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FC_EE_201608_FrontCover_FINAL_eb.indd CoverI 7/12/2016 9:12:40 AM SMART DEVICES REQUIRE SMARTER AU TOM AT ED T ES T SYS T EMS The old approach to automated test isn’t scaling, but you already knew that. Look at your balance sheet. To test smart devices, you need a smarter test system built on a platform of NI PXI, LabVIEW, and TestStand. More than 35,000 companies deploy NI technology to lower their cost of test—what are you waiting for? I Prepare for the future at ni.com/smarter-test NI PXI, LabVIEW, and TestStand ©2016 National Instruments. All rights reserved. LabVIEW, National Instruments, NI, ni.com, and NI TestStand are trademarks of National Instruments. Other product and company names listed are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies. 25143 IFC-01_EE_201608_TOC_FINAL_eb.indd CoverII 7/7/2016 2:28:41 PM August 2016, Vol. 55, No.8 C O NT E NT S C O M M U N I C AT I O N S T E S T SPECIAL REPORT 5G Test 6 Algorithms, instruments rev up 5G By Rick Nelson, Executive Editor Industry Happenings 27 IMS sees chips and instruments targeting mmWave applications By Rick Nelson, Executive Editor I N S T R U M E N TAT I O N SPECIAL REPORT Modular DMMs 10 DMMs extended and refined By Tom Lecklider, Senior Technical Editor Additive Manufacturing 16 Building parts one layer at a time By Tom Lecklider, Senior Technical Editor Sensors 24 EMC By Tom Lecklider, Senior Technical Editor EMC Product Focus 28 Accurate and integrated temperature measurement Keeping EMI in its place Industry Happenings 26 By Tom Lecklider, Senior Technical Editor Sensors Expo topics span MEMS to robots and drones By Rick Nelson, Executive Editor S P E C I A L F E AT U R E Salary Survey 20 Research Insights 32 Taking the pulse of the industry GaN shows promise for transportation, communications applications By Tom Lecklider, Senior Technical Editor By Rick Nelson, Executive Editor D E PA R T M E N T S 2 Editorial 4 EE Industry Update 30 EE Product Picks 31 Index of Advertisers AT E Design for Test 14 Impacting accuracy of chipmaker’s quality tests By Peter Sarson, Gregor Schatzberger, and Andreas Wild, ams AG @EE_Engineers www.facebook.com/EvaluationEngineering Written by Engineers …for Engineers evaluationengineering.com EE-EVALUATION ENGINEERING (ISSN 0149-0370). Published monthly by NP Communications, 2477 Stickney Point Rd., Ste. 221-B, Sarasota, FL 34231. Subscription rates: $176 per year in the United States; $193.60 per year in Canada/Mexico; International subscriptions are $224.40 per year. Current single copies, (if available) are $15.40 each (U.S.); $19.80 (international). Back issues, if available, are $17.60 each (U.S.) and $22 (international). Payment must be made in U.S. funds on a branch of a U.S. bank within the continental United States and accompany request. Subscription inquiries: [email protected]. Title® registered U.S. Patent Office. Copyright© 2016 by NP Communications LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage-and-retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Office of publication: Periodicals Postage Paid at Sarasota, FL 34276 and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to EE-EVALUATION ENGINEERING, P.O. BOX 17517, SARASOTA FL 34276-0517 August 2016 IFC-01_EE_201608_TOC_FINAL_eb.indd 1 evaluationengineering.com 1 7/8/2016 12:14:16 PM EDITORIAL Westinghouse’s 19-inch rack accommodates 8x8 MIMO test F rom an email chain among a group of technical editors, the following questions recently arose: Why does the idea of mounting electronics in a 19-inch rack persist? Further, why was 19 inches chosen in the first place? As I point out in a recent blog post, Practical-Home-Theater-Guide.com traces the 19-inch rack back to George Westinghouse in 1890, who used 19-inch shelving to house railroad relay gear. The site notes that telephone companies eventually adopted the 19-inch width, and the EIA standardized the 19-inch structure in 1965 with its 310-D standard. According to Wikipedia (under the entry “19-inch rack”), a revised EIA standard in 1992 gave us today’s 1.752-inch (44.5-mm) 1U height. Responses to my blog post offer several opinions. Brainstorms writes, “Ultimately, all dimensions are arbitrary. That they correspond to a nice, round number [or prime number in the case of the 19-inch rack] in some equally arbitrary measurement system is coincidental (whether intended or not). Of course, those round numbers fascinate human beings. But what’s really of importance is that the dimensions be standardized and that those standards be adhered to by various manufacturers.” Steve Alonso comments of the 19-inch dimension: “It ranks up there with the 4-foot 8.5-inch rail spacing based on the standard Roman chariot/cart width conforming to the width of two horses side-by-side.” The myth-busting website Snopes.com questions whether the rail gauge actually descended from Roman times, calling the claim that it did “… partly true, but for trivial and unremarkable reasons.” In any event, Alonso is certainly correct when he concludes, “We are all victims of historical choices for better or worse.” Sam Simione writes, “… the 19-inch rack-mounting size is manageable and works well from the viewpoint of a practical size we can build, handle, mount, and ship. Also, 19-inch rack enclosures are built such that they are relatively mechanically stable even at 40 and 45U heights.” William Ketel agrees that a 19-inch assembly would be easy for one person to grab with both hands, adding that the width might be a multiple of the widths of the relays Westinghouse wanted to mount as well as a submultiple of a standard width of sheet metal available at the time. Simione adds that anyone believing the size is not optimum for modern electronics should bring the issue to the attention of the EIA. In fact, there seems to be no need for revision. As Wikipedia notes, “The 19-inch rack format has remained constant while the technology that is mounted within it has changed considerably, and the set of fields to which racks are applied has greatly expanded.” That’s for sure. The latest example of the technology that fits within the format comes from National Instruments, with the introduction last month of its new PXIe-5840 vector signal transceiver, which combines a 6.5-GHz RF vector signal generator, a 6.5-GHz vector signal analyzer, a user-programmable FPGA, and high-speed serial and parallel digital interfaces. Charles Schroeder, vice president of product marketing for RF at NI, said in a recent interview that NI engineers worked hard to fit the new VST’s functionality into a two-slot PXI Express module. (The original VST, introduced in 2012, required three slots.) They succeeded, enabling eight VST modules to fit it in a single 18-slot, 19-inch chassis, forming an 8x8 MIMO test setup. As Simione put it, “Whatever the reason for the 19-inch dimension, history has proved it was a good choice and is here to stay!” evaluationengineering.com EDITORIAL EXECUTIVE EDITOR Rick Nelson e-mail: [email protected] MANAGING EDITOR Deborah Beebe e-mail: [email protected] SENIOR TECHNICAL EDITOR Tom Lecklider e-mail: [email protected] PRODUCTION PRINT/WEB COORDINATOR Emily Baatz e-mail: [email protected] PRINT/WEB COORDINATOR Glenn Huston e-mail: [email protected] AD CONTRACTS MANAGER Laura Moulton e-mail: [email protected] AD TRAFFIC MANAGER Denise Mathews e-mail: [email protected] BUSINESS PRESIDENT Kristine Russell e-mail: [email protected] PUBLISHER Jim Russell e-mail: [email protected] ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Michael Hughes e-mail: [email protected] MARKETING DIRECTOR Joan Sutherland ADVERTISING WEST Michael Hughes Phone: 805-529-6790 e-mail: [email protected] EAST Blake Holton or Michelle Holton Phone: 407-971-6286 or 407-971-8558 e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] CIRCULATION SUBSCRIPTIONS / BACK ISSUES e-mail: [email protected] LIST RENTALS Laura Moulton e-mail: [email protected] EPRODUCT COORDINATOR Mary Haberstroh e-mail: [email protected] REPRINTS Deborah Beebe e-mail: [email protected] EE-EVALUATION ENGINEERING is available by free subscription to qualified managers, supervisors and engineers in the electronics and related industries. FOUNDER A. VERNER NELSON e-mail: [email protected] NP COMMUNICATIONS LLC 2477 Stickney Point Rd., Suite 221B Sarasota, Florida 34231 Phone: 941-388-7050•Fax: 941-388-7490 RICK NELSON Executive Editor Visit my blog: www.evaluationengineering.com/ricks-blog/ Publishers of this magazine assume no responsibility for statements made by their advertisers in business competition, nor do they assume responsibility for statements/opinions, expressed or implied, in the columns of this magazine. Printed in the U.S.A. 2 evaluationengineering.com 02-03_EE_201608_Editorial_FINAL_eb.indd 2 August 2016 7/7/2016 11:12:15 AM Visit www.rsleads.com/608ee-004 02-03_EE_201608_Editorial_FINAL_eb.indd 3 7/7/2016 11:12:42 AM INDUSTRY UPDATE ChipMOS selects Xcerra test cell for high-volume MEMS test After evaluating several alternatives, ChipMOS has selected Xcerra’s total test cell solution as its preferred test platform for high-volume production of MEMS devices at its Shanghai facility. ChipMOS is a provider of semiconductor assembly and test services with factories in Hsinchu and Southern Taiwan Science Parks in Taiwan and Shanghai. ChipMOS now is prepared to support further MEMS 5 Number of carmakers earning “positive” rating for autonomous vehicle efforts Source: Lux Research $300 billion Market forecast in 2026 for single-board computers Source: IDTechEx 19 Number of fabs and lines forecast to begin construction in 2016 and 2017 1.5% Semiconductor fab equipment spending growth forecast for 2016 13% Semiconductor fab equipment spending growth forecast for 2017 Source: SEMI > 20 Average days of vacation taken by full-time American employees in 2000 16.2 Average days of vacation taken by full-time American employees in 2015 Source: Project: Time Off fabless and IDM customers’ mobility, automotive, and IoT volume production requirements for MEMS calibration and test in Shanghai. The Xcerra MEMS test cell incorporates the cost-efficient LTX-Credence Diamondx tester and the high-throughput Multitest InMEMS/InCarrier solution. ChipMOS chose the Xcerra test cell solution because it combines Diamondx’s high parallel test capability with Multitest’s advanced package handling and MEMS stimulus options. The fully integrated solution delivers a prevalidated test cell directly to ChipMOS’s manufacturing floor, minimizing the time to high-volume production. The initial cells are equipped to switch between high multisite testing of 3DOF magnetometer devices on a strip or 3DOF and 2DOF accelerometer devices in a carrier. Companies collaborate on industrial M2M SoC Brite Semiconductor, an ASIC/SoC design and turnkey solution provider, has announced the collaborative development of an industrial machine-to-machine (M2M) system on chip (SoC) with Semitech Semiconductor, a provider of power-line communications (PLC) solutions that enable the transformation of the electricity grid into a smart grid. This SoC is designed to support M2M communication in the global industrial and energy transmission market via PLC/ wireless modes. “This collaboration represents an important milestone for Brite, as designing an industrial SoC product for the emerging M2M market has been a goal of ours,” said Jerry Ardizzone, senior vice president of worldwide sales and marketing for Brite Semiconductor. “The primary application for the Brite and Semitech collaboration will be smart meters, and we will develop additional solutions for broader industrial applications including smart home, smart grid, and automotive.” “The next evolutionary step for smart grid applications is to move toward heterogeneous PLC/wireless networks while accommodating aggressive cost and power budgets,” noted Zeev Collin, CEO of Semitech Semiconductor. “Our existing PLC architecture and the extensive experience of our team in narrowband communication across different media make it possible to take this step. Partnering with Brite puts us at the leading edge of the M2M market and will ensure that we yield a superior product.” QualiPoc remote control measurement probe at the LHC Courtesy of Rohde & Schwarz SwissQual AG monitors mobile network at CERN’s LHC CERN requires a stable and reliable network to provide mobile telephony and data services to employees in its Large Hadron Collider (LHC) 27 km in diameter. Comprising several surface radio base stations and 46 underground repeater sites, the specially designed network supports 2G/3G/4G technologies. To monitor real-time service quality (QoS and QoE) in line with Service Level Agreements (SLAs), Rohde & Schwarz announced that CERN has selected the QualiPoc Remote Control measurement solution from SwissQual AG, a Rohde & Schwarz subsidiary with headquarters in Zuchwil, Switzerland. CERN evaluated the SwissQual measurement solution based on comprehensive technical specifications. “QualiPoc Remote Control meets our requirements and offers the most flexible and cost-effective solution,” said Frédéric Chapron, head of communication services at CERN. Also, the smartphone-based network probe fulfills the stringent criteria regarding compactness, reliability, and energy consumption. QualiPoc Remote Control can be fully remotely controlled, allowing remote configuration, data analysis, and reporting. Network-wide, SwissQual deployed 60 probes to continuously measure multiple RF parameters (including KPIs, signaling, layer 3) and run scheduled QoS and QoE tests to verify SLAs and monitor communication services. The data is reported to a central server where a fully featured backend application processes it and provides a realtime overview of the network. For more on these and other news items, visit www.evaluationengineering.com/category/industry-update/ 4 evaluationengineering.com 04-05_EE_201608_IndustryUpdate_FINAL_eb.indd 4 August 2016 7/7/2016 2:21:56 PM We Have The Solution To Your System Needs Fully Integrated Test Systems For Any Application from DC to 50 GHz 8IFUIFSZPVDIPPTFPOFPGPVSTUBOEBSEUFTUTZTUFNToPSIBWF"3CVJMEBTZTUFNUPZPVSTQFDToZPVMMCFBNB[FEBUIPXFBTZ BDDVSBUFFGGJDJFOUBOEBGGPSEBCMFUFTUJOHDBOCF&WFSZUIJOHZPVOFFEJTSJHIUBUZPVSGJOHFSUJQT*UBMMXPSLTUPHFUIFSQFSGFDUMZCFDBVTF FWFSZUIJOHIBTCFFODBSFGVMMZTFMFDUFEBOEBTTFNCMFECZ"3FOHJOFFSTVTJOHUIFNPTUEFQFOEBCMFBOENPTUJOOPWBUJWFFRVJQNFOUPO UIFNBSLFUUPEBZ Why An AR System Is The Smart Choice t/PDPNQBOZIBTNPSFFYQFSJFODFBOEFYQFSUJTFJO&.$UFTUFRVJQNFOUUIBO"3 t3FEVDFE5FTU5JNFoHFUQSPEVDUTUPNBSLFUGBTUFS t*ODSFBTFE"DDVSBDZ-PXFS3JTL t1FSGPSNBODF(VBSBOUFFo"3NBOVGBDUVSFTUIFNBKPSJUZPGUIFDSJUJDBMTZTUFN DPNQPOFOUTBMMPXJOHVTUPNBUDIBOEHVBSBOUFFUIFNUPNFFUZPVSSFRVJSFNFOUT t&WFSZUIJOHJTGVMMZUFTUFECFGPSFCFJOHTIJQQFE t4JOHMFTPVSDFGPSTVQQPSUTFSWJDF t.PSF$PNQBDU1PSUBCMFo OVNFSPVTTZTUFNTDBOCFPOPOFQMBUGPSN t"VUPNBUFE5FTU4PGUXBSFo'SFF "3DBOEFMJWFSBTPMVUJPOUIBUJOUFHSBUFTBMMZPVSUFTUJOHOFFETSBEJBUFEBOEDPOEVDUFEJNNVOJUZSBEJBUFEBOEDPOEVDUFE FNJTTJPOTFMFDUSPTUBUJDEJTDIBSHFMJHIUOJOHTJNVMBUJPOyXIBUFWFSZPVOFFE8FIBWFUIFFYQFSUJTFBOEFYQFSJFODFUPTVQQMZGVMMZ BVUPNBUFETZTUFNTOFFEFEUPUFTUWBSJPVTTUBOEBSETJODMVEJOH*&$.*-45%BOE%0XJSFMFTTBVUPNPUJWF )*3'BOE)&30 5PMFBSONPSFWJTJUVTBUXXXBSXPSMEVTPSGPSUFDIOJDBMTVQQPSUDBMM Turnkey systems available. ISO 9001:2008 Certified rf/microwave instrumentation Other ar divisions: modular rf U receiver systems U ar europe We don’t just build great products. We build great products that last. www.arworld.us Download the AR RF/Microwave Mobile App: www.arworld.us/arApp USA 215-723-8181. For an applications engineer, call 800-933-8181. *O&VSPQFDBMMBS6OJUFE,JOHEPNtBS'SBODFtBS%FVUTDIMBOEtBS#FOFMVY $PQZSJHIUÏ"3 5IFPSBOHFTUSJQFPO"3QSPEVDUTJT 3FH641BU5.0GG Visit www.rsleads.com/608ee-001 04-05_EE_201608_IndustryUpdate_FINAL_eb.indd 5 7/7/2016 2:22:43 PM SPECIAL REPORT Sponsored by 5G TEST Algorithms, instruments rev up 5G By Rick Nelson, Executive Editor E ngineering functions including algorithm exploration and channel sounding are driving the emergence of 5G technology. Tools able to help drive 5G evolution include software, instruments, and measurement systems, as evidenced by exhibits at the International Microwave Symposium in May in San Francisco. Mark Pierpoint, vice president and general manager, Internet and Infrastructure, Keysight Technologies, chose an IMS press conference to outline his view of technology’s evolution. Pierpoint described a bimodal distribution of opportunities. Initiatives like SigFox, he said, focus on low bit-rate, low duty-cycle applications that can run 20 years on an AA cell. In contrast, many 5G prestandardization efforts promise better than 10-Gb/s continuous data rates with battery life undefined but perhaps measured in minutes. Pierpoint cited several challenges on the horizon: simulation and characterization for IoT, WLAN evolution to 802.11ax, millimeter wave (mmWave) channel modeling, and radio access technology with regard to 5G rollout, 5G frequency selection, and waveform technology selection. However the evolution proceeds, he said, it would be a mistake to view mmWave technologies as simply a tenfold speedup of RF. Complications arise from issues such as path loss, which may be mitigated by high-gain directional antennas, and coexistence with existing mmWave applications. On the IMS show floor, Keysight highlighted a variety of instruments and software, including the X-Series signal analyzers, the CX3300 Series device current waveform analyzers, and an Eband testbed solution that enables the generation and analysis of wide-bandwidth mmWave signals for 5G and other emerging communications applications. As for software, Keysight highlighted the EEsof EDA SystemVue 2016 release (Figure 1), which includes a phasedarray library and a 5G baseband verification library. The W1720EP Phased Array Beamforming Kit is a new add-on software simulation personality for the SystemVue 2016.08 design environment. The software enables researchers and system architects working on platforms using beamforming algorithms for 5G, satellite, NewSpace, radar, and EW applications to reduce interference and power consumption while increasing physical range. Active electronically scanned array (AESA) systems can range from 16 to 256 elements for 5G applications to hundreds of elements in satellite systems and many thousands of individual baseband and RF signal paths in military systems. Keysight said its EEsof EDA’s W1720EP kit addresses two key challenges with regard to AESA systems: • Engineers can model highly parallel architectures across multiple simulation domains, allowing multiple teams to use the same tool and make architectural trade-offs. • Engineers can model the signals as single beams or maintain access to the individual signals passing through the arrays, thereby enabling multifunction, 3D conformal arrays to be validated in higher-level system scenarios using active signaling between multiple transmitters and receivers. By incorporating MathWorks’ MATLAB Script, SystemVue seamlessly integrates existing algorithms and extends array design tools to the RF and system design communities. This allows system modelers to explore the realistic performance of baseband and RF beamforming architectures to save cost and complexity and streamlines R&D design efficiency across disciplines. Strengthening design support Figure 1. SystemVue 2016 release with phased-array library Courtesy of Keysight Technologies 6 evaluationengineering.com 06-09_EE_201608_SpecialReport_5G_FINAL_eb.indd 6 MathWorks itself was at IMS, highlighting capabilities to strengthen design support for digitally assisted RF MIMO systems. Updates to RF Toolbox, SimRF, and the Antenna Toolbox in Release 2016a of its software will help engineers ramp-up on RF simulation, assist in performing a firstorder RF budget analysis that is extendable with advanced models, and help integrate the results of RF design in system-level simulation. The RF Budget Analyzer App simplifies the creation and analysis of RF architectures and automatically generates a block diagram model for simulation in Simulink. August 2016 7/7/2016 4:16:58 PM SPECIAL REPORT - 5G TEST Ken Karnofsky, senior strategist, signal processing, outlined some of the challenges and MathWorks’ approach to meeting them. Innovation drivers, he said, include ultrahigh throughput, massive connectivity for IoT, and device integration—all of which must be achieved in the face of accelerating product cycles. One result is a change in the need for particular engineering roles and skills. Next-generation wireless designs, Karnofsky said, require at least seven different skills in the areas of system architecture design, DSP algorithm exploration, software development, digital-hardware design, mixed-signal design, RF design, and antenna design. MATLAB and Simulink, he said, span these areas from system architecture investigations through prototyping and product implementation. The software supports rapid and flexible algorithm exploration, design, and analysis while enabling unified simulation of digital, RF, and antenna elements. Karnofsky outlined 5G requirements, including better than 20-Gb/s data rates, less than 10-ms latency, and LTE/WAN coexistence. Candidate technologies include massive MIMO and beamforming, active phased-array antennas, and new waveforms, including UFMC, FBMC, and GFDM. Candidate waveforms, Karnofsky said, can be defined and evaluated using MATLAB, with the goals of minimizing interference, assessing the impact of digital and hybrid beamforming techniques, and modeling and assessing the impact of antenna configurations. He described Ericsson’s use of MathWorks tools to develop an FPGA-based 5G testbed employing beamforming algorithms for multi-user MIMO, achieving 25-Gb/s data rates in a field trial. mmWave transceiver National Instruments highlighted a number of innovations at IMS, including advanced mmWave technology for channel sounding and 5G prototyping as well as advanced solutions for RFIC test from lab-based characterization systems to high-volume manufacturing test solutions using the NI Semiconductor Test System. In addition, NI showcased a softwaredefined radio (SDR) for the mmWave spectrum. David Hall, principal product manager for RF test systems at NI, said the new NI mmWave transceiver system (Figure 2) can transmit and receive wide- Figure 2. NI mmWave transceiver system Courtesy of National Instruments Chipmaker looks to 5G Dedicated 5G chips are, of course, not in production as the standard remains in the R&D stage. Nevertheless, at IMS 2016 Qorvo highlighted a variety of chips and capabilities suggesting how cellular technology is evolving. Sumit Tomar, general manager of Qorvo’s Wireless Infrastructure Business Unit, said that with the advent of 5G techniques such as massive MIMO, it’s an exciting time for a semiconductor company providing RF solutions. Tomar said he expects to see extensive activity both below and above 6 GHz as researchers evaluate trade-offs in range and data rates. He suggested that higher carrier frequencies may find use in extending indoor data-carrying capacities—in arenas, for example. He further said he doesn’t expect 4G to go away—rather, 5G functions will appear on top of 4G capabilities. Tomar highlighted Qorvo’s new TQP92xx and TQP94xx families of power amplifiers (PAs) for smallcell base stations, which, he said, promise to improve connectivity, expand capacity, and minimize disruptions on LTE/LTE-Advanced networks. The devices target distributed antenna systems. Systems using these PAs can eliminate the need for linearization or digital predistortion correction, reducing system complexity. Qorvo’s eight new PAs cover 3GPP bands between 1.8 to 2.4 GHz and are pin-for-pin compatible. Tomar said, “Multimode, multiband small-cell base stations pose significant RF challenges in terms of size, power-added efficiency, and co-existence between WLAN and cellular frequency bands. Qorvo has worked closely with customers to address these RF challenges to create a portfolio of PAs, LNAs, filters, and duplexers to enable carrier aggregation in smallcell base stations, and we’re pleased to add this new family of multistage PAs to that offering.” Earl Lum, president of EJL Wireless Research, said in a press release, “While mobile operators continue to deploy outdoor macrocell sites to increase capacity, the wireless industry is transitioning to in-building wireless solutions. LTE/LTE-Advanced drives the need to extend wireless signal coverage indoors for corporate offices, hospitals, shopping malls, and other enterprise clients. Distributed antenna systems and carrier-grade OEM small-cell solutions like Ericsson Radio Dot, Huawei LampSite, Nokia Flexi Zone, and ZTE’s Qcell are key technologies that address the ever-growing in-building wireless coverage/capacity problem.” Qorvo’s multistage PAs integrate matching in a lowcost surface-mount package to allow for compact system design. With linear performance at -47 dBc ACLR using a 20-MHz LTE signal, the TQP92xx product family provides 24-dBm average linear power, and the TQP94xx family offers 27-dBm average linear power. August 2016 06-09_EE_201608_SpecialReport_5G_FINAL_eb.indd 7 evaluationengineering.com 7 7/7/2016 4:17:13 PM SPECIAL REPORT Sponsored by 5G TEST bandwidth signals at a 2-GHz real-time bandwidth, covering the spectrum in the E-band, 71 to 76 GHz. Engineers and scientists have used SDRs in the spectrum below 6 GHz for years. However, Hall said, with companies investing in mmWave as a potential core technology for 5G, researchers now have a full-featured SDR platform to drive initiatives based on this technology. The mmWave transceiver system includes new PXI Express modules that collectively function as an mmWave access point for a user device. Because of the transceiver’s flexibility, users can develop mmWave communication prototyping systems or perform channel measurements using the same system. The mmWave baseband software delivers a complete mmWave physical layer including channel coding in LabVIEW virtual instrument source code to expedite system development while alleviating many of the system integration tasks. Researchers also can use the mmWave transceiver system baseband with the E-band mmWave heads or other third-party RF front ends to offer maximum flexibility for exploring other mmWave and microwave frequency bands. According to Hall, 5G will undoubtedly include frequencies above 6 GHz, and the mmWave transceiver system will assist in understanding the propagation models of higher frequency signals and building real-world prototypes. Hall said that Nokia, as a key participant in NI’s RF/Communications Lead User program, has been working with early versions of the mmWave transceiver system in its 5G research initiatives for more than a year. Tod Sizer, head of mobile radio research for Nokia Bell Labs, said in a press release, “NI’s mmWave transceiver system has been a key research platform for our mmWave research. The platform delivers the right combination of hardware and software necessary to expedite our research and has given us confidence that mmWave will indeed be a critical technology for 5G.” He added that at this year’s Brooklyn 5G Summit in April Nokia demonstrated a high-data-rate mmWave system using a phased array at 60 GHz using NI’s platform. Rohde & Schwarz at IMS highlighted several products with applicability to 5G test, including its R&S TS-5GCS 5G channel sounding software together with an R&S FSW signal and spectrum analyzer (Figure 3) and an R&S SMW200A vector signal generator. The R&S SMW200A has a frequency range of up to 40 GHz and, in channel-sounding applications, Figure 3. R&S FSW signal and spectrum analyzer Courtesy of Rohde & Schwarz is used as the sounding signal source. The R&S FSW operates as a receiver and can be employed with various frequencies and bandwidths. The R&S FSW85, for example, enables users to analyze sounding signals up to 85 GHz without an external mixer. Adding the R&S FSWB2000 option extends the possible analysis bandwidth to 2 GHz. Vector network analyzers efficiency, analysis, and tuning of a data transmission signal path, allowing users to see the results of circuit changes in near real time. Copper Mountain Technologies (CMT) highlighted two new VNAs and a reflectometer, and the company said it has teamed up with Farran Technology to develop a product for making mmWave Sparameter measurements. The result of CMT’s collaboration with Farran Technology is CobaltFx, (Figure 5) which, the companies said, provides labquality results in a compact and affordable solution. They called the system the first mmWave frequency extension solution built on a 9-GHz VNA. It is available in three dedicated waveguide bands: 50 to 75 GHz, 60 to 90 GHz, and 75 to 110 GHz. The system is anchored by a 9-GHz VNA from CMT’s Cobalt Series. It features fast sweep speeds down to 10 μs per point and a dynamic range of up to 162 dB in a compact USB form factor. The C4209 works seamlessly and exclusively with Farran Technology’s mmWave FEV frequency extenders. Tom Scanlon, director of marketing and sales at Farran Technology, said the Cobalt Series’ high performance made possible the use of a 9-GHz VNA as opposed to the usual 20GHz VNA. The extenders are packaged in small and versatile enclosures that allow for flexible port arrangements with respect to waveguides. Waveguide ports are manufactured in accordance to the new IEEE 1785-2a standard and ensure industry-best alignment and repeatability of connection, allowing for long interval times between calibration. Utilizing a lab-quality yet low-cost 9-GHz USB VNA and other innovations in the extension modules makes CobaltFx more compact and less expensive—about half that of existing solutions in the same frequency range, CMT said. The size and flexibility of the waveguide ports allow for significant improvements in portabil- Anritsu showcased its high-frequency test instruments that address the challenges associated with emerging microwave and mmWave technologies, including 5G. The company highlighted its VectorStar and ShockLine (Figure 4) vector network analyzer (VNA) families, both of which feature Anritsu’s patented nonlinear transmission line technology. The company demonstrated a measurement system featuring the VectorStar MS4640B VNA and the MG3710A RF signal generator that conducted modulated measurements, with the VNA configured with 200 MHz of instantaneous bandwidth. Anritsu exhibited the E-band option for its ShockLine MS46522B two-port VNA, which can make accurate measurements from 55 to 92 GHz in manufacturing environments. Anritsu also highlighted a new eyediagram option for VectorStar; the option can help SI engineers responsible for the design of high-speed data transmission requirements necessary for emerging systems such as 5G. The new Eye Diagram option updates the VectorStar display via a trace-based process rather than a conventional file-based method, eliminating the need to manually transfer .SnP files. Unlike other VNAs, there is no need to store the S-parameter performance in a file and then recall the file to observe the eye diagram. The company said the option improves measurement Figure 4. ShockLine vector network analyzer Courtesy of Anritsu 8 evaluationengineering.com 06-09_EE_201608_SpecialReport_5G_FINAL_eb.indd 8 August 2016 7/7/2016 4:17:28 PM SPECIAL REPORT - 5G TEST MEASUREMENT COMPUTING Ethernet Devices for Remote Monitoring and Control Easy to Use • Easy to Integrate Easy to Support Figure 5. CobaltFx including 9-GHz VNA and Farran Technology frequency extenders Courtesy of Copper Mountain Technologies ity and the lab-quality measurements, making it suitable for 5G applications. CMT also announced that it has expanded the frequency range of its Compact VNA line to 6.5 and 8.5 GHz. The S5065 operates in the frequency range from 20 kHz to 6.5 GHz while the S5085 addresses the frequency range from 20 kHz to 8.5 GHz. These compact VNAs have a typical dynamic range of 138 dB at 1-Hz IFBW, can make measurements as fast as 70 μs per point, and are fully programmable. “The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G has RF engineers searching for test and measurement solutions that fit their changing needs. Smaller, lab-quality USB vector network analyzers help address that,” said Alex Goloschokin, CMT managing director, in a press release. “Increasing the frequency range of our Compact Series will allow even more engineers to make lab-quality measurements for the rapidly growing number of IoT devices they’re creating.” Looking to next year IMS 2016 concluded with a keynote from National Instruments’ president, CEO, and cofounder Dr. James Truchard about the importance of 5G, in which Dr. Truchard explained how a softwarebased approach will enable the explosion of wireless connectivity. He added that 5G will be a key technology of the IoT, offering the promise not only of high-speed data rates and low power, but also the low latency required for control applications. “The concept of the platform will play a significant role in test and design in general,” he said, where millions of applications can run on one platform. “We at NI have hundreds of thousands of measurement apps all built around a common set of software and a common set of hardware.” He proposed a hybrid approach with multiple models of computation to support quick prototyping and de- sign. What’s needed, he explained, is a common platform for the entire design cycle—from algorithm engineering to end-device production test. 5G efforts are continuing. Since IMS, Keysight and National Applied Research Laboratories (NAR Labs), Taiwan, announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding to establish a strategic partnership on research and development of 5G communication technologies. Both parties are committed to working together on the 5G enabling technologies as well as prototype verification and evaluations with a goal of enhancing future Taiwan wireless communication innovations. The partnership between Keysight and the National Chip Implementation Center of NAR Labs started with mmWave front-end circuit design technology and, the organizations said, will lead to the launch of next-generation high-speed broadband mmWave wireless communications experimental networks. The system will include a Keysight PSG vector signal generator, a 12-GS/s arbitrary waveform generator, and an Infiniium oscilloscope. Keysight’s SystemVue 5G Baseband Verification Library will accompany these hardware solutions. This advanced software library increases productivity for system architects and baseband physical-layer designers by providing trusted algorithmic-reference and signal processing capability for 5G technology research. 5G promises to be a key topic at IMS 2017, scheduled for June 4-9 in Honolulu. “5G is the next horizon for wireless connectivity and the catalyst to make the Internet of Things a universal reality, but the transition still presents a number of challenges for the microwave and RF industry to address,” said Dr. Wayne Shiroma, IMS 2017 general chair. “The sharing of knowledge and collaboration that IMS enables are the keys to bringing 5G, and technologies beyond it, to life.” EE NEW Thermocouple Input E-TC - Only $479 • 8 thermocouple inputs • 24-bit resolution • 4 S/s per channel sample rate • 8 digital I/O Multifunction DAQ E-1608 - Only $499 • Eight 16-bit analog inputs • 250 kS/s sample rate • 2 analog outputs • 8 digital I/O, 1 counter Digital I/O E-DIO24 - Only $289 • 24-channel digital I/O • ±24 mA high-drive capability • Digital output alarm • One 32-bit event counter DAQ Companion Software DAQami™ 3.0 - Only $49 • Acquire and generate data from analog, digital, and counter signals • Try DAQami FREE for 30 Days Ethernet devices include comprehensive drivers & support for C++®, C#®, Visual Basic®, DASYLab®, and NI LabVIEW™. mccdaq.com/ethernet Contact Us 1.800.234.4232 ©2016 Measurement Computing Corporation [email protected] Visit www.rsleads.com/608ee-003 August 2016 06-09_EE_201608_SpecialReport_5G_FINAL_eb.indd 9 evaluationengineering.com 9 7/7/2016 4:17:41 PM SPECIAL REPORT MODULAR DMMs Sponsored by DMMs extended and refined By Tom Lecklider, Senior Technical Editor T oday’s DMM designs are all about increasing a test system’s capability to comprehensively address diverse applications. For example, because DMMs already need to make isolated measurements, several manufacturers have added isolated digitizer functionality. This means that the same module can accomplish data acquisition and logging as well as conventional DMM measurements. In another case, DSP-based algorithms are performing RMS computation, but this is just one of the many signal processing jobs that a DSP can do. In the process of developing DMMs beyond their basic measurement roots, trade-offs must be made. Very high measurement resolution and accuracy generally imply slower speed. High speed and high input impedance often attract more noise. And, safety clearances and maximum voltage ratings come under greater scrutiny as a module’s component density increases to accommodate new features. A manufacturer’s emphasis on certain application areas determines how these and many other performance issues will be balanced in a new design. Changing the name To better describe the mix of capabilities in its PXMe7820 (PXIe interface) instrument, VX Instruments calls it a high-speed multimeasurement device. The company’s Christian Plötz, technical sales engineer, explained, “Our philosophy is to have a digitizer that also is able to be a DMM. So we are thinking in MS/s. [Most] manufacturers of DMMs design a DMM and update the device with digitizer functionality, so they are thinking in reading/s.” The PXMe7820 functions as a 40-MS/s, 16-bit high-speed digitizer that can handle 250-V peak signals and has a 5-MHz bandwidth. In addition, it is a fully isolated 24-bit resolution DMM that measures inductance, capacitance, and two- and four-wire resistance as well as the usual AC and DC voltage and current. As shown in Figure 1, the typical front-panel banana jacks have been replaced by coaxial connectors to handle high-speed signals. “Our customers often have the need to realize shorter test times to generate a higher product throughput,” Plötz said. “The PXMe7820 therefore combines high-speed measurement and the high-speed interfacing of PXIe. Furthermore, the combination of different functions in one device reduces the need for additional elements such as cabling and matrix units in the test setup. This also can reduce the test times of the application. Moreover,” he continued, “there is a rising demand for measurement devices that have a minimum influence Figure 1. PXMe7820 high-speed on the measured signal. That multimeasurement instrument Courtesy of VX Instruments is why we focused on high input impedance.” VX Instruments produces a number of digitizers, power supplies, source-measure units, arbitrary waveform generators, and DMMs. Plötz said that the company’s experience gained 10 evaluationengineering.com 10-13_EE_201608_SpecialReport_ModularDMMs_FINAL_eb.indd 10 through its digitizer and power supply designs was especially helpful when developing the multimeasurement PXMe7820. In particular, he said, the very low-noise and low capacitance to ground of the power supplies that drive the isolated measurement circuitry are key to high AC accuracy. Pickering Interfaces distributes the PXMe7820 in the United States. Emphasizing measurement accuracy National Instruments’ PXIe-4081 DMM (Figure 2) follows on from the earlier PXI-4071 model and continues to focus on measurement accuracy. Several factors such as long-term stability, built-in calibration standards, and good thermal design contribute to measurement accuracy. Basic inductance and capacitance measurements are not included in the 4081. Instead, they are available on NI’s PXIe-4082, a 6½-digit instrument with reduced specifications compared to the 4081: 1-A maximum current rather than 3 A, 300-V maximum voltage rather than 1,000 V, and 25 ppm of reading + 6 ppm voltage accuracy on the 10-V range vs. 12 ppm + 0.5 ppm. According to Mike Watts, product managermodular instruments at the company, “The PXIe4081 7½-digit DMM builds on the technology used in the PXI-4071 Figure 2. NI-PXIe-4081 7½-digit DMM DMM, using a unique Courtesy of National Instruments combination of off-theshelf high-speed ADC technology and a custom-designed sigma-delta converter to provide the noise, linearity, and speed performance required to achieve high-speed and high-precision measurements in a single instrument. Additionally, the PXIe-4081 DMM uses one of the most stable onboard voltage references available, Linear Technology’s LTZ1000 Ultra Precision Reference, to provide stable performance across temperature and time.” Having an accurate onboard voltage reference certainly makes calibration convenient, but including a good reference and actually achieving the best possible performance from it are two different things. The LTZ1000 datasheet identifies some of the possible pitfalls. Small temperature differences can generate error voltages that are significant compared to the reference’s basic specifications. One way this occurs is through the thermocouples formed when the device’s Kovar leads are soldered to copper PCB traces and via the thermocouples inherent in resistors and other associated components. In addition, mechanical stresses caused by temperature differences or because of the way a PCB has been mounted can change the reference output. A design that successfully avoids degrading the voltage reference accuracy provides several benefits. Obviously, the DMM accuracy can be directly linked to that of the reference. Beyond that, a reference with long-term stability implies that a DMM requires less frequent external calibration. In a white paper, NI August 2016 7/7/2016 1:56:20 PM Become your company’s most valuable player. Elevate your status with Keysight’s InoniiVision oscilloscopes. Get your projects on the fast track with features such as zone triggering, built-in analysis software and super-fast waveform update rates. Plus Keysight has a team of experts ready and available to help you overcome any test and measurement obstacles. You already have the talent, and with Keysight you have the tools you need to become your company’s MVP. Keysight InoniiVision oscilloscopes 2000 X-Series 3000T X-Series 4000 X-Series 6000 X-Series Bandwidth 70 MHz –200 MHz 100 MHz–1 GHz 200 MHz–1.5 GHz 1 GHz– 6 GHz Instrument integration Arbitrary waveform generator, digital voltmeter, protocol analyzer, FFT, counter, MSO Ready to achieve MVP status? Go to the Scopes Learning Center: www.keysight.com/find/ScopeMVP Buy from an Authorized Distributor: © Keysight Technologies, Inc. 2016 10-13_EE_201608_SpecialReport_ModularDMMs_FINAL_eb.indd 11 7/7/2016 12:15:29 PM SPECIAL REPORT MODULAR DMMs stated that, “… the PXIe-4081 includes a two-year guaranteed accuracy of 12 ppm to further reduce the cost of test by minimizing downtime for instrument calibration.”1 The PXIe-4081 also uses advanced DMM measurement techniques such as offset compensated Ohms and higher-order DC noise rejection. Ohms The Ohms function in the 4081 forces a current through the unknown resistance and measures the resulting voltage drop across it. Many applications involve not just the resistance in question, but also an accompanying voltage source. Examples given in an NI technical note include switching systems using uncompensated reed relays with Kovar leads (because of the Kovar-copper thermocouple voltage), in-circuit measurements on live power supply conductors, and measuring the resistance of batteries or forward-biased diodes.2 Sponsored by Offset Ohms compensation operates by measuring the voltage across the unknown resistance one time without any test current and again with test current. In the first measurement, any voltage that is measured is caused by an associated voltage source. Subtracting that value from the second reading effectively eliminates the voltage source from the measurement. The technique works well but does have limitations. In the technical note, NI cautions against trying to eliminate offsets larger than 1 V. The offset Ohms compensation mode is intended for use when measuring low resistance values that usually produce a small test voltage. Because the test voltage is small, thermal EMFs can have a significant effect on accuracy. Noise 9.9 0.707115028 0.707091726 0.707105897 9.955 0.707145561 0.707101900 0.707107558 Noise rejection typically focuses on reducing contributions at the AC supply frequency and its harmonics. One of the advantages of a sigma-delta converter, such as is used in the PXIe4081, is the noise reduction it provides by bandwidth shaping. As noted in an EE-Evaluation Engineering special report, Analog Devices’ Walt Kester explained that in a sigma-delta ADC, the modulator shapes the noise, ”… so that it lies above the passband of the digital output filter, and the ENOB [effective number of bits] is therefore much larger than would otherwise be expected from the oversampling ratio.”3 Interestingly, Linear Technology recently released a 24-bit successive approximation ADC that operates at a 2-MS/s rate and includes an integrated digital filter capable of performing up to 65,536 averages.4 With this number of averages, the company claims the output achieves a 30.5 reading/s rate with less than 1 LSB of noise at a full 24-bit resolution. Of course, it takes more than an ADC to make a DMM, but it is important that sigma-delta ADCs no longer are the only path to high resolution. The PXIe-4081 digital output filter provides additional noise reduction, and in the 4071, three selections are available. Normal DC noise rejection implements a digital filter with equal weighting for all samples. This means that transmission nulls occur at frequencies that are integer multiples of the inverse of the ADC aperture period. For example, specifying a 20-ms aperture corresponds to nulls at 50 Hz, 100 Hz, 150 Hz…. This type of noise rejection is similar to that used in DMMs with conventional dual-slope ADCs that typically measured for a number of power line cycles. Second-order DC noise rejection creates nulls only at even multiples of the inverse of the aperture period, but the nulls are wider and the overall response falls off faster with frequency than for normal DC rejection. This means that the aperture time must be twice as long as with normal DC filtering to attenuate the same frequencies. Finally, high-order DC noise reduction provides more than 100 dB of rejection for frequencies greater than about 4.5/aperture time. Using the same 50-Hz example, the aperture time must be at least 90 ms. The high-order filter has the benefit of very large attenuation for any frequency higher than 4.6/aperture time, but it does significantly reduce the readings/s rate. 10.123 0.707113748 0.707091002 0.707105962 Addressing field operation Noninteger number of samples improves RMS accuracy A DMM performs uncorrelated sampling because the position of a sample relative to a cycle of the input frequency is completely random. RMS measurement accuracy improves as the number of samples per signal cycle increases, but a significant error can remain if only integer numbers of samples are used. Requiring a very large number of samples isn’t practical in a power monitoring application because determinations need to be made within only a single cycle or even a half cycle. Instead, a research paper1 proposes interpolating the zero-crossing position between the last sample within a cycle and the first sample of the next cycle. By using a fractional sample period for the last sample, RMS accuracy can be greatly improved. To see how this might work, an Excel spreadsheet was used to model a 3-MS/s sample rate and a 300-kHz maximum input frequency sine wave. At a 375-readings/s rate, 8,000 samples could be acquired. A few noninteger sample rate-to-signal frequency relationships close to 10:1 were tried to simulate uncorrelated sampling. In this model, the first sample was aligned with the beginning of the waveform and was not interpolated. More generally, the paper discusses treating both the first and last sample differently to account for their positions relative to the beginning and end of complete cycles. The table shows the results of the experiment. Sampling ratio Using last sample Using one more sample Theoretical result Linearly interpolating 0.707106781 Excel RMS simulation comparing accuracy of integer vs. noninteger number of samples Reference 1. Mog, G. E. and Ribeiro, Dr. E. P., “Mean and RMS calculations for sampled periodic signals with non-integer number of samples per period applied to AC energy systems,“ Universidade Federal do Paraná – UFPR, Centro Politécnico da UFPR, Brazil, October 2004. 12 evaluationengineering.com 10-13_EE_201608_SpecialReport_ModularDMMs_FINAL_eb.indd 12 Marvin Test Solutions’ (MTS) Mike Dewey, director of marketing at the company, positioned the MTS GX2065-M DMM (Figure 3) as, “… a rugged, extended temperature version of the GX2065 DMM. Developed to address the demanding environmental conditions associated with portable/flightline test applications, the GX2065-M retains the same features and capabilities as the GX2065 but extends the operating and storage temperature ranges. Specifically, the GX2065-M is designed to operate from -20°C to +70°C.” Several of the trade-offs associated with the GX2065 design are discussed in a 2012 Autotestcon paper.5 Rather than using August 2016 7/7/2016 12:15:46 PM SPECIAL REPORT - MODULAR DMMs the 22-bit DC path, AC measurements are made by the 3-MS/s, 16-bit isolated digitizer. This approach allows a large number of samples to be acquired for each RMS calculation. The exact details of the RMS algorithm aren’t available, but it obviously increases resolution from the basic 16 bits of each sample to the 6½ digits (22 bits) quoted in the datasheet. As the paper describes, “The DMM returns raw measurements Figure 3. GX2065-M and stores correction values in- ruggedized, extendedternally as 64-bit fixed-point inte- temperature range DMM gers. Every DMM measurement Courtesy of Marvin Test Solutions requires at least the multiplication of two 64-bit integers and the division of the result by a 64-bit integer. The multiplication … can be done easily and quickly in software, [and] … takes only about 100 clock cycles…. However, … to speed up the [divide] computation, a custom 128-bit by 128-bit division peripheral was created in Verilog and instantiated in the FPGA.” In another example of hardware/software trade-offs, “… logic-based state machines were implemented wherever possible, with interrupts used for servicing the various measurement and communication events.” This approach allowed most tasks to be handled outside of the main processor, such as, “… communicating across the isolation barrier, transferring data to the PCI bus, and reading the PWM outputs from the temperature sensors.” The paper highlights some of the design considerations necessary to support the wide operating temperature range: “For high-temperature operation, careful layout and board cuts are required to minimize self-heating effects…. The PXI DMM uses the LM399 voltage reference, which includes a built-in, automatically controlled heater. For high-temperature operation, the heater’s power dissipation isn’t a problem because it automatically reduces its power consumption. However, at low temperatures, the heater must use the maximum amount of current to bring the voltage reference up to temperature.” MTS solved the problem of a large current load at start-up by carefully sequencing the power supplies. Only after all of the supplies are operating and the voltage reference is near its final temperature are the analog supply regulators enabled. As the paper explains, “The complete sequence requires about 10 s at room temperature but can require up to 1 minute at -20°C.” Dewey concluded, “Besides offering the capability to work over an extended temperature range and be rugged enough for portable applications, we see the need for enhanced functionality. The capability to incorporate digitizing functionality and associated waveform analysis functions helps make the DMM a more useful and capable multifunction measurement instrument. The capability to measure and analyze waveform amplitudes, frequency, and even spectrums helps to drive down a test system’s footprint.” EE References 1. PXI Express DMMs form foundation for more accurate, smarter test systems, National Instruments, White Paper, April 2016. 2. “Offset compensated Ohms,” NI Digital Multimeters Help 3.0, June 2009. 3. Lecklider, T., “Taking signals to bits, modularly,” EE-Evaluation Engineering, March 2016, pp. 6-8. 4. “24-Bit 2-MSps SAR ADC Achieves 145-dB Dynamic Range,” Linear Technology, News Release, November 2015. 5. Dewey, M. and Robins, J., “Incorporating advanced instrumentation capabilities into a PXI digital multimeter instrument,” IEEE Autotestcon Proceedings, 2012. Visit www.rsleads.com/608ee-005 10-13_EE_201608_SpecialReport_ModularDMMs_FINAL_eb.indd 13 7/7/2016 12:16:03 PM DESIGN FOR TEST Impacting accuracy of chipmaker’s quality tests By Peter Sarson, Gregor Schatzberger, and Andreas Wild, ams AG N ear the beginning of every chip design project, the design team will have a debate about the trade-off between cost and quality. One of the most vexed questions tends to be about the value of incorporating dedicated test modes into the circuit design—that is, about adopting a design for test (DFT) approach. On the one hand, DFT adds design work and increases the die area to accommodate test functionality that is not used in the end application. On the other, DFT can enable more precise and/or more accurate testing of the chip’s characteristics. This enables the manufacturer to improve quality because the performance of each shipped unit can more closely match the device’s specifications as documented in the datasheet. At ams, an automotive-qualified (ISO/TS16949) manufacturer of analog and mixed-signal semiconductors, quality is of paramount importance, and this gives the company a close-up view of the value of DFT—even in the digital parts of mixedsignal products. This article uses the example of an EEPROM IP block to show how DFT enables more accurate characterization of the block and the impact that this has on the quality of devices shipped to automotive customers. Figure 1 shows the architecture of an EEPROM bit cell. cycles. (In a fast bit, the cell programming/erasing voltage is very low.) Fast bits occur as an inherent feature of the silicon fabrication process. They are created when aluminum in the wet etch contaminates the oxide layer. The problem for the IC test engineer is that, although these fast bits might work properly when the EEPROM is initially programmed and erased, after multiple cycles, the low programming voltage will result in the bit cell failing prematurely. Automotive quality requirements, however, call for zero defects in any bit cells in any EEPROM device. So how can the manufacturer guarantee that no single unit will become unprogrammable before its specified number of write/erase cycles? The solution is to screen out all dies containing one or more fast bits. And this is where the value of DFT becomes clear. Figure 2 shows a distribution of dies with fast bits in a wafer. To meet its quality standard, ams must be able to guarantee that devices close to the pass/fail threshold will stay good after the specified minimum number of write/erase cycles. 1152 1152 SOURCELINE MP0 800 748 MP1 WORDLINE WELL MP2 400 BITLINE 312 Potential Fast bit device FAST bit device Figure 1. The architecture of an EEPROM bit cell EEPROMs: the determinants of quality For the user of an EEPROM, a type of nonvolatile memory, quality normally is specified in the following terms: • the number of write/erase cycles it can support, and • the length of time it can retain data. A typical requirement is for 10 years’ data retention. These quality measures are, in turn, determined by three characteristics of an EEPROM die: • endurance loops (the number of write operations the EEPROM can withstand before it can no longer be programmed), • the input voltage at which a bit cell can be programmed and erased, and • the charge held in a bit cell after a write operation. The bit cell charge is important because, over time, charge leaks from a programmed cell. The initial charge when programmed must be sufficiently high to allow for this leakage while still guaranteeing the full 10 years’ data retention capability. Likewise, the input voltage when the device is new must be above a certain minimum to guarantee that no fast bits are present and to ensure that a device can withstand n write/erase 14 evaluationengineering.com 14-15_EE_201608_DesignforTest_FINAL_eb.indd 14 144 0 0 8 1 0 0 1 1 0 2 3 0 1 3 6 2 3 8 56 32 22 45 9 75 10 4 0 11 Volt1stEraseBitA/MEAS_DIR_VI16 Figure 2. Distribution of fast bits within a wafer Precise characterization of EEPROM devices For its foundry customers, ams must be able to characterize production wafers containing EEPROM blocks to filter out failed dies and guarantee the lifetime and data retention of known good dies. As shown above, characterization of an EEPROM die calls for measurements of input voltage and bit cell charge. And in an EEPROM IP block, these measurements can only be captured accurately with dedicated test circuitry routed to a pin (Figure 3). This DFT circuitry connects the on-chip high-voltage generator in such a way that the voltage needed to program and erase the bit cells may be driven from outside the chip. Once August 2016 7/7/2016 11:51:45 AM MEM BLOCK DATA LINE 130 MEM BLOCK DESIGN FOR TEST 140 DATA LINE B SAEN SAENB MP0 MN2 MP1 MN3 150 160 LATCH MN6 TM1 MN5 MP4 170 IREF TM2 MP3 180 SENSE AMP SAOUT vices that already had reached the end of their guaranteed operational lifetime. These dies then were baked for 4,000 hours at 250°C. According to the standard Arrhenius equation, this is equivalent to 10 years’ operation at 150°C. After this data-retention bake, the dies were tested to check for drift in the bit cell current. If the cell current was found to have drifted by less than 1 μA, data retention would have been verified. It turned out that all failures were actually triggered within the first 24 hours of baking. If data programmed on the last write operation of the most marginal device can be retained for 10 years, then the data retention capability of every other known good die can be confidently guaranteed. Transferring the development test method to production With the DFT circuitry embedded in the EEPROM IP, the fabrication plant at ams now can characterize every cell in every die in the way described above to screen MN3 MN0 MN1 MN4 out fast bit dies. Using the test method outlined here, known good dies with cell current and input voltage values exceedFigure 3. The DFT circuit implemented in EEPROM IP blocks provided by the ams Full ing the minimum threshold may be guarService Foundry anteed for any number of write/erase cycles and any data retention interval specified by the user of the EEPROM IP block. the bit cell is programmed or erased, the bit cell current can be The production test method includes a 24-hour bake at 250°C, measured on the same pin, accurate to within a few nanoamps. after which dies showing a cell current drift of more than 1 μA If the charge is below the minimum threshold for guaranteed are rejected. lifetime, the device will be failed. With this characterization program in place, more than 10 milThis DFT method guarantees that every bit cell in every chip lion EEPROMs, containing some 300 billion bit cells, have been in every wafer will be tested with the same input voltage. By produced, tested, and shipped to customers. The guarantee of contrast, in the absence of the dedicated test circuitry, the test quality supported by this production testing regime has been routine would use the device’s internal charge pump to generverified in practice: Not a single device has been returned from ate the voltage, and because of process variation, this voltage a customer, suggesting no failures have been found in the field. will vary from one die to another. As a result, the test results ams could not have verified its test method with sufficient will be subject to a degree of uncertainty: A bit cell with a low confidence, nor as accurately identified marginal bad devices, charge might be a failure in its own right—or it might have without the test modes implemented in the EEPROM IP block’s been exposed to too low a programming voltage. circuitry. This provides real-world proof of the value of impleThe DFT mode implemented by ams eliminates this source menting a DFT approach from the outset of a new chip design. of uncertainty, vastly improving the test quality of this block. Once all bit cells have been programmed or erased, a digital About the authors check can be initialized by sourcing an external reference curPeter Sarson, the test development manager for the Full Service rent to the external test-mode pin. The sense amplifier (Figure Foundry business unit at ams AG, began his 15-year semiconductor 3) compares the reference current to the current at the bit cell: If industry career in 2000 when he joined the LTX Applications Engithe bit cell current is greater than the reference, a digital high is neering Group. He received his Chartered Engineer Status from IET sent; if the bit cell current is smaller than the reference, a digiin 2003 and his Chartered Manager status in 2014. Sarson holds a tal low is sent. This produces a digital pattern to verify that all Bachelor of Engineering degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineerbits are programmed or erased correctly, which may be used to ing from The University of Sheffield. quickly check operation of the device. Gregor Schatzberger is principal analog designer at ams AG. He joined the company in 1998 and since then performed various roles Characterizing the device for production The test mode built into the IP block, then, provides for accurate within the BaseIP group of ams. Schatzberger has several patents and measurement of the crucial input voltage and cell current pahas written several papers. He holds a degree in Electronic Engineerrameters, enabling ams to reject dies containing fast bits. ing from the Technical University of Graz, Austria. The question then becomes, how can ams guarantee 10 Andreas Wild has been working as marketing manager for foundry years’ data retention in dies that pass the input voltage and services and technologies in the Full Service Foundry at ams since charge tests? 2003 and also is responsible for customers in the United States and To do so, it tested the performance of dies near the threshold southern Europe. He began his career in semiconductors in 1995 as of rejection as a fast bit. It exercised these dies with the maxian administrator responsible for the product engineering laboratory mum number of endurance loops the device was specified to at Austria Mikro Systeme International AG. Wild holds a high school withstand. This gave the test engineers a set of marginal dediploma in electronics. EE SAENDB August 2016 14-15_EE_201608_DesignforTest_FINAL_eb.indd 15 evaluationengineering.com 15 7/7/2016 11:52:06 AM ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING Building parts one layer at a time By Tom Lecklider, Senior Technical Editor I t’s easy to see from the many types of available systems and the innovative technologies being developed that additive manufacturing (AM) is an extremely active area. Although operating details vary widely, all of the approaches build an object in layers under computer control. One of these methods, stereolithography (SLA), was invented by Charles Hull in 1983. SLA cures photopolymer resins layer by layer using UV lasers and is one of the technologies used in machines made by 3D Systems, a company Hull co-founded. In May 2016, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers designated SLA-1, the first commercial rapid prototyping machine introduced by 3D Systems, as an Historic Engineering Landmark.1 In comments related to this recognition, Hull said, “Although I expected 3D printing to be embraced by manufacturers, I never could have anticipated how widespread 3D printing is today or the types of things that people are doing with it.” Hull’s words succinctly describe the current state of AM—a term now used almost interchangeably with 3D printing. Rapid prototyping remains a major market for AM tools and has attracted attention through applications such as making parts for Jay Leno’s classic cars. In a 2009 article,2 Leno said, “Let’s say you have an older Cadillac or a Packard, and you can’t get one of those beautifully ornate door handles. You could go to the big swap meet in Hershey, PA, every day for the rest of your life and never find it. Or, you could take the one on the left side of your car, copy it, use the computer to reverse it, [3D print it,] and put that new part on the other side.” For example, the feedwater heater on Leno’s 1907 White Steamer needed to be replaced, but the badly corroded part was an aluminum casting. It took 33 hours to 3D print a plastic replica of the original, which previously had been scanned and the mechanical imperfections removed in software. After checking the fit of the plastic replica, Leno sent it to a foundry that made a mold and cast the required replacement part. In another example, 3D Systems provided the printer used to make new air-conditioning vents for the custom Ecojet car.3 Leno concluded, “It’s an amazingly versatile technology…. We used plastic parts we designed, right out of the 3D copier. We didn’t have to make these scoops out of aluminum—plastic is what they use on a real car. And, the finished ones look like factory production pieces.” Figure 1. SLA-printed model of an exhaust manifold Courtesy of 3D Systems 16 evaluationengineering.com 16-19_EE_201608_AdditiveManufacturing_FINAL_eb.indd 16 Some things you can try at home … In contrast to many high-tech tools, AM has become so popular that machines are appearing with prices low enough to appeal to the hobby market. For example, Amazon currently is selling a FlashForge Finder model 3D printer for just under $500. This type of printer uses the fused deposition modeling (FDM) technique in which, according to a white paper4 from Stratasys, a professional-level 3D printer manufacturer, “Thermoplastic filament feeds through a heated head and exits, under high pressure, as a fine thread of semi-molten plastic. In a heated chamber, this extrusion process lays down a continuous bead of plastic to form a layer.” A recent PC Magazine blog5 compared the FlashForge Finder with other low-cost printers from XYZPrinting and LulzBot. The Finder has one extrusion nozzle so it can only produce a part in one color. The higher price FlashForge Dreamer model has two extrusion nozzles and can print in two colors. LulzBot uses an all-metal “hot end” and a wide range of 3-mm diameter filament materials. The FlashForge and XYZPrinting machines work with 1.75-mm diameter filaments made from either acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) or polylactic acid; XYZPrinting machines also can extrude a flexible filament material. Layer thickness is adjustable from 100 μm (about 0.004 inch) to 500 μm (about 0.020 inch) on the FlashForge and XYZPrinting machines and from 0.002 inch to 0.020 inch on the Lulzbot printer. … and others you can’t FDM machines necessarily produce a less well-controlled surface than SLA because the layer thickness is greater. However, there are lots of parameters to consider when deciding on an AM technology. A Stratasys white paper4 compared and contrasted the properties of FDM and the company’s trademarked PolyJet SLA-type printers. The SLA printers deposit layers of photopolymers that solidify when exposed to UV light. As the white paper states, “Polyjet gives you a near-paint-ready surface right out of the 3D printer…. That’s not true for FDM. The extrusion process can produce visible layer lines on side walls and tool paths on top and bottom surfaces.” The Stratasys J750 3D printer simultaneously works with up to six materials, mixing them as required at the print head and forming layers as thin as 0.00055 inch. This is a highend machine weighing 335 lb and requiring about 1.4 kW of power. Objects as large as 19.3 x 15.35 x 7.9 inches can be printed. New materials are developed continuously, so machine capabilities frequently change. Nevertheless, as the company’s white paper explained, FDM machines can work with a wide range of real plastics from low-cost ABS for basic models to nylon for engineering parts and even Ultem for high-temperature/ high-performance components. SLA printers are more limited in the applications they address because of the lower-performance materials that are available. Figure 1 shows an SLA-printed structural model of an exhaust manifold made from 3D Systems’ Visijet M2 RWT (rigid white) material. As described on August 2016 7/7/2016 11:47:15 AM Before“all systems are go,” all systems need to be good to go. Trust Keysight One Source Solutions for all your calibration needs. When you consolidate all your calibration needs with one trusted partner you’ll experience improved performance, increased asset utilization, reduced turnaround time and more success. By supporting Keysight and non-Keysight equipment, no matter how big the problem, or how diverse the test equipment, we’ll help you accomplish your mission. Keysight One Source Solutions Supported Calibrations Dimensional/Optical Yes Electrical Yes Electro-Optics Yes RF/Microwave Yes Physical/Mechanical Yes Launch your calibration to the next level. Get a quote today. www.keysight.com/find/AmericasOneSource USA: 800 829 4444 CAN: 877 894 4414 © Keysight Technologies, Inc. 2016. 16-19_EE_201608_AdditiveManufacturing_FINAL_eb.indd 17 7/7/2016 11:47:33 AM ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING the company’s website, “This material yields plastic parts that look and feel like white injection-molded plastic and allows for rigorous testing and use. It is durable and stable under varied conditions, making it ideal for functional testing and rapid tooling applications.” Technology variations SLA upside-down—inverse SLA Another approach to AM uses a liquid photopolymer resin in a vat at the bottom of the machine. Rather than selectively dispensing the build material only where it will form part of the completed object, as is done in both FDM and conventional SLA printers, inverse SLA systems cover the entire build area with a layer of resin. The material is polymerized by a light beam selectively deflected to the required locations. A similar method is used in high-tech electron-beam (e-beam) and laser-sintering AM processes in which layers of plastic or metal powder are laid down at the top of the build and selectively melted. Because AM is such an active business area, many technology variations exist. As an example, the Carbon3D M1 printer uses a relatively deep resin pool with a special oxygen-permeable glass bottom. The resin is formulated so that polymerization occurs only when the material is exposed to both light and oxygen. So, when an LED light source scans the current 2D slice, only the thin layer of material in contact with the glass plate is polymerized. The build platform at the top of the object in the M1 printer moves upward in synchronism with the succession of layers being scanned. As the printed object emerges from the resin pool, the effect is reminiscent of the Terminator rising up out of molten metal in the movie Terminator 2—an inspiration for the product according to Carbon3D co-founder Joseph DeSimone.6 Formlabs makes the lower-cost Form 1 and Form 2 printers that also use the inverse-SLA technique. These machines include an automated squeegee that traverses the clear window beneath the resin pool before each layer is printed. A video on the Formlabs website shows a part being raised, the squeegee traversing, the part being lowered, and then another layer polymerized. Finished parts must be cleaned in alcohol to remove the coating of uncured resin. Sintering and melting By definition, thermoplastics can be melted, and several 3D printer manufacturers have developed laser sintering machines that selectively fuse portions of successive thin layers of thermoplastic powder. The basic approach also has been applied to 3D powdered metal sintering. As a 2012 article7 reports, GE Aviation purchased a small company called Morris Technologies because Morris had invested in laser sintering technology. The article states, “… [This] involves spreading a thin layer of metallic powder onto a build platform and then [selectively] fusing the material with a laser beam. The process is repeated until an object emerges. Laser sintering is capable of producing all kinds of metal parts, including components made from aerospace-grade titanium.” In 2013, GE acquired the Italian aerospace company Avio,8 which had developed a type of e-beam melting AM process. Compared with sintering, e-beam melting produces a completely solid part—sintered parts only approach a solid part’s density, although they can come close. At about the same time, GE was perfecting a similar direct metal laser melting process capable of forming 100% solid parts. For a new jet engine fuel nozzle, shown in Figure 2, the company used a cobalt-chromium alloy fused in 20-μm layers. According to a GE report,9 “The process can take as long as 120 hours, and the workers use big data analytics to 18 evaluationengineering.com 16-19_EE_201608_AdditiveManufacturing_FINAL_eb.indd 18 Figure 2. CFM LEAP 3D-printed jet engine fuel nozzle Courtesy of GE monitor everything from the size of the weld pool [to] temperature and the stability of the laser.” Todd Rockstroh, a laser processing expert at GE Aviation, commented, “When we designed the nozzle, we wanted to make it from an alloy that was mature, well-known, and thoroughly tested—nothing exotic.” Cobalt-chromium materials have a long history of successful use in replacement knee and hip joints as well as dental implants. Rockstroh continued, “Because of their medical applications, there has been a tremendous amount of research done on these alloys. They are also pretty common because they serve such a large market, which makes them cheaper.” Fast-forward a few years, and in 2016 the CFM LEAP jet engine, jointly produced by partners GE and Snecma of France, is being tested in new airplanes. A GE report10 states that the 19 3D-printed fuel nozzles per engine will take the place of previous nozzles, each assembled from 20 separate parts. In addition, the new nozzles will be 25% lighter and 5x more durable. The article also notes that GE Aviation will make 100,000 3Dprinted parts by 2020. Electronics Rather than interpreting 3D printing as the formation of a 3D object, you could understand the term to mean more conventional 2D printing on a 3D substrate—a surface that isn’t flat. Optomec has developed the Aerosol Jet technology, which deposits a focused beam of atomized ink from a print nozzle. Relative motion between the print head and the substrate allows nonplanar applications to be addressed—such as printing the interconnections for a smart card before it is conformally coated. Commercially available metal-loaded inks from a number of sources either cure at low temperature or, for substrates that can tolerate higher temperatures, are sintered. Sintering in an oven produces conductivity approaching that of the bulk metal. Sintering with a built-in laser avoids heating the entire part but results in resistance 2x to 3x higher. An Optomec white paper11 referred to multilayer Aerosol Jet applications such as creating a capacitor from a dielectric layer sandwiched between two conducting layers, microsensors for avionics, and high-density interconnect backplanes for flat-panel displays. This technology excels at depositing a few layers of material to form a circuit or a 5-GHz carbon nanotube transistor as the University of Massachusetts and Brewer Science have demonstrated. As a separate initiative that is described on the company’s website, Optomec also has developed a 3D metal sintering machine, which creates parts layer by layer from powdered metal. The interesting aspect of this printer is the use of technology August 2016 7/7/2016 1:59:01 PM ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING similar to the Aerosol Jet technique. Metal powder simultaneously is deposited by a spray nozzle and sintered by a highpower laser. This method would appear to require significantly less powdered metal than is used by machines that lay down complete rather than selective layers. The approach also can be used to repair parts. said. “With the cluster now in place, the up-front cost has been paid for us to make any type of part. Plus, if at any moment in time we need to change a part, we can change it quickly.” AM has revolutionized product development time scales and economics for a wide range of manufacturers. And, it’s being used in production to make parts that can’t be conventionally manufactured as well as provide immediate inventory control. AM in action EE Hull’s expectation that 3D printing would revolutionize prototype production has become reality. Nevertheless, AM involves equipment, processes, and materials that are distinct from conventional machining. Training and experience are necessary before you can get the best results. One way that companies can take advantage of 3D printing without much risk is to submit their digital design files to a printing bureau. For example, 3D Systems provides a range of capabilities via the company’s on-demand parts-manufacturing Quickparts 3D design-to-manufacturing service—“the world’s leading provider of unique low-volume and high-volume custom-designed parts,” according to the 3D Systems website. If you do not have AM experience, partnering with a company that uses a number of technologies can be an advantage. On the production side, clusters of 3D printers are being used—in the case of LulzBot, 140 3D printers run for at least 100 hours per week to manufacture parts for more LulzBot printers. According to comments made by Stan Middlekauff, cluster production supervisor, in an article on the LulzBot website, “The alternative to having [a] cluster producing those parts would be injection molding everything, but the injection molding cost for a die could be thousands of dollars and upward,” Middlekauff References 1. Millsaps, B. B., “Celebrating Chuck Hull & the SLA-1 Original 3D Printer—Now a Historic Mechanical Engineering Landmark,” 3D Print.com, May 19, 2016. 2. Leno, J., “Jay Leno’s Printer Replaces Rusty Old Parts,” Popular Mechanics, June 7, 2009. 3. Newman, J., “3D Printing in Leno’s Garage,” Design Engineering Rapid Ready, Dec. 11, 2015. 4. “FDM and PolyJet 3D Printing: Determining which technology is right for your application,” Stratasys, Dec. 18, 2015. 5. Hoffman, T., “FlashForge Finder 3D Printer,” PC Magazine, April 11, 2016. 6. Tilley, A., “How Carbon3D Plans To Transform The Way We Make Stuff,” Forbes, Nov. 23, 2013. 7. “GE Is So Stoked About 3D Printing, They’re Using It To Make Parts For Jet Engines,” The Economist, Nov. 24, 2012. 8. Milkert, H., “GE Uses Breakthrough New Electron Gun For 3D Printing— 10X’s More Powerful Than Laser Sintering,” edprint.com, Aug. 18, 2014. 9. Kellner, T., “Joined At The Hip: Where The 3-D Printed Jet Engine Meets The Human Body,” GE Reports, July 1, 2013. 10. Gilman, C., “A pragmatic view of additive manufacturing,” GE Global Research, February 2014. 11. “Aerosol jet printed electronics overview,” Optomec, May 2009. Ensure Performance with EMI Shielding Our iSeries product line currently offers electromagnetic shielding to preserve signal integrity during operation. From stainless steel fibers, to threaded metal couplings, to all-metal backshells, the iCon and the i2 MX have options to safeguard your signal transmissions. iSeries connectors feature interchangeable modules and contacts that are universally accepted in all of our connectors. Choose from signal, power, coaxial, fiber, or high speed (VTAC) to help you create the perfect solution for your application. Our Wire+ Advantage provides engineered, manufactured, and quality tested wire products. Cable assemblies can be terminated to any vendor connector, left as a flying-lead, or configured to be double-ended. To learn more, visit vpc.com/EE2 Commercial Connectors Flying Leads Phone: 540-932-3355 Email: [email protected] 16-19_EE_201608_AdditiveManufacturing_FINAL_eb.indd 19 7/7/2016 11:48:52 AM SALARY SURVEY Taking the pulse of the industry By Tom Lecklider, Senior Technical Editor 10% I n this presidential election year, we’re getting plenty of conflicting information from numerous political polls. Even with the great care taken by professional pollsters, it’s still not possible to assume that a small difference pro or con actually has statistical significance. Such uncertainty usually is assigned to the 2% to 3% margin of error that typically exists. The average engineering salaries for the last three years, derived from reader responses to the annual EE-Evaluation Engineering salary survey, are shown in Table 1. Essentially, the average engineering salary has remained flat from year to year with changes less than ±2%—well within the margin of error. One respondent said, “I have not had any salary increase in more than 10 years,” seeming to confirm the data. At the other extreme, another said, “… this last year has been the best in eight years for salary increases.” Of the responses received, this view definitely was in the minority. About three-quarters of the respondents indicated that they had received either no raise or a small one in the previous year, with only 22% getting an increase greater than 4%. Year Average Salary Percent of Change 2014 $104,914 ---- 2015 $106,800 +1.798% 2016 $105,131 -1.562% Table 1. Average salary and changes To better understand the survey data, the cumulative dollar-percentage for each of the last three years was plotted against a range of salaries. The results showed that the percentage of total respondent pay falling within either the lower or higher $50,000-band of salaries was virtually the same for all three years. What variation in average salary there has been occurred because of differences in the salaries from about $90,000 to $150,000. This means that conclusions drawn from the survey data have not been skewed by responses from a large number of highly paid managers one year or from many less-well-paid technicians another year. 20 evaluationengineering.com 20-23_EE_201608_SalarySurvey_DUM_eb.indd 20 33% $102,768 $109,750 Pacific Mountain Northeast Central $119,910 19% Southeast International $78,000 $95,000 $98,233 4% 12% 22% Figure 1. Average salary vs. location While salaries haven’t altered much, this year’s survey responses confirm trends seen in earlier years. For example, no doubt we’ve all read about a company’s desire for 20-year-old new employees who also have 15 years of relevant experience. One older respondent recounted, “I was sitting in an interview, when the interviewer said: ‘I’m sorry, but we’re looking for someone with current knowledge of the state-of-the-art engineering technology, someone who’s recently graduated from college.’” In spite of having taught engineering courses at the university level, the respondent did not get the job and concluded that the company actually was saying that, “… Years of Experience in the Industry we don’t want to hire someone with years of experience because we’d have to pay them more.” As shown in Table 2, salary clearly increases with years of experience. In the table, the percentage columns represent the respondents within each category. A similar relationship between salary and the number of years spent with one employer can be shown, although as happened in 2014, salaries can level off or drop slightly for respondents who work a long time at the same company. Location, education, and apps Job responsibility and technical skills as well as your location may be as impor- 2016 2015 More than 30 years $111,541 50% $115,073 25 - 29 $107,187 18% $108,167 20 - 24 $107,500 14% $97,130 15 - 19 $95,455 8% $99,405 10-14 $79,750 4% $87,188 6-9 $63,750 2% 3-5 $75,625 3% Less than 3 $70,833 1% 2014 55% $106,854 46% 15% $117,183 16% 8% $108,356 14% 10% $103,900 6% 6% $95,385 8% $48,125 3% $83,214 4% $68,750 1% $72,500 3% $83,125 3% $78,929 2% Table 2. Salary vs. years of experience in the industry August 2016 7/8/2016 11:54:55 AM SALARY SURVEY Design/ Development Engineering $113,894.20 (39%) R&D/Scientific/Academia $113,571.36 (5%) Component Engineering/ Evaluation $110,833.33 (2%) $110,109.92 (19%) Corporate Management $103,214.29 (3%) Field Service Manufacturing/ Production Engineering $98,571.39 (10%) Engineering/Lab Support $95,625.00 (9%) QC/QA/Reliability/ Product Assurance $83,874.95 (7%) Production Test $82,857.00 (5%) Incoming Inspection/ Test $54,999.67 (.4%) $- $20,000.00 $40,000.00 $60,000.00 $80,000.00 $100,000.00 $120,000.00 Figure 2. Average salary vs. job function B.S.E.E. $109,597 (11% %) $ ,921 (14%) $122 $127,814 (13%) $100,750 (11%) $114,1155 (5%) $107,767 (9%) Other Masters $120 2 ,694 (7%) $113,250 (7%) $115,929 2 (4%) M.B.A. $77,206 (6%) $76,591 (4%) $78,333 (6%) $133,500 (6%) $147 1 ,000 (5%) $136,038 (4% %) Ph.D. B.A. High School 2014 $76,172 (12%) $78,667 (11%) $82,400 (12%) M.S.E.E. Technical School 2015 $100,465 (16%) $94,237 , (14%) $106,145 (17%) Other B.S. Associate's Degree(s) 2016 $114,5733 (28%) $108,098 (36%)) $104,546 (27%) $97,115 9 (4%) $121,250 (2%) $130,000 (3%) $133,333 (1%) $80,625 (2%) $81,875 (2%) Figure 3. Highest education level August 2016 20-23_EE_201608_SalarySurvey_DUM_eb.indd 21 evaluationengineering.com 21 7/8/2016 12:05:58 PM SALARY SURVEY 70% 2014 100% 2015 60% 90% 2016 80% 50% 70% 60% 40% 50% 40% 30% 30% 20% 20% 10% 10% 0% 2016 2015 2014 Android Tablet Android Smart Phone None iPhone Surface Tablet Blackberry Other Tablet iPad Other Smart Phone Figure 4. Work-related use of mobile devices Software Figure 6. Ranking of career issue importance Wireline/Fiber-Optic Energy Communications $107,857 $114,375 $104,500 3% 3% 2% Military/ Aerospace Computers $118,123 $80,416 Wireless Communications 4% $79,643 20% 5% Medical $105,882 6% Consumer Electronics 14% 7% $103,472 $106,216 8% Other 10% $114,048 9% Contract Design/ Manufacturing $81,413 10% Semiconductors/ Components $110,803 Figure 5. Average salary vs. industry segment 22 Automotive/ Transportation evaluationengineering.com 20-23_EE_201608_SalarySurvey_DUM_eb.indd 22 Power/Energy $107,037 tant as experience in determining salary. Similar to past years, and shown in Figure 1, the Pacific states paid the highest salaries. The ranking of the remaining regions changed somewhat this year with the Northeast, Mountain, Central, and Southeast areas following in that order. Again this year, design engineers were the largest group when ranked by job function (Figure 2). Compared to 2015, the average salary for design engineers in 2016 increased by almost 2%, making them also the highest paid group. The average salaries for corporate managers and production test each dropped by more than 20%, moving these two categories down two positions in the overall ranking. In contrast, field service salaries increased by 17%. Most companies require a bachelor’s degree as a prerequisite for a technical position. But, higher degrees and bachelor degrees in disciplines other than electronics also are prevalent in the industries EE-Evaluation Engineering reaches. Figure 3 shows the trend over the last three years including one very successful high school graduate. Regardless of your initial degree, being successful within a fast-moving August 2016 7/8/2016 11:55:30 AM SALARY SURVEY 100% 2014 80% 60% 2015 Benefits and security 2016 For all three years, respondents have given equal importance to salary and work/life balance, although from year to year there has been a clear trend to value both less (Figure 6). In their place, factors such as professional ethics and outsourcing have been given more attention in 2016 compared to education and pensions in 2015. Interestingly, concern about job security has leveled off to about 50% from a higher 57% 2014 number. Job security and satisfaction have not been overwhelming issues in any of the three years. At least 80% of respondents feel very or somewhat confident and satisfied with typically less than 5% feeling very insecure or dissatisfied. But security and satisfaction don’t mean complacency, and it’s doubtful that many respondents have remained unaware of the continuing reduction in their benefits. The percentage of respondents being offered healthcare; 401k or pension plans; and dental, life, and disability insurance has reduced in each of the last three years as shown in Figure 7. Another indicator of employee attitude is the large increase in respondents working for small companies—13% in 2016 vs. 7% in 2015—and a corresponding drop from 27% to 21% in the number of people working for companies with from 1,001 to 10,000 employees. 40% 20% 0% Figure 7. Benefit availability technically oriented industry requires continuing education just to keep up. For the last three years, trade publications and associated websites have been the favorite sources of information for at least 40% of the respondents. The next most popular sources were webcasts/online events sponsored by a company or professional organization and in-person training sessions presented by a vendor. And, for both this year and last year, about 11% of the respondents have indicated attending online classes at a university. Being familiar with the latest technology and using it to an advantage in your job also are indications that a worker is coping well with change. Figure 4 shows the general increase in mobile device use—in particular, the growth in iPads and iPhones while Blackberry popularity continues to decline. The type of industry in which a respondent is employed also affects salary, as shown in Figure 5. This year, the three largest pieces of the pie—military/aerospace, automotive/transportation, and Are you a ‘work martyr’? That, according to Robert J. Samuelson at The Washington Post, is the travel industry’s term for employees who don’t use all their vacation days. Research by a travel industry initiative called Project: Time Off found that since about 2000, the average days of vacation taken by a full-time American employee has fallen from more than 20 days to 16.2 days in 2015—leaving a total of 658 million vacation days unused. Samuelson at the Post suggests that people might be forgoing vacation because of the uncertain state of the U.S. labor market. However, he notes, the trend is not reversing as the labor market improves. He also comments on connectivity, which blurs the boundaries between work and the rest of life. Project: Time Off cites several reasons employees have left vacation time on the table, including fear of returning to a mountain of work (37%) and the belief that no one else can do the job (30%). Perhaps this paragraph from Samuelson best sums it up: “We Americans have a confused and contradictory relationship with vacation. In theory, we love it; in practice, we often dread it. So much expectation is heaped on a few weeks of free time that disappointment, if not inevitable, is common. Worse, our escape from the job and daily routine fills us with anxiety that, somehow, this interlude will inflict a gruesome revenge once we return to work.”1 — Rick Nelson Reference 1. Samuelson, R. J., “Are you a ‘work martyr’?” The Washington Post, June 19, 2016. August 2016 20-23_EE_201608_SalarySurvey_DUM_eb.indd 23 power/energy segments—are similar in size to last year. Summary Those respondents who chose to comment very often cited financial aspects related to their job. One anonymous person said “… the H1B visa program is killing the job market for talented and experienced engineers.” Another, “… [felt] like every year we do more with fewer people.” And yet another said that his company and a separate company had merged, resulting in many changes and less job security. However you weight these and the many other factors that have been discussed, engineers do what they do because they like to. Technical challenges fascinate them, so salary isn’t the same kind of motivator as it is for a salesman. Nevertheless, salary is an important contributor to job satisfaction as are the benefits a company offers such as insurance, a pension plan, flextime, and childcare. EE evaluationengineering.com 23 7/8/2016 11:58:17 AM SENSORS Accurate and integrated temperature measurement By Tom Lecklider, Senior Technical Editor M ost electronic engineers know that a transistor’s baseemitter voltage (VBE) has a temperature coefficient (TC) of about -2 mV/°C. However, for precision temperature sensors, “about” isn’t good enough. A number of ingenious designs have capitalized on the basic relationship in ways that guarantee accuracy over the typical -50°C to +150°C range. Analog Devices Inc. (ADI) and Texas Instruments (TI) have developed analog sensors based on the difference in VBE (ΔVBE) for two transistors operated with different current densities. By working with ΔVBE instead of VBE, IS—the reverse-bias saturation current in the Shockley diode equation—is eliminated in the math, as shown in equation 1.1 In the ADI reference, the larger area is provided by N identical transistors operated in parallel while the TI description refers to two different size transistors.2 The TI reference also discusses an interesting refinement. “In order for the circuit to retain its accuracy over temperature, the leakage currents of each transistor, which can become quite significant at high temperatures, must be equal so that their effects will cancel one another…. To correct the problem, the circuit is built with Q1 and Q2 each replaced by a transistor group consisting of both Q1 [with 10x the emitter area of Q2] and Q2. These transistor groups have equivalent geometries, so that their leakage currents will cancel, but only one transistor from each group, representing Q1 in one group and Q2 in the other pair, is used in the temperature sensing circuit.”2 How the ΔVBE value is processed also varies. Figure 1 shows a simplified circuit that ADI has used to provide a 1.205-V bandgap voltage reference. The collector currents are forced to Figure 1. Bandgap and temperature sensor circuit based on ΔVBE Courtesy of Analog Devices 24 evaluationengineering.com 24-25_EE_201608_Sensors-FINAL_eb.indd 24 be equal by the op amp output that drives the transistor bases to a common voltage. This means that the current through R2 is equal to ΔVBE/R2. Therefore, the voltage across R1 is equal to 2x that current x R1, or where VPTAT is the voltage output proportional to absolute temperature. In contrast, Figure 2 shows an op amp used both to force equal transistor currents and to scale the output to 10 mV/°K. The 100-Ω resistor is used to add a second-order correction current. Note that in Figure 1, Q2 has the larger emitter area, but in Figure 2, Q1 has the larger area. Nevertheless, both circuits leverage the difference of the base-emitter voltages. In Figure 1, ΔVBE appears directly across R2 between the two emitters, but in Figure 2, ΔVBE is measured across resistor R between the two bases. In addition to developing a voltage or current directly proportional to temperature, some of these designs achieve a nominally zero-TC bandgap voltage reference output by adding VBE with a negative TC of about -2mV/°C to ΔVBE with a positive TC of about +2mV/°C. Bandgap circuits have an output voltage near 1.22 V—the bandgap voltage of silicon—and are used in designs for which the much higher voltage of a temperaturecompensated zener is inappropriate. The AD590 is a two-terminal sensor with current proportional to temperature in degrees Kelvin. The proportionality is factory trimmed to be 1 μA/°K, so at 0°C, the output current ideally is 273.7 μA. Figure 2. Temperature sensor circuit based on ΔVBE Courtesy of Texas Instruments August 2016 7/7/2016 2:36:07 PM SENSORS Changing the scale The Linear Technology Corp. (LTC) LTC2996 temperature The TI reference discusses higher accuracy linearization and monitor also uses ΔVBE measurement as the basis of the temconversion from a Kelvin to a Centigrade or Fahrenheit temperature sensing circuit. However, instead of comparing the VBE perature scale output. Rather than the simplified relationship of two different transistors, the LTC2996 switches the amount used in equation 1, a more complete VBE model, attributed to of current driving a single internal or external diode. MeasurNational Semiconductor’s Robert Widlar, is given in equation 3. ing the diode voltage at two currents is equivalent to the ADI or TI approach—the saturation current drops out of the equation. A third current can be switched to determine the diode’s series resistance, and a circuit is included to compensate for it. In common with the circuits of Figures 1 and 2, the LTC2996 has The first two terms in the equation are linear, and the last two an output scaled per degree Kelvin—4 mV/°K in this case. The are nonlinear. Working with just the linear terms, it follows that LTC2996 has a guaranteed temperature error ≤±1°C from 0°C to +100°C and ≤±1.5ºC from -40°C to +125°C. When used with an external diode—for example, to measure the temperature on remote equipment—the LTC2996 provides a current output suitable for driving long lines. As described where VG0 is the bandgap of silicon, typically 1.22 V; Ve is the in a LTC article, “Series resistance up to 1 kΩ typically causes emitter voltage in Figure 2; and 273.7 is the Kelvin equivalent less than 1°C of temperature error…. the maximum distance is of 0°C. During the derivation of this result, an equation was limited more by the line capacitance than by the line resistance. solved at T = 0°C—the reason the 273.7 number appears. NevCapacitances larger than 1 nF start to impact the settling of the ertheless, as the TI reference states, “… the rate of change of Ve sensor voltage at the various sense currents and therefore inwith respect to temperature will be a constant, independent of troduce additional temperature reading errors. For example, a the value of Vb [the transistor’s base voltage], the transistor’s 10-m long CAT 6 cable has about 500 pF of capacitance.”3 beta or Vbe.” ON Semiconductor also uses this apTo complete the design, the two small nonproach and has developed both twoCompany Analog Digital linear terms are approximated by a separate current and three-current devices. As compensation circuit that provides a current you might expect, the two-current senAnalog Devices 8 18 proportional to the square of IPTAT, a current sors are sensitive to series resistance Linear Technology 3 9 proportional to absolute temperature. The so are best used for local temperature LM35 sensor incorporates many of these measurement based on the integrated Maxim Integrated 14 55 ideas and features 10-mV/°C sensitivity and diode. Like the LTC part, the three±0.75°C accuracy from -55°C to +150°C with current devices can compensate for ON Semiconductor 0 25 no external adjustment required. series resistance, which is important in the automotive market. About half of Texas Instruments 12 79 Product trends the company’s thermal management Table 1. Available analog and digital The analog circuitry required to perform acproducts are called digital temperatemperature sensors curate wide-range temperature sensing has ture sensors. However, even those that been refined over several years and supports don’t have “digital” in the component both a range of analog-output sensors as well as several digitaldescription still contain a large amount of digital circuitry. It’s output sensors. Table 1 lists the number of both types of sensors not clear than any have a truly continuous analog output procurrently available from each of the companies highlighted in portional to temperature. this article. Although the number of digital sensors appears to The company’s NCT475 device gives an idea of the sophisbe much higher than the number of analog ones, many digital tication that can accompany a digital temperature sensor. This sensors are similar except for different output formats. EE IC uses a 12-bit delta-sigma ADC to develop a new temperature reading every 80 ms. The values are stored in bytes, so if your application requires only 8-bit resolution, you just need References to read 1 byte. In addition, because the device draws about 1. Linear Circuit Design Handbook, Analog Devices, Chapter 3, 2008. 500 μA from a 3.3-V supply, a one-shot mode allows you to 2. AN-460 LM34/LM35 Precision Monolithic Temperature Sensors, Texas make one temperature conversion and immediately revert to Instruments, Application Report SNOA748C, May 2013. a shutdown mode that consumes 3 μA. The NCT475 is fully 3. Schwoerer, C., and Trampitsch, G., “High Accuracy (±1°C) Temperature register compatible with the NCT75 (ON), LM75 (TI, Maxim), Sensors Improve System Performance and Reliability,” Linear Technology Journal of Analog Innovation, Vol. 22, No. 4, January 2013. and TMP75 (TI). Maxim Integrated lists about 70 types of temperature sensors Editor’s Note on its website, most of which have at least some digital circuitThis article is based on information available on various vendor ry. For the MAX6576, the output square wave period directly websites at the time of writing. Including details about a technique relates to absolute temperature. For the MAX6577, frequency is described by one company does not imply that other companies do used to indicate temperature. And in the MAX6667, the delay not also use that approach. The intention in presenting the particular between an input strobe and an output pulse is proportional to products and circuit highlights is to show both the theory underlying temperature. All of these devices have a few scaling selections. semiconductor temperature sensors as well as many of the variations For example, in the MAX6576 you can scale the period to repcommercially available. Although five prominent companies have been resent 10xT, 40xT, 160xT, or 640xT, where T is the temperature included in this article, that does not imply that other companies do in degrees Kelvin. Table 1 includes five of these single-wirenot produce temperature sensor devices or that the quality of those output devices in the total of 14 analog sensors because their parts is in any way inferior. output is continuously variable. August 2016 24-25_EE_201608_Sensors-FINAL_eb.indd 25 evaluationengineering.com 25 7/7/2016 2:32:17 PM INDUSTRY HAPPENINGS By Rick Nelson, E xecutive Editor Sensors Expo topics span MEMS to robots and drones S ensors Expo & Conference held June 22-23 in San Jose provided a venue for experts to weigh in on topics from MEMS to robots while exhibitors highlighted an array of sensors and related products on the exhibit floor. Opening keynote speaker Dr. Kaigham J. “Ken” Gabriel, president and CEO of The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, commented that sensor functionality should represent not just a feature but a discriminator. Otherwise, sensor makers must rely on customers who are closer to the end user. He advocated a modular hardware approach that would enable end users to buy sensor modules the way they buy apps now. Francis Rabuck, a technology research analyst at RoboUniverse, discussed the future of robotics and the role of sensors. He addressed applications ranging from Empire Robotics’ Versaball Beer Pong Robot to the use of drone thermal imaging to help measure the crop water stress index. He said voice will become the ultimate interface for the IoT world, where devices will have no keyboards. The future, he said, will be made possible in part by devices that are smaller, faster, and cheaper, but data science and analytics will play a key role as well. Challenges, he concluded, also will relate to social policy. It’s well noted that robots can take jobs. And with voice becoming the dominant interface, Rabuck said, privacy becomes an issue—after all, a talking Barbie doll also is a listening Barbie doll. “Get connected” was the message from Steve Whalley, chief strategy officer of the MEMS & Sensors Industry Group, which was established in 2001 and “… connects and champions the MEMS and sensors supply chain in established and emerging markets.” The group, he said, has nearly 200 members and partners. Looking toward the future, Whalley emphasized the trillion sensor (TSensor) vision and said flexible/printed technologies are showing promise. He cited IDTechEx forecasts that the total market for printed, flexible, and organic electronics will grow from $26.54 billion in 2016 to $69.03 billion in 2026. In addition, he said, purely printed solutions are emerging, large-area electronics are coming, and big-sensor-array data fusion will rely on deep learning. A panel on the future of engineering education commented on the role of 26 evaluationengineering.com 26-27_EE_201608_IndustryHappenings_FINAL_eb.indd 26 universities in the furtherance of sensor technology. Panel organizer and industry consultant Roger Grace said, “If this industry is to continue in prominence and importance, we need to have welleducated people coming in to fuel the design engineer roles needed to create sensors and sensor-based systems.” Participants included Nadine Aubry, Dean, College of Engineering, Northeastern University, as well as panelists ranging from an undergraduate to a CEO. In addition, Ken Foust, chair of the MIPI Alliance Sensor Working Group, was on hand to explain how chip developers across the sensor and mobile ecosystems will be able to take advantage of the emerging MIPI I3C standard, which is expected to be formally approved and announced by the MIPI Alliance board later this year. The two-wire interface will improve upon interfaces like I2C, which the new standard will resemble in the idle state, Faust said, adding that MIPI I3C will achieve data rates of 30-Mb/s while maintaining a low gate count. On the exhibit floor, Linear Technology highlighted practical ambient energy harvesting for wireless sensor networks. Cypress Semiconductor exhibited its PSoC family and its role in the design of sensor-based systems. Rohm and Mindteck teamed up to demonstrate a lighting control system based on Rohm’s ambient light and proximity sensors. Lapis Semiconductor presented an ultra-low-power 16-bit MCU and development kit with applicability to IoT devices, smart-grid meters, home appliances, and industrial equipment. Microchip highlighted motion coprocessors and modules with applicability to consumer, industrial, wearable, IoT, and medical devices. Analog Devices featured industrial wireless sensor networks, sensing control for building automation, ultra-lowpower devices for smart infrastructure, Drone position and stabilization, anisotropic magneto-resistive angle sensing for automotive applications, and power harvesting for wireless sensor networks. TE Connectivity demonstrated digital component and piezo-film sensors, wireless pressure sensors, pulse oximetry sensors, temperature sensors, and submersible accelerometers. MEMSIC introduced a family of four sensor components that provides tip-over and acceleration sensing in a range of automotive, industrial, and consumer applications, such as motorcycle and off-road vehicle tip-over detection, vehicle navigation, and digital SLR camera horizontal-position detection. NXP highlighted a variety of applications for its devices, ranging from a dog activity monitor to a microwave oven. Distributors also were in attendance. Mouser Electronics showcased technologies from Amphenol, Analog Devices, Bosch, Broadcom, Fairchild, Intel, Microchip, Nordic, NXP, Rohm Semiconductor, Seeed, Sensirion, TE Connectivity, and Texas Instruments. Digi-Key highlighted its sensor selector, which helps customers choose inertial, motion, position, temperature, and pressure sensors and transducers as well as capacitive touch/proximity sensors. Finally, Ray Zinn, the recently retired long-time CEO of Micrel who founded the company in 1978, delivered a keynote address on the last day of the sensors event. He attributed Micrel’s success (it was profitable every year except 2002, he said) to its focus on employees. At the conclusion of his address, he signed copies of his book Tough Things First. EE Sensors Expo 2016 exhibit floor Courtesy of Rick Nelson August 2016 7/7/2016 2:03:58 PM INDUSTRY HAPPENINGS IMS sees chips and instruments targeting mmWave applications T he International Microwave Symposium 2016 was held in late May in San Francisco. At a press conference early in the week, Keysight Technologies highlighted its long-term relationship with Cascade Microtech. On the show floor, Keysight focused on the X-Series signal analyzers, the CX3300 Series device current waveform analyzers, and an E-band testbed solution. As for software, Keysight featured the EEsof EDA SystemVue 2016 release, which includes a phased-array library and a 5G baseband verification library. In addition, the company presented Advanced Design System 2016, Genesys circuit-synthesis software, and EMPro 3D electromagnetic simulation software. National Instruments highlighted a number of innovations, including advanced millimeter wave (mmWave) technology for channel sounding and 5G prototyping as well as advanced solutions for RFIC test from lab-based characterization systems to high-volume manufacturing test solutions using the NI Semiconductor Test System. NI said a new EM Socket II architecture within NI AWR Design Environment has been developed. The latest release of an AWR Connected solution is for ANSYS’s HFSS software. In addition, Sonnet Software and Computer Simulation Technology tools have been upgraded from prior EM Socket implementations to the new format. Also, NI demonstrated an early-access version of its WLAN Measurement Suite with support for the IEEE 802.11ax (draft 0.1) high-efficiency wireless draft standard and highlighted a software-defined radio for the mmWave spectrum. The new NI mmWave Transceiver System can transmit and receive 2-GHz realtime-bandwidth signals. Anritsu highlighted its VectorStar and ShockLine vector network analyzer families. The company showed a measurement system featuring the VectorStar MS4640B VNA and the MG3710A RF signal generator that conducted modulated measurements. Rohde & Schwarz exhibited its R&S TS-5GCS 5G channel sounding software plus an R&S FSW signal and spectrum analyzer and an R&S SMW200A vector signal generator. The R&S SMW200A has a frequency range of up to 40 GHz and is used as the sounding signal source. The company also demonstrated its ARTS9510 automotive radar target simulator. Rigol Technologies emphasized EMI precompliance test. The company highlighted its NFP-3 Series near-field probes as well as updated EMI Test System Software, which can be used with any Rigol DSA Series spectrum analyzer to configure and collect data from precompliance test, including radiated and conducted emissions sweeps. Tektronix, too, addressed EMI, exhibiting the RSA500 Series portable spectrum analyzers, which bring lab performance levels to the field. The company also showed the MDO4000C, which can assist with EMI/EMC precompliance test. AR focused on EW, wireless, and EMC testing. Products on exhibit included the 350S1G6 amplifier as well as the 300S1G6AB and other AB modules. Pickering Interfaces showcased its line of PXI and LXI RF and microwave switching solutions, including the newly announced PXI RF multiplexer (Model 40-760). Pickering’s RF and microwave switching solutions extend from low-level DC to signal bandwidths up to 65 GHz. In addition, Averna highlighted a PIM test system, MathWorks described its approach to next-generation wireless design, Copper Mountain Technologies demonstrated USB VNAs and reflectometers, Mini-Circuits showed an RF test system, Pico Technology presented a USB oscilloscope that delivers the functionality of six instruments, and Wireless Telecom Group’s Boonton and Noisecom divisions highlighted power sensors and programmable precision carrier-to-noise generators, respectively. Also on the testequipment front, Eastern OptX featured its radar target simulator, which operates up to 40 GHz with a dynamic range of greater than 100 dB. Semiconductor companies also had a significant presence at IMS. Northrop Grumman, for example, highlighted several new semiconductor products including high-power amplifiers and enhanced GaN manufacturing options. In addition, Analog Devices debuted its RadioVerse technology and design ecosystem; NXP highlighted communications, defense, and medical applications; Peregrine introduced several high-frequency products including an im- August 2016 26-27_EE_201608_IndustryHappenings_FINAL_eb.indd 27 age-reject mixer; Qorvo focused on new small-cell PAs and touted ultra-wideband linearization results; and Wolfspeed demonstrated GaN HEMT devices. Companies also addressed cables, connectors, and components. MegaPhase highlighted its KillerBee test cable, which operates from DC to 40 GHz, and exhibited its Warrior cable, a rugged RF cable that provides long-term repeatable performance in extreme operating conditions. Huber+Suhner exhibited its new SUCOFLEX 500V, a VNA test assembly. The company demonstrated the quality and stability vs. temperature and flexure of the SUCOFLEX 500V by placing the assemblies on a bending machine and taking measurements on a network analyzer. W. L. Gore & Associates highlighted its expanded microwave/RF solutions that offer enhanced performance in the 60- to 70-GHz range, where there is increased need to maintain measurement accuracy when performing communications testing with network analyzers, oscilloscopes, and analog signal generators. Molex featured applications including radar, automotive, and cellular communications. The company highlighted its portfolio of RF/microwave connectors and cable assemblies, including more than 90 RF connector interface types. Microwave Products Group, a Dover company, presented a booth hosting several of its subsidiaries, including DowKey Microwave and K&L Microwave. The latter highlighted its RF and microwave filters, duplexers, and integrated assemblies. Dow-Key exhibited its Reliant Switch product series. JFW Industries featured its range of attenuators, RF switches, power dividers, and test accessories. Cobham exhibited a variety of products, including spiral and broadband antennas, flat plate antennas, mmWave converters, limiters and detectors, switch matrices, integrated microwave assemblies, synthesizers, signal converters, and RF interconnects. And Diamond Microwave demonstrated a range of X-band GaN-based pulsed solid-state power amplifiers offering integrated monitoring and protection. The new product range offers output power levels up to 300 W and a footprint of 220 x 150 x 41 mm excluding heatsink. EE evaluationengineering.com 27 7/7/2016 2:04:17 PM EMC PRODUCT FOCUS Keeping EMI in its place By Tom Lecklider, Senior Technical Editor A statement from a Murata news release1 succinctly describes the need for EMI suppression in cars, but also applies to many other application areas with a significant complement of electronics. The release states, “As automobiles incorporate an everincreasing amount of electrical parts and as more and more electrically powered automobiles are being developed, more noise suppression products are being used in the powertrain and safety circuits that require high levels of reliability.” EMI from internal as well as external sources can interfere with the correct operation of sensitive circuits. This product focus highlights devices that minimize the generation and effects of EMI. Also included are a magnetic field test system and a magnetically shielded enclosure suitable for scientific research. Reference 1. “Automotive 150°C class ferrite bead, solder mountable,” Murata Manufacturing, News Release, May 10, 2016. Pulse test system The AXOS 8 includes an integrated single-phase coupling/ decoupling network (CDN) and can be configured to provide 7-kV surge combination wave, 7-kV ring wave, 7-kV telecom wave, 5-kV EFT/burst or dips and interrupts, and magnetic field test to IEC/EN 61000-4-9. The Compact Test System Model 2490800 has all these capabilities except telecom wave. Operation is via the front-panel graphic interface or remotely from a PC. Predefined routines for different standards make testing easy and reliable. Customer-specific test environments are supported by additional functions such as external start/ stop. The capability to vary parameters allows performance issues to be thoroughly investigated during the design phase as well as in precompliance testing. A range of options and accessories complements the basic AXOS 8 unit. The MSURGE-A is a 1 m x 1 m antenna plus cables for use with the AXOS 8 to perform a pulse magnetic field test. Several types of CDNs, a capacitive coupling clamp, and data- and control-line decouplers also are available. Haefely Hipotronics, www.rsleads.com/608ee-189 Automotive common-mode choke The RA6870-AL common-mode choke is intended for use in receiver and transmitter sections of MOST 150 coaxial applications. This 0805-size component is RoHS compliant with matte tin over nickel over silver-palladium-glass frit contacts. For each winding, the inductance at 100 MHz and the DC resistance are 700 nH and 0.69 Ω, respectively. Common-mode chokes increase impedance to commonmode signals because the currents have the same phase in both coils, causing the magnetic flux to add. In a 50-Ω system, the typical attenuation of the RA6870-AL is about 27 dB at 700 MHz. Conversely, a welldesigned common-mode choke causes minimal disturbance to a differential signal because the currents have opposite phases 28 evaluationengineering.com 28-29_EE_201608_EMCProducFocus_FINAL_eb.indd 28 and the magnetic flux cancels. In the MOST 150 application, a common-mode choke restores the balanced differential signal by substantially removing common-mode interference that may have been introduced in a wiring harness. Operating temperatures from -40°C to +125°C are supported with three 40-s reflows at +260°C allowed during soldering. Two sizes of 8-mm reels are available: 7-inch with 2,000 parts and 13-inch with 7,500. Coilcraft, www.rsleads.com/608ee-187 High-temperature ferrite bead Automotive applications can be particularly demanding because of the high temperatures that are encountered. Three new series of 0603-size ferrite beads feature solder mounting and guaranteed operation at +150°C. The BLM18AG_BH1 Series is optimized for noise suppression over a wide frequency range and comprises seven values from 120 Ω to 1,000 Ω. The BLM18BD_BH1 Series is similar but has a steeper impedance characteristic with values up to 2,500 Ω. The BLM18KG_ JH1 and BLM18KG_BH1 Series handle noise suppression in power supply lines and have values from 26 Ω to 600 Ω with current capacity up to 6 A. As an indication of the very low DC resistance that these beads exhibit, a 100-Ω model in the BLM18KG_JH1 Series has a maximum 30-mΩ DC resistance. Murata Manufacturing, www.rsleads.com/608ee-192 Low-frequency ferrite cores The type 75 material featured both in solid cores and the manufacturer’s Snap-it form of easily assembled split cores provides relatively high impedance at frequencies from 150 kHz to 10 MHz. The Snap-it form is especially useful for cable assemblies and suppresses noise caused by conducted commonmode EMI from sources such as switching power supplies. With five turns of wire through a solid core, impedances from 310 Ω to 800 Ω at 200 kHz can be achieved. For split Snap- August 2016 7/7/2016 11:37:00 AM EMC PRODUCT FOCUS it cores at the same frequency, impedance ranges from 330 Ω to 760 Ω. Applications include automotive inverter assemblies and inductive motors, power supplies and peripheral cables in consumer electronics, and control units and motors in white goods. Sample kit No. 0199000041 is available with a total of 17 type-75 Snap-it parts in six sizes. Fair-Rite Products, www.rsleads.com/608ee-188 Power entry module The KMF entry module is intended for protection class II applications that typically require double-insulated modules without an external metal case and ground connection. The module is designed to IEC 60320-1, style C18 and meets IEC 60601-1-11, which outlines additional safety measures specific to medical equipment intended for use in the home. In addition to a two-pole line switch, the module is available with a choice of a one- or two-pole fuse holder. For medical applications, further choices include an “extra-safe” fuse holder that requires a tool to open and an M5 low-leakage EMC filter. The standard models have current ratings from 1-A to 10-A at 250 VAC, and connections are via 0.187-inch quick-connect terminals. The module’s insulation system is guaranteed to withstand >2.7 kVDC between the mounting panel and the line (L) or neutral (N) conductors and >1.7 kVDC between L and N. Schurter, www.rsleads.com/608ee-193 Magnetic-shielded enclosure A series of Zero-Gauss Chambers provides the low magnetic field required for sensitive scientific experiments or when developing devices based on magnetic field sensors such as fluxgate compasses. Fabricated from MuMETAL alloy, the chamber reduces ambient magnetic fields and the earth’s geomagnetic field (0.25 to 0.65 Gauss) to the milliGauss level. The chambers are effective from DC to 100 kHz because of layering. When two or more concentrically spaced magnetic shields are used in series (one inside the other) and magnetically isolated, the attenuation of the external field is multiplied, yielding an overall factor of about 1,500 for three layers. This multiplying effect of successive shields provides substantially greater attenuation of magnetic fields than a single shield of equivalent total wall thickness. For strong external fields, the outer layer may be manufactured from a high-saturation NETIC alloy. Standard chambers are available in four sizes ranging from the smallest with an internal 6-inch dia and 15-inch length to the largest with 18-inch internal dia and 54-inch length. Magnetic Shield, Display screen shielding WINAL 75-080 transparent conductive shielding is based on a 75-μm layer of PET polyester film. An indium tin oxide (ITO) layer provides conductivity, and a clear top layer adds protection. Surface resistance is specified to be 80 Ω/square, achieving shielding >20 dB at 100 MHz. The combination of PET film and ITO and protective coatings has 76% light transmittance. WINAL 75-080 film can be grounded by an optional layer of conductive fabric tape, and both custom die cutting and hole punching are available. The standard size sheet is 420 mm x 600 mm, and custom-length rolls also can be provided. In addition to EMI shielding and transparency, the film is flame retardant to UL94 VTM-2. Rather than the more common UL94 V-0 standard used for testing self-supporting materials, UL94 VTM-0, -1, and -2 specify flammability limits for thin materials that are tested after being formed into a self-supporting cone. VTM-2 is the least stringent of the three classifications but still requires less than 30 s of flaming combustion after application of a test flame. Kitagawa Industries America, www.rsleads.com/608ee-190 Dual-stage power line filter The EMC series of dual-stage RFI filters provides high attenuation in a compact design. Current ratings at 250-VAC range from 3 A (0.21-mA leakage) to 30 A (1.52-mA leakage) at temperatures up to +40°C. Above 40°C, derating is necessary. Differential-mode (lineto-line) and common-mode (line-to-ground) insertion loss at 1 MHz measured in a closed 50-Ω system are >60 dB for most filter models and >47 dB for the 30-A device. The metal-cased units vary in size from the 3-A 3EMC1 at 3.35 x 1.81 x 1.16 inches to the 30-A EMC6 that is 6.05 x 3.12 x 2.18 inches. Wires and two types of terminals are available: ¼-inch Fast-on and 8-32 threaded studs. The overall length dimensions include the terminals. TE Connectivity, www.rsleads.com/608ee-194 PCB-mounted shielding Standard and custom board-mounted shielding is manufactured using a photo chemical etching process that makes it possible to offer custom single-piece and standard two-piece designs with no tooling charges. For multicavity applications, internal dividers can be added, and through-holes and slots also are available for heat dissipation. Shields typically are etched from 0.007-inch to 0.020-inch thick brass, nickel silver, copper, or cold-rolled steel. If spring qualities are needed, beryllium copper can be used. The standard finish is tin plate although other finishes are available. Standard tooling exists for spring finger and dimple designs. Soldered or resistance-welded seams are optional as are custom fences and removable covers. Tech-Etch, www.rsleads.com/608ee-211 www.rsleads.com/608ee-191 August 2016 28-29_EE_201608_EMCProducFocus_FINAL_eb.indd 29 evaluationengineering.com 29 7/21/2016 3:05:12 PM EE PRODUCT PICKS DC/DC converter The NXE2 Series 2-W surface-mounted DC/DC converters are footprint-compatible with similar 1-W and 2-W devices available on the market and measure just 12.5 x 4.36 x 10.41 mm. The converter is constructed using fully automated techniques in a halogen-free iLGA inspectable package with an integrated transformer. This approach increases product reliability and repeatability of converter performance. The series comprises four models with nominal input voltages of +5 or +12 VDC and outputs of +5, +12, or +15 VDC. Input-to-output isolation of 3 kVDC is standard across the range. The NXE2 series is suitable for use in industrial automation, instrumentation, and transportation equipment. It also is intended for use in telecom, wireless, and medical designs that require a low-power isolated DC voltage. Murata, www.rsleads.com/608ee-195 Functional test platform The GENASYS functional test platform now includes two new products. Building on the architecture of the GENASYS switching subsystem, the vendor has added the GX7017 integrated GENASYS chassis to the GENASYS product line, providing digital, analog, and high-performance switching capability within a single, compact, 6U PXI chassis footprint. The GX7017 is a 20-slot 6U PXI chassis with an integrated MAC Panel SCOUT mass interconnect receiver that can accommodate up to nine GENASYS switching modules, eight high-performance digital instruments, and additional PXI instrument modules. To further extend the switching capabilities of the GENASYS platform, the vendor has introduced the GX6864, a 500MHz, 75-Ω RF multiplexer switch module for high I/O count, video switching/test applications. Marvin Test Solutions, www.rsleads.com/608ee-196 FFT option An improved FFT option now is available for the U5303A PCIe 12-bit high-speed data acquisition card. This card features two channels and a sampling rate from 1 GS/s to 3.2 GS/s. Designed for astronomy, physics applications, and environmental measurements requiring frequency-domain signal processing, the card allows observation of phenomena never observed before with previous instruments, offering a step forward in terms of linearity, dynamic range, and spurious free dynamic range measurements. While providing continuous real-time FFT at full sampling rate, this option also enables spectra accumulation capability, a key requirement for radio astronomy. This application option comes with a dedicated FFT spectrometer graphic user interface to facilitate fast initial startup, display, and export of the acquired FFT data. Keysight Technologies, www.rsleads.com/608ee-197 30 evaluationengineering.com 30-31_EE_201608_ProductPicks_FINAL_eb.indd 30 Debug firmware upgrade A J-Link firmware upgrade supports the embedded ST-LINK on STM32 Nucleo, STM32 Discovery, and other microcontroller unit evaluation boards from STMicroelectronics. The upgrade turns a board’s ST-LINK interface into a fully functional J-Link, which then can be employed to debug the board’s application processor. By upgrading to the J-Link firmware, developers subsequently will be able to set an unlimited number of breakpoints in flash memory and debug their applications considerably faster, resulting in better use of engineering resources and shortened time to market. SEGGER, www.rsleads.com/608ee-198 TEDS force sensors HBM’s growing line of force sensors is available with a Transducer Electronic Data Sheet (TEDS) memory module designed to store sensor properties, thereby simplifying the process of configuring a force measurement system. A TEDS module speeds the system configuration process by having the individual characteristics of the force sensor, including sensitivity, nominal (rated) force, supply voltage, serial number, and transducer type saved to memory when the sensor is delivered. The amplifier system reads the chip automatically and configures the measurement module with the correct sensor data. HBM, www.rsleads.com/608ee-199 60-GHz development system The PEM009-KIT 60-GHz development system offers designers the ability to perform product development and experimentation of single and multicarrier high-bandwidth modulation covering 57 GHz to 64 GHz in the globally unlicensed ISM frequency spectrum. The development system supports a variety of I/Q (vector) and FSK/MSK modulation schemes from a user-designed baseband system or a vectormodulated programmable arbitrary waveform generator. The system is configured as a standalone benchtop wireless link where transmitted power directly from the waveguide aperture is equivalent to a 7-dBi gain horn antenna with a 70-degree wide beam pattern that’s useful to test and demonstrate various modulation schemes and data rates. Pasternack, www.rsleads.com/608ee-200 High-voltage reed relays Series 67 and 68 reed relays are available for up to 10-kV stand-off, 7.5-kV switching, with an option of either PCB or flying-lead switch connections. Similar in specification to the vendor’s Series 60/65, these new relays are manufactured in a single-in-line format using former-less coils, which dispenses August 2016 7/7/2016 3:14:12 PM EE LITERATURE MARKETPLACE EE PRODUCT PICKS with the more usual coil supporting bobbin, allowing a smaller package than similar rated devices. The package design presents some interesting possibilities for high-density applications such as multiplexers and matrices in instrumentation and test systems; Series 67 relays mounted on a 3U PXI 12-way high-voltage multiplexer module illustrates these possibilities. Pickering Electronics, www.rsleads.com/608ee-201 NEW AR COMPREHENSIVE PRODUCT CATALOG! Many exciting new products including high power solid state pulsed amplifiers and new USB peak power sensors are featured. Read about our new RF solid state water cooled amplifiers with respective chillers, see photos of the expanded microelectronics lab, and learn about AR Europe’s new partnership with CETC41. USB hub AR RF/Microwave Visit www.rsleads.com/608ee-362 The USB-104-IHUB medical/industrial/military-grade USB hub features the company’s Tru-Iso signal isolation up to 4 kV, extended temperature operation (-40°C to 85°C), high-retention USB connectors, and an industrial steel enclosure for shock and vibration mitigation. The USB-104-IHUB makes it easy to expand the number of USB ports and provide up to 4-kV isolation between the host computer and connected USB peripherals. Applications include factory automation, hospital and medical, energy management, military/mission-critical, transportation, security systems, and process monitoring. $295. ACCES I/O Products, PRODUCT SAFETY TEST EQUIPMENT ED&D, a world leader in Product Safety Test Equipment manufacturing, offers a full line of equipment for meeting various UL, IEC, CSA, CE, ASTM, MIL, and other standards. Product line covers categories such as hipot, leakage current, ground, force, impact, burn, temperature, access, ingress (IP code), cord flex, voltage, power, plastics, and others. ED&D www.rsleads.com/608ee-202 Spectrum monitoring module Visit www.rsleads.com/608ee-360 The MS27100A spectrum monitoring module brings the vendor’s RF spectrum-analysis technology to OEM applications. Engineers designing systems to locate illegal and unlicensed interfering signals within wireless networks can integrate the MS27100A into custom hardware to achieve a cost-efficient, accurate tool primarily for security, aerospace, and defense applications. Covering the 9-kHz to 6-GHz frequency range, the MS27100A is capable of sweeping at rates up to 24 GHz/s, allowing many types of signals, including periodic or transient transmissions as well as short “bursty” signals, to be captured. Anritsu, IP CODE & NEMA TESTING CertifiGroup offers a full UL, CSA, IEC and CE, ISO 17025 Accredited International Product Test & Certification Laboratory. The lab includes a unique indoor wetlab, where CertifiGroup specializes in IP Code & NEMA testing for products subject to dust, water ingress and similar hazards. The CertifiGroup indoor IP Code Wet Lab is one of the world’s largest and most cutting-edge.IP Code capabilities up to IP69K! CertifiGroup Visit www.rsleads.com/608ee-361 High-density receptacles Four off-the-shelf receptacles are suitable for use in high-density configurations down to 1-mm pitch. Each receptacle contains the company’s three-finger beryllium copper contact with a diameter range of 0.008 inch (0.2 mm) to 0.013 inch (0.33 mm). The contact is characterized by a low insertion force, making it compatible with miniature leads subject to bending. Two of the receptacles, 0439-0-15-15-04-27-04-0 and 82100-15-15-04-27-04-0, have solder tails for through-hole applications. The 4428-0-43-15-04-14-10-0 is a low-profile, soldermount, open-bottom model. The 9928-0-15-15-04-27-40-0 is a SMT receptacle mainly used for 1-mm grid socket configurations. Mill-Max, www.rsleads.com/608ee-204 Index of Advertisers www.rsleads.com/608ee-203 ADVERTISER AR RF/Microwave..................................www.arworld.us ............................................... 5 AR RF/Microwave..................................http://www.arworld.us/html/catalogRequest .. 31 CertifiGroup .............................................www.CertifiGroup.com .................................. 31 Educated Design & Development. Inc...www.ProductSafet.com ................................ 31 Keysight Technologies .........................www.keysight.com/find/ScopeMVP .......... 11 Keysight Technologies .........................www.keysight.com/find/AmericasOneSource .. 17 Marvin Test Solutions ...........................www.marvintest.com/ateasy25 ..................BC Measurement Computing Corp ...........mccdaq.com/ethernet ...................................... 9 National Instruments ............................ni.com/smarter-test ....................................... IFC Pickering Interfaces Inc.......................www.pickeringtest.com/advantage ............. 3 Pico Technology.....................................www.picotech.com ........................................ 13 Virginia Panel Corp. ..............................www.vpc.com/EE2 .......................................... 19 This index is provided as a service. The publisher does not assume liability for errors or omissions. August 2016 30-31_EE_201608_ProductPicks_FINAL_eb.indd 31 PAGE evaluationengineering.com 31 7/8/2016 9:37:41 AM RESEARCH INSIGHTS By Rick Nelson, E xecutive Editor GaN shows promise for transportation, communications applications G gram, which offers joint research and development on GaN-on-Si 200-mm epitaxy and enhancement-mode device technology to a variety of companies including IDMs, equipment and material suppliers, fabless design houses, and packaging companies. The program includes research on novel substrates to improve the quality of epitaxial layers, new isolation modules to enhance integration levels, and advanced vertical device development. Wayne Johnson, head of IQE’s Power Business Unit, said in a press release, “The importance of GaN-on-Si for power devices cannot be understated, particularly as we enter an era of electrically propelled transportation and increasing demands for energy-efficient power control systems that require high-voltage and high-power capabilities.” Rudi Cartuyvels, executive vice president for smart systems and energy technology at imec, added that the organization’s 200mm GaN-on-Si process can be engineered to fit partner-specific product needs. In related news, IQE announced in May that it has successfully transferred Translucent cREO (for Rare Earth Oxide) semiconductor technology to IQE’s facility in Greensboro, NC (IQE announced an exclusive license of cREO technology from Translucent parent company Silex Systems in September 2015), where a production tool now is producing cREO templates on Si. IQE said GaN-on-Si typically exhibits an undesirable p-type parasitic channel at the GaN/Si interface that detrimentally affects RF efficiency. But using patented technology, IQE said it has demonstrated that the parasitic channel can be completely eliminated. Dr. Rodney Pelzel, vice president, IQE Group Technology, commented in a press release, “We have demonstrated that we are able to rationally manipulate the cREO characteristics to tune the conductivity of the III-N/Si interface. This is a significant enabler for GaN HEMT technology on Si for RF applications. In addiForward and reverse diode current at high temperature (150°C) tion, it is an enabler for allium nitride is a promising semiconductor process for power-electronics devices serving applications ranging from transportation to communications infrastructure. Research into GaN technology, which compared with silicon offers higher breakdown voltages, faster speeds, and lower onresistance, is proceeding as companies bring practical GaN devices to market. On the research front, imec, the nanoelectronics research center, announced in May a strategic partnership regarding gallium nitride-on-silicon (GaN-on-Si) technology with IQE, which provides advanced semiconductor wafer products and services. The partnership builds on promising results achieved in a recent project in which imec and IQE collaborated to fabricate GaN power diodes using imec’s proprietary diode architecture and IQE’s high-voltage epiwafers. In that project, imec applied its Gated Edge Terminated (GET) Schottky diode device architecture to IQE’s high-voltage GaN buffers on 200-mm Si substrates. Thanks to the GET diode device architecture and the low buffer leakage current of IQE wafers, the large GaN power diodes (10 mm) that were fabricated in imec’s 200-mm Si pilot line showed a low leakage current (at up to 650 V) and low turn-on voltage. The power Schottky diodes reach forward and reverse specifications across the full temperature range, spanning from 25°C to 150°C with a tight distribution (see figure). The diodes have 10-mm anode width and an anode-tocathode distance of 10 μm. IQE will be participating in imec’s GaN-on-Si Industrial Affiliation Pro- Courtesy of imec 32 evaluationengineering.com 32-BC_EE_201608_ResearchInsight_FINAL_eb.indd 32 other III-N technology on Si such as RF filter technology.” The International Microwave Symposium in May provided a venue for companies to tout the GaN devices they are making for commercial and military applications. NXP, for example, launched an expansion to its portfolio of 48-V GaN RF power transistors optimized for Doherty power amplifiers for use in current and next-generation cellular base stations, according to Jim Norling, vice president, cellular infrastructure. He added that NXP also has expanded its portfolio of broadband GaN RF power transistors for electronic warfare and battlefield radio applications. Qorvo announced, in conjunction with NanoSemi, a developer of digital linearization and compensation algorithms, that it has demonstrated industry-leading ultra-wideband linearization results with its GaN power amplifiers for wireless infrastructure. The demonstration employed Qorvo’s QPA2705 integrated GaN driver and GaN Doherty power amplifier along with NanoSemi’s proprietary digital compensation algorithms. Sumit Tomar, general manager of Qorvo’s Wireless Infrastructure business unit, said Qorvo’s compact PAs and NanoSemi’s digital-predistortion IP will help customers meet challenges that appear when implementing nextgeneration base stations such as those having active antenna systems with 64 transceivers—which require small form factors, high efficiency, and linearity to support multicarrier configurations. Wolfspeed offered live product demonstrations at IMS. One centered on the CGHV14800, a high-power GaN HEMT device designed for L-Band radar applications. Another employed the CGHV59070 GaN HEMT for C-band radar systems. Yet a third demonstration showcased a wideband LTE Doherty power amplifier developed using the company’s high-performance 0.4-μm 50-V GaN RF foundry process. Ryan Baker, product marketing manager for RF components, cited a milestone the company has reached. As of the end of 2015, he said, Wolfspeed had shipped GaN-on-SiC RF power transistors with a combined RF output power of more than 1.3 GW (sufficient to power 124,900 U.S. residential homes for a year). EE August 2016 7/7/2016 11:54:04 AM 32-BC_EE_201608_ResearchInsight_FINAL_eb.indd CoverIII 7/7/2016 11:54:36 AM Transform Your Test Capabilities From the Flightline to the Factory Flexibility, Performance, & Unrivaled Long-Term Support Update and optimize your legacy systems and nextgeneration test needs with PXI-based test platforms Reduced Footprint R Simplify logistics and save deployment space with innovative, S ultra-rugged, aerospace-quality modular solutions u Automation ATEasy 1.0 was released in in 1991. Nine generations and 25 years later, ATEasy continues to make automated test easy, offering comprehensive simulation, an integrated test executive / test development software suite, and unrivaled long term product support. Learn more at www.marvintest.com/ateasy25 Join us at AUTOTESTCON 2016 Booth #813 MARVINTEST.COM © 2016 Marvin Test Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. Product and trade names are property of their respective companies. Visit www.rsleads.com/608ee-002 32-BC_EE_201608_ResearchInsight_FINAL_eb.indd CoverIV 7/7/2016 11:55:12 AM