City Council Information Ltr 04-26-13
City Council Information Ltr 04-26-13
City Council Information Letter April 26, 2013 Naming Rights Sponsorship of Georgia International Convention Center In response to both interest and merit to consider naming rights sponsorship opportunities involving the Georgia International Convention Center (GICC), Executive Director Mercedes Miller and I were able to review the process in relevant detail, including necessary selection processes. As referenced in the attached memorandum from Ms. Miller, this process includes an estimated cost of a valuation study, which would determine the tangible worth of advertising and marketing to potential sponsors. The estimated cost for this assessment typically ranges between $75,000 to $100,000. Fortunately however, anticipated revenue for naming rights to this effect should range between $200,000 and $400,000 annually. Additionally, contract terms for such an engagement usually involve a 5 to 20 year commitment. Recommendation for your review and consideration , to include necessary budget adjustments, steps for applicable strategic planning, and corporate outreach , are to therefore be presented during your June 3rd regular meeting. Potable Water Negotiations Involving Clayton County My office recently hosted a meeting with leadership from the Clayton County Water Authority (CCWA) to discuss amending its existing potable water agreement with the City of College Park. As referenced in the attached electronic mail message from Director of City Council Information Letter April 26, 2013 Page 2 Public Works Mike Mason, this exercise involves terms for rate reduction, as well as our ability to purchase additional gallons per day. Formal recommendations for your review and consideration are Meanwhile, therefore anticipated during the next few weeks. discussions and negotiations with CCWA officials remain productive, as all involved are confident that we will all be on the same page to this effect. Guidance Relative to Discretionary Fund Administration Leadership from both the Office of the City Clerk and the Department of Finance and Accounting recently visited with me to discuss various ways to achieve consistency in the administration of discretionary funds for City of College Park officials. Additionally, proper internal controls and documentation to this effect will ensure that such expenditures are in accordance with applicable accounting principles and practices. As referenced in the attached draft procedures summary, updated processes for reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses, travel , and advances, are all being reviewed and considered . Please feel free to review, enabling staff to finalize administration of an updated policy respectively. State Legislative Update from Lobbyist Dan Lee During a recent follow-up discussion I had with State Lobbyist Dan Lee concerning various College Park related legislative affairs and priorities, his commitment regarding periodic visits to our community as part of his services was reiterated. Arrangements are therefore being made to have him join us for a presentation during your May 201h work session. This dialogue will also enable all involved to discuss specific expectations of Mr. Lee, as well as to initiate direction respectively for the upcoming year and legislative cycle. City Council Information Letter April 26, 2013 Page 3 Calendar of Activities, Meetings, Tasks, and Functions In addition to the multiple and diverse day-to-day activities involved with seNice as College Park City Manager, this past week offered me a prominent opportunity to represent our community in this capacity on a national level. As many of you know, this year's National Forum for Black Public Administrators annual conference was hosted here in Atlanta earlier this week. Although I was not a conference attendee or participant, I was asked to help offer words of welcome to the community as part of the event's Hall of Fame luncheon. This function enabled me to share with nearly 600 professionals representing multiple jurisdictions, agencies, and businesses around the nation, facts about our community, as well as what College Park has to offer. The following day, I was also asked to participate in a video shoot for the National League of Cities (NLC), as part of Fulton County's effort, in conjunction with other municipalities in the area, to help promote and market the community to a national audience. In addition to NLC purposes, such will also be featured on Fulton County's website, enabling additional public relations opportunities accordingly. Enclosures: Memorandum from Mercedes Miller - GICC Naming Rights Sponsorship Electronic Mail Message from Mike Mason - Follow-Up Respo nse to Clayton County Water Authority Summary- How to Use "Discretionary Funds" Microsoft Outlook Calendar for Terrence Moore- Week of April 22, 2013 CM/Documents/City Council Information LetterS GEORGIA INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION .......~CENTER CONVENTION CENTER MEMORANDUM NO. 2013-10 DATE: April 25, 2013 TO: Terrence Moore, City Manager FROM: Mercedes Miller, GICC Executive Director SUBJECT: GICC Naming Rights Sponsorship Naming Rights sponsorship of the convention center would be a great source of revenue for the City of College Park. Naming Rights sponsorships are when Company A agrees to pay Company B for the right to place its company' s name on, perhaps, the roof or large exterior and/or interior walls(s) of perhaps a stadium, convention center, hospital, shopping center, office building, airport or some other kind of venue owned by Company B. Naming Rights are the right to name a piece of property either tangible property or an event, usually granted in exchange for financial considerations. Institutions like schools, places of worship, for-profit businesses of all kinds, non-profit businesses of all kinds and municipalities have a tradition of granting donors the right to name facilities in exchange for financial contributions/donations and/or buying naming rights. Corporations/Naming Rights Buyers see the buying of naming rights from stadiums, convention centers, shopping centers, hospitals, office buildings and other public gathering places as a form of advertising, marketing and branding. Thus, naming rights deals can bring in a lot of revenue to the City of College Park. Naming Rights allow businesses and organizations that are complementary to each other to position themselves to establish the buying or selling of Naming Rights on the exterior and/or interior of a building or land (or on other entities in other ways and locations) for mutual benefit of the buyer and the seller of the naming rights. Many Fortune 500 Companies conduct these types of business transactions on a regular basis. Also, the selling ofNaming Rights can be applied to events. Costs: On the front end, a valuation study will need to be completed to determine the sellable assets. The estimated cost for a valuation study would range from $75,000 to $100,000 and would take approximately 60-90 days. Additional costs would include expenses for selling of the Naming Rights as well as an agreed upon commission for any naming rights sponsorship deal secured. The estimated revenue for Naming Rights of the Georgia International Convention Center could range from $200,000 to $400,000 per year and contract te1ms range from 5-20 years. The Georgia International Convention Center has researched several companies who specialize in naming rights of public use facilities. These companies include The Superlative Group, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio; Profit Increase Funding, LLC, Detroit, Michigan; and Team Services, LLC, Rockville, Maryland. We are respectfully requesting permission to proceed with requesting proposals from qualified companies. If you require additional information, please let me know. MRM/dy Terrence Moore From: Sent: To: Subject: Mike Mason Wednesday, April 24, 2013 11 :17 AM Terrence Moore Follow-Up Response to Clayton County Water Authority Terrence, Below is my follow-up response in regard to our meeting with Mr. Mike Thomas, General Manager, with the Clayton County Water Authority on April17, 2013. Thanks. Mr. Thomas, First, I would like thank you for com ing to our facility and meeting with Mr. Richard Chess, Director of Finance, and myself, in continuing our discussion on the City of College Park increasing its purchase of potable water from Clayton County Water Authority (CCWA) at a reduced rate. Our meeting also, provided the opportunity for you to be introduced to Mr. Terrence Moore, our newly appointed City Manager. As a follow-up to ensure that we have a mutual understanding of our discussion, I will be enumerating the terms we tentatively agreed upon during our April17, 2013 meeting, and I will be forwarding those items to you at a later date. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience. JJWie~cm euy oJ ~ [fwtft 1>~ oJ ffuDiic WOJtlt6 2233 !1fu.wwtd ~ ~ ffwt&, (ja. 30337 (404) 669-3778(lJtfia) ( 404) 767-1815(!Jwx) How to Use "Discretionary Funds" Each member of the Mayor and City Council shall be limited to discretionary expenses in the budgeted amount set each year by the City Council during the annual budget adoption process. Each council member of the Governing Body receives $2500.00 in their respective Discretionary Fund. Unused discretionary funds will be carried forward to the nex t fiscal year budget. Purpose of Discretionary Funds The purpose of Mayor and City Council Discretionary Accounts is for " Community Relationship Building" or for purchasing items that would aid in community relationship building or benefit the City of College Park. Each member of the Governing BodY. can spend funds at their discretion for community relationship building events or co munity improvements projects. Funds cannot be spent on events that would misrepresent he ·ty or where alcoholic beverages will be consumed. Reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses Each member of Council is responsible for paying expenses UP. ont for items that will be purchased to promote community relationship building e ents, and reimbursement will be issued by the city for out-of-pocket expenses w'thin five (5) busine s days following acknowledgement of receipts in the accounting department. Reimbursement forms must be signed by the questing member,,city clerk, city manager and finance director or accounting supervisor before funds are eimoursed. issued for expenses wi hout a proper receipt and/or invoice. Reimbursement will not Receipts/invoices sho 10 ~e p,rinted on business receipt paper showing business logo, address and phone number. Receipts ust snow itemized J;;reakdown of purchase (s). April 22, 2013 ·April 28, 2013 April 2013 May 2013 SuMo TuWe Th Fr Sa SuMo TuWe Th Fr Sa 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3456 10 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Monday, April 22 Tuesday, April 23 Iii 6:30am - 7:30am Begin CIL ... (CM Office ) Iii 8:00am - 8:30am Mayor Longino (City Manager's Office) o Iii 8:30am - 9:00am Direction Concerning Economic Development (C Iii 8:45am- 9:15am Dept. Head One-On-One (Recreation Director's Offi Iii 9:00am - 9:30am Compile and Deliver Account Records... (Sun Trust Iii 8:00am - 8:30am M ayor Longino (City Manager's Office) 0 Iii 8:30am - 1:00pm Career Fair-Harriet Tubman Elementary (2861 Lakeshore Drive) - Terrence Moore liil ll:OOam- 11:30am Travel to NFBPA Luncheon - Terrence Moore i l l l:30am - !2:00pm Early Arrival - NFBPA Luncheon - Terrence Moore II 9:30am - !0:30am Real Estate Lease Renewal Services Follow-Up M i l l2:00pm- 2:00pm NFBPA-ATL Chapter Greetings (Atlanta Marriott Marquis) - Terrence Moore i l l0:30am - 11:30am Review Police Department Proposed Budget R i l 11:30am - 12:00pm Direction Concerning Economic Development II 2:00pm - 3:00pm Call Nationwide... (CM Office ) Iii 2:30pm - 3:30pm College Park Opportunity Zone-Mobile Health liil l2:00pm - 1:30pm Lunch Meeting (Champions Restau rant) - Terrene Iii 2:00pm - 3:00pm Orientation (Human Resources) - Terrence Moore ~ 3:00pm - 3:30pm Introductory Meeting - Brad Wadkins (City Hall-e Iii 3:30pm- 4:00pm Healthy Initiative (City Manager's Office) - Terrene Iii 4:00pm - 5:00pm Proposed Hotel Development Follow-Up Meetin More Items... Unit (City Hall -Administ rative Conference Room) - Terrence Moore Iii 3:30pm - 4:30pm Dept. Head One-On-One (Public Works Director's II 4:30pm- 5:30pm Compile Information Letter Report- Bulk Water Iii 5:30pm - 6:30pm Contact Sirius XM ... (CM Office ) j Iii 6:30pm - 9:30pm M&C Department Budget Meeting (Executive Con Wednesday, April 24 Thursday, April 25 Iii 6:30am - 7:30am Compile Information Letter Reports - State II 8:00am- 8:30am Annexation- Mr. Jackson (City Hall-City Manager's Legislative Update from Lobbyist Dan Lee; Calendar of Activities, Offi ce) - Terrence Moore Iii 8:00am - 8:30am Mayor Longino (City Manager's Office) 0 Iii 8:30am - 9:30am Public Works Employees Mtg /w City Manager (P Iii lO:OOam - l l:OOam Trimax Financial Services Follow-Up Meeting ( II 8:00am - 8:30am Mayor Longino (City Manager's Office) o Iii 9:30am - lO:OOam Future Gateway Center Development (City Hall - lil l l:OOam - 12:00pm Various Follow-Up Matters (IT Query Per Coun lil ll:30am - !2:00pm CID/Admn Personnel Mtg. /w City Manager (P Executive Conference Room) - Terrence Moore Iii 1:00pm - 2:00pm Compile Information Letter Report- Co-Naming Iii 2:00pm - 2:30pm Tour of Club E building (3707 Main St) - Barbra Co i l l2:15pm - 1:00pm Travel To Fulton Co Gov't Bldg. - Terrence Moor Iii 2:30pm - 3:30pm Status of Complaint (City Manager's Conf Room) Iii 1:00pm - 1:30pm Fulton County Taping for National League of Citi Iii 3:30pm- 4:30pm 0037 -0254 College Park Engineering (Coca Cola Iii 1:30pm - 3:30pm Legal Review (City Manager's Conf Room) o li 1:30pm - 2:30pm Legal Review: Grove Street & Project Crown (City Iii 4:00pm -4:15pm Systems Analysis Meeting Follow-Up (City Manag Iii 3:00pm - 4:00pm Compile Information Letter Report - Considerati Iii 4:30pm - 5:00pm Direction Concerning Updat ed Budget Materials il 4:00pm - 5:00pm Follow-Up Mtg: Systems Analysis Review (Executi Iii 6:00pm - !O:OOpm ACVB Centennial Celebration Gala (GA World Co Iii 5:45pm - 6:15pm Patrol Division Mtg. /w Cit y Manager (Public Safe ~ 6:00pm - !O:OOpm ACVB Centennial Celebration Gala (Georgia Worl lil 11:45am - 12:00pm Schedule for Swearing In Ceremony-Chief Elm Friday, April 26 Saturday, April 27 Iii 8:00am - 8:30am Mayor Longino (City Manager's Office) o Iii 8:30am - 9:00am College Park Mail Service (30337) (City Hall -City Iii I 2:30pm - 2:30pm Various Matters and Updates... (CM Office) Iii 2:30pm - 3:30pm iTunes ... (CM Office) Manager's Office) - Terrence Moore Iii 9:00am - 9:30am Compile CIL... II 9:30am - !O:OOam Dept. Head One-On-One (Power Di rector's Office) - Terrence Moore i l lO:OOam - l l:OOam Power Dept. Employees Mtg. /w City Manager (Power Dept. Warehouse Area) - Terrence Moore Sunday, April28 lil ll:OOam - 12:00pm Review and Finalize City Council Information Letter (CM Office) - Terrence Moore lil 11:30am - 2:30pm Lunch & Campus Visit (Dr. Gulley & Terrence Moore) (Woodward Academy - 1662 Rugby Avenue-the Carlos Hall Ad Iii 3:00pm- 4:30pm Terrence Closing . . . (Out of the Offi ce) - Terrence Moore il 5:30pm - 6:30pm Finalize Budget Materials Per Tuesday... (CM Offic Terrence Moore 1 4/26/2013 9:05 AM