PROGRAM - Summer Meltdown
PROGRAM - Summer Meltdown
2 WELCOME meltdown info workshops WORKSHOPS ARTIST BIOS ARTIST BIOS SCHEDULE kids activities festival grounds guidelines FOOD VENDORS Here are some ways that we continue to work at lightening our load on Mother Earth. We hope that you will feel a responsibility as a participant to educate yourself and take part in making a difference. We’ve brought back your favorite food vendors and expanded the options. You’ll find a selection of healthy organic choices in our food court. We make a point of using only the best, freshest, local organic ingredients in the Meltdown Burger stand. Thanks to Skagit Valley Food Co-op and Garden Treasures Nursery & Organic Farm for helping us make this happen! Meltdown burgers with cheese no cheese or add bacon and all the trimming for the deluxe Meltdown burger. MELTDOWN PANCAKE BREAKFAST Hot off the grill, delicious pancakes to go with your morning coffee. MELTDOWN ESPRESSO Hand roasted, local and organic coffee and espresso. FINGER FOODS RIGHTEOUS RICE Healthy, earthy version of an Asian fried rice made fresh with or without chicken or tofu. Vegan-gluten free option is also available. We recommend a kicked-up version finished with fresh chopped cilantro, sunflower seeds, sambal and nutritional yeast. THAI EXPRESS PIE FOR THE PEOPLE On-site authentic Italian cuisine, hand tossed pizza, anytime, anywhere, any size. REAL & TRUE SHAVE ICE You can help too! Consider for a moment the environmental cost of your travel to the festival. Now multiply that by 4,000! Plan to always try to carpool to Meltdown. Bring one water bottle that you can fill up many times at our filtered watering stations. Keep your trash and recycling separated at your camp site, so Green Crews can easily organize it and get to the proper place. 99 POTATOES Authentic Hawaiian Shave Ice AB'S HILLBILLY GYRO'S JUICE PEDDLER You get to get up close and personal with your beverage. We put the yummy goodness in the blender and you hop on a bike that generates the blender! Fun! RA CHA CHA Organic coconuts and raw organic chocolates NEW! VILLAGE STAGE DINNER THEATRE! Friday 5:30 - 5:45PM Vaudeville! Music! Cabaret! Friday 6:00 - 6:45PM Friday 7:00 - 7:15PM Pepper Proud Vaudeville! Music! Cabaret!...continued! Captain Trendo and the Jezebel Rebels Saturday 6:00 - 6:15PM After Midnight Cabaret THE HIPPIE CIRCLE | PORTRAITS A GO-GO | LAND PIRATE DESIGNS | KASHI | RECAPTIVATION | THANKS LOVE ART Saturday 6:30 - 7:10PM Annie Ford Band Saturday 7:25 - 7:40PM After Midnight Cabaret Sunday 5:00 - 5:15PM THE DARRES | HAPPY'S HATSKRUTCH-RX | SILK DRAGONS | MINERALS AND FOSSILS | WEIBE GOUDE workshops All proceeds from the Burger Stand, E-bar, and Beer Garden benefit the Summer Meltdown and the continued mission of supporting NW Music and Arts . Thank you for helping support our continued efforts! WORKSHOPS Always in season, bringing you local and organic foods. Seattle free range organic pork and veggie sausage, salad, chips. ROSIE'S APPAREL AND GLASS | BUDDHAFUL DESIGNS | SACRED CREATIVE SCENTS | SPECIALTY METAL ART EMERALD CITY HOOPERS | SEW IT SEAMS TIE DYE | BREATH SPRAY ART | MATERIAL WORLD ZERO GRAVITY ARTIST BIOS Lamb, Chicken , Beef, Veggie and Falafel, Salads, Dolma, baklava, Chips, soda, water & candy. Captain Trendo and the Jezebel Rebels CRAFT VENDORS ARTIST BIOS Authentic Thai cuisine. We Recycle, Recycle, Recycle . . . and compost too! Meltdown is fortunate to have the best green crew any fest could ever ask for! Every year our recycling and composting efforts result in less and less waste being sent to the landfill. In 2009, we hauled away only half the amount of garbage we hauled in 2006. 2010 and 11 we still saw decreases in our garbage, even with more people attending the festival! This means diverting as much as 8 tons of waste into recycling and compost. Help us with our efforts by paying attention at the recycling stations, and considering how much personal garbage you are generating. Empty containers of any liquid before tossing them, and please keep all paper and food scraps separate for composting. Browse the program carefully for lots more insight on all the small ways we work to keep Summer Meltdown the evergreen festival you love! Do your part first and foremost by setting an example. If it weren’t for all of you, we wouldn’t be able to make such a difference! Keep on keepin’ it green Meltdown! SCHEDULE Fries done four ways, Original, Sweet Potato, Garlic, and Chili Cheese Deluxe. Hand cut, Yum! We'll be in the Beer Garden. Vaudeville! Music! Cabaret! Captain Trendo and the Jezebel Rebels Sunday 5:30 - 6:00PM C-Leb and The Kettle Black Sunday 6:15 - 6:45PM The Jennifer Freedom Band meltdown info We Reuse! We’re proud to use real dishes in our hospitality and volunteer kitchens and all of our food vendors use compostable dishes, cups, and silverware. Thanks to Deschutes Brewery, we are also using compostable cups in our beer garden. Compostable items help divert garbage from the waste stream, but there is still a manufacturing process behind each one-use cup, as well as some good old fashioned controversy about the plant material and its farming processes. We believe the best answer is using and re-using your own dishes as much as possible. We’ve brought back the popular color-changing souvenir cups and you can pick yours up at a coffee stand or beer garden near you (assuming you’re at the Meltdown while reading this). And for the second year we’re offering ceramic souvenir coffee cups so you can think about your happy place at Meltdown every morning, all year long. MELTDOWN BURGERS, BLTS + GRILLED CHEESE + FIELD ROAST VEGAN DOGS & JUST BACON! WELCOME We Reduce. We thought about the things that generate the most waste at festivals, and about what we can we do to reduce that waste. This year, we’ve built four public water stations for your bottle-refilling pleasure. Get yourself an awesome new Summer Meltdown stainless water bottle to help you stay hydrated without every drink generating waste. kids activities Each year we work at making Meltdown greener and greener. Because we should and we can. We feel a responsibility to address all the impacts that our event has. The environmental impacts of large gatherings are easy to see, and with a little elbow grease and dedicated effort, easy to lessen. festival grounds guidelines keepin’ it green meltdown style 3 guidelines festival grounds kids activities SCHEDULE ARTIST BIOS ARTIST BIOS WORKSHOPS workshops meltdown info WELCOME 4 Camp Traction is a drug and alcohol free camping area within the festival grounds for those that choose to camp and hang out with other drug and alcohol-free campers. Camp Traction has been in service previously at High Sierra, Bonnaroo, 10,000 Lakes, Camp Bisco and Rothbury music festivals. NORTHERN LIGHts / Jennifer Hill “Zjenn” is a seasoned yogini appearing most recently on “America’s Got Talent” with her high-flying aerial acrobatics as a “Sky Siren”. When she is not high flying, she likes to get grounded and open through hatha yoga. Her smooth teaching provides a flow accessible to everyone and unwinds even the nastiest knots of tension, leaving you in a state of aah. WORKSHOP: 10:00am / SATurday & SUnday / the stranger late night tent Megan Turner Hula Hoop Alaska’s rising hoopstar Miss Megan was born and raised in Anchorage and has been hooping for over 4 years. Making, selling & performing with her hoops, she has appeared with the AK Fire Circus,The Church of Flaming Funk & Anchorages’ Wild Sweet Orange Dance Company. With performances ranging from Anchorages’ New Years Eve Fire & Ice Celebration (at minus 10 degrees!!) to the Trapper Creek Bluegrass Festival, you will find Megan almost everywhere, spinning her handmade hoops. She has been teaching in Anchorage for the last 3 years and returns to Meltdown this year to spread her hooplovin’ hoopdance to us. playshop info: 11:00am - 12:00pm friday & Saturday / meet in front of the kid’s area Miss Megan will be hosting 2 Hoopdance playshops: All ages/all levels hoopshop, we will focus on basics like waist hooping and recovery methods, but will have plenty of info and instruction for more advanced hoopers as well. Each class will begin with a warm up and end with a short hoopjam to show off what you’ve learned. Sundays hoopshop will focus on the HoopShow at the end of the Parade. Come learn, play and perform with us! Get your Meltdown Hoopdance on!!! fashion show: 4:00 - 5:00PM / Saturday / village stage festival grounds Jennifer hill / WWW.JENNSYOGAGARDEN.COM Check out the summer style that our vendors are offering this year at the 6th Annual Summer Meltdown Vendor Fashion Show: a runway show featuring local, independent artists and companies. A family friendly event! (REMINDER: Models and vendors interested in being part of the Vendor Fashion Show must attend a mandatory meeting Friday night, 6pm by the Vendor Circle at the top of the steps, to go over plans and rehearse the show). Juggling with Lena Davidson This is how you juggle: throw an object into the air. Catch and repeat. When you drop it, pick it up and do it again. There! Now you are a juggler. If you want to come juggle in the company of a bunch of other jugglers who learned how to juggle the same way you just did then meet in front of the Kid’s Area to get your juggle on! There will be objects available that have been scientifically proven to resist entropy in the presence of a juggler. We will spend the time juggling all together. Every age can play! WORLD PREMIER of the new trick: Magic Tuna Melt 2012. Lena has a clean juggling record dating back a quinquennium. She lives on an island in the South Salish Sea. kids activities WORKSHOP: OVERVIEW ON INDOOR & OUTDOOR GARDENING 1:00 - 2:30PM / SATurday / NLG BOOTH vendor fashion show Workshop: 1:00 - 2:00PM / Friday & Saturday SCHEDULE Representatives from Technaflora, Smartpot, Canna and NLG staff will be discussing techniques on maximizing your success in your garden. guidelines The RE Store is your trusted source for quality used building supplies, salvage pick up and removal services, workshops, recycled art events and more. Our two stores are full of quality thrift building and home decor items. We pick up or strip out usable materials and deconstruct entire buildings for reuse and recycling. ARTIST BIOS activities & workshops re-store / Presenting, a sampler platter of unique beginner’s challenges in coolness. Activities include: beginner’s training in stage presence, comedy, & moving techniques. Also, Bed of Nails principles training, and intro to freestyle rap for fun or show. Participants receive completion certificates & opportunities for souvenir photos. Hoist your savage coolness! ARTIST BIOS captain trendo’s coolness survival kit WORKSHOP: 12:00 - 1:00PM / friday & saturday / kid’s area Clhoe will focus on elegant arms and hands, shimmies and layering shimmies onto other movements including circles, slides, figure 8’s and more in this one hour workshop. Clhoe is a member of Moon Sirens. She has been dancing her whole life but focusing strictly on Bellydance for the past 6 years. You can find her teaching Bellydance classes at the Marysville YMCA on Thursday nights. WORKSHOPS bellydance with clhoe WORKSHOP: 11:00Am / sunday / the stranger late night tent kids bellydance with indigo / Children of all ages are invited to shimmy, dance, make some noise and have fun as we learn an upbeat Bellydance Routine. Those whom attend at least 1 workshop are invited to perform as part of the Bellydance Showcase on the Village Stage Sunday at 1pm. Indigo enjoys the creativity & spontaneity that happens when children are allowed to be themselves in a welcoming environment. Dance & Exercise is a very important part of Every Child’s life. Indigo is licensed to teach HoopDance & Zumba to children and has been Bellydancing for over 12 years. Indigo teaches BellyDance, HoopDance & Zumba in Snohomish County. WORKSHOP: 10:30 - 11:00am / saturday & sunday / kid’s area sunmakers meltdown info Shalaa will be teaching a fun, easy choreography and workshop participants are invited to show off their new moves in the Bellydance showcase at 1pm on the Village Stage. Shalaa has been bellydancing for over 10 years, she is a member of Moon Sirens and the instructor and founder of Rubies On Fire, an intermediate student dance troupe. Shalaa teaches Wednesday evenings at Gold’s Gym in Marysville. For more info find her on Facebook @ RaksShalaa. WELCOME bellydance with shalaa workshops WORKSHOP: 11:00Am / saturday / the stranger late night tent Beginning art class will have several fun wood projects for the beginning artist. Very young students may require parental supervision. Included in the class will be a blank wooden sword, a blank cedar paddle, or especially for small children the small blank wooden sword to choose from and paint to make a master work . When I was a young child, my father used to carve these magical instruments for us when we went to music festivals. Along with the wooden sword comes the initiation into the Knighthood of the Summer Meltdown; where the noble values are discussed and righteous play in return is promised. Workshops: 12:00 - 4:00pm / Friday & Saturday wiztech Wizard Technologies presents complimentary consultation and design of rainwater catchment systems. Learn the process of constructing a rain barrel from a 55 gallon food-grade plastic barrel; how to drill holes and construct an overflow valve and spigot, and how to fabricate a leaf and debris screen. All that is needed is a surface to collect rainfall and a container to hold the water. Come on by with your “water harvest” ideas or questions and we can share. Learn how to brew aerobic compost teas from vermicastings and black strap molasses, and ferment anaerobic cultures such as Effective Microoriganisms. 30 minute rain barrel presentation: 11:00am / saturday 15 minute ‘how to brew’ presentation: 11:30am / saturday earthen culture / This year Earthen Culture and Heart Rocks Eye are pleased to provide the “Illuminated Garden”, a relaxation station set in a zen garden featuring two structures created from natural and salvaged materials. We look forward to sharing our earthen building techniques with you during our daily workshops. Heart Rocks Eye will have your fashion needs covered with an amazing array of wearable art and jewelry created from recycled materials. And don’t forget to swing by after dark when we turn on the lights! “ WORKSHOP: 12:00 - 1:00PM / Friday, Saturday & Sunday 5 Beats Antique - Electronica / Roots Music Ha Ha Tonka - Americana / Indie / Rock Growing like wildfire under the canopy of live electronica and world roots music comes Beats Antique, a masterful merge of modern technology, live instrumentation and seductive performance. Ha Ha Tonka is a band originally formed in Springfield, Missouri and is signed to Bloodshot Records of Chicago, IL. Named after Ha Ha Tonka state park in southern Missouri, their music is steeped in Ozark folk, bringing the passion, spirituality, hardships, and roots of the people that lived and still live there today, into their sound. Karl Denson - Funk El Ten Eleven - Post-rock / Ambient Indie Karl Denson (born 1956) is a funk and jazz saxophonist, flutist and vocalist who hales from San Diego, CA. He was a member of Lenny Kravitz’ band and then formed The Greyboy Allstars, which became world renowned as the ultimate groove band. El Ten Eleven is a Los Angeles, CA post-rock duo formed in 2003 after bassist and composer Kristian Dunn and drummer Tim Fogarty had played experimental music together in an organic/electronic four-piece group. Since Then the band was honored to have many of their songs featured in the soundtracks of Gary Hustwit’s design documentaries, “Helvetica”, “Objectified”, and “Urbanized”. EOTO - psy-dub beat sorcerers The Silent Comedy - Indie / Southern Rock EOTO’s members, Jason Hann and Michael Travis bring Dubstep to life in real time, and push the movement into unexplored territories. Their soul-shattering brand of lazerstep is as mesmerizing as it is evil. What started gaining momentum in 2006 as a loose collection of musicians, eventually evolved into a solid quintet of performers who turn heads wtih their wild live performance, genre-bending sound, and unique aesthetic. A live show not to be missed! The True Spokes - Rock / Funk / Rock Acorn Project - Electro / Funk / Rock The True Spokes, who changed their name from Flowmotion in 2012, is a band well known in the Seattle live music scene and is becoming increasingly familiar up and down the West Coast. The band has managed to remain in the “best-kept-secret” vault of the live music scene. Deep electro-funk grooves and sonic instrumental exploration interlaced with a provocative indie-rock song writing ability have become the signatures of Bellingham, Washington’s Acorn Project. As a long time staple on the touring circuit of the Pacific Northwest, the sextet has spent the past three years expanding their region and is a recognizable touring machine on the West Coast, British Columbia, and now Colorado and the Southwestern United States. Blitzen Trapper - Indie / Americana Five Alarm Funk - Heavy-set FUNK!!!!!!! Blitzen Trapper is a Portland based experimental country/folk/rock band signed to Sub Pop Records. Formed in 2000, Blitzen Trapper self-released its first three albums. "Wild Mountain Nation" was #98 on Rolling Stone's list of the 100 Best Songs of 2007. Five Alarm Funk is a horn powered, percussion fuelled sonic and visual assault. For more than six years the band has brought their relentless and unforgettable live show to clubs and major festivals across Canada and the United States. The group on stage is an unstoppable orgy of energy. Lukas Nelson & the Promise of the Real - Current Swell - Blues / Reggae / Rock Progressive / Country / Rock To say Lukas was born to play music is an understatement. The sixth child of one of the most acclaimed and beloved music stars of all time Willie Nelson, and his fourth wife Annie, Lukas inherited his father’s musicality, his penchant for penning his own music, and his love of the road. Hailing from Vancouver Island , and immersed in its surf scene, Current Swell is an emerging indie rock band. Their songcraft has been making waves up north and in the five short years since their formation, they’ve produced four studio albums and opened up for the likes of the Beach Boys, Xavier Rudd and the Beautiful Girls. Vicci Martinez - Pop / Rock Polecat - Americana / Bluegrass / Rock Vicci has opened for or shared the stage with Sting, Annie Lennox, Bill Frisell, Christopher Cross, Supersuckers, Jonny Lang, The Presidents of the United States of America, Cherry Poppin Daddies, and Avril Lagivne. In 2011 after her appearance on NBC’s “The Voice”, Vicci signed a record deal according to her coach Cee Lo Green. KRADDY - Hip Hop / Crunk / Glitch The Moondoggies - Americana / Folk Rock Known as a pioneer of electronic music, Matthew Kratz aka Kraddy is one of the most innovative and remarkable artists of his day. He stands as a visionary in his field, a fresh voice that spans genres and artistic style. Hybridizing hip hop, dubstep and dancehall with digital edits and cuts, Kraddy’s music is a voice from the future awakening our ears and minds to what is yet to come. When Kevin Murphy wanted to move away from the punk scene of his high school years, he hopped to the opposite end of the musical spectrum and formed the Moondoggies. With its homegrown harmonies and jam-band tendencies, the Seattle-based four-piece follows in the footsteps of such Americana groups as the Band and Fleet Foxes. Pickwick - Indie /Rock / Soul Hot Bodies in Motion - Blues / Indie / Rock Citing artists such as Sam Cook, Otis Redding, Spoon, The Walkmen and Cold War Kids as influences, Pickwick decided to focus on an “indie rock/R&B fusion type of sound” that would better utilize the power of Disston’s vocals and the band’s rhythm section. Without compromising their uniqueness, Pickwick has been allowed to define their voice. Hot Bodies in Motion is an alternative rock band with strong blues and soul influences. From Seattle, HBIM formed in late 2009 and includes Ben Carson (vocals, guitar), Scott Johnson (lead guitar, backup vocals), Zach Fleury (bass, backup vocals) and Tim LoPresto (drums). Quickly gaining recognition throughout the Northwest, Hot Bodies In Motion continues to win fans at every show by challenging Seattle's stand-and-stare concert culture. Elephant Revival - Americana / Folk Jerry Joseph & The Jackmormons - Jam / Southern Rock / Americana Elephant Revival’s style of music is often referred to as "transcendental folk," which incorporates elements of Scottish/Celtic fiddle tunes, original folk pieces, traditional ballads, bluegrass, psychedelic country, indie rock, reggae, 40s/50s jazz standards and an occasional hip-hop beat. All members of the band are multi-instrumentalists and contribute to vocals and songwriting. For more than 30 years, Jerry Joseph has been strapping on a guitar and chasing down truth, understanding and soul with tenacity and resonant skill. Joseph is the archetypal musician’s musician – something that’s resoundingly clear on his sweeping new double album “Happy Book”. Vibesquad - Breakbeat / Krunkadelics Skerik's Bandalabra - Afro-beat / Hip Hop / Since 2006 and long before America’s insatiable appetite for all things dubstep was born, the musician, producer and DJ known as VibeSquaD (aka Aaron Holstein) has been dropping ill beats and stomach-tearing basslines on the decks as a DJ. Searing. Suspenseful. Climactic. R&B kerik, the enduringly saxophonic, punk jazz iconoclast, introduces his latest project Bandalabra. Joining him are three of his fellow Seattle hometown's most revered players: Andy Coe on electric guitar, Evan Flory-Barnes on upright bass and Dvonne Lewis on drums. Mr Rogers - Bassheavy / breakbeat / lazer Polyrhythmics - Funk / Jazz / Afro-Beat Mr. Rogers' brain is a fun place to visit, but you might not want to stay for too long lest you get stuck in the intricate, syncopated pulse that oozes from it. Mr. Rogers connects with dance floors instantly with his totally unique style. His signature sound seeps out of every beat per minute, and latches onto your primal dance button with his twisted, psychedelic take on bass-heavy mid-tempo, and glitch-ridden breaks Awarded Best new band in Seattle 2011, the Polyrhythmics have quickly gained notoriety playing to packed clubs and festival crowds all over the Northwest. This all original 8 piece afro-funk and world beat orchestra is comprised of some of Seattle’s finest rhythmic and melodic musicians. That 1 Guy - Dr. Seuss / Future Rock Mike Silverman, better known as That 1 Guy, is an American musician based in Las Vegas, Nevada. He frequently performs and records as a one-man band singing and using a variety of homemade musical instruments. 6 ormed in Bellingham, Washington in March 2010, Polecat has quickly established itself in the Northwest, performing many genres including bluegrass, country, celtic, rock, and world music into their sound. Their music celebrates life, love, and good times, and it reflects on the faces of the players and their audience. its five parts, producing a sound that’s unmistakably huge. Kay Kay & His Weathered Underground Indie / Pop / Rock ay Kay has become locally known for their potent blend of psychedelic, orchestral pop and their boisterous live show that often includes up to 15 members on stage. Their live reviews are glowing: The Stranger’s Line Out blog (Seattle) declared, “Kay Kay and his Weathered Underground deserve every bit of praise and hype and love they’ve been getting…dropping a punk-rock Vaudeville vibe into their swooning, sweetheart compositions. Medium Troy - Electronic / Dub / Hip-Hop Stop, Drop and Rock Eugene audiences are by now pretty familiar with the boys in Medium Troy. They’ve been voted Eugene’s “Favorite Local Band” in the WOW Hally Awards three out of the last four years. High Times Magazine awarded Medium Troy with “unsigned Band of the week”. Medium Troy is known for epic sounds, fat bass lines and good melodies. These musicians are all 15 & 16 years old and come from diverse and sometimes challenging backgrounds. They bring enthusiasm and dedication to the band and explore music and interconnection with each other and their communities. Snug Harbor - Funk / Fusion / Soul The Jezebel Rebels Snug Harbor is a funk-soul-fusion ensemble, tucked away in the corner of the Northwest, in the city of Bellingham, WA. Fans of Snug Harbor can expect to witness high energy funk and soul music with jazz infusions, as each live show contains elements of improvisation on heavy funk grooves. The Jezebel Rebels have been entertaining the masses for going on four years now with their eclectic blend of Cabaret, Burlesque, Bellydance, and Vaudeville. They are regular performers at the Lincoln Theatre, Burlington's Relay for life, and Bellingham's Benefit X and Vaudevilingham. AgesandAges - Concrete / Ghettotech / Rock Pepper Proud - Appalachian Present / Folk AgesandAges is an American rock band from Portland which has been receiving positive critical attention because of its upbeat, “raw choral pop” sound. Their music features seven-part vocal harmonies accompanied by handclaps, shakers and noise-makes. They are a secular band with a big tent revival sound. The group was voted as a top Portland band by Willamette Week. From the heart of Greenbrier Valley and those Eastern Appalacian Rolling Hills- Pepper Proud was raised surrounded by a thriving arts community in Lewisburg, West Virginia. When she finished studying Voice and Performance at Radford University in 2007- Pepper headed as far west as her truck would take her and settled in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. Splatinum Toni McGowan SPLATINUM is the collaboration of Andrew Luck and Adam Houghton. Their musical output spans genres but the common element of devastating low-end threads through every composition. “Luck and Dosadi’s rhythms and bass frequencies slug and surge with a thrilling high impact” Toni is a singer-songwriter from Shoreline, Washington, who creates and performs a large variety of music; including genres like folk, jazz, blues, pop, and contemporary. Though Toni has enjoyed singing from an early age, her guitar accompaniment and songwriting passion began in eighth grade at age 14. Dead Winter Carpenters - Americana / Rock Jennifer Freedom Band Emerging from Northern California's fertile music scene, Dead Winter Carpenters is a rollicking, high-energy, Americana/roots-infused five-piece band from North Lake Tahoe, CA. Defying musical boundaries, DWC blends elements of rock'n'roll, folk, roots, country, ragtime, blues, and reggae music with choice influences ranging from throughout rock history and the traditional fiddle tunes of earlier times. NOT TO BE MISSED Whether you're human or just having a human experience, this Angel's voice will open your heart and inspire your spirit!!! The Jennifer Freedom Band playing with dozens of musicians across the country climaxes a 5000 mile tour on the famous Magic Love Bus by playing and sharing with The Summer Meltdown Family. Kimo Muraki - Alt. / Experimental / Folk The Bhajans Kimo Muraki is a journeyman Seattle multi-instrumentalist whose debut solo project “Tiny Messengers” released their first EP in 2011 and plan to release their first full length in winter 2012. Having spent a good part of the last several years as multi-instrumentalist and vocalist for many Seattle and regional artists. The Bhajans is a devotional singing ensemble from Orcas Island, Wa., fronted by Fabrice Van Putten and Adam Starr Farish, and accompanied by other vocalists. The intention: To inspire a deeper sense of connection to the divine through the singing of timeless spiritually centered hymns from various cultures around the world. Aaron Daniel & The Bloody Knukles - Alt. / Captain Trendo Indie / Rock Listeners might hear a rock song first, then an old Buck Owens tune, then throw a little De La Soul followed by some sick Jon Williams strings or a little Mr. Bungle. Aaron's music is always changing and covering a wide range of musical influence. Captain Trendo has performed alongside many artists, including Fyodor Karamozov & Seattle music legend Baby Gramps. His variety act has been featured in standup comedy shows with Brad Brake & Rodger Lizaola, and he has performed for NANDA, Cirque du Soleil, & Microsoft. Appearances include Moisture Festival, The Crystal Ballroom, & On The Boards Theater. Kore Ionz - Rock / Reggae / Roots After Midnight Cabaret Seattle reggae rockers Kore Ionz have shared the stage with such legends as The Wailers, Steel Pulse, and Third World, as well as current charting artists like Katchafire and J Boog. After Midnight Cabaret was founded in 2011 by Danielle Griffin (Dani of After Midnight Photography) and Sarah Champion (Scarlett Red). Each performer in the troupe was hand picked by the troupe leaders for their various abilities and talents. The troupe has a proud collection of beautiful women who sing, dance, model and know how to light up a room. Scott Pemberton Trio - Rock / Soul / Surf Scarlett Red, Leader of After Midnight Cabaret Until you have seen Scott Pemberton play the guitar it is hard to describe what he does. His music comes from the heart, is very danceable and quite honestly, no one plays the guitar like him. He gets regular comparisons to other great musicians such as Jimi Hendrix, Dick Dale and James Brown, but after a brief listen it is clear that Scott has something all his own. This fiesty temptress is no stranger to the spotlight. With 22+ years of performing, over 100 different productions, professional training in almost every style of dance, international awards in both ballroom and Latin dancing, she is never afraid of a little bump and grind. She enjoys her Jameson neat and her Vodka Martini's like her men... Dirty. Join her for her late night show at the Village Theater, she is one saucy lady not to be missed! C-Leb & the Kettle Black - Alt. / Alt-Country Meltdown Bellydance Showcase / Blues This iteration brings on the epitome of da’blues in a way-back throat destroying kinda way. Nothing but a sliding six string, harmonica, drums and bass repurposed in an unbelievably great way that make it as progressive as it is nostalgic. C-Leb & the Kettle Black is busy reinventing blues and writing timeless songs. The Meltdown Bellydance Showcase is a collective of dancers from all around the Pacific Northwest. These ladies truly enjoy working together to create a show that is unique and engaging, offering a variety of styles, music and costuming. Annie Ford Band Keaton Collective Annie Ford (of Slimpickins, Gill Landry) a Seattle resident and Virginia native infuses the timelessness of murder ballads and roots music into country with the Annie Ford Band. Influenced and inspired by her travels to and from Virginia and Louisiana, her songwriting is dynamic with swells of emotion and sung with haunting vocals. Keaton Collective united to create an open forum for all of their material. From the start they’ve self-produced their own albums, booked their own tours, and set out to create the music they all wanted to enjoy. Never holding back from pushing themselves- their albums and performances have always showcased a great diversity in harmonies, melodies, and instrumentation across the spectrum of rock and roll. Kenzie Rose Olivia De La Cruz Fourteen year old singer-songwriter Kenzie Rose is dipping her toes into Meltdown’s neon-lit, vivacious cacophony of a musical melting pot. Kenzie picked up a guitar for the first time at age ten, but picked up her passion for singing in the womb, and her acoustic sound seems beyond her years. Olivia De La Cruz is a 22-year- old solo singer/songwriter from Seattle, Washington. She started her career by playing at local coffee shops and open mics, eventually moving onto wineries, festivals, pubs, and weddings. Bjahan Vocalists - World Womp Sarah Schmidt The Bhajans is a devotional singing ensemble from Orcas Island, Wa., fronted by Fabrice Van Putten and Adam Starr Farish, and accompanied by Khadoma Colomby, Kevin Dickey, Jyoti Pavitt, and Emily Aring. The intention : To inspire a deeper sense of connection to the divine through the singing of timeless spiritually centered hymns from various cultures around the world. As the granddaughter of jazz musicians and the daughter of flute makers, Sarah Schmidt could not have escaped music even if she wanted to. Sarah believes music can be a tool, to seek, to dig and to find. 7 guidelines THURSDAY, AUG. 9 (EARLY ENTRY) 8:40 - 9:50 10:00 - 11:25 THE TRUE SPOKES FRIDAY, AUG. 10 12:45 - 1:45 SNUG HARBOR 2:10 - 3:10 AGES AND AGES 2:15 - 3:00 TEEN SET: TONI MCGOWAN 3:45 - 4:45 JERRY JOESEPH & THE JACKMORMONS 4:50 - 6:00 CURRENT SWELL 5:30 - 5:45 CAPTAIN TRENDO & THE JEZEBEL REBELS * 6:10 - 7:20 EL TEN ELEVEN 6:00 - 6:45 PEPPER PROUD * 7:00 - 7:15 CAPTAIN TRENDO & THE JEZEBEL REBELS * 7:30 - 9:00 BLITZEN TRAPPER 9:10 - 10:30 THE TRUE SPOKES 10:40 - 12:30 KARL DENSON’S TINY UNIVERSE 12:35 - 1:50 FIVE ALARM FUNK 1:00 - 2:00 MR. ROGERS 1:40 - 1:50 SCARLETT RED CABARET 2:00 - 3:30 KIMO MURAKI SATURDAY, AUG. 11 2:05 - 3:30 KRADDY 12:00 - 12:40 SCOTT PEMBERTON TRIO SUNDAY, AUG. 12 ARTIST BIOS WORKSHOPS workshops meltdown info THAT 1 GUY 12:00 - 12:30 THE BHAJANS ARTIST BIOS SCHEDULE kids activities festival grounds 11:30 - 1:00 WELCOME SKERIK’S BANDALABRA 1:00 - 1:40 KORE IONZ 2:00 - 2:50 DEAD WINTER CARPENTERS 2:15 - 3:00 TEEN SET: KENZIE ROSE 3:00 - 4:00 KAY KAY & HIS WEATHERED UNDERGROUND 4:00 - 5:00 VENDOR FASHION SHOW 4:10 - 5:10 MEDIUM TROY 5:20 - 6:30 VICCI MARTINEZ 6:00 - 6:15 AFTER MIDNIGHT CABARET * 6:30 - 7:10 ANNIE FORD BAND * 6:40 - 7:50 HOT BODIES IN MOTION 7:25 - 7:40 AFTER MIDNIGHT CABARET * 8:00 - 9:30 THE TRUE SPOKES 9:40 - 10:50 THE SILENT COMEDY 11:00 - 12:30 BEATS ANTIQUE 12:35 - 1:50 ACORN PROJECT 1:00 - 2:00 SPLATINUM 2:05 - 3:30 VIBESQUAD 2:00 - 3:00 THAT 1 GUY 11:30 - 12:25 OLIVIA DE LA CRUZ & SARAH SCHMIDT 1:00 - 2:00 KEATON COLLECTIVE 1:00 - 2:00 MELTDOWN BELLY DANCE SHOWCASE 2:00 - 3:00 ELEPHANT REVIVAL 2:15 - 3:00 TEEN SET: STOP, DROP, & ROCK 3:00 - 3:10 KIDS PARADE 3:10 - 4:10 POLYRHYTHMICS 4:15 - 5:15 PICKWICK 5:00 - 5:15 CAPTAIN TRENDO & THE JEZEBEL REBELS * 5:20 - 6:30 MOON DOGGIES 5:30 - 6:00 C-LEB & THE KETTLE BLACK * 6:15 - 6:45 JENNIFER FREEDOM BAND * 6:40 - 7:50 LUCAS NELSON & THE PROMISE OF THE REAL 8:00 - 9:20 HA HA TONKA 9:30 - 11:00 EOTO 11:10 - 12:45 POLECAT 12:45 - 2:00 FAT KIDS RULE THE WORLD (movie showcase) 12:45 - ???? AARON DANIEL & THE BLOODY KNUCKLES KEY MELTDOWN STAGE 8 NORTHERN LIGHTS STAGE THE STRANGER LATE NIGHT TENT SPONSORED BY THE STRANGER VILLAGE STAGE (*=DINNER THEATRE) SPONSORED BY TECHNAFLORA Parental supervision is required. We are not equipped to provide child care. Captain Trendo’s Coolness Survival KiT Presenting, a sampler platter of unique beginner’s challenges in coolness. Activities include: training in stage presence, comedy, & moving techniques. Also, Bed of Nails principles training, and intro to freestyle rap for fun or show. Participants receive completion certificates & opportunities for souvenir photos. Hoist your savage coolness! Derby Car BuildinG For the wacky low price of $1.00 you can customize your very own derby car for Saturday’s raceoff spectacular. Will your personalized speed machine win the grand prize for fastest speed, flashy design, or most acrobatic wipe-out, or the “nerby” for being a leisurely, scenic driver? The wheel is in your hands! Juggling Workshop This is how you juggle: throw an object into the air. Catch and repeat. When you drop it, pick it up and do it again. There! Now you are a juggler. If you want to come juggle in the company of a bunch of other jugglers who learned how to juggle the same way you just did then meet in front of the Kid’s Area to get your juggle on! There will be objects available that have been scientifically proven to resist entropy in the presence of a juggler. We will spend the time juggling all together. Every age can play! WORLD PREMIER of the new trick: Magic Tuna Melt 2012 Story Hour Children crave stories, and will make them up to meet that craving. They make them up to learn about life. To learn about people. Every culture that exists or has been known to exist has a strong storytelling culture, one all their own that was shaped by the people and shaped the people. Stories are used for entertainment, for teaching, for passing on old knowledge and wisdom. Come listen and share your stories and culture with others and absorb something new to take back home with you. Meltdown’s Got Talent! Singing, acting, dancing, and more! (Village Stage) Singing, Storytelling, dancing, telling jokes! We love all of it! This will not be a competition, only sharing for the fun of it. Kid’s area clowns will be there to help with costumes and ideas. Sign up will be in the kid’s area before the show. Meltdown Jr. Olympics! Join us for: relay games, tag games, capture the flag, water balloons, hula hooping contests, an obstacle course and much more. We recommend these activities for children over 6 years of age. Meltdown Memory/Autograph Books Come make a memory book for your new and old Meltdown friends to fill with art and words as a lasting keepsake (also makes a great gift!). Belly Dance Workshop for kids! Indigo will be teaching the Kids Bellydance workshops on Sat and Sun at 10:30am in the kids area. Children of all ages are invited to shimmy, dance, make some noise and have fun as we learn an upbeat Bellydance Routine. Those whom attend at least 1 workshop are invited to perform as part of the Bellydance Showcase on the Village Stage Sunday at 1pm. Are there any children or adults who would like to learn and possibly perform BellyDance at the MeltDown? Indigo is excited to share the Mysterious and Energetic Movements of BellyDance in the Kids Area. Performance is available for those who are interested. Derby Car Race-off Bring your custom, deluxe derby car for the big finale. See who takes the cake for the speediest speed machine, flashiest flashy design, or the most gravity defying, gratifying acrobatic wipeout. You may also aspire to be a “nerby” recognized, by all, for your sense of freedom and leisure. Party! We will end our day with a gathering of lemonade, cookies and surprise guests! We will be selling these tasty treats to “big” kids to raise money for future Meltdown kid’s activities! Please support us! We’ll see you at the CIRCUS! ACTIVITY FRI 10:30 - until complete Group Art SAT, SUN 10:30 - 11:00 AM Belly Dance Workshop (all ages)* SAT 10:30 - 12:00 PM Meltdown Memory/Autograph Book FRI, SAT, SUN 10:30 - 1:30 PM Cookie Decorating with Shila FRI, SAT 10:30 - 1:00 PM Costume Making with Cabaret Group /Jezebel Rebels FRI, SAT 11:00 - 12:00 PM Hooping Workshop with Megan* FRI, SAT 12:00 - 1:00 PM Captain Trendo’s Coolness Survival Kit FRI 1:00 - 5:00 PM Derby Car Building SAT 10:30 - 12:30 PM Derby Car Building*** FRI, SAT 1:00 - 2:00 PM Juggling Workshop FRI, SAT, SUN 1:00 - 2:00 PM Story Hour FRI, SAT, SUN 3:30 - 4:30 PM Meltdown's Got Talent** FRI, SAT 4:00 - 5:00 PM Meltdown Jr. Olympics SAT 4:00 - 5:30 PM Derby Car Race-Off SAT 5:00 - 5:30 PM Party! END OF WEEKEND PARADE! SUN 2:00 - 3:00 PM Parade Prep & Costume Making With Cabaret Group / Jezebel Rebels. Join us in the Kid’s Area to dress up, get your face painted (10-2), find or make an instrument and prepare to PARADE! SUN 3:00 PM KID’S PARADE DEPARTS!! WORKSHOPS Hooping Workshop with Megan! All ages/all levels hoopshop, we will focus on basics like waist hooping and recovery methods, but will have plenty of info and instruction for more advanced hoopers as well. Each class will begin with a warm up and end with a short hoopjam to show off what you’ve learned. Come learn, play and perform with us! Get your Meltdown Hoopdance on!!! TIME *meet in front of the Kid’s Area) | **sign up will be in the Kid’s Area all day | ***last chance to “get your race on” Sunday’s activities will be dependent on participation. Ongoing activities will be available all day. LITTLE SEAHORSE MUSIC ACADEMY The volunteer staff of L.S.M.A. formally invites YOU to participate in this year’s musical adventures at the SUMMER MELTDOWN August 9th-12th. We encourage children of all ages to attend our Academy at the old volunteer kitchen pavilion upstage right of the festival grounds. Our core staff of music instructors, professional musicians, preschool teachers, and music lovers is proud to have been invited to participate in our FIFTH consecutive year at Meltdown. We also encourage festival musicians to sign up in advance for time slots the day of their show for teaching lessons on their respective instruments. Over the years we have collected two drum kits, a Hammond organ, a piano, a P.A. system, guitars, mandolins, violins, percussion toys and tools, and many drums. These instruments are arranged at the academy for specialized workshops and group improvisation, and we are still looking for more musical toys. The Academy will run on site at the Meltdown from 10:00am-2pm Friday-Sun culminating in a Sunday showcase concert of material curated by kids and staff over the weekend. Stop by and play some music with us. Tyler Clarke - cofounder and music director L.S.M.A. WEEKEND SCHEDULE Fri, Sat, Sun Fri, Sat Fri, Sat Fri, Sat Fri, Sat Fri, Sat Fri, Sat Fri, Sat Fri, Sat Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 3:00pm workshops Costume making with Cabaret Group/Jezebel Rebels These ladies (and occasionally gentlemen) love crafting and make all their own costumes. They will be happily loaning their expertise at all things sparkly by wielding glue guns in Kid Camp before providing joy and hi-jinks throughout the crowds. DAY meltdown info Cookie Decorating with Shila, Professional Cookie Creator! We will be decorating cookies to sell as a fundraiser for future kid’s area activities. (So colorful and really quite delicious!) KID’S AREA FESTIVAL SCHEDULE WELCOME Group Art We’ll be making a collaborative collage backdrop with your help! Come create your own special piece for the 2012 “Meltdown Memories” photo-booth collage. We will take snapshots of you with your creation, and print them on site for a special Meltdown memory. Who knows, your art may end up on the internet! You could be famous! Finally, you will get the recognition and admiration you deserve! kids activities Kid’s Area will be open from 10:30-5:30 Friday, Saturday and from 10:30 to 4:30 Sunday. SCHEDULE Here are some planned activities for kids of all ages! All activities are in the Kid’s Area unless otherwise posted. ARTIST BIOS Welcome to the CIRCUS!! The Meltdown Kid’s Area is excited to welcome you back to another fabulous adventure! This is the place to play, create, share ideas and make new friends. You will find hula-hoops, play-dough, sand, bubbles, face-painting, dress-up, derby car races, a lemonade stand and much more down in the meadow to the West of the Main Stage. This year we’re rolling out a circus theme! We will have several arts and crafts activities available all day and a variety of circus themed workshops at every turn. Come make a gift for a loved one. Participate in group art. Create your own costume at our costume center! Bring a song, a story, a dance, a special talent. Show it off and teach a friend. Every person adds something different and wonderful to the festival and we are here to celebrate diversity, talent, beauty and to discover who we are and what we can do together! ARTIST BIOS “Children need the freedom and the time to play. Play is not a luxury. It is a necessity.” festival grounds guidelines Meltdown Kid's activities Open House: music history, lesson sign-ups, quiet improvisation Singalongs with C.S., K.N., M.S. Piano, Organ and Keyboards w/ N. E., K. H. 11:30 am - Stringed Instruments w/ T. C., J. B., C. Y., A.J., S. H., H. H., G. L. Music Theory and Horns w/ J. M. T.C., A.J.* (*Saturday) Percussion w/ S. A., D. K., A. C. Drums w/ A. C., S. A. Showcase Rehearsal w/ all Showcase Rehearsal w/ all Dress Rehearsal Showcase Rehearsal w/ all Showcase Rehearsal w/ all Showcase Rehearsal w/ all Showcase Rehearsal w/ all *We will fill in 15-minute Showcase Rehearsal w/ all intervals with private lessons Showcase Rehearsal w/ all given by festival musicians. Showcase Concert! Kids Parade! L.S.M.A. STAFF Tyler Clarke - guitar, clarinet, music theory, music director (BHAM)* | John Brown - bass, bass banjo, technical director (SEA) Curtis Yu - banjo, guitar, stage manager, face painting (HI) | Andrew Clarke - drums, percussion, rigger, chef (BHAM)* Scott Anderson - percussion, chef (BHAM) | Nick Evans - keyboards, effects, live P.A. (SEA) | Dave Kruger - percussion (SEA) Caryn Simmons - vocals, piano, songwriting (BHAM) | Ari Joshua - guitar, music theory, improvisation (SEA)* Joe Miles - tenor saxophone, music theory (SPO-TAC)* | Michelle Searle - vocals, jazz (SEA) | Sean Horst - mandolin, medic (INDEX)* Hunter Hendrickson - banjo, guitar (SEA)* | Kit Nelson - vocals, songwriting, guitar (AUS, TX) Geoff Larsen - upright bass (SEA) | Julie Silverman - Nanny in Chief (BHAM) | Josh Silverman - NIC assistant, chef (BHAM) Morgan Clarke - NIC assistant (BHAM) | Elizabeth Reynolds - NIC assistant (SEA) | Maria Morris - NIC assistant Kit Morris - music education | Justin Garcia - mascot/role model* (* founding members) 9 WELCOME meltdown info workshops WORKSHOPS ARTIST BIOS ARTIST BIOS SCHEDULE kids activities festival grounds guidelines Welcome to the 10th annual summer meltdown You know what to do. We’re all here to have a good time, to relax, and to enjoy the company of old friends, new friends, and the occasional random strangers wandering by. guidelines simple weekend guidelines If you show up with a dog, you will not be admitted into the event. No, that does not mean you can leave him in the car in the parking lot. Registered service animals are welcome. Please identify them as such so that we don’t have to hassle you. Absolutely NO FIRES, candles, flame lanterns, or charcoal grills. Campfires are not allowed in any part of the festival grounds, or in the river area. Fire-spinning/Play/Art will be allowed ONLY in designated areas and only with support of safety staff. If you are using a camp stove make sure you bring along a fire extinguisher and have it properly placed where everyone can access it. Always make sure your stove is in an area clear of dry grass and brush, and never leave a stove unattended while it is burning. Note on fires – If you get caught breaking any of the fire rules, YOU WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE. There are no exceptions to this. Please respect these very important rules and do not put us at risk of losing this beautiful venue. If you see a campfire anywhere in the venue, please report it to security immediately. kids activities DOGS AND OTHER PETS ARE NOT ALLOWED AT MELTDOWN festival grounds Smile, laugh, sing, and dance . . . and please keep in mind the following basic rules. Underage drinking and illegal drug use are NOT permitted! Non-compliance with this could jeopardize the future of Summer Meltdown. Anyone caught using drugs or participating in underage drinking will be ejected from the venue with no refund. Anyone caught selling drugs will be turned in to county law enforcement. Excessive amounts of alcohol will not be allowed into the venue, such as Kegs or large quantities of liquor. Summer Meltdown reserves the right to determine what is “excessive” upon entry into the festival. Please be responsible, we don’t want to take your stuff. No glass of any kind. Any liquids contained in glass will get confiscated at gate entry. Drinking is restricted to the Beer Garden and to your individual campgrounds. Open containers of alcohol are not allowed in the general public festival areas (music meadow, vendor village, late night tent, etc). Due to several bottle related incidents, and large amounts of broken glass, glass bottles are not allowed anywhere in the venue. If we see glass bottles anywhere in the venue, we will take them, regardless of how full they are or how thirsty you look. AMPLIFIED SOUND Amplified sound is not permitted in camping areas! Please leave your sound systems at home. Be considerate to those around you and remember, everyone needs to sleep at some point! Generators are not permitted in camping areas. ARTIST BIOS Alcohol & Drug Policy ARTIST BIOS Fireworks pose a real threat to the forest, to others, and to our future at the venue. SCHEDULE FIREWORKS ARE NOT PERMITTED. Don’t be the Jackass that ruined Meltdown. River Access The river is not on festival grounds. Enter this area at your own risk. Kids should be accompanied by an adult when at the river area. Do not use soaps and shampoos in the river. If you are bathing, please use the bucket system and rinse off soaps at least 20 feet from the water. Please be respectful and keep your impact low. Garbage & Recycling Summer Meltdown is committed to reducing our foot print in the local community. Almost all of the food and garbage that is created at the event is recycled. But this takes a bit of effort on your part. Please take the extra effort to sort your recyclables in our labeled bins and in your camp. Food scraps should be kept separate and added to the compost totes located at the recycling stations. Read more about our fantastic recycling efforts throughout the program. Help us show what a difference we can make just by setting our minds to it. workshops Cigarette smoking is not allowed in the main music meadow, beer garden or within 50 yards of any music or public performance. Always put your cigarette butts out and please NEVER throw them on the ground. One small cigarette cherry that was not properly extinguished can start a ground fire that could take out half the forest. Throughout the grounds you will find butt cans to place your cigarette litter into. Meltdown has earned a great reputation for not leaving any cigarette butt litter on the grounds at the end of the weekend. Let’s keep it this way! meltdown info Cigarettes & Smoking WELCOME All vehicles inside the venue must display a vehicle pass. Purchasing a vehicle camping pass entitles you to a ONE WAY trip inside the venue to park and camp. You will not be allowed to come and go with this permit. If you do decide to leave, you will not be permitted to bring your car back inside the venue. Motorhomes, trailers, campers, and school buses require an oversize vehicle camping pass WORKSHOPS Vehicles In the Venue A SPECIAL THANK YOU FROM MELTDOWN First of all, we want to thank YOU for making Meltdown what it is. The excitement and passion that Meltdown attendees possess is truly what makes this festival so special. A huge thank you goes out to The Darrington Bluegrass & Country Music Association for taking a leap of faith and letting us youngsters do our thing in their beautiful backyard. A special welcome and thank you to our new Village Sponsor, Technaflora Nutrients, for choosing to come to Meltdown over MoeDown! We know it was a really hard decision Jason, you did the right thing! Go visit their awesome booth for a free “recipe for success” nutrient starter kit and your garden will be very happy! AND... for the biggest thank you of all, The Wild Buffalo, Craig Jewel and Austin Santiago, our new booking team, and the entire Wild Buffalo staff for closing down Friday and Saturday to bring the entire crew to party at Meltdown! Thank you so much for your love and dedication to our ever expanding family! The Meltdown Staff can not be thanked enough for their years of tireless work, innovative ideas, and dedication in making Summer Meltdown what it is today. If you cross paths with these folks this weekend, be sure to offer a pat on the back for making this the best festival ever. Administration Sarah Hall – Festival Director Chris Mills – Operations Director Josh Clauson - The Man Kyle Martin – Box Office Manager Chelsea Cluff – Volunteer Co-Coordinator Lori Smith - Volunteer Co-Coordinator Teasha Lynch - Office Co-Manager Laura Kitts - Office Co-Manager Justin Garcia - Logistics / Sponsorships Shawn Leeth – Street Team Coordinator Kevin Robinson - Meltdown Store Manager Art - Design Preston Hall – Art Director / Webmaster / Sponsorship Lead / Creatives Andy Pritiken - Graphic Designer Lindsay Baugh - Graphic Designer Gary Radokovich - Lighting Designer Main Stage Casey Scalf - 3D Mapping / Projection Rick Hale - Lasers! Jason Goers - Lighting Talent Buying Wild Buffalo House of Music Craig Jewel – Talent Buyer Austin Santiago - Talent Buyer / Social Media Manager Sarah Schmidt – Kids Area Coordinator / Village Stage Talent Buyer Interested in 2012 Sponsorship opportunities? Contact [email protected]! a big thank you to our street team! Production Jonathan Quigley (JQ) – Production Lead Bjorn Estlund – Production Manager Sam Lax - Beer Garden & Late Night Production Tyler Clarke – Little Seahorse Music Academy Coordinator Luke Walwick - Electrical / Meltdown’s Maintenance Man Jordan Inglee - Audioglobe Live Recording Vending - Hospitality Brotherhood Israel – Beer Garden Coordinator Tani Coxon – Espresso Bar Lead / Vending Coordinator Jessica Gunnoe – Vendor / Green Village Coordinator Mike Chiara – Vendor Coordinator / Sponsorships Gregg Collier - Grocery Manager Booie Walkerling – Espresso Bar Manager Calm Israel - Food Vending Coordinator / BG Vol. Lead Russ Duncan – Burger Stand Manager Sarah Clauson – Hospitality Coordinator Michelle Wert – Hospitality Lead Heather Garcia – Hospitality Aarrianna Morado - Green Room Design Green Crews & Parking Matt Werling - Green Crew Onsite Lead Brent Haines - Parking Lead Josh Abbey - Parking Manager Security Dave Miller – Head of Security Tim Thoreen - Volunteer Security Lead Tony Garcia - Volunteer Security Lead Denise Benda - Medic Lead For 11 years we have had the BEST crew of people behind the scenes making sure Meltdown runs as planned. This list could easily fill a whole program. Andrea Quigley for her many years of dedication and leadership. We love you! Ben & Erin Bruce, Gary Clark, Loren Unick & Northern Lights Gardening, Rob, Kestral, Skip, Debs, Jenna, Matty, Daryl, Marko, The Acorn Project Family, Ben Jammin, John the Freak, Bobbi and The Lori Family, The MuleSkinner, Lee & Nick Johnson, Josh Wonner, Dennis Hacker, Aaron Loffler, Jason Cronberg, Rebeca Swanson, Gwen, Tenzin and The Vilagi family, Django at Merchbot, Adria, Jackson, Dan Schmidt, Frank Gaarci, Eric Singleton the Sun Maker, Keither, Sabu, Beerbox, F.U.B.A.R., Jeff Myers, Josh Clauson and The Clauson family, RL and Kelsey, Eric and The Bryson family, Scott, Don, and The whole Goodwin family, Bob and The Rees family, and honorable mention to Reverend Chumleigh... Where would we ever be without you? Happy Meltdown EVERYONE! Sam Crane & Pat Kearney - Sam and Pat are Meltdown’s biggest promotional partners in crime. They both talk up the fest year round and can be seen at events all over Puget Sound handing out handbills the months before the fest. They are masters at creative marketing as evidenced by their Meltdown hats, among other things. Sam and Pat work tirelessly promoting the festival and always greet you with a smile. It doesn’t stop there though...Sam works with the Green Crew during the festival and is one of the first people on site and the last off site when the festival is done each year! Ease Israel Wiles - Ease and her motley crew of Meltdown fanatics spread the Meltdown gospel all over the Seattle area each year. Meltdown is a family affair for Ease and she makes sure to spread the family-friendly aspects of the fest during her promotions. We can always count on Ease and her crew to plaster Seattle with posters and handbills each year! Jami & Jordan Marsh - Jamie and Jordan make sure Eastern Washington is covered in Meltdown love each year. Meltdown is all about family and fun for them as well and they share that with everyone they meet. Jamie’s great attitude, passion for live music and love for all things Meltdown makes her team an invaluable part of the Meltdown team each year! Scat Cooper - Scat was a street team rookie this year and was one of the hardest working members of the team. She immediately hit the ground running, fueled by her passion she gained over the years as a Meltdown attendee. Scat has an exceptionally positive attitude and her love for the festival is infectious. We can’t wait to see what’s to come from her in the future!