NEWSLETTER - Bar Association of Montgomery County Maryland
THE BAR ASSOCIATION OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD N EWSLETTE Volume 55, Issue 1 27 West Jefferson St., Rockville, MD 20850-4200 Telephone: (301) 424-3454 Fax: (301) 217-9327 Web Site: — E-mail: [email protected] R NEW BAR STAFF EMAIL ADDRESSES ... SEE PAGE 2 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE ANNUAL MEETING AWARDS On April 27, 2007, Governor Martin O'Malley announced the creation of an Appellate Courts Judicial Nominating Commission and sixteen regional Trial Courts Judicial Nominating Commissions. As in the past, each Commission will be responsible for recommending to the Governor the names of persons for appointment to the Appellate and Trial Courts of Maryland. Through Executive Order 01.01.2007.08-Judicial Nominating Commissions- (hereinafter referred to as the "April 27th Executive Order"), the Governor declared that each Trial Courts Judicial Nominating Commission (hereinafter referred to as "Trial Courts Commission") shall consist of six persons appointed by the Governor and three persons who are appointed by the presidents of the bar associations in the regional subdivisions for which the Commission is responsible. This April 27th Executive Order 17th Annual Jurist Award: The Honorable Louis D. Harrington 18th Annual Professionalism Award: John J. McCarthy President’s Citation for Outstanding Service: David A. Pordy, Law Firm Management Section; Michael V. Nakamura, Personal Injury Litigation Section; John J. O’Neill, Jr., Personal Injury Litigation Section; Jennifer A. Forquer, Back to Courts Night; Marvin Waldman, Back to Courts Night; Jeffrey M. Axelson, Rule 1.15 Committee Chairs of the Year: Millard S. Bennett, Social Committee (Barristers Bash); Patricia M. Weaver, Social Committee (Barristers Bash); Ronald S. Canter, Fee Dispute Resolution Committee Section Chairs of the Year: James L. Parsons, Jr., Business Law Section; David P. Shapiro, Business Law Section; Stephanie L. Fink, Family Law Section; Lisa S. Segel, Family Law Section; Omolade R. Akinbolaji, New Practitioners Section (Continued on page 4) DRUG COURT GRADUATION The Honorable Nelson W. Rupp, Jr., Chair of the Adult Drug Court and Members of the Adult Drug Court Team invite all members of the Bar and public to attend the Drug Court Graduation Ceremony on June 27, 2007 at 4:00 p.m. in Courtroom 1 of the Judicial Center, Montgomery County Circuit Court. BAR FOUNDATION AWARDS Presidents Citation for Outstanding Service: Steven J. Bienstock, Bar Revue; The Honorable Barry A. Hamilton, Bar Revue; Thomas P. Ryan, Moderator, Cable Television Law School for the Public Community Service Awards: Bradford S. Bernstein, School Mock Trial; Rachel T. McGuckian, School Mock Trial Pro Bono Guardianship Program: Shulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy & Ecker, P.A., Kim V. Fiorentino, Director June 2007 Pro Bono Mentoring Program Award Jeffrey N. Greenblatt; Strickler, Sachitano & Hatfield, PA. Outstanding Pro Bono Attorneys: Christopher J. Kunz; Cheryl Rose and Associates; Morghan L. Richardson and the Law Firm of Spriggs & Hollingsworth Outstanding Contested Custody Case Service: Eva Y. Xu; Donya Zimmerman Outstanding Legal Clinic Service: Christina V. B. Ballance; Jerry C. Lyell; Kathleen A. Muldoon EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE FOR 2007-2008 President: Mary Ellen Flynn President-Elect: Paul B. DeWolfe Treasurer: Donna E. Van Scoy Treasurer-Elect: Nancy A. Sachitano Secretary: Audrey A. Creighton New Practitioner Co-Chairs: Lili Khozeimeh Ivonne C. Lindley Executive Committee Members 2-year term: Larry A. Ceppos Eun (Jeannie) K. Cho Patrick W. Dragga Suzy L. Eckstein William E. Hewitt, Jr. Stephen H. Ring 1-year term: James R. Hammerschmidt Hadrian N. Hatfield Wendy B. Karpel Mary K. (Kathy) Knight Hon. Cheryl A. McCally Richard H. Melnick SAVE THE DATE ... October 8, 2007 Annual Golf & Tennis Charity Classic Argyle Country Club IMPORTANT NOTICE Anyone interested in nominating someone to be considered for appointment to the Trial Courts Judicial Nominating Commission (including yourself) should send those nominations and accompanying resumes or descriptions of experience and qualifications, to the Bar Association by mail or email (to [email protected]) for receipt by Wednesday, June 6, 2007. Mary Ellen Flynn, President PAGE 2 FOR YOUR INFORMATION HEADING Please Note New Bar Staff Email Addresses Bar Association x Beverly Executive Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] Tessy Office Manager/LRS Supervisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] Cindy Association Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . } Shalawn VACANT Lawyer Referral Service Operators (part-time) . . . . . . . . Lawyer Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] and [email protected] w (301) 424-3453 ASSOCIATION OFFICERS (301) 424-6351 President: Mary Ellen Flynn President-Elect: Paul B. DeWolfe Treasurer: Donna E. Van Scoy Treasurer-Elect: Nancy A. Sachitano Secretary: Audrey A. Creighton Past President: John C. Monahan Executive Director: Beverly C. Mondin (301) 279-9100 (301) 424-7040 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Larry A. Ceppos (301) 424-7040 (301) 762-8376 Bar Foundation Marleni CLE Seminars and Events Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] (301) 340-2534 Pro Bono Program Client Intake Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (301) 424-7651 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (301) 424-7652 The following staff listing is not for public information. It is for attorney use only. Mary Kay Canarte, Managing Attorney (Part-Time) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (301) 762-5831 [email protected] Maria Office Administration / Client Coordination . . . . . . . . . . (301) 424-2706 [email protected] Ingrid Office Administration / Client Coordination . . . . . . . . . . (301) 762-8488 [email protected] FOR LAWYERS WHO NEED HELP If you are aware of attorneys who are having problems with alcohol, drugs, stress, emotional problems and related illnesses that interfere with their professional or personal lives, please call the Lawyer-to-Lawyer Committee. Committee members are available to assist lawyers find confidential effective programs to suit their needs. All calls are strictly confidential. Barbara R. Graham, Chair Phone: (301) 294-3467 E-mail: [email protected] FRIENDS OF BILL W. LAWYER MEETING For time and location of the meetings, please call Lawyer-to-Lawyer Committee member, Dan Gaskill at (301) 279-7400. BAR ASSOCIATION OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD NEWSLETTER (USPS 430-930) ISSN-1079-0780 is published monthly except July/August combined at $25.00 per year by the Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD 27 West Jefferson Street, Rockville, MD 20850-4200 PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID Rockville, Maryland 20850-4200 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD, Newsletter 27 West Jefferson St., Rockville, Maryland 20850-4200 Beverly C. Mondin, Executive Director & Editor Cindy Brandenburg, Assistant & Advertising Editor LEGAL ETHICS HOTLINE John Murphy Ed Sharkey 2007-2008 Officers and Chairs - (301) 998-6598 - (301) 657-8184 For a written confidential opinion, submit your written request, marked confidential, to Jeffrey M. Axelson, c/o Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD, 27 West Jefferson St., Rockville, MD 20850. BAR FOUNDATION OFFICERS (Effective July 1, 2006) President: Paul F. Kemp Treasurer: Richard S. Stolker President-Elect: John C. Monahan Assistant Treasurer: Robert B. Hetherington Past President: John J. McCarthy DIRECTORS James M. Brault Eric M. Johnson Robert C. Park Douglas M. Bregman John P. Kudel Linda D. Schwartz Eun (Jeannie) K. Cho Susan S. Magazine Deane A. Shure Charles B. Day Mimi L. Magyar-Socorso Harry C. Storm Glenn M. Cooper Rachel T. McGuckian Joseph P. Suntum David S. DeJong Patrick C. McKeever Marvin Waldman Mary Ellen Flynn Camilla O. McRory Alan S. Zipp Jo B. Fogel A. Howard Metro COMMITTEE CHAIRS Bar Revue – Steven J. Bienstock – (301) 251-1600 Cable T.V./Law School for the Public – Thomas P. Ryan, Co-Chair – (301) 762-7770 & Natasha R. Luddington, Co-Chair – (301) 657-0748 Continuing Legal Education – John R. Garza, Chair – (301) 838-3585 CLE Breakfasts – Fall Outing – James R. Hammerschmidt, Co-Chair – (301) 951-9338 & Alison W. Rind, Co-Chair – (301) 657-0750 Pro Bono – Lauri E. Cleary, Chair – (301) 657-0176 School Mock Trial – Bradford S. Bernstein, Co-Chair – (301) 762-1600 & Rachel T. McGuckian, Co-Chair – (301) 762-1600 Speakers Bureau – VACANT, Chair (Public Division) – & Rene Sandler, Chair (School Division) – (301) 610-9797 Youth Initiative Program – Rene Sandler, Chair – (301) 610-9797 Eun (Jeannie) K. Cho Patrick W. Dragga Suzy L. Eckstein James R. Hammerschmidt Hadrian N. Hatfield William E. Hewitt, Jr. Wendy B. Karpel Mary K. (Kathy) Knight Hon. Cheryl A. McCally Richard H. Melnick Stephen H. Ring New Practitioners Co-Chairs: Lili Khozeimeh & Ivonne C. Lindley COMMITTEE CHAIRS Assoc./Found. – Ann. Mtg. & Law Day – Nancy A. Sachitano, Chair – (301) 657-8805 Bench/Bar-Circuit – Peter A. Feeney, Chair – (240) 777-7349 Bench/Bar-District Court – Marvin Waldman, Chair – (301) 933-4500 Courthouse Construction – Steven Van Grack, Chair – (301) 738-7671 Fee Dispute Resolution – Michael J. McAuliffe, Co-Chair – (301) 762-1696 & David L. Rubino, Co-Chair – (301) 762-7770 Interprofessional – VACANT, Chair Judicial Selections – Deborah E. Reiser, Chair – (301) 961-6094 VACANT, Vice Chair – Lawyer to Lawyer – VACANT, Chair Lawyer Referral – Jeffrey Van Grack, Chair – (301) 657-0159 Legal Ethics – Jeffrey M. Axelson, Co-Chair – (301) 738-7650 & Samuel M. Shapiro, Co-Chair – (301) 340-1333 Legislation – VACANT, Chair Long Range Planning – Jeffrey M. Axelson, Co-Chair – (301) 738-7650 & Laurie E. Cleary, Co-Chair – (301) 657-0176 & David W. Lease, Co-Chair – (301) 838-8950 Membership – VACANT, Chair Nominations & Elections – Joseph A. Lynott, III, Chair – (301) 424-5100 Personnel Transition – David S. De Jong, Chair – (301) 838-3204 Professionalism & The Quality of Life - Steven M. Selzer, Chair – (301) 251-1590 & Elizabeth G. Loggia, Vice-Chair – (301) 340-9393 Designated Conciliator Program – VACANT, Chair Social – Patricia M. Weaver, Co-Chair – (301) 951-9360 & Millard S. Bennett, Co-Chair – (301) 838-3203 Softball – Charles B. Lipscomb, Chair – (301) 738-7000 Specialty Bar Associations – Audrey A. Creighton, Chair – (240) 773-9603 Technology – C. Sei-Hee Arii, Co-Chair – (301) 762-8545 & P. Lindsay Parvis, Co-Chair – (301) 563-6685 Unauthorized Practice of Law – Ronald M. Abramson, Chair – (240) 386-3000 Youth Courthouse Project – Holly D. Reed, III, Chair – (301) 587-9480 SECTION CHAIRS Alternative Dispute Resolution – Ellen F. Kandell, Co-Chair – (301) 588-53900 & Judith A. Mustille, Co-Chair – (301) 424-1720 Business Law – VACANT, Chair Commercial Litigation – J. Bradford McCullough, Co-Chair – (301) 657-0734 & Jeffrey M. Schwaber, Co-Chair – (301) 838-3210 Criminal Law – Marc R. Emden, Co-Chair (Defense) – (301) 762-7007 & Carol A. Crawford, Co-Chair (State) – (240) 777-7342 Education Law – Patrick J. Hoover, Chair – (301) 424-5777 Elder Law – Lynn C. Boynton, Co-Chair – (301) 762-1696 & Susan Bloomfield, Co-Chair – (301) 907-2802 Employment Law – Laurel N. Anchors, Co-Chair – (301) 990-6065 & Christina V.B. Balance, Co-Chair – (301) 340-8200 Estates & Trusts – Jay M. Eisenberg, Chair – (301) 230-5223 Family Law – Stuart M. Skok, Co-Chair – (301) 840-8565 & Vicki Viramontes-LaFree, Co-Chair – (301) 656-8850 Federal Practice – VACANT, Chair Health Law – VACANT, Chair Immigration – Jinhee K. Wilde, Chair – (202) 328-1000 Intellectual Property & Technology – Albert M. Churilla, Co-Chair – (301) 319-9846 & Michael L. Greenberg, Co-Chair – (202) 625-7000 Juvenile Law – Mary K. Knight, Co-Chair (State) – (240) 777-7440 & VACANT, Co-Chair (Defense) Law Firm Management – David A. Pordy, Chair – (301) 230-5205 New Practitioners – Lili Khozeimeh, Co-Chair – (301) 340-9090 & Ivonne C. Lindley, Co-Chair – (301) 838-3217 Mentor/Mentee (sub of New Practitioners) - Heather S. Collier – (301) 340-9090 Chamber Chats – Personal Injury Litigation – Hong S. (Paul) Chung, Co-Chair (Plaintiff) – (301) 230-5230 & Andre M. Forte, Co-Chair (Defense) – (301) 762-7770 Real Estate – Matthew D. Alegi, Co-Chair – (301) 230-6574 & Alexis H. Peters, Co-Chair – (301) 255-0538 Sports & Entertainment Law – Andrew L. Schwartz, Chair – (301) 947-3330 Taxation – Glenn M. Anderson, Chair – (301) 762-5212 Telecommunications – VACANT, Chair Workers Compensation Law – VACANT, Chair PAGE 4 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE, cont’d (Continued from page 1) changed the procedure of how lawyers may become members of the Trial Courts Commissions. From the time that Governor Marvin Mandel created the Commission in 1970 until this recent Executive Order of Governor O'Malley, a portion of the lawyermembers of the Commissions have always been elected by peers who practice law in their own districts. Governor William Donald Schaefer's 1991 Executive Order provided that six of the members on each Commission be lawyers elected by their colleagues, and Governor Parris N. Glendening's 1995 Executive Order and Governor Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr.'s 2003 Executive Order both provided that four lawyers on each Commission be so elected. Due to the size of Montgomery County, our county alone is Commission District 11, and accordingly, I, as President of our Bar Association, am charged with the serious task of submitting the names of three persons to be appointed by the Governor to the Trial Courts Commission for Commission District 11. The deadline for my submission of names to the Governor is June 27, 2007. Upon receiving the April 27th Executive Order, I called the Governor's Office to learn first-hand the reasons why the Governor disbanded the practice of the local legal community's election of lawyers to the Commission. I spoke with Ralph Tyler, Chief Legal Counsel to the Governor, and learned that the Governor decided to make this change because he discovered (from the Governor's Office speaking with the Administrative Office of the Courts and with others) that the election process was not the best nor the most efficient way of selecting the most experienced, qualified and dedicated persons for the Commissions. I also discussed with Mr. Tyler paragraph C(2)(b) of the Executive Order, which states: "In selecting persons to submit for appointment, the Bar Association presidents shall consult with the presidents of other bar organizations in the Commission District…," and learned that indeed, as I suspected, the Governor wants a diversified group of persons appointed to each of the Trial Courts Judicial Nominating Commissions. Accordingly, I look forward to continuing the dialog that I have already set in place with the specialty bar associations to seek names from these presidents of their own members whom they believe possess the necessary experience, qualifications, temperament and dedication to satisfactorily carry out all responsibilities expected of members of the Trial Courts Commissions. At this time, I ask each one of you to think of persons whom you believe should sit on this Commission (you may include yourself) and to send those nominations and accompanying resumes or descriptions of experience and qualifications to our Bar Association office by mail or email ([email protected]) for receipt by Wednesday, June 6, 2007. In my opinion, a qualified lawyer to sit on the Trial Courts Commission should have substantial trial court experience as well as good judgment and assessment skills. I plan to honor the Governor's intent in my appointments to the District 11 Commission, and to that end, I will be seeking the assistance of the Executive Committee at our June 11th Executive Committee Meeting. With respect to the Appellate Courts Judicial Nominating Commission (Appellate Courts Commission), the April 27th Executive Order mandates a similar procedure in that the President of the Maryland State Bar Association (MSBA) shall submit the names of five persons for appointment. If you are interested in being considered for appointment to the Appellate Courts Commission by the President of the MSBA, you should immediately send your name and qualifications to the Executive Director of MSBA, Paul Carlin, at [email protected]. The twelve gubernatorial appointments to the Appellate Courts Commission were announced on April 27, 2007 and include our past-president Douglas M. Bregman, Former Attorney General J. Joseph Curran, and Sheila Sachs, a family law attorney in Baltimore and pastpresident of the Baltimore City Bar Association, who will be Chair of the Appellate Courts Commission. I very much look forward to these next twelve months serving as President of our Bar Association, and I hope to have your support and involvement all along the way. If your schedule permits, please join me and many of our members at the MSBA Annual Convention in Ocean City which is June 13th- 16th. As always our Bar Association is hosting a hospitality suite at the convention, and it is a wonderful opportunity for all of us to relax and enjoy one another's company. Mary Ellen Flynn WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. METROPOLITAN PROCESS SERVICES (301) 929-6819 24 Hour Cell (301) 252-0706 Skip Tracing Unlimited Attempts Rush Services within 48 hours Court Filings Available Scheduled Pickups KARL STEPHENS P.O. Box 6811 Silver Spring, MD 20916 Serving DC, MD and VA PAGE 5 CURRENT UPDATE CIRCUIT COURT FAMILY DIVISION Late Court Arrival: Arriving late to hearings has become a significant issue in Juvenile Court. Despite repeated requests from the bench, parties continue to be late. When parties are late in one case it has a rippling effect throughout the entire docket. Additionally, it is discourteous to the bench, other litigants who are present and ready to proceed and most importantly, the children whose welfare lies at the heart of these hearings. Please arrive on time. Mediation/Facilitation Invoices: If you provide mediation services for the Juvenile Department or facilitation services for the Family Division, please submit an invoice each time you perform this service. Some service providers are submitting invoices spanning several months. The court's fiscal year ends on June 30th. We want to ensure that all invoices are received for services rendered from July 1, 2006, through June 30, 2007, so payment can be made in early July. Lead Custody/Access Mediator: For several years Shirley Seymour has served as the Lead Custody/Access Mediator for the Family Division. The excellence and passion that she brings to all aspects of access and custody mediation is wonderful. Both the Court and the litigants, who look to it to solve difficult and painful issues, have benefited greatly from her knowledge, commitment and dedication to mediation. Shirley has decided to lessen her workload and cut back on her hours. Fortunately for the Family Division and the Court, she BAIL BONDS 24 HOUR SERVICE 301- 279-0757 PANTAZES BAIL BONDS 77 South Washington Street Rockville, MD 20850 is staying with us as a mediator, but in a different position. Effective April 2nd, George Spangler has assumed responsibility as the Lead Custody/Access mediator. George, who is an experienced mediator and attorney, has been serving as a mediator in the Family Division for several years. We are fortunate to have George in this position. Like Shirley, he has a strong commitment to and belief in the mediation process and the Court's role in alternative dispute resolution. Please join me in welcoming both Shirley and George into their new roles. Notice of Change Appointment of Counsel for Children: When the Court appoints counsel to represent children, it may order the parties to pay reasonable compensation for such representation and may apportion those costs equitably. Where the Court determines that the parties are unable to bear the expense of such representation, it may request that the Family Law Fund pay some or all of the costs. For appointments made on or after May 21, 2007, the limits of compensation without further leave of the Administrative Judge will be increased to a maximum of $2,000 unless a lower amount is noted under a specific appointment. Court Policy Change Regarding Motions for Temporary Guardianship: As of February 1, 2007, the Circuit Court for Montgomery County will no longer rule on Motions for Temporary Guardianship ex parte unless the matter is an emergency as defined by the Maryland Annotated Code. The Maryland Annotated Code, Estates and Trusts § 13-101(f) defines an "emergency" as meaning that a "person is living in condi(Continued on following page) WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. Litigation Support – Expert Witness Testimony Business Valuation – Pension Valuation – Financial Analysis Forensic Accounting – Financial Fraud Investigations Tax Issues – Income Tax Preparation Alan Zipp Certified Public Accountant Attorney at Law Certified Business Appraiser Certified Fraud Examiner Telephone 301-340-0084 – [email protected] 932 Hungerford Drive, Suite 13 Rockville, MD 20850 PAGE 6 CURRENT UPDATE, cont’d (Continued from preceding page) tions which present a substantial risk of death or immediate and serious physical harm to himself or others." If the matter is an emergency, then counsel is advised to submit a Petition for Assumption of Jurisdiction - Emergency Protective Services pursuant to Maryland Rule 10-210. If the matter fails to necessitate emergency protective services, but needs an expeditious ruling, then the matter shall be submitted to the Family Duty Judge, after first being screened by the Adoption/Guardianship Case Manager. The Duty Judge will either hear the Motion for Temporary Guardianship the same day or set the Motion for hearing within 48 hours. Requests for temporary guardianship filed as non-emergencies will be set for a hearing within two weeks and the Assignment Office will send notices to all interested persons. Parties will now be required to attend a hearing on any motion for temporary guardianship prior to the Show Cause hearing, which will be scheduled in accordance with Maryland Rule 10104. Madeleine Jones SEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF MARYLAND PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY From the chambers of William D. Missouri, Administrative Judge TO: Attorneys Practicing in Prince George’s County, MD RE: Interpreter Procedures and Policies for Prince George’s County Circuit Court The Circuit Court for Prince George's County is responsible for providing interpreters for all case types and in all lan- WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. guages. But, it is the responsibility of the party/attorney who needs the interpreter to request the interpreter, e.g. if a witness/victim needs an interpreter in a criminal case, the Assistant State's Attorney is responsible for requesting the interpreter, and if the defendant needs the interpreter, it is the responsibility of the Public Defender's Office or the private attorney to file the necessary request. Absent extraordinary circumstances, the court requires that a request for an interpreter be submitted at least ten (10) days prior to the scheduled court date. Please contact the Court for a copy of the Circuit Court's Amended Policy for the Payment/Arranging of Court Interpreters dated February 3, 2005. The notice for cancellation of interpreters is a very important component of the coordination process. As cases settle and/or are continued, the Court Administrative Office must be informed of the changed case status. Please be mindful that it is still the responsibility of the requesting party to inform the Court Administrative Office of any scheduling changes. The court directs that all cancellations be made no less than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the scheduled date unless circumstances prevent such timely notice. Failure to timely cancel interpreter services will result in the interpreter(s) being paid even though no interpreter is required. The court reserves the right to bill the requesting party if the interpreter is cancelled subsequent to the above forty-eight (48) hours requirement. Please be advised that the Request/Cancellation for Interpreter form can be requested on-line by logging onto the County's web page,, click on-line forms, and scroll down to Request/Cancellation for Interpreter. You may then, fill out the form completely. Finally, hit the submit button and the form is sent directly to the Interpreter Coordinator located in the Court Administrative Office. This form only has to be submitted once. However, you must contact the Court Administrative Office at (301) 952-3708 with any continuance date. Also, the form has five (5) sections that must be completed. Please make sure that each section is filled out appropriately. PAGE 7 CURRENT UPDATE, cont’d Courtroom personnel should only fill out section five (5) of the form. Finally, the court has no involvement with the parties' need for an interpreter for events such as depositions, interrogatories, pre/post trial interviews, or any other event which is not required to occur within a courtroom or the jury assembly room, including the venue for the Grand Jury. The Circuit Court thanks you in advance for your consideration and timeliness on the filing of a request/cancellation of an interpreter. 2007 SOFTBALL SEASON The Bar Association Softball League kicked off the 2007 season full of vigor, enthusiasm, and a healthy dose of competitive spirit. This new attitude was immediately on display by the new team on the block, Pray from aka Linowes Blocher led by Heather Dlhopolsy. In merely their second game of the young season, they led the League Champion Res Ipsa Loquitur, for five strong innings before being overwhelmed by a sixth inning hitting barrage. Despite the loss they proved that they could play with anyone in the league. While Res Ipsa Loquitur has continued their winning ways raising their record to a robust 2-0 there is a new contender this year. Paley Ale [a combination of Lerch Early and Paley Rothman] has ascended to the top of the league standing with a strong 2-0 start led by their two captains Jim Hammerschmidt and Stuart "Montgomery County" Barr. Not COST-EFFECTIVE APPEALS ERIC H. SINGER, ESQ. Strategy • Research • Brief Writing • Oral Argument 301-320-9293 [email protected] far behind these two contenders stands a stout Baseless Claim at 2-1. Next in the standings is Destructive Force at 2-2, who is the arch nemesis of the "Evil Empire" Res Ipsa Loquitur. While off to a slow start at 0-2 never count out this juggernaut of talent as they have rebounded to go 2-0. Bringing up the rear is Civil Defense [McCarthy Wilson] at 0-1 losing to Destructive Force in their first game of the year, Pray for Rain at 0-2, and Attractive Nuisance [the Law Clerks] who boast the largest team at over thirty members including Judges Boynton, Algeo, and Greenberg. While this season has been a success so far with new teams, new jerseys, and a healthy attitude one important piece is missing…. long time league favorites the State's Attorney's Office and the Office of the Public Defender. I am keeping a spot warm in hopes that one if not both teams can reenergize their offices over the summer and put together a team. If the first three weeks of the season are any indication of the caliber of play we are off to a great start. Additionally, we have certified ASA referees to officiate all league games. Please look back next month of an update on the standing and the mid-season awards. Chip Lipscomb, League Director LAWYERS’ LITERARY CIRCLE ANNOUNCEMENTS If you are interested in joining our group, please telephone Jim Demma at (301) 762-1600. You will find that this (Continued on following page) WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. DAVID HARRISON, INC. APPRAISALS - CONTENTS PURCHASED DC/MD REAL PROPERTY APPRAISALS - $200.00 DC/MD PERSONAL PROPERTY APPRAISALS - $200.00 COMBINATION FEE - BOTH FOR $350.00 DC/MD MD LICENSE #83 ♦ DC LICENSE #286 ON DC APPROVED APPRAISERS LIST - CERTIFIED APPRAISER #38315 LICENSED BROKER DC/MD SINCE 1959 WE APPRAISE HOUSEHOLD CONTENTS, ANTIQUES, FINE ARTS & COLLECTIBLES. REFERENCES - FAST SERVICE - TOTAL CLEANOUTS - DELIVERIES - SHIPMENTS CALL FOR OUR LITERATURE - WE BUY, SELL, RESTORE, APPRAISE & ACCEPT CONSIGNMENTS 301-258-9317 PAGE 8 CURRENT UPDATE, cont’d (Continued from preceding page) book group is a lot of fun and we discuss a wide range of interesting books, including: Thursday, June 21st - Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, by John le Carre. With some rare exceptions, all of our meetings are held in the offices of Miles & Stockbridge P.C., 11 North Washington Street, Suite 700, Rockville, Maryland 20850, and begin at 4:30 in the afternoon. James J. Demma MONTGOMERY COUNTY INN OF COURT MEMBERSHIP OPENINGS FOR 2007-2008 The Montgomery County Inn of Court is completing its 19th year and is devoted to developing the ethical and trial advocacy skills of Montgomery County litigators. The Inn currently comprises 113 members: 29 Associates, 29 Barristers, 37 Benchers, and 18 Judges & Masters. Associates are recent law school graduates or attorneys licensed to practice law in Maryland for not more than 5 years. Associates serve a 1year term and there are 27 vacancies anticipated for 2007-2008. Barristers are attorneys licensed to practice law in Maryland for at least 5 years, who are of good character and seek to improve their skills as trial or appellate advocates. Barristers serve a 3year term and 9 vacancies are anticipated for 2007-2008. Benchers are attorneys licensed to practice law in Maryland, who have demonstrated superior character, ability and competence as trial or appellate advocates. Benchers are honored with lifetime membership in the Inn, but vacancies occasionally occur, so applications for Bencher positions are also being taken. The Montgomery County Inn of Court meets on the second Tuesday of the month from September through May in Rockville, WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. for a social hour and dinner, followed by an educational presentation in the Circuit Court. The Inn offers trial advocacy programs, accentuating legal excellence, civility, professionalism and ethics. Usually, the Montgomery County Inn has been fortunate to have more qualified applicants than available vacancies. While preference is given to Montgomery County litigators, the Inn seeks to have a membership that reflects a rich diversity in race, gender, ethnic background, and practice specialty. Applications are available and may be obtained from Kathy Parker, Secretary to Judge John W. Debelius, III, Circuit Court for Montgomery County, 50 Maryland Ave., Room 901, Rockville, MD 20850, telephone: (240) 777-9212, email: [email protected], or Dorothy Fait, Membership Chair of the Inn, 1 Church St., Suite 800, Rockville, MD 20850, (301) 2510100, email: [email protected]. Complete applications are to be returned to either of the above no later than June 8, 2007. IN MEMORIAM ... Alan S. Town Longtime area attorney and child advocate, Alan S. Town, of Rockville, MD passed away peacefully at home on Tuesday, May 1, 2007. He was a graduate of Antioch School of Law and a member of the District of Columbia and Maryland Bar Associations. He worked with the American Freedom from Hunger Foundation, ACLU, and Reporter's Committee for Freedom of the Press. His practice encompassed civil rights, family law, and he often was appointed guardian for children in need. He was the beloved husband of Jerri Price Town for 33 years; loving father of Jeremy Alan Town; loving brother of Kathy Sierk and Daniel Town (Theresa). He is also survived by many nieces, nephews, a great niece, Adley; and mother-in-law, Freda Price. He was preceded in death by his parents, Dorothy and Sherman Town; and his grandmother, Gertrude Warwick. Contributions in his memory may be made to the Lawyers' Campaign Against Hunger: call 410-737-8282 ext 210. PAGE 9 COMMITTEES & SECTIONS CINA/DELINQUENCY BROWN BAG BENCH BAR MEETINGS June 20, 2007** October 24, 2007** September 20, 2007* November 15, 2007* *=Delinquent **=CINA There will be no bench/bar meeting in July or August. All meetings will be held in Courtroom 20 of the District Court Building at 12:30 - 1:30 PM. CINA bench/bar meetings will be held on a Wednesday and Delinquent bench/ bar meetings will be held on a Thursday. Please submit any agenda items that you may have to Ann Wilson at [email protected], two days before the meeting. CIRCUIT COURT BENCH BAR COMMITTEE May 2nd was our last meeting of the 2006/2007 year. Thank you to everyone on the Committee - I really enjoyed working with you all! Save the Date! The 2nd Annual Back to Court Night is scheduled for Tuesday, September 25, 2007, and will be held in conjunction with the New Practitioner's Annual New Admittee Courthouse Tour and Reception. This event is co-sponsored by the Bar Association, the Bar Foundation, the New Practitioner's Section, the District Court Bench Bar Committee and the Circuit Court Bench Bar Committee. After the program there will be a catered reception in the Atrium of the Circuit Courthouse with food, wine and beer. There will be more information on the speakers and program for this event in the August newsletter. Courthouse Identification Passes: To all attorneys, please remember to check the expiration dates on your courthouse passes. They are set to expire on a staggered schedule and expired cards will be confiscated by security as requested by both the State and local bar associations. Renewal can not be done overnight, so plan accordingly and to be on the safe side, start the process a month or two before your card actually expires. Congratulations to Leon Rodriguez who was confirmed as the new County Attorney on May 1, 2007 and will start on May 21, 2007! If you request an interpreter for your case and it turns out one is not actually necessary, please be sure to let the Clerk of the Court know 48 hours in advance of the hearing date. When cancellations are not made or made late, it still costs the Court for at least 2 hours of interpreter time and can cost even more for lengthy trials. It is very important for attorneys to self monitor their cases and determine, in advance if possible, whether an interpreter is necessary. Please take the time to follow up on your cases with interpreters and alert the Clerk of the Court to make appropriate cancellations so that the Court process can run more smoothly. Have a great and safe summer with your family and friends! Jennifer A. Forquer, Chair COMMERCIAL LITIGATION SECTION The next breakfast meeting of the Commercial Litigation Section will take place on Wednesday, June 13, 2007 from 8-9 am, (Continued on following page) WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. PAGE 10 COMMITTEES & SECTIONS (Continued from preceding page) at the offices of Stein Sperling, 25 West Middle Lane, Rockville, Maryland. Please RSVP to Chris Grube at (301) 838-3269, or [email protected] More information will be circulated in the near future as to speaker and main topic of discussion Jeffrey M. Schwaber, Co-Chair J. Bradford McCullough, Co-Chair DISTRICT COURT BENCH BAR COMMITTEE The final meeting of the District Court Bench Bar Committee was held on Thursday, May 3, 2007. The following is a summary of the issues which were discussed at that meeting: Montgomery County's request for one additional judgeship in both the District and Circuit Courts was turned down by the legislature. The first speed camera dockets will take place on July 9, 2007, at 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., in Silver Spring, Room 402. Effective immediately, violations of probation, reconsiderations of sentence, and other special criminal and traffic proceedings will only take place in criminal courtrooms to allow the traffic dockets to begin at 1:00 p.m. An exception to that rule can be made by the hearing judge. On the civil side, effective October 1, 2007, the jurisdiction of the District Court shall increase to $30,000. A jury trial is still available when the amount in controversy is $10,000, and the small claims threshold is still $5,000. Effective June 1, 2007, the civil dockets will begin by a calling of the docket at 8:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Attorneys are encouraged to be on time for the commencement of these dockets, as relevant information regarding trial time, number of witnesses, etc. is given to the Clerk during the call of the docket. Once again, civil practitioners are encouraged to place the entire case number on any papers filed in the District Court. That number begins with 06 and either 01 (Rockville) or 02 (Silver Spring), followed by the entire case number, as it appears on the original papers sent by the Court. Finally, in multiple parties civil cases, if one party intends to dismiss another party from the lawsuit, the party to be dismissed must be specified. Otherwise, the dismissing party runs the chance of having the entire lawsuit dismissed. It has been a pleasure serving as Chairperson of the District Court Bench Bar Committee. Special thanks goes to all of the Members of the Committee who attended the meetings on a regular basis, and Judge Wolfe for providing us with a very open, informative, and cordial atmosphere to discuss issues in the District Court. Have a great summer. John P. Kudel, Chair EMPLOYMENT LAW SECTION We would like to thank the law firm of Bromberg Rosenthal LLP for hosting our Section meetings and for providing breakfast for all attendees and guest speakers. Rosanna C. Lopez, Co-Chair Scott A. Mirsky, Co-Chair FAMILY LAW SECTION On Wednesday, June 20, 2007, at 8:00 a.m., the Family Law Section will hold its Organizational Breakfast Meeting in the Bar CLE Classroom. If you would like to become involved, chair a committee, be a member of a committee or share your ideas for the year, please attend. If you cannot attend but would like to volunteer, please let us know via email at [email protected] or [email protected]. Our great thanks and appreciation goes to all of the informative presenters at Law Day on May 4, 2007, regarding Self-Represented Litigants in Family Law Cases, They're Here to Stay, including Family Division Master Steven Salant as moderator and presenter, Faith Dornbrand on opposing the pro se litigant, Dorothy Fait on discovery, Lisa Segel on exceptions, Wanda Martinez on Child Support Enforcement and Daniel Zerivitz on the Pro Se Project. Each of the presenters gave us excellent practice pointers and resolved important ethical and legal issues to better our practice and dealings with the pro se litigants, along with a song that said it all. For those of you who missed the program and would like a copy of the materials, including speaker materials and the Montgomery County Legal (and Community) Assistance Network published by the Montgomery County Maryland Bar Foundation, please contact us to request a copy. Coming up in July is the MICPEL 40hour Divorce Mediation Seminars on Parenting & Child Access Issues: July 9 & 10, 2007, and Property & Financial Issues: July 16 & 17, 2007, in Baltimore, presented by Harry Fox, Esquire, and Cecilia Paizs, Esquire. For those who have already taken the 40-hour Civil Mediation Training and want to mediate domestic cases or act as a Court Facilitator in domestic cases, this course is the next step under Maryland Rule 17-104. The 40-hour Civil Mediation training will be repeated this year in October of 2007. Many thanks from the Section to our outgoing co-chairs, Stephanie Fink and Lisa Segel, for their dedicated work and excellent leadership throughout the year. We look forward to continuing their efforts this year and hope to see you on June 20, 2007. Vicki Viramontes-LaFree, Co-Chair Stuart Muntzing Skok, Co-Chair WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. PAGE 11 COMMITTEES & SECTIONS FEDERAL PRACTICE SECTION If there is a particular Federal Court practice issue or topic any attorney wants to discuss and/or speak on at an upcoming meeting, please let me know as soon as possible. Charles Chester, Chair LEGAL ETHICS COMMITTEE June 13, 2007 All meetings will be held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 4:30p.m. in the Bar Association Conference Room. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank President John Monahan, the Executive Committee and the Bar Association for awarding me an Outstanding Service Award. The work the Ethics Committee performed in assisting the drafting and enacting of reasonable modifications to the Trust Accounting rules was performed within the scope of its functions. I could not have accomplished any of the lobbying and negotiating of the changes from the initially proposed rule without the loyal assistance of the entire committee but most notably William Chen, David Gavin and Judith Mustille. It was their efforts that initially resulted in a revised draft of the rule which I was then able to use as a starting base for reasonable changes. I look forward to continuing to serve the Association. Jeffrey M. Axelson, Co-Chair NEW PRACTITIONER SECTION WELCOME LILI KHOZEIMEH! Lili Khozeimeh, Esq., an associate attorney at Dragga, Callahan, Hannon, Hessler & Wills, LLP, in Rockville, Maryland has dutifully served for the past year as the Mentor Mentee coordinator for the BAMC's New Practitioners' Section. In the Fall, she will join Ivonne Lindley and serve as co-chair of our Section, and Heather Collier, Esq., also of Dragga, Callahan, et al. will serve as the Mentor Mentee coordinator. COURTHOUSE TOUR & RECEPTION FOR NEWLY ADMITTED ATTORNEYS: Save the date for the Fall Courthouse Tour and Reception for New Admittees to welcome all attorneys recently admitted to the Maryland State Bar. As we did last year, we plan to hold this event in conjunction with Back to Courts Night on Tuesday, September 25, 2007. Please look for additional details in the July/August Newsletter. CHAMBER CHATS: We had a very successful Chamber Chat program this year with great turn out thanks to the efforts of Monica Harms who organized the Chats this year. Monica will be back next year to organize the Chats which will resume in September! Please look for the dates in the July/August Newsletter. Ivonne C. Lindley, Co-Chair PERSONAL INJURY LITIGATION SECTION As you may know, after a decade of serving as the Co-Chairs of the Personal Injury Litigation Section, John O'Neil and Michael V. Nakamura have stepped down to provide young practitioners an opportunity to lead the Personal Injury Litigation Section. After serving for the past year as Co-Vice Chairs, Andre Forte and I are looking forward to serving as the new Co-Chairs. We ask for your support, encouragement and guidance in the coming Bar Association calendar year. We will be (Continued on following page) WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. PAGE 12 COMMITTEES & SECTIONS (Continued from preceding page) meeting in the near future to set an agenda and to establish meeting dates. Have a safe summer. Hong S. (Paul) Chung, Co-Chair (Plaintiff) Andre M. Forte, Co-Chair (Defense) REAL ESTATE LAW SECTION MEETING DATES June 12, 2007 As always, the breakfast meetings will be held at the Rockville IHOP, 775 Rockville Pike, on the west side of the Pike between Wintergreen Shopping Center and Courtesy Jeep, and will begin at 7:30 a.m., unless otherwise noted. Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 12th, and our featured speaker will be Carson Mills, Maryland State Counsel for Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation. Carson will review the legislation passed by the Maryland General Assembly in its 2007 session. I hope you will plan on joining us for this presentation and discussion. Jerry R. O’Conor, Chair TAXATION LAW SECTION As the new Chair of the Taxation Law Section, I would first like to thank Glenn Anderson, Marilyn Braiser, Ross Darroodi, David DeJong, Nancy Gusman, and Alan Zipp for all for their time and effort in the successful April 24, 2007 seminar "What Every Attorney Needs to Know About the Taxation of Real Estate Transactions." My special thanks to our outgoing Chair, Alan Zipp for his leadership over the past year. The Taxation Law Section will continue its tradition of holding its monthly meetings on the first Wednesday of each month at 5:30 pm. The next meeting will be held at 5:30 pm on Wednesday June 6, 2007, at the law offices of Miller, Miller & Canby 200B Monroe Street Rockville, MD 20850 301-762-5212. All interested persons are welcomed to attend. WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. STEPHEN J. DUNN AT T O R N E Y AND COUNSELOR AT L AW Litigation experience representing Federal Civil Servants To include the following Federal Administrative Forums: U.S. MERIT SYSTEMS PROTECTION BOARD EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION F E D E R A L W O R K E R S C O M P E N S AT I O N ( O W C P ) SECURITY CLEARANCE APPEALS 7400 YORK ROAD, SUITE 405 TOWSON, MARYLAND 21204-7531 TELEPHONE (410) 321-8368 FAX (410) 321-1599 Email: [email protected] CIRCLE TREATMENT CENTER * * * * * * Now that the 2006 tax season is behind us (for the most part) we can turn our attention to 2007 tax planning. Below is a summary of some important tax information for the 2007 tax year: 2006 2007 Social Security Wage Base 94,200 97,500 Medicare Wage Base Unlimited Unlimited IRA Contribution Limits (Under 50) 4,000 4,000 IRA Contribution Limits (50 or Older) 5,000 5,000 401(k) Deferral Limits (Under 50) 15,000 15,500 401(k) Deferral Limits (50 or Older) 20,000 20,500 Simple Deferral Limits (Under 50) 10,000 10,500 Simple Deferral Limits (50 or Older) 12,500 13,000 Business Mileage 44.5 cents 48.5 cents Charitable Mileage 14 cents 14 cents Medical/Moving Mileage 18 cents 20 cents Section 179 Expense Maximums 108,000 112,000 Standard Deductions: Married Filing Joint 10,300 10,700 Single / Married Filing Separate 5,150 5,350 Head of Household 7,550 7,850 Personal Exemptions 3,300 3,400 Annual Gift Tax Exclusion 12,000 12,000 Glenn M. Anderson, Chair The deadline for submission of copy for the newsletter is the 10th of the month for the following months’ issue. Webpage: Twenty Three Years of Superior Service To The Community DWI Evaluation, Education/Counseling (6 weeks and 26 weeks) Adolescent and Adult Drug/Alcohol Programs Outpatient Mental Health Services Individual, Couples, Group therapy by licensed professionals Approved and Certified by the State of Maryland MVA classes in Spanish and English (new licenses) 424 N. FREDERICK AVE., #8A, GAITHERSBURG, MD ~ 301-258-2626 COMPLETE CONFIDENTIALITY ASSURED Ronald G. Kronthal, Esq. Sr. Loan Officer *RESIDENTIAL and COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE LOANS* *EXPERT TESTIMONY ON MORTGAGE RELATED ISSUES (Fam. Law 8-205)* Residential Home Loan Centers A Full Service Mortgage Bank and Brokerage Company (301) 208-2000 Join the Fall Outing Committee “Earn Pro Bono Credit Raising Funds for Pro Bono” The Montgomery County, Maryland, Bar Foundation serves our community through charitable programs every year. We are pleased that over years, the ANNUAL GOLF AND TENNIS CHARITY CLASSIC has raised funds for Pro Bono and the Community Programs. The Fall Golf and Tennis Charity Classic and Silent Auction is the one fundraiser every year, which is sponsored by the Bar Foundation and we are beginning our tenth year. We know that YOU are our best marketer, therefore, we are respectfully requesting that each of you think of service providers to your law practice. Please call them, get a contact person's name within the organization and ask them if they would be interested in sponsoring our event. Tournament Sponsor ($5,000): Four block ad in the newsletter for 3 months, foursome for golf, four for lunch, four for dinner (includes open bar), exhibit table on a tee, custom sign on a tee, cover advertising in program, top billing in all publicity, bar association mailing list, and listing in Newsletter as a prominent supporter. Law Firm Patron Sponsor ($2,750): Six for golf, six for lunch, six for dinner (includes open bar), custom sign on a tee, listing in program as a prominent supporter, and listing in Newsletter as a prominent supporter. Law Firm Sponsor (1,750): Four for golf, four for lunch, four for dinner (includes open bar), custom sign on a tee, listing in program as a prominent supporter, and listing in Newsletter as a prominent supporter. Associate Sponsor ($1,250): Two for golf, two for lunch, two for dinner (includes open bar), custom sign on a tee, 1 block ad in newsletter for one month, listing in program as a prominent supporter, and listing in newsletter as a prominent supporter. Tee/Gree Sponsor ($650): Custom sign on a green, a 2 block ad for one month in the newsletter, a listing in the program, and a sponsor listing in the newsletter. Tennis Tournament Sponsor ($1,500): four for tennis, four for lunch, four for dinner (includes open bar), sign at the tennis courts, exhibit table near courts, listing in program as a prominent sponsor, 3 block ad in newsletter for a month, and listing in newsletter as a prominent sponsor. The SILENT AUCTION is critically important to the financial success of the event. We are asking everyone to search for silent auction items such as: Summer Homes, Ski Resort Packages, Golf Packages, Luxury Hotel Packages, Catering, Cruise Line Discounts, Sports Tickets, Summer Children's camps discounts, etc. Contact Marleni for follow up or questions at 301-340-2534 or e-mail her at [email protected] Thank you for your assistance, James R. Hammerschmidt and Alison W. Rind Co-Chairs, Fall Outing Committee 2007 Annual Meeting John C. Monahan, Past President, Bar Association Mary Ellen Flynn, President, Bar Association Paul F. Kemp, President, Bar Foundation ... Please visit our website,, to view all of the photos from our Annual Meeting ... Thank you to our Law Firm / Corporate Sponsors Andalman & Flynn, P.C. John C. Monahan Office of the County Attorney Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, City of New York Shulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy & Ecker, P.A. Stein, Sperling, Bennett, De Jong, Driscoll & Greenfeig, P.C. Venable, LLP Law Firm of Worth, Longworth & London, LLP, New York, NY We would also like to thank our Exhibitors ... When you call one of our exhibitors to make an inquiry, please let them know where you saw their ad. & Law Day Celebration MGB REPORTING, INC. Marcia Blau 9805 Korman Court Potomac, MD 20854 (301) 983-9315 • (800) 245-2528 [email protected] Please Suport Our Exhibitors With Your Business Link your Website to the Bar Association Website With The Find A Lawyer Link * ... NEW SIGN-UPS ONLY ... Attorneys already listed in the Find A Lawyer Section of the Website and the Area of Practice Listing in the Lawyer Directory will be billed separately. * Give Us Your Area of Practice for Easy Referral of Cases The Bar Association 2007-2008 Membership Directory and Desk Reference will contain an area for listing your area of practice and link our website to your website. This effort will serve you in Print and Electronic Medium. Please indicate your areas of Practice below. A link from our website to your website is $50. Your first listing is $30.00, with additional listings being $10.00 each. Make checks payable to the Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD. Please return forms (with payment included) no later than July 27, 2007. NAME: ___________________________________ (PLEASE PRINT) PHONE: ___________________________ Please indicate your Areas of Practice ADMINISTRATIVE LAW BANKRUPTCY BUSINESS LAW CIVIL RIGHTS / CONSTITUTIONAL LAW COLLECTION / CREDITORS RIGHTS CONSUMER LAW CRIMINAL LAW EDUCATION LAW ELDER LAW EMPLOYMENT LAW ENTERTAINMENT LAW ENVIRONMENT LAW ESTATES & TRUST LAW FAMILY LAW IMMIGRATION & NATURALIZATION INSURANCE/ACTIONS AGAINST JUVENILE LAW LANDLORD / TENANT LAW Please make checks payable to the Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD and forward with this form to: Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD 27 West Jefferson St. Rockville, MD 20850 If you have any questions regarding this year’s Membership Directory, please contact Cindy at (301) 762-8376. LITIGATION DEFENSE MEDICAL / DENTAL MALPRACTICE PATENTS, TRADEMARKS, COPYRIGHTS PERSONAL INJURY PROFESSIONAL MALPRACTICE REAL ESTATE SOCIAL SECURITY TAX LAW TORTS (DEFENSE ONLY) TORTS (PLAINTIFF ONLY) TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS VETERANS BENEFITS / MILITARY LAW WILLS & PROBATE WORKERS’ COMPENSATION OTHER __________________________ OTHER __________________________ OTHER __________________________ OTHER __________________________ NEW LISTINGS ... BAMC Web Site Link to Your Web Page $ 50.00 Website: _______________________________________ Initial Listing (for Directory and Website) $ 30.00 Additional Listings at $10 each $ _________ TOTAL Amount Enclosed $ _________ RETURN BY JULY 27, 2007. (If you have any questions regarding the web link, call Bev Mondin at 301-424-3453.) Office Code – A/4099 PAGE 13 PERSONAL INJURY APPELLATE DECISIONS In Erie v. Hefferman (Court of Appeals, Misc. No. 2, September Term 2006, Filed April 10, 2007), the Court answered certified questions of the United States District Court for the District of Maryland. It held that the Maryland statutory cap for non-economic damages would not apply to a wrongful death claim of a Maryland policyholder whose accident occurred outside of Maryland. Although the insurance contract was formed under Maryland contract law, the law of the situs of the accident would determine what the plaintiff is entitled to recover. The insurance policy provided that the carrier will pay damages "that the law entitles you" to recover from an uninsured/underinsured motorist. That is a tort principle. In addition to not having a cap on damages, Delaware recognizes comparative negligence in place of contributory negligence. Erie wanted to assert contributory negligence as a defense. Erie had consented to waive its subrogation rights against the tortfeasor when his insurer offered its entire policy limits in settlement. The court held that the consent precluded Erie's contributory negligence defense. Editorial Note: This case presents a complex discussion of conflict of laws principles. Critics of its holding have suggested that it goes too far in preventing the UIM carrier from asserting its defenses simply because of the waiver of its subrogation rights. They argue it will become more difficult to settle claims. In Johns Hopkins v. Correia (Court of Special Appeals, No. 2453, September Term 2005, Filed April 30, 2007), the Court reaffirmed a 1906 holding that the owner of a passenger elevator is held to "the highest degree of care", that being the same standard as a common carrier in Maryland. Plaintiff was severely injured when the self operated elevator in which she was riding came to an abrupt stop. In Maddox v. Stone (Court of Special Appeals, No. 1179, September Term 2006, Filed May 2, 2007), the Court held the trial court abused its discretion in precluding an expert witness' testimony. Plaintiff's counsel complied with the court's scheduling order in a timely manner in naming the expert. However, he was 34 days late in providing Rule 2402(f)(1)(A) information as to opinions, grounds, and reports. Upon defendant's motion, the trial court precluded the testimony because of violation of the scheduling order. In holding this to be an abuse of discretion, the court stated, "The scheduling order is not meant to function as a statute of limitations, and good faith substantial compliance with the scheduling order is ordinarily sufficient to forestay a case-ending sanction". In this case there was no evidence of willful or contemptuous behavior on the part of plaintiffs or their counsel, and the trial court should have considered lesser sanctions. If you have any recent Maryland decisions to submit to the Newsletter, please contact me at 301-933-4500 or email at [email protected]. Marvin Waldman SAVE THE DATE Multicultural Celebration Thursday, October 18, 2007 5:30p.m. - 9:00p.m. The Woman’s Club of Chevy Chase, Maryland Sponsored by: Bar Association of Montgomery County and Specialty Bars Audrey Creighton, Chair WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. PROFESSIONAL PROCESS SERVING, INC. Post Office Box 407 Rockville, MD 20848 (301) 570-0770 Trained and experienced professionals Rush service available Prompt service Competitive rates, bulk rates available Post Office checks Skip tracing/Locating Continuous status reports Immediate Driving Record Access Unlimited attempts 20 Years of Service Janet M. Shipe, Director PAGE 14 PRO BONO UPDATE The following attorneys volunteered their time to the Pro Bono Program during the Month of March. On behalf of the MCMBF Board of Directors, we thank each of you for your continued dedication: April Pro Bono Referrals which allows $50.00 per hour up to $1,000. If you would like to volunteer or need training, please contact Mary Kay Canarte at 301-762-5831 or [email protected]. Contested Custody Cases John H. Harmam Regan A. Sweeney Daniel L. Kennedy Timothy Tinsman Aimee Robbins Michael G. Wolff Diane G. Shook Eva Y. Xu Harry L. Stone Kamah Menseleh Gueh-Thoronka* *=4 cases Laura Kane* Kamah Menseleh Gueh-Thoronka Aimee Robbins* Lecia C.K. Wade *=2 cases During April, the following activity took place in the Pro Bono Program: Cases Referred - 17 Cases Closed - 171 Opened Cases - 33 Intakes - 188 The Board of Directors also wishes to thank the Child Custody Hero's who have taken these very difficult cases under the Child Custody Grant, ~ The Evening Legal Clinics at TESS and the Gilchrist Center continue to handle volumes of clients through the very able assistance of David Vega, Esquire and Jay Marks, Esquire. Their assistance and commitment continues to be the backbone of the program along with our very committed Volunteers. Following are the attorneys who volunteered in April at the Clinics. On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Bar Foundation, we wish to thank all of our “PRO BONO HERO'S for their time and dedication.” Gilchrist Center Nakia Gray Jerry Lyell Jay Marks Donna McBride Irwin Meiselman David Vega Juan Washington Lynette Whitfield TESS Center MaryKay Canarte Marc Emden Tim Fisher Roger Golden Diane Griffin Shook Harry Lewis Jerry Lyell Jay Marks David Vega Juan Washington The deadline for submission of copy for the newsletter is the th 10 of the month for the following months’ issue. WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. EMINENT DOMAIN/CONDEMNATION AND AD VALOREM TAX ASSESSMENT CASES Jim Thompson and Joe Suntum head Miller, Miller & Canby's eminent domain/condemnation practice - a practice that extends back to the 1970's when Bill Canby established a major presence in the field. We accept lawyerto-lawyer referrals to: • • • • Achieve "just compensation" for property owners Try complete and partial taking cases Evaluate damages from roads, utilities and other projects Consult with owners and counsel Proven experience and leadership in this area, including trial work, teaching at ALI-ABA on eminent domain, and membership in the Owner's Counsel of America (, a select national group of lawyers representing owners in condemnation cases. In addition, both lawyers have done extensive amounts of ad valorem tax assessment hearings/trials, teach classes on Maryland property tax, and have completed the Property Tax School for the Institute for Professionals in Taxation (IPT) addressing valuation issues. Miller, Miller & Canby 200-B Monroe Street Rockville, Maryland 20850 301.762.5212 PAGE 15 SPECIALTY BAR ASSOCIATIONS FRANKLYN BOURNE BAR ASSOCIATION MONTGOMERY COMMITTEE The J. Franklyn Bourne Bar Association Montgomery County Committee will meet on Saturday, June 2, 2007 at 9:30 a.m. in the conference room of the Montgomery County Bar Association Building, 27 West Jefferson Street, Rockville, Maryland 20850. If you have any questions, please contact Holly D. Reed, III, the Montgomery County Committee Chair of the J. Franklyn Bourne Bar Association, at (301) 587-9480. Refreshments will be served. MARYLAND LAWYERS FOR THE ARTS ANNOUNCES NEW EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Maryland Lawyers for the Arts (MLA), a nonprofit that provides pro bono legal services to artists in need, today announced the appointment of Marcia Mjoseth Semmes as its new Executive Director. Semmes, a former Washington, DC attorney and director of development at the American Visionary Art Museum, takes the helm 18 months after the group’s relaunch in 2005. SIMON E. SOBELOFF JEWISH LAW SOCIETY COME JOIN US FOR A "SOBELOFF FAMILY BARBEQUE" AT BOHRER PARK IN GAITHERSBURG ON JULY 1, 2007 FROM NOON TO 5 P.M. To keep things "Kosher" we ask that you bring your main course and we will have several cooking grills set up for your use. The Sobeloff Society will provide appetizers, sodas, beer, wine, ice, condiments, and side dishes. FREE ADMISSION to the Pavilion and BBQ. FAMILY FUN includes volleyball, softball, a playground, available miniature golf, skate park and a water park complete with water slide. IT'S TIME FOR SUMMER FUN WITH YOUR KIDS, SPOUSE OR SIGNIFICANT OTHER. Please check out our web site at For further information call Brian Barke at 301-309-8300. MONTGOMERY COUNTY WOMEN'S BAR ASSOCIATION Thank you, Chapter member, Katie Porwick, for organizing our 2nd annual Women's Law Day at the Women's Commission last month. As we did last year, we provided many of the women of our county with FREE invaluable legal information about the topic areas that concern them such as family law, estate planning, small business law, employment law, immigration, landlord/tenant issues and mediation. Thank you also to all our members who spoke at this event and/or provided consultations. I also enjoyed our second leader(Continued on following page) WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. PAGE 16 SPECIALTY BAR ASSOCIATIONS (Continued from preceding page) ship development seminar which was the luncheon at the PGA Tour Grill featuring Mary Ellen Flynn, the President of the Montgomery County Bar Association, who spoke about her career and involvement in the Bar as a leader. We are proud to have one of our members be this year's Bar Association President and we appreciate her taking the time to speak to us last month. We all need to take the time to mentor those women lawyers coming behind us and these events are a great way to start doing that. Thank you to Chapter member, Jennifer Forquer, for organizing this event. In this month's Museletter, ballots are going out for election of the 20072008 Executive Committee and Chapter leadership positions. The Nominations committee has nominated the following individuals for the election: President-elect - Jennifer Forquer Secretary - Jill Savedoff At large - Heather Collier, Sharon Johnson, and Katie Porwick *any additional nominations mailed in by Chapter members last month will be included in the ballot enclosed within the June Museletter Our end of the year party will be held at Lenore Schneiderman's home on June 7th! The festivities start at 5:30pm and as usual, we will have a delicious barbecue and door prizes! Don't miss our closing event before summer strikes! This month's Executive Committee will be held on June 11, 2007 at noon in the library of the Montgomery County Circuit Court. All members are welcome to participate. This is my last column as President and I just wanted to take a moment to say it was an honor. Thank you to everyone who helped make this year such a great WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. DAVID HARRISON, INC. 2% ~ SAVE YOUR CLIENT COMMISSION DOLLARS ~ 2% • Our total charge to sell a house or condo is 2% if sold by our real estate office. • If the house or condo is sold by another real estate office, through multiple listing, they get 2% and we get 2% for a total of 4%. • We never charge transaction fees, processing fees or administrative fees. • Our four person staff holds open houses. We advertise all listings every Sunday in The Washington Post. • All listings are posted with photographs on the GCAR multiple listing service. • Licensed since 1959 in Montgomery County and D.C. Member GCAR, MRIS, NAR, MAA, NAREA, AAAA, NEA and BBB. David R. Harrison Real Estate 301-258-9317 success. I'm most proud of our newly designed Museletter, our leadership development seminars, our Foundation's scholarships to four deserving local students, and our September event with the Former First Lady, Kendel Ehrlich. We accomplished a lot this year in addition to our usual lineup of fantastic signature events! Further, we have a lot of new members this year, many of which are newer members to the Bar in general, and I hope this trend continues. Have a wonderful summer! Heather Q. Hostetter, President PRIDE OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY Kathleen M. Dumais, of Rockville, Md., was for the second time selected one of "Maryland's Top 100 Women" by The Daily Record. The award recipients are chosen based on their impact through leadership, mentoring and community service. She also recently received the Public Policy Award from the Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MCASA) for her legislative work as a member of the Maryland House of Delegates for District 15. Paula Calimafde, of Potomac, Md., has been elected as a Fellow of the College of Tax Counsel. The Counsel is a nonprofit association of tax lawyers in private practice, in law school teaching positions and in government which acknowledges attorneys for their excellence in tax practice and for their substantial contributions and commitment to the profession. Trish Weaver, of Bethesda, Md., and David Shapiro, of Potomac, Md., have received awards from the Bar Association of Montgomery County in recognition of their service to the organization. Ms. Weaver was honored as Committee Chair of the Year for the Social Committee and Mr. Shapiro for his work as Section Chair of the Year for the Business Law Section. Katharine Porwick, of Bethesda, Md., was named Secretary for the metroBethesda Rotary Club, an organization of business and professional leaders dedicated to service in the community and in the workplace. The club's current focus is on a May 18 "Vettes in Vegas" fundraising event to benefit several health and children-related groups ( PAGE 17 STATE & NATIONAL MSBA BOARD OF GOVERNORS Edward J. Gilliss, President Alison L. Asti, President-Elect John P. Kudel, Treasurer Katherine K. Howard, Secretary J. Michael Conroy, Jr., Past President Robert T. Gonzales, ABA State Delegate 2-Year Term Members Douglas M. Bregman (301) 656-2707 Maury S. Epner (301) 762-5212 Paul F. Kemp (301) 217-5664 Hon. Mary Beth McCormick (301) 279-1551 Thomas D. Murphy (301) 424-0400 Steven G. Salant (240) 777-9042 1-Year Term Members Deborah L. Webb (301) 657-0725 Deane A. Shure (301) 762-8860 ~ ~ MLSC SEEKS NOMINATIONS FOR LEGAL SERVICES AWARDS The Maryland Legal Services Corporation is soliciting nominations for four awards it presents annually to persons making outstanding contributions to the provision of legal assistance to Maryland’s poor. This year MLSC will be honoring award recipients and celebrating its history and achievements at a special 25th Anniversary Celebration on Monday, December 10, 2007. The four awards are as follows: The Arthur W. Machen, Jr. Award to an attorney in private practice who has rendered extraordinary services in Maryland by providing civil legal services to the poor or by improving the civil L AW O F F I C E S O F COURTLAND K. TOWNSEND, JR. *************** 6804 COASTAL HIGHWAY TOWNSEND TOWERS OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND 21842 *************** TWENTY-SIX YEARS PREVIOUS PRACTICE IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MARYLAND *************** FAX: (410) 524-4953 TELEPHONE: (410) 524-4300 legal services delivery system for such persons; The Benjamin L. Cardin Distinguished Service Award to an outstanding public interest attorney who is regularly involved in providing civil legal services to the poor; The William L. Marbury Outstanding Advocate Award to a nonattorney who has demonstrated outstanding service in Maryland representing the rights and legal needs of the poor; and The Herbert S. Garten Public Citizen Award to an entity or organization (not regularly engaged in the delivery of legal services to low-income persons) that has demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to increase access to justice for the poor in Maryland. MLSC has sent requests for nominations to legal services providers, bar associations, service organizations and others throughout the state. Nominations must be received by June 30, 2007, and the awards will be presented at MLSC’s 25th Anniversary Celebration on December 10, 2007. MLSC was established by the Maryland General Assembly in 1982 to receive and distribute funds to nonprofit organizations that provide civil legal assistance to low-income persons. From its inception, MLSC has made grants totaling over $100 million to help provide services in more than 1.4 million legal matters for Maryland’s families in areas of family, housing, consumer, employment, health care and other civil legal matters. For additional information regarding the MLSC Legal Services Awards or to obtain nomination forms, contact MLSC at (410) 576-9494 or toll free at (800) 492-1340 or visit WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. PAGE 18 WHAT’S NEW ... LEGAL ANNOUNCEMENTS RENT/LEASE The law firm of Ethridge, Quinn, McAuliffe, Rowan & Hartinger in conjunction with Olde Key Title, LLC is pleased to announce that David C. Weaver has joined the firm as partner. Mr. Weaver has been practicing in private practice for eleven years in the Frederick County area. His practice areas include construction law, commercial landlord-tenant law, employment law, commercial transactions, small business counseling, business litigation, real estate transactions and matters involving IDEA issues. Dave also acts as a special mediator to the Circuit Court for Frederick and Howard Counties, as well as the Maryland Association of Realtors and previously served as in-house counsel to Montgomery County Public Schools. Mr. Weaver also served as the president of the Frederick County Bar Association in 20052006. Ethridge, Quinn, McAuliffe, Rowan & Hartinger and Olde Key Title, LLC are located at 33 Wood Lane, Rockville, Maryland. 20850, tel.: (301) 762-1696 and 100 N. Court Street, Frederick, Maryland 21771, tel.: (301) 698-8182, website: The law firm of Stein, Sperling, Bennett, De Jong, Driscoll & Greenfeig, P.C. announces that Diego J. Rojas and David A. Rosen have become associated with the firm. Diego J. Rojas concentrates his practice in personal injury, criminal cases and traffic matters. He received a B.S. degree from the University of Maryland and a J.D. degree from the Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law. Prior to entering private practice, he served as a law clerk for the Honorable Marielsa A. Bernard of the Circuit Court of Montgomery County. He is bilingual in English and Spanish. David A. Rosen handles civil litigation matters. He received a B.A. degree from the University of Virginia and a J.D. degree from George Washington University Law School. During law school, he interned for the Honorable Christine Odell Cook Miller of the U.S. Court of Federal Claims. He chairs the Real Estate Housing and Land Use Section of the District of Columbia Bar. BETHESDA – Bethesda Law Firm has office for rent with opportunity for referrals. Woodmont Avenue/Old Georgetown Road. Walk to Metro. $500/month. Call Theresa at (301) 986-0200 (x19). BETHESDA – Large windowed office in private building with separate secretarial space on 2nd FL; across from Metro; storage space, private bathroom, parking; all amenities available: kitchen, conference room, fax & copier. Available immediately. Call (301) 654-7540. BETHESDA – Office suite in private building with private entrance; approximately 800 sq. ft.; across from Metro; private bathroom; parking; all amenities available: kitchen, conference room, fax & copier. Available immediately. Call (301) 654-7540. BETHESDA/CHEVY CHASE – One spacious, attractive windowed office available for sublet at prime Connecticut Ave. location less than a mile from beltway. Additional space available for staff. Quiet, ground floor of Class A building. Easy access and convenient parking for clients. Conference room, kitchen, all amenities. Call Anne DeNovo at (301) 654-1200. CHEVY CHASE – Windowed offices and secretarial space available in attorney’s office. Use of reception area, receptionist, conference room, library, kitchen, telephones, fax machine, and copier. Parking available. For further information, call Dianne at (301) 656-1100. GAITHERSBURG – “As You Like It!” Space for you and staff in a pleasant office condo with 2 other attorneys. Referrals possible. Cable available, free parking, on bus line, near Lakeforest Mall. Flexible arrangements. Call (301) 258-9636 to discuss. GERMANTOWN – Churchill Executive Office Park – high visibility, convenient to I270; 1,000 SF end unit; three offices and reception. Call (301) 251-9200. NORTH BETHESDA/ROCKVILLE – Corner windowed office with secretarial space in The Executive Condominium on Executive Blvd. Walking distance to White Flint Metro Station and easy access to Rockville Pike, I-270 and Old Georgetown Rd. Suite with other attorneys has receptionist services, two conference rooms, photo copier, law library, fax, DSL, and kitchenette. Parking is free to tenant, staff and clients. Looking for compatible attorneys who may be interested in referrals. Contact Larry Kent at (301) 984-1212 or [email protected]. NORTH BETHESDA/ROCKVILLE – Ground floor windowed office space in The Executive Condominium on Executive Blvd. Walking distance to the White Flint Metro Station and easy access to Rockville Pike, I-270 and Old Georgetown Rd. Furnished suite has 3 internal offices and a large general purpose area that could be used for multiple work stations or meeting area. Copier, two cubicles, refrigerator can be shared. Rent for the full space is $2,500 or $900 per each internal office. Parking is free to tenants, staff and clients. Contact Rachel at (240) 833-1889 or email [email protected]. ROCKVILLE – Downtown Office Space – Ready to occupy 5th Floor (sublease) office space in Class A building with available garage parking for $1,000 a month!!! Office is fully wired, with windows, receptionist, access to 3 conference rooms and fully equipped kitchen, coffee included. Please call (301) 738-7688 and ask for Richard Wells or email [email protected]. ROCKVILLE – Jackson Place – 10’ x 23’ 2nd floor windowed office in townhouse of small law firm. Professionally decorated. Conference Room, Reception Area. Free Parking. $500 per month. Call Rick Paugh at (301) 251-9120. ROCKVILLE – Office Space available. Class A Space in distinguished building across the Pike from White Flint Mall. Exercise room provided free for tenants. Dry cleaner, deli, and convenience store in building. Windowed offices and offices without windows available for rent. Conference Room, Client Waiting Area Copier and Fax machine available for use. Receptionist services avail- WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. PAGE 19 WHAT’S NEW ... able. Overflow work potentially available for suitable attorney-tenant. For further information, please contact (301) 231-9200. ROCKVILLE – One windowed office available immediately in four attorney suite at 110 North Washington St., Rockville. Two blocks from Courthouses; short walk to Metro. Use of receptionist with phone answering included; secretarial services negotiable if needed. Use of conference room, copier, fax, kitchen included. Ample free parking for clients. Indoor garage or outdoor parking deck available for tenant. Please call Steve Galfond at (301) 424-1494. ROCKVILLE – One windowed office on second floor of two-level office building that has a reception area, conference room, kitchen, copier, FAX machine and free parking. Walking distance to Circuit/District Courts and Metro. Reasonable rent. Contact Benjamin A. Klopman at (301) 424-0677. ROCKVILLE – Part-time/satellite office in a beautiful penthouse office in premium office building with outdoor terrace. One block from Circuit Court. Adjacent to the Rockville Metro Station. Full use of conference room, reception, copier & kitchen, and other amenities for a reasonable cost. Call Amie at (301) 340-3003. ROCKVILLE – Several window offices for rent in bright, quiet, cathedral ceiling Rockville townhouse. Use of conference rooms, library, kitchen and spacious client waiting areas. Plenty of free parking. Feed/sort copies available. Short walk to Circuit and District Court. Practice law comfortably. Call (301) 251-1600. ROCKVILLE – 600 Jefferson Plaza, Suite 304 at Rockville Pike at Viers Mill intersection. One furnished windowed office available in upscale building/offices. Short walk to metro and courts, visitor parking free, clients greeted by bilingual (Eng/Span) staff and own door signage, DSL, copier/fax, conference room use. Monthly fee $815. Secure indoor parking available at monthly fee. Space great for solo practitioner. No secretarial space available. Call (301) 424-6339 to inquire or drop by to see office space. Space For Rent ~ Bethesda ~ Two floors (3400 sq. ft.) of beautifully maintained small building. Includes DSL, large meeting room, offices/bathrooms and kitchen. Parking on site. Call M. McCartney at (202) 966-6856 or J. Lobatz at (301) 530-3300. ROCKVILLE – Top-tier Office Space – Three executive windowed offices (each 16’ x 10’ or larger) available in new upscale building. Perfect for small law firm or sole practitioners. Includes shared access to conference room, work room with high-speed color copier, fax, and upscale kitchen. Free coffee, filtered water and soda available. Includes telephone equipment, high-speed internet access and Comcast TV. Covered parking also available. Renting unfurnished or furnished upon request. Conveniently located at 11 North Washington St.–across from Montgomery County Courthouse. Walking distance to Rockville Metro rail, MARC rail, restaurants and shops. Contact Bob Wrightson at (301) 417-1063 or Andy Shulman at (301) 417-2558. SILVER SPRING – Large office and secretarial space with private bathroom for rent. Easy access to metro, good parking, $700 per month. For more information, please call Cindy at (301) 589-8844. SILVER SPRING – Windowed office in Penthouse office/suite overlooking downtown Silver Spring. Walking distance to the S.S. District Court. All amenities including reception area, copier, kitchen, conference room, file space & DSL. Use for FT or satellite office. Call Phil Guzman at (301) 587-5285 or email: [email protected]. ATTORNEY OPPORTUNITIES ATTORNEY - Bethesda Law firm has immediate opening for ambitious, hard working, bright, aggressive attorney with excellent academic credentials and experience in Personal Injury, Family Law, and General Litigation. Must be capable of handling complex litigation matters and possess excellent analytical, writing, research, drafting and oral skills. Licensing in Maryland required. Excellent career opportunity. Submit resume, writing sample and cover letter to: Louis Fireison & Associates, P.A., 4550 Montgomery Avenue, Suite 910N, Bethesda, Maryland 20814. ATTORNEY - Gaithersburg firm seeks an Associate Attorney with 2-5 years of legal experience with emphasis in personal injury (Continued on following page) WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. METRO COUNSELING SERVICES, INC. A comprehensive approach to DWI/DUI Assessment and evaluation Education (six weeks) Counseling (26 weeks) Relapse prevention Expert Testimony Forensic drug screening Approved and Certified by the State of Maryland JERRI BENNER-GUNNISON, DIRECTOR 15719 Crabbs Branch Way - Rockville, MD 20855 301-670-6161 - (fax) - (301) 670-6163 Appellate Practice Law Office of Paul Benkert 21 Years Experience Appellate Briefs, Oral Arguments, Centiorari Petitions Maryland and Federal Courts Former Federal Attorney, Assistant State’s Attorney, and Corporate General Counsel Current practice specializing in appellate advocacy Will research and ghost write for you or enter appearance 301-3 340-6 6090 • [email protected] PAGE 20 WHAT’S NEW ... (Continued from preceding page) litigation and to assist in medical malpractice cases. Candidate must have Maryland Bar and DC Bar would be preferred. Excellent long term career opportunity. Firm offers excellent benefits and a congenial working environment. Salary commensurate with experience. Qualified candidates should submit cover letter, resume and writing sample to: [email protected] or mail to: Human Resources, 481 North Frederick Ave., Suite 300, Gaithersburg, MD 20877 or via fax to (301) 670-9492. COMMERCIAL LEASING ASSOCIATE Bethesda business, real estate and litigation law firm seeks attorney with experience in commercial leasing. Extensive drafting experience and top academic credentials required. Excellent benefits, compensation and working environment. Please send cover letter, resume and writing sample to Garson Claxton LLC by email to [email protected], by fax to (301) 634-1352 or by mail to 7910 Woodmont Ave., Suite 650, Bethesda, MD 20814. CORPORATE/BUSINESS/TRANSACTIONAL ASSOCIATE - Samek & Rotbert, LLC, a newly formed law firm with active client base, is seeking a corporate/ business/transactional associate with 3-5 years of experience. CPA, financial and/or tax background a plus. Good drafting skills a must. Virginia bar a plus. Significant client contact and great opportunity for the right candidate. Interested candidates should email resumes to: [email protected]. ENVIRONMENTAL LITIGATION SPECIALIST - I.M. Systems Group, Inc. (IMSG) is looking to hire an Environmental Litigation Specialist to work on a special project at the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) headquarters located in Silver Spring, MD. This is a 5 month contract working 50+ hours per week as needed. To obtain more information about the position, please go to the website ( Interested applicants should submit a resume and 2-3 references to [email protected] with the following subject heading: NOA07014–Environmental Litigation Specialist. ESTATE PLANNING ATTORNEY Pasternak & Fidis. Bethesda firm is looking for a Senior Associate or Entry-Level Partner to join a sophisticated estate and trust practice. Experience and tax background essential. MD Bar required; DC and/or VA Bars a plus. Fax resume to: (301) 656-3053 or email to: [email protected]. FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY - Pasternak & Fidis. Bethesda firm looking for an associate with 1-7 years experience with excellent academic credentials to join a sophisticated, congenial firm with one of the areas premiere family law practices. Experienced litigators with an interest in family law are encouraged to apply. Excellent salary and benefits. MD Bar required. DC and VA Bars a plus. Fax resume to: (301) 656-3053 or email: [email protected]. LITIGATION ASSOCIATE - Pasternak & Fidis. Bethesda firm looking for a real estate / commercial litigation associate with 2 + years experience for 15 lawyer Bethesda AV-rated law firm with quality metropolitan practice. MD Bar required. DC , VA Bar and / or judicial clerkship experience a plus. Fax resume and writing sample to: (301) 656-3053 or email to: [email protected]. PI LITIGATOR - AV rated law firm with high profile cases looking for first rate PI litigator. Successful jury trial experience required. Portable practice is a plus. Salary negotiable. Send resume to: G. Horwitz, Internal Box #J07-01, Bar Association of Montgomery County, Maryland, 27 West Jefferson St., Rockville, MD 20950. SHULMAN, ROGERS, GANDAL, PORDY & ECKER, P.A. seeks the following attorneys for these fast-growing practice areas: COMMERCIAL LITIGATION ASSOCIATE: Lateral commercial litigation senior associate with 5+ years of experience and at least some 1st or 2nd chair trial experience to join the firm's thriving and high profile builder/developer practice group. The ideal candidate will have some real estate transactional experience, some familiarity with construction and litigation, and experience with complex settlement negotiation and drafting. Excellent practice building and partnership opportunities. VA Bar required and able to take MD attorney exam. CORPORATE SECURITIES: 3+ years of experience representing both private and public companies in securities transactional and regulatory compliance issues, including private placements and public offerings, preparation of Form 10-Ks, 10-Qs, 8-Ks and proxy materials, SarbanesOxley compliance and corporate governance. ZONING/LAND USE: 3+ years of experience representing landowners, developers and other businesses in obtaining zoning and other land use approvals. Litigation and contracts experience is helpful. GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS: Seeking principal with 5+ years of experience. Portable practice required. IMMIGRATION: Seeking proactive, result-oriented immigration associate with 3+ years of attorney experience in immigration law including WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. Pasternak & Fidis, P.C. Congratulates our partners Anne (Jan) W. White on her selection as a Fellow of American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers and Vicki Viramontes-LaFree on her election as Co-Chair of the Family Law Section Bar Association of Montgomery County Pasternak & Fidis, P.C. 7735 Old Georgetown Road Bethesda, MD 20814 (301) 656-8850 Fax: (301) 656-3053 PAGE 21 WHAT’S NEW ... Emp.-Based IV (including EB-1, EB-2, EB3), and NIV (including E-1, E-2, H-1B, L1A, L-1B, O-1), Family-Based IV, naturalization, adjustment of status, consular processing, I-9 compliance/employer sanctions, and litigation. Work with a team of experienced immigration attorneys and professionals who are passionate about the practice of Immigration Law in a fast paced, collegial setting with all the resources of a large law firm. Excellent practice building and partnership opportunities. For consideration, submit resume and writing sample to: Ms. Maura Bowen, Fax (301) 230-2891; Email: [email protected]; Website: www. NEW MEMBERS Matthew D. Alman, 183 Mill Green Ave., Suite 100, Gaithersburg, MD 20878-5849; tel.: (301) 330-0010; fax: (301) 869-4877; email: [email protected] Ronald M. Bolt, 25 West Middle Lane, Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: (301) 838-3319; fax: (301) 354-8319; email: [email protected] Kamah M. Gueh-Thoronka, 512 East Randolph Rd., Suite 110, Silver Spring, MD 20904; tel.: (301) 879-0045; fax: (301) 8790074; email: [email protected] Jennifer Y. Japp, 50 Maryland Ave., 5th Floor, Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: (240) 7777328; email: [email protected] David A. McClung, 423 Little Quarry Rd., Gaithersburg, MD 20878; tel.: (301) 9771625; email: [email protected] Diego J. Rojas, 25 West Middle Lane, Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: (301) 340-2020; fax: (301) 3408217; email: [email protected] Kara E. Wyrsch, 4326 Montgomery Ave., Bethesda, MD 20814; tel.: (240) 395-2800; fax: (240) 395-0056; email: [email protected] WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. INSIGHT TREATMENT CENTERS AOC/ADAA Approved and Certified – Fully Confidential Alcohol and Drug Abuse Rehabilitation Programs DWI SERVICES Pre-Trial Evaluations • 6-Week DWI Program 26-Week DWI Program • Intensive Outpatient Domestic Disputes • Child Custody Evaluations Patricia Harris, CEO President Don Oberg, Ph.D. Clinical Director ADVERTISERS INDEX Anger Management Techniques . . . . . . .18 Paul J. Benkert, Jr., Esquire . . . . . . . . . .19 Berenato, White & Stavish, LLC . . . . . . .6 Capital Business Brokerage . . . . . . . . . . .5 Circle Treatment Center . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Stephen J. Dunn, Esquire . . . . . . . . . . . .12 EagleBank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Richard Edelman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Elkind & Shea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Global Credit Network, L.L.C. . . . . . . .16 David Harrison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7, 16 Insight Treatment Center . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Michael L. Kabik, Esquire . . . . . . . . . . .13 Ronald Kronthal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Lerch, Early & Brewer, Chartered . . . . .8 Maryland Bonding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 The Maternity Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 The McCammon Group . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Metro Counseling Services, Inc. . . . . . . .19 Metropolitan Process Services . . . . . . . . .4 Miller, Miller & Canby . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Montgomery County Sentinel . . . . . . . . .7 Oxley & Goldburn Insurance . . . . . . . . .14 Pasternak & Fidis, P.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Professional Process Serving, Inc. . . . . .13 Pushkin & Pushkin, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 4920 Niagra Road, Suite 101 College Park, MD 20740 Phone: 301.345.1200 Risk Management Group . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 5210 Auth Rd., Suites 100 + 303 Suitland, MD 20752 Phone: 301.423.0967 Eric H. Singer, Esquire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 24 Hour Voice Mail: 202.907.4898 Courtland K. Townsend, Jr., Esquire . . .17 Rossmann - Hurt - Hoffman, Inc. . . . . .15 Target Investigations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Alan S. Zipp, Esquire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Gleason McNeeley ----Gleason/Favretto Casafranca/Zarrella Kim/Sartwell ----- Casafranca McNeeley Zarrella Hendricks/Kim C-402 A-L/M-Z ---------------------------------------------------Mays/Hall ------------------------- 8:30 Dkt Little Birdsall CONFERENCE T-SS-301 Cohen Kim T-SS-302 Hendricks McNeeley ----- C-401 A-L/M-Z Michalski/McNeeley Cohen/Favretto ----- C-402 A-L/M-Z ------------------------------------------------- 8:30 Dkt Little Birdsall Bortnick ----- Zarrella/Favretto Casafranca/Hendricks ----- C-402 A-L/M-Z -------------------------------------------------- 8:30 Dkt Little Birdsall 26 ----- 20 Collins Cohen Gleason Hendricks Cohen T-SS-302 Favretto Zarrella ----Bortnick Kim C-401 A-L/M-Z Michalski/Bortnick Kim/Hendricks ----Michalski/Sartwell Michalski/Rodriguez C-402 A-L/M-Z ------------------------------------------------Mays/Hall ------------------------- 8:30 Dkt Collins Birdsall ----Collins Collins 21 Cohen Cohen McNeeley McNeeley Mays/Hall McNeeley ------------------------- C-302 A-L/M-Z 27 ----28 Gleason/Kim Favretto/Bortnick ----Cohen/Zarrella Mays/Hall C-304 Zarrella Casafranca ----Rodriguez Gleason/Sartwell T-202 Hendricks Michalski ----Favretto Casafranca T-101 Sartwell Rodriguez ----Casafranca Hendricks Knight Sartwell Rodriguez Knight JUDICIAL ----- Knight ----- Gleason Knight McNeeley/Michalski Bortnick ----- Bridgford Hendricks ----- Hendricks Nixon Limarzi – pm -----------------Knight Limarzi-no am ----- Favretto Rodriguez Limarzi -------------------- ----- Hendricks Gleason Nixon ------------------ Bortnick Zarrella T-101 Diamant Sartwell T-202 Limarzi Earle-Hill Earle-Hill C-304 Bridgford Earle-Hill Diamant ----- Nixon PT’s Bridgford Zarrella/Rodriguez Diamant Bridgford Bridgford Rodriguez Sartwell C-401 A-L/M-Z 14 Limarzi Nixon Nixon Sartwell C-401 A-L/M-Z ----- Adjudicatory CtrmDuty Cases Duty Courtroom/am Duty Courtroom/pm Emergencies Court Coverage Drug Courtroom / Truancy Other Not Available 13 FRIDAY 29 McNeeley T-SS-302 Zarrella/Michalski WEDNESDAY 27 7 TUESDAY 26 THURSDAY Y 6 MONDAY 25 WED D 5 Bridgford Nixon TUESDAY Y 4 Bridgford Nixon Limarzi-no am THURSDAY 28 STATE’S ATTORNEY OFFICE FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY DISTRICT COURT SCHEDULE: JUNE 2007 MONDAY Y Bridgford Nixon ----- Bridgford ----- McNeeley Bridgford Gleason Michalski Limarzi ------------------------------ Bortnick T-101 -----------------Limarzi - pm ?????? T-202 --------------------------------- ----- Diamant -------------------- ----- Sartwell Limarzi -------------- 19 Knight Earle-Hill Earle-Hill Favretto/Casafranca Collins Diamant Earle-Hill Knight T-SS-302 Collins Limarzi PT’s Diamant 12 Knight Nixon Nixon Cohen/Kim Kim FRIDAY 22 Casafranca Gleason T-101 Michalski Nixon Knight Knight Knight Bridgford Casafranca/Gleason C-304 WEDNESDAY 20 Bridgford Limarzi-no am THURSDAY 21 C-302 A-L/M-Z TUESDAY 19 Bridgford Bridgford ----- MONDAY 18 Knight Knight Nixon Knight Bridgford Bortnick/Rodriguez Adjudicatory Ctrm – Duty Cases Duty Courtroom/am Duty Courtroom/pm Emergencies Court Coverage Drug Courtroom / Truancy Other Not Available Not Available 25 Nixon --------------------------- Limarzi Earle-Hill Earle-Hill 18 ---------------Limarzi - pm ----------------Knight Nixon Earle-Hill Diamant 11 Limarzi ------------------ Nixon ------------------ ------------------------- Diamant PT’s Nixon Limarzi Diamant Diamant Kim T-202 Bortnick Diamant Limarzi Limarzi WEEK 4 WEDNESDAY 13 WEEK 3 TUESDAY 12 WEEK 2 Knight Bridgford FRIDAY 15 Favretto/Michalski Adjudicatory Ctrm Duty Cases Duty Courtroom/am Duty Courtroom/pm Emergencies Court Coverage Drug Courtroom / Truancy Other Knight Nixon/Knight T-SS-301 Ferguson T-SS-301 ------------------------- C-302 A-L/M-Z Nixon T-SS-301 Limarzi -pm ---------------Knight Limarzi-no am THURSDAY 14 FRIDAY 8 Limarzi Earle-Hill Earle-Hill Nixon Diamant ------------------------ Knight Earle-Hill Earle-Hill FRIDAY 1 DATE Knight MONDAY 11 -------------- Bridgford Earle-Hill Ferguson THURSDAY 7 THURSDAY C-304 Bridgford ------------------- Limarzi ------------------- Diamant Nixon PT’s Limarzi WEDNESDAY 6 Diamant Bridgford Bridgford TUESDAY 5 Ferguson Nixon Nixon MONDAY 4 WEDNESDAY C-302 A-L/M-Z Drug Courtroom / Truancy Other Not Available Adjudicatory Ctrm – Duty Cases Duty Courtroom/am Duty Courtroom/pm Emergencies Court Coverage Adjudicatory Ctrm – Duty Cases Duty Courtroom/am Duty Courtroom/pm Emergencies Court Coverage Drug Courtroom / Truancy Other Not Available TUESDAY SAO JUVENILE SCHEDULE – JUNE 2007 MONDAY PAGE 22 STATE’S ATTORNEY’S ASSIGNMENTS FRIDAY Y Mays/Hall 8 Rodriguez Collins 15 CONFERENCE JUDICIAL ------------------------Little Mays/Hall Cohen 22 Cohen McNeeley Birdsall 29 PAGE 23 JUDGES SCHEDULES Circuit Court Calendar ☺ Bar Office Conference Room See Committee/Section Pages for Location / CLE Classroom CLE Seminar–Call (301) 340-2534 to Register JUNE JULY 6 6:00p.m. Bar Leaders Dinner 4 7 5:30p.m. WBA End of Year Party 16 11 5:00p.m. 12 7:30a.m. 13 4:30p.m. 20 8:00a.m. 22 7:30a.m. 26 7:45a.m. ☺ Independence Day – HOLIDAY 5:00p.m. ☺ Executive Committee Meeting Executive Committee Meeting Real Estate Law Section ☺ Legal Ethics Committee Meeting Family Law Organizational Mtg. ☺ Foundation Board of Directors Committee/Section Chair Orientation Future Calendar June 6, 2007 ~ Bar Leaders Dinner ~ Lakewood Country Club September 20, 2007 ~ Hispanic Bar Gala (Tentative) September 25 2007 ~ Back to Courts Night October 8, 2007 ~ Fall Outing ~ Argyle Coutry Club October 18, 2007 ~ BAMC Multicultural Celebration October 25-26, 2007 ~ MSBA Local Bar Presidents Conference Newsletter of the BAR ASSOCIATION OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MARYLAND 27 West Jefferson Street, Rockville, Maryland 20850-4200 October 26, 2007 ~ BAMC Blood Drive November 1, 2007 ~ J. Franklyn Bourne Bar Banquet November 29-30, 2007 ~ Long Range Planning Conference January 17, 2008 ~ Judge Beard Retirement Celebration May 2, 2008 ~ Annual Meeting & Law Day Celebration Periodicals Postage PAID at Rockville, MD
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