the Stock Judging and Show day competitions. Everyone entering will gain a point for their Club. Burwarton YFC Tug of War Competition Main Ring - 6.30pm onwards “Old Farmers” versus “Young Farmers” 6.45pm For more information please ring Lizzie Lowe on 07817 018848 39357_YFC_16_Schedule_v5_39357_YFC_16_Schedule_v5 10/03/2016 08:34 Page 3 STOCK JUDGING COMPETITION TO BE HELD ON WEDNESDAY 27 JULY 2016 AT SEVERN LODGE FARM, KINLET, BEWDLEY DY12 3ED The VISCOUNTESS BOYNE PERPETUAL CHALLENGE CUP will be awarded to the OVERALL winner. NOCK DEIGHTON AGRICULTURAL LLP and SEVERN EDGE VETERINARY GROUP have generously sponsored the Stock Judging competition. The following classes will be subject to DEFRA regulations. CLASS 1 INDIVIDUAL (split by age): Reasons will be required. Prize Money: 1st £30.00, 2nd £15.00, 3rd £5.00 Under 18 years of age: - Butchers Lambs - Breeding Ewes - Commercial Beef Heifers - Pigs 18 years of age and over: - Butchers Lambs - Breeding Ewes - Commercial Beef Heifers - Pigs CLASS 2 OPEN INDIVIDUAL – ANY AGE. - Commercial Beef Bulls No reasons will be required and No Prize Money. We would like to thank A.G. KIRTON & SONS for hosting the Stock Judging competition at Severn Lodge Farm. and SEVERN VALLEY ROASTS for providing the catering service. 39357_YFC_16_Schedule_v5_39357_YFC_16_Schedule_v5 10/03/2016 08:34 Page 4 HOME SECTION Enquiries to either Lizzie Lowe or Jenny Dale MEADOWS FARM VETS LTD. has generously sponsored the prize money for all the Show Day classes. THE DOWAGER VISCOUNTESS BOYNE PERPETUAL CHALLENGE CUP will be awarded to the Club gaining the most points in Class 3. CLASS 3 “TEA PARTY FIT FOR THE QUEEN” Prize money: 1st £10, 2nd £7, 3rd £5. To be staged by 9.00 a.m. Five out of the six articles of the Clubs own choice as follows: 2 items of Cookery (2 x 20) 1 item of Craft 1 Beverage 1 Flower Arrangement Miscellaneous Interpretation / Staging and Display will be judged separately. Note: Size to be 1m wide x 1m high x 68.6cm deep (outside measurements). The backboard will be supplied. No fixed sides provided or permitted. Major discrepancies will be penalised. NO FOOD CONTAINING FISH, PATE, OR YOGHURT WILL BE JUDGED. All handicraft items to have been made WITHIN THE LAST 12 MONTHS. CROPS THE VIVIAN DUNN PERPETUAL CHALLENGE CUP will be awarded to the Member gaining the most points in Classes 4-8 Prize money: 1st £5, 2nd £3, 3rd £2 CLASS 4. CLASS 5. CLASS 6. CLASS 7. CLASS 8. Best Bale of seed hay 2015 crop. (Not barn dried) Best bale of meadow hay 2015 crop (Not barn dried) Best sample of silage 2015 crop (Sample to be contained in a re-sealable - 1kg) Best sample of winter barley 2015 crop (Sample of 5 heads) Best sample of barley 2015 crop (Sample to be contained in a re-sealable bag – 1kg) All varieties must be named. 39357_YFC_16_Schedule_v5_39357_YFC_16_Schedule_v5 10/03/2016 08:34 Page 5 INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS All entries to meet with W.I. requirements. The Individual Female Member gaining the most points in the Y.F.C. individual classes will be awarded the CLAIRE MORETON PERPETUAL ROSE BOWL The Individual Male Member gaining the most points in the Y.F.C. individual classes will be awarded the CHRIS PEARCE MEMORIAL SHIELD Prizes: 1st £5, 2nd £3, 3rd £2. CLASS 9. CLASS 10. CLASS 11. CLASS 12. CLASS 13. CLASS 14. CLASS 15. CLASS 16. CLASS 17. CLASS 18. CLASS 19. CLASS 20. CLASS 21. CLASS 22. CLASS 23. CLASS 24. CLASS 25. CLASS 26. Best decorated home made Royal crown Photo - A great day out at Burwarton Show, with caption Most worn out pair of trainers Best 3 runner beans Flower arrangement for an Olympic gold medal winner Burwarton Show on a tray no bigger than 18” x 12” Biggest Fern Leaf A cake to celebrate 125 years of Burwarton Show Homemade knitted scarf Homemade fruit gin Best decorated Olympic flag 1m x 1m Best jar of homemade lemon curd MALE ONLY - Best queen of puddings A free-standing Olympic torch Ploughman’s platter. Judged on taste and appearance Dance Promotion Board to include details on poster – displayed In area of choice by 31st July. Photos e-mailed to [email protected] To be no larger than 1m x 1m. Club promotion board (1 per club) Club Scrapbook (1 per club) A P AM OSS TOR CR SPECTA ING L I N FLY CASTING DEMONSTRATIONS CONSERVATION ing Cater NFU Let’s Talk Farming SE W ALK HOR First Aid Disabled Parking Memb ers i Judges, Sponsors, Disabled Members Entrance (2) iewing bers V d Mem Disable MAIN RING Judges & Sponsors Parking YFC TENT g erin Cat Cattle ry TT ON DI Village Green FR OM Shopping Arcade Crafts To ilet s AD E PR IO RS P TRADE TO N PR IO P W LO DI TT O O 4T 36 B4 D LU Livestock (3) Trade Entrance RS YFC, Members Public and and Public Members Car Parks Entrance P TION LOCA eatre W Y STRE RING 1 L rst aid / ance / 2 Ring g Ring ng angi y Ch Bab Secreta 3 avy He rses Ho Easy Peasy Food Hall D dicraft W.I. ,Han ture ul & Hortic E I s S A Toile t ts Goa ets Toil Hall U R Village S TR D I P V 39357_YFC_16_Schedule_v5_39357_YFC_16_Schedule_v5 10/03/2016 08:34 Page 6 - Location of Y.F.C. facilities 2016 Showground Plan BURWARTON SHO W E 39357_YFC_16_Schedule_v5_39357_YFC_16_Schedule_v5 10/03/2016 08:34 Page 7 COMMITTEE Chairman: Secretary: Assistant: Treasurer: Committee: Advisory: Fred “Hove” Allen Lizzie Lowe Jenny Dale Katie Stokes Gemma Bennett Philip Watson-Jones Vicky Williams Charlie Moss Alice Price Millie Preece Tom Harris Rachel Rose Nigel Broome Richard Preece Roger Williams Richard Parry David Preece 07969 07817 07854 07970 743073 918848 208499 553009 Leanne Bennett James Mottershed Will Lowe Trevor Radmore Nancy Rollings Georgia Wood Lucy Downes Paige Tranter Mandy Williams David Lowe Di Downes Alison Preece The Committee needs your help. Without new members we will not be able to continue. We welcome anyone to join us – ex-Young Farmers or even people who are not yet associated with the YFC. We meet about five times a year so please contact any of the above on Show Day or give us a ring at any time. CHARITABLE GRANTS Exhibitors are reminded that the Committee of The Burwarton and District Agricultural Society Limited has limited funds available to make grants to assist in the furtherance of any of the following objects of the Society:— 1. The improvement of livestock, the advancement of breeding and the prevention and eradication of animal diseases. 2. The advancement of science and research in connection with agriculture and rural industries. 3. The development and improvement of crops and prevention and eradication of plant diseases and pests. 4. The development and improvement of agricultural machinery and equipment. 5. The holding of demonstrations and lectures on modern agricultural methods and processes. 6. The promotion of agricultural education and training. 7. The encouragement of Young Farmers Clubs and of activities related to agriculture by other youth organisations. 8. The encouragement of rural crafts and industries of interest to the farming community. 9. The promotion of co-operation between farmers and other land users with special reference to conservation. 10. The promotion of co-operation between rural and urban communities. Application for grants to assist projects that further any of the above objects should be made in writing to The Secretary of the Society at The Show Office, Burwarton, Bridgnorth, Shropshire WV16 6QJ, by 14 February. 39357_YFC_16_Schedule_v5_39357_YFC_16_Schedule_v5 10/03/2016 08:34 Page 8 THE BURWARTON CHARITY GROUP ARE HOLDING A CHARITY DANCE ON FRIDAY 5th AUGUST 2016 With ‘DJ BULGE’ ON THE SHOWGROUND IN THE W.I. TENT. PLEASE FOLLOW SIGNS AND USE RAILWAY TRACK ENTRANCE. STRICTLY TICKET ONLY OVER 18’s ONLY Contact Lizzie Lowe - 07817 918848 Fred “Hove” Allen - 07969 743073 Published on behalf of the Show by GW Publishing Ltd. Tel: 01749 880181