March – April 2015 - Springfield Vietnam Veterans
March – April 2015 - Springfield Vietnam Veterans
2nd Quarter Issue March - April 2015 Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 952 Springfield, Missouri Publication of VVA Chapter 952 Presidents Corner VVA Board of Directors Harlan Bristol (Army) President [email protected] Page 1 John Walker (Army) Vice-President [email protected] Dan L. Igou (USN) Past President [email protected] Dan, Tom, Jim, Susan, Harlan th th The Moving Wall will arrive in Springfield on July 7 through July 13 . For more information contact: Mike GoForth at the Legion 417-882-8639. th The Moving Wall will be in Jefferson City from September 24 through September th 28 . For more information contact: Bill Kiefer [email protected] th The VVA National Convention will be held in Springfield, Illinois July 21-25 . For more information contact: Bill Kiefer [email protected] nd April 22 there will be a Dedication of the Wall at College of the Ozarks. If interested in attending contact: Harlan [email protected] Courtney Brown, Lt. in the Army Reserve and History teacher from Ash Grove High School and would like Vets to speak with her H.S. students on the military. Several chapter members volunteered and will participate. If interested contact: Dan [email protected] th August 15 will be a night out with the Cardinals vs. Miami Marlins in St. Louis. For more information contact: Bill Kiefer [email protected] The Outreach Coordinator has set up Fundraising dates; so be sure to look at the calendar on the last page. Contact Charles [email protected] Are you interested in writing articles for the newsletter? If so, contact Susan [email protected] Susan Phillips (USAF) Secretary [email protected] Tom Blubaugh (USN) Treasurer, Chaplin [email protected] Rex Krasche (Army) Sgt. at Arms [email protected] Sam Hudson (USN) Board Member [email protected] Charles Hopkins (Army) Outreach Coordinator [email protected] Mission Statement: To foster, encourage and promote the physical and cultural improvement, growth development, self-respect, selfconfidence, and usefulness of all military Veterans to improve their overall quality of life. Harlan Bristol, President We Will Never Forget The Courage, Honor and Sacrifices of All Veterans And Their Families. Federal Stolen Valor Act Stolen Valor is everywhere By Mary Schantag As the number of reports suspecting fake warriors and wannabees increases, more and more news is being made by individuals confronting those they doubt are real military or veterans. Several instances can be seen here: "While leaving from a class I saw this guy in a U.S. Navy things weren’t right..." "The heated exchange started when one U.S. Marine asked where the potentially phony vet earned one of his medals. The man in question didn’t have a military ID on him and couldn’t recite the military’s uniform regulation codes...." "Two Veterans call out fake soldier wearing Ranger, E.O.D., and 101st airborne tab. While wearing an E-8 rank..." FAIR WARNING: confronting an individual whom you do not know may not end as you think it will! It is one thing to pose for a picture, offer a handshake, get a name and license plate, and then report the individual to any of the "fake warrior" sites for investigation. It is another to confront, harass, bully, assault or intimidate an individual because you assume he is bogus. In society, you have no idea if the individual is ill, on drugs, has anger issues, or is carrying a weapon. The confrontation can easily turn into a fight, the person questioning getting hurt or charges being filed by law enforcement against the good guy, especially if the phony is not about to have his "hero status" blown! Think before acting. Cell phones can take pictures from afar. Time and date, where it occurred, will help in identification. A handshake (honey and not vinegar) may get you the name. This epidemic is getting worse. Think smarter when questioning a uniform, story, discount or document. We only want truth - phonies and wannabees exposed for the liars they are. We want no casualties in this fight. For more information on Stolen Valor Mary Schantag, Chairman Advertise Your Business Here Business Card: $25 year. Call: Dan (417) 234-3501 Email Dan: [email protected] 2 We Will Never Forget The Courage, Honor and Sacrifices of All Veterans And Their Families. Tom Blubaugh Christian Author Tom Blubaugh God’s Answer to Stress As long as I can remember I have been a workaholic. Many times working long hours kept me away from home where there were relational problems I didn’t want to face. Work can be as addictive as alcohol, drugs, food, sex, spending, or any other addiction. They are all a means of medicating pain and suffering. Email [email protected] Website In my case, urgency came along with the addiction. Everything had to be done right now and fifteen hour work days were not uncommon. I remember the years I was in insurance sales. I would let the paperwork go while I was in a selling cycle. Then when it came time to do the paperwork I would work until 2 or 3AM. One night I was too tired to drive home and I slept on my office floor. As I am typing this I am thinking of a fellow sailor when I was in the Navy; how I saw him sleeping on the floor of the men’s room using a filthy mop for a pillow. You might be thinking there is no comparison and I am say there definitely is. Neither incident is healthy, clean, or positive. Both were the result of an addiction – mine work – his alcohol. I have to work at my workaholism one day at a time. It can consume me and take away my common sense. I started writing this at 6:30 this morning to get it started. It has been a long, strenuous day and it’s now 10:10PM. I’m writing to relax and clear my mind so I can sleep. As I’m processing thoughts, the reason for this letter emerges. Last week when I was doing my writing to the Lord we were discussing this addiction. He gave me a concept that is helping me slowly change my compulsion. He told me to consider this; the sun never rises nor sets. It only appears to do so as the earth is turning 1,000 miles an hour. He asked me to consider looking at my life as one long day intercepted by naps. He told me if I would do this it would take off the pressure of getting things done in this particular rotation. It would help me do what I could before my nap and then I could wake up and work on it or finish it before my next nap. He made me smile and I think I laughed because it seemed so simple. Still does, but it is effective. I’m going to take a nap now. Tom Bear Belief produces emotions. Emotions produce thoughts. Thoughts produce Actions. Actions produce Results .... author unknown. Think about where you are in your life. Where you are is the result of your actions. Go backwards to think through how you got where you are. Can you see this? What actions got you here? What thoughts produced those actions? What emotions produced those thoughts? What belief produced the vision? You can change your actions for a while without changing anything else, but sooner or later you will cycle back and ultimately repeat your performance. You may have already tried this. (If you keep doing what you've been doing, you'll keep getting what you've been getting. It's insane to keep doing the same things over while expecting different results.) If you want to change your actions permanently, you must change your belief system. What you believe is the driver. Do you have confidence? Confidence means "with faith". Tom 3 Veteran’s Memorial at Scenic Legion Post 639 Purchase a brick in memory of a Veteran. Placement will be by the submarine and memorial area. The brick are Granite squares 4 X 8 - Engraved with name, service branch, war, and year of service For more information contact: Mike GoForth or Ron Paluska at the Legion 417-882-8639 Government Links: Agent Orange Update: Education: Employment: Friends, Family, and Associates of VVA: My HealtheVet is the VA’s online individual well-being and healthy records. Sign up to manage health care online and review health team visits. A Misunderstood Statistic: 22 Military Veteran Suicides a day December 20, 2013 By Alan Zarembo We salute all the Armed Forces who have given so much to enduring freedoms. Taps Audio File mp3 Audio.mp3 Advertise Your Business Here Business Card: $25 year. Call: Dan (417) 234-3501 Email Dan: dan@marathonbenefitsgr 4 We Will Never Forget The Courage, Honor and Sacrifices of All Veterans And Their Families. Chapter 952 ! Calendar 2015 March 19 March 28 April April April May May June 18 22 25 16 30 20 June July July August August September September October October November November December 27 18 25 15 29 19 26 20 31 tba 11 Joining Community Forces National Guard Armory, 1400 N. Fremont Ave. 2:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. VVA Meeting Guest: Colleen Neill 417-863-7700 (United Way 211-tentative) Guest: Dr. Rita Spilken “Our House” Golden Coral on South Glenstone Fundraiser 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Dedication of the Wall at College of the Ozarks VVA Meeting Ryan’s Steakhouse Fundraiser 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. VVA Meeting Golden Coral on South Glenstone Fundraiser 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. VVA Meeting Ryan’s Steakhouse Fundraiser 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. VVA Meeting Golden Coral on South Glenstone Fundraiser 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. VVA Meeting Ryan’s Steakhouse Fundraiser 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. VVA Meeting Golden Coral on South Glenstone Fundraiser 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. VVA Meeting VVA Meeting (November 21 or 28) th Veterans Day (VVA Booth in Branson November 5-11 - set up 4 ) No VVA Meeting (Christmas Party only) Advertising Newsletters, Membership Directory, Or General information flyer Business Card: $25 per year. Call: Dan (417) 234-3501 Email Dan: [email protected] Join Us Scenic Lodge Post 639 April 25, 2015 Breakfast 9:00 a.m. Meeting 10:00 a.m. We Will Never Forget The Courage, Honor and Sacrifices of All Veterans And Their Families.
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