

Housemaster’s Comments
Another hugely busy Michaelmas term comes to a close and the length of this newsletter gives you an
indication of how busy the boys in Loveday have been. There has been plenty of success in all areas of
school life: academic, musical, creative arts and sporting and as ever I am very proud of them.
I often say to visiting parents that if it was just me running Loveday then it would be a disaster! I have
an amazing team here who I simply could not do without; I therefore need to pass on my sincere
thanks to Stuart Welch and Tom Goddin who along with Matrons Megan, Liz, Diana and Karen are the
pastoral inner sanctum of the house. Also to the 13 tutors who support your sons (and me!) every
week and of course to the five cleaners who have the unenviable job of tidying up after 100 teenagers
every day. Loveday simply wouldn’t work without them – so a heartfelt thank you from me for all
your efforts.
Happy Christmas and Happy New Year!
House Partsong
For the house partsong this year we decided to go for the
popular Marvin Gaye/Tammi Terrell duet “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough”. Rehearsals began in the 2nd week of
term and with only three weeks to teach our 40 strong chorus the rather challenging arrangement. The whole group
did extremely well to learn it in such a short space of time.
One of the best things about partsong is that it provides the
opportunity for Loveday to unite with some of the girls from
West under the Loveday-West banner. As such, I am hugely grateful to Megan Batchelor and Charlotte Calnan for helping to organise the girls and for assisting with the running of rehearsals. Thanks
must also go to Toby Kittow and Reuben Gray for helping to teach the guys their parts and also for
their contribution to the performance. The soloists deserve to be commended: Megan Batchelor,
Jamie Linford, Reuben Gray, Charlotte Calnan, Toby Kittow, Helly Crosthwaite, India Hampson and
Freddy Austin. In the end we came 2nd place, which doesn’t show the endeavour that went into the
performance - even people in the victorious house had thought we should have won!
Alex Hills
4th Form Team Building
At the start of this term
to bond with the new mem-
where everybody partici-
bers of the house but also
pated, which was a fitting
U6th joined together to do
an opportunity for all the
way to end a hugely enjoy-
a series of team building
houses to get to know each
able day. Thanks must go
challenges. It was a great
other. The team events
to Mr Leeke for organising
way to start the Michael-
started after lunch, the boys
the whole event.
mas Term and really helped
and girls were divided into
Ed Brounger
the 4th form to integrate
groups and placed with a
with each other. It was not
mixture of 6th formers and
only a chance for Loveday
4th formers from a selec-
tion of all the houses. All
the teams did a selection of
unusual sports and exercises which included: Lacrosse,
Danish Longball and the
Plank Challenge. To finish
the day there was a huge
tug of war tournament
Junior House Fives
Loveday had a very close fought contest this year and were dealt with harshly by the scoring system. Our team had some good players and everyone played to their potential in a number of
tight games. We came up against teams that had regularly played through their prep school days
and East had a pair that had done very well nationally!
Ethan Stiles and George Ealham were the 1st pair with Luke Andrews and Oli Clift being the 2nd
pair - both very strong teams. Sadly our first pair lost their first two games against Cubitt and East
but were victorious in the third and final match against North. The 2nd pair got off to a good start
and played well from the first point. Sadly however, they lost the most crucial match against
North, which would have sealed second place for Loveday. Loveday ended up in 3rd place but
probably deserved better. Many thanks to all of the boys that supported us.
Ethan Stiles
Senior House Fives
Loveday's teams for the Senior House
Fives comprised of Percy Walker-Smith
and Callum Job being the 1st pair and
Benjy Carr and Will Warner the 2nd pair.
North proved the hardest game first,
however both pairs managed to win their
games comfortably. From there we
played Cubitt where the story was similar
with both pairs beating their opposite
numbers with ease. Lastly, we had to see
off East and we did that convincingly
which meant that Loveday went undefeated winning all six matches and the
overall competition. A great feat for such
a young team and it bodes well for the
future in this competition.
Callum Job
4th Form
This term has been an exceptionally busy one for the music department and has
involved a large number of boys from the Loveday House. Over the course of this
term, we have had two Helen Wareham Competitions (Piano and Woodwind), The
Choral Concert that saw the full choir amalgamate with the Cranleigh Choral Society for an evening of Christmas music, the first Cranleigh live contemporary event
and the Christmas Concert as well as a lunchtime concert each week.
In the Helen Wareham: Dashwood Piano competition, we had three entrants: Reuben Gray and Freddie Hawes in the junior competition and Alex Hills in the senior
competition. The standard of both competitions was very high and Reuben
achieved third place in the junior competition. A few weeks after the piano competition was the Pat
Dixon Woodwind, in which Loveday had five performers: Thomas Hills, George Chilcott, Reuben Gray,
Freddie Hawes and Alex Hills. In the junior competition George Chilcott was the standout act winning
over the judges on the saxophone to beat a very strong field of performers, some of whom were playing diploma level pieces.
The next concert was a contemporary one: the first ever Cranleigh Live event. It was held in the VCT.
From Loveday, Dillon Stingemore and James McCormack played in the band, the former as the singer
and the latter as the guitarist. There was also an unscheduled appearance from Reuben Gray who sang
one of his own songs, "Lifeline" with Tabz Francis. The evening was a huge success and the verdict was
that next time a bigger venue may be needed.
The next major performance was the chorale concert held in the Speech Hall at the end of November.
Loveday was again well represented here: George Chilcott, Thomas Hills, Nick Peachey and Peter Moor
from IV form; Reuben Gray, James Walker, Jack Collins, Freddie Hawes, Alex Moor, Dan Evans and Alex
Hills As ever the Michaelmas term is concluded with the Christmas Concert. All the school’s major ensembles performed: Orchestra, Wind Quintet, String Orchestra and Symphonic Wind Band in the first
half and the Junior Choir, Concert Band, Saxophone Group and Big Band
in the second half. The following Loveday boys were involved in the
evening: Giorgio Bounous, Alex Moor, Dan Evans, Reuben Gray, Freddie
Hawes, Jack Collins, Thomas Hills, George Chilcott, James Walker, Nick
Peachey, Peter Moor and Alex Hills.
Alex Hills
House Rugby Lights
The A team started off against North and despite the 40-7 score it was a pretty good game.
North had pace on the wings and capitalised from it. We also lost the 3rd place play off against
Cubitt 10-7 but the performance was an improvement from the first game! George Ealham had
the try of the day though, with guile and a quick turn of speed he ran around most of the Cubitt
side before scoring nicely under the posts - making it an easy conversion for him. The B team also
had a bit of a tough ride. Losing to Cubitt 27-5 in the first game, despite some cracking tackles by
Ed Brounger and Charlie Phillips, who scored for the B’s. This put us in the 3rd place play off
against East, where unfortunately we lost again 29-0. It had not been a great day in the lights
section for Loveday. However, the scores did not seem to affect the house spirit at any point during the day and there were still lots of supporters on the touch line, with the house flag being
held high by Nick Peachey. Jack Collins
House Rugby Heavies
First up the B team took on East - it was predicted to be an easy win and turned out to be just
that. With Joe Mellor and Mike Nolan proving unstoppable with their power, that coupled with
the awesome pace of Harry Manning and NJ Anom finished off some great tries. The boys then
faced North in the final, after a close first half, we led 5-0 with an excellent try from NJ. Again,
credit must go to Percy Walker-Smith and Harry Waters who controlled our attacks beautifully. Mike Nolan with an inspirational interception gave the B's a clear lead. We then ran in a couple of tries as they realised we were just too good for them, an awesome win from the B
team. The A team took on Cubitt in their first game, which started with a massive hit from Benji
Carr showing Loveday's intent. Loveday then put multiple tries past Cubitt and the game was
pretty much over by half time. It was an easy win to set us up for a tough final against East. It was
a tight start and needed a spark to get it going, this came from James McCormack, who received a
kick and beat about 4 or 5 players to touch down in the corner. The masses of Loveday support
went wild - it was a truly genius try from James. East then hit back with two tries and led 14-12
with one minute to go. It took some amazing offloads to win this game. Ben Church made a break
to offload to Benji Carr who ran down the wing, he then offloaded to Cameron Stather, then to
Dillon Stingemore and finally back to Ben Church to finish off a master piece of a try. It was the
last play of the game meaning we won 17-14! It was an awesome effort from both squads of
boys, as they showed heart and house spirit in the great red and white of Loveday.
Harry Serjeant
House Rugby Seniors
This year in the Senior House Rugby we had two strong sides who both had a chance at winning
their respective competitions. The B team started well with a hard fought victory over Cubitt,
putting them through to the final. They then fought valiantly against a very promising East side and
unfortunately couldn't quite get the victory. The A team also started strongly with an impressive win
over a dominantly forward based North side, we then progressed onto the final, which was again
against East. Unfortunately it was a similar story in this final with East managing to secure a victory
and the title. It was however, a brilliant effort from both teams, in what was a very tiring day. Thank
you to all those who played and did their best and for all the support from the Loveday community.
Ben Sackey
Monday Night Football
For everyone involved in the Monday night football it is one of the biggest, if not the biggest
house event of the year. This year we knew we had a good chance of bringing the trophy back to
Loveday after the trophy had spent a number of years away from the house. Our first match was
against East, who on paper had a strong team. However we managed to grab a 1-0 win with Charlie Serjeant getting the all important goal. We moved into our second game against Cubitt who
also had a strong team on paper. Frustratingly, we drew 0-0, which was a shame because we created a number of chances but failed to find the back of the net. Our last game was against North,
which by this stage had become a final, due to North putting in a couple of very good performances against Cubitt and East. Nothing but a win would suffice, so we knew an early goal could be crucial. We took an early lead in the first half thanks to a beautifully worked goal down the left hand
side with some exquisite one touch football, with Harry Blevins finishing off the move with a left
foot shot into the far corner. We then sat back a bit more and soaked up the pressure which
North were piling on. Thanks to our resilient defence we managed to keep them out securing a 10 win which handed us the MNF trophy.
Top effort by everyone who was involved, a great victory! Harry Blevins
House Challenge
Having comfortably beaten South to secure our place in the final of the House Challenge, we entered the ALT on that fateful Friday, feeling confident that we could further extend our six year
winning streak in the competition. However, the combination of our slow start and the plethora
of geographical starter questions enabled North to rack up points and quickly gain the momentum. In spite of our valiant counterattack, which significantly narrowed the score margin at half
time. North were unfazed and ploughed on to snatch our title from us, in a unprecedented display
of confidence and talent. While this final loss is especially painful for me, given my involvement in
the competition since 4th form, I am confident that North’s indubitable glee will soon come to an
end at the hands of a hungry, yet newly humbled, Loveday team. As the venerable statesman and
businessman Donald Trump once said, “When somebody challenges you, fight back. Be brutal, be
tough”. Until next year , North!
Henri Martin
Junior House Squash
Loveday’s team consisted of Tom Hills, George Ealham, Ben Church, Archie Collins and myself (Toby
Rust). Our first match was against Cubitt and we won quite convincingly in revenge for last year’s
loss, the score was 4-1 and we played really well. North had beaten East and so we had to play
North in the final. We played some amazing squash in the final and the 4th formers really went for
it, with their efforts paying off in the end. In fact, everyone played exceptional squash and we went
on to win convincingly - Loveday were the new champions. I would like to say well done to all who
played and supported. Toby Rust
Senior House Squash
We came into the match with a pretty strong side with
the likes of: Jamie Linford, Jamie Reed, Freddie Austin
and Ollie Pope. We came up against North in the first
game and won 5-0 and everybody had pretty convincing wins over their opponents. In the final, we played
a very strong Cubitt side which included most of the
squash 1st team. Unfortunately, we fell short in the
final with the only wins coming from Freddie and Ollie
but this wasn’t enough as Cubitt won the match 32.
Ollie Pope
The Dance Show
This year our dance was choreographed by Toby Kittow, Jamie Linford and Ben Sackey and from West
Megan Batchelor, Maddie Jervis, Helly Crossthwaite, Rosie Kilty and Charlotte Calnan, who all helped
us to put on a great show on the evening. We did a combination of five songs cleverly put together by
Toby. After hours of rehearsing and footwork being drilled into us by the 6th formers, the big night
was finally upon us. The 1st performance was slightly hesitant to begin with but as we got into the
dance we really started to enjoy it. It wasn’t until the 2nd performance however, when all the house
came out in full support, that we really got into it and, although we didn’t win, it was a really great
night, with the best moments being Max Baines quick feet, in twist and shout and best of all was Louis Burden's ridiculous impression of Frank Sinatra. Thanks again to all the people who helped with the
dance and to everyone for coming and supporting. Tom Hills
4th form Cross Country
On Monday 19th October we held our annual 4th form cross country event. It started outside the Speech Hall and it went around the
golf course, past High Upfold and the Stables and back to the
Speech Hall. The course was 2 miles long. All the houses were very
supportive of the runners, cheering them on as they came into the
finishing line. The top six boys to finish were Harvey Stiles 12:50
minutes (Cubitt), Ethan Stiles 12:53 minutes (Loveday), Charles
Handley 12:57 minutes (Loveday), Toby Escolme 13:34 minutes
(North), Will Firth 13:38 minutes (Cubitt) and Oscar Maclene 13:40
minutes (Cubitt). All of the house runners counted towards the
end result which was: Loveday 1st with 472 points, Cubitt 2nd with
437 points, North 3rd with 417 points and East 4th with 361 points.
Nick Peachey
House Colours Awards
Representative Socks
Half - Colours (patch)
New Award
Rust, Toby
Collins, Archie
Church, Ben
Round, Richie
St. John, Max
Mann, Luke
Andrews, Ewan
Mellor, Joe
Job, Callum
Martin, Henri
Full House Colours
New Award
Walker-Smith, Percy
Job, Callum
Carr, Benjy
Kittow, Toby
Stingemore, Dylan
Serjeant, Harry
McCormack, James
Stather, Cameron
Moor, Alex
Waters, Harry
Manning, Harry
Anon, NJ
Hamilton, Freddie
Nolan, Mikey
Mellor, Joe
Warner, Will
Russell, Christian
Hathaway, Noah
Cordingley, Ben
Binnion, Harry
Bounous, Giorgio
Masters, Robin
Serjeant, Charlie
Floyd, Charlie
Linford, Jamie
Coates, Matthew
Reed, Jamie
Moore, Harry
Cooper, Ed
Pope, Olly
Claxton, Ben
Blevins, Harry
Awarded at House Prayers: Charlie Serjeant, Ben Sackey, Noah Hathaway
Awarded this term:
Harry Moore, Ollie Pope, Giorgio Bounous,
Alex Hills, Matt Jay, Henri Martin,
Max de Young,
Per Jensen
None awarded
Loveday House Awards
Michaelmas Term 2015
1. Wilkinson cup (Senior):
2. Garnsworthy trophy (Junior):
Henri Martin and Ben Sackey
Tom Hills
3. Thompson cup (Junior):
Toby Rust
4. Franklin cup (Senior):
Ollie Pope and Ben Sackey
5. Foley Jnr Rackets:
6. Douglas Rackets Cup Senior Rackets:
George Ealham
Ollie Pope
7. Smith Cup (Junior):
Archie Collins
8. Senior Cup:
Matt Jay
9. Junior:
George Chilcott
10. Senior:
Alex Hills
11. Fey Cup:
Harry Moore, Max de Young,
Ben Claxton, Hector Berry
11. Catchpole cup (If) - Matron’s award:
Richie Round
12. Floating Cup (progress):
Andy Kim
House Captain’s Award:
13. Anayi Cup:
14. Block Fundraiser Award:
Max deYoung
Alex Brown, Nick Marshall-Turner,
Alex Moor and Peter Moor.