2016 brochure
2016 brochure
& ges a k c Pa g n i c i r P Weekday Weddings Tuesday – Thursday ~ We e k day we ddings a re real l y popu l ar at Amal fi Wh i te. O u r Ballr o o m and White Bar are beau ti fu l rooms for both yo ur c e r e m o ny and recepti on – th ey are gl amorou s, so phistic ate d and styl i sh . We h ave th e fol l ow i n g mid we e k we dding package avai l abl e from Tu esday – T h u r sdays all thr o ughou t 2 0 1 6 (ex cl u di n g ban k h ol i days). MID WEEK PACKAGE - 25 GUESTS O p t io n 1 Ceremony Only £650 O p t io n 2 Ceremony and Reception for 25 guests - £1550 - Exclusive use of our Grand Ballroom and White Bar - Three course meal - A glass of summer punch on arrival - A glass of sparkling wine for the toast - A glass of house wine with your meal - Events coordinator from start to finish - Master of ceremonies - Ex tras (ap p lie s t o b o t h o p t io ns ) Extra guests may be added at a cost of £50pp - Optional extras (prices available on request) - Canapés - Evening supper - Tea and Coffee - DJ - Linen on the tables - Photobooth - Decorations (candelabra, cake tables, specialist lighting) Fo r f u r t h e r i nfo r m a t i o n o r to a r ra n g e a v i ew i n g p l e a s e co nta ct o u r eve nt s te a m o n 0133269489 0 o r e m a i l h e l l o @a m a l f i w h i te.co m Summer Weddings April – September (includes December) ~ FRIDAY DAY TIME (Dining must be completed by 4pm) Room hire - £300 Three course meal (min) - £50pp Minimum number of guests - 30 Maximum number of guests - 90 Maximum number of evening guests - 150 Minimum bar spend - £500 Total (based on 30 guests) - £2300 FRIDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING TIME Room hire - £800 Three course meal (min) - £50pp Minimum number of guests - 60 Maximum number of guests - 90 Maximum number of evening guests - 150 Minimum bar spend £800 Total (based on 60 guests) - £4300 SATURDAY Room hire £1200 Two hour exclusive venue hire complimentar y Three course meal (min) - £50pp Minimum number of guests - 70 Maximum number of guests - 90 Maximum number of evening guests - 150 Minimum bar spend - £1000 Total (based on 70 guests) - £5700 *Saturday evening weddings must have evening food and drinks package (minimum 70 guests) Winter Weddings October – March (excludes December) ~ FRIDAY DAY TIME (Dining must be completed by 4pm) Room hire - £300 Three course meal (min) - £50pp Minimum number of guests - 30 Maximum number of guests - 90 Maximum number of evening guests - 150 Minimum bar spend - £500 Total (based on 30 guests) - £2300 Les s 10% - £2070 FRIDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING TIME Room hire - £800 Three course meal (min) - £50pp Minimum number of guests - 60 Maximum number of guests - 90 Maximum number of evening guests - 150 Minimum bar spend £800 Total (based on 60 guests) - £4300 Les s 10% - £3870 SATURDAY Room hire - £1200 Two hour exclusive venue hire complimentar y Three course meal (min) - £50pp Minimum number of guests - 70 Maximum number of guests - 90 Maximum number of evening guests -150 Minimum bar spend - £1000 Total (based on 70 guests) - £5700 *Saturday evening weddings must have evening food and drinks package (minimum 70 guests) Food & Drink a Please see our menus for further information on our specific dishes CANAPÉS EVENING FOOD Option 1 - 12pp Selection 1 - 15pp Select from canapé menu 1 Choice of Buffet style Antipas ti or Cake Selection Choice of three canapés. Two cold, one hot. Three canapés per person Selection 2 - £18pp Second ser ving of canapés - £10pp Evening Buffet of Wood Fired Pizzas, Salads, Bread, Antipasti Option 2 - 15pp Select from canapé menu 1 and 2 Selection 3 - £25pp Choice of three canapés. Two cold, one hot. Three canapés per person Evening Buffet of Wood Fired Pizzas, Salads, Bread, Antipasti, Cakes and Dessert Second ser ving of canapés - £12pp Option 3 - £18pp Select from canapé menu 1 and 2 Choice of four canapés. Two cold, two hot. Four canapés per person Second ser ving of canapés - £15pp DRINKS Package 1 - £15pp Reception Drink: Pimms Cup or Tiki Rum Punch 1⁄2 Bottle W ine Per Person: Amalfi White House Wine Toast: Sparkling Wine Package 2 - £25pp Reception Drink: Bellini or Kir Royale 1⁄2 Bottle W ine Per Person: Amalfi White Tier 2 Wines Toast: Prosecco Package 3 - £40pp Reception Drink: Champagne or Bespoke Cocktail created especially for you 1⁄2 Bottle W ine Per Person: Amalfi White Tier 3 Wines chosen by our wine expert to per fectly complement your meal Toast: Champagne Wedding Ceremonies a We ho pe that yo u will fi n d Amal fi Wh i te th e per fect ven u e f or your we dding and lo ok for ward to di scu ssi n g you r person al r e q u i re m e nts so o n. Ple ase do n ot h esi tate to tel eph on e i f you w o uld like to m ake an appoi n tmen t to vi ew th e ven u e or t o spe ak to o ne o f o ur ex peri en ced even t co - ordi n ators. ADDITIONAL ITEMS EXTRAS FOR HIRE Amalfi White is an all encompassing venue for your wedding day. We offer the following complimentar y ser vices: DJ - £300 A Wedding co-ordinator who will be your host throughout the day. Ball candles for your tables - £30 Candelabra hire and candles - £20 Late licence - £200 Use of our gardens for your photographs. Photobooth - £600 Chefs with Michelin star backgrounds preparing your cuisine. Linen on tables - £200 (u p to 7 0 g u e sts, de pe n de n t o n g u e st num b e rs ) Complimentar y menu tasting with your partner (excludes weekday weddings) A square silver cake table and cake knife Other suppliers - We are able to recommend florists, photographers, beauticians, hair-stylists and entertainers. Place cards Cutler y and crocker y. WHAT HAPPENS NEXT... Should you wish to make a provisional booking, we are happy to hold your preferred date without obligation for 7 days. Please note that all rates quoted are applicable to Wedding Receptions booked before 31st December, 2016. To confirm your booking, we just need a completed booking form, signed and returned along with an £1000 deposit. (£500 for mid week weddings) A second deposit of £1000 is required 10 months prior and the final balance is payable 1 month before your Wedding Reception. Amalfi White holds a licence for wedding ceremonies. Once a date has been agreed with us, independent arrangements should be made with the Registrar who can be contacted on 01629 533985.