Yes it`s scarv... So be warv!
Yes it`s scarv... So be warv!
Yes it's scarv... So be warv! Children 15 and undel or supervtseo oy an aoult at ail ttmes. Whilst inside Spooky World you must participate in a responsilbe manner with the understanding and attitude of safety first! All attractions may contain: strobe lighting, smoke machines, laser lighting, latex, small tight spaces, darkness, uneven flooring, odour effects, water efiects and loud distressing music. Our attractions contain live actors who will be trying to scare you. They will not harm youl You must not touch or harm any of the actors or you will be removed from the park immediately. Security.are on site at all times. lt is their job to enforce saf6ty regulations and ensure a zero tolerance strategy is adopted towards drugs, alcohol and ignorance of park rules and policies. You must listen and respond to their instructions at ail iimes. .QQ.N9T gttg{ qry_atlqctio_ryLyqu ?E plegnqn!, are of a nervous disposition or suffer from claustrophobia. YOU MUST NOT TAKE PARTIF YOU HAVE ANY PHYSICAL LIMITATIONS. -HE HAUNTED HOUSE t.Iisten to the instructions of the scare host Understand them and follow them. THE HAUNTED HAYRIDE carefully. 2.Walkthroughw!!ygurhandsontheshouldersof theperson in front of you. DO NOT stop at any point. 1. Listen to the instructions of the scare host carefully. ,. to do so. q PO NgI run at any time. 1 B.*.r., group at all times. 4. DO NOi stand up on the traiter at any time. and that 5. Yo-u MUST take responsibility for your OWN actions NOT,respond to anything inside the attraction in a way others. ^ La.y.l:'afllyourself 6 Strhtly NO smoking inside the attraction. or 7. ln the event of an emergency, remain calm and staff. Understand them and follow them. 2.interthgtraiteiatatty,tarefulyandontywheninstructed follow untit instructions from a member of 8. Keep moving through the attraction slowly. Do not stop you reach the. OO ttOf attemptioOiimount the traiter untess instructed to do so. O Actors may mount the trailer. DO NOT touch them. 7 Stricfly flCj smoiing on the attraction. 8. Dismdunt the trailei caretuffy, sfowly and only when instructed to do so. g. Be aware of the shared exit with The Slaughterhouse. 10. SUTTABLE CLOTHTNG MUST BE WORN Af nU_ TTMES INCLUDING TOpS wirH LONG SLEEVES oOWr.r iO wntSrS, rRousERS AND sECURr, srr.r-Sieri sHoes. HtcH HEELS,' S exit^ .9 Pp.gryn -ot^1nq:Jqpiry-qliltlo1tltllg-altlgglion lO.SUITABLECLOTHINGMUSTBEWORNATALLTIMES BALLERINAPUMPSANDopTTToToEDSHoESARENoT, INCLUDING TOPS WITH LONG SLEEVES DOWN TO WR|STS, SUTTABLE nr.rD MUSf rrrOi ar wOnrrr. Wr nrSrnVr fHr HtclttEELS, TROUSERS AND SECURE_, SENSIBLE SHOES. BALLERINA PUMPS AND OPENED TOED SHOES ARE SUITABLE AND MUST NOT BE WORN. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE ENTRY TO ANYONE WITH UNSUITABLE ':OOTWEAR OR ATTIRE. THIS IS FOR YOUR SAFEry. NOT THE SLAUGHTERHOUSE 1. Listen to the instructions of the scare host carefully. Understand them and follow them. 2. Walk through w!t! your hands on the shoulders of the person you..DO NOT stop at any , ^ ['lrg11!gf 3. DO NOT run at any time. 4. Remain in your group at all times. 5. You MUST take responsibility for your OWN actions and NOT respond to anythlng inside the attraction in a way that may harm yourself or others. 6. Strictly NO smoking inside the attraction. 7. ln the event of an emergency, remain calm and follow instructions from a member of staff. 8. Keep moving through the attraction slowly. Do not stop until you reach the exit. 9. Be aware of the shared exit with The Haunted Hayride. 10. SUITABLE CLOTHING MUST BE WORN ATALL TIMES INCLUDING TOPS WITH LONG SLEEVES DOWN TO WRISTS, TROUSERSAND SECURE, SENSIBLE SHOES. HIGH HEELS, BALLERINA PUMPS AND OPENED TOED SHOES ARE NOT SUITABLE AND MUST NOT BE WORN. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE ENTRY TO ANYONE WITH UNSUITABLE FOOTWEAR OR ATTIRE. THIS IS FOR YOUR SAFETY. point. , RtcHT TO REFUSE iNTRy TO ANyONE wrrrr UNSuTTABLE FooTWEARbn AimT. THIS IS FoR YoUR SAFETY. CainEvil 1. Listen to the instructions of the scare host carefully. Understand them and follow them. with your hands on the shoulders of the person in front of you. DO NOT stop at any point. 3. DO NOT run at any time. 4. Remain in your group at all times. 5. You MUST take responsibility for your OWN actions and NOT respond to anything inside the attraction in a way that may harm yourself or others. 6. Strictly NO smoking inside the attraction. 7. ln the event of an emergency, remain calm and follow instructions from a member of staff. 8. Keep moving through the attraction slowly. Do not stop until you reach the exit. 9. SUITABLE CLOTHING MUST BE WORN ATALL TIMES INCLUDING TOPS WITH LONG SLEEVES DOWN TO WRISTS, TROUSERS AND SECURE, SENSIBLE SHOES. HIGH HEELS, BALLERINA PUMPS AND OPENED TOED SHOES ARE NOT SUITABLEAND MUST NOT BE WORN. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE ENTRY TO ANYONE WITH UNSUITABLE FOOTWEAR OR ATTIRE. THIS IS FOR YOUR SAFETY. 2 Wqlk through The proprietors will not accept responsibility for any incidents which occur as a result of failure to comply with all guidelines and verbal instructions grven.