February 2013 - Bar Association of Montgomery County Maryland
February 2013 - Bar Association of Montgomery County Maryland
The Bar associaTion of MonTgoMery counTy, MD N pRESiDEnT’S mESSAGE 3 Current Update 6 A Balancing Act ... 9 Tech Talk 12 New Practitioners 13 Committees/Sections Annual Meeting Information insert WBA Triennial Auction InsIde ThIs Issue insert B insert Bar Foundation CLE Insert insert D Joint Membership Meeting 27 Pro Bono C 28 Pride in Membership, Leadership in Justice www.montbar.org Volume 60, issue 8 A Specialty Bar Associations R EWSLEt tE 30 Rent/Lease Ads 31 Attorney Opportunity Ads 34 States Attorney Schedules By Daniel M. Kennedy, III The United States District Court, Southern Division, sitting in Greenbelt, is in existence through the determined efforts and perseverance of the leaders of the Bar Association of Montgomery County in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s. Through the appointments to the bench and the exemplary efforts of the Hon. Peter Messitte, the Hon. Roger Titus and the Hon. Charles Day, members of our bar association have made a profound, everlasting impact on our nation and our communities. Judge Messitte has been a senior jurist for several years and the efforts to have President Obama’s appointment of Judge Day to the U.S. District Court bench have been undermined by the unprofessional politics that has, unfortunately, become the status quo of our two party system of government. Judge Titus is set to become a senior jurist in early 2014. As such, with the transition to senior status of Judge Alexander Williams, Jr., in April 2013, there are two vacancies awaiting the president’s nomination. It is incumbent upon the BAMC to assist the “best and brightest” of our members to pursue becoming one or more of the nominees submitted for consideration by the Senate Judiciary Committee. But for our organization, there wouldn’t be a federal courthouse on 495. Without the immediate efforts of our membership, our influence at the federal level in this state will be dramatically compromised. Within the next few weeks, possibly by the time you are read- february 2013 bAR ASSociATion of monTGomERy counTy ELEcTion noTificATion foR officERS AnD ExEcuTiVE commiTTEE In compliance with Article VII of the Bar Association Constitution, the membership is hereby notified that a General Election for new Officers and Executive Committee will be conducted. Schedule Slate printed in March newsletter with invitation for petition Mar. 15, 2013 Petition Deadline Mar. 18, 2013 Ballots Emailed to Members April 5, 2013, 2:00p.m. Voting Deadline April 26, 2013 Announcement of Results at the Annual Meeting SAVE THE DATE Retirement party for The Honorable Louise G. Scrivener To Celebrate 25 Distinguished Years on the Bench Tuesday, April 16, 2013 5:00-9:00 p.m. VisArts, Rockville Town Center For more information, please contact: Master Holly Whittier [email protected]; 240-777-9108 or Katie Gamelin Crowley [email protected]; 301-340-9090 (Continued on page 4) bAR LuncHEon ScHEDuLE February 5, 2013 – Speaker: Douglas F. Gansler, Maryland Attorney General March 5, 2013 April 9, 2013 Rockville United Methodist Church ~ 112 West Montgomery Ave., Rockville, MD 12:15p.m. - 1:00p.m. If you have a dietary restriction and require a special meal, please contact Cindy at [email protected] at least 1 week prior to the luncheon. Please indicate what type of dietary restriction you have. PLEASE NOTE ... We must receive your request in writing at least 1 week in advance of the luncheon so that we can accommodate you. foR youR infoRmATion 2012-2013 Officers and Chairs Bar Association ... Main Line ... (301) 424-3454 Julie maria cindy monika } marleni Executive Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] Office Manager/LRS Supervisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] Association Administrative Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] ............................................. [email protected] (301) 424-3453 (301) 424-7040 (301) 762-8376 (301) 424-6351 Lawyer Referral Service Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lawyer Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] and [email protected] (301) 279-9100 (301) 424-7040 Bar Foundation yesenia CLE Seminars and Events Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] (301) 340-2534 Pro Bono Program client intake Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (301) 424-7651 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (301) 424-7652 The following staff listing is not for public information. It is for attorney use only. Debbie, Program Administrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (301) 762-5831 [email protected] Jennifer Office Administration / Client Coordination . . . . . . . . . . (301) 424-2706 [email protected] Gaby Office Administration / Client Coordination . . . . . . . . . . (301) 762-8488 [email protected] foR LAwyERS wHo nEED HELp If you are aware of attorneys who are having problems with alcohol, drugs, stress, emotional problems and related illnesses that interfere with their professional or personal lives, please call the Lawyer-to-Lawyer Committee. Committee members are available to assist lawyers find confidential effective programs to suit their needs. All calls are strictly confidential. Deane A. Shure, chair phone: (301) 762-8860 E-mail: [email protected] fRiEnDS of biLL w. LAwyER mEETinG For time and location of the meetings, please contact Dan Gaskill at (301) 279-7400. BAR ASSOCIATION OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD NEWSLETTER (USPS 430-930) ISSN-1079-0780 is published monthly except July/August combined at $25.00 per year by the Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD 27 West Jefferson Street, Rockville, MD 20850-4200 PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID Rockville, Maryland 20850-4200 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD, Newsletter 27 West Jefferson St., Rockville, Maryland 20850-4200 Julie Petersen, Executive Director & Editor Cindy Brandenburg, Assistant & Advertising Editor 2 BAR FOUNDATION OFFICERS (Effective July 1, 2012) President: John M. Quinn President-Elect: Daniel M. Kennedy, III Treasurer: Bradford S. Bernstein Secretary: Mimi L. Magyar Past President: Patricia M. Weaver BOARD OF DIRECTORS Michael G. Banks Hon. Mary Ellen Barbera Lynn C. Boynton Jeannie K. Cho Lauri E. Cleary Heather Collier Hon. John W. Debelius, III David S. De Jong Paul B. DeWolfe Paul H. Ethridge E. Joseph Fitzpatrick, Jr. Jo B. Fogel Hon. Ann S. Harrington Kevin G. Hessler Heather Q. Hostetter Paul F. Kemp Joseph A. Lynott, III J. Stephen McAuliffe, III Rachel T. McGuckian A. Howard Metro John C. Monahan James A. Mood, Jr. David A. Pordy Hon. Roger W. Titus Donna E. Van Scoy Alison C. Weinberg COMMITTEE CHAIRS Bar Revue – Steven J. Bienstock – (301) 251-1600 Cable T.V./Law School for the Public – Lauri E. Cleary, Co-Chair – (301) 657-0176; William C. Davis, III, Co-Chair – (202) 296-5600 CLE Breakfasts – To Be Appointed Continuing Legal Education – John Weaver, Chair – (301) 424-7207 Diversity – Charles B. Day, Chair – (301) 344-0660 Endowment – Patricia M. Weaver, Chair – (301) 951-9360 Facilities – Patrick C. McKeever, Chair – (301) 762-5212 Fall Outing – Alison W. Rind, Co-Chair – (301) 657-0750; David Shapiro, Co-Chair – (301) 656-7603 Governance – Nancy A. Sachitano, Chair – (301) 657-8808 Pro Bono – Michael J. Goecke, Chair – (301) 657-0185 School Mock Trial – Bradford S. Bernstein, Chair – (301) 517-4811; Casey L. Cirner, Co-Chair, (301) 762-1600 Speakers Bureau & Youth Initiative Program – Mary Siegfried, Chair – (301) 563-89127 ASSOCIATION OFFICERS President: Daniel M. Kennedy, III President-Elect: Richard H. Melnick Treasurer: James A. Mood, Jr. Treasurer-Elect: James R. Hammerschmidt Secretary: Carlotta A. Woodward Past President: John M. Quinn Executive Director: Julie Petersen EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Victor M. Del Pino William C. Davis, III Marc R. Emden John M. Maloney Wanda Martinez Donna E. McBride Rhian McGrath P. Lindsay Parvis Michael L. Rowan Joan E. Ryon Patricia P. Via John S. Weaver New Practitioners Co-Chairs: Aindrea M. Conroy & Christopher W. Roberts COMMITTEE CHAIRS Assoc./Found. – Ann. Mtg. & Law Day – James R. Hammerschmidt, Chair – (301) 951-9338 Bench/Bar-Circuit – David C. Merkin, Co-Chair – (301) 251-1180; Michael A. Taylor, Co-Chair – (301) 251-2772 Bench/Bar-District Court – Richard D. London, Chair – (301) 588-6900 Budget – Audrey A. Creighton, Chair – (301) 563-8867 Community Outreach - Heather S. Collier, Co-Chair – (301) 340-9090; Rhian McGrath, Co-Chair – (301) 907-2804 Fee Dispute Resolution – Robert C. Park, Jr., Co-Chair – (301) 961-5175; Karen Robbins, Co-Chair – (301) 260-0223 Judicial Selections – H. Kenneth Armstrong, II, Chair – (301) 251-0440; Brian E. Barkley, Vice Chair – (301) 251-6600 Lawyer to Lawyer – Deane A. Shure, Chair – (301) 762-8860 Lawyer Referral – Elizabeth G. Loggia, Chair – (301) 340-9393 Leadership Development – Casey W. Florance, Co-Chair – (301) 838-3318; Thomas M. DeGonia, II, Co-Chair – (301) 762-1696 Legal Ethics – Jeffrey M. Axelson, Co-Chair – (301) 738-7650; Samuel M. Shapiro, Co-Chair – (301) 340-1333 Legislation – To Be Announced Membership Benefits – David W. Lease, Co-Chair – (301) 838-8950; Michael J. Bramnick, Co-Chair – (301) 634-3117 Mentor/Mentee (sub of New Practitioners) - Clifford J. Boan, Chair – (301) 762-1696 Nominations & Elections – To Be Announced Social – Monica G. Harms, Co-Chair – (301) 838-3230; Lili Khozeimeh, Co-Chair – (240) 777-9119 Softball – Katherine G. Crowley, Chair – (301) 340-9090 Specialty Bar Associations – Mary Ellen Flynn, Chair – (301) 563-6685 Strategic Planning – David A. Pordy, Chair – (301) 230-5205; Bradford S. Bernstein,Vice Chair – (301) 517-4811 Technology – Sebastian Forgues Co-Chair – (240) 507-1700; Behzad Gohari, Co-Chair – (301) 761-3000 Youth Courthouse Project – Holly D. Reed, III, Co-Chair – (301) 587-9480; Patricia P. Via, Co-Chair – (240) 777-6721 SECTION CHAIRS Alternative Dispute Resolution – Robert L. Baum, Co-Chair – (301) 610-0610; Erik C. Johnson, Co-Chair – (301) 977-8002 Business Law – Marc B. Bergoffen, Co-Chair – (301) 656-2707; Robert M. Gottschalk, Co-Chair – (202) 530-3300 Collaborative Law – Suzy L. Eckstein, Co-Chair – (301) 424-8081; Darcy A. Shoop, Co-Chair – (301) 340-7950 Commercial Litigation – Mary C. Lombardo, Co-Chair – (301) 8383226; J. Bradford McCullough, Co-Chair – (301) 657-0734 Criminal Law – Carlotta A. Woodward, Co-Chair – (301) 424-6366; Jessica L. Zarrella, Co-Chair – (240) 777-7469 Education Law – Patrick J. Hoover, Co-Chair – (301) 424-5777; Lynndolyn Mitchell, Co-Chair – (301) 340-2541; Karen S. Smith, Co-Chair – (301) 652-4462 Elder Law – Morris Klein, Chair – (301) 652-4462 Employment Law – Gwenlynn W. D’Souza, Co-Chair – (301) 452-1888; Gregg C. Greenberg, Co-Chair – (301) 587-9373 Estates & Trusts – Jay M. Eisenberg, Chair – (301) 230-5223 Family Law – Julie B. Christopher, Co-Chair – (301) 838-3257; Kathryn McDonough, Co-Chair – (301) 563-6685; Maureen M. Renehan, Co-Chair – (301) 762-1696 Immigration – Maria F. Glinsmann, Chair – (301) 987-0030 Intellectual Property & Technology – Michael L. Greenberg, Co-Chair – (202) 625-7000; Howard A. Newman, Co-Chair – (202) 544-8040 Juvenile Law – Daniel W. Gaskill, Chair – (301) 279-7400 Law Firm Management – Amy B. Strent, Chair – (301) 657-0010 New Practitioners – Aindrea M. Conroy, Co-Chair – (301) 762-1696; Christopher W. Roberts, Co-Chair – (301) 340-9090 Chamber Chats – Kathryn Deckert, Chair – (301) 838-3330 Personal Injury Litigation – Paul S. Chung, Co-Chair (Plaintiff) – (301) 230-5230; Andre M. Forte, Co-Chair (Defense) – (301) 791-6924 Real Estate – Matthew D. Alegi, Co-Chair – (301) 230-6574; Alexis H. Peters, Co-Chair – (301) 255-0538 Taxation Law – John S. Pontius, Jr., Chair – (301) 424-7585 Workers Compensation Law – William J. Inman, Co-Chair – (301) 315-9400; Jeffrey W. Stickle, Co-Chair – (301) 791-6924 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter February, 2013 cuRREnT upDATE JuDiciAL RoTATion in fAmiLy AnD JuVEniLE LEGAL ETHICS HOTLINE Effective January 1, 2013, the following rotations occurred in Juvenile: • Hon. Gary Bair will alternate between the Delinquency Adjudicatory docket and the Duty Docket. • Hon. Joseph Quirk will alternate between the Delinquency Adjudicatory docket and the Duty Docket. • Hon. Anne Albright will alternate bi-weekly between Family and the Juvenile CINA docket. • Hon. Katherine Savage will alternate bi-weekly between Family and the Juvenile CINA docket. • Hon. Cynthia Callahan will remain in the bi-weekly alternating Family/CINA docket. Effective January 1, 2013, in addition to Judges callahan, Savage and Albright, who, as mentioned above will sit every other week in family, the following Judges have started rotating into family: • Hon. Robert Greenberg • Hon. Steven Salant brian barkley [email protected] 301-251-6600 Robert meier [email protected] 301-753-3911 For a written confidential opinion, submit your written request, marked confidential, to Jeffrey M. Axelson, c/o Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD, 27 West Jefferson St., Rockville, MD 20850. • • • • Hon. Marielsa Bernard Hon. Eric Johnson Hon. Ronald Rubin Hon. Nelson Rupp ciRcuiT couRT noTES progress Report on the construction of the court’s Annex and impoRTAnT infoRmATion REGARDinG TEmpoRARy iniTiATiVE To HoLD bEncH wARRAnT AnD boDy ATTAcHmEnT HEARinGS ViA ViDEo: The Maryland Avenue entrance of the Judicial Center remains closed for the next stage of construction of the Court Annex. Courthouse visitors and staff must use the Monroe Street entrance or the T-level entrance, which can be accessed via the Executive Office Building. Signs have been posted to direct court visitors who normally enter from the Maryland Avenue/west side of the courthouse to the Monroe Street entrance. One elevator in the Judicial Center has been taken out of service for public access due to renovations being done in conjunction with the building of the Annex. Complicating matters is the longterm, though temporary, loss of the public parking lot across from the theaters on Maryland Avenue where a hotel and parking garage complex are being constructed. Please advise your clients to budget (Continued on page 5) :KDWFDQ\RXH[SHFWIURP 7KH0F&DPPRQ*URXS" Quality, Results, Value. From personal injury to complex commercial disputes and everything in between, our highly trained Neutrals stand ready to assist you with all of your mediation and arbitration needs. David A. Carney, Esq. Hon. Dale R. Cathell (Ret.) Former Judge, Court of Appeals of Maryland Past President, The College of Labor and Employment Lawyers Past President, Bankruptcy Bar Assoc. for the Dist. of Maryland Retired Magistrate Judge, United States District Court, Eastern District of Arkansas Hon. Henry L. Jones, Jr. (Ret.) John Henry Lewin, Jr., Esq. Patrick C. McKeever, Esq. Hon. James L. Ryan (Ret.) John E. Sandbower, III, Esq. Hon. J. Frederick Sharer (Ret.) Hon. Thomas P. Smith (Ret.) Kenneth L. Thompson, Esq. Past President, Howard County Bar Association Past President, Montgomery County Bar Association Retired Associate Judge, Montgomery County Circuit Court Hope B. Eastman, Esq. Best Lawyers in America, ADR Section Morton A. Faller, Esq. Former Judge, Court of Special Appeals of Maryland Retired Associate Judge, Prince George’s County Circuit Court Past President, Bar Association of Baltimore City Fellow, American College of Trial Lawyers Dispute Resolution and Prevention For a complete list of our services and Neutrals throughout MD, DC, and VA, call 1-888-343-0922 or visit www.McCammonGroup.com February, 2013 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter 3 pRESiDEnT’S mESSAGE, cont’d (Continued from page 1) ing this article, the offices of Senator Mikulski and Senator Cardin should have established a Nominations Committee and readied the applications for qualified candidates. Presently, Teri Weathers in Senator Mikulski’s office is the point of contact for information. She can be reached at the senator’s DC office, 202224-4654. The senators’ web sites should have links to the applications, shortly. Please endeavor to get behind our qualified candidates for the interests of our members, our clients and the welfare of our nation. As to forging ahead with ensuring our neighbors observe and experience the presence of our members in their lives outside of the direct interaction with our members in their professional capacities, the Bar Foundation has established the Endowment Committee to oversee the ongoing growth and utilization of the Endowment Fund. As the successful and entertaining Open House demonstrated, the financial commitment of our membership has secured the future of the Bar Building. The financial strength of our members is significant and available for productive interests. As the Capital Campaign assessment comes to a close in the immediate future, we shall dedicate the fundraising efforts of the Foundation to ensure its value to our community will be more readily apparent. In this fashion the Foundation should continue to grow as a source of pride for our membership and enhance the image of our professional to the public. The Endowment Fund, due to the substantial contributions of a few, is already an ongoing financial resource that has had a substantial influence on the circuit court’s drug court and the Montgomery County Special Olympics, to name but a few programs. Thanks to the efforts of the foundation’s past president, Trish Weaver, a new set of rules has been approved by the board of directors to address the process for utilizing the Fund. Shortly, we shall approach the membership to assist in the growth of the Fund to allow these efforts to be more productive inside and outside of our legal community. In the meantime, it remains available for the financial contributions of our past and present members, their 4 friends and families. Several members make regular, unsolicited donations to the Fund. Howard Metro. Esq., deserves special recognition for his ongoing generosity, in Howard’s case on the occasion of the referral of a new client from a fellow bar association member. The late Judge Latham’s family requested that, in lieu of other gifts, contributions to the Bar Foundation be made in his honor. I ask that each of us be mindful of the benefits to our profession and our community that will increasingly arise as a consequence of the ongoing growth of an efficient, minimum overhead, charitable endeavor that engages our community through our Endowment Fund. We can be proud of its influence for centuries to come. As to closing the last chapter of 2012, not only did the year end with a drought busting Redskins’ banner, made that much more precious coming as it did at the demise of the Cowboys of Texas, but earlier that same day my soft, office styled fingers got pleasingly bloodied on the graceful bill of a 160 lb. Pacific sailfish, memorialized alongside a toothy, sober, Irish grin thanks in no part to the quick study of Capt. Javier on my since retired Blackberry between the occasions of the fish’s 4th and 5th leaps. Moreover, the sail was released successfully to chase baitfish into 2013 and beyond. The deadline for submission of copy for the newsletter is the 10th of the month for the following months’ issue. 27 West Jefferson Street Rockville, MD Office Space Available for Lease ɶVTXDUHIHHW ɶSVIQHWRI FOHDQLQJ ɶ:DONLQJGLVWDQFHWR0RQWJRPHU\&RXQW\'LVWULFWDQG&LUFXLW&RXUWV ɶ8VHRI WZRVKDUHGFRQIHUHQFHURRPVDQGODUJHWUDLQLQJURRP ɶ:LWKLQZDONLQJGLVWDQFHRI 5RFNYLOOH0HWURDQG5RFNYLOOH7RZQ6TXDUH ɶUHVHUYHGSDUNLQJVSDFHVLQFOXGHG For further information, please contact Nate Crowe ɶ 301.337.4730 Scheer Partners, 9201 Corporate Boulevard, Rockville, MD The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter February, 2013 cuRREnT upDATE (Continued from page 3) extra time to find parking and to gain access to the courthouse and courtrooms in order to be on time for hearings, trials and other scheduled events. Please accept our continuing thanks for your patience with the inconvenience necessitated by the both construction and renovations to the existing structure. To reduce the number of prisoners who need to be transported to and moved about the building during the final stages of renovation and construction, the Circuit Court, in conjunction with the Sheriff’s Office and the Montgomery County Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation’s Central Processing Unit, as well as the Office of the Public Defender, State’s Attorney’s Office, and Child Support Enforcement Unit has implemented the temporary use of remote video from the Central Processing Unit to allow Bench Warrant and Body Attachment Hearings to be conducted in the same manner as Circuit Court Friday Video Bonds for approximately 5 to 6 months during the construction/ renovation period. These hearings will be noted on the docket as either “Video Bench Warrant” or “Video Body Attachment” Hearings. counsel who wish to confer in person with their clients during hearings may do so by telephone, or if they prefer, will be granted access to their clients in the room at the Detention center that has been temporarily reserved for these hearings. please report to the cpu by 12:45 to be escorted into the Detention center in time for the hearings, which begin at 1:30 pm. many thanks to the clerk of the court, the Sheriff, the warden of the montgomery county Detention center, and the stakeholder agencies for their support and assistance with this temporary initiative. Significant changes to Title 17 of the Maryland Rules of Procedure on Alternative Dispute Resolution took effect in January. An ad hoc Civil DCM Working Group on ADR is being convened as this goes to press to develop consensus from the bench, bar, and court staff as to how best to revise policies and procedures to ensure both compliance with the revised Rules and that courtordered ADR continues to meet the needs of parties litigating civil cases in the Circuit Court. As noted in previous Bar Bulletins, the rotation of judicial assignments in the Circuit Court took place on January 7, 2013 concluding a transition that began in October, 2012, for complex cases. Changes in judicial assignments are summarized in the tables below: CRIMINAL CRIMINAL CRIMINAL CRIMINAL CRIMINAL CRIMINAL FAMILY/ JUVENILE FAMILY CALENDAR 1 PREVIOUS Judge Bernard Judge Rubin Judge Greenberg Judge McCormick Judge Burrell PREVIOUS 1/7/13 >= JUDGE MASON JUDGE MCGANN JUDGE BOYNTON JUDGE JORDAN JUDGE MCCALLY 1/7/13 >= NOTE Judge Algeo JUDGE GREENBERG FAMILY CALENDAR 2 Judge Savage JUDGE SAVAGE FAMILY CALENDAR 3 Judges Callahan & McCally FAMILY CALENDAR 4 FAMILY CALENDAR 5 FAMILY CALENDAR 6 FAMILY CALENDAR 7 FAMILY CALENDAR 8 JUVENILE DEPENDENCY JUVENILE DEPENDENCY JUVENILE DELINQUENCY/ DUTY CIVIL CIVIL CALENDAR 1 CIVIL CALENDAR 2 CIVIL CALENDAR 3 CIVIL CALENDAR 4 CIVIL CALENDAR 5 CIVIL CALENDAR 6 JUDGES CALLAHAN & ALBRIGHT ALTERNATES WEEKLY WITH JUVENILE DEPENDENCY (CINA) ASSIGNMENT (ONE JUDGE SITS IN FAMILY CALENDAR 3 AND ONE JUDGE SITS IN JUVENILE DEPENDENCY EACH WEEK) JUDGE BERNARD JUDGE JOHNSON Judge Bair Judge Albright Judge Dugan JUDGE RUBIN Judge Salant JUDGE SALANT Judge Mason JUDGE RUPP Judges Callahan & McCally JUDGES CALLAHAN & ALBRIGHT JUDGE SAVAGE JUDGES BAIR & QUIRK Judge Savage Judges Boynton & McGann PREVIOUS (ONE JUDGE SITS IN FAMILY CALENDAR 3 AND ONE JUDGE SITS IN JUVENILE DEPENDENCY EACH WEEK) ALTERNATES WEEKLY WITH FAMILY CALENDAR 2 DELINQUENCY AND DUTY ALTERNATE WEEKLY 1/7/13 => Judge Rupp NOTE JUDGE BURRELL Judge Rubin JUDGE RUBIN Judge Quirk JUDGE DUGAN Judge Scrivener JUDGE MCCORMICK Judge Jordan JUDGE ALGEO Judge Johnson JUDGE SCRIVENER (until retirement) With rare exceptions, TRACK 4 criminal cases that were filed before october 8, 2012 and were pending trial on January 6, 2013 moved calendar fashion using the table above. In early December, 2012, the five (5) judges in the Criminal/General Assignment received a listing of their Track 4 cases pending trial in 2013 to review and identify any exceptional cases they wished to recommend to the Administrative Judge as cases they should carry forward through trial (and disposition). Subject to the Administrative Judge’s approval, those exceptional cases will stay with the current Track 4 judge for trial and disposition and will take priority over other (Continued on following page) February, 2013 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter 5 cuRREnT upDATE (Continued from preceding page) assignments in order to maintain existing trial dates. Those pending Track 4 cases with a trial date already set that will be not carried by the current Track 4 judge were transferred to the corresponding judge UNLESS the succeeding judge’s calendar could not accommodate that trial date. Where this occurred, the first available judge in the order above became the Track 4 judge. pLEASE noTE THAT THE TRAcK 4 JuDGE iS ALSo THE pLEA JuDGE AnD THEREfoRE cHAnGED EffEcTiVE JAnuARy 7, 2013 foR SucH cASES. A listing of Track 4 Criminal cases pending trial before the outgoing judges showing which cases were retained and which were transferred was forwarded to the State’s Attorney’s Office and the Office of the Public Defender in early January to help apprise those staff of the changes. Private counsel seeking information or with questions on individual cases may contact the Assignment Office, 240-777-9000. Any postponements or changes of the already scheduled trial date must be approved by the Administrative Judge and rescheduled ONLY in conjunction with the Assignment Office to avoid disruption of other assignments. Where the judge’s new rotation calendar will not allow a trial date within Hicks, that case will be scheduled before the succeeding judge in the criminal/general rotation as above, where that judge is also not available, the case will be assigned to the next judge who is available in the order above. 6 A bALAncinG AcT This is the part of the newsletter that is here to help you de-stress and lead a more balanced life. Each month, our newsletter will give you a tip that you might implement. Most lawyers would say that developing new business is crucial to their success. Yet, when lawyers get busy, developing new business many times falls to the bottom of their to-do lists. An inadequate flow of business can be one of the biggest stressors in a law practice. How can we keep developing new business at the top of the list, all of the time? The answer is to set up systems that insure that regardless of the current level of work, new business development goes on. Examples are newsletters that go out every month, a weekly time allotted to blogging, monthly involvement in a bar committee, monthly meetings with an existing client and meeting with a potential client or referral source every week. When I coach, I encourage lawyers to make a weekly commitment to regular marketing efforts and to set up systems that drive regular marketing on a monthly basis. Are you committed to regular and consistent marketing efforts? If not, what is in the way? Geoff Gilbert is a former practicing CPA at Ernst & Young and business attorney in Montgomery County. He now coaches Lawyers, CPA’s and Executives to help them manage their practices better and enjoy their lives and practices more. Geoff also teaches a stress course at the University of Maryland in College Park. You can reach him at 301-881-3434 or [email protected]. cRiminAL TRAcK 4 pLEA poLicy: 1) Track 4 cases filed prior to october 8, 2012 will continue to have available the previous rotation of plea active judges. 2) Track 4 cases filed on october 8, 2012 through December 7, 2012 will have available the previous rotation of plea active judges PLUS THE TRACK 4 JUDGE (from the incoming 2013 rotation). 3) Cases filed on or after December 10, 2012 will use the 2013 rotation of judges consistent with Tracks 2 and 3 below. criminal Track 2 and 3 cases filed prior to December 10, 2012 have available the previous rotation of active judges; assignment of the 2013 rotation of judges as plea judges in Track 2 and 3 cases, as well as Track 4 cases began December 10, 2012. cRiminAL TRAcK 2 & 3 pLEA poLicy: 1) Plea policy is unchanged. Plea active lists using the outgoing rotation of judges will be maintained for the cases filed up to December 10, 2012. The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter February, 2013 cuRREnT upDATE 2) All active judges in the 2013 criminal rotation are available for plea agreements up to the Pre-Trial Hearing for cases filed on December 10, 2012 and later. Consistent with the DCM plan, the designation of judges as plea active or inactive will begin no earlier than January 7, 2013, or at least 4 weeks after assignments have begun. 3) pRE-inDicTmEnT pLEA AGREEmEnTS fiLED bEfoRE DEcEmbER 10, 2012: Procedure is unchanged. 4) pRE-inDicTmEnT pLEA AGREEmEnTS fiLED on oR AfTER DEcEmbER 10, 2012: May be filed before any plea active judge in the 2013 rotation OR subject to certification that a written plea offer was extended on a prior date to any plea active judge available at that time. For cases filed on or after January 7, 2013, pre-indictment plea agreements may be scheduled before any plea active judge in the 2013 rotation. ciViL cASES: pLEASE bE REminDED THAT AppEARAncE by pLAinTiff’S counSEL oR A SELfREpRESEnTED pLAinTiff iS REQuiRED AT ALL ScHEDuLinG, STATuS/pRETRiAL, SETTLEmEnT confEREncES, AnD pRETRiAL HEARinGS REGARDLESS of wHETHER THE DEfEnDAnT(S) ARE SERVED oR THE cASE iS AT iSSuE. fuRTHER, A noTicE of conTEmpLATED DiSmiSSAL unDER RuLE 2-507 foR fAiLuRE To obTAin JuRiSDicTion oVER A DEfEnDAnT, A pEnDinG moTion To DEfER DiSmiSSAL, oR An oRDER DEfERRinG DiSmiSSAL Do February, 2013 noT ExcuSE THE ATTEnDAncE of pLAinTiff’S counSEL oR A SELf-REpRESEnTED pLAinTiff. fAiLuRE To AppEAR cAn RESuLT in THE DiSmiSSAL of THE AcTion. ciViL TRAcK 3 SETTLEmEnT confEREncES: We continue to work to make the Settlement Conferences in Track 3 civil cases more productive for all involved. Please be reminded that Court staff in the Assignment Office who contact counsel in advance of the Settlement Conference are now requesting additional information about the status of discovery, ADR, and noting any unresolved motions. Cases with such issues are forwarded to the DCM Coordinator, who will work with the parties and make recommendations to the Court as to whether Settlement Conferences and Pretrial Hearings need to be moved to resolve issues or proceed. Counsel are urged to adhere to Scheduling Order deadlines or request their extension prior to their expiration. Finally, in those cases in which appearance will impose a significant hardship on a party or authorized representative, any motion granted to allow telephonic participation will require just that, participation by telephone, rather than mere availability. With these additions and the bar’s continued support, the Circuit Court will be able to reach the civil caseload and other caseloads scheduled for trial predictably and promptly. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. John W. Debelius, Administrative Judge for Montgomery County, MD mccc LAw LibRARy – cHEcK iT ouT what’s up? new & intriguing Legal Titles that will Save you Time and money The MC Circuit Court Law Library is continually improving and focusing its collection to better serve Montgomery County attorneys. Over the past several months we have added new titles that can save your practice time and money. family law books from the AbA: • Confronting Mental Health Evidence: A Practical Guide to Reliability and Experts in Family Law • The Special Needs Child and Divorce: A Practical Guide to Evaluating and Handling Cases (includes CD-ROM) • Children Held Hostage: Dealing with Programmed and Brainwashed Children new issues from the practising Law institute: • Tracking and Targeting Customers and Prospects Online and in Social Media • Representing the Games Industry Client business law from west publishing • ALI Principles of Corporate Governance: Analysis and Recommendations • Partnership Law and Practice: General and Limited Partnerships other • Maryland Criminal Law and Motor Vehicle Handbook • Family Law Therapy: Concepts and Methods The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter (Continued on following page) 7 cuRREnT upDATE (Continued from preceding page) update: Along with the recent update of Maryland Criminal Jury Instructions, the MSBA is issuing a new version of the Maryland Civil Jury Instructions within the next month. Keep in mind that the MCCC library actively collects all new editions and titles on Maryland law, besides providing free access to Lexis, westlaw and other legal databases. Remember – Find your answer fast at the Montgomery County Circuit Court Law Library Hours: M-F, 8:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 50 Maryland Avenue Rockville MD 240-777-9120 [email protected] be discussing Where’d You Go, Bernadette, by Maria Semple. With some rare exceptions, all of our meetings are held in the offices of Miles & Stockbridge P.C., 11 North Washington Street, Suite 700, Rockville, Maryland 20850, and begin at 4:30 in the afternoon. If any of your friends and associates would like to join our group, all they need to do is to show-up for any of our meetings – everyone is always welcome to attend and snacks are always served. Jim Demma HiGH ScHooL mocK TRiAL compETiTion The 30th Annual Maryland State Bar Association High School Mock Trial Competition will take place over the next few months. Over 52,000 students have participated in this competition since its inception. Each year, approximately 20 high schools from Montgomery County participate. This year’s case explores the topic of animal cruelty and neglect. From January through March, there will be approximately 50 trials in the Circuit Court. Each trial lasts approximately two hours. if you are interested in acting as a judge in one of these trials, please contact co-chairs, bradford S. bernstein or Rachel Shapiro at 301-762-1600. Kate Martin Circuit Court Law Librarian LAwyER’S LiTERARy ciRcLE On May 11, 2013 we will have been meeting continuously for twenty (20) years! As I have often said: Most (many) marriages do not last this long. On Thursday, february 21st we will be discussing The Bonfire of the Vanities, by Tom Wolfe. This selection seems to have generated much interest with our group due to the twenty-fifth anniversary this year of its publication, and how the story behind of the “Master of the Universe” is still somewhat relevant to us today. As one commentator wrote recently in the New York Times: “It’s still a tale of two cities.” On Thursday, march 21st we will • • • is pleased to welcome RONALD M. BOLT Ron will continue to practice in the area of condominium/ homeowner association law and municipal law. 401 North Washington Street, Rockville, Maryland 20850 301-251-1414 [email protected] ! " # !" 8 THOMAS SCHILD LAW GROUP, LLC $%& " # $ %%%#" " # The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter February, 2013 TEcH TALK ... by Pat Hoover When my son, Jimmy, came home from school for his winter break, which if you hadn’t realized is about a month long for college students, we talked about what we could do to pump some lifeblood into my practice. He had just finished up a cool media internship downtown and was looking to put some of his new digital and media skills to new use. That’s when we came up with the idea - PODCAST! I know, not very original. Well that was my initial reaction, anyway. But after a quick skim online and a search in the iTunes podcast library, it was evident that legal podcasts that don’t pander to law students or other lawyers aren’t very common. In fact, after a thorough search to see if the niche of education and school law (my focus) already had a pod-guru, nothing came up. It was time to come up with a forum that could host serious and timely discussions on education law. But enough brainstorming, let’s talk gear. For any serious recording you need a serious microphone. But how does a beginner find one that will sound good without emptying your savings (some condenser mic’s cost upwards of $1,000 when you factor in the cost of preamps and other equipment)? That was when, through some stroke of fate, we found a glowing magazine review of a new $200 microphone by a company called Apogee. Perfect for newbies and pros alike, Apogee’s MiC has an internal analogue to digital converter that means no preamp necessary. All you gotta do, is plug in to your iOS device, and press record. But with savings, comes splurge. A pop-filter, swivel stand, and hard shell case brought the total to just under $220. Now of course, from here it can get a little tricky. Tech columns all over the internet will tell you how you will need RSS tags or syndication with iTunes and all these other things that are grand if you know how to do them. But fear not. Podcasting can be as simple as throwing a series of audio files up on the web for streaming and available to any interested listener. Maybe the SEO won’t be there but it’s a start, and most importantly, a treat to people who visit your site. So far, we’ve recorded two episodes of The Hooverlaw Series and have been churning out ideas all week. The point is–you too may develop a podcast library for your practice! And hey, maybe if you’re interested while reading this, there might even be room for a guest spot by one of my many very accomplished colleagues Nudge. Nudge. Stay tuned for my new Podcast Series... The Bar Associations Insurance Agency, Inc. and FranklinMorris are pleased to be the premier sponsor for the 119th Annual meeting & Law Day celebration friday, April 26, 2013 ~ 8:00a.m.-2:30p.m. Bethesda North Marriott Hotel & Conference Center Keynote Speaker: Robert m. bell, chief Judge, Court of Appeals of Maryland February, 2013 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter 9 ATTENTION NEWLY ADMITTED MARYLAND ATTORNEYS and NEW MEMBERS OF THE BAR ASSOCIATION OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY You are cordially invited to attend THE NEW ADMITTEE COURTHOUSE TOUR AND RECEPTION! When: Tuesday, March 19, 2013 Tour of the District Court and Circuit Court ; 4:15 p.m. Reception on the 3rd floor of the Circuit Court, beginning at 5:30 p.m. Where: Tour will begin in the lobby of the District Court Building (past security) 191 East Jefferson St., Rockville, MD CURRENT BAMC MEMBERS ARE INVITED TO THE RECEPTION FOLLOWING THE TOUR (5:30 p.m.) TO GREET AND WELCOME THE NEW ADMITTEES! Please RSVP to Aindrea Conroy: [email protected] , for the Tour and/or Reception by March 12, 2013 COMMITTee/seCTIOn ReGIsTRATIOn PLeAse ReTuRn 2013-2014 BY MARCh 22, 2013 NAME ________________________________________________ email: ____________________________ I. sTAndInG COMMITTees The following committees have three-year staggered terms. Noting that there can only be 3 choices (for both the Association and Foundation combined), please indicate your first, second and third choice by marking the figures 1, 2 and 3 in the box opposite the preferred committee. AssOCIATIOn FOundATIOn ______ Community Outreach ______ Bar Revue ______ Fee Dispute Resolution ______ Cable TV Law School for the Public ______ Judicial Selections ______ Continuing Legal Education ______ Lawyer Referral Service ______ School Education ______ Lawyer-to-Lawyer (no staggered terms) ______ Speakers Bureau — Public ______ Legal Ethics/Unauthorized Practice ______ Speakers Bureau — School ______ Legislation ______ Youth Initiative Program ______ Membership ______ School Mock Trials ______ Mentor/Mentee ______ Fall Outing ______ Social ______ Pro Bono ______ Technology ______ Youth Courthouse Project * up if you have no intention of running for a Judicial vacancy within the next 3 years. * – Please only sign For more information on the above Committees, please visit our website, www.montbar.org. II. seCTIOns — IF YOu ARe ALReAdY A MeMBeR OF The seCTIOn, PLeAse dO nOT MARK IT AGAIn. Please indicate an “X” before the Sections in which you are interested in becoming a neW member. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Alternative Dispute Resolution Business Law Collaborative Law Commercial Litigation Criminal Law Education Law Elder Law _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Employment Law Estate & Trust Law Family Law Federal Practice Immigration Law Intellectual Property Law Juvenile Law _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Law Firm Management New Practitioners Personal Injury Litigation Real Estate Taxation Workers Compensation Law III. I would like to chair the _________________________________________ Committee/Section. IV. Is there a Committee or Section you would like to see our Bar Association add in which you would actively participate?__________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ IV. Is there a special project in which you would participate if it was offered by the BAMC? _______________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ReTuRn TOdAY: Richard h. Melnick, President-elect Bar Association of Montgomery County, Maryland 27 West Jefferson st., Rockville, Md 20850 Fax: (301) 217-9327 Aindrea Conroy, Co-Chair Chris Roberts, Co-Chair nEw pRAcTiTionER SEcTion nEw pRAcTiTionER SEcTion mEETinG DATES February 19, 2013 March 19, 2013 April 16, 2013 All meetings will be held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. in the CLE Classroom of the Bar Association building, 27 West Jefferson St., Rockville, MD, unless otherwise noted. A big thanks to all of the volunteers who participated in the New Practitioner’s annual community service project at mAnnA in Rockville, maryland. Everyone had a great time packing food boxes to be distributed at MANNA’s local food centers and the MANNA staff was very appreciative! Be sure not to miss the latest installment of our Nuts and Bolts Program Series, “nuts and bolts of preliminary Domestic Hearings: Scheduling Hearings, pendente Lite Hearings and beyond!” Heather Collier of Dragga, Hannon, Hessler & Wills, LLP, Annemarie Wall of the Law Offices of Annemarie Wall, LLC, and Dan Shaivitz of Ethridge, Quinn, Kemp, McAuliffe, Rowan & Hartinger will give their insights and advice on this subject on february 19, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. in the CLE Classroom of the Bar Association building, 27 West Jefferson St., Rockville, MD. Our generous speakers will also be ready to answer any questions you may have regarding Preliminary Domestic Hearings, so be sure to bring them! Coming up in March is the new Admittee courthouse Tour & Reception, which will take place on Tuesday, march 19, 2013. We invite all new admittees of the Bar to join us for a tour of the Circuit and District Courthouses, which will start at 4:15 p.m. Please meet us in the lobby of the District Court (past security), located at 191 E. Jefferson St., Rockville, MD 20850, at 4:15 p.m. The tour will begin promptly at 4:15 p.m., so please make sure you allow yourself plenty of time to get through security. Immediately following the District Court tour, we will head over to the Circuit Court for a tour of that Courthouse. The Circuit Court tour will begin at 4:45 p.m. in the lobby of the Circuit Court, located at 50 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850. we invite all members of the bar to join us for a reception to greet and welcome our new admittees, which will start at 5:30 p.m., on the 3rd Floor of the Circuit Court. 12 There is no cost, and we will have free appetizers and drinks. If you would like to attend the tour, the reception, or both, please RSVP to Aindrea Conroy at [email protected] by March 12, 2013. This is a great event, giving us the opportunity to welcome our newly-admitted fellow attorneys! Make sure to check next month’s newsletter for details on our Spring Mentor/Mentee Happy Hour. This is a great opportunity for both new and old mentor/mentee pairings to meet up and reconnect! Details to follow in our March newsletter. cHAmbER cHATS Our February Chamber Chat will take place on, wednesday, february 6, 2013, at 12:30 p.m., hosted by the Honorable Joseph M. Quirk. Judge Quirk has been on the Circuit Court bench since March 19, 2010. Judge Quirk is currently on the Juvenile Delinquency/Duty rotation. Prior to joining the bench, Judge Quirk worked as a sole practitioner. Bring your lunch, take advantage of this opportunity to get to know a member of our Circuit Court bench in an informal setting, and bring your questions for Judge Quirk about practice in the Circuit Court. No R.S.V.P. is required, and please note the chamber chat is open to all members of the bar, not just members of the new practitioners Section. Judge Quirk's Chamber is located in the old District Court at 27 Courthouse Square, Courtroom 18. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Kathryn Deckert, Chamber Chat Committee Chair, at (301) 838-3330 or [email protected]. mEnToR/mEnTEE commiTTEE Ask successful attorneys how they achieved their success and many responses will include mention of a long-ago-past, “lucky” encounter with someone who took a genuine interest in that successful attorney’s early professional and personal growth. Such responses remind us that success in the demanding practice of law requires, in addition to hard work, guidance from those with the experience to offer it. In the Montgomery County Bar Association Mentor-Mentee Program, experienced attorney-mentors generously share their time, energy, and wisdom with their newpractitioner mentees. Through that generous sharing, mentees receive invaluable advice on the practice of law, enjoy the special camaraderie of the Montgomery County Bar Association, and begin what often can be a life-long relationship. If you have practiced law for more than seven years, I invite you to volunteer to be a mentor in the Montgomery County Bar Association Mentor-Mentee Program. Please, share your experience and offer your guidance to us young attorneys who need it most and are eager to accept it. Likewise, if you have been practicing law for less than seven years, let this be the lucky moment that you look back upon and credit for your future successes. Submit your application to be a mentee today. Mentor-Mentee pairing letters are mailed out on the first Monday of the month after a mentee application is received, and official pairings are for a term of 12-months. For more information about the program, or for an application to become a mentor or mentee, please contact Cliff Boan at [email protected]. Litigation Support – Expert Witness Testimony Business Valuation – Pension Valuation – Financial Analysis Forensic Accounting – Financial Fraud Investigations Tax Issues – Income Tax Preparation Alan Zipp Certified Public Accountant Attorney at Law Certified Business Appraiser Certified Fraud Examiner Telephone 301-340-0084 – [email protected] 932 Hungerford Drive, Suite 13 Rockville, MD 20850 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter February, 2013 HEADinG commiTTEES & SEcTionS buSinESS LAw SEcTion 2012-2013 Section meeting Dates February 20, 2013 March 20, 2013 April 17, 2013 All monthly section meetings will be held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. at a location to be determined and with topics to be announced. The Business Law Section will be presenting a joint CLE with the Tax Section entitled “Dissection of a Transaction: Anatomy, tax, and accomplishing the goals of the buyer and seller” on february 20, 2013 from 6:00p.m. to 8:00p.m. at the Bar Association Building in Rockville. The program will be presented by Glenn M. Anderson, Esq., Eric S. Fletcher, CPA, and Robb Longman, Esq. As always – thanks to our sponsors – a light dinner is provided for each event sponsored by the Business Law Section. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the Section, please do not hesitate to contact either of us at any time. Marc Bergoffen, Co-Chair Robert Gottschalk, Co-Chair February, 2013 ciRcuiT couRT bEncH bAR commiTTEE 2012-2013 committee meeting Dates February 6, 2013 April 3, 2013 March 6, 2013 May 1, 2013 June 5, 2013 All meetings are open and any members of the BAMC are welcome to attend the meetings. All meetings will be held on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 8:00 a.m. in the Administrative Judge’s Conference Room, Room 309, on the 3rd floor of the Circuit Court building in Rockville. The Clerk of the Court, Loretta Knight, brings the following matters to your attention: maryland’s unclaimed property: In order to retrieve previously held registry funds from Maryland’s Unclaimed Property, the parties to the case should file a motion requesting the Clerk to retrieve the funds from Unclaimed Property. The motion should also request that upon receipt of the funds back into the court registry they be disbursed to the party that is entitled to the funds. The order should include the following language: “The principal balance of funds deposited in the registry of the Court, plus accrued interest and minus administrative costs, shall be promptly released to ______________________, and mailed to (if applicable) ____________. proposed orders: Please remember to submit proposed orders with all motions, oppositions and petitions. Having a proposed order submitted with the pleading eliminates confusion, any misunderstanding and speeds the process. Rule 1-311. Signing of pleadings and other papers: Please remember that every pleading and paper of a party represented by an attorney must be signed by at least one attorney who has been admitted to practice law in the State of Maryland and who complies with Rule 1312. Every pleading or paper filed must contain the address and telephone number The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter (Continued on following page) 11 commiTTEES & SEcTionS (Continued from preceding page) of the person by whom it is signed. The Clerk’s Office is reviewing pleadings and other papers to ensure that they have been signed in compliance with Rule 1-311. Please remember that pleadings and other papers that are not in compliance with Rule 1-311 cannot be accepted for filing. interpreters: If you requested an interpreter for your case and it turns out the Interpreter is not needed, it is extremely important that you notify the Clerk of the Court as soon as possible. If the cancellation is done 48 business hours in advance, we will not be charged the 2, 4 or 8 hour cancellation fee depending on the amount of time the court event was scheduled for. The Clerk reminds everyone if you have any concerns or suggestions, please let her know. Phone: 240-777-9464; email: [email protected]. The Sheriff, Darren Popkin, would like to remind everyone that the Maryland Avenue entrance to the Circuit Court was closed to staff and pedestrian traffic beginning September 10, 2012 for approximately six months. Signage has been posted directing everyone to the Monroe Street entrance. Lawyers are encouraged to use the Terrace Level entrance from the cafeteria and/or from 101 Monroe Street as there will be significant backup expected at the Monroe Street entrance, especially during the morning peak hours. Everyone is encouraged to ask their clients and staff to allow for extra time to gain entrance due to the closure. In addition, almost the entire area of the atrium will be closed during this construction period. There will be a narrow walkway constructed to access the Criminal Clerk’s Office, the Licensing Office and the Assignment Offices. Space will be very limited on the Lobby level for waiting due to the Atrium Closure. The Sheriff would like to thank everyone in advance for their patience during this period of construction. Finally, the construction will require the periodic closing of one courthouse elevator at a time. Therefore, additional time should be allotted for arrival to courtroom destinations. If you have any concerns to bring to the Committee’s attention, please feel 14 free to contact any Committee member or David C. Merkin at (301) 762-9200 or [email protected]; or Michael A. Taylor at (301) 251-2772, [email protected]. David Merkin, Co-Chair Michael Taylor, Co-Chair coLLAboRATiVE LAw SEcTion 2012-2013 Section meeting Dates February 7, 2013 March 7, 2013 April 4, 2013 Our regular Section meetings will be held on the first Thursday of each month at the Bar Building at 5:30 p.m. In addition to providing great food and collegial interaction, our Section almost always has an educational component to our meetings. On february 7th, our program will be on the ins and outs of using a Financial Neutral. Our guest speaker will be Deborah may, cpA. Debbie is very well known, highly regarded and extremely experienced in divorce finances and in the role of a Financial Neutral. This is a special opportunity to learn from one of the best! On march 7th, our program will be on streamlining the collaborative process. The presenters will be the “Streamline Committee” who are members of the two Montgomery County Collaborative Practice groups – Collaborative Divorce Association and Collaborative Dispute Resolution Professionals – who volunteered to explore ways in which the process can be made more efficient and cost effective. The Committee has some great ideas to share! Please remember if you have clients or community members who would benefit from use of the Collaborative Process and cannot afford an attorney, the Collaborative Project of Maryland links eligible parties with Collaborative attorneys and other professionals on a pro bono or reduced- or subsidized-fee basis. For more information visit www.collaborativeprojectmd.org. you do not have to be collaboratively trained to attend our meetings. Suzy Eckstein, Co-Chair Darcy Shoop, Co-Chair commERciAL LiTiGATion SEcTion 2012-2013 Section meeting Dates March 12, 2013* May 14, 2013** *These meetings will be held at 8:00 a.m. at the offices of Stein Sperling Bennett De Jong Driscoll, PC, located at 25 West Middle Lane, Rockville, MD 20850. **These meetings will be held at 5:30 p.m. at the offices of Lerch, Early & Brewer, Chartered, located at 3 Bethesda Metro Center, Suite 460, Bethesda, MD 20814. Mary Lombardo, Co-Chair Brad McCullough, Co-Chair communiTy ouTREAcH commiTTEE The Bar Association continues to partner with the Special Olympics and we are looking for members to volunteer at specific events for the Winter Games. If you have not already signed-up to volunteer in response to a listserv blast or an individual invitation from one of our com- EXPERTS IN ECONOMIC CONOMIC ANALLYSIS YSIS AND TESTIMONY Chad L. Staller, J.D., M.B.A., M.A.C. James Markham, Ph.D., J.D., CPCU Stephen H. Rosen, Enrolled Actuary Bernard F. Lentz, Ph.D. Alan B. Winikur, C.P P.A. .A. Personal Injury/Wrongful Death WWW.CFES.COM The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter Lost Profits 800.966.60999 Labor and Employment [email protected] February, 2013 commiTTEES & SEcTionS mittee members or the New Practitioner’s Section, here are the dates and locations for the three different Winter Games events for which we need volunteers: february 3rd: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Georgetown prep: 5 v. 5 basketball Tournaments february 10th: 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Landon: 3 v. 3 basketball Tournaments march 3rd at Landon: olympic Village/Healthy Athletes (more details to follow) Volunteer opportunities at the Basketball events include set-up, registration, running score tables and score books. We will provide additional information about Olympic Village as those plans are finalized. If you wish to volunteer for all or a portion of any of the above events, please contact Heather Collier at [email protected], or Rhian McGrath at [email protected]. The Community Outreach Committee facilitates volunteer opportunities on the second Friday of every month at Shepherd’s Table. Shepherd’s Table provides basic services to those in need and specifically provides a dinner meal from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., seven nights a week. Please contact Dan Shaivitz at [email protected] if you are interested in volunteering. Volunteer as an individual, a firm, or get a group of friends and family together to participate in this wonderful, can’t miss, service opportunity! If you have any thoughts or comments for the Committee, please contact either of us at [email protected] or [email protected]. Heather Collier, Co-Chair Rhian McGrath, Co-Chair Please join the Criminal Law Section on Tuesday, february 12, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. for a presentation on the new law passed by the Legislature regarding Possession of Marijuana. We are extremely pleased to have Laura Chase, Deputy State’s Attorney for Montgomery County, speak to our section regarding the new law and how it will be implemented via the Police and State’s Attorney’s Office. The meeting will be held in the Conference Room located in the Bar Building. We look forward to seeing you there. Carlotta Woodward, Co-Chair Jessica Zarrella, Co-Chair cRiminAL LAw SEcTion DiSTRicT couRT bEncH bAR commiTTEE 2012-2013 Section meeting Dates February 12, 2013 May 17, 2013* *Happy Hour at a location TBA Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5:30p.m. in the Conference Room of the Bar Association building, 27 West Jefferson St., Rockville, MD. The District Court Bench Bar Committee had its January meeting on January 10, 2013. There were a number of items of interest to attorneys discussed at the meeting. (Continued on following page) Let Priority Process Serve Your Legal Documents! O$30 POSTING FEE! IT’S THE LOWEST RATE AROUND. OEXTREMELY EXPERIENCED WITH HOAs AND HOA ATTORNEYS. OWE WORK WELL WITH COLLECTION ATTORNEYS. ONO SERVE, NO FEE. O35 PROCESS SERVERS ALL OVER MD/DC/VA. OCHECK THE STATUS OF ALL YOUR JOBS ONLINE. O AUTOMATIC NOTIFICATION WHEN YOUR JOB IS SERVED. OOUR SERVERS GEO TAG THEMSELVES ON EACH SERVICE ATTEMPT. O PRINT AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE FROM OUR WEBSITE. OFULLY STAFFED OFFICE 9AM-5PM, MONDAY-FRIDAY. P R O C E S S S ES OC PR CALL 301.251.1318 Michael Daigneault, Owner [email protected] www.priorityprocess.com February, 2013 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter 15 commiTTEES & SEcTionS (Continued from preceding page) Attorney codes: Attorneys are reminded that they should have their attorney codes listed on all pleadings that they file with the court. Notices are sent out based on the attorney codes. If you do not put your attorney code on your pleadings, it takes extra time for the clerks to look up the appropriate information instead of simply putting your code into the computer. Attorneys are also reminded that they need to update their information when they change addresses, change firms, etc, so that notices will go to the correct address. Telephone Extensions for contact information: Occasionally, it is necessary to contact attorneys regarding last minute rescheduling of hearings, set new trial dates, and other matters. If you have an extension at your telephone number, please put the extension on your pleadings so that the clerk can contact you if necessary regarding the scheduling of cases. civil cases in Silver Spring: There has been an increase in the number of civil cases scheduled for Silver Spring. The court is considering adding an additional judge so that all cases can be reached in a 16 timely manner. Additionally, the court is attempting to add Spanish interpreters to the staff for civil cases in Silver Spring to handle an increase of the number of parties who need Spanish interpreters. Additional Landlord Tenant Docket: The court is setting up an additional landlord tenant docket for pro-se landlords. The docket will be scheduled for Monday mornings in Rockville starting on February 4, 2013. use of peace orders in Landlord Tenant Related matters: Attorneys and police officers have been referring people to the clerk’s office to request peace orders in order to attempt to evict people in what would otherwise really be a landlord-tenant matter. In other words, to try to use a Peace Order indirectly to remove someone from the premises. In these situations that should be brought in the landlord-tenant court, the court will not utilize the peace order process for this purpose. Shielding cases: There is a process that respondents in domestic violence cases, or peace order cases, can use to shield information in their cases from the public. This relief will only be applicable if it is requested by the respondent, and if the domestic violence case or peace order, did not go to a final judgment. police officer issued citations: Starting January 1, 2013, police officers are required to use citations for more offenses. If the offense that is charged could result in jail time, the date set for the citation would have to be continued in order for the Court to advise the defendant of his or her rights. The Court is considering having these citations initially scheduled for a Preliminary Inquiry, and placed on a Preliminary Inquiry docket, rather than before a commissioner. The defendant will then have to appear, and if they fail to do so, the judge could issue a bench warrant. miscellaneous changes under consideration: In addition to the changes noted about concerning assign- The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter (Continued on page 21) February, 2013 The Bar Associations Insurance Agency, Inc. and FranklinMorris are proud to sponsor Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD 119th Annual Meeting & Law Day Celebration Friday, April 26, 2013 Bethesda North Marriott Conference Center • 5701 Marinelli Road, North Bethesda, MD 20852 ~ Daniel M. Kennedy, President ~ Richard H. Melnick, President-Elect James R. Hammerschmidt, Annual Meeting Chair pRoGRAm ScHEDuLE 8:00 a.m. Registration and continental breakfast Salon A 9:00 a.m. - 9:50 a.m. 10:00 a.m. - 10:50 a.m. 11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Family Law Collaborative Law Salon b 9:00 a.m. - 9:50 a.m. 10:00 a.m. - 10:50 a.m. 11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Employment Law Real Estate Law New Practitioners / Personal Injury Litigation Salon c 9:00 a.m. - 9:50 a.m. 10:00 a.m. - 10:50 p.m. 11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Legal Ethics Scheduled Sponsor breaks 9:50 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. 10:50 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. Grand ballroom 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Lunch program (installation of officers, Awards) ~ Guest Speaker: The Honorable Robert m. bell, chief Judge Court of Appeals of Maryland REGiSTRATion foRm – copy This page and mail or fax To assist in planning the program, please duplicate and complete the form below and mail or fax it today! Please indicate in the space provided if you would like to request a vegetarian meal. you muST pRoViDE ALL infoRmATion AT THE TimE of REGiSTRATion ... no ExcEpTionS o Complete Program (includes lunch) Before April 15th.....$85 o Morning Programs ONLY ..................................................................................$50 o New Practitioner Complete Program Before April 15th.....$75 o Lunch only ..................................................................................$59 o RESERVED Table of 10 (lunch only) ................................................................................$590 o RESERVED Table of 10 (programs + lunch) Before April 15th...$850 name __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Vegetarian meal o o o o o o o o o o After April 15th.....$99 After April 15th.....$85 After April 15th...$990 Email Address (required for program) ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ CONTACT PERSON: ________________________________________________________________ Firm Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: ________________________________________________________________________ Fax: ______________________________________________________________________________ pLEASE inDicATE mETHoD of pAymEnT ToTAL AmounT DuE: $____________ o Check Included: Make check payable to: Bar Association of Montgomery County, Maryland or BAMC o Please charge my Visa/Mastercard/Discover Account: Name on Card______________________________________________ Account # ______________________________________________ Security Code _________ Exp. Date _________ (OFFICe use OnLY – InCOMe COde A-4030.2) Please note that each program registrant will be sent a link where the materials for each of the section Programs can be downloaded. You will be responsible for printing a copy and bringing them with you. There will be no handouts available on the day of the event. CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION SPRING 2013 SCHEDULE February 20, 2013 Business/Tax Law Section March 7, 2013 Family Law Section March 12, 2013 Criminal Law Section April 2 & April 4, 2013 Rita Rosenkrantz Basic Family Law Training April 9, 2013 Education Law Section April 16, 2013 Family Law Section April 30, 2013 Commercial Litigation Section May 9-11, 2013 Collaborative Law Section You may register for any of our CLE’s on-line at www.montbar.org Changes to published programs may occur - please check your monthly newsletter CLE insert or our website for the most current information! Montgomery County, MD, Bar Foundation 27 West Jefferson Street, Rockville, MD 20850 Phone: 301-340-2534 Fax: 301-217-9327 Email: [email protected] Website: www.montbar.org Dissection of a Transaction: Anatomy, Tax, and Accomplishing the Goals of the Buyer and Seller Winning the Big Ones: Effective Closing Argument And The Lululemon Case Study Wednesday, February 20, 2013 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm Speakers: Glenn Anderson, Esq. of Miller, Miller & Canby, Eric Fletcher, CPA of Bond Beebe, and Robb Longman, Esq. of McMillan Metro Tuesday, March 12, 2013 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Speakers: Robert Mattie, Esq. of Robert A. Ades & Associates, P.C.; and John McCarthy, State’s Attorney for Montgomery County Maryland Our panel discussion will cover the tax consequences of buying and selling a business. Eric Fletcher of Bond Beebe will walk through a commonly occurring fact pattern in which a successful family owned business is sold as the older generation of a family plans to retire but the younger generation is unable to keep the business going. Our panel will explain the tax consequences of the sale of a family owned business. The selling business also owns the large commercial building that houses the store and administrative offices of the businesses as well as a restaurant tenant. Seventy percent of the stock is owned by the family elder who inherited the company from his parents forty years ago. The other stockholders are the children of the majority shareholder. Glenn Anderson of Miller, Miller & Canby will discuss the difference between a stock sale and an asset sale. Mr. Anderson will lead the discussion on the various tax and liability issues to both the buyer and the seller. Robb Longman of McMillan Metro will proceed under the assumption that the structure will be an asset sale and will lead the discussion on ways to minimize the double taxation to the seller. Mr. Fletcher will take the lead on discussing planning opportunities for this sale had professionals been involved in advance. The Criminal Law Section is excited to announce that the speakers for our spring CLE will be State’s Attorney for Montgomery County Maryland, John McCarthy and seasoned defense attorney Bob Mattie of Robert A. Ades & Associates, P.C.. John and Bob will speak on the “ins and outs” of giving an effective closing argument. Learn how to marshal your facts and how to effectively use emotion and timing in order to give an effective and case-winning closing argument. The first part of the program will be a lecture by our speakers while the second half of the program will be John McCarthy’s actual closing from the case that captivated this community, State vs. Brittany Norwood. Robert Mattie will then give his response and offer comments on how to effectively close from the defense perspective. There will be an opportunity for a Q & A with the speakers. Please join us on March 12, 2013 at 5:30pm in the CLE classroom in the bar building, for what is sure to be an exciting and informative program. Adoption: A-Z Thursday, March 7, 2013 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Speakers: Lili Khozeimeh, Esq. of Circuit Court for Montgomery County, MD; Jennifer Fairfax, Esq. of Jennifer Fairfax, LLC; and Peter Wiernicki, Esq. of Joseph, Reiner & Wiernicki, P.C. The course will be an overview of the adoption process in the State of Maryland. We will cover the types of adoptions, court filing requirements, often overlooked rules that can delay the adoption, what is required in a Petition, investigations and home studies, representing birth parents, adoptive parents and children in an adoption, ethical considerations and the final hearing Rita Rosenkrantz Basic Family Law Training Tuesday, April 2, 2013 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. (4) Voluntary Impoverishment, Child Support, Taking Exceptions to a Master’s Recommendations; (5) Litigating a Child Custody Case; (6) Marital Settlement Agreements. The extensive materials exceed 500 pages and include many sample forms. The course is free to attorneys who agree to take a pro bono case at the time of the training. The class is scheduled for two evenings: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 & Thursday, April 4, 2013 from 5:30 to 8:30 pm. *Registration is required for this seminar. No walk-ins allowed* What’s Trending in Education Law? Tuesday, April 9, 2013 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Speakers: Patrick Hoover, Esq. of Hoover Law, LLC; Diana Savit, Esq. of Savit & Szymkowicz, LLP; and Wayne Steedman, Esq. of Callegary & Steedman, P.A. Learn Today’s Hot Topics & Timely Techniques Experienced Panel Faculty of Ed Law Practitioners • School Discipline • Goodbye to “Zero Tolerance” in Student Conduct • Thursday, April 4, 2013 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. This practical six hour training covers the nuts and bolts of family law, including: (1) Initial Interview/Retainer Agreements; (2) Divorce Hearings; (3) education • The latest on school/student discipline from grade school to grad school • School Conferences • IEP, 504 and EMT Meetings • What they are and why they matter • Attorney Advocacy in the School • What should you bring to the table? Discovery, Financial Statements, and Marital Property Statements; Expulsion, the ultimate school sanction - no longer an end to Pleadings & Divorce Grounds, Scheduling Hearings, Uncontested Hello to New Discipline Regulations • Speakers: Monica Harms, Esq. of Stein Sperling Bennett De Jong Driscoll PC; Donna Rismiller, Esq. of Rismiller Law Group, LLC; Michael Sinay, Esq. of Paradiso, Taub, Sinay & Owel, P.C.; Deborah Webb, Esq. of Lerch, Early & Brewer, Chtd. Pendente Lite Financial Issues, • Administrative Hearings • State Complaints and other pre-suit Options • Mediation, Conflict Resolution and Due Process Appeal You should attend this CLE if any part of your practice is related to schools, students or area of Education Law. If you are interested in learning more about current trends in school, special education and disciplinary aspects of education law, you will want to attend this unique CLE presentation. We look forward to you attending our Spring Ed Law CLE for a very thorough, informative, and captivating discussion about timely legal trends in Education Law. Family Law Update Tuesday, April 16, 2013 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Speakers: Paul Reinstein, Esq. of Reinstein, Glackin, Patterson & Herriott, LLC and Bryan Renehan, Esq. of Brodsky, Renehan, Pearlstein, Lastra & Bouquet, Chtd. Back by popular demand, Bryan Renehan and Paul Reinstein will be presenting the Family Law update tracking new cases and legislative updates in the last 12 months. At this annual event, Messrs. Renehan and Reinstein will discuss the most recent cases affecting such topics as divorce, custody, contempt, child support, and domestic violence matters. They will also address the impact of recent legislative updates, including legislation permitting same sex marriage, on the practice of family law. This seminar historically sells out, and should not be missed! Offensive and Defensive E-discovery Practice Tuesday, April 30, 2013 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Speaker: Marc Hirschfeld, President of Precision Legal Services Discovery in complex litigation is becoming more and more challenging as electronic data is sometimes the only source of relevant information in a case. Montgomery County Circuit Court Track 4 Business and Technology scheduling orders require parties to provide detailed information about clients' computer and data systems at the onset of litigation including identification of computer systems, formats of production, claw back provisions and preservation strategies. Many attorneys are uncomfortable with this new Electronic version of the discovery process which has led to an explosive growth in sanctions motions throughout the Country and specifically in Maryland. A recent Lexis Nexis search for "sanctions" in Maryland revealed that there are over 4000 open civil cases where attorneys and their clients are facing sanctions issues. This course is designed to prepare practitioners in the art of E-discovery practice including information about preservation, collection, identification, and production of electronic information in ongoing litigation. The course will enable practitioners to be involved in effective meet and confers regarding E-discovery at the earliest stages of litigation and provide a combination of legal and technical information for even the most tech averse practitioners. A panel led by Marc Hirschfeld, Court-appointed E-discovery Special Master and President of Precision Legal Services will present the seminar. Civil and Commercial Applications – 3 Day Collaborative Law Training!! Thursday, May 9, 2013 12:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday, May 10, 2013 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Saturday, May 11, 2013 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Speaker: Sherrie Abney, Esq. of Global Collaborative Law Council Collaborative Law is a confidential, voluntary process which allows parties and their attorneys to resolve disputes without court intervention. Participants in the process have found that they are able to preserve important business and personal relationships and significantly reduce the amounts of time, stress, and monetary expense normally associated with litigation. In Maryland, throughout the United States, and around the world, the collaborative process has been widely used in family law and is being used ever increasingly in other civil matters including, but certainly not limited to, probate, employment, business, construction, and medical error. In order to effectively participate in the collaborative process, lawyers must employ a skillset different from those they normally use. The purpose of this training is to introduce collaborative skills and demonstrate how they are applied to the collaborative process in civil disputes (other than family law) as well as various other forms of interest-based negotiation. Attendees will build collaborative skills through participation in interactive lectures, group discussions, and role plays. This training will satisfy the requirements of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals for practice as a collaborative lawyer. The focus of day one is on the basic elements of the collaborative process. In order to be better prepared for group activities of the next two days, it is required that everyone without specific training in Civil Collaborative Law attend day one. During days two and three, participants will apply the knowledge they gain in day one as they work through the steps of the collaborative process in role plays, discussions regarding ethical problems, examination of various negotiation tools, and the application of collaborative skills to all areas of their practice. PLEASE NOTE: Even if you already have been collaboratively trained in the Family Law model, this training is different and will enhance the development of a Civil Collaborative Law practice. The Trainer: Sherrie R. Abney is a collaborative lawyer, facilitator, mediator, arbitrator, collaborative trainer and adjunct professor of law at Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law. She was co-founder and first chair of the Dallas Bar Association Collaborative Law Section and is past chair of the ADR Section of the Dallas Bar. As a founding director of the Global Collaborative Law Council, she served as Vice President of Education and Training for the organization from 2004 until 2012 and is currently Vice President in charge of Grants. Sherrie has presented and trained in Ireland, Australia, England, Uganda, Argentina, as well as many conferences in the U.S. and Canada. She serves on the Collaborative Law Advisory Council for the State Bar of Texas, and the Collaborative Law Committee of the DR Section of the American Bar Association. She is the author of Avoiding Litigation, A Guide to Civil Collaborative Law, and a text book entitled Civil Collaborative Law, the road less traveled. She has also published numerous articles on resolving civil disputes with Collaborative Law and interest-based negotiation. Please Note: The registration fees for this seminar are $350 for members and $405 for non-members CLE SEMINAR REGISTRATION FORM Registration Fees (unless otherwise noted) New Practitioner $35 Member $65 Non-Member $120 ~Cancellation Policy~ If you are unable to attend a seminar, please contact our office at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled CLE seminar. No refunds will be made if cancellation is less than 24 hours prior to the seminar. Dissection of a Transaction: Anatomy, Tax, and Accomplishing the Goals of the Buyer and Seller February 20, 2013 What’s Trending in Education Law? April 9, 2013 Family Law Update April 16, 2013 Adoption: A to Z March 7, 2013 Offensive and Defensive E-Discovery Practice April 30, 2013 Winning the Big Ones: Effective Closing Arguments and the Lululemon Case Study March 12, 2013 Civil and Commercial Applications 3-Day Collaborative Law Training! May 9-11, 2013 *Registration Fees (Please check one): $305 Members $405 Non-Members Rita Rosenkrantz Basic Family Law Training April 2 & April 4, 2013 *Registration Fees (Please check one): $0 I will accept a Pro Bono Case $250 I will not accept a Pro Bono Case *Registration is required for this seminar. No walk-ins allowed* *Registration is required for this seminar. No walk-ins allowed* Please circle one: New Practitioner $35 Member $65 Non-Member $120 Name: Address: Phone: Email: Total Due: Payment Method: Check #______________ Coupon (Payable to MCBF) Name on Card: Expiration Date: Return Completed Form To: Montgomery County Bar Foundation 27 West Jefferson Street Rockville, MD 20850 Credit Card (Visa/MC/Discover - AMERICAN EXP. NOT ACCEPTED) Card #: Security Code: You may also register on-line at www.montbar.org For Office Use Only: Morning: F/408 Evening: F/410 WBA 2013 TRIENNIAL AUCTION Vacation Homes Sporting Event Tickets Wine Tours Courthouse Corner WBA Triennial Auction March 23, 2013 Chevy Chase Women’s Club 6:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Exciting silent and live auction! Reception featuring heavy hors d’oeuvres and a selection of wine and malt beverages! Register before February 15, 2013: $40 per person or $70 per couple Register after February 15, 2013: $45 per person Purchase “Best of Live” and “Best of Silent” raffle tickets now- Limited Number Sold! BE PART OF THE MAGIC! REGISTRATION Number of Reservations: ________ ($40/pp or $70/couple until 2/15/13; after 2/15/13, $45/pp) Name (s) of Guest (s) Attending: _______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ “Best of Live Auction” Raffle tickets: _______ ($100 per ticket- only 50 will be sold!) “Best of Silent Auction” Raffle tickets: ______ ($50 per ticket- only 50 will be sold!) ______ I cannot attend the event, but please accept my donation in the amount of $_________. My check is payable to the “Women’s Bar Association” is enclosed in the amount of $_________. Please mail registration and payment to: WBA 2013 Auction Heather Collier, Esq. 110 North Washington Street Suite 300 Rockville, MD 20850 WBA Triennial Auction proceeds benefit the Montgomery County Women’s Bar Association and Foundation. IN HONOR OF BLACK HISTORY MONTH JOINT MEMBERSHIP MEETING PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION J. FRANKLYN BOURNE BAR ASSOCIATION BAR ASSOCIATION OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD Tuesday, February 5, 2013 at 6 PM U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland 6500 Cherrywood Lane, Greenbelt, MD 20770 Guest Speaker Robert M. Bell, Chief Judge, Court of Appeals of Maryland $30.00 for PGCBA & JFB & BAMC Members by Jan. 25, 2013, -After $40.00 $40.00 for Non-Members by Jan. 25, 2013, -After $50.00 Beer, Wine and Finger Food! RESERVATIONS REQUIRED Register by: mail, calling 301-952-1442, or email [email protected] or [email protected] RESERVATION DEADLINE FEBRUARY 1, 2013 Enclosed is a check in the amount of $_________ Firm/Address: ______________________________________________ Name: _____________________________________ ______________________________________________ Telephone: _________________________________ ______________________________________________ Please reserve _______ spots ______________________________________________ Return this form with check made payable to “PGCBA” and mail to Prince George’s County Bar Association, 14330 Old Marlboro Pike, Upper Marlboro, Maryland commiTTEES & SEcTionS (Continued from page 16) ments of additional judges, interpreters, additional landlord tenant docket, and changes for police issued citations, among others, Judge Wolfe and attorneys representing the office of the States Attorney, Public Defender, County Attorney, and private bar, had a lively discussion regarding other possible changes under consideration. One such change would be for a criminal disposition docket. There will be more to come on this as the refinements are made to the proposed improvements. Attorney’s Lounge: The attorneys’ lounge in Rockville had been left open previously, but you may find it locked on occasion. If so, please ask one of the bailiffs to open it for you if you would like to use it. Richard London, Chair EDucATion LAw SEcTion 2012-2013 Section meeting Dates February 8, 2013 March 8, 2013 April 12, 2013 February, 2013 Meetings will be held on the 2nd Friday of each month at 12:15p.m. in the Conference Room of the Bar Association building, located at 27 West Jefferson St., in Rockville. We invite all interested lawyers to join our forum. Pat Hoover, Co-Chair Lynndolyn Mitchell, Co-Chair Karen Smith, Co-Chair ELDER LAw SEcTion 2012-2013 Section meeting Dates February 13, 2013 April 10, 2013 March 13, 2013 May 8, 2013 Meetings will be held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 8 a.m. in the upstairs conference room of the Bar Association building. Morris Klein, Chair EmpLoymEnT LAw SEcTion 2012-2013 Section meeting Dates February 5, 2013 March 5, 2013 April 2, 2013 Meetings will be held at 11AM in the upstairs conference room of the Bar Association building. The Employment Law Section is pleased to announce two exciting and highly informative brown bag events. On Tuesday february 5, 2013 at 11:00 AM, we will be hosting a brown bag discussion where Lawrence S. (Larry) Lapidus will be presenting and answering questions regarding the intersect between issues in Employment Law and issues in Personal Injury Law including a discussion on the impact of the late Gary Simpson and Gary Simpson's approach to Employment Law litigation and how it affects the way we practice today. On Tuesday march 5, 2013 at 11:00 AM, we will be hosting a brown bag discussion where paul bland of Public Justice will be presenting and answering questions regarding litigating arbitration agreements including a focused discussion on what language may make an agreement enforceable The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter (Continued on following page) 21 commiTTEES & SEcTionS (Continued from preceding page) and what language may make an agreement unenforceable. Paul will focus his discussion on the current state of the law in Maryland and the 4th Circuit, but will also answer questions about important issues being litigated across the county. Both events will take place at the Bar Association of Montgomery County, Maryland 27 West Jefferson Street, Rockville, Maryland 20850. We look forward to seeing you all there. Gwenn D’Souza, Co-Chair Gregg Greenberg, Co-Chair ESTATE & TRuST LAw SEcTion 2012-2013 Section meeting Dates February 11, 2013 March 11, 2013 April 15, 2013 Meetings will be held at Noon at the offices of Shulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy & Ecker, P.A., located at 12505 Park Potomac Ave., 6th Floor, Potomac, MD, unless otherwise noted. Jay Eisenberg, Chair 22 fAmiLy LAw SEcTion Please update your calendars with the 2012-2013 Section meeting dates. Unless otherwise noted, all Section meetings will be held in the CLE classroom of the Bar Building at 6:00 p.m. february 26, 2013 march 26, 2013 April 23, 2013 Thank you to David Bulitt, Esquire of Joseph Greenwald & Laake, PA and Stephen Moss, Esquire of Delaney McKinney, LLP for providing us with an informative CLE on mediation in January. Their guidance on understanding the requirements of the new Maryland Mediation Confidentiality Act and new Rules 9-205 and 17 was invaluable. David and Stephen’s practice pointers to avoid potential pitfalls in mediation were also incredibly helpful, as were their tips on preparing for mediation, knowing what documents and information to provide to your mediator, and understanding how to get the best result for your client out of the mediation process. We are grateful to David and Stephen for taking the time to discuss this important topic with our Section. Please join us on february 26, 2013 for a highly anticipated program presented by the Montgomery County Circuit Court Family Law Masters. All of the Family Law Masters have graciously offered to present a roundtable discussion with the Family Law Practitioners and answer any questions pertaining to Scheduling Conferences, Pendente Lite Hearings, Settlement/Pretrial Conferences, Uncontested Divorce Hearings, etc. This is sure to be a program that you do not want to miss! Please continue to volunteer at any of the below clinics run by the Montgomery County Bar Foundation Pro Bono Program. These programs need your assistance. Last year we made a tremendous difference in the lives of hundreds of families and want to continue this valuable program. To volunteer at a clinic, you must sign up in advance with Debbie Craven at 301-7625831 or Debbie@ mcbfprobono.org. • TESS community Service center, 8513 Piney Branch Road, Silver Spring, MD 20901 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter February, 2013 commiTTEES & SEcTionS 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month Volunteers should arrive between 6:00-6:30 p.m. • East county Regional Services center, 3300 Briggs Chaney Road, Silver Spring, MD 20904 1st & 2nd Thursday of each month Volunteers should arrive between 5:30-6:00 p.m. • charles w. Gilchrist center for cultural Diversity, 11701 Georgia Avenue, 1st Floor, Wheaton, MD 20902 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month Volunteers should arrive between 5:30-6:00 p.m. • upcounty Regional Services center, 12900 Middlebrook Rd., Germantown, MD 20874 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month Volunteers should arrive between 6:00-6:30 p.m. Check your email and the new and improved Family Law Listserve for Section updates and reminders regarding our upcoming programs and CLE’s. Julie Christopher, Co-Chair Kate McDonough, Co-Chair Maureen Renehan, Co-Chair LAwyER To LAwyER commiTTEE mEETinGS February 13, 2013 April 10, 2013 March 13, 2013 May 8, 2013 Meetings will be held at 5:00 p.m. in the upstairs conference room of the Bar Association building, located at 27 West Jefferson St., in Rockville, MD. Deane Shure, Chair LAw fiRm mAnAGEmEnT SEcTion mEETinG DATES pERSonAL inJuRy LiTiGATion SEcTion February 21, 2013 April 18, 2013 March 21, 2013 May 16, 2013 June 20, 2013 Meetings will be held on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 8 a.m. at the offices of Hostetter Strent LLC, located at 7201 Wisconsin Ave., Suite 675, Bethesda, MD. 2012-2013 Section meeting Dates February 22, 2013 March 29, 2013 April 26, 2013 Meetings will be held from Noon - 1 p.m. in the upstairs conference room of the Bar Association building. Paul Chung, Co-Chair Andre Forte, Co-Chair Amy Strent, Chair REAL ESTATE LAw SEcTion LEGAL ETHicS commiTTEE mEETinGS February 21, 2013 April 18, 2013 March 21, 2013 May 16, 2013 June 20, 2013 Meetings will be held on the 3rd Thursday of each month beginning at 4:30 p.m. at the offices of Axelson, Williamowsky, Bender & Fishman, located at 401 North Washington St., in Rockville. Jeff Axelson, Co-Chair Sam Shapiro, Co-Chair CIRCLE TREATMENT CENTER * * * * * * 2012-2013 Section meeting Dates February 12, 2013 March 12, 2013 April 9, 2013 All meetings will be held at 8 a.m. on the 2nd Tuesday of each month in the 6th floor conference room of the Shulman Rogers offices, located at 12505 Park Potomac Ave., Potomac, MD. Matt Alegi, Co-Chair Alexis Peters, Co-Chair (Continued on following page) Twenty Eight Years of Superior Service To The Community DWI Evaluation, Education/Counseling (6 weeks and 26 weeks) Adolescent and Adult Drug/Alcohol Programs Outpatient Mental Health Services Individual, Couples, Group therapy by licensed professionals Approved and Certified by the State of Maryland MVA classes in Spanish and English (new licenses) 424 n. fREDERicK AVE., #8A, GAiTHERSbuRG, mD ~ 301-258-2626 www.circletreatment.com COMPLETE CONFIDENTIALITY ASSURED METROPOLITAN PROCESS SERVICES (301) 929-6819 n n n n n n 24 Hour Cell (301) 252-0706 Skip Tracing Unlimited Attempts Rush Services within 48 hours Court Filings Available Scheduled Pickups KARL STEpHEnS 8719 GEREn RD. SiLVER SpRinG, mD 20901 Serving Dc, mD and VA February, 2013 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter 23 commiTTEES & SEcTionS (Continued from preceding page) STRATEGic pLAnninG commiTTEE mEETinGS February 13, 2013 March 20, 2013 May 15, 2013 Meetings will be held at 5:30 p.m. at the offices of Shulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy & Ecker, P.A. David Pordy, Chair TAxATion LAw SEcTion 2012-2013 Section meeting Dates February 20, 2013 April 3, 2013 March 6, 2013 May 1, 2013 Meetings will be held from 5:306:30pm on the 1st Wednesday of the month in the upstairs Conference Room of the Bar Association Building. Please note that our february 20th meeting will be a Joint CLE with the Tax Section and the Business Law Section. This CLE covers the tax consequences of buying and selling a business. The speakers will walk through the sale of a family owned business. Our panel will discuss the tax consequences of a stock sale versus an asset sale as well as advance planning opportunities. The speakers will be Glenn Anderson, Esq. of Miller, Miller and Canby; Eric Fletcher, CPA of Bond Beebe; and Robb Longman, Esq. of McMillan Metro. Special thanks to Trial Attorney Michele Peterson of the Department of Justice Tax Division, Criminal Enforcement Section for speaking to the Tax Section during our January meeting. Please let me know if you are interested in presenting a tax topic this spring. This month please find tax guidance and commentary from the IRS and the private sector on international and domestic tax issues. fincEn Extends fbAR filing Deadline for Some foreign Accounts The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) is giving some individuals more time to report their foreign accounts if they have signature authority over the account but no financial interest in it. FinCEN said in Notice 2012-2 that it is extending the deadline for these individuals to file the Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR). The new deadline is June 30, 2014. The development comes as many taxpayers continue to wrestle with the complex reporting requirements of the FBAR. 24 The extension applies to individuals described in Notice 2011-1, Notice 20112, and Notice 2012-1, FinCEN said. The new guidance gives individuals covered by the notices an extra year to comply. wegelin pleads Guilty to Hiding Assets in Secret Swiss Accounts Major Swiss bank Wegelin pleads guilty in federal court to conspiring with U.S. taxpayers to hide more than $1.2 billion in secret Swiss bank accounts and the income generated in those accounts from IRS, the Department of Justice announces. Attorneys call the guilty plea a landmark signal that banks without a presence in the United States are not safe from prosecution, as the Department of Justice intensifies its efforts to track down U.S. taxpayers who conceal assets in other countries and those who enable them. DOJ says that in the first such plea by a foreign bank, Wegelin agrees to pay approximately $20 million in restitution to the IRS and to pay a $22.05 million fine. Wegelin also agrees to the civil forfeiture of an additional $15.8 million. federal circuit overturns Taxpayer win in con Ed LiLo Tax Shelter case The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Jan. 9 reversed a lower court ruling and held that tax deductions claimed by Consolidated Edison Co. of New York Inc. were the result of an abusive lease-in, lease-out (LILO) tax shelter (Consolidated Edison Co. of New York Inc. v. United States, Fed. Cir., No. 20125040, 1/9/13). In reversing the U.S. Court of Federal Claims' decision that the master lease at issue was a true lease, Judge Timothy Dyk applied the substance-overform doctrine and concluded that the master lease was illusory. Dyk explained that under the holding in Wells Fargo & Co. v. United States, 641 F.3d 1319 (Fed. Cir. 2011), the deductions were disallowed because STEpHEn J. Dunn ATTORNEY AT LAW fEDERAL woRKERS compEnSATion (owcp) officE of pERSonnEL mAnAGEmEnT (opm) DiSAbiLiTy RETiREmEnT u.S. mERiT SySTEmS pRoTEcTion boARD SEcuRiTy cLEARAncE AppEALS 110 West Road, Suite 445 Towson, MD 21204-2364 Phone (410) 321-8368 Fax (410) 321-1599 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter 208 East Market Street York, PA 17401-1249 Phone (717) 845-7301 www.sdunnlaw.com February, 2013 commiTTEES & SEcTionS “there was a reasonable likelihood that the tax-indifferent entity in the LILO transaction (the lessor of the master lease) would exercise its purchase option at the conclusion of the ConEd sublease, thus rendering the master lease illusory.” Eliminate Tax Expenditures in move to Zero-based budgeting, Taxpayer Advocate Says Congress should greatly simplify the tax code by reassessing the need for existing tax expenditures, National Taxpayer Advocate Nina Olson said Jan. 9. In her 2012 annual report to Congress announced in a news release (IR-2013-3), Olson said existing exclusions, exemptions, deductions and credits, known as tax expenditures, could cut individual tax rates by 44 percent and still generate the same amount of revenue it collects under current rules. In addition, Olson said Congress should apply a zero-based budgeting approach to comprehensive tax reform that starts out with the assumption that all tax benefits will be eliminated and then add a benefit back only if Congress concludes that, on balance, the public policy February, 2013 benefit of providing that benefit through the code outweighs the complexity it imposes on taxpayers. ninth circuit Enforces iRS Summons Against Law firm client under investigation The Internal Revenue Service may enforce a summons against a law firm to produce a client's documents as the documents fell within the “foregone conclusion” exception to the law firm's Fifth Amendment claim, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit held Jan. 8 (United States v. Sideman & Bancroft LLP, 9th Cir., No. 11-15930, 1/8/13). Circuit Judge J. Clifford Wallace, writing for a unanimous panel, examined Sideman & Bancroft LLP's claim that producing client Mary Nolan's 2007 and 2008 tax documents would be testimonial in violation of Nolan's Fifth Amendment rights. He said the government knew of the documents' existence, that the documents were authentic, and that Sideman had the documents prior to the issuance of the summons. Therefore, the district court's holding in applying the foregone conclusion exception when enforcing Sideman's compliance with the summons was not erroneous, Wallace said. florida woman to pay $21.7m penalty for not Disclosing foreign Account income A Florida woman agreed to pay a $21.7 million civil liability penalty after pleading guilty to filing false tax returns on which she failed to report income on undeclared bank accounts in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, the Justice Department said Jan. 8 (United States v. Curran, S.D. Fla., No. 9:12-cr80206-KLR, plea agreement filed 1/8/13). iRS meets E-filing Goal for individuals in 2012, oversight board Says The number of individual e-filed returns increased to 119 million (81 percent) in 2012, which breaks an 80 percent goal set in 1998, the Internal Revenue Service Oversight Board said Jan. 4. In a news release accompanying its Electronic Filing 2012 Annual Report to Congress, IRSOB said the 80 percent goal was set by the IRS Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998. This goal, however, was expanded in The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter (Continued on following page) 25 HEADinG (Continued from preceding page) 2007 to a goal of 80 percent e-filing by all major individual, business, and taxexempt returns, which was not met in 2012, IRSOB said. congress oKs bill clarifying Tax Levies can be Enforced Against TSp Accounts Legislation (H.R. 4365) to clarify that tax levies can be enforced against accounts in the federal Thrift Savings Plan, the defined contribution component of the Federal Employees Retirement System, was approved by the Senate by unanimous consent Jan. 1, clearing the bill for President Obama's signature. The measure, introduced April 17, 2012, by Rep. Anne Marie Buerkle (RN.Y.), was approved by the House Aug. 1 under suspension of the rules by a vote of 414-6. Under current law, the Internal Revenue Service has the authority to levy individuals' Section 401(k) accounts, the private sector equivalent to the TSP. However, the TSP's authorizing statute states that TSP accounts are not subject to IRS levies. John Pontius, Chair woRKERS compEnSATion LAw SEcTion 2012-2013 Section meeting Dates February 14, 2013 March 14, 2013 April 11, 2013 Meetings will be held from 5:00-6:00 p.m. at the offices of Meiselman, Salzer, Inman & Kaminow, located at 611 Rockville Pike, Suite 225, in Rockville. Will Inman, Co-Chair Jeff Stickle, Co-Chair commiTTEES & SEcTionS youTH couRTHouSE pRoJEcT commiTTEE 2012-2013 Section meeting Dates February 6, 2013 April 3, 2013 March 6, 2013 May 1, 2013 June 5, 2013 Meetings are held on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 12:15 PM in the upstairs conference room of the Bar Association building. REcEnT ciRcuiT couRT TouR Last month students from Col. E Brooke Lee Middle School toured the Circuit Court for Montgomery County. Pictured are the students, along with Judge Debelius, Youth Courthouse Committee Co Chair's Holly Reed, and Patty Via, Committee Secretary Diana Metcalf, and Sue Carter. Could you use more clients? To sign up for the Lawyer Referral Service, contact Maria at 301.424.7040 or [email protected] ~ In these Economic Times, How can you afford NOT to belong? Holly Reed, Co-Chair Patricia Via, Co-Chair HELpinG oppoRTuniTiES ... Support Drug Court by helping a participant obtain stable employment and therefore restore their life, stay committed to recovery and become a productive member of the community. For further information please contact Austine Long, Drug Court Coordinator at (240) 777-9141. RONALD I. WEINER, PHD, LLC Security Clearance Lawyers McAdoo Gordon & Associates, P.C. 202-293-0534 www.mcadoolaw.com 26 Specializing in Forensic Mental Health Services for over 40 years SEX OFFENDER RISK ASSESSMENT & TREATMENT SERVICES SEXUAL ADDICTION/SEXUAL DISORDERS OUTPATIENT TREATMENT PROGRAM RONALD I. WEINER, PHD, LLC 801 ROEDER ROAD, SUITE 950 SILVER SPRING, MD 20910 301-949-4907 WWW.RWEINERPHDLLC.COM The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter February, 2013 pRo bono upDATE The Montgomery County Bar Foundation Pro Bono Program seeks volunteers – whether experienced or newly barred attorneys – to join our panel. There are many county residents that are in great need of pro bono services. Your call to volunteer will make a difference to those without resources. The Pro Bono Program provides two ways for county residents to receive fREE LEGAL SERVicES in civil cases – at a legal advice clinic or through the client intake line for referral to an attorney volunteer for direct representation. The legal advice clinics operate in four locations across the county (SEE BOX BELOW) and provide residents the opportunity to walk-in and meet with an attorney volunteer without scheduling an appointment. Eligible clients present their legal problems to an attorney and receive free immediate legal advice and/or referral to a non-profit or government social service agency that may be helpful. The client intake line operates out of the main office where the staff screens calls from potential clients. The Pro Bono Program staff conducts all screenings over the phone only. Cases referred to attorney volunteers include family law, debt collection, bankruptcy, limited employment, limited immigration, wills and power of attorney. The Pro Bono Program currently is participating in three projects. First, we participate in the Judicare project. Contested custody and complex family law cases are referred at a reduced fee to experienced family law attorneys. Attorneys can seek reimbursement of $80 per hour with a cap of 20 hours per case. The Pro Bono Program requires that the Debbie Craven, Program Coordinator attorney must accept a pro bono case for each case accepted under the Judicare Project. Second, we have a working agreement with the collaboration project of maryland for family law case referrals that include modifications. Third, we refer eligible clients with debt buyer cases to attorney volunteers for direct representation under the consumer protection project. The pro bono program provides fREE LEGAL TRAininG to attorney volunteers. The Rita Rosenkrantz family Law Training is available via webcast to attorneys for free in exchange for agreeing to accept a family law case. You can sign-up to begin the training at any time and watch the six hours of training at your convenience over the next 30 days. The most recent training was taped during the live class presentation held November, 2011. Maryland barred attorneys in good standing can watch a preview of the training and then determine if they would like to proceed with the entire seminar. Please call Yesenia at 301.340.2534 to obtain the website and necessary code to watch the preview and to get the Pro Bono Program Training Agreement form. Attorneys participating in the training have the opportunity to immediately join a mentoring group hosted by an experienced family law attorney. The mentoring group meetings are your opportunity to ask questions about your case and learn from the attorneys participating in the group. Thank you to Lindsay parvis and Erik Arena for leading our current mentoring group. The PBRC also offers fREE LEGAL TRAininG to attorneys in exchange for a pro bono commitment in several areas including the Consumer Protection Project and bankruptcy. Check the PRBC website, www.probonomd.org, for details. The Pro Bono Program staff works daily to meet the challenges of connecting client and attorney. wHEn THE STAff conTAcTS you, pLEASE bE GEnERouS AnD VoLunTEER To TAKE A pRo bono cASE. “You, the Volunteer Attorneys, are the Pro Bono Program.” What we do and what statistic we report depends entirely upon you. Join youR coLLEAGuES in SERVinG youR communiTy. If you would like to learn more about attorney volunteer opportunities with the Pro Bono Program, please stop by our office or contact me directly at 301.762.5831. Thank you Volunteer Attorneys! On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Bar Foundation, we thank the following attorneys for their time, dedication, and service for the month of December 2012. Taking a case or working at our evening clinics, their willingness to help far exceeds their names solely being mentioned below…simply ask our clients. pro bono / Judicare case Referrals Ashurst, Charles* Brennan, Mary* Chang, Ayssa* Ewan, Craig D.* Fogel, Jo B. Goitien, Evan* East county Service center Pugliese, Elizabeth Ingram, Shelly M. Wargo, Amanda Jacobsen, Alisha L. Montero, R. Manny+ Washington, Juan+ LEGAL ADVicE cLinicS charles Gilchrist center for cultural Diversity - upcounty Service center 12900 Middlebrook Road Germantown, MD 20874 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM charles w. Gilchrist center for cultural Diversity–wheaton Library 11701 Georgia Avenue, 1st Floor Wheaton, Maryland 20902 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM TESS community Service center 8513 Piney Branch Road Silver Spring, Maryland 20901 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM EAST county Regional Service center 3300 Briggs Chaney Road Silver Spring, MD 20904 1st and 2nd Thursday of each month 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM All attorney volunteers must be scheduled in advance into the clinics. please call 301.762.5831 to add your name to the volunteer schedule for a clinic! The first halfhour of each clinic is for client registration; attorneys should arrive no later than one-half hour after the posted start time of a clinic. February, 2013 Hamilton, Dontrice* Koh, Debra Maynard, Charles Montero, R. Manny+ Visurraga, Alejandro Whitfield, Lynette Gilchrist center – Germantown Faerberg, David Jacobsen, Alisha L. + Ingram, Shelly M. Lynch, Maura Pugliese, Elizabeth+ Sahai, Kavita Wagman, Robert Whitfield, Lynette Gilchrist center – wheaton Akamigbo, Chijioke Vega, David+ TESS community center Akamigbo, Chijioke Auerbach, Kenneth D. Barham, Jeffrey Glenn, Antonio Hupman, Emily Konings, Priya Marks, Jay+ McDonough, Kathryn Renner, Richard Vega, David+ Washington, Juan C. + * = accepted more than 1 case + = Supervising Attorney The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter 27 SpEciALTy bAR ASSociATionS J. fRAnKLyn bouRnE bAR ASSociATion, inc., monTGomERy counTy commiTTEE The next J. FRANKLYN BOURNE BAR ASSOCIATION, INC., Montgomery County Committee meeting will be held on Saturday, february 2, 2013, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 at the Bar Association for Montgomery County, 27 West Jefferson Street, Rockville, Maryland. Breakfast will be served. The Bourne Montgomery County Committee usually meets on the first Saturday of the month. If you cannot attend the January meeting, please join us on Saturday, march 2, 2013. For more information, contact our committee chair, Holly Reed, Esq. at (301) 587-9480 or [email protected]. The Honorable Robert M. Bell, from the Maryland Court of Appeals, will the guest speaker at the J. Franklyn Bourne Bar Association Black History Month Celebration. The Bar Association of Montgomery County and the Prince George’s County Bar Association are cosponsors. The Black History Month Celebration will be held on Tuesday, february 5, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. at the United States District Court for the District of Maryland, Greenbelt Division, 6500 Cherrywood Lane, Greenbelt, Maryland. This joint meeting also serves as our general body meeting for February. The cost will be $30.00 for PGCBA, JFB, and BAMC members who register by January 25, 2013 and $40.00 for members who register by February 1, 2013. The cost is $40.00 for nonmembers who register by January 25, 2013 and $50.00 for nonmembers who register by February 1, 2013. There is no registration after February 1, 2013. To register, complete the registration form and mail it with the appropriate fee to the Prince George’s County Bar Association, 14330 Old Marlboro Pike, Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20770. You can e-mail the completed form to [email protected] or [email protected] or you can register by calling (301) 952-1442. The next Bourne General Body meeting will be held on Thursday, march 21, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. at UFCW Local 400, 4301 Garden City Drive, Lower Level, Hyattsville, MD 20785. The general body meeting is on the third Thursday of the month. We will 28 have someone from the Prince George’s County Office of Human Relations explain to us what they do and how they may be able to help us and our clients. Marylin Pierre, President monTGomERy counTy womEn’S bAR ASSociATion Happy New Year! On behalf of the Women’s Bar Association, I wish each and every one of you and your families a healthy and joyous New Year. Let’s hope 2013 is a year to celebrate for all of us. The company was grand, the ambiance was amazing, and the food was delicious. The WBA holiday party was a wonderful way for me, personally, to start the holiday season. It is my hope that all of you attending had as nice of a time as I did. Thank you to our hardworking cochairs, Melissa Kucinski and Kelly Davis, who orchestrated a terrific affair. I wish to extend a special thank you to Susan Oldham who graciously hosted the party. Not only was it a great soiree, but it was also a successful fundraiser for our charity, Visitation House. Thanks to your generosity, we were able to give over eight hundred dollars to the Visitation House. For those of you unfamiliar with Visitation House, it is a home where children in foster care have visitation with their biological parents in hopes of reunification. Our donation will provide items that will hopefully take the house one step closer to a “home.” Again, thank you for all of you that supported this worthy cause. fREE, fREE, fREE! Now that I have your full attention, I wanted to remind you that the WBA Auction Committee is now officially in high gear for the auction on March 23, 2013 at the Chevy Chase Woman’s Club. We need your help to make it a success. The next meeting is January 31, 2013 at 12:30 in the Circuit Court library. You might be asking yourself how you can help. Well, there is still time to donate your time, Exclusively devoted to the practice off immigration law. Representative clients include: GZhZVgX]ZghVcYhX^Zci^hih 8dbeVc^ZhZbeadn^c\>I biotech personnel ;Vb^a^Zhhedchdg^c\gZaVi^kZh We welcome wel the opportunity to be your immigration resource. MyGreenCardLawyer.com The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter Maria Glinsmann 76B8>bb^\gVi^dc HZXi^dc8]V^g Matthew Glinsmann ;dgbZg6>A6 988]VeiZg8]V^g 1-987-0030 February, 2013 SpEciALTy bAR ASSociATionS sponsorship, or an auction item! Have a connection? Client? Best friend's little sister? Ask them for a donation of an item to be auctioned off or for a monetary sponsorship/donation. For further information about auction item donations, please contact Jessica Hepburn Sadler either by telephone (301-230-5256) or you may email her ([email protected]). If you wish to help out in some other way, large or small, please contact Lili Khozeimeh at [email protected] or Heather Collier at [email protected]. If you are able to solicit a donor or have an item yourself, there is a donation sheet in the Women’s Bar Association Museletter or contact Lili or Heather. We cannot do this without all of your help. Be on the lookout for a happy hour at the end of February or beginning of March that we will be co-sponsoring with the other specialty bars. Last year’s happy hour was a rousing hit and hopefully we can duplicate that success. You are welcome to join us at our next Executive Committee Meeting on February 12, 2013 at 12:20 p.m. at the Circuit Court library. Margaret Schweitzer, President Simon E. SobELoff JEwiSH LAw SociETy PLEASE JOIN US FOR OUR NEXT PROGRAM: compARinG JEwiSH AnD AmERicAn LAw, featuring Constitutional Scholar Nathan Lewin and Rabbi Jack Bieler of Kemp Mill Synagogue. The program will take place at THE RATnER muSEum, 10001 old Georgetown Road, bethesda, maryland from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. There will be a tour of the permanent museum exhibit at the beginning of the evening. Light refreshments served. Please RSVp to The Bar Associations Insurance Agency, Inc. and FranklinMorris are pleased to be the premier sponsor for the 119th Annual Meeting & Law Day Celebration The Bar Associations Insurance Agency, Inc. is the marketing arm of the Bar Associations Insurance Trust of 1990 and a joint venture of the MSBA and the BABC. Providing excellence and value in insurance and benefits services, selected by your Bar Associations—for you, for your family, for your practice. 6550 Rock Spring Drive, Bethesda, MD 20817 1 East Pratt Street, Suite 902, Baltimore, MD 21202 Phone: (410) 539-2320 ◦ Email: [email protected] February, 2013 [email protected] or call Brian Barke at (301) 309-8300 for further information. The past year marked more major milestones for the Sobeloff Society. Our membership continues to grow in both our flagship Montgomery County Chapter as well as our Baltimore Chapter. In 2013 we are hoping to develop chapters in our neighboring counties as well as opening our chapter to those potential members practicing in the District of Columbia. We held our fiRST AnnuAL SobELoff AwARD DinnER in October and THE HonoRAbLE pETER b. KRAuSER, Chief Judge of the Maryland Court of Special Appeals was our first recipient of the Simon E. Sobeloff Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Legal and Jewish Communities. The event was attended by more than 300 including almost 50 Judges from several counties as well as members of the Court of Special Appeals, Court of Appeals and elected State officials. We will take a short breather and begin the process of selecting a candidate for this wonderful award for 2013. The event could not have succeeded without many individuals of the Sobeloff Society devoting their time to its success. Well deserving of acknowledgement are: the Honorable Steven G. Salant, Brian Barke, Louise Schwartz, Richard Schimel, Neil Meiselman as well as a host of helping hands – Mickey Burstein, Marc Emden, David Merkin, Allen Orenberg, Wendy Satin, Nathan Brill, Cindy Smith, Pany, Sandy Salant, Cindy Sadur and Julie Barke – thank you so much. The Sobleloff Society is also proud to announce that we have created the Simon E. SobELoff LAw SociETy STuDEnT ScHoLARSHip in honor of Judge Steven G. Salant. Judge Salant has worked tirelessly to help organize, grow and support the Sobeloff Law Society from its inception. His vision is alive in everything we do and we can only show a portion of our gratitude in establishing a student scholarship in recognition. (chef) Richard Schimel was crowned this year’s new LATKE cooking champion at our Hanukah party. And finally, we are looking forward to our Judicial Reception and further programs with dates to be announced in the next newsletter. Wishing you all a very happy and healthy New Year. Brian D. Sadur, President The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter 29 wHAT’S nEw ... LEGAL AnnouncEmEnTS Dragga, Hannon, Hessler & wills, L.L.p. takes pleasure in announcing that Lindsay parvis has become a partner. The firm is located at 110 North Washington St., Suite 300, Rockville, MD. mccarthy wilson LLp is very pleased to announce that michael b. De Troia has been named a Partner of the Firm. Mike has been a member of the Civil Litigation, Insurance Defense, Worker’s Compensation and Personal Injury practice groups for the past eight years, and he works primarily in the area of civil trial litigation. Mike has handled or assisted the handling of hundreds of cases for individual, institutional and commercial clients, including jury and bench trials, administrative hearings, arbitrations, and appellate proceedings in the State and Federal courts of Maryland and the District of Columbia. Mike started as a law clerk for McCarthy Wilson, and upon completion of his Judicial clerkship with the Honorable William J. Rowan, III, Mike returned to the firm as an associate, before now being welcomed to partnership. Mike can be reached in the Firm’s Rockville office at 301-762-7770 or via email at [email protected]. paley Rothman is pleased to welcome James p. Rathvon and cristen S. Rose as the firm’s two newest Shareholders, as well as Jack blum and Jessica b. Summers as the firm’s two newest Associates. Mr. Rathvon has more than 30 years of experience in the areas of environmental, food and drug and administrative law. He and Ms. Rose (both formally with DLA Piper) have a nationally recognized pesticide, regulatory and litigation practice focused on, among other things, representing chemical manu- facturers and distributors with respect to products regulated under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). Mr. Blum and Ms. Summers have joined the firm as Associates after both being law clerks with the firm. Mr. Blum is a member of the Litigation, Family Law and Employment Law practice groups and is admitted to practice in Maryland. Ms. Summers is a member of the Virginia Bar and is part of the firm’s Employee Benefits, Employment Law, Estate Planning, Mergers/Acquisitions and Retirement Plans practice groups. michelle J. chapin, an Associate in the firm’s Estate Planning, Estate/Trust Administration, Business/ Commercial Transactions and Tax practice groups, who has been a member of the Virginia Bar for the last 7 years, has passed the Maryland Bar and is currently admitted to practice in Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia. Amanda K. Leatherman has joined the family law firm of weinberg & Schwartz, L.L.c., as an associate, after working for the firm as a law clerk beginning in June 2010. Ms. Leatherman graduated from the University of Maryland School of Law in May 2012 after receiving her Bachelor’s Degree in Neuroscience and Media and Communications Studies, summa cum laude, from Ursinus College in May 2009. Ms. Leatherman was admitted to the Maryland Bar in December 2012. REnT/LEASE bETHESDA – Large windowed office suite w/private bathroom and separate secretarial space on 2nd floor in private building across from Bethesda Metro; approximately 400 sq. ft. Parking and amenities available: kitchen, conference room, etc. Call 301-654-7540. bETHESDA – Office suite in private building across from Bethesda Metro; approximately 800 sq. ft. with private entrance. Parking and all amenities available: kitchen, conference room, etc. Call 301-654-7540. bETHESDA – Three windowed offices available in downtown Bethesda law office: Reception, conference rooms, copier, etc., with suite of attorneys; definite referral opportunities; parking in building and next to large public parking garage, 1 block from Metro, workstations also available. Perfect for sole practitioner or small firm. Virtual office arrangements also available. Please contact Peggy at 301-961-6464 x3322 if interested. GAiTHERSbuRG – Kentlands Professional Suites. One office available for rent. Great location in the Kentlands. Free DSL service. Perfect for a sole practitioner. Please contact Ray at 301-330-6790 or [email protected] KEnSinGTon – 1 office available for rent with or without secretarial station. 1 exterior office with window. 1 secretarial station. Shared office suite with small law firm in commercial building. Access to conference room. Ideal for professional with assistant or individual use. Rent: $700 for office space; $1,000 for office space and secretarial station. Located at 10605 Concord Street, Suite 206, Kensington, Maryland. Free Parking. For information, contact Eugene Souder at 301-668-5111. RocKViLLE/GAiTHERSbuRG – One windowed office available in new suite in five story office building located on the corner of Route 355 and Shady Grove Road. Share office suite with small family The bar center is your center! The office away from your office A private office available for members to use to meet clients, or just spend time working while waiting between hearings. Video conference Room A brand new conference room set up with the latest in video conferencing capabilities. ~ These spaces are yours to use as members of the Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD. They are handicap accessible, and Wi-Fi is available in all of the Bar Center. To reserve the rooms, simply contact Maria at 301-424-3454 or [email protected]. The bar center bar Association of montgomery county. mD 27 w Jefferson Street, Rockville, mD 20850 30 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter February, 2013 wHAT’S nEw ... law firm. Space for your assistant available. Furnished or unfurnished. Great location, only ten minutes from the courthouse. Plenty of free parking. Use of reception area, conference room, kitchen and DSL. Reasonable rent. Call 301-926-8822 or email [email protected]. RocKViLLE – ADAMS LAW CENTER IN DOWNTOWN ROCKVILLE – Four beautifully renovated individual offices with additional space for support personnel. Walk to the new Rockville Town Center. Free parking. Rent all or part. For information call Alice Thomas or Bill Wood at 301-424-6200. RocKViLLE – Complete Office Suite for rent to sole practitioner or small firm. Special rate to business, tax, or commercial practice. Three private offices, secretarial/reception area, storage room, and restroom. Lovely second floor view of Route 355 and the Metro trains. Jackson Place South Office Condominium in front of Montgomery College. Lots of parking and easy access. Alan Zipp, CPA-Attorney, 301-340-0084. RocKViLLE – One partially furnished office on second floor and one unfurnished office on first floor of two-level office building that has a reception area, conference room, kitchen, copier, FAX machine and free, recently renovated parking lot. Monthly rent for each office is negotiable. Walking distance to Circuit/ District Courts, Rockville Town Center and Metro. Contact Benjamin A. Klopman at 301-424-0677. RocKViLLE – 17 W. Jefferson St. – Up to 3,000 sq. ft. contiguous space available in very nice office suite. Formerly a title company with hardwood floor reception and several windowed offices. Also, individual and smaller spaces available in lawyer shared office environment. WiFi, VOIP and other amenities. Lots of parking available. Lowest rents in downtown Rockville. Next to District and Circuit Courts and Bar Association Building. Contact Johnny Garza at 301-340-8200. RocKViLLE – 7th Floor office with view on Route 355 with ample free parking, walking to Court and Metro, receptionist, conference room, kitchen, and available secretarial area. Call Kathy at (301) 7627200. JEnnifER fAiRfAx Adoption Law • Reproduction Law • Surrogacy • Donor Agreements Domestic, Second Parent and Relative Adoptions 827 Woodside Parkway Silver Spring, MD 20910 301.221.9651 fax: 240.491.9551 [email protected] www.jenniferfairfax.com Fellow of the Fellow of the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF AMERICAN ACADEMY OF Adoption Attorneys Assisted Reproductive Technology Attorneys Member of RESOLVE Mid-Atlantic Region • Licensed in Maryland and the District of Columbia FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: On December 5, 2012, the MidAtlantic Association of Professional Process Servers (MAAPPS) held its annual meeting in Rockville, MD. The Association, which is composed of most of the major process serving firms in the DC, MD and Virginia area, saluted its retiring president, Torri Schaffer, and elected its new officers. MAAPPS aims to both educate its members with the rules of the tri-state area—and to induce its members to take advantage of the latest technological advances. To obtain more information on the organization, please contact: [email protected] or 1-855-2-MAAPPS, or by mail: Mid Atlantic Association of Professional Process Servers, P.O. Box 4409, Rockville, MD 20849. P.O. Box 4409 | Rockville, MD 20849 | 855-2-MAAPPS (855-262-2777) | www.maapps.org February, 2013 RocKViLLE – Several window offices for rent in quiet, cathedral ceiling Rockville townhouse. Use of conference rooms, library, kitchen and spacious client waiting areas. Plenty of free parking. Digital copier use available. Short walk to Circuit and District Court. Practice law comfortably. First month's rent is free. Call 301-2511600. RocKViLLE – Two (2) Townhouse Law Offices for rent $500.00 / month – 1st floor office, 12’ x 14’, 2nd floor office, 15’ x 22’. Reception area, library / conference room. Open parking. Contact Rick at 301-2519120 or [email protected]. RocKViLLE – Walk to Courthouses and Metro. One block from Rockville Town Center. Three windowed office spaces available together or separate. 9 1/2 x 10 1/2+ and 13 x 9+. Plenty of parking for tenants and guests. Includes use of conference room, waiting area, kitchenette. Copier/scanner/fax available and answering service at extra cost. Stop by anytime. Call 301-279-8773. ATToRnEy oppoRTuniTiES ASSociATE – Our Estate Planning & Administration Group is looking for an Associate Attorney to join a sophisticated estate and trust practice. We would prefer a candidate with 4 - 6 years of experience, an LLM in taxation, and drafting experience. We invite you to send your resume to Mary Jane Tiedeman, Pasternak & Fidis, P.C., via fax to 301-656-3053 or email to [email protected]. ATToRnEy(S) – AV rated Montgomery County law firm looking to expand through relationship with experienced attorney(s). Of Counsel (or similar relationship) position available for attorney(s) with a complementary practice. We are looking to expand our general practice law firm by one or two attorneys who have a portable practice and desire to work in a collegial setting. Please send resume and nature of interest to Box F13-01 Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD, 27 W. Jefferson Street, Rockville, MD 20850. ATToRnEy – Lighthouse Property Management, located at 9419 Georgia Ave., Suite #207 in Silver Spring, MD, is looking to hire a full-time in-house attorney specializing in landlord and tenant law to head our legal department. This position requires about 25% travel time. We seek an experienced or recent graduate attorney that specializes in real estate, representing The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter (Continued on following page 31 wHAT’S HEADinG nEw ... 32 pARTnER – Attorney with 14 years of experience in family, business, and personal injury law, and 10 years of experience in establishing and expanding a law firm is seeking an exceptional person for partnership in a new law firm. The ideal candidate is an entrepreneurial, energetic, intelligent, hard working attorney with minimum of 4 years of trial experience. You must be an all around person who can shift gears when necessary so you can properly deal with clients, prospective clients, opposing counsel, judges, etc. Candidate must be committed to business development to promote the firm’s practice. Excellent oral communication skills and persuasive writing is required. Having some portable business is desirable, but not necessary. Send resume, writing sample, and references to Montgomery County Bar Association Internal Box F13-02, Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD, 27 West Jefferson St., Rockville, MD 20850. foR SALE Maryland Reports 64 through 338 and Maryland Appellate Reports 1 through 105. Best Offer. Please call 301-762-8860, ext. 301. womEn’S bAR founDATion THAnKS SuppoRTERS The Montgomery County Women’s Bar Foundation hosted the 12th annual “Preparing for Success” Fall Forum at Montgomery College, Rockville Campus on November 17, 2012. This year’s program included keynote speaker, Deborah Kearse, Esq., a wonderfully dynamic speaker and a great way to start the day. Once again, the girls participated in workshops tailored to meet their needs as they move into the next phase of their lives, either entering college or the workplace. Our workshops included: “How to Get a Job and Keep It”; “Fun & Amazing Jobs”; “Community College & Beyond”; “Friend Request or Not?.” As we have done in the past, we offered workshops for girls who speak Spanish only. And for the first time, we provided a class on financial aid and internet safety for the parents. This event would not be possible without the ongoing support of our community. The Women’s Bar Foundation thanks you for your generosity and continued support of this program. Economic VALuATionS (Continued from preceding page) property Management Companies, Homeowners Associations, Condominium Associations and apartment buildings in the Maryland, DC and Northern Virginia area. Applicant should be able to provide effective legal representation in all aspects of property and real estate law, including Foreclosures; FSBO (For Sale By Owner Transactions); Partitions; Easements; Real Estate Litigation; Commercial Real Estate; Residential Real Estate; Pay or Quit Notices and Evictions processes. This is a permanent position with an opportunity to head our Legal Department. Applicants are encouraged to apply to [email protected]. ATToRnEy – REAL ESTATE – Bethesda, MD, AV Rated law firm seeks experienced real estate attorney. Maryland bar admission, excellent academic credentials, experience in purchase, sale and financing transactions, and expertise in drafting transactional documents required. Experience in commercial leasing, condominium creation, and closings desirable. Portable client base desirable, but not required. Send resume and cover letter to [email protected]. ATToRnEy – RESiDEnTiAL SETTLEmEnTS ATToRnEy – The largest independent Maryland law firm seeks attorney with 3+ years of experience in residential real estate settlements. Qualified candidates must have strong academic credentials and experience in all aspects of residential settlements. Principal duties will include case management, conducting residential settlements, title clearance, and providing oversight and support to the settlement processing staff. Candidates must possess the ability to multi-task and organize large workloads, and thrive in a fast-paced environment. Qualified candidates will have the opportunity to expand into title insurance claims defense, commercial transactions, and other areas of real estate practice. The Maryland Bar is required. Extremely competitive salary and benefits package. Long-term career and partnership potential. To reward and motivate performance, our compensation system is based on productivity, not seniority. All resumes will be held in the strictest confidence. For consideration, please submit resume to: [email protected]. If you are interested in applying for employment with Shulman Rogers and believe you need special assistance or an accommodation to apply for a posted position, contact our Human Resources Department at 301-230-5249. Hearing impaired users please have your relay service provider contact our Human Resources Department at 301-230-5249. pushkin & pushkin, inc. Actuaries & Consultants since 1979 • Pension Divorce Valuations • Actuarial Valuations • 401 (k) Marital Tracings • Expert Testimony • Wrongful Death & Personal Injury Analyses • Loss of Earnings Studies www.pushkinandpushkin.com Member of the National Association of Forensic Economics pushkin & pushkin, inc. 30 E Padonia Rd., Suite 406 • Timonium, MD 21093 Baltimore: 410.561.1945 • Washington: 301.951.9430 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter February, 2013 HEADinG wHAT’S nEw ... nEw mEmbERS Robert S. bullock, 1111 19th St., NW, Suite 760, Washington, DC 20036; tel.: 202-4520000; fax: 202-463-2757; email: [email protected] Theresa m. chernosky, 191 East Jefferson St., Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: 301-5638944; fax: 301-424-4126; email: [email protected] william m. Engram, 18321 Quondal Ct., Gaithersburg, MD 20877; tel.: 443-804-9030; email: [email protected] Karen ferretti, 204 Monroe St., Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: 301-251-0440; fax: 301-2795929; email: [email protected] Ellis J. Koch, 5904 Hubbard Dr., Rockville, MD 20852; tel.: 301-231-9480; fax: 301-8819465; email: [email protected] Sylvia panfil, tel.: 202-644-3026; email: [email protected] michael S. woll, 4405 East-West Highway, Suite 201, Bethesda, MD 20814; tel.: 301652-6962; fax: 301-652-2741; email: [email protected] HELpinG oppoRTuniTiES ... Support Drug Court by helping a participant obtain stable employment and therefore restore their life, stay committed to recovery and become a productive member of the community. For further information please contact Austine Long, Drug Court Coordinator at (240) 777-9141. OBJECTIVE AND CREDIBLE BUSINESS VALUATIONS Our Þ nancial expertise can help you with shareholder disputes, divorce cases, and estate and gifting plans. Walter H. Deyhle, CPA, ABV E-mail: [email protected] • Call: (301) 951 - 9090 METRO COUNSELING SERVICES, INC. A comprehensive approach to DWI/DUI þ Assessment and evaluation þ Education (six weeks) þ Counseling (26 weeks) þ Relapse prevention þ Approved and Certified þ Expert Testimony by the State of Maryland þ Forensic drug screening JeRRI BenneR-GunnIsOn, dIReCTOR 15719 Crabbs Branch Way - Rockville, MD 20855 301-670-6161 - (fax) - (301) 670-6163 www.metrocounselingservices.com February, 2013 ADVERTiSERS inDEx berenato & white, LLc . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 www.bw-iplaw.com The Law office of Ronald S. canter . . . . .9 www.roncanterllc.com center for forensic Economic Studies . . .12 www.cfes.com circle Treatment center . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 www.circletreatment.com De novo Service of process . . . . . . . . . . . .7 www.denovoattorneyservices.com Stephen J. Dunn, Esquire . . . . . . . . . . . .22 www.sdunnlaw.com Richard Edelman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 www.economic-analysis.com Jennifer fairfax LLc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 www.jenniferfairfax.com Gelman, Rosenberg & freedman . . . . .29 www.grfcpa.com Glinsmann & Glinsmann, chartered . .26 www.glinlaw.com Joseph, Greenwald & Laake . . . . . . . . . .5 www.jgllaw.com.com michael L. Kabik, Esquire . . . . . . . . . . .21 www.shulmanrogers.com/attorneys-118.html mcAdoo, Gordon & Associates, p.c. . . .24 www.mcadoolaw.com The mccammon Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 www.McCammonGroup.com metro counseling Services, inc. . . . . . . .29 www.metrocounselingservices.com metropolitan process Services . . . . . . . .21 www.metroprocess24.com montgomery county Sentinel . . . . . . . .22 www.thesentinel.com multi-Specialty Healthcare . . . . . . . . . .11 www.multi-specialty.com Alan J. nuta, Esquire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 www.SSBenefitsLawyer.com oxley & Goldburn insurance . . . . . . . . .14 www.oxleygoldburn.com paley, Rothman, Goldstein, Rosenberg, Eig & cooper, chartered . . . . . . . .14 www.paleyrothman.com passport Title Services, LLc . . . . . . . . . .8 www.passporttitle.com priority process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 www.priorityprocess.com prudential Associates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 www.usainvestigators.com pushkin & pushkin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Remax at park potomac . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 www.LiveListingsOnline.com www.MarylandHomesByRobin.com Rossmann - Hurt - Hoffman, inc. . . . . .23 www.rhhinsurance.com Scheer partners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 www.scheerpartners.com Target investigations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 www.target-investigations.com Thomas Schild Law Group, LLp . . . . . . .8 www.schildlaw.com Ronald i. weiner, phD, LLc . . . . . . . . .24 www.rweinerphdllc.com Alan S. Zipp, Esquire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter 33 STATE’S ATToRnEy’S ASSiGnmEnTS ~ Updates to these schedules can be found in the Court Schedules section of the Bar Association website ~ wE nEED VoLunTEERS The Family Law Self Help Center is in need of volunteer attorneys to help self represented litigants in family law matters with legal information and/or legal advice. If you have a desire to serve self represented litigants you can help in one of two ways: 1. impromptu Volunteering: If you happen to be at the Courthouse between 12:00 pm and 2:00 pm and have a little time to spare, stop by and see one, or maybe two, clients. We almost always have clients waiting during lunch hours, and could use your assistance. 2. Scheduled Volunteering: If you have more time to spare or prefer a more structured arrangement, please contact our Bar liaison: Judi Bluefeld, (301) 2797817, [email protected], or stop by and consult with the Center staff. In that way, we can let you know when the Center will be shorthanded, and can most use your valuable assistance. Time that you volunteer at the Family Law Self Help Center can be counted as Pro Bono hours to the Court of Appeals. 34 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter February, 2013 HEADinG JuDGES ScHEDuLES ~ Updates to these schedules can be found in the Court Schedules section of the Bar Association website ~ circuit court *Family Duty; CM=Criminal Motions; PT=Criminal PreTrial Jury Demand/Appeal Docket February, 2013 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter 35 Newsletter of the BAR AssOCIATIOn OF MOnTGOMeRY COunTY, MARYLAnd 27 West Jefferson Street, Rockville, Maryland 20850-4200 cR LcR c/S bar office conference Room Lower Level bAmc conference Room See committee/Section pages for Location Periodicals Postage pAiD at Rockville, MD cLR cLE cLE classroom cLE Seminar–call (301) 340-2534 to Register fEbRuARy 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 22 26 11:00a.m. 12:15p.m. 5:30p.m. 6:00p.m. 8:00a.m. 12:15p.m. 12:30p.m. 5:30p.m. 12:15p.m. 11:45a.m. 5:00p.m. 8:00a.m. 5:30p.m. 8:00a.m. 5:00p.m. 5:00p.m. 5:30p.m. 5:30p.m. 8:00a.m. 4:30p.m. noon 6:00p.m. cR Employment Law Section meeting bar Luncheon cR nominations & Elections committee c/S Joint membership meeting c/S circuit court bench bar committee cR youth courthouse project committee c/S circuit court chamber chat cR collaborative Law Section meeting cR Education Law Section meeting c/S Estate & Trust Law Section meeting cR Executive committee meeting c/S Real Estate Law Section meeting cR criminal Law Section meeting cR Elder Law Section meeting cR Lawyer to Lawyer committee meeting c/S workers compensation Law Section ~ HoLiDAy – bAR officES cLoSED ~ cR new practitioner Section meeting cLR cLE Seminar – business Law/Tax Law c/S Law firm management Section c/S Legal Ethics committee meeting cR personal injury Litigation Section c/S family Law Section meeting 1 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 19 20 21 26 29 8:00a.m. 11:00a.m. 12:15p.m. 8:00a.m. 12:15p.m. 5:30p.m. 5:30p.m. 5:30p.m. 12:15p.m. 11:45a.m. 5:00p.m. 8:00a.m. 5:30p.m. 5:30p.m. 8:00a.m. 5:00p.m. 5:00p.m. 4:15p.m. cR cR c/S cR cR cR cLE cR c/S cR c/S c/S cLE cR cR c/S c/S 5:30p.m. 8:00a.m. 4:30p.m. 6:00p.m. noon c/S c/S c/S c/S cR foundation board of Directors Employment Law Section meeting bar Luncheon circuit court bench bar committee youth courthouse project committee Taxation Law Section meeting collaborative Law Section meeting cLE Seminar – family Law Education Law Section meeting Estate & Trust Law Section meeting Executive committee meeting Real Estate Law Section meeting commercial Litigation Section meeting cLE Seminar – criminal Law Elder Law Section meeting Lawyer to Lawyer committee meeting workers compensation Law Section new Admittee courthouse Tour & Reception Strategic planning committee meeting Law firm management Section Legal Ethics committee meeting family Law Section meeting personal injury Litigation Section ~ please visit our website, www.montbar.org, for the most recent updates to the calendar of Events ~ CALendAR 5 mARcH
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