Met Invantive Vision kan Wolterinck Groenvoorziening verder groeien


Met Invantive Vision kan Wolterinck Groenvoorziening verder groeien
With Invantive Vision, Wolterinck
Landscaping can continue growing
Wolterinck B.V. is a multifaceted, innovative, sustainability-focused landscaping company with a
wide variety of services. Besidesconstructionn and maintenance of green areas and gardens, Wolterinck is specialized in environmentally friendly weed and pest control and the construction and
care of CO2-substrate fixations for roof and wall gardens. Essential feature is the ‘all-inclusive approach’, where Wolterinck akes care of the entire project.
The family business is celebrating its 80th anniversary this year and has plenty of ambitions for the
future. Especially in the area of sustainability, the company is innovative. Recently Wolterinck changed to Invantive Vision, to optimize the administrative and financial organization and the project
management. Han Wolterinck (Director) and Ivo de Groot (Project Leader) explain why Invantive
Vision is so important for further developing of their business.
Landscaping company
Wolterinck B.V.
‘Since the nineties our company has
developed into what we are today: a
multifaceted, innovative landscaping
company with a focus on
sustainability. Previously, a lot of
work was processed based on an
hourly rate. Now work is accepted
based on bids and specifications.
Wolterinck has obtained multiple
certificates such as ISO 9001 and
VCA & Groenkeur. We are
proactive towards the client.
Essential feature is the ‘all-inclusive
approach’, where Wolterinck takes
care of the entire project. We are
also active in corporate social
Han Wolterinck (left) and Ivo de Groot (right)
responsibility (CSR). In the future
Wolterinck will increasingly accept
large projects and wants to
continuously innovate and adopt
sustainable means and methods.’
Controllability is the key to success
‘Our ambitions resulted in a more
complex organization, more risk s
and projects with a longer duration.
Controllability was the key to success. In order to keep processes and
projects manageable and transparent, it was necessary to redesign
the administrative and financial
organization and bring internal
efficiency to a higher level where
We started looking for a system
that could combine our financial
administration, purchasing, human
resources, equipment, project
planning and calculations. One-time
data capturing in a base file from
where payments, salaries and
monthly statements are processed.
But also a system that allows
employees to have direct access to
relevant information. In this way the
project manager can check and
modify project-related information
on the spot. A system which enables
a contractor to see that the
planning is adjusted because of a
late delivery of material. Where
timesheets can be entered using
Control of the oak processionary caterpillar with the EPRS WIPE OUT 7500
cellulars and where timesheets can
be directly processed for each
employee and project. A system
that enables the director to make
an easy analysis of how successful
projects, type of services, employees
and machines are. After a false
start with another ICT system, we
came into contact with Invantive.
Together, Invantive Vision and Exact
Online provide all functionality,
without the need to buy every time
additional modules.’
Always monitoring what is happening
‘The major advantage of Invantive
Vision is that we are able to constantly monitor of what is
happening. If business does not stick
to planning, we can directly see the
consequences. We can immediately
adjust and that prevents a lot of
costs, customer dissatisfaction and
turmoil. When you're calculating
and planning new projects, you
benefit from these experiences.
Because of this we develop a big
capacity to learn.’
’Many customers (particularly public
authorities and semi-public authorities) require competitive
calculations, realistic planning and
reliable project budgets. Especially
when you are dealing with large
long-term contracts, such as green
maintenance. With our improved
system we can quickly and accurately procure. During the project, we
can easily monitor progress, report
and adjust.’
Excellent cooperation with Invantive
’The cooperation with Invantive is
excellent. Obviously you need to
learn to speak each other's language a little, but that goes for each
new relationship. The lines are short.
The contact was personal and di-
contact and daily use was three
We still don't have need for functionalities that are not available within
Invantive Vision. Even making the
system accessible for PDAs is not a
problem. This is very useful for a
company that performs its activities
outside and on several locations.
Difficult was the implementation of
our combined price (sum of
separate rates for personnel,
machinery and material per unit).
But even that is nicely resolved. Just
Innovation for vegetation with a substrate fixation for CO2
rect. The time between the first
like settlements via a G-account
and the processing of different VAT
rates. It is surprising how smart,
flexible and extended the system is
while it simply runs within Microsoft
Outlook. In terms of investment the
system is similar to a standard basic
system such as Microsoft Dynamics
without any extras, but with a basic
functionality that is many times
larger. That is a huge benefit of the
combination of Invantive Vision and
Exact Online. With other systems,
we already would have had to buy
additional modules long time ago.’
Space for green innovation
Now the basis of the new
administrative organization has
been implemented Wolterinck can
again fully focus on further
innovation of their services. For
Example, Wolterinck developed a
method to make half paved and
paved surfaces weed free, without
using chemical pesticides. A special
machine (the Wave) kills all the
weeds quickly and efficiently on
paved and unpaved surfaces using
infrared sensors and hot boiling
water. Wolterinck is also leader with
regard to controlling the increasingly
common processionary caterpillar.
They have various machines and
methods for prevention and control
of caterpillars (EPRS PREVENT ®
460 or EPRS PREVENT ® TR 600)
and also they apply suction (EPRS
WIPE OUT ® 7500). This even at
high altitudes. Finally, the company
co-operates with the University of
Twente in the development and
application of substrate fixations of
CO2 for wall and roof gardens. Such
vegetation improves the
environment and revives walls and
roofs of for example a multi-storey
car park. It is even possible to grow
a logo in sedum on a facade (CSR
In short: Wolterinck is in motion and
has, partly thanks to Invantive Vision, the space to continue growing
The benefits of Invantive Vision
for Wolterinck B.V. summarized:
− Adapts 100% to our organization and processes.
− Always monitoring what is
− Serve our customers professionally, personally and proactively.
− Fast and accurate tendering.
− Always a clear understanding of
costs and revenues for each
(sub) project, customer, machine and employee.
− Avoids duplication of work and
errors when entering administrative and financial data.
− Lower auditing costs.
− Everything you need for effective business management.
− Supplier who thinks with you.
Also interested in Invantive Vision?
More information about Invantive
and Invantive Vision is available at:
You can also contact Invantive for a
personal meeting and demonstration.

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