Christmas Eve 5:00 pm, 7:00 pm, 9:00 pm and 12:00 am
Christmas Eve 5:00 pm, 7:00 pm, 9:00 pm and 12:00 am
CORNER BRUNSWICK AND REGENT STREETS FREDERICTON, NEW BRUNSWICK PARISH OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 AM-4:30 PM RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 444-6055 PARISH OFFICE PHONE: 506-444-6001 WEB SITE: PARISH OFFICE FAX: 506-444-6006 E-MAIL: [email protected] REV. BILL BRENNAN, PASTOR REV. SHAWN DALEY, SFM, PAROCHIAL VICAR REV. MR. KENNETH PARKER, DEACON December 20th, 2015 ~ Fourth Sunday of Advent The 50th Anniversary of the First Mass celebrated in this present St. Dunstan’s Church is THIS Saturday, December 19th. We will be celebrating this occasion at the 5 pm Mass on Saturday, December 19th, 2015 with Bishop Harris presiding and Fr. Bill preaching. A reception will follow with special displays for our Remembrance. All are invited. Christmas Eve 5:00 pm, 7:00 pm, 9:00 pm and 12:00 am (midnight) Christmas Day 10:00 am Saturday, December 26th – NO MASS Dec 27th – Regular Mass 9:00 am, 11:30 am & 7:00 pm December 31st – NO MASS January 1st, 2016 - 9:00 am & 11:30 am December 20th – Fourth Sunday of Advent st 1 Reading: Micah 5:2-5a Gospel: Luke 1:39-45 ✝ MASS INTENTIONS ✝ rd Wed 23 6:30 pm Thur 24th 5:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 pm 12:00 am Fri 25th 10:00 am Sat 26th Sun 27th 9:00 am Sun 27th 11:30 am Brendon Oreto Cecil Hickey Florence & Albert Maillet Andrew Christie Arnold and Merina Chase John Nelson Thompson NO MASS Lorne & Sarah McQuade Robert and Keith Woolaver NECROLOGY ✝ This Week We Remember ✝ Dec 21 Dec 22 Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday’s 4:00 – 4:30 pm Legion of Mary – Tuesday mornings at 11:00 am st Dec 23 st 1 Friday Adoration @ St. Dunstan’s (1 Friday) Natural Family Planning info: For advice email [email protected] Senior Choir Rehearsals Wednesdays @ 7:30 pm in the choir loft of the church; King St entrance. New members welcome. Lector & Eucharistic Minister Schedule December 27th Lectors 9:00 Marg Denning John Denning 11:30 Doreen Cormier Ella Allen 7:00 Paola Marusic Mary Holland Eucharistic Ministers Jayne Nicki (H2) Pauline Arnold Hughena Macneil David Macneil Andrea McLaughlin Jeannine Cochrane (H2) Claire Leach Robert Michaud Natali Caswell Chris McAloon Tim Dilworth (H2) Phyllis Daigle Agnes LeBlanc Offertory Collection December 13th Offertory (operating) $ 9,340.05 Budget $ 7,847.00 Variance $ 1,493.05 Other (Bldg Fund, Cemetery, Poor, etc) $ 1,866.00 Refugee Sponsor (St. Dunstan’s) $ 1,980.00 2nd Reading: Hebrews 10:5-10 Dec 24 Dec 25 Dec 26 Dec 27 Bertha Willett Evelyn Mary Adams Louise Winnifred Howes Yvon Durand Patricia Boudreau Mrs Helen Hill Ann M Grannan Joseph Gilbert Hughes Barry John Burns Joseph Aurelle Michaud Joseph Arthur Steever Rebecca Hazel Carten Brendon Layden Oreto Artemas Knee Violet Evelyn Adams Andrew Michael Christie Eva Powers Cyr Donald Arthur Hashey Roger Joseph Arthur Helen Evelyn Hughes Alonzo J Cormier Joseph Felix Caissie Richard John Arseneau Michael Arthur S MacAfee 1977 1985 1985 2002 2003 1970 1971 1979 1999 2003 2012 1994 1998 2004 2008 2011 2000 1996 2001 2004 1971 1989 1996 2005 Faithful Departed Jean Elgee, sister-in-law of Shirley Mazerolle th Readings for December 27 1st Reading Sirach 3:2-6, 12-14 2nd Reading Colossians 3:12-21 Gospel Matthew 2:13-15, 19-23 Sanctuary Lamp In loving memory of Andrew Christie New Sunday Missals available in the office $4 Sunday Missal for Young Catholics $4 The 2016 Offertory Envelopes are available to pick up at the Regent Street entrance to the church. Christmas and New Year’s Masses ~ Sign-up sheets for Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers and Ushers for the Christmas and New Year’s Masses are located on the table at the Regent St entrance of the church. Advent Booklets - Please pick up the following gifts from the Parish to assist you on your Advent Journey. 1. An Advent Calendar (8 1/2 x 11) for your fridge or bulletin board with a scripture verse and line of reflection for each day. 2. Advent booklets to be used individually, with your family or other group. a. Word Made Flesh – Krystyna Higgins b. Wake up to Joy – Mark Neilsen c. A Star at its Rising – John Shea d. Unto Us A Child Is Born – Henri Nouwen Program on Christian Unity, Thursday, Jan.21st at Ste Anne des-Pays-Bas at 2 pm. Sponsored by The Women’s Inter-Church Council. Fellowship to follow the program. Mary Ryan, Co-ordinator Last Minute Gift Suggestion Supports Greener Village (Food Bank) - A gift certificate to Greener Village Teaching Kitchen will open the doors to a wonderful cooking experience. Recipient may choose which evening workshop they would like to attend. Want a certificate? Get in touch with our chef Lisa: [email protected] or visit The St Dunstan's Parish Refugee Sponsorship Group has applied to sponsor a Syrian Refugee family and a response is expected in the near future. Currently, the Group is working closely with the Fredericton Multicultural Association to ensure a welcoming experience to newcomers in the Fredericton community. Our sincere thanks to those who so generously contributed to the NCBC televised Mass to be aired on May 19th 2016 the Feast of St. Dunstan’s at 9 am and 1 pm on channel 21. The second Mass shared with others is yet to be announced; we are very grateful to all. This Mass gives spiritual comfort to so many shut-ins and others throughout the world. Joan Daley and Marg Gorman 1st Saturday Devotions - Our Lady of Fatima January 2nd, 2016, Confessions @ 9:30 am Rosary @10:30 - Mass at 11: am We can take donations for Christmas flowers until Tuesday, Dec 22nd . We invite parishioners to make a donation for ‘Flowers’ in memory of a loved one to help make our Church beautiful for Christmas. Please write “FLOWERS” on the front of your regular envelope and then write the name(s) of your loved one(s) on the back or place a special envelope in the offering. Beautiful flowers will adorn the church and a special display listing all those being remembered will be placed next to the side Altar. CHRISTMAS EXCHANGE NOTICE Christmas is just days away! We’ve made our list and we’ve checked it at least twice and realize we still need your help. ALL GIFTS MUST BE IN NO LATER THAN NOON MONDAY THE 21st. We deliver the next day Tuesday morning beginning 9am. If you can help with packing perishables and making deliveries, please contact Jenn at [email protected], or at 4446018, or just show up Tuesday morning! FOOD ITEMS NEEDED: Mixed Nuts and Christmas Chocolates Assisted Hearing Devices available to sign out in the Parish Office Knights of Columbus 170 Regent Street 455-8643 Bishop Dollard Council 1942 Grand Knight Robert Shaw 451-0701 E-mail – [email protected] KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 1942 I am a member of a fraternal brotherhood The Knights of Columbus. My Brother Knights and I are a network of men who support our parish, grow our faith, and contribute to our community. We do good works in projects and activities that meet our principles of charity, unity and fraternity. I would like you to consider joining our multi-parish council and becoming a Brother Knight. Please call me at 458-9510 and we can set up a meeting to discuss our council and organization, and answer any questions you may have. Thank you, Ian Maddock, Fraternal Advisor Council 1942 Breast Cancer Survivors Fredericton meet the 2nd Thursday of each month at the Monsignor Boyd Family Centre @ 7 pm – Room 123. For more info contact – Eleanor McCloskey 4601019 / Diane Taylor Myles 455-5502 / Margaret Sisk-McCully 472-8418. (A member of the New Brunswick Breast Cancer Network). Rev. Dr. G Everett Grant Assembly 0620 (4th Degree) Claude Dery Faithful Navigator [email protected] 472-1872 Hall Rental call Art Noseworthy at 206-0885 or 476-6278
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