Parish Ministry Booklet and Intention Card can be found here!
Parish Ministry Booklet and Intention Card can be found here!
ST. JOHN PAUL II PARISH MINISTRY BOOKLET 2016-2017 PARISH MISSION STATEMENT: BUILDING GOD’S KINGDOM BY GROWING DISCIPLES AND MAKING DISCIPLES THROUGH LOVE OF GOD AND NEIGHBOR Parish Vision Statement Our vision is for parishioners who: • Have a personal relationship with Jesus and feel comfortable sharing their faith with others. • Are open to the gifts of the Holy Spirit in their lives. • Have a knowledge and love of the Scriptures. • Know basic Catholic teaching. • Are committed to daily prayer and can pray spontaneously when asked to do so. • Are committed to Sunday Eucharist. • See their lives as given to God’s work. Parish Commissions and Organizations St. John Paul II Parish structure is divided into 7 commissions: Christian Service, Faith Formation, Parish Life, School, Spiritual Life and Evangelization, Stewardship and Youth Ministry. The Parish Pastoral Council oversees the 7 commissions and assists the pastoral team in charting a vision and stewarding the parish. This listing includes a mention of “Spiritual Gifts Helpful.” This is a listing for those who have taken the spiritual gifts course. These are not requirements to be involved in that ministry. CHRISTIAN SERVICE COMMISSION CHRISTIAN SERVICE COMMISSION Linda Pratt [email protected] ST. JOSEPH THE WORKER Anne Osterhoudt [email protected] COMMUNITY KITCHEN Bob Burkholder [email protected] The Christian Service Commission meets every other month to oversee current projects, programs and to develop new programs and service opportunities for the parish. The St. Joseph the Worker program realizes that at times our own parishioners need help. It might be an older parishioner who can no longer keep up his/her yard; it might be someone experiencing an illness who needs a job done to help them cope with their changing life. Whatever the need, the St. Joseph the Worker Crew helps them get their life back in order. St. John Paul II helps staff the Community Kitchen in Jeffersonville every other Tuesday. Our team helps prepare and serve a meal to those who struggle from food scarcity. Time Commitment: 2 hours every other month and some time for outside work Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Helping, Generosity, Mercy, Encouragement, Servanthood ST. VINCENT DePAUL Don Ferry [email protected] Time Commitment: Flexible times based on project needs Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Helping, Generosity, Mercy, Encouragement, Servanthood ST. ELIZABETH-CATHOLIC CHARITIES Linda Pratt [email protected] St. Elizabeth Catholic Charities is a social service agency that operates in New Albany. In addition to their support for pregnant girls and women they also offer a variety of other services to serve the people of Kentuckiana. House moms, CASA (Court Appointed Support Advocate), maintenance, people to rock the babies and other volunteers are just a part of what awaits volunteers in this ministry. The SVDP Society meets monthly and provides monetary support for food, clothing, utilities and other items to the needy. Vincentians make home visits to those they are ministering to in order to assess needs and offer prayerful support to the family. Time Commitment: 2 hours every month and some time for home visits Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Helping, Generosity, Mercy, Encouragement, Servanthood Time Commitment: Flexible times based on project needs Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Helping, Generosity, Mercy, Encouragement, Servanthood HAITI COMMITTEE Debbie Waiz [email protected] Our Haiti Committee meets monthly to bring an awareness of concerns and issues affecting our sister parish, the Bayeux-Novion Parish in Novion, Haiti. Regular mission trips help build solidarity and understanding of our brothers and sisters in Haiti. Time Commitment: 6 hours every month and some outside work Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Helping, Generosity, Mercy, Encouragement, Servanthood EXIT ZERO MINISTRY Leneita Niesse [email protected] On the fifth Monday and the fifth Tuesday of a month, our Exit 0 Ministry teams participate in serving a meal to the Time Commitment: 1.5 hours every oth- homeless near exit zero of 1-65. Preparing and serving the meal is the task of er month and a little outside work Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Helping, Gener- this ministry. osity, Mercy, Encouragement, ServantTime Commitment: 3 hours on serving hood, Evangelization days Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Helping, Generosity, Mercy, Encouragement, Servanthood MARIE’S MINISTRY Nancy Voigner [email protected] An arm of St. Elizabeth Catholic Charities, Marie’s Ministry is a distribution center for those needing clothing, cribs, diapers, furniture, etc. The St. John Paul II group staffs the distribution center on 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month. Time Commitment: 4 hours every work day Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Helping, Generosity, Mercy, Encouragement, Servanthood CHRISTIAN SERVICE COMMISSION (Cont.) HABITAT FOR HUMANITY Suzanne Corum [email protected] SPEED FOOD PANTRY Nancy Dowdle [email protected] Habitat builds homes for low income families who must assist in the building project. Located in the basement of Speed Memorial Church, they are open from 11 – 1 each Tuesday serving area families. Volunteers help unload trucks, sort and stock the shelves and work during distribution. Time Commitment: Varies depending on the project Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Helping, Generosity, Mercy, Encouragement, Servanthood Time Commitment: 2 hours every work day Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Helping, Generosity, Mercy, Encouragement, Servanthood FAITH FORMATION COMMISSION FAITH FORMATION COMMISSION Vicki Huffman [email protected] catechist’s ability to teach uninterrupted and give one-on-one assistance to children as needed. gaged couples for 2-4 sessions discussing various topics needed in a successful marriage. We never know enough about our faith. There is always more to learn. The Faith Formation Commission meets monthly to coordinate opportunities for all ages to grow in our knowledge of the Catholic faith . Time Commitment: 1 hour every week August through April and some time for outside work Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Proclamation, Teaching, Wisdom, Knowing, Faith, Nurturing Leadership Time Commitment: 3–4 meetings with engaged couples; Typically one couple per year Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Teaching, Wisdom, Knowing, Faith, Nurturing Leadership Time Commitment: 1.5 hours every other month and some time for outside work Spiritual Gifts Helpful- Proclamation, Teaching, Wisdom, Knowing, Faith, Nurturing Leadership ADULT FAITH FORMATION Lynell Chamberlain 812-967-8772 (home) 502-442-4002 (cell) RCIA TEAM Kristina Vogt [email protected] To present the faith to adults who are seeking initiation into the faith, worship, and service life of St. John Paul II Parish. This nine-month process of prayer, inquiry, instruction and rituals prepares adults for full participation into the worship and service life of this faith community. Time Commitment: 2 hours every week August through April and some time for outside work Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Proclamation, Teaching, Wisdom, Knowing, Faith, Nurturing Leadership CATECHIST (TEACHER) and CATECHIST HELPER Kristina Vogt [email protected] Various study programs are offered throughout the year for adults to grow in their Catholic faith. Facilitators guide the discussion at each program, using materials provided. Programs generally last 3-8 weeks, with each session lasting 1-1 ½ hours. Time Commitment: Varies depending on the program Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Proclamation, Teaching, Wisdom, Knowing, Faith, Nurturing Leadership BIBLE STUDY Dolores Snyder [email protected] Bible Studies are held throughout the year, usually lasting for 6 weeks at a time. Materials are provided and facilitators lead each group. Time Commitment: Varies depending on the program Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Proclamation, Teaching, Wisdom, Knowing, Faith, Nurturing Leadership Catechists teach students in our religious education program (previously known as CCD). Our religious education program aids parents in their role as the primary educators of their children in the faith and helps them prepare to receive the sacraments. MARRIAGE PREP SPONSOR COUPLE John & Jane Herbst [email protected] Catechists' Helpers assist the catechists during religious education classes for grades K-12. Their help enhances the Sponsor couples assist the pastor in preparing engaged couples for the Sacrament of Marriage. They meet with the en- CHILDREN'S LITURGY OF THE WORD (CLOW) Janet Austin (9:30 Mass) (812) 246-4598 Lori Aria (11:15 Mass) [email protected] At CLOW, volunteers lead children kindergarten through grade five in breaking open the Word of God during Sunday Mass. Volunteers and helpers are scheduled to lead Children’s Liturgy of the Word when they are able to commit to specific calendar dates. Time Commitment: 1 hour as scheduled; usually scheduled once a month Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Proclamation, Teaching, Wisdom, Knowing, Faith, Nurturing Leadership Parish Commissions and Organizations (Continued) FAITH FORMATION COMMISSION (Cont.) SUNDAY MASS TIME NURSERY Kristina Vogt [email protected] VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Carolyn Lanham 502-931-2937 [email protected] Our Mass-Time Nursery is provided for children 6 months to approximately 4 years old during the 9:30 and 11:15 Sunday masses. During our program, we pray, have story time, sing songs, have snacks and play time. Volunteers are scheduled on a monthly rotation. VBS is held for children ages 4-10 once each summer during the evenings, usually in June. Youth and adult volunteers may join the planning team (begins meeting in the spring) and/or volunteer during VBS by helping with set up, learning stations, or by leading a group. Time Commitment: 1.5 hours once a month Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Servanthood, Helping, Encouragement, Evangelization Time Commitment: 8-10 hours during VBS week. Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Servanthood, Helping, Encouragement, Evangelization PARISH LIFE COMMISSION PARISH LIFE COMMISSION Bridget Meyer [email protected] PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr. Tom Clegg [email protected] The Parish life Commission meets month- We are in the process of forming a parly and is dedicated to providing fun and ish newsletter. This newsletter would engaging social activities for our parish. feature events and happenings in the parish. If you enjoy writing, editing, layTime Commitment: 2 hours every other out, let us know. We’d be glad to put month and some time for outside work you to work to get this much needed Spiritual Gifts Helpful Servanthood, En- ministry off the ground. couragement, Helping, Shepherding Time Commitment: 2-4 hours every other month and some time for outside FUNERAL LUNCH SERVER work FUNERAL LUNCH DISH PREPARER QUILTERS Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Teaching, Know- Mary Ellen Ward Rosella Klein ing, Faith, Wisdom, Shepherding (812) 945-3867 [email protected] Judy Gerth [email protected] Whenever we lose a parishioner or loved one, we offer a luncheon for the family. A dedicated group of volunteers assist in serving the dishes. LANDSCAPE/GRASS CUTTERS Gordon Strom [email protected] From early spring until late in the fall the grass cutters go to work in the St. Joe Hill Cemetery. If you ride a mower or operate a weed eater, they would love for you to join them. Help is always needed for the funeral lunches, especially people who are willing and able to prepare a dish. Show off your Time Commitment: 2 hours every other month and some time for outside work. specialty and help a bereaved family at Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Servanthood, the same time. Generosity Time Commitment: 2 hours every other month and some time for outside work Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Servanthood, Encouragement, Helping, Shepherding Donna Brabandt [email protected] The quilters meet weekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays to make quilts which are sold or raffled, and the proceeds are donated to our parish. Time Commitment: 2 hours every other month and some time for outside work Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Servanthood, Generosity PARISH LIFE COMMISSION (Continued) SENIOR LUNCH HELPERS Judy Vornholt (SP 4th Wednesday) [email protected] MEN’S CLUB Gordon Strom [email protected] Rosella Klein (SJH 2nd Wednesday) (812) 945-3867 The Men’s Club meets twice a month and seeks ways to assist the parish in Twice a month our senior members gath- its operations. They host a variety of activities such as the Fish Fries, Chicker for prayer, lunch, and social time. If you would like to assist with preparing or en-to-Go, Night at the Bats game and other events. All men of the parish 18 serving these lunches contact the leadyears of age and older are invited to ers listed above. attend. Time Commitment: 4-5 hours on day of Time Commitment: Meets twice a luncheon month for a couple of hours Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Servanthood, Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Shepherding, Generosity, Encouragement, Helping Encouragement, Helping, Evangelization OFFICE ANGELS Fr. Tom [email protected] Office Angels serve as volunteer receptionists (primarily at the St. Joe Campus). They answer phones, sort mail, welcome visitors and otherwise assist the pastoral team by making our parish the most hospitable in the area. PRAYER BLANKET MINISTRY Donna Brabandt [email protected] It can be a very difficult time when a loved one is sick. Through our prayer blanket ministry, we enfold sick family and friends with the warmth of a blanket and the prayers of our Church family. Contact the leader listed if you would like to assist in this vital ministry. Time Commitment: 3 hour shifts Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Shepherding, Encouragement, Helping, Evangelization, Time Commitment: Varies based on Nurturing Leadership your availability Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Shepherding, TURKEY SHOOT Encouragement, Helping, Evangelization Keith & Jenny Alexander [email protected] PARISH HISTORY COMMITTEE The first Sunday in October is Turkey Betty Popp Shoot Sunday at St. John Paul II Parish. [email protected] Held every year since 1965 on the St. St. John Paul II Parish is a consolidation Joe Hill Campus, the Turkey Shoot feaof St. Joe Hill Parish (1853) and St. Paul tures a chicken dinner, games, prizes Parish (1948). The history committee and, of course, the Turkey Shoot itself. helps keep this history alive and also Time Commitment: varies with job tasks assists in creating the archives for our Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Shepherding, new parish family. Encouragement, Helping, Evangelization, Time Commitment: Varies by task Nurturing Leadership Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Shepherding, Encouragement, Helping, Evangelization LADIES’ CLUB CARD PARTY, CRAFT SHOW, PARISH YARD SALE ANNUAL PARISH RAFFLE Cathy Thomas Mike Landers [email protected] [email protected] The Ladies Club assists the parish in a variety of ways through their fundraising Are you looking for a volunteer position efforts. The craft show, 50/50 raffle, yard with a clear beginning and a clear end? The Annual Parish Raffle might be for sale, card party and other events raise money to help the parish in any way that you. This raffle is held each year in the spring and is helpful in providing much they can. needed funds for the parish. Volunteers Time Commitment: Varies with job task are needed to organize the raffle, mail Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Encouragement, out the chances, and monitor the returns. Helping, Nurturing Leadership Time Commitment: Varies by task Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Helping, Generosity, Servanthood WELCOMING COMMITTEE Geri Lyle [email protected] Chris Hall [email protected] As our parish continues to grow, these volunteers look for ways to welcome them into our parish community. It is tough getting connected in a new parish, but we hope that this committee help everyone realize that “All are welcome in this place!” Time Commitment: Varies by task Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Helping, Generosity, Servanthood, Encouragement, Evangelization GREETING CARD MINISTRY Geri Lyle [email protected] Sending Birthday, Sympathy, Get Well, Congratulations, and Encouragement Cards to members of our Parish family. Can you do calligraphy? Do you have wonderful handwriting and the gift of prose? We are looking for you to help begin our Greeting Card Ministry. This can be a great family or group activity! Time Commitment: Varies Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Encouragement, Helping, Evangelization, and Servanthood. Parish Commissions and Organizations (Continued) SCHOOL COMMISSION SCHOOL COMMISSION Karen Haas [email protected] 812-246-3266 St. John Paul II School currently operates a Pre-School through grade 6 program. However, plans are underway to add a Junior High beginning with 7th grade in 2017-18 school year and an 8th grade the following school year. The School Commission meets monthly and is dedicated to making St. John Paul II School the very best it can be. Time Commitment: 2 hours monthly and some outside work Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Generosity, Helping, Discernment, Teaching, Visionary and Managing Leadership JPII SCHOOL PARENT GROUP Kelly Ellsperman [email protected] Nicole Ruddell [email protected] Susan Stengel [email protected] Marian Whitworth [email protected] The Parents’ Group sponsors special events for St. John Paul II School. Their fund-raisers provide items, equipment, and technology for the school that are not normally funded through the parish school budget. The Parent Group sponsors an annual Back to School Pool Party, Kindergarten Orientation Night, and the Catholic Schools Week Skating Party. The Parent Group is the financial back bone of the EXTRAS! TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE Niall Thompson [email protected] Time Commitment: 2 hours monthly and some outside work Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Generosity, Helping, Discernment, Teaching, Visionary and Managing Leadership Technology is always moving at an incredible rate of speed. And while technology never replaces the basics of a great education, it is a necessity in the age in which we live. The technology committee plans for the maintenance and upgrading of computer lab and continuous technology in the classrooms. They are the technological dreamers and doers for St. John Paul II School. SCHOOL FINANCE COMMITTEE Karen Haas [email protected] 812-246-3266 Operating a Catholic Elementary School requires a financial sacrifice on the part of the parents and the part of the parish. The School Finance Committee helps create the budget, monitors it, makes suggestions on the best methods for funding programs, and coordinates the overall finances of the school. Time Commitment: 2 hours monthly and some outside work Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Generosity, Teaching, Helping, Discernment, Visionary and Managing Leadership, Faith, Wisdom Time Commitment: Varies by task Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Generosity, Teaching, Helping, Discernment, Visionary and Managing Leadership, Faith, Wisdom SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS Cindy Alexander [email protected] 812-246-3266 While we have a professional staff that is next to none, where would we be without our school volunteers? They may read to a class or help in the lunch room. Perhaps they are a room mom (or dad) or maybe they cover the office so Miss Cindy can have a lunch. If you have a heart for kids, we could use your help! Time Commitment: Varies by task Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Generosity, Teaching, Helping, Discernment, Visionary and Managing Leadership, Faith, Wisdom SCHOOL COMMISSION HOPE FUND FUNDRAISING EVENT COLOR RUN Alicia McAfee Alisha McAfee [email protected] [email protected] Amy Wheatley [email protected] While some families are eligible for Choice Scholarships (state vouchers) and tax-credit scholarships, there are Join us this fall for the second times when someone “falls through annual Color Run. You’ll never the cracks” of this type of financial look the same after this 5K race assistance. We don’t want to lose any in which runners are “baptized’ student due to an inability to pay. The with every color of the rainbow HOPE fund allows us some flexibility as they make their way through to ensure that all students desiring a the course. Get healthy...get Catholic education can afford one. colored...get running! Time Commitment: 3-5 working meetings and then 8-10 hours for event hours monthly and some outside work Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Generosity, Teaching, Helping, Discernment, Visionary and Managing Leadership, Faith, Wisdom SPRINGFEST COMMITTEE Chris Rosio [email protected] Every spring the school hosts its annual Springfest. This event is not only a fundraiser but also a fun-raiser for our parish and school community. Lunch, games, booths and auction are the order of the day as we have great time and support a great cause too. It takes a good committee to make all this happen. Will you help? Time Commitment: 3-5 working meetings and 8-10 hours for event Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Generosity, Teaching, Helping, Discernment, Visionary and Managing Leadership, Faith, Wisdom Time Commitment: 2 hours monthly and some outside work Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Generosity, Visionary and Managing Leadership KNIGHT OUT EVENT Amy Wheatley [email protected] This year’s Knight Out will feature an evening with ‘The Crashers’ and dinner provided by Terri Lynne's Catering. Dance the “Knight” away or just spend time dining, listening to the music, and visiting with your friends. Volunteer for this event to help us make sure it is a success. Adults only. Time Commitment: 2 hours monthly and some outside work Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Generosity, Visionary and Managing Leadership USED UNIFORM COLLECTION AND DISTRIBUTION Jeanette Rodeghiero [email protected] Let’s face it—school uniforms are not cheap and sometimes our kids grow so fast that they only wear an outfit a few times before they move to the next size. This dedicated group of volunteers collects, launders, sorts, and stores the items. They then organize them and have them on display for parents to take what they need at the free uniform give-away at the school's Summer Registration. Time Commitment: 2 hours monthly and more during sale Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Generosity, Teaching, Helping, Wisdom Train a child in the way he should go and when he is grown he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 Parish Commissions and Organizations (Continued) SPIRITUAL LIFE & EVANGELIZATION COMMISSION SPIRITUAL LIFE & EVANGELIZATION COMMISSION Dinah Tichy [email protected] Helping parishioners grow in their faith is the primary task of this commission. This commission meets monthly for planning and overseeing events such as parish retreats, small groups, liturgies, pro-life activities, adoration and prayer partners. These are just a few of the ways that we seek to keep spirituality & evangelization as the core mission of our parish. Time Commitment: 2 hours monthly and some outside work Spiritual Gifts Helpful Generosity, Helping, Discernment, Teaching, Visionary and Managing Leadership LITURGICAL MINISTRIES Bridget Meyer [email protected] ALTAR SERVERS: Altar Servers begin in grade 5 and continue through adults. Servers assist the presiding priest in the celebration of the liturgy. They assist with the Roman Missal, lighting candles, and helping at the altar. GREETERS: Greeters warmly greet people arriving for Mass. They welcome parishioners and guests alike and thank them for worshipping with us. USHERS: Ushers coordinate the activities carried out among those assembled for Mass. They assist with seating, collect monetary offerings, direct communion lines, and distribute bulletins LITURGY COMMITTEE Linda Helms [email protected] EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Special Ministers of the Eucharist assist the presiding Priest with distribution of the Sacred Body and Blood of Christ to the Good liturgies don’t just happen. It takes parishioners assembled during liturgy. work; after all the word liturgy means “the work of the people.” St. John Paul II READERS/LECTORS: Lectors proclaim Parish liturgy committee meets monthly the scriptures at the weekend liturgies to ensure high quality liturgies in our and other times as needed. They comparish. municate the Word of God to the worshipping assembly. Time Commitment: 2 hours monthly and some outside work MUSIC MINISTRY (Instrumental and Spiritual Gifts Helpful Generosity, Vocal): Music Ministers proclaim the Helping, Discernment, Teaching, Visung-prayer in such a way as to encoursionary and Managing Leadership age the participation of those assembled. They lead the sung-prayer of the assembly at all Masses, prayer services and seasonal celebrations of prayer. Opportunities include singing in the choir, cantoring or providing musical accompaniment. SACRISTAN: Sacristans help prepare the Church for Mass. They set out the bread and wine, the sacred vessels, ready the liturgi- cal books, and ensure that we have enough liturgical ministers for Mass. After Mass they help clean the vessels so that they are ready for the next liturgy. Time Commitment for Each Liturgical Ministry: Usually 1 hour once a month (some more often), some require some outside preparation Spiritual Gifts Helpful for all Liturgical Ministries: Generosity, Helping, Discernment, Teaching, Visionary and Managing Leadership, Proclamation, Servanthood, Teaching, Knowing, Faith, Wisdom ART AND ENVIRONMENT Terri & Kenny Popp (SPC) [email protected] Linda Helms (SJHC) [email protected] The A & E Teams enhance and support liturgical celebrations through the signs and symbols provided by the elements of visual art. They prepare the worship space by designing and tailoring banners and by designing floral arrangements. Time Commitment: 2 hours monthly and some outside work Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Servanthood, Helping, Generosity EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS TO THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND Howard Gettelfinger [email protected] Ministers to our Homebound bring the presence of Christ and the love of our parish family to those who are not able to join our us for Sunday worship. They bring Holy Communion to the homebound/nursing homes/hospitals one to four times a month. Time Commitment: 2-4 hours per rounds; rounds can range from 1-5 times a month Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Servanthood, Helping, Generosity, Faith, Knowing, Wisdom SPIRITUAL LIFE AND EVANGELIZATION COMMISSION CHURCH CLEANING (SJC) Lelia Popp [email protected] Church cleaners keep the church clean and report any needed repairs. They dust, vacuum, maintain candleholders, polish brass, maintain holy water fonts, and keep missalettes and song books in order. Time Commitment: 2 hours monthly and some outside work Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Servanthood, Helping, Generosity EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Joan Dilger [email protected] grow in their faith. We currently have 12 groups that meet on a regular basis at various times of the day or night. Each group determines its location and materials are provided for the group if they choose to use them. Join a group or start your own group. Facilitators lead the group. However, it doesn’t take a theology degree to lead a group. Training and ongoing formation for group leaders is provided . Time Commitment: varies depending on the group; some meet weekly, others less often. Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Servanthood, Helping, Generosity, Faith, Knowing, Wisdom PRAYER PARTNERS Fr. Tom Clegg [email protected] Prayer partners are one of the newest ministries here at St. John Paul II. After the weekend Masses one or two prayer partners will be available to pray for your special need. To avail yourself of this service simply approach one of the prayer partners standing in the front of church after Mass. Time Commitment: 2 hours monthly and some outside work Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Servanthood, Helping, Generosity, Faith, Knowing, Wisdom ROSARY LEADERS (Before Mass) ST.GIANNA PRO LIFE GROUP Linda Helms Phyllis Burkholder [email protected] [email protected] The rosary is prayed beginning one-half Helping promote a respect for all hour before all weekend Masses. Leadhuman life from the first moment ers are utilized to get the prayer started of conception until natural death and then to lead the community in this is the primary goal of the St. devotion to our Blessed Mother. Gianna Pro-Life Group. They organize speakers, participate in Time Commitment: 20 minutes before the 40 Days for Life, sell roses Mass once or twice a month on Mother’s Day and do many Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Servanthood, other activities that help us Helping, Generosity, Faith, Knowing, Wisdom speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. Psalm 46 says “be still and know that I am God.” This could easily be the motto of those who participate in Eucharistic Adoration. Adoration is currently held on the St. Joe Campus from 7 p.m. on Tuesday night until Noon on Friday. Adorers takes one hour time slots to spend before the Blessed Sacrament. If you would like to sign up for an hour, we can make that happen. If you would like to be a substitute, we can make that happen too. Time Commitment: 1 hour per week Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Servanthood, Helping, Faith, Knowing, Wisdom FAITH SHARING GROUP FACILITATOR Dolores Snyder [email protected] Some call them their small group, others call them their small Christian community, and others call them their faith sharing group. Whatever you call them, meeting in small groups help participants Time Commitment: 2 hours monthly and some outside work Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Servanthood, Helping, Generosity, Faith, Knowing, Wisdom PRAYER LINE Linda Helms [email protected] The Prayer Line is an email based prayer service. If someone is in need of prayer, these prayer warriors are a great CLEANING ALTAR LINENS (SJH) place to start. Simply contact the name Michele Ashby above to be added to their list of “[email protected] ers” or to make a request for prayers. Break out the bleach and the laundry Time Commitment: 2 hours monthly detergent and help us keep the altar linand some outside work ens looking nice. Volunteers are needed Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Servanthood, to take the linens home each week, Helping, Generosity, Faith, Knowing, clean then iron them and return them to Wisdom Church for the next weekend’s liturgies. Time Commitment: Assigned for a two month period; must clean weekly during your assigned months Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Servanthood, Helping, Generosity Parish Commissions and Organizations (Continued) STEWARDSHIP COMMISSION STEWARDSHIP COMMISSION Yvonne Stutesman [email protected] Christian Stewardship, that is “managing God’s blessings, God’s way, for God’s glory,” is not just a program - it is a way of life. This commission meets monthly to promote Christian Stewardship and to find ways to help all parishioners grow in their discipleship walk with Jesus. Time Commitment: 2 hours monthly and some outside work Spiritual Gifts Helpful Generosity, Helping, Discernment, Teaching, Visionary and Managing Leadership FINANCE COUNCIL Francis Conroy [email protected] Our parish operates a budget of just over 3.5 million dollars. Our finance council is instrumental in making sure the parish is a good steward of the resources entrusted to our care. They prepare, monitor and oversee the budgets of all organizations within the parish. St. Joe Hill Cemetery CEMETERY COMMITTEE Gordon Strom [email protected] We are fortunate to have the St. Joe Hill Cemetery as a ministry of St. John Paul II Parish. The Cemetery Committee, which meets on an as-needed basis, oversees Time Commitment: 2 hours monthly and the operation of the cemetery. some outside work Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Generosity, Time Commitment: Varies by project Teaching, Helping, Discernment, Vision- Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Helping, Disary and Managing Leadership, Faith, cernment, Visionary and Managing Wisdom Leadership, Faith, Wisdom FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY Fr. Tom Clegg [email protected] Financial Peace University (FPU) is Dave Ramsey’s nine week course on how to manage your money in a godly way. Sessions are usually held a couple times a year and are open to all parishioners and friends. Time Commitment: 2 hours a week for 9 weeks Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Servanthood, Helping, Generosity, Wisdom, Faith BUILDINGS & GROUNDS COMMITTEE Francis Conroy [email protected] The Buildings and Grounds Committee meets on an as-needed basis and assesses the condition of all the buildings on both campuses. They make recommendations for capital projects as well as facilitate ongoing maintenance of all of our buildings. Time Commitment: Varies by project Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Servanthood, Helping, Visionary and Managing Leadership The St. Paul Window, St. Paul Chapel St. Joe Hill Chapel YOUTH MINISTRY COMMISSION YOUTH MINISTRY COMMISSION Dawn Schepers 502-641-9229 or [email protected] The Youth Ministry Commission oversees all aspects of ministry for our young Church. From Middle School to High School to college, to young adults, this commission helps young people connect to their faith in meaningful ways. Time Commitment: 2 hours every other month and some outside work Spiritual Gifts Helpful Generosity, Helping, Discernment, Teaching, Visionary and Managing Leadership, Faith MIDDLE SCHOOL ACTIVITIES HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITES Dawn Schepers [email protected] ATHLETIC COMMITTEE Josh Martin, [email protected] St. John Paul II Parish Athletic Committee oversees the operation of 50 different sports teams serving more than 300 kids of various ages and levels. They set policy for our various programs as well as manage the gym and other sports facilities on both campuses. Time Commitment: 2 hours monthly and some outside work Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Generosity, Teaching, Helping, Discernment, Visionary and Managing Leadership, Faith, Wisdom COACHING Athletic Committee [email protected] With many teams operating in our parish, we are always in need of coaches. We desire coaches who teach fundamentals of the sports they coach as well as good sportsmanship. Time Commitment: Varies by sport Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Teaching, Helping, Visionary and Managing Leadership, Faith, Wisdom Our middle school programming begins when students complete grade five and continues through grade eight. Our high school programming begins when students graduate from grade eight and continues through the summer of senior year. Volunteers are needed for all ages and events. Time Commitment: Varies by activity Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Helping, Discernment, Faith, Wisdom CONFERENCE CHAPERONE Dawn Schepers [email protected] Chaperones are always needed for retreats, NCYC, One Bread - One Cup, Steubenville and other such programs. Time Commitment: Varies by activity Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Servanthood, Helping, Generosity, Wisdom, Faith CONFIRMATION PREP TEAM Dawn Schepers [email protected] Kristina Vogt [email protected] High School Students usually begin their preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation in their freshman year and celebrate the sacrament in the spring of their sophomore year. A team of adults lead the candidates through the exploration of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and a greater understanding of the Church. Time Commitment: 5 hours a month during the school year (and retreat) Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Servanthood, Helping, Visionary and Managing Leadership, Faith, Wisdom St. John Paul II Catholic Church Parish Leadership Flow Chart Bishop Pastoral Team Pastor Parish Secretary Business Manager Principal Director of Religious Educa1on Pastor Youth Minister Pre-School/Child Care Director Director of Communica1ons Director of Liturgy Director of Evangeliza1on PASTORAL COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP The Parish Pastoral Council for St. John Paul II Parish is comprised of nine at-large members who are to be selected from the parish membership and up to two pastor appointments. Each parish commission also has a representa1ve on the Pastoral Council as does the Parish Finance Council. At-large members are selected for a three-year term and may serve no more than two consecu1ve terms. Commission representa1ves are appointed by the commission and his/her appointment can be for either one or two years. Below are the Commissions and the Pastoral Team liaison for each. Chris&an Service Barbara Smith Faith Forma&on Kris1na Vogt Parish Life Bridget Meyer Spiritual Life and Evangeliza&on-Fr. Tom Clegg School Karen Haas Stewardship Fr. Tom Clegg Youth-Dawn Schepers ST. JOHN PAUL II PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Don Day, Selected at-Large and Council Chair [email protected] Wayne Rieger, Chris1an Service Commission Rep [email protected] Keith Alexander, Selected at-Large [email protected] Steve Taylor, Stewardship Commission Rep [email protected] David Hoffman, Selected at-Large dshoff[email protected] Kellie Drescher, Youth Commission Rep [email protected] Dan Moore, Selected at-Large TBA, School Commission Rep Contact Karen Haas [email protected] Gordon Strom, Selected at-Large [email protected] Vickie Huffman, Faith Forma1on Rep [email protected] Wayne Rieger, Selected at-Large [email protected] Linda Hunter, Parish Life Rep [email protected] Samantha Strom, Appointed to fulfill selected term [email protected] Francis Conroy, Finance Council Rep [email protected] Chris1na Wheatley, Selected at-Large [email protected] Fr. Tom Clegg, Ex-Officio, Pastor [email protected] Janelle Lewis, Pastor Appointment [email protected] John Frossard, Ex-Officio, Business Manager [email protected] Mary Wright, Spiritual Life & Evangeliza1on Rep [email protected] Mary Lynn Green, Ex-Officio, Secretary, [email protected] ST. JOHN PAUL II PARISH MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES Please list the family member’s name next to the ministry in which he/she chooses to participate. First & Last Name: _______________________________________ Phone Number: _______________________ PARISH MINISTRY AND SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES Family Member New Renew CHRISTIAN SERVICE MINISTRY * Chris an Service Commission ______________ _____ _____ * St. Vincent De Paul ______________ _____ _____ * Hai Commi ee ______________ _____ _____ * St. Joseph the Worker ______________ _____ _____ * Exit 0 Ministry ______________ _____ _____ * Community Kitchen ______________ _____ _____ * St. Elizabeth‐Catholic Chari es ______________ _____ _____ * Marie’s Ministry ______________ _____ _____ * Habitat for Humanity ______________ _____ _____ * Speed Food Pantry ______________ _____ _____ FAITH FORMATION MINISTRY (+see note below) * Faith Forma on Commission ______________ _____ _____ * RCIA Team ______________ _____ _____ ______________ _____ _____ * Catechist * Catechist‘s Helper ______________ _____ _____ * Adult Faith Forma on ______________ _____ _____ * Bible Study/Scripture ______________ _____ _____ * Marriage Prep Sponsor Couple ______________ _____ _____ * Children’s Lit of the Word ______________ _____ _____ * Sunday Mass Time Nursery ______________ _____ _____ * Vaca on Bible School ______________ _____ _____ PARISH LIFE MINISTRY * Parish Life Commission ______________ _____ _____ * Funeral Luncheons Server ______________ _____ _____ * Funeral Lunch Dish Preparer ______________ _____ _____ * Parish Newsle er (coming soon) ______________ _____ _____ * Landscape/Grass Cu er ______________ _____ _____ * Quilters ______________ _____ _____ ______________ _____ _____ * Senior Lunch Help * Office Angels ______________ _____ _____ * Turkey Shoot ______________ _____ _____ * Ladies Club Card Party ______________ _____ _____ * Ladies Club Cra Show ______________ _____ _____ * Parish Yard Sale ______________ _____ _____ * Men’s Club ______________ _____ _____ * Prayer Blanket Ministry ______________ _____ _____ * Parish History Commi ee ______________ _____ _____ * Annual Parish Raffle ______________ _____ _____ * Welcoming Commi ee ______________ _____ _____ * Gree ng Card Ministry ______________ _____ _____ Family Member New Renew SCHOOL MINISTRY (+see note below) * School Commission * JPII School Parent Group * School Finance Commi ee * Technology Commi ee * School Volunteers * HOPE Fund Fundraising Events * SpringFest Commi ee * Color Run Event Volunteer * Knight Out Event Volunteer * Used Uniform Coll./Distribu on ______________ _____ _____ ______________ _____ _____ ______________ _____ _____ ______________ _____ _____ ______________ _____ _____ ______________ _____ _____ ______________ _____ _____ ______________ _____ _____ ______________ _____ _____ ______________ _____ _____ SPIRITUAL LIFE MINISTRY * Spiritual Life Commission ______________ _____ _____ * Liturgy Commi ee ______________ _____ _____ * Liturgical Ministries on other side of paper. * Art & Environment ______________ _____ _____ * Eucharis c Minister to Sick ______________ _____ _____ * Church Cleaning (SJH Campus) ______________ _____ _____ * Eucharis c Adora on ______________ _____ _____ * Faith Sharing Group ______________ _____ _____ * Faith Sharing Group Facilitator ______________ _____ _____ * St. Gianna Pro‐Life Commi ee ______________ _____ _____ * Prayer Line ______________ _____ _____ * Prayer Partners ______________ _____ _____ * Rosary Leader before Mass ______________ _____ _____ * Cleaning Altar Linens (SJH Campus) ______________ _____ _____ STEWARDSHIP MINISTRY * Stewardship Commission * Finance Council * Cemetery Commi ee * Financial Peace University * Buildings and Grounds Comm. ______________ _____ _____ ______________ _____ _____ ______________ _____ _____ ______________ _____ _____ ______________ _____ _____ YOUTH MINISTRY (+see note below) * Youth Ministry Commission * Athle c Commi ee * Coaching (Athle cs) * Middle School Ac vi es * High School Ac vi es * Young Adult Ministry * Conference Chaperone * Confirma on Prep. Team ______________ _____ _____ ______________ _____ _____ ______________ _____ _____ ______________ _____ _____ ______________ _____ _____ ______________ _____ _____ ______________ _____ _____ ______________ _____ _____ +Note: In order to make St. John Paul II Parish a safe place for all God’s children, all volunteerism involving youth requires a background check and comple on of the online Protec ng Children in the 21st Century Training Program. MAILING ADDRESS IF NO EMAIL ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS (PLEASE PRINT NEATLY): ___________________________________________________________ ___Check here if you would like to receive email notices from the parish (death notices, newsletters, etc.). Additional emails for parish email notices _____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ GIFTS OF TALENT: Do you have other skills, talents, or resources you’d be willing to share? Please describe: _________________________ Liturgical Ministry Opportuni es Name New Renew Mass Times Available Altar Servers (grade 5 and up) __________________ _____ _____ _________________ Eucharis c Minister __________________ _____ _____ _________________ Readers/Lectors __________________ _____ _____ _________________ Greeters __________________ _____ _____ _________________ Ushers __________________ _____ _____ _________________ Music Ministry (instrumental) __________________ _____ _____ _________________ Music Ministry (Choir/Cantor) __________________ _____ _____ _________________ Sacristan __________________ _____ _____ _________________ We typically will send the schedules out by email, please list all the emails it should go to (please print clearly so that we have an accurate email lis ng for these important ministries) Name Email _______________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________ _______________________________________________________ Please list the cell or home phones numbers for the individual ministers: Name Cell/Home Phone Numbers _______________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________ _______________________________________________________