2 - AIMSweb


2 - AIMSweb
aimsweb FAQs and Quick Tips
Version 2.5.0
Information in this document is provided to enable software use for the Pearson aimsweb 2.0 software
application. For legal usage and details, see License Agreement.
Copyright@2015 by NCS Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.
Quick Tips
Login and My Settings
Header Area
Manage Monitoring
Monitor View
Assess View
Score View
Students View
Groups View
Custom Groups
Manage Area
Manage School System
Manage Users
Manage Account
Manage Admin
Finding My FAQ
Help FAQ
General FAQ
Applications and Devices
Assess and Score
Benchmark and Universal Screening
Manage Account
Manage aimsweb Account
Manage Admin Import Data
Manage Admin Export Data
Manage Schools
Manage Students
Manage Teachers
Manage Users
License Agreement
This guide is a supplement to the aimsweb Software Guide, and includes the following quick-access
Quick Tips
Quick Tips
Login and My Settings
Login and My Settings Tips
My Settings
password or
If changes are made to the Password or Email Address, you must enter your current password when
saving the information.
Passwords must consist of a minimum 7 characters, and contain 1 Upper, 1 lower, 1 number and 1
special character; where 3 of the 4 conditions must be present in order to have a valid password.
Passwords are set to expire based on a 60-day interval, and are not to be reused within the same
calendar year.
Temporary passwords must be changed at the first logon.
Locked out
You will be locked out of aimsweb after five unsuccessful attempts to login. Contact your system
administrator for help.
Auto log out
A user is logged out of aimsweb after 20 minutes of inactivity and warned after 15 minutes.
Header Area
General Quick Tips
My Classroom is only available for users who are a primary or secondary teacher in the
My Caseload is only available for the owner of a caseload.
My Custom Groups is only available for owners/users of a custom group.
Local Norms require 30 cases to display.
District and
The District/School selector controls what is displayed in most areas of Overview. (In Groups, this
selector is not used.)
The available districts and schools displayed are dependent on the user’s permissions.
Font color
All required fields are in regular font and optional fields are italicized. Magenta is an alert color and
indicates an action should be completed.
General Quick Tips
Multiple role
If you have multiple roles, click the arrow next to your username to switch roles.
Notifications include reports and system requests. Click View to open the PDF.
changed to
R-CBM is called Oral Reading (OR) in the new aimsweb.
General Quick Tips
Static reports are replaced with interactive, onscreen views.
Benchmark Quick Tips
Student sort
Students are sorted by score (low-to-high).
If Grade, Student Group, Measure, Benchmark Period, or Criterion selections are changed, the
screen is replaced with a message to refresh. Click the green refresh button.
Hover over each performance category (well above average, etc.) of the Benchmark visualization to
view the number of students within the group.
Benchmark Quick Tips
Past year
When selecting past year data, the list of students does not change. The past year data is shown for
the current students.
Measures are limited to the benchmark measures available for that grade.
RCBM has been renamed to OR.
Alerts are displayed based on performance category for norms (below average and well
below average) and Tiers for cut scores (tier 2 and below).
Gray alerts, which are based on national norms, display in the student list for additional
Alerts are not shown for students who have a monitoring schedule for that measure/grade
Benchmark Quick Tips
core report
switches to
If an inappropriate grade or measure is selected for a Common Core report, you are returned to the
main Benchmark view.
Manage Monitoring
Manage Monitoring Quick Tips
Baseline and
The baseline score is automatically brought into the schedule if it was administered within
the last two weeks and the schedule is on grade level.
When a benchmark score is not present, more than 2 weeks old for a student, the
schedule is off-grade, or when editing a goal without a score within the last two weeks,
empty fields display for entry of the baseline score.
The percentile is calculated using the norms from the goal end date. If using local norms
and the goal end date is in a future benchmark period, the corresponding period in the
previous year is used.
Schedule frequencies are Monthly and Weekly. However, you may enter scores as
frequently as weekly, regardless of what is selected.
When you select an intervention from the list, the appropriate fields are displayed with the
values for that intervention. If you change those values, the Name box displays Custom
and the intervention is saved as a new intervention in the list.
Deleting progress monitoring schedules will delete all associated scores.
Manage Monitoring Quick Tips
ROI and
Click Manage Monitoring in the Benchmark and Monitor views.
A student can only have one active schedule per measure.
Managers can only assign caseloads to other users at his/her level and below, per the
User Matrix. For example, a School Manager cannot assign a caseload to a
teacher/manager in another school.
An expired schedule is read-only.
A schedule cannot span more than 366 days.
The ROI and Progress will update (Insufficient, Closes the Gap, Ambitious) once a baseline score,
timeframe, and ending goal have been chosen.
Manage Monitoring Quick Tips
When you open Manage Monitoring or change the Date slider, you must select the Show
Comparison check box to view the comparison.
Monitor View
Monitor View Quick Tips
Entering and
viewing data
Monitor allows you to view the progress of your group of students. To enter data, go to
Assess (BBS) or Score (Manual Entry).
Changing an intervention or goal resets the projection line until you collect four scores in
a six-week period.
If Grade, Student Group, Measure, or Timespan are changed, the student list and Monitor data
visualization are replaced with a message to refresh.
Symbols absent "A"
If a user marks the student absent on the Score view, an A will display instead of the circle.
Symbols assessment
Circles indicate missed assessments. When three or more assessments are missed, the circles
turn pink.
Symbols goal arrow
If a goal date falls off-screen, an arrow displays in the schedule for expansion. The color of the
arrow indicates projection towards goal.
Monitor View Quick Tips
Symbols goal star
A starred result indicates that the goal was met or surpassed.
Symbols grey
Benchmark results are shown in a darker gray and are only brought into on-grade level schedules.
Assess View
Assess View Quick Tips
Benchmark or
Monitoring not
If the current date is not within a benchmark period, the Benchmark option is not
If the student is not on a Monitoring schedule, the Monitoring option is not available.
and Monitor
score rules
If a monitor score exists and a benchmark score is entered for the same measure/grade
level, the monitor score is overwritten with the benchmark score.
If a benchmark assessment exists for the same grade and measure for that week and
Monitoring is selected from the assessment type menu, the measure will not display for
All current BBS scoring and discontinue rules are followed in 2.0.
Measures for
For Benchmarking, only measures appropriate for the student’s grade are listed.
Assess View Quick Tips
Measures for
For Progress Monitoring, only measures for which the student has a schedule are listed.
If a probe has been administered, it is included in the Complete Probes and displays the
administration date and probe number.
When benchmarking OR, all three benchmarking probes are available for selection. The
system will start BBS with the selected probe. For all other measures, the system will
include all probes available for the benchmark period. When Monitoring is selected, all
probes available for monitoring are included.
If Grade or Student Group are changed, all middle selections are replaced with a message to
Student not
If a student is not enrolled in a school, he/she will not display on the Student List for selection,
even when viewing from a District level.
Score View
Score View Quick Tips
The Absent check box on Notes window is disabled when a score, error, or probe is entered into the
text fields.
Edit icon
An edit icon displays for OR and MCAP for the entry of probe-level or item-level scores.
Score View Quick Tips
Probes, Score Sheets, and Answer Keys are downloaded from the Print Supporting Materials dialog. All
administration and scoring guides, technical manuals, and ancillary materials are available in the
Resource Library in the help file.
Score boxes display for students who are due for an assessment in that week.
Probes are specific to the benchmark period. However, you can enter a monitoring probe for a
spoiled assessment.
Students must be enrolled in a school to enter scores. For example, if a student is enrolled
midyear and the date selector is moved to a previous date, the score boxes are disabled.
Only one score can exist per week for same measure and grade level. If a benchmark score
exists for same measure grade level in that week, score boxes are disabled for the student.
Imported, BBS, and baseline scores cannot be deleted.
Benchmarking scores cannot be entered outside of a benchmarking period.
Imported, BBS, and item-level scores cannot be edited from the score boxes.
Score View Quick Tips
If Grade, Student Group, Assessment Type, Measure, or Calendar are changed, the student list and
score entry are replaced with a message to refresh.
Students View
Students View Quick Tips
If Grade or Student Group is changed, the student list and profile are replaced with a message
to refresh.
If Grade, Student Group, Measure, Report Type, or report-specific options (in the header) are
changed on Reports, the report information is replaced with a message to refresh.
Student reports are in the Student area of the application.
Bulbs do not display if less than 30 cases exist for the norm group.
Benchmark scores display on the monitor report if the schedule is on grade level.
Display options are different from print options.
Students View Quick Tips
The scores displayed in the profile represent the most recent scores for the school year.
Accuracy does not display for Monitoring scores or for benchmarking measures that do not
support the entry of errors.
If the task is overdue, it displays in magenta.
Only managers can update demographics. Teachers cannot see Meal Status.
Task Types can be customized in Manage for selection from the Task Type
After a task is marked Complete, the Notes field is still available for editing, but all other fields
are disabled.
Tasks can only be assigned by managers to users who have read/write access to the student.
Groups View
Groups View Quick Tips
When filtered by one or more subcategories, the filter icon displays on the category
header and next to sub-category or sub-categories that are filtered. Clicking the icon
removes that sub-category filter and updates the chart data after the Refresh button is
Only 9 bulbs can be created by a secondary group.
See Selecting Distribution Report Options for detailed information about the grouping
Always filter before you group.
Two of the three options across the top can have a range selected.
For Groups, the background is the National Norms and the bulbs are based on your
The bulb requires a minimum of 10 scores to display.
Groups View Quick Tips
If Grade, Filter options, Measure, Benchmark Period, Year or Primary/ Secondary Group drop
downs are changed, the visualization is replaced with a message to refresh.
Custom Groups
Custom Groups Quick Tip
Teachers can
set up custom
Teachers can access the Manage area to set up Custom Groups. See Manage Custom Groups
and How to Create “Custom Groups”
Manage Area
Tips for managing the account, school system, and users. The following figure illustrates the menu bar
for the Manage area.
Manage School System
Manage School System Quick Tips
The Navigation Panel determines what is available in the Show menu.
District Unique Identifiers are required for importing data or Automated Batch Import (ABI). They must
be unique within the account.
Manage School System Quick Tips
School Unique Identifiers are required for importing data or ABI. They must be unique within
the District.
Graduate Schools button is unavailable after a school is graduated for that school year.
During the graduation process, all students within the school are moved to the next grade
level, but not placed into classes. The students are placed into the school-level roster. The
start date for the school year is displayed. If the school does not support the next highest
grade for the student, the student is placed on the district-level roster. If the account does not
support the next highest grade for the student, a message appears to the user allowing them
to deactivate and archive those students or leave them on the district roster.
Class Unique Identifiers are required for importing data or ABI. They must be unique within
the School.
Classes can cross multiple grades.
Manage School System Quick Tips
Custom Groups cannot cross districts.
Custom groups are displayed for selection in Overview for the Owners and Users of the group.
Custom groups can only be deleted by the Owner of the group. Deleted custom groups will no
longer appear for selection in filter lists.
Teachers can access the Manage area to set up Custom Groups.
Teacher Unique Identifiers are required for importing data or ABI. They must be unique within
the Account.
Teachers can only be added at the Class and District levels.
Teachers cannot be deleted if they have associated users, classes, or students.
Adding a teacher does not automatically add a User. Enter a username to associate a user
with a teacher. Once entered the username cannot be edited from this screen. If a user enters
a username that is not in the account, doesn’t exist or is inactive, he/she will be prompted to
go create a user for that teacher.
Email address must be unique with aimsweb.
Manage School System Quick Tips
Student ID is required and must be unique within the District or Account, depending on the
Account Settings.
A transferred student will no longer appear on the school roster for the previous school. The
information will be available for past school years.
If a duplicate student is found within the account, a prompt will display to request a transfer.
The duplicate student cannot be entered.
Any required fields for the demographic profile that are not included on the Add screen will be
populated with the default values upon clicking Save.
Check the Unassigned box to view students not assigned to any classes.
The students displayed in the list are based on the selection in the Navigation Panel. For
example, if All Districts is checked, only students from the Account Roster will display.
Manage Users
Manage Users Quick Tips
See User Roles and Permissions for detailed rules about which the user permissions for each
role, and which roles can be combined.
The Navigation Panel determines the level at which the user is added. For example, to add an
Account Manager, All Districts must be checked.
Email address must be unique within all aimsweb accounts.
Username must be unique within the account.
Manage Account
Manage Account Quick Tips
Task Types
Task Types and Interventions are available based on the level selected in the Navigation Panel. For
example, account level interventions are available for all districts and schools within the account.
When viewing an aimsweb-provided intervention or task type or one created at a higher
level, all fields are disabled and cannot be changed.
Interventions or Task Types in use cannot be edited or deleted.
Only one attachment is allowed per intervention or Task Type. Adding an attachment will
overwrite an existing one. These are not available for download on the Interventions tab in
Manage Monitoring.
The aimsweb default Task Types and Interventions cannot be deleted.
Manage Account Quick Tips
Custom Benchmark periods and non school days cannot be changed once a score is
entered for the current school year.
To enable the score boxes for the current week of the custom benchmark period, select a
day that falls on Sunday. Monday-Saturday will enable the boxes for the week after the
start date.
Start Dates and End Dates for benchmark periods cannot overlap.
Calendars can only be customized for the current school year.
aimsweb default cut scores cannot be edited or deleted.
Cut scores can be 3, 4, 5 tiers.
Once a report profile is saved, the number of tiers cannot be changed.
Manage Account Quick Tips
Report Profiles are available based on the level selected in the Navigation Panel. For
example, account level profiles are available for all districts and schools within the account.
Custom Recommendations appear as the title of the result hover on the Benchmark view.
When the report profile is edited, the Created By field displays the username of the user
who edited the report profile.
The aimsweb default report profile cannot be deleted.
This screen is only available to Account Managers or Administrators.
The default comparison changes the default views of Overview screens.
A user cannot change the Unique ID from District to Account if it will cause duplication of
An Account Manager can prevent lower level managers from adding Interventions, Task
Types, or creating report profiles.
Teachers can be prevented from downloading probes.
If a measure is marked inactive, it will no longer display in any measure lists.
Manage Admin
Manage Admin Quick Tips
Managers and Administrators can view the job queue and import/export data.
The Job Queue lists all available imports and exports.
Import files must be in text (.txt) format.
Manage Admin Quick Tips
You can import scores only into previous years.
Only standard exports can be imported.
To find a specific topic, browse the Contents or perform a search. Have an unanswered question?
Contact us!
Finding My FAQ
To find a specific FAQ, you can browse the Help Contents or Search the Help.
There are three FAQ sections.
General FAQs answer questions about preparing to use aimsweb.
Overview Area FAQs answer questions about using the Overview area.
Manage Area FAQs answer questions about using the Manage area.
To search Help, click Search in the header.
Type the words faq and a subject. For example, typing faq and iPad displays a link to the General FAQ
with a listing for the Mobile Devices FAQ.
Help FAQ
For FAQ help, see Finding My Question.
Help FAQ
Have you made any improvements to the Help?
Yes, there have been many improvements to the
structure and usability of the help file, including new
sections: Resource Library, Overview Area Guidelines,
and Manager Area Guidelines.
Do you have user guides for managers and for the
different users?
No, there is one Help file that can be used by everyone
with access to aimsweb. However, see Roles and
Permissions for information about the roles needed to
perform different tasks. In general, the Manage tabs
require manager roles.
General FAQ
Frequently asked questions about planning, getting started, and finding information. For FAQ help, see
Finding My Question.
General FAQ
What about materials that were on the Downloads
tab? Where do I find those in the new aimsweb?
Materials that are found on the Downloads tab of the
current system can be found in the Help file of the new
aimsweb. The assessments or probes, answer sheets
and score sheets in the new aimsweb can be accessed
in the Score area via the “Print Supporting Materials”
button at the bottom right of the screen.
We have developed our own local benchmark and
progress-monitoring assessments. Is aimsweb able
to handle data from our local assessments?
No. There is not a place to store data from local or
custom assessments.
Applications and Devices
Frequently asked questions about software and hardware compatibility. For FAQ help, see Finding My
Applications and Devices FAQ
Does the new aimsweb still flow in with
aimsweb data can be imported and exported through a
manual process to Powerschool and other applications.
Will the new aimsweb still interface with IGDI
(formerly Get it, Got it, Go?)
Are the aimsweb mobile apps in the iTunes® and
Google Play™ store free?
Yes, the apps are free and designed to be used in
conjunction with an aimsweb subscription.
Will our behavior data be moved from aimsweb to
Pearson Review360®?
No, not initially. After the migration process, users will
continue to have read-only access to the current
aimsweb and aimsweb behavior systems.
Do you need a separate subscription for the aimsweb
The apps are provided as part of your aimsweb
How much does it cost to add an aimsweb Behavior
If you already have an aimsweb Behavior subscription,
there is no additional cost until it is time to renew your
subscription. If you do not have an aimsweb Behavior
subscription, please contact Review360 sales for pricing
Our district is a PBIS (Positive Behavioral
Interventions and Supports) district; will Review360®
be able to "talk" import/export to the SWIS (SchoolWide Information Systems) Suite© program?
Yes, Review360 is able to import information from other
systems, as long as the other system has a data export
Can all data captured here, including PM data,
strategies, groups, etc, be imported into Pearson
Data that can be exported from aimsweb includes:
Rosters, Scores (raw, national percentiles, rate of
improvement, and student growth percentile), and active
progress monitor schedules.
Applications and Devices FAQ
Does the new aimsweb offer a SIF (Student
Interoperability Framework) agent for easy
integration with our SIS (Student Information
No. The new aimsweb will not have a SIF
agent. Interoperability with other systems, such as
student information systems, is on the aimsweb
roadmap, but a release date has not yet been scheduled.
How well does the new aimsweb work on a tablet?
aimsweb Mobile, an application is available for both
android and apple tablet devices, is specifically designed
to work on a tablet. It allows you to test and enter data
easily, and even has the ability to have a user enter
scores, but not see results--perfect for cadres with
FERPA sensitivity.
Is the scoring section compatible with Apple iPad®?
New aimsweb mobile apps were launched in conjunction
with the new aimsweb. These apps, which can be
downloaded from the Apple iTunes® and Google Play™
stores, are designed for entering and viewing aimsweb
scores and related information. Reporting is not initially
available through the mobile apps.
Is the mobile application compatible with first
generation iPad®?
No, it is not compatible.
Passwords and Login
Passwords and Login FAQ
Is there a process for resetting lost or forgotten
Yes. Users can click the link to be emailed a temporary
password. Temporary passwords must be changed at
the first logon.
Will we need to change our passwords as often as
we must in the current system?
The password policy has not changed in the new
aimsweb. The Pearson security rules require a password
change every 60 days. These passwords cannot be
reused within the same calendar year. A Third Party
Authentication (TPA) module is available. TPA bypasses
the password security rules and uses credentials your
school or district already have in place for the primary
Will there be an LDAP or single sign in option with
our Active Directory accounts, so our end users do
not need additional usernames and passwords?
Changes FAQ
What items have been removed from this new
Some features have been deferred to later releases
throughout the year. The main deferred features include:
Batch scheduling of progress monitor schedules
and batch printing of student reports
Some reports, including Tier Transition,
Program evaluation reporting.
Group reporting that offers a local/district norms
In addition, aimsweb Behavior is now powered by a
different system called Review360.
How is aimsweb addressing alignment to the
Common Core?
aimsweb provides common core reporting in the current
system. More information can be found at this link:
http://www. aimsweb.com/common%core.
Additionally, Pearson is actively developing the next
generation of aimsweb assessments for grades
K-12. The new assessments will preserve the unique
benefits of aimsweb measures—brief, valid, reliable,
predictive and sensitive to growth, but will also include
new content development specifically for
screening/benchmarking relative to the Common Core
and will provide strengths/weaknesses by Common Core
domain in reading and math.
The new assessments will also predict the probability of
success on the new CCSS high stakes tests, and will be
online for grades 2 and up.
Assess and Score
Frequently asked questions for assessing and scoring. For FAQ help, see Finding My Question. Materials
Assess and Score FAQ
What about materials
that were on the
Downloads tab? Where
do I find those in the new
The assessments or probes, answer sheets and score sheets in the new aimsweb can
be accessed in the Score area via the “Print Supporting Materials” button at the bottom
right of the screen.
How do I enter scores?
See Score View for details.
Both the Print Supporting Materials dialog box and Help provide links to Other
Supporting Materials.
Click Overview > Scores.
Select the student, and then click the green Refresh button.
In the SCORE column, type a score. If the student is absent, click the Mark
Absent button, rather than entering a zero. However, if the score is actually
zero, click Leave as Zero. Changing an already saved score displays a
required confirmation.
In the ERRORS column, enter the number of errors.
In the PROBE column, if the selected probe has already been administered to
the student, you are asked whether you want to reassess. If a score exists, a
message advises that reassessing will overwrite the score. To continue, click
Note: When focus is on a score box, either when editing an existing score or entering a
score manually, the score box is highlighted. Scores are in green and errors in pink.
How do I generate
scoresheets within my
To generate scoresheets:
In Overview, click Scores.
Click Print Supporting Materials. The Print Supporting Materials dialog box
is displayed.
In the Print box, select Scoresheets.
Select the check box for each measure needed, for up to 10 columns.
Click Print.
Check your notification icon for the print job completion. The print is in PDF format.
Click Save, or click Print to send to printer.
Benchmark and Universal Screening
For FAQ help, see Finding My Question
Benchmark or Universal Screening FAQ
What about materials that were on the
Downloads tab? Where do I find those in
the new aimsweb?
The probes, answer keys, and practice exercises are located in the
Score area via the “Print Supporting Materials” button at the bottom
right of the screen. For instructions and to access the additional
materials, see Print Required and Other Supporting Materials.
Can the benchmark student names be
Yes. While the default view of the benchmark area displays the
students by score (lowest to highest) to place the students scoring
the lowest at the top, the student name column is sortable. Click the
column header to view the students alphabetically.
Have the colors changed from red, yellow,
green to yellow, green , blue?
Yes, users will notice a different color palette in the new
aimsweb. This is a direct result of customer feedback. The new
colors are orange, yellow, green and blue. All alerts are in hot pink.
This color immediately lets the customer know there is something to
be done with the student.
Will you still be able to see a list of
numerical benchmark scores for a class?
The Benchmark view displays the overall performance of the class,
using colored horizontal bar graph representations of the scores.
The graphs show where the student score falls within the tiers.
Individual scores for a student appear when you hover over that
student’s horizontal bar graph, and then click on the hand icon.
The printed Benchmark view report displays the list of numerical
benchmark scores for a class, including the errors and percentiles.
Does the "Comparison Selector" dropdown allow for switching to Criterionreference/cut score or local norm display?
Yes, the drop-down selection on the Benchmark view allows you to
switch to Criterion-reference/cut score or local norm display.
The choices are norms (national, district, or school) or cut scores.
When you benchmark a student on
multiple measures, are you able to assess
the student from the same view or screen
all at once?
In the new aimsweb, the Assess and Score views are where the
student assessment data collection and score entry occurs.
The Assess view lets you assess the measures that can be
individually administered through browser-based scoring (e.g. RCBM, which is now known as OR for Oral Reading).
The Score view lets you enter the assessments that are group- or
class-administered (e.g. M-CAP).
When inputting benchmark or progress
monitoring scores on any student can all
the teachers that the student has see what
the other teachers are inputting?
The data stays with the student in the new aimsweb. Any teacher
that is assigned to that student will see that student’s data.
Can a student be benchmarked outside of
a benchmark period? Can benchmark
scores be added to the system outside of
a benchmark period?
No, benchmark scores cannot be entered into the system outside of
a benchmark period. However, in the new aimsweb, users can
customize benchmark periods to better match their school or district
calendar. So users could create benchmark periods to
accommodate more flexible testing dates if needed.
For FAQ help, see Finding My Question.
Measures FAQ
Do the measures still have the same
names, such as R-CBM and M-CAP?
Most of the measures have the same names. The exception is
R-CBM, which has been renamed to OR (for Oral Reading) in the
new aimsweb.
Why are there no state-specific Success
Probability targets?
The level of the Success Probability target scores within a state is
determined primarily by the difficulty of the state test—that is, the
percentage of students who pass and the average level of academic
proficiency in the state. The more difficult the state test, the higher
the Success Probability target scores will be. The wide variation in
passing rates across states (percentages ranging from the 30s to
the 90s) causes extreme variability in the levels of the target scores.
For example, in a state where only half or fewer of students pass
the state test, the level of benchmark test performance required to
support a prediction of success is likely to be too high to be of
practical value.
In contrast, At-Risk Screener target scores are less influenced by
the difficulty of the state test; their values tend to stay within
reasonable limits across states with different passing rates.
Therefore, state-specific targets may be used.
Which targets should I use - Success
Probability or At-Risk Screener?
The Success Probability targets directly address the question that
most often is of concern to educators: What is the probability that
students scoring at this level on the aimsweb measure will pass the
state test? The Success Probability targets are the preferred targets
in most situations. At-Risk Screener targets have the practical
advantage of being tailored to individual states.
This is a beneficial characteristic in states where the passing rate is
unusually low or high, because the Success Probability targets
(which are national averages) will tend to overestimate or
underestimate the probability of success. The At-Risk Screener
targets are based on the methodology that has been used most
often in published research studies that relate CBM performance to
success on state tests.
How do these target scores relate to
those generated by the aimsweb
"correlation" function based on data
from a single district?
In principle, target scores could be set for individual districts, and
the aimsweb software has in the past included an analysis program
that enables a district to calculate target scores based on its own
data. However, there are conceptual reasons for setting target
scores at the state level.
It makes sense to assume that two students in the same state who
have the same aimsweb benchmark score will have the same
estimated probability of success on that state’s end-of-year test,
regardless of the district they attend. However, if Success
Probability target scores were calculated separately for individual
districts within a state, they would vary substantially as a function of
the within-district passing rates. Districts with relatively low pass
rates would obtain high target scores. For this reason, aimsweb
supports state-level or national-level target scores.
For FAQ help, see Finding My Question.
Assessments FAQ
What if a word answer is
If the answer is correct, but misspelled, it is correct.
For a spoiled benchmark
Although all of the probes are provided for benchmarking a student using browserbased scoring, it is recommended that you only select a monitoring probe if a
benchmark probe has been spoiled and can no longer be used. A probe is "spoiled" if a
testing session is interrupted.
Can I benchmark with OR
and monitor with Maze?
Technically, yes, the system will allow Benchmarking and Progress Monitoring for
every measure available. Best practice would indicate that if concern exists regarding a
student’s performance/progress in OR, then Progress Monitoring should be done in
If a student does not score well on OR, then the research suggests they will likely not
score well on Maze. Therefore, if a student does not score well on OR, the best
practice would be to monitor progress with OR, because it is a better measure of the
student’s General Reading Ability and more sensitive to change.
What are the
assessment windows?
Fall: September 1 - October 15
Winter: January 1 - February 1
Spring: May 1 - June 1
Note: Account Managers can customize benchmark periods. If your benchmark
periods have been changed, contact your Account Manager for the dates. The Account
Manager is listed under My Settings.
What changed in
Assessments in this new
The only major change is in Monitor probe selections.
Assessments FAQ
Do you have any
information about
practice effects?
Because aimsweb probes are generally consistent across the set, the question of
practice effect inevitably comes up several times each semester. "Practice effect"
refers to the improved performance resulting from repeated exposure to the same
stimuli, such as repeated assessment with the same or similar instruments, rather than
as the result of successful intervention or natural development as the subject matures.
In traditional assessments, it is recommended to avoid retesting a subject on the same
instrument (or similar instruments) for a period of approximately 6 months.
Progress monitoring tools designed in a curriculum-based measurement such as the
aimsweb require the use of parallel testing material (probes) in order to accurately
capture a student’s improvement, or lack thereof, over a set period of time. In a study
performed by Ardoin and Christ (2008) using aimsweb , it was found that there was no
evidence of a practice effect across the use of the probes and benchmarks from
different probe sets. Instead, the study supports the theory that the use of inconsistent
material diminishes the efficacy of track progress over time. In short, consistency
across probes and benchmarks allows for a more accurate picture of a student’s
abilities to emerge (Ardoin & Christ, 2008).
Can Maze be
benchmarked in the
No, Maze is not given online.
Are the students still
listed by grade and class
for the assessments?
In the new aimsweb, the Benchmark screen will be the home screen for teachers. In
that area, teachers will have the option to list the students by 1) assessment; 2) grade
or class; 3) benchmark period and 4) comparison group (e.g. national).
Users will quickly be able to see who has and has not been assessed.
If I'm outside the
benchmark time frame,
can I do a benchmark
No, you must be within the benchmark time frame.
If you conduct an
assessment for progress
monitoring within the
week (but not on the
day), will it show as a
missed assessment?
No, it will not show up as a missed assessment as long as it is given within the week
that it was scheduled.
Assessments FAQ
If a student's IEP
(Individualized Education
Program) says time and a
half for testing
accommodations, do the
students get the
following: normal 8 mins;
time and a half 12 mins?
aimsweb M-CAP was not normed with special accommodations; that is, children with
IEPs who participated in standardization were given the same time limit as students
without IEPs. However, in the section of chapter 2 of the manual entitled Testing
Students with Special Accommodations (p. 6) it states:
When M-CAP probes are used for frequent progress monitoring, however, the testing
process is more amenable to test accommodations because the student’s scores are
compared to their own scores (i.e., are individually referenced instead of normreferenced) over time. For a student with some motor impairment, increasing test time
for progress monitoring purposes (e.g., 10 minutes to 12 minutes) may be acceptable
providing this increase is kept standard throughout the progress monitoring process
(emphasis added). It should be noted that any comparison of these scores to
normative scores and interpretation would be inappropriate.
See page 6 of Testing Students with Special Accommodations for additional
It is important to note that CBM is different than most other tests given to students,
where their performance translates to a score that becomes part of the student’s grade.
Like the medical profession uses a thermometer as indicator of patient health, CBM
tools “take the temperature” of a student’s general abilities across a variety of domains
(reading, math, spelling, etc.). Just as leaving a thermometer in longer than the
required time does not provide better information, generally speaking, increasing the
length of time for probe completion will not either.
CBM as a general outcome measure and indicator needs to simply be given long
enough to obtain the data needed to determine if growth is occurring (as in the case of
Progress Monitor). If progress monitoring is done with intervals anywhere from daily to
every other week, adding extra time will only provide a multiplication of that score times
the number of added minutes. That does not equal “better performance". It does not
otherwise “improve” a student’s skill or enhance their ability to perform better on the
For FAQ help, see Finding My Question.
Probes FAQ
Have the probes changed?
No, the probes or assessments have not changed.
Can students use manipulatives as
No. There is no need for the student to use anything other than a
pencil and scratch paper.
Probes FAQ
What are the readability levels for the
The difficulty level is consistent through all passages and geared
toward end of grade level capacity, so there is an expectation that the
students will do less well at the start of the year and improve as the
year progresses.
Do you have grade equivalents for the
We do not provide grade equivalents for any probes in aimsweb.
Can you still print out the probes to
Yes, the probes or measures can be printed out. Select the Score
view, and then click Print Supporting Materials.
Is it acceptable to read the MCAP to my
If a student is a struggling reader or lacks specific language skills,
they may struggle with the MCAP assessments. This does not mean,
however, that it is not a valid assessment of the student’s ability to
answer applications-based mathematics problems. Language and
reading are components of the assessment of mathematics concepts
and applications. The need to read, comprehend, and analyze realworld application problems is one of the major distinctions of MCAP
from that of strict computation problems. If an educator is concerned
about the impact of language, they might want to use MCOMP.
For students who have been identified as having a mild reading
disability, you may read the probe to the student as part of the
benchmarking process.
Can students use a calculator for Grade
2-8 probes?
No. Using a calculator or other aid violates the standardized
administration and defeats the purpose of the progress monitoring
system, which is to gauge student improvement through instruction,
and when indicated, intervention. The student’s ability to perform the
mathematics tasks unaided in the time provided is what is being
assessed and monitored. Fluent math computation skills are an
underlying—and often prerequisite—component of Math Applications
What probe should I use for non-aimsweb
Enter a probe of 1 for non- aimsweb measures.
Is it required to administer three probes
for all measures?
No. Oral reading (OR) is the only measure that includes the
administration of three probes (for benchmarking only, not for
progress monitoring).
Do you have Spanish versions of the
MCOMP and MCAP probes?
Yes, Spanish translations of the MCAP and MCOMP Benchmark and
Progress Monitoring probes are now available for all applicable grade
Probes FAQ
Is it an error when a student incorrectly
pronounces a name on OR?
Current aimsweb guidelines state that any mispronounced word is an
error. There is no consideration for proper nouns or repeated or
Can I print a probe from the Assess
window to give to a child right away?
Not from the Assess view, but you can print a probe from the Score
How do we determine at what level to
start a student on the aimsweb probes?
For Benchmarking purposes, probes are always to be given at the
student’s official grade level, regardless of the student’s skill level.
This is necessary for the multitude of data analysis in aimsweb that
may later be conducted by your site, in addition to identifying students
“at risk” for academic failure.
For Progress Monitoring, either on-grade or off-grade level probes
are used, with the exception of Written Expression (which is gradelevel independent), depending on the goal set for the student.
Students are always measured on their goal-level material at
whatever grade level the goal is to be set.
The new aimsweb Progress Monitoring Guide defines the process for
determining the most appropriate level for monitoring
Use the following image as a guide.
Can teachers print their own benchmark
probes? Can districts restrict teacher
In the initial release of the new aimsweb, teachers have access to
print their own benchmark probes. A future release feature will
incorporate functionality that will allow the aimsweb “manager” user
type to assign or restrict access for the ability to print benchmark
Probes FAQ
Is it acceptable for a student to point to
the correct number on the Early
Numeracy measures?
Yes, but the student should be re-directed to say the number.
What if a student gives another answer,
such as "bigger" rather than "larger" like
the question asks?
Use your professional judgment when assessing the correctness of
different word choices. As long as the word given makes logical
sense and is conceptually correct, it would likely be considered.
Grade 2, Probe 14, Question #23 - The
answer key says "3". Is "3.00" an
acceptable answer being that there is a
dollar sign before the blank?
In this situation the answer is considered correct, as it indicates the
basic understanding of the task; however, had the answer presented
been 3:00, the answer would be considered incorrect. Page 10 of the
MCAP Admin/Scoring Manual, states: "For more information, see
Appendix C of the manual, which presents many examples of both
correct and incorrect alternate answer formats."
Can we give the math probe one page at
a time if we suspect the kids will shut
down before they even start if they see a
3-page probe (8th grade math AIMS)?
No, doing so alters the standardized administration directions and
invalidates the standardized data.
Is there a recommendation when you
give a Benchmark Probe about at which
level you move a student to the next
level? For example, if they have 70%
accuracy would they go to the next level?
For benchmark, the probes are always given at the student’s
expected grade level (i.e., “Official” grade level.) No changes are ever
made to this practice as the resulting data would thus be confounded.
Students who are performing well in their grade level do not need to
be monitored at the next grade level.
Do you have Norms for grades 9-12?
National normative data for grades 9-12 are available as
downloadable reference tables for the following aimsweb measures:
OR, Maze, MCAP, MCOMP, Written Expression (TWW, CWS, WSC).
This measure is designed to not have a “ceiling,” meaning that there
are more problems on the test than we anticipate even the most
expedient of students to complete. Letting your students know that
the test is designed to have more on it than what you expect them to
complete in 8 (or 10) minutes may be helpful. This measure was field
tested and piloted extensively, as well as vetted through a variety of
working school professionals in the field (i.e., teachers,
administrators, math specialists, etc.). Anything that was found to be
significantly problematic during our field testing and piloting was
addressed so that the final measures released were sound. Data
indicate that a 3-4 page presentation did not pose a problem for
students, nor did it impact performance.
Probes FAQ
I noticed at times RCBM is called OR
(Oral Reading) and at other times still
listed as RCBM. Will the name of the
measure be officially changing to OR?
Also, will Maze have a name change?
R-CBM is called Oral Reading (OR) in the new aimsweb. Maze will
not have a name change.
For FAQ help, see Finding My Question.
What is ROI?
Rate of improvement (ROI) is a numerical index that reflects how rapidly raw scores on a measure
increase during a given school year. Expressed as raw-score points per week in aimsweb, ROIs
have several valuable applications.
For example:
The ROI of a student whose progress is being monitored is the primary indicator of the effectiveness
of the intervention.
The magnitude of the ROI needed to reach a goal (i.e., goal ROI) is useful for determining the
reasonableness of the goal.
The distribution of ROIs for a group of students—such as a class or grade that participates in
universal screening three times a year—serves as a measure of the effectiveness of the general
educational program.
For FAQ help, see Finding My Question.
Interventions FAQ
Are interventions saved at a user level?
Interventions that are pre‐loaded as part of the account set‐up will
appear for all users within that account. However, users can create
custom interventions which are saved at a user level.
Interventions FAQ
Can we track the name of the teacher
delivering the intervention?
The tracking is currently not done by teacher, but users can track by
groups. There are other reports where users can look at classroom
and grade-level data, including by teacher, for benchmark.
Can we pre-load intervention choices that
will be seen in the intervention dropdown?
Yes, Interventions can be entered in the Manage section, under the
Accounts area.
Can reports be created for interventions
to determine the effectiveness of the
In the new aimsweb, you can create custom groups for this purpose.
You can assign students who were given the same intervention to a
custom group, and then track and report on that custom group.
Can some interventions be set up at a
district level, and other interventions at a
school level?
You can set up an intervention library at the district level, and
customize further at the school and individual level per student, if
permitted by the Account Manager.
Are there
interventions or are they up to us to
Customers provide the interventions. Customers can preload
interventions in the Manage – Accounts area of the new aimsweb.
Does labeling interventions in the
Manage Monitor > Intervention tab allow
for high-level reporting disaggregated by
To obtain reporting disaggregated by intervention, use the “custom”
group feature and assign students with the same intervention to a
custom group.
You can then view benchmark data by custom group, and monitor
data by custom group.
Custom groups are also available as a filter option in the Group
reporting area of the system.
What if you have two interventions? Can
you assign two interventions to a
student? For example, Read Naturally
once a week and Wilson Language four
days a week?
In the new aimsweb, only one intervention can be assigned to a
For FAQ help, see Finding My Question.
Monitor FAQ
Is there biweekly
There is not a specific biweekly monitoring selection in the initial release of the new
Weekly and monthly monitoring selections are currently available. For biweekly, you can set
up a weekly monitoring schedule and enter scores every other week.
In a future release, a biweekly monitoring selection will be added.
Where can I find the
monitor probes?
From Overview, click the Score tab.
Click Print Supporting Materials at the bottom of the view. The Print Supporting Materials
dialog box is displayed. Select the desired information to download the probes.
Do I administer 1 or 3
probes for OR?
Within the Progress Monitor software, administering the OR probes falls into one of two
When the schedule frequency exceeds once every two weeks, we recommend
using one OR probe and entering the score as the data point.
When the schedule frequency is less than once every two weeks, we recommend
using 3 OR probes and entering the median score as the data point.
When administering Survey Level Assessments, administer one probe only.
How do I designate a
student as Monitoring?
Select a student from the Benchmark or Students view.
Click Manage Monitoring.
Fill out the information on the screen to set the goal date and desired goal score.
Click Save and Close.
How do I set up
monitoring schedules?
See Monitor View.
Can I use multiple goals
in one schedule?
The Progress Monitor software is designed to report progress toward a single goal for
individual students. If a goal needs to be adjusted, open the Manage Monitoring dialog box,
and then change the goal or add an intervention to the schedule.
Monitor FAQ
How do I add an
intervention to a
Open Manage Monitoring, and then select the Intervention tab. Select an intervention from
the list or enter your own. Then, click Save and Close.
Note: The Intervention will restart the ROI on the day the intervention is entered. This will
not affect the aimline, only the trend line. If the Goal is changed, the aimline and the
trendline will end the old aimline/trendline and begin anew within a single case. The
trendline will not display until at least four scores have been entered over a six-week period.
Can I monitor at the
student's instructional
aimsweb recommends progress monitoring be administered using the Goal Level Material
for whatever grade-level goal is set for that student. That goal may be, for example, 1-2
grade levels higher than the student’s instructional level.
You can conduct a Survey Level Assessment offline by using successively easier
passages. aimsweb has a new method for goal-setting. For information about SLA, see the
aimsweb Progress Monitoring Guide.
Can I benchmark with OR
and monitor with Maze?
Technically, yes, the system will allow Benchmarking and Progress Monitoring for every
measure available. Best practice would indicate that if concern exists regarding a student’s
performance/progress in OR, then Progress Monitoring should be done in OR.
If a student does not score well on OR, then the research suggests they will likely not score
well on Maze. Therefore, if a student does not score well on OR, the best practice would be
to monitor progress with OR, because it is a better measure of the student’s General
Reading Ability and more sensitive to change.
Monitor FAQ
Is browser-based scoring
available for Monitoring?
Note: Only measures for which the student has an active schedule will be in the measures
In Overview, click Assess.
Select the student in the list.
Select Monitor from the drop-down.
Select the measure.
Select the probe.
Click Assess. A separate window will open to begin the assessment.
Start the timer and begin the probe.
Click on the missed items to mark them. If a student skips an entire line, check the
When the time is up, you will be prompted to mark the last item read by the
student, and then the Score view is displayed.
10. Click OK. You are returned to the Assess view.
11. To see the results, click the Score tab.
12. Select the student in the list.
13. Select the measure from the Measure drop-down.
14. Click View Results to open the marked up probe.
How many scores are
needed to project a trend
Four scores over a six week period are needed to project a trend line in the new aimsweb.
How is the trend line
calculated in the Monitor
The trend line is calculated on the average ROI in between assessments. The complex
answer is “Least Squares”. Please go to the following link for an explanation of this
Are expired schedules
the same as inactive
Yes, expired schedules function the same way as inactive schedules in the new aimsweb.
Monitor FAQ
How does the goal
setting in the new
aimsweb support SLA?
The Survey Level Assessment process takes place manually, or outside of the system in
the new aimsweb.
In the Monitor view, you can indicate that the student is being monitored off grade level by
selecting the associated check box, and then selecting a grade. The information is
displayed in the Monitor view.
If the student is being monitored on-grade, the benchmark score is pulled in and displayed
with the monitor scores on both the Monitor view and the Individual Monitor report.
If the student is being monitored off-grade level, the benchmark score is not displayed on
the Individual Monitor report.
If I miss a progress
monitoring date, will I be
able to go back and make
it up?
Can you progress
monitor for OR using
functionality rather than
paper copies?
You can use BBS (Browser-based Scoring) for progress monitoring with OR.
Can multiple students be
added to progress
monitoring at once in the
new aimsweb like they
can in the 1.0 version?
The ability to add multiple students to progress monitoring at once will be added in a future
release. This feature is not available in the initial release. Until it is available, users will set
up individual schedules for individual students.
I’m setting up a progress
monitoring goal. Why is
nothing being pulled for
my student’s baseline
When creating an on-grade level progress monitoring schedule, the student's baseline
score will be auto-populated using the benchmark score if the benchmark data was
collected within the last two weeks. If it has been more than two weeks, we recommend
using a progress monitoring probe to re-test the student. This testing must be done by
paper and pencil and the progress monitoring score needs to be manually entered as the
Can students who are set
up with a progress
monitoring schedule be
set up automatically on
that teacher's
benchmarking list?
Students must first appear on a teacher’s roster BEFORE they can be set up for progress
With browser-based scoring, the student reads a passage from a paper copy. The teacher
marks the responses on a laptop or a tablet device. You can launch browser-based scoring
from the Assess view.
Monitor FAQ
If I select district goal on
the comparison tab in the
Manage Monitor screen,
are they already loaded
or do we need to load our
own goals?
The new aimsweb does not come “pre-loaded” with goals. If you choose a district goal, you
will need to select the goal (performance) and the target date as you are setting up the
progress monitor schedule for the student.
When you progress
monitor on the computer,
is there a way to print out
the student's answers
and errors to perform an
error analysis?
You can print the student's answers and errors from the Score view for that student.
When setting a progress
monitoring goal, if a
student is at a lower
grade, can you then stop
that level and set a new
goal at the next grade
Just like in the current system, when changing a goal to require a different grade level of
material, you must start a new progress monitor schedule.
How do I share progress
monitoring schedules
with other users?
A teacher must have at least one student on a roster before they can view their progress
monitoring schedules.
Will Strategic Monitoring
be done manually? Will
the data from strategic
monitoring appear on the
The action of setting up of all progress monitor schedules - whether weekly, or monthly
(Strategic monitoring) – is through the Manage Monitor area of the new aimsweb. To create
a strategic monitor schedule, simply set the monitor frequency to “monthly”.
If your baseline is based
on a benchmark that is
on grade level, can you
still select to monitor off
grade level or would you
need to have a different
Yes, you will be able to progress monitor off-level, but you will use a baseline score from an
off-level probe you've administered.
In the Score view, click the Results report link, which is displayed for students who have
been assessed through browser-based scoring.
A new feature is that you will also be able to select a goal for the strategic monitor
Monitor FAQ
When setting up progress
monitoring, what baseline
score is entered if the
user wants to progress
monitor the student at a
lower level? Any SLA
(Survey Level
You can conduct a Survey Level Assessment offline by using successively easier
On the progress monitor
screen, does the measure
selection automatically
go to the next measure
for progress monitoring
or do you select and go
through the drop downs
each time?
You can set up multiple progress monitor schedules for a student without leaving the
Manage Monitor screen.
In the previous version, it
was difficult to determine
the student's actual
percentile unless they
were at benchmark time.
In the new aimsweb, will
we see a percentile ( %ile)
every time the student is
progress monitored?
aimsweb has a new method for goal-setting.
For information about SLA, see the aimsweb Progress Monitoring Guide.
To set up multiple schedules:
Select the assessment, grade, and desired performance.
Select the frequency and duration of the schedule.
Click Save.
Select a different assessment from the Select Schedule list.
No, a percentile is not provided every time the student is progress monitored. The student's
number correct, errors, goal ROI and trend ROI, along with the goal statement, appear in a
table underneath the graph in the printed individual Student Monitor report. Click Print and
then view the table in the PDF.
Monitor FAQ
Where do I find the goal
score and percentile
The goal score is available in two places:
Click the Goal bar on the Benchmark, Score, or Monitor view to open the Goal
pop-up, except when the goal bar is empty, indicating not enough data present to
make a projection.
The Goal pop-up displays the goal score and percentile. The color and text on the
header of the pop-up are based on whether or not the student is projected to
meet/exceed the goal.
1. When a goal is changed, click the Goal Change symbol on the Monitor
view to open the Goal Change pop-up to view information about the
previous and current goal.
2. When option 1 or 2 is not available because of insufficient student
scores, select the student from the Benchmark, Students, or Monitor
view. Click Manage Monitor to see details about the current goal. A
score must be entered as the baseline score, if one is not
automatically pulled in.
Note: Click Cancel to close the window without saving changes. Any saved changes will
result in a Goal Change.
Monitor FAQ
Where do I find the trend
ROI for a student?
Click the Goal icon on the Benchmark, Score, and Monitor views to open the Goal popup, except when there is not enough data to make a projection.
Note: The trend ROI will not display until at least 4 scores over a 6 week period.
Where do I view any goal
changes or intervention
These events display as symbols on the Monitor view. You can click on the
symbols to open a pop-up with information about the previous and current goal
or previous and current intervention.
Goal Change
Intervention Change
Monitor FAQ
Where do I view the
data on a graph and do
a visual analysis and
include as
documentation for IEP,
evaluation, or RTI
A visual trend can be seen on the Monitor view, which can be printed. The height
of the result bars indicate the relative performance of the students score vs. the
max score. If the general pattern is that the bar heights are increasing, the
student is progressing. Decreasing bars mean performance is declining.
However, your documentation for IEP or RTI purposes may require the Individual
Monitor PDF report, which has two known defects: 1) results are not always
displaying, and 2) the trend line is appearing when there has been an
intervention and less than 4 scores have been collected over the required 6
weeks. This issue is being resolved and planned for an upcoming release.
Monitor FAQ
Where do I see the
baseline score?
The baseline score is the initial score for the schedule. If the monitoring schedule
is on grade level and a benchmark score has been obtained within the last two
weeks, the baseline is automatically pulled into this schedule. The actual score is
only available on the Individual Monitor report, but the visual representation of it
can be seen on the Monitor view and is the first score in the schedule or the last
score before a goal or intervention change. This view can be saved to a PDF or
For FAQ help, see Finding My Question.
Reports FAQ
What are the
The Group distribution reports are ways to generate onscreen views and printed reports of
aggregate data. District, School, Class, Teacher, Custom group and demographics filtering
options are available.
Measures and time period selections are also available. The ability to view and filter custom
group information is also available. The watermark that appears in the background of the report
or onscreen graph represents the national norms.
Reports FAQ
Why are my
PDFs not
Why are my
PDFs not
opening on my
Will there still be
tier reports for
grade levels?
An issue with your Acrobat Reader can prevent the PDF files from appearing.
Clear the cache and cookies in your Internet browser.
Log out of aimsweb.
Right-click on your Task Bar, and then select Task Manager from the menu.
Click the Processes tab.
Click the Image Name column to sort the processes by name.
Highlight any process that reads Acrobat or Acrotray and click End Process.
Log into aimsweb.
Run the report.
You need to change the preferences to use Adobe Reader. To do this:
Select Firefox | Preferences.
Click Applications.
Search for “PDF”.
Select Use Adobe Reader from the Action column.
The initial release does not have a specific tier report for grade levels similar to a “tier transition”
report in version 1.
A report similar to the Tier Transition report will be included in a future release.
The Benchmark comparison report, when cut scores is chosen, will compare student
performance to cut scores, thus placing them in tiers in the same way as the tier transition
report. You may view the number of students in each tier but the view does not show a summary
of student movement across tiers.
Can the reports
or data views in
the Groups are
be printed?
Yes, when the print button is selected, the reports are generated as a PDF that can be printed or
Reports FAQ
Will there be
student line
graphs that
show the
Yes, different display options are available.
Do the monitor
graphs still
include the
expected ROI
and actual ROI?
Yes. The view provides a visual display of the student’s progress.
Is there a new
graph for out of
The progress monitoring graph indicates whether the student is being monitored on grade or off
Do the reports in
the Groups area
export to a
spreadsheet as
well as a PDF?
Not at this time. The reports will be printed only as a PDF.
The individual student benchmark reports provide an option to display the target.
The individual progress monitor reports provide options to display the aimline,
projection, errors, intervention change, and goal change.
The printed progress monitor graphs offer a visual display of the student’s progress as well as a
table below the graph that includes the corrects, errors, goal ROI and trend ROI for the
assessments given. In addition, intervention changes and the goal statement also appear.
The benchmark scores are not shown on the graph if the student is being monitored off grade.
Reports FAQ
How do I set up
custom report
profiles for the
Benchmark and
Monitor views?
Can the Group
reports display
local norm
comparisons, or
comparisons to
national norms?
Managers can customize the cut scores used on your reports. If you are not a manager, you will
need to talk to the manager on your account about setting up report profiles.
To set up report profiles:
In Manage, select Account, and then choose Report Profile.
In the left pane, select district or school.
In the center pane, select profiles to view.
To edit a profile, select the profile, and then make changes in the right pane.
To add a profile, click Add.
In the DETAILS tab, in the Name box, enter a profile name. The Level identifier is
To make this new profile the default, click the Default check box.
Select Active to activate the profile, or clear the Active check box to keep the
profile available but inactive.
Click Save.
For the initial release of the new aimsweb, the Group distribution reports cannot display local
norm comparisons.
The following are available:
District, School, Class, Teacher, and demographics filtering options
Measures and time period selections
The ability to view and filter custom group information
However, the watermark that appears in the background of the graphic is displayed both in the
Web display and printed reports that represent the national norms.
Reports FAQ
Is there an
option for an
monitor report
showing growth
of multiple
measures on
one graph?
No. There is not an option for an individual student progress monitoring report to show growth of
multiple measures on one graph.
Will the progress
monitor graphs
show a time
period of more
than 12 months?
Will it show the
current Rate of
The maximum viewable time period is 12 months on the Monitor report. The current Rate of
Improvement (ROI) is shown in the Student view under the Performance area, and in the printed
report in a table underneath the graph. It can also be viewed in the Student Profile area of the
Benchmark view.
Where do I find
the goal score
and percentile
The goal score is available in two places:
However, a picture of overall student performance can be seen on the Student view, which
shows both monitoring and benchmark performance, listed by assessment (Last score, ROI and
projection towards goal) on one view.
Click the Goal bar on the Benchmark, Score, or Monitor view to open the Goal popup, except when the goal bar is empty, indicating not enough data present to make a
The Goal pop-up displays the goal score and percentile. The color and text on the
header of the pop-up are based on whether or not the student is projected to
meet/exceed the goal.
When a goal is changed, click the Goal Change symbol on the Monitor view to open
Reports FAQ
the Goal Change pop-up. This pop-up displays the information about the previous and
current goal.
2. When option 1 or 2 is not available because of insufficient student scores,
select the student from the Benchmark, Students, or Monitor view. Then,
click the Manage Monitor button at the bottom of the screen to open the
Manage Monitor window to see details about the current goal. A score must
be entered as the baseline score, if one is not automatically pulled in.
Note: Click Cancel to close the window without saving changes. Any saved
Reports FAQ
changes will result in a Goal Change.
Where do I find
the ROI of the
aimline and
whether the goal
closes the gap,
is ambitious or
1. Click the Goal bar on the Benchmark, Score, and Monitor views to open the
Goal pop-up, except when there is not enough data to make a projection
(goal bar is empty). The Goal pop-up displays the goal ROI and the projected
ROI. The color and text on the header of the pop-up are based on whether or
not the student is projected to meet/exceed the goal.
Note: The trend ROI will not display until at least 4 scores over a 6 week
2. When a goal is changed, click the Goal Change symbol on the Monitor view
to open the Goal Change pop-up. The Goal Change pop-up includes the
information about the previous and current goal. The Progress Indicator
(Insufficient, Closes the Gap, Ambitious) is displayed.
3. When option 1 or 2 is not available because of insufficient student scores,
Reports FAQ
select the student from the Benchmark, Students, or Monitor views. Then,
click the Manage Monitor button at the bottom of the screen to open the
Manage Monitor window. A score must be entered as the baseline score, if
one is not automatically pulled in.
Note: Click Cancel to close the window without saving changes. Any saved changes
will result in a Goal Change.
Where do I find
the trend ROI for
a student?
Click the Goal icon on the Benchmark, Score, and Monitor views to open the Goal pop-up,
except when there is not enough data to make a projection.
Note: The trend ROI will not display until at least 4 scores over a 6 week period.
Where do I view
These events display as symbols on the Monitor view. You can click on the symbols to
Reports FAQ
any goal
changes or
open a pop-up with information about the previous and current goal or previous and
current intervention.
Goal change
Intervention change
For FAQ help, see Finding My Question.
Students FAQ
Can you easily tab between years'
performances when looking at an
individual student?
Yes. The Student dashboard in the new system is where users can
see everything related to a student. When viewing an individual
benchmark or monitor report on-screen, users can select the time
period that they want to view.
Instead of using the selection list, could I
have located my student Madeleine more
easily by choosing to view my caseload
in the top left?
Do the Custom Groups allow multiple
teachers to be able to view student data such as EIP teacher, ESOL teacher, and
intervention teacher in addition to the
student's homeroom teacher?
The data stays with the student in the new aimsweb. Any teacher that
is assigned to that student will be able to see that student’s data.
Manage Account
Manage Account FAQ
In the new
aimsweb calendar
settings, does "Set
to the end of the
year" mean the
end of the school
year, which differs
by state, or the
end of the
calendar year?
The calendar settings in the new aimsweb are created and set up by the Account Manager.
Customers will be able to customize the Fall, Winter and Spring benchmark periods and add
non-school days to the calendar. These dates are all user-defined, and set up in the Manage
e Account area of the new system.
How do I set up a
training account?
Please contact the training department at 1-866-313-6194, option 3.
What are my
training options in
aimsweb subscriptions include access to all necessary implementation guides and manuals.
However, we recommend professional development for an easier, speedier, and more
successful implementation.
Options include:
Private onsite training packages for implementation and coaching, which range in
length from one day to one year
Open Workshops (2 days - hosted at various locations around the country)
Online Training (self-paced)
1:1 consultation by the hour
Webinar training
Manage aimsweb Account
For FAQ help, see Finding My Question.
Manage aimsweb Account FAQ
Does aimsweb provide Pre-K measures?
No. However, aimsweb offers third party charting and reporting
support for Get it, Got it, Go! and IGDIs which are pre-k measures.
Does aimsweb provide measures past
Grade 8?
Currently, aimsweb measures are available for Benchmarking
(Universal Screening) and Progress Monitoring at levels from
Kindergarten through-8th grade.
Many high schools are using aimsweb 8th grade level assessment as
screening tools for students who may exhibit deficits in basic skill
areas and need remediation in those skill areas in order to access
High School level content curricula.
For High School students who exhibit significant deficits in basic
skills, it is appropriate to Progress Monitor them with grade level
assessments that are appropriate based on the goal that they are
expected to achieve in a given time period.
How do I know aimsweb measures are
valid and reliable?
Over 25 years of research have proven CBM to be reliable and valid
indicators of critical basic skills.
aimsweb measures are CBM. aimsweb assessment measures have
received highly favorable review from the National Center on Student
Progress Monitoring (www.studentprogress.org) and the National
Center on Response to Intervention (www.rti4sucess.org).
Additionally, research and other articles can be found in the Research
section at www.aimsweb.com
How many alternate forms do aimsweb
measures provide?
aimsweb typically provides at least 33 alternate forms per skill, per
grade. These vary by measure and grade.
Manage aimsweb Account FAQ
Why are some of my measures not
appearing on the Downloads tab?
The measure may be deactivated in your account.
To activate a measure:
Click the Manage tab.
Click the aimsweb Accounts > Measures option.
Select Inactive from the Show box.
Click Search.
Select the check box next to the measure.
Click Activate. You will now be able to access these
Manage Admin Import Data
For FAQ help, see Finding My Question.
Import Data FAQ
What data can be imported?
The following data can be exported and imported:
Customer accounts
Progress Monitor (active schedules)
Historical data
Can the import process be automated?
The import process is automated, and is something that Pearson will
do as part of the account migration process.
When I import my data, when will I see it?
Your data will be available the next business day.
Import Data FAQ
Are the user roles the same in the new
The following user types are available in the new aimsweb:
Account, District or School Manager
District or Class Teacher
Account, District or School Reporter
When accounts are migrated to the new aimsweb, here is how the
user types are migrated:
Managers who are associated with students via PM, and District PM
Users will be migrated over as Teacher_District user types.
Applicable school managers, Regular and Progress Monitor
Teachers, Regular Teachers, Progress Monitor Teachers, and RTI
Users that are associated with students via PM or ClassUID will be
migrated over as Teacher_Class user types.
Can I import teachers without student
Yes, you can import teachers without student information.
Will current/active schedules import to
the new aimsweb?
Yes, current/active progress monitor schedules will be imported into
the new aimsweb during the account migration process.
Will the import create multiple rosters for
the same teacher?
Yes, if you include the Classname column within the import. The
class name must be unique for each class.
How can we get info from years prior to
the last year of data for each student?
For the new aimsweb, you can import one year of data at a time.
Users will also be able to view their historical data in their old/prior
aimsweb system. When account data is imported to the new
aimsweb, “read only” access is set up in the prior aimsweb to view
and access the archived/historical data.
Can you import users without being tied
to a student name (as it was in version
Yes, users can be imported without being tied to a student name.
What happens to progress monitor data if
I import students in the middle of the
Active progress monitor schedules and scores will move over to the
new aimsweb.
For imports, will we need to redo goals
for students being progress monitored,
or will the goals import also?
No, if the goals are part of an active progress monitor schedule for
the student, the goals will import and do not need to be redone.
Manage Admin Export Data
For FAQ help, see Finding My Question.
Export FAQ
Will we still be able to request exports
from the "old" system after we have
No, once your account is migrated, all data in 1.0 is read-only.
Manage Schools
For FAQ help, see Finding My Question.
Manage Schools FAQ
What if I don't have my school NCES
This is not required for setting up your account. You can search for
your school NCES number with the following link:
Why is the NCES number needed in
aimsweb uses NCES Numbers to facilitate an improved
understanding of the origin of the assessment data collected. This
data will help improve our ability to enhance future normative reports.
How do I add additional grades to my
aimsweb offers class rosters from P3-12. Follow these steps to add
the grade levels:
Will primary contacts be visible to users
of the account?
Select the district and school. Note that if the All Districts
check box in the left pane is selected, the center pane lists
all of the schools in the district that are in the account.
The selected school information is displayed in the right
pane. For Min/Max Grades, move the slider to expand the
grades in the school.
Click Save.
Yes. A Primary Contact is listed on the user's My Settings view.
Manage Schools FAQ
If a primary contact is deactivated, can a
new one be selected?
Yes. You will be prompted to select another primary contact at the
next login. You can also make changes to the primary contact when
editing the District and School pages.
Can a school manager be selected as a
District Primary Contact?
No. primary contacts must be able to make changes to the account.
Therefore, a primary contact can only be selected at the management
level and below.
For example, a District Manager can be selected as a primary contact
for the district and school, but not for the account.
Must I designate a Primary Contact when
adding a new district or school?
No. Because you may not have any users entered into the system,
this is not required for setting up your account.
However, managers on the account will be prompted to designate a
primary contact upon logging into aimsweb.
Managers can designate a primary contact at their level and below.
For example, a school manager can designate a primary contact for
his/her school.
Can the NCES number be changed if our
school moves into another district?
Yes. This number can be changed from the Manage Schools screen.
Manage Students
For FAQ help, see Finding My Question.
Manage Students (Add or Remove) FAQ
How do I add a student?
To add a student:
In Manage, select School Systems.
Next to Show, select Schools.
Select a school or class.
Select Students. To view only the students not yet assigned to a school
and/or class, select the unassigned check box.
Click Add. The Add Student dialog box is displayed, showing the district and
Next to Class, select a homeroom, or leave the class as unassigned. (Class
can be assigned while editing student information.)
Enter the name, grade, date of birth, and ID. (All items can be changed while
editing student information.)
Click Add to save the changes. The student name is added to the STUDENT
Manage Students (Add or Remove) FAQ
How do I add or remove
a student for a roster?
How do I transfer a
To add or remove a student for a roster:
In Manage, select School System.
Next to Show, select Classes.
Select a school and a homeroom.
Select the STUDENT ROSTER tab. A list of students in the selected grades is
To remove a student from the roster, select the student, and then click the "X"
delete button.
To add a student to the roster, click the "+" add button. The Add Students to
Roster dialog box is displayed.
Select one or more students. Search if desired. To filter the list to view only
students who have not been assigned to classes, select the Search
unassigned only check box.
Click Add. The dialog box closes.
Click Save.
The transfer button is available only when one or more students are selected.
Select one or more students.
Click Transfer. The Transfer Students dialog box is displayed. The initial selections
show the current status for the selected students. The term Unassigned means they are
on the District Roster and not in a class.
To transfer to a school, select a school.
To transfer to a class, the school must be selected.
To transfer to a grade, the class must be selected.
Click Transfer to continue, or Cancel to close the dialog box without making changes.
The transfer begins, and the message "Uploading" is displayed.
See also:
Transfer Rules
District Roster
Manage Students (Add or Remove) FAQ
How do I transfer a
monitor case?
Managers can transfer monitor cases to another user in the system by entering the
email address of the user on the Manage Monitoring window, and then clicking Save.
Transferring a schedule will remove it from the current user's caseload.
Can students be listed
on more than one
teacher's roster?
Yes. Students can be listed on multiple rosters.
In the new aimsweb,
does all of the student
data follow the student
when we transfer from
school to school in a
larger district?
Student data remains with the student record. As long as the schools are part of the
same aimsweb account, the data will follow the student.
Manage Teachers
For FAQ help, see Finding My Question.
Manage Teachers FAQ
Where are teacher
rosters edited?
Teacher rosters are edited in the Manage > School Systems > Classes area of the new
Manage Users
For FAQ help, see Finding My Question.
Manage Users FAQ
How do I create an
Account Manager?
For role permissions, see User Roles and Permissions.
Select Manage > Users. The Users window is displayed.
Select the All Districts check box, or select a school.
Select the user. The USER tab in the right pane displays the user information.
The Role box displays the user's existing roles and is used to activate or
deactivate the role.
To create a new role, such as Account Manager, select the ROLES tab, and
then click the "+" Add button. The list of roles is displayed.
Select a role and an organizational unit.
If the new role will be primary, click the button in the PRI column.
Click Save.
To activate the role, select the User tab. The new role is now listed.
Select the new role, and then next to Status, select Active. If the role will be
active across the entire user's account (such as a district), select the For
Account check box.
10. To provide additional contact information, select the CONTACT
11. Click Save.
What is the level of
access for each user
See User Roles and Permissions.
How do I import a user
with multiple logins?
One role per user will be imported.
Can a manager assign a
teacher one user ID and
password, and access to
two schools ?
It depends on the user role. If the teacher has a district teacher user role, the teacher
can have one user ID/password but have access to multiple schools assigned by a
If the teacher has the class teacher role, the teacher would be limited to the one school
that has that class.
Manage Users FAQ
When you set someone
up with multiple roles,
that is within one
building, correct? Or
does that mean they can
have the same username
and password if they are
in two different
If the two buildings are under one aimsweb account, a user with multiple roles can
have one username and password. It also depends on the user role. If the teacher has
a district teacher user role, the teacher can have one user ID/password but have
access to multiple schools assigned by a manager.
License Agreement
aimsweb 2.0
This aimsweb 2.0 Subscription and User License Agreement (“Agreement”) governs access to and use of
the aimsweb fee-based products and services offered by NCS Pearson, Inc. (“PEARSON”). By accessing,
using, printing, displaying or registering for such services or products, you (“CUSTOMER”) agree to the
terms of this Agreement in which, CUSTOMER receives a limited license to access, use, print, display or
register for such services or products for an initial one school year (August 1 – July 31) period.
PEARSON has developed this proprietary universal screening and progress monitoring system for
academics and behavior based on direct, frequent and continuous student assessment “aimsweb”
designed to monitor student achievement and instruction. In addition, aimsweb establishes and
maintains a database of student performance which provides access to students, parents, teachers and
administrators via a web-based data management and reporting system for providing skill assessment
protocols, testing materials and instructions; assessment probes for use in the classroom (collectively
referred to in this Agreement as the "MATERIALS”). Some or all of the MATERIALS are copyrighted by
NCS Pearson, Inc. All of the MATERIALS are proprietary. Use of the MATERIALS by any individual,
organization, entity or enterprise is strictly prohibited except for a CUSTOMER entity authorized
pursuant to this Agreement.
The MATERIALS, software, online software documentation, Implementation Training Manual and the
aimsweb support site (collectively the "Subscription Service") and any modifications, updates, revisions,
or enhancements thereof are subject to the terms of this Agreement.
1. License Grant.
PEARSON hereby grants to CUSTOMER and CUSTOMER hereby accepts from PEARSON a limited, nonexclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to access, print and use the MATERIALS for the limited
purposes of a universal screening and progress monitoring for academics and behavior of each LICENSED
USER associated with CUSTOMER (as defined below).
"CUSTOMER" is a person, organization, school, district, or Department of Education, public entity,
business entity or enterprise which: (1) has paid a license fee to or is otherwise authorized by PEARSON
to access, print and use the MATERIALS on behalf of a LICENSED USER; and (2) both CUSTOMER and
LICENSED USER have agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions of this License Agreement.
(a) If CUSTOMER is a corporation, or public body such as a School, or School District, Department of
Education, or similar organization, a LICENSED USER may include an individual employee or agent to
whom CUSTOMER has conferred the right to use the MATERIALS or to accept these license terms. Any
such individual is subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and must agree to be bound
and has the right to bind their organization to the terms and conditions of this License Agreement.
(b) If CUSTOMER is a post-secondary academic institution, academic library or similar research
institution, a LICENSED USER may also include a post-secondary student and an academic researcher,
provided that CUSTOMER identifies each LICENSED USER to PEARSON and PEARSON consents to each
In this Agreement, all references to CUSTOMER shall also include LICENSED USER.
Upon expiration or termination of this Agreement, the nonexclusive limited license granted herein shall
automatically and immediately terminate and CUSTOMER agrees not to access, print or use the
MATERIALS and, upon request of PEARSON, to return all MATERIALS then in possession of CUSTOMER to
PEARSON or destroy and certify to PEARSON the manner and date of that CUSTOMER destroyed same.
2. Authorization.
The use of the MATERIALS is strictly limited to those provided for in this Agreement. The MATERIALS
may be used only for their stated and published purposes including monitoring of student performance
scores, comparison of student performance scores, individually and across various cohort groups.
CUSTOMER agrees that the MATERIALS will not be:
(a) used for any "for-profit" commercial activities, unless specifically agreed in writing by PEARSON,
including any use of any trademark of PEARSON;
(b) copied, duplicated, modified, translated, adapted, publicly displayed, or publicly performed without
the express written consent of PEARSON;
(c) downloaded, transmitted, or re-transmitted or transferred for the purpose of evading the prohibition
on copying, duplication or modification;
(d) sold, transferred, conveyed, pledged licensed, or sub-licensed;
(e) reverse engineered, decompiled, disassembled or subject to efforts to derive source code for any
software and/or computer code components of the MATERIALS; or
(f) exploited for any purpose different from or contrary to the rights and interests of PEARSON or
inconsistent with the stated terms and purposes of this Agreement.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, some of the MATERIALS, including any assessment protocols, which
include assessment probes, testing sheets and instructions and similar information, may be duplicated
for the internal distribution and administration of student performance tests, and to train employees of
CUSTOMER, including each LICENSED USER, consistent with this Agreement.
3. Ownership. CUSTOMER is granted a non-exclusive limited license to use the MATERIALS under the
terms of this Agreement. All right, title, and interest in and to the MATERIALS, the Subscription Services,
and all intellectual property rights in and to the MATERIALS, the Subscription Services and the website of
PEARSON, and all other materials shall remain solely vested in, to and with PEARSON. PEARSON is
granted permission to use any student data received from CUSTOMER for research, development or
normative purposes, as long as, such data does not contain any personally identifiable information.
4. Subscription Charges
aimsweb subscriptions are based on per student, per school year fees. The initial fee to activate
Subscription is based on estimate by CUSTOMER of unique students that will have score data entered.
PEARSON will run reconciliation reports in June of each subscription year and invoice for any overages at
that time. Subscription fees are non-refundable for any reason at any time.
Certain "Subscription Services" are available only from PEARSON via a dedicated service subscription to
which the following applies:
(a) CUSTOMER agrees to pay, using a valid credit card, purchase order, or check which PEARSON
accepts, the subscription fees set forth by PEARSON, applicable taxes, and other charges incurred on the
account of CUSTOMER in order to access, print and use the Subscription Services. PEARSON reserves the
right to change fees, or to institute new fees at the end of each subscription year, upon reasonable
notice posted in advance on www.aimsweb.com or as otherwise provided. aimsweb subscription
services must be renewed on an annual basis. PEARSON does not automatically renew Subscriptions. In
the event CUSTOMER chooses not to renew aimsweb Subscriptions, PEARSON reserves the right to
terminate CUSTOMER access to the Subscription Services. No refunds or credit will be granted for any
cancellation or termination for any reason at any time.
(b) In addition to the charges set forth above, CUSTOMER is responsible for all expenses and charges
associated with accessing the internet; connecting to the Subscription Service; and any service fees
associated with such access and connection. CUSTOMER is also responsible for providing all equipment
necessary for CUSTOMER to make such connection, including without limitation, computer and modem
and/or network connection. This includes all equipment and software used to load and print files saved
in .pdf format.
(c) For purposes of identification and billing, CUSTOMER agrees to provide PEARSON with accurate,
current and complete information as required during registration for the Subscription Services,
including, without limitation, the legal name, address, telephone number(s), e-mail address, and
applicable payment data (e.g. credit card number and expiration date) for CUSTOMER and to maintain
and update this information to keep it accurate, current and complete. Failure to provide and maintain
accurate, current and complete information may, at the option of PEARSON, result in immediate
suspension or termination of this Agreement and the Subscription Services.
5. Multi Customer Accounts
This license for each Subscription Service creates a single account. CUSTOMER may then create
additional sub-accounts, and each sub-account that CUSTOMER creates shall be fully subject to this
6. Password
As part of the registration process for Subscription Services, CUSTOMER will select a password.
CUSTOMER is solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the CUSTOMER password and
agrees that PEARSON has no obligations with regard to the use by third parties of such password.
CUSTOMER is entirely responsible for any activity occurring under the CUSTOMER account (and any subaccount) and password. CUSTOMER agrees to notify PEARSON immediately if CUSTOMER has any
reason to believe that the security of CUSTOMER data or any password has been compromised.
Should CUSTOMER forget the password, PEARSON will reset it for CUSTOMER at CUSTOMER’s request;
however, in order to protect the privacy of CUSTOMER and the data of CUSTOMER, PEARSON may
require CUSTOMER to provide specific information.
7. Privacy & Security
PEARSON has taken reasonable actions, including use of encryption and firewalls, to ensure that data
and information of CUSTOMER is disclosed only to those designated by CUSTOMER, as set forth in the
applicable Privacy Policy posted on this site. However, CUSTOMER acknowledges that the Internet is an
open system and PEARSON cannot and does not warrant or guarantee that third parties will not
intercept same.
8. Server Availability and Scheduled Down Times
PEARSON schedules daily maintenance from 2:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. Central Standard Time, Monday
through Sunday. In the event a mission-critical maintenance situation arises, PEARSON may be required
to perform emergency maintenance at any time. During these scheduled and emergency maintenance
periods, CUSTOMER may be unable to transmit and receive data. CUSTOMER agrees to accept the risk of
such unavailability and to fully cooperate with PEARSON during the scheduled and emergency
maintenance periods.
9. Indemnification
To the extent permitted by law, CUSTOMER hereby agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless
PEARSON from and against any and all claims, proceedings, damages, liability, and costs (including
reasonable attorney fees) incurred by PEARSON in connection with any claim arising out of (i) any
breach or alleged breach of any of CUSTOMER obligations set forth herein, (ii) any acts by CUSTOMER,
or (iii) MATERIALS or information posted or transmitted by CUSTOMER in connection with the
Subscription Service regardless of the type or nature of the claim. CUSTOMER shall cooperate as fully as
reasonably required in the defense of any claim. PEARSON reserves the right, at its own expense, to
assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by
CUSTOMER and CUSTOMER shall not in any event settle any matter without the written consent of
PEARSON will hold the CUSTOMER harmless and indemnify the CUSTOMER against any third party claim
that the MATERIALS, in the form delivered by PEARSON to the CUSTOMER, infringes or violates any valid
United States patents or copyrights of a third party existing at the time of delivery; provided that
PEARSON must be given prompt, written notice of the claim and allowed, at its option, to control the
defense and settlement of any such claim. PEARSON’s obligations under this Section do not apply to any
infringement arising out of the use of the MATERIALS in combination with systems, equipment or
computer programs not supplied by PEARSON, or any unauthorized modification of MATERIALS.
10. Limitation of Liabilities and Remedies
11. Term and Termination
This Agreement has a term of one (1) school year (August 1 – July 31) and must be renewed each
following school years by CUSTOMER for continued service.
Either CUSTOMER or PEARSON may cancel or terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days written
notice to the other via electronic mail or conventional mail, and all fees for the then-present term of this
Agreement shall immediately become fully due and payable.
PEARSON reserves the right to restrict, suspend or terminate CUSTOMER access to the Subscription
Services in whole or in part without notice and without liability, with respect to any breach or
threatened breach of any portion of this Agreement. If PEARSON terminates this Agreement based on a
breach of any portion of this Agreement, PEARSON reserves the right to refuse to provide Subscription
Services to CUSTOMER.
Subject to the PEARSON Privacy Policy, if the Agreement is terminated by PEARSON for reasons other
than breach of this Agreement by CUSTOMER, any student data entered by CUSTOMER will be made
available to CUSTOMER either through a third party offsite vault storage provider or directly from
PEARSON for up to ninety (90) days after termination. Charges may apply.
12. Modifications to License Agreement and Subscription Services
PEARSON reserves the right to modify this Agreement, and the software or policies associated with the
Subscription Services and any MATERIALS at anytime without advance notice to CUSTOMER. Any
modification shall take effect immediately when same is posted to www.aimsweb.com. CUSTOMER may
not assign, sell, distribute, lease, rent, sublicense, or transfer the Subscription Service or the license
granted CUSTOMER herein or disclose the Subscription Service to any other person. CUSTOMER
continued use of the Subscription Services following any modification shall be conclusively deemed an
acceptance of all such modification(s). PEARSON reserves the right to modify, suspend or discontinue
the Subscription Services or any portion thereof at any time, including the availability of any functional
area of the Subscription Service. PEARSON may also impose limits on certain features and services or
restrict CUSTOMER access thereto without notice or liability.
13. Student Data Escrow
CUSTOMER has the ability to export their data at any time. However, PEARSON will produce regular
backups of any student data of CUSTOMER and will escrow these backups. Assuming all fees owed by
CUSTOMER are current and have been paid, CUSTOMER may request that any of the student data of
CUSTOMER be copied to physical data storage media and provided to CUSTOMER. Charges will apply for
this service. This service (receiving data) will be available to CUSTOMER only during the term of this
Agreement and for a maximum period of three (3) months following the termination or expiration of
this Agreement. After the three (3) month period expires, all such data may be destroyed and not
available to CUSTOMER.
14. Support
At no additional charge, each CUSTOMER may use a comprehensive online customer service and
assistance service. PEARSON agrees to exert reasonable efforts to provide customer service to
CUSTOMER, as well as toll-free telephone and e-mail support, but each form of support is provided "AS
IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis and CUSTOMER acknowledges that use of such support is at the sole risk
of CUSTOMER. The support services may be changed at anytime without notice to CUSTOMER or may be
discontinued in the sole discretion of PEARSON at anytime.
15. Recommended Environment
Any modification, derivative work, translation, or adaptation to the MATERIALS or the Subscription
Services by CUSTOMER shall be subject to a royalty-free, non-exclusive, irrevocable worldwide license to
PEARSON in and to same. CUSTOMER agrees to promptly report to PEARSON all defects, inconsistencies,
or issues arising from the MATERIALS and the Subscription Services. CUSTOMER acknowledges that
additional maintenance fees and upgrade costs may accrue in the event that PEARSON provides support
for and/or is requested by CUSTOMER to rectify issues related thereto.
16. Student Assessment
The use, accuracy and efficacy of the Subscription Service depend in large measure upon the accuracy
and completeness of the data provided to PEARSON by CUSTOMER. CUSTOMER agrees that it will use
the MATERIALS, and in particular the basic skill performance tests, protocols, reading passages, testing
procedures, testing instructions and all similar documents and information in a manner consistent with
this Agreement, and applicable guidelines and directions from PEARSON.
17. Software Documentation Manual
PEARSON provides a variety of documentation manuals in electronic form and PEARSON hereby agrees
to permit CUSTOMER to access, use, reproduce, print and distribute each applicable Documentation
Manual for the internal training, educational and assessment purposes of CUSTOMER.
18. Acceptance
This Agreement must be accepted by CUSTOMER and PEARSON. CUSTOMER may indicate acceptance of
this Agreement by: (1) signing and returning to PEARSON the printed acceptance form; (2) by electronic
acceptance indicating that CUSTOMER accepts the Agreement; or (3) by accessing, printing, displaying
and/or use of the MATERIALS or ordering any of the packages of Subscription Services. If CUSTOMER
submits a purchase order for any products or services covered by this Agreement, CUSTOMER agrees
that any pre-printed terms of such purchase order shall not apply or modify this Agreement and that
this Agreement shall solely control and govern the transaction and such purchase order shall constitute
acceptance of this Agreement.
The laws of the State of Minnesota shall govern this Agreement and the interpretation and issues of
enforcement related thereto without regard to any conflicts of laws provisions therein. CUSTOMER
agrees to the personal and subject matter jurisdiction of the court sitting in the State of Minnesota. In
the event that any provision of this Agreement is found invalid or unenforceable pursuant to judicial
decree, the remainder of this Agreement shall be valid and enforceable according to its terms.
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