wob lingerie
wob lingerie
* » u « u s H ie i> 5 ly f f ' T f ' T T T ' 1 x lH i T m C B -A ^ Y B S B K ALWAYS AH HAD n L t T T ^ T O / x l r i L & T ? A TCJCSDATS .^ g cv f: AND FRIDAYS i i A C H E L S E A 'S G R E A T E S T N E W S P A P E R ALWAYS A H EA P 29 on with jrd in SIXTEENTH Y E A R -N O . 93 Sweotie” ll.M TBK Y*AR rxr ;5 fio e s ” comedyeineiit of igrhly cn- CHELSEA, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY. JULY 31,1923, BILL’S COLUMN Timely DiKCussipus of varioua fact* llint muy iiiU-rc»l you. "B ILL’' HARDING’S CONDITION SERIOUS LUNG AFFECTED N e w K i d at th e S w im m in g H o le Early optim ism Fades; First Lady ([Images From Patient to Nurse PLANS FOR MASONIC LIVE STOCK MEN PICNIC UNDER WAY KNOCK WIND OUT Committees Chosen and Dale Cor Annual Event, Set OFOLD-LINEFOE President E. O. Brown Dodges E n d s to Strike at fisinfnff Co-ops. According to statem ent* issued by 'flic executive committee of the Ah old camping ground for some Masonic Picnic Association have made In an effort to discredit the f m m m ’ »lks, not the kind whore you go out President H arding's physicians last arrangem ents arid appointed the v ar co-operative live slock selling organi nd pilch your tent, but the kind evening, it was adm itted that his con ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*> ious committees which aro to handle sations, Proa. E. C. Brown ,of the old►Wo you drop in every day and chat dition was serious. An official bul Hie various parts of the annual picnic, line N ational Live Stock Exchange,. <i(l then move on, has been dosed for letin issued by the five medical olfieTrtc date for (bo event bus been set Aas issued a statem ent trying to Wo days now. The lock on the door furs said fTesuVcttf Harding "except for Thursday, August 28, and the blame the co-operative selling ugent evidonoc enough that som ething in for weakness and restlessness hus place will bn in Ki»enbciser*e Grove at cioa for the p resent low price of hogs, [long, and us all those usual persons been fairly comfortable though his combi.ion is jj -serious one.” North J-s.Vfc 3 bp facts are that the country is su f bo used to keep the chairs warm Thb executive committee consists of fering from an over production of *1 in place, pass they cast a longing The bulletin bore out th a t there was L. P. Vogel, president; Mrs. C. Kree- hogs and a “dumping process” on ?o a t the shop. The proprietor of congestion in one lung. He took some nmn, T reasurer; H. D, Littoral, sec- light hogs, duo to (he fact that farm kc blacksmith shop hus been ill and nourishment which was some of the rotury. Sub-committees as appointed ers have n eith er corn nor money nor $ of lato the Iniucli have eith er found best news of the day. are a* follows: lie has more than hold his own credits to buy feed to hold these hog*. i necessary to go to work a little A rrangem ents—A. R. VV'inans, W ar- The big volume of light hogs rushing against fu rth er complications ami de trlier or get up a little later, len Daniels, W, K. Guerin, N. Cook, velopments. Kavorablo conditions to m arket is pulling down the price of Entertainm ent—Mrs. Roy H arris, all hogs. were also found such as the absence of n ey W hether the world is g ettin g worse gein'inl chairman, Sirs. I?r. Brack, f t ftffwecn iVov. (022 nncf July 1923, If Hot is not for us to decide. Most periionen! symplones am) freedom iti B. TurnBull, C. W. Maroony. the passages of the lungs. seven w estern hog markets received f us feel that it is n fairly good place Mrs. W arren G. Harding, le ft the Sports—E. E. Updike, Dr. Brock, 6,000,000 more hogs than during the I live in. But did you ever stop to Roy H arris, Harry DePont. sam e period fo r the p recoiling two ‘ike a daily paper and glance ju st at White House more than u month ago Refreshments— Mrs. Goo. UuncI years. Hog shipm ents from 11 torn <| le headlines on the first page. About with the president on his 16,000 mile man, Mrs. W. K. Guerin, Mrs. C. W. bell states to nil m arkets have in ; ffco fifths of the headings concern trip. She insisted on ranking the tour Maroony, Sain Mapcs, George Nnckcl. creased 32.2 pet. this year in the pe (Orders, holdups, accidents and here despite the fact th a t she had recovered Publicity—Vanco L. Ogden. riod from Nov. 1 to June t as com there some clever scandlc. It's hut a short lime from a serious ill Transportation*—Ed. Beach, chair pared to th e sam e period for lost year. tango what people like, hut it’s just ness. Today she is nurse in the aick man. Behind it all is the enormous over fct ieh makes it interesting. Here ruoin o f her husband. She has chocrassumed the burdens of the sick G reat plans have already been made production of corn two years ago. '! 1Uio quiet of the little village wo do Sports and games and races of all With cheap corn every one gqt into tt get all the hustle and bustle of room and besides is lending an effec kinds will be on the program . And the hog business. With high corn, : <e big city. Wo do not get th e great tive hand in the business office, where then to cap the affair a big setub fan n ers can’t afford lo hold them. (eioment and big scnndle, but never- Secretaries and clerks labor with the luneb dinner will be a strong point for it-iess we have ainawl exetything work of cancelling arrangem ents Facts Han't fttfbor (frown. made in advance and acknowledging thoso whose stomiichcs like such *e th a t can tie wanted. Mr. Brown ignores the situation, but hundreds of m essages of solicitude things. charges th a t (he co-ops, have s<> much and responding to continuous tele The picnic is given fo r all mason business that they haw 'Mopped com 3 V Chicago Evening American phone caffs by anxious frfends from M i m . CHESTS ft NOTTEX AUTOM OBILES F IL L and their families and members of the DIES SUDDENLY. petitive bidding.” The facts arc that ’laments) cdilorily upon an article everywhere in the country. T R IR U N E S M IL E S Easter S ta r and their families. TO W N SATURDAY the co-ops. have been hotdlig first I the Christian Science M onitor, a Pearl Berger NoUeii was horn May place for volume In nearly (ill m arkets jj *!) edited publication, which took 18, 1894, in Sardis, Ohio, and died Tho average woman will forgive a Biggest Crowd Seen Here in N limb or and th a t the packer* usually flock to trouble to m easure inch fo r inch Sunday, July 29, 1923, a t St. Joseph TOO MANY A C R E S ‘.lie fellows w ith tho volume and buy of Years. >e spaco given to the Dcmpscy-GibMercy hospital in Ann Arbor. She man anything except his having let 'h e ir goods first. The old-lino firms l>vs bout and u g reat educational was Uic daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kd. her make a fool of him, and he often VYHEAT B LA M ED Autmohilc* and people filled the have become the little fellows who Acting held the same day. The ediGar Phone No. 1M llcrger. September 27, 1922, she was forgives that. ♦ ♦ « FOR LO W P R IC E S married to ChcBlcr Nottcn of Sylvan. town Saturday night so th a t it wus m ay have to w ait until tho big lots lT w as shocked to learn th a t on the Even if a man fs a howling s w w s nfniost impossible to get around. Tho bsvo been aofrf out and take tho tail ’ kjrage, (fie fight boat (ho educational Besides her husband, silo Is survived Mr. and Mrs. Howard Holmes spent end prices th a t often prevail. T hat taring for space a thousand to one. by her mother, Mrs. Winkler, four there ;s no use for hi-' howling about band concert and the carnival m ust W ashington Experts Charge World Thursday in Dotroit. i t . have added in bringing (he people brothers, Spurgeon, Robert, Karl and • • * Over-Production Is Chief Cause. here. Clayton, of Sardis, two sisters, Mrs. F arsi era Pay For His System. The H carst paper suys th a t this Miss Agnes Webber, M iss Hazel All men make th eir marks in the Sm ith's Concert Band of this plnco Carl Krtet of Frunscisco and Mrs. MoMr. Brown claim* th at distributing fovea once more th at the modern gave an interesting and delightful Hoice and Mrs. Sidney Schenk und W ashington, July 30.-—“ W hat’s be blo Siegenthalcr, and a half sister, world--anil the m ajority are bla'.k. begs through th e S6 cormuisgton firms « » • < ftvspapor is u m irror rt'ifectfng the hind the big slump in the w heat m ar daughter motored to Jackson Friday program on the street. Following the Marie W inkler of Sardis. in Chicago, fo r instance Js the correct topic. "F p r ono person in th e Unit- k ets?” This is the all im portant Th<. » iso mail a c o p ts ju st praise concert the hand Went to tho carnival Funeral services were hold Tuesday way to m arket hogs. Mr. J. H. ()’33 LS lates who would have paid 10 question which is being asked by and played there for a short time. Mrs. A. L, Sieger and M rs. Andros afternoon, July 31, a t 2:80 o ’clock but he draw* the line a* flattery. [* sack of Mcialey, secretary of Jbc Michigan * * * 8Us to attend th e educational meetAutbs were parked nil afong the Guide, spent Friday In Detroit. wheat growers everywhere as they from Uio Salem M. E. church, Uov. I,. i. Live Stock Exchange believes th a t 40 • (fri unfortunately a thousand would If v .;ir c iu mat:,! h man jea'ini;*, streets in Chelsea, and ns f a r as two S. K alterhonry of Halfway, officiat commission firm s would bo plenty to ! $10 to see th e prize lig h t” says face the prospect of selling th eir 1023 ing. it’s a sign she 1■-* film going. and three blocks from Main street. Burial in the Salem cemetery. Miss Hazel Brice who hus been vis haridto the Chicago business, w ith ] w American, '‘and” adds, "nowapa- crop a t prices well below the dollar * * ♦ Not many horses and buggies were to iting Miss Agnes W ebber relum ed murk. the ?6 commission firm* riding around < can 't change th a t situation, the If a t f.rtl you don’t succeed, young bo seen although there were a few . to her home In Rochester, Monday. oh the Chicago m ark et it is well to reConsiderable interest attacks, there CHANCE MEETING ! tbpio icmselvbs m ust do it. The man, yjtm nher lh< i may be <- i.ev OF ttSCATH'KS. flcet (hat each o f them Is probnly pay fore ,(o the rccentlyi announced report 3wror cannot change the fnce th at PENNSYLVANIA TRAIN KILRS girls who are noi so particular. Miss G ertrude Miller of Detroit, is ing an average of $35,000 to $65,000 It’s a small world sometimes and of (he committee of 12 economists and 3Mm into it." • * ♦ 18 PERSONS IN 2 ACCIDENTS. the guest of her grandparents, Mr. operating expenses annually. F a rm CO. statisticians selected by S ecretary then again, It’s too big for m ost o f us. A PemiSylvnnin train struck two and Mrs. Wm. Atkinson, for ft few ers must p p y for that Who remembers when g irls married R'afinee io study (firs arid si'miVnr Oftimes it is remarked hew small this automobiles Within a few hours, four days. 3[U is the same situation the world Why' isn't U b e tte r to handle your world is, and last week a peculiar in men '.o reform them ? CHIGAN. problems. • * * being killed in the first crash and ^ k r. A varsity football game draw s Mock through your own co-op. and cident occurred in Chelsea th at m akes In their report they declare, “The * * * * * * * * - fedreds of thousands, and n convoMr. and Mrs, Adolph Alber and elim inate some of th is overhead you N ature rarely fails to gi e a woman nine in the second. At Highland, 111., one wonder If it really is small. Vt'Hwhere the first crash occurred an au children of Sharon spont Sunday with a re paying? On the Buffalo m arket j Won or u lecture a few hundred to a expansion in the w heat area of the limn B arry Sr,, a well known person uf vivid imagination a tongue to go tomobile became stalled on the tracks Mr. and M ra Atkinson. piusand or so. Movies, ball g a m e s,; chief exporting countries, coupled with with it. 18 commission firm* are operating to almost nil In Chelsea was standing . . . « —* fasret.v, races, am) theatres draw the decreased buying power of W es a* (fie (Wifi (tppraiccfied. Shortly af and 10 could take care of the business. on the corner, resting. A large truck ter that the same train, while trying Sro people than prayer m eetings. tern Europe ,is responsible for the Mr. nnd Mr*. J. Brower of Jackson, It is a m a tte r of record that since enrrying Hour from a Tccumsch mill PAINTING MICHIGAN to make up some of the lost' time hit worn Chelsea visitors Sunday. Pdroom farces, the slightly rJske price situation which now prevails,'’ m s CENTRAL BUILDINGS. February 1st any amount o f hogs stopped and Mr. Barry got into a con another ear at Liggett, Did. Accoduna, the burlesque show, draw They go on to show th at the five chief f r a m e d to 110 pounds have coma on versation with the driver. As the Men have been at work this week wheat exporting nations nre now iiig to reports 36 people were killed >re people than the efforts of the Alfred and B. C. Stapish o f Dotroit to the Buffalo m ark et and thcn> is no conversation drifted Mr. Barry asked painting nnd repairing the buildings and 10 injured Sunday in nine rail spent the weekend in CheUca, ima le a g u e with Uioir “B ack to growing 28,000,000 acres of w heat holding them back. The average more than the pro-war average, and if the young man knew many people of the Michigan Central R. R. here. road accidents iu different parts of) dhuselali" and “Peer Gynt.” fa n n e rs hnvan’t got tho money to buy declare th at there is no buying power in Tocumsch. The answ er being in The freight house, tower ami station the country. Mr. and Mrs. Ulavence Bahnm iller feed nnd they have to let them go. in th.e world capable of absorbing this the affirmative, he was asked if lie nre nil getling n coat of paint. The ami family spent Sunday a t Devils Plenty of cars have come in with up to 3 9 c jin our time in and around v a ri ^ 8 iremoahw.* surplus, which in the knew H arry Nobles of th at placo. crossing gales are also being made "T H E OLD fiOMKSTFA D." Lake. apnper offices, wc heard com plaints United S tates nlonq am ounts to some The truck driver sat up in in terest brighter with new black and white 120 hogs to th e deck instead of 70 to Here’s the immortal drama th a t has ut too little sport news, too little 1■!,000,009 additional acres. 80. Puckers don’t w a n t these light and told Mr. Barry that he thought he markings. > 10 filled American henrts with thrills and Mr. nnd Mrs. Max Kclloy nnd baby weights and tlmy have dragged down Water nows, not enough stock murThe report concludes th at only d ras should, as. th at person was his father. (ears and gfarfacivs for fifty yours. of fffgfthwiif fork spent (he nvekend the price of all hogs. >lit quotations, too much careful shad tic reductions in the wheat acreage in Mr, Nobles pud Mr. Barry were b ro th SHUTTLEWGRTH AYRSHIRE Now, at last, given on Uio screen the with relative* In Chelsea. 's of vice stories, and so on, b u t nev- all the chief w heat exporting coun er-in-laws and tluj young man had HEADS STATE PRODUCERS. Mr. Browp Feels The Gaff, magnificent production its story mer j a com plaint about too few book rc- tries can bring relief to the present met an uncle th a t ho no doubt knew During May Bluebell 2nd 69112 its. I t is not a t all sn tp risiag th at oldMr. and Mrs. T. G. Hughes of H igh Nws—of their absence entirely, — world w heat situation. nothing of. I t was all strange, and gave 1623.2 pounds of milk, 69.57 lino commission m an JYos. E . C. With the greatest of all character land P ark spent Saturday and Sunday ki few standard books given in serial mndo one wonder. It 1* not fa r be pounds of butter-fat, thus entitling Brown should be the very first to ^fin, or too little poetry of th e bettween the two towns and yet cicee her to the honor o f <>(u(c Leader in actors, Theodore Roberts, playing be with Mr .and Mrs. Frank Brooks, point out to the fa n n e rs the dangers Mrs. Kd. Brown entertained the fol loved "Uncle Josh," and a perfect cast relatives ns th a t and not knowing. k“ ' lowing guests Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Sometimes the world is sm all nnd then in production among A yrshire during of favorites in the other famous roles. Mr*. Frank Quinlan and baby who of their co-operative liv© stock m a r Wincholl and children, and Mr. Bray- ngnin ft is too big. It nil depends on th at month. She is 6 years, 327 days You'll laugh a t the antics of “Hap have heeit spending som e tim e at tho keting success. H e does it by loose Newspapers are ronriucird / o r the ton o f iVortft AAtms:, htr. ami Mrs. of age, and fa being I rated for the Ad py Ja c k " and the love-rivals, "Seth” home of Uio Miller Sisters, reum eif to and unfounded charges. As such sue(he viewpoint. vanced Registry by h er owner, Shut! taplc. They would not Inst long if Fred W hiting pad son of Ypsilanti, cossful co-op. commission houses ns and ”Si.” You'll cry a t the burning her home in Detroit, Sunday. Uewovth Brothers, Y psilanti, Michi I wy were p u l out for the m inority. In and Mrs. H. S. G ildharl and daughters those we have a t Buffalo and Detroit p artin g s and the heartaches of lovely CAU8 CRASH, NO ONE HURT ns in everything else, the m asses of Cleveland, the la tte r rem aining for gan. Continue to grow, believe we may Miss M artha Brislla of Ann Arbor "A nn.” You'll thrill os the gigantic Bernard Brown, colored of Ann Jtal be pleased and satisfied. I d fact the week. oxpect such attack s a* President cyclohe sweep* a whole town away— spent tho weekend a t the home of Mr. Arbor nnd Jacob Kern, driving in op[ * is seldom, if ever on a real nowsBrown of the N ational Live Stock E x INSTALLING NEW TOLL BOARD. a cJima.v never before approached on am) Sirs. Fred Uindnrer, {Mslte directions on M-17 Saturday : ^Per th a t the editor can play up his change has juM delivered himself of. Mr. Ijim pson of tho Michigan Slate the screen. Paul Maroney, assistan t cashier night had a had smash up. The ncciM hobby air his pet peeve for lie l.aBl May the D etroit co-op. declar Telephone Co., is in Chelsea installing W alter and Oscar Kanouse, of DetA wonderful entertainm ent th at will i hi't in business to please him self, but of the Kcmpf Bank left Saturday ilent o cu rn d in front of the Geo. G ris a new toll tost panel in the telephone ed a patronage dividend of 10 per ♦ troit were guests a t the home of Mr. d in g to your memory forever. ), s support himself ttml Increase his evening ter a fn v weeks vacation. He wold home, about 10:30 o’clock. M em ’s cent on aff com m issions paid or $f/AW office here. "T he Old Homestead” will be shown and Mrs. George K. Chapm an over Wik account. Thus ho m ust a ir the wifi travel! throughout the west v isit enr went into the ditch ns did Browns. in all. The business of both co-ops. I* a t the Princess Theatre Wednesday Sunday. ” t hobbies of the people and their ing. Omaha, Salt U ike City, Denver The la tte r car was badly dam aged, growing steadily so the sc n ice m ost and Thursday. when it went into a deep ditch. So and many other cities. frtevancos. be quite satisfactory. Miss E dith Lehman of Royal Oak is deep was the ditch nnd so badly was THINGS FOR SUMMER visiting relatives in Chelaea and viethe car smashed th at a block and 0BITJJARY rrtf(y for svwrc (imc. AND VACAtTOiV chafu were broken fa try in g to get the car out. None of the occupants LEONARD F. KF.USCH SELL READILY NOW Mis* Fredin Bnuer of Ann Arbor were injured. Brown accepted responsyuUii the weekend with her parents shtlflly ter the Awddcnt end agreed to {.canard F. Kc.ttscb, son o f William T H ( t d i t *PA-Y? A IfS. Mr. nnd Mra. Grange, Bader of Lyndon. pay. Deputy sheriff Steiner was call ymd Pauline Kcusch was l>orn, Decem ed. The cause of Hie accident was ber 7, 187*1 in Chelsea and died, Mon Mr and Mr*. H arry Tnylor and blamed to bright light from approach day, July 23, 1923 at St. Josephs hosW hat have you to sell in the daughter of Detroit spent Saturday ing CHI'S. I pilot in Ann Arbor, a fte r a two weeks line of vacation thing*, a tent, and Sunday with velatvies here. l illncs* resulting from an attack of a camw, « ran bom, a hammock | the flu. Ho was married to Miss PICNICKERS NEED CARS. camping kit, etc.? Mr. and Mrs John Schneider of Ann [K athryn O’Brien of Ypsilanti, Feb. 2, Persons who arc going to attend Sell it now while the selling Arbor spent the weekend with their ’ 1398, to this union was horn one son the joint picnic of the Mothodist and Jtv good through W ant Ad* in j who died in infancy. The deceased is w r e n i s h m \ Congregational Sunday Bchoola, and this paper, H undreds looking ; survived by his wife, one brother, who have automobile^ are requested for just such things read the Carl Knapp of Dotroit spent the ’ H urry Keusch of Jnckson, and four to meet a t the churches Friday m orn W ant Column every issue. weekend with his parents on W ash sisters, Mrs. Willirtm T ounley of Jacking before leaving for N orth Lake to W rite your nd now and In ington St. son, Mrs. M. Rettery of Uyrdn, Mra. aid in taking those who have no cars, se rt it Rl once. The cost of J \ Tounley of Lra Angeles, Calif,, to (he gwtfrtds. if ail wiil do this it George Grammer o f Detroit w as n running such ad* is very low. and Mrs. John Hichor of Chelsea. Wifi help the committee greatly. weekend g u est At the home o f Wo pnr Mr. Kcusch was a member of (he firm eats, Mr. nnd Mra. Frank Grammar. ; Keusch and Shepherd of Ypsilanti Rev. and Mrs. P, Grnbowakl enterTH B being in business there for the past mined over the weekend Rev. G raMr. and Mrs. Albert Koch, spont 27 year*. The funeral service* were Sunday w ith Mr. nhd Mrs. Martin C H E L S E A T R IB U N E bowtiki’* m other and sister and Mr. held Wednesday, July 26 at St. John’s Koeh. nnd Mw*. Frank of Saginaw. tW IC E-A -W ER K Catholic church, in Ypsilanti. Chelsea’s Greatest Newspaper. Mr. ForiPceiebrnled bin stxileth Mr. and Mra. Harold Pierce and son ... .. * ~ Mr. and Mrs. Howard B,rook* and birthday yestordny by rem aining of Dctrort, are Wsftfng Chelsea reMW ss lU m c t^ h ln m t>t Ann Arbor,; f(Un)ly flre CAmplng ftt Blind Lake thfafa why from hia p riv ate workshop a f spent the weekehd with her mothor. I wccg( tivto. Hist Dearborn adtomohilo plant, A /W W S A -' LOCAL BREVITIES S R t PRESIDENT HAR0 N© ALWAYS AHEAD CHELSEA, MICHIGAN. T t :rsU A V. Jlfl.V 31, 1023, m r r ry™ E C H E L S E A T R I B U N E I - WHISPERS For (I,,, S .J'V f' u J WA/>, ) i,;n hn,;:j in!y iiull and fall. K z grivn U 3*. r-nj go.dhi. « t tt* ftwftM&Hi « t CIh Im * , Michrg*o, u »woa(i-clt*« umtUw. Hut I tho't 1 know’ll it all. I did saw some post to make (Viici,-. Published Every TUESDAY AND FRIDAY Jist hint it in a private way Ami ({ive UK lots of glory O FF IC E ;—-102 JACKSON STREET For the l.ove of .Mike. 1 struck upon a stick of wood, $ $ 6 ra u ail eonuminUxtioiut to the Tribune, Che (sea, M ichigan i I m d i y racked my sfiin, The water swosht-ti upon me hi And it wet me to the skin, T he Chelsea Tribune is mailed to m f address in th e U nited Oil, for the J.ovi: of Mike? , ute* ewt l|y ! 0 th e year, 7t> cen ts for six m onths and 40 cents for Hill D. f . X kftW H t. P u b U t W ----------i-r,.' H . W . KJauviWf, K d iln r .... I PEGGY’S CORNER all tt* t'.'il'i; <0 V 'hilling*. ■ This is iIk.- seat-on of the y.*:ir wliwi ! wo nlmulil use frail for our .linner <leI S'-rl. Jll.-it II Ixml of Lf-l'l'ii'S i;, Ji'illi.V mighty good. Hal thou wo cannot, re;sL l making thi'iii up with pi,;.. Try ! a huckleberry pit- v.ilh tw o tulilo, spoons of rioum on top of berries bo - i fore baking. Thou pul tin- -..trip.--, of j crust on tlic lo|> instead of a whole i top. U is delicious, j Wrapped Foods. It is sanitary lo I b u y r a k e s , f r i e s , e t t i c k e r s a n d other 'I ho poetosa ought lo have Mike by ’ foods which are lo he vaU-o inimcdintthis time so th at he would he e a tin g - cly in wrapped packages or cartons. out of her hand. Cereals, however have to ho cooked —o— before eating and hence should be pur Father says son resembles his side chased in bulk as they are cheaper L et us all get together fo r a bigger and b etter Chelsea. of the house, b u t neighbors say ho re th a t way. A sewerage system for Chelsea. sembles the outside. Scuffed Shoes—Uub scuffed shoes A buiiding program th a t is bound to build. —o— with vaseline before polishing. The lu st about every invesligxtioii re scratches wilt scarcely show. ports thnL living is so high because Sleeves Passe. The strong call for &0 YEARS 01’ TYPEW RITER. things cost so much. | is fo r sleeveless or almost sloevdesa —O—■ : Young ladies who type fo r a living will he interested to learn 'frocks.. This wan a much. diRCtissed We like w inter belter limn summer point last year, hut there seems no h a t the typew riter was invented 50 years ago this month. The because getting cold doesn’t w ilt your doubt of sleeveless frocks popularity. iventor was C hristopher L ath am Sholos, and he perfected his collar. Voiiu is the m ost used mash fabrics. d e v ic e in Ilion, N. Y. ■HI"'* F urniture Polishes. For very tine Like all o th er im portant inventions, the idea of a typew ritLearning to fight is easy. All you furniture silk is an excellent polisher. m achino had been bwush/g in the invett tot's’ heads fo r uridoM have to do At aed as you p/case where Save, your old worn out silk lingerie Otierations. Probably even centuries. F o r laziness is back of you please. for this purpose. —0 -08t inventions, and the idea of a typew riter m ust have occurred Here are some more Invalid recipes: Speaking ynur mind h fine, if you Itafr«wcte o f years ago when the m aking o f records was a slow mind your speaking. W ater Toast hd laborious task. Have a shallow pan with one pint It makes a girl mnd when her fel boiling w ater and one-half teaspoon, As fu r back as 1714, llen ry Miller patented a crude ty p ew riter England. He gave this description of it: “A m achine for ini- low steals a kiss and madder if he salt, dip each slice of dry bread quick doesn’t steal it from her. ly into water, spread with butter and tossing letters singly and progressively, as in writing., whereby serve hot. 1 w ritings may bo engrossed oh paper, so exact as not to bo dis Women can do lots of tilings better Albuminized Ice tinguished from p rint.” than man. No man can talk with n W hite of one egg. one-half cup milk B ut to C hristopher Lathaiu^holwf, apparent hr, goes the honor mouth foil of iuticfticts. few grains salt, stir egg using silver — o — p erfectin g the first typew riter “ th a t really worked,” T h at is to fork, add milk gradually white htiring L atest news from Wall SlreeL ‘y, a practical device. strain and serve cold. , shown too many shady dealers arc making clear profits. I t ’s queer how, when hum anity tries to do som ething in a new Trof. John It. Brumm, of tho Rhe 'by, it cotmot get the old method:? o u t o f its heads. Clouds are formed by hot nir, Es toric and Journalism Department of tho University of .Michigan, nnd Prof. F or insiftnee, the first railroad passenger cars looked like pecially w ar clouds. Kmtl H. f.orcti, head of tho Dcpart— o — ■ fcgecoachcx. And the first autos looked like buggies. A Virginia hoy who thought he itionl of AnchUeviutv, of (Ac iVngfSo w ith the typew riter. Iti m ost of the earlier typew riting could rob a man and gel away will bo noorlng Collogo, have been icmtullvoly chosen to direct tho pageant which 'achines, models of which are preserved in th e p aten t cilice, the 50 boforo lie gels away. wilt |,o given hpro in 1024 to comtyft were laid out in p row like th e keys of a piano- I t's difficult inouiorato Uio hilnilrcdlh nimlvuraary th ru s t precedent aside. Finally th e m a tter of convenience (Insti Th cto would be more perfect gen of tho founding of Ann Arbor. AIls, again) led lo a rearrangem ent of typew riter keys in several tlemen In the world if noee didn't lhov/;h tho etty (eutf foumfeif fn fAo consider them perfect bores. lnltor part of February, lSlM, It is s. Then the le tters instead of running in alphabetical order probable Hint on account of tho b, c, d, etc.) were shifted so th a t the key to be stru ck n ex t was None of those European' statesm en weather, tho oily will observe the Jclcwe n» possible to the one ju st tnpfxxl yelffng for another war were shot in contonnlnl celebration iato in May or early in Juno. Penm anship was aa accomplishment and a m a tter of pride in the last war. OUR P O L IC IE S bid days, so m any o fthc early typew riters printed ah im itation andw riling instead of type. The typew riter /ms brought m any advantages, b u t w ith it 0 come disadvantages w orth thinking about, The typew riter .{iottainly aided in th e facility of expression and communication ‘e aud speed), but it lias also contributed to the m ultiplicity of ftcessary work by making expression and communication too ■ ■■j*! Keeont oxporlmonta In tho labora A man who thinks he is too poor to tory of tho physics building fn tho m arry is not in love. University of Michigan havo romiitud In producing tho highest temperature Stingy p a m ils arc tickled when it aver produced by artificial means, is twins because then tlic doctor' makes and similar lo that, believed to bo a wholesale rates. , y r n y c r iy o f s o /u o o f th o M a rs. J u st ivlmt that tom porn lure is is variously Every now and then you see a man estimated at from 26,000 lo 30,000 duwith a vest laughing about women's jrees Fahrenheit, nnd sometimes sol ts high as SO,000 degrees. To nuinnfoolish clothes. iro It accurately wob impossible boNJee tiring al/out mtmiuar is it is . ' t i u w I h o h o o t t e o s o l t o l t i o d a n d m e t i t t warm enough to wash out the tub a f iainod (or only the minutest part of a second. te r you batiic. ' I|Vi*t «JI * m ii„ o O. ivLvut.I Vogel K. .S, Spaulding 0. J. Chandler Otto Luivk li. C. M el.area iV. K . ffeaeh L. P. Vogel M. J- Dunkel Andros Guide R. 11, Holmes McLaren, Pres. J. L. Fletcher, 1st. V. P. 1>. K. Beach A.’ 2nd V. P. Carl Miiyer, Cashier. 1*. Mnrom-y Asst. Cash. 1&0t\ W h a t E v e ry S u c c e s s fu l M a n K n o w s 3 T h e man who has worked for his accum ulations; the m an with responsibilities o f success, lie know s th e necessity and full value of established relations with a first class banking organization. Financing any business to success, w hether it be m ercantile, industrial or agricultural, is a job which requires courage. B ut m ost im portant of all is to h ave an established credit, and a frien d ly business relationship with bankers o f proven ability; men o f vision who know th eir own success can be only in proportion to yours. N o m atter w h a t your work m ay be—you are striv in g for success. c r e d it This bank can Start today to establish your assist; you. Carnegie’s g r e a t fortu n e started in a sm all savin gs accou nt w hile he wasdelivering telegrams as a tiny hid in K e m p f C o m m e r c ia l a n d P ittsburg. S a v in g s B a n k F o u n d e d 187G i JUST RECEIVED £ I t haa been u boom to th e eyesight of those who otherw ise ,)d have had to scan penned JoII m *. B u t it has destroyed tlic An and admirable a r t of le tte r Writing, and frayed th e nerves lltiludcs, **— o—• '•'It helps p ivtm le business th w u g h direct advertising, h u t at Chicago robber got §11,000 for Ame timo it aids the flow of w orthless literatu re w ith o u t end. Working t\ip> minutes, hut such jobs round, tho typew riter forged one more link in th e g reat chain never last long. OClinnical devices th a t enslave us. However, you can have the When apoaking of bis matrimonial and ink, we’ll lake the typew riter. A F u l l C a rlo a d fftato nepresontatlvo Chester M. OF Howoll, q( Saginaw, was named sec retary of the Kalamazoo oounfy fair *t n rnoottiig of tho coinmtueo, hold B i n d e r s , M o w e r s it Kalamazoo. Tlio county hns boon without a fair for several years and C o m fo r ta b te a s a n hark a June /|u»6nn(f is raffing it his ffio committoo rocontly was named to revive tho project. Howoll wtl! S i d e D e l i v e r i e s m atrimonial Sharking. O ld S lip p e r come to Kalamazoo at once lo lake Ba k e w h i t e c o l l a r f o r o v e r a l l s . When a summer e/riri meets s street chnrgo of arrnaftuuiuils tor tho or W hether or not you approve of iiibits in the fait. Tho eommitlcu disposition the sum m er cold wins. 'n Chicago they announce, th e w hite collared workers are givannounced that §2,600 of llio neces shell spectacles for o ther ocas ions you th e ir positions to learn trades. This is owing lo a big difsary §7.600 guarantee funds already will certainly find them m ighty com H a y L o a d e r s Being in Uio riiovios is like being in ce paid fo r clerks and mechanics—$20 a week for clerk and Use world: some make n dollar a dny had been rnlRod. hc«* fortable to slip on evenings in tlio sc$0Q fo r some classes ol‘ skilled labor. and some make a thousand. The net roil Sr JroblAn. Snlost arid} climioa of your own home. The ■4 v! f'irfid1 t Is & good sign o t Amevict(i?/sm this willingness to give up lion to tljo Ford railroad Intorests. fram es nro light and smooth nnd the 4 !i , to bo conducted In conjunction with broad surfaces give adequate proleclute collar for th e blue s h irt and overalls. Shows th a t th e tho Detroit. Tolodo & fronton sys Sb. flpd boys o floday don’t care so much about th e clothes they ■! ‘ taun dim, fs oxpepfocf fo ho in fuff opera Non (o nos'd amf cars. Oct prices from us before buying ;a t work as w hat th e job pays. Taking a “position” for 20 a .. N utt tion by October 1, it ia just npYou will find here nn excellent as M ic h ig a n I W do (when one can get a “job” paying $50 doesn't appeal. nonneod. This now- fond, tho first division to he operated by oloclrtc sortm ent of styles nnd uizes. T here i C H E L S E A C O - O P E R A T I V E A S S O C I A T E *hd rush to enter the trades also illustrates once more th a t H a p p e n in g s rnolivo powor, will run between lUvor arc styles with straig h t sides Oml arc law o f supply and demand can’t be denied. J u s t so long as t n '* Uougc nnd the 1)., T. & T- yards north particularly /m/mlar mJtF todies, os ' G. W. COE. M anager I<uus i t outlook for the youth is in th e trades ho will tu rn th a t of Ffnf Kocft, a (fffifnnco of J2 1-f Michigan’s corn crop In in a 6 par mites. Powor will bo furnished' from it is not necessary to disarrange the iW hen he can m ake as much a t some oth er work it will at- cent hotter condition than It has boon Itlver Kongo. lutir in slipping Omni on or off. for the last 10 years, tho report of g = ^ ---------------' ------------------------------------------------------------ LiLlJ-j * tho Michigan departm ent o f agricul Your present lenses can be dupli = The second annual Kent comity ture for July rovealed. While tho cated for insertion in a pair of these 0 T H E HAIR, am acroago Is loan this year due to the farm boys’ camp will open AuBust 27 shell frames. ■ nt Harlow Inko and will continue flvo hoary abandonment of farms and (bo r 'K b have become accustomed to seeing our girls “dolling” up flhortngo of labor In tho ru ra l: soc- days. Accommodation for 40 boys is G L A S G O W R E O T H E R S *K i , jc an dtnkc it ns a m allei- of course now b u t in C rass Lake ttona, tho exceptional farorablo con- being arranged. F. J. Waish, of A . E W IN A N S & S O N Cortor Sprint!*, to chairman ot the i M NOTED for SELLING fiM GOOD GOODS CHEAP * Or dny tre got n new illustration o fthc distressing feminine dlttcn of tho crop a t (his Into period camp comm it too operating under tlic la (ho sonaon nssiiroa tho state a JEW ELERS ANIV t ec, A visiting “sheik” siltin g w ith his “shoba.” in an ice greater yield than for many yearn, county V. M. C. A. 139 to 145 E. Main St. OPTOMETRISTS, JACKSON, MICHIGAN j itrlor wailed in by looking glasses got o u t his pocket comb tlio report states. The forecast of ■ ■■ h) l l ,or ; CHF.LCEA, M ICHIGAN£nged his locks and eyebrows all the. while carrying on an tho crop Is <10,022,000 buehels, prob ably the greatest ylold per aero tho ting conversation. Ilis boudoir effort concluded he dusted J a m & J e l l y M a k io d state has over experienced. B i g S p e c i a l s A w a i t Y o u A l l *■a: «*Uilfvt <3 w ith his hnndkorohiof and placed tiie comb in bis lady’s n o w a n e x a c t s c ie n c e ^ «<f i DETROIT UNITED LINES tohed hand. She was perhaps more d eft in the h air dressllor.ry Ford filed an application Vf<> F resh Fruits a re P le n tifu l! D u rin g A u g u s t (h e r companion, probably owing to longer practice, b u t she wlll» fho Michigan public ltlllitlca £ 'he CHELSEA TIM E TABLE. Use the short Ccftro-Procws for *1-:fiif-n commission asking a right to run his m ole composed. The persons who stared were p u t down lino, making jam and jcllv with Berries, E astern Standard Tinio; — Effective iho Toledo & Iron ton railway, ■J1j evei>v licpiUTnietil of th is sto re We will m ake some de <>t Thicks” they were. July 10, UV>!1. Cherries, Peaches ana other fruits in direct from Ralsoiivillo through Dun cided i eduction during August* JJ vri)) /a'ty yon to Lurfe t h ffW. deo Into IfCtutwou county, wftoro ft 'Mil season. You wiff tm<f they are tfie best mont t and ay m » supply for fu tu re needs, as all our mer„ Limited Cars win c o in e d again with tta own Hno. jams and jellies you ever tasted. cliaiubse will be sold a t special jirices, j f you need a silk of L 1" Ho proposes to build about 25 miles Detroit 8:46 a. m. and every CERTO issold by grocers everywhere., twoFor wash dress, coat or capo, silk nnd cotton w aists, French C ,} V E O F GAMBLING. hours lo 6:46 p. m. of now track almost directly through •rsent postpaid for J5 cents. beaded blouses, sw eaters, sep arate sk irts or salts, come id S For Jackson 9:18 a. m. and every socllona of Monroo and Lenawee U. S, Playing Cai'cl company, in Cincinnati, is turning out and see w h a t splendid bargains aw ait you. !pni two hour* to 9:18 p. m. i a an counties. Engineers of tho comnils;I>acks of cards a dny. And poker chips like a continuous shut 1 M INUTE'S BOJLJNO Silks, H W aruf IFasii goods in endless variety v nnd a t pric- ^ Express Cars figure tfinf it wifi save hotter es that will more than please you. i» N ot all of us, of course, play " f r t r k c c p s B u t all play than an hour in running llmo (or hla V . ” 0>n Eaatbound—7:14 a. m., 9:80 a. m. 2 P O U N D S O F F R U IT Your oportunity is now, don’t delay. and Otory two hours to 7:80 p. m. trains. W o s th o n s d — 1 0 ;9 6 a . m . a h d o r o r y in om- M en’s m any bargains th a t vod ; k i i ?‘ 3 p o u n i >s o f s u g a r IU‘G a nation of gam blers because we have built up a system two hours to 8:26 p. n>,, 10:22 p. nl. should not tfiiss. ' ‘ •; State Highway Commissioner Prank lea by wiiicb success ia America is lo large ex ten t a lot- Rogers, entered an agreement with Express cam make local slops w est of 4 O U N C ^SO F C e n to I'Tirmtme a t very m oderate prices, i f you intend to l«iy-.; Ski 1sn 'We bavc big jackpot w inners — multi-niiilionaires — Macomb county for Ibo construction Ann Arbor. fnrmUire now is ju s t the time to do ao. Como mid look over- , J from 5 P O U N D S ? JAM use they happen to win w hat tho vest of us are after- of 4% miles of 20-foot pavement on our stock any way. When yon see th e low prices wo needn’t lip Local C a n tho Oratiot turnpike, to fill Iho only Wrapped with every bowl* worry as we know you will see tho point. ! *| jNwnv Eastbound—10:26 p. m. For Ypslgenerally is sore a t the winner, not at Die game. v remaining gap between Detroit nnd •b.» stripe booklet teh>& i'anU only, IJ:62 p, m, Rugs, Linofeuni, Linofeuni, (m rtains, all in iccd so very reasonable A AS?v Rugs, , 101 telb the story. Port Huroh. Tho work will bn done No WwthoMid—8:26 a. m,, 12:89 p. m. o use to go w ithout them. ' ! > Douglas-PcCUn Corporation by the comity, tho stalo to share the C a n eo&nMt a t YpsflanU for BaOur Grocery departm ent is filled to overflowing with b a f '! s £ X n ti 24 Grin It* l)U|., Rwhuur, N. Y. ll»a and a t Wayne fo r Plymouth and w as caught m im ing a still in Dennison, O. Mon arc expense. gtiii(S. B a y y o u r t r a i l c a n s a iu f J e lly g la s s e s h e r e . E x U ^ *a^ Noribsiilt, itw, bigger loafers efvery <fay. c a n to p s a n d r u b b e r s . »*,/, ”Ns More than one million chicks wtl) S to re c lo s e s n t 6 p, m . S a t u r d a y . bo shipped through (ho Holland postThe Inst lima llen ry Ford was in W o a s k y o n to Itelp u s m a k e t h e e a r ly c lo s in g n s u c c e ^ ofllco by parcel pool from iho 40 hns hcv earthquako, but we have om* pvoairohtinl olec- halchorlon in this soetton during the I Chelsea no one asked him to run for r io a s c d o v o u r tr a d i n g in m o r n in g o r a f te r n o o n . Y ou can h elp u s m th i s . ; Boason. Tho soASon will closo In president. U m ust havo boon nn odd N o rearon her tongue fo teS aAfOrii three weekis. tfno week fill, experience. W o s e r v e a n e x c e lle n t d in n e r in o u r C a f e t e r i a . P rice.t l i f i TJiflt u d oil rtory"It did not Jctl” 000 chicks were handled at (ho Hol c h e a p e s t o f a n y p laco in t h e c ity . C le a n , s a n i t a r y fo o d . Her jam** now MrfeA—jelly, fob She use* OHfcTD—*o should you I t h a t is b o u g h t w ith m o n e y is n ’t w o r th c e le b r a tin g . land office. Efttronixo Trtbuno ailvortlners ... . . . . . *• * ............................... . and A , isa ■if (*■,-■*ijJin 1 '/,.r *&:• TitiJ® ■:GW! C H E LS E A , MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 81. ID38. n*’*i ' ^ ?i ijimil Yog ulding ndlor rick la r v a JUcfl fjel n k i.'l Julde moa llluateaHvrue try J i ’w i n M y G v s p y * xj l i t b y T h a B o b b t - M o r r i l l C o m p a n y 'lio I r . 't i s si!*- iv il! S'V iip>.n M e n . I , | l l i | l i ' III N e w Osh-all-: w i l l not tin i11vi*-1‘m •” T h e i m i x i c r sin ili'il in l i n liw iif illv : "T hIn rv>i11nn 1ic -y o f h e r s f o r K im u r u c 1 <Ii< In* ■ u - k .M e iis ieu r J a r v i s who h .is rs d for h>.-t\ bli-d for lior. keyed lift* a m i r e f u s e s t o h e u n v t h t i i k ' (lie ler' v e r i e s t i n ) - . l o r y m e ! iiliiv ion l i e r e f u s e s t o h e utivlIdJiA* . . My iTIeiii], J a r v i s . I s v e r y h u ll f r o m t h e f o r w a r d I d o k o t ii ; C’lnrlc. ■ hh m m ll ss jpi ee nn tt lin Die Im t.r a l o f t . vvlm "D uil- l i e ! tin the w e a lh e r h o w O l d I t o i n l n i r p i e I t i r e h e d tt|> sillily. D e A l m o n a k t e r r t i n t e I r a n i Ills f u r i o u s l'tteliin a m i d s h i p s . M o n s ie u r S:v/arnr. tite.v iiiily , f r o m ( lie I'nhhi, T h e fteni l e n i e n p n t h m ' d tth"ttt t h e M in s te r 's sea-K'hiss A f t e r y w h ile h e plekinl H nji * ) e a r |.v . “A V a i i k t ’e n n d a s l o o p . p f . w a r , 1 t h in t;, .She Is I n y l iu t a r o n r s e t o erits* *ik.'' S a / n r o e l o o k e d a h o m w i t h s o m e mi' i mi mil'i innf y <nn'ww 'Hi* >—. —ywirw'iii«’iiifp^»i ■■ **!jS*‘l"ljp**jy1*yi ;; )V.’lii!o F.imdo, GUlimn and BoysJi se~ ORDER O F PUOLICATION. ORDER O t PDBtlCATION. W *H i n il II“ '■'Si'll” , "tl'lfa. Th*. S<vMl>hhi«’ I. pil.-hed for tin* I ell r e d i!*>i|hi" S tate of Michigan. County of Washr. ■ : ,*i . ; m i ! »’ S tate of Michigan. County of W ash i n » r ; . l> ! I” t<ainw. ss, tenaw, so. . -,| \ i* i 8 I * 0 R r s At a session ot the I'rohatt- (,'ourt ,U n aeti-sion of the Prolrat" Cvyuft l: I- ■*.*, for-mid County- of Wnshtujmw, held at for said County of Wasltt-duaw, held at R ) J . M, I i* ! ;I ' • the rroW 'ie Oiilce in (he City of Ann tins Probutr' OiTlee in the City of Ann sill. 1 I »« M:*- ' !“J V< u .Arbor, on rln* W .h <fny of Julv, in the Atijor, op the J7lh day of July, y- nin thi I.' 1 ! »V :> ■ : t v • v ^ <\ ■, I ■■ )! ,vi’> ! year one tiiouaftrirl nine hundred «nd year one thou.-anil aim tuituliaul and thm y.Mt .1 full n - p n r l oi' t h :uiuli in t\ irl i ' n n i i u i t i s u u i i ' f , if> V u U i U i ' * u u > fi. I t i l i twenty-Dnee. twenty-three. ,'W. H * ’’*•» i i , * l r . " •nil fi ufinr.tf hiaiMi'cfan. tfoiv Present, Ktnory E. Poland, Judge of Present, Kmory K- I-Hand, Judge of .SCREW CO T h e A i n e t l i n n h n t i l i iinlil svus, In LOSES (.’AMRS ' jmt i the h o t apple crop, In point ot Probate. Probate. ileeil, lim iti i i » nlmilT vvllli s " ia i- m i l In the m u tter of the catnte of E lh n In the m atter of the estate of Sarah SATIIRHAV AND SUNDAY | r.tmlft.v. in I' vei: Mh-htgan history It Ltntghlin, deceased. Kiln O’Toole, ex K. Reed, deceaxesl, on roaiiing and fil nsli.i lie '.in ' bullet riven w oodw ork Tin; Siockbridgc Star.-, look a hard .'e . I n r o M Die e o i / i i n e r e l a l c r o p will b e ecutrix, hnvi'ng tiled in said Couff her ing the duty verified petition of I<1erm ill l o r n s a i l ofntfi . perhaps fought gam e from Hi, Chelsea .SiTevv l a r y e r tliiin Inst y u n r a m l th<» w i n t e r Tumi Adm inistration aeeount, nnd a nnce E. 'DirnHull, heir, praying that a e v e n n in iiiiiii; i r i i - l s o f reil n lo iu ; (lit* Co., .Saturday allot noon with a seme r r o p w i l l ho b e t t e r t h a n t h e s u m m e r petilioaniraying for the allowance eertain paper in w riting nnd now on snipper*. T hen he I I 'o n i 'i i h j i i e of i to l>. Stork bridge prartii-ully won l o i i v e s t . Tie- r lu'i'l w a n b a s e d o n a thereof and /or Hie Assignm ent and file in this court, purporting to he the •.•live |1 * " I : wlii' l l e o f r e l i e f ; T h e | | o r M'ilJ and oim K testam tfic(ii»Hf>ii{ f i t Sarah .Q»JTnl\ IE, s n r v e v D o i n K iiin iei imili to Rerrleti Distribution of the Residue of said es- litul last will ent of lie! I In n litnl llnl - a i l e d f r o m Xinv 'th e uiuiii’ in Die tirsl inning, mvi -iii,.-. r o i ' i i i y , j u s t e o m p b - i r d late, Reed, adm itted to probate, and tl it O rlean s T h e o H i r e r * till) n o | v el K now J six runs. )•.. rlieliiarlt started lot the | It is ordered, that Hu* 1st day of Herbert 1), WiUierol) and T’lw-iwe i-7 i f i*h1 . i { ' ■' C n l 1i't■ 1 ‘K ,\ 1 ' 11*. 1 : i i o 1\Sv'fV« <A>., fmf w;i.- not h i fViitr,. It. September next, nl ten o'clock in the TtirnRull, the executor named in s: id ' i h e s u m of vv-.is r a v e d l a s t J,!i n l e n n n l II.iin s ey ■"«; s m i l e il rpenp I j >|utiroe i lieveiujr him Ijrfoi’o 11>i in forenoon, al said Probate Office, bo will, or some o th er suitable person be y e a r In t h e m u n i c i p a l m llille s of appointed for hearing said final ac appointed executor thereof and ti at upon (he sfi-rillemen : n in U w a s o v e r . l-lt i-nm ihii aecoi-dinv: i « »|>«‘ annual count. a p p r a is e r and commissioners he a p ' [ i fin m i e s s . s i r : M o n s i e u r tie Al lllielseo ticiJ Ij.,j■ ,^v.vv- .hr ,v!.vA-;«;<- n .-hirf of m-.-.1 H . v rlty fttmvgw. And ft fs furiftor ordered .th a t a pointed. I k n o w n In I t a l t l m o r e itttd i nt«>ntis-r-r I* two runs in the -Hh, Dim. in the ,.ih T h e c i t y o w n s i t s o w n e l e c t r i c lig h t copy of this order bo published three It is ordered, th a t Hie 23rd day of t'lm rle stm i A m i t h l - s e l u m n e r - tlie and one in the 7th, only to Imve Stock- :tn<| povvm r-y aiem . r a s p l a i n n n d w a successive weeks previous to said time August next, at ten o’clock in the fore 1 k e r n p l i i a e . Dm i r m o u s Mi!p t h a t w a s l o hearing, in the Chelsea 'Tribune, a noon, at said Probate Office, be a p bridge scoi i' one in tin- j»l!i on an error t e r wovks. T h e mih s of t h e s e illlll of Niii.nlemi!" newspaper printed and circulated in pointed for hearing said petition. ! take l i e s t o t h e c o n s u m e r h a v e Im on fu ivliich w o o Lingium-. said County of W ashtenaw. (t o in-2 c o tn iNUh:!)) And it is fu rth e r ordered, th at « ) u n f e d n s f o l l o w s ; K l e e t r l c l i g h t . 23 (A true copy.) copy of this order be published three j 'Sunday Hie Screw ('a , w.j> ( i v f r s d i ' t ) per c e n t : k « s . I S ( < , r r i t i t n n d H v / e r . EMORY K. LKLAND, successive weeks previous to said limo r ~ '- ■ hy the Nnppleun JintepenilenLs P lo ) IS per cent Judge of Probate. of hearting, in the Chelsea Tribune, ft Dorcas C. Donegan, Register. DltiJtt nOwspapor printed and circulated in |jit Napoleon, (,'hcl.se:, went over with LOCAL BREVITIES V! !t:..r N 'w v t l l o , allic* F M w a n l Nel sftld County of W ashtenaw. |.r> of tiic-ir regiilnr [ilnyers nnd pul up New York musicians threatening to (A true copy) | a good Kiinu- nltliougli hantlicapped by s o n , . s e n t e n c e d f r o m ^ i r o m t R a p i d s Our Phone No. 190 EMORY E. LKLAND, l a s t J a n u a r y m Die . \ D c h l e a u R e f o r m - strike again are working lo heat the j luck of team work. Judgo of Probate. D o r y ,'D t o n l a In s e r v e f r o m IWO t o band. >-■* | It. ltiedel started tin: game ami Dorcas C. Donegnn, Register. DSt-Ht five y e a r s f o r l . i r c a y . w n * c a p t u r e d , Mr.. . mid ,, Mis., John , „ Il.-iuser !lt“l j went good until the fourili inning, a t M u s k i - j o n , a f t e r h a v i n g e s c a p m l daughters Dorothy and Nona and .Mr.'whl.n they scored i,vv runs, H<* war, tw o m o iD h s a?o. H e h a d b e a u w ork and Mrs. Leonard Gocble of U nsitw r/^,-.-; o u t t o t h e f i f t h ; i n <\ tepficcd by In*: In M i l w a u k e e a n d t a m e t o Mini ure camping al North Lake for the II. .Munroc. who lint,.died the game, l . o g o n . h i s f o r m e r hr;u<-. t o s p e n d hh; week. K. Hankard and It. Collins wore v a c a t i o n . injured in life lirsl ;i,rji o f the ".'joic, AD .ami Mrs. Kdwtini llatntnond hut continued throughout because of spent Sunday with friends near S a l no sohslilutes. U n ite d S ta te s H re s (J fw iaotci** y -h y d&ujdine. h , Monsieur Sazume ran to no her thuii Ihe gallowH In tho Plata uies. and ttiere smile down at her I ' o m v n i "Amet lean!" t ried Knoul etiKorly ettlog he Is not himself.” jilt, well <" Do* y “ }))}<; n / u t i s t a r t e d "Thru break out the Jaek. 11ml run up iilterly. "I inn innk<> nothing of J the national eulois nlso! Thin Is nn I Atnerltari sldp!" 1 love her, Monsieur luiline--and |uves Die m ifric of Snznnii’ !’’ 1 b arose and paemi ihe wet deck, i Snxarnc glanced «t him oddly. It nj>Jag ns Ihe swimltlirusl^ through \ jK-urcj uoinc- semltnent wiis striiKgllex tell arm ent him under the tlress- with expediency. Hut when Clark chihc lier bands laid iniide for It. She down he was sent to heist the slurred CHMLSLA PLAYS JACKSON him from her cushioned port'll hy ling of the Washington republic. Mis. II. II, Nrltoctihuls is visiting SPARTANS, SUNDAY JtteerHiimn. Itomlnhpie hat) taken "Thin is a hard mil to crack," grum relatives in Deb-rdf. t c h ’k a g a in , a m i treric Die fa if, bled Uonilnlque. "The story this [ The Chelsea 1iidepi'-ndcnlx will moot 1c, to Dm lookout. A fine lu.il selioouer holds. Not a document the Jackson S partans on the local Held J. I’. McCarthy is spending a weeks Hi Kiiotil <K* Almotinster hml eotue iibonnj . . . and yon—Jean !” Sunday afternoon. Two players on vacation, visiting his sister in Port tintlei- Ihe press of (In* eventful Mademoiselle JLe^jnui hail Uiined a the .fackson (earn are Tonuer members bl({ht slnee Die Seraphim* lied glad tired face to Die stranger’* sail; A Minn . Out. of the Chelsea club. J. Wood, who the river's mouth; (he ItinK’iild she did not hour a sudden conferem-e. caught for Chelsea last season is locrnt of the sit|tnr planlnthms “It will not do for them lo set! him," Mrs Agnes J llenhant of Ann Arbor Hung tiKniilsI the steel of Mon- muttered Monsieur Smut rue. “N'or •spent Wednesday in Chelsea on bus catching for the Spartans. Grossman Sazitrue nnd tempered (n a nutn Mademoiselle Lextron to see him. He iness. who pitched for Chelsea in two of its wot)It) have culled him ami tried Is roaring his elittnfey s—he Is telling j biggest gam es Inst year will probably Mil him front his nnioilii, but ulu; of Ills sen fight—he names us nil of Ihe oppose Miller. A pitching due! t»f>Mrs. T. G, .Speer and son Pnul.uro old crew, ono by one." Ivveen these two sta rts is looked for. spending several days in Detroit. ’“There goes it signal gun." Ituoul was The lineup will he the same as it has y \» tr h i» x Dm slroJW'e sail, and Dobeen throughout the season. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Winnns am! slemler figure of Louise Lcstron wav ing nn ann ns though the Yankees Mr. and Mrs. Klmer Wimins and fam might see. "They meim for us to luy ily and George Smith spent Sunday IIA V CI TY SELLS STAR to. Now, we will have to explain.'' TW1RLKR TO DETROIT with Mr. mill Mrs. A. P. Corwin of Mademoiselle had run back to Diem, Temperance, Ohio. President W alter I. Foss of the Bay her eyes sparkling Joyously. She heard City >V«/*w N.-o.V/s in (he poriftririf Ihe ymmg man’s last word, mid her race in the Michigan-Oidario league, John Foster of Ann A rbor spent the keen eyes not ml the roust mined silence announced Saturday Hie sale of Sep weekend in Chelsea, . Unit hml till ten on them. Good, southpaw pitcher,, lo Ihe Det ■'Vo.ijw feJ.'i.m- e i m n i r y m c i t , >//*.«*, of t.imisliinii! A rescue , . . what Miss Pnulinc GirhaclT is spending a roit Tygor* of the Amcrit-an league, (or a price said to be die largest ever Is (he mutter? Wlmt Is there to ex few days in Jackson. plain? This ship, a victim of muti received by auyMini league club for neers?" Df. Hint Mrs. V. Rieme.nschneidcr of a single player. Good will report to She glanced from them to Die sloop the Tygers at the end of the Mint itf-war sit King swiftly, wind n-heam. to Detroit spent-the weekend in Chelsea. feague season earfy in September. cross the hows of the ^rdphlne. Al It. I). Rimcinmn was a Chelsea vis ready, nl her umsthoart, (hey could see U O I’ l> -2!) FOOTBALL SCHEDULE itor, Sunday. the Hug of Die North republic. "VVw* .Y.'r.w.Vv-w f ? M , " t h e i t e p f M t .S'epf. i'P -.-ti'imi coi'iege at Detroit wot nan guessed. "Well that--a ship of Oct. t> - Kalamazoo col., at Detroit. E. W. I'atler.son of Niles visited at Ids majesty might seine you all, but 1 the home of his parents, .Saturday. Oet. 1 3 --W ilmington at Detroit. hfivo not heard (lint the Yankees have Oci, 2 0 --Open . ever .Interfered seriously In this tnnd Oct. 27--W nshiiigtou and Jefferson Mr. and Mrs, I'Ved Sager of Ann tiess of New Orleans to free NnArbor were Chelsea visitors.. Saturday at Detroit. pole nn?" Nov. 3 —M arquette a t Detroit. ‘•The emperor,” said Monsieur Sti7.it Nov. J0--C arnegie 'Tech a l Detroit. me darkly, but with Ills smile, "is In Miss Veronica Itrietcubfich of Jack» I* C a n L o v e a M a s k — a W o m a n Nov. 17— Michigan Agricultural Ids bed—-with Ills boots on !" son spent the weekend nl the home of ! h» Go O n F o r e v e r L o v i n g the ) l h > The SVrnpfn'ne was coming around Ur. ami Mrs. A. L. Stager. college at D etroit . I S h o D e e m s a M a n to G e t” nnd up !n the wind with n clatter of Nov. 2-i —St. Ignatius at Cleveland. blocks Had snapping cloth. Domtnlfpic Nov. 2l>~ Gonragn at Detroit. Albert Sleinlyich of Detroit spent j -bl Dip llauio of him . . . she sighed wearily. There was nothing - ^ hardly fall to Rm-S'i why Ids the weekend in Chelsea. else to do. Monsieur Snznnie, itfler l jb) lintl JOttpPd from Its slmath on SUGAR LOAF WINS lust enigmatic Jest, looked grave } 'fi ‘Ohe r e e f ; mid surely the Kern Dial yaofd SY.yyRm.oix Mr. and Alr.s Ihdton and aw? of a ! t h e / \ ' ) > r y ri>.v.vv>.>. t had seen enmiglt of men's pasDexter were Chclaea visitors, S atu r "Tlie Hornet—" he sbrugged: “Com The .Sugar Loaf Lake Aces easily | ^ and their Idond, modore ttlddle's ftunoii* sloop of the day. won their gam e from the Waterloo ^ N Motisleur Sn7.nrae, loo, had Ids !i -kt nvnln. lie fnuntl nMuirs to llrltlsh war. Ltiy-tn, hearties! Yon O f e a n o r s S u n d a y , h y tt s c a r e o f I S t o I, lire honrdfng n mute worthy of a chnse Mr. and Mrs Ben M arty of Detroit the game going only 4 innings. The I P him Inisted, as. Indeed, well a If we lmd other than dead sallonnea visited Mrs. Elizabeth Runcimnn, W aterloo team was demoralized in the ' c Ullgbl on Ibis tmi!i crippled forward of the must !” J ^Uer; bill onee. Iitiiun-ning to Tiomluhine walehod him sorrowfully, ■Sunday. second, S u g ar Loaf putting nine men f‘ T11 down the cabin skylight, with l-'or them all. stive .Tenn I,nfitlc, there ueross the home plale a fte r 2 men .j ifttcessuiir curiosity, she saw him Mr. and Mrs. C. Frey of Manchester wore out. F eatures of thr- gam e were [*• He stood In deep thought. 11 might he explanation, pardon; perhaps, «*?!« gtn*s(s o f CTiefsea relatives, S at even praise for a gallant v’.cro'off. ■v| ittfid. Tlien he went to the door 2 homers hy Ulrich nnd one hy Boynk, urday. ‘ "She Is up In Die wind also," mut i Hkp emperor's stnterenni, iinil tered He Abnotmster. "1 see a bout swinging off, and n smart lleuiennnl's S h e J J m u g b l b o ,L.'ijybivJ s d x b l )y. f ’niui wtio hint thought upon n serl- head-gear. Now, Monsieur StDtarae—” "T( depends upon who mny lie In the ^Slitter until il tmenme miiusln Yankee hoarding party," said the oilier I Rj -- xF opened, Shi* could not tell .indifferently,' "There may he old F L O W E R S ’K^bom. Iml Monsieur gaznrne howeil heads there who know me wait,” fin aecentimted lioiuish. There Monsieur Snr.nrnc’s short In ugh t sardonic srnooilmess to Hits stung the hothead ngiitn. ffe crossed I f amt Sii7.arnc enrered the eniper- to him at the rail. "Monsieur Knr.tmie. Ig .- c-hiiiiO.nr 'The door closed, nnd It Is |d|e to *ay I will not betray you. ,*fi hour nothing happened in the There is no one here who ran or will, fi- i t t r r l t o l i y t M u d e t o o i r t d l e }.<■# except . . - whul Is John Jarvis y A mystery with grim laughter saying now?” about all the blood and “He Instrueled, Just now; Mean find fire of tho weeks there lmd l,aline, fetch the sea hoots of Moiislcin; c ring mirth. ” ? d 11 the dying, wounded fellows, Nn7Jirne,’ "Perdition!’’ fumed He Almonasier. ^ ^ pfielmed J*.*- t h e I'oanJJOi- S t e n t : "He will hang you yet! tie will hung 1 . ^ ___ . a 1^--.... . I . k . ** . » ELVIRA CLAIUv-VISEL, F lorist. rhone 180-F2I ‘ E A P t ^ .*he port how Inst .n. tig h t; Hint you yel —even at ihe Iasi!” ■ a jest, for If Dn king’s......... nii'ii "A word from him—from any one— npe more assault Die sera jp J»v?frj“,f ftuve fuvn ffielrs nan In . ' x U a r a i K r - * ' ' .Mm)Dour Siunme took -r.-; ‘ j *'.vi)rds of Mmisteur de Alimmus Ids situd composedly. "Kin hlen! He ■ |i' - ifihd ^ >1'1 Monsieur Snznnu' wore tin was my Jester In Ihe old days! Tills t I I -4 I ’fi'es against them when they entire affair seized Ids fancy. It was *•-* ' fi«ek to their hr.nis. The Inst he. It seems, for he hoasls of It—who f n„. Seraphim- lay In a close caught ft cnmeUla utdcli was once ^ “ ' f o r e t h e // • V w .r 'J o J.va,-.v) - 7 ;>'),v thrown to me from a balcony. ’Thhvts might have been fur ill Heroin If I hntl I ^ 'he *he rulm n d i n lirnl; r n l : N o.......................... r t ’ouiH', t i n j^ 'h te o d ; Dohon. Hie smuggler; Jue done so, and not he. Well, wind would ^ taio (irm i'le; Freniere and one tmv e? Lift* depends on Die slightest fiBrevsi; a fnffen rimft to wfn'ea, t h } / } ? # . .1t h ) d e a t h a s m e t ) ,- .«/•« ,s»v* -M she saw Monsieur Nuznrnr tho Kmporor of the Pottle had not iLM'e Inst—Ihe ho’sun, JuhhmieRs. cnuglil the cnmelllft he might never ^ 11 Die muster stood bareheaded have been Inspired lo onlswiigser j id V. ftim and looked Diem over. He Monsieur Mnxftrucl” "Her ragged cnvntlee-'’ muliertil satisfied; lie look a deckthe oilier: "he still. She must not . t \ 0I1,) wept a r o u n d t h e m < v i r e know. It would he ahominnhhv-—he. n o - 1 ^ ^ . ns -■If •these M i'* were - s i r iai ntreasure v.iew iv B e g in n in g A u g u s t 1 s t the schooner's spray-dashed with Ids cognac, roaring the doggerel 11,011 he enme it ft. Modi' of your bhiek ship! Nnmo of Names! t * a t K l e r o u r < s it itt aqil. ,v" '■ Lesiron shw Hint he curried Wrc .Iwerforirt M^jifilwr of sluihhy things. A ter. St*i* to the heardtnR. r i a r k !” A hall hud come from the* small boat n broken pistol, l . i ” *°»h, r cutlass and a gold ear- ns she sheered off to Jiwidl the ladder. ^ the bo’sun’ft bend. With Then presently, after seme difficulty, a 0 v s D h o " ' e m down the main eoim young American Heutcimnt climbed o v e r th e ra d . He sJjjrod )'cwj)dem)),r Ii itn p c m r '# e n b ttt. jI<?*'! 1 ' °h Hie door a nil then entered. down the empty waist of the schooner first, mid then to the lltllc group by y ;D*' | m Ahlermnn Domlniipin the wheel where Monsleuf Dominique i R a is e d 5 C e n ts p e r 1 0 0 lb s . f ;i*fi, r4j) ^ n| Ihe wheel. The llnpplng fifty fmng, "Sir. my compliments; and those of I ^ >fin tile M-hooner wore off a bit Captain Dallas of Die American sloop, • ‘Ten. Uornet-'-hut wtt have orders to stop all “ onv*.L|,lr riomlfififiiel 'W lm t lx go sailing craft In the gulf and make In- , Mir erted. quli-.v. Hestdf < we saw you were snll- I * n ? — | ( r i ( S t m y )„>n <| mill •a? with st/hte fmoWo- ro rr #h»rt- j ^ t a f i i s so? W ind--” mniined and hard-used, II might be. far me?" ahe Yon nre- str?" j W M inoL-tmr "Dnptnbi fhisjuir Rnznrnc, sir--acting j For a r e FYb v f£AT C A U 'r G *£T T £ A / D £ R O L O M1CCH — L c 6 v ^ ;' G o o d -s :■!YJ it T ire s O U can switch ordinary tire huyer.t iiotn brand to ti brgnd. B u t try to switch nn Usco user, tic femuttf. Usco Fabrics settle the tire question. whcr« over they nrc tried. B u iif tv? nhsoro puiushm ent Y — tn u i th ey du. We don’t try! Wo buy only the youngest nnd fat test cattle and let the m eat hang long enough to be “right.’’ We are help ing the people of Hits tonv> Jo heller m eat a t prices ns low as anybody's. Our weigh Is are also honest. ‘ 'Try us today. T ltc big. ruKj'cd U nco Fabric is honest ail the way through—* in? bargain streaks under five surface. A tth e new prices espccitiHythc;/ ure a great money’s w orth. FRED C. KLINGLER CHELSEA, MICU. frSr. H .H .BEATTY Chiropractor Form Building Chelsea, Mich. Phonos: Office I38-W— Rea. 239-M WheretobuyUSTtrcs PALMER MOTOR SALES S ta rts T o m o r r o w W i t h E x c e p tio n a l V a lu e s A l l O c c a s io n s t Give us a cal! T H E C H ELS EA G R EEN H O U S E Notice to Users of Ice T h e p ric e o f ice d e liv e re d to resid en ces w ill be IQ ivY-HAT- 1-*"- O 1- E. L. BENTON Tills hig, outstanding annua! event a t Mack’s is a sigpa! for action on the p art of thousands of people who need furniture. The sale is ready. Everything possible has been done lo m ake jj former and greater in service to the public than any other fu rniture sale we have had. Corpo tomorrow and have the benefit of the first choice. f B e d ro o m S u ite A beautiful Qnceli Anne pattern bed room suite in walnut will prove exceptionally attractive at the sale price—Die bed at $42.00 nnd Che dresser at f-W.fW. 7he suite at $ 9 9 .0 0 D in iiig R o o n iS u ite The dining room will indeed be n pleasant reom if furnished with a Queen Anne suite in walnut consisting of a buffet in two tone finish on sale at $411.00, nn exten sion table on sale a t §!R>.00, five chairs at $0-80 each and an nrm chair a t $12,80. The complete suite being on sale nt v' ft CHELSEA, M ld t iiC A K i'U fifltU V i JULY 31, 1921 ;.a*v fc<■*< 'jLVi l*kwhifa<J| kfc ■ .....y^a'?!?i?y*,rr!*,r i!r,‘*.i,:‘i:ii.','i|.”v.'i"v>!!■' !.'i,!i!!^.r.& **T g 9*M*\ f eRTH t H E A T f i E An n A tin o it, a u c u . i Admission 85c Shown i MsilUc® 2 to 8:30 Evening i 1 to 8:30 to 10:00 jSfj^UgUst 1, 2, > 4 v4,Jano Eyre" will: Mabel Baltin, In th e R e a lm o f S o c ie ty LO CAL HARDWARE m iR V ir iH H July 29, to Sir. and Mrs. John Sul livan (Celia Kolb) a daughter, Alary O ar Fhosc No. 190 Catherine. Clayton Webb of Detroit, spent Sun Mrs. Stephenson of Melbourne, Onl., day a t the home of Ids parents, Mr. who is studying music in Aim Arbor, Ia»d Mrv. O. W. UV'Wa Mins Huxel Eiseribeiser of YpsiUmti spent the weekend ut tho home of her was home over the weekend. sister, Sirs. J. L. Woods. Miss Mildred Hayes of Sylvan, has w b w 8 « w b w p w tW fir^rTTnii^B a a e s ^ ^ s Frey Fam ily Iteunion. Pielciuoior Reunion. The Frey fam ily reunion was hotel A most delightful affair was the Sunday, duly 29Ui a t Wolff Lake. family reunion el the Pielemeier slotted Comedy, About 70 were present and an enjoy fam ily hold Sunday, July 29, 1923, uguilt 3, 4. able lime made the family gathering a t tho home o f Mr. and Mrs. William / Tom Mix in '’Romance I-uml," a long-to-be-romembered one. Tho Piclemcier. An elaborate dinner was <Jon«xfy and now*. usual fine dinner was served a t noon, served a t noon to tho following guests; Mr. ami Mrs. Roy H arris spent Sun- j !,ec,n “ rf nl b'ueid of Mr- an<1 ’ 'August 5, C, 7, 8. and a fte r a soeial time a short prog Mr. nml Mrs. John Pielem eier and day in Jackson. [ ' _ ^ oa1. iJ o h u n io W alker and Eileen Percy in ram was held. Guests wore present Children of Ann Arbor, Mr. and Mrs. Lane of Ifnadilla, is building a . VTho Fourth M usketeer” by 'll, C. from Lansing, Ana Arbor, Manchester W alter Pielemeier and bnhy of Stato porch on John Hinchey's residence. ' W lw o r. Miss Elsie Goetz of Ann Arbor Brooklyn and Chelsea. Tiio officers College, Penn., Mr. and Airs. John Mr. and Mrs. ixon Shiites of Lima A ugust 0, 10, 11. spent (he weekend with her parents. d w M far the coming year were: {/res A ta r i and ehiVdrcn, Mr. and Mrs. visited at IP. MsofifiiVavr:; Sunday. H arry Carey in “The Kickback,” Mrs. William Klingler, secretary and Charles Schmidt Of Springport, Mr. Mrs. Henry Gilbert wbo 1ms been Present this advertisement at the box treasurer, W ilber Vun Hiper. Miss Anettc baseman spent Sunday ill with scarlet fever for several weeks and Airs. A lbert Pielemeier and chil in Ann Arbor. DjBce, good tor 6 cento on admission, is ccmvniesiotg very rapidly. dren, AJr. and Air* JJ. J. Vmrls, Air, % A Daughter The Vacation Bible school enter and Mrs. Edwin Pielemeier and son Mr, and Airs. Lewis R udder and WANT AND FOB S A LE AOS Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan of Billie, Air. and Airs. E rnest Wagnor, daughters Minnie and Hilda and Mr. tained their mothers and friends at a Dexter township aro tho parents of Miss Elcnora Strfdth and Miss EI bIo and Mrs, William Kueblor and daugh picnic in the Fraser Grove Tuesday p FO R SALE—Tho hom e-of the lulc a daughter born Friday, July 27 to* Yocum of Kreelandvillc, Indiana. ter of M anchester wero entertained m. Thursday p.m. they were guests of W alter II. Dancer, in Chelsea, con 1923. Rev. and Mrs. A. A. Schoen and Sunday a t the home of Mr. and Airs. the V. B. S. lit Unadilla Mr. and Mm Horner S’ioiTer and sisting of h o u se ,'b a m and extra family of Manchester, were guests at Glen Harbour. lots on which are planted shrubs, daughter, Irene and Afr and Mrs. Feldkamp Reunion. the Pielemeier homo Sunday uftorfru it trees ole., F or information, One of the most pleasant of family noon, Mias Ilcdwig Schoen who has Mr and Mrs. E. Eiscmar, were Jack- Lawrence, Noah, and Mildred Noah OVmfsen, FAone 171-11. 9S 2 reunfonH was th a t hold Friday, Jufy been spend/ng fAo past week wft/i son visitors, Sunday. aItone:) ihe Dnknei family reunion in Eisonbeiscr Grove, Saturday, July 28. Miss lamise Pielemeier returned 27, a t Pleasant Lakp. The most popu FOR S A L R -o ld corn a t 50c pr crate home with h er parents, Dancing W am pler’s Lake. OHic The Bohucl family has Intend its a n in lots of 25 cr&loa o r more. Km lar diversion of Iho day whs tho big picnic dinner th a t was served a t noon Scott's, formerly P ark er’s colored or cestry back to the time of the French r quire, Klmer K Sm ith, Phono 102Entertained at Dinner. to 260 guests, coming from Ann Ar chestra, from Columbus, Ohio., Aug Revolution when they left France and F-3. 01t2 bor, Freedom, Seio, Rogers Corner, ’ 1 went into Germany. They expect to Mr. anil Mrs. Louis IJcu'm enter u st 2. 4, 6. 5S have the genealogy completed before FOR SALK — i wooden bedsteads, ga>; Manchester, Dexter, Saline, Clinton tained at dinner Sunday the follow the reunion next year. About 75 mem — stovo, 3 commodes, 3 buggies, wheel- and Chelsea. Tho following officers ing: Mr. and Mrs. W. li. Boutcllc and Mr. and Airs. Wicdonhofl of Ann ->barrow. Mrs. H. W. Dancer, phono were elected fo r the coming year: son George, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Arbor spent Saturday und Sunday bers of the family were present. Roy Racier had the misfortune to I7L-R. 93t2 President, George Feldkamp of Saline; Boutellc, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Moore, with their brother and sister, Mr. break hi« rig h t arm , Monday while secretary and treasurer, Min. Otto Mr. and Mrs. P. \V, Draper und chil and Airs, Patrick Daley. FOR RF,NT—Two 10x10 cottages and Feldkamp of Clinton, cranking his Ford. dren Virginia and Louise, Mr. and boats a t Sugar Ix>af Lnkc. Enquire Sunday, Aug. 5, Sermon by the p a s Mrs. John Cosgrove and Mr. and Airs. Mrs. Robert Gleason and son of De lb B. TurnBull. 90tf A ttend Reunion Q. It. D arling and son Lawrence, all troit spent the weekend with Mrs. tor, Rev. I/cigh Hngle a t 10:30. Sun day school a t 12 m. Thfc lesson in of Ypslldntl. Miss Gertrude Sorrell Alice lloetlel. Mrs. Gleason was a 3fr. and Mrs. Jf. 11. WttUrous and p jfYJR SAl,ti—Fictrofa, goo<f ns new, Alary Magdalene Saved and Saving. incarrying case for campers. l.om1 daughter and Mrs. J. F. W nllrous, a t of Denton, Mr., and Mrs. J . P. Heim form er Chelsea High school teacher. Burton M urray of Ann Arbor will clear lone. Mrs. W, II. Dancer, tended the Jew ett family rcuion, Sat and daughter Irene of Sylvan. Miss Virginia Foley of Toledo, Ov play a violin nolo. Ann W ebster has phone 171-11 DM2 urday, July 28th a t Jbr htme of Mr a story to teii. Everybody welcome. and Mrs. Lynn Jewell of Leslie. The S. I>. I. Club lia s Pleasant Alec ting. is spending a few days nt the. home of Plans nro being made for a betto r ( WANTED—Room and board in a 1924 reunion will be held in Lansing Airs. Ixiis Bacon. A delightful affair was the August than over Sunday school picnic this private family. M ust have a bath a t Potters’ Park, party of tho S. 1’. I, club which was year. Remember the dat, Thursday, tub. Address W. IL O., caro T ri Mrs. W. R. M aylcr of Aiunith is held Monday evening, July 30, a t the Aug. 1C. bune officc.x 88 visiting a t the home of her sister, To E ntertain I.ndies Aid homo of Miss Lillie Wnckcnhut. Fol Occupying one of 1). F raser's cot Mrs. Emanuel Bollinger will enter lowing tho program the rem ainder of dfrs. Henry Dancer. FOR SALE -7 room m odern liouso. tages Inst week Wore Rev. Breniec Enquire Ed. Brown, 311 E a st s tre e t tain tho Indies Aid Society of Zion's tho evening hours wore devoted in Mrs. C. Paul und son Herbert spent and several Boy Scouts of Denton . .! 87tf church Rogers Corners, Wednesday m aking booklets for each m em ber dcMiss Jean Currie of D etroit came scrlbing their life. It being the vaca Sunday at Urn home of Mr. anil Mrs. Sunday to spend a fortnight with Air. afternoon a t her homo in Freedom, FOR RENT—House No. 128 Jackson M. Paul of Dexter. tion montli a pretty decorative scheme anil Mrs. Douglas Fraser. s tre o t Phone 87, E d g a r Downer. was employed by the use of ponds and L. C. B. A. Meeting 83tf Mr, and Mrs. Fred Warblow and There will bo a regular meeting of a large sail boat decorated in the club Mr. and Mrs. W. Wcllnor and baby of W arren, Mr. and Mrs. Prudcolors of yellow and white and lighted the L. C. B. A. next Thursday evening ['W ANTED—A fa rm hand, day of daughter of Detroit, and Air. and den of Belleville, and Mr. and Mrs. month, steady Job for tho year. 1?n~ A u g u s t 2 , a t i h o S i . M n r y h a l l n t 8;Jf> by cundlos, floating from the boat Mrs. J. }}»»l of Ann A rbor, wei-c Bcver of Jackson Were entertained a t were stream ers of pastel shades of . quire B. F. Savory, W aterloo, 8Stf o’clock. guests of Air. and Airs. E. Adams Sun paper with a corsage bouquet and a the homo of their m other, Mrs. H. day. SALE — Full blooded barred souvenier fo r each member, Dainty Winters. B aptist Missionary Rook eggs for Betting. Heavy fayrefreshm entsw ere served fn tho din Cftuse(of Appendicitis. The Woman's B aptist Missionary Mr. and Mrs. George Young and lug strand 75e por settin g . Call ing room, tho table was graced with When the bowels are constipated, Circle will m eet August 1 with Mrs. 1M-F13. 65ti bouquets of various floweis while yel children of Dearborn were Sunday the lower bowels or targe intestines Maggie Rogers. Scrub lunch. low tapers in glass candlesticks fu rth visitors nt tho homo o f Mr, and Mrs. become packed w ith rofuRC m atter, [;0l>DffR8 taken fo r p a rty favors and th a t is made up largely of g e m s . er completed the appointments. Alin- C. W. Klamsor, place cards. Phone 17D-W. Mrs. L. O, T. M. These germ s enter tiro vermiform npjflture dolls in varied colors o f paper Howard Gilbert. dOtf The L, O. T. M. will Hold n recess held the place enrds for each mem Dr. F. V. Auberlc, osteopath, Fenn uenifix and set up intlamation, which meeting T uesday July 31. All come. Bldg. Phone. 188. 85tf. *dg*, cord ber. IfJftUb «**. Km. Henry Abnsmll Misses Jennie nncf Florence Ives S. P. t. September Party. Tfltf M*, Mfi YaaBwrsa Armi, Five Hundred Club. spent the weekend in D etroit, guest Of The S. I’. L club will lie entertained Airs. J. S. Cummings delightfully R a n t e d —Young mon and women to n t their Septem ber p arty n t the homo entertained the five hundred club, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. G aunt. lg*rn Morso and W ireless Telcgraof Miss Dorothy Pielemeier, Monday Thursday evening, July 20, a t her . phy. Railroads, W estern Union Airs. Sidney Schenk and Alias Ag evening, A ugust Gth. Moot a t Mrs. summer home, Cavanaugh Lake. A i pad Wireless Companies in dire nes Webber spent Monday in Jackson. Oscar &cfine icier* (it 7:20 o'clock. sumptuous six o'clock dinner was heed of operators. Wo teach you served, covers being laid for sixteen. quickly, and procuro positions nt Miss Blanch Stevens has returned Kncrcher Reunion a t Kiln Sharp Park, The home was lovely with huge pig salaries, G reat opportunities to Chelsea a fte r spending several it ruum'ofi o f the Kaetvher family boquoCs of wild dowers. Bridge was fo r advancement. All oxpcnscs low} weoks in Howell and Detroit. was held Sunday, July 29th, nt Ella the evening p ast time. can earn part. W rite today for free A bountiful e*Ulog. School established fifty Sharp park, Jackson. Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Goehle of Box Social i years. Dodge's Telegraph Institute] picnic dinner waa enjoyed by 00 Lansing spent the weekend a t the Monroe Street, V alparaiso, Indiana. guests a t noon, a fte r which all listen There will be a box social a t the home of Air. and Mrs. W. VnnUiper. ed to a fine program given by tho Faroe af Mr and Mrs. L. E. Guinarv 84t8f children, the rem ainder of the day was Thursday evening, August 2, fo r tho Mrs. Giidart and children of Cleve UNTBD—People In this vicinity spout in games and sports, A business f H o have any legal printing re- meeting was held which resulted in benefit of the Sugar Loaf baseball land, Ohio are visitiAg a t the homo of team. Everyone cordially Invited . her sister, Mrs. Fid. Brown. Mjrinri to to* MttletnenV.of toU to, yw i, to have H *mt to tlie CbelsM the following members being elected: Tribune. The rate* are universal Pros. George Kaorehcr, Jackson, vice O. E. S. Sleeting Mrs. Verne Fordycc was in Ann to «ueh matter*, and to have yon» pres. Alfred Kncrcher, Chelsea, See. Regular mooting of OJivc chapter, Arbor Monday. itottoea appear to this paper ft Is and Trens. Miss Lena Bauer, Ann A r ' neccoaary to uric the probate No. 108, O. E. S., Wednesday evening, to wmd them to the Chetsoa bor, Guests wore present from Clcve- A ugust 8th. Air. and Airs, Vance Ogdon spent Jjiud, Jackson, Grand Rapids, Lansing Tuesday in Toledo visiting relatives. Chelsea, St. John's, Saline, Ann Arbor A Daughter. CAMP N a. 7 U 8 M. W. A. Clinton and Bridgewater. Tho reun Alisa Katherine Fletcher is spend Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barth of Lima, H and 4to F riday mrontogs ed ion in 1924 will hb held tho la s t Sun ing the week a t Cavanaugh Lnkc. rrritti I m t u « e b«dt by te s t day in July nt Island Park, Ann Ar arc fhe parents o f a 10 lb. girl horn Wednesday, Ju ly 26th. bor. S. Dance*, Cleric. Aliss Terefiaa W inters and Mre .D. J. Donovan apent F riday in Anb Ar A. M A PM bor, 1 Mr. and Airs. Reuben Hciber Wore Sixty-six conntloB of Mloblgafi, 13 F i n a l D irector in Adrian, Saturday. Matos oulsido of Michigan, and To iaptly d ay or aigA Afrs. Af. / . iVoyes /* visiting m Bot ronto, Ont., aro represented tn the Miss Gertrude Miller of Detroit, Rummer term enrollment at Wostorn tle Crook at tho home of her daughter, visited relatives in Chelsea over tho State Normal school at Kalamazoo Airs, Ralph Holmes. which baa reached I,SIT. weekend. MONUMENTS, MARKERS Air. and Airs. Carl Gelonius and children of Ann Arbor, were guests Kmorson O. Brovin, a troo surgeon, Mr. and Airs. E arl Lowery and fam L E S L I E & CO. Sunday of Mr. and Airs. Clarence iwaa trimming a treo at Sliver Lake ily; spent the weekend a t N orth Lake nonr Pontiac, whon his foot allppod. Bahnmiller. 9 0 8 - 1 0 Cooper St. Jackson, Alich To avoid falling to tho ground Brown Mr. and Mrs. Charles LVwmro and grabbed a wlro that ran close to the State Superintendent of Public in-' family of Fenton arc visiting rela inNum «RtiiH iiniiim m i<uiBB>i| tives and friends in Chelsea and vi troo. It was a high tension wire and etructlon Thomas B. Johnson, an Brown waa so severely burned that nounced ho had appointed A, F. Wfisthe may noI re cover. rA M A M M ID S O M cinity for a few days. phall. member of tho faculty of the W UmctAKXBB I stato college of mlnoa at Ifoughton. Air. and Atva. Elm er Lehman and Governor Grooabock recently ap ns assistant superintendent of public MrtoMMmd rr * r fifty y **r* | family, Mrs. Fred tahm nn and Homer pointed Claire R. Black, Port Huron, instruction. Wostphall will succeed (Jtidgo of prbbnlo for St. Clair county, Floyd A. Rowo, who roslgnod, effocf ill Chrise*. Mich. | I.ehmun were in Saline Sunday. to fiuccofid acorgo L. Brown, do-‘ ttyo Soptombor 1, to accept a posi Afr. and Mrs. A lbert Schiller and cusswf. tion as director of athletics fn Cleve daughter of Lima, and Mr. and Mrs. land public schools. Tho Oranges of The Fifth Regional Wm. I'Ycy and daughter of Sclo, word District. Including Calhoun, Ingham in Jackson. Mrs. Mary K. McDonald, head of Barry and Eaton connffos, held a Joint meeting at Charlotte lari weok. tho hospital nt Elkhart, Bid., and for Afr. and Airs. A lbert Sutton drove John A. AfcSparran, master of the mer superintendent of the Albfou city to Hillsdale, Sunday. Pennsylvania Stnte Grange, was Uu hospital, has boon named Jointly by R eal E s ta te ehiof Speaker. A. B. C*ok. of Owosso the city council and city hospital Broker Mis,8 Ruth Saylor was in Ann Arbor m sstor of the Michigan State Grange hoard, as head o f Iho Sheldon Memo and other Stato Grange officer* tuVo rial hospital, now fa tho course of Monday. A ll M id i of Re*l Estate •old construction hero. U 1$ expected the npoko. and sxnh*nt*d. hospital will be ffnlshod about Janu Mrs. Alabin Woodruff is staying a t PHONB M l Trofesaor Edward Brikson. nssls ary 1. (bn home Of Mr. and Mrs. A. SuDofl, tant profeasar of slhlolural englnoor rrlMkot >M Boo* Middle •(root Ing tn tho Unlvfirslty of Michigan Miss Aim R. Banka, county boy’s C h ris* . Michigan. Joe Cannon has accepted a position will loavo Michigan floptomber 1 te and girls’ club loader, is to conduct with the Hupmobllo Motor Co. and take a leaching position at Purdue a club camp and school of Instruction left for D etroit Monday. university, Lafayctto. tnd. In his non for county club m em bers In tho state position ho will be head of tho atruo park at Indian River on the bank of jpdlhg to jn/w rostion received lural dopartmont of tho civil ongl Burt lake, August 8 to 10. Exports tho federal government by Hie P r i n c e C A T A R R H A L D E A FN E SS ©onsOrvRtton dopartm ont, |2P>.nOorlng oollogo. from tho M. A. C will demonstrate in Rio.nly relieved by ewisiltullonnl irwit|U 1 bo available for forest flro msnl. HAT.l.'S CATAimH MUBICIN19 special work, including th at done by C f tt n r r h A t Is a cv n M H u U o n al re m e d y . M *n r l< Osgood, ot Monroe, has pouftry nfiT live alack ol»h$. Ion lu Michigan fhfs y a r . The Deafness Is caused by an In_____ nflamed congovernment will advance I2L* dHlon Of tho mueoua lining of tho Kuatn: boon rocommendcd for appolntmoni chlMi Tube, When this tube Is inrfamed as poslinnsler at Monroo. syjtoa ) * t loglslaturo approprln- you havo a rumbling sound or Imperfect Hunger, ih e Best Sauce. 1^6,000 a year. Tho total 1* ban ring, and when iM s entirely .closed, D m fn o lle i s t h o r e s u l t . ” Y ih i’e s s ' t h e fri Sauce is used to create an appetite ftwteo * much as was spent Funeral services for John D. Mao or relish for tho food. Tho rig h t way JO'i ar. The money will bo used to Kay, 62 yoars old, attorney, former is to look to your digestion. When Nl. ... ;Uj O AroflghUng a fid pafmfffcg blood on the imp.---------su rfai ....----- - sUfo senator and former oftnfrman of you have good digestion you arc cer h e inflammation tn fli and tiion Mid perhaps to fired urn, thus reducing the anistlng Nature tn reetoring normal eon tho Ropubtlcan state contral commit- tain to relish your food. Clmmbernr« towers. iso, wore hold a t Detroit last week. laln’a TobloU im prove too digestion, create a healthy ap p etite and cause o LI>J, '-rraM,?^ rgoaHo fhoverrtcni o f to e bostefs. f PUi N O RTH LA K E N E W S A n d A s s o c ia te ’A Y S A f L in e s tTEKNTH G r a n ite W a r e T in w a r e N ic k e l o n C o p p e r A lu m in u m W ooden W a re A la r m C lo c k s W a tc h e s F la s h L ig h t s B a tte rie s SeesfaseMM ■~-r j ., Lu n c h K its Guns A m m u n i t io ^ lj ^ ^ J R a zo rs R a z o r B la d e s ^nely Disci Rts that mi C u tle r y We offer a new, clean stock of quality merchan dise at a lower mngo of prices, ............. A , G . H I N D E L A N G Telephone No. 2 not Kind Mien the lb «s a (ribut< be dead. A ........1 Worse. Ho i *d is not kr >£ to all in g .of all from f MauehesU *W. if thal v ®t why any Uhe story tli h not know Interests in bud things wi ju s t whin The Ktor H ow about idea of thi Was u perf Wua there did not quit' i(! way the Hi But to lei hghl and th th o se pictures you m a d e Sunday? /fe tte r h rin g t h e film s h e r e fo r d e v e l o p i n g ,f of the mm Batcments Isin regard t ■ th a t woulfl and p r i n t i n g . Y our pic tures get t h e b e n efit a the old opim for v Oers, so the rt si had a ehe< Who has jus ' 'Ho old pluci ' ^ i o n groups. o f o u r e x p erien c e and u p-to-date m ethods. L S. rocomtn follow the e Print tho pn "filh some li w or real. C to paint w L N lla g e th a t i “hies. W hite Ms w hat lia th at the all ’fonder why t folks do not the fines, h driving a the purut Hans wore «| r c a r right o ^ t« k . .Nut so tjri then down ^ Where it nay; car came in direction 'hgs indicate. again, a on Main j indicate oh to ihe curb. th a t there |M iere and hoo ^ l o \ v , why not " l of tho whole Picking on tii the big follow ■Rs shouiil he no hs because o jF’ “r because o: coii)munity. r ^Jkybe it would ** tra ffic scl yes, and nt s • Was auggeste / 1 to avoid any n bad corn T he corner L^e.ts is a bad < .‘ing cars c hnirraw cscupi rvance of Bill °r« of the coli »j,a fc coracr vvh Sr— k tc sfffc d u m n i; somewhere corner. If drive ;* 1 they would i 3 ^ 'a l l y if they ■ (hse ju s t once. s s A u gu st T h e a t e r Alow comes Uie t ^ In Maine. H J 91* I t’s about U Uhampionn Wot sceka ago, eont hes for 31 hour: Hd, etc. is notlvl h boiled eggs. Tow pbout th at tbd ilio hair ;J f aid cum baldnci Mo. Tho distui lod by tho sou olient effect u: a n d St M a tin e e W e d n e s d a y a t 3 ‘iC,:}- TW1C1 Pi, nm Itiors of win®' (Stovyhitir. 1 ‘ ^ Of rad k ^Xf-v.yt