TheCommunicator - Holy Communion
TheCommunicator - Holy Communion
Church of the Holy Communion, an Episcopal Church in the center of Memphis, seeks to be a sacred presence, grounded in the servant ministry of Jesus, offering spiritual growth opportunities for all. The Communicator Church of the Holy Communion...a sacred presence, in the center of Memphis... Church of the Holy Communion 4645 Walnut Grove Road Memphis, Tennessee 38117 Phone (901) 767-6987 Fax (901) 767-7034 A Festive Advent Evening December 4 Holy Communion in December: Preparing for His Coming Place label here. Worship Schedule 7:30 a.m. - Rite I 9:00 - Rite II (Nursery available) with Children’s Worship 11:15 - Rite II (Nursery available) 5:30 - Taizé/Celtic Eucharist Weekday Services 8:10 a.m. Morning Prayer (Monday-Friday) Wednesday 12:15 p.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II with Healing Prayers Wednesday 5:30 p.m. Holy Food, Holy People Clergy The Rev. C. Mark Rutenbar, Rector The Rev. Ollie V. Rencher, Associate Rector for Pastoral Care & Congregational Development The Rev. Lisa C. Flores, Associate Rector for Formation & Servant Ministries The Rev. Randolph M. McCloy, Deacon The Communicator, (USPS.) #015-799, is published Monthly except December and August when biweekly by CHURCH OF THE HOLY COMMUNION, 4645 Walnut Grove , Memphis, TN 38117-2597. PERIODICAL POSTAGE paid at Memphis, TN. POSTMASTER: Send address change to Church of the Holy Communion, 4645 Walnut Grove Rd., Memphis, TN 38117-2597 Louis Jehl, Sr. Warden + Jerry Scruggs, Jr. Warden + John Lewis, Treasurer + Jeanne Hollis, Clerk + Carol Duke, Ken Roberts, Barbara Boucher, Dorothy Brownyard, Dan Duncan, Gina Scott, Tom Cowens, Blair Evans, Lewis Lyons, Linda Thompson and Elaine Turner. Third Sunday of Advent, December 11 7:30, 9:00, 11:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist 5:30 p.m. Celtic Holy Eucharist Fourth Sunday of Advent, December 18 7:30, 9:00, 11:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist 5:30 p.m. Taizé Holy Eucharist Wednesday, December 21 5:30 p.m. Service for the Longest Night with Holy Eucharist (Quilling Chapel) Ministry Area Coordinators Christmas Eve, Saturday, December 24 4:00 p.m. Children’s Christmas Pageant/Holy Eucharist 6:00 p.m. Festival Holy Eucharist 10:30 p.m. Christmas Prelude with choir and brass quintet 11:00 p.m. Festival Holy Eucharist Mild incense will be used at the late service. Brad Boucher, Church Growth & Development + Daniel Amsler, Congregational Care + Susan Carlsson, Congregational Life + Eileen Olewinski, Spiritual Formation + David Visinsky, Servant Ministries + John Fairbanks, Worship & Music Lay Staff If you would like to e-mail any of the above clergy or staff use the first initial of their first name followed by their full last name @ holycommunion. org. For example: [email protected]. Second Sunday of Advent, December 4 7:30, 9:00, 11:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist 5:30 p.m. Advent Lessons & Carols 6:15 p.m. Parish Advent Party for All Ages Monday, December 19 6:00 p.m. Reading of the Christmas Gospel by the Episcopal Church Women Vestry Sarah Acuff Associate for Communications Matt Arehart Intern for Youth Formation Christy Beesley Associate for Youth Formation Teresa Boone Associate for Finances and Human Resources Charlie Cunningham Sexton Mary Beth Darrow Associate for Parish Administration Martha Earnest Facilities Staff Julie Fike Associate for Recreation and Wellness Ministries Dr. David Ouzts Associate for Music and Liturgical Ministries John Palmer Associate for Music Ministries Debra Satterfield Associate for Children’s Formation Jim Sawicki Sexton Kate Shcurch Associate for Membership Development Jamie Shaw Sexton Greg Ward Associate for Facilities Scheduling & Operations Communicator December 2011 • Issue No. 41 The Communicator deadline Want to send in an article or pictures from a recent Holy Communion event? Please send them to Sarah Acuff at [email protected]. The deadline for the January issue of The Communicator is December 15. Christmas Day, Sunday, December 25 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist without music (Quilling Chapel) 4:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist with music (Quilling Chapel) First Sunday after Christmas, January 1 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist without music 8:30-9:45 a.m. New Year’s Day Parish Breakfast 10:00 a.m. Festival of Christmas Lessons & Carols and Holy Eucharist 5:30 p.m. Taizé Holy Eucharist Advent Lessons & Carols The combined choirs of Church of the Holy Communion will sing Advent Lessons and Carols on Sunday, December 4, at 5:30 p.m. All of our parish choirs, the Children’s Choir, Parish Choir, Motet Choir, and Holy Communion Ringers (handbells) will present beautiful music of the Advent season for this service. The service will be the normal order for Lessons and Carols, where scripture lessons that tell the preparation for the coming of Christ into the world will be read, each followed by an anthem or Advent carol relating to the specific lesson. The lessons will be read by children, youth and adults. Please note: the Eucharist will not be part of the 5:30 p.m. service on this evening. The nursery will be available from 5:15 until 7:30 p.m. Advent Parish Party Congregational Life invites you to a Parish Advent Party at 6:15-7:30 p.m. in Cheney Parish Hall. Join us for festive food, drink and fellowship. There will be a “Kids Korner” at the event where children under the age of 8 can work on holiday crafts. This event was a huge hit last year! Advent Sundays in Service In this season of waiting and giving thanks for God with us, you and yours are invited by CHC Servant Ministries Leadership to serve others through Advent Sundays in Service. Serve lunch at Memphis Union Mission (11:45-1:00) on November 27, December 11 and 18. Cook or serve 4:00 Supper at Grace-St. Luke’s More-Than-A-Meal on December 4 (cook 1:00-3:30, serve 3:30-4:45). Bring cash, cans or certain non-perishable food items to the CHC Food Corner for the Mid-South Food Bank on November 27, December 4, 11 and 18 (list available at CHC Food Corner). To signup for serving at Memphis Union Mission, More-Than-AMeal or to ask questions, e-mail chcsocialoutreach@gmail. com or phone the Rev. Lisa Flores (767.6987 ext. 31). Church of the Holy Communion + 4645 Walnut Grove Road + Memphis, Tennessee + 38117 + (901)767.6987 + CHC Kids to Make Holiday Cards for LeBonheur Mark your calendars for December 11! The 4th & 5th graders are invited to stay after their regular Sunday atrium time for a Pizza Party and card making event from 11-1:30 p.m. We will be making Christmas & Holiday Greeting Cards for the children staying at LeBonheur Children's Hospital during the holidays. For more information contact Debra Satterfield at 767-6987 ext. 30 or [email protected] Pastoral Care Advent Luncheon Hosted by Pastoral Care Coordinator, Lee Glasgow and the Rev. Ollie Rencher, all Pastoral Care Ministers (Team Members & Leaders) are invited to gather for an important, annual time of fellowship and making holiday baskets for the sick and shut-in of the parish. Mark your calendars for Sunday, December 11, 12:30-2:00 p.m. in Cheney Parish Hall and RSVP to Lee Glasgow ([email protected] or 901-299-4305) no later than Wednesday, December 7. A Service for the Longest Night Many persons might not feel the cheer that our culture tells us we should carry during the holidays, while others simply would like a more reflective worship experience amidst the noise of the holiday season. On Wednesday, December 21 at 5:30 p.m., we will offer a unique Service for The Longest Night with Holy Eucharist in Quilling Chapel. The chapel will be enhanced with candles, music for violin and piano, moments of silence and a holy meal. This powerful service is crafted to give comfort and hope to those whose hearts often are filled with lament and longing during this holy season which focuses on “God with us.” Epiphany Service 2 A Festival Holy Eucharist for the Eve of The Epiphany will be on Thursday, January 5, at 6:30 p.m. in the Church. This 45 minute service will follow a Church Family Together dinner beginning at 5:45 p.m. in Cheney Parish Hall. (Regular Church Family Together dinner is being transferred from Wednesday, January 4, to Thursday, January 5.) The service will be musically led by the Parish Choir and Children’s Choir. At the end of the liturgy, the ministers, choirs, and congregation will process out to the parking lot where a ceremonial Burning of the Greens will be held. Please bring your Christmas tree branches and other greens to burn. This liturgy will be especially meaningful for children as with the Burning of the Greens we proclaim the Light of the Christ Child to the world. Groups & Guilds Check-out the new comprehensive list of all groups & guilds at or pick-up a copy from any of the welcome tables at church. Brotherhood of St. Andrew meets on the second and fourth Saturday of each month. We begin at 8:00 a.m. with a service followed by a short lesson/meeting and donuts are served. For more info contact Tommy Roberson at [email protected]. The Knitting Ministry meets to prayerfully knit shawls for those in need of prayer and comfort in the parish and beyond. In addition, we knit chemo caps, warm hats and scarves for Union Mission, and Prayer Bears for children. Join us on the third Tuesday of each month from 11:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m., in Room 307. For info contact Bettie Clemmons at 363-7082. Centering Prayer is a half-day gathering held the first Satur- day of each month. Participants gather at 9:00 a.m. in Quilling Chapel and take part in two 20-minute periods of Centering Prayer and one 20-minute period of Lectio Divina (Praying the Scriptures). The Labyrinth is also available to walk. For more info contact Eileen Olewinski at 377-8141. The Reading Life meets on the First Tuesday of the month at 11:00 a.m. in the Carrick Room. Our next meeting will be our Christmas Lunch and we will discuss Unafraid by Francine Rivers. Please bring potluck snacks and a gently used/new paperback wrapped for a gift swap. For further info contact Janie Morris at 761-1020. The Gailor Guild members and spouses will gather for a Christmas party at the Pecan Grove clubhouse on December 10 at 6:30 p.m. Members are asked to bring a dish for the meal and small toiletries for Connie Pittman to take to the Food Bank. Book It 5k Beneficiaries On Sunday, November 13 the Book It 5k committee presented the monies raised to the 5k beneficiaries, the Emmanuel Episcopal Center and Books from Birth. Thanks to the participants and sponsors we were able to give each beneficiary a check for $10,200! That’s a whopping total of $20,400 raised for two great local programs. Note from our Stewardship Chair Dear Fellow Parishioners, What a blessing we have at Holy Communion! The staff, the clergy, the lay leadership, and the members are second to none. Our church has a profound effect not only on parishioners’ everyday lives but also on the broader Memphis community. I congratulate all of us on a stellar 2011. But we must continue the great works of this church community and continue to make a Godly impact on many lives on through 2012. For Holy Communion to continue its mission of Godly service, financial support is vital. When it comes to the church, we do not like to talk about money and finances, but Jesus had no problem talking these subjects. He knew well the problems that people have when it comes to money. As stewardship chairman this year, I have had the fortunate opportunity to reflect constantly on church giving and money in general. This reflection has deepened my spirituality. And I must thank the parish for this opportunity. I have been constantly working with our church staff and the stewardship committee, and I must thank them for their constant support and help. Kelly Truitt, Cliff Sulcer, Louis Jehl, and John Lewis have helped me over the last several months formulate strategies and plan for this year’s stewardship campaign. Church staffers, Greg Ward, Sarah Acuff, and Teresa Boone, have been instrumental in executing our plan. I greatly appreciate both group’s dedication and energy. Without them, our church would not be where it is today. We are well on our way to formulating a budget for 2012. The pledge campaign is about halfway there. But we have a ways to go. We appreciate everyone who has turned in their pledge cards and thoughtfully considered sharing their financial blessings with our church. As I said before, without financial support, the church simply cannot accomplish its mission. We still have some work to do to get all the pledges turned in for next year. If you have not turned in your pledge for next year, please prayerfully consider your pledge for 2012 and either turn in a pledge card personally or by mail. Or you can choose to pledge online. This Sunday when you are at church, please think about the importance of pledging as you are exchanging the peace with your fellow parishioners. The act of pledging, like a handshake, is an outward sign of commitment to each other and to the mission of the Church of Holy Communion. Thanks for allowing me to serve you in this capacity. I have received much more in return than I could have imagined. Yours in Christ, Kyle Smith 2012 Stewardship Chair Memorials & Honoraria In memory of Diana Crump to the Friends of Music Fund Tay & Claude Chafin Sherry & Mike Murphy Emily Ruch Ferrell & Tina Varner Wilson Carruthers Connie & Lou Adams Hal & Suzanne Howard Kathy & Ben Adams Mr. & Mrs. John L. Salmon Nadia Price Strid Eleanor A. Crawford Mary Ann Clarke Dr. & Mrs. Rex Amonette and the Staff of Memphis Dermatology Clinic Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Loeb Emily Woodside & Bill Falvey Debby & Steve Schadt Carol & Randal Antley All Saints Guild Bonnie & Chapman Smith Mim & Jack Range Jimpsie & Warren Ayres Dr. & Mrs. Allen Boyd Dorothy Work Sue & Dudley Deaton Gloria & Jim Weir Apperson Crump PLC Jan Meyer Ann & Dan Duncan Julie Ellis Bill & Sylvia Adams Barbara McCaull Bruce Kahn In memory of Lydia Hoover Bob & Lee Harper All Saints Guild Roy & Jan Bell In memory of Tommy Hoehn Diana & Kelly Fisackerly In honor of The Rev. Dr. Randy McCloy to the Friends of Music Fund Met, Stephen & Philip Crump In honor of Emily Ruch to the Friends of Music Fund Met, Stephen & Philip Crump In honor of John Snyder on the occasion of his birthday Bert & Vicky Rojas In memory of Diana Crump to the ECW Missie & Jim McDonnell 7 Reflections from the Rector Feasting on Gratitude with Grateful Hearts and Generous Lives Is it Christmas yet? Thank you very much for your financial commitment to assist with the building of God’s Kingdom through the mission of Holy Communion. Below is a list of people who have pledged as of November 15, 2011. 6 Mrs. Carl Knowlton + James & Margaret Smith + Anna Milton Rogers + Steve & Jessica Knowlton + Greg & Denise Ward + Andrew & Shirley Pouncey + Amanda Yandell + John & Beverly Russell + Elizabeth Lathram + Jim & Vicki McCullough + Ward & Katie Collier + Mr. & Mrs. Robert Chamblin Smith + Michael & Barton Lynch + Robert Momberg + Bob & Marcia Meisinger + Ruth & Ron Thompson + Lillian Mitchell + Jerry Wolfe + Charles & Margaret Hubbert + Ann Kathryn & Hank Word + Frances Marie Hay + Bo & Alanna Brooksbank + Jim & Beth Breazeale + Emily Woodside & Bill Falvey + Daniel & Susanna Cullen + Bradley & Robert Fogelman + Laurie Harwell + Mr. & Mrs. Tracy M. Speake + George & Susan Wortham + Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Monaghan + Randy & Linda Kay McCloy + Emily B. Ruch + Troy & Sheila Crawford Thomason + Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Hoffman, Jr. + Carmen Pearson + Eleanor Vaughan + Joann Falls Schmeisser + Jeanne & Art Sutherland + Blair & Scott Evans + Chuck & Cyndi Donlin + Alice & Warren Ball + Tay & Claude Chafin + Jeanne Bolen + Ann P. McDonnell + Lou Jones + Barbara B. Thurmond + Bill & Bettie Clemmons + Betty C. Lyon + Dale & Linda Thompson + Irving Knight + Mike & Bickie McDonnell + Jane & James Yarbrough + Diane O’Cain + John & Vance Lewis + Mike & Jackie Watson + Ivy Koster + Martha Barnes + Roy & Jan Bell + Brad & Pat Cannon + Mary Terrell Cargill + Richard & Jeanne Hollis + Rivers Johnson + Alfred Nimocks,Jr. + The Rev. Mark Rutenbar + Ralph & Sherry Thornton + Jerry & Patty Scruggs + Mrs. Edith Langston + Constance Oakes + Martha Oseman + Jeannette King + Harold & Jeanne Crawford + Wes & Sue Atwood + Susan Morgan + George Menendez + Lisa & Louis Jehl + Barb & Brad Boucher + Gina & Jody Scott + Alison England + William McKee + Susan Peterson + Karen & Phil Scott + Diane & Jay Williams + Sally & Frank Navarra + Nell F. Dickerson + Mrs. C. Veitenheimer + Bryna Bobick + Don M. Savage + Ellen Hammond + Keith & Julie Barton + Greg & Susan Webb + Carmine & Bill Vaughan + Kendra & Robert Propst + Margaret Eldridge + Tina McWhorter + Ron & Fran Whitmore + Mary Shoaf + Ron & Irene Ayotte + The Rev. Lisa C. Flores + Bill & Catherine Bateman + Kate & Ted Schurch + Ann & Dan Duncan + Julie Ellis + Pat Newberry + Mary Wrenetta McCain + Walt & Jo-Ellen Reed + Jennifer & Lance Kruchten + Mrs. Robert Lockwood + John & Susan Mutin + Jane Franklin Tyson + Kelly & Sharon Truitt & Family + Amanda & Nick Goetze + Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Campbell, IV + Tom & Saran Cowens + Ron & Susan Carlsson + Michael & Eileen Olewinski + Frances M. Maury + Debby & Steve Schadt + Barbara H. Wilson + Mr. & Mrs. John E. Bolton + Kyle & Elizabeth Smith + Mr. & Mrs. William J. Adams + Gordon Lohnes, Jr. + Gayle & Charlie Hardee + Madeleine Jehl + Guion Parotte + Jeanne McGonagill + John & Stephanie King + Don & Maryanne Macdonald + Mr. & Mrs. Gary Burhop + Phil & Karen Campbell + Susan G. Russell + Ms. Helen Phillips + Lana & Gary Prosterman + Dorothy Brownyard + Donald A. & Nancy Malmo, Jr. + Mrs. Armour Bowen + Peggy Frazer + Barbara McCaull + Hope MacDermant + Liza Knapp & Dave Martin + Ken & Lisa Roberts + Mary D. McMullen + Mr. & Mrs. Jerald D. Read + Henry Loeb + Daniel & Judy Amsler + Elaine Turner + Phil & Marilyn Arensberg + Bonnie & Chapman Smith + Virginia C. Nichols + Patsy H. Miller + James H. Allen + Lea C. Davis + Hugh & Lisa Holt + Kathy & Ben Adams + Elizabeth & H.L. Minton + The Rev. Ollie V. Rencher + Evelyn & Jem McGahey + Paul & Rosanne Anderson + Armour Barnes + Lena M. Gray + Charles & Kathy Hill + Mark & Patricia Smith + The Rev. C. Mark Rutenbar, Rector There is an interesting commercial on television these days that depicts a child who is anxious about how long it is taking for Christmas to arrive. As the countdown takes place, there are calendar mark-offs, constant reminders to parents, and digital displays of the days, hours, minutes and seconds until the big day. Who among us has not or is not in this place of anticipation? When we were children, it seemed to take forever for Christmas to arrive. One of the blessings of the aging process is the perspective that is gained from having been through several cycles of the holiday season. That is not to say that we don’t look forward to this time, rather, we are more patient with the unfolding of events. In addition, I think we shift our focus on that which we anticipate. When asked what she wanted for Christmas, my mother would always say with a big smile, “just for the family to be together.” As adults, this is a common longing in most of our hearts. Christmas comes to symbolize a time of gathering and being with those you love. This is what so many cherish about our holidays. The gift we most value is simply being together. At the heart of Christmas is a connection with what brings us meaning and joy. However, when Christmas has come and gone, many of us question if we are left feeling more whole or just exhausted and empty. Will this be the Christmas that meets our expectations? The season of Advent helps us put the season in its proper perspective. It is not Christmas until all four candles on the Advent Wreath are lit. Further, the message of Advent is not only anticipation, but preparation of heart and mind. Advent invites us to examine what it is that we anticipate the season will bring: what are its blessings, what are its challenges. A prominent voice we hear in Advent is that of John the Baptizer. He doesn’t ask, “Is it Christmas yet?” Rather, he invites us to prepare the way in our souls to experience the joy of God coming to us anew. Can we see this advent of God’s presence in and through all of our holiday observances? Christmas involves a connection with that which brings us meaning and joy and sustains us long after the holidays. Advent is that time of anticipation which helps us see clearly what it is that will fill our lives full. It will be Christmas when the Advent Wreath is fully lit and our hearts are illumined with the wisdom that connects us more fully to our God, our families, and our own spirits. Yours in Christ, The Rev. C. Mark Rutenbar Rector Administrative Staff Reorganization As announced in late October, the Rector has reorganized the administrative staff of the parish after a two month re-evaluation. Working closely with the Executive Committee of the Vestry, this reorganization was guided by a deep discernment of what would best support our parish as we look to an exciting future. While two administrative positions remain as they are (Communications and Finance), three former positions (Administrative Operations, Membership Development and Facilities Management) have been revised all within our current budget. After an extensive search, Mary Beth Darrow has been hired as Associate for Parish Administration. The Associate for Membership Development is now a half-time position served by Kate Schurch, who will welcome and incorporate members into parish life and further develop fellowship opportunities. Both began their duties on November 7. (Articles introducing Mary Beth and Kate are found in this issue of The Communicator.) A sad part of this reorganization was that Tim McCormack left the staff at the end of October. Tim served our parish for 8.5 years as Associate for Facilities Management and will be greatly missed. Since November 1, Greg Ward has transitioned to Associate for Facilities Scheduling and Operations. In addition to being in charge of the operations of our facilities and facilities staff, this position includes scheduling for all of our parish buildings and campus, as well as other special events and projects. Finally, this overall reorganization will allow for the hiring of two part-time Receptionists who will offer additional administrative support of the clergy and lay staff. 3 Q&A with Holy Communion’s Newest Staff Members Tell us a little about yourself. I was born and raised in rural Central Illinois—a farmer’s daughter who didn’t know there was any other kind of life until we got our first TV! I have two brothers, one 18 months younger and the other 14 years younger, both of whom still live in my hometown of Morrisonville (POP: 1100). At age 14, I went off to an all-girls’ Roman Catholic boarding school, Sacred Heart Academy in Springfield, IL, because the local high school was not accredited that year. That opened my eyes to a whole new world, for which I am very grateful—notwithstanding the Dominican nuns! My first move from Springfield was to Tampa, FL, where I met and married Ted. From there we went to Evanston, IL, where he attended seminary at Seabury-Western (also Bishop Johnson’s alma mater). Ted’s work subsequently led us to Texas, Massachussets and eventually Memphis in 1995. We have been at CHC for 13 years. I’m living proof that you can take the girl off the farm—and the farm out of the girl! Kate Schurch What kind of work have you done in the past? I have a B.A. in Marketing Communications and Public Relations from the University of Texas-Dallas. My experience spans 48 years and includes many diverse environments. From 2006-2011 I was the Director of Administration for St. Mary’s Cathedral, working through the transition from Interim Dean Ron DelBene to current Dean Andy Andrews to bring growth and renewed vitality to the Cathedral. I retired at the end of January so I could be more involved in the community, volunteering with such organizations as Promise Academy, Habitat for Humanity ReStore, POTS, and the Brooks Museum. What excites you about your new position? The 20-hours-a-week schedule gives me the flexibility to continue with my volunteer activities. And although I’m getting paid for working here, I feel like it’s feeding my need to be “giving back”—much like my volunteer work, only now it’s to the church that I love so much! 4 Tell us a little about yourself. I was born and raised in the town of Eaton, Ohio where my father practiced Family Medicine until his retirement. I received my Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Cincinnati and moved to Washington DC upon graduMary Beth Darr ow ation. After several years there, my sister and brother-in-law, convinced me to move to Memphis to be close to family. It was in Memphis where I was introduced to my current passion of ballroom dancing and it is through dancing I met my husband, Jacob Shiloah, who is a professor at UT College of Dentistry. We have recently married after 8 1/2 years of dating. My husband and I love to travel and we have been to many destinations in the Caribbean, Europe and the Middle East. My favorite places to visit are Israel, the Baltic region and Sorrento, Italy. What is your previous work experience? I bring with me 22 years of administrative experience, mainly from a national healthcare company. My last duty included overseeing the Tennessee revenue service center, which was responsible for all the billing and collections of the accounts receivable for 19 physical therapy clinics in the state of Tennessee and Northern Mississippi area. I also conducted the quarterly audits of each individual clinic. My tenure ended with the recent acquisition and outsourcing of the business operation to India. What are you most looking forward to about your new job? I am looking forward to the new challenges and job stability. This position offers me the opportunity to utilize the many skills I have acquired over the years to better serve the parishioners, and carry out the church's mission and stewardship. What do you do in your spare time? It depends on my mood. I can move from the serene (yoga and walking) to the decadent (trying a new restaurant— note: you have to try Alchemy in Cooper-Young). I love having a cup of coffee with a friend to catch up, and I love having a glass of wine on the front porch. If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? I truly believe learning never stops. I am currently studying a new language; Hebrew, which is my husband's first language. He has many family members living in Israel who he visits frequently. I have been fortunate to have visited this beautiful country several times and I plan to continue doing so in the future. I would like to be fluent in Hebrew and participate in the family conversation. What makes learning Hebrew even more fascinating and wonderful is the fact that this is the original language of the Holy Bible. You may contact Kate at 767-6987 ext. 23 or [email protected] You may contact Mary Beth at 767-6987 ext. 11 or [email protected] A Season of Slowing Down The Rev. Ollie V. Rencher Associate Rector for Pastoral Care and Congregational Development As our society, local culture and even long standing household and family traditions seem to demand a fast holiday season, we are also invited to slow down in Advent enough to not miss God with us and God who shall come again among us at Christmas. I am reminded of how often it has happened that I - along with countless others - have arrived to Christmas Eve, and we already are looking forward to the next calendar year. We miss the “reason for the season” and can’t recall what happened since Thanksgiving Day. And yet, the church universal has set aside, with thoughtful intention, a powerful and rich season called Advent for faithful Christians to slow down enough to recognize, embrace and share God’s love. Our Bible stories, hymns, anthems, prayers, colors, servant ministry and formation offerings, fellowship opportunities and more are designed to punctuate a new time in life, to prepare our hearts for eternal life, to experience the joy of God who lives within us. I ask your prayers for me, and I shall hold you and yours in mine as we attempt – in worship and community with one another – to slow down and spend time with God. Wilferd Arlan Peterson offers this poem that has enriched my past Advent seasons; may it be a gift to yours and may we share it with others who share this journey of faith – and with those who may wish to explore join the church’s journey. Slow me down, Lord. Ease the pounding of my heart by the quieting of my mind. Steady my hurried pace. Give me, amidst the day’s confusion, the calmness of the everlasting hills. Break the tensions of my nerves and muscles with the soothing music of singing streams that live in my memory. Help me to know the magical, restoring power of sleep. Teach me the art of taking “minute vacations”...slowing down to look at a flower, to chat with a friend, to read a few lines from a good book. Remind me of the fable of the hare and the tortoise; that the race is not always to the swift; that there is more to life than measuring its speed. Let me look up at the branches of the towering oak and know that it grew slowly and well. Inspire me to send my own roots down deep into the soil of life’s endearing values...that I may grow toward the stars of my greater destiny. Slow me down, Lord. Youth News & Events December December 4 – Zoo Lights from 5:30-7:00 p.m.! Meet at the zoo entrance and bring $7 plus extra $ for snacks. December 11 – Christmas Caroling Meet in Blaisdell for dinner at 5:30 p.m. and then we will be caroling from 6-7:30 p.m. December 28 – January 1 – Winterfest Youth Retreat! Christmas Outreach Project All 6-12 graders will participate in a Christmas outreach project benefiting Operation Toy Store. During Christian Formation on December 4, all youth classes will travel to Target to shop. Please send monetary donations to Christy Beesley at the church or you may give them directly to Christy or Matthew Arehart any Sunday morning. Make checks payable to CHC. Outreach Project 2010 Winterfest Come spend this New Year's at DuBose Conference Center for Winterfest! Winterfest is an annual gathering of 9th-12th graders packed full of celebration, exploration, growth, fun & worship in the Episcopal tradition. Our theme this year is Stations of the Nativity. We’ll be exploring the whole Christmas story! Winterfest is December 28 – January 1. The cost of the retreat is $360 with a $75 non-refundable deposit. A bus from Memphis is available for an additional charge. You can register online or download a registration form - www.duboseconferencecenter. org/winterfest. For more information or to request a registration form, please ask Christy. Thank you to the Busby, Russell & Harwell families for providing delicious meals in November! Families are needed to sign up for meals next semester. Please contact Christy Beesley at 767-6987 ext. 19 or [email protected]. 5
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