November/December 2010
November/December 2010
THE THE CYBA NEWS NEWS November-December 2010 The California Yacht Brokers Association Newsletter San Diego Brokers Forum Hosts a Christmas Party December 15th, the noted San Diego Brokers Forum hosted its Annual Christmas Party, yet again at the venerable Fiddler’s Green restaurant on Shelter Island. Always a “can’t miss” party, this year’s edition was no different and was considered by all in attendance to be a monumental success. Thanks to the very generous financial support of many of the waterfront’s finest marine businesses, we were able to host the gala event of the season. Fiddler’s Green proprietor Steve Rock and his staff insured that an abundance of fine food and good cheer were on hand. Attendance exceeded all expectations (with Inside This Issue: San Diego Brokers Forum Christmas Party........ Pg 1 From The President................................................ Pg 2 Get Involved!........................................................... Pg 3 Editor’s Notes.......................................................... Pg 4 Nauti-Boobs Tops Previous Year’s Donations... Pg 5 CYBA Annual Dinner.............................................. Pg 9 Along The Waterfront..........................................Pg 10 Proposed New Membership...............................Pg 10 Law Review Northern California........................Pg 11 CYBA Board Meeting...........................................Pg 12 Quote Of The Month.............................................Pg 16 CYBA Calendar Of Events....................................Pg 16 over 200 guests in attendance) yet the Fiddler’s galley answered the call admirably as always. It was great to see so many friendly faces, including many who traveled down from Orange County for the evening’s festivities. The Broker’s Forum would like to take this opportunity to thank the following sponsors (below) who made this evening a possibility. Thank you all again for your kind and generous support. Editor’s note: The San Diego Broker’s Forum is a common benefit association of yacht brokers and salespeople, along (cont. on page 6) San Diego Brokers Forum Thanks The Christmas Party Sponsors Barrett Canfield – South Coast Yachts; Cris Wenthur – Wenthur Law Group; Jeff Long – Trident Funding; Scott Jarvie – Oversea Insurance; Bernadine Trusso – Dona Jenkins Maritime Document Service; Judy Donnelly - San Diego Marine Exchange; Law Offices of Paul Trusso; Eric Leslie – Harbor Island West; Jeff Brown – JK3; Kells Christian – Christian & Company: Fraser Yachts; Terry Maxwell – Scott Financial; Ian Dealhoy – Robert Oatley Vineyards; Dan Peters – Cabrillo Yachts; Dan Bell – Seacoast Marine Finance; Craig Danker – UBS Financial; Ron Gullan – Yachtfinders/Windseekers: Bubba Severence – Sea Tow; Kurt Jerman – West Coast Multi Hulls; Clark Hardy – Yachtfinders/Windseekers; Michelle Hart – Hart Yacht Services; Paul Caronna – Scott B. Jones; Larry Barrett – Cruisers West; Bill Shakespeare – Selene of CA; Marc Bay & Carl Levitez – Bay Yachts; Steve & Carol Pardue – Transcending Designs JW Hall – JW Hall Yachts Pip Pippenger – Semper Fi Yachts 2010 BOARD of DIRECTORS President Tom Trainor O: (916) 777-6559 E: [email protected] F: (916) 777-6365 C: (916) 798-8667 1st Vice President Miquel Corelli O: (866) 715-7776 E: [email protected] F: (866) 715-9776 C: (949) 500-2776 2nd Vice President/Treasurer Dick Angel, CPYB O: (510) 331-7000 E: [email protected] F: (510) 538-9100 C: (510) 331-7000 Past President Jack Buckley, CPYB E: [email protected] F: (619) 523-2938 C: (619) 778-2998 Treasurer Dick Angel, CPYB O: (510) 331-7000 E: [email protected] F: (510) 538-9100 C: (510) 331-7000 Secretary Terie Salinas O: (949) 673-0014 E: [email protected] F: (949) 673-0051 C: (714) 580-6888 Director Marc Bay, CPYB O: (619) 474-5500 E: [email protected] F: (619) 474-5504 C: (209) 298-3747 Director Nick Friedman, CPYB O: (310) 748-5409 E: [email protected] F: (310) 547-4258 C: (310) 748-5409 Director James H. Johnson O: (619) 222-0626 E: [email protected] F: (619) 222-1695 C: (619) 784-9002 Director Dean A. West O: (619) 233-7666 E: [email protected] F: (619) 231-0397 C: (619) 417-9378 Executive Director Bob Gorman O: (510) 536-6000 E: [email protected] F: (510) 536-6044 C: (510) 557-1620 Legal Advisor Tom Russell O: 949-854-6000 E: [email protected] F: (949) 854-6001 C: (949) 244-6230 PAGE 2 Happy Holidays to each and every member of the CYBA and their families. The holidays are a fabulous time to spend with each other and to remember what is truly important in life. It is also a great time to thank our loved ones for all the support they give us during the year. As we finish 2010, I would like to address some issues that have come up recently and remind everyone to be aware of the tactics some people will try to employ especially when times are tough. BE AWARE!!! I have heard of brokers using the term Co-Exclusive Listings. After checking with DBW and reviewing the California Boating Law manual, I am certain that this term and/or practice is not legal. Don’t be coerced into thinking it is a way to avoid the possible pitfalls related to an Open Listing. The term itself is should be cause for concern. In a transaction recently, a seller and his broker put in a counter offer that upon the buyer signing Final Acceptance, the Buyer’s Broker would release the deposit to the Seller and his broker before either the closing had occurred or the Buyer cancelled. Remember, funds pertaining to proceeds and commissions cannot be dispersed until the sale is completed or upon the buyer canceling the transaction.� Those of you who did not attend the Northern California Legal Seminar really missed out on some great information. One topic that really should be addressed by every Broker to all sales people is the advertising term “Buffing”. This topic was discussed as it related to the recent legal action in Florida involving HMY Yachts. If you are not familiar with the term or the case, do your homework. Using terms like: LIKE NEW, BETTER THAN NEW, PERFECT, should be used cautiously or not at all. Remember, can you prove it in a court of law? If not, be careful. The CYBA Boat Show Speakers Forum for 2010 was very successful. We were at three shows and the attendance and overall response from the boating public was fantastic. We will be building on this success in 2011 and if anyone would like to participate or know someone who would be interested in speaking, please contact me, Bob Gorman or Jack Buckley. We are always looking for new speakers who can provide the boating public with useful information. The CYBA will be having our (cont. on next page) GET YOUR MESSAGE OUT THERE! Advertise in the CYBA newsletter. For More Information or Rates Contact Bob Gorman @ 800-875-2922. California Yacht Brokers Association • August – October 2010 From the President… (cont. from pg. 2) annual Dinner Dance on Saturday February 12, 2011 in Long Beach at the newly remodeled Queen Mary. Guy Newmark has done a fabulous job securing this great venue and I strongly urge all members to take advantage of this opportunity. What a great place to see old friends and maybe even make some new ones. Go to and click on the Queen Mary for all the details. Don’t miss the boat!!! Again, Happy holidays to everyone and we will see you in 2011. JOIN THE CYBA – GET ACTIVE – GET INVOLVED Get involved! The California Yacht Brokers Association needs your talents and understanding of the Yacht Sales business. The CYBA has many committees that work hard to improve various aspects and benefits of being a member of the CYBA. Below is a list of the major committees and programs for which we need additional help and people power. You do not need to be on the Board of Directors to participate and help out on a committee. All CYBA members and affiliate members are welcome to participate. Many of the CYBA monthly board meetings are conducted as a video conference call among the members. Most of the committee meetings as also held this way, so your participation can be directly from your office and would require very little time or travel. CYBA Committees: Transaction Forms Legislation Ethics Social Newsletter Internet Communications and Website Certified Professional Yacht Brokers Program Community Outreach Affiliate/Sponsorship Program CYBA Boat Show Speakers Forum Membership If you would like to make a difference and help shape your professional industry, please select a committee that you would like to know more about and then contact any of the Board of Directors listed on our website at or contact CYBA President Tom Trainor at 916-798-8667. Visit Our Website Attention all interested Yacht Brokers and Salespersons: CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL YACHT BROKER (CPYB) ~ STUDY SESSION AND TESTING ~ Contact Lon Bubeck, Nick Friedman or Dick Angel for next study session & exam. The CYBA is conducting a study session, immediately followed by the examination, for all those interested in becoming Certified Professional Yacht Brokers. This will be our first available session, in response to the great interest in this worthy program. If you have a desire to take your business and personal accomplishment up to the next level, you owe it to yourself and your clients to earn the CPYB designation. Join a growing number of the best and brightest brokers nationwide in increasing your knowledge, professionalism, and ethical standards as they relate to your chosen profession. For complete information, including study materials, applications, and required qualifications, please visit the National Yacht Broker Certification website at There you will find all the forms you need in a downloadable format. If you have any questions, please contact one of the CYBA’s Members on the Certification Advisory Council: Lon Bubeck, CPYB Flying Cloud Yachts, Long Beach 562-594-9716 [email protected] Nick Friedman San Pedro Yacht Sales 310-748-5409 [email protected] Dick Angel Angel’s Yacht Sales 510-331-7000 [email protected] You may also respond to [email protected] or contact any CYBA Board Member. The National Yacht Broker Certification office needs time to process your application and to perform your background check. Brokers wishing to attend the study session, but who are not testing, are welcome. However you must reserve a space! Seating is limited! NOTE: This session is for CYBA Members only. If you are not yet a Member, and would like to join, contact the CYBA office immediately @ 800-875-2922. California Yacht Brokers Association • August – October 2010 PAGE 3 Editor’s Notes As I begin this letter we are but a few days away from Christmas and it’s a mild 80 degrees here in San Diego, now I remember why I moved here, no shoveling snow or bundling up to go outside – can not say I miss any of that. Well for me to state 2010 has been a trying year probably wouldn’t even begin to describe the difficulty and hardships we have endured – but I do however think it has provided us with a great opportunity to take a good hard look at how and what we are doing in our businesses and maybe try and to evaluate and see if there are not areas we could improve on or change with the service that we provide our clients. I truly believe those who will not only survive but thrive in this economy are the ones that provide the highest level of service each and everyday to their clients. Good Customer Service should be priority one with all of us – why do you think some of the top companies are so successful? Luck, product or maybe timing – NO it is customer service. Hold true to this and I can promise you that you will succeed. The upcoming CYBA Annual Dinner is sure to be an event that you will want to put on your social calendar, thanks to the hard work and diligent efforts of our Social Director Guy Newmark we will be hosting the dinner on board the recently renovated Queen Mary in Long Beach on February 12, 2010. The Salesperson Wanted Southern California Yacht Sales is needing an experienced yacht salesperson. We are now located at the Shelter Island Boatyard and are offering a very competitive commission program to experienced salespeople on Powerboat and Sailboat brokerage sales and listings. Please call Jack in confidence @ 619-778-2998. IMMEDIATE OPENING for experienced salesperson. Well established brokerage, excellent Alamitos Bay (Long Beach) location. Email resume to: [email protected] PAGE 4 California Yacht Brokers Association • August – October 2010 date is perfect to maybe book an extra day on board and make this a Valentines Day celebration. There is a flyer in this newsletter that provides more detailed information so be sure to make your reservations early registration ends 12/30/10. The CYBA hosted another very successful Legal Seminar this time in Northern California the attendance was up significantly from last year and that the ever popular “YOU MAKE THE CALL” was one of the highlights of the seminar. Terie Salinas has a rice nice article in this edition along with some great photos from the seminar. Another event worth mentioning was the San Diego Brokers Forum Annual Christmas party that was held on December 15th 2010 at Fiddlers Green. The party was very well attended and as always Steve Rock the owner and his very competent staff did a fantastic job insuring everyone had a great time. The section “ALONG THE WATERFRONT” in the newsletter is getting great response so remember this is a great way for your company to get the word out on changes at your office whether it be new personnel, new product-line, or maybe a new or relocation of your office. All these and others would be news worthy and I hope you will take a moment of your time and allow your newsletter to work for you – please submit articles to me via email at jim@, I would ask that you try and keep the article to a couple paragraphs if at all possible. Thank you. Respectfully, James H. Johnson, Editor Nauti-Boobs Tops Previous Year’s Donations With donations reaching a lofty $23,609, your CYBA Team Nauti-Boobs has surpassed all of their previous years’ donations. Captain Marc Bay (no, not a USCG Capt) is extremely proud of our 2010 team. They worked very hard preparing for the 3-day 60 mile walk as well as beating the bushes for donations. Marc tells us this years’ team was totally dedicated and that, some even contributed over $900 of their own money to reach the required goal of $2300 each! Those of you, that didn’t contribute, please think about that next year! Yes, we will be back! This years’ walk took place November 19-21, 2010. Friday was a beautiful San Diego day but the great walking weather went away and the team ended up getting drenched Saturday and got more of the same Sunday morning. They did learn a valuable lesson for Sunday, coming back better prepared for (cont. on page 6) CYBA42011_Layout 1 12/26/10 12:24 PM Page 1 Sea Delivers More Than 93,000 Western Boat Owners • That’s more than the next 5 top marine publications combined! • Sea has twice as many Western Millionaires as the next boating publication. • More than 57% of Sea readers do not read another boating magazine. • Over 70% of Sea readers purchased a used boat, 61% bought a new boat. • FREE used boat listings online on one of the industry’s most active sites 17782 Cowan, Suite A Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 660-6150, ext. 201 [email protected] California Yacht Brokers Association • August – October 2010 PAGE 5 Nauti-Boobs… (cont. from pg. 4) S.D. Brokers… (cont. from pg. 1) the weather with ponchos, trash bags and pink duct tape! Other than some sniffles and blisters, all walkers made the grade and received their T-shirts for completing the walk. Your dedicated Nauti-Boobs are: Marc Bay (Captain) Bay Yachts, Inc.; Mindy Benard (member) MPC Boater’s Directory, April Cohen (member) Fraser Yacht Insurance; Anita Mays (member) Channel Islands Yacht Brokerage; Bill Danforth (member) Private individual; Tanya Engle (member) Private individual; Steven Ruhl (member) Private individual; Sue Wilson-Locke (member) Private individual. For additional information or to join 2011 CYBA Team Nauti-Boobs, please feel free to contact Marc Bay on his cellular at 209-298-3747 or email him at [email protected]. with related waterfront enterprises, that meet at monthly luncheons to discuss relevant business issues and to further the cohesion, cooperation, and success of a vibrant waterfront commerce. Submitted by: Dean West Opening ceremonies. Sue Wilson-Locke, Anita Mays, April Cohen, Tanya Engle, Marc Bay and Mindy Benard. (cont. on page 8) PAGE 6 California Yacht Brokers Association • August – October 2010 California Yacht Brokers Association • August – October 2010 PAGE 7 S.D. Brokers… (cont. from pg. 6) (photos cont. on page 15 PAGE 8 California Yacht Brokers Association • August – October 2010 California Yacht Brokers Association Annual Dinner February 12, 2011 19 75 Join us for a delightful evening onboard the Queen Mary starting At 6:00 PM Cocktail Reception, Dinner, Dancing & More If you are a CYBA member or California licensed Broker/Salesperson you are Invited For More information 800-875-2922 or sign up at WWW. CYBA.INFO California Yacht Brokers Association • August – October 2010 PAGE 9 Along The Waterfront Jay Bernstein of South Coast Yachts, the San Diego Beneteau dealer won the "Rookie of the Year" award from Beneteau USA which included a trip to the Paris Boat Show in December. In his first year selling new Beneteaus, Jay sold more boats in dollar volume than any other first or second year salesman in the Beneteau Dealer Network of over 35 North American dealers. Jay is seen here with his father receiving his award in Paris. "It is an honor and a lot of fun to work with Jay here at South Coast Yachts" said Barrett Canfield, President of SCY. "Jay did an incredible job this year and his customers love his attention to detail and professionalism." Among other new Beneteaus, Jay delivered the $1.1 million Beneteau 58 "Hawaiian Sol" to a very happy San Diego sailor. South Coast Yachts will show this beautiful new 58 at the San Diego Sunroad Boat Show in January. Jay Berstein received “Rookie of the Year” award from Beneteau USA. & Pacific Northwest YACHTS Nov.-Dec. Proposed New Members Rob Webb Flying Cloud Yachts Active Associate Member California Yachts Magazine now has it’s own WEST COAST BOAT SEARCH online. Take a look at and California Yachts does not accept private ads (805) 985-7800 • email: [email protected] PAGE 10 South Coast Yachts in San Diego is now offering the new Sense range of live aboard cruising sailboats from Beneteau. They will be receiving the new Sense 43 and Sense 50 in the Spring of 2011. Life on board the SENSE is organized around three main living areas, from stem to stern: 1. Exterior living with ample bathing platform, isolated helm position and a cockpit width never seen before. 2. Daytime life in perfect harmony with the exterior: saloon and galley with a 3-step 45 degree companionway entrance. 3. Life after dark at the forward end of the boat: All staterooms and heads forward with all systems aft under the cockpit. The Sense 50 will also have the new “Dock & Go” Joystick maneuvering system, which ties a 360 degree rotating saildrive to her bow thruster. The Dock & Go system allows the driver to move the boat in any direction for easy docking. This new technology for sailboats was introduced at the Fall boat shows and has resulted in many more retail orders than Beneteau expected. In the first boat show of the Fall, 17 retail buyers ordered new Sense 50’s with the Dock & Go option. Here is a link to the demonstration at the Annapolis Boat Show on hull number 2: South Coast Yachts is looking forward to having (and demonstrating) the new Sense 43 and 50 in the 2011 sailing season. For more about the new Beneteau Sense range click here: California Yacht Brokers Association • August – October 2010 Sponsored by: Eric Gustafson and Lon Bubeck Law Review Northern California November 2010 Another fabulous turnout at our Law Review seminar held this past November 2010 in Alameda, California. Once again, a big hand of applause goes out to our wonderful and informative panel of speakers that provided us with informative, interactive topics of discussion throughout the day. This highly charged seminar provided many facets of information from a panel of top rated professionals in our industry by offering us insight, support and challenges that test our knowledge and skills. The Legal Seminar provides the forum to interact among highly regarded professionals and peers within the industry and offers a great way to interact and gather facts and information to improve our profession as brokers and salespeople. Miranda Isley and Fahim Buksh with the Department of Boating and waterways were on hand providing case studies, sample complaints and issues the department faces on a daily basis. The department provides this information as a courtesy to the brokers and salespeople to enhance their knowledge and provide them with the tools and education to avoid future conflicts with broker to broker issues and DBW. Our consummate panel of attorneys Earnest Pierucci, David Weil, and Cris Wenthur, was on hand to offer their legal opinions and advise throughout the highly informative day. They provided us with fact finding challenges in our daily business dealings of contracts and negotiations and offering suggestions to keep us out of arms way regarding liability issues, buying and selling in Mexico and few other tidbits to keep us informed. R.J. Lorenzi, Westmar Insurance, gave a presentation regarding, “Are you covered”, myths and realities of broker insurance policies, that information was certainly something that could have gone on for days…this was certainly an area that must be given special attention to, so as a caveat to all brokers be sure you CYA! William E. Krauss, with the Apex Group, the CYBA’s Legislative Advocate gave a brief report from regarding the California state budget and its impact; he also noted that many departments within in the state are in a holding basis until after the November election. Finally… our seminar concluded with “YOU MAKE THE CALL”, Dean West, Director with the California Yacht Brokers Association and Dennis Moran, Chairman for the Ethics and Arbitration committee. Dean and Dennis provided a question and answer session that was highly interactive and based on real life arbitration cases. The entire group of attendants were given real case scenarios and asked to pick the correct answer or actual out come of each case. Finance your dream t h r o u g h o u r well-charted waters Seacoast Marine Finance offers more than the best rates, extraordinary expertise and a streamlined loan process. You can rest assured that your application is being handled by professionals who value your privacy and confidentiality. Don’t drift into uncharted waters for assistance. Navigate to Seacoast Marine Finance, the premier haven for yacht buyers, dealers and brokers. Call for your complimentary quote today. Florida toll-free | California toll-free Seattle | 877-916-2326 | 800-233-6542 206-784-7773 A division of Seacoast National Bank. (cont. on page 13) California Yacht Brokers Association • August – October 2010 PAGE 11 CYBA Board Of Directors Meeting - Nov. 9, 2010 VENUE: Scotts Restaurant, Oakland, CA. CALL TO ORDER: President Tom Trainor called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. ATTENDING DIRECTORS: Miquel Corelli, 1st Vice President Terie Salinas, Secretary Jack Buckley, Past President Nick Friedman, Director Dean West, Director ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Bob Gorman, Executive Director ABSENT: Dick Angel, 2nd Vice President, Treasurer Marc Bay, Director Jim Johnson, Director Tom Russell, Legal Advisor GUESTS: Ernest and Adrianne Pierucci, Esq. David Weil, Esq. Jack Buckley, Guy Newmark, Miquel Corelli, Tom Trainor, Terie Salinas Past President, Jack Buckley gave a brief review regarding membership and commented on Gina Eblings hard work of generating new membership to the CYBA. The CYBA received several applications for membership; however all were incomplete and returned for review and submittal for future approval. FORMS COMMITTEE: Nick Friedman, Marc Bay, Miquel Corelli, Dick Angel & Bob Gorman, Terie Salinas Director, Nick Friedman gave a brief update and stated that he and Legal Advisor, Tom Russell still need to coordinate time to work on forms in the next coming week or so. ETHICS AND BYLAWS COMMITTEE: Dean West None. INTERNET AND MEDIA: Lon Bubeck, Jack Buckley Past President, Jack Buckley gave a brief update and stated that the updates are continuing on the web site. PRESENTATIONS: None. NEWSLETTER: Jim Johnson None. MINUTES: The Minutes of the meeting of 010/06/10 were approved and moved to accept by Director, Dean West and second by Director, Nick Friedman, motion carried. CPYB/CAC: Lon Bubeck, Nick Freidman, and Dick Angel Director, Nick Friedman gave a brief update and will request the annual reports from CPYB. FINANCIAL: Bob Gorman Executive Director, Bob Gorman gave a brief review of the CYBA Financials and reminded the board a loan to IYC for $12,500 this loan needs clarification. LEGAL SEMINAR: Wayne Rodgers, Tom Russell President, Tom Trainor gave a brief update for the seminar scheduled tomorrow November 10, 2010 at the Encinal Yacht Club, Alameda, CA. All participants are prepared and ready for their presentations. LEGAL & IYC: Tom Russell Legal - None. CORRESPONDENCE: None. ARBITRATION: Dennis Moran None. LEGISLATION: Dick Angel, Bob Leslie, & Tom Trainor President, Tom Trainor gave a brief review regarding Legislation and mentioned that California might follow a similar approach to the Florida Sales Tax initiative. SOCIAL/PUBLICITY: Guy Newmark Executive Director, Bob Gorman gave a brief review regarding the annual Dinner scheduled for February 12, 2011 at the Queen Mary. A flyer will be designed and distributed to announce the upcoming event. MEMBERSHIP/SPONSORHIP COMMITTEE: Marc Bay, PAGE 12 California Yacht Brokers Association • August – October 2010 COMMUNITY OUTREACH: Marc Bay The name of the team for the walk in the Susan G. Komen Foundation’s 3 day walk for breast cancer is “Nauti-Boobs”. Director, Marc Bay was absent and no current update was reported. BOARD MANUALS: Jack Buckley, Miquel Corelli, Terie Salinas, Marc Bay, Dick Angel, Tom Trainor, Nick Friedman, Bob Gorman Tabled till 2011. SPEAKER FORUM COMMITTEE: Terie Salinas, Jack Buckley, Dean West. Miquel Corelli Past President, Jack Buckley gave a brief update regarding the speaker forum and the possibilities of generating additional income for the association (cont. on page 13) Law Review… (cont. from pg. 11) This final part of the seminar certainly challenged the brokers with their knowledge and experience, what a great way to interact and test your skills. In conclusion, the California Yacht Brokers Association Law Review seminars are highly informative and educational and provided a wealth of information to brokers and salespeople of our industry, if you missed our seminars this past year, be sure to mark your calendar for next year, these Law Review Seminars are certainly events you don’t want to miss out on. We at the California Yacht Brokers association would like to thank all our esteem colleagues for graciously giving of their time and expertise for these events. CYBA Board Meeting… (cont. from pg. 12) and the entire board must be committed to make it successful for 2011. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None. NEW BUSINESS: President, Tom Trainor has created a new committee; for future qualifications of new board members and perspective members to CYBA as it pertains to the bylaws and ethics. Committee is to be headed up by Miquel Corelli with Terie Salinas, Dean West and Bob Gormam. NEXT MEETING: Mega Meeting on December 01, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. Meeting Adjourned: Director, Dean West motioned to adjourn meeting at 10:45 and second by Nick Friedman. Respectfully recorded and submitted by Terie Salinas, Secretary CYBA. CYBA Board Of Directors Meeting - Dec. 1, 2010 VENUE: Mega meeting. CALL TO ORDER: President, Tom Trainor called the meeting to order at 09:09 a.m. ATTENDING DIRECTORS: Tom Trainor, President Miquel Corelli, 1st Vice President Dick Angel, 2nd Vice President, Treasurer Terie Salinas, Secretary Jack Buckley, Past President Marc Bay, Director Nick Friedman, Director Dean West, Director Jim Johnson, Director ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Bob Gorman, Executive Director Tom Russell, Legal Advisor Morrie Kirk, Past President Guy Newmark, Past President Lon Bubeck, Past President Gina Ebling, Membership Representative ABSENT: None. GUESTS: Laurie Morrison, Newport Boats 11/09/10 were noted to be amended and reflect Tom Trainor in attendance during the 11/09/10 meeting. The minutes were approved and moved to accept by Director, Marc Bay and second by 2nd Vice President, Treasure, Dick Angel, motion carried. FINANCIAL: Bob Gorman Executive Director, Bob Gorman gave a brief review of the CYBA Financials as they are reflected on the income and balance sheet, he also noted waiting for the invoice reflecting the Encinal Yacht Club use during the Northern Law Review Seminar. LEGAL & IYC: Tom Russell Legal Advisor, Tom Russell was present and no current update was reported. (cont. on page 14) Dona Jenkins Maritime Document Service, Inc. U.S. Coast Guard Documentation | CA State Registration Mexican Fishing Licenses | Crew Lists 1050 Rosecrans St., Suite 3, San Diego, CA 92106 (619) 223-2279 u Fax (619) 223-1002 [email protected] | PRESENTATIONS: None. MINUTES: The Minutes from the meeting on Active Member California Yacht Brokers Association • August – October 2010 PAGE 13 CYBA Board Meeting… (cont. from pg. 13) Directors, Dean West and Jim Johnson and Executive Director, Bob Gorman attended the IYCL teleconference on 11/30/10. The following comments were noted highlights from the teleconference: A strong representation from everywhere was noted during the teleconference, it was also noted that there is a strong urgency to reinvigorate the IYCL with a strong consensus to share information. There were also comments and concerns about corporate and brokerage regulatory issues. Also, suggested was a call to action regarding membership association and supporting the IYCL board in place and move it forward. Another meeting is scheduled for 12/14/10 to review, update and modify the IYCL mission statement. Legal Advisor, Tom Russell, suggested and purposed having a liaison to the IYCL organization and a committee. President, Tom Trainor motioned to form the IYCL committee, the committee will be comprised of: Dean West, Jim Johnson, Terie Salinas, Tom Russell, Bob Gorman and Tom Trainor. CORRESPONDENCE: None. ARBITRATION: Dennis Moran None. LEGISLATION: Dick Angel, Bob Leslie, & Tom Trainor 2nd Vice President, Treasurer , Dick Angel gave a brief review regarding Legislation and setting the ground work in approaching the State of California regarding the Sales Tax issue similar to that of the State of Florida. SOCIAL/PUBLICITY: Guy Newmark Past President, gave a brief review regarding the up coming annual Dinner scheduled for February 12, 2011 at the Queen Mary, he noted the room we have reserved is the, “first class night club, a very special room”. Everyone on the board is to solicit gifts for the event valued at $150 or more, to be given away during the annual dinner. MEMBERSHIP/SPONSORHIP COMMITTEE: Marc Bay, Jack Buckley, Guy Newmark, Miquel Corelli, Tom Trainor, Terie Salinas President, Tom Trainor and other board members have referenced changes that need to be made to the membership applications. The committee will oversee the changes for board approval. Past President, Jack Buckley gave a brief statement regarding new applicants for membership. The following applicants have been approved by the board: Associates: Steve Day- San Pedro Yachts Mark Salter- Pacific Sailing & Motor Yachts PAGE 14 California Yacht Brokers Association • August – October 2010 Carlos Bilbao-San Pedro Yachts William Happ- Pacific Sailing & Motor Yachts Lydia Raynoha-J.W. Hall Yachts Master: Kurt Jerman- West Coast Multihulls FORMS COMMITTEE: Nick Friedman, Marc Bay, Miquel Corelli, Dick Angel & Bob Gorman, Terie Salinas Director, Nick Friedman gave a brief update and stated that a mega meeting is setup for next Wednesday and the committee will ETHICS AND BYLAWS COMMITTEE: Dean West None. INTERNET AND MEDIA COMMITTEE: Lon Bubeck, Jack Buckley Past President, Jack Buckley gave a brief update regarding the web site and stated the modifications and updates are still in process and the there is a need for additional committee members to assist with the site. Laurie Morrison from Newport Boats volunteered along with Jim Johnston and Bob Gorman. NEWSLETTER: Jim Johnson Director, Jim Johnson gave a brief update and stated that the newsletter is ready just waiting for the minutes from the December 01, 2010 meeting.. Additional information will be provided for the newsletter regarding the Northern California Seminar including pictures. CPYB/CAC: Lon Bubeck, Nick Freidman, and Dick Angel Director, Nick Friedman gave a brief update and stated he’s waiting for supporting financial documents from CPYB and they should arrive next week and will present the information to the board. LEGAL SEMINAR: Wayne Rodgers, Tom Russell President, Tom Trainor gave a brief update regarding the Northern California Legal Seminar and very delighted with the out come, attendance, speakers and topics. The venue was at capacity, the speakers and topics kept everyone’s attention the entire day. Past President, Jack Buckley motion to have board members attendance fee paid for by the CYBA for attending and contributing to these events. The motion to approve payment of board members were approved and moved to accept by Past President, Jack Buckley and second by Dean West, motion carried. COMMUNITY OUTREACH: Marc Bay The name of the team for the walk in the Susan G. Komen Foundation’s 3 day walk for breast cancer is (cont. on page 15) CYBA Board Meeting… (cont. from pg. 14) “Nauti-Boobs”. NEW BUSINESS: None. Director, Marc Bay gave a brief update regarding the 8 member team and raising over $23,000 in donations and overall it was a very successful event. The board extends a very warm thank you, to Mark and his team for all the hard work. NEXT MEETING: January 05, 2011 at the Long Beach Yacht Club BOARD MANUALS: Jack Buckley, Miquel Corelli, Terie Salinas, Marc Bay, Dick Angel, Tom Trainor, Nick Friedman, Bob Gorman Tabled till 2011 SPEAKER FORUM COMMITTEE: Terie Salinas, Jack Buckley, Dean West. Miquel Corelli President, Tom Trainor thanks the committee for all the hard work and getting the Speakers Forum off the ground for 2010. Past President, Jack Buckley gave a brief update regarding the upcoming San Diego Boat show in January and the committee needs to start strategizing the 2011 boat show schedule. Meeting Adjourned at 10:42 Director, Jim Johnson motioned to adjourn meeting and Second by Marc Bay. Respectfully recorded and submitted by Terie Salinas, Secretary CYBA. cybaqrtr_Layout 1 12/23/10 12:35 PM Page 1 The West’s Biggest Big Boat Show UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Director, Jim Johnson invites the entire board to attend the San Diego Brokers Forum on 12/15/10 to be held at Fiddlers Green. S.D. Brokers… (cont. from pg. 8) Coming April 28 – May 1, 2011 Lido Marina Village, Newport Beach, CA (949) 660-6150 ext. 202 • [email protected] California Yacht Brokers Association • August – October 2010 PAGE 15 Quote of the Month “Achievement to most people is something that you do... to the high achiever... it is something that you are...” – Doug Firebaugh Calendar Jan 05 CYBA Annual Meeting – 1:00 pm Long Beach Yacht Club – Long Beach, CA Feb 17-21 23 rd Annual Yacht & Brokerage Show Collins Ave – Miami, FL Jan 20 San Diego Brokers/Sales Forum – 11:30 am Location Fiddler’s Green – San Diego, CA Feb 24 San Diego Brokers/Sales Forum – 11:30 am Location Fiddler’s Green – San Diego, CA Jan 21-30 Seattle Boats Afloat Show Lake Union – Seattle, WA March 02 Jan 27-30 San Diego Boat Show Sunroad Resort Marina – San Diego, CA CYBA Board Meeting Video Web-Cam Broadcast Check Feb 02 CYBA Board Meeting Video Web-Cam Broadcast Check Feb 12 CYBA Annual Dinner Queen Mary – Long Beach CA CALIFORNIA YACHT BROKERS ASSOCIATION 4703 Tidewater Ave., Suite D Oakland, CA 94601 First-Class Mail U.S. Postage PAID Reno, NV Permit No. 270