math curriculum comparison chart


math curriculum comparison chart
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Saxon K-3 *
Saxon 3-12 *
Bob Jones
Horizons (Alpha Omega) *
Lifepacs (Alpha Omega) *
Switched-On Schoolhouse (Alpha Omega)
Primary Math (US) (Singapore) *
Primary Math Standards Edition (SE) (Singapore) *
Primary Math Common Core (CC) (Singapore)
Dimensions (Singapore)
Math in Focus (Singapore Approach) *
Life of Fred
A+ Tutorsoft Math
Starline Press Math
enVision Math
McRuffy Math
Purposeful Design Math
Go Math
Making Math Meaningful
RightStart Mathematics *
Right-Brained Math
MCP Mathematics
Conventional (Spunky Donkey) / Study Time Math
Miquon Math
Math Mammoth (Light Blue series) *
Ray's Arithmetic
Rod & Staff Mathematics
Jump Math
Beast Academy (from Art of Problem Solving)
Strayer-Upton Practical Arithmetic
Prentice Hall Math
Art of Problem Solving *
Paradigm Accelerated
A Fresh Approach
Jacobs Math
Foerster Math
Math Lessons for a Living Education
Mathematical Reasoning
Developmental Math
On Core Mathematics
Core Standards for Math
Kumon Math
Common Core Mathematics
Key to... (Math Books)
Top Line Math
Math PowerBasics
Religious Content
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Price Range
This chart was assembled by Rainbow Resource Curriculum Consultants and is intended to be a comparative tool based on our own
understanding of these programs and is not necessarily reflective of publishers' opinions. Some designations are "best fit," not absolute.
Placement tests are available on our website for programs marked with an ('*').
Find them at:
Teacher Involvement
RRC kit
Scripted teacher manuals
Paper manipulatives included & used in K-2.
Paper manipulatives; no assessment book.
Pre-CCSS CA aligned. Paper manipulatives.
No tests
Brief Christian references in elementary level
Pre-CCSS, CA standards aligned.
Manipulatives. Discovery, Montessori approach.
Mastery Sequential
Paper manipulatives. Discovery approach.
Mastery approach. 2nd Ed. is CCSS.
Visual; no Teacher guide. Skill-based levels.
Modified Sequential
Mastery & skill-based. Discovery/Montessori.
B & W or color versions available.
No Teacher Guide
Recommended for gifted students.
Mastery Sequential approach.
Option for struggling math students.
Supplemental teaching resources available
Supplemental teaching resources available
Paper manipulatives Discovery/Charlotte Mason
Skill-based levels.
No Tests.
No Teacher Guide.
No Tests.
Supplemental resource
Skill-based levels. Supplemental resource.
Written at 4th grade comprehension level.
This chart was assembled by Rainbow Resource Curriculum Consultants and is intended to be a comparative tool based on our own
understanding of these programs and is not necessarily reflective of publishers' opinions. Some designations are "best fit," not absolute.
COMPREHENSIVE PROGRAMS - ALL GRADES Student Workbooks are used in grades 1-3 only
and contain student materials, flash cards and
practice pages. The Math K Home Study Kit
The most popular homeschooling math pro- contains teacher edition and meeting book.
gram hands down! Highly recommended by Math 1, 2, and 3 kits contain teacher ediboth Mary Pride and Cathy Duffy, Saxon Math tion, meeting book, and a set of 2 workbooks.
also wins our award for the “Most Requested Manipulatives are a vital, integral part of the
Text.” Saxon math is a “user-friendly” math program; these are not included in the Home
program - even for Algebra, Trigonometry, Study Kits, but are available through us also.
Calculus and other generally difficult math topics. Learning is incremental and each new concept is continuously reviewed, so the learning Math K
Counting, number recognition, and sequenchas time to “sink in” instead of being forgotten
when the next topic is presented. Higher scores ing; addition and subtraction stories; sorting;
on standardized tests and increased enrollments patterning, identifying shapes and geometric
in upper-level math and science classes have designs; telling time to the hour; using a calresulted where Saxon has been used in public endar. There are no workbooks. 112 lessons.
schools. Students like Saxon because they feel 018398 Home Study Kit . . . 80.45 69.95
successful in math instead of overwhelmed. 018725 Meeting Book . . . . 17.25 13.95
Because of the format, children are able to work 007918 Teacher Edition . . . 75.40 66.95
more independently.
Math 1
Skip counting; ordinal positions; sorting
The Teacher’s Manual contains the actual les- rules and patterns; solving problems; mastering
son plans and information vital to the effective basic addition and most basic subtraction facts;
presentation of math concepts. The consumable adding 2-digit numbers without regrouping;
Meeting Books are used during the teacher- measuring; comparing volume, mass and area;
student “meeting” in which concepts are intro- counting money; telling time to half-hour; idenduced, demonstrated and practiced. If teaching tifying polygons; graphing. 130 lessons.
more than one student at the same level, you 018399 Home Study Kit . . . 122.30 97.95
will only need one meeting book. Consumable 001523Workbooks . . . . . . 46.47 34.85
018726 Meeting Book . . . . 17.25
021349 Teacher Edition . . . 75.40
Math 2
Skip counting; comparing numbers; solving
problems; mastering all basic addition and
subtraction facts; mastering multiplication to
5; adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers;
measuring; perimeter and area; telling time to
5 minutes; identifying geometric shapes; identifying symmetry; identifying angles; graphing.
132 lessons.
018400 Home Study Kit . . 122.30 97.95
001526Workbooks . . . . . . 46.47 34.85
018727 Meeting Book . . . . 17.25 13.95
021134 Teacher Edition . . . 75.40 66.95
Math 3
Using math in real life; identifying place value;
completing patterns; mastering multiplication
and division facts; adding/subtracting multi-digit
numbers; multiplying a multi-digit number by a
single digit; dividing by a 1-digit divisor; adding
positive and negative numbers; fractions; adding/subtracting fractions with common denominators; telling time to the minute; change for a
dollar; graphing. 140 lessons.
018401 Home Study Kit . . . 126.05 99.95
001527Workbooks . . . . . . 46.47 34.85
018728 Meeting Book . . . . 17.25 13.95
021055 Teacher Edition . . . 78.00 67.95
Since manipulatives are vital to the program’s success and are NOT INCLUDED in the home study kits, we offer manipulative kits for each grade
level, a complete K-3 kit, and individual items. The chart below shows both required (X) and optional (O) materials used in each grade level.
Required Manipulatives
Folding Meter/Yard Stick
Learning Clock (Teacher’s)
Multilink / Mathlink Cubes
Student Clock
2-Color Plastic Counters
1-inch Teddy Bear Counters
Geoboard w/ Rubber Bands
Geometric Shapes
Hundred Number Chart
Qty K123
1 setX
1 set
Required Manipulatives
Number Line
Pattern Blocks (Plastic)
Plastic Ruler (inch/cm)
Outdoor Thermometer
1-inch Color Tiles (4 colors)
Qty K123
1 X
1 setXX
X = Required, O = Optional
Optional Items: Note that “O” items in the chart are “optional.” They are used in the program, but you might be able to substitute other materials for them. In the case of the teaching clock, they felt that you could get by with just the smaller student clocks. We would strongly suggest,
however, the use of a teacher clock with geared hands when teaching time. From our personal experience, it is a great aid when demonstrating
how the hour passes as the minute hand sweeps around the clock.
Kit Contents: Our grade level manipulative kits contain all the materials specified for that grade in the chart above. Our COMPLETE KITS contain
all of the materials required for grades K-3.
Why buy from us? Although we are not the “official” supplier of manipulatives for the Saxon program, Saxon has reviewed our offerings and has
sent many home schoolers our way. We are offering our own kits for several reasons. First, the other kit did not include everything specified by
Saxon. Second, we wanted to upgrade the quality of one of the components. And, third, we felt that the homeschool market needed more flexibility! Since these kits are a fairly major expenditure for home schoolers, we assume you’ll want to know the differences between ours and theirs:
¾¾ The simple balance they include is a “teeter-totter” type whereas ours is a bucket balance. Pan or bucket balances cost more than simple balances, but we were very dissatisfied with the performance of the simple balance. Just as with a teeter-totter, if two equally-weighted objects are on each end, they will only balance if both are seated an equal distance from the fulcrum. This does not happen with a bucket/pan balance.
¾¾ We do include number lines... they do not.
 We do not include a “tote box.”
¾¾ We do include the wall thermometer... they do not.
 Our price is lower.
¾¾ We include the one set of tangrams required by the program. They include four sets.
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Options: Now, about our flexibility! Because you may be starting Saxon Math with a child who is not in kindergarten, or might want to see how
you like the program before committing for all four levels, we offer kits by grade level that contain only the manipulatives needed for that grade.
For your convenience, we also offer kits both with and without the optional items on Saxon’s chart. Additionally, you may substitute either a larger
(250-pc), thicker (1 cm) set of solid plastic or wooden pattern blocks for the standard 100-pc set of 0.5 cm.-thick plastic pattern blocks. Simply use
the item number and price from the table below. CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
With Plastic
With Wooden
Pattern Block Upgrade
Pattern Block Upgrade
Grade K Kit Without Optional Items
MPK000. . . . 64.49 46.50
MPK0P0. . . . . 75.45 57.50
MPK0W0. . . . 77.45 56.75
Grade K Kit With Optional Items
MPKW00. . . 84.48 55.95
MPKWP0. . . . 95.44 64.95
MPKWW0. . . 97.44 64.95
Grade 1 Kit Without Optional Items
MP1000. . . . 60.93 43.50
MP10P0. . . . . 71.89 53.95
MP10W0. . . . 73.89 52.50
Grade 1 Kit With Optional Items
MP1W00. . . 86.91 53.00
MP1WP0. . . . 97.87 65.50
MP1WW0. . . 99.87 63.50
Grade 2 Kit Without Optional Items
MP2000. . . . 58.90 39.50
MP20P0. . . . . 69.86 49.95
MP20W0. . . . 71.86 48.50
Grade 2 Kit With Optional Items
MP2W00. . . 88.93 53.95
MP2WP0. . . . 99.89 64.95
MP2WW0. . 101.89 63.50
Grade 3 Kit Without Optional Items
MP3000. . . . 31.81 20.95
MP30P0. . . . . 42.77 31.95
MP30W0. . . . 44.77 30.95
Grade 3 Kit With Optional Items
MP3W00. . . 57.79 31.95
MP3WP0. . . . 68.75 43.95
MP3WW0. . . 70.75 41.95
Complete Kit Without Optional Items
MPC000. . . . 83.14 57.50
MPC0P0 . . . . 94.10 68.50
MPC0W0. . . . 96.10 68.95
Complete Kit With Optional Items
MPCW00. . 113.17 68.95
MPCWP0. . . 124.13 80.95
MPCWW0. . 126.13 79.95
NOTE: To substitute Judy Teacher’s Clock for standard teacher’s clock in kits with optional items - substitute “J” for the sixth digit (ending zero) in
the above item numbers and add $10.00.
For example, to purchase the Grade 2 kit including optional items, upgrading the pattern blocks to a set of 250 1 cm.-thick wooden ones, and
substituting a Judy clock in place of the standard teacher’s clock, use item #MP2WWJ - cost will be $73.50.
Because you may already have some of the manipulatives included in kits, we offer manipulatives separately and in the quantities needed for the
program. After reviewing the materials lists in the Saxon books, three items are worth mentioning:
 Although not indicated on the chart, a set of double-six dominoes is used in one lesson in Saxon Grade 2.
 In one lesson in grade 3 (L130), directions indicate the use of 12 2-colored counters (more than the kit provides). Use color tiles instead.
 In Saxon grade 3, you need 20 $100 bills, 50 $10 bills, and 50 $1 bills. While some of you may have this laying about the house, and
others have ample play money from a board game, we carry what you need for the program. See item #019969 below. Coins are also
needed, but a trip to the bank will supply needed quantities!
2-Colored Plastic Counters
Bucket Balance
1.00 010884 One set plastic . . . . . 1.25
As the name suggests, this sturdy balance scale 018732 Set of 10 . . . . . . . . . . 4.15 TANGR44 sets (diff. colors) . . 4.40
uses buckets instead of pans. Measures both 018733 Set of 100 . . . . . . . . 4.50
solids and liquids, and the transparent buckets
Color Tiles
are removable for easy cleaning. Colorful scale 1-Inch Teddy Bear Counters
1” square plastic tiles in four bright colors (red,
is made of durable plastic, and there's even a
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
storage drawer in the base. The deep buckets 018734 Set of 48 . . . . . . . . . 6.25
4.75 blue, green & yellow). Set of 100 (25 of each
hold approximately 300 ml, with markings 018735 Set of 100 . . . . . . . 12.99
8.95 color). CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
every 50 ml, for measuring. Also features sliding
018746 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.50
018729 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.99 15.50
Double-Six set contains 28 large, solid hard- Pattern Blocks
wood engraved dominoes (black with white dots).
All pattern blocks are solid, not the cookieTeaching Clock
Double-Nine set is similar, but with 55 dominoes. cutter types. Sets vary in size and thickness.
13” diameter clock is geared so that the hour CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
See complete description later in this section.
hand moves proportionately with the minute 018736Double-Six . . . . . . . . . 2.50 CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
hand. Made of durable plastic.
004074Double-Nine . . . . . . 3.95
3.75 018743 100 .5 cm.-thick plastic 9.99 7.95
008925 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.99 14.95
018744 250 1 cm.-thick plastic 20.95 18.95
Geometric Shapes
015445 250 1 cm.-thick wood . 22.95 17.95
10 plastic 3-D shapes approx 1” in size. Includes 015343 250 1 cm.-thick wood (bagged -
In our opinion, the best geared clock avail- pyramids, cone, cube, cylinder, sphere, rectan- no container) . . . . . . . 20.95 18.95
able. The advantage of the Judy Clock is that gular prism, triangular prism, and more.
it’s practically child-proof. If hands are moved 003491 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.25
3.95 Plastic Ruler (inch/cm)
in an abnormal way, the gear mechanism will
This flexible plastic ruler has inches on one
not break. We’ve had ours for years and it looks Hundred Number Chart
side, and a metric/inches combination on the
good and works perfectly despite some pretty
Laminated chart from 1-100 in 1” squares. other. The inches-only side is graduated in
rugged “time telling!” SEE NOTE ABOVE.
Blank grid on reverse.
increments of 1/2 inch, while the metric/inches
018730 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.99 18.95 018739Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.75 side has one edge measured in centimeters,
004371 Number Tiles 1-100 10.25
9.25 one edge with 1/4 inch graduations. Sold by
Student Clocks
the each. Two are needed in the Saxon K-3
These are standing clocks with independently Folding Meter/Yard Stick
moving hands.
018740 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.99
3.95 018847 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.99
018731 Set of two . . . . . . . . 3.17 2.75
Multilink / Mathlink Cubes
Outdoor Thermometer
Miniature Geared Judy Clock
Use indoors or out - has large, visible numbers
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
A 5” diameter student clock with geared hands 018741 Set of 100 . . . . . . . 16.60 15.75 in Celsius and Fahrenheit. Includes mounting
to maintain hour/minute relationship.
screws and is made of durable, waterproof plas003070 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.83
4.75 Number Lines w/ Write ‘n Wipe Marker
tic. 3” x 14½”.
Two mark-on/wipe-off student number lines 018745 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Geoboard - 7", 5 x 5 pin, double-sided
with a write ‘n wipe marker. One number line
Square plastic with a 5 x 5 pin array. Rubber shows 0-25 with ample space above to “loop” Play Money
bands included. Sold here by the EACH. (All of numbers together with marker. The other is
Bills approximate real currency in size and
our above kits, however, include2 Geoboards numbered -20 to +20. Both have peel-off back- color. Includes 20 $100 bills, 5 $50 bills, 5 $20
w/ rubber bands.)
bills, 50 $10 bills, 5 $5 bills, and 50 $1 bills.
ing so you may mount them on desks, etc.
018737EACH . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.25 018742 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.95
2.50 019969 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Math Intermediate Series (3-5)
Now available from the publishers of Saxon
is the Math Intermediate Series (their public
school line). This textbook-based program offers
an alternative for parents who want to stick to
Saxon, but want a colorful, hardcover text written to the student, rather than an overwhelming scripted teacher’s manual – there are no
teacher’s manuals in this series.
Grade 3 can be used in lieu of the traditional
Saxon Math 3 and covers the same topics –
addition/subtraction facts, fractions, probability, estimating/calculating area, multiplication
and division facts, dividing two-digit numbers,
multiplying three numbers, arrays, congruent
shapes, capacity, polygons, classifying angles,
adding/subtracting multi-digit numbers, estimating lengths and distances, etc. There are 110
lessons and 11 “Investigations” which explore
math concepts in-depth. Manipulatives are
mentioned (but optional), and assessments are
written only as opposed to both oral and written
in the traditional Saxon Math 3.
Grades 4 and 5 can be used instead of Saxon
5/4 and 6/5. These include 120 lessons each,
along with 12 “Investigations” in each. Early
Finisher Problems found in the Intermediate
edition offer enrichment and real-world application. Intermediate 4 includes word problems,
elapsed time, inverse operations, multiplying
two and three-digit numbers, mixed number and
improper fractions, fractions/decimals/percents,
geometry and measurement, division with two
and three-digit numbers, estimating perimeter/
area/volume, probability, etc. Intermediate 5
includes word problems, add/subtract/multiply/
divide whole numbers/decimals/fractions/mixed
numbers, equivalent fractions, convert between
fractions/decimals/percents, estimation, variables/expressions/equations, geometry and measurement, probability, etc. Manipulatives are
referenced throughout these levels (unlike 5/4
and 6/5), but they are optional. The same methodology is employed in both the Intermediate
and traditional Saxon Homeschool math courses, but Intermediate goes more into detail with
the 4-step problem-solving process: 1) understand the problem, 2) devise a plan, 3) carry out
the plan, and 4) look back (evaluate).
Homeschool Kits include student text, test book
and test answers, solutions manual, and “Power
Up” workbook. The “Power Up” Workbook
(similar to Meeting Book at third grade level)
is consumable and offers practice with math
facts, mental math, and problem solving. Please
note that there are Activity Pages referenced
in each student text which are only available
as free downloads (see our site listings for the
Homeschool Kits to download).
Additional materials are available separately – Written Practice Workbook, Adaptations
Student Workbook, and Student Reference
Chart. Adaptations Workbooks provide alternatives for students with special needs. This consumable workbook contains adapted versions of
the practice problems found in the student text,
with plenty of space provided for working the
problems in the workbook. The adapted problems offer more visual prompts and clues for
doing the problems. Written Practice Workbook
includes consumable worksheets of the Written
Practice Problems found in the text. Student
Reference Chart is intended for easy access to
formulas, helpful hints, and other reference
tools. This is a great opportunity for those who
love the Saxon Math approach; you can now
choose your program at these levels.
EACH HOMESCHOOL KIT . . 121.20 105.95
EACH STUDENT TEXT . . . . . 103.07 77.30
EACH TESTING BOOK . . . . . 22.00 18.95
EACH POWER UP WKBK . . . 11.73
EACH PRACTICE WKBK . . . . 15.33 11.50
*same chart used with both Gr. 4 & 5
Math 54 (3rd ed) (4-5)
For use by fourth graders who have completed Math 3 or who are doing well in math,
or for average fifth graders. Covers review of 4
basic math functions, estimating, 2- and 3-digit
computation, decimals, fractions, rudimentary
geometry, word problems.
024422 Homeschool Kit . . . 100.75 85.95
024424 Student Text . . . . . . 52.65 39.95
024425 Tests & Wkshts . . . . 25.00 19.95
024423 Solutions Manual . . 32.45 24.95
Math 65 (3rd ed) (5-6)
Covers multiplication, division, word prob
HS Kit
Text Test Bk Solutions lems, fractions, decimals, percents, basic geomGr. 3 020006 059203 020066 020068 etry, negative numbers.
Gr. 4 017981 059204 018006 018015 024426 Homeschool Kit . . . 100.75 85.95
Gr. 5 018061 059205 018062 018072 024428 Student Text . . . . . . 52.65 39.95
024429 Tests & Wkshts . . . . 25.00 19.95
Power Bk Adapt Bk Practice Chart
024427 Solutions Manual . . 32.45 24.95
Gr. 3 020067 017959 020116 017976
Gr. 4 018007 017978 018025 018016* Math 76 (4th ed) (6-7)
Gr. 5 018070 018054 018079 018016* Covers decimals, fractions, number lines, measurement, area, perimeter, volume, place value,
☼Math Intermediate Manipulative Kits (3-5)
solid figures, percent, ratio, unit conversion,
Based on manipulatives used in the text and probability, angles, coordinates.
optional PDF worksheets.
024430 Homeschool Kit . . . 112.10 95.95
SMI3MK Intermediate 3
145.81 105.95 024432 Student Text . . . . . . 52.65 39.95
Geometric Shapes (1”), fraction circles,
024433 Tests & Wkshts . . . . 31.10 24.75
wooden cubes, 1 cm. graph paper, base ten
024431 Solutions Manual . . 38.75 29.95
set, Judy instructional clock, 2-color plastic
counters (100), folding meter/yard stick,
Math 87 (3rd ed) (7-8)
pattern blocks (.5 cm, 100), indoor-outdoor
Covers fractions, decimals, percents, geomethermometer, color tiles (100), English/mettry, area, volume, ratio, proportion, exponents,
ric ruler, play money, overhead cm graph
scientific notation, signed numbers, algebraic
grids, overhead inch graph grids, spectraterms, 2-step equations and inequalities, slope,
mat (17 x 14), white dice (2), multiplication
graphing, the Pythagorean Theorem.
table, platform scale, plastic coins.
024434 Homeschool Kit . . . 112.10 95.95
SMI4MK Intermediate 4 . . . . 151.90 106.95 024436 Student Text . . . . . . 52.65 39.95
Wooden cubes, fraction tiles with tray, com024437 Tests & Wkshts . . . . 31.10 24.75
pass, stopwatch, 1 cm graph paper, base ten
024435 Solutions Manual . . 38.75 29.95
set, balance scale, Judy instructional clock,
2-colored plastic counters (100), folding
☼Saxon Middle-School Math Courses (5-8)
meter/yard stick, indoor-outdoor thermomDesigned as a classroom curriculum and now
eter, English/metric ruler, 1” graph paper,
available to the homeschool market, Course 1,
play money set, white dice (2), multiplicaCourse 2 and Course 3 are a 2012 version of
tion table, platform scale, and coins set.
Saxon’s middle school math and are roughly
SMI5MK Intermediate 5 . . . . 35.69 28.00 comparable to Math 76, Math 87 and Algebra
Fraction circles, 1 cm graph paper, folding
1/2. They are designed to be the sequel for the
meter/yard stick, color tiles (100), English/
Math Intermediate Series and to prepare the
metric ruler, play money set, white dice (2),
student for Algebra 1 & 2 (4th ed.). Course
6” protractor, and mixed coins set.
components include a Student Text, a Solutions
Manual, a Power-Up Workbook and a Course
Assessment Book. [There is also a Teacher’s
Featuring the same
Manual for each course that we do not sell.]
methodology as previous
The Saxon incremental methodology is evident
editions plus enhanced
in these courses as is their commitment to conmathematical
tinual review and repetition.
Homeschool Kits contain
The hardcover Student Text provides all the
a non-consumable student
daily instruction and assignments. As is Saxon’s
edition textbook, consumnorm, the text is no-nonsense but attractive
able tests and worksheets
in a clean-cut way. An accent color helps
for one student, and a
illustrate concepts and provides some organisolutions manual.
zational structure. There are 120 daily Lessons
three components of the Homeschool Kit come plus 12 Investigations (practical application) in
softbound. The Student Edition Text uses a each course. Groups of ten Lessons and one
two-color page layout, as opposed to the black Investigation are wrapped into a Section, each
and white pages of prior editions. Tests and of which has a particular focus and includes
Worksheets include a significant amount of fact particular mathematical strands.
drill practice, course tests, as well as various
Daily Lessons follow a pattern that will be
forms for recording student progress. Solutions familiar to Saxon users. A Power Up (Building
Manual contains solutions to all problems in the Power) section reviews math facts and provides
text and tests.
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
mental math problems as well as a problem
solving “dilemma” (i.e. problem). The New
Concept (Increasing Knowledge) segment provides instruction (written directly to the student),
worked examples and a short Practice Set for
reinforcing what has just been learned. Written
Practice (Strengthening Concepts) is a longer set
of problems that reviews and continues practice
on concepts cumulative from the start of the
book. Early Finishers (not included with every
lesson) are a few real-world application problems available to students who complete the
assignment early.
The Solutions Manuals include both answers
and solutions. There are answers to the following: Power-Up facts, Mental Math and Problem
Solving. There are solutions to the following:
Assessments, Practice Sets, Written Practice,
and Early Finishers. [Please note that answers
and solutions to some sets of exercises are only
available to those with the Teacher’s Manual.]
Power-Up Workbooks provide one page warmups for each lesson. These include Facts Practice,
Mental Math, and Problem Solving exercises.
Course Assessments Book provides: Placement
Test, Baseline Test, Power-Up Tests, Cumulative
Tests (taken after every five lessons beginning
with Lesson 10 with two versions of each) and
Benchmark Tests, as well as answer sheets and
an End-of-Course Exam. There is also explanatory information about each of the tests and
answer forms. The Placement Test covers Math
54 through Course 3 and includes an answer
key plus placement guide. The multiple-choice
Baseline Test gauges the skills of an incoming
student and should be given early in the school
year. The content covers skills and concepts
that are included in the math curriculum of the
preceding year. This test might be totally unnecessary if you’re a continuing Saxon student but if
coming into Saxon from another series, it could
be helpful to determine if the course is the right
one. Solutions for this test are in the Solutions
Manual. Power Up Tests are given along with
the Cumulative Tests and are designed as a
quick assessment of fact recall. Benchmark
Tests serve as quarterly exams or to help identify concepts which need additional instruction
and practice. The End-of-Course Exam (multiple
choice) is a final exam. This Course Assessments
Book is expensive and may be necessary if you
need to provide tests for an overseeing agency.
Written Practices are cumulative, however, and
will provide much the same information if taken
under testing conditions. The Assessments Book
is reproducible for a classroom.
This series from Saxon is a more recent version
of their middle school math. Although Course
1 compares roughly to Math 76 and Course 2
compares roughly to Math 87, there are significant differences between Course 3 and Algebra
1/2. The homeschool editions of Math 54, 65,
76, and 87 along with Algebra 1/2 appear to
be a bit more advanced at each level than their
Course counterparts. This is noticeable when
comparing the placement tests from each series.
Although there are similar types of problems,
computational difficulty appears to be stronger
in the older homeschool edition. As mentioned
earlier, there is a TM (and a couple of other
resources) for this series that is not available to
us. However, each course is totally “do-able”
with the components available. ~ Janice
061422 Student Edition
062529Assessments . . . . . . 69.90
062530 Power-Up Workbook . 062531 Solutions Manual . . . . 79.00
Course 2
061423 Student Edition
062532Assessments . . . . . . 69.75
062533 Power-Up Workbook . 062534 Solutions Manual . . . . 49.95
Course 3
061424 Student Edition
062535Assessments . . . . . . 69.85
062536 Power-Up Workbook . 062537 Solutions Manual . . . . 49.95
Homeschool Kits contain a non-consumable
hardcover student text, an answer key to problem sets and tests, and a test booklet. Solution
manuals are NOT included unless you purchase
a Homeschool Kit with Solutions Manual. For
each problem, these manuals take you stepby-step to the solution. A big help if higher
level math isn’t your strong suit. All books
are the most current edition. Please note that
Homeschool Kit contents for Geometry and 4th
Editions of Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 are different
and do include a solution manual.
in Algebra 2 (or pre-ACT!). Another difference
is that there are no step-by-step solutions for
the test problems except on the Saxon Teacher
CD-Roms. At this point, Saxon is not recommending that most homeschoolers switch to the
4th editions. Homeschool Kits for the 4th Ed.
courses include hardcover texts, homeschool
test books (with answer key) and solutions manuals. 120 lessons. An Adaptations Workbook is
now available, which provides an alternative
for students with special needs. This consumable workbook contains adapted versions of the
practice problems found in the student text, with
plenty of space provided for working the problems in the workbook. The adapted problems
offer more visual prompts and clues for doing
the problems.
019975 Homeschool Kit . . . 134.60 115.95
019977 H/S Tests/Key . . . . . 22.00 18.95
017925 Adaptations Wkbk . 58.13 43.60
Saxon Geometry 1st Ed (9-11)
Here it is! The long-awaited homeschool edition of Saxon Geometry. The wait was not in
vain as this program is as good and solid as
the other Saxon math programs. The hardcover
Geometry student text includes all topics in a
high school geometry course using the Saxon
methodology of incremental development and
continual review. There are 120 lessons divided
into 12 sections, 12 Investigations, and 15
Labs in the student text. The table of contents
is color-coded according to the math strands
incorporated into each lesson.
To help students understand the flow of a
Algebra 1/2 3rd Ed (7-8)
Covers area, percent, ratio, order of opera- lesson, the first lesson has yellow highlighted
tions, beginning algebra concepts. 3rd edition. teaching boxes to explain the different elements
001524 Homeschool Kit . . 87.50 75.95 that will be present in each lesson. Each lesson
begins with a ‘Warm-Up’ in which students
018254 H/S Kit w/ Solutions
Manual . . . . . . . . . 125.4599.95 are given the skills and vocabulary which are
008176 Solution Manual . . 62.87 47.15 prerequisite to this lesson. ‘New Concepts’
004741 Answer Key/Tests . 24.85 19.95 presents the new vocabulary with meanings and
020296 Tests only . . . . . . . 15.95 12.95 examples of the concepts along with solutions.
024418 Student Text only . . . 87.50 ‘Lesson Practice’ lets students check to see if
they understand the new concept and italicized
Algebra 1 3rd Ed (w/integrated geometry) (8-9) reference numbers help students know what
Covers signed numbers, exponents, solv- example demonstrated the concept for that
ing equations, two equations with unknowns, problem. The ‘Practice’ section is where stugraphing equations, scientific notation, ratio, dents practice new and old concepts together.
percent, variation, unit conversions, geometry, Italicized numbers in this section refer to the lesperimeter, area, volume, English to metric con- son in which the concept is taught. This mixed
practice serves as a good practice for state tests
version, surface area. 3rd edition.
000628 Homeschool Kit . . . 87.50 75.95 since the format is similar.
Some added features make this book very user
018255 H/S Kit w/ Solutions
Manual . . . . . . . . . 134.40 115.95 friendly. The skills bank found in the back of
007759 Solution Manual . . . 64.73 48.55 the book highlights 22 different skills used in
003408 Answer Key/Tests . . . 24.85 19.95 the lessons and are referenced by small numbers
020297 Tests only . . . . . . . . 15.95 12.95 (ex. SB10) found throughout the warm-up and
024419 Student Text only . . . . 87.50 practice sections. For quick reference there are
6 pages of symbols, formulas, metric and customary measure, and properties, along with 2
Algebra 1 4th Ed. (8-9)
The 4th Editions of Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 pages of postulates and theorems. An extensive
are intended primarily for students who plan glossary rounds out the reference section. Pages
on taking Saxon Geometry and are wanting of the text have very wide margins and occaAlgebra 1 and Algebra 2 courses with reduced sionally the student will be given ‘Hint,’ ‘Math
geometry content. The sequence for incor- Reasoning,’ ‘Math Language,’ or even ‘Caution’
porating these courses would be: Algebra 1, boxes with additional information for the lesson.
The Solutions Manual offers step-by-step soluGeometry, then Algebra 2. The main difference
between the 3rd and 4th editions is that much tions for all of the problems found in the student
of the previously-integrated geometry content text. The Test Forms & Test Answers include
has been removed. You may find this a posi- tests to be taken each week along with a testing
tive or a negative, depending on your student's schedule. Solutions for test problems are found
need to review geometry concepts, especially
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
in the last half of this booklet. An Adaptations
Workbook is now available, which provides
an alternative for students with special needs.
This consumable workbook contains adapted
versions of the practice problems found in the
student text, with plenty of space provided for
working the problems in the workbook. The
adapted problems offer more visual prompts and
clues for doing the problems.
The question is, “How does Saxon Geometry
compare to other geometry programs?” When
you compare Saxon to Jacobs Geometry and
BJU Geometry, you get a pretty good picture
of the type of program Saxon has published.
All 3 programs are comparable, covering the
important topics that should be found in a strong
geometry program. A good, solid introduction to
trigonometry is also included in all 3, but Saxon
includes a little more practice in this area.
With the release of the Saxon Geometry, you
now have two different ways to complete your
high school math. For the non-college bound
student or the student who doesn’t wish to
pursue a math or science degree, use Algebra
1, Geometry, Algebra 2, and Advanced Math
if you want or need a fourth year of math. If
your student is college-bound in the area of
math or science or they just really love math,
use Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Advanced Math, and
Calculus, and your geometry will be covered by
the content found in these texts.
The Homeschool Kit includes the student text,
solutions manual, and test forms and answers.
The Homeschool Packet is just the test forms
and answers. - Donna
000957 Homeschool Kit . . . 141.25 121.95
000969 Homeschool Packet 15.95 12.95
017957 Adaptations Wrkbk 60.53 45.40
☼Adaptations Student Reference Guide for
Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 4ED (9-AD)
This little booklet is a handy reference tool
for students in the Saxon 4th edition Algebra
1, Algebra 2, and Geometry 1st edition by
Houghton Mifflin. This is a short 54-page reference guide full of formulas, key terms, tables
and properties. Keep it close for those times you
can’t remember; it is also reproducible
007584 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.93
Algebra 2 3rd Ed (w/integrated geometry) (9-11)
The completion of algebra. Covers uniform
motion, chemistry-related problems, simultaneous equations with 2 and 3 variables, non-linear
equations, geometry, right-triangle trigonometry, conversion from rectangular to polar coordinates, addition of vectors, complex numbers,
quadratic formulas. Revised in 2006, this version includes Lesson Reference Numbers for all
problem sets and tests, which refer the student
back to the lesson the concept was presented
in, so they can go back and review when they
come to a difficult problem. This edition also
features complete solutions for test questions
(located in the test packet), improved graphics,
and a revised glossary and index. 3rd edition.
001478 Homeschool Kit . . 87.50 75.95
018256 H/S Kit w/ Solutions 130.50 115.95
007774 Solution Manual . . 69.93 52.45
016021 Answer Key/Tests . . 24.85 19.95
020298 Tests only . . . . . . . 15.95 12.95
024420 Student Text only . . . 87.50
Algebra 2 4th Ed. (9-11)
Suggested for use after
Saxon Geometry, this edition of Algebra 2 has had
the previously-incorporated
geometry content removed.
Please see Algebra 1 4th Ed.
description for more details.
Homeschool Kit includes
hardcover text, homeschool tests and key, and
solutions manual. 119 lessons. An Adaptations
Workbook is now available, which provides
an alternative for students with special needs.
This consumable workbook contains adapted
versions of the practice problems found in the
student text, with plenty of space provided for
working the problems in the workbook. The
adapted problems offer more visual prompts and
clues for doing the problems.
019985 Homeschool Kit . . . . 134.60115.95
019994 Homeschool Tests/Key 22.00 18.95
017935 Adaptations Wrkbk . . . 60.53 45.40
Advanced Mathematics 2nd Ed (10-11)
Covers permutations, combinations, trigonometric and inverse functions, conic sections,
matrices and determinants, binomial theorem,
rational roots, Euclidean geometry. 2nd edition.
006781 Homeschool Kit . . 91.25 78.95
018257 H/S Kit w/ Solutions 136.85 117.95
007787 Solution Manual . . 66.60 49.95
019989 Answer Key/Tests . 25.90 19.95
000310 Tests only . . . . . . . 22.13 16.60
024417 Student Text only . . . 91.25
Calculus 2nd Ed (11-12)
Covers calculus, trigonometry, and analytic geometry,
with emphasis on application to physics, chemistry,
engineering, and business.
Revised in 2006, this version features expanded content, and Lesson Reference
Numbers for all problem sets and tests (so the
student can go back to the applicable lesson
and review the concepts when they run into a
difficult problem). 2nd edition.
001477 Homeschool Kit . . 98.20 84.95
CALCST H/S Kit w/Solutions .149.45 135.00
007819 Solution Manual . . 68.33 51.25
019990 Answer Key/Tests . 26.10 19.95
020257 Tests only . . . . . . . 16.60 12.95
024421 Student Text only . . . 98.20
Physics (10-12)
Rather than an introduction to physics (i.e.
basic/general physics), Saxon Physics is an
engineering physics course. A scientific calculator is needed for the course. Students will
be most successful with this course if they have
completed at least the first half of Advanced
Mathematics or some other pre-calculus book
that includes trigonometry. This text is strong
enough to be considered an AP Physics course
when paired with the DIVE Physics Lecture and
020307 Homeschool Kit . . 91.85 77.95
020311 Solution Manual . . 59.27 44.45
020309 Answer Key/Tests . 33.13 24.85
020310 Tests only . . . . . . . 15.30 13.55
024438 Student Text only . . . . 91.85
Using John Saxon’s Math Books (4-12)
You have questions; he has answers. Art
Reed, who worked for nine years advising
and answering parents’ questions for Saxon
Publishers, has written an entire book to help
you navigate the Saxon Ocean. Not only does
he include the most frequently asked questions,
but has separate sections tailored to every level
of the curriculum from grades 4-12 (he does not
address the primary levels in this book). He
discusses everything from the changes between
editions to which levels you can skip to student
placement and what type of calculator is best to
use, including the underlying philosophy and
recommended implementation of the Saxon
program. If you use the Saxon math program
or are considering it an option, the advice here
could save you both time and money.
041962 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.95 16.25
Middle Grade Basic Fact Cards (4+)
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
division flashcards for students who need help
mastering basic math facts. Cards are intended
for use with Math 54 and above. Addition and
subtraction cards are double-sided, with an
addition problem printed on one side and a subtraction problem printed on the other. Likewise
with multiplication and division. 100 addition
and subtraction cards cover single-digit addition
with sums up to 18 and subtraction with differences from 0-9. 130 multiplication and division
cards cover multiplication facts from 1-12 and
division with quotients from 1-12. Flashcards
are printed on cardstock (ten per page) and are
separated by perforated edges. ~ Anh
000233 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.67 12.50
Saxon Teacher CD-ROMs
One reason why Saxon math is a strong
choice for homeschoolers – particularly at the
high school level - is the depth of support
that’s available. With the development of the
Saxon Teacher CDs, there’s even more support. Available now for Algebra 1, Algebra 2,
Geometry, Advanced Math, Saxon 5/4, 6/5, 7/6,
and 8/7, as well as Math Intermediate 4 & 5 and
Algebra 1 (4ED) and Algebra 2 (4ED), Saxon has
provided a user-friendly format – CD-ROMs used
on a computer. There are four lesson CDs and
one Test CD for each course. The lesson CDs
provide comprehensive lesson instruction which
includes working all the sample problems. Also,
the solution for EVERY problem in the lesson
- both the practice and the problem sets - is provided in step by step fashion. These solutions are
very easy to navigate. You can proceed through
the problems one by one or go directly to any
particular problem. All instruction, problemsolving, and solutions are given as background
voices with the accompanying steps appearing as
“black-marker-writing” on the computer screen.
To avoid monotony, the voices change – sometimes male; sometimes female; but always pleasant. The Test CD provides solutions for all the
problems from each test. The Solution Manual
will be redundant, as all the solutions are provided on the CDs and individual solutions can be
printed one at a time after the solution is worked
through on the screen. However, some may still
prefer to have hard copy versions of all the solutions for quick reference.
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
You can purchase Saxon Teacher sets individually or packaged with Saxon Home Study
Kits for even better savings. Saxon Teacher w/
Home Study Kit packages below include the
text, tests, answer key and Saxon Teacher for
that level. System requirements: Windows 98,
2000, ME, XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8;
Mac OS 10.2 and up (including Lion/Mtn Lion
and newer). ~ Janice
EACH BELOW . . . . . . . . . . . 99.00 85.95
022093 Math 5/4 (3ED)
014170 Intermediate Grade 4
022106 Math 6/5 (3ED)
014184 Intermediate Grade 5
022115 Math 7/6 (4ED)
022119 Math 8/7 (3ED)
029861 Algebra 1/2 (3ED)
042940 Algebra 1 (3ED)
014214 Algebra 1 (4ED)
029865 Geometry (1ED)
041677 Algebra 2 (3ED)
014240 Algebra 2 (4ED)
042939 Advanced Math (2ED)
SX54TC Math 5/4 (3ED) . . . 199.75
SX65TC Math 6/5 (3ED) . . . 199.75
SX76TC Math 7/6 (4ED) . . . 211.10
SX87TC Math 8/7 (3ED) . . . 211.10
AL12ST Algebra 1/2 (3ED) . . 186.50
SXA1TC Algebra 1 (3ED) . . . 186.50
GEOMSTGeometry (1ED) . . 240.25
ALG2ST Algebra 2 (3ED) . . . 186.50
SXADTC Adv Math (2ED) . . 190.25
DIVE CD-ROMs for Saxon Math
Video clip lectures developed for use with
Saxon Math (though designed FOR, they were
not designed BY Saxon). Lecture sets, which
contain one lecture per lesson, are available
by level for Math 54 through Calculus and
Physics. Each level is contained on one or two
CD-ROMs. D.I.V.E. lectures are ideal for the
student who needs a little more explanation
than what’s available in the text. I’ve found
that even when you carefully read a math text,
it’s often easier to understand a new concept if
you can hear someone else verbalize it. The
lectures are approximately 10-20 minutes long
(the higher the level, the longer the lecture).
Each lecture is stored in its own file. To use
D.I.V.E., the student opens his text to the next
lesson and opens the corresponding lecture
file on the computer. Lectures take place on
a chalkboard/whiteboard screen. You hear
the teacher, but don’t actually see him - rather
you only see what he writes on the board.
The student’s job is to follow along in the text
(please note: the D.I.V.E. CDs do not follow
along with the text on a problem-by-problem
basis) and to take notes. In a typical lecture,
the teacher gives a short explanation and works
several practice problems. Lectures are given Mastering Algebra DVDs (7-12)
by Dr. David Shormann, an experienced math Yet another teaching tool for Saxon! This series
and science teacher. Aside from an occasional of DVDs is done specifically for Saxon math.
quote from the Bible (used to preface a lecture), Taught by Art Reed, a former curriculum advisor
the content is always focused on the topic at in the home school division of Saxon Publishers,
hand. Lectures can easily be paused, rewound, these DVDs teach concepts in an interestor fast-forwarded so the student can work at ing classroom-type setting. Students view Mr.
his own pace. For the Physics level, a Physics Reed’s lessons Monday through Thursday, and
Video Lab and lab manual is also included (see then take their test on Friday.
description in Science for more details). At each
Mr. Reed doesn’t go through the actual problevel, these tutorials provide valuable verbal lems found in the texts, but if you have a student
instruction for students. Please note that the who just needs a thorough explanation of each
edition of the DIVE CD must match the edition lesson, these DVDs work. You can tell by the
of the Saxon Math book you are using. System length of some of the lessons that the explanarequirements: Windows XP or higher (including tions are a little more detailed than other suppleWindows 8), Mac OS (all versions including mental teaching aids. I enjoyed watching the
Yosemite). ~ Anh
lessons with Mr. Reed’s relaxed presentation, as
Each Level . . . . . . . . . . . . 54.95 49.90 he encourages and reassures the students that
028727 Math 5/4 (3ED)
math doesn’t have to be hard.
018101 Math 5/4 (2ED)
Each level of the series begins with a short
028729 Math 6/5 (3ED)
introduction which explains placement and the
018102 Math 6/5 (2ED)
Saxon methodology. There is a session for every
028730 Math 7/6 (4ED)
lesson found in the Saxon textbook, and students
018103 Math 7/6 (3ED)
will need to read the information found in the
028731 Math 8/7 (3ED)
text before watching the video. Everything Mr.
018104 Math 8/7 (2ED)
Reed presents in his sessions comes from the
018096 Algebra 1/2 (3ED)
lesson in the text, and he also mentions alterna018097 Algebra 1/2 (2ED)
tive methods along with interesting comments.
018098 Algebra 1 (3ED)
Lessons range in length from 5 to 25 minutes
046085 Geometry (1ED)
depending on the concept. He offers step-by-step
037998 Algebra 2 (2ED/3ED)
instruction of the daily concept with samples for
Also includes College Algebra CLEP
clarification. Mr. Reed’s explanations are simple
and make sense as he draws on a whiteboard and
018095 Advanced Math - (2ED) WIN/MAC
gives pertinent illustrations. This series is a good
Also includes CLEP Professor for Precalculus.
alternative for the student who responds better to
037999 Calculus (2ED) WIN/MAC
a person making the presentation as opposed to
018106 Physics CD-ROM (1ED) just reading about it. ~ Donna
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59.95 53.95 EACH DVD SET . . . . . . . . . . 59.95 53.95
005438 Math 7/6 (4ED)
Saxon Math + DIVE CD Sets
005428 Math 8/7 (2ED/3ED)
Packages include a Saxon Home Study Kit and 032661 Algebra 1/2 (3ED)
the correlating DIVE CD.
023390 Algebra 1 (3ED)
SXDV54 5/4 (3ED) . . . . . . . 155.70 130.00
Calculator use begins in Lesson 49 and Mr.
SXDV65 6/5 (3ED) . . . . . . . 155.70 130.00
Reed explains how to use the Casio FX260
SXDV76 7/6 (4ED) . . . . . . . 167.05 140.00
fraction calculator.
SXDV87 8/7 (3ED) . . . . . . . 167.05 140.00 036487 Algebra 2 (2ED/3ED)
SXDVAH Algebra 1/2 (3ED) . . 142.45 123.00 032568 Advanced Math: Geometry w/ SXDVA1 Algebra 1 (3ED) . . . 142.45 123.00 Advanced Algebra DVD (2ED)
SXDVGE Geometry (1ED) . . 196.20 166.00
Lessons 1-90 of the Saxon Advanced Math
SXDVA2 Algebra 2 (3ED) . . . 142.45 119.00
SXDVAD Adv Math (2ED) . . 146.20 123.00 032642 Advanced Math: Trigonometry & SXDVCA Calculus (2ED) . . . 153.15 128.00 Pre-Calculus (2ED)
SXDVPH Physics (1ED) . . . . 151.80 127.00
Covers lessons 60-125 of Saxon Advanced
Math and lessons 1-25 of Saxon Calculus.
D.I.V.E. Compass CD-ROMs for Saxon Math
This second set of DVDs for Advanced Math
For charter school customers or those wantoverlaps lessons 60-90 from the first set of
ing secular content, the D.I.V.E. Compass
DVDs for Advanced Math to help students
CD-ROMS contain all of the math lecture conwith mastery of challenging concepts.
tent from the original D.I.V.E. CDs, but without
Bible verses or other references to Christianity. Mastering Algebra Packages (7-12)
Win/Mac compatible.
Packages contain the Mastering Algebra DVD
EACH CD-ROM . . . . . . . . . . 54.95 49.90
Set and corresponding Saxon Homeschool Kit.
041255 Math 5/4 (3ED)
S76MAP Math 7/6 Pkg . . . 172.05 145.00
041256 Math 6/5 (3ED)
S87MAP Math 8/7 Pkg . . . 172.05 145.00
041332 Math 7/6 (4ED)
SAHMAP Algebra 1/2 Pkg . 147.45 124.00
041352 Math 8/7 (3ED)
SA1MAP Algebra 1 Pkg . . . 147.45 124.00
041552 Algebra 1/2 (3ED)
SA2MAP Algebra 2 Pkg . . . 147.45 124.00
041553 Algebra 1 (3ED)
SAMMAP Adv. Math Pkg . . 211.15 175.00
048124 Geometry (1ED)
Includes both the Mastering Algebra
041767 Algebra 2 (2ED/3ED)
Advanced Math: Geometry DVD and
041353 Advanced Math (2ED)
the Advanced Math: Trig and Pre-Calc
041965 Calculus (2ED
DVD along with the Advanced Math 2ED
042576 Physics (1ED)
Homeschool Kit
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
A solid thorough curriculum at all levels.
Concepts are taught at the concrete level, with
heavy use of manipulatives in the early grades.
Elementary program texts are particularly well
done - colorful, good variety of skills, and ongrade-level. For those that want to use a more
traditional, yet appealing, worktext series at the
elementary level, this is perhaps the best.
Teacher editions have complete lesson plans
and answers to text problems. If you are using
Bob Jones as your basal math program, you
will want to invest in them, as they provide the
one-on-one instruction, manipulative instruction,
and offer many suggestions for presenting and
enriching the concepts covered in each lesson.
If you are not using Bob Jones as the core of your
math program, consider using the student workbooks as such. We have long used the Miquon
Math series and find it very effective to use the
Bob Jones workbooks alongside (plus some drill
products for mastery of basic math facts). If you
are planning to use a different program at upper
levels, we have found the transition seamless.
Bob Jones supplies student worktexts though the
4th grade. This is particularly welcome for those
of us with students who are not ready for a hardbound, copy-and-work system this early. Starting
in grade 5, texts are hardbound.
Many homeschoolers have opted to use Saxon
Math at the upper levels, but, like any program,
it doesn’t satisfy everyone. If you are looking
for an alternative, I suggest the Bob Jones texts.
One of the strengths of the Bob Jones program
is the teaching of concepts, rather than the
rote how-to-solve-it approach. Also, Christian
principles and character traits are assumed and
integrated throughout the program. Each level
is themed, providing a motivation learning context. Lessons are “spiraled”, meaning topics are
reviewed throughout each level, delving a little
deeper each time. This is not the same as the
“incremental” approach used by Saxon Math (see
description). Lesson exercises consist mainly of
practice for that lesson, not a review of previous
lessons or chapters. However, topics are not
covered, then left forever; they reappear in more
complexity throughout the course, allowing the
student continuing practice. The approach you
prefer depends on your child. Some children
may need more concentration on the topic at
hand, and Bob Jones Math will appeal to this
group. The people at Bob Jones are ever-ready
to assist you with any difficulties you may have,
including access to textbook authors.
Relatively new is the revised Geometry book
for grade 10. For those desiring to approach
geometry as a separate course, this revised text
will supply a solid option to the Jacobs text.
For those students who are not interested in
pursuing math beyond algebra or geometry,
Bob Jones supplies a Consumer Math course
that presents math required for practical living.
While there is no separate calculus course, the
Advanced Math text does introduce the collegebound student to calculus.
Required materials are listed first at each
grade level. Optional support materials are
identified with an asterisk (*) preceding the title.
Complete Home School Kits contain one each
of all required materials.
Math K5 (4th Ed.)
Revised in 2014, this course has a clear,
attractive layout and is easy to use. Still laying
the foundation for elementary math through the
teaching of necessary math concepts, students
work with manipulatives to develop an understanding of addition, subtraction, geometry and
measurement. A fun farm theme allows students
to make real-life applications. The Teacher's
Guide holds reproduced worktext pages showing the answers, an outline of each lesson, practice and review activities, stories for introducing
each lesson, procedures for teaching and checking for understanding, and extended activities.
Also included is the Toolkit CD-ROM, which
contains instructional aids, full-color charts, and
other enrichment activities.
297705 Home School Kit . . 116.67 99.15
286674 Teacher's Edition . . . . 73.33
286641 Student Worktext . . . . 25.56
286690 Stud. Manipulatives Packet 17.78
000742 *Unifix Cubes (100) 13.95 11.50
Math 1 (4th Ed.)
Digit the Clown and Cecilia the Seal are your
child’s hosts in this 2015 revision. Students will
deepen their number sense as they develop an
understanding of place value by practicing addition and subtraction. Other topics include measurement, geometry, time and money concepts.
The text also introduces skills for writing equations, reading graphs and solving word problems. New chapters developing the concepts
of plane figures, graphs and charts have been
added to this edition. Chapters include a chapter
review and cumulative review. Manipulatives
are used in this hands-on approach to math.
Unifix cubes are also recommended for this
program, but any type of counters will work.
The Reviews workbook provides practice for
each lesson as well as a review of concepts that
have been taught in previous lessons. Chapter
reviews and cumulative reviews are included
at the end of each chapter. The Teacher Edition
includes a Toolkit CD-ROM with instructional
aids and enrichment activities.
501072 Home School Kit . . 164.73 140.00
294744 Teacher's Ed w/ CD . . 73.33
292417 Student Worktext . . . . 25.56
286690 Manipulatives Packet . 17.78
294751 Review Worktext . . . . 23.06
294769Testpack . . . . . . . . . . 14.72
294785 Testpack Answer Key . 10.28
000742 *Unifix Cubes (100) 13.95 11.50
018731 *Student Clocks (2) . . 3.17
204610 *Backyard Math w/ Zac: 1st Grade Concepts DVD19.9515.95
Zac the puppet learns a lot from his nextdoor neighbor Mrs. Walker. Every encounter in the backyard brings a new opportunity
to explore concepts and to review math
facts. This educational series consists of
12 fifteen-minute episodes on two videos.
Episodes cover place value to 100, money,
time and calendars, metric measurement,
customary measurement, geometry, fractions, two-digit addition and subtraction,
and renaming readiness. Despite some
corny jokes, Mrs. Walker's explanations are
clear and easy to understand. In fact, her
demonstration on how to tell time is one of
the best that I've ever seen. ~ Anh
Math 2 (3rd Ed.)
This edition has the same characters as the
previous one; Digit and Cecilia/Matt and Paddy
guide students through their math lessons.
Children learn addition and subtraction facts
up through 4 digits; place value of four-digit
numbers; introduction to division; fractions in
measurement; a.m./p.m. and noon/midnight;
more practice with elapsed time; introduction
to circle graph; plane figures: pentagon, hexagon, oval; slides, flips & turns; edges, vertex
and curves of solid figures; horizontal, vertical,
parallel and intersecting lines; and it includes
extra problem-solving pages. The student worktext has an updated look and includes a review
section in each lesson, as well as chapter review
and cumulative review pages in each chapter.
The Teacher’s Edition has a 2-page spread per
lesson and an easy-to-follow, bulleted format
with answers printed in magenta. A Toolkit CD
is included in the Teacher’s Edition which contains: re-teaching pages which replace “Spread
Your Wings;” fact reviews; reproducible pages
to replace the Home Teacher Packet; Teacher’s
visual packet which can be used on the computer screen or printed; and the answer key for
Math 2 Reviews. Math 2 Reviews workbook has
2 pages for each lesson, chapter reviews, and
cumulative review. For the lesson and chapter
reviews, the front of the page reviews concepts
from that day’s lesson. The back of the page
reviews a previous chapter concept and has a
fact review. Chapter reviews make a good study
guide for tests. The front page of the cumulative
review covers concepts from previous chapter
concepts, and the back page reviews facts.
Overall Bob Jones has made some appealing
changes in this program. ~ Donna
252676 Home School Kit . . 156.65 133.15
224451 Teacher’s Edition . . . . 73.33
281618 Student Worktext . . . . 25.56
224402 Manipulatives Packet . 17.78
224477 Student Reviews . . . . . 23.06
224410Testpack . . . . . . . . . . 13.89
224436 Testpack Answer Key . 9.72
002398 *Three Corner Flash Cards (Add/Subtract) . . . . . . 6.95
A version of these are included in Student
Manipulatives Packet.
Math 2 (4th Ed.)
Newest edition expected to be available late
299677 Student Worktext . . . . 25.56
299719 Student Material Packet
299735 Student Reviews . . . . . 23.06
299727 Teacher’s Visual Packet 69.72
299743Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.72
299750 Tests Answer Key . . . . 10.28
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Math 3 (3rd ed.)
In keeping with the Bob Jones’ tradition of
excellence, this program just got better. Math 3
has undergone a complete revision. The Student
Worktext includes some new skills such as
circle graphs, line plots, probability; mastery of
addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts
through 10; place-value of 5- and 6-digit numbers; adding and subtracting 5-digit numbers,
multiplying 3-digit factors, and an introduction to long division; and geometry. The new
Teacher’s Edition sports a question-and-answer
format rather than the old paragraph format. It
has also been reduced to a single volume and
includes the Teacher’s CD. The Teacher’s CD
holds visuals, enrichment pages, fact reviews,
reproducible pages, answers to review pages,
and bulletin board ideas. Math 3 Reviews now
have a two-page review for each lesson along
with a 2-page chapter review, and a 2-page
cumulative review. Tests and Answer Keys contain 2-page tests and follow the format of the
Student Worktext. The Teacher’s Visual Packet
and Student Manipulatives Packet are updated
with new art and colors. ~ Donna
264879 Homeschool Kit . . . 163.61 139.05
250720 Teacher’s Edition w/CD 73.33
296798 Student Worktext . . . . 25.56
231688 Student Manipulatives Packet17.78
231670 Reviews Activity Book 21.94
231720Testpack . . . . . . . . . . 14.72
231746 Testpack Answer Key . 10.28
231712 *Teacher’s Visual Packet
Math 4 (3rd Ed.)
Develops understanding of multiplication,
division, decimals, fractions, geometry and
pre-algebra concepts using manipulatives and
plenty of practice. Reviews skills in geometry,
time, measurement, money, etc. and continues to develop estimating and problem-solving
skills. Includes an optional pre-algebra chapter
introducing addition and subtraction of integers.
Sea theme, revised for 2010.
271114 Home School Kit . . 163.61 139.05
260109 Teacher’s Edition w/ CD
296814 Student Worktext . . . . 25.56
269506 Student Manipulatives Packet17.78
260117Testpack . . . . . . . . . . 14.72
260125 Testpack Answer Key . 10.28
260158 Reviews Activity Book 21.94
260133 *Teacher’s Visual Packet
Math 5 (3rd Ed.)
Presentation of more complex concepts and
problems in subtraction, multiplication, and
division of fractions, while continuing to practice earlier skills. Again, problem-solving skills
are integrated in the course, developing math
reasoning and judgement. Aviation theme.
278226 Home School Kit 141.67 120.40
269522 Teacher Book & CD . . 73.33
269589 Student Worktext . . . . 25.56
269548Testpack . . . . . . . . . . 14.72
269563 Testpack Answer Key . 10.28
Math 6 (3rd Ed.)
Revised for 2012, Grade 6 continues to develop
understanding of multiplication and division of
fractions, proportions, percents, statistics, ratios,
measurement and geometry along with further
development of problem-solving and estimation
skills. Includes a pre-algebra chapter introduc-
ing multiplication and division of integers using
manipulatives and real-life pre-algebra word
problems. “Courage in Crisis” theme.
283861 Home School Kit . . 144.44 122.75
275313 Tchr Ed. w/ CD . . . . . 73.33
275297 Student Text . . . . . . . . 28.33
269506 Student Materials Packet
275339Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.72
275347 Tests Answer Key . . . . 10.28
Grade 10 - Geometry (3rd Ed.)
A course that focuses on real-life geometry and
Teacher editions contain full student text with the orderliness in which God created our universe. Students learn to construct proofs built
overprints of answers.
on postulate systems as they study incidence,
logic, congruency, area, space, volume, simiGrade 7 - Fundamentals of Math (2nd Ed.)
In this revised and colorful edition, the accent larity, and trigonometry. Each chapter contains
is still on demonstrating the relevance of math analytic geometry and Biblical foundations feato everyday life. Chapters builds computational tures. Proofs and many calculations are worked
skills vital for higher level math by teaching out in full in the Teacher’s Edition. It provides
concepts with understanding. Special features practice and cumulative reviews as well as chalin each chapter include "openers" that provide lenging enrichment topics including calculator
real-life, historical or Biblical examples of top- skills, constructions skills, theology proofs, and
ics, problem-solving sections, and "Dominion biographies of mathematicians. Protractor and
through Math" problems that show math as part graphing calculator are recommended.
246561 Home School Kit . . 195.00 165.75
of God's creation.
264945 Home School Kit . . 227.78 193.60 238907 Teacher’s Edition . . . . 53.89
244228 Teacher Ed Book & CD 87.50 281592 Student Text . . . . . . . . 15.83
218933 Student Text . . . . . . . . 56.67 217620 Test Pack . . . . . . . . . . 11.39
262626 Student Activity Manual
19.17 217638 Test Pack Answer Key 19.17
262634 Teacher Activity Manual
37.22 217604 Stdt Activities Manual 34.72
218958Testpack . . . . . . . . . . 15.83 217612 Activities Manual Tchr Ed
218941 Tests Answer Key . . . . 11.39 039128 *Protractor (clear) . . . Grade 8 - Pre-Algebra (2nd Ed.)
Eases students into algebraic thinking by
introducing the concept of variables early,
then emphasizing equation-solving procedures
throughout the remaining chapters. Reviews and
builds on traditional arithmetic skills. Statistics
and geometry concepts are also included. Each
chapter opens with a consumer-related application of math to everyday life and concludes with
a unique "Math & Scripture" feature.
271270 Home School Kit . . 210.00 178.50
247460 Teacher's Edition w/ CD
233114 Student Text . . . . . . . . 56.67
233148Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.83
233106 Tests Answer Key . . . . 11.39
247478 Student Activity . . . . . 19.17
268565 Stdt Acty's Key w/ CD 37.22
Grade 9 - Algebra I (3rd Ed.)
Revised for 2012, this course continues into the
practical methods of solving first-and seconddegree equations and inequalities. Algebraic
skills are introduced in logical order: relations,
functions, graphing, systems of equations, radicals, factoring polynomials, rational equations,
and quadratic functions. Software takes the
place of solutions manual. It offers sample solutions to the problems in the text and has a drill
mode for practice. New features include tutorials for graphing calculators, internet keyword
searches and careers related to mathematics.
283952 Home School Kit . . 207.22 176.10
270561 Teacher Edition with CD
270546 Student Text . . . . . . . . 53.89
270579Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.83
270587 Tests Answer Key . . . . 11.39
270611 Student Activities . . . . 19.17
270645 Student Activities Key . 37.22
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Grade 10 - Geometry (4th Ed.)
Newest edition expected to be available late
506170 Home School Kit . . 150.83 128.20
299099 Student Text . . . . . . . . 53.89
299123 Teacher Book w/ CD . 69.72
299131Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.83
299156 Tests Answer Key . . . . 11.39
Grade 11 - Algebra 2 (3rd Ed.)
This continuing journey into algebra takes
a Dominion Modeling approach, presenting
mathematics within the Biblical worldview of
serving others and glorifying God. This course
begins with a review and extension of linear,
quadratic, polynomial, radical and rational
functions. Then students will study logarithms,
trigonometry, sequences and series, probability
and statistics, and conics. Students will need a
graphing calculator. Revised in 2014.
298042 Home School Kit . . 168.61 143.30
286401 Teacher’s Ed w/ CD . . 87.50
279141 Student Text . . . . . . . . 53.89
286419Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.83
286435 Test Answer Key . . . . . 11.39
Grade 12 - Pre-Calculus
This course emphasizes functions, graphing,
and trigonometry and introduces differential
calculus. Student text gives detailed explanations and lots of examples. Cumulative review
is incorporated in the problem sets. Teacher’s
Edition includes student pages, with notes and
answers in the margins.
201111 Home School Kit . . 168.61 143.30
182626 Teacher Edition . . . . . 87.50
267799 Student Text . . . . . . . . 53.89
182592Testpack . . . . . . . . . . 15.83
182634 Testpack Answer Key . 11.39
Consumer Math (11-12) (2nd Ed.)
This edition of Consumer Math is as practical as ever, covering essential topics for high
school students. Basic math skills such as rates,
ratios, proportions, percents, operations with
integers, algebra, and integer exponents; as well
as customary and international measurement
systems, conversions between the two, linear
measure, area, and volume are all covered
prior to continuing on with the study of math
in specific consumer areas. These include:
figuring and calculating income; short and
long term budgets; personal banking - different
accounts and interest rates; borrowing money;
transportation (the world of new cars, used cars,
insurance, gas, oil, tires, and such); food; clothing; housing - including mortgages, renting,
owning, and home maintenance/improvements;
life and health insurance policies; income taxes
- becoming familiar with the tax forms; and the
financial aspects of taking vacations. With a
very clear and easy-to-follow layout, and an
emphasis on wise stewardship based upon biblical principles, this is a thorough presentation of
practical, daily-life consumer math.
221762 Home School Kit . . 154.44 131.25
189316 Teacher's Edition . . . . 73.33
296806 ☼Student Text (Updated)
189290Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.83
189282 Tests Answer Key . . . . 11.39
Admittedly, no math program will work for
everyone - but I find few flaws in this motivating
and well-laid out program. Although it may be
more advanced for grade level than the “average” program, I don’t consider that a negative.
Because of the developmental approach to learning in this program, even a non-math type can
easily succeed, while the “math whiz” will be
challenged by the advanced topics introduced
Concepts are introduced incrementally, then practiced, developed, and continually reviewed as other concepts are introduced.
Pertinent Biblical concepts reinforce the math
lessons, also. I found these to be interesting
and appropriate to the material, not “forced” as
mere add-ons. Horizons lays a solid foundation
for numerical literacy with an early emphasis on
hands-on, concept learning via manipulatives
and one-on-one lessons. The program relies on
few separately purchased manipulatives by utilizing common household items and including
charts and number lines found in the teacher’s
handbooks. A useful table in the handbook
shows the integration of manipulatives in lessons so you can tell at a glance just what you’ll
need. Analytical reasoning and mental acumen
are stressed throughout the series, and memorization and drill are not neglected. The teacher
handbook is the heart of the program, containing daily lesson plans that are easy to implement. Reduced student pages are a tremendous
aid in planning and supply answers to the worktext exercises. Besides plans, the handbook
contains an overview, materials list, activities,
and supplemental worksheets (approx. one for
each 4 lessons). Designed for homeschoolers,
the activities, language, and lessons require no
alteration. There are 160 lessons per level, each
requiring approximately 20-30 minutes per day.
Tests are given after every 10 lessons to assess
retention of cumulative skills. While a good
part of each lesson is oral (especially at the K
level), the enticing, colorful student worksheets
lay foundations for lessons and review concepts
previously taught. There are two workbooks per
grade level. Please note that the actual lesson is
to be taught by you - there are only brief instructions on each page of the workbooks, which are
not intended to be self- instructional. Boxed set
contains teacher book and 2 student workbooks.
Additional Student Worksheet Packets contain
one photocopy of each reproducible master in
the teacher book.
Horizons 5
Continues to practice the four basic math
operations. Covers fractions, decimals, percents, exponents, cross products, mean, median, mode, and angle measurements.
000110 Boxed Set . . . . . . . 89.95 80.96
000112 Teacher Book only . 49.95 44.96
000113 Workbook One . . . 24.95 22.46
000115 Workbook Two . . . 24.95 22.46
016746 Worksheet Packet . . . 9.95
Horizons 6
Continues to build upon its coverage of math
basics. New concepts include word numbers
through hundred trillion, scientific notation,
Horizons K
base 2, 4-digit by 4-digit multiplication, diviCovers recognition and printing of numbers sion up to 5- and 6-digit quotients, perimeter,
0-100, simple addition and subtraction, skip- area and volume, ratios, graphs, and equations.
counting (by 10’s, 5’s, 2’s, 3’s, and 4’s), place 002323 Boxed Set . . . . . . . 89.95 80.96
value, measuring, calendars, time and money. 004604 Teacher Book only . 49.95 44.96
000680 Boxed Set . . . . . . . 79.95 71.96 002324 Workbook One . . . 24.95 22.46
010439 Teacher Book only . 39.95 35.96 002325 Workbook Two . . . 24.95 22.46
000681 Workbook One . . . 24.95 22.46 016747 Worksheet Packet . . . 9.95
000682 Workbook Two . . . 24.95 22.46
016748 Worksheet Packet . . . 9.95
8.96 Horizons Math Readiness Evaluation (1-6)
Just what we’ve been needing – a placement
Horizons 1
test for the Horizons math program. Included
Covers numeracy beyond 100, cardinal/ordinal are grade-level readiness tests. Begin testing
numbers, more complex addition/subtraction at current grade level: i.e. if student success(carrying/borrowing), time, fractions, graphs, fully completes the readiness test for 3rd grade,
sequence, estimation, sets, and measurement.
then place in 3rd grade program. If testing at
000685 Boxed Set . . . . . . . 89.95 80.96 current grade level is inconclusive, then the
017955 Teacher Book only . 49.95 44.96 student should take the previous test. Since the
000687 Workbook One . . . 24.95 22.46 Horizons scope and sequence is accelerated
021613 Workbook Two . . . 24.95 22.46 compared to some other curricula, this might
016742 Worksheet Packet . . . 9.95
8.96 not be a surprise. Each test will take 30 – 60
minutes. ~ Janice
Horizons 2
000205 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00
Covers more complex addition and subtraction, multiplication facts 1-10, place value, Horizons Manipulative Kits (K-6)
correspondence, fractions (½,¼), Fahrenheit temWe have had numerous requests for Horizons
perature, ratio, decimals (with money), area, manipulative kits over the years, so here they
perimeter, and volume.
are! When choosing which manipulatives to
000688 Boxed Set . . . . . . . 89.95 80.96 include in each kit, we decided to incorporate
018411 Teacher Book only . 49.95 44.96 the items most used at each level that are not
000689 Workbook One . . . 24.95 22.46 common househould items (like construction
021614 Workbook Two . . . 24.95 22.46 paper and a measuring cup). The Horizons
016743 Worksheet Packet . . . 9.95
8.96 program heavily utilizes flashcards for drill, and
while many of these flashcards are included,
Horizons 3
we also have provided some blank index cards
Covers more challenging addition and subtrac- so you can create some of the more specialtion, multiplication by up to 4 digits, division ized flashcards yourself. All of the manipulathrough 2-digit divisors with remainders, simple tives are also available separately - please see
geometry, map reading, Fahrenheit and Celsius our Manipulative-Based Instruction section for
temperature, metric system, and introduces descriptions of individual items. We offer a sepalgebraic concepts and equations.
arate manipulative kit for each grade, but if you
000713 Boxed Set . . . . . . . 89.40 80.46 plan on using Horizons for grades K-3, we also
010469 Teacher Book only . 49.95 44.96 offer a bundled kit, which includes all the items
020476 Workbook One . . . 24.95 22.46 from the individual kits. “Add-On” Kits make it
021615 Workbook Two . . . 24.95 22.46 easy to upgrade from one level to another if you
016744 Worksheet Packet . . . 9.95
8.96 already have one grade level kit So if you have
the Kindergarten (K) kit and want to continue to
Horizons 4
first grade, you would simply purchase the K-1
Reviews four basic functions. Introduces mul- Add-On Kit to receive additional manipulatives
tiplication of 2-digit by 2-digit with carrying, you will need for 1st grade. The chart to the
division with 2-digit divisor and quotient, addi- right shows which items are included in which
tion/subtraction of unlike fractions, pre-algebra kit. We offer upgrades to sets of 250 plastic or
concepts, ratios, and more.
wooden pattern blocks at Grades 5 and 6, simi000714 Boxed Set . . . . . . . 89.95 80.96 lar to our Saxon Math manipulative packages.
000717 Teacher Book only . 49.95 44.96 However, we have opted not to include Judy
000718 Workbook One . . . 24.95 22.46 Clocks or Teaching Clocks because although
000720 Workbook Two . . . 24.95 22.46 recommended in some lessons, they are used
016745 Worksheet Packet . . . 9.95
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Horizons Required
Crayons - Set of 16
2-Colored Plastic Counters (100)
Student Clock Wipe-Off (set of 2)
Folding Meter/Yard Stick
Index Cards(100-cards/pk, need...)
Geometric Shapes
Numbers 0-100 Flash Cards
Addition Flash Cards 0-12
Subtraction Flash Cards 0-12
Dry Erase Marker Board Set
Number Lines
Hundred Number Chart
Place Value Student Board
Play Money Set
Plastic Coins - Bag of 96
Base Ten Rods - Set of 50
Base Ten Decimeter Cube
Platform Scale
Deluxe Fraction Circles Set
Addition Flash Cards 13-18
Subtraction Flashcards 13-18
Division Flash Cards 0-12
Indoor/Outdoor Thermometer
Color Tiles - Plastic 1" - Set of
100 in four colors
Time Flash Cards
Multiplication Table/Grid
Safety Pencil Compass
Metric Graph Paper Pad
Dice (set of 4)
Metric Conversion Chart
Geoboard - 11-pin
Multiplication Flashcards 0-12
Colors & Shapes Flash Cards
Base Ten Flats - Set of 10
Double Nine Dominoes
Base Ten Unit Cubes - Set of 100
Dual Scale Thermometer - Set
of 10
Geoboard 6" (5 x 5 pin)
6" Plastic Protractor
Plastic Pattern Blocks - Set of 100
Tape Measure - 60"
Linking Cubes - Set of 100
infrequently. Demonstrations suggested for use
with larger clocks can also be shown on smaller
student clocks. Or, purchase these separately.
HZNKMK Grade K Kit . . . . . 65.46 48.95
HZN1MK Grade 1 Kit . . . . . 109.2169.95
HZN2MK Grade 2 Kit . . . . . 56.7940.75
HZN3MK Grade 3 Kit . . . . . 100.6262.75
HZNK3M Grades K-3 Kit . . . 171.46109.75
HZN4MK Grade 4 Kit . . . . . 85.6860.95
HZN5MK Grade 5 Kit . . . . . 100.1270.50
HZN5PB Grade 5 Kit w/ Plastic P/B Upgrade . . . . . 111.0881.50
HZN5WB Grade 5 Kit w/ Wooden P/B Upgrade . . . . . 113.0881.50
HZN6MK Grade 6 Kit . . . . . 65.9349.95
HZN6PB Grade 6 Kit w/ Plastic P/B Upgrade . . . . . 76.8960.95
HZN6WB Grade 6 Kit w/ Wooden P/B Upgrade . . . . . 78.8959.95
HZNKAD Gr. K-1 Add-On Kit 70.9447.50
HZN1AD Gr. 1-2 Add-On Kit 25.2917.75
HZN2AD Gr. 2-3 Add-On Kit 65.2342.50
HZN3AD Gr. 3-4 Add-On Kit 29.0026.95
HZN4AD Gr. 4-5 Add-On Kit 27.5720.95
HZN5AD Gr. 5-6 Add-On Kit 22.6315.95
Horizons Pre-Algebra (7-8)
Everyone would ask where
they should go when they finish Horizons grade 6, and the
answer is now much easier. If
you are a fan of the Horizons
format and content, Horizons
Pre-Algebra is the place to go.
The Student Book is colorful and consumable, unlike many pre-algebra courses. 160
lessons are numbered at the top of the page,
and are usually only one page (front and back)
in length. Lessons are designed to be done in 45
to 60 minutes each day, and consist of a major
concept and practice of previous concepts. A
teaching box at the beginning of each lesson
presents the concept, and the adjacent ‘classwork’ section is to be done by the teacher and
student together. The ‘activities’ section that
follows is for reinforcement of the new concept
and practice of older ones. Scattered throughout
the book are interviews called “A Math Minute
with…” These interviews are with regular people who use math in their careers or jobs. These
real-life examples (electrician, plant manager,
race car driver, etc.) are intended to answer
the question, “Why do I need math?” Every ten
lessons you’ll find a page entitled “It’s College
Prep Time!” This is a page of multiple choice
questions that are similar to standardized tests.
The Teacher Guide is an important part of this
course and includes lesson plans, answers and
solutions for the student book, tests, exams, and
worksheets imprinted into small-format student
pages, readiness evaluation, and instructions for
using the course.
Tests are taken every 10 lessons and are found
in the Tests and Resources book. There are 16
tests along with 4 exams which are to be taken
every 40 lessons. 80 worksheets for reinforcement and drill practice, and resources needed
for the lessons, are found in this book.
In the brief comparison I did with Saxon
Algebra ½, Horizons Pre-Algebra covers the
same topics but sequencing is a bit different.
Order of Operations and Probability is intro-
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
You might be wondering, "What's the difference between this curriculum and Horizons
Math?" After all, both programs come from
the same publisher and follow a similar scope
and sequence up to the sixth grade. The main
difference, in my opinion, is that Horizons is
not self-instructional (written instruction is not
included in workbooks). Another difference is
that LIFEPACs offer standard practice problems
whereas Horizons offers a greater variety of
problems (mazes, decoding, etc) as well as standard drills, but LIFEPACs provide many more
problems per workbook page. ~ Anh
Each Boxed Set 2-6 . . . . . 69.95 62.96
Each Boxed Set 7-12 . . . . 69.95 62.96
Horizons Algebra (8)
Using the same format as the pre-algebra in Each Set Lifepacs Only . . 59.95 53.96
the Horizons series, Algebra continues the consistency of staying with one program. Students Grade K - time, number lines, addition, subtracwill explore math through sports and real-life tion, writing and spelling numbers, and money,
applications throughout the 160 user-friendly directions (left/right, high/low), comparisons
lessons. The Horizons Algebra Set includes (big/little, greater/less), matching, numbers to
everything you need to do the course – Student 100, number words, ordinal numbers to ninth,
Book (consumable workbook), Teacher Guide, colors, shapes, skip counting (by 2, 5, & 10),
and tests/resource guide. Topics to be covered addition to 10, subtraction to 10, and multiples
in this course include exponents & powers, of 10, subtraction to 10
absolute value, radical expressions, multiplying 013790 Complete Boxed Set 49.95 44.96
and dividing monomials and polynomials, the 013791 K Student Book 1 . . 18.95 17.06
FOIL Method, factoring trinomials, as well as 013792 K Student Book 2 . . 18.95 17.06
solving, writing, and graphing linear equations.
Interviews are found in the Algebra I course (just Grade 1 - Number Order and Add/Subtract to
as in the pre-algebra) of people who use math 9; Add/Subtract to 10; Shapes, Fractions, and
in everyday life – some are more unusual and Symbols; Add to 18, Money & Measurement;
might present options for careers not yet thought Column Addition & Estimation, Number Words
to 99, Count to 200 and Subtract to 12, Add and
of by your student.
051915Set . . . . . . . . . . . . 99.95 89.96 Subtract to 18; Sensible Answers, Review
051916 Student Book . . . . . 39.95 35.96 013609 Complete Boxed Set 89.95 80.96
051917 Teacher Guide . . . . 39.95 35.96 013613 LIFEPACs Only
051918 Test & Resource Gd 24.95 22.46
Grade 2 - Numbers/Words to 100; Add/Subtract
and Even/Odd; Add with Carrying to the 10's
Place; Numbers/Words to 999 and Graphs;
A complete, Christian
Add/Subtract to 100's Place; Subtract with
Borrowing (10's place), Add with Carrying to the
emphasizes skill mastery.
100's Place; Volume & Coin Conversion, Area/
Each Complete Boxed Set
Square Measurement, Review
contains ten LIFEPACs and
013732 Complete Boxed Set
a teacher guide. The only
013772 LIFEPACs Only
exception is the Grade K
Boxed Set, which contains
Grade 3 - Add/Subtract to 18 & Place Value;
two student books and a
Carrying & Borowing; Facts of Add/Sub &
teacher guide. LIFEPACs
only (no teacher guide) are also available for Fractions; Rounding, Estimating, & Story Problems;
use with multiple students. Review and self-tests Plane Shapes & Symmetry; Multiplication,
are built into the curriculum. LIFEPACs are thin, Lines & Angles; Add/Sub of Mixed Numbers
consumable student work texts. They are color- & Probability; Measurements & Multiplication;
ful in the elementary grades, but become less Multiplication, Metrics & Perimeter; Probability,
colorful as the grade level increases. Each set of Units of Measure & Shapes
ten LIFEPACs provides a year-long curriculum. 013773 Complete Boxed Set
The spiral-bound teacher's guide contains a 013774 LIFEPACs Only
curriculum overview, teacher's notes, answer
keys, and suggested guidelines (for scheduling, Grade 4 - Whole Numbers & Fractions;
grading, study methods, etc). Daily lesson plans Multiplying Whole Numbers; Sequencing
are not included. Teacher guides for grades & Rounding; Lines & Shapes; Division &
K-1 provide more detailed teaching instruction Measurements; Division, Factors, & Fractions;
than guides for grades 2-12. Why? Because the Multiplication & Fractions; Whole Numbers &
LIFEPAC curriculum facilitates the independent Fractions; Decimals & Fractions; Estimation,
study approach. Starting in second grade, writ- Charts, & Graphs
ten instruction is included in each LIFEPAC so 013775 Complete Boxed Set
that the lessons are largely self-instructional. 013776 LIFEPACs Only
The teacher's responsibilities include introducing each LIFEPAC, setting a schedule, complet- Grade 5 - Operations of Whole Numbers;
ing teacher checks, being available for student Multiplication & Division; Perimeter, Area, &
questions, administering and grading tests, and Division; Shapes & Decimals; Measurements
& Fractions; Fractions & Decimals; Division
developing additional learning activities.
duced earlier in Horizons, but I think that is due
to the review found at the beginning of Saxon.
Exponents and the Pythagorean Theorem are
taught at about the same point, and both books
have geometry lessons.
The goal of Horizons Pre-Algebra is to prepare
students for Algebra 1. This course is well done
and should meet the need of the many that prefer the Horizons products. ~ Donna
049185 Student Book . . . . . 39.95 35.96
049186 Tests/Resources Bk . 24.95 22.46
049187 Teacher’s Guide . . . 39.95 35.96
049188 Pre-Algebra Set . . . 99.95 89.96
& Metric Units; Calculators & Prime Factors;
Fractions & Decimals; Probability & Charts
013777 Complete Boxed Set
013778 LIFEPACs Only
Grade 6 - Whole Numbers and Algebra;
Data Analysis; Decimals; Fractions; Fraction
Operations; Ratio, Proportion and Percent;
Probability and Geometry; Geometry &
Measurement; Integers and Transformations;
Equations and Functions
013780 Complete Boxed Set
013781 LIFEPACs Only
Grade 7: Integers; Fractions; Decimals; Patterns
& Equations; Rations & Proportions; Probabilty
& Graphing; Data Analysis; Geometry;
Measurements & Area; Surface Area & Volume
013783 Complete Boxed Set
013784 LIFEPACs Only
Grade 8: Pre-Algebra - Real Number System;
Modeling Problems in Integers; Modeling
Problems with Rational Numbers; Proportional
Reasoning; More with Functions; Measurement;
Plane Geometry; Measures of Solid Figures;
Data Analysis; Probability
013785 Complete Boxed Set
013787 LIFEPACs Only
Grade 9: Algebra I - Variables & Numbers;
Solving Equations; Problem Analysis & Solution;
Polynomials; Algebraic Factors; Algebraic
Fractions; Radical Expressions; Graphing;
Systems; Quadratic Equations & Review
013788 Complete Boxed Set
013789 LIFEPACs Only
Grade 10: Geometry - A Mathematical System;
Proof; Angles & Parallels; Congruency; Similar
Polygons; Circles; Construction & Locus; Area &
Volume; Coordinate Geometry; Review
013621 Complete Boxed Set
013632 LIFEPACs Only
Grade 11: Algebra II - Sets, Structure, &
Function; Numbers, Sentences, & Problems;
Linear Equations & Inequalties; Polynomials,
Radical Expressions; Real Numbers; Quadratic
Relations & Systems; Exponential Functions;
Counting Principles; Review
013645 Complete Boxed Set
Grade 12: Pre-Calculus - Relations & Functions;
Special Functions; Trigonometric Functions;
Circular Functions & Graphs; Identities &
Functions; Trigonometric Functions; Inverse
Trigonometric Functions; Quadratic Equations;
Probability; Calculus & Review
013647 Complete Boxed Set
Consumer Math (11+)
Practical application of math in the areas of
family finances, occupations, business, and
transportation. Helps students to solve real-life
problems in budgeting, banking, and taxes.
Boxed set includes review test and a solution
key, which includes answers to the Lifepac
questions, self-test, and test. LIFEPACs Only
includes just the Lifepacs. Prerequisites are
Algebra I and Geometry.
010610 Boxed Set . . . . . . . 55.95 50.36
010611 10 LIFEPACs Only . 45.95 41.36
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Switched-On Schoolhouse Mathematics (3-12)
Alpha Omega offers their courses in interactive
curriculum software. Features include automatic
grading and record keeping, videos, animations,
and sound files, custom curriculum options,
advanced lesson planning, a variety of desktop
themes, printing options, and more. Please
refer to the Curriculum/Unit Studies section of
this catalog for more details on both new and
improved features of the 2014 version and necessary system requirements. Minimum system
requirements: Windows Vista Service Pack 2/
Windows 7/ Windows 8 & 8.1 and Windows
10. (not Mac-compatible); CD-ROM drive and
printer (recommended).
EACH GRADE . . . . . . . . . . . 99.95 89.96
011547 Grade 3
011552 Grade 8
011548 Grade 4
011553 Grade 9
011549 Grade 5
011544 Grade 10
011550 Grade 6
011545 Grade 11
011551 Grade 7
011546 Grade 12
if the teacher is not on-hand to answer questions
when the lesson is actually completed). The
more familiar the teacher is with the course content, the easier it will be to answer student questions, especially since answer keys, but not solutions, are provided. Although no recommended
grade levels were given, I would consider this
elective a high school level course.
requirements: Windows Vista Service Pack 2/
Windows 7/ Windows 8 & 8.1.; CD-ROM drive
and printer (recommended). - Anh
013273 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98.95 89.06
Primary Math US (1-6) is an adaptation of the
3rd edition for use in the U.S. Although a small
amount of content (division of fractions) from
the 2nd edition was added back into the US
edition, it is almost identical to the 3rd edition.
The US edition adds sections for U.S. customary
measurements and uses U.S. spelling and conventions. We expect this edition to be available
indefinitely. ©2003
Primary Math S/E (Standards Edition) (K-6) was
adapted to meet the pre-Common Core CA math
standards. An additional amount of content
(probability, data analysis, negative numbers,
coordinate graphing) from the 2nd edition was
added back in and topics were rearranged but it
is similar to the US edition. Cumulative Reviews
at the end of each Unit and practice sets within
each unit were added. Textbooks are in color.
©2008 This edition will be phased out. Includes
Earlybird Kindergarten Math.
Switched-On Schoolhouse Trigonometry (9-12)
This elective course contains six units which
cover right angle trigonometry, graphing,
inverse functions, analytic trigonometry, trigonometric identities, the laws of sine and cosine,
and polar coordinates. Algebra II is a prerequisite. System requirements: Windows Vista
Service Pack 2/Windows 7/ Windows 8 & 8.1
and Windows 10.
Switched-On Schoolhouse Essentials of 009360 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56.95 51.26 Primary Math CC (Common Core) (K-5) is
aligned to the Common Core State Standards
Mathematics (8-12)
and is another adaptation of the 3rd ediDesigned for use as a basic math refresher,
tion. Only minor changes were made to the
remedial practice, or for accelerated learners,
scope and sequence. Unit Reviews are no
this elective course does not have a prerequisite.
longer cumulative and Practices were removed
It contains seven units including: statistics, data
although some of the content was incorpoanalysis, probability, algebraic functions, mearated into the lessons. ©2014 Includes Earlybird
surement, geometry, mathematical reasoning
Kindergarten Math CC. This edition will be
and algebra I. System requirements: Windows
available for the foreseeable future.
Vista Service Pack 2/Windows 7/ Windows 8
& 8.1 and Windows 10; CD-ROM drive and
New Elementary Math (7-8) is a no-frills proprinter (recommended).
gram based on an older Singaporian program
020294 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56.95 51.26
and covering integrated algebra and geometry.
It's considered a sequel to the Primary Math
Consumer Math Switched-On Schoolhouse (9-12)
An easy program to use, for both student and
teacher. This three CD-ROM set contains a
Dimensions Math (7-8) is an updated and more
year's worth of lessons in consumer mathemat- SINGAPORE MATH PROGRAMS (PK-10)
Countries around the world first became colorful version that is now aligned to the CCSS.
ics. The Switched-On Schoolhouse program
creates an interactive learning environment interested in Singapore's math curriculum when It's also considered a sequel to the Primary Math
by combining written instruction with video results of the Third International Math and programs.
clips, audio clips, animation, and vocabulary Science Study (TIMSS) were published in 1995.
games (that's right, even in math it's important Conducted by the International Study Center at Math in Focus (K-8) was developed by Great
to learn the appropriate vocabulary). Like Boston College, achievement tests in both math Source (a division of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
other Switched-On Schoolhouse subjects, this and science were administered to students in in conjunction with Marshall Cavendish (the
computer-based course is NOT intended for over 40 countries. Students from Singapore original publisher in Singapore). Although the
self-study. Personal instruction is required. This ranked highly in mathematics achievement: 1st basic instructional sequences are similar and the
software is not intended to replace the teacher, in the fourth, seventh, and eighth grade levels content is very close to the SE, material added to
but to free up some of the teacher's time by tak- and 2nd at the third grade level. Results for the most recent editions brings it into alignment
ing care of administrative tasks such as grading the U.S. were disappointing: 10th in the third with CC. Math in Focus has a more American
grade, 11th in the fourth grade, 23rd in the look and "feel." ©2010, 2014
and writing lesson plans.
This course consists of the following ten units: seventh grade, and 27th at the eighth grade
basic math review, personal finance, statistics, level. In a follow-up study in 1999, Singapore
taxes & insurance, banking & credit goods, again ranked 1st in eighth grade math achieve- Primary math us EDITION (1-6)
I’ll admit, my initial reaction to this program
purchase & sale of goods, leisure & travel & ment while U.S. eighth graders ranked 19th.
retirement, job-related services, and consumer Although a first place ranking does not neces- was skeptical. The textbooks are thin and have a
math review. Each unit contains approx. twenty sarily imply the best program, something about straightforward, no-nonsense appearance. Texts
switch from full-color to two-toned pages after
lessons, two to five quizzes, and one unit test. Singapore's math program was working.
"Singapore Approach Math" is a general term second grade, and all workbooks are printed in
Once the teacher sets up the student calendar,
lesson plans are automatically generated by referring to a type of mathematical instruction black and white. After spending a great deal of
evenly spreading the course work over the total (i.e. curriculum) developed from a syllabus time evaluating the program’s contents, hownumber of school days. Up to five students can designed by Singapore's Ministry of Education ever, my opinion has improved considerably.
be registered on this software, and access for in the 1980s. There were a number of revisions Primary Math uses a concrete-to-pictorial-toand the 3rd edition was the last edition used in abstract approach to teaching. Concrete illuseach student is password protected.
One feature I really enjoyed using was the Singapore. The good test scores were associ- trations are incorporated heavily in the early
message posting system. Before each new les- ated with this material and all of our Singapore grades, gradually giving way to more abstract
son, the teacher can skim the material and post Approach Math programs are based primarily on representations so that math is learned meaninghints or explanations to potentially confusing the 3rd edition although it is no longer available fully. The program builds strong problem solvsections. During the lesson, the student can for sale. Components from different editions are ing, critical thinking, and computational skills
read these messages and post his or her own not interchangeable but a student can move through well-chosen practice problems.
comments and questions (which is really useful between the editions in-between levels.
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Each grade consists of two semester sets to be
completed in one year. For example, the complete first grade curriculum requires the 1A and
1B textbooks (non-consumable) and the 1A and
1B workbooks (consumable). Workbook assignments are directly correlated with each textbook.
Small arrows, usually located in the lower left
hand corner of a page, specify when to pause in
the text and what exercise number to complete.
Brief teacher’s instructions are provided in
each textbook’s preface, which I highly suggest
reading. Although the pace of the course really
depends on the individual student, 2-3 pages in
the text is usually enough for one day’s lesson. To
effectively use the textbook, the teacher should
study the examples ahead of time in order to
determine the best way to verbally explain a concept to the student. Teacher-student or studentstudent discussions are an important part of this
program. Unfortunately, the text doesn’t tell you
how to facilitate discussions.Fortunately, there
are now Teacher Guides and Home Instructor
Guides available for all levels.
Both the Teachers Guides and the Home
Instructor Guides include answers to the textbook and workbook problems. Both of these
publications help teachers understand the course
material and provide suggestions to help you
introduce concepts. As a general rule, the TGs
are more oriented to the classroom while the
HIGs are more geared to working one-on-one
with a student. However, both provide detailed
lesson plans. The TGs have daily lesson plans
while the HIGs provide teaching segments indicating the number of weeks to spend per unit. A
significant difference between the two is that the
HIGs have a sidebar column that shows assignments complete with answers and often solutions. Assignments in the TGs are listed within
the lesson plans and all answers are in the back
of the book. Also included in the appendix of
each are mental math worksheets and some
teaching helps. Answers (but no solutions) to
the U.S. edition textbooks and workbooks are
also available in separate answer key booklets.
Users of Singapore Math can seek support with
specific problems or general concerns at www. through the “forum” link.
TGs and HIGs both include lists of suggested
manipulatives and materials. (please see our
Singapore Math Manipulative category at the
end of the Singapore Math section.
Extra practice sets are included in all textbooks, except first grade. These problem sets
are optional and should be done only after the
workbook exercises for that section have been
completed. Cumulative review sections are
also incorporated into the text, although not
on a daily basis like Saxon. Review sections
are also included in each workbook. Although
these problem sets are optional, I would strongly
suggest completing the extra practice. Some of
the review sets are quite lengthy, and you might
want to consider devoting a day’s lesson to
review whenever a longer set arises. I suspect a
key factor to this program’s success in Singapore
is that students are both motivated and expected
to practice their math skills through homework
and optional problem sets. Calculator use is
strictly up to the teacher, although Primary Math
tends to emphasize mental calculations.
While some believe that Primary Math contains “just the right amount of practice”, others
believe not enough is provided. For students
who feel they need more practice to really
“own” a concept or skill, a variety of supplements, specifically designed to complement
Primary Math, are available.
Compared to Saxon, Primary Math encompasses a narrower scope. While Saxon covers
coordinate graphing, negative numbers, square
roots, and probability, these topics are omitted
from Primary Math and are not covered until
New Elementary Math. The smaller scope,
however, allows the program to emphasize the
basics. Primary Math focuses on the four arithmetic operations (using whole numbers, fractions, and decimals), perimeter, area, volume,
angles, quadrilaterals, symmetry, time, length,
weight, money, graphs, and algebraic expressions (introduced in 6th grade). Saxon moves
a bit slower introducing Algebra in Math 87.
Miquon, which only covers grades 1-3, correlates very well with Primary Math.
Primary Math U.S. Edition
EACH TXT/WKBK (except noted) EACH SET 1A-1B . . . . . . . . . 44.90
EACH SET 2A-4B . . . . . . . . . 43.89
Math 1 Textbook Workbook
1A 023977023991PMUS1A
1B 023978023992PMUS1B
Math 2
Math 3
Math 4
Math 5
023985 5A
023999 5A
023986 5B
024000 5B
Textbook .
Set . . . . . .
Textbook .
Workbook .
Set . . . . . .
. . . . .
. . .
. . 42.99
Math 6
023987 6A
024001 6A
023988 6B
024002 6B
Textbook .
Set . . . . . .
Textbook .
Workbook .
Set . . . . . .
. . . . .
. . .
. . 42.99
Primary Math Answer Keys
If you don't need teaching helps but would like an
answer key for Singapore
Primary Math, this product
is for you. These are for
the U.S. Edition Primary
Math and include answers
for both the textbooks and
workbooks. The first booklet includes all the
answers for textbook/workbook 1A to 3B while
the second covers 4A to 6B.
023989 Booklet 1-3 . . . . . . . . 7.50
023990 Booklet 4-6 . . . . . . . . 7.50
Teacher Guides & Solutions Manuals
Primary Math Teacher's Guides
The Rosenbaum Foundation, a private organization that believes "Primary Mathematics books
are the best elementary school math books available in English", has produced teacher's guides
for Primary Math 1A and 1B, for use with the
U.S. edition and 3rd Singapore editions. These
spiral-bound books provide a detailed teaching
sequence which incorporates learning activities
with specific textbook and workbook pages.
0136851A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.00
0136891B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.00
Primary Math U.S. Teacher Guides
These spiral-bound teacher guides are specifically written for their corresponding Primary
Math U.S. Edition textbooks. Charts link learning objectives to specific activities, textbook,
and workbook pages. Extremely detailed
teacher's notes describe thought processes that
should be going on while working an algorithm
or solving a word problem with a pictorial
model. Includes answers to textbook and workbook problems, and solutions to selected word
problems. ~ Anh
0080392A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.00
031503 2B (Rev) . . . . . . . . . . 32.00
0080713A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.00
031504 3B (Rev) . . . . . . . . . . 30.00
0315054A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.00
037938 4B (Rev) . . . . . . . . . . 28.00
0379395A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.00
0379405B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.00
0045916A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.00
0369906B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.00
Primary Math US Home Instructor’s Guides
If you're looking for a little more help on how
to teach Primary Math, these support guides
are just what you need. Each guide provides a
suggested teaching schedule, detailed notes to
the instructor referencing specific course book
pages, games and activities, complete textbook
and workbook answers, step-by-step solutions
for all word problems, and mental math pages.
Suggested games and activities may require
additional materials, such as a base-10 set,
multilink cubes, hundred chart, etc. Currency
replacement pages (depicting U.S. money) are
also included. ~ Anh
EACH GUIDE 1A-1B . . . . . . . . 18.50
EACH GUIDE 2A-6B . . . . . . . . 17.49
Tests and Extra Practice
Primary Math Extra Practice (1-6)
This supplemental practice series also matches the scope and sequence of the Primary
Mathematics U.S. Edition textbooks. Similar
in format to the Primary Math workbooks,
these workbooks include the same types of
problems and exercises. Answers included.
Approximately 100-120 pgs, black and white,
consumable. ~ Anh
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
EACH BOOK (1-3) . . . . . . . . . . 12.00
EACH BOOK (4-6) . . . . . . . . . . 12.30
030210 Primary 1
030222 Primary 4
030214 Primary 2
030226 Primary 5
030218 Primary 3
030230 Primary 6
Primary Math Intensive Practice U.S. Ed. (1-6)
This series follows the same scope and
sequence as the Primary Mathematics U.S.
Edition texts, but it is broken into semesters like
the original Singapore edition texts. Now you
can have twice as much practice for each semester (compared to Primary Math Extra Practice),
but you must purchase both books if you want
to supplement an entire level. Approximately
120 pgs, black and white, consumable. ~ Anh
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.80
030211 Math 1A
030223 Math 4A
030212 Math 1B
030224 Math 4B
030215 Math 2A
030227 Math 5A
030216 Math 2B
030228 Math 5B
030219 Math 3A
030231 Math 6A
030220 Math 3B
030232 Math 6B
Singapore Math COMMON CORE
Earlybird Kindergarten Math CC Edition (K)
Bright, colorful workbooks, optional activity
books, solid progression of first readiness skills
(K4) and then introductory arithmetic skills all
tied together with a user-friendly teacher guide.
This is the Earlybird Kindergarten program –
two levels (A & B) that can be used either as
separate K4 and K5 programs (one book per
year) or with quicker pacing as a kindergarten
program (both books in one year). An adaptation of the original Earlybird math, the program
has been slightly modified to align to Common
Core. Mathematical concepts are systematically
presented and reinforced using a concrete to
pictorial to abstract approach.
The Textbooks (A & B) include the actual
instruction and can be used independently
of the corresponding Activity Book or the
Teacher Guide. Each page has instructional
notes at the bottom which are lightly scripted
and labeled Introduction (manipulatives-based),
Development, or Consolidation. Level A (8
units) covers matching/sorting; numbers to 5;
to 10; ordering numbers; shapes; patterns;
comparing sets; and measurements. Level B (7
units) covers comparing numbers to 10; numbers to 20; number bonds to 10; addition to
10; subtraction to 10; addition/subtraction; and
numbers to 100. Review pages at the end of
each unit serve as assessments. Math at Home
tear-out sheets included with each book are
designed to involve the family in learning activities. Manipulatives used by these books include:
linking cubes, counters, domino cards, craft
sticks, and geometric shapes.
The Activity Books add an element of hands on
activities – and fun! Units parallel the textbooks
and have a nice variety of coloring, pasting,
writing, and games. Each book includes twentyish sets of cutouts in the back that are used in
conjunction with a few of the book pages. The
books coordinate with the Readers (from the
Standards Edition) but can be used either independently of all the other components or as a
companion to the Textbooks. Since the Readers
are adaptations of familiar children’s rhymes
and stories, the Activity Books can even be used
with books from the library or your own shelves.
Big Books are mentioned in the TG in relation
to the Activity Books but are not necessary and
not sold by us.
The Teacher Guide ties everything together,
providing reduced copies (with answers) of
all student pages in both the Textbooks and
the Activity Books. Each set of detailed lesson
plans includes objectives, listing of CC standards applied, materials, vocabulary list, and
the teaching sequence. Although these parallel and duplicate the instructions found in the
Textbooks, the overall organization is a little
clearer because you see how the unit pages
work together to provide the Introduction,
Development, Consolidation, Practice, and
Conclusion parts of the various lessons. A number of resources are found in the back of the TG
and include: complete listing of the CCSS for
kindergarten, the K program curriculum map,
reproducible masters for many of the manipulatives (such as domino cards) and additional
activity sheets (patterns, picture cards, geometric nets). 225 pgs, spiral-bound.
All in all, this is a well constructed kindergarten math program, designed to prepare the child
well for Primary Math (or any elementary math
program). Frankly, the student books are delightful with colorful, engaging – almost entertaining
– graphical representations of people and animals. The various options (with/without Activity
Books; with/without Teacher Guides) give you a
lot of flexibility in terms of expense without any
real sacrifices in terms of actual mathematical
instruction. Obviously using both the Activity
Books and the TGs will round-out and make the
program more full-bodied, but the actual mathematical instruction is still strong using just the
Textbooks. ~ Janice
058072 Textbook A . . . . . . . . 22.00
058068 Activity Book A . . . . . 16.00
058070 Teacher Guide A . . . . 53.00
058073 Textbook B . . . . . . . . 22.00
058069 Activity Book B . . . . . 16.00
058071 Teacher Guide B . . . . 53.00
Primary Mathematics CC Edition (1-5)
The teaching methodology utilized by ALL
the Singapore Approach math programs is an
exceptionally effective progression from concrete to pictorial to abstract reasoning. Not
exactly incremental (like Saxon) or spiral (again,
like Saxon) or unit-style (like Horizons), basic
concepts are presented using more than one
approach and with an emphasis on mastery.
Textbooks and workbooks and Teacher Guides
(or Home Instructor Guides when available)
cohesively and effectively mix drill, word problems, and mental calculation with instruction
and apply to all important concepts. There is
a program-wide emphasis on basic computational skills (i.e. number operations, fractions,
decimals, and percents) coupled with critical
thinking and problem solving. Creative problem
solving is centered in the bar model drawing
methodology. To visually represent problems
students are taught to translate them into bar
models which help to both understand the concepts and to develop a good solution strategy, as
well as serving as a bridge to algebraic thinking.
In comparing the various editions of Primary
Math (US, SE, and CC), it’s important to remember that in all of the basic characteristics they
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
are much more alike than they are different. We
can get bogged down trying to determine the
actual differences between the editions when,
in reality, they are extremely minor in relation
to the solidarity and consistency of the teaching
The CC edition is aligned to the Common
Core State Standards which have been adopted
by many states but which are still controversial.
In relation to Primary Math, this alignment has
not impacted in any significant way the general
methodology of the program. In fact, it still has
the same basic structure, content, and format
of its original predecessor developed over thirty
years ago. However, there has been a small
amount of content (data analysis, probability,
negative numbers, and coordinate graphing)
added, and topics have been rearranged. If you
want to carefully compare the three American
editions (US, SE, and CC) from Singapore Math,
Inc, we have a scope and sequence chart on our
website that includes all three.
There are some format changes in the CC edition. As in the SE (but not the US) all textbooks
are in color. Workbooks are still black and
white (as in all editions). Instead of being cumulative, reviews at the end of each unit cover
only the unit material. Practices (frequent in the
SE texts) have been removed but some of that
content has been incorporated into the lessons.
Most significantly, the Teacher Guides now
include reduced-size copies of both textbook
and workbook pages. As would be expected,
the Teacher Guide specifies which CC standards
are applicable to each lesson.
It is NOT possible to mix basic components
(i.e. workbooks, textbooks, TGs, or HIGs) from
one edition with those from another edition
although the supplementary material can be
used across editions. It IS possible to change
from one edition to another but changes should
be made after completing the B books of one
level and before the A books of another level.
There are two full-color Textbooks (A and B)
for each level. Although the texts are written
to the student, it is assumed that instruction is
being facilitated and supervised by the teacher.
For instance, much of the concrete aspect of the
lesson presentation is conducted by the teacher
using manipulatives and supplies outlined in the
Teacher Guide before progressing to the pictorial representation found in the textbooks. Also,
the mental math activities (an important component of the program) are based in the Teacher
Guide. The Textbooks could be used either as
consumable (working and writing answers to
problems as the student progresses through the
lesson) or as non-consumable – answering orally in dialog with the teacher or writing answers
on separate pieces of paper.
Workbooks (black and white) correlate directly
with the textbooks and the student is expected
to do all the work in them independently. The
workbooks provide focused practice on the
mathematical concepts presented in the textbook lessons. It’s important to note that the
workbooks are just that – practice and reinforcement – with the bulk of the mathematical
instruction presented through the textbooks.
Although many people feel that there is an
appropriate amount of practice/reinforcement in
the workbook when coupled with the textbook,
some students will need or want more and that’s
where the supplementary books – Extra Practice
and Challenging Word Problems come in.
Teacher Guides are exceedingly useful – if
not necessary – for these courses. They help
the teacher understand the course material, particularly key concepts such as the bar modeling
method which the parent might not be familiar
with. They provide detailed lesson plans (not
quite scripted but thorough) which coordinate
the textbook presentations with the workbook
practice. Lessons often include references to
Mental Math, Reinforcement, or Enrichment
activities as well as suggestions for memorizing
math facts. There are reproducible worksheets
for Mental Math and Reinforcement as well as
descriptions for activities and games found in
the back of the TG. Answers to those worksheets
as well as the workbook exercises and the textbook examples are all found in the TG. Now
with this CC edition, reduced copies of the student pages (with answers) are included, as well.
(8.5” x 11,” 260 pgs, spiral-bound)
Home Instructor Guides will be coming –
probably at the rate of a half-level or full level
per year. However, they were not available for
the 2014-2015 year and we have not heard if/
when any will be available for 2015-2016.
Primary Digital: Unique to this CC edition is
a new online digital curriculum that complements the core materials of Primary Math CC.
Using the same basic teaching methodologies
but combined with multimedia technology and
designed for use in the classroom and at home,
it can provide homework, lessons, tests, or
review. Ultimately, there may be many more
applications to this program but at the time of
this writing, the website was still labeled as
“under construction.” Cost for one level for one
student for one year is projected at $99. With
the exception of tests (currently not available for
the CC edition), the content of Primary Digital
appears to parallel the printed version rather
than augment it.
The Singapore approach math programs
remain a strong option. All three editions will
equally prepare your student for pre-algebra.
Their pacing is slightly more advanced than
some (most notably Saxon) which works well for
some students. Because of these pacing differences, it is a good idea to take a placement test
prior to moving from another program into any
of the Singapore approach programs. We have
tests specific to the US and SE editions but not
yet for the CC. If considering the CC, it’s recommended that students take the US placement
test. Due to the reduced practice exercises and
cumulative reviews, some students are more
likely to need the supplemental Extra Practice
workbooks when using the CC edition.
Suggested manipulatives include: base ten
blocks, linking cubes, measuring tools, number
cubes, number discs (or place value disks),
place value chart, solid blocks, and miscellaneous items such as fraction squares, geometric
shapes, play money, and graph paper.
Math 1
058084 Textbook 1A . . . . . . . 16.30
058094 Workbook 1A . . . . . . . 16.00
058074 Teachers Guide 1A . . . 55.00
058085 Textbook 1B . . . . . . . . 16.30
058095 Workbook 1B . . . . . . . 16.00
058075 Teachers Guide 1B . . . 55.00
Math 2
Textbook 2A . . . . .
Workbook 2A . . . .
Teachers Guide 2A .
Textbook 2B . . . . .
Workbook 2B . . . . .
Teachers Guide 2B .
Math 3
Textbook 3A . . . . .
Workbook 3A . . . .
Teachers Guide 3A .
Textbook 3B . . . . .
Workbook 3B . . . . .
Teachers Guide 3B .
Math 4
Textbook 4A . . . . .
Workbook 4A . . . .
Teachers Guide 4A .
Textbook 4B . . . . .
Workbook 4B . . . . .
Teachers Guide 4B .
Math 5
Textbook 5A . . . . .
Workbook 5A . . . .
Teachers Guide 5A .
Textbook 5B . . . . .
Workbook 5B . . . . .
Teachers Guide 5B .
Primary Math Extra Practice CC Edition (1-5)
Extra Practice is a consumable workbook series
that is coordinated with
the scope and sequence
of the Primary math workbooks/textbooks and provides additional practice
exercises. Specific to each
series (i.e. US, SE, and
CC), these workbooks (one
per level) consolidate and reinforce the mathematical skills taught. Exercises are short and topic-specific which means they can be assigned
only as students need additional practice in a
given topic. It’s expected that the student will
be able to work through these exercises either
independently or with minimal assistance.
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.20
058104 Grade 1
058107 Grade 4
058105 Grade 2
058108 Grade 5
058106 Grade 3
Primary Math CC Edition Answer Key Booklets
EACH BOOKLET . . . . . . . . . . . 9.50
066047 Booklet 1A-3B
066048 Booklet 4A-5B
Challenging Word Problems Primary Math CC
Edition (1-5)
Featuring a progression of difficulty, these
provide enrichment and extra challenge for
students at various ability levels including sharp
math students.
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.50
058063 Grade 1
058066 Grade 4
058064 Grade 2
058067 Grade 5
058065 Grade 3
Singapore Math Standards Edition
(CA Standards) (K-5)
The Standards Edition (SE) is an adaptation of
Singapore Approach Math that is aligned to the
CA math standards. At the end of the millennium (1997), CA led the way in re-establishing
rigorous math standards in the United States.
Changes needed to bring the 3rd edition Primary
Math into alignment with the CA standards were
rather minimal and pertain mostly to additional
review coupled with some rearrangement of
material. A small amount of new content (data
analysis and probability) was added. This edition is being replaced by the Common Core
edition. While both will continue to be available for a little while, gradually the SE will go
out of print. ~ Janice
Earlybird Kindergarten Math (Standards Ed) (K)
This is a 1 or 2-year preschool/kindergarten
program that emphasizes concepts over drill.
Like most early learning programs, a great deal
of work is done linking sets of concrete objects
to the numbers they represent. Although not
developed by Singapore’s Ministry of Education,
this program was written by an educator with 28
years experience writing preschool and primary
school materials.
This program introduces the basics of color,
shape, size, numbers to 100 (but focusing on
1-10), length, weight, volume, time, money,
picture graphs, and single-digit addition and
subtraction. Topics like place value, addition,
and subtraction are not covered until the second
year. There is a review at the end of each unit.
Textbooks include a simple glossary, an index,
and some “Math at Home” pages. The chapters
on addition and subtraction provide additional
material on different interpretations (e.g. number bonds, part-whole, counting on, counting
back). Numbers past 30 and to 100 and money
topics are not part of the CA standards and were
moved to the last two units.
Numerous illustrations are used not only to
facilitate learning, but also to hold a child’s
interest. The author’s philosophy seems to be
“quality before quantity.” She presents a few
well-illustrated problems rather than simply
listing 10-15 practice problems. Brief teacher’s
instructions on how to use the workbook are
located at the bottom of each page. Suggestions
on how to approach a topic and reminders
about specific vocabulary to introduce are often
provided. The amount of material to cover in
one day is up to the teacher. The teacher is
also responsible for planning suggested preworkbook activities, drawing the student into
mathematical discussions, and when necessary,
guiding the student through workbook exercises.
The Activity Books follow the teaching
sequence in the textbook and are designed to
be used with the K Math Readers, although
neither is required. The readers are based on
well-known children’s rhymes and stories; each
of the readers accompanies two textbook units.
There are suggestions for extra materials most of
which are simple items from around the house.
The list of suggested manipulatives, however,
would be useful to have on hand.
Teachers who prefer more detailed lesson
plans, like those provided in Saxon’s Math K
Teacher’s Manual, might have difficulty with just
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
the Workbook's brief instructions. The Teacher's
Guides provide more detailed lesson plans plus
show the integration of the Readers and Activity
Books with the Workbooks. Answer keys are
only available in the Teacher Guide but are
generally unnecessary, for this level.
Compared to other programs, Earlybird Math
does have certain disadvantages. Some prefer
workbooks that contain more practice exercises,
like Horizons K. Horizons also moves at a
quicker pace and covers addition and subtraction to a more advanced level. Nonetheless,
Earlybird Math does a thorough job of teaching the basics. It will probably appeal most to
children who are visual learners and parents
who feel comfortable explaining math concepts,
appreciate some instructional guidance, but
don’t mind planning their own lessons.
043035 Textbook A S/E . . . . 31.80 26.50
043036 Textbook B S/E . . . . 31.80 26.50
043033 Activity Book A S/E 23.80 18.50
043034 Activity Book B S/E 23.80 18.50
047881 Teacher Guide A . . 69.00 60.00
048314 Teacher Guide B . . 69.00 60.00
043042 K Math Readers (10) 55.00 45.00
Suggested Manipulatives:
018733 Counting Discs . . . . . . 018741 Mathlink Cubes . . . 16.60
018729 Bucket Balance . . . . 19.99
036023 Hexahedron Dice Set 3.50
018731 Student Geared Clock 3.17
010884 Tangrams (optional) . . 007935 Attribute Blocks (optional)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.99
Essential Math (K)
It’s hard to get more basic – and solid – than
this program. The no-nonsense black and white
worksheet format might deceive you, but fight
it! They are engaging, with straight-forward
teaching instructions (concept, introduction
with manipulatives, how to use page) at the bottom of each. The scope and sequence is similar
to Singapore’s Earlybird Math and designed to
prepare the student for Primary Math. It can
be used as a supplement to Earlybird or as a
stand-alone program. Many household items
are used as manipulatives, but the few specific
ones suggested are listed below (balance and
pattern blocks are only referred to a very few
times). ~ Janice
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.20
045230 Kindergarten A
045231 Kindergarten B
ESMTHKPackage . . . . . . . . . 78.02 62.00
Includes both books and all five suggested
manipulatives listed below.
Suggested Manipulatives:
018734 Teddy Bear Counters (48) . 6.25 4.75
018741 MultiLink Cubes (100)16.60 15.75
003491 Geometric Shapes . . . . 4.25 3.95
018729 Balance Scale . . . . . . 19.99 15.50
018743 Pattern Blocks . . . . . . 9.99 7.95
Primary Math (Standards Edition) (1-6)
Adapted from the US edition,
no material was removed for
the Standards Edition (SE), only
rearranged between levels. A
few units have been added
primarily in probability and
data analysis, negative numbers and coordinate graphing.
A glossary of terms was added
to each of the textbooks. In levels 2A through
5B there is now a cumulative review after most
units in both the textbook and the workbook.
6A and 6B feature reviews after every other unit.
Many of the units have a few pages that have
been added in order to “reteach” a concept from
an earlier level. There is some material that had
been removed from the 2nd edition that has
been added back in – reteaching pages, additional pages on fractions and mental math learning tasks, along with some problems added to
the reviews. Levels 3A through 6B are in color.
As in the US edition, you need both the
textbook and the workbook. The textbook
contains the instruction and learning tasks
along with the practices and reviews that are to
be done in class. The workbook contains the
independent work. Please note that the US ed.
Teacher’s Guides and Home Instructor’s Guides
and Answer Key Booklets cannot be used interchangeably with the Standards Edition material.
Both the Teachers Guides and the Home
Instructor Guides (only available for Levels
1A - 5B) include answers to the textbook and
workbook problems. As a general rule, the TGs
are more oriented to the classroom while the
HIGs are more geared to working one-on-one
with a student. However, both provide detailed
lesson plans. The TGs have daily lesson plans
while the HIGs provide teaching segments
indicating the number of weeks to spend per
unit. A significant difference between the two
is that the HIGs have a sidebar column that
shows assignments complete with answers.
Assignments in the TGs are listed within the lesson plans and all answers are in the back of the
book. Both include lists of suggested manipulatives and materials and included in the appendix of each are mental math worksheets and
some teaching helps. (please see our Singapore
Math Manipulative category at the end of the
Singapore Math section.)
Extra Practice books provide additional problems for A and B books at each level.
NOTE: The Math 6 Teacher Guides have some
incorrect answers. An errata sheet is available
at, showing the correct
answers. ~ Janice
Each Teacher Guide . . . . 63.00 55.00
035031 Answer Keys 1A-3B . . 9.50
035042 Answer Keys 4A-6B . . 9.50
Math 2
Teacher Guide
043047 043048
043067 Textbook 2A . . . . . 21.60 17.00
043068 Textbook 2B . . . . . . 22.50 17.80
043077 Workbook 2A . . . . . 19.50 16.00
043078 Workbook 2B . . . . . 19.50 16.00
043057 Tests 2A . . . . . . . . 21.80 17.50
043058 Tests 2B . . . . . . . . . 22.80 18.00
043636 Home Inst. Gd 2A . . . 20.00
007518 Home Inst. Gd 2B . . . 21.00
043038 Extra Practice . . . . . 21.80 17.30
Math 3
Teacher Guide
043049 043050
043069 Textbook 3A . . . . . 24.90 19.40
043070 Textbook 3B . . . . . . 25.90 20.00
043079 Workbook 3A . . . . . 18.50 15.40
043080 Workbook 3B . . . . . 18.50 15.40
043059 Tests 3A . . . . . . . . 28.20 21.80
043060 Tests 3B . . . . . . . . . 28.50 22.00
043958 Home Inst. Gd 3A . . . 21.00
016543 Home Inst. Gd 3B . . . 21.00
043039 Extra Practice . . . . . 21.80 17.30
Math 4
Teacher Guide
043051 043052
043071 Textbook 4A . . . . . 25.90 20.00
043072 Textbook 4B . . . . . . 25.90 20.00
043081 Workbook 4A . . . . . 18.50 15.40
043082 Workbook 4B . . . . . 18.50 15.40
043061 Tests 4A . . . . . . . . 28.50 22.00
043062 Tests 4B . . . . . . . . . 25.30 19.50
046391 Home Inst. Gd 4A . . . 21.00
008185 Home Inst. Gd 4B . . . 21.00
043040 Extra Practice . . . . . 21.80 17.30
Math 5
Teacher Guide
043053 043054
043073 Textbook 5A . . . . . 25.90 20.00
043074 Textbook 5B . . . . . . 25.90 20.00
043083 Workbook 5A . . . . . 18.50 15.40
043084 Workbook 5B . . . . . 18.50 15.40
043063 Tests 5A . . . . . . . . 26.70 21.00
043064 Tests 5B . . . . . . . . . 28.50 22.00
043041 Extra Practice . . . . . 22.10 17.80
048607 Home Inst. Gd 5A . . . 21.50
049668 Home Inst. Gd 5B . . . 21.50
Math 6
Teacher Guide
046392 030498
046189 Textbook 6A . . . . . 25.70 20.00
046440 Textbook 6B . . . . . . 27.80 21.50
046047 Workbook 6A . . . . . 18.50 15.40
046442 Workbook 6B . . . . . 18.50 15.40
047880 Tests 6A . . . . . . . . 26.70 21.00
030502 Tests 6B . . . . . . . . . 28.50 22.00
047110 Extra Practice . . . . . 22.10 17.80
030229 Chall. Word Problems 12.50
Math 1
Teacher Guide
043045 043046
043065 Textbook 1A . . . . . 20.20 16.30
043066 Textbook 1B . . . . . . 20.20 16.30
043075 Workbook 1A . . . . . 19.50 16.00
043076 Workbook 1B . . . . . 19.50 16.00
043055 Tests 1A . . . . . . . . 21.80 17.50
043056 Tests 1B . . . . . . . . . 22.80 18.00
043634 Home Inst. Gd 1A . . . 20.00
043635 Home Inst. Gd 1B . . . 20.00
043037 Extra Practice . . . . . 21.80 17.30
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Math in Focus is the newest program to incorporate the widely-used Singapore approach
to math. Two key ways that the Singapore
approach differs from more traditional programs
¾¾ Consistent use of models that allow students to tackle concepts that are normally
delayed until later grades
¾¾ An emphasis on application of math skills
to real-world situations helps children
become formidable problem solvers in
real life
The question is not whether to use the
Singapore approach, but which version you
should choose: Primary Mathematics from or this new Math in Focus?
The underlying philosophy of Math in Focus
is the same as Primary Math. It has the same
emphasis on integrating concepts and skills; the
same approach of beginning with concrete, then
to pictorial, then to abstract; the same extensive
problem solving using the famous bar models
to tackle the tough questions. The scope of the
program is essentially alike, as well. On the
whole, I would say there is a bit more material
in MIF than PM. Sometimes this includes additional concepts, sometimes just going deeper
into a topic. While the sequence of topics
corresponds for the most part between the two
programs, I found a few places where it was
different in the two levels I compared. These differences seemed limited to order of presentation
within a grade rather than movement of concepts from one grade to another. MIF is CCSSaligned, but in a comparison between it and
Singapore Math Standards Edition, there only
appears to be about 10% new content at each
grade level, and these are all minor concepts
and topics. The general scope and sequence of
the program has not been changed. To get a
more detailed comparison of respective scope
and sequences, you should visit the respective
websites (www. and www. for a complete
scope and sequence for each program. If you
have previously used Primary Math, the transition to Math in Focus should be a smooth one.
Basic materials also are similar: both have
two levels (A and B) of teacher editions, nonconsumable student texts, and workbooks per
grade; and both have additional materials such
as extra practice books, assessment (test) books,
and enrichment (challenging) books.
The main differences between the two programs are:
¾¾ The format / content of the Teacher
¾¾ The presentation of lessons
¾¾ The amount of instructional material in the
student text
¾¾ The integration of concrete (hands-on) student activities into the programs
¾¾ The graphic content / layout
¾¾ The incorporation of enrichment activities
into the MIF program
¾¾ The larger size of the MIF program
¾¾ The relative cost of the programs
First, the teacher editions. I think the authors
of the PM teacher materials have done an outstanding job. It is difficult to write a teacher
edition apart from the development of the student materials. Since these are not the actual
teacher materials used in Singapore, or even
translations of them, it is no surprise that they
are not quite as coordinated with the student
materials as the Math in Focus teacher editions
are. These were written specifically for the MIF
program and in tandem with the student editions. As such, the material relates directly to
the student text and workbook pages. This is
a significant difference. In contrast, most of
the actual teaching in the PM Home Instructor
guides takes place before you even open the student text. The work done in the student text is
more reinforcement of concepts taught outside
the scope of the text lesson itself. This puts a
lot more of the teaching burden on the teacher.
You must do the concept introduction, concrete
modeling, and transition to pictorial before you
“Have your student do tasks ___ , textbook
The Math in Focus teacher editions begin,
as most do, with a program overview, which
describes components of the program, lists
manipulatives (with suggested alternatives),
includes a three-grade scope and sequence,
and detailed Table of Contents. Each chapter
begins with an overview. It contains background information for teaching the lessons,
cross-curricular connections, and the location
of “before” and “after” concepts for this topic.
The Chapter Planning Guide is a tabular layout
breaking the chapter into teaching units, showing for each the number of days it will take,
instructional objectives, vocabulary, resources,
materials needed, and how it fits into the NCTM
standards. It’s an “at a glance” overview. The
actual lesson pages follow.
Unlike the PM program, the MIF teacher edition includes reduced images of both student
text and workbook pages (with all answers
printed in red). I find it difficult to teach
effectively without my own copy of student
materials, so I appreciate having it all in one
place so I'm not juggling books while teaching.
Teaching instructions appear directly below the
corresponding student text page. These include
concept information, directions for teacher-led
and/or student activities, and discussion (which
is fairly scripted).
The lesson presentation is very organized,
with several standard elements in each chapter,
regardless of grade level. First, there is always
a Chapter Introduction which coordinates with
the introductory page in the student text. As an
example, let’s look at the Chapter Introduction
to “Subtraction Facts to 10” in the 1A book: The
student text page shows a boy in three frames:
walking with five stickers in open hand; three of
them dropping into an open grate in the sidewalk; with two of the five stickers (sadly) left in
hand. It has a box at bottom left, delineating the
chapter into four lessons and a “Big Idea” box at
bottom right telling the student “Subtraction can
be used to find how many are left.” Next is a
Recall Prior Knowledge section. These student
text pages review concepts learned previously
that are prerequisite to understanding material
introduced in this chapter. Teaching instructions coincide, often including manipulative
work for the student. Immediately following,
there’s a Quick Check with several questions to
assess whether the student is ready to continue
or needs additional review. (If needed, an additional pre-test is available in the Assessments
book). When readiness is affirmed, chapter
lessons begin. For each, the teacher edition
details lesson objectives, coordinating resources, vocabulary, materials needed for each day,
and provides a 5-minute Warm Up activity.
The 5-minute Warm Up activity introduces and
prepares students for the lesson. These generally involve work with concrete objects (linking
cubes, counters, etc.) but, at higher levels can
include "teaser" problems or questions. This is
in sharp contrast to the heavy pre-text activities
in PM. A lesson introduction in the student text
states objectives and previews vocabulary. From
here, lessons may vary, though the concrete to
pictorial to abstract philosophy is ever-present
and more integrated into the student text itself.
Most lessons consist of several Learn and
Guided Practice segments, interspersed with a
variety of other components. Learn boxes introduce, explain, and model each concept. These
correspond to lesson objectives and contain a
heading revealing what the focal skill is. For
example, In the “Ways to Subtract” Lesson, the
first taught concept is: “You can subtract by taking away.” The skill is then illustrated, modeled
and explained, showing step-by-step the related
math techniques.
Guided Practice segments almost always follow the Learn segments. At the lower levels,
they usually photographically portray manipulative work used to solve problems. Correlating
teacher edition instructions guide the teacher
in use of corresponding manipulative work. At
upper levels, these may be problems to work
relating to the Learn segment. For example,
in the Algebra chapter lesson (grade 5) “Using
Letters as Numbers,” the Learn teaches “how
to write a numerical expression to show how
numbers in a situation are related.” It uses the
example of computing a person’s age next year
and two years ago. It is followed by a second
Learn segment explaining how to “Use variables
to represent unknown numbers and form expressions involving addition and subtraction”. This
expands on the first segment as two students
discuss how to compute their teacher’s age in
these cases, without knowing his age now. It
shows how a variable can be used to construct
an algebraic expression to solve the problem.
The Guided Practice follows up with a table
presenting different situations (Now, 4 years
from now, 10 years from now, 5 years ago, 8
years ago) and asking a student to supply the
appropriate algebraic expressions (the ‘x’ for
Now is supplied). Other lesson components
include several of the following:
¾¾ Let’s Practice – reinforces with addtional practice problems. When students
can successfully solve these problems,
they are ready for independent work in
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
the student workbook
¾¾ Hands-On Activity – reinforces skills,
concepts and problem-solving strategies,
using manipulatives. These show the
items to use, how to use to solve problems, then provide several additional
problems for independent work.
¾¾ Game – breaks up the bookwork with a
fun game using the target skill.
¾¾ Let’s Explore! – uses a discovery approach
to learning. By working through the activity, the student will discern a concept,
relationship, strategy, or principle.
¾¾ Math Journal – helps children put math
concepts into words.
As you might
expect, these require much less writing in
the earlier grades.
Most lessons end with a Let's Practice leading
into On Your Own assignments in the student
Chapters usually consist of 2-7 lessons and
end with a Put on Your Thinking Cap! activity.
These draw on both previous knowledge and
skills acquired in the chapter to resolve challenging problems, combining problem-solving
strategies with critical thinking skills. It’s a little
like pages from a Critical Thinking Press book
were purposely bound in. Think of these as
enrichment exercises built right into the course.
Accompanying teacher instruction includes
skills required to solve the problem and how to
direct your child through the thought process as
needed. These activities also have workbook
follow-up pages. A Chapter Wrap Up recaps
all of the concepts and skills learned in the
chapter. At most levels, this is followed by a
Chapter Review/Test right in the student text. At
early levels, the chapter review/test is contained
in the student workbook instead (probably to
avoid having to rewrite the problems). The
Assessments books also contain a test for each
chapter in the student book.
A lot of the same components exist, in some
form, in the PM program. Hands-on activities,
games, enrichment, discussion, and exploratory
exercises are all detailed in the teacher books,
along with most of the lesson instruction. There
is simply less reliance in the MIF program on
the teacher getting skills and concepts across
before using the text pages; in fact, teaching
takes place alongside and corresponding to the
student text. Because of this, the text has a
more ordered and systematic feel compared to
the PM texts. So, if you are not going to actually read through and teach from the instructor
guides, you will be better off with this program.
While it is not intended to be self-instructional,
your student will have more complete guidance
directly in the student materials. And, once you
have finished the lesson, he will have more to
refer back to, should he have a question or need
While both programs sport full-color student
texts, Math in Focus uses more photographic,
real-life images and fewer cartoonish renderings, giving them a more grown-up look. This
is especially attractive where manipulatives are
used to demonstrate a concept. As they say,
"a picture is worth a thousand words." MIF
has even replaced most of the Singrapore math
signature "talking heads" (shoulder-up illustrations of children "talking" or "thinking" via word
bubbles to identify concepts, explain processes,
even provide instruction) with photographic
images of real children instead. While lowerlevel student texts in both series are more heavily graphic, I feel that the balance is better in the
MIF program. Too many large illustrations can
overwhelm and distract.
Since all of the Primary Math books are smaller
format, these more typically school-sized materials seem all the larger. MIF teacher editions
are oversized, spiral bound books (increased
width needed to fit student pages side by side).
They are also much longer than the corresponding PM instructor guides, again largely because
of the inclusion of reduced images of all student
pages. The full-sized MIF student texts are
hardbound, which not only makes them more
durable, but makes them heftier. With so much
more instructional material in them, they contain about double the pages of their PM counterparts. This page count difference does not carry
over to the student workbooks, however, which
are more similar in length (PM's may even have
slightly more pages).
Reviews are also implemented differently
in each series. Whereas MIF has a review of
previously-learned material at the beginning
of each chapter, PM (beginning in grade 2),
generally has a cumulative review at the end
of a unit, which is also echoed in the workbook. MIF has a distinct chapter review and
test at the end of each chapter. Workbooks
contain cumulative reviews after every two
chapters (for only those two chapters). Each
workbook also contains a cumulative test at
the end of the book; Workbook A a Mid-Year
and Workbook B an End-of-Year review. Both
programs have an optional test book also. MIF
calls this the Assessments book. It contains a
diagnostic review for each chapter (mentioned
earlier), "Benchmark" cumulative assessments to
be taken midway through each text, and Midand End-of-Year cumulative tests.
A final difference between the programs is
cost. While workbooks and student books are
fairly close in price, the teacher editions are not.
If you deduct the separate prices of student text
and workbook from the Homeschool Kit price,
you’re still left with a considerable difference.
You’re in the ballpark if you plan on using the
more expensive Primary Math Teacher’s Guide
instead of the Home Instructor Guide. Or, if
you, like me, need a separate copy of student
materials to teach with anyway, the remaining difference won’t buy you a meal. You
should also take into consideration whether you
would need to use ancillary materials for either
program. Homeschool Packages include the
Student Book, Workbook and Teacher's Edition
for one semester of a grade level (A or B). The
Kindergarten Homeschool Packages include
Part 1 and 2 of the Student Book and the corresponding Teacher's Edition. You might want to
note that the Teacher's Editions are not available
separately; they are only found in the packages.
Full year packages are also now available with
a parent answer key instead of the Teacher's
Editions. Answer keys contain reduced student
pages and answers to the student textbook (in
the front) and workbook (in the back). Packages
with Answer Keys include Student Book A & B,
Workbook A & B and the parent answer key.
Student packs are also available. These packs
include student textbooks and workbooks for
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
both semesters and the assessments book. At
the kindergarten level, the teacher edition is
included because of the interactive nature of the
lessons. The Reteach Workbooks correspond to
the chapters in each level of the Student Book/
Workbook. They provide examples with guided
instruction along with additional practice problems. These serve the needs of some students
who just need additional work on most concepts
for mastery. Answers/Solutions are found in the
back of each book. 210 pgs, pb.
In a nutshell, while the core content and
philosophical approach of these Singapore programs is much the same, the implementation
is not. So, my best advice? Get yourself to a
curriculum fair and look at the programs side by
side. Then you can decide the best fit for your
teaching style and your child.
Note: Not included in the comparison above
is the Math in Focus Kindergarten program, as
it is much different in both format and presentation than the rest of the elementary program. The
four-part student book is a worktext. Teaching
instruction is all in the Teacher Edition, and
consists of “Investigate,” “Discover,” “Explore,”
and “Apply” activities. As with the elementary
levels, teaching instructions are correlated to
student text pages. Lessons are detailed andscripted. Many reference a corresponding “Big
Book.” Some of the Big Book pages are larger
reproductions of student text pages; for others,
you can use the reduced copy in the teacher
editions. Unlike the other MIF books, student
books contain colorful illustrations rather than
photographic images. The books have a “cute
monster” theme carried throughout. Since there
is no Primary Math kindergarten level, I can’t
really compare content or presentation. For a
detailed scope and sequence, refer to the publisher’s website.
Middle School Courses 1-3, corresponding
to grades 6-8, have been added to this program. These use the same conceptually rich
approach and format as the elementary series
but focus on ratio, geometry, number, statistics, and expressions. Course 1 covers positive
and negative numbers, multiplying and dividing fractions and decimals, ratios and rates,
percents, algebraic expressions, equations and
inequalities, coordinate plane, perimeter, area,
volume, statistics, and measures of central tendency. Course 2 chapters include: The Real
Number System, Rational Number Operations,
Algebraic Expressions, Algebraic Equations and
Inequalities, Direct and Inverse Proportion,
Angle Properties and Straight Lines, Geometric
Construction, Volume and Surface Area of
Solids, Statistics, and Probability. Course 3
completes preparation for high school math
by exploring exponents, scientific notation,
algebraic linear equations, lines and linear
equations, systems of linear equations, functions, the Pythagorean Theorem, geometric
transformations, congruence and similiarity,
statistics, and probability. Each homeschool
kit includes the hardcover teacher edition and
hardcover student edition (nonconsumable text)
for one semester. The assessment book is sold
separately and includes content for both semesters. Extra Practice books for each semester
and a Blackline Activities book is available but
see chart on next page...
STUDENT BOOK 1-2 . 32.07 24.05
STUDENT BK SET 1-2 61.40 48.10
STUDENT BOOK 3-5 . 38.93 29.20
STUDENT BK SET 3-5 76.87 58.40
WORKBOOK . . . . . . . 14.87 11.15
WORKBOOK SET . . . . 25.27 17.95
TEACHER ED 1-5 . . . . . . 116.45
ANSWER KEY . . . . . . . 29.20 28.50
ENRICHMENT BOOK . 37.60 24.50
ENRICHMENT SET . . . 71.67 41.95
EXTRA PRACTICE . . . . 37.60 24.50
ASSESSMENTS (except) 61.40 46.05
RETEACH BOOK . . . . . . 28.20
Grade K:
047483 Student Bk A, Part 1 . 13.53
047484 Student Bk A, Part 2 . 13.53
047485 Student Bk B, Part 1 . 13.53
047486 Student Bk B, Part 2 . 13.53
MFKSTUStudent Bk Set . . . . . . 002743 ☼Tchr Ed Bk A . . . . . 002749 ☼Tchr Ed Bk B . . . . . . 047811Assessments . . . . . . . 60.13
047812 Homeschool Pkg KA 126.35
047813 Homeschool Pkg KB 126.35
049966 Student Pack . . . . . 281.50
Grade 1: 1A 1B
1A/1B Set
Student Bk 047453 047455 MF1SST
047456 047458 MIF1WB
Teacher Ed 002508 002509
Enrichment 048014 048016 MF1ENR
Extra Practice 048017 048019 MF1EPS
Reteach 061471061472
Answer Key
047797 Homeschool Pkg 1A140.30 125.95
047798 Homeschool Pkg 1B 140.30 125.95
049961 Student Pack . . . . . 107.25 95.95
055850 H/S Pkg w/ Ans Key 147.70 130.95
Grade 2:
2A/2B Set
Student Bk 047459 047461 MF2SST
047462 047464 MIF2WB
Teacher Ed 002561 002571
Enrichment 048020 048022 MF2ENR
Extra Practice 048023 048025 MF2EPS
Reteach 061473061474
Answer Key
047800 Homeschool Pkg 2A140.30 125.95
047801 Homeschool Pkg 2B 140.30 125.95
049962 Student Pack . . . . . 107.25 95.95
055851 H/S Pkg w/ Ans Key 147.70 130.95
Grade 3:
3A/3B Set
Student Bk 047465 047467 MF3SST
047468 047470 MIF3WB
Teacher Ed 002658 002698
Enrichment 048026 048028 MF3ENR
Extra Practice 048029 048031 MF3EPS
Reteach 061475061476
Answer Key
047803 Homeschool Pkg 3A145.10 129.95
047804 Homeschool Pkg 3B 145.10 129.95
049963 Student Pack . . . . . 118.10 102.95
055852 H/S Pkg w/ Ans Key 147.70 130.95
Grade 4:
4A/4B Set
Student Bk 047471 047473 MF4SST
047474 047476 MIF4WB
Teacher Ed 002711 002722
Enrichment 048032 048034 MF4ENR
Extra Practice 048035 048037 MF4EPS
Reteach 061477061478
Answer Key
047806 Homeschool Pkg 4A145.10 129.95
047807 Homeschool Pkg 4B 145.10 129.95
049964 Student Pack . . . . . 118.10 102.95
055853 H/S Pkg w/ Ans Key 147.70 130.95
EACH H/S PACKAGE 6-8 . . . . 94.55
EACH STUDENT BK (exc noted) 50.96
Grade 6:
H/S Package 050936 050937
Student Bk
054713 054714 MFC1ST*
Extra Practice 050940 050941 MFC1EP*
054712Enrichment . . . . . . 65.53 36.95
MFC1ST *Student Bk A/B Set . . 76.50
Grade 5:
5A/5B Set MFC1EP *Practice Bk A/B Set 56.30 47.95
Student Bk 047477 047479 MF5SST
047480 047482 MIF5WB
Teacher Ed 002733 002741
Grade 7:
Enrichment 048038 048040 MF5ENR H/S Package 017857 017891
Extra Practice 048041 048043 MF5EPS
Student Bk
059065 059066 MFC2ST*
Reteach 061479061480
Extra Practice 017796 017807 MFC2EP*
Answer Key
047809 H/S Package 5A . . . 145.10 129.95 059062Enrichment . . . . . . 65.53 36.95
047810 H/S Package 5B . . . 145.10 129.95 MFC2ST *Student Bk A/B Set . . 76.50
049965 Student Pack . . . . . 118.10 102.95 MFC2EP *Practice Bk A/B Set 56.30 47.95
055854 H/S Pkg w/ Ans Key 147.70 130.95
Math in Focus Required Manipulatives
Transparent Counters, Set of 250
Linking Cubes, Set of 100
Geometric Solids, Plastic, 5 cm
Attribute Logic Blocks in Case
Balance Scale
Plastic Coins - Bag of 96
Number Dice (1-6, Set of 12)
Dot Dice - Set of 12
12 Blank Cubes with 77 Stickers
Play Money - 100 Mixed Bills
Craft Sticks-1000 Natural Wood
Student Clocks - Set of 2
(Or Teacher Clock Upgrade)
Math Balance
Base Ten Place Value Set
Overhead Game Spinner
Fiskars Flexible Ruler
Platform Scale
Liquid Measuring Pitcher-Set of 3 Dual Scale
English/Metric Tape Measure 60”
Decahedra Dice - 2 ea of 5 colors
Fraction Builder Set
Angle Ruler
6” Plastic Protractor
Rainbow Decimal Tiles
Geoboard 6” 5x5 Pin w/ Rubber Band
Liter Volume Cube
Place Value Disks-140 (20 each of 7 values)
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Grade 8:
H/S Package 017904 017906
Student Bk
059070 059071 MFC3ST*
Extra Practice 017833 017852 MFC3EP*
059067Enrichment . . . . . . 65.53 36.95
MFC3ST *Student Bk A/B Set . . 76.50
MFC3EP *Practice Bk A/B Set 56.30 47.95
Math in Focus Manipulative Kits (K-5)
Due to customer requests, we’ve put together
these kits based on the lists of suggested
manipulatives found in the Teacher's Edition for
each level of Math in Focus. Please see the corresponding chart for a list of items you will find
in specific kits. Where applicable, we also offer
a Teaching Clock upgrade for those who would
rather have a large teaching clock instead of the
set of 2 small student clocks that are included in
the standard kits. We also offer Add-On kits so
you can add items grade by grade if you wish.
For example, if you already have all the items
you need for 1st grade and you just want to add
the extra items you need for 2nd grade, you
would purchase the Bridging Grade 1-2 Kit. All
items are also available for individual purchase.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
MIFCMPGrades K-5 Kit . . . . 230.49 139.50
MIFCUP Gr. K-5 Kit w/ Teaching Clock Upgrade . . . . 247.31 145.95
MIFGRK Grade K . . . . . . . . . . 87.19 58.50
MIFGR1 Grade 1 . . . . . . . . . 147.29 87.50
MIF1UP Gr. 1 w/ Tchng Clock 164.11 99.50
MIFGR2 Grade 2 . . . . . . . . . 133.89 91.95
MIF2UP Gr.2 w/Tchng Clock 150.71 99.95
MIFGR3 Grade 3 . . . . . . . . . . 70.06 56.50
MIF3UP Gr. 3 w/Tchng Clock 86.88 68.00
MIFGR4 Grade 4 . . . . . . . . . . 86.44 58.50
MIFGR5 Grade 5 . . . . . . . . . . 77.16 53.50
MIFBK1 Add-On Kit Gr. K-1 . 63.09 36.95
MIFB12 Add-On Kit Gr. 1-2 . 26.58 23.95
MIFB23 Add-On Kit Gr. 2-3 . . . 2.25
MIFB34 Add-On Kit Gr. 3-4 . 25.55 16.95
MIFB45 Add-On Kit Gr. 4-5 . 25.94 17.50
New Elementary Math (7-8)
Don’t let the title of this series fool you.
“Elementary” refers to “the basics,” as in the
basics of higher-level mathematics.
Elementary Math (NEM) 1 and 2 respectively
cover introductory and intermediate algebra.
There’s quite a jump from Primary Math 6 to
NEM 1 (7th grade). NEM 1 requires greater discipline on the part of the student because there
is an intense amount of computational practice
to be done. NEM course books are four times
thicker than Primary Math textbooks. NEM
takes a straightforward approach which emphasizes concepts, applications, and mathematical
Each level requires one course book and one
teacher’s guide (NEM 1, NEM 2). One supplementary workbook containing extra practice
problems is available for each grade.
Course books have plain black and white
pages with two-color diagrams and graphs.
Although the texts are visually unexciting, they
contain clear and simple explanations. As the
student progresses to higher levels, course book
explanations become more technical. Each
lesson contains written explanations, worked
examples, and an exercise set. Most lessons
also include a class activity. Exercise sets are
graded, with harder problems located towards
the end of a set. Chapter reviews summarize
main ideas and definitions but do not include
review problems. For review problems, try
the corresponding workbook problems for that
chapter. Each chapter ends with a Challenger
problem set and a Problem Solving section.
The Problem Solving section describes and
provides exercises for different problem solving techniques (guess & check, working backwards, using models, etc). After every few
chapters, there are Revision, Miscellaneous,
and Investigation exercises.
Revision and
Miscellaneous problems provide cumulative
review, while Investigation exercises help build
higher-order thinking skills. Each course book
provides two sample final exams. Answers to
both finals plus all lesson, revision, and miscellaneous exercises are located in the back of
each book. Solution manuals are available.
A Quick Revision Guide is included with the
purchase of each course book. The guides are
thin booklets consisting of study sheets on main
ideas for each chapter.
The Teacher’s Guides have been converted to
less expensive Teacher’s Manuals. Teacher’s
Manuals are much less extensive, and do not
contain the whole student lesson, as the Guides
did. The Manuals include a suggested “scheme
of work,” or lesson plan overview, and answers
to Challenger, Class Activity, Problem Solving,
and Investigation problems.
Workbooks are more like non-consumable
exercise banks. Students must show their work
on a separate piece of paper. Problems provide specific instructions on when and when
not to use calculators. Unlike Primary Math,
workbook exercises are not directly correlated
with the course book. In general, workbook
exercises for each chapter should probably be
completed before moving onto the next chapter. The workbook also contains sample tests
and exams. Tests cover two chapters, and they
usually consists of 6-8 multi-part, free-response
questions. Midterms/final exams are longer.
Like the Singapore editions of Primary Math,
NEM course books only cover metric units.
Slightly different conventions and notation are
also used in NEM. For example, spaces instead
of commas are used to separate numbers with
four digits or more. Repeating decimals are not
designated by a bar, but by placing dots above
the first and last digits in a repeating set. Time
is expressed in military time, and a space is used
to separate hours and minutes. For example,
2:30 pm would be written 14:30.
Compared to Saxon, NEM begins introducing
algebraic concepts earlier, generally includes
more complex geometry problems, and covers more trigonometry.
However, Saxon’s
Algebra 2 course covers a wider variety of topics, including polar coordinates, imaginary and
complex numbers, and logarithms. In Algebra
2, students must solve 3 by 3 systems of linear
equations, while NEM only covers 2 by 2 systems. Also, NEM is extremely weak in coordinate graphing. The slope-intercept method
of graphing lines is also not covered. Instead,
students graph equations by plotting points from
an x-y chart. Systems of equations are primarily solved by algebraic manipulation; graphi-
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
cal interpretations are not emphasized. This
approach to solving systems may be difficult
for students who need visual representations in
order to understand algebra. ~ Anh
013666 1 Text (7) . . . . . . . . . 32.00
013667 1 Workbook (7) . . . . . 13.00
013760 1 Solution Manual (7) 27.99
013664 1 Teacher's Manual (7) 12.50
013670 2 Text (8) . . . . . . . . . 32.00
013671 2 Workbook (8) . . . . . 13.00
013761 2 Solution Manual (8) . 27.99
037937 2 Teacher’s Manual (8) 13.50
Discovering / Dimensions Mathematics
Common Core Standards Ed. (7-8)
The Discovering Mathematics Common Core
Standards Series (CCSS) is a remake of the
original Discovering Mathematics program.
“Common Core” is the buzz phrase in academic circles and seems to be the way that
most curricula are being formatted. “Common
Core” Standards simply defines the knowledge
and skills students should have within their
K-12 education. This revision is currently for
grades 7 and 8, but will eventually be available
for all four levels of the original Discovering
Mathematics curriculum.
Some new topics have been added to
the CCSS edition and others have been rearranged between levels; some US measurement
is included, but metric is still dominant; and terminology reflects the more common US usage
and spelling. Some of the additional topics are
in the areas of numbers and operations, solutions of linear equations and inequalities, graphs
of linear functions and relations, measurement, and data analysis. Some topics that were
once found in books 1 and 2 of the original
Discovering Mathematics series are now found
in grade 8 of the CCSS edition, but no topics
have been removed.
Currently, levels 3 and 4 of Discovering
Mathematics haven’t been revised to the CCSS.
You’re probably wondering, “Where do I go
after grade 8 of CCSS?” The solution is simple
- you can switch back to level 3 of the original
series. There will be some repetition of fractional exponents and quadratic formula, but a
little review never hurts anyone.
Textbooks for this series are full color and chapters are divided into lessons. The amount of time
you take for each lesson is not indicated, but
you will want to finish one textbook per semester. Each chapter begins with an introduction to
the concept or topic and lists the learning outcomes for the chapter. Each lesson includes an
explanation with examples for the topic or concept, and “Try It”, which is a question similar to
the example. A variety of side notes are found in
the margins. For example, “Math Web” includes
a link for additional information, “Remarks” lists
key learning points, “Recall” asks students to
remember earlier presented content, “Discuss”
is a thinking question related to the topic, and
“Math Bits” states an interesting fact related to
the topic. You will find an exercise for every
lesson that includes “Basic Practice” (direct
application of the concept), “Further Practice”
(more challenging questions with application
of concepts), “Math@Work” (practice with integrated concepts in practical situations), and
“Brainworks” (higher order thinking questions
that involve an open-ended approach to problem solving). Occasionally a “Class Activity”
introduces new concepts through cooperative
learning methods. At the end of each chapter
you will find “In a Nutshell,” which summarizes
important rules and concepts from the chapter
for easy review; a “Review Exercise” that offers
a variety of integrated questions for students to
apply chapter concepts; “Extend Your Learning
Curve” that offers an opportunity for individual
research; and “Write in Your Journal” that offers
questions for reflection on chapter content. An
answer key is found at the back of the book.
Workbooks offer additional practice for each
lesson and include Basic, Further, Challenging,
and Enrichment sections – the latter being
the most challenging problems. Answers are
listed in the back of the workbook for your
convenience. If you would like more complete,
worked solutions to the problems in the workbook, a Workbook Solutions is available.
Teaching Notes & Solutions offer fully worked
solutions for “Try It”, “Class Activity”, “Basic
Practice”, “Further Practice”, “Math@Work”,
and “Brainworks” exercises found in the textbook, as well as the “Review Exercise” for each
chapter. The teaching notes are found in the
front section of this book. It includes a suggested approach for each chapter and a brief
suggestion (about a paragraph) for each lesson
and what the student should gain from the lesson. I read on the publisher’s website that there
is a weekly schedule found in this book, but
I can find it nowhere. There are just the very
brief teacher notes for each chapter and solutions. There are no tests written for this new
edition, but you could use your chapter reviews
for assessment purposes. Keep up with the
standards and teach good, solid math concepts
with this new revised edition of Discovering
Mathematics CCSS. ~ Donna
055279 Textbook 7A . . . . . . . 23.50
003530 Textbook 7B . . . . . . . . 23.50
055280 Workbook 7A . . . . . . . 9.50
003540 Workbook 7B . . . . . . . 9.50
006347 Workbook Solutions 7A 15.50
006350 Workbook Solutions 7B 15.50
003524 Teaching Notes/Solutions 7A 30.00
012480 Teaching Notes/Solutions 7B 30.00
019706 Textbook 8A . . . . . . . 23.50
019736 Textbook 8B . . . . . . . . 23.50
019737 Workbook 8A . . . . . . . 9.50
019811 Workbook 8B . . . . . . . 9.50
019813 Wkbk Solutions 8A . . . 15.50
019817 Wkbk Solutions 8B . . . 15.50
019702 Tchg Notes/Solutions 8A
039122 Tchg Notes/Solutions 8B
Singapore Math Supplements
Math the Singapore Way (1-5)
Math the Singapore Way refers to the
math textbook series used in the Singapore
schools (known in the States as the Singapore
Approach) and supports both Math in Focus®
and Primary Mathematics® from the same
publisher (Marshall Cavendish). The Practice
and Challenge series of workbooks were developed as supplements to provide students with
either additional practice for students who
have not quite grasped the basics or additional
challenge for students who have grasped the
basic concepts and are ready to move on. Both
series are prepared consistently with Singapore
Approach fundamentals with their emphasis on
problem solving. Each book provides carefully
crafted problems rather than random repetition,
scaffolded to provide careful variations in the
given tasks. Unlike some supplemental series
produced by American publishers, the grade
designations parallel the actual grade levels of
Singapore Approach math programs. Each book
includes two end-of-year tests.
The Practice series exercises closely follow the
sequence of topics in the student texts and can
be used for further practice to gain mastery or
for testing to reveal re-teaching needs. A page of
teacher notes introduce each unit. Books range
from 120 – 160 pgs, pb with answer key included. The Challenge series provides problems in
two levels within each exercise; one to test concept understanding and a more difficult level.
Worked examples are provided at the beginning
of each exercise. Books range from 105 to 140
pgs, pb with worked solutions. ~ Janice
EACH WORKBOOK . . . . . . . 12.99 11.50
Challenge Practice
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Visible Thinking in Mathematics (1-6)
What is visible thinking?
In this case, to think visibly
means that you can easily
see or visualize something
in your head. This skill,
of course, is vital to the
study of mathematics - you
must be able to make the
leap from pictorial representations to abstract ideas.
Sometimes, this leap is difficult which makes
learning math extremely frustrating. As the
series title suggests, these resource books from focus on the pictorial stage
and helping the student move from the pictorial
to the abstract stage of mathematical thinking. It
is meant to be used as a supplement and not a
replacement for Singapore Math Primary Math.
While it is less than a complete program, the
content is fairly comprehensive and would be
good for students having trouble with math or
for re-teaching concepts.
This series consists of 11 consumable books,
two semesters each for Grades 1-5 and one
book for Grade 6. The books are a blend of
both teacher and student books. Each lesson
within a chapter consists of 2 types of pages –
Thinking Platform and Attaining Mastery. Both
teacher and student should go through Thinking
Platform pages together. This is where the math
concept is introduced, examples worked, and
constructive mathematical thinking is modeled.
It is highly suggested that the teacher preview
the lesson by reading the Notes provided at the
bottom of the Thinking Platform page. These
concise yet descriptive notes point out teaching
tips, common errors, and areas of difficulty.
Attaining Mastery pages follow the Thinking
Platform. Here, the student can practice new
skills on a series of problems that feature Parallel
Questions. Parallel Questions are actually a
series of similar yet different math questions
which are strategically presented so that the
differences between the questions either solidify
concept understanding or provide opportunities
to clarify fuzzy thinking. Answers are provided
in the back of the book. Also, please note that
these are the Singapore editions so the books
may depict Singapore coins and bills in the early
grades and will use metric units throughout.
Books range from 115-224 pgs. ~ Anh
EACH BOOK BELOW . . . . . . . . 11.70
053419 Book 1A
053421 Book 2A
053420 Book 1B
053422 Book 2B
EACH BOOK BELOW (except noted) 12.30
053423 Book 3A
053425 Book 4A
053424 Book 3B
053426 Book 4B
053427 Book 5A . . . . . . . . . . 13.10
053428 Book 5B . . . . . . . . . . 13.10
053429 Book 6 . . . . . . . . . . . 13.10
Singapore Math Practice (1-6)
Another series directly correlated to the SM
textbooks providing progressive exercises to
master skills required to solve mathematical
problems. The answer key features step-by-step
worked out solutions. 104-120 pgs, pb. ~ Janice
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
018435 Level 1A
018495 Level 4A
018443 Level 1B
018496 Level 4B
018447 Level 2A
018498 Level 5A
018451 Level 2B
018524 Level 5B
018461 Level 3A
018525 Level 6A
018480 Level 3B
018542 Level 6B
Math Sprints (1-6)
For additional practice in mental math skills.
EACH WORKBOOK . . . . . . . . . 11.50
063076 Wkbk 1
063079 Wkbk 4
063077 Wkbk 2
063080 Wkbk 5
063078 Wkbk 3
019485 Wkbk 6
Singapore Math Complete Maths Guides (1-6)
EACH GUIDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.50
Singapore Math (2-5)
A direct complement to the Singapore Math
series, these are compilations of the Singapore
Math Practice books above. 256 pgs.
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.99 10.95
036220 Level 1 A & B (Grade 2)
036224 Level 2 A & B (Grade 3)
036242 Level 3 A & B (Grade 4)
036254 Level 4 A & B (Grade 5)
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Singapore Math: 70 Must-Know Word
Problems (1-6)
Singapore math is becoming a household term.
This series is directly correlated to the SM textbooks. To help students who struggle with word
problems, these workbooks focus on diagrams,
number bonds, the “counting on” method and
the “crossing out” method. The answer key
features step-by-step worked out solutions. 160
pgs, pb. ~ Janice
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.99
018556 Level 1
018584 Level 4
018563 Level 2
018591 Level 5
018565 Level 3
018620 Level 6
Word Problems for Model Drawing Practice (1-6)
Model Drawing is one of the techniques
employed by the Singapore Approach math
programs. This series of books provides additional practice with word problems using Model
Drawing. There are 180 problems in each book,
one for each day of your school year. There is
no instruction for Model Drawing, simply word
problems for practice. This series assumes that
you are familiar with the Singapore Approach to
math and Model Drawing.
A Solution Key is available for every two levels, and shows what the drawn model should
or could look like and takes you step-by-step
through the answer for that problem. This series
is for those who will be supplementing their
math program or will be using the Singapore
Approach to math. ~ Donna
EACH WORKBOOK . . . . . . . . 9.95
052670 Level 1 052673 Level 4
052671 Level 2 052674 Level 5
052672 Level 3 052675 Level 6
052676 Levels 1 & 2
052677 Levels 3 & 4
052678 Levels 5 & 6
Singapore Math Challenge (2-5)
While Singapore Approach math programs
seem to be all the rage, one complaint is the
lack of practice. This series provides additional practice for the concepts taught in your
Singapore Approach curriculum. These hefty
books offer over 300 pages, 16-20 chapters
per grade, that include examples, practice, and
solutions for each age-appropriate concept area.
These books do not provide complete instruction, rather supplementation with the expectation that students are already familiar with the
subject matter. This series addresses topics such
as basic concepts, operations, strategies, classic
problems, logic/IQ, and applied and advanced
topics. Beef up your math and challenge your
students beyond the curriculum with this series.
Reproducible for your family/classroom. -Donna
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.99 10.95
034776 Grade 2
034793 Grade 4
034777 Grade 3
034801 Grade 5
Problem Solving Beyond the Classrooom (1-7)
See description of this book in the Problem
Solving section.
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.99 10.95
060256 Primary 1
060259 Primary 4
060257 Primary 2
060260 Primary 5
060258 Primary 3
060261 Primary 6
to-right addition, place value disks and charts,
vertical addition, and traditional addition. By
working through stages in the proper sequence,
students will have a better understanding of the
function and will master it more quickly.
The author suggests there are a few manipulatives that will be needed for the activities in this
book – place value strips, place value discs,
place value charts, number bond cards, partwhole cards, decimal tiles, and decimal strips.
She explains how they will be used and even
offers suggestions for making your own.
If you are one of those who have been scared
off by the Singapore Approach, this book might
Singapore Math Instructional Resources
alleviate some of the fear. Pretty easy to understand and apply and could be used easily with
Teaching to Mastery Math (K-7)
This is a different approach to providing teach- any curriculum as you try to explain mathematiing help for Singapore Approach math. Rather cal functions to your children. pb. ~ Donna
than grade level, this series is organized by 052664 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.95 15.95
practice area (i.e. whole numbers, fractions,
and decimals with the more generic bar model- 8-Step Model Drawing (1-8)
Pick up any elementary Singapore math
ing thrown in for good measure). It’s designed
for teachers (parents?) that want a deeper under- textbook and flip through it. You’ll immedistanding of the teaching methodologies of those ately notice that it looks different. At least one
areas. However, I can also see how they would reason for this is the prolific use of the model
be helpful if you have a student who has dif- drawing method for solving word problems.
ficulty grasping a single concept – for instance, This approach is one of the things that sets the
fractions – and you want to be able to employ Singapore method apart. However, it’s a skill
different strategies while focusing on the learn- that can be applied to any math word problem
ing progression within each concept. Each book from any math series. So, if you have a student
identifies a progression of skills within that area that struggles with word problems, OR you
and then further identifies specific method- want to give your students an effective tool for
ologies within each skill. Then there is an illus- understanding and completing word problems,
trated teaching sequence for each (with plenty OR you want to understand a unique problemof room for you to make notes) and a possible solving method, this book provides the way.
Introducing and explaining model drawing
teaching sequence with a group of students.
Necessary solutions are provided at the end of first but keeping it brief, the book then moves
to its “heart” – guided practice. Starting with
each chapter. Approx. 150 pgs, pb. ~ Janice
EACH WORKBOOK . . . . . . . . . 29.90 the simplest of addition problems and continuing through beginning algebra, problems are
058536 Bar Modeling
presented and followed by step-by-step guid058538Decimals
ance in finding solutions using the bar models.
There is “Teacher Talk” (scripting) for each of
058540 Whole Numbers
the eight steps. Basic foundational principles
Why Before How: Singapore Math Computation are identified by instructing the student to “Hold
This Thought.” A section called “Milking the
Strategies (1-6)
The philosophy of the Singapore Math Problem for all It’s Worth” does just that – proApproach eludes many, but this book breaks it vides questions that broadens the application
down into bite-sized, understandable pieces so of the principles. Although there are almost
that you can teach your child the math basics in 70 pages in this section, there are only 20
problems. This exemplifies a basic tenet of the
a logical conceptual manner.
This book explains that math should be taught bar modeling method. There’s more value in
using the C-P-A Approach – concrete, pictorial, working 10-15 minutes on one problem each
and abstract. Concrete employs manipulatives, day (consistently) than in working 15 problems
pictorial uses visuals or drawings, and lastly, once a week. Following the guided practice is
abstract uses math symbols. The idea is that a a section providing problems for independent
child cannot do math with symbols until they practice. These problem sheets can be copied
have adequately worked through the concrete for classroom use. Worked solutions for each
and pictorial methods of doing math. For exam- help the teacher confirm his understanding of
ple, a child will work with blocks or cubes to the methodology. At the back, a resources secdo basic addition, then use pictures on a page tion provides a print and CD-ROM references
or draw pictures to represent the numbers, then listing, a reproducible grid for model drawing,
they are ready to do addition problems using the and an index. 160 pgs, pb The colorful poster
provides a visual representation/reminder of
+ and = symbols.
This 122-page book is divided into four chap- the eight steps, reworded (curiously) into seven
ters, after explaining the philosophy behind steps. Similar black and white pages from the
the approach. Each chapter deals with the four book can be copied. ~ Janice
basic functions – addition, subtraction, multi- 047335Book . . . . . . . . . . . 26.95 18.95
plication, and division. Within each chapter, 047336Poster . . . . . . . . . . . 9.95
activities are presented according to the suggested sequence of stages of the Singapore Model Drawing for Challenging Word
strategy. For example, the stages of addition Problems (6-9)
are number bonds, decomposing numbers, left- 064924 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.95 17.75
Challenging Maths Problems Made Easy (2-4)
If your student has some trouble applying
the heuristic approach to solving math problems, this workbook shows 11 concepts to
help teachers, parents and students manage
those non-routine problems. Those 11 concepts
include remainders, repeated identity, equals,
internal and external transfers, patterns, proportions, simultaneous, gap and differences.
Several examples are given for each. Solutions
are in the back. 178 pp, sc. ~ Sara
062096 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.99 10.95
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Essential Parents’ Guide to Primary Maths (K-7)
If your children are learning math a different
way than you did and you often find yourself
struggling to help them, this book may be what
you need to “hold your hand.” Designed to
illustrate the problem-solving strategies used in
Singapore Approach math programs, the guide
has three parts. Part A covers seven strategies (guess and check, pattern, lateral thinking, deductive thinking, modeling approach,
investigation, and set concept). Part B focuses
specifically on the bar modeling methodology.
Part C provides specific PSLE (a Singapore endof-primary test) preparation in terms of solving
challenging examination problems. Instruction
and worked examples are provided for each
strategy and parents are encouraged to try them
out with “Let’s Apply” problems (answers in the
back). 103 pgs, pb. ~ Janice
058525 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
Singapore Math Manipulatives
Most or the manipulatives used in Singapore
Math programs are featured elsewhere in our catalog; we include here ones that are less generic.
Number Cards (K-2)
Small (2.5" x 3.5") with rounded corners; black
on white backgrounds. Set includes: Number
Cards from 1 – 9 (4 sets); Number Words (0 –
9 (1 set); ten frames (two sets of 0 – 10); dots
(0 – 9, two sets); +, -, x, ÷, =, ˂ and ˃ (2 sets).
Also includes activity suggestions for counting,
number recognition, relative position, number
bonds, making 10, and writing number sentences. ~ Janice
047337 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.99
Subitizing Activity Cards (K-1)
064936 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.99
Place Value Disks (1-3)
These colorful foam disks make learning place
value easier for the visual or tactile learner.
Place values from 1 to 1,000,000 are represented in 7 value sets and values from 1-1000 are
represented in 4 value sets. Each place value
is a different color, which makes them easy to
differentiate. These disks are used in several of
the Singapore Approach books.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
EACH SET BELOW . . . . . . . . 18.95 12.95
045432 140 Disks (4 values)
35 each of 1, 10, 100 and 1000 disks.
045431 140 Disks (7 values)
Includes 20 each of disks 1 to 1,000,000.
EACH SET BELOW . . . . . . . . 15.95 11.95
047345 100 Ones Disks
047346 100 Tens Disks
025695 100 Hundreds
030792 100 Thousands Disks
030735 100 Ten Thousands Disks
Counting & Cardinality Collection (K-2)
Place Value Strips (1-6)
Includes Number Cards (#47337) and
Colorful strips to illustrate place value conSubitizing Activity Cards (#64936) in a set.
cepts. Each set of these 4” tall strips can be
064916 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.59 10.25
used separately or the Decimals set can be used
together with either of the Units sets. For each
Number Flash Cards - Numbers 0-25
place value there are ten strips (one for each
034870 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.95
numeral 0-9). The Decimals strips have slightly
larger numerals than the Units strips. Activity
☼Making Tens Value Pack (K-2)
suggestions are included with each set. ~ Janice
The perfect combination for visual learners,
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
this set offers examples of number bonds and
047343 Decimals (1-3) . . . . . 13.95 10.50
blank ten-frame cards on which to practice.
0.0 – 0.9 (brown); 0.00 – 0.09 (light green);
Activity ideas suggest using them as a flash card
0.000 – 0.009 (gold)
game by showing a ten-frame card and naming
047348 Units-Thousands (3-6) . 5.99 4.95
the number represented. Use the blank ten0 – 9 (white); 00 – 90 (red); 000 – 900
frame cards to play math games such as placing
(orange); 0000 – 9000 (yellow)
counters in the blank frames to represent what
047347 Units-Millions (3-6) . . . 9.99 7.95
they see on the ten-frame card; throw a die and
0 – 9 (white); 00 – 90 (red); 000 – 900
duplicate the number of dots on your blank
(orange); 0000 – 9000 (yellow); 00000 –
card, and more. There are 25 blank ten-frame
90000 (dark green); 000000 – 900000 (blue)
cards, so the set is great for use with a group.
There are 22 pictorial ten-frame cards for teachPlace Value Decimal Tiles-90 Tiles (1-3)
ing or directing the children. Glossy cardstock
Designed to be used in conjunction with
cards measure 7 3/4” x 4 ¾". ~ Donna
the Place Value Disks (whole numbers), these
057002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.95 16.95
1” square foam tiles (1/4” thick) help students
develop a more in-depth understanding of place
value – a key concept that can be difficult.
There are 30 of each value – 0.1, 0.01, and
0.001 – and they are the same colors as the
Place Value Strips (brown, light green, gold).
Instruction sheet is included. ~ Janice
047344 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.95 10.50
Life of Fred Elementary Series (1-5)
Great news for Life of Fred aficionados; Life of
Fred has gone elementary! In author Professor
Schmidt’s own words, “Now you will be able to
start the Life of Fred series with your child sitting
on your lap…and finish the series sitting on his/
her lap!” It’s as simple as ABC…just follow the
books in alphabetical order by title. Children
can start the series as soon as they know their
addition and subtraction facts up to 10. While
the entire series can be completed in just 12-18
months, Apples through Dogs was designed for
grades 1-4, Edgewood through Jelly Beans for
grades 2-4. Regardless of starting grade level,
you will want to begin in Apples. So far, there
are ten books to the series. Will there be Kittens
through Zebras? Only time will tell.
I was sold even before I opened Apples by the
picture of Archimedes (daughter Melissa’s inner
guide for matters of logic) on the cover. I could
already tell that Prof. Schmidt was going to carry
his tendency to instruct and inform on interesting tidbits (and people) into the series. Another
pleasant discovery: no calculators allowed here.
Until a child has cut his teeth on the building
blocks of the addition and multiplication tables,
just leave ‘em in the box. Structured similarly
to the upper levels, lessons are taught in a few
pages of text, then it’s “Your Turn to Play”.
Children write out their answers (emphasis by
the author), read the solutions, and then move on
to the next delightful adventure. The first book,
Apples, contains 18 short chapters (lessons).
Unlike the upper level books, there are no cities.
So, since Calculus actually begins as Fred does
(at three days old), where in the life of Fred does
this series fit in? As we begin the series, Fred is
five, meaning he has been a professor at Kittens
for as long. The closeness in age between Fred
and the target audience should be a plus. In
the course of ten books, we experience about a
week in the Life of Fred. The series begins with
simple addition facts and, in the very first story
and short written exercise, students will learn:
1. Fred still sleeps with his Kingie doll (introduced in Calculus).
2. Fred sleeps in a sleeping bag in his office
at Kittens.
3. Beginning concepts of time
4. Dawn is variable; it gets light at different
times depending on the season.
5. 5 + 2 = 7
6. The relationship between numbers and
quantities; a set of objects has the same
number of objects regardless of position or
7. What an equals sign means
8. The answer to an addition problem won’t
change depending on the object(s) counted. Whether you are adding hours, pencils, or trees, 5 + 2 will still equal 7.
9. The commutative property of addition. It
doesn’t matter whether you add 5 + 2 or 2
+ 5, you will still get 7.
10. x and y can stand in place of numbers
Not bad for a start! In the next lesson, children
learn: that Fred is neat (he puts his stuff away);
what an ellipse is (and how to make one with a
flashlight); more about the passage of time and
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
addition; and that Fred’s doll, Kingie, can draw
better than Fred (he in fact becomes an accomplished oil painting artist). The YTTP in this section teaches more addition facts (in the context
of adding Fred and Kingie’s drawings), then the
chapter ends by presenting the days of the week,
both by name and addition fact (5 weekdays +
2 weekend days = 7 days of the week). As the
book progresses, students learn more about
months, seasons, days, time, addition, ellipses
and other geometric shapes, the composition of
the earth, Kansas, fish vs. whales, counting by
5’s, temperature, negative numbers, deciduous
trees, how to spell Wednesday and February,
Archimedes (yay!), not to be rude, zero (and
its properties), sets, that birds don’t eat candy,
chess moves, fractions, the Titanic, ducks
can’t add, the ≠ sign, circumscribed triangles,
inscribed triangles, counting by hundreds (why
not?), telling time by increments of 5 minutes, a
dime = 10¢, and even get to see a real picture of
Prof. Schmidt taking a nap! You get the picture.
The books progress with a spiral approach, each
one going deeper into math and other engaging
facts and knowledge. Throughout them, Fred
also exhibits normal childlike behaviors (playing
at the table, mistaking a statue for a real lion,
needing to sit on phone books to use his desk,
along with positive character qualities (responsibility, love of God, cleanliness, desire to stay
fit, a love for reading, a distaste for television,
making wise choices, valuing truth and honesty,
saying prayers at night, being thankful and content even in times of adversity, etc.) And each
book will leave your students wanting to hear
more about the life of Fred. As with the upper
levels of this unusual curriculum, math principles and concepts are taught along with direct
application. They are naturally integrated into
the life of Fred. Can you see how the Professor
cannily whets the student’s appetite for future
math discoveries? He gives them a small taste
and, by doing so, makes the unknown familiar
and waiting to be explored…
I would be surprised if this doesn’t become the
math curriculum of choice for teachers using the
Charlotte Mason approach. It comes closer to
embodying her principles than any other math
course I’ve seen. Other parents will enjoy its
fresh approach to teaching with storytelling
rather than starting a child off with pages of
circling the groups of 7 or pages of addition
problems to work. It emphasizes concept and
understanding over rote problem solving. Even
if you feel more secure using a more traditional
math curriculum, I would strongly encourage
you to also purchase the Life of Fred elementary
series and read (and work it) with your child. It
would be a painless complement that would not
only reinforce and practice skills learned in your
“regular” math course, but also prepare your
child for higher level math concepts.
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.00
029731Butterflies 050463Goldfish
050545Ice Cream
050461Edgewood 050546Jelly Beans
LOFEAD A-D Package . . . . . 64.00 61.50
LOFEEJ E-J Package . . . . . . 96.00 91.95
LOFEEH E-H Package . . . . . . 64.00 61.50
LOFEIJ I-J Package . . . . . . . 32.00 30.50
LOFELM Complete Set (A-J) .160.00 149.95
Life of Fred Intermediate Series (3-6)
So, what to do after that last dose of Jelly Beans?
Head for the Kidneys, Liver and Mineshaft. If
your child has completed LOF Elementary and
is still under the tender age of ten (Prof. Schmidt
recommends NOT beginning LOF Fractions
until the fifth grade) three more books have been
added to fill the “gap”. Also use this series if
your 5th or 6th grader wants to switch to LOF
and has been using another curriculum. If your
child does not yet have a good grasp of addition and subtraction, does not understand the
concept of multiplication and division, or is not
yet in 4th grade, complete the LOF Elementary
series before beginning this one.
As in the Elementary series, each brief chapter
(about six pages) is followed by a short set of
problems (usually 4-5) called Your Turn to Play.
These questions should be written out (NO calculators are allowed) before checking the complete
solutions found on the next page. I strongly
recommend reading through the solutions even
if you think your answers are correct as there is
often additional instruction or alternate solution
method(s) embedded in the answer section. Each
book consists of nineteen chapters and should
take roughly a month to complete. Since the
entire series can be completed in a mere three
months, this would also be a great review course
for students during the summer.
If you are familiar with the other Life of Fred
books, you know that Prof. Schmidt educates
while entertaining. We pick up the Life of Fred
where we left it in the Elementary series. Fred
is still five, still a Professor at Kittens, still living on the third floor of the Math Building, and
still can’t paint as well as Kingie. Throughout
this series, we follow Fred as he catches criminals, visits the University President’s home,
meets a talking horse, goes to camp, babysits,
and ALMOST falls into a mineshaft. Between
beanbag-doll artists and magical mailboxes,
Fred explores a whole lot of math with a particular focus on functions. Besides learning
many mathematical concepts including (but not
limited to):
Numerals, fractions, borrowing in subtraction, functions, domains, codomains,
elapsed time, percents, telling time, standard to metric conversions, volume, perimeter, area, polar form, exponents, set theory, geometric forms, arithmetic sequences,
arithmetic series, Fundamental Theorem of
Calculus, sigma notation, analytic geometry, commutative actions, adding fractions,
multiplying fractions, geometric theorems,
Pythagorean theorem, pie charts, natural
numbers, long and short division, converting percents to fractions, reducing fractions,
converting fractions to percents, averages,
images in the codomain of a function, doubling, rounding, trillions, billions, set notation, perpendicular lines, diminutives, right
angles, sectors, cardinality, inverse operations, metric system, operations with time,
diameters, radii, chords, secants, measurement conversions, temperature conversions,
Your child will also learn about such things as:
Talent, practice, patience, idioms, how to
write a check, how to stay on topic when
speaking, chemical notation, why not to
consume much sugar, redundant speech,
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
basic laws of economics, stethoscopes,
why we have two kidneys, parts of speech,
multi-tasking, logically equivalent statements, adumbration, how to take up slack
in a boot, summer solstice, encountering
lions at blood banks, how to take the SAT,
reading the fine print, Armenian food, silent
letters, treble and bass clefs, why there is
little irony in children’s books, the singular form of graffiti, why to exercise, how
to open a door, the use of silence in life,
translating Latin, reasons to be grateful,
how addresses and rooms are numbered,
feudalism, hunting tigers, square knots,
balalaikas, the difference between concrete
and cement, Maslow’s hierarchy of human
needs, definition of a mammal, searing a
steak, telling the truth, making mistakes,
camping, and when to be polite – just to
name a few.
Even though I was rooting for Kittens, Lollipops,
and Milkshakes as follow-ups to the Elementary
series, I can’t complain about the deliciously
satisfying content of these less appealingly
named books.
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.00
LOFINT Set of 3 (K-M) . . . . 48.00 45.95
Life of Fred Upper Levels (5-12)
Even before we had a description of this math
program on our website or in our catalog,
we had many, many inquiries about it (and a
goodly number of sales). Is it the name? Is it
the concept of a small, pointy-nosed 5-year old
teaching Calculus at Kittens University? Is it the
outrageous storyline? Or are people desperate
for another approach to math? Although I was
the one who reviewed and decided to carry
this program, I was initially skeptical about its
scope. After all, much of the text was given
over to following the Life of Fred, with all the
strange humor and unlikely scenarios that go
along with it. In fact, that’s part of the attraction
for a student who really doesn’t enjoy math (yes,
I have one of those). So, could the course possibly have the content that a more traditional text
(like Saxon) has? Moreover, what type of person
would actually use this course, as entertaining
and whimsical as it is (if you can think whimsy
and Calculus in one thought). Well, after using
Life of Fred for Beginning Algebra and reading
through most of the Fractions book, I think I can
answer some of these questions.
First, Fred IS the unlikely mathematician in all
of us. Despite his youth and other cards stacked
against him (you’ll have to read the books to
understand this), Fred is amazingly successful as
a math professor. Why? It’s because he finds
math so intriguing, entertaining, and downright
USEFUL in everyday life (his life, the Life of
Fred). Why, math is everywhere in the world of
Fred – and no matter how things are going, he
can always see the math in it.
Then, there’s the psychology of Fred. You
want to help the little guy. I mean, he’s smart,
but so innocent, kind, helpful, endearing –
small, helpless, underweight (why, when he
was erroneously inducted into the army, they
had to use a little cup instead of a helmet for his
uniform!). Clearly the underdog in many situacontinued...
tions, Fred has ended up in the hospital in both
books I’ve read – even though one injury was
accidental. But I digress. You do get wrapped
up in the Life of Fred. And because you’re
rooting for him and concerned about him, you
kind of get taken up in the math that pervades
his thoughts. No matter how tough the Life of
Fred gets, he always has time to explain the finer
points of math to those needy souls around him.
Don’t get me wrong, Fred has plenty of fun, too.
He always makes the best of things and has
some great student/friends at Kittens who also
seem to need math in their everyday lives….
These are, indeed, the most unconventional
full-program math texts I’ve ever seen. Maybe
that’s why students who dislike traditional programs are so drawn to LOF. The books just
seem more accessible and – well, friendly.
Maybe it’s just the author’s personality or particular gift, but students who are turned off by
traditional math seem to find refreshment and
even inspiration in LOF. Although you may
have read some debate on whether the series
is too lightweight for a basal program, my two
cents is that it is not. The math is all here –
and then some. What is missing is repetition,
redundancy, and a multitude of problems to
work. These books are like my favorite college math text. When I first saw it, I thought it
was too slim for a whole-semester course. Ha!
Every word in that book was loaded. The text
was so cunningly and concisely written that
you actually had to study every word because
nothing was repeated. While LOF isn’t quite
that concise (it does have a complete storyline
along with the math), Dr. Schmidt doesn’t waste
words or your time. Every problem is almost
like a brainteaser – just a little out of your reach
unless you truly grasp the concepts. It gives
you a chance to figure things out for yourself.
There’s a whole lot of brain-stretching going on.
Therefore, gifted math students are also drawn
to these courses as they allow them to be challenged. Another good candidate for LOF is the
remedial student who has already been through
the course using another text. If it just didn’t
click, I would try this one. Finally, a motivated
or independent student would also appreciate
using the course. It’s purposely addressed to
the student and intended to be self-teaching. In
fact, the author prefers that students use these
with very little help from you so they can learn
to study and understand on their own. Even
the solutions are addressed to the student. In
fact, there’s a lot of actual instruction in the
solutions, which students should read after
trying to solve problems on their own. In
short, just about EVERY student could use this
program. The only shortfall I have seen in the
program is for students who really need a lot of
constant repetition and reinforcement. In some
sections there are just not enough problems,
even using the Home Companion. I had this
problem twice in Beginning Algebra as serious
as it needs to be. I both made up some of my
own problems and supplemented with problems
from Saxon Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 (some of
the material is actually more advanced than in
that series). I have since run across several other
supplemental products that I could have used
as well. Since writing the original description,
Professor Schmidt has remedied this situation
with his Zillions of Practice Problems books for
both Beginning and Advanced Algebra. The
books offer additional problems for each section
of each chapter of the corresponding algebra
books, along with complete (step by step) solutions to them. Hurray! No more rooting around
in other books for some specific extra problems
that your child needs extra practice with. I especially appreciate the inclusion of word problems
as I remember this being a concept that Janine
needed a little more experience with.)
Life of Fred is a series of 12 courses. Two of
these are Fractions and Decimals & Percents.
The author recommends waiting to start these
until your child is old enough to work on his/
her own (about 5th grade). Each of these courses
should take less than a quarter of a year to
complete. The new LOF Pre-Algebra 1 with
Biology is formatted like the previous books,
with BRIDGES rather than CITIES. It would fit
in a teaching sequence between Fractions and
Decimals & Percents and Beginning Algebra.
You can get a good idea of what is taught in
the course and the proportion of biology to
algebra by checking out the table of contents
on our website. Literally a “dream come true”,
Fred is every bit as entertaining while teaching
biology as he is when teaching math! While
this course will not replace high school biology,
it will replace much of the biology instruction in a general science course. Pre-Algebra
2 with Economics completes the pre-algebra
instruction, this time delving into topics such
as interest rates, competition, opportunity costs,
supply and demand. Following the same format as the Fractions, Decimals & Percents and
Pre-Algebra 1 and 2, Dr. Schmidt has released
Pre-Algebra 0 with Physics (formerly titled
Elementary Physics). This book fits nicely into
the Life of Fred sequence between Decimals &
Percents and Pre-Algebra 1. Dr. Schmidt feels
that too much time is lost before presenting
physics in high school and this book is designed
as an introduction to fill that gap. Algebra and
Advanced Algebra should each take a little
more than half a year. While Geometry takes
place during one day in the Life of Fred (a
Thursday after his sixth birthday), it is definitely
a full year course. Trigonometry can be completed in half of a year and Calculus (although
covering two full years of calculus) will take
one year. According to Mr. Schmidt, after this
progression “you will be ready to declare as a
math major at a university at the upper division
level and take third-year (junior-level) mathematics courses”. For even more Life of Fred,
there is also a Statistics course which “has much
more material than is normally covered in a
beginning university statistics course”. It’s been
years since my required course as a business
major at a university – I may just take this one
myself. Partly to test the author’s assertion and
partly because life is full of decisions and, as the
author says, “Success in life is 90% making the
right decisions in the first place” (the other 10%
is carrying them out). Also new is Linear Algebra
(as serious as it needs to be). Scanning through
the book, it looks a lot like an upper-level
course called Finite Math that I took in college.
It covers: solving systems of equations with one
solution (includes Gauss-Jordan elimination,
Gaussian elimination), many solutions, and no
solution (includes data fitting); matrices; vector
spaces; inner product spaces (including Fourier
series and Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process); linear transformations; and systems of
equations into the future (including eigenvalues,
stochastic matrices, Markov chains, Fibonacci
numbers) It is described by Dr. Schmidt as a
math course required by most colleges for math
majors and should be taught after Calculus. As
far as progression, Dr. Schmidt has placed it at
the very end of his other courses, after Statistics.
Like other upper-level courses, this one has
“Your Turn to Play” sections separating textual chunks. Each chapter ends with six CITIES.
There is a separate answer key for answers not
included in the text.
Organization and format of the books is
similar; of course, they all have a captivating
storyline centering on Fred Gauss, a very young
university math professor. The author, Stanley
F. Schmidt, Ph.D., is a witty guy, a good storyteller, and he also loves math. Unlike many
programs, the text is not written at a 6th grade
level. If anything, the text is imbued with a little
“extra” knowledge in different areas – especially
vocabulary. Dr. Schmidt also appears to be
a Christian man. Although his books aren’t
preachy and in places tend toward gritty realism, you will find a strong plug for goodness
here, along with a main character who says
his prayers every night. Fractions, Decimals
and Percents, and the Pre-Algebra books are
structured a little differently than the upperlevel books. Chapters in these are short (as are
the books), ending with a Your Turn to Play
problem set, followed by complete solutions
with explanation. Generally, after every five
chapters, there’s a BRIDGE taking you from the
culmination of the preceding chapters to the
new material. Actually, there are five BRIDGES
– your student has five tries to make it across the
BRIDGE. These contain a ten-question review
of everything learned to that point. Mr. Schmidt
recommends that students get at least nine out
of ten right to move on. Answers to these are
in the back of the book. The final BRIDGE
has 15 questions (20 in Decimals) and, again,
five tries to pass. This gives a student ample
opportunity to go back, study the material, and
try again without feeling like they’ve failed. It
is built-in remediation, rather than just failing
and still going on (isn’t this also the way we
train our children? If they don’t get it right,
they need to correct and do it again). Starting
in Beginning Algebra, chapters are longer. For
courses with the Home Companion available
(Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry), this
book breaks the chapters into bite-sized lessons. Natural breaks occur when the student
encounters a Your Turn to Play (series of problems with completely-worked solutions following), but the Companions also provide sets of
problems for each lesson in between. There
are 108 lessons as laid out in the Fred’s Home
Companion Beginning Algebra study guide, but
many of these are short; most students would
combine some of them. By comparison, Saxon
has 120 lessons, but this does not include testing whereas LOF’s lesson count does. At the
end of each chapter there are six CITIES (which
all have names so you can assign a student
to do Palmetto and Radcliffe for homework).
Actually, I’m not sure why they have names –
but, as with BRIDGEs, these determine whether
to move forward. They have some review
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
material from previous chapters, but are largely
chapter recaps. They take roughly 20-30 minutes to complete and, again, give your student
a chance to test, review, and test again (or you
might work the first two cities together, assign
the next two, and use the final two as tests). The
first two CITIES have all answers provided; the
next two have only odd answers shown; the last
two have none. All answers not in the text are
in the Home Companion or Answer Key. (Note:
Home Companions are slowly being phased out
of the series and their content integrated with
the text resulting in the Expanded Editions you
see in the item listing following. While some
content has shifted slightly and the six Cities
are now combined into three, the Expanded
Edition is essentially all of the material in the
two volumes now loaded into one.) The back
of each upper-level book (except Calculus) has
an A.R.T. section (All Reorganized Together)
containing definitions, formulae, theorems postulates – all the stuff you’d like summarized in
one handy place together for easy reference.
The Life of Fred actually begins in the Calculus
as serious as it needs to be book (in which Fred
is born), the first written (in 2001). Unlike the
other volumes, it has all the Your Turn to Play
questions and answers in the back and a Further
Ado section containing even more rigorous
material for you to include at your discretion.
Possibly because this volume was originally
written for college students, the material is edgier in this first book (Fred's dad drinks, his family
is somewhat dysfunctional, and there are other
allusions to drugs, alcohol and "hanky panky").
You may wish to skim ahead of your student and
"edit" anything unsatisfactory.
So far, I’m giving a thumbs up to this unique
(and slightly eccentric) math program. It has
made math more palatable (and interesting) for
my daughter. It has some unusual and novel
approaches to problem solving (like a simple,
foolproof method for factoring trinomials where
the squared term has a coefficient > 1 instead
of the guess and check approach employed in
other books). It incorporates critical thinking
and a discovery approach to math by its very
nature. It integrates the value of learning in
other curricular areas. It teaches math in the
context of real life – okay, real life uses for math
in a kind of surreal life. And, who wouldn’t like
a math book that begins, “Hi! This is going to
be fun,” then follows through on that promise?
Visit for other Raves
from Readers or to find out more about the
content of the books – or even to contact the
author directly. (You can even read some of Mr.
Schmidt’s 8:30 prayers). I’m not sure how Dr.
Schmidt can include his home phone number
on his website and encourage people to email
and phone him with questions, but I have read
several testimonies to his responsiveness. For a
full scope and sequence, visit our website and
take a peek at the table of contents for each
As a teacher, I have obviously enjoyed this
course. But my daughter, Janine, has never had
the innate appreciation for math that I do. Let’s
ask her what she thought (or thinks – we still
have 14 lessons to go!). Here are her comments
on Life of Fred Beginning Algebra as serious as
it needs to be:
“I love Life of Fred because of, well, Fred! But
also because this is the most creative math course
I’ve ever seen. When I first looked at the math
course, the thing that made me excited (besides
the story) was not seeing millions of problems.
Just a few, thought-provoking and even funny
ones. In the lesson book, you’ll only have one
small page, then you can be done. The Cities
don’t even have that many problems. But they
are all worth your time and un-repetitive, and
most inspire a challenge or are a little puzzle.
Mom didn’t think it would be a full-fledged math
course. But the more we’ve worked through it,
I’ve seen that it’s quite a bit harder and requires
more thinking. No wonder it’s been put on some
“gifted” lists. Moving along…..the writing is
HILARIOUS! It’s almost like Stanley Schmidt and
I have the same sense of humor sometimes. I’ve
read Fractions and most of Begininng Algebra
and enjoyed both immensely. It’s a ridiculous,
bizarre little series, which makes me love it all
the more! My brother likes it so much he showed
it to his college friends….and of course they all
laughed. The characters are amazing, and the
illustrations (especially of Fred) are priceless.
Stanley even has a little fun subtly (and not so
subtly) teasing movies, doctors, math books and
a whole myriad of things, and he has never failed
at amusing me. Math was my most hated subject.
And while I can’t say that I had a complete turnaround and wake up every morning saying “YAY!
I get to do math today! Wheeeeee!” I can say that
Life of Fred has taken all the dullness out, keeps
me captivated, and injected a lot of fun. I’d call it
an art piece, if a math book can be an art piece.
An amazing, amazing series, even more so considering we’re talking about a math course.”
Well, there you have it – from teacher and
student. Who says math can’t be entertaining?
042828Fractions . . . . . . . . . . 19.00
042827 Decimals & Percents . . 19.00
054567 Pre-Algebra 0 w/Physics
046445 Pre-Algebra 1 w/ Biology
048459 Pre-Algebra 2 w/ Economics 29.00
LOFPAS Pre-Algebra Set . . . 125.00 119.95
Includes all five books above
046232 Beginning Algebra Exp. Ed 39.00
050547 Zillions of Practice Problems for Beginning Algebra . 29.00
013147 Advanced Algebra Exp. Ed 39.00
046233 Zillions of Practice Problems Advanced Algebra . . . 29.00
LOFHS1 High School Set 1 . 136.00 129.95
Includes Advanced Algebra, Beginning
Algebra and both Zillions of... books
001195 Geometry Exp Edition39.00
042833Trigonometry . . . . . . . 29.00
016139 Trigonometry Exp. Ed . 39.00
LOFHS2 High School Set 2 . . 78.00 74.95
Includes Geometry and Trig Expanded
LOFCPS College Prep Set . . . 339.00 318.00
Includes 11 books above
001125 Calculus Exp Ed. . . . . . 49.00
053600 Statistics Exp Ed. . . . . 49.00
001198 Linear Algebra Exp Ed . 52.00
018033 5 Days of Upper Div. Math 19.00
066246 ☼Real Analysis . . . . . . 39.00
LOFCLG College Set . . . . . . . 208.00 199.00
Includes the 5 books above
LOFTXT Set of all Texts . . . . 411.00 385.00
Includes all 12 texts above
LOFCMPSet of all Texts, Companions, Keys
& Practice Probs . . 500.00467.00
Includes all titles above
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Life of Fred - Previous Editions
We still have plenty of stock remaining of some
of the older Life of Fred titles, before they were
revised into the Expanded Editions.
042818 Advanced Algebra Home Companion . . . . . . . . 14.00
042820 Trig. Home Companion 14.00
042825Calculus . . . . . . . . . . . 39.00
042826 Calculus Answer Key . 6.00
Five Days of Upper Division Math: Set
Theory, Modern Algebra, Abstract Arithmetic,
Topology (AD)
For the dedicated math student who wants
to push the envelope, here you go. Join Fred
at Kittens University for the summer session
– at least for the first five days – in which he
lectures (from 4am-8am) on, respectively, Set
Theory, Modern Algebra, Abstract Arithmetic,
and Topology. Prerequisites for this course
include more than a passing knowledge of algebra as well as a course in Geometry that taught
and required proofs. Prior algebra instruction
should have included:
¾¾ Union of sets
¾¾ Math induction
¾¾ Associative property
¾¾ One-to-one functions
¾¾ Inverse functions
¾¾ Multiplying matrices
As you can see, this includes most high school
seniors. However, final prerequisites I would
add are an appreciation for math, an ability
to think outside the book, ability for creative
thought, and a willingness to take a peek at
“real” math. I got this opportunity when I
took some upper-level university math courses.
There is truly a “magic” and beauty to math
(which Prof. Schmidt alludes to in the introduction to this book) that most people never get
to experience. If your student would like to
experience the same, I heartily recommend this
summer session with Fred.
Unlike other LOF books, there is no real storyline outside of Fred’s lectures. There are fun
puzzles (which look suspiciously like proofs, for
the most part) to solve - 139 of them that require
thought, creativity, and, for some, dedication.
Some are easily solved, others are going to take
some time. Solutions to all exercises are in the
back of the book. If your student loves math
or just wants to get a glimpse of higher level
math, this course is a great introduction to math
beyond calculus.
018033 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.00
A+ Interactive Math Software (1-8)
Whether you prefer for your students to learn
math via the internet, on the computer using
local software, or with traditional text and
workbook, and whether you need a full year
program or just supplemental work on a single
topic, A+ Math software has an option for you.
The approach is basically a sequential-mastery
method, rather than spiral or incremental, with
concepts presented, practiced, and expanded
fully in each chapter. The author believes that
having the material presented both audibly and
visually helps in understanding and retention.
Lessons are very straightforward with no frills
or distracting unnecessary graphics, only those
needed to explain or demonstrate concepts.
1st and 2nd grade were added after the higher
level courses and do incorporate more color and
fun illustrations. A cute little frog mascot appears
on some of the screens to aid in answering the
questions and gives a croak of approval when
the answer is correct. Worksheets for these levels are a bit more colorful as well. I think this
would definitely appeal to any child who likes
to work at the computer – A+ Math Software
makes math learning seem like a game.
In the program options are presented across
the top of the screen. You can watch and
listen to the multimedia lessons, view the suggested lesson plans, print out or just view the
curriculum book (same content as that of the
multimedia lessons), print out worksheets, tests,
(and answer keys for both) and reference sheets.
You can set the program so that the parent has
access to the answers but not the students. The
tests and worksheets are done in a multiple
choice format, black and white, with a minimal
number of appropriate graphics (coins, clocks,
etc.). I feel like this course might work well for
students who are distracted by a lot on a page;
white space is in the students’ favor with this
program. An interactive Q & A button is found
at the bottom of the page that allows the student to practice the concept and get immediate
feedback on the accuracy of their answer. The
software includes everything you need to do the
course, including all necessary PDF files. The
printed workbook is a convenience product that
is helpful if you don’t want to print the pages
yourself. We are stocking both the Premium and
Standard editions of the software. The Premium
edition includes additional features such as the
ability to lock solutions manuals, an electronic
grade book with progress tracking, and printable
certificates of completion.
I have never looked at Teaching Textbooks at
the younger grades, but did have an opportunity
to look at the algebra. The A+ program has the
same type of slide-like presentation for the lessons and you can purchase the book in print to
follow along with the lessons as they are presented. The content is comprehensive, and the
pacing is steady and methodical.
System requirements: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/ Family Math Package – 1 Month Free Trial
Windows 7/8 and 250 MB disk space available Not very many companies offer this option, but
on the hard drive. NOT Mac-compatible. The A+ Tutorsoft is so confident that you will like
CD-based version doesn’t need the internet to their math products that they offer this opporturun, but you do need internet access to register nity to try it. When ordering this free online trial
and activate your software. If you are unsure from us, you will receive a sheet of instructions
about where to begin in the program, you can that will take you step-by-step through the regvisit for a free limited istration process. Remember that we offer free
placement test.
shipping on orders of $50 or more, so this prodWe are offering the curriculum in a variety uct can be added to your order without charge.
of packages, with or without printed texts and If ordering it by itself, there is a shipping charge.
workbooks to give you options. Print texts and EACH BELOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . FREE
workbooks are also available individually. If 007770 1 Student
012481 4 Students
you like the approach, but prefer to teach the 012379 2 Students 012483 5 Students
material yourself, you may opt for the eBooks 012471 3 Students
bundle, which contains a print textbook, a print
workbook and a CD-ROM with electronic files A+ Adaptive Placement Test
of solutions, exams, exam solutions, the workStruggling math students can get the help they
book and the textbook. Please note that the need to fill gaps and do some catching up. This
software-based lessons are not included.
online program gives your student a placement
Family Math Packages (see our website) (diagnostic) test, identifies their trouble areas,
provide access to an online version of the A+ and then implements customized lessons for the
Interactive Math curriculum for one year from difficulties of that particular student. This is a
activation. Upon purchase, you will receive 3-month subscription, which should be enough
activation information and you can activate time to tutor students through their math difficulyour account at any time. If you have children ties; if not, you can renew your subscription. A
in multiple grades and online math instruction program like this can prove invaluable for strugis convenient for you, this may be your best gling students; it could also be used to practice
option. The more children signed up under specific math skills.
this option, the cheaper per child the package 021581 1 Student . . . . . . . . 39.99 22.75
becomes. Access is per child so if you purchase 021602 2 Students . . . . . . . 49.99 28.50
the package for 3 students, you will have access 021603 3 Students . . . . . . 59.99 33.95
to all available grades of the curriculum for 021612 4 Students . . . . . . 69.99 39.95
three students for one year. If one grade level is 021634 5 Students . . . . . . 79.99 45.95
completed, you may begin a new grade level.
Parent tracking is for one grade level at a time,
but you can drop back a grade level for rein- Starline Press Math (3-10)
forcement at any time, then return to the target
Starline Press Math is a character-based, indigrade level (progress outside of the target grade vidualized and independent learning curriculevel is not tracked, however).Online version is lum. Aligned to pre-Common Core California
Windows & Mac-compatible with a high-speed state standards (please see publisher website for
internet connection.
CA state standards correlation), each grade level
EACH PREMIUM CD + PRINT provides self- directed instruction with miniWORKBOOK . . . . . 144.99 115.00 mal teacher supervision. Grades 3-8 complete
EACH PREMIUM CD ONLY .124.99 99.95 twelve units (booklets) per year, with a sugEACH STANDARD CD + PRINT gested 3 week completion timeframe. Grades
WORKBOOK . . . . . 119.99 97.00 9-10 complete 5 booklets per semester /10 per
EACH STANDARD CD ONLY 99.99 80.95 year. Each grade level includes vocabulary, fill
EACH eBOOK BUNDLE . . . . 74.99 59.95 in the blank questions, practice problems, chapEACH PRINT TEXT/WKBK SET 54.99 44.50 ter reviews, and unit tests Consumable booklets
EACH PRINT WORKBOOK . . 29.99 24.25 are softcover. Available only in complete sets
which include answer and test keys. ~ Deanne
P R EM I U M Standard
051459 GRADE 3 . . . . . . . . 204.40 184.95
w/ Wkbk CD only w/ Wkbk CD only
Review of addition, subtraction and shapes.
Gr. 1 057677 055496 057678 055497
Place value. Rounding and expanded notaGr. 2 057681 055499 057682 055500
tion. Multiplication facts include single and
Gr. 3 057685 053939 057686 053940
multi-digits. Division by 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Gr. 4 057689 053942 057690 053943
Students also study decimals, fractions, unit
Gr. 5 057693 053945 057694 053946
conversions and volume, weight and area,
Gr. 6 057697 053948 057698 053949
geometric shapes, solid objects, data collecPre-Alg057701 053954 057702053955
tion and outcome prediction.
Alg 1 057705 053951 057706 053952 051460 GRADE 4 . . . . . . . . 204.40 184.95
Review of Grade 3. Adding and subtracting
eBooks/PrintPrinted/ Printed
with a number line, decimals to the hun
Bundle Text/Wkbk Set Wkbk
dredths place, multiply multi-digit numbers,
Gr. 1
manipulate time and measurement equaGr. 2
tions, and work with fractions and division.
Gr. 3
The student completes problems using word
Gr. 4
problems, liquid and dry measures and masGr. 5
tering metrics. They also learn geometry,
Gr. 6
working with rations and probability and
how to coordinate and construct graphs.
Alg 1
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
051461 GRADE 5 . . . . . . . . 204.40 184.95
Students engage in standard’s based activities, including place value, decimals, exponents and prime factors. Student increase
their facility with the four math operations
(addition, subtraction, multiplication and
division) and apply them to fractions, decimals, positive and negative numbers. They
learn to identify and add and subtract integers, use variable and tables, organize and
display data with graphs. Students study
shapes, lines, points and angles, and learn
to solve perimeter, surface and volume of an
area. Students will develop strong problem
solving skills, conceptual understanding and
procedural skills.
051462 GRADE 6 . . . . . . . . 204.40 184.95
Students will multiply and divide using
whole numbers and decimals. They solve
equations and problems using fractions and
mixed numbers. Study of geometric formulas, data analysis and mathematical reasoning is included. Students will work with
percent, ratios, and proportions. Probability
and statistics is studied using data analysis
and estimation. Geometry, symmetry and
spatial relationships are taught.
051464 GRADE 7 . . . . . . . . 204.40 184.95
PRE-ALGEBRA: Seventh grade students study
units of measure including time, customary
and metric, and converting between customary and metric. They study graphs and diagrams with focus on bar and line graphs and
Venn diagrams. Also included are: rounding
and estimation, order of operations, absolute
value, prime numbers, comparing decimals,
fractions and percent. Story problems are
studied as well as the consumer math topics sales tax, discount and depreciation,
and mark up and appreciation. Students
also study multiplication, power, and division properties of exponents and percent,
probability and permutations. Seventh grade
math includes the study of perimeter, area
and volume of polygons, rectangles, squares,
triangles, trapezoids, circles and cylinders.
Students also study basic geometry, basic
statistics and pre-algebra.
051441 GRADE 8 . . . . . . . . 204.40 184.95
ALGEBRA I: Eighth grade students continue
the study of algebraic concepts. They study
the properties and operations of real numbers, adding positive and negative numbers,
and adding decimals and percent. Students
study mathematical operations of fractions,
linear equations, exponents, absolute value
and scientific notation. They solve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division equations as well as solving two step
equations and equations involving parenthesis. Students learn to solve equations and
rate problems with variables on both sides.
Inequalities, compound inequalities, and
inequalities with absolute values are learned.
Students will also study the Cartesian coordinate system, verifying solutions, slope,
graphing lines, and writing equations of
lines in slope intercept form and transforming to standard form. Exponents, square
roots, polynomials and quadratic equations
are taught. Students will learn simplifying
rational expressions and solving rational
equations as well as adding, subtracting,
multiplying and dividing radicals. Note: this
course may be used to meet requirements for
High School Algebra.
051457 GRADE 9 . . . . . . . . 174.50 164.95
GEOMETRY: Covers Geometry basics:
points and lines, line segments, rays, planes,
and lines and points in planes. Students
study definitions of angles, degrees, and
measuring the size of angles. They are
taught to classify angles by size and relation
and how to bisect an angle. Students study
parallelograms, properties of a trapezoid,
ration and proportions, and the Pythagorean
Theorem. Ninth grade students know,
derive, and solve problems involving perimeter, circumference, area, volume, lateral
area and surface area of common geometric
features. Students know the definitions of
basic trigonometric functions defined by the
angles of a right triangle. They also know
and are able to use elementary relationships
between functions.
051442 GRADE 10 . . . . . . . 204.40 184.95
ALGEBRA II: Students add, subtract, multiply and divide polynomials. They will also
work with complex fractions, ratios, and
proportions. The basics of quadratic equations, the square root method, and solving
absolute value equations are also learned.
Students learn about linear inequalities
including their addition and multiplication
properties. They also study logarithms and
antilogarithms and how to work these problems on a calculator. Pascal’s Triangle and
the Binomial Theorem are studied. Students
make and interpret scatter plots, as well as
parabola basics and graphing parabolas.
Starline Press Consumer Math (9-12)
Starline Press is a character-based, state standards aligned curriculum that is designed for
independent study. This consumer math course
is set up in 10 units, one year to complete, for
one full high school credit. Topics covered in
this series of workbooks are addition of whole
numbers/decimals/percents, subtraction with
whole numbers/negative numbers/decimals/
percents, handling a checking account, multiplication, division, fractions, percents, units of
measure, angles/triangles/quadrilaterals, planes
& solid shapes, circle concepts, using variables,
geometry & formulas, data analysis, mean/median/mode/range, tables & graphs, equations,
writing expressions, order of operations, reasoning, relevant/irrelevant & missing information.
055691 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174.50 164.95
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
These programs offer all necessary teaching and
student books for teaching grade-level math
below Pre-Algebra.
ShillerMath Program (PK-7)
Not just another math program; this one is
different. ShillerMath is a Montessori-based,
multisensory curriculum for grades PreK to
7th which meets all NCTM standards. “What
is Montessori?” you may be asking yourself. It
is a method of educating children that stresses
development of a child’s own initiative and natural abilities, and the role of physical activity in
absorbing abstract concepts and practical skills.
But don’t panic, no Montessori or math knowledge is required to use this curriculum, and
there is little to no preparation for the lessons.
ShillerMath incorporates an incremental spiral
approach (which guarantees plenty of practice)
into their math program along with a 3-step presentation of concepts. The three steps are: “This
is…” “Show me…” and “What is…” Parents use
this process developed by Dr. Maria Montessori
to ensure that the child understands each concept. The example given for this in the Parent
Guide is for teaching two-digit numbers:
¾¾ Step 1: The parent says while pointing to
the numbers, “This is 10, this is 11, this
is 12.”
¾¾ Step 2: The parent leaves all three numbers out and says without pointing, “Show
me 12; show me 11; show me 10.”
¾¾ Step 3: The parent points to one of the
numbers and says, “What is this?”
The Lesson Books provide lessons which are
colorful, easy to implement, and take an ageappropriate amount of time: 15 minutes for
four year-olds, 20 minutes for 5 year-olds, 25
minutes for 6 year-olds, 30 minutes for 7 and 8
year-olds, and 30-45 minutes for children 9 to
12 years old. Each lesson begins by stating the
objective, manipulatives needed, the learning
style to which the lesson appeals, and whether
the page is consumable. Instruction is scripted
and diagrams, drawings, and illustrations are
provided for clear teaching of concepts. There
is no set time per lesson or for the number of
lessons per day. Each child is different and the
child should set the pace according to their
learning ability and skills. A Quick Start Guide
is printed in the front of the Lesson Book which
gives options for use and tips to reduce frustration for the student and the parent.
The Answer Guides include the pages from the
Lesson Book with the answers printed in color.
A ‘Completed Work Sheet’ chart provides space
for tracking completed lessons, lessons to revisit, and minutes worked on each lesson. This is
found in books 1-3. A ‘Review Test Scoresheet’
allows space at the back of the Answer Guide
in Books 1-3 to track test scores and lessons to
be revisited and is provided separately for books
4 and up. Additional sheets can be purchased
for additional students or they are included with
the consumable downloads available with each
kit. Please see our website for individual lesson
books and answer guides.
A 15-page Parent Guide tells you how to
get started with ShillerMath, how the program
works, how to build confidence in your child,
and much more. This booklet even offers an
explanation of parent responsibilities within the
parent-child relationship.
The goal of this math program is for students
to speak and write mathematics clearly, accurately and concisely, and to achieve a solid
understanding of math concepts. It seems Mr.
Shiller had the right idea as he thought about
how children learn and the best way for them
to understand math concepts. As children hear
the lessons and songs, play with manipulatives,
and see the concepts applied, they can truly
learn math in a way which would make Dr.
Montessori smile.
Beginner Base 10 Workbook
The Beginner Base 10 Workbook is for the
young child who wants to begin math, but isn’t
quite ready for Book 1 in this program. This
book provides children with a complete and
solid understanding of the decimal system. It
introduces them to numbers in a very concrete
manner using a multisensory approach, yet
there are no manipulatives to purchase.
045757 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.95 9.15
ShillerMath Kit I (PK-3)
Kit I is intended for ages 4-8, and is a complete math program for 5 years of instruction.
Remember, the child sets the pace, so it can
take more or less than 5 years to complete the
contents of this kit. The kit includes Lesson
Books 1-3, Answer Guides 1-3, Parent Guide,
Volume I CD, 4” yellow foam ball, nylon bag
with string tie, geared clock, assorted plastic
U.S. coins, 8 crayon set, 2 standard dice,
1- and 2-cup measurers, safety mirror for symmetry work, 22”x34” cloth work mat, 3-ring
binder, 0-9 set of wooden dominoes, #2 pencil,
12” clear plastic ruler, pan balance for weight
comparison, set of 16 thousand cubes, set of
plastic operation signs, complete number card
set w/ wooden tray, base ten set, materials bank
wooden tray, 8 each of 7 shape tiles, number
tile set, and free downloads of consumables for
5 years. Downloads are the consumable pages
for each lesson, ‘Completed Worksheet’ pages,
and ‘Review Test’ scoresheets.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
045763 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349.95 344.95
Shiller Math Kit 1 Basic (PK-3)
This pared-down set includes Lesson Books
1-3, Answer Guides 1-3, Parent Guide and Vol.
1 CD along with only the custom or hard-to-find
manipulatives. These include: 4" yellow foam
ball, probability bag, geared clock, symmetry
mirror, set of 14 operator tiles, number card
set with wooden tray, colored wooden shape
tiles and number tiles. No decimal material
is included. Kit includes 5 years of access to
downloads. This is a good option if you already
are well-stocked with math manipulatives!
057314 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249.95 244.95
ShillerMath Kit II (4-7)
Kit II is intended for ages 9-12 and includes
pre-algebra. The kit includes Lesson Books 4-6
with 12 diagnostic tests; Answer Guides for
4-6; Parent Guide; Volume II audio CD; 3-ring
binder; division table pad, degreed circle pad
and graph worksheet pad; tracking sheets; set
of 12 see-through 3D geometric shapes; 4 geoshape nets in wooden box; decimal fraction
chips in wooden box and free downloads of
consumables for 5 years. There are some additional items you will need that aren’t included in
Kit II: scissors, paper strips, protractor, kitchen
scale, drawing compass, measuring cups and
spoons, Base 10 unit cubes, magnetic compass,
calculator, paper money, playing cards, tape
measure, crayons, and colored markers.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
045765 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249.95
Shiller Math Songs
ShillerMath songs are included in each
kit or can be purchased separately. Each cd
includes 25 original math tunes by Ron Brown
of IntelliTunes. Listen to the songs in conjunction with the lesson while riding in your car, or
while the kids are playing. I will say that the
tunes are catchy, lively and upbeat and I caught
myself singing them later in the day. They teach
concepts such as the power of ten, counting
by 2s, 4s, 5s, and mass on Volume I and fractions, negative numbers and square roots on the
Volume II CD.
045784 Volume I . . . . . . . . . 14.95 12.50
045780 Volume II . . . . . . . . 14.95 12.50
☼Shiller Math Fractions Kit (4-7)
Shiller Math is a trusted name in math education, and they have now composed a kit to help
those who need specific instruction with fractions. The kit includes the fraction lesson book
and answer key, parent guide, fractions guide
book, tracking sheet for completed assignments,
and 2 sets of fraction circles. Each set of fractions circles includes 54 pieces which represent
whole, halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, sixths,
sevenths, eighths, ninths, and tenths. Concepts
practiced begin with the basics and build fraction families, denominator, numerator, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, least
common denominator and much more. The
lesson book has 168 lessons that include review
tests (187 pages). The answer key offers answers
to all lessons found in the lesson book. Take
time out from your regular curriculum to focus
on fractions, or use it with your regular curriculum to reinforce fraction concepts. ~ Donna
057313 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99.95
Montessori Flash Cards
These flash cards allow students to see units
along with the number. Students can then see
how to correct errors while memorizing their
facts. For example, if adding 3 and 4 there
would be 3 unit cubes printed vertically below
the number 3 and 4 unit cubes printed vertically below the number 4 and a blank box to
represent your answer. On the reverse side of
the card the same problem is printed along with
the answer. Below the answer, the student will
see unit cubes to represent the total. A brief
explanation for solving the problem is printed
on the answer side of each card.
EACH SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.95
045752 Addition 045753Division
ShillerMath Manipulatives
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
045746 Complete Number Card Set w/ Wooden Tray . . 39.95
This is a set of 108 color-coded cards with
digits 1-9, 10-90, 100-900, and 1000-9000.
The cards lay on top of each other to form
4-digit numbers when doing place value
work. Printed in red, green and blue which
are characteristic of Montessori manipulatives and comes in a partitioned wooden
tray with sliding cover.
045750 Fraction Circles w/ Tray
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.95 18.45
Wholes through tenths, with different colors for each fraction circle stored neatly in
wooden box with plastic cover.
045782 Set of 16 Thousands Cubes
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.95 18.45
Die-cut flats which fold easily into a perfect
10cm x 10cm sturdy cardstock cube.
057312 Geo Shapes (12 pcs) (3-7)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.95 18.45
This set of blue, transparent, 3-D, geometrical shapes and includes sphere, hemisphere, cone, cylinder, two pyramids (one
triangular base, one square base), triangular
prism, hexagonal prism, cube, and three
cuboids. Each shape has a removable end
for measuring volume and is approximately
2 inches. This same set is included in Kit II
of Shiller Math (045765).
Christian Liberty Mathematics
Liberty Mathematics (K-2)
The purpose of Liberty Mathematics is to help
parents communicate “a small part of God’s
knowledge and wisdom to children.” Since
formal lessons are new to the student at this
age, it is important to move slowly and carefully. Understanding should be emphasized
rather than quickly finishing workbook pages.
Considerable importance is placed on math
games and drills outside of the workbook lesson. Suggested activities for each unit are listed
in the Teacher’s Manual. Standard drills involve
counting on hundred charts or working with
flashcards. Typical games include making up
oral story problems or using counting manipulatives to illustrate math facts.
The kindergarten workbook contains 233 pages
printed in shades of black and green. One lesson usually takes up both sides of a page. Time
spent on games and drills should at least match
the time spent on the workbook each day. Brief
instructions are given to the teacher at the top
of each workbook page, while more complete
lesson plans and instructions are provided in
the Teacher’s Manual. Topics covered include
identifying and printing 1-10, counting from
0-100, place value, addition and subtraction
through the family of 10, counting by 1, 2, 5,
and 10, time, and ordinal numbers. Measuring
in inches, simple fractions (halves and thirds),
and addition and subtraction story problems
are also briefly covered. Continual review is
integrated into subsequent workbook pages.
Compared to Horizons K, Liberty Mathematics
makes more efficient use of space, generally
fitting more practice problems on a page than
Horizons. Horizons, however, has more workbook pages than Liberty. Liberty presents a solid
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
math foundation, although Horizons covers
more advanced material. Horizons K Book Two
ends with problems like 72+5 or 69-5, whereas
Liberty ends with problems like 4+5 or 10-6.
Horizons covers time and measurement in short
sections scattered over many lessons, while
Liberty treats time and measurement as main
topics concentrated in fewer lessons.
The 1-10 number line is an important aspect
of every lesson. It is printed at the top of nearly
every workbook page in the K and A workbooks. In the first few lessons, students use the
number line to learn number recognition. Later
on, the concept of “adding one” is equated with
counting the “number that comes after.” For
instance, 2 comes after 1 is the same as adding
one to 1. Eventually, addition and subtraction are modeled by moving up and down the
number line. 1+2 = 3 is verbalized as going to
1 and adding 2 more. Working on games and
drills outside the workbook may be especially
important if the student becomes accustomed
to referencing the number line and using it as a
“crutch” when solving problems.
The 129-page drill book for level A contains
extra practice for your student as they seek
to master the skills they have learned. Some
drills test for accuracy and contain twenty-five
problems while other drills test both accuracy
and speed and contain fifty problems. The top
of each drill page contains the workbook page
number that your student should have completed before they can take the drill. The drills
can be taken any time after that workbook page
has been completed; they don’t necessarily have
to be done immediately following. The book is
reproducible, so you can copy each drill several
times to give to your student, and each page is
perforated for easy removal.
Level B is the newest edition to this series
(2010). The lessons each day should include
certain components such as counting numbers,
math facts, lesson goals, drills and tests, and
the workbook assignment. The student workbook is done in shades of gray, black, and red
with plenty of concept practice. Chapters build
sequentially with a review found in each, and
speed drills after the 4th chapter. Chapter 1
is a review of concepts learned in level A and
continues to build on the foundation. Concepts
covered in this level include addition and
subtraction up to 4 columns with carrying and
borrowing, place value, telling time, calendars,
money, story problems, measuring, fractions,
multiplying and dividing up to 5, shapes, balanced equations, and working with maps.
Games are still used at this level and suggested
items to have on hand are dominoes or dot
cards, flashcards, coins and bills, ruler with
inches and centimeters, teaching clock, and
miscellaneous manipulatives for counting. The
test packet includes one cumulative test for each
chapter (8) and the answers.
010968 Level K Workbook . 12.75
010969 Level K Tchr Manual 7.50
049622 Level K Flashcards . . 4.25
026059 Level A Workbook . 17.00 12.50
049620 Level A Tchr Manual 7.50
049621 Level A Tests . . . . . . 5.25
042136 Level A Drill Book . 11.75
005682 Level B Workbook . 17.00 12.50
005685 Level B Tchr Manual 7.50
005746 Level B Test . . . . . . . 5.25
☼EnVision Math (2011 Ed) (K-6)
This highly visual
math will help your
child “envision”
EnVisionMath is
a series by Scott
Wesley, originally
printed for classroom, and is now
available for homeschool. This is for parents
who want to keep pace with what is going on
at grade level in the classroom. Every lesson
includes an interactive activity to help build
math understanding.
The student workbooks at K-2 levels of the
program are large format books with “tear-‘ntake” pages for hands-on learning activities. The
3rd through 6th grade levels of the curriculum
offer a hardcover text with step-by-step instruction and illustrations for interactive learning. I
have only had an opportunity to look at the K-2
student workbooks. They are brightly colored,
and I can’t imagine any child not loving the cute
graphics and visual presentation.
Books are divided into 20 units (16 units at
the kindergarten level), and each unit is broken down into daily lessons. At the end of
every unit is an assessment and review. Units
are arranged topically and some instruction is
included at the bottom of the pages (K-2) for
things to do at home and an activity. So that
students stay fresh with their concepts, spiral
review pages can be printed from the Teacher
Edition CD-ROM for repeated practice. You
may see an occasional reference to – homeschool families don’t have
access to that online content, but it isn’t necessary for teaching or completing the curriculum.
Bundles include the student book, MindPoint®
Quiz Show CD-ROM, and Teacher Edition
CD-ROM. The MindPoint® Quiz Show is a
CD-ROM with a fun, interactive game that
students can play to hone their math skills.
The Teacher Edition CD-ROM has a lot of
useful information and is easy to use. Simply
put the disc into your computer and it is ready
to go. You will find 3 tabs along the top for
easy navigation. Parents and teachers will be
able to print out center activities, vocabulary
cards, an interactive math story, lesson masters,
and assessments. They will also find materials
for planning and teaching lessons – a teacher
edition in pdf format.
System Requirements for the cds are Windows
2000/XP and Mac OS X 10.3.9 or higher. I tried
both CD-ROMs on a Windows 7 and had no
difficulty opening the content on either of them.
EACH BUNDLE K-2 . . . . . . . 109.97 102.95
EACH BUNDLE 3-6 . . . . . . . 109.97 102.95
EACH WORKBOOK K . . . . . . . 35.95
EACH WORKBOOK 1-2 . . . . . . 46.95
Kindergarten062185 062186
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
McRuffy Math (K-3)
Just like a child's mind, this manipulativebased curriculum grows more complex with
each passing grade. At the kindergarten level,
math lessons are short and sweet. These bitesized lessons will not overwhelm your child
with too much information presented too quickly. Lessons involve simple hands-on activities,
such as making pattern block designs or modeling addition using base ten materials, which
will help young learners to make concrete
connections. A greater emphasis is placed on
auditory math exercises in the first grade. These
exercises simultaneously help develop listening
skills as well as mental math skills. By the second grade, students should be ready to tackle an
increased amount of workbook practice which
is provided for each lesson. The third grade
curriculum returns to a normal amount of practice, but also implements two new programs,
Memory Skills Building and Basic Facts Mastery.
The curriculum for each grade comes as a
boxed set which includes a teacher's manual and
a consumable workbook. The teacher's manual
generally includes a scope and sequence, daily
lesson plans, copy masters, and tests. For the
second and third grades, workbook answers are
also provided. Instruction spirals so skills are
reviewed and expanded upon when a topic is
revisited. Lesson plans are highly organized and
simple to use. Each lesson plan provides: 1)
lesson objectives, 2) a list of required materials
(including any workbook pages to be completed), and 3) teaching instructions that become
more detailed and scripted with each grade. All
workbooks are printed in black and white with
the exception of the Kindergarten Color Math
Workbook. As they are not reproducible, extra
workbooks for additional students are available
separately. Some of the curriculum sets also
include either a card set or a resource pack
which contains other required materials such as
number cards and charts.
Manipulative kits are not included with any
curriculum set and should be purchased separately. For your convenience, we have several
"upgrade" kits available that will let you add
on to your current manipulative kit for the next
grade. Or, you can opt to get the Super Set
which includes all manipulatives for grades K
through 3. Please note that common household materials such as paper, pencil, crayons,
scissors, or coins, are not provided in any
manipulative kit but may be required for certain
lessons. ~ Anh
Kindergarten Color Math
The curriculum set includes a teacher's manual, a workbook, and a resource packet. The
teacher's manual contains 160 lesson plans with
substantially enhanced teaching instructions for
each lesson. It is also easier to identify workbook pages and materials needed for lessons
due to newly added illustrations. The workbook
still has a neat, uncluttered appearance, but
there are more exercises per workbook page.
There are also more lessons with corresponding workbook practice. Bright colors and fun
illustrations definitely make this workbook more
appealing than the original. The resource packet
includes several sets of precut cards, laminated
game boards, number lines, charts, and posters.
Games, which practice following directions as
well as counting skills, have also been incorporated. This program also makes better use
of geoboard activities. Reproducing designs
on a geoboard is not only fun, but it also helps
develop visual discrimination skills. Covering
much the same content as Kindergarten Basic
Math, this version also includes measurement
using non-standard units, fractions (halves), and
slightly more advanced subtraction (12 - 7 vs. 9
- 2) although both kindergarten programs teach
addition up to 18.
036225Curriculum . . . . . . 119.95 75.95
036226 Workbook Only . . . 39.95 25.95
MKCMMK Manipulative Kit . 18.24 15.95
Centimeter cubes (20 - 2 of 10 colors), clock
face, dice (set of 4), pattern blocks (100),
tangrams (1 set), teddy bear counters (48).
*Please note that a geoboard and base ten
blocks are NOT included in this kit because
a laminated geoboard grid and paper base
ten blocks are provided in the resource
packet as alternatives. If you want the
actual manipulative items instead, please
see MKCT1U.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
MKT1UP K to Gr 1 Upgrade Kit . 8.03 6.50
Dice (set of 4), pentominoes (1 set), spinner (0 to 9), and transparent chips (250).
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
MKCT1U Color K to Gr 1 Manipulative Upgrade . . . . . . . . . . 14.0110.95
Base ten rods (20), geoboard (5 x 5 pin),
pentominoes (1 set), spinner (0 to 9), and
transparent counters (250).
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
First Grade Math
Includes 175 lessons covering counting and
writing numbers to 500, 3-digit addition/subtraction, 2-digit addition with regrouping, telling
time to 5 minutes, counting money, estimation,
place value to 100s, charts and graphs, probability, measurement, multiplication by two,
and more. Auditory exercises like skip counting
backwards or saying two numbers and having
the student subtract them are often incorporated
into lesson plans and can be utilized during free
moments. A list of different exercises is provided
in the teacher's manual. The teacher's manual
also includes unit tests and significantly more
timed tests than the kindergarten programs.
032707Curriculum . . . . . . 74.95 48.50
036233 Workbook Only . . . 18.95 12.50
M1GMMK Manipulative Kit 31.25 25.00
Base ten rods (20), centimeter cubes (20 - 2
of 10 colors), Write On/Wipe Off Student
Clock, dice (set of 4), geoboard (5 x 5
pin), pattern blocks (100), pentominoes
(1 set), spinner (0 to 9), teddy bear counters (48) and transparent counters (250).
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
M1T2UPGr 1 to 2 Upgrade . . 18.20 14.00
Base ten flats (10), Frax Pax Tiles, and tangrams (2 sets).
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
Second Grade Math
In this grade, daily auditory exercises and math
journal entries are added to each lesson. A bigger emphasis is placed on practice. There are
two workbook pages for every lesson, which
explains why the student workbook comes in
two volumes. However, the importance of
developing math reasoning skills in addition to
computational skills is also emphasized through
the inclusion of story problems. The teacher's
manual contains 160 lessons and answers to the
exercises. This curriculum covers, but is not
limited to, 4-digit addition and subtraction with
regrouping, Roman numerals, multiplication
facts to 10, division facts to 4, place value to ten
thousands, beginning fractions (to eighths), geometric reasoning, odd/even numbers, and linear
measurement. The curriculum set includes the
teacher's manual and both workbooks.
032709Curriculum . . . . . . 74.95 48.50
036238 Workbook 1 Only . 20.95 13.95
036239 Workbook 2 Only . 20.95 13.95
M23GMK . Manipulative Kit . . 33.28 25.00
Base ten flats (10), base ten rods (20), centimeter cubes (20 - 2 of 10 colors), Write
On/Wipe Off Student Clock, dice (set of
4), Fraction Tiles, geoboard (5 x 5 pin),
pentominoes (1 set), tangrams (2 sets), and
transparent counters (250). This is the same
manipulative kit used for Grade 3.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
Third Grade Math
This is actually the first curriculum I looked at
when we decided to carry McRuffy Math, and
it is still my favorite. Built into the curriculum
is a Memory Skills Building program which uses
short term memory cards and visual memory
picture cards. With the visual memory picture
cards, the student studies the card and tries to
copy the shapes and symbols from memory. A
short term memory card consists of a list of numbers with which you can perform one of four different drills: hear-write, see-write, hear-repeat,
and see-repeat. This curriculum also includes a
Basic Facts Mastery program for multiplication
fact up to 10. It is a combination of hands-on
activities using counters, written timed tests,
auditory tests, and flashcard drills. Fun, geometric puzzles involving a geoboard, tangrams,
or pentominoes are also included throughout the
year. The curriculum set includes a teacher's
manual, workbook, and the third grade math
card set. The teacher's manual also includes
workbook answers. This curriculum covers
4-digit addition and subtraction with regrouping, writing and reading Roman numerals in the
thousands, multiplication facts to 12, division
facts to 10, money (adding, subtracting), place
value to millions, fractions (adding, subtracting,
multiplying), perimeter and area, logic, geometric reasoning, and more in 160 lessons.
032710Curriculum . . . . . . 74.95 48.50
036241 Workbook Only . . . 25.95 16.95
M23GMK Manipulative Kit . 33.28 25.00
Base ten flats (10), base ten rods (20),
centimeter cubes (20 - 2 of 10 colors),
clock face, dice (set of 4), Frax Pax Tiles,
geoboard (5 x 5 pin), pentominoes (1 set),
tangrams (2 sets), and transparent counters
(250). Please note that this is the same
manipulative kit used in Grade 2.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
Manipulative Super Set (K-3)
This complete set for Grades K-3 includes base
ten flats (10), base ten rods (20), centimeter
cubes (20 - 2 of 10 colors), write-on/wipe-off
student clock, dice (4), fraction tiles, geoboard
(5 x 5 pin), pattern blocks (100), pentominoes
(1 set), spinner (0 to 9), tangrams (2 sets), teddy
bear counters (48), and transparent counters
(250). CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
MMMSST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49.45 35.00
☼Purposeful Design Math (K-8)
This series should be considered a strong math
option: a solid scope and sequence; pacing
similar to a Singapore Math approach; well laidout and colorful student texts; themed chapters
and courses; and an excellent balance between
problem solving skills (the STAR methodology: Seek, Think, Act, and Review) and basic
algorithms. It is not a student-directed series,
so the teacher should be prepared for minimal
teacher prep for each lesson (15 minutes or so)
and teacher-student interaction (foundational
at the K-3 level and supplementary at the 4-6
grade levels.)
Claiming Psalm 8 as the series theme, each
grade (1-6) centers around a particular aspect
of God’s creation - Life in the Sea; Life in the
Air; etc. These Biblical themes illustrate how
math concepts are observable in creation and
how man has applied these concepts. Scriptural
references, allusions and passages are frequent
throughout the student texts. While it is obvious that this series was created for a classroom
setting (i.e. letter to be sent home to parents), it
can be adapted to a home setting as long as the
parent/teacher is willing to commit to a studentteacher interactive approach and recognizes
the necessity of choosing some of the offered
options rather than trying to do everything suggested.
Cross-curricular applications are definitively
emphasized. To give you an idea, here are
some examples from Chapter 10 (Measurement)
in the Grade 3 - unusual units of measurement (language arts), relating temperatures and
rainfall to geographical regions (social studies),
making inch-worms (art), and temperature collage books (science) spread over a week or so.
There are literature selections for each chapter
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
and short segments on each of these selections
are included within the daily lesson plans. You
can pick and choose from these activities rather
than try to do them all.
Manipulatives are used throughout the series
but predominantly in the K-3 books. Instructions
for making some of these manipulatives are
found in the Teacher Guide while others are
included in the blackline masters. However,
there are some traditional math manipulatives
used at each level (We have prepared packages of these). The scope and sequence for this
series is broad. Basic algorithms addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are covered thoroughly. Other topics include patterns,
number theory, place value, fractions/decimals
(introduced early), measurement, time, money,
geometry, algebra (also introduced early), probability, statistics, and technology (i.e. calculator
and computer activities).
This series compares favorably with the
Singapore Math approach although there
appears to be less emphasis on mental math.
The scope and sequence is roughly parallel and
similarly paced. This series does not share the
rather unique problem solving methodology
found in the Singapore program’s bar modeling
but it does have its own emphasis on problem
solving. The strong Biblical themes and emphasis will appeal to many who like the Singapore
scope and sequence but prefer material from a
Christian publisher.
The Teacher Guides are substantial (especially at the younger levels), essential, and
spiral-bound (4th grade, however, comes in a
binder). There are two to four pages of detailed
lesson plans for each of the 176 daily lessons
(170 lessons in the 6th grade) packed with
useful information in a friendly, easy-to-use
format and contain general information for each
chapter (11-14 chapters in each course). Lesson
objectives and an introduction with a materials
list are followed by directed instruction which
includes math moments (suggested activities or
applications that reinforce the lesson), crosscurricular moments, reduced student pages
(with answers) and suggestions for enrichment
activities. Moments with the Master or Moments
with Bible segments provide biblical applications. Periodic recovery segments provide
review and help for struggling students. Note:
chapter resources include separate software
lists for PCs/Windows and Macs, but these lists
may be dated (some have a 1999 copyright;
others 2005 or 2007) and lists are definitely
classroom geared. The bottom line is that while
you might find some valuable gems, I wouldn’t
count on these lists for software suggestions.
But then these suggestions are supplemental to
the courses rather than integral. The Directed
Instruction sequence is the heart of each lesson and while not scripted, it is very thorough.
“Explain that . . . “; “Demonstrate the . . . “;
“Ask students to think about . . .”; or “Direct
students to (worksheets).” These follow a general path of concept to concrete/practical context to abstract explanation. Resources bundled
with these Teacher Guides include blackline
masters (printed, reproducible copies in grades
1-4; CD-ROMs of PDFs in grades K, 5-6) and
overhead transparencies (CD-ROM versions
of these can be digitally projected) used to
illustrate teaching sequences. Blackline masters
include drill masters (timed exercises to be used
as often as needed) as well as 200 or so reproducible “additional work” sheets for practice,
recovery or for enrichment. Chapter Reviews,
Cumulative Reviews as well as Chapter Tests
are also part of the blackline master package.
Answers to problems from either the Student
Worktexts or Student Texts are found in the
Teacher Guide (reduced pages with answers).
Answers to the blackline masters are on the
backside of each master.
The K-3 softbound Student Worktexts are
colorful with well-illustrated worksheets (usually two per lesson) that include practice problems, word problems, and review, as well as
occasional games and activities. The 4-6 grade
hardcover Student Texts are also colorful but
non-consumable. These have more reading and
a consistent pattern: construct meaning (instruction), check understanding (short problem set),
practice (more extensive problems), and apply
(word problems) or review. Both worktext types
utilize a nice variety. There are Chapter CheckUps as well as an end-of-the chapter Study
Guide. Calculator use is taught from Grade 1
and problems occasionally instruct the student
to use a calculator.
Second Edition materials are now available
for the K and 1st grade courses. These materials reflect an obvious graphics and appearance
update as well as a complete lesson “re-do.”
The courses have retained all of their many
excellent features but there are some differences
– welcome ones, I might add. In general, within
the colorful and engaging books there is a
greater emphasis on skill development, mastery,
cumulative review and formative assessment.
The STAR methodology is still foundational but
there is a greater emphasis on STEM’s interdisciplinary approach. Chapter assessments are
available in a traditional test format as well
as in an editable test bank. Lessons include
hands-on activities, conceptual understanding,
problem solving, application, modeling, reasoning, and strands of algebra and geometry. The
many course resources found on the included
CD-ROM and PowerPoint presentations (editable) have been added to the blackline masters,
transparency masters, memory masters, and
test banks. Software links have been removed
altogether – a good call since they are difficult
to keep updated. Cumulative reviews are provided every third chapter and a comprehensive
year-end cumulative review is usable as the next
grade’s pre-assessment test. Although in this
edition, the daily Moments with the Master has
disappeared, there is still a chapter emphasis on
Biblical worldview and the Life in the Sea theme
is still part of the First Grade material. Second
edition Teacher’s Manuals are even more userfriendly and attractive (and they were excellent
before); reduced color copies of the student
pages are found in the TM. Also, the TM format
matches the other Purposeful Design Bible and
Science courses. As with the previous edition,
the 176 daily lessons each include an introduction, directed instruction, and lesson review.
“Around the edges” topics include lesson objections, vocabulary, preparation (materials list is
in chapter overview), extension, recovery, and
enrichment activities, as well as key ideas. I’m
glad to see this quality update of an excellent
math series. ~ Janice
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
☼Grade K, 2nd Edition
Grade K focuses on the many places math
can be found. Coverage includes classifying
and sorting; exploring patterns; counting to
100; less/more; reading/writing numbers to
30; shapes, solids, and equal parts; skipcounting; counting money; telling time to
the half hour; addition/subtraction to 10;
and beginning measurement.
063595Student . . . . . . . . . . 19.95
063596 Teacher w/ CD-ROM . 90.25
PDMKK2 Manipulative Kit . 139.78 87.50
☼Grade 1, 2nd Editon
Life in the Seas theme. Coverage includes
addition/subtraction facts to 12; adding/subtracting two-digit numbers; number order
through 100; ordinal numbers through 10th;
place value to hundreds; fractions to ¼; time
to nearest quarter hour; adding money;
plane/solid figures; finding missing addends;
writing number sentences; tally charts, pictographs, and bar graphs.
063594Student . . . . . . . . . . 19.95
063597 Teacher w/ Blackline Masters Preprinted . 90.25
PDM1K2 Manipulative Kit .160.84 103.50
☼Grade 2, 2nd Edition
Life in the Seas theme. Coverage includes
addition/subtraction facts to 18; multiplication facts (2, 5, 10); relating division to
subtraction and multiplication; symmetry;
reading/writing numerals to 9,999; place
value to thousands; fractions through 1/8;
US customary and metric measurements;
time to 5-minute intervals; value of coins;
adding/subtracting coins/dollar bills; cube/
sphere; writing number sentences; collecting/recording data.
064787Student . . . . . . . . . . . 19.95
064788 Teacher w/ Masters . . 90.25
PDM2MK Manipulative Kit .133.49 83.50
☼Grade 3, 2nd Edition
Life on the Land theme. Covers adding/subtracting three/four digit numbers with and
without regrouping; multiplication/division
facts 0-9; multiplying/dividing two, three,
and four-digit numbers with and without
remainders; geometric patterns; reading/
writing numerals through 999,999; identifying whole numbers to hundred thousands
and decimals to hundredths; forming equivalent fractions; relating fractions to decimals; finding area and perimeter; time to
nearest minute; adding/subtracting money;
making change; parallel and intersecting
lines; motion geometry; solving problems
using variables; graphing ordered pairs;
making predictions.
064789Student . . . . . . . . . . . 19.95
064790 Teacher w/ Masters . . 90.25
PDM3MK Manipulative Kit . . 85.77 52.95
☼Grade 4, 2nd Edition
Theme: The Earth Below. Covers adding/subtracting whole numbers, decimals,
fractions, and mixed numbers; multiplying/dividing three-digit by one-digit numbers with and without remainders; square,
prime and composite numbers; numbers in
expanded form through millions; reading/
writing whole numbers to hundred millions;
finding equivalent fractions; finding perimeter/area; comparing money amounts; identifying points, rays, lines, angles, triangles,
polygons, and quadrilaterals; writing equations; grouping numbers using parentheses;
locating an object using ordered pairs; collecting, organizing, and analyzing data.
064791Student . . . . . . . . . . . 19.95
064792 Teacher Binder . . . . . . 90.25
PDM4MK Manipulative Kit 116.01 79.95
Grade 5
The Heavens Above theme. Coverage
includes adding/subtracting/multiplying/
dividing (two digit divisors) whole numbers,
decimals, fractions, and mixed numbers;
reading/writing whole numbers to hundred
billions; reading/writing decimals to thousandths; greatest common factors, finding
ratios, proportions, and percent; length,
capacity, and weight measurements; interpreting statistics; identifying solid figures;
understanding order of operations; using the
commutative and associative properties in
addition and multiplication.
056949Student . . . . . . . . . . . 34.95
056950 Teacher w/ CD-ROM . 90.25
PDM5MK Manpulative Kit . . 102.45 70.95
Grade 6
Theme: In His Image. Coverage includes:
adding, subtracting, multiplying (three digit
factors), and dividing (three digit divisors)
whole numbers, decimals, fractions, mixed
numbers, and with money; rational and real
numbers; perimeter, area, and circumference; equivalent and improper fractions;
lines, rays, angles, triangles, polygons, quadrilaterals, and circles as well as solid figures;
commutative, associative, and distributive
properties; computing simple interest; understanding mean, median, mode, and range;
ordered pairs and four-quadrant graphing.
056951Student . . . . . . . . . . . 34.95
056952 Teacher w/ CD-ROM . 90.25
PDM6MK Manipulative Kit . . 96.95 64.95
☼Go Math! (K-6)
Opening the cover and flipping through the
first several pages of the student math books in
this series may leave you a bit confused. Take
the 2nd grade for example. The first page is a
gorgeous picture of a whale and the next several pages, with equally beautiful photos, talk
about the different kinds of whales and where
they are usually found. There’s even a map on
most pages so you can pinpoint the location.
Accompanying questions – Where is the Pacific
Ocean on the map? – will do nothing to help
sort things out. Did you just drop into a geography lesson thinking you were in math? Nope!
This really is math – at its newest and cross-curricular best. Perhaps I should have mentioned
the part where the scientist sees a group of 27
fin whales – how many tens in the number 27?
“Fun” is integral to this program – something
that is often sought in math programs but rarely
found. Student books are colorful; chapters are
introduced with interesting trivia-types of information that is somehow always math related.
For instance, the White House has 412 doors
and 147 windows; suppose 10 parrot fish are
eating at a coral reef . . . . Photos (i.e. parrot
fish, White House) engage the eyes as well
as the mind. Introductory activities typically
include review, games, vocabulary activities,
more games – all under the heading of Show
What You Know and ending with Write Way,
a journal-type writing activity. Lessons are consistent in daily format but have a progression
through a chapter. Lesson components include
Listen and Draw (hands on activities), Share and
Show (related problems), On Your Own (small
set of problems), Problem Solving/Application
(word problems), and Practice and Homework
pages that include Lesson Check and Spiral
Review problems. The Teacher books lead the
student through these lesson components as an
interactive dialog and incorporating activities.
There is a progression through the chapters.
For instance, the 2nd grade chapter on 3 Digit
Addition and Subtraction has these lessons:
draw to represent 3 digit addition; break apart
3-digit addends (separate into hundreds, tens,
ones); 3-digit addition, regroup ones; 3-digit
addition, regroup tens; addition, regroup ones
& tens; problem-solving, 3 digit subtraction;
3-digit subtraction, regroup tens; 3-digit subtraction, regroup hundreds, subtraction, regroup
hundreds & tens; regrouping with zeros. A glossary – in pictures in the early elementary courses – in the back of both student and teacher
books provides consistent definitions.
Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and
Evaluate. These are the core elements of this
program; designed to capture children’s interest, to communicate that math is involved in all
aspects of their lives, to give them the opportunity to multi-sensorialy delve into math concepts
while at the same time systematically practicing
and reviewing what has been learned. The
Teacher’s and Student Books work together providing instructional dialog, manipulative-based
illustration of concepts, worked examples, reinforcement games and monitored practice. This
is probably a good place to mention that while
it will be very tempting to try to “do” this course
with just the Student Books since they are available as a set, there is practically no instruction
in them and the teacher will find herself hav-
ing to supply instructional content (as well as
answers) with minimal cues.
The Planning Guide provides daily lesson
plans, a chapter pacing chart, sections on daily
classroom management as well as differentiated
and specialized instruction; plus a wealth of
math educational philosophy. Please note that
there is mention in the Planning Guide of various online resources that are not available for
homeschoolers using this material. The publishers have selected from the course components
the elements they believe make a cost-effective
yet complete set of materials for homeschoolers.
While this program obviously pays a lot of
attention to its Es, there is a “C” and an “M”
that are conspicuously missing. Computational
practice is minimal. In fact, daily lessons have
surprisingly few problems with the number
of daily practice and homework problems
range from just a handful in the lower grades
to averaging 10-20 in the upper grades. Also
missing is any emphasis on the Memorization
of math facts. While some may applaud this deemphasis, others might find they would like to
add some sort of supplemental workbook and/
or fact drill – especially for students who take
longer to master concepts.
The consumable, two-volume Student Editions
are colorful with perforated pages. Lots of space
is provided for students to work problems and
complete related writing and drawing activities.
Teacher Editions are a set of large (9.75” x 12”),
magazine-size “handbooks” for the teacher;
one handbook for each chapter. These provide
reduced copies of student pages (with answers
filled in) and instructional information “along
the sides.” Lessons are scripted with an ongoing
teacher-student dialog provided in the sidebars
as are suggestions for differentiated instruction.
One of the special facets of this curriculum is
the cross-curricular applications, some of which
are found in the Student books and some in the
Mid-Chapter Checkpoints and Chapter Review/
Tests are provided in the Student Books (answers
in Teacher Editions). However, assessment is
broader than just course tests and crosses over
into preparation for the High Stakes Assessment
Testing becoming standard in elementary
schools. Providing a format that replicates the
computer-based questions that distinguish those
tests, the black and white Assessment Books
assessments as well as Performance Tasks for
those same checkpoints. Test-taking strategies
are explained throughout. Student Assessment
Books provide non-reproducible copies of
the various assessments while the Teacher
Assessment Books provide filled-in, reducedsize test pages and scoring rubrics.
Providing a problem-solving space for the
frequent requests for student-generated illustrations, the write-on/wipe-off, double-sided
MathBoard (12” x 17”) has questions in both
English and Spanish as well as various “rules”
(i.e. inches, centimeters, number line, etc.).
This board is used for the Quick Pictures,
Problem of the Day, Share and Show, and
Essential Question portions of the Lessons.
Digital Resources are mentioned throughout
the teacher’s material and to a lesser degree in
the student’s books. However, it’s important
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
to note that most of these resources are not
available with the purchase of the homeschool
packages. The exception to this is the welldone and entertaining Math on the Spot videos
that are accessed via QR codes in the Student
Books. Examples similar to various problems in
the Student Books are worked step-by-step by a
“teacher” sort of real person talking to a muppet
sort of student. Unavailable resources include
interactive teacher’s and student versions of the
text, a Personal Math Trainer (additional practice), animated math models, and some virtual
manipulatives. While some of these sound interesting, none of them are integral to the program.
Go Math Homeschool Packages include
the Student Edition (2 volumes), the Teacher
Edition (chapter booklets), a Planning Guide,
access to Math on the Spot Videos, a bilingual
MathBoard, and both Student and Teacher
editions of the Getting Ready for High Stakes
Assessment Workbook.
There are no “perfect” math programs, but
this one will be a good fit for those wanting a
well-constructed, attractive, user-friendly math
program that parallels those used in the public
schools. ~ Janice
EACH STUDENT SET . . . . . . 32.93 24.70
EACH HOMESCHOOL PKG . 164.45 124.95
EACH ASSESSMENTS . . . . . . . 6.67
Grade K
Covers count/write numbers to 100; compare numbers to 20; addition/subtraction concepts; two and three dimensional
shapes; measurement and classify/sort data.
064316 Homeschool Package
064323 Student Set
Grade 1
Covers addition/subtraction concepts and
strategies; addition/subtraction relationships; count/model/compare numbers; twodigit addition/subtraction; measurement;
time to half hour; and represent data.
064310 Homeschool Package
064317 Student Set
Grade 2
Covers number concepts; numbers to
1,000; basic facts and relationships; 2-digit
addition/subtraction; 3-digit addition/subtraction; money/time; length in customary/
metric; data; and geometry and fraction
064311 Homeschool Package
064318 Student Set
Grade 3
Covers addition/subtraction within 1000;
represent/interpret data; multiplication concepts/facts/strategies; division concepts/
facts/strategies; fraction concepts/compare;
time/length, liquid volume/mass; perimeter/
area; and two-dimensional shapes.
064312 Homeschool Package
064319 Student Set
Grade 4
Covers place value, addition/subtraction
to one million; multiply by 1 and 2 digit
numbers; divide by 1 digit numbers; factors/multiples/patterns; fraction equivalence/
comparison; add/subtract fractions; multiply
fractions by whole numbers; relate fractions
and decimals; two-dimensional figures;
angles; relative sizes of measurement units;
and perimeter/area.
064313 Homeschool Package
064320 Student Set
Grade 5
Reviews place value, multiplication/division
and expressions. Covers 2-digit division;
add/subtract/multiply/divide decimals; add/
subtract/multiply/divide fractions; patterns/
graphing; measurement conversion; and
064314 Homeschool Package
064321 Student Set
Grade 6
Covers whole numbers/decimals; fractions; rational numbers; ratios/rates; percents; measurement conversions, algebraic
expressions; exponents; equations/inequalities; relationships between variables; area;
surface area/volume; data displays/measures
of center; and variability/data distributions.
064315 Homeschool Package
064322 Student Set
In the words of author David Quine, “Making
Math Meaningful is based upon the idea that
people are a special creation of God with
abilities and needs to worship, to create, and
to reason. With Making Math Meaningful children are taught to reason, to understand, and to
apply what they learn – not simply parrot back
information!” The curriculum stresses understanding concepts over computational practice.
This is a complete math program for levels
K-6. Each Parent-Teacher Guide consists of a
series of highly organized activities, or lessons.
Chapter objectives are clearly stated. Each lesson is separated into “What I am to Say” and
“What I am to Do” sections that the teacher
can easily follow. There are three basic lesson
types: Exploring, Naming, and Applying the
Concept. In Exploring, the child investigates a
concept. Manipulatives are used in levels K-3
to provide concrete examples. In Naming, math
terminology is introduced. In Applying, the
child practices the concept or skill.
A suggested teaching schedule is provided, but
the teacher should move at the student’s pace.
Quine recommends that children be taught
math during longer periods of time, 1.5-2 hours,
for 2-3 days a week. This provides sufficient
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
time for the teacher to introduce whole concepts
and the student to digest the information. If a
grade level is completed before the school year
ends, move to the next level. Otherwise, stop
and pick up at the same point for the following
year. After completing level 6, students should
be ready for Algebra I.
Sets for levels K-4 consist of a Parent-Teacher
Guide (includes answers to the workbook exercises) and a Student Workbook. Level 5 has a
Student Directed Workbook only with answers
at the end of the workbook. Level 6 has a
Student Directed Text only with answers at
the end of the text. Also available is a math
manipulative kit for grades K-3 that includes
50 Unifix Cubes, 100 Counting Chips, and 100
Connecting Links. Other required materials are
listed at the beginning of each activity and can
generally be found around the house.
One aspect I liked about the Parent-Teacher
Guides is every lesson is an activity. Students
cannot be passive about learning math when
they are asked to count pennies, dimes, and
dollars (to learn about base 10 place value) or
to equally divide a loaf of bread for a family of
8 (to learn about fractions). This program does a
great job presenting “real-life” math problems to
which students can easily relate. For example,
division problems are presented in the context
of a family’s summer travels across the U.S. and
the distance they traveled between cities.
Although I agree with Quine in emphasizing
concepts over computation, my concern is that
there may be students who need more practice
in computation than is provided. Personally, the
more practice I got, the better my computational
skills became. If this is the case for your child,
you may need to find a suitable computational
supplement. Also, there are no written tests or
quizzes for this curriculum. The rationale here
is that the parent should know whether or not
the child has understood a concept since he/she
interacts so closely with the child in this program. However, for student-directed levels (5 &
6), there are evaluations by the chapter. ~ Anh
Grade K
Equal & unequal, making lengths equal, serial
order (putting objects in order), making groups
equal, representing objects with symbols (pictures and numbers).
010760Set . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.00 27.00
010771Workbook . . . . . . . 10.00
Grade 1
Comparison sentences (are two groups the same?),
order sentences (less than, greater than, equal to),
equalizing sentences (making two groups equal),
and addition & subtraction sentences.
010762Set . . . . . . . . . . . . 45.00 39.99
010772Workbook . . . . . . . 20.00 18.00
Grade 2
Addition & subtraction (involving numbers
0-20), place value (tens, ones), addition & subtraction with real objects & symbols (involving
numbers 0-99), part-whole (solves math sentence, or equation, with missing part or whole),
and multiplication & division (grouping, common fractions).
010763Set . . . . . . . . . . . . 45.00 39.99
010773Workbook . . . . . . 20.00 18.00
Grade 3
Place value (hundreds, tens, ones), addition
& subtraction (involving numbers 0-999), multiplication & division (writing equations using
grouping notation, i.e. 9(3) + 2 = 29, and basic
facts), common fractions (identifying fractional
parts of a whole, fractions in measurement,
introduction to mixed numbers), and investigating problems (word problems).
010766Set . . . . . . . . . . . . 45.00 39.99
010774Workbook . . . . . . . 20.00 18.00
RightStart™ Mathematics (K-7)
Making Math Meaningful Math Kit (K-3)
Based on research comparing the differences
Manipulatives to use along with the Making
between Japanese first grades and first grade
Math Meaningful Sets.
classrooms in the U.S., this curriculum incorpoCHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
rates certain aspects from Asian math programs
010779 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 11.95
such as non-counting strategies and, for us,
an alternative number naming system. In this
Grade 4
program, the student is taught to see quantities
Place value (up to hundred thousands), addition
in groups of fives and tens. When asked to add
& subtraction (involving numbers 0-999,999),
9 + 7, instead of counting 7 up from 9, you
multiplication & division (involving numbers
would take 1 from 7 to make 10 and 6. This
0-99), fractions (greater than, less than, or equal
program also uses a unique number naming systo, and whole sets of fractional parts, i.e. 11 is
tem. Asian words for numbers greater than 10
¼ of this number), and problem solving.
implicitly give you a feel for the base ten system.
010767Set . . . . . . . . . . . . 45.00 39.99
Literally translated, eleven is "ten-one," twelve is
010775Workbook . . . . . . . 20.00 18.00
"ten-two," and so on. RightStart students learn
to count the "math-way" before they are taught
Grade 5
the less intuitive words for 11 to 19.
Very large numbers (up to septillions!), mulI can't summarize this program better than the
tiplication (up to 5 digits by 3 digits), division
creator, so let me quote from the manual:
(up to 4 digits divided by 2 digits), fractions
"There are eleven major characteristics.
& decimals (equivalent fractions, completing
1. Refer to quantities of up to 3 as a group;
equations, computing sums & differences, muldo not count individually.
tiplying whole numbers and fractions, decimals2. Use fingers to show quantities up to 10;
tenths and hundredths), and patterns (factors
teach 6 to 10 as 5 plus a quantity.…
and multiples of a number, describing and
3. Avoid counting procedures for finding
extending sequences).
sums and remainders….
010768Workbook . . . . . . 45.00 39.99
4. Once quantities 1 to 10 are known, proceed to 10 as a unit. Use the "math way"
Grade 6
of counting; say for example, 1-ten 1 for
Division (review of long and short hand
eleven, 1-ten 2 for twelve, 2-ten for twenty,
methods), fractions (addition & subtraction with
and 2-ten 5 for twenty-five.
mixed numbers, multiplying and dividing, solv5. Use expanded notation (overlapping)
ing word problems), decimals (up to thouplace-value cards for recording 10s and 1s
sandths, parts of a dollar, adding & subtracting,
6. Proceed rapidly to hundreds and thoumultiplying & dividing, word problems, compusands; use place-value cards.
tational problems), ratios, proportions, & peropportunities for trading between ones and
centages (relationships, equivalence, ratios and
tens, tens and hundreds, and hundreds and
triangles, percent as a special ratio), algebraic
thousands with manipulatives.
relationships (order of operations, introducing
7. Only after the above work, give the tradia variable, writing equations, introducing negational English names for quantities 20 to 99
tive numbers) and mathematical reasoning.
and then 11 to 19.
010769Text . . . . . . . . . . . . 45.00 39.99
8. Teach tens-based strategies for addition
and subtraction facts that have a sum > 10.
Principles from Patterns - Algebra (7-9)
Teach informal solutions and mental comPresumably the next step after Making Math
putation before written algorithmic work.
Meaningful Level 6, this student-directed work10. Teach four-digit addition and subtracbook covers the fundamentals of Algebra. With
tion on the abacus; let the children discover
clear conceptual presentations, this is indeed
the paper and pencil algorithms.
written in such a way that the student really
11. Short division precedes long division,
can teach himself Algebra. Like the rest of the
which is taught in fourth grade."
Making Math Meaningful series, the activities
In Level G, students continue to practice
require the student to frequently reflect on
arithmetic, fractions and decimals, while they
conceptual understanding. Questions beginbegin to also explore triangles, area, volume,
ning with "what happens if/when…" are used
ratios, Pythagorean Theorem, tiling, and other
throughout. This workbook consists of 10 chapnew concepts.
ters covering math sentences, negative numAll levels require a lesson manual and workbers, fundamental principles, equations with
sheets, which are included in the starter kits.
one or two variables, polynomials, the quadratic
(The worksheets are also available separately
formula, factoring, fractions involving variables,
for multiple students.) Lesson manuals contain
and the Pythagorean theorem. ~ Anh
detailed lesson plans with helpful diagrams
010770 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45.00 39.99
and teaching notes. Both lesson manuals and
worksheets are spiral-bound. Add on kits allow
you to move forward, buying only what you
need in addition to what you already have for
the next levels. Deluxe Starter kits (and deluxe
add-on kits) are now available, which include
everything in the original kits, plus additional
recommended books and manipulatives. Please
note that if you start with a deluxe kit, you will
need a different upgrade kit to transition to the
next level. See individual descriptions for more
details on kit-specific contents.~ Anh
EACH WORKSHEETS (exc noted) 21.00
002238 Level A Worksheets . . 10.50
024831 Level B Worksheets . . 15.75
024833 Level C Worksheets
024835 Level D Worksheets
024837 Level E Worksheets
051501 Geometric Approach Worksheets . . . . . . . . 36.75
Starter Kits:
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
039343 Level A with AL Abacus Standard (K) . . . . . . . . 157.50
Includes lessons, worksheets, geared
clock, cards for math games, tally sticks, 2
geoboards, colored tiles, abacus tiles, place
value cards, Standard AL Abacus, geometry
reflector, “Yellow is the Sun” CD and Math
Card Games DVD (no book).
039345 Level B with AL Abacus Standard (1) . . . . . . . . 210.00
Includes lessons, worksheets, math balance,
geared clock, cards for math games, tally
sticks, 2 geoboards, wooden cubes, place
value cards, base ten picture cards, colored tiles, abacus tiles, geometry reflector,
Standard AL Abacus, “Yellow is the Sun”
CD and Math Card Games DVD (no book).
039366 Level C with AL Abacus Standard (2) . . . . . . . . 257.25
Includes lessons, worksheets, transition lessons and worksheets, Math Card Games,
cards for math games, Casio calculator,
place value cards, abacus tiles, drawing
set (Safe-T compass, T-square, 30º-60º
Triangle, 45º Triangle, 11”x 13” drawing
board), 2 fraction charts, colored tiles,
geared clock, tangrams, centimeter cubes,
Standard AL Abacus.
039437 Level D with AL Abacus Standard (3) . . . . . . . . 257.25
Includes lessons, worksheets, transition lessons and worksheets, Math Card Games,
abacus tiles, thousand cubes, cards for
math games, colored tiles, Casio calculator 450, drawing set, place value cards,
geared clock, folding meter stick, 4-in-1
ruler, 2 laminated fraction cards, Standard
AL Abacus.
039439 Level E with AL Abacus Standard (4) . . . . . . . . 257.25
Includes lessons, worksheets, transition lessons and worksheets, Math Card Games,
cards for math games, drawing set (Safe-T
compass, T-square, 30º-60º Triangle, 45º
Triangle, 11”x 13” drawing board), 4-in-1
ruler, centimeter cubes, angle measurer/
goniometer, abacus tiles, colored tiles,
Casio calculator, fraction charts, place
value cards, folding meter stick, Standard
AL Abacus.
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
049103 Level G Geometric Approach (5-7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168.00
This kit includes the Level G/Geometric
Approach lessons, worksheets, solutions,
RightStart™ Geometry Panels (32 triangles,
25 squares, 12 pentagons, 20 hexagons),
Casio Calculator FX-300MS, and the contents of the Geometry set – drawing board,
2 triangles, MM Arc Compass, 2 sets of
tangrams, removable tape, T-square, 4 in 1
ruler, centimeter cubes, and Goniometer.
While continuing to practice arithmetic,
fractions, and decimals, students explore
triangles, area, volume, ratios, Pythagorean
Theorem, tiling, and other new concepts.
STRDGA Similar to RightStart Deluxe Kit Geometric Approach . 267.95250.00
This kit includes the contents of #49103 plus
the VideoText Interactive Algebra Module
A. What makes this set different than the set
sold by Activities for Learning is that they
include instructions on how to incorporate
the VideoText Module A along with the
RightStart Geometry which aren’t included
in our kit. If you feel confident that you can
teach this course without the instruction
provided by Activities for Learning, then this
kit will work for you.
RightStart™ Mathematics Appendices for
Level A&B (K-1)
An alternative to copying appendix pages from
the back of the lesson manuals, this packet
includes pages printed on cardstock and paper
with the corresponding appendix page printed at
the top, and some of them have multiple copies as required for lessons. These are copies of
the reproducible pages only, not the reference
pages found in the appendices.
007205 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.25
RightStart™ Add-On Kits
These expand your already existing RightStart™
Starter Kit. For example, if you have already
purchased the Level A Starter Kit and you will
be using Level B next, simply purchase the A to
B Add-on Kit for items you will need in the next
level. Transition lessons are not included in the
Add-On Kits.
039115 A to B Add-On Kit . . 120.75
Level B lessons and worksheets, math balance, base ten picture cards, wooden cubes
053058 Deluxe A to B Add-On Kit 110.25
Includes everything you need to advance
from Level A Deluxe Starter Kit into
RightStart Level B: Level B lessons and
worksheets, fraction chart, base ten picture
cards and wooden cubes
039140 B to C Add-On Kit . . 168.00
Level C lessons and worksheets, math card
games book, centimeter cubes, Casio calculator, tangrams, 2 fraction charts and drawing set (Safe-T compass, T-square, 30º-60º
Triangle, 45º Triangle, 11”x 13” drawing
053059 Deluxe B to C Add-On Kit 115.50
Includes everything you need to advance
from Level B Deluxe Starter Kit into Level C:
Level C lessons and worksheets, centimeter
cubes, tangrams, and drawing set
039141 C to D Add-On Kit . . . 110.25
Level D lessons and worksheets, 4-in-1
ruler, folding meter stick, thousand cubes
039290 D to E Add-On Kit . . . 94.50
Level E lessons, worksheets, and angle measurer/goniometer
049102 E to G Add-On Kit . . . 147.00
Level G/Geometric Approach lessons, worksheets, and solutions, RightStart™ Geometry
Panels (32 triangles, 25 squares, 12 pentagons, 20 hexagons), mmArc Compass, and
Casio Calculator FX-300MS
RightStart™ Arithmetic Packet (K-12)
This packet includes the Activities for the AL
Abacus Manual (11217), Standard AL Abacus
(4083), and Place Value Cards (25803) – doesn’t
include Worksheets for the AL Abacus (6255),
which is referenced in the lessons of the AL
Abacus Manual. Great for learning math basics!
053065 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36.75
RightStart™ Fraction Kit (4-8)
This kit provides everything you need to learn
how to manipulate fractions. The subtitle on
the book says “Learn fractions in 42 ½ Days,”
which is great for those just beginning fractions
or those struggling with fractions. 56 games
and 17 worksheets are used to help students
master addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
division of fractions, and introduce percents.
This isn’t a conventional approach to learning
fractions, but it works well with more active
learners. The kit includes the new (©2014)
spiral-bound lesson book, spiral-bound worksheets book, two plastic Fraction Charts, Basic
Number Card Deck, Multiplication Card Deck
and Fraction Card Deck.
The Lesson book is divided into 42 ½ daily
lessons. Each lesson begins by stating the day’s
topic or goal of the lesson, a list of what you
will need, and instructions for teaching the
lesson. There is an appendix at the back of 7
reproducible pages that need to be copied for
some of the games. The worksheets book is
non-reproducible and contains 17 worksheets
that are used with specific lessons.
Three decks of cards are included in this kit.
The Basic Number Deck includes 132 cards and
is numbered from 0 to 10 – 12 of each number.
The Fraction Deck holds 75 cards with 20 different fractions and 20 matching percent cards.
The Multiplication Deck includes 100 cards
from 1x1 to 10x10 (there are duplicates of some
of the cards). All of these decks are used with
game instructions found in the lessons.
There are 2 Fraction Charts made of durable,
heavy plastic – one is whole showing the
markings of all the different fraction bars, and
the other is separated into the different parts.
Directions for using these are included in the
lessons and an instruction sheet is also included.
If you are already using RightStart Mathematics,
you will notice that there is overlap of some of
the games and content, as some of the lessons
are pulled from levels D and E of the math
program and some games from the Math Card
Games Book. This is a perfect supplement for
the student who might be a little more visual
or hands-on and needs more fractions practice.
059202Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47.25
009547 Lesson Book Only . . . . 21.00
009609 Worksheet Bk Only . . 8.00
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
RightStart™ Geometry Panels (5-7)
Includes 32 blue triangles, 25 yellow squares,
12 green pentagons, and 20 purple hexagons
(all with 10 cm edges), rubber bands, and
instruction book. A refill for the panels found
in level G of RightStart Mathematics or just as a
hands-on option for geometric exploration.
053066(A.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.25
RightStart™ Geometry Set (5-7)
All neatly packed in a large storage pouch,
this set includes a drawing board, 2 triangles, mmArc Compass®, 2 sets Tangrams, roll
of removable tape, t-square, 4-in-1 Ruler®,
Goniometer, and centimeter cubes. Tools to
help in learning basic geometry and is used in
Level G of RightStart Mathematics.
053067 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52.50
Bridge Math Sets
For transitioning from 1st Ed. to 2nd Ed.
Bridge Math Set RS1 Level A Basic to RS2
If you already have RightStart Math Level A
Kit (1st Ed.), this kit provides the manipulatives
you need for RightStart Math 2nd edition, Level
B. Includes the Math Card Games book - 5th
edition, base ten picture cards, fraction charts
(2), Goniometer, geometric solids, folding meter
stick, Casio calculator SL-450, plastic coin set,
RS geometry panels, math balance, 4-in-1 ruler,
centimeter cubes, tangrams, drawing board set,
and dry erase pen.
016147 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141.75
Bridge Math Set RS1 Level A Deluxe to RS2
If you already have the RightStart Math
Level A Deluxe Kit (1st Ed.), then this kit will
add the additional manipulatives needed for
RightStart Math 2nd edition, level B. The set
includes base ten picture cards, fraction charts
(2), Goniometer, folding meter stick, RS geometry panels, 4-in-1 ruler, centimeter cubes,
tangrams, and drawing board set.
016152 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73.50
Bridge Math RS1 Level B Basic to RS2
For transitioning from first edition B to 2nd
edition C: Math Card Games book, Fraction
Charts, Drawing board set, geometric solids,
plastic coins, geometry panels, Casio Calculator
450, tangrams, centimeter cubes, 4-in-1 ruler,
folding meter stick and goniometer.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
009703 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115.50
Bridge Math RS1 Level B Deluxe to RS2
For customers transitioning from 1st edition
Level B Deluxe to RS2: geometric solids, drawing board set, geometry panels, tangrams, centimeter cubes, 4-in-1-ruler, folding meter stick
and goniometer.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
009709 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73.50
RightStart™ Manipulatives (PK-4)
004083 AL Abacus Standard . . 9.95
Larger horizontal abacus (measuring 9.75”
x7.5”) made from plastic. 10 metal rods, 10
plastic beads per rod (5 yellow, 5 blue). 1,
10, 100, and 1000 marked on frame.
059363 AL Abacus - Blue . . . . 15.75
025478 Abacus Tiles . . . . . . . . 3.75
Set of 11 cardstock cutouts ready to be
folded into hundred 10 x 10 squares.
025591 Base 10 Picture Cards 5.75
1.5" x 1.5" cards which each depict a base
ten manipulative. This set contains 9 cube
cards and approximately 25 each of flats,
rods, and units.
063099 ☼Laminated Fraction Chart
Small . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00
This is a set of 2, 8” x 8” laminated charts
printed with fraction bars for 1 whole, ½,
1/3, ¼, 1/5, 1/6, 1/7, 1/8, 1/9 and 1/10. Cut
one of them apart and leave the other one
whole to allow your student practice with
parts and whole concept.
018355 Math Balance . . . . . 19.99 12.95
A concrete way to show number relationships, operations, and comparisons. This
T-shaped number balance stands 9" tall.
Each arm is labeled from 1 to 10 from the
center moving outward. Pegs are located
at each numbered position for hanging
weights. Twenty 10g plastic weights are
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
004652 Thousand Cubes . . . . 15.75
Paper - 25 per pack
007202 Geometric Solids . . . . 23.00
Set of 12 wooden geometric solids includes
cylinders, prisms, cube, cone, pyramid,
sphere, and hemisphere.
007217 Wooden Cubes . . . . . . 10.50
Set of 20 1” wooden cubes.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
059367 ☼Goniometer/Pro Ruler/Angle Measurer (PK-AD) . . . 10.50
This handy little tool is used for measuring
and drawing angles. Simply open the tool
and line up the inside edges to the sides of
the angle you want to measure – the measurement, in degrees, can be seen through
the magnifier. To draw a specific angle,
open the tool to the desired angle (read the
degree of angle through the magnifier), and
draw on the inside edge of the tool. Great
for geometry! ~ Donna
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
Math Card Games (PK-4)
A supplement to RightStart Math, the spiralbound book describes 300 card games your
child can play using the 6 special card decks
(sold separately). Games are divided into eight
categories: number sense, addition, clocks,
multiplication, money, subtraction, division,
and fractions. The book includes an instructional DVD that shows how to play 14 of the games
featured in the book. The DVD is also available
separately if you have an earlier version of the
book. Please note that book and cards are separate items, but meant to be used together.
Card decks are also available individually. The
Addition (Basic) Games cards are a set of 1323”x 2” cards numbered 0 – 10. Corner Games
cards includes 50-1 ½”x 1 ¾” cards with num486
bers 1 through 10 printed in the corners (no two
cards are alike). Fraction Games cards are a set
of 75-2”x3” cards that includes 20 percentage
cards that correspond to the fractions. There are
100-2”x3” cards in the Multiplication Games set
that correspond to numbers in the multiplication
table from 1x1 to 10x10.
025802 Bk/DVD (no cards) . . . 26.25
051500 Instructional DVD . . . 3.25
025800 Cards only . . . . . . . . . 36.75
024738 Cards Only (Canadian) . 36.75
041356Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62.50
024745 Kit (Canadian) . . . . . . 62.50
Kits includes Math Card Games book (with
DVD), 6 special card decks, laminated fraction charts, and AL Abacus Standard.
“Why is the sky so blue? Seven is five and
two.” Numbers 11 through 20 are depicted in
abbreviated form in the back, with illustrations
of the abacus’ and vertical lines (no hands or
rhymes). Music and lyrics for the song “Yellow
is the Sun” are included, so you can sing as you
count! An audio CD is available which includes
“Yellow is the Sun” and a few other songs used
in the RightStart program Level A and B. ~ Lisa
007218Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.50
039978CD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.25
007236 Book & CD Combo . . 8.50
RightStart™ Mathematics 2nd Edition (K-7)
RightStart Mathematics is a name synonymous
with quality math. This new edition of the program is no exception. Many people are scared
off by the use of the words “common core,”
Individual Card Games/Decks
EACH BOXED SET W/INSTRUCTIONS 7.50 but don’t let that be the case with this curriculum. RightStart uses the Common Core State
007195 Addition Games
Standards as a base minimum for their content –
007197 Corner Games
they meet and exceed those requirements. This
007199 Fraction Games
edition is a complete rewrite and includes new
007203 Multiplication Games
EACH CARD DECK ONLY . . . . 6.75 research and ideas developed over recent years.
Each level of the new edition uses most of
009492 Basic Card Deck
the same manipulatives used in the previous
009510Clock Card Deck
edition; however, the sequence and use may
009545 Corners Card Deck
change. As a result, there is now one manipu009546 Fractions Card Deck
lative kit that has everything you need for all
009650Money Card Deck
levels of the program. Each book bundle con009686 Multiplication (Product) Deck
tains a spiral-bound lesson book, spiral-bound
009698 Product Envelopes for Multiplication Deck . . . . . . . . . 5.25 worksheets, a Yellow is the Sun book, and
appendix pages for that level.
RightStart offers you an easier-to-teach lesClock Games Kit (PK-2)
This kit contains everything you need to learn son format. Objectives and Materials are listed
to tell time by playing 30 games. It includes a 4” in the heading area of each lesson. Below the
geared mini-clock, clock cards (with hours and heading area, the page is divided into two
minutes), and the Clock Card Games book by columns – Activities for Teaching are listed in
the left column, and Explanations provide addiRightstart Mathematics.
020045Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.75 tional information in the right column.
The appendix pages included in the bundle
009538 Lesson Book Only . . . . 10.50
are the same appendix pages found in the back
RightStart™ Mathematics Money Games Kit (1-3) of the lesson book, but they are already copied
This kit includes the Money Card Games for your convenience - some printed on heavier
Manual (a chapter from the Math Card Games cardstock, and some printed multiple times in
Book) and Money Cards. This set can be used order to meet the requirements of the lessons.
with any math curriculum for a better under- At this time, levels A, B, C and D are available
standing of money – sorting coins, counting in 2ED. Level E is expected in 2016 and Level
money, money combinations, giving change, F in 2017. No changes for Level G are planned
and buying and selling – functions with coins at this time.
046235 Level A Book Bundle . 88.50
054854Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.25 046236 Level A Worksheets . . 88.50
009679 Lesson Book Only . . . . 7.50 013206 Level B Book Bundle . . 013213 Level B Worksheets . . 16.25
007772 Level C Bk Bundle . . . 88.50
Yellow is the Sun (K-1)
Have you noticed kids learn to count on their 007773 Level C Worksheets . . 88.50
fingers? This rhyming picture book blends the 063621 ☼Level D Bk Bundle . . 21.00
finger-counting concept with an abacus to teach 063622 ☼Level D Worksheets . the numbers 1-10. The pages teach numbers 046285 Manipulative Set 2ED . 205.50
by showing four different illustrations of each
This is the manipulatives set that is required
number. The top of the page shows a hand (or
for the RightStart™ 2nd edition mathematics
hands) holding up the appropriate number of
series. The set includes an AL abacus, Math
fingers; next to the hands are vertical lines repCard Games book, place value cards, AL
resenting the number. The middle of the page
abacus tiles, folding meter stick, geoboards,
contains an illustration of an abacus with the
colored 1” tiles, Casio calculator, tangrams,
appropriate number of beads slid to the left. The
base ten picture cards, tally sticks, geared
bottom of the page shows the number written
clock, six card decks, two fraction charts,
out (with directional arrows for handwriting). A
drawing set, 4-in-1 Ruler, Goniometer,
short rhyme ties it all together. The book begins,
coins, geometry reflector, centimeter cubes,
“Yellow is the sun. This is only one.” Quantities
math balance, RightStart geometry panels,
beyond five require two hands to count, so the
geometric solids, Yellow is the Sun CD, and
rhymes teach students how to count by adddry erase pen.
ing five and another number. For example,
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
MCP Mathematics (2005 Edition) (K-6)
The 1994 and 2005 editions
of this series are very similar
content-wise, each having
the same number of pages,
most of which are more or
less duplicates. The 2005
edition has noticeably larger
font and, correspondingly,
many graphics have been
eliminated. The remaining graphics are black
and white where the '94 edition often included
an accent color. There seem to be adjustments
in the paper quality as well. At the upper levels,
the quality of the older editions is noticeably
better, but differences are just barely discernible at the lower levels. The new edition uses
the term “regroup” instead of “trade,” includes
a few more instances of worked examples, and
attaches “algebra” labels when those concepts
are being introduced. In addition there are
a few content changes, typically the substitution of estimating and problem solving topics
for practice and word problems. Homeschool
Bundles are now available for this program,
which include the student and teacher’s editions
at a slightly lower price. ~ Janice
EACH STUDENT BOOK . . . . 19.97 17.95
EACH TEACHER BOOK . . . . 36.97 29.95
EACH H/S BUNDLE . . . . . . . 51.97 39.95
Teacher Bundle
K (K) 046042
A (1) 046028
B (2) 046031
C (3) 046033
D (4)046035046036052311
E (5) 046038
F (6) 046040
Conventional Arithmetic with Spunky the
Donkey (1-2)
This is a solid, no-frills math program from
Schoolaid, the publishers of Climbing to Good
English. Written for 1st and 2nd grade, your
students will get the foundation needed to progress in math. This early elementary series was
originally written for use in a one-room schoolhouse. That indicates less prep time, simple presentation, and some independent work for the
student; just like what one might find in a setting
with multiple students and grade levels. Lessons
follow a consistent pattern so that students learn
quickly and can move along without teacher
help. Each lesson is divided into 3 sections –
class preparation, class time, and drill. Class
preparation is the portion to read through the
night before or items to gather before the lesson.
Class time is separated in to 3 parts as well –
daily practice, part A, and part B. Daily practice
usually consists of a workbook page or other
activity that can be done independently, Parts A
and B are lesson presentation and accompanying workbook pages (1 page per part a and b).
Drill is done in the form of another page or drill
activity as suggested in the teacher book.
The Teacher’s Edition offers a very thorough
explanation of the program in the front of the
book and preparation is fairly easy. You will
want to make flashcards (these are different
than the preprinted flashcards available for this
program) that are formatted according to the
specifications found in the front of the teacher
edition, number line or number chart, money
for counting, a clock for time practice, and a
flannel board or wall chart on which “Spunky
the Donkey” will be used as a lesson visual.
The pattern is included in the teacher edition for
you to copy and use with your lessons. Lessons
are laid out in an easy-to-follow format and are
scripted for those who need a little more help
with concept explanations. Small format student
pages with answers are included.
Student books are consumable and non-reproducible with simple line drawings. Grade 1 covers writing numbers to 1000, single and double
digit addition and subtraction without carrying
or borrowing, addition and subtraction families
to 10, more/less/after/before/between, pennies/
nickels/dimes/quarters, counting by 1s, 2s, 5s,
10s, 25s, time up to 5 minute increments, fractions of ½ and ¼, and measuring inches. Grade
2 reviews first grade concepts listed previously
before introducing new ones which are labeled
as ‘new.’ Along with the first grade concepts
students will do addition with up to 4-digit
numbers and use carrying and subtraction up
to 3-digit numbers using borrowing, adding and
subtracting by endings, money up to $10 dollar bills, circle/square/triangles/rectangles, great
than (>)/less than (<)/equal to (=), reading a thermometer, feet and inches, time to one minute,
pounds and ounces, multiplying and dividing
by 2/5/10, Roman numerals, working with 1/3,
and counting by 3s. There are also sections in
the 2nd grade book labeled ‘oral’ which are
exactly as they sound – exercises to be done
orally. Timed tests are found in the back of each
student book and are to be done twice a week.
There are 3 sets of flashcards referenced in the
teacher edition lessons. Instructions on how
to use them is included in each set. Numbers
Flashcards are two-sided and measure approximately 4”x5.5.” These are for use beginning
with Grade 1 for number recognition, and the
sequencing concepts after, before, between,
more and less. Adding & Subtracting by Endings
Flashcards (adding only the ones column) are
for use with Grade 2. This concept is more old
fashioned but is a method for quick computation
taught at the second grade level. The lesson in
which each card is used is referenced at the bottom. The Column Addition Flashcards are simply for practice adding 3 single-digit numbers
and are for use with referenced lessons in grade
2. Both sets of the second grade flashcards are
two-sided with the problems printed vertically
on one side and horizontally on the reverse.
This comprehensive math curriculum will
fit nicely into the budget and cover concepts
with plenty of practice. Word problems aren’t
found in great abundance and you may want to
supplement in this area. Let Spunky the Donkey
help your children with math. ~ Donna
EACH STUDENT BOOK . . . . . . 5.20
EACH FLASHCARD SET . . . . . . 7.00
037766 Learning Numbers - Book 1 (1)
037773 Learning Numbers - Book 2 (1)
037715 Continuing Numbers - Book 1 (2)
037765 Continuing Numbers - Book 2 (2)
037869 Grade 1 Teacher’s Edition
037873 Grade 2 Teacher’s Edition
037886 Numbers Flashcards
037686 Adding/Subtracting by Endings Flashcards
037714 Column Addition Flashcards
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Math is not just numbers!
Using Cuisenaire rods, Miquon
Math Labs allows children to
model numbers and operations concretely. It uses a
hands-on, pattern-building,
discovery method that fosters
independence and creativity in
problem solving. The unique page-numbering
format of the program allows for flexibility - use
each book straight through, covering a variety of
topics, or use only the pages in each book relating to a specific topic (easily identified by the
alpha-numeric page numbering system).
Instead of holding off on more difficult math
topics until later grades, the Miquon approach
is unique in teaching all four basic math operations in Grade 1 - plus fractions, clock arithmetic, area, volume and factoring. This builds
confidence in children as they see how the
basic operations are intterrelated and takes the
“mystery” out of these otherwise-delayed topics.
By Grade 3, children understand different base
systems and graph algebraic equations!
These are not typical workbooks that test what
a child already has learned, but lab sheets teaching pages. Children are shown that, while
there is only one correct solution, there are
different ways to arrive at it, and it encourages
them to develop their own techniques. The
“standard” approach is not always the best. For
example, which is easier, to teach borrowing
and carrying for a problem like 400 - 298 or
to teach the the child to restate the problem as
398 - 298 + 2 or 400 - 300 + 2? Techniques like
these really help to develop mental dexterity in
problem solving. After using Miquon with our
seven children, we can attest that this program
has promoted flexibility in problem solving and
teaches them to find the best technique for the
situation. Ours students now tackle new or difficult problems creatively, even fearlessly!
Altogether, the six student workbooks contain
over 650 lab sheets. Concepts covered include:
counting, odd-even, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, equalities, place
value, number line and functions, factoring, squaring, simultaneous equations, graphing equations,
geometric recognition, length, area, volume, series
and progressions, grid and arrow games, mapping,
clock arithmetic, sets, and word problems.
We recommend purchasing the Lab Sheet
Annotations. This is the teacher’s guide for all
six workbooks. Because the approach taken
in the program is so different, it explains the
reasoning behind the presentation and provides
several suggestions on how to present each
topic. It also provides preliminary activities for
a concrete understanding of the math concepts
as well as more detailed explanations for many
of the workbook pages. While answers are supplied for some of the more “tricky” sheets, most
worksheets are shown sans answers, so take the
time to fill in the answers as you correct work
for your first Miquon student - then you’ll have
a completed key to use with the next!
The Miquon Math program would be an excellent start in math to move into any other program, but it would lend itself particularly well to
those intending to use the Singapore approach
to math in the future.
EACH STUDENT BOOK . . . . 12.95
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
001191Annotations . . . . . . 21.95 14.95
023832 6 Student Bks . . . . . 77.70 48.95
MIQSET 6 St Bks + Annotns 99.65 60.95
Notes to Teachers
Presents the philosophy behind the Miquon
math method.
Interesting reading.
includes helpful appendices on pre-math activities with the rods and instructions for making
other homemade manipulatives.
001190 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.95
First Grade Diary
Lore Rasmussen chronicles the information,
experiences, and results of using Miquon Math
in her first-grade class. If you’re not convinced
that this program will make a difference in the
math reasoning ability of your children, read
this. The discoveries, insights and responses
displayed illustrate the power of this method to
bring out the best in budding mathematicians.
001192 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.95
There’s a whole lot to like
about this well-conceived
and inexpensive math program. The main features
of this program, according
to author Maria Miller, are:
¾¾ Focus is on conceptual
understanding rather
than rote problemsolving
¾¾ Teacher instructions are right in the book;
no need to buy a separate teacher book
¾¾ Clear explanations are written for the
student, so the lessons are virtually selfteaching
¾¾ Lessons use lots of visual and pattern
¾¾ Curriculum is mastery oriented; it concentrates on each specific topic for a long
time studying fewer topics per grade than
a spiral curricula
¾¾ Emphasis is on mental math and number
¾¾ Very little teacher preparation is required
¾¾ Content is aligned to Common Core
These are all valid claims and sum up this
approach nicely. It’s linear approach is similar
to that of the MCP Math program. Topics are
introduced, studied in depth, then the student
proceeds to the next topic. Visually, it reminds
me of Developmental Math because of the
extensive use of pictorial representations. Users
posting online have compared the course to
Singapore Math, but I don’t really see much
similarity. While they both emphasize conceptual learning and mental computation skills,
Math Mammoth has a much more traditional
feel. A distinguishing feature of this program is
the author’s amazing ability to simplify and clarify math processes so children can understand
them easily. Even in printed form, this course
is the easiest on the budget using a strictly bygrade comparison. And for those purchasing
the complete program on CD (or download),
the savings are even greater. Imagine getting a
complete, masterfully taught math curriculum
for grades 1-6 for less than $160. I would call
that frugal – and smart.
Each grade level set consists of four components: two student workbooks an (optional)
set of Tests and Cumulative Reviews and an
Answer Key containing answers to both workbooks and tests. Currently, we carry the curriculum in print format or CD format by the grade
level, Grades 1-3 and 4-6 combined on CD,
and the entire course on CD. The course is also
available as a download (go to mathmammoth.
com site) for slightly less than the CD price.
Both download and CD have colored student
pages. Grades 1-3 printed versions are available in your choice of black and white or color
while grades 4-6 are only available in black and
white (watch for release of upper grade levels
in color soon). Currently, CDs also include the
author's Soft-Pak math, language arts and testing
software programs.
Student Workbooks A and B for each level have
varying numbers of chapters, each focusing on
a math topic. These are sometimes very broad.
For example, one very large chapter (68 pages!)
in Worktext 4-B is simply entitled, “Division”.
It reviews division, and then covers every facet
of fourth grade division. Since division skills are
being built step-by-step throughout the chapter,
there’s really no need for review or testing until
the end; but it does make for a long teaching unit.
Each chapter begins with a short
introduction. This is where you will find any
teacher instruction for the chapter, including
background information, strategies and ideas for
teaching lesson concepts, a summary of lessons
by title (including number of pages for each),
and a list of Helpful Internet Resources for
further exploration, practice and enrichment. If
the chapter is on a skill introduced in a previous grade, the skill is reviewed before the new
material is introduced. Lessons each include a
complete explanation of each skill being taught,
numerous examples and models (many visual)
to help students understand the concepts behind
the math, and a reasonable number of problems
for students to work to ensure comprehension.
The lessons vary from 1-5 pages each. For planning, the author suggests simply dividing the
number of pages in each book by the teaching
days rather than planning to teach a lesson a
day. This would generally mean covering 1-2
pages a day depending on grade level. After
the last lesson in each chapter there are one or
two reviews. Chapter tests are contained in the
separate Tests and Cumulative Reviews book, as
are cumulative reviews (taken upon completion
of each worktext chapter) and a comprehensive
test for the grade level. A nice feature here is
the inclusion of grading instructions and scales.
If remediation is indicated, the author provides
a web address ( for
printing additional math worksheets by grade
level and skill. Worksheets are randomly generated within your provided parameters, so each
is different.
As mentioned briefly before, I find the author’s
teaching methods very solid, efficient, and
effective. Her goal is to imbue the student with
an understanding of the concepts in math rather
than just how to solve problems and this is evident in her instruction. She consistently shares
strategies, “tricks” and revealing insights into the
mysteries of math, essentially putting a teacher
right on the page. An example is in teaching
beginners to add numbers with sums greater
than 10. She tells students that when adding 9
to a number, the 9 “really wants to be a ten”,
so you should take one from the other number
to make it a ten, and then add the rest. I have
seen few other curriculums (see Miquon Math)
that teach students alternate, flexible ways like
this to approach operations. Another feature I
liked in the book was using gridded workspaces
for solving problems. Especially for students
just starting to use multiple-digit operations,
it’s helpful to get them in the habit of keeping
answers neatly aligned in columns. I also like
the scale problems in Grade 4’s multiplication
and other chapters. These are much like the
ones in CTP’s Balance Math program and very
effective for understanding how equations work.
There’s also a healthy balance of word problems
in the lessons with realistic, practical contexts.
The geometry sections are particularly good,
too, with ample hands-on work. The author
even includes printable manipulatives for constructing your own geometric solids.
Taken as a whole, the curriculum follows
a standard scope for elementary level work.
Besides learning standard math operations,
students learn money, time, measurement, fractions, number theory, place value, geometry,
percents, decimals, ratios, proportions, graphing, probability, statistics, and using the calculator. The sequence is a little different in places,
but makes sense and is only a factor if you are
moving into or out of the curriculum. Visit our
website and view the table of contents for each
book for an exact scope and sequence. For
placement, a diagnostic test is available on
the Math Mammoth website. Each grade set
includes the student workbooks A & B, Answer
Key and Tests with Cumulative Review.
While some cut-out manipulatives appear in
the book, some others are helpful and recommended by the author. These include:
¾¾ A geared student clock (Grades 1-3)
¾¾ A ruler that measures with both inch and
centimeter marks (Grades 1-3)
¾¾ Base ten blocks (optional)
¾¾ Measuring tape in feet and meters (Gr. 3)
¾¾ Scale in pounds and kilograms (Grade 2)
¾¾ Platform (kitchen) scale which measures in
oz. and grams (Grade 3)
¾¾ Measuring cups showing oz. and milliliters (Grade 3)
¾¾ Thermometer in Fahrenheit and Celcius
(optional – Grade 3)
¾¾ Circle fraction manipulatives (optional –
Grade 3)
I feel other manipulatives, such as a small set
of geometric solids, would be helpful as well,
especially in the upper grade levels. We carry
most (if not all) of the above manipulatives.
If you are on a tight budget, this is one to consider. You will spend considerably less without
compromising on content or quality of instruction. As a bonus, it will be easy for you to use,
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
require little preparation time, be easy for your
children to understand, and will prepare them
well for middle-grade math.
EACH WORKTEXT . . . . . . . 14.95 12.95
EACH CD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.50 36.25
EACH ANSWER KEY GR 1-4 . 11.95 10.95
EACH ANSWER KEY GR 5-7 12.95 11.95
EACH TEST BOOK 1-6 . . . . . . 9.95
EACH TEST BOOK 7 . . . . . . . 9.95
EACH SET GR 1-3 . . . . . . . . 51.80 41.95
EACH SET GR 4-7 . . . . . . . . 52.80 42.50
054562 Grades 1-3 CD . . . . 80.00 70.25
054563 Grades 4-7 CD . . . . 105.00 89.95
049670 Comp Program CD . 180.00 151.95
Wkbk A
Wkbk B
Ans Key
Colored Version:
EACH Worktext 1A-2B . . .
EACH Wrktxt 3A-4B, 6A-B
EACH Worktext 5A-5B . . .
EACH Answer Key 1-3 . . . .
EACH ANSWER KEY 4 . . . . .
EACH ANSWER KEY 5-6 . . . .
EACH Test/Review 1-4 . . . .
EACH TEST REVIEW 5-6 . . . .
MM1CLR Grade 1 Package . . 59.80
MM2CLR Grade 2 Package . . 59.80
MM3CLR Grade 3 Package . . 63.80
Components by grade (colored version):
Lvl A
Lvl B Ans Key Tests
1 031511 031512031509 031510
2 042624 042595042612 042622
3 042667 042604042631 042652
☼4 062812 062813 062810 062811
☼5 062816 062817 062814 062815
☼6 062820 062821 062818 062819
Answer Key . . . .
☼Test/Review . . .
☼7-A Worktext .
☼7-B Worktext .
Math Mammoth All Inclusive Package Blue /
Light Blue / Golden / Green CD (1-8)
Includes complete Light Blue Series (math curriculum for grades 1-6), Blue Series (worktexts with
lessons and problems for various topics in grades
1-7), Golden Series (grade-level worksheet collections for grades 3-8), and Green Series (worksheet
collections for various topics in grades 3-8).
058943 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238.00 214.00
Ray’s Arithmetic (1-8)
In America’s one-room schoolhouses, Ray’s
Arithmetic was used alongside the McGuffey
Readers. These are exact reproductions of the
originals and their small size (4.5” x 7.25”) cause
one difficulty – they don’t easily lay flat making
copying difficult. But the no-nonsense topic
coverage provides old-fashioned competence
so it’s easy to understand why they are recommended by the Well-Trained Mind. Primary
Arithmetic covers all four basic functions –
addition, subtraction, multiplication, & division
in single digits with word and money problems.
New Intellectual Arithmetic reviews those four
functions with multiple digits adding fractions
and introducing ratio and percent. Practical
Arithmetic continues the four functions along
with fractions, decimals, percents, metrics, and
introduces interest, discount, insurance, taxes,
ration, proportions, square and cube roots, measurement, and progressions. Higher Arithmetic
reviews the four functions and continues more
advanced work in all the Practical Arithmetic
topics including percentage applications with
and without time.
The Teacher’s Guide,
designed to encourage teacher-student interaction, provides a scope and sequence as well as
general information on math instructional stages
(i.e. manipulatives, mental, abstract). There are
also grade by grade teaching sequences along
with a Planning Guide that shows a typical day
and suggests weekly lesson plans as well as
providing an assessment chart and test schedule.
Most titles are now paperbacks. (The Higher
Arithmetic text and Answer Key and the Test
Examples are still hardcover.) ~ Janice
027088 Primary (1-2) . . . . . . . . 8.99 6.95
027086 New Intellectual (3-4) . 12.99 10.75
027087 Practical (5-6) . . . . . . 16.99 13.95
027089 Primary/Intellectual/Practical Answer Keys . . . . . . . 13.9910.95
027084 Higher Arithmetic (7-8)18.99 15.50
027085 Higher Answer Key . . 13.99 10.95
027090 Test Examples . . . . . . . 13.99 10.95
027082 Parent-Teacher Guide . 12.99 10.75
027083 Set w/ Teacher Guide 105.99 82.95
Math Mammoth Blue Series Package CD (1-7)
This topical worktext series is not a full math
curriculum, but is intended as supplemental,
review or remedial material. CD includes 40
workbooks on topics including: addition, subtraction, place value, time, money, measurement (customary and metric), multiplication,
division, geometry, statistics, probability, fractions, decimals, ratios, proportions, percentages
and integers. Answers are included.
058944 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125.00 120.00
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Classic Curriculum Arithmetic Workbks (1-4)
Back in the 1800’s children completed their
Ray’s Arithmetic work either orally or on chalkboards or personal slates. I’ll bet these kids
would have loved to have these babies. Series
One workbooks teach the skills needed before
beginning Ray’s: writing, counting, combining
sets, comparing numbers to 20. Series Two
requires use of Ray’s Primary Arithmetic and
covers addition, subtraction, multiplication,
and division through 9 along with time, measurement, and money problems. Series Three
and Four requires Ray’s Intellectual Arithmetic.
Series Three continues work in learning the facts
of the times and division tables, working word
problems, fractions and mixed numbers. Series
Four covers basic operations on integers and
fractions, equivalent fractions, least common
multiplier, and ratio. Throughout the series
there is a continual emphasis on learning and
reciting the fact tables as well as working story
problems. Workbook pages are black and white
with simple illustrations in the earlier books.
Periodic reviews and quizzes and a test complete each book. Each series is designed to be
used in a year with each book in the series being
used in one quarter. Except for Series One, all
answer keys are included. ~ Janice
EACH WORKBOOK . . . . . . . 13.49 10.75
Series 1
Series 2
Workbook 1
Workbook 2
Workbook 3
Workbook 4
Series 3
Series 4
017863 Workbook 1
017884 Workbook 2
017903 Workbook 3
017938 Workbook 4
More expensive doesn’t always mean better,
and this curriculum proves that point. Rod and
Staff places a strong emphasis on mastery of
math skills using a very traditional approach
in order to prepare students for real-life math.
They use math problems from everyday life, aid
in development of mental math skills, and offer
continuous review built into the lessons.
There are several different components to the
Rod and Staff Math curriculum. For grades one
and two, student workbooks provide information for the student and a place to do their
work. Grades 3-8 present information in hardcover texts, and students do their work on their
own paper. The teacher’s manual at each level
includes copies of student pages, speed drills,
practice sheets with answers written in, and
instructions for each lesson. Practice sheets
and/or blacklines provide more practice and
may be copied for multiple students. Speed
drills emphasize accuracy and speed. Flash
cards are incorporated at the first grade level.
Beginning in 4th grade, chapter tests are in a
separate booklet. Grades 2-8 are broken into
170 lessons each.
If you want a good practical math program,
Rod and Staff covers all the bases.
Beginning Arithmetic Revision (Grade 1)
The concepts in grade one are money, measures, place value, and fractions, along with
addition and subtraction. We carry the 3rd edition of this level (also referred to as revised edition), and the revision includes more variety in
artwork, more drill in some areas, and improved
Bible tone. The artwork reflects Bible stories
or Christian family life rather than an animal
theme. The ‘zero’ is taught as ‘nothing’ and as
a placeholder. Fractions have more teaching –
denominator taught first and numerator taught in
the last quarter of the year. Place value is taught
using tangible, real-life items. Practice sheets
are now available as a complete set, so you
don’t have to copy them. These are categorized
as ‘strengtheners,’ ‘required,’ and ‘challenge.’
Flash cards are also used at the first grade level
(for 2nd and 3rd ed.) and include vertical addition and subtraction facts through sums of ten.
027557 Flash Cards . . . . . . . . 17.80
027566 Practice Sheets . . . . . . 16.50
027567 Speed Drills . . . . . . . . 4.90
027571 Teacher’s Manual . . . . 20.95
027574 Workbook, Part 1 . . . . 6.95
027583 Workbook, Part 2 . . . . 6.95
BGARTHComplete Package . . . 74.05
Working Arithmetic (Grade 2)
Grade 2 reviews skills taught in grade 1, and
also covers addition and subtraction facts for
11 – 18, carrying and borrowing, a review of
money/time/measures, and an introduction to
the concepts of a half dollar, quarter hour, and
pounds and ounces. The teacher manual is necessary for instructions and directions.
028107Blacklines . . . . . . . . . 10.25
028123 Tchr Man, Unit 1-2 . . 7.95
028124 Tchr Man, Unit 3-5 . . 10.95
028125 Workbook, Unit 1 . . . 5.25
028128 Workbook, Unit 2 . . . 3.50
028130 Workbook, Unit 3 . . . 5.25
028135 Workbook, Unit 4 . . . 4.50
028159 Workbook, Unit 5 . . . 4.50
WKARTHComplete Package . . . 52.15
Exploring Arithmetic (Grade 3)
Grade 3 includes review of addition and subtraction skills from grades 1 and 2 and teaches multiplication and division through 9, fraction meaning, measure equivalents, money values, telling
time, mixed computation, and Roman numerals.
027688Blacklines . . . . . . . . . 4.50
027707Pupil . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.95
063734 ☼Worksheets . . . . . . . 3.95
027711 Speed Drills . . . . . . . . 4.90
063733 ☼Answer Key . . . . . . . 3.50
027716 Teacher’s Manual . . . . 15.95
EXARTHPackage . . . . . . . . . . . 40.30
Includes blacklines, pupil, speed drills, and
teacher's manual.
Progressing With Arithmetic (Grade 4)
Grade 4 has counting tests, fact review, multiplication and division through 12s, long division, multiplying by two-digit numbers, reading
problem skills that include distance-rate-time,
two-step problems, using sketches, and identifying missing information. Other concepts included are place value to hundred millions, decimals to hundredths, Roman numerals through
the 300s, equivalent measures, adding and
subtracting measures, scale drawings, metric
units of length, comparing fractions, equivalent
fractions, reducing fractions, adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers, finding
perimeter and area of squares and rectangles,
and using picture and bar graphs.
027849Pupil . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.95
027910Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.25
027882 Speed Drills . . . . . . . . 4.90
027892 Tchr Manual, Pt 1 . . . 11.95
027909 Tchr Manual, Pt 2 . . . 11.95
PWARTHComplete Package . . . 46.00
Gaining Skill With Arithmetic (Grade 5)
Grade 5 reviews and builds upon previous
grades. New concepts include place value to
hundred billion, decimals to thousandths, factoring, prime numbers, metric system for basic
units and prefixes, changing units, multiplying and dividing fractions, understanding ratio
and proportion, finding volume, introduction
to lines/points/angles, fraction/decimal/percents
equivalents, and line graphs.
027750Pupil . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.95
027786Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.25
027764 Speed Drills . . . . . . . . 4.90
027766 Tchr Manual, Pt 1 . . . 11.95
027769 Tchr Manual, Pt 2 . . . 11.95
GSARTHComplete Package . . . 46.00
Understanding Mathematics (Grade 6)
Grade 6 reviews previous skills and includes
greatest common factor, lowest common multiple, mental shortcuts in calculation, decimal/
fraction equivalents, multiplying and dividing,
discounts, commissions, interest, conversions
between English and metric measures, time
zones, perimeter and area of triangles and parallelograms, circumference and area of circles,
measuring angles with a protractor, and constructing circle graphs.
028040Pupil . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.95
028082Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.25
028064 Quizzes & Speed Tests 4.50
028065 Tchr Manual, Pt 1 . . . 11.95
028066 Tchr Manual, Pt 2 . . . 11.95
UNDMTHComplete Package . . 45.60
Mastering Mathematics (Grade 7)
Grade 7 reviews and extends previous
skills, and Bible applications enhance the
reading problems and illustrations. New concepts include non-terminating decimals, profit
and loss, compound interest, Bible measures,
Celsius/Fahrenheit conversion, histograms,
plane and solid geometry, algebraic expressions, order of operations, exponents, square
roots and signed numbers.
027789Pupil . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.95
027804Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.25
027790 Quizzes & Speed Tests 4.50
027799 Tchrs Man, Pt 1 . . . . . 11.95
027803 Tchrs Man, Pt 2 . . . . . 11.95
MSTMTHComplete Package . . . 47.60
Applying Mathematics (Grade 8)
Grade 8 extends previously learned skills
and incorporates real-life and Bible applications. New concepts include part-year interest;
sales and property tax; conversion between
Bible, metric, and English measure; double-line
graphs; rectangle graphs; Pythagorean rule;
surface and volume of spheres; polynomials;
computation with signed numbers and expo-
nents; compound interest formula and tables;
writing checks; maintaining and reconciling
the account balance; extracting square roots;
base twelve and base two numeration; scientific
notation; and statistics.
027548Pupil . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.95
027553Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.25
027550 Quizzes & Speed Tests 4.50
027551 Tchr Manual, Pt 1 . . . 11.95
027552 Tchr Manual, Pt 2 . . . 11.95
APLMTHComplete Package . . . 48.60
☼JUMP Math Program (1-8)
JUMP (Junior Undiscovered Math Prodigy)
Math is a numeracy program. Not sure what
that means? Think “literacy” with numbers.
Numeracy, a term coined in the UK, means the
ability to reason and to apply simple numerical
concepts. Developed in Canada to encourage
an understanding as well as a love of math,
JUMP Math is also an evidence (research) based
approach. Since its price tag might cause you
to assume it’s a supplemental program or to
seriously underestimate its scope, it might help
to know that there are extensive teacher materials available online and they are FREE! Funded
by charitable donations, the heart-of-the-program Teacher Resources (teacher guides, lesson
plans, blackline masters, mental math, sample
quizzes and tests, answer keys and more) are all
provided as pdf files. You can print them out or
use from your computer. It’s rather simple, too
– just set up an online account. But be prepared
to spend some time familiarizing yourself with
the website, the program and the Canadian way
of labeling material. Primarily intended to be
used by teachers in a classroom, the program’s
goals are to lead students through guided discovery, asking Socratic questions, providing
harder challenges and activities while all the
while being involved in immediate assessment
and feedback.
Since so much is available online, you’re
probably wondering what is in these consumable, semester worktexts – only some barebones
instructions and practice exercises. Called
Practice and Assessment books (AP), they are
nevertheless an essential part of the teacher-student interaction that characterizes the program.
Used at the end of the lessons, they provide
practice as well as the on-going assessment –
a useful diagnostic – that is the basis for the
teacher-student interaction.
The detailed lessons plans are keyed to specific
pages in the AP book and are fully correlated
with the CCSS. Sections include Goals, Prior
Knowledge Required, Materials, Activity and
Extensions as well as very specific instruction
with worked examples and intermittent work.
Blackline Masters for each lesson provide reproducible/printable worksheets and activities.
Lesson structure includes short explanations,
exercises and bonus questions, and incrementally increase in challenge. Quizzes are every
five lessons (on average) with Tests after every
2-3 quizzes. An online answer key is available
for grades 3-8 AP books.
There is no glitz whatsoever in this program
– however it is cleanly done and very wellconstructed. For those appreciative of or patient
with (depending on your viewpoint) the online
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
atmosphere, this program is a tremendous
value, offering solid math instruction, good
teacher support, an attractive learning environment (i.e. teacher-student interaction), and a
standards-based teaching progression. 200 –
215 pgs, pb ~ Janice
Assessment & Practice Books
NOTE: Teacher materials are FREE on the JUMP
Math website; set up an account to access them.
EACH SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.00
☼JUMP at Home Worksheets (1-8)
You might call these worksheet books “kissing
cousins” to the JUMP Math program. Employing
the same mastery and incremental methodology, emphasizing continuous assessment, these
worksheets are designed to be used at home
(as the name implies) in a tutoring situation. In
fact, there is even some introductory information providing help for tutors. Also, rather than
being dependent on online teaching resources,
these books are stand-alones providing clear
explanations of math concepts for both students and tutors. Some of the JUMP Math extra
resources – mental math and games – are
provided in hard copy in these workbooks
as well. Answer keys are available for grades
3-8, but only on the Canadian “side” of the
Jump Math website. You will have to set up
an account to access the answer keys. [www.>Canada>Publications>Answer
Keys>Answer Key for AP Book __ (scroll down
to Jump at Home Answer Key).]
It should be noted that these sets of worksheets
do NOT include all the content of the JUMP
Math program. There are significant strands
that are missing altogether (geometry, statistics
and advanced probability). Although there is
specific topical content from the JUMP Math
program repeated in the worksheets, the scope
and sequence of the two programs are not
identical. Comparing the tables of contents on
our website from each series will give you an
idea of the differences. Roughly, it appears that
the JUMP at Home worksheets trail behind the
JUMP Math levels. You might think of JUMP at
Home worksheets as providing review of last
year’s content and preparing the student for the
next level. For instance, JUMP at Home 7 would
review JUMP Math 5 & 6, really only covering
content through JUMP Math Book 6.1. 175 –
200 pgs, pb. ~ Janice
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.95 12.95
062558 Grade 1
062562 Grade 5
062559 Grade 2
062563 Grade 6
062560 Grade 3
062564 Grade 7
062561 Grade 4
062565 Grade 8
The Art of Problem Solving folks present: Beast
Academy. Proving that any monster can do
math, these comically monstrous beasts take
you along with them as they face math challenges both inside and outside the Academy.
Described as “rigorous, challenging, engaging,
and fun” by the publisher, I would expect nothing less from a curriculum designed to ready
your child for the demands of MATHCOUNTS
and post-elementary AOPS curricula.
There are four parts for each grade level
though the series is not all available as of this
writing. Each part consists of two books: a
Guide and a Practice book. Core instruction
takes place in the Guide which is written in
colorful, comic-book style and stars a cast of
not-quite-cute monsters. Each book is divided
topically into three chapters. Grade 3 chapters
are: 3A – Shapes, Skip-Counting, Perimeter
and Area; 3B – Multiplication, Perfect Squares,
Distributive Property; 3C – Variables, Division,
Measurement; 3D – Fractions, Estimation, Area.
Grade 4 topics are: 4A - Shapes, Multiplication,
Exponents; 4B - Counting, Division, Logic; 4C Factors, Fractions and Integers; 4D - Fractions,
Decimals and Probability. These chapters are
further divided into sections (subtopics). For
example, Chapter 1 of Grade 3A: Shapes
contains sections labeled: Angles, Triangles,
Quadrilaterals, and Polyominoes. 5A practices
3D solids, integers, expressions and equations.
5B covers statistics, factors & multiples and fractions. 5C will teach sequences, ratios & rates
and decimals. 5D includes square roots and
Activity sheets, asides, notes, extensions, and
games are often interspersed between the sections. Helpful, red rectangles at the end of
some pages tell you when to break and do
practice problems. Stop signs also appear in
the corners of some panels. These contain
questions for the student to answer before continuing to read. Guides are non-consumable.
All written work is done in the corresponding
Practice book which contains 300-400 practice
problems and puzzles that reinforce the Guides’
instruction. Practice chapters each begin with a
recommended sequence (like a lesson plan) correlating the reading (Guide) to practice pages.
Problem sets generally begin with a recap of the
concepts covered and a model problem with
solution. Some problems have a pencil icon
next to them signaling the student to write an
explanation in addition to their answer. “Very
challenging” problems are starred. Doublystarred problems are, well, beastly. For students
requiring a little help with these, each has a
hint to get them started. These are found in
a separate section in the back of the book so
students won’t be tempted to use them unless
necessary. Complete solutions to all problems
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
in the book are also included. All pages in the
Practice book are perforated, so you can optionally tear out either problem sets or solution keys
if you desire.
So how does this program compare to other
math curriculums? Compared to Saxon Grade
3, they cover basically the same topics, though
each covers a few that the other doesn’t. Saxon
follows a spiral approach and integrates review
whereas this program is very topical and by the
strand with neither tests nor chapter reviews.
Saxon is a traditional math course whereas
Beast Academy is not. It is innately more conceptual and interactive because of its unique
lesson format. While Saxon is intended to be
teacher-led, Beast Academy is written to the
While manipulatives are an integral
part of Saxon instruction, they would only be
used here by choice as student problem-solving
aids (though the characters use “real” objects in
the context of the lessons). Students are encouraged to think and problem solve to a greater
degree as you might expect in a curriculum from
this publisher. There is no shortage of practice
problems, a shortcoming often found in less
traditional programs. The math-oriented student
would get the most mileage (and challenge) out
of this program. It is probably NOT for the student that needs a lot of hand-holding. That said,
my child that most disliked math would have
loved this program because of its highly-visual
format and contextual presentation of concepts.
Beast Academy has its own support website ( which contains
free pre-assessments (with solutions), selected
printable practice pages, coloring pages, and
errata. According to this site, grade four will
be released in 2013/2014 followed by grade 5,
then grade 2. When your little beast is finished
with grade 5, he or she can move on to AOPS
(or any other demanding) middle-school math
EACH GUIDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00
EACH PRACTICE BOOK . . . . . . 12.00
Practice Book
000517 3A000521
000530 3B000531
000534 3C000540
012975 3D012979
BSTAC3 Grade 3 Package . . 108.00 106.00
All eight guides and practice books above.
011777 4A011779
056567 4B056568
012575 4C012580
061272 4D061273
BSTAC4 Grade 4 Package . . 108.00 106.00
For the families that use Conventional
Arithmetic with Spunky the Donkey, this is the
recommended next step. Study Time Arithmetic
is printed in black & white and takes a nononsense, straightforward approach to math,
using real-world themes from a simpler lifestyle
and application.
The content of the curriculum is solid and
moves at a brisk pace. The lesson sequence
is similar to the Saxon methodology in which
each lesson presents a different topic and builds
on previous lessons. Review is ongoing and
found in daily lessons, weekly practice pages,
weekly check-ups, and unit reviews – students don’t run the risk of forgetting previously
learned concepts. Along with math concepts
that you would typically expect from your
curriculum, students are introduced to math
application skills like checking and savings,
finding original prices and discounts, record
keeping, taxes, and more. When learning about
money, the curriculum includes both U.S. and
Canadian coins. This curriculum does a nice
job of including word problems to develop
math thinking skills, but when compared to the
scope and sequence of other math programs,
some topics seem delayed. For example, cubic
measure and exponents are introduced at the
7th grade level, and mean/median/mode and
metric/English conversion are introduced in 8th
grade. If you’re wondering where to go for high
school math after completing this program, one
source suggests Videotext Interactive for Algebra
and Geometry, which means that students are
prepared by Study Time Arithmetic to enter a
pre-algebra course.
There are 6 units at every grade level, and
every unit is divided into lessons. Each unit
should take 6 weeks to complete and is themebased – farm, stars, blacksmith shop, etc.
Poems are found throughout the student book
that correspond to the theme and can be used
as copywork or memorization (an added bonus).
The consistency of the lesson presentation
makes it easy for the parent and the student to
know what is expected of them. Every lesson is
2 pages in length, and the student is to read the
lesson, attempt to do the exercises in the lesson,
then discuss the lesson and ask any questions
that might need answers from the parent or
just go over the high points of the lesson if the
student seems to have an understanding of the
topic. Students complete 4 lessons per week
(except at the end of the unit) with an additional
practice page in the middle of the week and a
“weekly check-up” at the end of the week. The
last week of every unit includes only 2 or 3 lessons, a 2-page unit review, and a unit test.
The student portion in grades 3-5 is a consumable worktext and grades 6-8 is a hardcover text.
Student books include the lessons and consist of
explanations and examples, practice of the new
concept, “bell boxes” which include important
information about the concept, review exercises
of previously learned concepts, “Check It Out”
which is used to create more interest and further
thinking, and an occasional dictation or oral
exercise at the younger levels. Timed drills are
marked with an hourglass symbol found next to
the page number.
The Teacher Manual at every grade level
includes a unit overview, teacher tips, oral
review, lesson preparation (very minimal), and
corresponding student pages for every lesson.
Small format student pages with answers are
included for all student worktext or textbook
pages, timed drills, reviews, and tests.
A separate test packet for each grade level
includes 6 unit tests and timed drills that are
numbered for the specific lessons with which to
use them. The answers for these are found in the
teacher manual.
Flashcards are available for grades 3 and 4 and
are specific to the lessons at those levels. There
are over 700 cards at each level and are referenced in the teacher manual. If you choose not
to use them, you will need to make your own or
adapt the lessons for use without them.
Overall, this is a very nice program to round
out your elementary/junior high math education
incorporating practical math skills and application. Components of the program are available
separately or in a complete kit, which includes
the student worktext or textbook, tests & drills,
and teacher manual (flashcards are not included
in the sets). ~ Donna
EACH WORKBOOK . . . . . . . . . 12.95
EACH TEXTBOOK . . . . . . . . . . 19.25
EACH TEACHER (exc below) . . . 27.95
004345 Grade 3 Teacher* . . . . 15.50
EACH TESTS/DRILLS (exc below) 1.50
004447 Grade 7* . . . . . . . . . . 2.25
004448 Grade 8* . . . . . . . . . . 2.25
EACH FLASHCARD SET . . . . . . 36.95
004340 Grade 3
004342 Grade 4
Tchr Test/Drill
3 004491 N/A 004345* 004391
4 004496 N/A 004354 004398
5 004501 N/A 004367 004422
6 N/A 004454 004368 004445
7 N/A 004470 004375 004447*
8 N/A 004481 004385 004448*
COMPLETE SETS (minus cards):
STASG3 Grade 3 . . . . . . . . . . .
STASG4 Grade 4 . . . . . . . . . . .
STASG5 Grade 5 . . . . . . . . . . .
STASG6 Grade 6 . . . . . . . . . . .
STASG7 Grade 7 . . . . . . . . . . .
STASG8 Grade 8 . . . . . . . . . . .
Strayer-Upton Practical Arithmetics (3-8)
Customer requests always get our attention
because some of our favorite products have
surfaced that way. It’s easy to see why Practical
Arithmetics would appeal to those wanting to
keep their schooling experience basic, practical,
and inexpensive, yet challenging. Originally
published in 1934 and reprinted in 2007,
these palm-sized (5”x7”x1.5”) hardback books
demand your respect from the beginning –
they’re a glimpse of life in the past lane. First of
all, explanations are kept as simple as possible
requiring the student to take only one step at a
time. Then, mastery is achieved through practice exercises (lots of them). Finally, application
problems relate to real life – or at least real life
in the 1930s. One of the unique aspects of the
series is the role of tests – and there are several different types of tests. Improvement Tests
provide review; the test topics are previously
studied material not included in the most recent
instruction. In other words, if instruction has
been on multiplication, the Improvement Test
will cover addition and subtraction. Problem
Tests are word problems. These tests are
arranged in groups known as Groups A, B,
and C, each consisting of three tests (i.e. A1,
A2, A3, etc.). The problems on Test A1 cover
the same range of difficulty as those found on
Tests A2 and A3. By test A3 the student should
have all problems right on the test. Perhaps the
most valuable type of test in the series is the
Diagnostic Tests. These tests provide several
rows of problems, each of a similar sort, with
the instructions that if a student misses an exercise in any row, they need more practice and
should return to the listed Help Pages. These
tests are an ingenious method for keeping track
of a student’s proficiencies and for providing
extra help if needed. All instruction, exercises,
problems, and tests are provided sequentially as
a student works their way through a book. All
answers are in the back of the book.
Each 500 page book includes two years of
instruction. Book 1 covers addition, subtraction multiplication, division, and introduces
geometry, fractions, and measurement. Book 2
reviews basic operations and covers fractions,
decimals and basic operations with each; measurement; consumer and personal applications;
percentage; and graphs. Book 3 covers banking
interest, geometry, installment buying, stocks,
bonds, investments, ratio and proportion, square
roots, writing and solving equations.
Originally designed to be very practical in
terms of application, now from the vantage
point of 75+ years, the word problems reflect
both timeless content (i.e. proportions of the
U.S. flag) and amusingly quaint historical perspective - “wonderful machine is more than
human” (i.e. an electric calculating machine).
Of course, any problems involving monetary
costs are poignantly archaic.
Since we’re on the subject of money I should
mention that for the amazing sum of significantly less than $10 per year, this series represents
a very economical math education. You’ll have
to be prepared to do without the amenities of
workbooks, worksheets, color, manipulatives,
scripted lessons, etc., but the books are surprisingly user-friendly and engaging. You certainly
won’t be sacrificing strength of instruction or
content. I would probably start the series earlier
than 3rd grade. A student completing the series
should be ready for algebra, but since it means
changing into another scope and sequence, it
might be more comfortable to go into a prealgebra and cover it quickly. ~ Janice
EACH COURSE . . . . . . . . . . 15.95 14.95
022834 Book 1 (3-4)
022835 Book 2 (5-6)
022836 Book 3 (7-8)
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
These programs offer all needed teaching and
student books and (sometimes optional) materials for teaching grade-level math for PreAlgebra and above.
Prentice Hall Middle School Math (6-9)
If Saxon isn’t your cup of tea, but you need a
very good secular math program – Prentice Hall
can fill that void. This series is written to meet
standards and prepare students for standardized
testing. The books are colorful and easy to use
while the teacher resources give you everything
you need to teach the course and a lot of extras.
Each course bundle includes a Student Text,
All-in-One Student Workbook, and Teacher
Center CD-ROM. The Student Text not only
gives you comprehensive colorful lessons, but
a plethora of resource information. The front
of the book includes web codes (for use at the
publisher’s website) for easy access to vocabulary quizzes, chapter tests, chapter projects,
and how to access them; how to use the book;
diagnostic test; and a problem-solving handbook that teaches students how to work through
problems – understand, plan, carryout, and
check. Resources are continued in the back of
the book with chapter projects, extra practice,
skills handbook with exercises, reference tables
for measurement, math symbols, formulas &
properties, an English/Spanish glossary, select
answers to exercises (mostly odd problems),
and “Instant Check System” answers. Each
chapter in the student text begins with a short
review of previous concepts and an introduction as to what will be covered in the present
chapter. Chapters are broken down into lessons
which include a list of skills needed for fulfilling the chapter content, concept presentation
with examples, highlighted vocabulary, ‘Quick
Check’ practice, ‘Check Your Understanding,’
homework exercises, notes for where you can
go for help, guided problem solving, web codes
for homework video tutors (short lessons on
key concepts), test prep & mixed review, and
activity labs. Sometimes there will be test prep
tips, vocabulary builders, or “Math at Work”
which highlights math in careers. At the end of
each chapter you might find test-taking strategies, chapter review, chapter test, and a test
prep which will be either reading comprehension with math reading and word problems
or a cumulative review. The Teacher Center
CD-ROM includes an extreme amount of information and resources and includes 4 discs for
installation and program elements along with
guides for installation and use. The resource disc
includes test forms, answer keys, answer grids,
progress charts, practice tests for ITBS, NAEP,
and SAT10, project pages, note taking pages,
activity pages in Spanish, transparencies, and
the list goes on. One very helpful component in
the teacher materials is a readiness test that lets
you know if your student is prepared for algebra. The Teacher Center CD-ROM is awesome
and easy to use, but I do have one complaint.
The pdf.files for all of the printable pages and
answer keys, etc. don’t have the titles of them
listed. They are labeled with cryptic letters and
numbers, so you will need to decipher the code
to find the file you need. System Requirements
for the Teacher CD are Windows 98, ME, 2000,
XP or Mac OS X, 10.2-10.4 and internet access
for the codes and links. The All-in-One Student
Workbook offers consumable formatted pages
for daily note taking, guided problem solving,
additional practice, vocabulary checks and
reviews for use with special needs students. The
pages offer room to work problems, less clutter,
and more white space.
This series allows for some flexibility in the
course sequence. Students can choose to do
Course 1 and Course 2, and then they have the
option of doing Course 3 or Algebra Readiness.
This series offers a strong alternative for those
who want classroom equivalent courses and
content that meets standards. More time is spent
on the concept at the time of presentation, but
review keeps the material fresh. Overall, this
series is strong enough to prepare students for
high school math with the flexibility in the
courses you take. ~ Donna
EACH BUNDLE (exc noted) . 110.47 87.95
053012 Course 1 (6)
053014 Course 2 (7)
053016 Course 3 (8)
053018 Algebra Readiness
Prentice Hall High School Math (8-12)
Saxon is a great program but not a good fit
for everyone. If that describes you, then take
a look at this quality math series. The concept
presentation is meaty, it is aligned to standards,
and comes from a secular publisher if you need
or prefer that. Now 2011 editions, Homeschool
Bundles include a student text, teacher’s edition, Practice and Problem Solving Workbook,
Practice and Problem Solving Workbook
Teacher’s Guide, Parent Guide (pamphlet),
Teaching Resources DVD, and Answers and
Solutions CD-ROM.
The two-volume teacher edition is what
you might expect in a classroom edition.
It includes a sequence chart, pacing chart,
entry level assessments, pacing and assessment guide, small format student pages with
answers, and teaching notes (interactive learning, guided instruction and lesson check).
Most lessons include three options for remediation recommendations: online at Math XL or (these are not available to
homeschoolers), reteaching lessons from the All
in One Teaching Resources DVD (included) and
Practice Problems in the All in One Teaching
Resources DVD (included). Lesson Resource
Charts direct teachers to the Answers and
Solutions CD-ROM or the All in One Teaching
Resource (included) as well as the online support that is not available to homeschoolers. The
Lesson resources also offer differentiated remediation exercises and standardized test prep
(found on the All in One Teaching Resource).
Although the Teacher Edition refers frequently
to the Math XL and other websites which
homeschoolers do not currently have access to,
there is another website, www.interactMath.
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
com which is available to homeschoolers and
provides students with step-by-step tutorials for
problems similar to their homework problems.
Each problem regenerates to a new problem, so
students have unlimited homework help.
The student text includes lessons directed
to the student with examples and exercises.
Lessons begin with a quick “Solve it” puzzle
that incorporates review and new topic, followed by key concepts, and explanations of
new concepts. Step-by-step practice problems
and lesson checks follow prior to the practice
and problem solving exercise. Lessons also
incorporate standardized test prep questions for
ACT/SAT tests and mixed review. Vocabulary is
included, although the audio vocabulary review
is part of the unavailable online component.
The student book also references the Math XL
websites, which are not available in a homeschool setting. Both student text and Teacher
Edition include a skills handbook, visual glossary (English and Spanish), Reference pages,
selected answers and index.
The Practice and Problem Solving Workbook
offers adapted lessons that correlate to the student
book. Adapted lessons offer more step by step
problem solving support to analyze the exercises
and adapted test prep. (They do not include
the note taking pages or vocabulary review as
referenced in the old edition's workbook) There
is room to solve problems but not excessive
or plentiful. The Practice and Problem Solving
Workbook Teacher Guide contains reduced student pages with answers. No solutions and no
additional teaching notes are included.
You’ll find all of the textbook answers
and solutions in the Answers and Solutions
CD-ROM. System requirements for CD-ROM:
Windows 2000/XP/7; CD-ROM Drive; 750 MB
Hard Drive Space; 256 MB RAM. Macintosh:
MAC OS 10.2/10.3/10.4; CD-ROM Drive, 750
MB Hard Drive Space; 256 MB RAM.
The Teaching Resource DVD includes printable (and some editable) worksheets, assessments, answers, homework video tutorials, and
ELL Support. Computer Requirements: Windows
98/ME/2000/XP, DVD drive, 100MB disc space,
32 MB RAM. MAC: OSX 10.2/10.3/10.4, DVD
drive, 100 MB disc space, 32MB RAM (64MB
recommended). Parent Guide pamphlet is a brochure with general teaching information.
The content of this series ranks right up there
with the Bob Jones and Saxon courses and covers the same topics in a very comprehensive
way. If you are looking for a course that will
teach the same content with the same format
as courses for the classroom, this series is
solid with a good amount of teacher support,
although you may feel that you are missing out
on some of the online support that is available
in school systems.
The sequence for the Prentice Hall High
School Math series is intertwined and interchangeable with some elements of the Middle
School courses. Students using the Prentice Hall
Middle School Math Courses can choose to do
Course 1 and Course 2, and then they have the
option of doing Course 3 or Algebra Readiness.
After that, students will then do Algebra 1,
Geometry, and Algebra 2. ~ Donna
EACH BUNDLE . . . . . . . . . . 128.97 107.95
052330 Algebra I
052332 Algebra 2
Art of Problem Solving Introduction (6-10)
This is an outstanding math program for the
math-gifted student. It is rigorous and oriented
to the independent problem-solver. The texts are
based on the premise that students learn math
best by solving problems – lots of problems –
and preferably difficult problems that they don’t
already know how to solve. Most sections,
therefore, begin by presenting problems and letting students intuit solutions BEFORE explaining
ways to solve them. Even if they find ways to
answer the problems, they should read the rest
of the section to see if their answer is correct
and if theirs is the best or most efficient way to
solve that type of problem. Textual instruction,
then, is given in the context of these problems,
explaining how to best approach and solve
them. Throughout the text there are also special, blue-shaded boxes highlighting key concepts, important things to retain (like formulas),
warnings for potential problem-solving pitfalls,
side notes, and bogus solutions (these demonstrate misapplications). There are exercises at
the end of most sections to see if the student can
apply what’s been learned. Review problems
at the end of each chapter test understanding
for that chapter. If a student has trouble with
these, he should go back and re-read the chapter. Each chapter ends with a set of Challenge
Problems that go beyond the learned material.
Successful completion of these sets demonstrates a high degree of mastery. A unique
feature in this series is the hints section at the
back of the book. These are intended to give a
little help to selected problems, usually the very
difficult ones (marked with stars). In this way,
students can get a little push in the right direction, but still have to figure out the solution for
themselves. The solution manuals do contain
complete solutions and explanations to all the
exercises, review problems and challenge problems. It is best for students not to access these
until they have made several attempts to solve
the problems first. I particularly like one of the
motivating boxes in the text that coaches, “If at
first you don’t know how to solve a problem,
don’t just stare at it. Experiment!”. That pretty
much sums up the philosophy of the course,
encouraging children to take chances, become
aggressive problem solvers, and attack problems
with confidence. I wonder how far some children would go if they were encouraged this way
instead of being spoon fed?
Though this course is used in classroom
settings, the texts are student-directed, making them perfect for the independent learner
or homeschooler. Students should start the
introductory sequence with the Prealgebra
book. Afterwards, begin the Introduction to
Algebra. Students will be prepared for both the
Introduction to Counting and Probability and
Introduction to Number Theory courses after
completing the first 11 chapters of Algebra. It
won’t matter whether they do these along with
Algebra, put aside Algebra and complete the
other two or finish Algebra first and then do
them. All of them should be completed prior to
the Introduction to Geometry book. If you are
coming into this course from another curriculum, you will probably want to take the Algebra
diagnostic test to decide where to enter this pro494
gram. Even if your student has finished Algebra
2 elsewhere, you will want to make sure that all
of the material from this series has been covered
before continuing on to the Intermediate series.
Taken together, these constitute a complete curriculum for outstanding math students
in grades 6-10 and one that prepares them
for competitions such as MATHCOUNTS and
the American Mathematics Competitions. The
material is challenging and in-depth; this is not
a course for the mathematically faint of heart. If
your child loves math, is genuinely math-gifted,
or is interested in participating in math competitions, you definitely need to give this one serious consideration.
050262Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 050263 Solutions Manual . . . . AOPPRE Set of Both . . . . . . 61.00
Introduction to Algebra
003999 Algebra Text . . . . . . . . 002304 Algebra Solutions Man'l INTRAL Algebra Set . . . . . . . 67.00
Introduction to Counting & Probability
004624Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38.00
004623 Solution Manual . . . . . 10.00
INTRCPSet . . . . . . . . . . . . 48.00 42.00
Introduction to Number Theory
007602Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 007601 Solutions Manual . . . . INTNMTSet . . . . . . . . . . . . 52.00
Introduction to Geometry
004640Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 004638 Solutions Manual . . . . INTGEOSet . . . . . . . . . . . . 65.00
have to work through the problems myself when
a question arises—call me lazy).
Students beginning this series should have
either completed the Introductory level or, if
coming from another curriculum, have completed Algebra I and Geometry at a minimum. Even
then, they should take the diagnostic test for
AOPS Introduction to Algebra and only tackle
Intermediate Algebra if indicated. After completing Intermediate Algebra, students can choose to
take either Intermediate Counting & Probability
or Precalculus next, or do both simultaneously.
Both should be completed before beginning
Calculus. A brief description of courses appears
below; see our website Table of Contents pages
for a more complete scope and sequence.
Intermediate Algebra
Reviews topics covered in the Introductory
Algebra book. Covers advanced topics
found in Algebra 2 (and advanced ones
outside the scope of a standard Algebra
2 course) plus standard non-trigonometric
Precalculus topics.
051935Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59.00
051934 Solutions Manual . . . . 12.00
AOPIAL Set of Both . . . . . . 71.00 64.00
Intermediate Counting & Probability
Continues discrete math topics begun in
Introductory Counting & Probability including topics of interest to future computer
051938Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.00
051937 Solutions Manual . . . . 12.00
AOPICP Set of Both . . . . . . 54.00 47.00
Covers complex numbers, vectors, matrices,
and trigonometry at a deeper level than a
typical high school course.
051941Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47.00
Art of Problem Solving Intermediate (9-12)
The intermediate series picks up where the 051940 Solutions Manual . . . . introductory series leaves off. Please read that PRECLC Set of Both . . . . . . 59.00 53.00
description (immediately preceding this one) as
it applies to this series as well. Note that all Calculus
More intense than a normal high school or
AOPS books are intended for high-performing
first-year college course, this is a full course
(motivated) math students. These are rigorous
texts that require a high level of commitment
in single-variable calculus.
from students, but the benefits are worth the 051932Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00
extra effort. For comparison, this curriculum is 051931 Solutions Manual . . . . more advanced than Saxon and rather like Life AOPCLCSet of Both . . . . . . 54.00 49.00
of Fred on steroids. It is like LOF in that often,
teaching takes place through problem solving,
even in the solutions to the problems. These
books are huge compared to the LOF volumes
which are, even then, largely devoted to the
story of Fred’s life. Math in LOF is taught in
that context; we understand that Fred needs
to calculate the derivative of a stock market
equation in order to invest his penny while the
slope is increasing AND why discovering that
vertical asymptote resulted in his becoming a
millionaire. Here, the heart of the course is
the problem-solving. Virtually all of the text
is devoted to this. Students are preparing for
problem-solving competitions here and learning techniques and strategies to win. The other
MAJOR difference is the amazing, complete
solution manual provided in the AOPS curriculum. After working in LOF Calculus with
Stephen, I REALLY appreciate having more than
just an answer (honestly, it would be nice to not
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Paradigm Accelerated Math Curriculum is for
the junior high level and is intended to cover
math skills that will prepare students for algebra
1 and standardized testing. There are 6 chapters
in each level, which means 6 softcover textbooks and 6 softcover activity books for each
level. The textbooks are non-consumable and
present the lesson information, while the activity books (non-reproducible) are the place for
students to practice the concepts presented in
the textbooks. Each text is divided into three
sections, and each section into 5 lessons, for a
total of 90 lessons.
The Teacher Resource Kit (TRK) includes answer
keys for the activity books, quizzes, chapter tests
and their answer keys, and some special forms
– transcript planner, academic contract, goal
charts, and more. You will also receive with the
TRK a free digital download of the same content found in the printed TRK. Parents can then
copy or print the quizzes and tests (or any other
forms from the TRK). The printed TRK is 3-hole
punched for your convenience.
If you are unsure where to begin with this curriculum, you can go to and take
the Basic Math Skills diagnostic test. This will
help determine if a student should begin with
Basic or Intermediate Math Skills.
The Full Course Kit contains 6 text books, 6
activity books, printed Teacher Resource Kit,
and the code for a free Teacher Resource Kit
digital download.
tion, similar and congruent, special triangles,
networks, reflection, slopes, factors, radicals,
expressions, algebraic fractions and order,
review of length, measure, weight, perimeter,
area, volumes, Pythagorean theorem, ratio and
proportion, similar shapes, graphs, probability,
rounded estimates, interest, patterns, real numbers, rational thinking, greater and less than,
special rule for inequalities, intervals, set builders, interval notation, combined intervals, absolute value, absolute grouping, distance, midpoints, relations, functions, graphing functions,
polynomials, binomials, trinomials, distributive
property, distribution of fractions, FOIL, remainders, complex fractions, variable fractions, complex variables, multiple expressions, perimeter,
similarity, factoring, polys, reducing fractions.
EACH ACTIVITY BOOK . . . . . 6.45
EACH TEXT BOOK . . . . . . . . . 8.95
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
059914 Full Course Kit . . . . 111.35 99.95
059915 Teacher Res Kit . . . 18.95 18.25
sheets or copy problems. When you look at the
number of pages found in the PDF documents,
you may not want to print them out – that is
why there are also printed books available.
Memoria Press provides support material. The
Lesson Plans are day-by-day, weekly checklists
of material from the text to cover. Quizzes and
Tests provides two quizzes and a test for each
chapter, plus a semester cumulative test and
a final exam. The Quizzes and Tests Answer
Key provides the quizzes and tests forms with
answers supplied. ~ Janice/Donna
060248Textbook . . . . . . . . . . 28.00
062034 Solutions Manual . . . . 28.00
056846 Lesson Plans . . . . . . . 5.00
056847 Quizzes & Tests . . . . 9.95
008490 Answer Key . . . . . . . 5.00
☼Algebra 1 Classics Edition (9-AD)
“Classic” seems like a good description for this
course that will remind you of your high school
days (hopefully in a good way). Coverage is
comprehensive and traditional as is the progression: introduction, integers/rational numbers,
equations, inequalities, exponents/polynomials,
polynomials/factoring, graphs/linear equations,
systems of equations, inequalities/absolute values, rational expressions/equations, radical
expressions/equations, relations/functions, and
quadratic equations. Instruction is clear with
worked step-by-step examples and opportunities
for the student to “Try This.”
Chapters (13 of them) focus on specific topics and start with an overview of the skills and
concepts you will need for the chapter as well
as what you will learn. Lessons (6-12 per chapter) include a bit of math history, instruction,
worked examples and exercises that include
practice, test prep applications, critical thinking, mental math and challenge sections. Mixed
review is included with each lesson and reallife application tidbits are scattered throughout. Chapter reviews go lesson-by-lesson and
culminate with a chapter assessment. There are
cumulative reviews after chapters 7, 11 and 13.
A “selected” answer key (not solutions) in the
back provides answers for odd-numbered problems in the exercises and mixed reviews as well
as all answers for chapter wrap-ups and cumulative reviews but no answers for the assessments.
There are sidebar references to worked-out
examples available at the Prentice Hall website.
The help is there, is easy to use and, while not
elaborate, is helpful. Memoria Press has chosen
this text as their algebra text and provides some
supplemental material: a set of quizzes (1-2 per
chapter) and chapter tests, a test answer key and
suggested lesson plans. ~ Janice
034818Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84.50
062378 Quizzes & Tests . . . 14.95 12.95
062379 Test Key . . . . . . . . 16.95 14.50
034691 Lesson Plans . . . . . . . 5.00
Principles of Mathematics (7-9)
065937 Book 1 Student . . . 34.99 24.75
065938 Book 1 Student Wkbk/Tchr
Guide . . . . . . . . . . 29.9921.75
065940 Book 2 Tchr Gd . . . 34.99 24.75
Basic Math Skills (Paradigm Accelerated) (7)
Covers identity property, communicative 065939 Book 2 Student . . . 34.99 24.75
property, single and multiple digits, place value,
carrying, borrowing, multiplication, division, MEMORIA PRESS RECOMMENDED COURSES
remainders, length, volume, whole numbers, College of the Redwoods Pre-Algebra (7-10)
An interesting – and potentially very ecocounting , sets, greater and less than, patterns,
number line, fractions, decimals, conversions, nomical – option for pre-algebra! College of
money, addition, subtraction, rounding and the Redwoods Pre-algebra Textbook is an easy
estimation, ratios, percent, simple interest, word to use course that is well laid out and offers a
problems, graphs, negative numbers, grouping, logical sequence of arithmetic skills necessary
operational symbols, associative and distributive for algebra. The text covers whole numbers,
properties, exponents, square power, square integers, fundamentals of algebra, fractions,
roots, cubes, English weight, fractional mea- decimals, ratio and proportion, percent and
sure, interest, shapes, Pythagoras, complements graphing. Topics are covered repeatedly to
and supplements, transverse angles, solids, sur- ensure that the student remembers how to
face area, volumes, equations of one unknown, apply concepts within equations using different
lengths and combining, fractional metrics, types of numbers: equations with whole numEnglish to Metric system, prime, mean, mode, bers, equations with fractions, equations with
median, range, scientific notation, temperature decimals. The black and white text is almost
conversions, calculation with a scientific cal- 600 pages with a softcover and the price is
culator (TI83), weight conversions, unknowns. very affordable. Every chapter is chock full of
EACH ACTIVITY BOOK . . . . . 6.45
6.30 examples for the presenting concept. For each
EACH TEXT BOOK . . . . . . . . . 8.95
8.25 example a You Try It section offers the student
one practice problem; the answer is on the
same page for these problems. A longer practice
Chapter 1
exercise is found at the end of each section with
Chapter 2
answers immediately following. This longer
Chapter 3
exercise may have 30 or more problems in it,
Chapter 4
but they are divided into smaller sections so you
Chapter 5
could do them as shorter assignments.
Chapter 6
The Solutions Manual offers step-by-step solu059888 Full Course Kit . . . . 111.35 99.95
059889 Teacher’s Res Kit . . 18.95 18.25 tions for all problems found in the textbook.
These are solutions for the exercises at the end
of each section, not for the You Try It problems.
Intermediate Math Skills (8)
This set picks up where the Basic Math Skills This text is also available as a free, online PDF
program ends: chance, outcomes, solving prob- version (search for College of the Redwoods Prelems, prediction with graphs, ratios and area, Algebra). The PDF document includes both the Algebra 2 w/ Trigonometry Classics Ed. (Smith)
similar triangles, ratios and rectangles, volume, text and the solution manual. Students can read (8-10)
pattern problems, multiple predictions, encryp- from the document and then either print work- 066217 Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
A Fresh Approach (8-12)
Algebra: A Fresh Approach (8-10)
If you are looking for a different approach to
Algebra with:
¾¾ Logically organized introduction of concepts
¾¾ Simple, clear explanations
¾¾ Student-directed instruction
¾¾ Non-intimidating text
¾¾ Work space in the text (or to photocopy
and work)
¾¾ Thorough coverage of algebraic concepts
without “extras” thrown in
¾¾ A discovery approach to learning
Then these texts may be just what you’re looking
for. The author has made clear choices to keep
the course simple, understandable, self-directed,
and easy to succeed at. Even the font sends a
“you can do it” message. It’s large, bold, crisp
and clear with plenty of white space on each
page. There are no side notes or rabbit trails
here; everything is direct, on task, and pertinent
to mastering Algebra. The result of this is a less
overwhelming feel to the text. This approach
would work well both for the student who is an
independent learner and the student who doesn’t
particularly enjoy math (the “let’s just get it done”
type). Some children don’t really care for the
(exciting to me!) explanations and nuances of
mathematics. They just need to learn it to get to
college or go on to what they’re really interested
in. They need it like a tool to use; not like a
painting to be studied and enjoyed. These are
the children that will appreciate what Christy
Walters (author) has done in this curricula. Her
no-nonsense, straightforward explanations and
examples will help both types of student focus on
understanding how Algebra works and overcoming any reservations they may have about their
ability to conquer the subject.
I appreciate that she has also incorporated selfdiscovery here; when a student makes their own
connections, they understand and retain them.
For example, she doesn’t introduce the difference between two squares factoring method
as a different way of factoring. She purposely
made the decision to allow students to discover
this unique relationship for themselves. The
way she introduces factoring gives them the
understanding and confidence they need to just
tackle this unique problem like any other factorization problem. While there are techniques
you can apply, many students do better if they
intuit those independently through trial and
error. This is especially true of children who
don’t do well remembering a bunch of rules and
techniques. They are forever “lost” applying
random techniques to a problem in an effort to
find the “right” one, but without a clear sense of
which one to apply! If I sound like a parent of a
math-indifferent child, well, let’s just say they’re
not all “chips off the old block”!
Mrs. Walters has, indeed, managed to keep it
simple rather than mysterious, bewildering, and
perplexing! It would be difficult for a child to
be confused by the direct and understandable
instruction. Moreover, she takes us through
examples step by step and supplies many
practice problems that grow gradually more
complex. She concentrates on one skill at a
time in progression from simple to complex.
Her approach is stranded rather than spiral.
Chapters are organized topically with a mixed
review at the end of each. You will not revisit
mastered concepts unless they are needed to
solve more complex problems later. If you
allow your child to “use” the text, they can
write in it; she has left ample space to do so.
Otherwise, you could photocopy the problem
set pages and put them in a notebook. There
are also note pages at the end of each chapter
so the student can keep summary thoughts or
points to remember together. Answers to oddnumbered problems are in the back of the text.
Answers to all even problems (showing all solution steps) are contained in the solution guides.
There is no separate teacher book or manual
needed; the text contains all needed instruction.
There are also no separate test books and keys.
The Mixed Review problems at the end of each
chapter are to be used for testing the understanding of all material in that chapter. The
author has left her email address in the preface
and welcomes all comments and/or suggestions.
The perfect component to round out this program is a complete set of tests. There is one test
provided per chapter, and the tests vary from 2
to 4 pages in length. Tests in this packet correspond directly to chapter content, and beginning with chapter six they include a section of
review problems on each test. Tests are printed
on 8 ½ x 11 inch paper with plenty of space for
students to show their work. The tests are not
3-hole punched, so the first thing I would do is
punch them and put them in a binder.
This course is, indeed, a “fresh” approach.
There is no “one size fits all” math curriculum,
so if your child is having trouble with other
traditional approaches, you might want to try
this one on. Unlike some other programs out
there, this one is comprehensive in coverage,
not “dumbed down”. While the methods are
fresh, the course is serious in scope and is
college preparatory. If you compare course
content to Saxon, you will notice that it does
not include topics that are normally taught in
Geometry (or other branches of math - like box
and whisker plots which are normally taught
in Statistics). Read on for more details on the
Geometry program!
041936 Algebra I (hc) . . . . . 54.95 48.95
041937 Algebra I Solutions Guide
(to even # problems) 19.9518.95
045971 Algebra I Tests . . . . 14.95 14.50
041938 Algebra II (hc) . . . . 54.95 48.95
041949 Algebra II Solutions Guide
(to even # problems) 19.9518.95
047185 Algebra II Tests . . . 14.95 14.50
Geometry: A Fresh Approach (8-12)
Another uncluttered, fresh-looking math course
from author Christy Walters. Again, I love that
the book is addressed to the student, has plenty
of workspace for problem-solving, and uses a
no-nonsense approach. There is nothing “cute”
here; just a direct, front-on approach to learning
math. If you are not familiar with the Algebra
ABOVE, as all of the same applies here. If you
have used the Algebra I course above, you will
equally enjoy Geometry.
In the Geometry book, I like that she begins
with a mini logic course (much like Jacobs).
Instead of waiting until introducing geometric theorems to have the student begin doing
proofs, she immediately introduces them in
the context of what the student already knows
(using algebraic principles). In this way, proofs
are not a “new” thing used to prove just geometry theorems, but are familiar to the student
as an extension and organization of logical
thought. Although non-Euclidean geometry is
an interesting topic in the Jacobs book, your
math-reluctant student will appreciate not having to deal with such abstract concepts here.
For a more complete idea of the scope and
sequence of this course (and other geometry
courses, for comparison), please visit our website to view the table of contents.
The thirteen chapters are broken into parts
(lessons) with direct instruction followed by
problems. Again, I like the self-discovery incorporated into the exercises as well as the shortanswer questions, which require the student to
put principles into words. The last part of each
chapter is a mixed review including material
from previous sections and chapters of the book.
While the book is thick (730 pages before the
answers to odd-problems section), the larger
typeset font is easy on the eye and the less
bulky text per page helps the instruction seem
less intimidating and overwhelming. Since this
book is intended for use between Algebra I and
Algebra II, there is an Appendix devoted to a
review of algebraic concepts. This is a great
mini-refresher course and I am glad to see it
all in one place at the end of the book rather
than parceled out in the middle of the geometry
course. I found the latter approach to be unnecessarily distracting in the Jacobs book.
Another notable feature of this series is the
ability to work directly in the book or photocopy
the student problem pages rather than recopying
the problems and working on a separate sheet of
paper. In the geometry course, this goes a step
further in the inclusion of blank coordinate graphs
on problems that require them. A companion
DVD is also now included in the back of the book
that includes extra help for chapters 2, 3, 12 and
13. The additional guidance on using a protractor, drawing 3-D shapes and perimeter, area and
volume will be an asset to most students.
I really like this math series and would recommend it to any student, but particularly for children who seem confused by other math courses
and for children who are working grade-levels
ahead. It is a good text for the easily-distracted
and math-phobic student as well – who needs
to see things organized clearly and appreciates
the less-cluttered feel of the text. If your child
has had difficulty using other math programs,
don’t throw in the towel until you’ve tried “A
Fresh Approach”.
047186 Geometry (hc) . . . . 64.95 60.00
014513 Geometry Solutions Guide
(to even # problems) 19.9518.95
050517 Geometry Tests . . . 14.95 14.50
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Geometry: Seeing, Doing, Understanding (9-12)
When Stephanie and Melissa finished Saxon
Algebra 1 and started into Saxon Algebra 2 it
didn't go well. Wisely, Linda decided to hold
off on Algebra 2 and use Geometry by Harold
Jacobs instead. After completing this course,
they again started Saxon Algebra 2, follwed by
Saxon Advanced Math, and did quite well. In
fact, Stephanie scored a 30 on her ACT test in
math, the highest math score that any of our children attained on the test. Why the turnaround?
Was it just an extra year of maturity, or was it the
way that Harold Jacobs presented the material
that helped math to "gel" in their minds?
This is the latest edition of Jacobs Geometry.
First, let me note that Jacobs has tried to preserve all the features that have made his text
so popular with educators in the past. Like
the previous edition, this text stresses logic and
deductive reasoning but does not take a "discovery" approach. This is an excellent geometry
course with clear explanations of geometric
concepts, which now includes even more practice with proofs (informal and paragraph). The
second chapter (six lessons) is appropriately
devoted to logic in preparation for constructing proofs. Topics build incrementally and
each practice set assumes knowledge gained in
previous lessons in order to construct proofs.
An appendix containing all presented theorems
and postulates is most helpful. Also appreciated are the periodic algebra reviews, which
keep students from forgetting these skills as they
devote the year to geometry studies. After a
thorough study of Euclidean geometry, a single
chapter of four lessons presents non-Euclidean
geometries. So, what's new? Illustrations and
diagrams are now in full color. This text also
contains more practice exercises, more diverse
examples (ancient and modern examples from
around the world), and more work on informal
and paragraph proofs. SAT math problems have
also been included in exercise sets. There is,
however, less instruction on constructions. The
teacher's guide contains lesson plans, black line
masters, and answers to all exercises. New
in the teacher's guide are 25 projects for the
Geometers Sketchpad, powerful computer software that provides dynamic visual aids. The
test bank contains all new problems, and like
before, it contains two tests for each chapter, a
mid-term, a final, and solutions.
023428Text . . . . . . . . . . . . 119.95 109.95
023426 Teacher Guide . . . . 39.95 34.95
023427Tests . . . . . . . . . . . 24.95 21.95
Geometer’s Sketch Pad Version 5 (9-AD)
While useable with any geometry program, it
is designed specifically for use with Discovering
Geometry and Jacob’s Geometry. It’s very easy
to make just about anything in Sketchpad: you
can simply highlight points and make circles
about them, draw line, bisect line and angles,
and measure them with only a click of the button. You can type on your sketch, name points,
lines, and angles, plot graphs and prove proofs.
You can also import and transform images. One
of the coolest things (my brother got a kick out
of this) is that you can even do limited animation! Very simple to use, and an excellent aid
for any geometry student, I highly recommend
it. This is a downloadable application, not a
CD-ROM, so you will need internet access
to enter the code enclosed and download the
program. System requirements: Windows XP
or later, Mac OS 10.4 or later (PowerPC-based
system) 300 MB free disk space, internet access.
034839 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46.60
Ask Dr. Callahan DVD Sets (9-12)
Jacobs’ math courses – Elementary Algebra and
Geometry: Seeing, Doing, Understanding – are
known for their clear explanations and strong,
college-prep math. However, they’ve lacked
the depth of teacher support (complete solutions manuals and teaching videos) available for
other courses, making them less user-friendly
for homeschoolers. The Ask Dr. Callahan series
ends that! Each set of DVDs provides approximately 12 hours of lesson lectures that parallel
the respective texts. Concepts are illustrated
and problems (similar to those in the text) are
worked on a white or black board behind the
lecturer. There is an occasional use of illustrative videos which provides a break from the
teaching environment. Solutions for assignment
problems are not worked on the DVDs.
The general feel of these DVDs is unscripted
and casual rather than slickly professional. Dr.
Dale Callahan is the instructor for the Geometry
DVDs. The Algebra course is taught by Cassidy
Callahan, the author behind the Elementary
Algebra Solutions Manual - a new publication from Jacobs that shows solutions for all
problems. In addition to the support offered
to confused students by the DVDs themselves,
there is more. Both courses are supported online
via email answers ( and the
website also has a support page that answers
common questions and is constantly expanding.
One interesting aspect of the Geometry DVDs is
the parallel that is drawn with logic arguments
which occasionally include examples of biblical
Some basic equipment is required to complete
the geometry constructions in that course. The
Staedtler 8 Piece Geometry Set includes a compass, 6” ruler, 180 degree protractor, 45 degree
triangle, 60 degree triangle, automatic pencil,
eraser and spare leads.
The DVD sets include a Teacher’s Guide course syllabus, a test grading guide and grade
sheets – either in printed, bound form or as pdf
files that can be printed at home. This Teacher’s
Guide is also available as a free download from
the author’s website. Both DVD sets include a
Teacher's Guide that includes a course syllabus,
a test grading guide and grade sheets (either
in printed, bound form or as pdf files that can
be printed at home). The Geometry material
provides an alternate testing option utilizing
problems from the text, making the test book
optional. ~ Janice
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
048665 DVDs w/ PDF Tchr .120.00 102.95
046237 DVDs w/Print Tchr . 130.00 112.95
009966 Solutions Manual . . . . 34.75
048666 DVDs w/ PDF Tchr .120.00 102.95
046238 DVDs w/Print Tchr . 130.00 112.95
048199 8-pc Geometry Set 13.95 10.75
Algebra II with Trig (11-12)
Similar in format to the other “Ask Dr.
Callahan” DVDs but with a slightly more polished “feel,” the Algebra II with Trig DVD set
features Dr. Dale Callahan, whose math lectures correlate with the text and are illustrated
by whiteboard examples. The course text is
College Algebra with Trigonometry, Seventh
Edition, Raymond Barnett, Michael Ziegler,
Karl Byleen published by McGraw-Hill. An
included CD-ROM provides a PDF version of
the Teacher’s Guide, Tests, and Syllabus (also
available in a print form for separate purchase)
along with solutions to selected problems. The
Teacher’s Guide provides basic information on
how to set up the course, a detailed syllabus
for an Algebra II semester and a Trigonometry
semester, a guide for grading tests (with grade
sheets) and three tests plus a final for Algebra II
and two tests plus a final for Trig. Also included
are solutions for all test problems. In case you’re
wondering what the difference is between this
course and a precalculus course – it’s all in the
name; course content is essentially the same. As
with other Ask Dr. Callahan courses, you can
indeed ask Dr. Callahan – either through his
website or by email. ~ Janice
007257 DVD Set . . . . . . . . 181.00 155.95
007260 Printed Teacher Guide/ Test/Syllabus . . . . . . . . 16.50
☼Ask Dr. Callahan Calculus (9-12)
It’s been awhile since Rainbow offered used
textbooks but we’re doing so once again for
this Calculus course from Ask Dr. Callahan.
Consider this course if you’re looking for a
course with good support material for you and
your student. The Student Text is written in a
straight-forward manner with clear instruction
and lots of worked examples. There is a complete Solutions Manual to help with grading
and, of course, there are the Ask Dr. Callahan
DVDs that provide additional instruction, additional worked examples and some worked problems from the exercise sets. But, perhaps what
will tip the scales is knowing that you can contact Dr. Callahan directly and know that he will
respond – with solutions, video solutions and
even phone help. Calculus is doable at home!
As mentioned, both the Student Text (a
well-respected college text) and the Solutions
Manual are used so expect some signs of wear
including bent pages and perhaps stray pencil
marks. The text has eight chapters that take the
student through review, limits and derivatives,
differentiation rules and applications, integrals
with applications, differential equations, and
infinite sequences and series. The Ask Dr.
Callahan DVDs, however, only cover the first
four chapters – or the material required for the
AP Calculus AB Exam. In fact, the DVDs do not
provide teaching material for the first chapter
either since it is review. The six DVDs in the set
cover Chapters 2-4, one segment at a time. Also
included with the DVD set is a pdf Teacher’s
Manual that includes a course introduction, a
syllabus (designed like college course syllabi)
with projected dates assuming one two-hour
class per week. [This pdf Teacher’s Manual can
also be downloaded from the Ask Dr. Callahan
website.] The course syllabus lists suggested
problems from each chapter segment and the
author encourages you to resist two temptations:
1) just look over the problems without working
each out, and 2) assign ALL the problems in the
set. They have carefully chosen the problems to
represent the necessary examples and experience needed to proceed through the remainder
of the material. The pdf Teacher’s Manual also
includes quarterly tests (with solutions) and a
Test Grading Guide – both a sample and blank
tests that can be printed.
The author notes that difficulty with Calculus
can usually be traced back to a weakness in
foundational skills, usually algebra. For this reason, he encourages special attention to be given
to the first chapter which is a complete review
of all foundational material. As mentioned
before, because it is review, the actual teaching
segments of the DVD do not cover that chapter.
The Text appendix includes some review material as well.
The student should start by watching one segment of the DVD; then work problems going
back to the DVD and text examples as needed. I
would also suggest that reading through the text
segment prior to watching the DVD would be a
good idea since Dr. Callahan often starts right
in with examples.
While this is the most professional of the Dr.
Callahan DVDs, there is still an element of
homespun-ness in the production. The doctor
is featured in front of his white board, speaks
clearly and his writing is easy to follow. In
between segments there are short multi-media
blips. There are also occasional Random History
Notes that include interesting biographical or
anecdotal information.
The Student Text is a 780-page hardback non-consumable. Each chapter concludes
with a concept review and a true-false quiz
(answers in Solutions Manual). The text, itself,
includes answers to odd-numbered exercises.
The Solutions Manual is 356 pgs, pb. ~ Janice
059417 DVD Set w/ PDF Teacher
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181.00 157.95
059418 Calculus: Concepts & Contexts by Stewart (Used) . . 35.0031.50
059419 Calculus by Stewart Solution Manual (Used) . . . . 15.0014.25
Foerster Math
Paul Foerster is a name synonymous with math.
He has not only taught math, he has a degree
in chemical engineering and a Masters in mathematics along with the honor of the Presidential
Award for Excellence in Mathematics Teaching.
He has written the successful Algebra 2 and
Trigonometry course that is to be used following Harold Jacobs Elementary Algebra and
Geometry: Seeing, Doing, Understanding. Paul
Foerster has also written his own Algebra 1,
which is the same great quality as his other
math courses.
Algebra I (Foerster) (9-12)
This text is a one year, high-school algebra
course that the author used in his own classroom. The first part of the book leads up to the
Quadratic Formula by mid-year; this is a break
from a more traditional sequence. As a result,
students are able to work more realistic word
problems using decimals. The second part of
the book covers expressions with two variables,
harder factoring problems, algebraic fractions,
radical equations, and inequalities. This book is
in its third edition and now includes a chapter
on probability, scattered date, and linear functions, which wasn’t included in the previous
edition. Chapters, in order, are: expressions and
equations, operations with negative numbers,
distributing: axioms and other properties, harder
equations, some operations with polynomials
and radicals, quadratic equations, expressions
and equations containing two variables, linear
functions/scattered data/probability, properties
and exponents, more operations with polynomials, rational algebraic expressions, radical
algebraic expressions, inequalities, functions,
and advanced topics. Each chapter begins with
an introduction to the topic, a visual example,
an objective for that section, and exercises.
Some chapters include oral practice, but all
examples are shown in a step-by-step fashion
for thorough understanding. The chapter wraps
up with a chapter review and test, and a final
review and examination rounds out the text. The
back of the book includes reference materials
such as a table of square roots, table of trigonometric functions, glossary, answers to selected
problems, indices, and a skills handbook.
The skills handbook is a reference section for
basic skills such as problem solving strategies,
the four basic functions, fractions/decimals/percents, line and circle graphs, and spreadsheets.
The Solutions Manual contains all worked
out problems, step-by-step, for the exercise
sets, oral practice sets, chapter reviews, chapter
tests, and the final review and examination that
are found in the student text. A Thumb Drive
is also available for this course, see description
after Algebra 2 desc.
033416 Student Text . . . . . . 64.34 62.95
033404 Solutions Manual . . . . 62.95
Foerster Algebra 2 and Trigonometry (10-12)
It’s here – the recommended sequel to the
Jacobs math series. Paul Foerster taught math
beginning in 1961 and puts his teaching expertise to work in this text which is designed as a
course in intermediate and advanced algebra
and trigonometry. After completing algebra 1
and geometry, this book is the next step before
calculus. The presentation emphasizes the role
of algebra and trigonometry as the foundation
for calculus and should take a student 1 ½ to 2
years for completion.
The text is divided into 15 chapters, beginning with a brief review. Chapters 1-8 cover
topics that are considered intermediate algebra,
9-12 are advanced algebra, and 13-15 cover
trigonometry. Chapters include functions &
relations, linear functions, systems of linear
equations & inequalities, quadratic functions &
complex numbers, exponential & logarithmic
functions, rational algebraic functions, irrational
algebraic functions, quadratic relations & systems, higher-degree functions & complex num-
bers, sequences & series, probability/data analysis/functions of a random variable, trigonometric
& circular functions, properties of trigonometric
& circular functions, and triangle problems.
The appendices offer additional topics that
are sometimes part of Advanced Algebra but
don’t fit into the flow of the text. The topics are
operations with matrices, mathematical induction, and exploration of functions. Explanations,
exercises, and activities are provided for each
topic and you can choose to present them as
part of your program. Helpful reference tables,
a glossary, and a skills handbook provide additional helps. There are chapter reviews, cumulative reviews, chapter tests, and a final exam
found in the text. Note that these are different
from those found in the test booklet. An answer
key is found at the back of the book for oddnumbered problems in exercises and cumulative
reviews, all problems in the chapter reviews,
and select problems for appendices exercises,
but not for chapter tests or the final exam.
Each chapter begins with a statement of
the chapter’s content and is broken into lessons. Lessons include instruction, objectives,
examples, and practice exercises. Throughout
the lessons the student will find blue boxes
that contain definitions of important vocabulary
and terms. Problems titled “Do These Quickly”
provide opportunity for review of previous concepts, and discovery exercises expose students
to new concepts before they are presented as a
lesson. Calculators and/or a computer are recommended for use at appropriate times.
The Solutions Manual offers answers to all
problems found in the text (with the exception
of the simplest problems or for problems that
have more than one possible way to solve them
as in linear equations with 3 variables), along
with step-by-step solutions for most problems.
A Thumb Drive is also available for this course,
see below.
This thorough course does an excellent job
of preparing students for calculus and college
level math. If you were to compare this course
to Saxon Advanced Math, the only thing not
included in this course is the interwoven geometry included in the Saxon course. ~ Donna
027247 Student Text . . . . . . 64.54 62.95
001580 Solutions Manual . . . . 67.50
Math w/out Borders Home Study Companions
- Thumb Drives (8-12)
EACH THUMB DRIVE . . . . . . . 79.00
064431 Foerster's Algebra 1 (A.)
064430 Foerster's Algebra 2
064432 Foerster’s Calculus
064433 Foerster’s Precalculus
064434 Geometry: Guided Inquiry w/ book
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
AGS High School Math Courses (9-12)
This series by AGS comes from a secular
publisher for our patrons who prefer or need
curriculum with no Christian content. Each
bundle includes student text, student workbook, and Teacher’s edition. The Student Text
offers a “How to” at the beginning so you
know how to use the book and how to study
effectively. There is a section that includes
skills and concepts to be covered at that level.
“Chapter Features” includes a variety of helpful
information and exercises that support the lesson content. “Problem Solving Strategies” help
you use math in every day life. Answer keys
(not solutions) for select problems are found at
the back along with a glossary and other reference materials, supplementary problems and
reviews for basic skills. The Student Workbook
offers one page of additional practice for each
lesson. The Teacher Edition includes a planning
guide, lessons plans, small-format student text
pages with teacher notes in the surrounding
margins, overview and objectives with tips
and ways to reinforce and extend the lesson,
correlation to NCTM Standards, and answers
to the workbook activities. Student workbook
pages are shown in the bottom margin in the
teacher edition, just below the corresponding
text pages so you know when to assign them.
Other answer keys (not solutions) that are available in the teacher edition are those for odd
numbered problems in the text and a few select
even numbered problems, supplementary problems, tests, and activities found on the Teacher
Resource Library CD-ROM. Suggestions for
instruction with manipulatives is also included
in the teacher notes.
The books are divided into chapters and
chapters into lessons so that you are completing
approximately one lesson per day to equal a oneyear course. Each lesson is formatted similarly
and begins with the presentation of information,
examples, and practice exercises. Calculator practice is included in many lessons, and small boxes
of information or optional activities are included
to enhance the topic. Each chapter is concluded
with a chapter review which is multiple choice
(for standardized test practice) and supplementary
problems found at the back of the student text
which requires pencil and paper work can be used
for review or assessment purposes.
Unfortunately, there are parts of this program mentioned in the teacher edition that
aren’t available to homeschool families. The
Teacher Resource Library isn’t available and
is referenced in the teacher edition as having
additional activities and the tests. The Skill
Track Software is also unavailable and is used
to assess the mastery of each chapter and lesson
of the book. If you aren’t worried about tests or
additional activities, you won’t miss these items.
I put the pre-algebra and geometry next to BJU
and Saxon and found some differences. BJU
Pre-algebra jumps in using integers at chapter
1; while AGS doesn’t even address integers
until chapter 7. AGS spends more focused time
on graphing where the other courses integrate
graphing with other concepts. BJU and Saxon
both include instruction on polynomials – AGS
doesn’t address the topic. AGS does a very thorough review of basic functions (add, subtract,
multiply, divide) using positive numbers only
with whole numbers, decimals, fractions, and
percents for the first 6 chapters. AGS, BJU, and
Saxon Geometry cover most of the same topics
including axioms, postulates, and theorems, but
BJU and Saxon appear to have more practice
and explanation.
EACH BUNDLE . . . . . . . . . . 128.97 110.95
EACH WORKBOOK . . . . . . . 21.97 19.50
052292 Algebra I Homeschool Bundle
052293 Algebra I Workbook
052302 Geometry Homeschool Bundle
052303 Geometry Workbook
052304 Pre-Algebra Homeschool Bundle
052305 Pre-Algebra Workbook
VideoText Interactive Courses (9-12)
This instructional system is the best I’ve seen
for students to learn and
grasp algebra and geometry. The computer-generated graphics and animation on the DVDs visually
bring home the concepts
presented in a way that
won’t soon be forgotten.
It would be difficult for any
child to fail using this system. It is systematic,
incremental, and reinforced with course notes,
exercises, quizzes and tests. The emphasis is
on conceptual learning so students will be able
to apply their knowledge regardless of problem
presentation. Although it is meant to be used
along with an instructor, if I had to choose a
math curriculum to be used by an independent
learner, this would be it, hands-down.
The cornerstone of the program is the video
instruction. These presentations are very professionally done. Instruction is clear and audio
is excellent. Every presenter speaks distinctly
and at a moderate pace. One of the instructors
and the author of the program is Tom Clark, a
math teacher with 30+ years of experience in
the classroom and as a district math supervisor. His expertise at reaching and teaching
children really comes through in the presentations.
Animated graphics complement the
audio, showing step-by-step explanation. It
would be very difficult to duplicate this quality
on a board with a live presenter, especially in
the case of 3-D graphics like conic sections and
x, y, z axes. Relationships are arranged, rearranged and moved to a coordinate plane with
ease, bringing home the thought process and
solution steps in a way that would be difficult to
achieve without this technology.
For students who aren’t math-oriented, the
bite-sized increments of instruction make the
learning process easy to digest. In school
site trial tests, students in classrooms using
the VideoText program easily outscored students using conventional textbook and instructor methods. Another plus is the ability for
students to play back previous instruction for
review. This eliminates the potential for mistakes made due to misunderstandings or faulty
memory. It also saves you, the math teacher,
from repeating instruction over and over if a
child is having a difficult time assimilating it.
Even if you are very math oriented, if you have
a student who is not, your teaching may not be
reaching your child at a level basic enough for
them to comprehend. These courses are great
at thoroughly laying a foundation then building
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
carefully upon it.
In this system, students first watch the video
(without taking notes – those are provided).
While the instructions suggest repeatedly pausing the video to discuss and answer posed questions, I did not find this applicable to many of
the lessons I watched. You will probably want
to watch the first several presentations along
with your student to determine whether this will
be a necessary step in your lessons. Videos
are 5-10 minutes in length. After watching the
video, students review the course notes that
summarize and recap the concepts and terminology presented. They then work the exercises
in the student worktext. Rather unique to this
program is the checking of this work by the
student, using the provided solution manual. In
this way, the child realizes and corrects his own
mistakes, learning the correct procedure to follow. Solutions are shown in detail. If needed,
he can review the video also. You gauge the
student’s performance via quizzes taken at the
end of each lesson. An “A” and “B” quiz are
provided so that you can review and retest if
necessary. Tests (again “A” and “B” forms) are
provided for each Unit as well. The instructor’s
guide contains solutions to all quizzes and tests.
A sampler DVD (available for free at www. contains lessons in both Algebra and Geometry, along with
a presentation about VideoText methodology,
endorsements from users, and all of the corresponding print material (in PDF format), so
you can “try before you buy”. It also contains
a scope and sequence for each course detailing
contents of each of the modules. The Algebra
course is a complete course containing preAlgebra instruction and the equivalent of both
Algebra 1 and 2; two years of instruction. In
fact, Dr. Clark recommends students take a
CLEP or college entrance exam upon completing the Algebra course to place out of a college
algebra refresher course. The Geometry course
includes a significant amount of Trigonometry
instruction and may serve as both Geometry and
Pre-Calculus courses.
The complete courses consist of 6 modules,
A thru F. Each Module consists of one or more
Units of instruction, containing various numbers
of lessons (about three months worth of course
work per module). Modules are contained in
separate boxes which contain video lessons on
DVD, course notes, student WorkTexts, Solution
Manuals, Progress Tests and Instructor’s Guides.
Additional student materials are also available
below for each module or in complete packs.
EACH SINGLE MODULE . . . . . . 99.95
EACH WORKTEXT . . . . . . . . . . 19.95
EACH PROGRESS TEST . . . . . . . 19.95
041281 Module A
041284 Module D
041282 Module B
041285 Module E
041283 Module C
041286 Module F
ALGABC Modules A-C . . . . . 299.85 279.00
ALGEBC Modules B-C . . . . . 199.90 179.05
ALG5MDModules B-F . . . . . 499.75 429.05
ALGDEF Modules D-F . . . . . 299.85 279.00
ALGALL All 6 Modules A-F 599.70 529.00
ALG6WTWorktexts A-F . . . . . . 119.70
ALG6PT Progress Tests A-F . . 119.70
Progress Test
041287 Module A
041290 Module D
041288 Module B
041291 Module E
041289 Module C
041292 Module F
GEOABC Modules A-C . . . 299.85 279.00
GEOMBC Modules B-C . . . . 199.90 179.05
GEODEF Modules D-F . . . . 299.85 279.00
GEO5MDModules B-F . . . . 499.75 429.05
GEOALL All 6 Modules A-F 599.70 529.00
GEO6WT Worktexts A-F . . . . . 119.70
GEO6PT Progress Tests A-F . . 119.70
Progress Test
Module A
Module B
Module C
Module D
Module E
Module F*
(*Module F items not yet available)
While offering some instruction, these programs include less teaching material or do not
cover the full range of grade-level skills that the
comprehensive programs offer.
Math Lessons for a Living Education (PK-5)
What is a living education? Living education is
the real life application of
the things you learn. When
this approach is applied to
math, it is not taught in a
vacuum; rather, mathematical concepts are integrated
into every day situations.
This is the Charlotte Mason
approach to education, and the authors of this
curriculum have captured the spirit of the methodology in this easy-to-use series.
This beginning math series is a four-book set
that tells the story of a brother and sister, Charlie
and Charlotte, their family, and their adventures. In Book 1, they visit their grandparent’s
farm and learn numbers, shapes, place value,
adding and subtracting. Along with the number
skills, the children learn about gardening, baby
farm animals, nature, family and love through
their adventures. In the first 30 lessons of Book
1, children will learn about numbers 0-9, place
value, rectangles, circles, addition, subtraction,
skip counting with 2, 5, and 10, telling time
with minutes and hours, and more. The last 6
lessons of the book review the topics covered in
the first 30 chapters.
Book 2 follows the adventures of Charlie and
Charlotte once they have returned home from
their grandparent’s farm. Using the same format
as Book 1, the content picks up where it leaves
off, teaching addition and subtraction (including
carrying & borrowing), numbers to 100, simple
fractions, word problems, skip counting, inches/feet, perimeter, dollars/cents, temperature,
graphs, pounds/ounces, liquid measure, along
with the seasons, geography, and love of family
The story continues in Book 3 with Charlie,
Charlotte, their baby sister Ella, and their
parents as they prepare and go on a mission
trip to Peru. Children will review concepts
from Book 2 and learn addition and subtraction up to 4 digits, rounding to 10s, 100s, and
1000s, multiplication and division up to 10s,
area of rectangles and squares, place value
through millions, more measurement, solving
for unknowns, greater/less than, and Roman
numerals. Some additions to the program at this
level are an answer key and the use of Math
Facts for Copywork (#43901). Specific assignments are not made from this book, but blanks
are left within the lessons of Math Lessons for a
Living Education Book 3 for the student to write
which copywork lessons they have completed.
The adventure continues in Book 4 as the family travels through the United States. The twins
and friends learn about landmarks, America’s
heroes, and work in their garden as they
review concepts from Book 3 and do further
work with larger numbers, metric measurement,
decimals, operations with equivalent fractions,
and more. Math Fact Reviews are incorporated
into the lessons so that students won’t forget
foundational math information. The adventure
continues in Book 5 as students review known
concepts and then learn multiplying and dividing with 10/100/1000, 2-digit divisors, division
w/ remainders as fractions, factoring, common
factors, greatest common factor, reducing fractions, proper & improper fractions, least common multiple, finding a common denominator,
adding & subtracting fractions w/ uncommon
denominators, working w/ mixed numbers, multiply fractions, dividing fractions, multiplying &
dividing decimals, and counting back money.
Books 3-5 now include an answer key in the
back of each book.
The books aren’t graded, but the level is
chosen by choosing the appropriate skill level.
Even if you haven’t used the earlier levels of this
series, you can jump in at an appropriate spot
for your child. There are no fancy manipulatives
for this series - paper versions are printed in the
back of each book, and you'll use household or
other commonly-found items such as: contact
paper, construction paper, large index cards,
brass fasteners, crayons, markers, colored pencils, glue, hole punch & reinforcers, flashcard
rings, plastic storage box, stickers for flashcards,
pictures from old magazines, poster board, 100
counting items (your choice), 3 containers for
making the “Place Value Village”, snack-size
plastic bags, and a one-quart or one-gallon
freezer bag. In Books 2 and 3, you will also
need a one-foot ruler, indoor/outdoor thermometer, coins for money lessons, and $1 bills.
Book 4 will also require poster board, a box
of business size envelopes, folder for charts,
small counting items, and modeling clay. To
get started with this program, simply cut out
the manipulatives found in the back of the
book and prepare them before the first lesson.
Whether using the Charlotte Mason approach
or just attracted to the simplicity of the course,
this series provides a solid introduction to math.
Reproducible. Approx. 300 pgs, sc. ~ Donna
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 36.99 26.75
037144 Book 1 006285 Book 4
050290 Book 2
003719 Book 5
051791 Book 3
Mathematical Reasoning (PK-8)
At such an early age, mathematical reasoning
begins with simple activities such as distinguishing between even or odd amounts and learning
the ordinal numbers. This series is correlated to
the NCTM standards and accordingly incorporates topics such as patterns, number concepts/
number lines, graphs, fractions, probability,
geometry, and problem solving, as well as basic
operations. The full color activity sheets should
especially appeal to the younger student. Not
only are the illustrations eye-catching, but they
do an excellent job of demonstrating mathematical representations and relationships. Although
manipulatives are not required, a link to a virtual manipulative website is provided in case
additional concrete level reinforcement is needed. A wide variety of exercises and activities are
utilized to keep your child both interested and
motivated. For instance, Thinker Doodles and
Mind Benders activities from parent company
Critical Thinking are scattered throughout.
Beginning 1 focuses on numbers 1-5 while
Beginning 2 focuses on 0-10, and they are
intended for use with 3 and 4 year olds. The
concepts are presented in a spiral fashion, so
students will see the concept repeated at different intervals throughout the book. In most cases,
children who finish these first two books should
be ready to tackle kindergarten math.
Books A through F are for grades kindergarten
through 5th grade, and can be used as core
math curriculum. We also like to recommend
them as a critical thinking supplement for any
math program that is light in that particular
area. These books incorporate the same spiral
approach found in the Beginning books. Level G
has been added for 6th grade and goes beyond
drill and practice. It incorporates discussionbased problem solving to prepare students for
the reasoning required for upper-level math.
Book 2 of the original series, Mathematical
Reasoning Through Verbal Analysis, can be
used after the series as a supplement to your
math curriculum. A more analytical or math reasoning approach is needed for higher level math
and this book will help fill that need. This book
can also be used as a reference and resource
tool to fill in gaps. Since the book is nicely
organized by “strands” (topics), and, additionally, into subtopics, you can easily find problem
solving exercises to help repair any deficiency
detected or an alternate way of teaching a
concept (useful if your child has developed a
case of “math block” to understanding a particular concept). Topics cover the entire realm
of elementary math: understanding numbers,
counting, sequencing, geometry, basic arithmetic operations, measurement, numerical comparisons (greater than, less than, equal to),
and tables and graphs. The teacher’s manual
contains teaching suggestions and the answers.
These books are reproducible for family use and
range in length from 240-380+ pages.
013092 Beginning 1 . . . . . . . . 32.99
013097 Beginning 2 . . . . . . . . 34.99
EACH BOOK A-B . . . . . . . . . . . 39.99
018306 Level A (K)
018308 Level B (1)
EACH BOOK C-F . . . . . . . . . . . 42.99
001760 Level C (2) 026718 Level F (5)
013133 Level D (3) 025350 Level G (6)
001439 Level E (4)
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
☼Understanding Algebra I (Mathematical
Reasoning) (7-9)
The word ‘Algebra’ can
strike fear into the hearts
of many, but the Critical
Thinking Company has done
their part to calm your math
nerves and prepare students for higher level math
in Understanding Algebra.
The newest member of the
Mathematical Reasoning line is a full one year
algebra course for students at the junior high
and high school level in a consumable format.
The information in this worktext is a userfriendly format and presented in a step-by-step
fashion. The text makes a connection between
the arithmetic of the elementary years to the
algebra they need to succeed in high school
math. Twelve chapters begin with the basics
and build upon each other – Our number
system, Evaluating Expressions and Solving
Equations, From Words to Algebra/Translating
and Solving Word Problems, From Words
to Algebra/More Word Problems, Inequalities,
Polynomials, Factoring, Working with Radicals,
Linear Functions, Systems of Equations and
Inequalities, Other Types of Functions, and
Working with Algebraic Fractions.
The author begins the book with a simple
explanation of “What is Algebra,” and then
jumps right in. Each chapter is 20 to 30 pages
in length and broken into topics. Each topic
or lesson offers the student explanations and
examples in a very visual fashion. Colored
charts, illustrations, and graphs are incorporated
for clarity of explanations. Within the lessons,
students will be asked questions to assure they
know the concept being presented and a ‘more
practice’ section rounds out the lesson. Sets of
‘Enrichment Problems’ are scattered throughout
the chapters to offer additional practice in higher-order thinking using plenty of word problems.
There are no tests in this book, so you would
need to assess your student’s understanding of
the concepts by other means – grades from the
practice sets and exercises might be your best
tool for assessment.
A glossary that includes algebra vocabulary
and an answer key are found at the back of
the book. These are answers and not solutions.
Students will learn about the history of math
as they learn math strategies to help them with
algebra and beyond. 360 pgs. pb. ~ Donna
060818 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39.99
Understanding Geometry (7-9)
Geometry isn’t treated
with the intensity in middle
school, in many cases, for
high school success in the
subject. This book follows
the National Math Standards
and presents an introduction
to the basics of geometry.
Students won’t just learn the
properties of geometry, but will learn the reasoning behind the properties and learn the basics of
geometric proofs and coordinate geometry. A
glossary is included in this 256-page book that
can be used as a text in junior high and it is
reproducible for family or classroom use.
052042 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36.99
I would have loved using this math program
as a child! It is an extremely sound, logically
presented math program that is virtually selfinstructional (once your child can read). Best
of all, children can progress at their own pace,
according to their ability, instead of having
to “put in” the requisite nine years of math
before beginning higher-level math (algebra and
beyond). Not only is it great for a naturally independent learner, but it would teach any child to
take responsibility for his learning, and greatly
improve thinking skills as well. Extensively
field tested, Dr. George L. Saad and team made
sure that children could progress through the 16
levels of worktexts essentially unaided. Where
confusion was found, additional instruction
was added until the program was a finely-tuned
math tutor! Many homeschooling mothers-ofmany are stretched to the max with multiple levels of school to teach, toddlers to watch, babies
to bubble, and teens needing driving practice
(not to mention husbands that need occasional
attention!). This is a math course you can feel
good about using with no regrets about neglecting critical skills. Presentations are extremely
clear, with very desirable progression of instruction from the concrete level to the abstract, then
mastery through practice, and, finally, application with problem solving using word problems.
Each skill is taught in bite-sized pieces and
built upon slowly so as not to “lose” the child’s
understanding. In fact, presentation is so well
done, that children are able to deduce math
principles from working through the exercises,
in much the same way as the Miquon lab sheets.
There are no manipulatives used. Rather, pictures are substituted for live objects (this may
hamper some extremely kinesthetic children
who need to touch and feel to understand).
Also, some concepts normally taught in math
programs are not taught in Developmental Math
because they do not really fit into the normal
progression of skills. These concepts are time
(including calendar time), temperature, weights
and measurement. The levels are ungraded,
and students should be able to complete about
three levels per school year. Each level book
is divided into units, which culminate with a
unit test to assure mastery. A diagnostic test
is taken after students complete each level
also. Placement of your child in the program
depends on his/her skill level. Students should
be placed at the level of skill that they’re already
familiar with, but have not totally mastered.
Specific guidelines for placement are available
if you’re in doubt. Alternatively, you could use
the Developmental Math Test Pack, a series of
5 diagnostic tests, to accurately pinpoint your
child’s current level. Each 8-page placement
test covers three levels. Placement Test A, for
example, covers Levels 2-4, while Placement
Test E assesses Levels 14-16.
Skills covered by level are as follows:
Level 1 - Number concepts and symbols
Level 2 - Addition concept, basic facts 1-9
Level 3 - Subtraction concept, basic facts 1-9
Level 4 - Tens concept, addition & subtraction
of tens
Level 5 - 2-digit numbers, addition & subtrac
tion without regrouping
Level 6 - Addition with regrouping
Level 7 - Subtraction with regrouping
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Level 8 - Multiplication concept and facts
Level 9 - Division concept and facts
Level 10 - Hundreds concept, three-digit addi
tion & subtraction
Level 11 - Three-digit multiplication & division
Level 12 - Thousands concept; all operations
Level 13 - Decimal and metric system
Level 14 - Fractions
Level 15 - Fractions; advanced skills
Level 16 - Ratio, proportion, percent, probability, number theory, graphs
Level 17 - Algebra I
Level 18 - Algebra II
Level 19 - Geometry I
Level 20 - Geometry II
Upon completion of level 16, your child
should be ready for Algebra ½ or Pre-Algebra.
Parent guides at levels 1-9 contain general suggestions for the parent’s role in the course, a
brief overview of skills taught in previous levels
showing the current level in context of the program, a lesson-by-lesson explanation of skills
presented, and answers to exercises. Teacher
guides at levels 10-16 are copies of student
worktexts with answers shown. A program
overview booklet showing level by level progress, is available for those who want to sample
before deciding.
Have you been waiting for the upper levels
of Developmental Math – they have finally
arrived. Levels 17-20 are for your students who
are ready to move on to algebra and geometry
using the same format as the lower levels of
this series. Students in 7th and 8th grade should
have completed levels 13-16 in order to prepare
for these levels which should then be done in
sequence. Levels 17 and 18 are Algebra I and II,
Levels 19 and 20 are Geometry I and II.
008493 Program Overview . . . FREE
EACH WORKTEXT 1-16 . . . . 10.00
EACH WORKTEXT 17-20 . . . 15.00 13.50
EACH TEACHER ED 10-16 . . 10.00
EACH SOLUTION MAN 17-20 15.00 13.50
EACH SET LEVEL 1-9 . . . . . . 14.00 10.95
EACH SET LEVEL 10-16 . . . . 20.00 15.50
EACH SET LEVEL 17-20 . . . . 30.00 22.95
Lvl Worktxt
1 011070003220LV1SET
2 010122003221LV2SET
3 020514003222LV3SET
4 011071010967LV4SET
5 011072010965LV5SET
6 011073003223LV6SET
7 011074013198LV7SET
8 011075013199LV8SET
9 011076020936LV9SET
Lvl Worktxt
10011077 020937LV10ST
11019355 020938LV11ST
12021069 020939LV12ST
13021277 021086LV13ST
14021087 021088LV14ST
15021276 021089LV15ST
16021275 021090LV16ST
Lvl Worktxt
037736 Test Pack . . . . . . . . 10.00
On Core Mathematics (K-12)
Common Core Standards are the newest in
measuring student success with core subjects.
These are standards that are being adopted by
the states and address standards for both content and practice. This math series is written
to supplement your math curriculum to ensure
that your student meets the standards for math.
Each level contains lessons with content for all
Common Core Standards. The Common Core
Standards for practice cover 8 different areas –
make sense of problems and persevere in solving them, reason abstractly and quantitatively,
construct viable arguments and critique the
reasoning of others, model with mathematics,
use appropriate tools strategically, attend to precision, look for and make use of structure, and
look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. The content standards for K-6 are counting & cardinality, operations & algebraic thinking, number & operations in base 10, measurement & data, geometry, number & operations
in fractions, ratios & proportional relationships,
number systems, expressions & equations, and
statistics & probability. You’ll notice that these
skills are foundational to the application and
mastery of higher levels of math. The Teacher
Edition contains lesson background for all
Common Core topics, and teacher support for
all lessons. Common Core Standards for each
lesson are noted, small format student pages are
included with answers along with objectives,
essential questions, vocabulary, materials list,
and prerequisites to that particular lesson or
topic. These lessons offer flexibility for incorporation into your weekly curriculum, and the
number of lessons varies from level to level.
The Student Workbook is black and white and
each lesson is two pages in length. Each lesson begins with an explanation and model of
the concept and is followed by practice for the
concept. Assessments to complement the On
Core Mathematics program. There is an assessment for every lesson in the student books. Each
assessment is three to five questions in length
(1 page), and includes both fill-in-the-bubble
multiple choice questions and at least one word
problem. Each assessment is labeled for the
corresponding standard, and the answer key is
found at the back of the book. The purchaser
is given permission for copying if using On
Core Mathematics as a program. Be sure you
don’t miss anything and there are no gaps in
your math education. Cover the Common Core
Standards, no matter what math curriculum you
might be using. ~ Donna
Each Set K-5 . . . . . . . . . . . 31.55 23.50
Each Set 6-8 . . . . . . . . . . . 33.70 25.25
EACH SET Alg. 1 - Geometry 33.70 25.25
050952 Grade K
050949 Grade 6
050944 Grade 1
050950 Grade 7
050945 Grade 2
050951 Grade 8
050946 Grade 3
050942 Algebra 1
050947 Grade 4
050943 Algebra 2
050948Grade 5
Student Assessment Guide:
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 43.27 32.45
002013 Grade K
002000 Grade 4
001977 Grade 1
002006 Grade 5
001980 Grade 2
002008 Grade 6
001993 Grade 3
Student Edition Worktext:
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.07
018634 Grade K
018675 Grade 3
018655 Grade 1
018680 Grade 4
018659 Grade 2
018704 Grade 5
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.67
018709 Grade 6
018751 Algebra 1
018718 Grade 7
018721 Grade 8
018760 Algebra 2
Spectrum Math (K-8)
More than a practice book, each grade level
features comprehensive coverage of the basic
skills. Books are two-toned, have a no-nonsense appearance, and emphasize skill development and practice, “without complex terminology or abstract symbolism.” This uncluttered
approach helps students focus on mastering the
fundamentals. There are lots of nice features in
this series: each contains a scope and sequence
chart for the entire program, has basic facts
tests that can be used for drill, and includes
an assignment record sheet for you to use in
making specific page assignments. They also
have a form for recording student test scores,
which also provides an immediate assessment of
the grade as “excellent,” “very good,” “good,”
“fair,” or “poor,” and include a complete
answer key at the back of the book. All of the
pages are perforated, so you can tear out student
sheets, or the key, easily. Chapters each begin
with a pre-test to help identify problem areas,
or determine if your child can “place out” of
that chapter and try the next one. The pre-test
comes in two parts; one is purely computational, while the other is a problem-solving pre-test
which uses the requisite skills in realistic, everyday problems. The lessons begin with developmental exercises that introduce each new skill.
Visual aids or models are used to demonstrate
the concept on these pages. Several pages of
exercises follow, providing ample practice.
Again, these include both computational pages
and problem-solving pages. Chapters end with
a test. Also included are a mid-book test (about
halfway through the course to test all previouslylearned skills), and a final test, which covers
all of the chapters. The Spectrum series was
revised and updated in 2006, and Spectrum
Math now features pre-algebra and algebra content, and introductory content on geometry and
probability. Most books are over 150 pages.
The latest in the Spectrum Math series for
grades 6 through 8 is intended to help students improve and strengthen their math skills
in specific areas. Algebra focuses on factors, fractions, functions, graphing, proportion,
percent, interest, equations, inequalities, and
rational numbers. Data Analysis and Probability
spends time on order of operations, measures
of central tendency, calculating probability,
ratios, interpreting graphs, and problem solving.
Geometry strengthens skills in areas of points,
lines, rays, angles, circles and solid figures, vol-
ume, triangles, polygons, perimeter, and area.
Measurement offers practice with customary
and metric measurement, percents and rates,
angles, ratios and proportion, and volume.
These books are about 120 pages in length with
the answer keys in the back along with a scoring record chart which allows you to log the
student’s test scores. In addition to the pre and
post test found in each chapter, a mid-test and
final test will allow you to check the student’s
cumulative progress. In true Spectrum fashion,
these additions to the series will help prepare
your students for standardized testing or can be
used for additional practice. ~ Donna
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.95
010502 Grade K
003827 Grade 5
003818 Grade 1
003828 Grade 6
003823 Grade 2
003829 Grade 7
003825 Grade 3
003830 Grade 8
003826 Grade 4
026237 Algebra (6-8)
026256 Data Analysis & Probability (6-8)
026387 Geometry (6-8)
026459 Measurement (6-8)
☼Spectrum Math 2015 (K-8)
The 2015 edition of the Spectrum Math series
states that it is “Correlated to the Current State
Standards.” This means that significant changes
were made to bring it into alignment with the
CCSS (which most states align to). Although
the general format and structure of the books
remain the same, the topics differ significantly
at the middle school levels and reflect more
advanced algebra and geometry content as
well as increased content in data, probability,
and statistics. Each chapter starts with a pretest
(Check What You Know) and ends with a posttest (Check What You Learned). Lessons within
each chapter cover a progression of skills.
Instruction is minimal but examples precede
each worksheet. To give you an idea of the differences in this edition, previously the 7th grade
book started with chapters on whole numbers,
fractions, decimals, percents, and calculating
interest but the new edition starts with rational
numbers, expressions, equations, and inequalities. Both cover ratios and proportions but terminology and content are different. The previous
edition had sections on both English (customary)
and metric measurement while those topics are
not covered in the 2015 edition. Both editions
have sections on probability, statistics, and
geometry but the content of each is different and
the newer edition is more advanced. There is
also a greater emphasis on problem solving and
word problems in the newer edition. In general,
I would say the 7th grade book is roughly one
year ahead of the previous edition. These workbooks are 160 pages in length.
The topic specific workbooks (124 pages each)
that are available for the 6th through 8th grade
levels have also had changes based on the
newer standards. Every chapter still has a pretest
and posttest, along with a mid-year test and final
test. The Algebra workbook has added chapters
on expressions and equations and systems of
equations and has removed chapters on probability and graphs and algebra and geometry.
Chapters in the Data Analysis/Probability workbook have completely changed to probability
models, calculating probability and compound
events, statistical thinking, measures of central
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
tendency & measures of variability, displaying
data, and scatter plots & bivariate data. The
Geometry workbook is basically the same as
the previous edition, but all of the angle and
triangle concepts have been combined into one
chapter, which is titled Triangle, Properties, &
Relationships. ~ Janice/Donna
EACH WORKBOOK . . . . . . . 11.99
001658 Grade K
001610 Grade 5
001440 Grade 1
001628 Grade 6
001452 Grade 2
001634 Grade 7
001462 Grade 3
001656 Grade 8
001473 Grade 4
025119 Algebra (6-8)
025135 Data Analysis/Probability (6-8)
025154 Geometry (6-8)
Core Standards for Math (K-6)
Now this series is something any homeschooling parent may use even though it is Common
Core. Harcourt has provided two-page lessons
that cover every content standard per grade
level in the Common Core State Standards for
Mathematics. The first page introduces the concept with step-by-step instruction and modeling
each sequence – perfect for checking a student’s understanding through open-ended practice items. The second page includes multiple
choice practice items as well as problem-solving
items. Each book starts with a brief explanation
and overview of the CCSS standards. Lessons
are organized by content standard and could
be done in a start to finish order – or standard
by standard if you want to coordinate with your
primary math program. The consumable books
(newsprint) include an answer key with reduced
student pages in the back. Also in the back of
each book is a complete list of the CCSS for the
grade level. These lessons would be easy to do
each day as a “daily warm up” or even as your
practice work if you’re using a more relaxed
math program. Regardless of what you think
about Common Core, this series will ensure
your kids are measuring up to these standards,
which is a good way to prepare for any standardized tests you may be required to take. 265
pgs, pb ~ Janice
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.99 17.95
032211 Grade K
032160 Grade 4
032152 Grade 1
032161 Grade 5
032153 Grade 2
032169 Grade 6
032159 Grade 3
Kumon Math Workbooks (1-6)
A math program based on the Kumon method.
Basically, the earmarks of this system are:
¾¾ Concepts introduced in small, incremen
tal steps, allowing children to master them without confusion
¾¾ Single topic books rather than mixed strands. Children concentrate just on addition, for example, before moving to subtraction
¾¾ Concepts are taught by discovery method than being spelled out
The series is meant to be self-directed. Students
take charge of their own learning on every level.
They complete pages, check their work, record
their scores, and determine whether to move on
or review. The pace almost guarantees success.
Children should work a “few” pages a day;
assignments should take about 20 minutes to
complete. Pages are marked with the skill level
required at top and the points each question is
valued at (a very young child will need some
help totaling points). Very short instruction (or
an example) is given on a few pages. For example, there is a short explanation when children
begin to subtract a 2-digit number from a 3-digit
number where borrowing is needed. However,
the child is given every opportunity to intuit this
beforehand. By the time he reaches this page,
he has already been subtracting double-digit
numbers for many pages. Some of these would
require borrowing, but, since they are able to
subtract, say, 7 from 12, the Kumon method
wants the child to see a pattern when increasing
to 7 from 22, 7 from 32, etc. This does remind
me of the approach used in Miquon as well.
Besides these very infrequent helps there are
just some small prompts for children to look for
patterns in their answers, and words of encouragement. Pages are pleasing to the eye; they are
colored, clean, and problems are well-spaced.
The Kumon method has been used successfully with children around the world for over 50
years. It does seem like it would help a child to
take charge of his own learning and help himself
to understanding rather than being spoon-fed
each bite. For Kumon math earlier than Grade
1, see the Kumon section in Early Learning.
EACH WORKBOOK . . . . . . . . 7.95
027926 Grade 1 Addition
027996 Grade 1 Subtraction
047539 Grade 1 Geometry & Measurement
047545 Grade 1 Word Problems
027930 Grade 2 Addition
028011 Grade 2 Subtraction
047540 Grade 2 Geometry & Measurement
047546 Grade 2 Word Problems
027925 Grade 3 Addition & Subtraction
027987 Grade 3 Multiplication
027961 Grade 3 Division
047541 Grade 3 Geometry & Measurement
047547 Grade 3 Word Problems
027995 Grade 4 Multiplication
027962 Grade 4 Division
047542 Grade 4 Geometry & Measurement
047548 Grade 4 Word Problems
027956 Grade 4 Decimals & Fractions
027960 Grade 5 Decimals & Fractions
047543 Grade 5 Geometry & Measurement
047549 Grade 5 Word Problems
027973 Grade 6 Fractions
047544 Grade 6 Geometry & Measurement
047550 Grade 6 Word Problems
McGraw-Hill’s Math (1-8)
This program is most like the Spectrum Math
program. It is a solid program with more complete instruction than Spectrum, albeit with
fewer pages. By comparison, at the 6th grade
level, McGraw has 156 pages compared to the
187 in Spectrum. I suspect the difference is due
to the format rather than the scope. Spectrum
books have a pre-test for each chapter whereas
this series has one for the book. Because more
space is devoted to instruction, there are correspondingly fewer problems per page. Books are
notably more colorful than their Spectrum counterparts and the pages more visually appealing;
text is crisp and pages look clean. Font is grade
appropriate. Published in 2011, these are
aligned with math Common Core Standards. If
you’ve escaped hearing about this latest educa-
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
tional catch-phrase, it refers to educational standards which have been adopted by MOST of the
50 states (only five states and three territories
have not as of early May, 2012). So, you can
bank on standardized tests incorporating these
standards in testing.
The pre-test in each book will inform whether
you can skip chapters or not. The book is selfinstructional with fairly complete teaching of
each concept, followed by an example, then
practice exercises. Teaching material includes
colorful visual aids as needed. Each chapter
culminates with a Unit Test and the book ends
with a comprehensive Test followed by a glossary (dictionary at lower levels) and answer key.
Pages are perforated for easy removal of key or
I would say these are on par with the Spectrum
series; while not a complete math curriculum
in the traditional sense, they may be used in
place of one coupled with additional hands-on
teaching (at lower levels) or with additional
practice where needed (at upper levels). They
also make excellent practice, review, and reinforcement books to use with a program that is
less traditional (like Miquon or Singapore math).
Certainly, if you are concerned about state
testing requirements, these would assure you
that your child is learning according to almost
every state’s standards. Each book includes a
10-week summer study plan, too, so your child
could use these to get a head start on math for
the next year. For the motivated child, doing
so may allow them to move ahead a grade level
or at least progress more rapidly through their
coursework during the school year.
EACH BOOK GR. 1-5 . . . . . . 11.99
053246 Grade 1
053250 Grade 5
053247 Grade 2
034883 Grade 6
053248 Grade 3
034897 Grade 7
053249 Grade 4
034898 Grade 8
Common Core Mathematics (1-6)
Do your students meet CC competency
standards? These books cover all standards for
elementary math. Mini lessons are clear and
easy for a parent/teacher to follow. First, the
standard is laid out for you, and then the book
tells you what to say to present this skill to your
student. There are a few problems to assess your
student both before and after the lesson, and
then you have several math problems to work
out. All answers are in the back so you do not
have to be a math whiz yourself to help your
student through their math work! It makes CC
very simple to follow. Use a book like this as
a checklist during your homeschool year, or if
your child is in school, use it to help you help
them with their homework. 144pp ~ Sara
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.99 17.50
058596 Level 1
058599 Level 4
058597 Level 2
058600 Level 5
058598 Level 3
058601 Level 6
Solaro Common Core Math Study Guides (3-11)
“Teaching to the Test” are typically words
we do not like to hear and a concept we prefer to avoid. But ...If you live in a state that
has adopted the CCSS and if you, as a homeschooler, have to (or want to) take standardized
tests, then “Teaching to the Test” may have
to become part of your life. These guides will
help to make that relatively painless – and
will allow you to continue with your lovedbut-maybe-not-CCSS-aligned math curriculum.
These guides are used to review and understand
course content. They provide instruction that
explains key concepts, questions/exercises that
come with detailed solutions, and explanations
of problem solving methods. Each section has a
Table of Correlations (yes, you guessed it – the
CCSS correlations). These show the specific
content strand that is the focus for the concepts
in that unit and serve as a standards checklist.
Instruction for the concepts covered in each section is laid out clearly with two sets of exercises.
The solutions provide step by step illustrated
completion. Various tips for study success –
i.e. mind mapping, memorization techniques,
learning styles – are also part of the overall help
provided. Visually, these books are “clean-cut”
and that is about all you can say for them – no
color, no interesting illustrations – just solid
content. Note: there is a Solaro online version
but these items are printed, softcover books and
do not include any online content. ~ Janice
EACH GUIDE . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.95 17.95
043374 Gr 3
057043 High School I
043382 Gr 4
057044 High School II
043384 Gr 5
057045 High School III
043388 Gr 6
057040 Algebra I
043415 Gr 7
057041 Algebra II
043422 Gr 8 057042Geometry
043247 Accelerated Gr 7 Integrated
043248 Accelerated Gr 7 Traditional
057038 Accelerated Algebra I
057039 Accelerated Math I (Gr. 10-11)
KEY TO... BOOKS (4-12)
The Key To... series is a very
self-instructional, unintimidating, programmed learning
series. Covering seven basic
topics, students can work
through these horizontally or
vertically. They are ideal for
“homework” or a more topical approach to the subject.
Presentation is done in a simple, friendly manner, incrementally, and with examples to follow
as needed. Workbooks are thin and consumable. Answer keys are recommended. Order
by the book or in sets.
We like this series because it encourages
children to tackle these subject areas in as
much depth as they can, rather than working
strictly within the confines of an age-graded
math program. Starting in 4th or 5th grade, I
purchased a complete set of student workbooks
for each child. Book 1 in each topic was put
on the school book shelf. When Key to... was
assigned, my children were free to work on
whatever topic they chose, and they worked as
much as they wanted. As soon as Book 1 in
any subject was completed, it was replaced by
Book 2. My oldest daughter sometimes got so
involved that she just kept going!
Key to Algebra (5-12)
EACH WORKBOOK . . . . . . . . . 5.25
EACH ANSWERS & NOTES . . . . 7.95
006655 Book 1: Operations on Integers
006656 Book 2: Varbls, Terms, Expressns
006657 Book 3: Equations
006658 Book 4: Polynomials
006659 Book 5: Rational Numbers
006660 Book 6: Mult, Div, Rational Expr
006661 Book 7: Add, Sub, Rational Expr
012834 Book 8: Graphs
012835 Book 9: Systems of Equations
012836 Book 10:Square Roots/Quad Equatns
004601 Answers and Notes for Books 1-4
007111 Answers and Notes for Books 5-7
012837 Answers and Notes for Books 8-10
ALGCMP Complete set . . . . 76.68 74.00
ALGWKB Workbooks only . . 52.80 51.00
004164 Reproducible Tests . . 21.25
(not included in complete sets)
Key to Geometry (4-12)
EACH WORKBOOK 1-6 . . . . . . 5.25
EACH WORKBOOK 7-8 . . . . . . 13.25
EACH ANSWERS & NOTES . . . . 7.95
002677 Book 1: Lines and Segments
006662 Book 2: Circles
006663 Book 3: Constructions
006664 Book 4: Perpendiculars
006665 Book 5: Squares and Rectangles
002017 Book 6: Angles
002018 Book 7: Perp, Paral, Tang, Circles
002019 Book 8: Triangles and Polygons
002020 Answers and Notes for Books 1-3
002021 Answers and Notes for Books 4-6
002022 Answers and Notes for Book 7
002023 Answers and Notes for Book 8
GEOCMPComplete set . . . . 90.08 87.00
GEOWKBWorkbooks only . . 58.24 56.50
Key to Decimals (4-12)
EACH WORKBOOK . . . . . . . . . 5.25
EACH ANSWERS & NOTES . . . . 7.95
002678 Book 1: Concepts
004598 Book 2: Add, Sub, Multiplication
004599 Book 3: Division
004600 Book 4: Using Decimals
004602 Answers and Notes for Books 1-4
DECCMP Complete set . . . . 29.08 28.00
DECWKB Workbooks only . . 21.12 20.50
020915 Reproducible Tests . . 15.95
(not included in complete sets)
Key to Fractions (4-12)
EACH WORKBOOK . . . . . . . . . 5.25
EACH ANSWERS & NOTES . . . . 7.95
002679 Book 1: Fraction Concepts
006055 Book 2: Multiplication, Division
006056 Book 3: Addition, Subtraction
004597 Book 4: Mixed Numbers
004603 Answers and Notes for Books 1-4
FRACMP Complete set . . . . 29.08 28.00
FRAWKB Workbooks only . . 21.12 20.50
020916 Reproducible Tests . . 15.95
(not included in complete sets)
Key to Measurement (4-12)
EACH WORKBOOK . . . . . . . . . 5.25
EACH ANSWERS & NOTES . . . . 7.95
004158 Book 1: English Units of Length
004159 Book 2: Measuring Length and Perimeter Using English Units
004161 Book 3: Finding Area and Volume
Using English Units
004162 Book 4: English Units for Weight,
Capacity, Temperature, and Time
007794 Answers and Notes, books 1-4
MSRCMP Complete Set . . . . 29.08 28.00
MSRWKBWorkbooks only . . 21.12 20.50
Key to Metric Measurement (4-12)
EACH WORKBOOK . . . . . . . . . 5.25
EACH ANSWERS & NOTES . . . . 7.95
003636 Book 1: Metric Units of Length
003637 Book 2: Measuring Length and Perimeter Using Metric Units
003638 Book 3: Finding Area and Volume
Using Metric Units
003639 Book 4: Metric Units for Mass, Capacity, Temperature, and Time
003635 Answers and Notes
MTMCMP Complete Set . . . . 29.08 28.00
MTMWKB Workbooks only . 21.12 20.50
Key to Percents (4-12)
EACH WORKBOOK . . . . . . . . . 5.25
EACH ANSWERS & NOTES . . . . 7.95
006666 Book 1: Concepts
006667 Book 2: Percents and Fractions
006668 Book 3: Percents and Decimals
007112 Answers and Notes for Books 1-3
PERCMP Complete set . . . . . 23.80 23.00
PERWKBWorkbooks only . . . 15.84 15.35
020917 Reproducible Tests . . . 15.95
(not included in complete sets)
Key to Complete Sets
KEYCMP Complete Set . . . . 306.88 289.95
Complete set of all Key-To workbooks & keys.
KEYWKB Set of Workbooks 211.36 199.95
A complete set of all Key-To workbooks.
☼Top Line Math (9-AD)
An inexpensive and wellorganized way to provide
targeted instruction in specific math skill sets. Start
with a diagnostic test to
determine exactly where
students need work; then
work through however
many of these small but
comprehensive worktexts are needed. Sounds
simple, doesn’t it – and it really is – with plenty
of teacher support along the way. A great solution for helping a student catch up on specific
skills or for general preparation of high school
math or GED tests. An added bonus is the reallife application of the problems and instructions.
The Diagnostic Test is a five-page assessment
resembling standardized tests. There are four
problems relating to the content of each of the
worktexts. A score of less than three correct
answers for these indicates a need for further
work in that area. The Diagnostic Teacher
Guide provides instruction for administering
the diagnostic, an answer/solution key, and a
correlation sheet (so you’ll know what problems
pertain to what worktext). There is also a reproducible answer sheet for the diagnostic that the
student can use to make scoring easier.
The Student Worktexts cover basic arithmetic
skill sets as well as pre-algebra and general
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
math skills. Each worktext has 3-5 units each
with 4-6 lessons. Books start with a pre-test and
end with a post-test (designed to build student
confidence by seeing improvement). Lessons
provide instruction, worked examples and a
preliminary On Your Own problem; then practice laced with lots of real-world applications.
Special sections highlight test-taking strategies
(helpful since test prep seems a sub-goal of
this series). Units are introduced with real-life
applications. An overview of lessons highlights
what will be learned and how that relates to
what the student already knows. A review of
each unit keeps the learning fresh. A number of
helpful references are provided at the back of
each book – a Glossary and a Math Toolkit. The
Math Toolkit for the Fractions book includes a
list of equivalent fractions and decimals, benchmark fractions, rules for fractions, estimation,
key operation words, and a multiplication chart
showing 15 x 15.
The Teacher Guides (one for each worktext
topic) are both inexpensive and truly useful
(and I don’t say that often). In addition to the
expected answer/solutions key and learning
objectives/tips, etc. there is guided instruction
for each lesson that provides a script for talking
the student through the learning process including the examples and On Your Own problems.
There is one TG page for each two-page student
lesson and student pages are referenced rather
than provided as reduced copies. Instruction is
written to the student in the Worktext but not
repeated in the TG. The TG content builds on
the Worktext instruction in a question/answer
type of dialog. Additional notes in the TG
include those for English Language Learners,
different learning styles, and references to using
the Math Toolkit. There are references in the
TG to downloadable/printable worksheets available at the publisher website but I suspect some
changes in their availability as I was unable
to find them on the parent-company website.
There are some reproducible reference worksheets in the back of the TG itself.
While this series has some similarities to the
Key to series, there are some significant differences as well. There is more instruction to
the student in this series but perhaps slightly
less actual practice. There is also more general
real-world application in this series as well as a
greater test-taking preparation emphasis. Parents
can use this series to reteach just one area or
use it for general instruction or test preparation (GED or standardized). Student Worktexts
are typically 70 pgs, pb and have an accent
color. Teacher Guides are 45 pgs, pb and holepunched. ~ Janice
EACH STUDENT . . . . . . . . . . 9.87
EACH TEACHER . . . . . . . . . . . 8.35
Data Analysis & Problty 060948 060949
Data, Tables, & Graphs 060950 060951
Mathematical Reason
060960 060961
Number Concepts
060965 060964
Ratios & Percents
060968 060969
060954 Diagnostic Test . . . . . 5.10
060959 Information Booklet . 1.35
☼Advanced Common Core Math Explorations
Challenging and engaging activities designed
to deepen a student’s understanding of math
concepts through investigations. In fact, the
book opens with Welcome, math explorers! The
activities require creative thinking and insight
to answer a question and solve the problems.
They lend themselves to partner or group work
with lively discussions. Each activity includes
3 stages: stage 1 will be challenging enough
for many students, while stages 2 and 3 are
for older or highly motivated students. You are
encouraged to take your time with each activity and may not even finish some of them! The
idea is to take risks, be creative & flexible, and
see what comes of it. Teacher guidance is very
clear to follow. Each workbook’s 10 exploration
is several pages. This series almost has a debate
or logic vibe to it in the systematic approach
to problem solving. Includes CCS alignments.
Reproducible for a single classroom or family.
159 pp, sc. ~ Sara
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 29.95 20.75
060420 Factors & Multiples
060423 Numbers & Operations
included. Book 1 chapters include whole numbers; fractions; decimals; ratios, proportions and
percents; geometry; number theory and algebra;
integers; charts and graphs; probability and
statistics; word problems and final review, all in
160 pages. Book 2 is divided into sections that
cover more advanced aspects of whole numbers, fractions, decimals, percents, geometry,
integers, charts and graphs, word problems, and
review. An answer key is included in Books 1
and 2. Consumable, approximately 144 pgs.
Topical book lessons have 4 key parts. They
begin with a review exercise covering previously learned concepts. Helpful hints introduce
the new material, then two sample problems are
to be worked by the adult and the student, then
students do problems on their own for practice. The last item of each lesson is one word
problem for students to solve. There are usually
about 10 practice problems except in the problem solving book which may have fewer. Each
book ends with a Final Review and a Final Test
over the content of that specific book.
The instructional DVDs which accompany
these books feature the author, Richard Fisher,
“America’s Math Teacher,” and can be purchased separately or with the books. They
include thorough explanations and demonstrations on a white board of the concept or concepts for each lesson. There is over 6 hours of
instruction on each of the DVDs, and they are
intended to accompany the Mastering Essential
Math Skills books. The format of the DVDs
remind me a bit of the Saxon DIVE CDS, but
these are written on white board using a black
marker and Mr. Fisher uses red at times to
make it easier to follow his explanations. His
instruction consists of the information found in
the “Helpful Hints” sections of the book with
elaboration. These DVDs are instruction only
and you will need the corresponding book for
each student. - Linda / Donna
040619 Book 1 only (4-5) . . 22.95 17.95
045527 Book 1 w/ DVD . . . 39.95 29.95
040620 Book 2 only (6-12) . 22.95 17.95
045529 Book 2 w/ DVD . . . 39.95 29.95
EACH TOPICAL BOOK (exc) 18.95 14.95
026685Pre-Algebra . . . . . . 19.95 15.95
045530 Pre-Alg Bk & DVD . 39.95 29.95
026695 Problem Solving
026635 Decimals & Percents
026737 Whole Numbers & Integers
Mastering Essential Math (4-12)
This math system, designed by math teacher
Richard Fisher over a 20-year period, will bring
to light any "holes" or deficiencies in math skills.
Each lesson is presented on a single page and is
designed to be doable in 20 minutes. There are
two "groups" of books in the series: one roughly
leveled series of two books that incorporates
multiple topics, and a topical series designed for
grades 4-12. These books aren’t colorful, but
they have an unintimidating look that may make
math practice more inviting. Book 1, Book 2 and
Pre-Algebra also include access to online video
tutorials. For additional audio-visual instruction,
the books are also available with DVDs.
Book 1 and Book 2 offer five parts to each
single-page lesson: speed drills, review exer- Ultimate Math Survival Guide (4-8)
cises, teacher tips, new material, and a word EACH GUIDE . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.95 22.50
065873 Part 2
problem, all of which fits into the 20-minute 065872 Part 1
time frame. Students first complete the review
exercises. These are generally only four problems per day that provide reinforcement of
previously-learned math skills. Speed drills
come next. These are always fact wheels with
the center blank. You supply the "wild" addend
or factor, based on your child's particular need
for practice with certain fact families. New
material is introduced next, along with "helpful hints" and examples. You should work the
two sample problems with your child. Then,
they complete the daily exercises (usually about
ten) and word problem. Each book contains a
"How to Use This Book" section, which makes
it easy to use, and all solutions to exercises are
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Danica McKellar Math Series (4-10)
Anytime a book about
math makes the New York
Times bestseller list, we sit
up and take notice! Of
course, it isn’t everyday
that a young actress (The
Wonder Years, West Wing)
with a math degree (summa
cum laude from UCLA)
writes a math book (and
co-authors a mathematical physics theorem!).
These books are especially for girls – particularly math-phobic girls who approach math with
trepidation and fear. They are very girl-oriented, putting math concepts into a context nonmath-loving girls can identify with. If you liked
the movie Legally Blonde, these books are the
mathematical rendition. They have eye-catching (and brain-catching) titles for each chapter
like “How to Make a Killing on eBay” (Prime
Numbers and Factorization), “Why Calculators
Would Make Terrible Boyfriends” (Converting
Fractions and Mixed Numbers to Decimals),
“Can a Guy Be Too Cute?” (Intro to Solving and
Graphing Inequalities), and “The Blind Date”
(Getting Cozy with Variables). Now, aren’t
you just a little curious? Each chapter includes
an explanation of the concept, step by step
problem-solving, examples, and “Doing the
Math”, a small sampling of problems to do on
your own (answers are in the back of the book).
Not intended as a math text, the goal is to help
girls understand math and enable them to tackle
the problems in their “real” math text. As you
may have already surmised, though filled with
testimonials from girls who have embraced
math as a result of her books as well as from
notable mathematicians and teachers, the books
may be just a little edgy for some homeschoolers. While one of the testimonials is actually from a homeschooler, and another from a
homeschooling dad, I would say the Seventeen
magazine-like cover and slightly sassy, “hip”
conversational text coupled with some stories
involving crushes and makeup crises would be
a major turn-off for a more conservative family.
For those who are still reading, let me tell you
why I chose not to “throw the baby out with the
bath water”.
First, the books reach out to an audience that
needs help understanding math. It meets them
where they are, puts things in terms they understand, then encourages them to go beyond (like
figuring out your purchase total while you stand
in line – including tax). Secondly, it keeps their
attention through the use of changing format.
Little quizzes, diary excerpts, testimonials and
stories from readers and women who use math
in their careers, differences in shading, illustrations, and the friend-to-friend tone all combine
to keep interest levels high. Finally, the books
support and encourage girls to overcome their
math-phobias and excel at math. I am plumb
tired of parents who decide their daughters don’t
really need to learn higher-level math. One of
my most dismaying memories is the time a family came into our exhibit booth, inquiring about
a math curriculum for their son. Their daughter was there, too, and she was at a similar
grade level. When I asked, “What about your
daughter?”, “Doesn’t she need math, too?” I
got the answer that the daughter was going to
be housekeeping and cooking, and didn’t need
higher-level math to do that. When I asked if
she wasn’t going to be homeschooling her own
children someday, I just got a shrug-off from the
parents. Now I know this may not be a popular
thought, but I believe girls can and should learn
math and become fearless at it. Who knows
but that your daughter may become a rocket
scientist – or an engineer, doctor, lawyer,
architect – or maybe “just” a homeschooling
mom like yourself who needs to someday teach
higher-level math to her children. I don’t feel
it’s our job as homeschooling parents to limit
our daughters’ potential. And I think books like
this may “rescue” some girls from turning off to
math forever. Math can be both “fashionable”
and functional for the young woman!
Now, if you’re still reading, you may just want
to try out these books. You might even discover
a new interest in math for yourself.
Math Doesn’t Suck: How to Survive Middle
School Math Without Losing Your Mind or
Breaking a Nail (4-8)
Danica’s first book covers concepts from
middle school math – fractions, rates, ratios,
percents, factors, primes, decimals, unit conversions, a little pre-algebra. See our website for
a table of contents. Includes a math “troubleshooting” guide (addresses real issues that interfere with doing math well) and a Smart Girl’s
Resource Guide which steers girls to websites
that can help them over their math hurdles.
047697 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.00 11.50
Kiss My Math: Showing Pre-Algebra Who’s
Boss (6-8)
Topics include negative numbers, inequalities, exponents, absolute value, math properties,
operations with variables, combining like terms,
solving equations, solving and graphing inequalities, mean, median and mode, word problems,
variable substitution, exponents, variables with
exponents, graphing points and lines, and an
introduction to functions. A bonus section in this
book is the “Math Test Survival Guide” which
gets girls geared to make the grade.
047696 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.00 11.50
gons; parallel lines and transversals; proving
lines are parallel; quadrilaterals; properties of
parallelograms and other quadrilaterals; similar
triangles; circles; arcs and arc length; finding
perimeter and area; surface area and volume. In
short, all of the contents of your standard geometry book, but with such catchy chapter titles
as, “The Warrior Princess”, “Snow Angels”, and
“Life-Sized Barbie” that tell you there’s serious
fun inside, too. “Extras” include a body image
quiz, a section on self-esteem boosters, and the
truth about Barbie proportions. Who else would
incorporate puppy dog doodles with a serious
discussion about chords and circles?
028310 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.00 12.50
E-Z Arithmetic (5-12)
A comprehensive review of arithmetic. This
book probably contains everything you ever
wanted to know about addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division, fractions, decimals,
percent, and measurement. Starting with a
history of numbers and counting, this book
assumes nothing. It's also pretty easy to read
for a math book. Although you're probably
familiar with most of this material, detailed
information and instruction is included for all
topics. Worked examples are clearly explained.
If you're in a hurry and need a quick review,
use the diagnostic pretest to pinpoint areas that
need improvement. Includes 150 practice sets,
a posttest, and an answer key. 450 pgs. ~ Anh
021550 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.99 13.75
E-Z Math (9-AD)
This book has some overlapping content with
E-Z Arithmetic. There's a short review of the
four basic operations in chapter one, but then
it jumps right into fractions, decimals, percents, beginning algebra, factoring, equations,
geometry, tables and graphs, word problems,
and probability and statistics. Explanations of
concepts and terminology are clear and to the
point. Algebraic processes, such as graphing a
linear equation or solving a quadratic equation,
are systematically broken down and presented
as step-by-step procedures. Steps in worked
examples are correspondingly numbered for
clarity. Each chapter includes a pretest, a posttest, and numerous practice sets. The answer
key also provides solutions for more difficult
practice problems. 230 pgs. ~ Anh
021556 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.99 11.95
Hot X: Algebra Exposed (8-10)
After suggesting those who fear Algebra
rename it “Algeblah, blah, blah,” Danica tackles GCFs and LCMs with variables, factoring,
solving for x, functions and relations, solving
and graphing systems of linear equations, rate
and motion problems, negative exponents, rules
for exponents, square roots and radical expressions, factoring polynomials, quadratic equa- E-Z Pre-Algebra (8-10)
This E-Z book reviews fractions, integers,
tions, and much more. See our website for a
ratios, proportions, equations, inequalities, stacomplete table of contents.
036829 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.00 12.50 tistics, probability, algebraic terms, powers,
square roots, etc. E-Z Pre-Algebra provides a
Girls Get Curves: Geometry Takes Shape (9-10) terrific review to help attain higher grades and
Danica’s back and getting physical in Geometry prepares students to meet the Common Core
Takes Shape. Starting at the beginning with an Standards in algebra. Information is presented
introduction to logic and reasoning (imperative in bite-size pieces along with examples for furbefore tackling proofs), this book then cov- ther clarity on the topic. Review questions and
ers: geometry basics; working with diagrams; exercises are also found in every chapter, and
two-column proofs; addition, subtraction, mul- answers are found at the back of the book. 289
tiplication, & division properties; triangles; con- pages. ~ Donna
gruence transformations; congruent triangles; 055137 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.99 11.95
CPCTC and more proofs; indirect proofs; right
triangles and the Pythagorean Theorem; polycontinued...
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
E-Z Algebra (9-12)
Uses a storyline approach, putting skills in
meaningful topics as concepts are "discovered"
to solve real problems (albeit in an imaginary
land). Covers: rules of behavior for numbers,
equations, negative numbers and integers, fractions and rational numbers, exponents, roots
and real numbers, algebraic expressions, functions, graphs, systems of two equations, quadratic equations, circles, ellipses, parabolas,
polynomials, exponential functions and logarithms, simultaneous equations and matrices,
series, permutations, combinations, the binomial formula, proofs by mathematical induction,
and imaginary numbers.
005020 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.99 13.75
E-Z Algebra 2 (10-12)
Prepare for a better understanding and higher
grades in Algebra 2. Separate chapters focus
on linear functions, polynomial operations,
functions and relations, absolute value functions, quadratic functions, complex numbers,
polynomial functions, radical functions, rational
functions, exponential functions, logarithmic
functions, trigonometric functions, graphs, &
equations, sequences & series, and statistics.
Explanations and examples are found throughout each chapter, and exercises are also included for practice of the concept. Presented in a
self-study fashion, answers are found at the back
of the book for quick checking. 590 pages.
055136 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.99 13.75
E-Z Geometry (9-12)
This book presents geometry in a clear and
logical way. Introduction of concepts is fairly
standard, including the building of theorems,
postulates and proofs. Ample illustrations and
examples, including many drawings and diagrams, are included to help facilitate learning.
Solutions to exercises are provided.
005024 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.99 13.75
A basic skills curriculum dedicated to total
concept mastery and designed for students having difficulty with traditional courses. Lessons
are self-instructional and fairly lengthy, roughly
10 student pages per lesson. Instruction is clear
(written at a fourth grade reading level), doesn't
assume prior knowledge, and explanations tend
to be more procedural than conceptual. Student
pages include instruction, drill, practice problems, and word problems. Activities develop
problem-solving skills and usually involve "real"
world applications, such as planning a party,
comparison shopping, and balancing a budget.
Basic Math:
033179 Student Book . . . . . 26.00
033178 Student Wkbk & Key 16.00
033180 Teacher's Guide . . . . 7.00
033181 Test Pack w/ Ans Key21.00
041171 Set of 4 Above . . . . 61.00
Student Book . . . . . 29.00
Student Wkbk & Key 16.00
Teacher's Guide . . . . 7.00
Test Pack w/ Ans Key21.00
Set of 4 Above . . . . 61.00
033195 Student Book . . . . . 26.00
033194 Student Wkbk & Key 16.00
033196 Teacher's Guide . . . . 7.00
033197 Test Pack w/ Ans Key21.00
041176 Set of 4 Above . . . . 61.00
Consumer Math:
Covers making change, comparison shopping,
budgeting, loans, interest, and credit as well as
banking, taxes, and insurance.
040029 Student Book . . . . . 26.00 18.95
040031 Student Wkbk & Key 16.00 12.50
040030 Teacher Guide . . . . . 7.00
040032 Test Pack w/ Key . . 21.00 15.95
041174 Set of 4 Above . . . . 61.00 44.95
Humongous Books of Math Problems (6-AD)
If you’re after size, these books will not disappoint. They are, indeed, humongous. So,
besides doorstops, what are they good for? Why
would anyone want a book with 1,000 problems in it, anyway? Here’s the short answer:
• Saxon isn’t your native language
• You need more hand-holding than your
Saxon book provides when working problems
• You feel that working more problems
would help you improve
• You want a math book with a sense of
• You’ve already taken a course in this math
subject, and failed
• You want to review the math you took with
another book
• You’ve gone through Algebra and never
heard of matrix Algebra or synthetic division
• There are times when you “just don’t get
it” and would like an alternate instructional
resource to turn to
• You like friendly, more informal, books
with explanatory “note bubbles” and skulland-crossbones (signifying difficult problems) in the margins
Despite what the title reads, these are not just
books of problems. They are fully instructional
texts that cover all of the major topics in their
strands. They just teach via problems – first a
question is posed (in a gray-shaded box), then
it is answered, with complete explanation. If
you already know the answer, just skip that
one. This makes for very efficient review. For
the student intimidated by “regular” texts, these
have enough “asides” in the margins to make
them “marginally acceptable.” A student who
shuns your instruction may have an easier time
learning from these than from typical math texts.
Written to the user, they are totally self-study.
No looking up or checking answers here! They
are right with the question! Instead of teaching a concept, then supplying a set of practice
problems, each question is different in some
way and has its own explanation or solution.
This doesn’t mean there isn’t practice for each
concept; just that there is not repetitive practice. Though a thousand problems may seem
like a lot, for comparative purposes, the Saxon
Algebra book has about four times that – more
if you include tests. Written by the author of
some of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to…. math
tomes, these will drive concepts home without
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
burning students out.
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.95
053167 Basic Math & Pre-Algebra
☼Practice Makes Perfect: Basic Math (9-AD)
You’ve made it to high school and math is still
a challenge for you. A little review and practice
is all you need for the math basics to click,
and now you’re ready to move on to the next
math level. The Practice makes Perfect: Basic
Math offers over 500 exercises in the areas of
number sense, calculation, algebraic reasoning,
geometric relationships, and statistical thinking.
Basic math skills are imperative for passing the
GED and/or preparing for community college,
and this book reviews the basics – multiplication, division, negative numbers, square roots,
fractions, and more. 184 pages of clear explanations, examples, and practice provide help for
the struggling student and prep for standardized
testing. The book is not reproducible and the
answer key is found at the back. pb. ~ Donna
058551 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.00 11.75
☼Math Skills for the Workforce (11-AD)
Want your student to fine tune math skills
before heading into the workforce? This series
from Steck-Vaughn aims to help students understand and practice math skills and problemsolving techniques and then apply them in the
workplace. Since the focus is mastering skills,
each book begins and ends with skills inventory
tests and each of the 6-7 units contains application problems and several reviews as well as
a unit review. Each one-page lesson (labeled
and organized by problem type) outlines the
steps needed to accurately solve problems and
provides sample problems with solutions. Each
book includes a glossary and answers/explanations for each problem. All workbooks except
for Fractions include a few pages of displayable
charts to help recall key math facts, formulas
and symbols. Consumable, perforated, and
non-reproducible. Useful for math review or
as a portion of a consumer math type course.
One note: though the publisher recommended
grade is 11+, the math skills in this series are
generally covered by 8th grade. Approx. 200
pp, sc. ~ Ruth
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.40 18.25
059783 Decimals & Percents
059785 Measurement, Geometry & Algebra
059786 Whole Numbers
☼Essential Math Skills: Over 250 Activities to
Develop Deep Understanding (PK-3)
Building a solid foundation with basic math
skills is so important; children will continue to
build on them for the rest of their math lives.
Making sure that the essentials are solid can be
done with extra practice and activities and this
book provides over 250 suggestions that can
help from kindergarten to third grade.
The book is divided by grade level, so you
know which activities will be appropriate. The
first page of each grade level offers a list of items
to be used with the activities. These are items
that you may already have in your home but
feel free to substitute. At the Pre-kindergarten
level, the book suggests about 30 items: vinyl
non-skid spots, beanbags, abacus, ball, buttons,
hot glue, index cards, number cubes, counters,
paper cups, manipulatives, letter tiles, blocks,
plastic containers, erasers, puzzle pieces, string,
pencils, ribbons, calendar, stickers, interlocking cubes, pen tops, old keys, two containers,
marbles, crackers, pictures of animals, dish,
cardboard rectangle and tape or chalk. In the
first activity you are asked to put vinyl non-skid
spots on the floor and children are asked to
follow directions to go ___ steps forward or
back. If you don’t have the non-skid spots, for
example, you can substitute sidewalk chalk and
do the activity outside or use tape to put a pattern on your floor or even cut shapes out of construction paper and tape them on the floor. The
idea is that they have a trail to follow and count.
The supply list is similar at each level with some
variation and additional items needed at the
higher grades.
The front of the book offers instruction for
the parent/teacher for incorporating activities
into your curriculum and information on standards met. The appendices include reproducible
pages that consist of a skills inventory (great for
keeping track of your child’s math progress),
rubrics and pages needed for some of the activities. These same pages are found in pdf format
on the resource cd in the back of the book. The
activities in this 168-page book add a multi-sensory aspect to learning the foundational material
needed in math and would be a great addition
for your kinesthetic learners. ~ Donna
057284 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.99 19.95
Mathematics Practice Tests (Study Smart) (1-6)
Looking for an inexpensive and concise way to
provide children more math test practice? This
series of books may be the perfect fit, whether
you are using a non-traditional curriculum and
need a way to prove what your children are
learning or have a child with tremendous test
anxiety who needs more practice to perform
well on the tests that count. Each non-reproducible workbook contains 4 mid-year and 4 end of
year practice tests, a skills and strategies index,
and answer key. Instructions for use and a note
to the parents are included at the forefront of the
book. 128 pgs, pb. ~ Deanne
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.99
059102 Level 1
059105 Level 4
059103 Level 2
058909 Level 5
059104 Level 3
059106 Level 6
Math Test Prep in a Flash (2-6)
Take math anywhere with this set of flash cards
on a ring. Not just any flash cards, these have
math questions aligned to Common Core and
state standards. Color coded by skills, Grade 2
includes: hot pink is operations and algebraic
thinking; gold has number and operations in
base ten, green has measurement and data
questions, and blue has geometry problems to
solve. Cards are hole-punched in the corner and
come with 2 large binder rings. Divide the decks
equally among the colors, or put 2 skills on each
ring and let kids trade. A reproducible assessment
checklist lets kids, parents and teachers keep
track of progress. There are over 300 questions
on 150 cards, so you have a lot to work with
here. The answers are in the corner on the back
for self-checking and immediate feedback. ~ Sara
EACH SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.99
052641 Grade 2
052644 Grade 5
052642 Grade 3
052645 Grade 6
052643 Grade 4
☼Assessment Prep for Common Core Math (6-8)
Whether in the classroom or at home, if your
student has to take a Common Core math exam
this year, getting ready will help reduce some of
that anxiety – for you and the kids! Learn testing strategies in the form of practical tips you
can easily apply on test day. Then you have
several practice problems to work through, both
multiple choice and open ended. Think of this
as your diagnostic tool showing concepts that
need review. Answers are in the back and show
why the various answers are right or wrong,
giving you more tips of what to look for on test
day. The size of this workbook is manageable
and not daunting for either a parent or student.,
62 pp, sc. Reproducible for home or classroom
use only. ~ Sara
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
059465 Grade 6
059467 Grade 8
059466 Grade 7
☼Algebra Test Prep and Review (7-AD)
The quality of Critical Thinking Press is now
in a test preparation product. Algebra Test
Prep and Review is arranged topically, so you
only review the concepts you need or want.
Important topics from algebra 1 and algebra 2
are set up in units and each unit is rounded out
with a summary of those topics and a practice
quiz. Units cover algebra basics and include
factoring, radicals, exponents, graphing, linear
equations, quadratic equations, inequalities,
functions, conics, logarithms, determinants,
matrices, and more. Each topic is defined and
clear examples given, along with a thorough
explanation of any information connected to
that topic. There are no exercises for practice,
just the quizzes at the end of each unit. The
pages are perforated for easier copying for family, classroom and repeated review of topics.
Use this great test prep product for help with
homework, review, or extra practice on key
algebraic concepts. ~ Donna
060812 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.99
Higher Scores in Math Standardized Tests (2-8)
Research shows that students who have experience with the bubble filling-in process of standardized tests score higher on those tests. Not
surprisingly, students also score higher when
they’ve had the opportunity to understand and
practice the type of content included on the
tests. In other words, when they are prepared
and know what to expect. These consumable
workbooks offer that preparation. They are
aligned to the Common Core just as the content
of most states’ standardized tests are. There is a
pretest to determine areas of weakness, modeled
instruction for each CC content strand (providing hints to guide the student toward the correct
response), further practice problems, and testtaking tips. After the student has worked through
all content strands, there are two practice tests.
A complete answer key that includes references
to the CC standard being tested is provided. 143
pgs, pb. ~ Janice
EACH WORKBOOK . . . . . . . 19.99 14.95
056205 Grade 2
056209 Grade 6
Mathematics (8-AD)
056206 Grade 3
056210 Grade 7
Been a while since you’ve
056207 Grade 4
056211 Grade 8
had math class? Want to
056208 Grade 5
make sure you’re ready for
☼Critical Thinking: Test-Taking Practice with college math? Need a comprehensive basic math for
Math (3-6)
This unique series will help children prepare your high school student?
for standardized testing. Each book provides Transitions reviews basic
3 levels of tests, each with 100 questions and math and elementary algealigned to Common Core Standards. Using bra skills using a mastery
side bar notes and instruction, Test A provides based format. The course provide sopportunities
students with detailed guidance regarding how to master the essentials necessary to place into
to solve the problem; Test B provide continued college-level math courses. Special features
supportive notes, but with less depth of details; include Explore It (discuss concepts using the
and Test C provides no instruction or helps for Socratic method) and Try It (provides applicasolving the problems. All 3 tests provide prac- tion and practice). Students also review comtice in the same skill sets but different problems mon errors, using graphic calculators, and
are used. A How to Use the Book section is mental math. Testing is done midway through
included as are the answers with explanations. (15-question evaluation) and at end of each unit
A Bubble Answer Template is available in the (30 question Self-Evaluation). Additional helps
back of the book. Reproducible for single class- include complete solutions, Student Tips for
Success, a handy reference of Formulas and a
room use. 112 pgs, sc. ~ Deanne
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.99 11.95 detailed glossary demonstrating and explaining
each concept. Consumable and non-reproduc060523 Math 3
060525 Math 5
ible. Great for adult learners. Approx. 8 ¼” x 11,
060524 Math 4
060526 Math 6
296 pp, sc. ~ Ruth
059788 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.00 23.50
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Math Quick Flip References (6-12)
Containing a comprehensive listing of the
CCSS for mathematics, these handy reference
guides are laminated with a spiral binding at
the top for durability. The 6-8th grade chart
reference guide contains a brief introduction
followed by the mathematical content standards
for each grade level. The grades 9-12 reference
guide is formatted differently, and includes
information on the courses and transitions for
high school mathematics, an introduction to
high school modeling, and the standards for
overall high school content. Measures approx.
6 ½” x 10 ½”. Helpful to correlate current lesson
plans with the newest standards. ~ Deanne
EACH ITEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
026636 Grades 6-8 026637 Grades 9-12
Usborne First Illustrated Math Dictionary (1-5)
This brightly illustrated dictionary clearly
defines over 500 key terms and concepts, guiding children through the fifth grade through
essential math concepts. But it’s not your
typical dictionary! Students are taught how to
work out concepts in straight-forward methods.
For example, how do you add/subtract when
you don’t know the starting number? How do
you count by twos, threes, or fives? Terms are
organized by theme rather than following an
alphabetical order: Understanding Numbers,
Using Numbers, Understanding Shapes and
Space, Measuring, and Data. This format allows
students to read through and build their knowledge. Students can use Word Finder (a glossary)
to find an exact term they need. Internet links Usborne Illustrated Dictionary of Math (7-AD)
offer math games and practice. 6.875” x 9.75”,
Sometimes a clear diagram or picture can
reinforced softcover, 136 pp. ~ Ruth
make all the difference, especially in the study
059700 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.99 11.69 of math. After looking at several similar products, this one stands out among the rest because
How to Be Good at Math (2-5)
of its high-quality graphics. This colorful refer045952 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.99 13.95 ence is packed with over 500 math terms, 300
diagrams, and 100 worked examples. Alike
topics are grouped together into 4 main sections
(numbers; algebra; shape, space and measures;
and handling data) and extensively cross-referenced at the bottom of each spread. 128 pgs.
028443 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.99 11.69
Charts / Guides
Illustrated Elementary Math Dictionary (3-6)
A full-color desk reference from Usborne,
this math dictionary provides not only definitions, but also concrete, illustrated examples
which are just as important, especially during
the elementary grades. Similar concepts are
grouped together so you can easily review one
whole topic. Alternatively, you can easily find
a specific word or phrase via the index. Topics
covered include numbers, fractions, decimals,
percentages, proportion, estimating, arithmetic
calculations, algebra, 2-D and 3-D shapes, symmetry, angles, measurement, perimeter, area,
volume, data, charts, graphs, averages, chance,
probability, and much more. 135 pgs. ~ Anh
021713 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.99 11.69
Visual Math Dictionary (5-9)
I’ve never been strong in math but this handy
reference book makes things simpler with concise descriptions of terms and clear tables,
charts, and diagrams to help students understand. About half the book is an actual dictionary, with over 600 terms (from abacus to zero)
that are defined and accompanied by a graphic,
diagram, or example. Want to know what standard deviation means? Need to figure out what
an isosceles trapezoid looks like? Forget which
one’s the y-intercept? Just consult this book and
all your questions will be answered! The second
half of the book includes even more useful information and references such as a multiplication
table, conversion tables, clarification of formulas, explanations of symbols, and descriptions
of a variety of math concepts. Keep this book in
reach during your math studies as a great reference and aid! 130 pgs, pb. ~ Rachel
042363 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.95 12.75
Numbers 0-30 Bulletin Board Set (K-2)
This versatile set is brightly colored and valuable for several levels of learning. Contains
numbers 0 through 30 on cardstock that measure approximately 8”x 8.25”. Each cardstock
number includes the numerical representation
in bold in the center, the number word written
on the top and the corresponding tally marks on
the bottom. Also included are “count by 2’s,
5’s and 10’s” cards that are interchangeable as
children are working on the higher level math
skills. Also included are brightly colored yellow
stars, pencils and apples for decoration. Total
of 59 pieces and a 4 page activity guide gives
options for reinforcement and casual teaching of
elementary math skills. ~ Deanne
056972 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.95
Place Value Mini Bulletin Board Set (3-5)
Place value is sometimes one of the most
challenging concepts for children to grasp. This
interactive bulletin board may be the perfect
companion to reinforce this oft tricky concept.
While designed to hang on a wall, the compact
size of its pieces would also work well on a
desk or table top. The components vary in size
- approximate dimensions: Units (including the
thousands and millions place) and the Pieces
of Units panels each measure about 10.5” x
6”; the various teaching panels vary from 4.5”
x 2.5” to 20” x 3” and the individual numbers
2.5” x 3”. Pieces are perforated for easy separation. Colorful cardstock construction, with
teaching suggestions included. ~ Deanne
056973 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.99
used over and over. These are a nice size at
17.5”x 22” and made of heavy card stock. The
more kids look at these, the more they eventually memorize them. The only one that is black
and white is the 100 chart (039810), all others
have colorful backgrounds and graphics, photographs, and clear explanations and examples.
There is actually practice on the back of each
poster which you can use to explain the concepts. Great for your visual learners! ~ Sara
EACH CHART . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.49
039715 Comparing Basic Fractions
039777 Greater Than, Less Than, Equal To
039810 Hundreds Decorative
039904 Mean, Median, Mode
039991 Plane Geometric Shapes
040000 Properties of Numbers
040001 Solid Geometric Shapes
Math Learning Charts (2-6)
These charts are very similar in nature to
Ready References (see below), although they
are a bit more simplistic in the topics covered.
The majority of these brightly colored charts are
geared towards younger children. These are
great for kids who may not be quite ready for
the more extensive nature of Ready References.
The charts are 17" x 22" in size and have supplementary information and tips on back. ~ Enh
Each Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.45
023372 Angles
023373 Area/Perimeter 023388Volume
Math Charts (2-6)
These useful charts measure 17” x 21” and are
made of durable cardstock, printed in full-color
with kid-friendly illustrations. The back of each
chart includes additional reproducible activities.
A great aid for any math class.
EACH CHART (except noted) . . 2.45
014887Graphs . . . . . . . . . . 2.99
Definitions and illustrations of popular
graphs, including the line graph, bar graph,
pie chart, and pictograph, all using the same
numerical data.
015024 Metric Conversion
Explains and illustrates how to change
inches to centimeters and vice versa, weight
equivalents, capacity equivalents, length
and distance equivalents, U.S. customary
abbreviations, and metric abbreviations.
015029 Metric Measurement
Weight, temperature, capacity, length, and
distance in metric measurement. Also has
cartoon illustrations of measurement tools
(tape measurer, crane scale, different kinds
of thermometers, etc.) and a centimeter
ruler displayed on the bottom of the chart.
015195 U.S. Customary Measurement
Weight, capacity, length, and distance in
US/metric measurement.
Metric Conversion Chartlet (3-AD)
This bright yellow poster displays units in the
English system with their Metric equivalents on
the left. On the right side, you'll see common
Metric measurements with their English equivalents. Includes: length, volume, weight, and
area. Two illustrated examples of converting
from English to Metric are given at the bottom.
17” x 22” – Rachel
Math Charts (PK-AD)
Colorful wall charts are so helpful in a learn- 031258 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.89
ing space for quick reference of those functions
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Integers & Other Number Sets Teaching Poster
Set (3-AD)
This set of posters can adorn your walls and
serve as reminders for your math students.
Each poster measures 17”x 21.5”, and each
one includes colorful diagrams and illustrations
along with vocabulary, definitions and samples.
Posters are titled Number Line & Absolute
Value, The Real Number System, Adding &
Subtracting Integers, and Multiplying & Dividing
Integers. Also with this set you will receive a
teacher guide that includes four reproducible
activity pages, answer keys, and additional
teaching information for each poster. ~ Donna
032402 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
☼Math Practice Tools (PK-3)
20" x 4.25" desk references include die-cut
1-15 numbers that can be folded down or stood
up, geometric shape charts, 0-120 chart, blank
patterning grid and greater than/less than/equal
to blanks. Front side is colorful and laminated
with a dry-erase surface. Sold by the each.
035379 Color My World-Frogs 0.50
035414 Dr. Seuss . . . . . . . . . . 0.50
035457 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
035464Peanuts . . . . . . . . . . . 0.50
Adhesive Desk Reference Stickers (PK-5)
Decorate your desktop with these colorful
math reference stickers! Each self-stick desk
prompt measures 3.5” x 4” and allows for easy
peeling and repositioning. ~ Anh
EACH PROMPT . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25
052281 Colors, Shapes, Money (PK-3)
Shows 10 basic shapes and colors as well as
five U.S. coins and the dollar bill.
052282 Equivalent Values (PK-2)
Displays 6 simple fractions (1/2, 1/3, ¼, 1/5,
1/8, 1/10) plus their corresponding decimal,
percentage, and pie graph equivalents.
052283 Hundred Chart (PK-3)
A mini-100-number chart in a 10x10 grid.
058627 Counting 1-120 (1-3) 0.25
This 4” x 3.5” chart contains numbers 1-120
in a grid-like structure with the fives and
tens bolded for easy reference.
052286 Multiplication Chart (2-5)
The 1-12 times tables in a 12 x 12 array.
Math CCSS Quick Studies (K-12)
Straightforward and easy to use, these multicolored laminated foldout charts are a handy
way to reinforce math concepts for middle school
students. Each grade specific chart folds out,
providing 6 pages of simple explanations, tips,
and examples to assist children in understanding
topics found in the Math CC Standards. 3-hole
punched for storage in a binder. ~ Deanne
EACH CHART . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.95
025694 1st Grade
008830 6th Grade
025696 2nd Grade 008832 7th Grade
025701 3rd Grade 008834 8th Grade
025712 4th Grade 013209 Gr. 6-8
008827 5th Grade 013190 Gr. 9-12
013201Algebra 1 013208Geometry
013203 Algebra 2
012953 Integrated Math 1 (High School)
012964 Integrated Math 2 (High School)
012966 Integrated Math 3 (High School)
Math Fundamentals Reference Guides (6-12)
These colorful, laminated reference guides by
BarCharts provide easy access to important math
concepts that you may need a quick refresher
on. Level 1 covers numbers, operations, &
measurement; level 2 covers algebra; level 3
covers geometry; level 4 covers data analysis &
probability; and level 5 covers word problems,
process, tips & strategies. - Enh
EACH GUIDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.95
023701 Guide 1
023777 Guide 4
023756 Guide 2
009658 Guide 5
023776 Guide 3
Games for Math (K-3)
Subtitled Helpful Ways to Help Your Child
from Kindergarten to Third Grade by Peggy
Kaye. We used to carry an excellent book
of early math games called Preparing Young
Children for Math that (of course!) went out of
print. Then, there was the “classic” (also out of
print) Mathmatters that really helped us explore
math from concept to number with children.
Well, Games for Math has elements of both
of these helpful out-of-printers with the added
advantage that it’s in print (for now!) The author,
a teacher herself, actually used these games
to help teach math concepts and to gauge the
development of the students’ readiness for the
teaching of mathematical concepts. Materials
needed are basic household items, so no additional purchase of manipulatives is necessary.
015116 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.95 12.50
Math Flippers (8-12)
Flippers are handy reference tools with staggered, titled cards that let you flip immediately
to the information you need. All the math flippers display math rules, word symbols, equations, and how-to’s.
EACH FLIPPER . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.95
8.50 Challenge Math (K-9)
Some kids have a natural talent for mathemat005534Algebra 1 002570Math
005536Algebra 2 005522Pre-Algebra ics. It doesn’t take much explaining before
they’re nodding or saying, “I’ve got it.” Then
005540 Geometry 1
they’re off, racing through their homework at
lightning speed. It’s not much of a challenge
and frankly, kind of boring. That’s where
general instruction
Challenge Math comes into play. These books
are a great resource for finding topics and
Resource Books
problems that will spark their interest and challenge their math and problem solving skills.
Family Math (PK-8)
Designed as a resource book for parents to Though referred to as a curriculum, I think it
reinforce math concepts at home, this flag- is best used as a supplement. For instance, if
ship book concentrates on hands-on learning you’re teaching a unit on multiplication, you
and applying math skills in everyday life for could refer to the multiplication, exponents,
the K-6 grade set. Families learn together and area, or distance chapters for some interesting
work up some excitement for math in the “real problems. Each chapter begins with instruction
world”. Math topics include word problems, so the student has the necessary background to
logical reasoning, measurement, geometry, spa- solve the upcoming problems. The text uses fun
tial thinking, probability, statistics, calculators, cartoon characters and language that is easy to
estimation and more. Includes many games and understand. At the end of each chapter, there
reproducible charts and a list of required skills are problems which are grouped by level of diffor each grade level K-6. Family Math II fol- ficulty. The Primary Grade book has four levels:
lows the same format and targets the same grade easy, somewhat challenging, challenging, and
range as the original book, providing additional very challenging. In Challenge Math, there are
only three levels: challenging, very challenging,
activities on the same range of topics.
Family Math for Young Children specifically and extremely challenging. ~ Anh
targets the four- to eight-year olds with many EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.95 19.25
hands-on exploration activities to acquaint chil- 033665 Primary Challenge Math (K-4)
This volume has 27 chapters covering
dren with number and math concepts. Intended
sequences, problem-solving, money, fracfor home use, the emphasis is on comparing
tions, multiplying, exponents, percents,
via enjoyable discovery-based exercises. Each
measurement, probability, ratios, proporactivity page includes: concepts covered (This is
tions, negative numbers, division, distance,
About), materials needed, preparation, activity
algebraic thinking, algebra and equations,
instructions, and tips for you as teacher.
using algebra, square roots, circumference,
Family Math: The Middle School Years directs
area, logic, and decimals.
instruction to the 5th-8th grader. Activities
still use an investigative approach, but require 059812 ☼Upper Elementary (2-6)
The front cover states, “Math is often taught
a deeper level of thought as children analyze,
as all scales and no music. This book conrecord and draw conclusions about mathtains the music!” Our math study is indeed
ematical situations. The book is divided into
lacking if we don’t see how it can be used
two basic sections, Algebraic Reasoning and
to do wonderful things. The book’s first
Number Sense.
Activities include concept
premise is that we learn through being
explanation, materials needed, instructions, and
challenged. Students, secondly, should be
application. As with the lower-level books, this
presented with these challenges in ways
program is meant to be used at home with famthat intriguingly connect math and the
ily participation. This is an excellent hands-on
real world. Each chapter introduces conprogram; a rare commodity at this grade.
cepts and discusses the real world situa006967 Young Children (PK-3) 24.95 21.95
tion using a charming animal companion
004714 Family Math (K-6) . . 24.95 21.95
and an Einstein-like character drawn in
020810 Family Math II (K-6) 24.95 21.95
black and white cartoons. The formula and
006971 Middle School (5-8) . 24.95 21.95
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
key processes they discuss are highlighted
on a drawn chalkboard. The 21 chapters
each pull from a wide variety of topics:
astronomy, problem solving, algebra, probability, ratios, perimeter and circumference,
area, volume, analogies, speed, bases and
more. First in each chapter come problem
sets. You can easily select the difficulty
of problems to specifically challenge your
student. All material covers four different
levels of difficulty: easy, somewhat challenging, challenging and very challenging.
Each problem set has “warm up” exercises
with one problem for each of the four different levels. After a few pages of problem
sets come extended sets of questions at each
level--a good handful (5 or so) of questions
per level. Answers are provided in full and
comprise 125 pages of the book. Pages are
reproducible for classroom use. 398 pp, sc.
033664 Challenge Math (4-9)
Topics covered include astronomy, problem
solving, algebra, the metric system, decimals, fractions, perimeter, circumference,
area, volume, percents, ratio, proportion,
trigonometry, probability, statistics, distance, algebra, graphing equations, acceleration, and calculus in 19 chapters. This
book also contains 20 math contests at the
end of the book. Each math contest is a
mix consisting of 5 different math problems.
☼Interactive Notebooks: Math (K-8)
An interactive notebook is a colorful, sometimes 3D, way of taking notes and remembering important things that may involve drawing,
doodling & diagrams to help the student retain
information in a way that makes sense to them.
Because it is so personalized, students become
actively involved in their note taking and it can
be adapted for various age/learning levels. It
can take as much or as little time as you like.
You might make a notebook page only at the
beginning of a unit, or perhaps one for each
topic. These books are a guide for formatting
and for grade level content to include in your
notebook, though this can easily be varied.
Students are encouraged to make their own
choices about the look of their pages. A grading rubric helps teachers and homeschooling
parents assess the student’s work. You can begin
with a spiral notebook, a composition book or a
3 ring binder with loose leaf paper. The content
in each grade level aligns to current state standards and gives you something to work with.
Reproducible for one classroom, co-op or family. Homeschoolers may recognize this method
as lapbooking. 96 pgs, pb.
EACH NOTEBOOK . . . . . . . . . 9.99
034654 Grade K
034646 Grade 5
034567 Grade 1
034649 Grade 6
034568 Grade 2
034652 Grade 7
034569 Grade 3
034653 Grade 8
034643 Grade 4
Dinah Zike’s Big Book of Math (K-12)
Fans of Foldables will really enjoy this teaching
resource series. Foldables are graphic organizers with flaps or folds that students can make
to demonstrate learning. Try picturing this:
general information is usually displayed on top
of a flap or fold while more specific details are
written or illustrated underneath. Not only are
they fun to create, but they also make useful
study aids.
This series helps parents and teachers integrate math concepts with Foldables. Both the
Elementary and For Middle School and High
School books are similarly structured. First,
author Dinah Zike describes what a Foldable
is and why they are useful. Then, step-by-step
instructions for making various models (the half
book, two-tab book, matchbook, shutter fold,
pyramid fold, standing cube, accordion book,
etc.) are provided. Many colorful photos of
completed Foldables are helpfully included.
The next section lists math activity suggestions
that lend themselves to Foldables. For a more
complete list of math topics covered, please see
each book below. Although the activity ideas
suggest a basic topic and the type of foldable
to use, the actual implementation (choosing a
model and content to include) is completely up
to you. Until you become more comfortable
with the concept of Foldables, you may find the
lack of step-by-step instructions in this section
to be somewhat daunting. Finally, the last section contains some reproducible graphics, such
as templates and flashcards, which you can use
when making Foldables. ~ Anh
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.95
002998 Elementary (K-6)
Includes math activity suggestions for numbers, factors, place value, sets, addition,
subtraction, multiplication, division, integers, fractions, geometry, graphs and charts,
Venn diagrams, measurement, and more in
178 pgs.
002992 Middle and High School (6-12)
Ideas for math activities cover number
systems, algebraic patterns and functions,
geometry, measurement, data analysis and
probability, problem solving, communication (concept maps, note taking, vocabulary), and representation (charts, graphs) in
128 pgs.
Hands-On Math Projects (1-4)
Offering three different levels of hands on
activities this helpful resource book will provide
hours of math practice. Beginning with number
sense, place value, and greater than/less than,
children are guided into discovery of topics like
fractions, percentages, graphs/charts, Venn diagrams, estimations and a wide range of geometry concepts. Step by step instructions, helpful
hints, vibrant illustrations, brief explanations,
and more ideas for expanding the learning
activities provides teachers and parents a wellrounded activity resource for reinforcing those
pesky math lessons. Would make great Friday
fun day or summer review resource! Over 70
activities. 158 pgs, pb. ~ Deanne
058378 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.99 10.75
Competition Math for Middle School (5-8)
060689 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Right-Brained Math (1-7)
I think as parent-teachers, we recognize that
not everyone “gets math”. Whether the struggle
lies in the memorization of facts or inability to analyze the data, many of our children
(and some adults!) exert great effort without
results. Could it be they learn differently? Much
research conducted in the past several years has
analyzed the differences in right and left-brain
learners. Many of the popular math curricula
options today are written to meet the needs
of the left-brain learner- sequential, detailed,
repetitive and often textually plain or black and
white. However, what happens to our children
who learn differently? Children who see the
whole picture rather than bite-size pieces; and
respond to color, patterns, or pictures? Entirely
capable of learning, children who are right brain
learners often fall through the cracks or receive
unwarranted labels.
This newest math series meets the math needs
of the visual spatial learner, right brain learner
or any other child with a unique learning situation that does not grasp the typical left brained
focused math programs available. While each
book in the series is a stand-alone resource, there
will be great value in reviewing books in order to
ensure children have a solid foundation.
First in the series, Addition and Subtraction
begins with background information to help
you understand the right brain learner. As a leftbrain learner, I found this to be one of the most
valuable aspects of the series. I experienced
many “AHA” moments as I read the information, which enhanced my understanding greatly
of the right brained learners in my family. The
author provides background understanding of
teaching children of various ages from preschool
through fourth grade before expanding on
principles for teaching the right-brain learner.
Topics in this book include learning numbers,
understanding the meaning of numbers, transitioning from visual to symbolic and mastering
computation to 10. Loosely scripted, each topical area includes goals, manipulative lists, activity/game instructions, and reproducible activity
pages. Answer Keys and Classroom Records are
included. Suggested hands-on manipulatives
utilize commonly found items.
Right-Brained Place Value follows and begins
with an overview of how children learn, a
review of foundational concepts, all before
introducing place value and multi-digit computation. Introducing place value in concrete terms
and activities, children as young as kindergarten
may be able to comprehend this vital concept.
Math fluency develops through a variety of
hands on and total body activities, engaging
stories, discovery based exercises, oral practice
and reproducible worksheets. Answer keys and
student assessment forms are in the appendix. Hands-on manipulatives utilize commonly
found items.
Right-Brained Multiplication and Division
reviews the right brained elements used
throughout the series. Although formatted a
little differently than the previous books, teaching elements are the same: visual illustrations,
personification, pattern discovery, story telling,
and hands on or total body activities. Teaching
information (not scripted) and tactile/kinesthetic
activities included in each topical chapter.
Appendix contains reproducible practice worksheets and answer keys.
Right Brained Fractions is the newest title in
this innovative series. Focusing on immersive
storytelling, vibrant images, hands on activities
and pattern discovery, children review concepts
and terminology, fractional parts, improper fractions, fraction number sense, adding fractions
and mixed numbers, as well as, subtracting,
multiplying and dividing fractions. Reproducible
resource pages and answer keys are included.
This pioneering teaching resource would make
an excellent companion to the Life of Fred
elementary series or mastery based instruction
for struggling math students. Dedicated teaching time is necessary for success and may take
30-45 minutes per day depending on your student’s situation. Reproducible for instructional
use in a single classroom or homeschool. 120223 pgs, pb. ~Deanne
EACH BOOK (exc noted) . . . 29.95 23.95
058386Add./Sub. . . . . . . . . 28.95 22.95
058388 Place Value
064821 Visual Number Cards . 064818 Multiplication Cards . . 6.99
Teaching Math Through Art (2-10)
Math is used every day and all around us, and
with this book by Visual Manna you can help
your students realize the concept. This book can
be used as a supplement to your math program
which would allow students to see the connection to cooking, architecture, engineering, and
other aspects of everyday life. It touches upon
the math concepts of money, time, measurement, geometry, real numbers, whole numbers,
integers, fractions, angles, multiples, prime
numbers, and factors. Students will see how,
through the centuries, famous artists have used
math to create great works. Learn about the
Fibonacci Sequence, The Golden Mean, symmetry, and more as you look at the use of math
in art. 83 pgs, pb. – Donna
043223Book . . . . . . . . . . . 19.95 17.95
055706 Book on CD . . . . . . 15.95 12.95
Amazing Visual Math (2-AD)
Maybe your students wouldn’t typically
describe math as “amazing,” but they will see
math differently with this book! Each colorpopping page presents pop-outs, sliders, lift-theflaps and other hands-on methods to illustrate
different math concepts. 17 cardboard pages
cover addition and subtraction, shapes (2D and
3D), multiplication and division, volume, and
fractions, offering concise explanations and
helpful tips for figuring. A two-page fun quiz
tests students knowledge and a glossary in the
back rounds out this DK hardcover book. All
learners, but especially visual ones, will benefit
from “seeing” math. – Steph
061048 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.99 10.95
Magical Math Series: Games and Activities
that Make Math Easy and Fun (3-7)
The covers of these books by Lynette Long have
in common the idea that math concepts like
multiplication and division are magical. While
presenting the material in understandable terms,
your students' understanding will be pulled
along with Crazy Applications, Brain Stretchers,
and sometimes Super Brain Stretchers. Many
of the forty activities and games in each book
employ readily available school or household
materials to take the lessons out of the book and
into the students' hands. - Tom
EACH BOOK (except noted) 16.00 12.50
026842 Dazzling Division
The Magic of Division, Understanding
Division Facts, Division Practice Games,
Becoming Dazzling at Division.
032594 Fabulous Fractions . 14.95 11.95
Various games and activities, such as
Fraction Jeopardy, are used to teach fraction
facts (how to represent fractions, reducing to
lowest terms, proper vs. improper fractions,
etc.) and the four basic operations on fractions. The last section covers fractions and
their decimal equivalents.
032595 Great Graphs and Sensational
This book certainly has some innovative
data analysis activities! In “Mail Call”, you
check all mail that comes to your house for
a week to see where it was postmarked.
You then use that information to create a
map chart. Besides map charts, you’ll also
learn about pictographs, bar graphs, pie
charts, and line graphs. The concepts of
mean, median, and mode are also covered.
026846 Marvelous Multiplication
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.95 11.95
The Magic of Multiplication, Games for
Understanding the Multiplication Tables,
Multiplication Practice Games, Becoming
Marvelous at Multiplication.
032598 Wacky Word Problems
These games and activities teach math with
a little flair, so your students will enjoy mastering computation, measurement, counting
and logic, percentages, distances, algebra,
geometry, and graphing in order to conquer
many different real-world word problems.
Each lesson begins with a list of materials
needed, objective, and a simple explanation
of how to perform the activity, complete
with examples. Most activities are spruced
up with a fun brain stretcher or math challenge, tips and tricks, and, as the title suggests, wacky word problems for you to solve
easily with the skills just perfected through
the game or activity.
Exploring the World of Mathematics (4-12)
This fascinating book explores many different facets of mathematics, and is an intriguing
read for anyone - whether or not they enjoy the
actual subject! It begins with a chapter which
discusses the calendar - how it came about,
problems and changes that were corrected and
re-corrected, how the months were named and
the days were divided amongst them, different
people who influenced the calendar, and finally
the system that we have today. Did you know
that our calendar will have to be adjusted again,
assuming we reach the year 5329? By then,
our current calendar will be off an entire day.
The text is so interesting it's hard not to just
keep reading. Throughout the text, questions,
puzzles, and problems are offered as a challenge for students. Some of the topics covered
include measuring, practical mathematics, num-
ber names and patterns, endless numbers, math
for scientists, and computing machines. Lots
of history is given with each topic, so students
learn not only about the concepts but how they
were formed and developed over time to give
us the functions we commonly use today. An
excellent supplement to any math curriculum,
reading a chapter from this book would provide
an excellent break from the daily math lessons.
157 pgs. - Melissa
026972 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.99 11.25
Understanding Mathematics (7-AD)
A non-technical book that explains math
from counting to calculus. Topics build on
one another, providing the reader with a complete overview of mathematics. This book is
divided into three sections - elementary (numbers, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, percentages, negative numbers,
exponents, pre-algebra), intermediate (solving
one algebraic equation, solving a system of
equations, word problems, functions, graphing, geometry, measurement of geometric figures, trigonometry), and advanced (logarithms,
complex numbers, finding geometry, using
algebra, introducing calculus, the derivative,
the integral). This is not a text, but a discussion that includes numerous worked examples.
For parents, students, or anyone who wants to
understand math. Also useful as a comprehensive math reference.
It does no good to have a text without practice
of the concepts. Students read the content found
in the main text “Understanding Mathematics,”
then complete the corresponding section in the
solutions (companion) guide. The first half of
the guide offers hints, examples, explanations,
exercises, and problems for practice. Each chapter’s content builds on the previous chapter, and
initial problems incorporate the new concept
presented in the main text and more challenging
problems with multiple concepts by the end of
the chapter. The second half of the book gives
the solutions for all of the problems in the book.
A 20-question chapter summary concludes each
chapter. The text along with the solutions guide
provide extra practice in specific skill areas,
allow students to work ahead of their curriculum
for an added challenge, or can be used for a
comprehensive review before taking a standardized test. Pb.~ Anh / Donna
018292Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.95 24.50
047522 Problem/Solution Gd 24.95 24.50
☼Mathematics Bullet Guide (7-AD)
This little 120-page book (about 4”x 6”) is all
the math reference you should ever need. It covers math topics from basic numbers to trigonometry. The pages of this book offer math formulas
and rules and important facts about math topics.
You won’t get long, in-depth explanations, but
you will get concise definitions that will help
solidify your math foundation. Each chapter
covers methods and offers example problems
(solutions included). Keep this one handy for a
quick math reference. Chapters in this book are
Numbers; Building Blocks of Algebra; Angles;
Fractions and Percentages; Statistics; Graphs;
Shapes; Probability; Equations, and Pythagoras
and Trigonometry. ~ Donna
058457 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.95
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Worktexts & Reproducibles
Think and Draw (PK-3)
Integrate problem solving & logical thinking
with literacy & reading skills and what do you
get? This collection of 90 math exercises for
your young elementary students! Each page
has 1 easy-to-read problem and space for your
child to draw the elements of the problem. For
example: Draw 1 helicopter, 1 car and 1 fish.
Draw a square around the one that does not
belong. This particular problem tells you if a
child knows what “1” of an item means and if
he/she can draw a square. It is also an exercise
in classification. You might group vehicles, so
“fish” does not belong; however, if the student
draws the fish and helicopter in blue, and the
car in red, then they could classify by color and
it would be the car that does not belong. All
problems use complete sentences and encourage students to read carefully and organize their
problem solving. 90 pgs. ~ Sara
057939 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.95 16.25
Math Express Speed Maths Strategies (1-6)
A faster way to do math always seems better.
This series is designed to help students learn
and implement strategies that will help them do
math computation more quickly, therefore more
efficiently. Each book offers 14 strategies, each
beginning with two problems which you are to
answer in a specified amount of time (seconds
not minutes). The two following pages explain
the strategy and then 2 more pages offer worksheets for additional practice with that strategy.
A one-page speed and accuracy test follows
each section in the book, and each book ends
with 2 diagnostic tests (1 page each). Solutions
are found at the back of each 102-page book.
Although distributed by,
these books would provide quick strategy and
computation practice to accompany any math
curriculum. ~ Donna
EACH LEVEL (except noted) . . . 11.50
047882 Level 1
047883 Level 2
047884 Level 3
047885 Level 4
047886 Level 5 . . . . . . . . . . . 11.90
048056 Level 6 . . . . . . . . . . . 11.90
Math Tutor (3-8)
Need a bit of extra practice with some of
your math skills? Let the Math Tutor help. This
series provides instruction, practice, and assessment in correlation with state, national, and
provincial standards. The books in this series
are all formatted similarly which makes them
easy to use for independent practice in specific
skill areas. Each book is 78 pages, reproducible
for classroom or family use, and arranged in a
systematic way where skills build on previous
skills. Each section begins with “Absorb” in
which the concept or skill is introduced. Key
terms are highlighted in this section for easy
identification. The second part of each section is “Apply” in which the students practice
the new skill or concept, and “Extra Practice”
is exactly that – extra practice. 2 or 3 ‘section
reviews’ are found strategically placed in which
students are quizzed over the skills covered to
that point, and a ‘final review’ is found at the
end of the book which covers all skills presented
in the book. Step-by-step instruction provides
students with a refresher on specific topics, extra
practice, or just review before a big test.
Multiplication & Division explains the functions of multiplication and division, multiplying
and dividing by 1, 2, and 3 digit numbers, multiples of 10, remainders, multiplying and dividing
with decimals (1, 2, or 3 places), and estimating
results. Fractions & Decimals explain fractions,
add/subtract/multiply/divide fractions and mixed
numbers, improper fractions, ordering fractions,
converting fractions to decimals, and decimals
to fractions. Pre-algebra concepts include factoring, fractions, positive & negative numbers,
order of operations, square and square roots,
exponents, variables, problem solving, perimeter, area, volume, circles, number properties,
and data analysis. Algebra concepts include
factoring, fractions, positive and negative numbers, order of operations, exponents, variables,
problem solving, equations, and polynomials.
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.99
049197 Algebra Skills
049198 Fractions & Decimals
049199 Multiplication & Division
049200 Pre-Algebra Skills
Informational Books / Math as Literature
Give Me Half! (fractions)
Let's Fly a Kite (symmetry)
Mall Mania (addition strategies)
More or Less (comparing numbers)
Pepper's Journal (days, weeks, months)
Probably Pistachio (probability)
Racing Around (perimeter)
Same Old Horse (making predictions)
Spunky Monkeys on Parade
Sundae Scoop (combinations)
Super Sand Castle Sunday (measurmt)
Tally O'Malley (tallying)
EACH Level 3 BELOW (2+) . . 5.99
018159Betcha! (estimating)
018166 Dave's Down-to-Earth Rock Shop
018167 Dinosaur Deals (equivalency)
018168 Divide and Ride (pre-division)
026631 Earth Day-Hooray! (place value)
018176 Game Time! (hours, minutes seconds)
017293 Grizzly Gazette (percentage)
035657 Hamster Champs (angles)
018182 Jump, Kangaroo, Jump! (fractions)
018184 Lemonade for Sale (bar graphs)
024298 Less Than Zero (negative numbers)
018202 Penny Pot (counting coins)
032466 Polly's Pen Pal (metrics)
018210 Ready, Set, Hop! (simple equations)
035664 Rodeo Time (reading a schedule)
018211 Room for Ripley (liquid measurement)
018212 Safari Park (algebra)
018219 Shark Swimathon (subtraction)
018221 Sluggers' Car Wash (dollars & cents)
018225 Too Many Kangaroo Things to Do
032469 Treasure Map (mapping)
MathStart Books (PK-2)
Funny stories that show how kids use math!
Each book focuses on a single math concept.
Colorful illustrations entertain while accurately
depicting the concept. Level 1 books are for
ages 3 and up, Level 2 for ages 6 and up, and
Level 3 for ages 7 and up.
EACH Level 1 BELOW (PK+) . 5.99
024287 3 Little Firefighters
018156 Beep Beep, Vroom Vroom!
(pattern recognition)
018157 Best Bug Parade (compare/contrast sizes)
018162 Bug Dance
(directions - left, right, forward, etc)
018165 Circus Shapes (shapes)
017291 Double the Ducks
(doubling numbers)
018174 Every Buddy Counts (counting to 10) Math Adventure Series (1-6)
018179 Greatest Gymnast of All (opposites)
Introduce students to mathematical concepts
018181 Henry the Fourth (ordinals)
in a fun way with these entertaining storybooks.
026648 House for Birdie (capacity)
Each storybook has full-color, captivating illus032456 It's About Time! (hours)
trations and a fun story, complete with quirky
035658 Jack the Builder (counting on)
characters and appealing dialogue. Within the
018183 Just Enough Carrots (more, fewer)
stories are hidden explanations of math prin035660 Leaping Lizard (counting by 5s & 10s) ciples, or sometimes the characters have to use
032463 Mighty Maddie (comparing weight)
real math to get out of some adventurous fix.
018196 Missing Mittens (evens, odds)
Each book teaches a different principle through
018197 Monster Musical Chairs (subtraction) an interesting story. 32 pgs, pb. ~ Rachel
018200 One..Two..Three..Sassafras! EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.95
(number order)
030461 Alice in Pastaland
018201 Pair of Socks (matching)
Join Alice on an imaginary trip through
018206 Rabbit's Pajama Party (sequencing)
Pastaland as she helps the Math Hatter, the
018213 Seaweed Soup (matching sets)
Adder, Quantum Cat, and other characters
solve basic math problems (addition, subEACH LEVEL 2 BELOW (1+) . . 5.99
traction, multiplication, and division).
018152 Animals on Board (addition)
042103 Beanstalk: Measure of a Giant
018158 Best Vacation Ever (charts)
Learn about ratios in this twist on the classic
018161 Bigger, Better, Best (area)
story. Jack climbs the beanstalk and meets
018163 Captain Invincible & Space Shapes the immense giant, but this time the two
(3-D shapes)
want to be friends. How can two people of
018173 Elevator Magic (subtraction)
such different sizes be friends? By figuring
018175 Fair Bear Share (regrouping)
out the ratios, of course!
018177 Get Up and Go! (telling time)
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
047238 Cut Down to Size at High Noon
Learn about scale and proportion in the
old frontier town of Cowlick, where two
barbers compete to drive each other out of
town. Barber Louie surprises his clients with
haircuts resembling various objects, all cut
to scale while barber Buzzsaw is skilled at
haircuts that make objects appear bigger.
043362 Equal Shmequal
Mouse and other animal friends are trying to
play a game of tug-of-war. They learn that
the same number of players on each team is
not enough – size, strength, and other factors must be taken into account.
046377 Fractions in Disguise
015571 Multiplying Menace
Rumpelstiltskin wreaks havoc upon the land
with his multiplication stick by multiplying
unwanted creatures while taking away cattle
and other farm animals by multiplying them
by fractions. It’s up to the king’s son to capture the stick and try to "undo" it.
010382 Multiplying Menace Divides
In this sequel to Multiplying Menace,
Rumpelstiltskin has changed the equation
and added frogs to the mix. Rumpelstiltskin
and his sidekick, Matilda, attempt to divide
and conquer the entire kingdom. Prince Peter
searches for his multiplication stick so he can
use division to outwit the evil duo. Teaches
dividing by whole numbers and fractions.
030462 Once Upon a Dime
Farmer Worth makes an interesting discovery — money really does grow on trees!
Depending on the type of animal fertilizer
he uses, his tree crop produces different
kinds of money. Introduces three step problem solving using monetary concepts.
022459A Place for Zero
Once upon a time in Digitaria, Zero was a
lonely number without a purpose. All the
other digits could play Addemup, count
things, or be used in the Numberator to
form shiny new numbers. Poor Zero consults with Count Infinity and King Multiplus,
hoping they will help him find his gift.
Helps kids understand the number zero, in
addition, multiplication, and place value.
032054 Pythagoras and the Ratios
Pythagoras’s cousin Octavius needs help
with his out-of-tune music pipes. Why
does Octavius’ instrument sound bad, but
Pythagoras’ pipes play beautifully? The
cousins compare the relationship between
the longest and the shortest of Pythagoras’
pipes to find the ideal musical ratio.
030463 Rabbits Rabbits Everywhere
- Fibonacci Tale
Rabbits are multiplying so quickly that even
the Pied Piper can’t get rid of them. A girl
named Amanda saves the day when she discovers a pattern—the Fibonacci sequence—
that explains the rabbits’ rapid growth.
000978 Toads and Tessellations – Math
Enzo, the magician’s son, helps Tessel the
shoemaker make twelve identical pairs of
shoes from just one piece of leather. They
form a pattern without gaps or overlaps,
introducing the concept of tessellations.
013691 Very Improbable Story
Ethan wakes up with a talking cat on his
head, who refuses to get down unless Ethan
wins a game of low probability. Learn about
probability as Ethan plays various games,
and see how learning probability helps him
score more points in his soccer game.
030465 Sold!
A boy gets caught up in the excitement of
an auction and buys more than he intended
when his moth swatting arm gestures get
interpreted as bids. Two step problem solving using monetary concepts.
011059 What’s Your Angle, Pythagoras?
Introduce students to the Pythagorean
Thereom and right triangles by following
problem-riddled Pythagorus as he learns
about triangles and tries to fix difficulties
of short ladders and competing merchants.
Sir Cumference Series (3-6)
Go on math adventures
with Sir Cumference and his
family, Lady Di of Ameter
and their son Radius. In
each book, a mathematical concept is explored and
"discovered" in such a way
it allows students to fully
comprehend the "how" and "why" as the characters in the story use this concept to solve their
unique problems.
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.95
011090 & Dragon of Pi
017252 & Great Knight of Angleland
011175 & Sword in the Cone
026120 & the First Round Table
012963 & the Isle of Immeter
020661 & the King’s Tens
051986 & the Viking’s Map
013865 & the Off-the-Charts Dessert
059918 & the Roundabout Battle
Sir Cumference Classroom Activities (3-6)
The Sir Cumference series now has a companion book. Sir Cumference Classroom Activities
offers 35 activities to connect math to this
book series. The artwork, story references,
and problem-solving strategies found in the Sir
Cumference books are reinforced in the activities of this book. Some of the activities include
story mapping, graphing, mazes and codes,
and making animals of the kingdom using
Tangram pieces. Students practice with shapes,
basic operations, fractions, graphing, matching, diameter, circumference, area, perimeter,
length, and triangles. Critical thinking strategies
are practiced through observing, classifying,
and sequencing. Now this series has even
more to offer as students can do hands-on math
activities while reading books they really enjoy.
Reproducible for classroom use. ~ Donna
020660 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.95
Math for the Real World Series (3-6)
How many times have your children asked
you, “When am I ever going to use this?" This
series of readers shows how math is used in
the real world, and why it is helpful to understand math functions and when to apply them.
Measure the difference in the Gokstad Ship and
a smaller long ship (you’ll be amazed). Set the
pace in a poem using poetic meter, and draw
the horizon and vanishing point in a picture.
Apply ratios, decimals, fractions, and percentages to the understanding of the stock market or
apply different concepts of fractions to music.
Translate miles using expanded notation while
globe trotting, and compare geometric shapes
and tangrams. Math is everywhere, and sometimes not easily realized. Help your children
learn and apply math concepts while visiting the
world around them. ~ Donna
EACH BELOW . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.35
009790 Busy Families
010597 What’s in the Garden?
EACH BELOW . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00
009745 American Flag
009757 Animals on the Farm
EACH BELOW . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00
009764 At the Flower Shop
009769 At the Football Game
009909 Counting w/ Abacus
009926 Day with the Baker
010049 Food Fractions
010050 Frog’s Life
010160 How a Quilt Is Built
010279 Magic Squares
010392 On the Trail with Lewis & Clark
010423 Price of a Pioneer Journey
010477 Shopping Trip
EACH BELOW . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.00
009742 Amazing Animals
047770 At Sea on Viking Ship
010011 Exploring Australia
010257 Let’s Have a Bake Sale
047775 Tangram Puzzles
047776 Trip Around the World
EACH BELOW . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50
009737 Aircraft Carriers: Supplies for a City at Sea
009746 America’s Electoral College
009751 Ancient Civilizations of Greece and Rome
009758 Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright
009788 Building Washington, D.C.
009791 Calendars of Native Americans
009797 California Gold Rush
009804 Checkmate! The Game of Chess
010004 Explorers in North America
010017 Exploring Pyramids Around the World
010097 History of the Maya
010201 Hubble Space Telescope
010217 Inside Human Body
047771 Music Math
010386 Olympic Math
010430 Recipes for a Medieval Feast
010483 Silk Road
047774 Stock Market
Core Math Skills (3-6)
Math is everywhere! It is part of everything we
do and this series makes that point to students in
themes they can relate to. I had the kitchen book
to review and the first thing I noticed is how colorful it was. Each book is small, which reluctant
math learners will find very friendly. Fractions
presented in a textbook may be abstract and
hard to understand, but in the kitchen measuring ingredients with a parent, looking at slices
of pizza, using a clock, cutting a sandwich for
a group of people – all of this comes back to
fractions in a way that is familiar and concrete
to your student. This series helps confusing math
concepts become much more tangible, and in
turn, easier to understand and use. Answers are
in the back and a glossary helps define math
vocabulary. 24pp, pb, 8"x8” ~Sara
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.00
056165 Math at an Amusement Park:
Representing & Solving Problems
056166 Math at a Bank: Place Value &
Properties of Operations
056168 Math on Halloween: Properties of
Multiplication & Division
056169 Math on the Playground: Area &
056170 Math with Cars & Trucks:
Measurement and Estimation
056167 Math in the Kitchen: Fractions
Mathematicians are People, Too (5-12)
Did you know that Pythagoras had to pay
his first student to listen to him? That Newton
was considered an average student, until he
became interested in astronomy and mathematics? That at age 13, Sophie Germain secretly
studied math by candlelight? Capture your
students’ attention with these intriguing but true
stories about famous mathematicians. Learn
about their lives, their times, and what made
mathematics so fascinating to these individuals. Each volume contains 15 highly readable
stories suitable for junior high to high school
students. Volume I covers Thales, Pythagoras,
Archimedes, Hypatia, Napier, Galileo, Pascal,
Newton, Euler, Lagrange, Germain, Gauss,
Galois, Noether, and Ramanujan. Volume II
covers Euclid, Khayyam, Fibonacci, Cardano,
Descartes, Fermat, Agnesi, Banneker, Babbage,
Somerville, Abel, Lovelace, Kovalevsky,
Einstein, and Pólya. ~ Anh
014131 Volume I . . . . . . . . 20.97 19.50
014132 Volume II . . . . . . . 20.97 19.50
Individual Titles (alphabetically)
Ben Franklin and the Magic Squares (2-4)
This cute book is based on a mostly-true
story about Benjamin Franklin’s invention of
the popular math puzzles commonly known as
“Magic Squares.” It begins with a general history
of Franklin’s accomplishments from childhood
and leads up to his service as a clerk in the
Pennsylvania Colonial Assembly. At 48 pages
with challenging vocabulary, short paragraphs,
and funny yet detailed illustrations, this book is
perfect for students who are comfortable reading on their own. Instructions are included on
how to make your own magic squares, as is an
author’s note about the historicity of the story.
047741 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.99
Fraction Fun (K-3)
Written by David A. Adler and illustrated by
Nancy Tobin, Fraction Fun makes use of lively
artwork and easy to follow narration in order
to help translate abstract mathematics into far
simpler concepts. 30 pgs, pb.
056233 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.99
Fractions, Decimals, and Percents (1-5)
These math concepts are explained during a
trip to the county fair and the use of money.
Explanations are simple yet effective, showing how fractions, decimals, and percents are
all related and can be used interchangeably.
Colorful illustrations and questions are throughout the book. 32 pgs, pb. ~ Alissa
033683 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.99
Fun With Roman Numerals (1-5)
This colorful book introduces students to the
seven Roman Numeral symbols and then progresses to “building” larger numbers using the
seven symbols. Plenty of examples for small
and large numbers are given, with step-by-step
instructions for adding (and subtracting) according to the rules of Roman Numerals. Playful,
colorful illustrations of armor-clad, toga-wearing, chariot-riding Romans enhance the lessons
as the Romans “demonstrate” the concepts with
signs, banners, and Roman Numerals painted
on their shields. Also included is a hands-on
practice activity that students can do by taping
Roman Numeral symbols to coins, allowing
them to practice the concepts of place value and
adding numerals. By David A. Adler; illust by
Edward Miller III. 32 pgs, pb. ~ Lisa
047450 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.95
Go Figure! (2-AD)
Are you generally curious about numbers
and math? If you’ve ever spent time wondering “Where do numbers come from? Why do
we count in groups of ten? Would we really
count in groups of eight if people only had 8
digits on both hands?”, then this is definitely
the book for you. This 96-page book is an
informational treasure trove, packed with fascinating mathematical history, facts, and trivia.
Every full-color page is visually stimulating,
while problems and puzzles are sporadically
presented throughout to keep the reader actively
engaged. This book covers a wide range of
topics including the history of counting, ancient
number systems, magic squares, the Fibonacci
sequence, the golden ratio, prime numbers,
Pascal’s triangle, shapes, mazes, probability,
fractals, and more. ~ Anh
050065 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
How to Be a Math Genius (3-9)
Whether you are a math enthusiastic or mathphobic, this book is sure to engage your brain!
Students will read about men and women with
great math brains who changed our world, have
the big ideas of math explained with clarity,
and be given the opportunity to grow their math
brain through the diverse activities found within
the pages of the book. Each two-page layout is
brightly colored and packed with informational
tidbits, illustrations, and scattered activities covering topics such as number systems, sequences, calculation tips, 2-D and 3-D dimensions,
shapes, magic squares, optical illusions, logic,
infinity, and much more. An example from the
Seeing Sequence page explains that “Math is
the search for patterns - patterns of numbers, of
shapes, of anything. Wherever there’s any kind
of pattern, there is usually something interesting
going on, such as a meaning or a structure. A
number sequence obeys a rule or pattern - the
fun is in figuring out the pattern.” The activity
provides step-by-step instructions for mathematical art, using sequences of squares to create a
golden rectangle and spiral. Some additional
math tools are required for the activities including a ruler, compass and tape measure. A glossary, index and answers are located in the back
of the book. 128 pgs, hc. ~Deanne
031683 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.99 11.50
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Inch by Inch (PK-3)
Caldecott Honor Book Inch by Inch by Leo
Lionni will introduce children to measuring in
inches through the delightful story of an inchworm who avoids getting eaten by measuring
birds’ tails, necks, and legs. One morning, the
nightingale demands that the inchworm measure its song, but the inchworm explains that
he measures things, not songs—until the nightingale threatens to eat him for breakfast! With
sharp, patterned paper cutout illustrations and
a clever, interesting story, Inch by Inch would
be a great addition to a lesson about measurements, or a fun book to read anytime. 28 pages.
047442 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.99
Math for all Seasons: Mind-Stretching Math
Riddles (K-3)
This lighthearted book contains 16 math riddles
that follow the same format as The Grapes of
Math but are geared towards a slightly younger
age group. For each riddle, a certain number of
illustrated objects are grouped together in different ways. The riddle then tells a quick and easy
trick to count the items. The math tricks given
in the riddles are explained in further detail in
the back of the book. Answers are included so
students can check their own answers.
017124 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.99
Mesmerizing Math (2-5)
My daughter majored in math and physics,
my husband is an engineer, and I have always
been good at math. But it took this book for
me to understand tessalations. A fascinating
introduction to various, intriguing aspects of
numbers (triangular numbers), statistics (pictograms), geometry (the golden rectangle loved by
the ancient Greeks), measurement (the man who
measured the earth), transformations (where tessalations come in), probability (lottery chances),
and sequences (fibonacci numbers), this book
will also acquaint you with some of the historical “biggies” of mathematics. With oversized,
heavy cardstock paper, pop-ups, lift-flaps, spinners, colorful cartoon-like illustrations, and a
wealth of understandable information, this book
intends to “hook” your kids (and you) on the
“amazingness” of math. ~ Janice
056073 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.99 13.50
Millions, Billions, & Trillions: Understanding
Big Numbers (K-3)
Writer David A. Adler and illustrator Edward
Millar’s book Millions, Billions, & Trillions
provides an imaginative and logical approach
to understanding larger numbers. The book
provides hands on experiments, pleasing visuals
that provide clarity for this abstract idea. 32 pgs,
pb. ~ Nick
056749 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.99
Seeing Symmetry (1-5)
Seeing Symmetry, written and illustrated by
Loreen Leedy, uses bright and impressive drawings to help teach concepts of horizontal line,
vertical line and rotational symmetry. Practically
everything under the sun (as well AS the sun, for
that matter) conforms to some variant of symmetry, and this book provides excellent examples
of the many examples, both manmade and
natural! 32 pgs, pb. ~ Nick
056750 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.99
Videos / Software / Audio
Teaching Aids / Student Tools
Common Core Math with Miss Jenny CD (K-1)
Common Core is all the buzz…but what about
the students (and parents!) who are confused by
the new way of doing math? These cds put the
concepts to music to help you remember. 38
songs at first grade and 30 songs at the kindergarten level help children remember counting,
operations in base ten (adding & subtracting),
measurement and data. Contained in the cd
folder are instructions for downloading a free
booklet from the publisher website with all of
the lyrics to the songs in a kid-friendly format.
The lyric pages are blackline masters that allow
the student to color or write on them like worksheets as they sing and listen to the songs. For
example, at the 1st grade level, the tune to Miss
Mary Mack accompanies words that help children do simple addition using little ducks on the
page with the words, “Miss Mary Mack, Mack,
Mack, all dressed in black, black, black, She
saw 1 duck, duck, duck, and it said, “Quack,
quack, quack.”
Then, she saw 3 more ducks going, “Quack,
quack, quack.”1 duck plus 3, 3, 3 ... How
many ducks is that?” You could have children
circle, underline or color the ducks to reinforce
what is being taught. There are notes for the
parent/teacher at the end of the lyric pages that
shows which standards are met by each song.
Not everyone needs or likes common core, but
if you are in a state where it is required these
Miss Jenny audio cds can prove invaluable for
your young learners. ~ Donna
056145Kindergarten . . . . . 19.99 15.50
0561441st Grade . . . . . . . 19.99 15.50
Math Journal (K-6)
This book isn’t what I expected. I thought I
would be spending time looking through a book
that offered help in everyday math concepts. A
journal of ideas proven to be effective. Not so!
This is a spiral bound book of 60 double-sided
pieces of graph paper. The graph paper has ¼”
squares and is perfect for doing math problems.
Number alignment can be a real issue in math,
and it’s so important for accuracy. Have your
student do math problems on the pages in this
book and you will have a record of past work
and concepts they have covered. This allows
you and your student to use the book as a reference. Voila! You have created your own Math
Journal! I know this is recommended for grades
K-6, but it would be helpful at any age. Use it
for working on fractions, place value, graphing,
and so much more. ~ Donna
040290 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00
Math Journal (1-AD)
This handy little journal is the perfect accompaniment to any math program. 64 blank pages
provide room for students to show their work
when solving problems. Left-hand pages hold
lines while the right hand pages are 1-cm graph
paper. Inside the cover are helpful math tips terms describing number operations, common
math terms, 5 steps to solving word problems,
and a 12x12 multiplication table. ~ Steph
033690 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.99
☼Mathematical Reasoning Journal (3-12)
Using a 5 step process, students learn to
organize their thinking and understanding of
mathematical problems. Every two-page spread
I Love Math! CD-ROM (2-6)
057262 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
7.95 is intended for one problem, and provides 1)
space to write the question or facts; 2) 1 cm
grid space to use one or more strategies to solve
the problem; 3) lines to write math terminology;
4) a larger area in which to justify your solution
by explaining your reasoning; and 5) space in
which to apply your solution to another problem
or situation. There are enough pages (80) to do
40 problems and makes a nice companion to
your math curriculum. ~ Donna
☼Carmen SanDiego Math Detective CD-ROM 057641 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.95
Carmen has been reducing the size of some Giant Math Stampers (PK-2)
important features around the globe – and they Made for little hands with chunky, round plasneed to be restored for all to enjoy! These adven- tic handles (1.5” diameter), children can practures require math skills to solve. Use multipli- tice their numbers in a fun way. The large foam
cation and division, convert fractions and deci- stamps even have a clear plastic guard (3” diammals, calculate percentages, create 2D models eter) so that little hands don’t get into the ink
and solve word problems as you collect codes pad (on accident, anway!) Math Signs includes
to help deactivate Carmen’s shrinking machine. six red stamps (+, -, x, >, =, and ÷) each about
There are 3 levels of difficulty and thousands of 1 3/8”. Numbers has ten blue stamps (0-9) each
math problems in all. Music and graphics may approximately 1 3/8” x 2 1/8”. These would be
be a little intense for younger users. System fun to try with something different like shaving
requirements: Windows: 95, 98, Vista, 7; 66 cream or even Kinetic Sand! Your hands-on
MHz 486 or faster Pentium required; 16 MB learners will love that they are not in a workRAM; Minimum 25 MB hard disk space; 4X book. No ink pad. ~ Sara
CD-ROM drive or faster*; 640x480 display, 256 056087 Math Signs . . . . . . . 10.99
colors; Windows compatible sound device; * 2X 056088 Numbers 0-9 . . . . . 15.99 13.95
CD-ROM drive supported by 100 MHz Pentium
or faster. Mac: OS 7.5.1 – 9.2; 100 MHz or 1 cm Graph Board (PK-AD)
An interesting 3D model of graph paper. The
faster PowerPC (6C3 processor or faster); 16 MB
RAM; 20 MB hard disk space; 640x480 display, board features ten columns each indented so
you can place 1 cm unit cubes in the groove.
256 colors; 4x CD or DVD drive.
057266 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
7.95 There’s space for 20 cubes in each column.
What can you use this for? So glad you asked.
There’s an accompanying task sheet showing
five different possibilities – number facts, real
statistics, different arrangements, determining
the mean, and displaying/solving word problems (i.e. modified bar modeling method used
in Singapore approach math). With countless
variations and applications of each task, this
could be a well-used manipulative. ~ Janice
048986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.50
InstaGraphs (K-AD)
No more separate sheet of graph paper!
Wow – I wish these had been around back
when I was in school. This is one of the best
applications of Post-It® “technology” I have
seen! These small papers are sticky on two
ends to adhere to paper like a “second skin”
and contain that errant graphing problem, saving you from drawing number line, x/y axis,
or grid on your paper or attaching (horrors!) a
separate graph paper sheet. Worse yet, your
children come to a graph-paper problem and
“skip” it, never to return! These are handy to
throw in backpack or take with you if, like my
kids, yours are doing some math homework “on
the run”. Besides these handy graphing forms,
multiplication table pads and 100-number grids
are available for more elementary applications.
Affix a multiplication table sheet to their desktop or worksheet for a little help before those
tables are learned or use to track tables already
committed to memory. Use blank 100-number
grids when learning skip counting, or practicing
numbers 1-100. Use numbered 100-grids to
identify primes, factors, or learning by repeated
addition. I’m sure you’ll find even more uses. .
EACH 3” x 3” PAD BELOW . . 3.72
022086 24 x 24 Grid with marked axes (A.)
022021 20 x 20 Grid plain (no axis)
022016 10 x 10 (Hundred #) Grid Blank
022018 Hundred Number Grid w/ Numbers
EACH 3” x 4” PAD BELOW . . 3.72
022043 20 x 30 Grid plain (no axis)
022092 24 x 32 Grid with marked axes
022109 Multiplication Table Grid
022112 Trig Grid with axes
EACH 4” x 4” PAD BELOW . . 3.72
022029 20 x 20 Grid plain (no axis)
Write-On/Wipe-Off Math Mats (PK-5)
EACH MAT (except noted) . . . 1.40
064884 Fact Family Triangle: Multiplication
064885 Fact Family Triangle: Addition
064889 Number Paths: 1-10 . 0.95
064890 Number Paths: 1-20 . 1.00
064886 Fraction (B.)
064886 Fraction Number Line
064888 Number Array
064891 Step Up to 120
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Write-and-Wipe Math Mats (K-AD)
These inexpensive, double-sided mats are flexible and lightweight; useful reusable resources
for teaching important number concepts, saving
money and paper - a winning combination for
homeschooling parents, tutors and teachers.
Use with any dry-erase marker. ~Deanne
056975 Coordinate Mat . . . . 1.40
9" x 12" horizonatal mat with XY axis and 1
cm. squares (28 x 20 squares)
056976 Graphing Mats (A.) . . 1.40
9" x 12" mat with 1 cm. squares (28 x 21
036689 120 Number Mat . . . 1.40
9" x 13" mat with numbers 1-120 (in rows
of ten) in 1/2" squres on one side and blank
1/2" squares on the backside. White with
black lettering.
036563 120 Number Board . . . 1.20
9" x 13" mat with numbers 1-120 (in rows
of ten) in 1/2" squres on one side and blank
1/2" squares on the backside. White with
black lettering and royal blue frame.
Gridded / Graphing Surfaces
Overhead Graph Grids (K-AD)(A.)
You can think of these as write-on, wipe-off
graph paper. Obviously designed for use with
overhead projectors, they can be used with dryerase markers to draw geometric figures or to
work problems. These also provide a handy tool
for measuring the volume of geometric figures.
Just lay the grid over the figure and calculate the
square inches or centimeters. Sheets measure
25 x 25 centimeters or 10 x 10 inches with
margins. ~ Janice
EACH GRID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.95
024156Centimeter 024169Inch
½” x 11”) with a light gray grid; 26 x 20 onecentimeter squares. 50 sheets. – Rachel
035305 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.40
☼Landscape Wide Pad 5x5 Graph (PK-AD)
Landscape graph paper makes so much sense
as many math problems follow number lines
and are more likely to be wide then tall. The
pad contains 40 pages with 5 blue squares per
inch on 20# paper. sc. ~ Steve
058033 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.50
MathNotes (1-6)
Help your students organize their math problems with this pack of grid paper. The pack
contains 150 three-hole punched 8 ½” x 11”
sheets of grid paper which allows students to
Centimeter Grid Board (PK-12)
This economical dry-erase board has many lay out their problems and notes in an orderly
uses. It’s a glossy, flexible, two-sided sheet fashion and keep track of place values.
measuring 12” x 9” (and less than a mm thick). 027416 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.59
One side is blank white while the other contains
a centimeter grid of 20 cm squares by 28 cm Grid Paper Sticky Notes (4"x6") (PK-AD)
Drawing graphs on my Saxon homework
squares. Works well with any dry-erase marker.
045498 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.99
1.50 always felt like a pain. Either I couldn’t find my
graphing paper (or would lose it in the process
of turning it in), or I couldn’t draw an accurate
Grid Dry Erase Boards (PK-AD)
enough graph to convey my answers. These
064241 Hundreds - Two-Sided (9”x12”)
(C.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.49
4.25 graph paper sticky notes seem like a great solution! Just stick a sheet with your answer on your
064242 Quadrant - Two-Sided (12”x18”)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.99
6.50 notebook page or worksheet and you’re good to
go. The adhesive will keep it with your home064243 Quadrant - Two-Sided (9”x12”)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.29
3.95 work. These 4x6 notes have .25” squares and
come as a pack of 5 pads with 25 sheets to a
pad for 125 total sheets. A really handy tool for
Math Graph Write & Wipe Desk Mat (K-8)
Both sides of this 11” x 17” graph mat have 1 upper level math. – Laura
cm. square graph design. One side has label- 062257 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.46
ing lines across the bottom and left side of the
manipulative-based instruction
mat. Use horizontally or vertically for line
graphs, bar graphs, as a mapping or drawing
Books Only
grid, or for anything you’d use graph paper for!
Although you can use either a dry-erase or weterase marker, if using with wet-erase, use only a Hands-On Math (K-3)
Venn Diagram/T-Chart Write & Wipe Desk damp (not wet) cloth to wipe as too much water You don’t have to break
the bank when it comes
will ruin the mat.
Mat (K-5)
1.25 to providing your child
Inexpensive and handy chart formats in a large 042633 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . with a rich learning envi(11” x 17”) desk mat. Venn diagram shows
ronment. Based on the
overlapping blue and red circle with blanks for Graph Paper (PK-AD)
titles atop. Chart relationships, discuss attri- Graph paper was invaluable in our math class- belief that children learn
butes, talk set theory. T-Chart is great for con- es all the way up to high school! Larger ruled best with hands-on expetrast and comparison, pro and con lists, before sheets are perfect for learning simple geometry, riences, this resource
and after lists, etc. Although you can use either making graphs, place value, and solving basic contains manipulative
a dry-erase or wet-erase marker, if using with math problems at the lower levels, and you can activities to supplewet-erase, use only a damp (not wet) cloth to almost never have enough finely ruled graph ment any math program.
paper at the upper grades when you’re draw- Activities use a combination of common materiwipe as too much water will ruin the mat.
042635(B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25 ing x-y axes at every math lesson! It’s also als (buttons, paper clips, egg cartons) and comperfect for science lab notebooks or just to draw mercial manipulatives (pattern blocks, linking
Student Solutions Laminated Charts for Math on. Each pack of graph paper below contains cubes).
approximately 100 sheets of 9” x 12” white 017325 Grades K-1 (2nd Ed) 20.99 15.95
Over 200 activities divided into five main
These handy reference pages are great tools paper with light blue grid lines. - Jess
sections: numbers & operations, algebra,
for the math class. Each is covered with a heavy EACH PACK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . geometry, measurement, data analysis and
019733 ½” Ruled
laminate and contains useful information front 019709 1” Ruled
probability. Students use the manipulative
and back. “Counting by Multiples includes the 019734 ¼” Ruled
activities to learn about operations, place
multiples of 2s, 3s, 4s and 5s on the front, and
values, estimation, sorting, measurement,
10s, 20s, and 25s on the reverse. The multiples Graph Paper (100-sheet packs) (PK-AD)
numbers, patterns, and so much more.
are listed in columns with a blank column next EACH PACK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 019011 Grades 2-3 . . . . . . . 21.99 16.75
to the multiples for counting practice on the 064245 2 Grid X/Y 1/4” Squares
Over 200 activities on number sense, patlaminated surface. “Squares & Square Roots” 064246 3 Grid 1/8” Squares
terns, sorting and classifying, estimation,
includes the squares and roots for 1 through 50 064247 6 Grid 1/8” Squares
addition and subtraction, fractions, mul064248 Classic 1/6” Squares
on the front and 51-100 on the reverse.
tiplication and division, geometry, mea053767 Counting By Multiples surement, time, money, graphing, logical
9” x 12” . . . . . . . . . . 3.45 Grid Paper - 1 cm (K-AD)
reasoning, and probability.
Perfect for creating graphs in math and science
053788 Squares & Square Roots 1-100, 6” x 9” . . . . . . 1.75 or learning to draw! Standard white paper (8
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Enhanced Points of Departure (K-5)
An enhanced point of departure is a starting point or idea that naturally lends itself to
further questions and investigation.
20-30 page booklets provide numerous ideas
for hands-on student investigations which foster
deeper insight into geometry, numeration, and
measurement. Activities are intended for small
groups, usually sharing one set of manipulatives, so that they can discuss observations and
clarify findings and results. ~ Anh
EACH BOOKLET . . . . . . . . . . 4.50
053403 Attribute Blocks
053404 Base Ten Blocks
053407 Interlocking Cubes
053408 Pattern Blocks
Math Chef: 60 Math Activities & Recipes for
Kids (3-9)
A delightful way to introduce math concepts!
This book contains 14 chapters, each covering
one math topic. Math concepts are explained in
terms of cooking, i.e. kitchen utensils, recipes,
or food. Each chapter includes one set of practice problems followed by several recipes that
apply the concept. Recipes might ask you to
convert an ingredient from milliliters to cups, to
precisely measure the diameter of cookie dough
balls, or to find the area of a brownie. Covers
metric and customary measurement, volume,
weight, temperature, multiplication, division,
estimation, fractions, percents, area, diameter,
and circumference. - Anh
023661 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.95 12.50
Counters & Activity Books
Two-Colored Counters
2-Colored Plastic Counters
A great item that can be used to teach probability, counting, sorting, and basic math operations. One side is yellow, the other is red. Each
counter is 1" in diameter.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
018732 Set of 10 . . . . . . . . . 018733 Set of 100 . . . . . . . . . 1.00
☼Red/Blue 2-Color Counters (PK-6)
One inch plastic circles are red on one side
and blue on the other. This versatile math
manipulative can be used for teaching addition,
subtraction, patterns, sequencing and used with
your ten frames. ~ Sara
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
060923 Set of 10 . . . . . . . . . . 1.00
060924 Set of 100 . . . . . . . . 3.98
Two-Color Counters Set of 200 (Brights!) (K-AD)
Tangerine on one side; magenta on the other;
set of 200 plastic, 1” circle counters.
062007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
☼Magnetic Two-Color Counters Set of 200 (PK-3)
Sturdy 1” circles are 2-sided in bright primary
colors: red and yellow. Use them to reinforce
your ten-frame work or demonstrate other math
concepts in a classroom or one on one. ~ Sara
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
061313 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.99
Pet Counters (PK-3)
72 plastic counting, matching, and sorting
Opaque Counting Chips (1-5)
counters in the shape of household pets: dog,
200 flat plastic counters made out of solid- cat, fish, rabbit, bird, and guinea pig. The
colored plastic. They have a circumference of soft, washable counters measure approximately
7/8" and come in four colors - red, blue, green, 1.25” and come in six different bright colors.
and yellow. - elise
Plastic storage tub included.
Round Counters & Links
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
015849 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.35
Transparent Counters (K-5)
These colorful counters are 3/4” in diameter and are made out of transparent plastic.
Sets include counters in six different colors
(red, blue, green, yellow, orange, and purple).
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
016679 Set of 250 (A.) . . . . . . 3.25
054965 Set of 50 . . . . . . . . . . 0.75
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
005318(C.) . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.99
Math Animal Counters (PK-3)
Sure, use these counters for math. But who
wouldn’t also enjoy sorting and engaging in creative play with these bright-colored, large-sized
shapes? Each set comes in 6 colors: yellow,
green, blue, red, orange and purple, packed
in a transparent storage case. The Aquatic Set
contains 14 shapes: stingray, frog, starfish,
whale, lobster, turtle, shark, seahorse, octopus,
penguin, crab, swordfish, seal and dolphin. The
84 pieces are approx. 2” square. The Dinosaur
Set include 8 shapes: brachiosaurus, euoplocephalus, parasaurolophus, pterodactyl, spinosaurus, t-rex, triceratops and stegosaurus. The
128 pieces are approximately 2.5” square. The
Wild Animal Set contains 120 giraffes, gorillas,
camels, kangaroos, elephants, rhinos, hippos,
tigers, lions and bears. These rubber counters
measure approx. 2”.~ Ruth
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
060907Aquatic . . . . . . . . . 19.99 14.50
060912Dinosaur . . . . . . . . 31.99 17.95
045993 Wild Animals . . . . . 31.99 14.50
☼Counting Links (6 colors, 500 pieces) (PK-3)
Link the pieces to make a colorful chain in red,
orange, yellow, green, blue & purple. You can
add one a day to count out a week, month or
even a year! Sort them by color and link them
together too. Each piece is 4 cm x1.5 cm and
the links are about .5cm thick. Set comes in a
clear plastic box with attached lid. ~ Sara
☼Counters (PK-3)
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
Counters are a math manipulative you can use
060911(B.) . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.99 15.95 to demonstrate addition & subtraction, patterns
& sequencing, and sorting & counting. While
Learning Links
the teddy bears are cute and familiar, why not
Brightly-colored links form chains when mix it up a bit! How about flip flops, lobsters/
attached. Fun for kids to play with, but also sailboats/anchors/whale/lighthouses/sharks, and
great to use in measurement activities, sorting, really cute bears in 3 sizes? The bears can be
counting, and patterning. Links are each 1 5/8" used them for weighing because 1 large=1
x 3/4", elongated ellipses with opening on one medium+1 small. Each set has 5 colors: red,
side for linking. Set includes 100 links in red, yellow, lime green, lavender, and a light-ish
blue, green and yellow.
blue. The sandals set (flip-flops) includes 15
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
each of left and right, so you can have kids
015333 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.75 make pairs. As a crafty sort of person, I wanted
to glue magnets to the back of the sandals and
Connecting Links (PK-AD)
put them on fridge, or just scatter them on a
060522 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
7.95 table for summer décor! Each bag has 30 counters (about 1.5” x 1” depending on the shape).
Themed (Shaped) Counters
~ Sara CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
EACH SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.99
Math Counters (PK-3)
What’s your favorite animal? You’ll probably 042719Nautical
find it in one of these brightly colored plastic
counter sets. Or maybe you'd rather count with
cars. The 24-piece sets include 6 different figures in 4 colors, packaged in a re-sealable polybag. The 72-piece sets have doubles of 6 figures
in 6 colors, packaged in a clear storage container. Counters measure approximately 1.25”.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
EACH SET OF 24 . . . . . . . . . . 7.99
6.50 Mini Motors
EACH SET OF 72 . . . . . . . . . 22.99 17.50
Includes helicopter, train, boat, airplane, car,
24 pc set
72 pc set
and bus. If you are using these with the Mini
Motors Activity Cards you will need to substitute
Dinosaur 057794057795
the helicopters for the fire trucks pictured on the
cards, as cards and counters are from different
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
003059 Set of 72 . . . . . . . . 16.99 12.95
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
All About Me Family Counters (PK-K)
These adorable counters will be used for so
much more than just counting and sequencing!
There are six different figure types including a
2½" Dad, a slightly shorter Mom, even shorter
girl and boy figures, one sitting baby and a cat.
Each figure is included in six different colors
and the set of 72 pieces is packaged in a plastic
bucket with a lid. This family will transition easily from math time to playtime!
013730 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.99 17.50
☼First Sorting Kit (132 pieces) (PK-3)
These basic shape counters (132 pieces) come
in a variety of shapes: 1 ½” x 1 ½” fish, 1” cubes,
1 ¼” flat circles, 1 ½” tall bears. The manipulatives come in the primary colors plus orange,
purple and green. The number of each shapes
included varies, but the minimum is approximately 12. A sorting tray makes the tasks easier!
The yellow shape sorter is 1-foot diameter, with
4 smaller (approx. 4” at widest) divided sections
and 2 larger (approx. 8” at widest) divided sections. Sturdy plastic. ~ Ruth
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
060914(A.) . . . . . . . . . . . . 34.99 19.95
☼Transparent Sorting Mats (set of 6) (PK-AD)
What a neat little set! At first I wasn’t sure
what to do with these, but the consultants provided lots of great ideas (aside from the obvious
manipulative sorting). This set contains six dry
erase 16.5” x 12.5” mats. They’re transparent
with colored lines printed on them. Each set
contains one of each: 2x2 grid, 2x3 grid, 4 sets
of ten-frames, three columns, two columns, and
a two-circle Venn diagram. The 2x2 grid would
be great for use with the Four Square Writing
Method. The 2x3 could be used for drawing out
a story (like storyboarding for a writing/drawing
project or comic). The three columns work really well for use with Base 10 place value manipulatives, and the two columns would be great for
writing out pros and cons. They would be great
for circle time in a classroom setting. But why
transparent? These were originally designed for
use on a light table like the EduPanel. Two mats
will fit on the A3 sized panel, while the A2
panel will fit one mat. Even without the light
tables, though, these would work great on a flat
surface like the kitchen table. – Laura
038317(B.) . . . . . . . . . . . . 29.95 26.95
The rhyming text is engaging and fun, and when
you are through – learning’s been done (see, it’s
sticking with me!). A handy review page in the
Teddy Bear Counters Set of 100 (PK-AD)
Learn to count with these lovable plastic teddy back sums up the text and activities. 30 pgs, pb.
bear counters. This set has 100 hard plastic 047239 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.95
counters in the shape of teddy bears. They
come in blue, green, yellow, and red - 25 Teddy Bear Patterns (PK-3)
This picture book teaches counting, sorting,
counters in each color. They also come in a
re-sealable bag for easy storage when you are patterns, and basic arithmetic with colorful
teddy bear counters. The book begins with illusdone counting! - elise
trations of sorted teddy bear counters, divided
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
018735 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.99
8.95 into piles by color. Then it forms two-color
patterns, with red and yellow bears alternating
to form a line. One by one bears of other colThree Bear Family Rainbow Counters (PK-2)
Cute plastic bears in three sizes, three weights, ors are added into the pattern. As the patterns
and six colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, become more advanced, they demonstrate addipurple). Baby bear weighs 4 grams, mama tion, multiplication, and skip-counting by twos.
weighs 8 grams, and papa weighs 12 grams. A playful rhyme accompanies the story as the
Proportional weights allow use on balance for bears “dance” across the page, manipulating
measurement discoveries (“How many babies patterns. Perfect to use with real bear counters
weigh as much as mama and papa?”). We or other manipulatives. 32 pgs, pb. ~ Lisa
recommend doing these activities on a pan 009227 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.95
balance, not a teeter-totter type balance where
placement of the bears is crucial (and potentially Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear School Day Math (PK-2)
This charming picture book takes a familiar
frustrating for young children). Rainbow set
includes 24 papa, 24 mama, and 48 baby bear nursery rhyme and repurposes it for math class!
counters and is packaged in a resealable bag. Using colorful illustrations of teddy bear counNote that although the bears are slightly differ- ters as its theme, this book teaches basic math
ent in appearance (bears are standing and wear- concepts with a clever variation on the “Teddy
ing backpacks) to the ones featured on the Three Bear, Teddy Bear” rhyme. Each left hand page
Bear Family Sorting and Pattern cards below, has a verse of the rhyme (ie. “Teddy bear, teddy
bear, say your age.”), while the opposite page
the sizes, colors and weights are identical.
presents a problem to solve (ie. “How many
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
003057 Set of 96 (C.) . . . . . 24.99 13.95 bears are on this page?”). Kids will also combine
math and movement as they pat their heads
while counting the teddy bears or clap and
Teddy Bear Counter Activities & Books
shout while subtracting them. If you wish, you
Three Bear Family Pattern & Sequencing Cards can read this story using actual teddy bear counters for a truly tactile experience. 32 pgs, pb.
Give your youngster a head start on pat- 031286 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.95
terns and logic with these colorful pattern
and sequencing cards. This set contains 15 Teddy Bear Math (K-3)
This hands-on rhyming book is perfect to
double-sided cards for use with Three Bear
Family Counters. Counters are used to physi- use with Teddy Bear Counters. Using catchy
cally duplicate the pattern printed on each card. rhymes, it gives beginning lessons on ordinal
Occasionally, an activity card will ask your numbers, graphing, addition, subtraction, mulchild to predict the next bear (both size and tiplication, and division. Undoubtedly, this will
be a welcome addition to a little one’s math
color) that best fits the pattern. ~ Anh
015886 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
7.95 lesson. ~ Gina
049206 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.95
Three Bear Family Sorting Activity Cards (PK-2)
Whether it's at a picnic, during a relay race, Teddy Bear Counters at the Fair (PK-3)
Now you can use those bears for more than
or on a walk through the country, Three Bear
Families sure know how to have fun! 22 full- just counting! This reproducible book provides
color activities practice matching and sorting by directions for tons of activities and games to
color and size, classifying, ordering, patterns, play, all using teddy bear counters and all reinand counting. For use with Three Bear Family forcing early math skills. The book is divided
into nine sections; exploration, patterns, early
counters in six colors. ~ Anh
025220 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.95
8.75 number sense and place value, addition and
subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions, measurement, puzzles with games and
Teddy Bear Counting (PK-2)
This colorful book gets kids counting (and investigation, and graphing and interpreting
more!) with the ever-cute and friendly teddy data. Each section has between two and nine
bear counters. You can either just read this different games to aid in teaching the different
book to your child or have them do the activi- concepts. The creative "fair" games are capties along with the text (use item #18735 with tivating and normally require little more than
teddy bear counters in 4 colors – red, yellow, teddy bear counters. If they do need additional
green & blue; you won’t need different sized materials, they are simple, such as paper clips,
bears for this book). The teddies slowly join the containers, construction paper, etc. - Melissa
group one by one to add up to twelve, break 010131 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.99
into sets of six, four and three, form different
shapes (circle, square and triangle), and then Teddy Bear Subtraction (K-3)
subtract until the teddies have all gone home. 045403 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.95
Teddy Bear Counters
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Pattern Blocks & Activity Books
Pattern Block Activities
Wooden Pattern Blocks & Sets
Primary Pattern Block Task Cards (PK-2)
Create unique geometric designs using pattern
blocks and task cards. These fun task cards
depict pattern block design outlines, and ask
children how many and what type of blocks are
needed to fill in an outlined design, to continue
a design, or to complete other tasks. Pattern
block outlines are true-to-size, so children can
lay pattern blocks right on the card to solve the
problem, or create a design. Includes 22 singlesided 8.5" x 11" cards and instructions. ~ Anh
019872 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.99 11.50
Wooden Pattern Blocks (PK-8)
Oh, the feel of a nice, thick (1 cm.) wooden
pattern block! Don’t tell your children that
these aren’t just toys! The bright, enticing
primary colors seem to draw even the smallest
of our children into play. Proportioned shapes
allow for the construction of infinite designs.
Even before they begin to use them for “work”
on symmetry, congruence, similarity, measurement, fractional relationships, counting, sorting,
and geometry, they are discovering the unique
relationships between the blocks and getting
plenty of experience in patterning and spatial
problem-solving. We’ve had hours of enjoyment with our set and, with 250 blocks to the
set, there’s enough for several children to construct or work simultaneously. Available in a
plastic jar or cardboard box.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
015445 Set of 250 in jar . . . 22.95 17.95
015343 Set of 250 (boxed) . 20.95 20.95
Pattern Blocks and Boards (PK-3)
Yet another great way to use a classic favorite!
Well-built wooden box features vivid, colorful
patterns displayed attractively on 10 wooden
panels. Over 100 wooden pattern blocks in
6 different shapes and colors are included to
replicate the patterns. Not just fun playthings,
pattern blocks can also be used as basic math
manipulatives to teach geometric shapes and
relationships, symmetry, fractional relationships, counting, sorting, creativity, spatial problem solving, and the list goes on ...
011915 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.99 15.50
Magnetic Pattern Block Set (PK-5)
For home, school, car, or vacation - classic
fun on the go! The kit includes 120 magnetic
wooden shapes in 6 different colors, 12 durable
pattern cards, a hand-painted magnetic board,
and a clear-plastic zippered carrying case.
Board measures 14.5” x 12” x 1.5”.
039277 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.99 15.50
Pattern Blocks (Brights!) (PK-3)
All the same characteristics of a typical plastic
pattern blocks set (250 pieces, .5 cm thick) BUT
the colors are attention-grabbing, almost neon-y
bright: sunshiny yellow, tangerine, coral, ocean
blue, lime green and magenta. ~ Janice
061999 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.99 17.25
Pattern Block Trays (PK-8)
Triangular and hexagonal trays to hold pattern
blocks for children to experiment and build
mosaic designs. Though restrictive in that they
form an outside design border, the advantage is
that the blocks stay put. We tested these with
our old set of wooden pattern blocks. The triangular tray worked alright, though it was a little
tight. Working with the hexagonal tray was
frustrating! After many unsuccessful attempts
at jamming the last few blocks in, we got the
bright idea of switching to plastic blocks. You
know, that little bit of paint really makes a difference! We found that the .5 cm plastic blocks
worked the best; we had no trouble with these.
The blocks slid right in and were a pleasure
to work with. So, if you have plastic pattern
blocks - these will be a great addition! (The set
of 250 blocks works better than a set of 100,
as you have more blocks to work with). If not,
and you like the concept, you'll have to invest
in a set of plastic blocks to use them. My testers
(Stephen and Janine) kept at it for hours!
015341 Hexagonal Tray (A.) . 5.99
015342 Triangular Tray . . . . . 5.99
Magnetic Foam Pattern Blocks
Combine the fun of magnets with the versatility of pattern blocks. Use them for math patPlastic / Foam Pattern Blocks & Sets
tern block activities or just for fun. Set of 200
includes activity booklet. ~ Megan
Plastic Pattern Blocks (PK-8)
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
If plastic pattern blocks fit your needs better,
017733 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.99 13.25
we also offer several sets of solid (not cookiecutter type) plastic pattern blocks. 1-cm thick
Magnetic Pattern Blocks (PK-6)
blocks are dimensionally very close to wooden
Build early math (or literacy) skills with pattern
blocks, while .5-cm thick blocks are slightly
blocks! Each set includes 42 colorful magnetic
smaller, and actually fit into pattern block trays
pattern blocks, 20 pattern sheets, 2 magnetic
boards (7 ½” x 10”), and an activity guide. The
018743 Set of 100 (.5 cm) . . 9.99
pattern blocks represent a variety of geometric
017270 Set of 250 (.5 cm)
shapes (hexagon, trapezoid, diamond, square,
in resealable bag . . 17.999.95
triangle, and rhombus), and students will enjoy
018744 Set of 250 (1 cm.-thick)
arranging them on the white magnetic boards.
in bucket . . . . . . . . 20.9518.95
The pattern sheets provide diagrams for creating
20 themed objects, such as a duck (farm set),
airplane (transportation set), or elephant (zoo
animals set). A fun, hands-on way to learn geometric shapes and develop matching and visual
discernment. ~ Lisa
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
EACH SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.99 12.95
047841 The Farm 047995 Zoo Animals
Pattern Block Activity Cards (PK-3)
This pack comes with twenty color-coded
cards showing different arrangements that you
can create with your own set of pattern blocks.
Each card is 8 5/8” x 11” in size and made out
of a sturdy card stock. A flower, tropical bird,
space shuttle, and owl are just a few of the
creative arrangements included. These cards
will entertain your young children and maybe
even inspire them to make some designs of their
own. – elise
037520(B.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
Pattern Block Book (K-3)
Armed with this book and a small set of pattern blocks, you’ll be ready to have some fun
with your young one exploring all kinds of
math concepts. Similar to the Math Discoveries
books, this volume has a little broader range
while retaining the fun flavor of those explorations. Every “lesson” has a Focal Point which
explains its goal. This is followed by a short
materials list (usually just pattern blocks) and
instructions for leading the activity. A nice additional feature is the Guided Learning section
which gives you a little scripted dialogue to use
after the activity. An extension activity is also
provided at the bottom of each teacher page
which invites you to “Explore More with PB”
(PB being a little mascot character). Facing this
teaching page is the activity page itself – very
crisply and cleanly done. While the activities
are fun and informal, the amount and breadth
of learning is impressive. After an exploration
and discovery unit, this 133-page volume covers
numbers & operations, geometry, measurement,
algebra and probability & statistics. Activities
within these units are orderly, beginning with
simple concepts and building to more complex.
For example, the Algebra section begins with
simple patterns and sequences and culminates
with an activity titled “Guess the Robot’s Secret”
which introduces functions. So while “playing”
and having guided fun with pattern blocks, your
child is getting some real meat in their math
diet. The groundwork you lay here will pay off
later when some of these mental connections
are already in place for higher level math work.
013718 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.95 12.75
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Tangrams & Activity Books
Attribute Blocks & Activity Books
Cuisenaire Rods & Activity Books
Tangrams, plastic (K+)
We have used our tangrams so much! We’ve
used them with reproducibles, games, to invent
new “puzzles,” and in church activities. The
entire family likes to sit down and “race” to
solve a tangram puzzle — helps us keep our
visual thinking skills sharp! The kids love to
beat out mom and dad, which is one reason this
kind of activity is so great — it isn’t necessarily
age that wins, but perception. Tangrams come
in 5 different colors (red, blue, yellow, green
and magenta). We’ll assort colors if you order
more than one set.
Attribute Logic Blocks (PK-8)
Explore sets, classification, and relationships
using attribute logic blocks. Desk set of 60 plastic blocks come in 5 shapes, 3 colors, 2 sizes,
and 2 thicknesses. Build “attribute” trains with
only 1 attribute the same (or only 1 different),
or 2, etc. Classify pieces based on common
characteristics, build overlapping and intersecting sets. Helps children develop awareness
of logical relationships. Comes with sorting/
storing tray and instruction activities booklet.
(Here’s a handy tip from one of our resourceful customers... the lid for the blocks can also
double as a stencil!)
Before a child can grasp the abstract ideas
needed for computational skills, the concrete
foundation must be laid. These colorful rods,
based on a 1 cm. unit, accurately portray the
volume of a number. They encourage tactile
manipulation of numbers and model-building,
patterning and spatial discovery. Rods are
flexible - they can be used to model almost
any mathematical concept and develop a wide
variety of skills.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
010884 One Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25
TANGR44 Sets (different colors) 4.40 3.95
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
007935 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.99
Mathematics Made Meaningful (PK-8)
This kit comes with 148 rods, a self sorting
tray, 50 activity cards, a wall poster, and an
80-page teacher’s manual. Beginning with some
early games, the concept activity cards include
patterning, set theory, a step-by-step introduction to basic operations and fractions using the
rods, as well as more advanced topics. You may
want to use these each year with your children,
going as far into the activities as their abilities
allow. Everything you need to get started with
Cuisenaire rods is right in this box! Our “best
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
004967 Plastic Rods . . . . . . . . 44.95
014674 Wooden Rods . . . . . . . 37.95
☼Attribute Blocks (Brights!) (K-AD)
Five shapes (circle, rectangle, hexagon, square
and triangle) come in two sizes each and in two
thicknesses and three different “bright” colors
– tangerine, magenta, and ocean blue. Also
included is a lime green storage tray (clear lid),
a lime green tracing template and an activity
guide. The guide is minimal but does include
suggestions for exploring color relationships,
comparing size relationships and examining the
thickness attribute as well as some grouping
"Quiet" Tangrams (K+)
exercises. ~ Janice
“No Frills” Rods
Soft manipulatives, made of thick foam, that 061988(B.) . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.99 14.95
These sets each contain 155 rods contained in
don't go sliding all over the activity books!
a bucket. Use with Miquon Math Labs materials
Relatively noiseless, tactily satisfying, they are
or any of the other activity books/kits available.
easier for children to work with because they
Also good for supplementing your rod supply
tend to stay put.
if you have several children using rods at the
same time.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
020650 4 sets in 4 colors . . . 4.95
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
006380 Plastic rods . . . . . . 22.99 17.50
☼Smart Pak Tangrams Set of 42 (K-AD)
008265 Wooden rods . . . . . 24.99 18.95
Six sets of seven-piece tangram sets (3.75”
square) – blue, purple, red, green, yellow and
Introduction to Cuisenaire Rods (74 Rods)
orange. The activity guide is extremely minimal
Get acquainted with rods! Set contains 74 rods
with an explanation of what tangrams are, how
and a Learning with Cuisenaire Rods Teacher
activities can align to CCSS and suggestions for
Guide. Use for a single child with Miquon or
three types of exercises. ~ Janice
other activity books/kits.
057807 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.99
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
002153Plastic . . . . . . . . . . 13.99 10.95
Tangram Pattern Cards (PK-1)
014675 Wood (E.) . . . . . . . 17.99 13.95
044960 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.99 10.50
Connecting Cuisenaire Rods
☼Relational Attribute Blocks (PK-8)
Pentominoes & Activity Books
Connecting Cuisenaire Rods have all the funcLong used as a math manipulative for younger tionality of traditional Cuisenaire rods and more.
children, this set of manipulatives helps children The rods can connect to one another, sort of like
Pentomino Set
Test your spatial logic skills with pentominos! learn attributes that will strengthen their math Lego pieces, and they have unit markings on
Use with the Pentomino Puzzle Book above or skills. They will learn concepts like large/small, one side of the rod, making it easier than ever
challenge yourself to make your own puzzles. thick/thin, colors, shapes, and much more. to introduce concepts like addition, division,
The set contains 12 different shapes made up of The set includes 60 tiles which come in two and fractions. The Intro Set includes 74 plastic
sizes of circles, squares, triangles, hexagons, rods, a storage tray, and a teacher's booklet.
5 one inch squares. ~ Enh
and rectangles and in 3 colors (red, blue, yel- The Small Group Set contains 155 plastic rods
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
007910(A.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.83
2.15 low). Neatly packaged in a storage and sorting in a storage tub. ~ Anh
box, children will love using them for math or CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
general play. Shhh! Don’t tell them they’re edu- 024117 Intro Set (74 Rods) 13.99 10.95
cational! ~ Donna
024116 Small Group Set
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
(155 Rods) . . . . . . . 22.9917.50
058412(C.) . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.99 12.95
Tangrams Brights! (Assorted colors) (K-AD)
Based on a 4” square, these tangram sets are
appealing colors – ocean blue, magenta, lime
green, sunshine yellow, tangerine, and coral.
If ordering a single set, we’ll pick the color. If
ordering more than one single set, we’ll assort
the colors. If ordering the six sets, all six colors
come in one package. ~ Janice
062005 Single Set . . . . . . . . . . 1.25
062004 6 Sets . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00
Attribute Activity Set (PK-K)
064906(D.) . . . . . . . . . . . . 32.99
Attribute Blocks Activity Pack and Teaching
Guide (PK-1)
037850 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.98
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Cuisenaire Alphabet Book (K-4)
Our children really enjoyed using this book
when they were first working with rods. Of
course, it helped that they were also learning
their letter sounds parallel to using this book.
Each 2-page spread has the outline of a letter to
be filled in with rods (instructions on different
ways to cover it are given) alongside a page of
objects, also to be filled in, which begin with
that letter. Besides the reinforcement to our
phonics program and obvious spatial relationship skills learned, the questions posed through
the exercises provided a very tender introduction to more advanced mathematical concepts.
While we used this book at the younger end of
the suggested age-range, older children would
derive additional benefits from the more complex questions involving addition sentences,
Cuisenaire Rod Storage and Sorting Tray
You have asked and asked, and finally, here it early multiplication, and problem-solving.
is! A sorting and storage tray for your Cuisenaire 061844 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rods. This is the same thing as the white plastic
tray that comes in the Making Math Meaningful Addition & Subtraction with Cuisenaire Rods
sets, now available as a separate item. If you (K-2)
This 208-page resource contains complete
have purchased a “no frills” set of Cuisenaire
rods, you can use this tray to keep the rods lesson plans for a systematic presentation of
organized and separated. The tray is designed topics such as inequalities, addition with 1-digit
to hold the small group set of 155 pieces. Kids numbers, missing addends, and subtraction with
1-digit numbers using the rods. Using appealing
love to organize the rods in the tray too!
003196 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.95 and enjoyable activities, students are led from
concrete experience to pictorial representation,
then to activities with numbers. Includes blackCuisenaire Rod Track
A very useful addition to your Cuisenaire line masters of activity pages for the student.
rod set! This 50-cm. track not only holds rod 061843 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “trains” in place, but 1-cm. markings allow for
easy number equivalent of length. Great for Everything’s Coming Up Fractions w/
working with larger numbers in all four basic Cuisenaire Rods (3-6)
Cuisenaire rods are a real aid in exploring,
014565 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.50 explaining, and expanding on the meaning of
fractions. Fractions are numerical relationships - like the relationship of the yellow rod
1-cm Graph Paper Pad
Versatile graph paper for recording rod pat- to the blue rod (5/9). Equivalent fractions are
terns, measurement, place value and more. easily explained also, using rod equivalents.
We use ours for number lines, charts, graphing Other topics include addition and subtraction
coordinates, drawing to scale, laying out cross of fractions, finding common denominators,
stitch patterns, room layouts, linear and area and ratios. Riddles, puzzles and plenty of rod
measurements, fractions, and a myriad of other pictures add to the interest. 64 pgs.
things! Once you’re used to having this help- 061845 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ful tool around, you’ll always keep a spare pad
Spatial Problem Solving with Cuisenaire Rods
handy! Pad of 100 sheets.
012626 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.50 (4-8)
2 and 3-dimensional puzzle problems covering
Idea Book For Cuisenaire Rods at the Primary rod tangram problems, rotations, reflections (rod
analogies) and diagramming 2- and 3-dimenLevel (PK-2)
sional structures. 64 pgs.
Not just a resource book, this
061847 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.95
program presents mathematical concepts, via rods, to small
☼Rods-Clue Puzzles Book (5-9)
children. Activities progress
Now that your children are a little older
from the concrete level to the
and you aren’t using your Cuisenaire Rods for
pictorial level to the symbolic
Miquon Math or some other math curriculum,
(numerical) level and cover
let your children use them to solve math thinka wide range of concepts,
ing puzzles. The object of each puzzle is to
including basic operations. By
using a variety of approaches, children are led make a 2-dimensional design or pattern meeting
to discover that there is more than one way to all the clue criteria. The front of the book gives
solve a problem. The book is clear and easy you very helpful tips for understanding each
to use, with complete lesson plans (one lesson puzzle’s clues. There are 165 puzzles that progper page) including materials needed, setting, ress in difficulty. They may have only two clues
teaching instructions, underlying mathemati- or as many as five clues. These puzzles are a fun
cal concepts, and appropriate age level. Each way to work on math reasoning skills and there
facing page contains either a photograph or may be more than one solution for some of the
colored illustration depicting the use of rods in more challenging puzzles. Here’s an easy one
the lesson. A good way to get started with rods! for you. There is a row of 10 units. This design
005104 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.95 uses exactly two rods and the first rod is two
Magnetic Cuisenaire Rods (Set of 64) (K-5)
If you prefer Cuisenaire rods in two-dimensional form, then you’ve come to the right place.
This set contains 64 rods as flat magnets – perfect for presentations on a magnetic board or
the fridge. This set includes standard Cuisenaire
rod colors and increments, although the measurements have been proportionally enlarged
for demonstration purposes. In a standard set of
Cuisenaire Rods, the shortest Rod (white), is 1
cm long and the largest (orange) is 10 cm long.
In this magnetic set, the white Rod has been
enlarged to 2.5 cm x 2.5 cm and the orange Rod
has been enlarged to 25 cm x 2.5 cm. ~ Lisa
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
046965 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.99 12.95
more than the last rod – which Cuisenaire Rods
are you using? The answer: the dark green rod
is six units and the purple rod is four units – that
equals 10 units. The answer key is found in the
back of the book, just in case you get stumped.
Use this book for extra math activities alongside your curriculum to add a deeper thinking
dimension. This is a nice supplement for home
or classroom and it's reproducible for family or
classroom use. ~ Donna
061846 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28.95
Hundred Number Charts, Boards & Activities
1-100 Number Poster-Charts
Let's Count to 100! Number Chart (PK-2)
Number chart measures 17" x 22" and is printed on sturdy cardstock. Number grid is printed
in black and white with a red border around the
edges of the chart.
025296 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.49
☼1 to 100 Number Grid Say-It Chart (PK-3)
Colorful, cardstock poster shows a large 10x10
number grid with the 5’s and 10’s in a different color. The large format (17x22”) has a star
border with rainbow colored balloons across the
top. This would be great as a math reference
tool, of course, but also for the 100th day of
school! Use it as a count down (or up!) On the
back of the poster are 50 activity ideas for the
100th day, a smaller version of the number grid
that is reproducible, and a 100th day certificate
you can copy for your students to color. ~ Sara
059422 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.99
1-100 Number Charts & Activities
☼Hundred Board – Laminated (PK-K)
This hundred board is a versatile math manipulative. One side features a chart of 1” squares
numbered from 1-100. The other side features
the same grid, but with blank squares. The
lines between the squares are not as bold as
other charts we carry and the board features
a red, 1cm-wide border. Made of thin, glossy
cardstock the board is fairly durable and is very
handy to have around. Measures 11” x 11.”
042608 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.80
☼Hundreds Dry Erase Board 9"x12" 2-sided (PK-3)
This laminated board is a useful manipulative
for basic math functions, checking calculation
answers and so much more. Black numbers are
printed on a white background in rows of ten
up to 100. On the opposite side, the 100 grid
(¾” x ¾”) is blank for your student to fill in. Use
a dry-erase marker or even counters to practice
math problems. 9” x 12”. ~ Ruth
060917 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.99
Hundred Number Chart
Laminated chart from 1-100 in 1” squares.
Blank grid on reverse.
018739 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.75
Hundreds Wipe-Off Chart
This reusable chart can be used with wipe-off
crayons or markers. Additional activities, information, and helpful hints can be found on the
back of the chart. ~ Enh
023398 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.99
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Hundred Number Tiles (K-2)
A great complement to the hundred number
chart, these quality plastic tiles were one of
Mark’s favorite math manipulatives when he
was learning to count to 100. Sorting them into
stacks of 10 helped him understand the concept
of place value. Turning random tiles upside
down helped him learn “What’s between ___
and ___?” Tiles are the right size to fit in the
squares on the hundred number chart. “Dad,
can we use the tiles today?”
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
004371 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.25
100 Ant Picnic Math Activity Set (K-3)
057791 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29.99 22.50
☼Write-On/Wipe-Off Double-Sided 120
Number Board (K-3)
While many number charts show up to 100,
this one goes to 120. This is not a times table;
the numbers go across 1-10 in the first row,
then 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, etc. A teacher/parent can use this to show number sequencing,
skip counting, or counting by 10s. On the back
is a blank grid of 10” x 12” squares that you
can write on with a dry-erase marker (you can
write on both sides actually). White with bold
black numbers and a colorful red striped border.
11x13” cardstock. ~ Sara
039322 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.95
Common Core Counting Board Set (K-3)
Number squares will stay in place on this
magnetic mat. Magnetic mat measures approximately 15“X 18” and features a 101-120 extension piece. Mat also will work with quality
dry erase markers making this a more versatile teaching aid. Set includes 120 magnetic
squares, numbered 1 to 120 and is color-coded
for multiples of 5 and 10. Number magnets
measure approximately 1.5” x 1.5”. ~ Deanne
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
049098 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.95 20.55
Magnetic Hundred Number Set (K-3)
Practical and versatile, this magnetic hundred
number set is a valuable resource for the homeschool or classroom setting. Double-sided number board measures approximately 9”x12”, has
blank 10x10 grid on one side and the hundred
number grid on the flip side. It would be possible to use the number board with quality dry
erase markers giving you more options for math
activities. Set also includes 101 magnetic tiles
with numbers 0-100, and several blank tiles that
may be used for the activities. Includes activity 120 Number Board (1-AD)
064386 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29.99 23.50
guide. ~ Deanne
058802 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.95 25.19
Magnetic Demonstration 0-120 Chart (K-AD)
064900 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32.99 23.95
Hundred Pocket Chart (PK-3)
Pocket charts are a versatile teaching tool that
Linking Cubes (connect on 1 side)
can be used for a variety of lessons. This one
is made of heavy, reinforced bright blue vinyl
with 100 short clear pockets arranged 10x10 Unifix Cubes (PK-8)
Unifix cubes have long been recognized as a
and has 1 grommet in each upper corner for
hanging. It comes with a set of cardstock num- manipulative of choice for teaching beginning
ber squares 1-100, plus cards for add/subtract/ math concepts. While not as versatile as multimultiply/divide/equals. The cards are red on links (as Unifix Cubes snap together only on top
one side and white on the other. How do you and bottom), they are easier for small children
use this pocket chart? Place the number cards in to link together and take apart. Use them for
the pockets in numerical order showing all one counting, adding, subtracting and other math
color. As you are learning to skip count, you functions. There are a wide range of sets and
can turn the multiples of a number over as you materials available to choose from. We have
count (3, 6, 9, 12, etc.) You could do the same selected what we believe to be the most useful,
thing with evens and odds. Use the cards with versatile, and inexpensive to fill your needs.
the +/- to create daily warm-up problems. Your CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
kinesthetic learners will love the opportunity to 000742 100 Cubes w/Booklet 13.95 11.50
get up and move around. You could use it as
Ten each of ten colors, plus an activity book.
a large 100 number chart too! No wall space? 004087 No Frills Cubes . . . 13.95 9.50
Hang it on the back of a door! ~ Sara
Same as above, but packed and bagged
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
from bulk to save you money.
060916 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.95 15.25 UNIFIX Set of 120 (10 each of 12 colors) . . . . . . . . . . . 14.0910.50
049224 Pink Cubes (100) . . . 13.95 11.50
1-120 Number Charts & Activities
049225 Purple Cubes (100) . . 13.95 11.50
034940 10 Pink & 10 Purple . . . 2.75
1-120 Number Board – Laminated (PK-K)
Yes, you can get Unifix cubes in pink and
This hundred board is a versatile math manipupurple! Choose from a set of 100 of either
lative. One side features a chart of 1” squares
color, or a set of 20 cubes that includes
numbered from 1-120. The other side features
ten pink and ten purple. Sets of 100 also
the same grid, but with blank squares. The
include an activity book but not all activities
lines between the squares are not as bold as
will apply to a one-color set of cubes (patother charts we carry and the board features
terns, sequences, etc).
a red, 1cm-wide border. Made of thin, glossy
cardstock the board is fairly durable and is very
handy to have around. Measures 11” x 11.”
042608 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.80
Step Up to 120 Board (K-2)
064880 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
☼Unifix Cubes Ten-Frame Cards (K-2)
Ten-frames help students visualize numbers
1-10 by showing a picture of 10 squares. This
set of 60 bright yellow cards, each containing
an image of a ten-frame, is designed for use
with Unifix cubes (linking cubes in various colors.) These frames have images of Unifix cubes
(green or orange), ranging in any number from
0-10. You can use these with your student in
a variety of ways. For example, use them as
flashcards and have your child say the number
as they see the filled-in squares. Add real Unifix
cubes in the empty spaces to complete the 10.
Make them a different color and you can add
and subtract. Made from glossy cardstock, 6” x
3.5”, with rounded corners. ~ Sara
060833(A.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.95
Unifix Cubes Hundred Base (K-4)
064881(B.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.95
☼Unifix Graphing Base (1-5)
Grab your standard Unifix cubes and get busy
counting! This unique set includes a plastic base
(4” x 9” x 1”) with 6 squares on top onto which
you stack your cubes color by color. A background (10” x 10”) with lines on it (and blank
on the back) clearly lets you count and compare
your various colors. You can easily write on the
background with a dry erase marker and wipe
if off to use again and again. Not sure what to
compare? Six little topic cards will give you
some ideas (animals, colors, candy, holidays,
fruits & sports). For example, have the students
walk around with a notepad and count how
many green items, how many yellow, etc., are
in the room. They then gather that number of
Unifix cubes and place them on the base. When
you look at them all together, you can see that
you have just created a graph against the background. It’s simple, clever and versatile! ~ Sara
060837 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.95
Mathematics With Unifix Cubes (K-2)
These books are a nice accompaniment to your
Unifix cubes. Each book provides 20 grade-level
appropriate activities keyed to NCTM standards
in the areas of basic operations, patterns, simple
measurement and graphing, and probability.
Each activity includes instructions, suggestions
for extension activities, and any reproducible
pages that are needed. Activities range from
simple matching and counting at the kindergarten level to addition, subtraction, area and
perimeter in the 3rd grade level. - Donna
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . 14.95 11.50
047284Kindergarten 047283 Grade 2
047282 Grade 1
Linking Cubes/Shapes (connect on all sides)
Multilink Cubes (PK-6)
Multilink cubes connect on all six sides, making them a more versatile manipulative than the
Unifix cubes. They come in ten each of ten
colors: black, white, brown, light blue, green,
dark green, red, pink, yellow and orange.
018741 Set of 100 . . . . . . . 16.60 15.75
1” Linking Cubes - 100 pieces (1-8)
Made for little hands, these 1” cubes are a bit
larger than the traditional linking cubes (3/4”).
Ten cubes of each color can be used just like
the smaller linking cubes – orange, dark blue,
brown, black, dark green, yellow, purple, light
green, red, and white. These cubes are also Multilink Mixed Pack (PK-AD)
attachable on all sides and fit snugly together – Contains 150 items total, including 100 cubes,
not easily pulled apart. ~ Donna
30 prisms, and 20 Isos in 10 different colors.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
050127 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29.95 23.25
054119 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.95 10.95
Cubes Math Activity Cards w/ Teaching Guide
3/4" Linking Cubes (PK-3)
¾-inch (2-cm) sturdy plastic interlocking cubes 037861 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.98
in ten colors. Use to teaching patterning,
classifying, counting, place value, addition, AllLink Cubes (PK-8)
subtraction and much more. Cubes have one
Cubes that connect on all sides, like Multilink
connecting peg on one end and round holes on Cubes. Compared to Multilink Cubes, I found
all other sides. 100 cube sets include 10 each AllLink Cubes much easier to manipulate and
of 10 colors.
snap together. One set contains ten each of ten
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
colors (white, black, brown, orange, yellow,
013362 Set of 100 cubes . . 12.49
7.50 red, pink, purple, blue, green). ~ Anh
☼Linking Cubes, 2 CM (PK-8)
Linking cubes are great math manipulatives;
use them for patterns, counting and more. These
plastic sets offer options for larger projects and
come in 10 colors. The Linking Cube 100 piece
set includes holds 10 of each color and comes
in a transparent container with lid.
The Classroom Set comes in a 15”x11.5”
(including handles) translucent carrying case
with blue handles which snap down to keep
the included lid tight. It includes 4 blue base
boards, 400 2cm cubes, 50 triangles and 50
quadrants. Activity cards with visual directions
provide 28 designs for early childhood use & 56
math activities. ~ Ruth
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
060919 100 piece Set (A.) . . 11.00
060918 Classroom Set . . . . 104.99 57.95
☼2-cm Linking Cube Brick Construction Set 550 pieces (PK-K)
Plastic bricks are compatible with 2cm linking
cubes. Set contains 300 2-cm bricks, 60 2-cm
linking cubes in two colors, 10 open cubes, 50
quadrants, 50 triangles, 80 rods and 28 doublesided activity cards.
064907(B.) . . . . . . . . . . . . 61.99 47.95
Math Cubes Playbook Set (PK-1)
Introduce pre-schoolers to math concepts in a
way that feels like play! This set comes with 15
math cubes and a book. Math cubes look like
a cross between a Lego and a multi-link cube.
On one side is a peg and all other sides have
a hole, this allows for all sorts of mathematical
configurations. Brightly colored plastic cubes in
blue, yellow and neon red are used in 25 activities. Activities include color sorting, making patterns, and following directions to create specific
shapes like a pyramid or a giraffe. The book is
about 6"x8". 30pgs, pb. ~Sara
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
056062 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.99
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
017269 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00
Omnifix® (6-12)
These unique plastic cubes provide a tactile
and visual way to learn dimensional math –
area, symmetry, volume, and patterns. They are
also a great manipulative for older students to
work on fractions, cubed numbers, place value,
tessellations, spatial relationships, and other
mathematical concepts.
Omnifix® Cubes come in flat configurations
that fold easily to make cubes, and they attach
together from any side, allowing students to
create shapes of all forms and sizes. Take them
apart and reposition them to help in understanding. The set includes cubes in four different
colors and the accompanying booklet provides
activity suggestions.
Omnifix® Activity Cards expand the use of
your cubes. 16 activities (1 per card) cover
topics such as recording patterns, regular and
irregular shapes, pyramids, frames, blocks, and
factors. While some of these activities seem a bit
rudimentary, they might be helpful for a more
visual or kinesthetic learner.
Omnifix® Cubes provide a new way to learn
some concepts that will appeal to visual and
kinesthetic learners.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
031475 Omnifix Activity Cards13.95 11.50
031486 Omnifix Cubes - Set of 10
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.95 10.95
Dominoes & Activity Books
Colored Double-Six Dominoes
Brightly colored wooden dominoes - 28 pcs
in one of six assorted colors; sorry - no color
choice. CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
015325(C.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.25
Double Nine Wooden Dominoes
A sturdy, 55-piece set of black wooden
dominoes to help your child learn numeration,
counting, addition, subtraction, and more. Use
with the Domino activity books below, or even
to play “regular” dominoes!
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
004074 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.95
Dice & Activity Books
Dice Activities for... Series (K-8)
Dice! They're so versatile. But did you know
just how versatile? This series offers a variety
of reproducible blackline masters practicing a
wide range of math concepts through dice activities. Just add dice for some fun, hands-on math
practice! No dice? Each book also includes a
CD-ROM with interactive dice and printable
worksheets. ~ Donna
EACH BOOK BELOW . . . . . . 16.95 12.75
047278 Mathematical Thinking (5-8)
Written for older students, this book develops critical thinking and mental math skills.
Students will gain practice with square
numbers, square roots, prime numbers,
factorials, summations, negative numbers
and integers. Activities are intended for two
teams of 2 students, so you will need to
adapt for a single student; games use anywhere from 1-12 dice and some games use
6 red and 6 green dice. 125 pages.
044448 Math (K-3)
Provides practice with basic number facts.
The first three sections focus on one-, twoand three-dice activities to practice addition, subtraction, and the doubling of numbers. The fourth section presents variations
of halving quantities, and the fifth section
deals with the concept of tens and ones. The
last section provides a variety of Tic-Tac-Toe
activities and games designed for students
to practice math facts, develop reasoning
skills, and play with probability. 90+ pages.
031500 Money (1-3)
They will play Coin Tic-Tac-Toe, banking
activities, and money bingo. Students will
hone their money skills in adding, subtracting, and recognizing number patterns and
money signs. This 112-page book also
includes a digital book so you can print out
pages rather than making copies.
045991 Multiplication (3-6)
Incorporates a collection of fun games and
activities to supplement your core multiplication lessons. Students practice with games
like Tic-Tac-Toe, Four in a Row, Square Off,
or CrossOver.
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
001341 Algebraic Thinking (5-8)
Written to help students gain confidence
with algebraic concepts, this book presents
practice with patterns, relationships, functions, and symbols. Intended as an introduction to algebra, this book incorporates
dice and color tiles to explore algebra on a
visual and kinesthetic level. The CD offers
printable worksheets, as well as virtual dice
and color tiles. Aligned to Common Core
Six-Sided (Standard Cube) Dice
Standard Dice (K-3)
These 1.5 cm white dice with black dots are
great for teaching probability and doing statistics, as well as a variety of games, exercises, and
activities. You can buy a single die, or a set of 4.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
Dice in Dice
Dice in Dice (PK-AD)
This 3/4” six-sided die is made out of a transparent colored plastic and holds a tiny 5/16”
solid white die inside. Shake and roll one die
and you have two numbers! Great for board
games or math activities! – elise
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
036062 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.55
Jumbo Dice in Dice
This large 1 ¼” x 1 ¼” see-through die houses a
standard die within, so you can roll two numbers at once. The outer die is made of colored,
see-through plastic with white dots. Great for
teaching probability and other math concepts—
or simply replace your regular dice with these
on your next family game night. ~ Lisa
046960 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25
046261 Single Die . . . . . . . . . 0.60
036020 Set of 4 Dice . . . . . . . 1.00 Double Dice (K-AD)
Double the dice? At half the price? This deal
Dot Dice
Set of 12 (4 ea) red, white, and green dot dice. is nice! Some helpful advice? Their rolls are
precise! So before I ask twice, please try our
CHOKING HAZARD (1, 3). Not <3yrs.
015326 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.99
2.75 dice. Poor rhyming aside, Double Dice is a
large, transparent die containing a smaller,
opaque die inside. Created by the clever minds
Rainbow Spotted Dice (5 in tube) (K-AD)
Why rainbow dice? Why not! Ordinary black at Koplow Games, these neat little dice come
dots are replaced with colored ones on these in assorted colors and can be used as readily as
traditional white dice. Each die has all 6 colors. two standard six or ten sided counterparts, but
1 is red, 2 is yellow, 3 is orange, 4 is green, 5 add a bit of unexpected variety to any tabletop
is blue and 6 is purple. Kids can learn colors as game. ~ Nick
they learn to count. Let them make up a game, 1CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
or simply change out your regular dice in your 058478 6 Sided (8 pcs. 19mm)2.74
favorite game. The dice are stored in a handy 058472 10 Sided (6pcs.) . . . . 6.50
tube, which makes them easy to keep track of.
Polyhedral Dice & Sets
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
051221 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.90
Polyhedral Dice, Set of 6 (1-AD)
Here’s a set that’ll satisfy all your dice needs!
Number Dice 1-6 (1-8)
These twelve wooden dice feature four pri- Numbers, not dots, are displayed on the sides of
mary colors (red, blue, green, and yellow) and the standard-sized dice. There’s a white 4-sided,
are numbered one through six. There are three a red 6-sided, a black 8-sided, a blue 10-sided,
dice in each color, and the numerical number a green 12-sided, and a yellow 20-sided die.
is given instead of the traditional dots. Adding CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
color to your probability activities will give your 048995 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.99
children an added rolling challenge! – elise
Polyhedra Dice (1-12)
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
Colorful dice perfect for any math activity you
016595 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.99
can think of! Both sets of ten dice come with
two dice each in five bold colors (red, green,
black, blue, and yellow), and the numbers
Blank Dice
are boldly printed on each side. Decahedra
dice have ten sides are numbered 0-9, and
12 Blank Cubes with 77 Stickers (K-AD)
These 12 blank cubes come in red, white, Dodecahedra dice have twelve sides numbered
green and yellow (3 each). 77 square stickers one through twelve. – elise
are included that you can write numbers, let- CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
ters, dots, or other graphics on. Then, place the 016201 Decahedra (10 sides) . 5.00 4.50
stickers on the cubes to make your very own 016207 Dodecahedra (12 sides) 5.00 3.95
customized dice. These versatile cubes let you
make your own games and activities and you Dodecahedra (12 Sided) Dice set of 12
These dice are about the size of regular dice
can also use them as replacement die. ~ Phyllis
but have twelve sides with numbers 1-12 printCHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
036022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00
3.75 ed on the sides.
CHOKING HAZARD (1, 3). Not <3yrs.
040586 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.49
Counting Cubes
This is a set of six blank white dice. You can
use stickers or write numbers, letters or patterns Who Knew? Dice Set (K-AD)
This set includes a variety of interesting dice.
on them and then use them for counting, patterning, making up your own games and more. One looks like a normal die and holds the numbers 1-3 twice each. Three look like you could
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
036025 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.85 spin them like tops, with varying numbers of
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
sides around two “hemispheres” and contain
the numbers up to 5, 7 and 16. The last two are
24 and 30 sided die with the 1-24 and 1-30 on
them. Red and blue sets have white engraved
numbers (no dots) and the white set has black
numbers. Made of heavy plastic with nice
rounded edges. ~ Sara
EACH SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.70
10-Sided Polyhedral Dice (K-AD)
Dice have been popular since before recorded
history. In fact, the oldest dice in the world
were found to be over five thousand years old!
They have been a constant tool for determining
random chance in many games and were typically constructed from bone, wood or ceramics.
These quality polymer dice sets contains polyhedral dice with sides numbered 0-9. Vibrantly
hued, the Elemental and Speckled Dice sets
combine the two into a pleasing mix of assorted
colors. The Olympic dice are modeled after
gold, silver, and bronze medals with a shiny
finish. The pearlized variety have interesting
striation pattern threaded through each die, giving each a glossy sheen. Invent your own games
using our pentagonal trapezohedrons! ~ Nick
1CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
058473 Speckled (25/bag) . . 21.26 15.95
058474Olympic (10/bag) . . . 8.00
058475 Pearlized (10/bag) . . . 8.00
☼Platonic Solids Dice Sets in a Tube (K-AD)
These platonic dice sets contain various sizes
and colors of platonic solid dice. Each set
contains one each of each shape: tetrahedron,
hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, and
icosahedron. Each shape is a different color for
distinguishing purposes. The Jumbo Set contains
one each of black, white, red, blue, and green;
and each measures approximately 1 inch in
diameter. Use a wet or dry-erase marker to create your own options with the Blank Set: blank,
white sides, measuring approximately 3/4” in
diameter. The Standard set also measures 3/4”
in diameter. ~ Ruth
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
058481 Standard (5 pc Set) . . . 3.20 2.75
058476 Blank (White 5 pc Set) 6.00 4.95
058479 Jumbo (5 pc Set) . . . . 8.00 6.50
☼Polyhedral Dice Sets in a Tube (K-AD)
These sets of polyhedral dice in various options
meet all your creative needs. Shapes included
(with number of sides) are the tetrahedron (4),
hexahedron (6), octahedron (8), dodecahedron
(10), decahedron (10), dodecahedron (12) and
icosahedron (20). The Blank set allows for dryerase drawing of figures, numbers—whatever
you’d like—on the white sides. The seven piece
sets contain one of each color. The ten-piece set
doubles up on some of the colors: colors vary.
The Blank and Opaque sets are 1 inch in diameter. Jumbo sets are 1 1/2” in diameter. Note:
the dice in the Jumbo Tube set come in different
colors than similar item #049322. Wonderful
options for multiple uses! ~ Ruth
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
058483 7 Piece Opaque Set . . 4.20 3.50
058482 10 Piece Opaque Set . 5.70 4.50
058477 Blank (White 6 pc set) 7.00 5.75
058480 Jumbo 7 Piece Set . . 11.20 8.95
Rainbow Polyhedral Dice in Box (1-AD)
Using numbers in place of dots, these dice are
engraved with digits in colors of the rainbow.
Come up with all sorts of games to practice
your math facts, or let the kids do it! You could
also use them for review - assign a number to
a list of questions or spelling words, roll a dice
and answer that question or spell that word.
Replace your ordinary dice in a family favorite
game with these to freshen things up! Imagine
rolling a 12-sided die instead of a 6-sider while
playing Monopoly! Set contains a 6-sided,
8-sided, 10-sided, 12-sided, and 20-sided die, a
triangular 4-sided die w/3 numbers on each side
(it lands flat on one face, and the other three
pyramid sides all show the same number at the
top), and a 10-sider with 00, 10, 20, 30, etc to
90. Packaged in a handy plastic box. ~ Sara
058484 Set of 7 . . . . . . . . . . 5.00
Specialty "Math" Dice
Foam Numbers & Operations Dice (K-AD)
Don’t wake the baby! Here is a math dice game
you can play while the littlest one is napping.
Foam dice are quiet when rolled. No babies in
the house? Still a pleasant thought! Each die is
.75” square. Fourteen yellow dice show a digit
on each side (not dots) and then 6 red dice show
an operation (+, -, =, <, >, x.) Shake ‘em and
roll ‘em and make up a math problem to solve!
It’s more fun than a worksheet! ~ Sara
039758 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.99
Math Numbers Dice (16mm) (PK-AD)
Generate and solve countless equations with
Koplow Math Dice. The dice are hard plastic
and feature rounded corners for smoother rolls.
057084 Hexahedrons set/8 . . 5.20
057085 Addition set/10 . . . . . 6.00
057086 Multiplication set/10 6.00
057087 Subtraction set/10 . . . 6.00
057088 Operators set/25 . . . 15.00 11.25
Activities for the AL Abacus Manual &
Worksheets (K-5)
A very complete manual to help you to use
Abacuses (Counting Frames) & Activity Books the AL abacus (above) to provide hands-on
experience for children in numeration, adding,
Add & Subtract Abacus (PK-1)
subtracting, multiplying, dividing, etc. Use
036412(B.) . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.99 15.50 with correlated worksheets that guide students
through the process. Clear drawings show how
Rekenrek Counting Frame - 2 Bars (K-5)
abacus is to be used. Reproducible.
038310 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.95 011217Manual . . . . . . . . . . . 26.25
006255Worksheets . . . . . . . . 21.00
Working with the Rekenrek (K-1)
059363 ☼AL Abacus - Blue . . . 15.75
064882 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.95 11.50
This plastic, horizontal abacus (measuring
9.75” x 7.5”) contains 10 metal rods, 10
plastic beads per rod (5 yellow, 5 blue).
The numbers 1, 10, 100 and 1000 are
marked on the frame. An Activities Manual
(#011217) and Worksheets (#006255) are
products that provide additional learning
activities for this abacus.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
Place Value Dice - Units to Millions (set/7) (1-AD) ☼Student Counting Frame - 10 Bars (K-5)
029766 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.99
Essentially, these are abacuses. The Plastic
Number Frame Mate has two metal bars, each
Subitizing Dice Set of 6 (K-AD)
with ten plastic beads (five white, five red), in a
064384 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.99
3.50 tan plastic frame. The Frame Mate with 10 bars
is similarly designed, but has ten bars instead of
Classroom Dice Set (31 Dice) (PK-AD)
two, each with ten wooden beads (five white,
A combination of all the die sets including five red), and the bars are placed in a wooden
polyhedrals, fractions, positives and negatives, frame with adjustable feet so it can stand freely.
and symbols to make equations.
– Laura
038288(C.) . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.95 12.50
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
049319 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.00 12.95
Abacus with Red & White Beads
This rekenrek abacus, which can mean either
calculating frame or arithmetic rack, is a plastic
ten tiered frame with two colors of colored
beads per rod. The sturdy triangular frame can
be used in either its standing or prone position.
21x20x9 cm. ~ Nick
036942 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.95 10.95
☼Classroom Dice Set (K-6)
So much bang for your buck in this versatile
dice set to use with multiple students at home Abacus (PK-5)
or in the classroom. You get 4 sets of 6 tradi- This colorful plastic abacus features 100 beads
tional dotted dice in white, red, green and blue. in five different colors, with each of the ten
Also: 2 black dice with math functions; 2 large rows containing ten beads of the same color.
yellow 0-9 decahedrals; 1 large red decahedral The sturdy plastic frame allows the abacus to be
w/0000-9000; 1 large blue decahedral w/000- used either standing up or lying flat. Measures
900; 1 large green decahedral w/00-90; 1 21cm x 20cm x 9cm. ~ Lisa
large red decahedral w/percents; 1 large green 045878 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.95 10.95
decahedral w/decimals; and 1 large yellow
decahedral w/fractions. But wait – there’s more! Abacus (similar to AL abacus) (K-8)
A side-to-side plastic bead abacus. There are
2 small red fraction dice (6 sides); 2 small green
fraction dice (6 sides); 1 small blue fraction 10 wire rows of 10 beads each on a 9” x 8”
dice, 2 small white fraction dice (6 sides); 10 plastic frame. The most helpful feature of the
white six-sided die with numerals instead of abacus is the use of blue and yellow colored
dots, and a set of 5 small polyhedrals in a vari- beads -there are 5 of each color per row- which
makes it more effective for all operations.
ety of colors. ~ Sara
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
060910(A.) . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.99 20.50 004083 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.99
Wooden Abacus (PK-3)
This abacus comes in a sturdy, self-standing
frame. 100 beads in primary colors are strung in
ten rows, each row with ten beads of the same
color. 12" x 12" x 3". ~ Anh
018439 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.99 11.75
10 x 10 Mini-Abacus Playbook Set (PK-5)
Learn how to count, add, subtract, and multiply with this handy little abacus – it is a toy,
manipulative, and learning tool. This small
plastic abacus measures approximately 11cm x
14cm, has a hinged stand on the back, and is
easy to take anywhere. The colored beads are a
real plus for visual learners.
The small book included in the playbook set
has 46 problems and answers so little ones can
practice basic math skills. There is an illustrated
abacus for each concept and short, printed
instructions. This might be a good option if
you’re on a tight budget and just need something for a bit more practice. ~ Donna
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs
034502 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.99
☼Horizontal Abacus (PK-AD)
This sturdy wooden abacus measures 7.5
inches high and 9.75 inches wide. Marked on
the front left with 1, 10, 100 and 1000, the red
and white wooden beads slide smoothly on
metal rods to help students work problems and
better understand base ten math.
049541(D.) . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.25 11.95
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Ten (and Five) Frames (Making Tens)
Ten Frames Activity Set (PK-K)
064913 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34.99
Ten-Frame Cards (K-2)
These will remind you of large oversized
dominoes and the concept is similar – but
there are differences (cards have a maximum of
ten dots, for starters). These cards (4 ¾ x 7 ¾;
rounded corners; black on white background)
are designed to provide a pictorial approach to
“making 10,” i.e. number bonds. Designed to
help students internalize the value of numbers
and the relationships among those numbers, the
dots on the cards are visual representations presented four different ways. The first set depicts
the cards divided into ten sections (i.e. two columns of five each). Dots are positioned within
the “frames” and progress from a card with one
dot to a card with ten dots. The second set has
the same progression of dots but this time with
empty circles for the non-presented dots. The
third set shows the same progression but with
only dots on the cards. These first three sets
show the dots being added from bottom to top
on first the left column and then the right column. The last set of cards shows the dots being
added vertically from left to right. Suggestions
for activities are included. ~ Janice
047349 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.99
☼Five Frames / Ten Frames (Foam) (K-AD)
Five and Ten Frames are perfect for teaching
number concepts and allowing exploration.
Foam is perfect for little hands, quietness and
a satisfying “feel,” making these manipulatives
useful and optimal. Five Frames is a set of four
interlocking frames, each with five pegs. Pegs
are two-sided (red and yellow) which means
you can create a red five frame and a yellow
five frame or use the yellows as “one more” to
illustrate basic addition concepts. Ten frames
has four sets of interlocking ten frames each
with ten double-sided pegs. The frames interlock side-by-side as well as end-to-end. Each set
comes with a brief activity guide that includes
suggestions for some basic activities to get you
started. ~ Janice
☼Making Tens Collection (K-2)
040939 Five Frames . . . . . . . 6.99
Includes 30 Write-On/Wipe-Off Ten Frame
040942 Ten Frames . . . . . . . 9.99
8.25 Cards and a set of Ten-Frame Activity Cards
(#47349) (46 cards).
Ten Frames & Counters Colorful Cut-Outs 064923 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.99 11.95
(484 pcs) (PK-2)
065476 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.99
4.75 Write-and-Wipe Ten-Frame Mats (2-5)
Use these flexible 9”x12” mats with your
Corn on the Cob Ten-Frames (K-2)
dry-erase markers as children practice numTen-frames are a math manipulative used in ber bonds on one side and ten frames on the
the Singapore method to get your child think- reverse. Singapore Approach math programs
ing in tens. Made of thick, dense, bright yellow promote practice with ten frame products as a
foam w/green husks, these frames are in the visual for addition and subtraction using baseshape of a corn cob – each with 10 removable ten. ~ Donna
kernels. The kernels have an orange side and 009344 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.40
a white side. It comes with activity suggestions to help your little learners visualize num- ☼Write ‘n’ Wipe Ten Frame Board (K-5)
bers, understand addition/subtraction and place This 11”x16” mat is made from a plastic matevalue. Frames measure about 7’x 3” and are .5” rial and has four ten-frames printed on it. Write
thick. Kernels are .75” cubes. Cobs even fit end out a problem with dry erase marker and have
to end like a puzzle! Great for your hands-on, your student use manipulatives (not included) to
kinesthetic learners! ~ Sara
fill in the problem, or vice versa. – Laura
036589 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.95
4.75 038322 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.25
☼Plastic Ten Frame Set w/Counters (K-AD)
This set includes 4 white plastic ten-frames
(about 6.5” x 2.5” and 4 mm thick) with nice
ridges on one side separating the squares. There
are 40 counters that are blue on one side and
red on the other (1” diameter and 2mm thick.)
~ Sara CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
060922 9.95 . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.95
Write-On/Wipe-Off Ten-Frame Card (PK-1)
This is a very affordable manipulative to reinforce counting, 1-to-1 correspondence, base 10,
place value, number patterns, operations and
more. These laminated white cards are 4 ¾”x
7 ¾”, have rounded corners, and are divided
by black lines into ten spaces (two columns
with five each). These are commonly used with
Singapore Approach programs to help children
understand the values and relationships of numbers. Similar to the cards found in #47349, but
with no dots or circles, just blanks. ~ Donna
052663 Single card . . . . . . . . . 0.50
Unifix Magnetic Ten-Frames (K-2)
Ten-frames are a math
manipulative used in
the Singapore method
to help your child think
in tens, but they can
be used with any math
curriculum. This set
has four magnetic frames with forty Unifix magnets making it a good value for co-ops, classrooms or multiple children. Teach with these on
a magnetic whiteboard or let children use them
on a lapboard (or cookie sheet!) Demonstrate
addition, subtraction, and place value to help
students learn to visualize numbers. Great for a
visual or a hands-on learner! Frames look like
flat ice-cube trays made of heavy blue magnetic
sheets, two rows of five squares each. Each
measures 12.5” x 5” and the ten inserts are
1.75” green squares with a small white square
cutout in the middle. ~ Sara
036682 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.95 11.50
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
☼Demo Magnetic Ten Frame & Counters Set (K-3)
When teaching a group, you need something
large enough that all students can see. This
set comes with 4 large white magnetic-sheet
rectangles (13” x 6.5”) with a boldly outlined
black grid (the ten frame). Also included are 20
magnetic red and 20 blue circles (counters) that
are 2” in diameter. At home, you can stick these
to the fridge or a file cabinet for teaching tens.
Students can play with the counters, making it
fun for hands-on learners! ~ Sara
038231 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.95 16.25
☼Ten-Frame Cards - Pictorial Approach to
Making 10 (K-2)
This set of 22 large cards (7 3/4” x 4 ¾) offer
a pictorial approach for your young learners
to learn their math facts. Each card is divided
into 10 sections and dots are printed within the
sections to represent a number (like dominoes).
Each is a pictorial representation that helps
students understand (in base 10) the bonds
between numbers. This presents number concepts in a very concrete way that makes sense
to young children. A card of activity suggestions
is included. ~ Donna
057004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.95
☼Ten-Frame 1-50 Cards (K-2)
Set of cards showing ten-frames representing
from zero up to the number 50 engages children in game play, helps them understand and
practice two-digit addition and subtraction, see
number structures and develop fluency. Free
activities are available on the publisher web
site. Cards start with one ten frame and range
to 5 total. For self-checking, flip over to see the
numbers on the back. A card with directions for
two different games is included (2-4 players or
two teams). ~ Ruth
060832 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.95
Base 10 Materials
Base 10 Sets - Non-Linking
Base 10 Set (PK-6)
Everyone should have access to a Base 10 set
when studying place value. This is the most
affordable one we could find. Contains 1 thousands cube, 10 “flats” (hundreds), 10 “rods”
(tens), and 100 “cubes” (ones). Made of sturdy
plastic with unit markings. Indispensable for
teaching base-10 concepts like “borrowing” and
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
010882 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.99
Base Ten Starter Set
Very similar to the Base 10 Set above, but with
30 rods instead of the 10 included in #10882.
Units are 1cmx1cmx1cm. Pieces are all scored
to show units and replacement (or additional)
components are available below. The set
includes a 96-page activity book.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
015312Set . . . . . . . . . . .
015318 Decimeter Cube . .
015319 Flats, set of 10 . . .
015320 Rods, set of 50 . . .
015321 Units, set of 100 .
. 5.99
. 3.99
☼Base Ten Starter Set (Brights!) (1-AD)
Color makes the difference – since the set is
similar to another base ten set we carry. This
one has a tangerine 1000s cube, 10 ocean
blue 100s flats, 30 grassy green 10s rods, and
100 lemon yellow units. Units are based on 1
cm cubes. An activity book (107 pgs) provides
activities for grades 3-6. ~ Janice
061989 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39.99 29.50
Base Ten Rods, Set of 20 (K-6)
This is a set of 20 standard base ten rods (10
cm long, 1 cm wide). Rods are hard plastic,
blue, and have centimeter marks etched in.
016136 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.60
Centimeter Cubes (K-6)
These are standard base ten centimeter cubes
measuring 1cm x 1cm x 1cm. Set includes 20
cubes, two each of ten different colors.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
016137 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.95
☼Non-Linking Centimeter Cubes (100) (PK-AD)
Add to your base ten sets with a rainbow of
various colored centimeter cubes! Use them to
count, sort, teach addition and subtraction, and
other basic math concepts. Colors include lime
green, dark green, red, orange, bright pink,
white, black, brown & royal blue. ~ Sara
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
050132 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.95
☼Magnetic Base Ten Place Value Set (K-2)
Use on your magnetic whiteboard in a classroom or co-op, or even on a cookie sheet at
home to help students think of whole numbers
from 1-199 in terms of ones, tens and hundreds.
A large aqua magnetic sheet serves as the frame
(18” x 8.5”). The ten frame cubes are purple and
you have several ones and tens and 1 of the flats
(value of 100). The set also contains 21 white
number tiles with bold black numbers. To get
you started, an 8-page activity guide with some
ideas is included. ~ Sara
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
060836 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.95 11.50
☼Paper Collection - Base Ten Set (K-2)
For tight budgets or disposable use, this paper
set of base ten manipulatives includes enough
pieces for up to 12 students. It contains 36 paper
sheets with precut lines for easy separation (12
100s flats, 120 10s rods and 1200 unit pieces).
064625 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.15
Base Ten Mat (2-6)
Included with some manipulative kits, this
would be a useful addition to any homeschool
math program for illustrating and practicing
place value concepts. The supple vinyl mat is
18” (w) x 14” and white with four columns. On
one side of the mat the 4” columns are marked
Thousands, Hundreds, Tens, Ones (from left to
right), each illustrated with the appropriate representations of base ten blocks (i.e. ten blocks
in a strip for Tens). On the reverse side of the
mat the columns are marked Ones, Tenths,
Hundredths, and Thousandths (from left to
right). A decimal point is placed appropriately
on each side. Obviously designed for students
to lay manipulatives (including money, base
ten cubes, multi-link cubes, etc) within the columns, the mat is a great way to illustrate place
value concepts and to give the child a “playspace” to explore the concepts. ~ Janice
024171 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.99
☼Base Ten Blocks Colorful Cut-Outs (PK-6)
Works just like the 3-D version of Base Tens,
but in a 2-D presentation. Made from sturdy
cardstock, this is a budget-friendly option.
The 10x10 blue square measures 5”x 5” (each
square is a half inch). The 1x10 bars are green;
the 1x1’s are yellow. You get 12 sheets of each
color, making it a great option for a class or
small group! Use for hands-on practice, content
review, centers, brain breaks or as take-home
manipulatives. ~ Sara
060731 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.99
☼Base Ten Dual Number Line (K-4)
Number lines are useful for showing sequence
and teaching skip counting; you can add your
base ten cubes and do even more. This one is
made of dense red foam, has a white surface that
can be used with dry erase markers, shows numbers 1-50 and has 2 channels running the length
of the number line. Your base tens slide right into
the channels. Includes an activity guide. Use to
demonstrate addition, subtraction, multiplication
and division. 20.5” x 4” x 5” ~ Sara
060835 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.95
☼Base Ten Decimal Frame (3-5)
Use this dense, green foam frame with your
standard 1cm base ten blocks (not included) to
show students decimal values up to hundredths.
Ones, tenths and hundredths are labeled on
the frame itself along with a decimal point.
The blocks fit down into the frame and won’t
slide around. A place for 1” number tiles (21
included) below the base tens shows the value
numerically. The combination of number tiles
and base ten cubes can really help your student
understand the value of decimals. Kit includes
an 8 pg guide with activities. ~ Sara
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
060834 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.95
Base Ten Place Value Mats
These 11" x 17" paper worksheets help students
work in base ten (with or without blocks). Each
pad consists of 25 sheets lined vertically in columns for 1000's, 100's, 10's and ones. Each
column is headed with a pictorial representation
of the appropriate base ten block. Use as an aid
for students to build numbers using blocks or
☼Base Ten Place Value Frame (K-2)
perform basic operations.
This tool is designed to be used with standard
015311 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.95
1cm base-ten blocks to help children think of
whole numbers from 1-199 in terms of hunBase 10 Picture Cards
1.5" x 1.5" cards which each depict a base dreds, tens, and ones. The sturdy blue foam
ten manipulative. Set contains 9 cube cards frame (11”x 7”) comes with 21 number tiles
and approximately 25 each of flats, rods, and (digits 0-9). Using standard base ten units, rods
and flats with the number tiles helps your child
units. - Anh
025591 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.75 picture the numbers more clearly as they place
the blocks into the three sections of the frame and
attach a number tile to them – a definite plus for
a student who is struggling with place value as a
concept. A small guide with activities and noting
CCSS correlations is included in the set. Number
tiles are about an 1" square and 10mm thick.
Base ten blocks not included. ~ Sara
036564 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.95
Liter Cube Set (PK-AD)
A base ten set with a difference – the “cube” is
a clear acrylic box calibrated in 100 ml intervals
with a lid. Not sure what it’s for? Well, did you
know that the mass of a base ten “flat” (100
cm cubes) equals 100 ml? So, the liter box (10
x 100 ml) “houses” the orange base ten set (9
flats, 9 rods, & 10 units; i.e. a cubic decimeter)
perfectly. This is the perfect set to show the
relationship between cm/liters/milliliters. The
calibrated box allows for experimenting with
liquids; demonstrating volume concepts, and
volume/mass relationships. ~ Janice
058061 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.95 12.50
Math Activity Pack for Liter Cube Set (2-4)
This math manipulative helps students to
understand the relationship between the mass/
weight measurements of centimeter cube units
(grams) and liter/milliliter liquid measurements.
This Activity Pack helps you to teach through
this relationship sequentially. Sixteen full-color,
flexible-vinyl, 11” x 8.5” “sheets” illustrate
the activities.
Using visual representations
of the liter cube, centimeter cubes, bars, and
flats; the sheets, all depicting a balance scale,
provide various problems where the student
needs to determine the equivalency amount. For
instance, one side of the scale might show 10
“flats” and the student needs to determine the
weight needed to balance. Or another might
show a liquid amount in milliliters on one side
and the student will need to determine the
gram weight. Once determined, the sheets are
labeled using an included set of small (1 ¼” x
¾”) vinyl “cards” (1 – 900 g; 1 – 900 ml). The
problems on the sheets are at four color-coded
difficulty levels. The included instruction booklet gives some minimal instructions for using the
worksheets and how they work. It’s written in
five different languages (including English) but
doesn’t provide an answer key in any language.
The instructions suggest it’s a good idea to
let students “manipulate the different elements
available” prior to teaching through the worksheets. The “elements” refers to the Liter Cube
Set. The worksheets themselves could be used
with the cube set (in setting up the problems)
but you might also want a balance scale since
the problems all feature one. The worksheets
could also be used by themselves without the
“elements” – especially if your student is more
visual and rarely needs manipulatives to visualize concepts. We sell the Activity Pack with or
without the Liter Cube Set. A precision balance
scale is also listed below in case you do not currently have that manipulative.
Frankly, these are concepts usually covered
in math programs with only passing reference
so pausing a bit and solidifying (pun intended)
these equivalency amounts can be a worthwhile
endeavor. ~ Janice
057175 Activity Pack . . . . . . . 14.98
MAPLCS Pack & Liter Cube . 28.93 24.50
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
☼Interlocking Centimeter Cubes (100) (PK-AD)
These look like small Unifix cubes with a peg
on one side and a notch on 3 other sides; you
can easily click them together. Use them for
making graphs in 3D! Add to your base ten
sets with a rainbow of various colored centimeter cubes. Use them to count, sort, teach
basic addition and subtraction, and other basic
math concepts. Colors include lime green, dark
green, red, orange, bright pink, white, black,
brown & royal blue. Small hands can easily pull
these apart. ~ Sara
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
049898 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.50
Interlocking Base 10 Blocks
This linking set is similar to blue set above,
but blocks are constructed to link together top
to bottom (like LEGOs). This allows students to
actually build models of numbers, giving them
a real “feel” for base ten concepts. Not just
for place value, interlocking blocks also can be
used to model addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, and percents.
The Starter Set is blue and contains 100 unit
cubes, 30 rods, 10 flats, 1 decimeter cube and
a teacher's manual. The manual includes teaching ideas for several different math concepts.
Individual pieces can be ordered seperately.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
Geoboards & Activity Books
015316 Starter Set (Blue) . . 24.95 22.50
015317 Units (set of 100) . . 3.25
3.00 Geoboard - 7", Double-sided (PK-8)
039815 Rods (set of 10) . . . . . 2.25
Geoboards are useful for teaching shapes,
015314 Flats (set of 10) . . . . 8.50
7.95 angles, area and perimeter. Made of sturdy
039811 Decimeter Cube . . . . 3.95
3.75 plastic, these 7" square double-sided geoboards
come in assorted colors and include rubber
ClearView Base Ten Blocks (2-9)
bands. One side has a 5 x 5 pin array, and the
Base Ten with a difference! ClearView blocks other side features a circular pin pattern. We’ll
connect just like the Interlocking set above, but assort if you order more than one.
blocks are transparent blue and red. The blocks 018737 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.25
snap together like LEGOs, connecting top to
bottom. This feature allows them to be used to Geoboard, 6" (K-3)
model much more than base ten concepts! Use
This geoboard is unique in that each pin
them for addition, subtraction, multiplication, across is labeled A-Z (except O) and numbered
division, fractions, decimals and percents! The 1-5 on the left side and across the bottom. It
Starter Set includes 100 cubes, 30 rods, and is one-sided, featuring a 5x5 pin grid, and a
15 flats. A group set is also available if you're small package of rubber bands is also included.
working with more than one student. The group Constructed of sturdy plastic, the geoboard
set includes 250 cubes, 70 rods, and 35 flats. measures 6" square, and comes in an array of
Sets are composed of both red and blue blocks, colors. If you order more than one, we'll assort.
approximately half and half. A great tool for Teaching suggestions included. ~ Phyllis
“building” their understanding of numbers!
035455 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.29
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
039826 Base Ten Starter Set 22.50 20.25 Geoboard - 8", Double-sided
020197 Base Ten Group Set 62.95 55.95
This geoboard features a 7 x 7 pin array on
039816 Cubes (pkg 100) Blue 4.95
4.75 one side and a circular design on the other. The
039817 Cubes (pkg 100) Red 4.95
4.75 nearly 8" square geoboard also has a bigger "lip",
039812 Flats (pkg 10) Blue 17.95 16.25 or outer edge making it nearly twice as thick as
039813 Flats (pkg 10) Red 17.95 16.25 our 5 x 5 pin geoboards. Even though most
039819 Rods (pkg 50) Blue 11.95 10.95 geoboard activity books use 5 x 5 pin arrays, we
039820 Rods (pkg 50) Red 11.95 10.95 have added this one as a convenience for users
of the RightStart Math program. ~ Anh
026211(B.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.25
Interlocking Base Ten Blocks (Multi-Color, 121
Pieces) (PK-12)
Learning place value is foundational to success
in math at all levels. Designed to complement
any curricula, this set of connecting base ten
blocks provides hands-on reinforcement. Set
contains 100 yellow unit (ones) cubes, 10 green
rods (tens), 10 blue flats (hundreds) and 1 red
thousand cube that snap easily together within
each type, one fastening directly on top of the
other (like LEGO®’s). Similar to #15316, except
this set is multi-colored and does not include
the teacher guide. Unit cubes measure approximately 1cm. ~ Deanne
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
035105 121-piece set (A.) . . 16.35 11.50
Double-Sided Geoboards (PK-5)
These plastic geoboards are brightly colored
and sturdy. The 9” square board features 121
pins, arranged in an 11 x 11 pin grid (numbered 0-10.) The reverse side features 137 pins
arranged in alternating rows of 10 and 11. This
arrangement allows for the easy formation of triangles, hexagons, etc. The 6” square board has
a 25-pin (5 x 5) grid on one side, and a circle on
the opposite side with one pin in each corner of
the board (outside the circle) and one pin in the
center of the circle. The geoboards come in a
variety of colors; if you order more than one, we
will assort. Includes rubber bands. ~ Rachel P.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
Circular Geoboard Double Sided (PK-5)
Two-sided plastic square (5” each side)
geoboard with pegs placed for 4” circle on one
side and 3.75” circle on the other. Comes with
small packet of rubber bands.
049097 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.25
☼Circle Trig Geoboard - Blue (3-AD)
Intended for use in trigonometry, this geoboard
has 100 pegs on one side, each approx. 2cm
apart, while the back has 24 pegs arranged in a
circle (approx. 15 degrees apart) with a square
of pegs around it (11 on each side, 2 cm apart).
Made of solid blue plastic. – Laura
060097(D.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.95
Geoboard Rubberbands (Assorted Colors/Sizes)
Need some extra rubberbands? This bag
includes a quarter-pound (approximately 250) of
rubberbands in assorted colors and sizes.
039135 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.99
Math Activity Packs for Geoboards (2-4)
Geoboards are great for experimenting with
and understanding basic geometric shapes.
These packs will walk your student through
a sequence of skills: first basic shapes, then
how shapes intersect and relate to each other
(i.e. triangles within squares and vice versa),
even illustrating some three dimensional shapes
such as a rectangular prism. Including designs
for both square and circle pegged geoboards,
the pack also includes a few designs such as
a sailboat or flower that are just for fun. The
12 double-sided activity “sheets” are heavy,
flexible vinyl; 6” x 6” for the 6 peg and 9” x
9” for the 9 peg. These sheets could be used
underneath a clear plastic geoboard but for the
moment we have them packaged with opaque,
colored geoboards so you would set the activity
sheet alongside the geoboard while the design is
replicated. Activity Packs can be purchased with
or without a geoboard. ~ Janice
Activity Pack Only
057173 6 Peg . . . . . . . . . . . . 057174 9 Peg . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.98
Activity Pack With Geoboard
MAPGB6 6 Peg . . . . . . . . . 12.12
MAPGB9 9 Peg . . . . . . . . . 18.48
042606 Geoboard 6", 5x5 . . . 2.50
042607 Geoboard 9", 11x11 5.33
Clear-View Geoboards (K-9)
060098 11 x 11 Pin Array (C.) 4.25
060099 5 x 5 Pin Array . . . . . 4.00
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
portrayed on the package (quite challenging!) or
create their own unique mosaic masterpieces.
Great for reinforcing visual, spatial and geometric concepts. Travel and Large sets include a
Color Cubes (K-6)
Set of 24, 1" wood cubes in 6 colors (red, steel activity board and illustrated instructions.
The tiles and board store in a flat, cardboard,
orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple).
CD-style package.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
024860 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.06
4.95 CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
057015 Fridge Size . . . . . . . . . 11.95
48 magnetic tiles to use on your refrigerator.
Color Tiles (PK-3)
Plastic 1”, set of 100 in four different colors. 057017 Travel Size . . . . . . . . . 96 magnetic tiles, 8”x8” steel activity board.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
018746 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.25 057016 Large Size . . . . . . . . . 192 magnetic tiles and a 12” x 12” steel
activity board.
Color Tiles (Brights!) Set of 100 (PK-AD)
Eye-catching colors – ocean blue, coral, sunshiny yellow, and lime green – 25 of each (1” Tree Blocks Math Kit (PK-4)
Explore math concepts in a fun, unique way
061990 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.50
6.75 with the Tree Blocks Math Kit! This set contains
66 rustic blocks cut from tree limbs in sizes
Math Balance Activity Card Set w/ Teaching from 1 cm to 12 cm, a stand with cm ruler
(hewn from wood) 2 number dice, 1 color die,
Guide (K-3)
037927 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.98 and about 90 activity cards. A few other cards
included in the set offer tips for use, a materials list, and NCTM standards supported by the
Shapes Don’t Bug Me Geometry Set (K-3)
Have a Bee-ootiful time with your math activities in this set. There are three levels of
manipulatives. The 20, double-sided, insect- activity cards – level 1 is appropriate for PK/K,
themed activity cards are decorated with whim- level 2 for 1st/2nd, and level 3 for 3rd/4th.
sical nature designs while also providing varied Some activities require items found around
options for pattern blocks. Kids place the pieces your home, such as a plastic bucket, plastic
on the cards, which are numbered and progress cups, paper plates, colored sticky dots (like you
in difficulty. Use the shapes to learn pattern- would use for marking items in a garage sale),
ing, symmetry, counting, tracing, sorting by chart paper, bucket balance, etc. Adaptation
attributes or use in conjunction with a light of the activities can make them usable for
table for creative play. Five of the cards have multiple age groups with practice in the areas
large patterns to fill in multiple ways; five cards of measurement, data analysis & probability,
have smaller shapes with picture directions. geometry, algebra, and number & operations.
Ten cards include scenes with lines drawn in Some activities include finding similar weights
to help the child select the correct pieces. As of the blocks, playing a matching game, meakids advance, they can place alternate pieces to suring blocks, and find a missing number. Some
make the same shapes. 136 translucent pattern activities may seem simplistic, but all work to
pieces are included in various sizes and come instill math or pre-math concepts. Cut from tree
in blue, purple, green, yellow and orange. limbs, these blocks aren’t uniform in width, but
Set includes 4 large each of squares, circles, the thickness or height is the unit of measure.
So, enough about math - remember they’re
hexagons and equilateral triangles; 8 large each
of right triangles, rectangles, rhombuses, trap- blocks too! Not only can you do the activities
ezoids and half circles; and 16 small squares, included and make up your own, but you can
right triangles, equilateral triangles, tall right also build with them! Building helps develop
triangles and quarter circles. Instructions are in fine motor skills, spatial awareness, and critical
English, Spanish, German and French. Aligns thinking. There are many reasons to buy blocks,
with common core standards. Lots of creative and this unique set provides multiple opportunities for education and fun! ~ Donna
and educational use from this set. ~ Ruth
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
057806 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.99 18.95 053850 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70.00 54.95
Other Manipulatives & Manipulative-Based/
Fractiles 7 (1-AD)
Unleash your creativity with these brilliantly
colored geometric magnets! Each set includes
diamond and square-shaped magnet tiles in
red, blue and yellow. Sounds simple, but the
creative possibilities are endless. Kids can try to
recreate the abstract designs and familiar objects
Build-It Cards (K-5)
Here’s another McRuffy manipulative to
enhance any math program. This set includes
twenty 2 ½” x 3 ¾” cards and a set of 20 multicolored centimeter cubes. Two or more views
of a design are shown on each card. The design
is printed in the colors of the cubes, so that
students can easily duplicate the pattern. The
strategy is to build on a small piece of paper
so the cubes can be turned easily. You are to
build the side view first, then turn the cubes to
see a second view. Only 10 cubes are needed
(one of each color) for each design. The additional cubes are for use with multiple students.
Patterns in set 2 are more challenging than those
of set 1. This is great for working on spatial
awareness and visual acuity. ~ Donna
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
EACH SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.99
040631 Set 1
042680 Set 3
040632 Set 2
Mirrors (plastic)
These small, durable mirrors are perfect for
completing a variety of math and science activities dealing with symmetry, pattern blocks, and
more. The thin mirrors are one-sided and made
from an acrylic-like plastic that is slightly flexible and much harder to break than a typical
mirror. Unlike many plastic mirrors, the reflection is clear and focused, not hazy and blurred.
The single mirror measures 5” x 3”, and we also
offer a double mirror, which is hinged on the
short side and measures 10” x 3” when opened
fully. ~ Rachel
039147Single . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.75
039149 Hinged Double . . . . . 3.25
At-Home Tutor Math (PK-2)
This full-color, cutely illustrated series provides
younger students with math practice for better
math understanding. Correlated to Common
Core Standards, the PreK level practices number skills, counting 1-10, shapes, patterns,
addition & subtraction, and time on the hour.
Kindergarten practices counting 1-20, addition
& subtraction, shapes & patterns, coin counting, and graphing; first grade practices number
names, counting 1-100, greater/less than, addition & subtraction, fact families, and graphing;
and second grade includes addition & subtraction, regrouping, greater/less than, time to the
half and quarter hour, money, and graphing.
Each book gives you access to online timed
tests (information in the front of each book) and
includes 96 pages of inviting math practice with
the answer key at the back. Use them as extra
practice, review, or preparation for the next
grade level. ~ Donna
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
056154 Grade PK
056151 Grade 1
056153 Grade K
056152 Grade 2
Math: Learn and Explore Workbooks (PK-3)
A get-the-job-done series of workbooks.
Cleanly illustrated with an accent color, there is
little practice per concept but broad coverage of
concepts (CCSS aligned). The books start from a
pictorial concrete perspective (pictures of items)
and skills build through the books. Instruction
is minimal and relies on examples. A sheet of
gold stars is provided so the student can keep
track of his progress through the worksheets. A
certificate of completion for the student and a
reduced student page answer key for the teacher
conclude the book. Paper is heavy (will hold
up under erasures) with a super nice finish (not
quite glossy). These are short (47 worksheet
pages each), quality workbooks providing additional practice or ensuring that you’ve covered
Common Core standards. 60 pgs, pb. ~ Janice
EACH WORKBOOK . . . . . . . . 6.99
056122 Grade PK
056119 Grade 2
056121 Grade K
056120 Grade 3
056118 Grade 1
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Kumon My Book of... Math Workbooks (PK-3)
Much like other Kumon
workbooks designed for
include 80 pages of colorful and inventive activities.
The series utilizes incremental mastery, so activities get progressively more
challenging throughout each
book, and from one book to the next. Children
will love the cute, rounded illustrations and the
stylish layout as well.
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.95
036036 Easy Telling Time (PK-1)
Children begin by filling in 1-12 around the
clock face and move on to telling time in
hours and half-hours.
036040 Telling Time (K-2)
A follow-up to My Book of Easy Telling
Time, this workbook begins with a review
of telling time in hours and half-hours and
then quickly moves to minutes. Children
will practice counting to sixty, learn about
5-minute increments and quarters as well.
042602 Money: Dollars & Cents (1-3)
Provides practice for students who can add
numbers up to 200 and are familiar with
coins and their value. It introduces dollars
and practices counting monetary values
over $1.
036039 Simple Addition (PK-1)
The focus of this workbook is teaching the
concept of addition by having your child
repeatedly tracing and reciting numbers and
then gradually shifting to addition formulas
including the numbers 1 and 2.
023933 Addition (K-2)
Helps children learn to add three, four, five,
and larger single-digit numbers in a step-bystep manner, enabling them to gain solid
calculation skills without being confused
about decimal places.
023971 Simple Subtraction (1-3)
Through tracing and reciting numbers, this
workbook will help your child develop an
understanding of subtracting the numbers
1 through 5 from whole numbers up to 20.
023975 Subtraction (1-3)
Follow-up to My Book of Simple Subtraction.
Students practice how to subtract the numbers 1 through 9, then reinforce this skill by
learning how to subtract numbers 1 - 20.
007972 Simple Multiplication (1-3)
Intended for students who can add and subtract numbers up to 50, this book provides
an introduction to multiplication by first
practicing addition of the numbers (1+1+1)
and then transitioning into multiplication.
Multiplication facts for 1-5 are covered.
019045 Multiplication (1-3)
Intended for students who can multiply
numbers up to 5 x 10, this book builds
on that foundation by introducing more
advanced multiplication concepts. Students
tackle more difficult times tables (up to 10 x
10) by learning the link between skip-counting, repeated addition, and multiplication.
Number Coach (1-AD)
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.95
065438 Plus 1
065439 Power of 2
Total Math (PK-4)
These comprehensive math workbooks offer
review of all key math concepts for each grade
level. Workbooks range from 250 - 350 pgs and
hold dozens of colorful, perforated worksheets
that engage students and reinforce important
concepts. The books are organized by topic,
making it easy to select and assign certain
practice worksheets to supplement your math
program. Within each topic are several activity sheets, providing a range of diverse exercises that cover the concept through a variety
of approaches. Clear directions and helpful
examples guide students through the activity
page, and each workbook holds a colorful poster, fun stickers, and a complete answer guide.
Each book (not including PK) also contains tips
on preparing for and taking standardized tests,
along with a test practice section which mimics
the concepts covered and format of a standardized test. This series is updating - changing its
name to Your Total Solution for Math - and now
"supports" CCSS.
EACH BOOK (except noted) 12.99
033594 Book PK
033587 Book 1
033593 Book K
033588 Book 2
033590 Book 4 . . . . . . . . . 14.95 10.95
Skill Sharpeners Math (PK-6)
A colorful collection of varied practice activities at each grade level to reinforce your basic
math instruction. Each book has ten units with
different themes, spiraling through skill strands.
Every practice page has a sidebar notation to
help you identify its targeted skill. Coverage
looks pretty comprehensive. If you are using a
more hands-on approach, you could use these
to reinforce daily lessons. Otherwise, you might
use the assessment tests at the end of each unit
diagnostically, using practice pages for remediation where your child has difficulty. Some test
questions are in standardized test format which
might be a plus if your child hasn’t had much
exposure to this format. These seem like lively,
appealing books that would make math practice
more motivating.
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
042346 PK
042341 Grade 3
042345 Kindergarten 042342 Grade 4
042339 Grade 1
042343 Grade 5
042340 Grade 2
042344 Grade 6
Pete the Cat Math Workbooks (K-1)
EACH WORKBOOK . . . . . . . . 9.99
044339 Grade 1
Early Math (K-2)
These bright, colorful workbooks are the
perfect supplement for the young learner who
needs a bit more practice with basic math
skills. Students work systematically, step-bystep through the consumable workbooks as they
progress through the basics.
Each 24-page, non-reproducible workbook
provides an opportunity for additional practice,
test preparation, or independent working ahead.
There is really no instruction included in the
booklets since there is an assumption that this
is for practice, and the concept has been presented in your curriculum of choice. Skills in
these books range from simply writing numbers
and number recognition in “Number Sense”
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
to simple word problems, graphs, and tables
in “Problem Solving II” in Set 5. Each practice
section is one page in length, and directions are
included at the top of each page.
A black & white answer key is available for
each workbook which includes a one-page pretest and post test, test instructions and answer
key, and workbook answers. Pre- and Post Tests
are reproducible for classroom or family use.
Practicing early math skills just became very
easy, as these are laid out in a family-friendly
format for your young learners. ~ Donna
EACH WORKBOOK . . . . . . . . 5.47
EACH WKBK & KEY SET . . . . . 4.11
Set 1:
Number Sense
Readiness for
Problem Solving
EM1WBO All Set 1 Workbooks only . . . . . . . . . . 16.4014.95
EM1WBK All Set 1 Workbooks & Answer Keys . . . . 16.4414.95
Set 2:
Addition 0-5
Addition 6-10
Mixed Operations 047392
Place Value 1
Subtraction 1-10
EM2WBOAll Set 2 Workbooks . only . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.50 18.75
EM2WBK All Set 2 Workbooks & Answer Keys . . . . . 20.55 18.75
Set 3:
Fractions I
Measurement I
Money I
Problem Solving I 047404
Time I
EM3WBO All Set 3 Workbooks only . . . . . . . . . . 20.50 18.75
EM3WBK All Set 3 Workbooks & Answer Keys . . . . 20.55 18.75
Set 4:
Place Value II
2-Digit Addition
& Subtraction
2-Digit Addition
w/ Regrouping
2-Digit Subtraction
w/ Regrouping
3-Digit Addition &
Subtraction With
EM4WBO All Set 4 Workbooks only . . . . . . . . . . 20.5018.75
EM4WBK All Set 4 Workbooks & Answer Keys . . . . 20.55 18.75
Set 5:
Fractions II
Measurement II
Money II
Prob Solving II
Time II
EM5WBO All Set 5 Workbooks only . . . . . . . . . . 20.50 18.75
EM5WBK All Set 5 Workbooks &
Answer Keys . . . . 20.55 18.75
Kumon Grow to Know Math Workbooks (K-3)
EACH WORKBOOK . . . . . . . . 4.99
065124 Simple Multiplication
Mead Math Workbooks (K-3)
014603 Numbers 1-100 K . . .
014530 Add & Subtract 1-2 .
014559 1st Grade Builders . .
014687 2nd Grade Builders .
014731 3rd Grade Builders . .
☼Applying the Standards: Math (K-5)
Short and sweet practice applying math skills
to everyday problems in the real world. Lesson
begin with a skill review then ask the student to
apply this skill to solve a real-life word problem.
Then, in an extension of that type of problem,
the student is asked to offer explanations for
their reasoning. Skills covered are aligned to
Common Core Standards. While not attempting
to replace curricula, this is a good option for
applying math skills. Answers as well as a rubric
for assessing both written work and explanations
are provided in the back. 64 pgs, pb. ~ Janice
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
059460Grade 3
059458 Grade 1
059461 Grade 4
059459 Grade 2
059462 Grade 5
Sylvan Learning Super Math Success (K-5)
Mastering math skills comes from practice but
not all children respond well to endless math
drill sheets or flashcards. As the old adage goes,
variety is the spice of life and that applies to
math as well. Incorporating three books in one,
this new series provides math practice with
basic math, which containing: a review of grade
specific skills; games & puzzles; and, math in
action, a collection of story or real life problems
and hands-on activities. Colorful pages, simple
instructions and included answer key makes this
new series a win-win for children of all learning
styles and parents who want to provide math
mastery exercises. Perfectly compliments the
elementary level of the Life of Fred curricula or
builds math mastery for any child. 308 pgs, sc.
Non-reproducible. ~ Deanne
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.99 13.50
057993 Grade K
057990 Grade 3
057988 Grade 1
057991 Grade 4
057989 Grade 2
057992 Grade 5
Everyday Mathematics Intervention Activities (K-5)
Intended for the students who need just a
little more practice, these books provide fiveday units based on state standards. Begin the
book by having the child complete the preassessment, which is found online at the publisher’s website ( The
pre-assessment will help you determine any
weaknesses or gaps your student may have.
Each unit follows three steps: Model the skill,
Practice the skill, Assess the Skill. An overview
is offered at the beginning of each unit, which
gives directions and sample answers for activities. Modeling the skill is done on day one of
the unit by doing some type of hands-on activity. The modeling instructions are scripted for
those who need a little more help with teaching
and/or explaining the concept, and a worksheet
is then completed to show understanding of
the concept. Reproducible activity pages are
included for practice on days two, three and
four to strengthen the students’ proficiency.
Students then do an assessment on day five to
show understanding for that particular concept.
At the conclusion of the book, your student can
complete the online post-assessment to measure
Each level has 23-26 units (or weeks) of work.
Use these alongside your curriculum or at the
end of the year to make sure all of your bases
are covered. Each daily activity and assessment
is one page in length, so it doesn’t take a lot of
time to implement. Pages include a variety of
problems and aren’t cluttered or overwhelming – a feature that will appeal to your visual
learners. ~ Donna
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.99 15.95
036509Kindergarten036493 Grade 3
036473 Grade 1
036497 Grade 4
036485 Grade 2
036499 Grade 5
DK Math Made Easy Workbooks (K-5)
Comprehensive workbooks that practice
important math skills, as identified by NCTM
standards. These books can be used to supplement any math curriculum. The student is motivated to complete each exercise with a sticker
progress chart. Each completed page earns a
gold star sticker (stickers are included). Parents'
notes and reduced-page answer keys are located
in the back. Very little instruction is provided
on the workbook pages themselves so be sure
to check the parents' notes for teaching tips.
Starting in the third grade, more computational
practice is integrated into each workbook. Over
150 two-toned pages. ~ Anh
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.99 10.95
021947 Grade K
021944 Grade 3
021942 Grade 1
021945 Grade 4
021943 Grade 2
021946 Grade 5
10 Minutes A Day Math (K-6)
Looking for a creative way for your child to
practice math skills - one that will not lead to
anarchy? This new series from DK may be exactly what you are looking for. Combining colorful pages with a built-in 10-minute timer, your
children will be eager to “beat the clock” while
doing math! The book contains over 30 grade
appropriate lessons displayed on two-page
spreads and is written to support the NCTM
Standards. The unique ten-minute timer arrives
connected to the book and is simple enough
for the youngest of children to use. The timer
records the length of time it takes to answer the
questions in each lesson and can be used as a
stop watch. If your child is still working at the
ten minute mark, the timer will go off and your
child will put the lesson away until the next day,
motivating your child to work faster the next day
to beat the timer. The front of the book offers a
space to record the time taken to complete each
lesson. A valuable tool for supplemental math
practice or keeping math skills sharp during
the summer months. Answers/parent notes are
included. Non-reproducible. 80 perforated pgs,
pb. ~ Deanne
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
031643Kindergarten029988 Grade 3
029976 Grade 1
031605 Grade 4
031654 Grade 2
031569 Grade 5
029990 Grade 3 (Multiplication)
Master Skills Math (K-6)
If you really like the Total Math series but could
do without the standardized test practice that
comes with each workbook, then Master Skills
Math is exactly what you need. Using the same
scope and sequence and even identical practice
pages, this series contains only the practice portion of Total Math. The activities in these colorfully illustrated, reproducible workbooks are
organized by topic with periodic review interspersed throughout. In earlier grades, activities
consist of a nice mix of hands-on tasks, such
as coloring, cutting, and printing, as well as
various practice exercises, like puzzles, riddles,
and matching. For later grade levels, practice of
basic skills focuses more on computation and
problem-solving. Simple instructions and examples may be provided, but instruction is pretty
limited. The goal of this series is basic skills
practice and mastery as opposed to instruction.
However, there are some teaching suggestions
in each book. One last plus for this series is that
the reduced-page answer key makes grading a
breeze. 128 pgs. ~ Anh
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.95
034959 Grade K
034958 Grade 4
034953 Grade 1
034955 Grade 5
034957 Grade 2
034956 Grade 6
034954 Grade 3
180 Days of Math (Practice, Assess, Diagnose)
What a well-designed series of math workbooks! Not only does it provide additional math
practice, but it also makes it easy for parents
to assess and diagnose which areas their child
may be struggling. Each workbook provides
180 days worth of practice (one page per school
day). Problems are correlated to NCTM standards. Each workbook page contains one problem per math concept and always in the same
order. For example, the Grade 2 book covers
8 math concepts: Number Sense, Addition,
Subtraction, Algebraic Thinking, Geometry,
Measurement, Data Analysis, and Word/Logic
Problem or Mathematical Reasoning.
this grade, Question #1 will always practice
Number Sense, Question #2 will always practice Addition, and so on. Consequently, it is
simply a matter of grading (answer key included)
and charting progress to notice that perhaps
your child has excellent Algebraic Thinking
skills but struggles with Geometry concepts.
Each workbook also includes a CD of all the
student pages and teacher assessment charts
in electronic format, a handy feature for subsequent or multiple students. 208 pgs. ~ Anh
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.99 14.95
052414 Grade K
052411 Grade 4
052408 Grade 1
052412 Grade 5
052409 Grade 2
052413 Grade 6
052410 Grade 3
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Math Skills (K-6)
If a math mastery supplement is what you are
looking for, consider this series for a moment.
Covering all of the skills appropriate to the first
six grades, students will be strengthening their
math skills and problem-solving methods right
from the very first page. The workbooks are
clean and clear with color throughout – making
them very attractive, especially to children who
already enjoy the workbook style. All pages are
perforated and consumable (though not reproducible) and an answer key is included in the
back of each book. 128-page workbooks are an
exceptional value when the price is compared
to many other workbook series.
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.95
038907 Kindergarten
053689 Grade 1
Addition and subtraction, place value, fact
families, money, time, using graphs, and
basic geometry and measurement.
053690 Grade 2
Addition and subtraction with regrouping,
skip counting, place value, money, telling
time, metric units, basic geometry, and
number sentences.
053691 Grade 3
Addition and subtraction with regrouping,
place value, multiplication, division, fractions, points, lines, and angles.
053692 Grade 4
Multiplication, division, adding and subtracting fractions, time, computations with
money, metric units, perimeter and area.
053693 Grade 5
Multiplying three-digit numbers, two-digit divisors, fractions, decimals, perimeter and area,
fractions and mixed numbers, and geometry.
053694 Grade 6
Multiplying three-digit numbers; division
with remainders; addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division of fractions;
decimals; multiplication and division of
decimals; length, weight and capacity; and
Mastering Math: Concepts and Skills (1-4)
Grade level, complete, condensed math
practice covering most of the Common Core
Standards, these workbooks provide a thorough
review and reinforcement of skills. Use it to
support your everyday math curriculum or as
a checklist for standardized test practice. Each
book has 5 main categories: number sense &
numeration, measurement, geometry & spatial
sense, patterning & algebra, and data management & probability. I found the exercises visually appealing, though there is no color. There
is a lot on each page, but they are nicely organized. Answers are in the back. 100pgs. ~ Sara
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.99 11.50
057883 Grade 1
057887 Grade 3
057886 Grade 2
057884 Grade 4
Solve-the-Riddle Math Practice (1-5)
"Why did the peanut butter jump into the
ocean?" "What kind of hat does a bird like
best?" To solve these mind-boggling riddles
(from the Multiplication & Division book, in
case you were wondering), simply complete
the math practice sheet to de-code the riddle
answers. Each math activity sheet corresponds
to one riddle. This series provides an interesting
and humorous way to motivate your budding
mathematician. 50+ pages of reproducible
activity sheets with answer keys. ~ Anh
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.99
052391 Fractions and Decimals
Includes identifying, comparing, and reducing fractions; renaming improper fractions;
converting fractions to decimals; adding,
subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions and decimals; percents, and more.
037612 Math Practice (1-2)
Covers counting to 1000, comparing numbers, skip counting, addition and subtraction to 99 with and without regrouping.
037619 Time & Money (2-3)
Covers telling time (both analog and digital from hourly to 5-minute increments),
elapsed time, reading a schedule or calendar, adding coin and dollar values, making
change, estimating prices, and more.
Explore the Core: Math Problem Solving &
Projects (1-6)
This supplementary workbook was designed
to highlight each standard in each standard
domain of the Common Core math standards
through thoughtful problems that encourage
students to make sense of problems and persist
to solve them. Each chapter holds a pre/post-test
to assess student’s abilities in each domain, and
then five practice problems for each standard
within that domain. The five questions are an
assortment of formats, some straight equations,
some word problems, etc., all using the same
mathematical principle to solve but challenging the student to recognize the concept presented in different ways. A chart for recording
scores and monitoring progress is at the front
of the book. The back of the book holds three
Authentic Challenge Projects constructed to
encourage students in higher-level thinking,
technology integration, authentic connections,
and engaged learning. Each project is interesting, well-developed, and applicable to the real
world. The first involves planning a family trip
(or school field trip), comparing two options in
terms of budget, pros and cons, and a persuasive video explaining their choice. The second
takes students through using Google Form to
administer and analyze opinions about an issue,
and the third utilizes spreadsheet software to
collect and analyze data to determine the best
cereal, taking into consideration such factors as
price, taste, and size. The projects were created
with a classroom in mind, but could easily be
adapted for one student, and that student would
take away a lot! Answers are in the back. If you
are homeschooling and your student has to take
PARCC exams, this could be part of your test
prep. 80 pgs, pb. ~ Sara
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.95
056661 Grade 1
056662 Grade 4
056663 Grade 2
056660 Grade 5
056665 Grade 3
056664 Grade 6
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Daily Math (1-6)
Common Core Standards
are the new standards
by which to measure
your students’ education
accomplishments. This
series is aligned to the
Common Core Standards,
and it provides quick
daily practice with math
in the areas of geometry,
data management & statistics, number sense &
operations, patterning & algebra, and ratios &
These sheets are reproducible for classroom
and family use, and offers a half page with two
to five problems of practice per weekday with
an additional ‘brain stretch’ on Friday which
encourages students to think a bit deeper.
Answers are found in the back of the book.
Make sure you’re covering the math standards
with just a bit more practice. ~ Donna
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.99 12.95
054050 Grade 1
054053 Grade 4
054051 Grade 2
054054 Grade 5
054052 Grade 3
054055 Grade 6
Power Practice for Math (1-6)
By targeting a specific math topic, you can
provide your child with just the right amount
of practice. Each reproducible workbook in
this series contains a variety of worksheets in
different layouts so that your child will not get
bored by the same old format. This is a good
option if you are looking for a well-rounded
practice book or a basic curriculum supplement.
Specific skills covered by each title are listed
below. 48-pages. ~ Anh
EACH WORKBOOK . . . . . . . . . 5.99 4.95
013187 Addition and Subtraction (1-2)
Adding 2 or 3-digit numbers, adding with 3
addends, addition with regrouping, comparing sums, adding money, subtracting 2-digit
numbers, subtracting 2-digit numbers from
3-digit numbers, subtraction with regrouping, and subtracting money.
013235 Fractions and Decimals (3-4)
Comparing and ordering fractions, adding
and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers, changing improper fractions to mixed
numbers, matching fractions and decimals,
comparing and ordering decimals, rounding
decimals, adding and subtracting decimals.
013240 Fractions and Decimals (5-6)
Comparing fractions, adding and subtracting
fractions and mixed numbers, multiplying
and dividing fractions, finding a least common denominator, comparing and rounding
decimals, 4 basic operations on decimals,
converting fractions to decimals.
013259 Money (1-2)
Coin recognition, comparing sets of coins,
selecting and exchanging coins, adding
and subtracting dollars and cents, making
change, and word problems.
013264 Multiplication and Division (3-4)
Multiplication w/without regrouping, commutative & associative properties, inverse
operations, division with / w/o remainders.
013411 Telling Time (1-2)
Telling time on the hour, half hour, quarter,
every five minutes, ten minutes, all minutes,
and a.m. and p.m.
Head for Home Math (1-6)
This is the only series of math workbooks
of which I am aware that offers practice for
multiple levels of learners in first through sixth
grades. Each book is a colorful, non-reproducible 64-page workbook filled with independent
math practice for struggling, on-level, and
advanced learners. Novice (struggling learners)
has ten lessons while Intermediate (on-level
learners) and Advanced each have twelve lessons. Each lesson includes an explanation of
one skill and step-by-step instructions written
to the student. All questions are in a multiplechoice or open-ended format for all three levels,
and the answer key is at the back of the book.
The lessons are different from level to level, so
there is no overlap between the books at grade
level. An example of this is at grade 1, lesson
one – Novice offers a lesson on counting on to
add; Intermediate does addition and subtraction
within 20; Advanced practices the properties
of addition and subtraction – associative, commutative and identity. By addressing students at
their skill level within their grade, it becomes
easier to help those who need help, offer additional practice to keep skills sharp and challenge
those who might become bored with average
grade-level work.
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.99
018390 Grade 1
018405 Grade 4
018394 Grade 2
018407 Grade 5
018402 Grade 3
018410 Grade 6
018330 Grade 1
018339 Grade 4
018334 Grade 2
018374 Grade 5
018335 Grade 3
018386 Grade 6
018261 Grade 1
018295 Grade 4
018265 Grade 2
018304 Grade 5
018267 Grade 3
018328 Grade 6
Math for the Gifted Student: Challenging
Activities for the Advanced Learner (1-6)
Math isn’t just about learning numbers and
how to manipulate them, and some children
learn that at a very young age. Those children
might be considered ‘gifted’ and need a greater
challenge than what some math curriculum can
offer. Math for the Gifted Student realizes that
it isn’t enough to just give a student work from
the next grade level, but needs to be challenged
with more logic-based activities. The activities
found in this book cover national math standards for grade level, provide opportunity for
growth beyond what is presented in regular
curriculum, and students will be encouraged
toward independent thinking and creativity.
Each consumable, non-reproducible workbook
is 192 pages in length, includes the answers at
the back, and full-color pages are perforated for
easy removal. Students will do word problems,
analysis, charts, graphs, solve riddles, and much
more as they are being challenged to think
beyond their grade level requirements. If your
child isn’t being challenged with your regular
curriculum, add this series as a supplement to
develop those critical thinking skills. ~ Donna
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.95
038254 Grade 1
038337 Grade 4
038271 Grade 2
038349 Grade 5
038290 Grade 3
038388 Grade 6
Complete Math Workout (1-8)
These 250-page marvels (Gr. 4 is 275 pgs)
includes everything you would hope to find in
a workbook – all nicely packaged. First of all
there are lots of ractice exercises with a great
variety of formats, graphics, and types including word problems. Instruction is minimal but
includes corked examples, “hints” on how to
work specific types of problems, and step-bystep first problems in each group. The layout is
eye-pleasing with just the right amount of color
accents. Occasionally there are “just for fun”
and “challenge” sections. Each section (roughly
a quarter’s work) has both a midway and a
final review. Content correlates to expected
grade level content with answers in the back
(section could be removed.) Additionally, there
is a Parent’s Guide in the back. Student pages
are reproducible by the classroom teacher
but since the overall cost is minimal and the
color is pleasing, I doubt many homeschoolers
would want to go that route. While this book
is designed to provide extra classroom or afterschool work, content coverage is thorough and
for the homeschool mom/teacher who is comfortable providing concept development and
instruction, this workbook could easily supply
all needed seatwork. pb. ~ Janice
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.95 11.95
042035 Grade 1
054537 Grade 5
054535 Grade 2
042040 Grade 6
054536 Grade 3
042038 Grade 4
Core Skills: Math 2014 (1-8)
If you are concerned that your student might
not be prepared for standardized testing, the
Core Skills series by Houghton Mifflin can help.
Newly updated in 2014, this series aligns to
new standards and testing content and provides additional practice and reinforcement of
math concepts at each grade level, 1-8. Books
are reproducible for family or classroom use
and each practice page is perforated for easy
removal. Intended for supplementary practice,
the pages do not include instruction for the
concepts. A list of topics covered within the
book is at the front for ease of matching them
up with your curriculum, and a standards correlation chart is provided. Each book contains
150+ pages with an answer key in the back.
This series is also a very good supplement just
for additional practice, even if you do not need
them for test prep. ~ Donna
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
031244 Grade 1
031262 Grade 5
031247 Grade 2
031264 Grade 6
031252 Grade 3
031266 Grade 7
031259 Grade 4
031270 Grade 8
Kumon Focus On… (2-5)
Kumon is a very trusted name in education, but
most people associate their materials with early
learning. Over the past several years, Kumon
has developed math materials up through 6th
grade, and these new additions focus on areas
in which some students have difficulty. The idea
behind this series is to help students ‘master’
fundamentals for a solid math future.
The Kumon methodology is to tackle one skill
at a time and ‘focus’ upon it until the student
understands and can apply it. The workbooks
follow a systematic, incremental approach that
allows children to learn at their own pace and
practices each skill intensely. Each workbook
has 27 or 28 two-page lessons, and it is suggested that you do a few pages each day and
do the pages in order. The books are printed
in black and white with a single accent color,
unlike the regular Kumon math curriculum,
which is more colorful. The intention is for
the child to complete the workbooks independently and even do their own checking with the
answer key found at the back of the book. If a
child has difficulty, they should go back to an
easier section of the book and redo it; working
forward from that point again. Let Kumon help
your child become proficient in math as they
“Focus On” their skills. ~ Donna
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.95
051670 Multiplication: Numbers 1-10 (2)
051669 Multiplication & Division with Decimals (5)
051671 Reducing & Calculating Fractions (5)
051672 Speed, Ratio & Proportion (5)
Math 4 Today (Common Core) (2-5)
Not drills, these are
comprehensive reviews of
essential math skills and
concepts that take about
10 minutes per day. The
books for grades 2-5 each
contain four problems a
day for four days, covering
a 40-week period. A separate, ten-problem test is
provided for the fifth day of each week. Answer
keys for drills and tests are included in all books.
The problems are sequenced to complement
your math curriculum, increasing in difficulty
from beginning to end. Unlike a drill product,
they cover all grade-level math topics and concepts are repeated weekly. These books were
created to provide ongoing, cumulative review
of math skills, much like the philosophy behind
the Saxon Math series. Most other basal texts
introduce and practice math concepts, then
go on to the next skill, abandoning previouslytaught concepts until the next pass, or in occasional reviews. I would strongly recommend
them to parents who are not using Saxon Math,
as an expedient way to help your child retain
and practice math skills on an ongoing basis.
One look at the scope and sequence chart
provided will assure you that the program is,
indeed, comprehensive. In fact, you can use this
program also as a diagnostic tool to detect areas
in which your math program is weak, or concepts that your child has not completely mastered, regardless of your basal program. Or use
the book during the summer, between grades,
to keep math skills fresh for next year and
avoid extensive beginning-of-the-school-year
review. Topics covered in the books include,
but are not limited to, arithmetic operations
on decimals/fractions/whole numbers, percents,
word problems, measurement, area/perimeter/
volume, algebraic expressions, and properties
(associative, commutative). The series has been
recently aligned to Common Core standards and
now includes a reference chart at the beginning
of each book to show where each standard is
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
032410 Grade 2
032412 Grade 4
032411 Grade 3
032413 Grade 5
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Mathematical Reasoning Supplements (2-9)
If you’re searching for additional practice pages to supplement your math program,
but are wanting more than
basic drills, then this is the
series you’ve been looking
for. These supplement books
contain page after page of
non-routine math problems that will challenge
your child’s grasp of math concepts as well as
ability to mathematically reason.
The following is a small sampling of problems
you can expect from this series. For example, in
the Grades 2-4 supplement, your child is tasked
with forming the largest/smallest sum, difference, and product by choosing operands from a
given set of numbers. In Grades 4-6, your child
is challenged to deduce possible values for an
unknown value N given a set of 4-5 rules, or
number properties. And finally, in the Middle
School Supplement, your child’s understanding
of percentage is put to the test by calculating
the percentage of a pizza’s surface area that is
covered in pepperoni.
The lower and upper elementary supplements
(2-6) each contain over 300 pages, with practice divided into 6 key content areas: Number
and Numeration, Geometry, Operations,
Measurement, Relations, and Tables and Graphs.
The middle school supplement (7-9) is over 300
pages, with practice divided into 12 content
areas: 2D Geometry, Number Operations; Rates,
Ratios and Proportions; Probability, Fractions,
Patterns, Percents, Graphing, Statistics, Number
Theory, 3D Geometry, and Miscellaneous. All
supplement books contain reproducible student
pages with answer guide included. ~ Anh
051051 Grades 2-4 . . . . . . . . . 24.99
051052 Grades 4-6 . . . . . . . . . 24.99
051050 Middle School (7-9) . . 24.99
10 Minutes a Day Topical books (3-5)
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
055549 Problem Solving Math (3)
055548 Problem Solving Math (4)
055546 Decimals (3-5)
055547 Fractions (3-5)
Level C: Student
Add/Subtract 038969FOMCAS
Measurement 038973FOMCMS
Multiply/Divide038974 FOMCMD
Problem Solving
Level D:
Problem Solving
Level E:
Problem Solving
Level F:
Problem Solving
Focus on Math (3-6)
The title sums up this series - twenty-four
workbooks, each focusing on a specific skill.
This series would be a great reinforcement and
test prep for core math content, or serve as extra
practice for the student having difficulty. They
provide from 24 to 32 pages for each targeted
skill and are somewhat like the “Key To” series,
but for younger kids. Students will progress from
one to three digit addition and subtraction in
level C to multi-step word problems in level F.
An 8-page answer key provides pretests and
post tests so you can gauge your student’s progress. These tests are reproducible for classroom or
family use. It also provides answers to the pretest,
post, test and workbook pages. Manipulatives for
suggested use are base-ten blocks, fraction strips,
a variety of measuring devices, and centimeter
cubes. They also tell you how you can make your
own fractions strips and a few ways you can use
the tools. You can’t go wrong with extra practice
at this price. ~ Donna
EACH WORKBOOK . . . . . . . . 5.47
EACH WKBK & KEY SET . . . . . 4.11
Spectrum Subject-Specific Math (3-6)
Here is another series by Spectrum to ensure
that your child is covering grade-level expectations in the math arena. Each 96-page workbook
provides focused practice in a specific skill area.
Each book is divided into chapters and includes
a mid-test and final test to sum up the content of
the book. The number of chapters in each book
varies from four to seven, and each chapter contains a pretest, practice pages, and a post-test.
A chart that shows the Common Core Standards
alignment is found at the front of the book and
answer keys are at the back. If you have a child
that just needs more practice or you want to
solidify concepts for standardized testing, this
series can be very helpful. ~ Donna
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.99
029738 Division Grade 3
029741 Division Grade 4
029779 Multiplication Grade 3
039890 Multiplication Grade 4
029744 Fractions Grade 5
029745 Fractions Grade 6
029751 Geometry Grade 5
029763 Geometry Grade 6
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Math Skill Builders (3-8)
What did you do over your summer vacation?
From the makers of Summer Bridge Activities,
this series can help your child prepare during
the summer for the next year of math. Kids will
not feel overwhelmed using these small-format
practice books. When ordering, select the
grade your child will be entering. Skill Builders
can also be used during the current school year
as extra practice. 65-80 pgs. ~ Anh
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.99
By Grade
019719 Grade 3
019710 Grade 5
019712 Grade 4
019714 Grade 6
By Topic
025481 Algebra (5-8)
028238 Fractions, Decimals, & Percents (3-5)
011742 Geometry (6-8)
028240 Introduction to Geometry (4-5)
028244 Multiplication and Division (4-5)
025494 Pre-Algebra (4-5)
Horse Lover’s Math: Understanding Math
through Horses Level 1 (4-5)
066108 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00
Steck-Vaughn Math Skills Workbooks (4-8)
You won't believe the amount of practice
that's packed into these thin workbooks! Master
fundamental concepts and basic skills through
clear, concise instruction followed by lots of
practice. Problems are a mix of computation
and problem solving. 48 pgs. ~ Anh
EACH BOOK (except noted) . . 7.27
022245 Decimals & Percents
022263 Measurement and Geometry
022277 Solving Word Problems
Use It! Don’t Lose It! Daily Math Practice (5-9)
Similar to Daily Math Practice, these provide
grade appropriate practice problems on a daily
basis for 36 weeks. Each day students work 5
problems. Monday through Thursday problem
sets consist of one computational, one problemsolving, and one algebra problem. The remaining two activities for Mondays and Wednesdays
contain a statistic/probability activity and a
geometry one. Measurement and number concepts round out the remaining two types of
problems Tuesdays and Thursdays. Friday activities follow a slightly different pattern with two
computational, one algebraic, one “random,”
and one challenge problem. With each week’s
activities centered around a particular theme
like the Titanic or inventions, students will not
only sharpen their math skills but also learn real
facts about the topic at hand. Practice problems
are set up in a spiraling sequence with the difficulty level increasing each successive week.
Please note: Although the algebra level book
follows the same pattern of 5 practice problems
per day, there are not set “types” of problems
for each day of the week. Algebra skills covered
are expressions, operations, equations with variables, exponents, roots and radicals, inequalities, coordinate graphing, functions, and more.
Answers included, reproducible, 127 pgs. ~ Enh
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.99 11.50
039050 Grade 5
039053 Grade 8
039051Grade 6
039052 Grade 7
☼Common Core Math Workouts (6-8)
Just some extra practice for your student who
may be struggling with some of the Common
Core math concepts. Each book is designed to
do a page at a time, focusing on one skill/concept. For parents, this can help explain some of
the language and methodology tripping you up
at home. Grades 6 & 7 cover geometry, ratios/
proportional relationships, the number system,
expressions/equations, and statistics/probability.
Grade 8 covers geometry, functions, the number system, expressions/equations, and statistics/
probability. Use these as a warm up activity
or even an assessment. Includes the CCS with
each page of practice, and a good amount of
word problems. Access more activities on the
website. Black/white, answers in the back.
Consumable, Approx. 50 pp, sc. ~ Sara
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
056084 Grade 6
056086 Grade 8
056085 Grade 7
of exercises for the student to complete on their
own. You will probably want to work out the
problems on a separate sheet of paper, since little room is typically provided with the exercises
and the books are not reproducible. An answer
key is provided in the back of each book, which
features answers to exercises and any reviews
included (answers only, not detailed solutions).
A cumulative review is included to ensure that
the concepts have been mastered. For the price,
these are excellent supplements to higher-level
math topics where the textbook is not providing
adequate explanation or practice. – Jess
EACH BOOK (except noted) 12.95
021843 Fractions Mastery . . 10.95
042420 Pre-Alg. Companion 10.95
042414 Algebra Book 1
042415 Algebra Book 2 . . . 13.95 10.75
042416 Algebra Book 3
Core Skills: Math College Refreshers (6-10)
These are no-nonsense math reviews - that just
happen to be correlated to the Common Core
State Standards. An extensive CCSS correlation
chart is provided as well as both a preview (to
see what areas the student needs targeted work)
and an ending review. Each unit also has its
own review. Worksheets (perforated) provide
practice problems following a brief instructional
sequence. Designed to reinforce math skills,
lessons are designed to strengthen computation, problem-solving, and reasoning skills. The
books are consumable, and answers are provided. These books can provide review needed
prior to taking standardized testing as well as
community college placement testing or ACT/
SAT testing. ~ Janice
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.70 13.25
031275 Math Practice (6-8)
17 units covering whole numbers/integers;
decimals; real numbers; percents; exponents/roots; ratio, rate and proportion;
expressions; equations/systems of equations; relations, functions, and graphing;
transformations; inequalities; angles/triangles; plane geometry/constructions; solid
geometry; probability; data/statistics; measurement. 246 pgs. pb.
031050 Algebra (8-10)
13 units covering expressions/formulas;
monomials; solving equations; exponents/
polynomials; functions; graphs; systems
of equations; inequalities, roots, and proportions; exponential functions; piecewise
functions; factoring; solving quadratic equations; and data/statistics. 224 pgs. pb.
1001 Math Problems (8-10)
058578 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.95
Straight Forward Math Series (8-AD)
It can be difficult to find supplemental practice
or alternative instruction for some higher-level
math topics, especially trigonometry and calculus, but these clean, uncluttered and “straightforward” workbooks do the job nicely. Each
workbook is divided into chapters on broad
topics (like matrices), which are broken down
further into parts which focus on more specific
topics (like the determinant for 2x2 matrices).
Each part includes a short lesson on the concept, followed by example problems which are
solved in a step-by-step manner with explanations. Example problems are followed by a set
Wipe-Off Practice Books
☼Math Wipe-Clean Workbooks (PK-6)
These 10-page workbooks allow students to
practice, practice, and practice some more.
Since these are Twin Sisters’ books, each book
comes with a free downloadable song to help
students learn the specific skill. For example,
the Multiplication workbook reviews facts from
1-12 with a reference chart on the back and a
“Multiplication Rap” to learn these facts! The
Addition and Subtraction workbooks practice
with numbers up to 10. Using a dry-erase
marker, practice each skill in the beginning
pages. Additional pages allow the student to
“take a quiz”, all the while increasing their
speed and accuracy each time they complete
it. I love products that can handle a lot of use
AND make learning math fun. 8 ½” x 11”, 10
pp, sturdy sc. ~ Ruth
EACH WORKBOOK . . . . . . . . 3.99
057609Addition 057617Multiplication
Math Flip & Draw Book (K-6)
These unique books are
like nothing else we carry.
A ‘Flip and Draw Book’
features a flip-out laminated
page which is spiral bound
on the right side of the back
cover. Designs to be created
or problems to be done are
printed on pages which are
spiral bound on the left.
This design allows students to see the pages and
draw or write on the laminated page with a dry
erase marker.
Geoboard Patterns has 120 designs on 30
pages. The designs can be used with a 5 x 5 pin
(25pins) geoboard with rubber bands, or with
the laminated flip out page. Geoboard designs
are to help build visual analysis and spatialperception skills. Patterns become increasingly
more difficult as the student progresses through
the book. Recommended for grades 1-6.
Geoboard Pictures is recommended for kindergarten through 2, and contains 25 reproducible
designs. This book is to be used with the 5 x 5
pin geoboard with rubber bands or the flip out
laminated page. The intent for this book is to
develop the same skills as Geoboard Patterns,
but for a younger child. Designs in this book
create pictures that are familiar to children.
Each ‘Fast Facts’ book includes 26 self-checking math drills which cover the fact families.
Instead of a laminated page, the “Fast Facts”
books have a transparent page attached that flips
over the math page. Pages work sequentially
forward using the front of each page. You then
work back to front using the reverse of each
page. Students then use a dry erase marker to
write correct answers in the boxes. Students
can then flip to the corresponding answer page
to check their own answers. The pages are also
reproducible. These are unique tools for practice in specific math skills. ~ Donna
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.95 10.50
040633 Fast Facts Addition 1
Covers fact families 0-12.
040634 Fast Facts – Addition 2
Contains problems with addends 0-9.
040635 Fast Facts – Division 1
040636 Fast Facts – Division 2
Books 1 & 2 contain simple division problems using fact families 1-10.
040637 Fast Facts – Multiplication 1
040638 Fast Facts – Multiplication 2
Books 1 & 2 cover fact families 0-10.
040639 Fast Facts – Subtraction 1
040640 Fast Facts – Subtraction 2
Books 1 & 2 cover fact families 0-10, and
2-digit minus 1-digit problems.
040641 Geoboard Patterns
040642 Geoboard Pictures
Activity Books / Cards - Non-Consumable
☼Hot Dots Let’s Master Math (PK-3)
If you are not familiar with Hot Dots, let me
give you the skinny. They are like interactive flashcards with a question and multiple
answers. Each response has a black dot next
to it. Using a special pen, the student touches
the dot next to the correct answer and gets
immediate feedback from the pen whether they
are right or wrong. This makes it a good option
for hands-on, visual, and audio learners—but it
also makes self-review, practice and assessment
fun for any student! These sets are really cute!
Each comes with its own pen in the shape of a
blue dog name Ace (requires 2 AAA batteries,
not included) and two spiral-bound books of
activities (50pp each). The books are kid-sized
at 5” x 7.5” and they open nice and flat. Pages
are laminated cardstock, so they should respond
to lots of use by several children, making them
a great classroom option! The illustrations are
clear and colorful. The Hot Dots Pen has 2 volumes and a mute option. When a child places
the pen on the dot by the correct answer, Ace’s
eyes light up green and it plays positive sounds.
An incorrect response gets different sounds and
the pen’s eyes light up red. A child has to hold
the pen vertically on the dot to get a response,
which can take a little practice. The dog is really
cute with his tongue hanging out like he’s ready
to play! It is chunky and easy to grip.
Each set comes in a box with a handle at the
top, like a little briefcase. This is a good item for
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
024186 Division Designs (3-5)
Double Digit Decoders (1-6)
Similar to Multiplication Mosaics, this book
From the Math Mosaics people, these collecpractices division facts. To complete each
tions of puzzles are the way to avoid boredom
design, you must first answer approximately
in double digit problem practice. Three different
25 division facts. Then use the divisor and
types of puzzles – mini mysteries, mosaics, and
quotients from each problem to plot a set of
mazes – are waiting to be solved, but you must
points which, once connected, form a picture!
complete the double digit problems first and
then follow the directions. Problem sets start 017803 Decimal Destinations (4-7)
Students answer 18-24 decimal problems
with simple problems and progress into regroupCommon Core Math Task Cards (K-6)
per exercise and then use their answers
ing. All answers are provided
Here’s a quick and convenient way to make EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.95 11.66
and color-coded clues to color in squares
sure all the Common Core standards are cov- 028190Addition
in a 9x9 square grid. The tenths place tells
ered during your school year. Each set of 48 028195Subtraction
which vertical column to use and the hundouble-sided (5.5” x 3.5,” landscape orientadredths place tells which horizontal row to
tion) cards have questions (plus the relevant Math Mosaics (1-8)
use so you know which square to color.
standard) on each side. Students are often asked
Names of various animals are revealed once
You don't need to be Sherlock Homes to
to work problems on paper, draw a picture to solve the riddles in these books, but you do
the squares are all colored in.
show an answer, use various common manipu- need to be ready to solve some math problems! 017806 Fraction Finders (3-6)
latives, etc. Cards are laminated, color-coded Each book contains 30 puzzles to solve, based
Students complete various fraction-specific
per grade level, and reasonably priced. An around a grid and a list of approximately 20
math problems, then use the answers and
answer key, teacher notes/tips, and two storage math problems. In the addition and subtraction
color-coded clues to color in squares on a
rings are also included. ~ Janice
9x9 square grid. The first denominator in
books, you use the answers you get to plot a
EACH SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
7.95 course around the grid and locate an object or
the problem tells which vertical column to
056143 Grade K
056141 Grade 4
use and the answer gives you the horizontal
answer. In the other books, answers to the math
056138 Grade 1
056142 Grade 5
so you know which square to color. Names
problems will provide instructions on coloring
056139 Grade 2
056137 Grade 6
of various animals are revealed once the
blocks of the grid to form the answer to a ques056140 Grade 3
squares are all colored in.
tion or a picture. Either way, suspense builds
as you complete the math problems and start to 045547 Algebra Antics (4-8)
65 Short Mysteries You Solve with Math! (5-9) reveal patterns in the grid! Solutions included
To make these mosaics, you answer algeDo you have a minute to spare? If so, then in each book. Does math practice really get any
braic equations (like x + 7 =11), put the
you have plenty of time to enjoy a one minute more fun than this? ~ Steph
answer in the blank of a given ordered pair
mystery and brush up on your math skills at the EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.95 11.66
(4, 8), then use the ordered pair to plot a
same time! These short (no more than one page) 031137 Addition Adventures (1-4)
point on an x,y axis graph. Continue plotting
mysteries were written by the father-daughter
each new point (based on the answers to the
Each page holds a riddle like: "Your pet lizduo of Eric and Natalie Yoder. Simply read the
equations) and connecting it to the preceding
ard has escaped and you've got to find him
mystery, grab a pencil and some scratch paper,
point to make a captivating design.
right away because your parents' guests are
and try to solve it before flipping the page to see
017373 ☼Graph Grapplers (1-AD)
due to arrive in thirty minutes! Use the clues
the solution. Kids will definitely see the realto draw a path to your lizard's hiding place."
world application of math with this collection
Coordinate Graphing: Creating Pictures Using
The grid holds pictures of possible hiding
of everyday mysteries. This 176-page book also
Math Skills (5-8)
places and to figure out which item he's
includes a bonus of 5 science mysteries from 65
Practicing any skill can become boring.
hiding behind, you need to solve the addiShort Mysteries You Solve with Science! ~ Anh
Sometimes, you need to mix it up a little; vary
tion problems. Each problem has the form
052276 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.95 10.95
the routine for a little burst of motivation. Instead
4 + __ = 8 (W). Using the missing number
of using a “just practice problems” book, this
and directional cues (N, E, W, S) found in
Activity Books - Consumable / Reproducible
one has an added incentive for completing each
parentheses as above, you start at the black
page. While the title makes the book sound like
star in the grid and travel the appropriate
Coloring Squared Common Core Math
just a graphing book, its 56 activity sheets actualnumber of spaces in the direction given for
Coloring Books (PK-6)
ly practice a wide variety of math skills. Besides
each problem.
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.95
7.95 031140 Subtraction Secrets (1-4)
obviously familiarizing your child with a coordi064051 Addition and Subtraction
nate grid, graphing, and negative numbers, this
Formatted similarly to Addition Adventures,
064058 Multiplication and Division
book has engaging exercises to review: basic
these puzzles include math problems and a
064052 Color by Number
operations with integers, basic operations with
grid with items featured on it. To solve the
064056 Fractions, Decimals & Percentages
variables, prime numbers, factors, GCF, operapuzzle, you complete math problems like
064059 Number Sense 1-999
tions with fractions, percents, ratio and propor7 - 3 = ___ (E) and use the missing number
tion, mean, mode, reading graphs, rounding,
and the direction given to plot a course to
064054 First Grade
absolute value, money, sequences, logic, geomfind the answer.
064060 Second Grade
etry, probability, and word problems. There are
024189 Multiplication Mosaics (2-4)
064061 Third Grade
about 10 problems per sheet (labeled A-J). The
An artistic way to practice basic multiplica064055 Fourth Grade
inducement for solving the problems on each
tion facts! To complete a mosaic, you must
064053 Fifth Grade
worksheet is discovering the picture formed
answer about 25 multiplication problems by
when solutions are graphed. After students solve
filling in the missing factor, i.e. 7 x __ = 21
a page, they place the answers in blanks to form
(orange). When all the problems are done,
sets of coordinate points. Answers are used muluse the factors and indicated colors to create
tiple times and placed in blanks corresponding
a mosaic in the grid provided. Includes 30
to the letter of the answer. Points are plotted on
mosaics divided into varying levels (#1 cova coordinate graph and lines drawn connecting
ers facts up to 2, #2-3 cover facts up to 3,
points in sets (an END OF LINE marks the end
..., #25-30 cover facts up to 9).
of each set). When all the lines are drawn, a
033760 More Multiplication Mosaics (3-7)
picture is formed. I have seen books like this
30 more fun multiplication mosaics, these
for younger students, but this one is unique in
step up in challenge. In this book, students
that it is for middle school grades with resulting
practice multiplying one digit numbers by
pictures correspondingly more complex (helitwo and three digit numbers to gain the correct answers to complete the mosaic.
one child to work independently while a parent
needs time with another child. They will love
the darling pen and the feedback when they get
it right! ~ Sara
EACH SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.99 19.50
059702Grade 2
059703Grade 3
059701 Grade 1
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
copter, airplane, eagle, windmill, etc.). Pages
are all reproducible as are the two formats of
blank graphing paper with axes. Book may be
used as a consumable if you cut off the answers
on the bottom of each page. Reduced graphs
showing completed drawings are at the end of
the book. Use these worksheets to practice or
reinforce specific skills or use them once a week
as review. If your child enjoys a bit of creativity with her math practice, she’ll relish creating
pictures using math skills (and a pencil!).
045269 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.99 10.95
Word Problems
Under the Sea Shells Word Problem Activity
Set (1-4)
Bright colors. Cute little sea-folk. Multi-leveled
activity cards. Can you think of a more inviting
way to introduce math word problems to young
students? There are 40 starfish counters in two
colors and 40 crabs in two additional colors –
smiling, of course (because math word problems
are so much fun!), plus four cross-eyed, handsized clam shells that are pliable and have a
good “feel.” What do you do with them? Well,
solve word problems, of course. There are 80
problems provided (40 two-sided cards) in three
difficulty levels – Level 1 (working within 10),
Level 2 (working within 20) and Level 3 (challenging). Set-up is easy. Distribute ten each of
the starfish and crabs and then follow the directions on the cards to set up the problem and find
the answer. Students can check their own work
because the answers are provided on the backside of the card. A small activity guide is also
included, and students are encouraged to write
the problems out as or after they get the correct
answer. ~ Janice
057129 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29.99 22.50
Daily Word Problems (1-6)
A good, short supplement to your daily math
work, these books provide one word problem
for every day in 36 weeks. Every week’s problems revolve around a central theme, but many
topics are covered in every book to provide
variety. Some have multiple parts, while others
make use of charts and graphs. So don’t let your
skills get rusty - one problem a day will help to
keep your math skills fresh. Books are graded
for public school standards and content seems a
bit simple in parts of the workbooks, so if you
have a child who excels in math, you might
consider the workbook that is a grade above
them. ~ Stephanie
Each book . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.99 15.50
014007 Grade 1
014010 Grade 4
014008 Grade 2
014011 Grade 5
014009 Grade 3
014012 Grade 6
Spectrum Word Problems (2-8)
Formerly titled Spectrum Enrichment Math, the
Spectrum Word Problems series offers practice
solving multi-step word problems that focus
on real world applications. There are a varying number of chapters in each book (nine to
fourteen), all of which follow the same format.
Each chapter begins with a pretest, and then
you work through the lessons, and take the
posttest – number of lessons varies from chapter
to chapter. There is a midway test in each level
and a final test at the end of the book, which
reviews all book content.
With the new 2014 copyright, the skills being
reinforced are geared to the Common Core State
Standards. Word problems can be a source of
frustration for many students, and this series
offers additional practice and helpful hints to
build student confidence in this area and to
prepare for standardized testing. This series is
consumable and non-reproducible and ranges
in length, 112 to 124 pages with answer keys in
the back of the book. ~ Donna
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
029658 Grade 2
014748 Grade 6
014689 Grade 3
026269 Grade 7
014746 Grade 4
026383 Grade 8
014747 Grade 5
028470 Book 4: Data & Measurement
Customary/metric conversions, units of
measurement (length, weight, area, volume,
etc), and reading tables and graphs.
501 Math Word Problems (3rd Ed.) (8-10)
058579 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.95 13.95
Problem-Solving (Math-Oriented Logic)
DK Workbooks: Problem Solving (K-4)
EACH WORKBOOK . . . . . . . . 6.99
045584 1st Grade
045588 2nd Grade
045590 3rd Grade
Math Analogies (K-9)
Math lends itself nicely to analogous thinking;
much of math is about finding patterns, seeing relationships, and problem-solving. Most
analogy books concentrate just on relationships between words; these are unique in their
application of analogy to all areas of math:
number and operations; algebra; geometry;
measurement; data analysis and probability. It’s
a different way of looking at and practicing vital
math concepts while also working on logic and
reasoning skills. Books are available at three
levels, have 38 pages of exercises, and include
an answer key at the back. Exercises are mostly
pictorial and numeric – especially in the K-1
book – so very little reading is needed. Most
children will find this an enjoyable way to combine logic and math skills; children who enjoy
puzzles will appreciate them even more!
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.99
025214 Beginning (K-1)
025223 Book 1 (2-3)
025235 Book 2 (4-5)
000301 Book 3 (6-7)
001817 ☼Book 4 (8-9)
Math Detective (3-AD)
An excellent series from the makers of Reading
Detective! Each activity begins with a short,
entertaining reading selection and some type
of chart or diagram. Follow-up questions promote critical thinking, and they typically do
not require a lot of computation. Answers to
questions cannot be found by quickly scanning
the reading or diagram for numbers. Each level
contains approx. 40 activities organized according to standards-based content areas: numbers
and numeration, patterns, operations, geometry
and spatial sense, probability, and statistics.
021811 Beginning (3-4) . . . . . 19.99
021810 A1 (5-6) . . . . . . . . . . . 19.99
012081 B1 (7-AD) . . . . . . . . . 19.99 Power Pen Learning Cards - Solving Word
Problems (1-4)
Tall-Tale Math (5-8)
EACH SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.99 10.25
These are the most creative and interesting 040852 Grade 1
040875 Grade 3
story problems I've seen in a long time! Each 040866 Grade 2
040877 Grade 4
workbook in this series is divided into three sections: Review, Skill-Builder, and Extra-Practice. Process Skills in Problem-Solving (1-6)
Review sheets briefly cover important definiUsing the Singapore approach to teach
tions and concepts and are followed by straight- kids to think mathematically, these workbooks
forward questions which test comprehension. apply discovery-based and model-based probSkill-Builder and Extra-Practice sheets consist of lem-solving skills to grade-appropriate math
story problems that are based on highly imagi- concepts. Each book for Levels 1 through 3
native scenarios. For example, in the Mars City is divided into two sections. The first section
worksheet, you help a lost tourist find his way uses the Model Approach (MA), followed by
with directions from helpful Martians all the a section using the Heuristic Approach (HA while applying what you know about parallel, discoveries resulting from investigations made
perpendicular, and intersecting lines. Extra- by the student). Levels 4 and up focus solely on
Practice Sheets are exactly what they sound like Heuristic approach methods. But don't let the
but require higher level problem solving skills terminology scare you - the pages look like fun
than Skill-Builder sheets. 64 pgs. ~ Anh
with a simple layout and cartoonish graphics.
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.95 11.95 See our website for contents by book. Answer
028467 Book 1: Number Sense
keys with detailed solutions are in the back of
Integers, fractions, decimals, and percents.
each book. pb ~ Sara
028468 Book 2: Pre-Algebra
003959 Level 1 (1-2) . . . . . . . 11.50
Equations, variables, algebraic expressions,
003960 Level 2 (2-3) . . . . . . . 12.00
and probabilities.
003961 Level 3 (3-4) . . . . . . . 12.10
028469 Book 3: Geometry Basics
003967 Level 4 (4-5) . . . . . . . 12.60
Points, lines, planes, angles, shapes, perim003972 Level 5 (5-6) . . . . . . . 13.60
eter, area, volume, and square roots.
003976 Level 6 (6) . . . . . . . . . 13.80
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
☼Problem Solving Beyond the Classrooom (1-7)
With extra word problems, finding patterns
& making tables, your student learns to break
down a problem into workable steps to get
a solution. Each unit begins with a worked
example, followed by steps to help the student understand the problem and then through
directed questions the student must decide on
an approach to solve it. Every page gives plenty
of space to work in the book. The problems use
relatable situations for a young student. The
names chosen in the examples show cultural
diversity. These would be a good supplement to
any of the math programs using the Singapore
method, but also other math teaching styles. In
the lower grades, any parent should be able to
pick up on the methodology, but in the upper
grades it could be a little tricky if a parent is
unfamiliar with some of the Singapore method
vocabulary. A classroom teacher would need
each student to have a book as these are not
reproducible in any setting. All solutions in
back. 143 pp, sc. ~ Sara
060256 Primary 1 (1-2)
060257 Primary 2 (2-3)
060258 Primary 3 (3-4)
060259 Primary 4 (4-5)
060260 Primary 5 (5-6)
060261 Primary 6 (6-7)
Becoming a Problem Solving Genius (4-12)
When it comes to problem-solving strategies,
who hasn’t heard of the “guess and check”
method? This handbook of math strategies by
Edward Zaccaro offers some innovative and
easy-to-apply strategies such as the “Think 1”
method. If the following problem (One bag
of cat food will feed 3 cats for 40 days. If I
buy 2 more cats, how long will one bag of cat
food last?) makes your head hurt, then you definitely need to learn how to “Think 1.” What
I like about this book is that the author really
takes his time explaining each strategy, and
he also makes it fun by using cartoon characters. Each new strategy is then followed by
lots and lots of practice. In fact, the practice
problems are even separated into 5 levels of
difficulty – Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Einstein
Level, and Super Einstein. This enormous book
is divided into 17 chapters: Think 1, The 2-10
Method, Sometimes You Must Subtract, Draw a
Picture, Venn Diagrams, Language of Algebra,
Solving Equations, Solving Algebra Problems,
Logic, The Power of Ratios, Function Machines,
Don’t Be Fooled, The Eccentric Mathematician,
Permutations, Understanding Bases, Who Wants
to be a Googolillionaire, and Contests. The last
chapter, titled Contests, does not teach a new
strategy but contains even more pages of practice organized into 4-5 problem math contests.
320 pgs. ~ Anh
Math Perplexors (1-AD)
Combine your math abilities, deductive reason- 038239 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.95 19.25
ing and logic skills to solve these entertaining,
yet challenging, story problems. Using a list of ☼Pattern Explorer Level 1 (5-7)
When children are young, we teach them to
clues, eliminate from the lists of possible solutions to arrive at the correct one. For example, recognize sequences, shapes, and patterns as
in the puzzle “Go Fish,” Fred, Frank, Farrah, prerequisites to math – important skills to build
and Felicity decide to hold two fishing contests. upon. This book from The Critical Thinking
Using a list of five clues such as “Fred and Frank Company incorporates some fun puzzles to
caught a total of 24 fish together,” match these work with children at the fifth to seventh grade
people to their correct last name, the number level to really get them thinking about math
of fish caught, and the weight of the largest fish functions. Five different types of puzzles make
caught. Each book contains 50 such problems the math exploration challenging – Pattern
ordered by increasing level of difficulty. ~ Enh Predictor, Equality Explorer, Sequence Sleuth,
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.95 11.66 Number Ninja, and Function Finder. There are
045566 Basic (1-3) 017824 Level C (5-6) eight of each type for a total of 40 puzzles that
017817 Level A (3-4) 017825 Level D (7+) become progressively more difficult. Pattern
Predictor asks the student to look at a pattern of
017823 Level B (4-5)
shapes and predict where the pattern will be in
future stages. Equality Explorer is like Balance
Real-Math Problem Solving (2-6)
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.99 11.95 Benders (also by Critical Thinking Press) where
the student sees a series of balances with shapes
064666 Grade 2
064669 Grade 5
on one side and a number on the other – the
064667 Grade 3
064670 Grade 6
student has to figure out the value of each shape
064668 Grade 4
in order to equal the number on the other side
(balancing equations). Sequence Sleuth shows a
Comic-Strip Math Problem Solving (3-6)
sequence of patterns, objects, letters, etc. and
Let the antics of Molly
asks a series of questions in which the student
Mouse, Squirmy Worm,
is to determine future stages in the sequence
Moovis the Cow and a whole
based upon what they can already see. Number
slew of new animal friends
Ninja lays out a series of operations and tells
inspire your child to do math!
you a starting or ending number. Based on the
Each problem-solving activoperations you have to determine the missing
ity in this book begins with
start or finish number. The fifth type of puzzle
a short comic-strip which is
followed by 5-6 related math questions. This is the Function Finder in which the student is to
resource contains 80 reproducible student pages determine what functions are being employed
plus answers covering the following key content given the example presented – look for a patareas: Place Value & Rounding, Addition & tern and understand it. An example of this last
Subtraction, Multiplication & Division, Mixed puzzle would be 6♦7=43, 8♦3=25, 9♦10=91,
Operations, Fractions, Decimals, Time, Money, 2♦5=11. Based on the mystery function offered
Measurement, Graphs, Geometry, Patterns, and here, what would the answers be to 5♦9 and
16♦3? The mystery functions would be multiply
Rate/Ratio/Probability & Statistics. ~ Anh
021618 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.99 11.25 and add one, so the answers would be 46 and
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
49, consecutively.
Hints for solving the puzzles and solutions are
offered at the back of the book. These are very
helpful when you get stuck.
I know this book says that it is for 5th – 7th
grade, but I feel like the number-brain exercises
in these puzzles would be good for even high
school and adults. I have completely enjoyed
working the puzzles in this book. Like other
Critical Thinking products, this book is reproducible for classroom and family use. ~ Donna
060814 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.99
Real World Math
Everyday Math (Life Skills) (3-4)
Over 100 word problems that deal with ordinary situations such as ordering from a catalog,
planning a family reunion, or estimating a grocery bill. Activities practice basic math skills.
No instruction included. 28 pgs. ~ Anh
019855 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.99
Sports Math (4-8)
Let’s be honest, sometimes boys (or girls!) don’t
find math appealing or practical and maybe,
we as teachers/parents, fail to show them the
value of math in the real world. What could
be more exciting than applying math concepts
to sports? These new supplemental workbooks
offer children the opportunity to apply math and
critical thinking skills to real life activities and
situations. One benefit of these workbooks are
that the activities and projects are not grade specific but rather have been designed to meet the
individual skills and aptitudes of middle school
students of various abilities. The included projects offer more open-ended questions and may
require additional research at the library (or
online). Each soft cover book contains over 60
activities/projects and the answer key (no solutions). Recommended for the topical Amanda
Bennett Unit Study Adventure curriculum and
aligns to Common Core Standards. Student
worksheets are reproducible for classroom use.
Guaranteed WIN for the sports loving child in
your family or classroom! 104pgs, pb. ~Deanne
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.95 13.95
039172 Baseball Math
Score keeping, records, statistics, schedules,
player salaries (includes breaking down
the amount paid per hit or strikeout), team
travel budgets, baseball card profits and
losses, cost to build a dream ball park.
Projects include building a dream park and
a group project based on the classic poem,
Casey at Bat.
039177 Racing Math
Chart lap times, measure the length of a
straightaway, compute average pole position speeds, analyze race television ratings
and the growth of stock car racing. Projects
include researching speed records, history of the Indianapolis 500, ice racing and
much more.
Math Skills for the Workforce (11-AD)
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.40 18.25
059783 Decimals & Percents
059785 Measurement, Geometry, Algebra
059786 Whole Numbers
Drill Books
Books in this section go beyond basic
operations. See Basic Operations section for
additional drill books
Daily Common Core Math Practice (1-6)
Very comprehensive in scope and progressive
in difficulty, these by grade daily drills will help
assure continual review and reinforcement of
math concepts and skills. Daily drills are provided for 36 weeks and take about 5 minutes
per day with 5 problems per drill. Each day's
activity includes two computational problems,
one word problem, and two problems that cover
a wide variety of skills (such as numeration, patterns/algebra, geometry/spatial, measurement
- including time and money, and data/probability). This format is followed Monday-Thursday.
Friday's drill contains just one, more extensive,
problem that often requires multiple steps to
solve. Answers are included in the back in
reduced-page format. Reproducible.
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.99 16.50
006998 Grade 1
007002 Grade 4
006999 Grade 2
007005 Grade 5
007000 Grade 3
007007 Grade 6
Drillbooks (1-8)
Sometimes after a child learns a new skill, it
helps to have plenty of practice sheets for them.
Or if they are struggling with a concept, they
may need some extra problems focusing on that
area. These drillbooks have little or no instruction; they're strictly drill sheets focusing on one
thing, with a variety of different formats used
throughout. - Melissa
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.99
006772 Addition 1 Facts 0-20
006773 Addition 2 Review and Regrouping
006809 Decimals Concepts and Operations
006810 Division 1 Facts 1-81
006811 Division 2 Multi-Digit
006812 Fractions 1 Concepts
006813 Fractions 2 Operations
006817 Multiplication 1 Facts 0-81
006818 Multiplication Multi-Digit/Regrouping
006832 Subtraction 1 Facts 0-20
006833 Subtraction 2 Review & Regrouping
CalcuLadders CalcuPaks™ (1-8)
These are great - painless, quick, easy to take
and good for you - no wonder they’re called
“Learning Vitamins.” These are designed to
get the brain working quickly and automatically - a must before going into higher-level
math! We have seen marked improvement in
our children’s computational speed and skill
after using these. Advantages over other drill
sheets we’ve seen (and used) are the sheer
variety in the sheets and the incremental level
of difficulty from one sheet to the next. Cute
graphics "grow" up the margins of the page as
students progress, adding to the visual appeal,
and an appropriate scripture verse is a definite
plus (if you’re drilling several students, the ones
who finish ahead can meditate on something
Although the print versions of the Calculadders
have gone out of print and the MasterPaks versions have been discontinued, the publisher has
transitioned their successful drill program to a
windows-driven computer software. CalcuPak
1 contains CalcuLadders 1-3 and ReadyWriter,
while CalcuPak 2 contains CalcuLadders 4-6
and AlphaBetter. The software comes on CD
and runs on Windows or Mac. Information is
included with the CD on obtaining an activation key for setup. After installation, open up
the application and you'll see all of the volumes
listed. You can easily print off as many of each
drill as you need from this screen, as well as
keys and achievement records. Another great
feature of the CalcuPack is the CalcuClock™
which can time up to five different students in
one sitting. You can shut down the timer if they
finish before their time runs out, and when you
enter their scores, it will calculate accuracy and
performance scores.
EACH CD-ROM . . . . . . . . . . 35.95 29.95
053045 CalcuPak 1 Home Edition 4.0
Includes CalcuLadders 1-3 and ReadyWriter.
Skills covered: basic and advanced addition, subtraction and multiplication; basic
division telling time, basic penmanship.
053046 CalcuPak 2 Home Edition 4.0
Includes CalcuLadders 4-6 and AlphaBetter.
Skills covered: intermediate and advanced
division; fractions; percents; place value;
rounding and estimating; adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions and
decimals; English/metric units and unit conversion, basic geometry; alphabetical order;
alphabetizing skills; dictionary skills.
book so you can track progress and see areas of
difficulty. The Teacher Guide for grades 8-10
is an answer key along with suggestions for
mental math strategies and how to teach them.
This series is non-reproducible without written
permission from the publisher. ~ Rachel/Donna
EACH STUDENT GR. 2-3 . . . . 7.95
EACH STUDENT GR. 4-10 . . . 8.95
049223 Teacher Gd Gr. 8-10 5.95
Answer Key
Flashcards / Study Cards
(see Basic Operations section for operationspecific flashcards)
Evan-Moor Math Flashcards (PK-3)
These quality, inexpensive, double-sided
flashcard sets provide children with a fun and
interactive way to learn math facts. Printed on
glossy card stock, the cards measure approximately 3” x 4”. The “Counting to 20” set
includes the numbers, instructions for how to
write the numbers and “I Can Read” cards with
the number written out. The “Counting to 100”
set includes cards numbered 1-100, as well as
additional cards that show skip counting by 2,
5 and 10; even and odd numbers; and a card
with all of the numbers from 1-100. Math Fact
cards contain answers with an illustrated solution on the back. The instructions and a special
code for online interactive activities are also
included with each set. Correlates to Common
Core. ~ Deanne
EACH SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.99
007616 Addition and Subtraction Facts to 10
007618 Addition Facts 11-18
007730 Subtraction Facts 11-18
007639 Counting 1-100
007705 Multiplication Facts to 9s
007681 Division Facts to 9s
Daily Mental Math (2-10)
This series of math workbooks is designed to
provide students with daily, 5-15 minute math
drills to help keep their math skills sharp, to
build concentration and to use logical strategies to solve problems. Each book contains
daily drills for 40 weeks. New concepts are
introduced at the beginning of the week and
reviewed later in the week and in following
weeks. Besides covering basic math operations
like addition and multiplication, questions also
cover area, measurement, chance, and data
concepts. Early levels drill on simple mental
strategies like doubling and halving, as well
as identifying shapes and telling time. Middle
levels build upon these skills and drill on adding two-digit numbers, as well as simple multiplication and division and calculating time
intervals. Upper levels incorporate fractions
and decimals, multiplying larger numbers, and
basic algebra. Levels 4-7 have Monday through
Thursday drills in the front of the book and
Friday "tests" in the back. A Teacher's Guide w/
Answer Key is available for each level - this may
be a photocopy, as the publisher is no longer
making it available separately.
New additions to the Daily Mental Math series
are grades 8, 9, and 10. These workbooks
provide 40 weeks of practice, each consisting
of 20 questions per day (1/2 page) for 4 days
of the week and increase in difficulty as the
year progresses. As with earlier grades in this
series, each practice should take 10 to 15 minutes. Similar questions are presented together
and are practiced using repetition of questions
with some variance which allows students to
see differences and understand relationships.
The practice supports concepts found in gradeequivalent math curriculum and helps prepare
students for standardized tests. The goal is to Subitizing Cards-Knowing How Many without
build speed and accuracy using mental math. A Counting (K-1)
student record sheet is found at the back of each 057003 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.95 10.25
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Sylvan Learning Math Flashcards (K-5)
You’ll have to rethink your definition of “flashcards” after seeing these sets. Most flashcards
typically provide drill - problems are presented
via the cards and a student works through a
group of cards building speed and accuracy.
You might think of these cards as problem
mastery. Each set provides 240 problems representative of grade level skills – for instance,
the 5th grade set covers decimals, fractions,
percents, and geometry. Each set has cards in
four levels of difficulty; each card identifying
both the level and the specific skill. Students
practice through the problems on one level and
when mastered progress to the next level. The
(unlaminated) cards are horizontally oriented,
5” x 3,” with rounded corners. They’re also
color coordinated with all cards from one grade
level having the same color edging. The answer
to each card problem is on the back. The card
box itself is handy with a flip top for easy
access and a gauge marked on the side which
provides encouragement as partway goals are
met (student places mastered cards in the back
of the box). Developed by the Sylvan Learning
Center, these card sets are an excellent way to
review and make sure students have mastered
the basic math skills from a particular grade
level. ~ Janice
EACH SET OF CARDS . . . . . . 11.99
057986 Grade K
057983 Grade 3
057981 Grade 1
057984 Grade 4
057982 Grade 2
057985 Grade 5
Pen Learning Card, they hear a “Hooray!” or a
“Yahoo!” If they are wrong, they are encouragingly redirected. Three volume levels on the
pen include voice, sound and light effects.
Requires 2 AAA batteries (not included). Each
card set includes 53 (5.5” x 3.5”) double-sided
practice cards, instructions and an answer key.
Cards have bold print and are black & white. If
you have a student that is struggling with one
concept, you can focus her practice by having
her work on a set of cards. This is another way
to practice besides a workbook, making this a
good option for the audio as well as any handson learner. I think any student would appreciate
a break from plain flashcards, and there are 106
problems in each boxed set! The boxes are nice:
bright green with a sturdy lid. ~ Sara
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
EACH CARD SET . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
039258 Place Value
039250Fractions 039294Subtraction
039240 Power Pen . . . . . . 10.99
040722 Extra Answer Stickers 4.99
Spectrum Flashcards (1-5)
Practice basic math facts with these quality flashcards. Each set contains approx. 50
double-sided flashcards, with two problems per
flashcard. Math facts for 0-12 are included, and
the answers for the opposite side are discreetly
located in the top corner. Each set includes
creative game suggestions to reinforce learning.
EACH SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.95
Math Flashkids Flashcards (K-6)
When he was younger, one of my brother’s 008510Multiplication
favorite games used to be “plus or minus”, in 008635Division
which I’d have to come up with an addition 030402Fractions
or subtraction problem for him to answer off
the top of my head. This game could go on for ☼Spectrum Flash Cards (100 cards) (PK-6)
Addition, subtraction, multiplication & divihours. These flashcards would have been a real
help back then. Each set includes 86 double- sion sets have 100 two-sided cards. White cards
sided flashcards. The cards measure 3.25” x with bold black numbers have the Spectrum
5.25”. The four basic operation sets are differ- rainbow down one side and each set comes
ent colors, so you can combine sets (suppose with game/activity ideas and cover place value
you want to practice both addition and subtrac- strategies, unknown number equations & visual
models. Both the Addition and Subtraction sets
tion) and then easily re-separate. ~ Anh
EACH SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.95
3.25 cover fluency drills within 20. Multiplication set
drills up to 12x12. Division set ranges up to 144
038194 Addition (K)
divided by 12. ~ Sara
Simple single- and double-digit addition
EACH 100-CARD SET . . . . . . . 7.99
038201 Division (3)
Practices divisors up to 12
038718 Multiplication (2)
Practices times tables up to 12
038783 Multiplication War (2-6)
Practices times tables up to 9. Played like
the classic war card game, in which the
Hot Dots Math Flashcards
card with the highest product wins the
Please see Curriculum for a full description.
hand. These cards are not double-sided.
038878 Subtraction (K)
Hot Dots Laugh It Up! Math Vocabulary Cards
Simple single- and double-digit subtraction
038929 Time and Money (1)
Test language can mess up a student’s final
Learn to read analog clocks (up to 5 minute
score even if she is familiar with the math terms
intervals) and how to identify and add coins
used. They may understand the concept, just
and bills
not the specific words used in the question.
Help your student with math vocabulary in a
☼Power Pen and Math Learning Cards (K-6)
Plain flashcards can be effective, but not very fun and interactive way with Hot Dots. Your
fun or interactive. Make learning fun and get learner uses a Hot Dots pen (not included)
instant feedback (making this an independent which makes a sound when they place it on
activity) from the Power Pen! It looks a little the dot next to the correct answer. You could
like a flashlight. When your student places the also use these without the pen since there’s an
tip of the pen on the correct answer on a Power answer card included. Each card is two-sided
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
with a multiple choice question and four possible answers (just like those standardized tests!)
So what makes it funny? Each question has an
illustration next to it, and they have silly little
conversation bubbles. Great for your visual
learners as these may help them remember
the words if they can pull up the illustration in
their head during a test. The 40 cards have the
same word on each side, so students get two
examples to remember. Each card is about 5”x
8” with rounded corners and the set comes in a
sturdy storage box. Use these in a homeschool,
co-op, or classroom. They are great for test
prep! Reproducible. ~Sara
EACH CARD SET . . . . . . . . . 15.99 12.50
026279 Grade 1-3 026378 Grade 4-6
☼Learning Advantage Flash Cards (3-AD)
Flash cards have been a part of teaching math
since before I was a young child. We once
used them for learning basic math facts and
the repetition helped us to remember addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division tables.
These cards go further than just basic functions
and can be used to supplement any math curriculum. Each set includes double-sided, black
& white cards that measure 3 ¼” x 6 ¼”. There
162 cards in each of the Unknown Quantities
sets, 179 cards in Rounding & Estimating and
105 cards in Order of Operations. Within each
set are instruction cards with suggestions for
usage. Rounding & Estimating and Order of
Operations both include a reference card that
describes the concept represented on specific
cards – very helpful!
The format for Order of Operations and
Unknown Quantities is the same on both sides
– the answer for the problem on the reverse
side is printed in small print at the card’s top.
Unknown Quantities cards have a printed problem with a variable somewhere in the problem.
Students must figure out the variable. Order of
Operations offers simple to complex problems
that must be solved in the proper order to find
the correct answer.
The cards in Rounding & Estimating have a
bit different format. There are 2 levels: Level
1 uses whole numbers to millions, and Level
2 uses decimal numbers to the thousandths.
The front of the card shows a number with one
of its digits underlined (showing to what place
the student is to round). On the reverse, is the
reasonable estimate and three statements; only
one of the statements might be a good use of
that number. For example, 332 would most
reasonably be rounded to 330. This number
would most reasonably be applied to 1) the
number of miles from New York City to London,
England; 2) the number of islands that make up
Fiji; 3) total number of candy bars in 5 bags of
candy, each with a dozen bars. The goal is to
help them learn practical application in multiple
areas. The correct answer is printed below the
three statements. If you want flash cards that
do more than the basics, add these to your math
curriculum. ~ Donna
060208 Order of Operations 8.99
060209 Rounding & Estimation13.99 11.50
060210 Unknown Quantities: Addition & Subtraction . . . . . 13.9911.50
060211 Unknown Quantities: Multiplication
& Division . . . . . . . 13.9911.50
☼Integer Flash Cards (5-8)
Help students master their skills with these
convenient and versatile cards. These 105 heavy
duty flash cards help students work through
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems with negative and positive integers. The double side allows single and multiple
students at various grade levels to work through
two levels of problems: Level 1 problems use
two numbers; Level 2 problems use 3 or more
numbers. The bold type is easy to read and
can be used in a group setting. Cards are selfchecking and notched for easy sorting. ~ Ruth
040948 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.99
Puzzle & Game Books
☼Yamie Chess: Adventures of Tigermore &
Mind Angel (K-8)
More than just a chess game, this set teaches
math and science concepts. Using the included
fantasy story, “The Adventures of Tigermore
and The Mind Angels,” children can learn the
names of chess pieces as well as the moves they
are allowed to make while reading and coloring
the story pages. Developed by STEM educators
and chess champions, YAMIE (Young minds,
Algebra, Measurement, IQ, Easing geometry)
Chess invites students to explore geometry
and algebra through the story and the use of
the chess board. The story and game concepts
encourage critical thinking as elementary students learn the game of chess. Join Kimi in his
mind-world where he plays chess and meet King
Tigermore, Queen Belskina, and their team of
light pieces as they do battle in their fairytale
world again King Vigdor, Queen Grasswort, and
the dark pieces. The Yamie chess set includes
a chess board and pieces, colored pencils, and
☼Math SparkNotes Study Cards (9-AD)
Sparknotes cards provide a very thorough study story book with coloring pages.
tool for use with any of your math curriculum. CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
Use them for review of math terms and concepts, 057667 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . introduction to new topics or for test preparation.
You can use them to quiz yourself or quiz a
friend. Each 2” x 3” card in the set of 600 cards
(200 in Calculus) has an equation, definition,
question, fill-in-the-blank, or math problem to
be solved or worked out. On the reverse, you
will find the answer, explanation or diagram.
The front of the card is printed in blue and the
reverse is printed in black to help you keep the
cards organized. The concept area is printed at
the bottom of each card. This will help students Math File Folder Games to Go (1-3)
choose the correct cards for study purposes.
Making file folder games has never been easiAlgebra covers concepts in the areas of absolute er. Simply cut apart the game pieces and you’re
value, arithmetic operations, Cartesian plane, practically done. For even greater durability,
exponents and radicals, graphing, graphing you may want to laminate the games. With
linear equations, linear equations and inequali- Math File Folder Games to Go, game boards
ties, number systems, polynomials, roots and and instructions come pre-printed on color-codradicals, sets and word problems.
ed file folders. In a very short amount of time,
Algebra II includes absolute value, complex you can assemble 6 complete file folder games
numbers, conic sections, exponential and loga- that reinforce important math skills. All games
rithmic functions, exponents and radicals, fac- are single-player games that usually require
toring polynomials, graphing linear equations, matching, such as matching addition problems
inequalities in one variable, inequalities in to sums or matching sets of coins to monetary
two variables, logarithms, matrices, polynomial values. The games correlate to state, national,
division, probability, quadratic equations and and provincial (Canadian) standards. Specific
functions, sequences and series and systems of skills for each grade level are listed below. Each
set includes materials for 6 different math file
Geometry concepts include angles, circles, folder games plus 6 assessment worksheets all
distance in the plane, lines and planes in space, stored in a handy 12" x 9 3/4" x 3 1/2" storage
parallel and perpendicular lines, points/lines/ box. with magnetic lid. Correlates to current
planes, polygons in the plane, quadrilaterals, state standards. ~ Anh
solids in space, and triangles.
011863 Grade K . . . . . . . . . 39.99 27.95
Calculus cards are larger, about 3” x 5”
Games practice shapes, matching numbers
because the explanations are a bit lengthier.
to sets, counting and sequencing, sorting,
Concepts covered are functions/limits/contigraphing, and patterns.
nuity, differentiation, applications of deriva- 011860 Grade 1 . . . . . . . . . 39.99 12.95
tives, curve analysis, integration, applications
Includes games about shapes, addition,
of integrals, differential equations, parametric
subtraction, fact families, graphing, and skip
equations, polar coordinates and sequences
and series.
011861 Grade 2 . . . . . . . . . 39.99 27.95
If you’re looking for a ready-made study tool for
Addition, subtraction, geometry, fractions,
math, these are affordable and thorough. Ignite
time, money, probability, and place value.
your math memory with Sparknotes. ~ Donna
Contains 16 ready-to-play file folder games!
EACH SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.95
7.75 011862 Grade 3 . . . . . . . . . 17.99 12.95
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, divi057389 Algebra II
sion, fraction, and measurement games.
Balance Math & More (2-12)
I love to do puzzles, especially number
puzzles. This book takes the math fun found
in the Balance Math series to the next level.
You will do balance scale problems like those
found in the Balance Math series – shapes equal
unknown numbers and based on the clues you
discover the value of the shape. There are other
fun problems like ‘Inside-Out Math” where you
solve for missing values when given a series of
short equations and “Tic Tac Math” in which all
rows, columns, and diagonals have to add up
to the same number. Books and problems progressively become more challenging with level
1 focusing on addition and subtraction of whole
numbers, level 2 focusing on multiplication and
division of whole numbers with a few problems
involving fractions, and level 3 involving addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, fractions, and decimals. Sometimes you may even
need a hint on the more challenging problems
so they are provided at the back of the book
along with an answer key. Have a little math
fun and work on critical thinking and conceptual understanding with this series from Critical
Thinking Press.
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
031391 Level 1 (2-5)
031392 Level 2 (4-12)
031411 Level 3 (6-12)
Mega-Fun Card-Game Math (3-5)
Most kids love playing card games. It seemed
like Stephen used to invent new ways to play
“War” just about every other week. This teaching resource from Scholastic capitalizes on that
interest and uses it to help sharpen math skills.
It contains rules and reproducibles for 25 games
kids can play using a standard deck of cards.
These games, designed for two or more players, practice basic operations, math facts, fractions, decimals, order of operations, and more.
Examples of games include “Card Countdown,”
where players start at 100 and race to 0 by
subtracting the value of drawn cards, and
“Operation Rules,” where players earn points
by using drawn cards to make equations. ~ Anh
035310 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.99
Arithmetic, Arithmetic... (3-6)
059916 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.99
☼Math Finders (3-AD)
Math puzzles are a great
way for children to practice
their math facts, and this
series can provide hours of
mysterious fun. What do you
need to work on – addition
and subtraction or multiplication and division? There is
a beginner and advanced level for each combination. The beginner level of addition and
subtraction offers single-digit problems, while
the advanced offers practice up through 12.
Beginner level multiplication and division offers
practice up through the 9 facts and advanced
offers practice up through the 12 facts.
Each puzzle is an adventure maze – students
begin at the arrow and choose the correct numbers to complete simple equations in the pattern to make their way through the maze. Each
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
puzzle brings you one step closer to solving the
mystery that is presented within the theme. One
puzzle is on each page and there are 35 puzzles
in each book. The Haunted Amusement Park
covers beginner Multiplication/Division; Alien
Encounter covers advanced. The Ghost and
the Ruby covers beginner Addition/Subtraction;
One Knight too Many covers advanced.
Sharpen your math skills and your critical thinking all at the same time with this great series
from MindWare. The publisher even lets you
copy for family and classroom use (up to 100
copies). ~ Donna
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.95 11.66
028226 Alien Encounter
028235 Ghost and the Ruby
028237 Haunted Amusement Park
028239 One Knight too Many
Karate Belt KenKen (3-AD)
Created by a Japanese math teacher as a tool
to improve his students’ math and logic skills,
KenKen at first glance looks like Sudoku. A grid
puzzle like that game, digits may not repeat in
rows or columns. But that’s where the similarity ends. While Sudoku is primarily a puzzle
solved through logic deduction, both math skills
and logic deduction are needed to successfully
resolve a KenKen. Math skills are at the fore as
problems must be resolved to find candidates for
each “cage” (darker lines bordering the solution
area for each problem). Some combinations
are unique (for example, a product of only
two primes) and easily resolvable. However,
order is not important. Within each problem
“cage” the solution numbers can be placed
in any position. For example, if you have a
two-square cage for the problem “9÷”, the “9”
and “1” can be placed in any order in the two
squares (here 9 is the quotient; you supply the
divisor and dividend). To solve a KenKen, students must consider all possible combinations
of numbers that would solve the problem. Even
in a 4X grid, the target “1-“ has three possible
combinations: 4,3; 3,2; 2,1. That doesn’t really
narrow down the candidates for the two-square
cage. However, that’s where logic comes in;
sometimes the placement of the numbers or the
existence of other numbers in a row or column
will determine which solution to use. Given a
4X grid and the problem “10+” with a threesquare cage, for example, possible solutions
are: 4+4+2; 4+3+3. The cage is arranged on
a corner in an “L” shape, so you can conclude
that the repeating number must NOT appear in
the corner box. That leaves 2 or 4 as candidates for the corner. As you can see, Tetsuya
Miyamoto achieved his goal; he successfully
created an engaging way to practice both math
and logic skills! Today, KenKen is played both
inside and outside the classroom by students
and adults. While a 3X grid is the smallest (and
simplest to solve), White Belt KenKen begins
with a 4X4 grid, allowing only the numbers 1-4
to be used, and ends with 6X grids. Each book
contains 300 progressively more challenging
puzzles, and each picks up where the last one
left off (Green Belt, Brown Belt, Black Belt), culminating in 9X grid, operation-less (you have to
figure that out, too!) puzzles by the end.
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.95
057560 White Belt 057555 Brown Belt
057557 Green Belt 057549 Black Belt
Mathacrostics (6-12)
Do you have a child who loves math? Or
maybe yours is the one who finds math b-oooring but loves to work puzzles like Sudoku©?
Designed for the inquisitive or those who need
to do more review before moving onto higherlevel math, these workbooks have been created
to teach and review concepts, develop logic,
and prepare students for higher level mathematical thinking, all while having fun! Answers are
in the back of the books. Pb. ~ Deanne
EACH (except noted) . . . . . . 11.95 11.50
041713 Algebra 2 Movie Quotes
57 puzzles which support mastery of
Algebra 2 concepts and ACT/SAT prep
through a spiral review while unraveling the
movie quote puzzle.
041748 Algebra Sports Quotes
54 puzzles providing a spiral review of
Algebra 1 concepts all the while solving
motivating quotes from various sports legends. Brief biographies are included.
041752 Pre-Algebra Proverbs
51 puzzles offer a topical review designed
with the benefit of reinforcing positive
moral characteristics through wise sayings from the book of Proverbs, the writings of Benjamin Franklin and William
Shakespeare. Calculator recommended for
a few puzzles.
50 puzzles that review geometry concepts
as well as advanced concepts which blend
Algebra and Geometry
6 Mathematics Games (PK-3)
1,2,3,4,5,6 – six colorful math games in one
sturdy box! Students practice numbers 1-20,
1-100, place value 0-999, and addition and
subtraction skills as they play the variety of
games. Numbees features a hive on the board
where each hexagon on the board holds a
number between 2 and 17. Players start in the
middle of the board, spin the spinner to show +
or – 1 to 3, and then move to the appropriate
spot to make their way out of the hive. 1-100
Tracks is reminiscent of a train-themed Chutes
and Ladders board as players spin the spinner to
move up to 9 spaces. Landing on an arrow takes
you up or down by 10. The Great Snail Race has
two players rolling a die to race to the finish;
certain spaces allow children to add or subtract
small numbers to jump. In Place Value Round
Up, players roll the die and move that amount
of spaces, and then round the number on their
new space either up or down to the nearest ten.
Each ten holds a special instruction to follow if
you round to it, such as moving extra spaces
forward or backwards. Number Dominoes have
children match addition and subtraction facts
to numerals and pictures. The last game is
really more of a manipulative, holding different
colored hundred, ten, and one cards on a ring,
each with 1-9 in order to create numbers up to
999. The bottom card has a visible tab that has
hundreds, tens, and units written on it, so students can see which number is in which place.
Parents and teachers can use it to play “Guess
My Number.” Pieces are made out of thick,
coated cardboard to last though many uses.
059861 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.99 16.50
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Math Dice Games (K+)
These basic math games are simple to play and
provide unlimited math problems to solve. Dice
have numbers and math symbols (x, -, +, etc.).
Different sets have dice with different numbers
of sides for different levels of difficulty. Players
roll the dice and solve the problem that they
roll. These are simple but effective “games” and
are relatively inexpensive. All dice are (5/8”)
and are white with black print, unless noted.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
036029 Math Set 1 (K+) . . . . 5.00
This set includes three 6-sided dice marked
positive 1-6, three 6-sided dice marked negative 1-6, one 6-sided die with addition and
subtraction symbols, and one 6-sided die
with multiplication and division symbols.
036030 Math Set 2 (K+) . . . . 5.00
Three 6-sided dice marked 1-6, three
6-sided dice marked 7-12, one 6-sided die
with addition and subtraction symbols, and
one 6-sided die with multiplication and division symbols.
036027 Multiplication (3+) . . 1.80
This set includes two 12-sided number dice
marked 1-12 and one die marked for multiplication on all sides.
036028 Multiplication (color) 1.80
Same as above, but multiplication die is white,
one number die is red, and the other is blue.
036031 Multiplication (Set/5) 3.00
Includes one 6-sided die marked 1-3 twice,
one 6-sided die marked 1-6, one 20-sided
die marked 1-20, one die marked for multiplication on all sides, and one 6-sided die
with an equal sign (=) on all sides.
Dino Math Tracks Game (K-4)
Here come the herds! The Triceratops are
getting ahead! By finding the ones, tens, hundreds, and thousands, adding and arranging
the numbered dice, you can move your herd of
colorful dinos toward the rainbow finish line.
Watch out! A stegosaurus has stepped on your
space! Who gets to move ahead? Roll the bigger number, and you do. With 3 math games
for younger kids, Dino Math Tracks is designed
to reinforce counting, place value, addition and
subtraction skills, and word problems in a fun
way. For 2-4 players.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
020312 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.99
Math Bingo Games (1+)
These math bingo games are not only full of
family fun; they are a wonderful way to learn
math as you play. Learn addition and subtraction facts 0-9, or multiplication and division
facts 0-10. Time and Money Bingo helps
practice coin counting combinations up to one
dollar and teaches time in five-minute intervals.
Each game contains 36 game cards, bingo
tokens, calling cards, and an answer mat. A
nice addition to any math curriculum. ~ Alysia
EACH GAME . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.99 10.95
032034 Addition & Subtraction
034745 Multiplication & Division
034744 Time & Money
Math Noodlers Game (2-5)
Use your noodle to
solve oodles of math
problems, and maybe
hop, sing or act out
your answer. Our testers had fun with this
award-winning board
game. Players roll a
die and land on colorful spaces then choose
cards in 4 categories. Choose it! Have multiple
choice answers. Show it! Use plastic noodle-Os
to show their answer. Write it! Using scratch
paper, write the answer. Doodle it! Draw the
answer on scratch paper. With 192 cards, you
have many games ahead of you. The people
at Learning Well Games made some important
points you should know. Winning is based
on knowledge and skills, not random factors.
Games address important content, not trivia.
High-interest graphics and content with easy-tounderstand directions optimize learning. Players
never lose points for wrong answers. If you
have a wider age range, order both sets to play
with kids from grades 2-5 at the same time. 2-8
players. ~ Sara
1CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
EACH GAME . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.95 16.95
052652 Grades 2-3
052653 Grades 4-5
Math Dash Games (2-6)
Finally, a game where
the winner can truthfully
boast, “This is a game of
skill, not luck.” And if
a child is struggling with
math facts, what a fun way to provide practice
to improve these skills! In this game, children
will enjoy practicing their math skills to be the
first to get four in a row – vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. Players also try to block
each other while finding an area where they can
build their own four in a row. Each game has
36 playing pieces for every player. The addition and subtraction game includes adding and
subtracting problems on the playing pieces with
the answers on the board. In the multiplication
and division game, the player will find the missing factor or quotient on the board. This is sure
to be a fun alternative to flashcards that students
will enjoy as they reinforce their math facts and
strategize how to outfox their opponents! ~ Gina
EACH GAME . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.95 16.95
049233 Addition and Subtraction
049234 Multiplication and Division
24 Games (2-AD)
For all those parents who would like more
practice with equations but can’t quite fit it in,
here’s an easy alternative. In 24 Games, students already have the answer - they just have to
figure out the question. Each set consists of 96
double-sided 4" sqiare cards with 192 combinations for plenty of practice.
In the games ‘Single Digits’ and ‘Double
Digits,’ there are 3 levels of play – easy, medium, and tough. The object is to use the numbers
printed on the number wheel of each card only
one time with the functions of add, subtract,
multiply, or divide to equal the total number of
24. Hence the name of the game!
Two number wheels are printed on each card
of Add/Subtract and Multiply/Divide. A target
number is printed in white and you are to pick
the wheel that can make the target number;
only one wheel will work. You can add, subtract, multiply, or divide to arrive at the target
number. You must use all numbers on a wheel
but each number only once. Easy and medium
target numbers are 3-10 and the target number
for all tough cards is 24. The solution to the
problem is given on the reverse side of the card.
Factors/Multiples is played a bit differently.
Each card shows two numbers, and the object
is to find a common factor for those numbers.
The player then states the multiplication facts.
There is a self-check feature that shows correct
solutions for the reverse side of the card. A fun
expansion activity for groups suggests connecting the cards with common factors to create a
pattern or placing four cards together to create a
wheel of numbers that share a common factor.
These card games are used in classrooms
around the country and have even been found
to improve math scores. This is one of those
games that the more you play, the faster you
become. Go ahead and grow your math speed
and skills while having some fun. ~ Donna
EACH GAME . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.95 17.95
008661 Double Digits
008684 Single Digits
047120 Integers (7-AD)
024184 Fractions/Decimals (6-12)
047121 Algebra/Exponents (7-AD)
058942 Variables (7-AD)
Math Dice (3-AD)
This simple dice game is a fun way to improve
mental math skills. The game includes three
standard 6-sided dice, two fancy 12-sided dice,
a travel bag, and an instruction booklet. Rules
of the game are simple. First, you roll the two
12-sided dice and multiply the two numbers to
get a “Target Number.” Then you roll the three
6-sided dice and try to combine those numbers
in any way (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, powers, roots, etc) to match or
get as close as possible to the “Target Number.”
Play solo or with as many people as desired.
034429 Math Dice . . . . . . . . 5.99
048324 Math Dice Jr. . . . . . . 7.99
For younger players, check out math Dice
Jr. which only has one 12-sided die (which
is rolled to get the "Target Number") and
five 6-sided scoring dice which you add or
subtract to reach the "Target Number."
Equate (3+)
One of the "blessings" of being in my family
is helping to review products. Sometimes it can
be dull, but sometimes we receive fun stuff, and
Melissa and I often end up playing games like
this one. This game would be good practice for
a younger child that knows his basic operations,
but it was also challenging for Melissa and I,
as we studied the board and our tiles to find
the equation worth the most possible points.
The board is similar to a Scrabble board, with
361 squares including 36 3S squares (3 times
symbol score), 38 2S squares (2 times symbol
square), 9 2E squares (2 times equation score),
and 8 3E squares, (3 times equation score). 44
sign tiles (plus, minus, times, and divide by); 78
number tiles, 0-9; 25 fraction tiles, with halves,
thirds, fourths, and sixths; plus three blank tiles
are included. This game plays like Scrabble,
too. The same crossword structure is formed as
each player picks nine tiles and uses as many
as possible to get the most points, then restocks
his tray. Equal signs are "free," but you are only
allowed one per play. - Stephanie
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
005530Equate . . . . . . . . . . 28.00 20.95
026136 Junior Tiles . . . . . . 12.00
For younger players, this set includes 176
tiles including whole numbers (0-9) with
more 1's and 0's than the original set, fractions with denominator 2, the four basic
operation signs with more + and - than x
and ÷, and equal to symbols.
005528 Advanced Tiles . . . . 12.00
For more challenging play, this set holds
197 more tiles including integers, exponents, fractions, negative numbers, plus
more signs and equal tiles.
Claim Stakers (5-AD)
Claim Stakers is a clever combination of math
learning/practice and an enjoyable strategy
game. Players use their knowledge of multiples,
divisors, squares, primes, odds and evens to
claim 3 rows or columns on the game board,
which looks very much like a hundred number
chart. Before starting play, 3 short activity
sheets are completed to ensure understanding
of concepts; these also act as reference sheets
during the game. Using a spinner, players
land on action spaces that require calculation
or numerical knowledge, often with several
choices for correct answers, then strategically
claim a number on the board with their chips.
Game play is interesting and combines luck,
strategy and knowledge in the right proportions.
For 2 players or 2 teams.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs
042360 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.99 19.50
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Card Games
Pete the Cat Cool Math Games (K-1)
EACH GAME . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.99
044272 Grade 1
Math Triple Play Games (K-4)
These high quality, inexpensive, and attractive
laminated cardstock playing cards provide skill
development while making learning fun. Each
set offers three different games, hence the name
“Triple Play.” The three games are ranked in
order of difficulty so that you can build skills
progressively. The instructions also provide tips
on how you can move more gradually to prevent frustration even within a particular game.
The card face is visually appealing, with brilliant
colors set onto a bright white background. To
give you an idea of the progression, let’s use
Primary Math – Addition as an example. The
first activity is a warm-up activity in which the
children look over the cards and observe the
number sentence card with its corresponding
answer card. For example, one card shows the
number sentence 5 + 4, and shows 5 apples in
one column and 4 apples in the next column.
The students will find the corresponding answer
card that shows the phrase “9 apples” at the top,
along with the illustration of 9 apples. Once
students are familiar with the cards, they’re
ready for Game #1, The Match Maker Game,
for 2-4 players. Each player is dealt 7 cards and
then, by turn, either draws from the pile or takes
a card from another player to make matches.
When all cards are used, the matches are
recited aloud. The second game is Memory for
2-8 players, in which cards are laid face down
and each player turns over two cards at a time
in an attempt to make a match. The third game
is Go Fish for 2-4 players, in which, again, the
goal is to make a match, but each child cannot
see the other players’ cards and must ask for a
particular card in hopes of making a match. At
such a reasonable price, these games deserve to
be a basic tool for learning in many homes, and
they don’t take up the space that boxed games
require. ~ Caryl
EACH GAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.95
047364 Primary Math – Addition
047365 Primary Math – Money
047366 Primary Math – Subtraction
047367 Primary Math – Vocabulary
047361 Intermediate Math – Elapsed Time
047362 Intermediate Math – Mult & Divisn
047363 Intermediate Math – Vocabulary
047360 Intermediate Math – Addn & Subtr
Mathological Liar Games (2-6)
Can you detect which suspects are the mathological liars? This card game is based on fun
mini math mysteries. Each round of card play
is a new case. Players are each dealt a suspect
card. There are 4 suspects per case, one or
more who may be guilty. One player reads
aloud the case summary. Then, all players
silently read their suspect’s alibi. If the math in
their suspect’s alibi is correct, then he is innocent. Incorrect math indicates guilt. Players
decide if their suspect is innocent or guilty and
later take turns vocalizing their verdict and
mathematical reasoning. Points are awarded
based on correct determination of a suspect’s
innocence or guilt and also for describing why
the guilty party’s alibi did not jive (i.e., why the
math was incorrect). The winner is the player
with the most points after a pre-determined
number of rounds or time limit set at the beginning of game play. You’ll need to draw on a
variety of math skills to solve these whodunit
mysteries as each game includes 50 different
cases. For 2-4 players. ~ Anh
EACH GAME . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.99
052646 Grade 2
052649 Grade 5
052647 Grade 3
052650 Grade 6
052648 Grade 4
Software / Electronic Games
MathTacular (PK-9)
You might be using the most highly recommended math program money can buy, but it
doesn’t seem to be working for your student – it
lacks something! MathTacular was designed to
add that something – a multisensory enhancement for your curriculum. Your host, Detective
Justin Time, will ‘act’ his way through the
teaching of math topics appropriate for a variety
of age groups. Short skits, presentations, and
illustrations will help children understand basic
math concepts in real world situations like using
an apple to understand fractions or measuring a
tree house for new flooring. Manipulatives are
used to add a visual, hands-on perspective for
understanding. This series can be used with any
math curriculum, including Horizons, Saxon,
and Singapore Approach programs.
Each DVD is intended for different grade
ranges and covers a variety of topics.
DVD 1 is intended for grades PK through 2nd
and covers basic number recognition, counting, sorting, and a variety of manipulatives to
reinforce the concepts of addition, subtraction,
place value, money, time, estimation, and geometric shapes. If you’d like a more interactive
experience, opt for the Educational Kit listed
below which includes a condensed version of
DVD 1 and manipulatives.
DVD 2 reviews basic addition and subtraction facts, teaches how to memorize the facts,
money, time, place value, number theory, data &
statistics, geometric shapes, spatial relationships,
measurements, perimeter & area, graphs, basic
equations and is intended for grades 2nd – 4th.
DVD 3 is more advanced math to supplement
3rd – 5th grades with concepts like multiplication, long and short division, estimation, mathematical properties, equations, factors, prime
numbers, spatial relationships like angles and
coordinate planes, time zones, money, converting measurements, and fractions.
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
DVD 4 focuses on word problems using a
variety of math skills – simple addition to fractions and algebraic concepts. You will work
Detective Justin Time to solve word clues, crack
the code and discover the solution to a variety
of ‘word problem’ cases which become trickier
as they progress. The DVD for this level can be
used with 4th grade and up, while the accompanying workbook is recommended for use with
6th and up. This 4th DVD would be great for
any student who needs extra help in understanding how to solve word problems.
The MathTacular Educational Kit includes
everything you need to get started. In this kit you
will find number flash cards, craft sticks, dry
beans, base ten units (1-100 flat, 10-10 rods,
20-1 cubes), sidewalk chalk, 1 die, 1 counting
chip, hundred number chart, 12 inch wooden
ruler w/inches and metric, geoboard, teddy
bear counters, color tiles, small clock, plastic,
pattern blocks, and gram/cm multifix cubes.
Along with the manipulatives is a guide book
full of suggestions and games you can play. A
MathTacular DVD is also included in this kit
which is the condensed version of MathTacular
DVD 1 (67 activities/88 activities). The DVDs
cover the same content and skills, but a few of
the activities have been omitted.
The Student Workbook 4 coordinates with the
MathTacular 4 DVD in which students will be
able to solve the problem in the video presentation along with 5 additional practice problems in
that particular skill area. Students can watch the
presentation like the mystery of the kidnapped
dog of the word problem, stop the video, work
the problem in the workbook, then go back to
the DVD to work with Detective Justin Time and
his assistant Amber Waves to find the solution.
There are “Tool Kit” pages found in the back of
the workbook to help students solve their word
problem mysteries – clue words, steps to solve
word problems, conversion formulas for inches
to centimeters, Fahrenheit to Celsius, etc., and
common math formulas. Handy tools for a math
An Answer Key is available for the Student
Workbook 4. This book not only offers the
solutions for the word problems in the book but
maps out the steps to solving them. Alternative
solutions are also offered in some cases. This
might be one of the most detailed and helpful
answer keys I’ve ever seen. It shows students
where to find the information needed to solve
the word problem – highlights key words,
underlines the problem, crosses out unimportant
facts, and identifies clue words. Voila – problem solved!
Solve the mysterious case of the dry, boring and
sometimes confusing world of math with Justin
Time and his cohorts in the sometimes corny, but
always amazing MathTacular. - Donna
053994 1 DVD . . . . . . . . . . . 24.99
053997 2 DVD . . . . . . . . . . . 17.49
053998 3 DVD . . . . . . . . . . . 24.99
MTTC13 1-3 DVD Bundle . . 67.47 64.99
054000 4 DVD . . . . . . . . . . . 24.99
MTTC14 1-4 DVD Bundle . . 120.44 109.99
054002 4 Student Workbook . . 14.99
053999 4 Answer Key . . . . . . . 12.99
MTCLR4 4 Package . . . . . . . 52.97 49.99
054003 Educational Kit . . . . . . 59.99
MTCMPKMathTacular Complete Package . . . . . . . . 180.43151.50
Reader Rabbit Personalized Math CD-ROMs
These award-winning games use A.D.A.P.T.
technology (A – access abilities, D – develop
skills, A – adjusts levels, P – provide help, Ttrack progress), so they adjust to each player’s
ability to make for the most rewarding and
stimulating experience. You can also print out
customizable reward certificates and workbook
activities based on a specific student’s progress information. With interactive and printable
activities, dozens of skills covered, sing-along
songs, automatic help, progress reports, and
colorful and fun cartoons and games, these
CD-ROMs are sure to be a hit with a whole new
generation. Each level comes with two disks.
EACH CD-ROM . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
030115 (ages 4-6)
Join Reader Rabbit at the amusement park,
where you can play arcade games, or ride
roller-coasters and the log ride to earn points
that will let you buy prizes in the gift shop!
Eight fun games are included in all, including a racer game where you match groups of
objects with numbers, a roller coaster game
where you combine numbers to arrive at a
desired sum, a counting game where you
associate number symbols and recognize
names by hearing the numbers in song, and
much more. With 50 printable activities
besides the 8 interactive games, kids will
benefit from the multiple games and rides,
4 skill levels, creating musical tunes, and
practicing a variety of math skills: counting,
addition, subtraction, number recognition,
matching and memory, decision making,
greater/less than, sequencing and ordering,
identifying sets, measuring, and solving
equations. Please note that the software
provides fun practice for these skills, but
doesn’t necessarily do a good job of teaching it, so students will need basic knowledge of math skills to enjoy the games.
System requirements: Windows: 98, Me, XP,
486/66 MHz or better; 20 MB free hard disk
space, 16 MB RAM, 2X CD-ROM drive or
faster, speakers.
030119 (ages 6-9)
Reader Rabbit’s friend Sam the Lion has
crashed his boat onto wacky Pirate Island
while participating in a boat race. He must
find parts to fix his ship from around the
island so Reader Rabbit can fix it up. Kids
will play arcade-style games to explore the
island, find various parts, outsmart and avoid
some funny pirates, and compete in a race.
One example of an activity is using fractions by combining yummy ingredients into
the perfect pizza to win a part for the boat.
There are 29 interactive games on the CD
in all, with over 100,000 math problems.
With an additional 50 printable activities
and six levels of difficulty, the software provides practice with adding and subtracting,
multiplying and dividing, counting money,
estimating, telling time, creating fractions,
solving equations, number patterns, place
values, identifying inequalities, early geometry, measuring, number lines, and greater/
less than. System requirements: Windows
95/98 (XP compatible), 66 MHz 486DX or
faster; 16 MB RAM, 22 MB hard disk space,
4X speed CD-ROM drive, mouse, speakers.
The Quarter Mile Software (K-9)
Math drill is a subject that lends itself well
to the computer - and there are many such
programs available. After reading Mary Pride’s
accolades about this one, we decided to give it a
try. The program has one basic game - a quarter
mile race - though you can race with dragsters
or horses. The sound effects are simple, but
appropriate - roaring engines, or horse trotting (the sound is adjustable, and you can turn
it off). But, in this case, simple is fine. The
racing theme is extremely motivating and the
best part is that you’re racing against yourself!
Once you’ve raced several times, the other cars
or horses in the race are your own five best
times. Since the time is kept to thousandths
of a second, any small improvement results
in a win. Questions appear at the bottom of
the screen. You have to respond as quickly
as possible. Every time you type in a correct
response, your dragster or horse gains speed.
Incorrect responses don’t beep at you, but just
reappear so you can correct them. In the easier
topics, problems you’ve had trouble with will
appear more often so you can practice them. In
more challenging topics, problems also appear
in increasing levels of difficulty. The faster and
more accurately you answer the questions, the
better your time. After each race, the program
displays the average of your top five runs.
When you’re done playing, you save your file.
A list of all other players with files displays each
player’s top five average, along with rankings,
so you can see how you’re doing compared to
other players. Because the software is set up so
ideally for tournament play, Barnum has encouraged and even sponsors tournaments among
players of The Quarter Mile software (if you
subscribe to Practical Home Schooling, you’ll
see the Grand Champion of the 4th annual tournament on the cover of issue #20 - Mary Pride’s
daughter, Sarah). Information is included with
each Quarter Mile purchase (there’s even a
separate Tournament Handbook!) about conducting tournaments yourself (you might want to
do this within your support group, for example),
and about their own international tournaments.
Although the play is the same, there are actually several different programs that concentrate
on specific skill areas. Within programs, there
are also different topics (see below), so you can
practice extensively a wealth of math skills. The
Quarter Mile Cross-Section program contains a
cross-section of 73 key topics taken from the
different programs available. It features 16,000
problems. The Level 1-3 Bundle is the complete version, covering 323 topics (place value,
rounding, fractions, estimation, equations, etc.)
and over 70,000 problems. Subset programs
include: Level 1 (for grades K-3) with 174 topics
and 22,000 problems; Level 2 (for grades 4-6)
with 214 topics and 33,000 problems; Level
3 (for grades 6-9) with 71 topics and 29,000
problems; Levels 1 & 2 Bundle (for grades K-6)
with 297 topics with 53,000 problems (includes
all topics from the Level 1 and Level 2 programs); and the Levels 2 & 3 Bundle (for grades
4-9) with 244 topics and 50,000 problems
(includes all topics from the Level 2 and Level
3 programs). If you would like to see a scope
and sequence of topics covered, go to www.
According to some sources, the only area in
which homeschoolers may lag behind their public school counterparts on standardized tests is
in math computation speed. Perhaps we place
less value on drill and more on concept - or lack
flashcard “competition” for our children. For
whatever reason, this is an area in which many
homeschooled students can improve. Because
this software’s focus is speed, it is an extremely
effective remedy for sluggish computational
response. In Barnum’s 4th annual tournament,
although only 4% of the participants were
homeschooled, many were on the winner’s list.
System requirements: Windows XP, 7, 8, and 10.
022923 Preview Sampler CD . . FREE
005014 Cross-Section of Topics
(K-9) . . . . . . . . . . . 40.00 34.95
005018 Level 1 - Gr. K-3 . . 40.00 34.95
005015 Level 2 - Gr. 4-6 . . 40.00 34.95
005017 Level 3 - Gr. 6-9 . . 40.00 34.95
005019 Levels 1-2 - Gr. K-6 65.00 49.95
005016 Levels 2-3 - Gr. 4-9 65.00 49.95
000181 Levels 1-3 - Gr. K-9 90.00 67.95
Math Shark (1-8)
Brush up on those math facts anywhere! Math
Shark has a sleek, classy appearance with a
shape reminiscent of a shark. This portable
device allows you to practice all four basic
operations plus fractions, decimals, and percents AND includes a calculator. There are 8
difficulty levels for each basic operation. Timed
function helps increase computational speed.
The large LCD screen displays problems either
horizontally or vertically. The best part, though,
is that it’s built to go - take it in the car, take it
to the store, use it in the summer to keep those
skills sharp! Timed drills with the lights and
sounds will make practicing math much more
fun than typical paper drills. A blinking green
light means you've answered correctly, while a
red one means you're wrong. 2 AA batteries
required but not included.
002869 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.99 36.95
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
skill-specific practice / review /
Numeration & Counting
(Note--see Early Learning for more materials)
☼Primary Ruler (PK-AD)
This slightly textured ruler won’t slip out of
little hands and can easily measure round or
shaped objects! Measure centimeters or inches
and half inches only. Printing is high contrast
(black print on white): also great for low vision
needs. ~ Ruth
002958 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.80
Books - Textual / Instructional
Complete Book of Numbers & Counting (PK-1)
I'll say. This 352-page book holds a multitude
of math activities appealing to young children.
Each page holds fun, colorful illustrations and
engaging exercises. The first section concentrates on number recognition and writing. Each
number 0-20 is introduced through a variety
of coloring, drawing, tracing, writing, and fun
pages. The numbers are reviewed after 5, 10,
and 20 to ensure retention. Additional sections
provide practice in place value, comparison,
addition and subtraction with one and two
digits, graphing, time, and money. Each section
provides complete instruction and holds a number of pages devoted to teaching the concept.
The end of the book holds cute math rhymes to
further reinforce the numbers. If you're looking
for a beginning math book that will hold your
child's attention and provide fun learning activities, this book is just the item. ~ Steph
029400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.99 10.95
of the activities to use with 2-3 children (though
some do require a group of 20 or so.) The CD
is a digital version of the book with interactive
tools for whiteboard presentation. Blackline
masters may be reproduced for 1 classroom,
co-op, or family. 173pp. ~ Sara
060838 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.95 12.75
wooden dice measure 20mm and can be used
for a variety of math and counting purposes.
Or use them in place of standard dice in board
games for Roman Numeral practice. ~ Lisa
004478 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.50
Number Lines
Roman Numerals I to MM (2+)
Introduce children to Roman numerals with
this cute counting book. Each numeral is introduced, and then children count the pigs in the
accompanying picture to find out the value
of the numeral. This continues for 100, 200,
300, and even 1,000 - if you care to count all
those pigs (I confess, I had to just out of curiosity, although I didn't count the M page, as I
couldn't tell if it held just one thousand pigs, or
even MM or MMM pigs - even I'm not THAT
curious). The text gives tips on how to read
numerals, and when to add and subtract them
to get the right number. At the end of the book,
several pages offer a number (in Roman numerals, of course) of objects in a picture. Children
can find and count these objects for additional
practice. - Melissa
011261 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.95
Tabletop Number Lines (PK-1)
Number lines offer children valuable practice
to build comprehension at all ages. Young children can learn to count by 1s, 2s, 5s or 10s, or
develop a greater understanding of positive and
negative numbers with these useful teaching
tools. Made from durable plastic, you can use it
as a write-on, wipe-off surface. Explain number
relationships, rounding up or down, number
patterns, number bonds, and to explore positive
and negative numbers. Also available is a blank
number line for you to personalize to meet the
specific needs of your students. Each number
line is multi-colored, offering the numbers and
number tick marks in black while the line itself
alternates blue or red every 10 number places
to enhance comprehension through visual discrimination. The 0-20 number line measures
about 17” long, while the others are about 40”
long. Sold by the each. ~Deanne
Supporting Materials & Manipulatives
053163 Lines 0-20 . . . . . . . . . 1.95
059216 0-20 (Set of 10) . . . 19.95 16.50
Numbers 0-100 Flash Cards (PK-2)
053162 Lines 0-100 . . . . . . . 3.99
These flashcards are great for building num- 059216 0-100 (Set of 5) . . . 19.95 16.50
ber recognition. One side of the card shows a
number (like 26) and then the other side shows ☼Student Tabletop Number Line -20 to 20
the number word (like twenty-six). Covering (PK-3)
numbers 0-100, this set is colorful and durable.
A desk strip with a bit of color for your visual
043981 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.99
6.45 kiddos. With zero in the center, even numbers
are in blue and odd numbers are red with a bold
Greater Gator Interactive Answer Board (K-4)
blue border at the top and bottom. Measures
Greater than, less than, and equal to are 1.5” x 22”. ~ Sara
important concepts in early elementary math- 060752(A.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.75
ematics. Practicing these concepts just got more
fun with the Greater Gator. The moveable Gator Student Number Lines (K-3)
mouth allows the student to decide (and tweak These student number lines are an inexpensive
the gator jaws to show) whether one number is alternative to the other number lines we carry.
greater than, less than, or equal to another num- They are flexible and laminated and perfect for
ber. The write-on, wipe-off board makes it easy use with dry-erase crayons or markers. The
to change to a new set of numbers when one 0-100 number line measures approximately 20”
set is properly “gatorized.” Just so your student x 4”; the double-sided number line shows 0-10
gets some experience writing the symbols out, on one side, 0-30 on the other and measures
the back side of the board features three regular approximately 13” x 4”. - Enh
squares for completing similar phrases. ~ Janice 0448060-100 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.75
057798 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00
4.50 044807 Double-Sided (0-10/0-30)
☼Soccer Counts! (PK-2)
It’s a colorful storybook,
a counting book, and a
fact book about soccer!
When we get asked about
getting kids to read, we
often ask what they are
interested in. Animals?
Science? Art? Sports? This book is a good
example of targeting a child’s interest to get
them reading. It would be a good one to share
the reading, too. Your child can read the counting parts and you can read the soccer facts. The
illustrations are bright and fun as you count 1
ball, 2 keepers, 3 officials, 4 flags, 5 fingers to
help a player up when they fall, etc., up to 15. ☼Numbers 0 - 200 Chart (17" x 22") (PK-3)
Colorful, cardstock chart measures 17” x
Horizontal format, 11” x 8.5” 31pp, sc. ~ Sara
041703 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.95
5.95 22”. The red border encapsulates the two color
(white and light blue) number grid. The back
Working w/ the Number Line Book & CD (K-1) of the chart contains four 8 ½” x 11”, black
A number line is one of the simplest teaching and white, reproducible worksheets: a reduced
tools out there. You can use them for concepts numbers 0-200 chart; place value (counting
like sequencing, order, skip counting, addition, tens, ones and hundreds); place value (identisubtraction, and multiplication with elementary fying numbers in word form); and identifying
students. Help young learners visualize these numbers in word form. ~ Deanne
ideas and develop their number sense with the 039144 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.49
40 games & activities in this book. They can
be played in a large group, small group or in Roman Numerals # Dice (K-AD)
pairs and meet several CC standards. There are Now you can count from one to twelve (I to
so many fun ideas in here like making a human XII) using Roman Numeral dice! This set connumber line, creating one on the floor, using tains three identical six-sided dice with Roman
a spinner, mingling games, using plastic coun- Numerals I through VI (one through six), and
ters, and lots more to meet all types of learning three identical dice with Roman Numerals VII
styles. I think a homeschooler could adapt many through XII (seven through twelve). These white
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
☼Write-On/Wipe-Off Desktop # Lines (K-2)
These laminated desktop strips have white
backgrounds with small drawings of outdoor
items on both sides (seaside, farm, etc.). These
are designed to use one scale on one side and
then, as needed, flip to use the other scale.
The Desktop Lines 0-10/0-20 measures 13” x
4” and shows all numbers. The Desktop Lines
0-100/0-120 measure 18” x 4”with numbers
written at the tens’ marks and only line markings
in between. ~ Ruth
060841 0-10/0-20 (B.) . . . . . . . 0.95
0608420-100/0-120 . . . . . . . . 1.00
Blank (Open) Number Lines
☼Student Number Line Desk Tape -20 to 20
Simple, black and white number line has a
peel & stick backing. Attach it to a student’s
desk for quick reference or inside a binder.
Measures 1” x 20” with zero in the center and
large black dots at each number for easy counting. ~ Sara
060751 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.65
☼Blank Student Number Line: Write On/Wipe
Off (PK-3)
Use these for number sequencing, skip counting, positive/negative numbers, addition & subtraction or whatever is needed in your lesson
today! Write on it with a dry-erase marker,
erase it, and use it for something else tomorrow.
Versatile and inexpensive, this number line is
20” x 1.5” with 31 hash-marks at .75” intervals. Number Lines w/ Write ‘n Wipe Marker (PK-3)
White with a black line and blue border. ~ Sara
Two mark-on/wipe-off student number lines
060732 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.75 with a write ‘n wipe marker. One number line
shows 0-25 with ample space above number
Student Number Line Desk Tape - Blank (K-3) line to “loop” numbers together with marker.
034702 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.75 The other is numbered -20 to +20. Both have
peel-off backing so you may mount them on
Blank Student Number Line (K-5)
desks, etc.
064878 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 018742 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50
☼F.U.N. Student Empty Number Line (K-8)
“Empty” means you can write your own numbers with dry erase markers onto this thin, flexible plastic number line. 17.5” x 1.75” with 24
hatch marks spaced at 5/8” intervals. For best
results, use a fine point marker. ~ Janice
062731Single . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.30
040931 Set of 10 . . . . . . . . 12.99 10.50
Open Number Line (K-3)
This number line has an arrow on either end as
opposed to set amount of points. It is printed on
a plastic coated paper for dry erase markers (not
included) and is great for skip counting, modeling or addition and subtraction. I also think it
could be handy for writing out timelines when
studying historical events. – Laura
038277 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.75
Open Number Line Set (PK-AD)
Open number lines allow for flexibility for different grade levels and abilities, making this one
of the most practical classroom math manipulatives that we carry. Containing two thick plastic
strips that measure 39.5” each, the number line
contains 100 divisions or partitions (50 on each
strip). The color alternates between red and
white every 10 partitions/divisions. Includes
magnets for hanging. Works with quality dry
erase markers. ~ Deanne
050135 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.95 17.95
Adhesive Number Lines
Write & Wipe Desk Number Line w/ Adhesive
Back (PK-AD)
Clear vinyl number line marked as indicated;
adhesive backed so it will stick to desk or wall.
Both number lines have 1-cm unit divisions and
measure 1.5” x 22.5”.
EACH LINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25
049299 0 – 120
Tens marked in black; units marked in blue.
049511 -50 – +50
Tens marked in black; negative units marked
in red; positive units marked in blue.
Desk Number Line -20 to +20 (PK-AD)
Clear vinyl number line marked as indicated;
adhesive backed so it will stick to desk or wall.
½” unit divisions. Numerals are just slightly larger
than ¼”; tens are not specially identified. 1”x21”
059107 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25
Basic Operations (+,-,x,÷)
Books - Activity / Practice
Wonderful activity-based program to help your
kinesthetic learner master the facts! A combination of mental math “tricks” (ie, to add nine to
any number, count one back and add “teen”) or
shortcuts and hands-on drill. These really work.
After going through the various levels, your
student should have those facts and shortcuts to
basic operations down cold!
Pre-Math It (PK-2)
Starts teaching number facts to the earliest
learners using a high-quality set of double-nine
dominoes. Subtitled: Do It With Dominoes,
children learn to quickly recognize numbers of
dots (a great visual exercise), count backwards,
and practice addition facts. Includes a teacher
Magnetic Number Lines
guide book, set of dominoes, and game board
Magnetic Demonstration Number Line (-10 to all in a heavy plastic case.
018863 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54.99 53.50
120) (K-AD)
064901 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.99 13.25
Math-It (2-6)
Math-It actually consists of several differNumber Line Tracks
ent learning drill “games”- called “Addit,”
“Dubblit,” and “Timzit” accompanied by audio
Unifix 1-120 Number Line (K-2)
I love it when you can add to a product and get CD instructions, the Math-It Guide Book and a
more mileage out of it. If you are using Unifix very helpful guide entitled "How Stevie Learned
cubes as a math manipulative with your child, His Math." It includes the inspiring story of how
you can take it a step further using this number the author used these same techniques to teach
line set. These are 12 pieces of plastic panels a young boy how to master addition and multiwith the numbers 1 through 120 (each piece plication. The guides are both on CD-ROM, in
has an increment of ten) across the top, #1-10 .pdf format. The games use pre-punched sets
across the bottom (so you can count full tens of color coded cards and boards to place them
and extra ones) and a channel between the two on. By practicing with these (using techniques
into which you insert the linked cubes. The pan- described in the book) until they are mastered
els alternate between gray and ivory making it (able to be easily placed in less than a minute),
very obvious where the tens start and stop. They children learn their facts cold. The ‘extras’ in the
interlock like a race track, end to end. Ridges last chapter in the book go beyond the basics,
and raised numbers across the bottom are a giving fourteen more useful activities and mental
sensory delight for a kinesthetic learner, and the tricks to increase math prowess. The additional
bold black numbers at the top are flat but stand student pack contains all the cards, storage
out visually. A brief activity guide is included. envelopes, instructions and the playing surface
Practice counting, place value, operations and for Addit, Dubblit and Timzit. Helpful if your
original set has seen better days and you still
fractions! Cubes sold separately. ~ Sara
036679 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.95 18.95 have children left to go through the program!
001063Math-It . . . . . . . . . 74.99 72.95
004477 Student Pack only . . 28.99 28.25
Clear-View Number Track Rule (1-AD)
060100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.95 019973 Math-It Guide Book . . This is not just an addendum to Math-It, but
a complete scope and sequence to math
objectives by grade, along with techniques
and suggestions for learning these. Many
concepts not included in the Math-It kits are
☼Overhead Integer Number Line Ruler (1-AD)
covered in this helpful manual.
Making a number line into something a student
can manipulate is a great way to teach a hands- 050542 Math-It Guide Book on CD-ROM . . . . . . . . . . 9.95
on learner. This set includes a clear plastic num- ber line the size of a 12” ruler, with a zero in
the middle, positive numbers to 15 in blue and
negative numbers to -15 in red. Also, a set of 30
blue and 30 red transparent plastic, interlocking centimeter cubes fit into the middle cutout
groove running the length of the number line.
Because all pieces are transparent, a teacher
could use these on an overhead projector to
demonstrate addition/subtraction with positive
& negative numbers. This also works well on a
tabletop surface with 1-2 students. ~ Sara
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
050152 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.95
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Advanced Math-It (4-8)
Advanced Math-It picks up where Math-It
leaves off, with “Dividit” and “Percentit” games,
covering division, fractions, decimal, percents,
and some algebra and geometry. We’ve not
seen this newly-released, revised version, but
assume all the best of the older version is still
here. If your children did well with Math-It,
you’ll want to use this extension.
002269 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39.99 38.95
☼Step-by-Step Math (1-6)
Combining instruction
with practice and throwing
in some mnemonic devices for good measure, this is
easily one of the best math
fact mastery systems that
I’ve seen. Starting from the
premise of the commutative property of addition
(a.k.a. fact families) and
building from easiest to remember facts to
harder and harder, each book offers page after
page of quick instruction tips plus illustrated
problems as well as horizontal, vertical, number
line and wheel practice. Along the way, lots
of little tricks are introduced to help the child
remember “his” facts. Color-coded flashcards
(pull-apart cardstock) are added to the mix and
used for daily drill. The books provide 135
pages of practice that cover basic addition and
subtraction facts (0-9) or basic multiplication
and division facts (again, 0-9). These pages are
reproducible for classroom use and are followed
by a reduced-page answer key. [The reduced
pages are helpful for quickly correcting the
fact pages.] The two sets of flashcards make up
the rest of the spiral-bound book. Each book
includes a certification of completion for each
of its sets of facts (i.e. addition/subtraction or
What makes these books notable is the combination of techniques that will make it easy
for any type of learner to master these facts.
Whether you’re using a Singapore approach
program that slides by fact memorization or
have just noticed that your student needs a little
extra work in this area, these books will provide
a good mastery option. Since these are published by the Summerbook Company, it bears
mentioning that they might make an excellent
summer project. ~ Janice
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.95 16.95
060505 Addition & Subtraction Facts
060506 Multiplication and Division Facts
Math Facts for Copywork (1-8)
Why not apply the principles of copywork to
learning math facts? Having the child repeatedly copy the set of facts locks the correct answers
in his mind rather than repeatedly introducing
the possibilities of incorrect answers. Printed
in a large font size making them easy to copy,
addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts arranged in families are copied daily
until the child can say them correctly from
memory. Although there is a fair amount of
space for copying, I would use the book as a
nonconsumable. Coil-bound, cardstock covers,
22 pgs. ~ Janice
043901 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.95
Two Plus Two is Not Five: Easy Methods to
Learn Addition + Subtraction With Lots of
Great Math Tricks! (K-2+)
Mastery of basic math facts is the goal of
this 232-page reproducible book. Unlike other
books, counting and the tricks taught here are
to aid in the memory of the facts, not used as
a substitute. You will need a set of math flash
cards to implement the program, unless you
want to make up your own. You can start at
Tier 1 with a beginning student or begin wherever needed with a remedial student or one
who already has mastered some of the facts.
There are six tiers in the book; beginning with
the second, all math facts from previous tiers
are reviewed. Each tier section begins with a
page of instructions and information for using
the worksheets within. For each math “trick,”
corresponding math fact cards (flashcards) are
assigned. Math fact cards should be added to
and practiced daily. The tiers are not organized
by number sequence (first introducing all +0,
then all +1 facts, etc.), but by ease of learning
for children. So, in Tier 1, the following “tricks”
are presented: Number +1, Doubles (1’s, 2’s,
5’s), Backwards 1; Doubles (1’s, 2’s, 5’s, 3’s);
Zero; Doubles (1-5); Doubles Subtraction; Right
Next to Each Other; Doubles Subtractions; 2
Ladder. In between pages that introduce and
model the tricks are review pages, making the
program very incremental and “fail-proof”. Text
is clean, problems nicely spaced, and both
horizontal and vertical forms are practiced. A
Record-Keeping Checklist allows students to
track their progress through the tricks and tiers.
The Math Facts Baseline Recorder lists all 81
addition and subtraction facts. As facts are mastered, they are circled on this sheet.
One of the major selling points of this book
for me is that corresponding subtraction facts
are introduced right alongside the addition facts,
rather than treating the memorization of subtraction facts as a separate skill. In my experience,
subtraction and division kind of just come along
with memorizing addition and multiplication
tables. The other is that it looks like it will
accomplish the goal. Too often, kids don’t quite
master these tables and must resort to counting
up, skip counting, using their fingers, or consulting a calculator. This adversely affects their computational speed which will increase their frustration and be a hindrance in timed tests. It’s best
to “bite the bullet” and commit these to memory.
If your child is just starting into math facts, or
struggling with them, I highly recommend this
volume. Once you finish it, you’ll be ready for
Five Times Five Is Not Ten by the same author.
044677 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.95 19.95
Building Math Fluency (1-6)
This series concentrates on strategies for learning/memorizing basic math facts according to
grade. It helps children learn to perform computations quickly and accurately to improve
their performance in regular math work and on
tests. It’s as though a determined math coach
put everything he had into a book: strategies,
practice, flash cards, drill sheets. The 1st and
2nd grade books focus on addition and subtraction strategies; grades 3 and 4-6+ concentrate on
multiplication and division. The largest section
of each book teaches how to master basic facts
(66 practice pages in the grade 1 book). These
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
present strategies and supply practice for them.
This is followed by a Test Your Skills section
containing 29 test sheets corresponding to the
various stages in the strategies section. Since
the entire book is reproducible, you can make
multiple copies of these for assessment before,
during, and after each strategy practice. A complete set of fact “flashcards” follow (237 cards
in the grade 1 book). I would laminate these
since they are just paper. If this isn't an option
for you, you might use trading card sleeves or
cover with clear contact paper. Each book also
provides 5 transparencies. Normally, overheads
included are not usable in a homeschool, but
those provided here (I have a grade 1 sample)
are. They include a hundred-number grid (with
an additional line that goes to 110) and various
number lines. The white paper backing makes
them dandy write on/wipe-off manipulatives,
adding to the value of this volume.
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.99 15.95
044155 Grade 1
044157 Grade 3
044156 Grade 2
044158 Grades 4-6
Ten Divided by Five Is Not Five: Using
Multiplication to Make Division Easy (3-AD)
Fluency with math facts is essential for success
with higher-level math courses but more than
that is vital for solving real life math problems.
While math experts disagree on the nuances of
teaching math computation, most believe that
fluency comes from practice and understanding
the mathematical thought process behind the
Using multiplication as the foundation of division, this supplementary workbook provides
60 reproducible activity pages covering six
skill areas: multiplication review, missing factors, word problems, division, mixed division
and multiplication and cumulative practice.
Introductory pages summarize teaching goals,
how to use the book, and a valuable step-bystep guide to introducing and teaching division.
The last is my favorite section! Clearly written,
the instructions offer straightforward hands-on
activities to teach the concept of division that
will appeal to all learners. Also included are
Pre and Post Assessments, Baseline Recorder,
Record Keeping Checklist, Answer Key and a
Certificate of Mastery. An excellent resource
for younger students just learning division or
older students who never memorized their math
facts. It is recommended that students who
have never memorized their multiplication facts
should begin with Five Times Five is not Ten:
Making Multiplication Easy (#044676) from the
same author. Worth mentioning, both books are
sequenced identically and can be used together.
64 pgs, pb. ~ Deanne
056272 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.95
Drill Books / Programs
Learning Wrap-Ups & Workbooks (PK-AD)
A wonderful alternative to
written drills for the kinesthetic child, but exciting for
all children. Use these anywhere - no pencil or paper
required! Buy 2 sets and
have a “wrap-off”!
about a “relay-wrap” at your
next support group meeting?
As a plus, the left-to-right wrapping motion may
reinforce the tracking skills vital to reading! Each
set contains 10 boards (120 problems), colorful
wrapping strings, and instructions. Wrap-Ups
can be bought individually, or in an introductory 5-pack kit. All introductory kits include an
addition, subtraction, multiplication, division,
and fractions Wrap-Up. Kits may also include
four Wrap-Up Rap CDs, with one for each topic
except fractions. CDs help guide the listener
through the "random" wrapping process for each
board by singing math facts, with and without
answers. CDs can be purchased separately and
used with or without a Wrap-Up.
Teaching Guide, Wrap-Up and CD sets are
now available for all Wrap-Ups except fractions. The 10 Days to Math Fact Mastery
teaching guides are a great complement to the
Learning Wrap-Ups. These reproducible books
offer 32 pages of written practice and additional
instruction for the fact families. There are 10
sections in each book, which provide step-bystep instructions for a 10-day learning program.
A day-by-day list of materials is included at
the front of the book with a short guide for the
teacher. Using the Learning Wrap-Ups, students will fill in answers to problems that are
displayed in a number of formats – completing the problems, games, and circle or match
the correct answer. Review pages are found
throughout the books, and a final review wraps
up the content of the book. Although these are
written for the Learning Wrap-Ups manipulatives and instruction is provided for their use in
each lesson, the books could also be used for
written practice or review without them. They
can be used as supplements to a text or as a
mini-curriculum. Note: the multiplication set is
also available without the Wrap-Up Rap CD.
Also available for purchase is the 10 Days to
Multiplication Mastery Student Workbook, and
the 10 Steps to Addition Mastery Workbook,
which are different from the reproducible worksheets in the Parent/Teacher Guide and WrapUp sets. These inexpensive, comsumable student workbook include 5-7 worksheet pages per
day. Worksheets provide a variety of activities
for the student to practice their facts including:
drills, multiplication “tricks,” story problems,
and time goals to meet for completing the WrapUps. 62 pages, non-reproducible.
EACH SET OF WRAP-UPS . . . . 9.99
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.99
EACH WRAP-UP CD . . . . . . . 9.99
EACH 10 DAYS GUIDE . . . . . 5.99
013145 Guide, Wrap-Ups, CD Set
013146 Wrap-Up CD
012280 10 Days to Addition Mastery Teaching Guide
058490 10 Steps to Addition Mastery
Workbook . . . . . . . . 4.993.95
013156 Guide, Wrap-Ups, CD Set
013158 Wrap-Up CD
012298 10 Days to Subtraction Mastery
Teaching Guide
013153 Guide, Wrap-Ups, CD Set
013154 Wrap-Up CD
012295 10 Days to Multiplication Mastery
Teaching Guide
013152 Guide & Wrap-Ups 15.99 11.95
019050 10 Days to Multiplication Mastery Student Workbook . . 4.993.95
013148 Guide, Wrap-Ups & CD Set
012284 10 Days to Division Mastery Teaching Guide
Easy Timed Math Drills (1-3)
Just like Timed Math Drills, these 28-page drill
books systematically practice facts from 0 to 9.
The drills even follow the same step-by-step progression of difficulty. At first, just one addend/
subtrahend/factor/divisor is practiced. Then,
two or three are mixed on a drill, and finally,
all facts are practiced together. The drills are
“easy” because they only present 36 problems
per page as opposed to 100. Problems are presented in both columnar and horizontal format
on each drill. ~ Anh
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.99
004922 Addition
004923 Subtraction 004933Division
Facts Practice Book (1-3)
When you just need that little something for
Math Introductory Kits:
extra addition & subtraction practice, this is the
013150 5 sets Wrap-Ups . . . 44.99 32.95
ticket. Students do one page of 20 problems a
013151 Kit w/ CD's . . . . . . 60.00 42.95
day and chart their progress. Answers are in
TNDTMW 10 Days to Mastery Teacher Guide
the back, so students can even check their own
package (4 books) . 23.96 15.95
work. Simple paperback booklets have 40 pages
Set includes the 10 Days to Mastery
of exercises. This smaller format (7.5” x 9”)
Teaching Guides for addition (012280),
makes this book very kid-friendly and portable.
division (012284), multiplication (012295)
You can set a timer if you’d like and go for
and subtraction (012298).
speed and accuracy at the same time. The cover
TDTMPI 10 Days to Mastery 4 Teacher is green and white and so are the inside pages
Guides + Intro Set . 68.95 43.95
(green ink). ~ Sara
Includes the Math Introductory Kit with
057925 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.25
5 sets of Wrap-Ups (013150) and the 10
Days to Mastery Teaching Guide package
One-Minute Math Drills (1-4)
Get ready for some hustle! These reproducible drill books mean business. They include
TDMWIC 10 Days to Mastery 4 Tchr Gds flash cards, game sheets, progress charts, place+ Intro Kit w/ CD 83.96 53.50
ment test, pretest, post-test, forty drill pages
Set includes the Math Introductory Kit w/
and scoring keys. The placement test should
CDs (013151) and the 10 Days to Mastery
be taken to determine if your child is ready for
Teaching Guide package (TNDTMW).
this level. Most of the drill pages concentrate
on a particular fact. They contain 30 problems,
10 Secrets to Addition/Subtraction Mastery (K+)
40% of which are the fact being reinforced. The
An intensive program based on the commutafact learned in the last set is presented again
tive property of addition and its relationship
in 10% to 20% of the problems. Previously
to subtraction. Learning Wrap-Ups are used
learned facts make up the rest of the set. Test
throughout to help with fact memorization. This
pages contain an equal distribution of facts
resource manual reveals the ten "secrets" to sucpracticed in the previous sets. For example, the
cess and provides lesson plans and reproducible
Multiplication Level B book contains drill sheets
worksheets. By the end of the program, the
for each fact from 6 x 2 through 9 x 10. After
student should know the fact families for 1-12
all 6-factor drills are taken and passed, students
and how to add multiples of 10 and 100. Place
take the 6-factor test before progressing to the
value and regrouping are also covered. This
7-as-a-factor drills. Students must complete all
program can be completed in two school weeks
problems on a sheet accurately in one minute
- if a large part of each day is devoted to math.
before advancing to the next fact. This is a
Required materials include an Addition Learning
very fact-intensive approach that should help
Wrap-Up (one set per student), a Subtraction
students get those facts down cold.
Learning Wrap-Up (one set per student), the
EACH DRILL BOOK . . . . . . . . 9.99
Addition Wrap-Up Rap, and the Subtraction
007252 Addition Level B (sums 11 to 18)
Wrap-Up Rap. Although it can be used as early
007251 Subtraction Level A (minuends 0-10)
as kindergarten, this program is also suitable for
007255 Subtraction Level B (minuends 11-18)
older students (third grade and up) who need to
007250 Multiplication Level A
learn or review their facts. ~ Anh
(factors 0 to 5)
016823 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.99
007254 Multiplication Level B
(factors 6 to 9)
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Kumon Speed & Accuracy (1-5)
Looking for a way to solidify math facts? These
inexpensive workbooks may be the perfect solution! The first dozen pages provide a warm-up
review before the practice and sprint sections.
After completing the warm-up, children will
gain confidence and math fact mastery through
the repetition found in the practice section
before beginning the timed sprints. The sprint
pages offer 45 problems per page with a specific
focus on speed and accuracy. A log is included
for tracking your child’s improvement. Reduced
student pages with answers are located in the
back of the book. Each book covers basic
number facts 1-9. A great supplement to any
math curriculum or a perfect complement to the
Kumon math workbooks 63 pgs, pb. ~Deanne
EACH WORKBOOK . . . . . . . . 6.95
032267Subtraction 032251Division
More Minute Math Drills (1-6)
These books are great for those looking to
provide additional drill exercises to help your
students master the basic math facts from 0-12.
The drills follow an easy-to-understand, systematic progression, and mixed review and cumulative review exercises are thrown in every so
often to provide an additional challenge. The
perforated pages make it easy to make copies should you have more than one student.
Answers included, consumable. – Enh
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.99 10.25
042074 Addition & Subtraction (1-3)
042075 Multiplication & Division (3-6)
Timed Math Facts (1-6)
This series provides quick and easy daily drills
to help improve student speed and accuracy
in completing simple math equations (covers
math facts from 0-9). For each weekday (for
nine weeks), the book provides a daily timed
test with 25 problems per day. The daily tests
get more complicated as the book progresses
(for example students start by adding one, then
they add two, etc.). For each day, there is space
to record both the score and the time taken to
complete the test. Each week includes three
additional worksheets for even more practice. A
“Home Practice” page provides an additional 25
math problems per weekday with space to write
the score and time taken (these are the same
problems as the corresponding day in the main
worksheets, but are given in a different order).
An “Extra Practice” worksheet provides a slightly different challenge, with 25 problems per
weekday where students must supply the missing addend instead of the answer (like 2 + __
= 6). A weekly review test is also included with
100 problems for students to answer as quickly
as possible. Even more additional review drills
are included in the back of each book for
comprehensive review and lots of practice with
timed tests. Record sheets are included with
each book. With more than 40 reproducible
drill worksheets in each book students are sure
to improve their speed and accuracy. Answers
not included. 48 pgs, pb. ~ Rachel
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.99
045595 Addition (1-3)
045598 Subtraction (1-3)
045597 Multiplication (4-6)
045596 Division (4-6)
Basic Facts Drill Books (1-8)
Practice basic math facts with these easy-touse, reproducible drill books. Spiral-bound for
easy copying, there are over 100 pages (just one
of each drill) in each book. Addition and subtraction offer practice with single digits for addition and corresponding subtraction problems.
Multiplication and division covers up through
12 x 12 and corresponding division practice.
Students progress through fact practice in a
sequential manner and drill pages vary in length
from about 50 problems to about 90 problems.
Drill pages emphasize different fact families (as
seen in the table of contents), so there will be
2 problems of each fact in that family and only
one problem for each of the other facts practiced. At the top of each drill, there are blank
lines for the student’s name, date, the time it
takes to do the drill, and the number correct.
A suggested time chart is listed in the front of
the book for parents and/or teachers to use as
a measuring tool for mastery of the facts. The
back of the book has several pages of black and
white clip art pictures that you can use if copying these for a group. There are no answer keys
for either of these books. These remind me a
little bit of the older printed Calculadders; you
can drill as many times as you want over each
page, they cover sets of facts, and you compete
against your own time to improve math facts.
Math facts don’t change, and these books can
be used over and over for your family, co-op,
or class. 135-140 pgs. ~ Donna
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.95 10.95
057564 Addition and Subtraction
057565 Multiplication and Division
Timed Math Drills (2-6)
Drill, drill, and nothing but
drill. Twenty-eight pages of
drill per book. Here are the
sheets you need for practice
of each, particular fact. For
example, multiplication drill
sheets have a separate page
for practicing each single factor from x 1 to
x 9, mixed on each page (not in predictable
sequence like some drill sheets that have 1 x 1
then 1 x 2, etc.). These are followed by nine
drill sheets using two different factors (x 0 and
x 1; x 1 and x 2; etc.). There are also two drill
sheets with mixed problems using factors 1-4,
two using factors 5-9, one each with factors 1-3,
4-6, and 7-9, and three with all factors mixed.
The last several drills in the book have problems
in horizontal format, so students can gain experience with it, also. Every type of multiplication
drill you need is here. If your child needs more
practice, practice, practice, it’s here, here, here.
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.99
004249 Addition
004252 Subtraction 004250Division
003319 Set of Four . . . . . . . 31.96 24.50
Complete Book of Math Timed Tests (3-5)
Build speed and accuracy in recalling addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division facts.
This book includes explanation of concepts,
strategies to improve performance, numerous
practice pages, and approximately 150 timed
tests. Reduced page answer keys make grading
a snap. ~ Anh
019549 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.95 10.95
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Math Flash Cards (PK-2)
Each pack includes 46 double-sided flash cards
and two parent cards with suggestions for use.
Math problems are displayed in large, easy-toread, black font and the answers are displayed
on the bottom of the other side of the card for
self-checking. For children who may benefit
from a more visual aid, corresponding groups
of fruit are displayed next to each number.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
EACH PACK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.99
Scholastic Math Flash Cards (PK-5)
048968 Addition 0-12 . . . . . . 3.49
049448 Numbers 0-100 . . . . 3.99
049550 Subtraction 0-12 . . . . 3.49
Basic Operations Flash Cards
Each of these sets contains 56 two-sided cards,
practices math facts 0-12. Cards are 3.4" x 6.4".
EACH SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.99
009512Subtraction 009496Division
Flash Cards (Facts 13-18) (K-4)
These larger-number flashcards are perfect for
practicing larger-number addition and subtraction problems. Drilling numbers from 13-18,
each set has 99 cards. Cards are colorful and
durable, with one side displaying a problem and
the other showing the problem with the correct
EACH SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.99
Math in a Flash Cards (K-6)
These unique flashcard sets contain all facts
for that operation, from zero to twelve. Each
number family of facts is bordered in a different
color, making it easy to isolate a certain family
of facts for study. But wait - there's more! Each
2 ½" x 4" card features a punch hole in the upper
left-hand corner of the flashcard, for one of the
two metal rings included, so you can keep them
all together without worries of losing them, or
place only the cards the student needs to study
on a ring to eliminate bulk and distractions.
Each card is double-sided, with the answer
on the back, so the student can flip the card
over the ring and check the answer. Portable,
complete, and color-coded, these are perfect for
drill, self-study, even to take on the road! Sets
include 169 flashcards and two 2¼" rings. - Jess
EACH CARD SET . . . . . . . . . 11.99
026350 Addition
026362 Subtraction 026351Division
in a Flash Notebook Charts (K-6)
These handy 8 ½" x 11", 3-hole punched notebook charts correlate with the Math in a Flash
cards and feature each fact family from 0-12,
each bordered in the same color as is found on
the corresponding fact family in the card set.
With all the facts on the same page, these act
as quick references for the student that they can
refer to in a glance.
EACH CHART . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.35
026354 Addition
026359 Subtraction 026355Division
Math in a Flash Progress Tracker (K-6)
This handy little tool will increase their confidence as they watch their fact memorization
progress being made. The 2" x 8" chart features
all four operation functions on the right, and the
numbers 0-12 each bordered in the same color
found on the Math in a Flash cards for each
number's fact family. As they learn all the facts
in a family, they can mark it off on their card
and watch the card fill up.
026361 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.35
SmartFlash Cards (K-5)
EACH CARD SET . . . . . . . . . . 9.95
Three Corner Flash Cards (1-5)
You won't have to "corner" your kids to learn
their beginning math skills when you use these
flash cards! These sets come with forty-six, twosided, 5" triangle shaped cards. On each side,
there are three numbers (one in each corner)
that are two different colors. To use, you simply
cover one of the numbers with your hand. Then
you work on the equation that is revealed. The
best part is that the cards are self-checking as
the answer is the number you just covered up
with your hand! Both sets cover facts through
twelve. The cards come in a sturdy storage box
and are made out of a durable cardstock. An
instruction card is included, which outlines several fun activities. - elise
002398 Add & Subtract . . . . 8.99
002503 Multiply & Divide . . . 8.99
Number-Bond Cards (K-2; 3-6)
Designed to provide reinforcing activities for
students learning the basic number bonds, cards
are 5” squares with rounded corners; colored
ink on white background. Each card depicts
three numbers (in boxes) with lines showing
the bond relationship – for instance, 7, 6, and
1. Cards are shown three ways; once with “7”
missing; once with “6” missing, and once with
“1” missing. The backside of each card supplies
the “answer” or missing bond member. All
bond combinations from 2 to 10 are depicted.
Several blank cards, still showing bond relationships, can be used to make additional cards
using dry-erase markers (cards are laminated).
A set of 30 blank dry erase Number Bonds cards
is also available if you want more blanks. Ideas
for using the cards are provided. ~ Janice
047339 Add/Subtraction (K-2) 10.99 7.95
025693 Mult/Division (3-6) . . 10.99 7.95
064937 ☼Write-On/Wipe-Off (K-5)
(set of 30) . . . . . . . . 6.995.25
Timed Math Flash Cards (1-6)
These double-sided flash cards will help
improve your students' speed and accuracy.
The front of each card holds the mathematical
equation, as typical math flash cards do. What's
unique about this set is that the flip side of each
card holds the answer along one side or bottom in equation format, as well as an object
version of the problem. This helps students see
how abstract numbers are used as a shortcut to
represent amounts of concrete objects. Each set
contains 92 3"x 6" flash cards which cover the
basic facts for numbers 1-9 and offer ideas for
fun teaching activities using the cards.
EACH SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.99
9.25 Part-Whole Cards (K-2)
These are similar in concept to the Number
031457 Addition 031459Multiplication
Bond cards – same size (5” squares, rounded
corners) but with black ink on white background
and covering all combinations from 2 to 10.
☼Write-On Wipe-Off Math Flashcards (1-5)
Take math review and drill to the next level One side of the card shows three numbers – with
with these reusable flashcards. Each set con- one missing – which are related to the others.
tains 40 flashcards and 1 dry-erase pen/marker. The other side has the missing number supplied
Individual flashcards are color coded by 3 (and designated by an underline). The cards are
levels of difficulty: easy, more challenging and designed to show the proportional relationship
ultimate. Test math mastery with 9 problems of the numbers; divided horizontally across the
per card (A total of 360 practice problems per middle of the card; then the lower part divided
set!). All sets include single and double digits, proportionally. For instance, the 5-5-10 card
along with carrying skills in addition, borrowing shows the two fives in equal boxes on the botin subtraction, and divisors with remainders. tom of the card. The 2-5-7 card shows the “2”
Answers are included on the back of the flash- in a disproportionately smaller section of the
card. A cost effective resource for multi-children bottom than the “5” part. The largest number is
households and struggling math students. ~ always in the upper half of the card. Ideas for
using the cards are provided. ~ Janice
EACH SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.95
6.95 047340 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.99
060496 Addition
060498 Multiplication
☼Part-Whole Thinking Value Pack (K-2)
060497 Division
060499 Subtraction
Math facts can be learned in a number of
ways, but can be difficult for some youngsters.
Triangle Flash Cards (K-6)
Designed to teach families of facts instead of indi- This set includes number bond cards for addividual problems, these triangle-shaped flash cards tion and subtraction and part-whole cards. The
show the relationship between addition and sub- cards measure 5 inches square and are made
of sturdy, glossy cardstock. There are a few
traction or between multiplication and division.
EACH SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.99
5.75 blank cards in each set for making your own
The number bond cards (82 in the set) are
more than flash cards; they show the relationship between addition and subtraction facts.
The front of each card presents a diagram with
3 boxes: one box is outlined with a dotted line.
The dot-outlined box shows the sum of the other
two boxes; the dot-oulined box might instead
show one of the addends. The digits you see can
be used to explain both the functions of addition
and subtraction. The reverse side of the number
bond cards show the same diagram as the front,
but the dot-outlined number is missing; children
name the missing number.
Part-whole cards (80 cards in the set) show
the parts of the whole number. The top half of
the card shows the larger number and the bottom half of the card shows the numbers used to
make the larger number (for example, 4 and 5 at
the bottom and 9 at the top); the cards represent
combinations up to 10. The back of each card
shows the same number combinations, but one
number is missing: children determine the missing number.
Help your children learn their math facts but
also understand the relationship between functions with these helpful card sets. ~ Donna
030726 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.79 14.95
Math Wheel Flash Cards (1-5)
Take a spin with these fun flash cards that show
related equations on both sides! Each set comes
with twelve, durable, 5" math wheels revealing 240 equations. Spin the wheel to reveal
a number and create an equation. After you
think you know the answer, simply flip over the
card to check the answer shown in the window.
Continue on by spinning the wheel to reveal a
new number, which creates a new equation.
Each wheel works on one fact family, covering
the facts one through twelve. The Addition and
Subtraction Math Wheels are recommended for
grades 1 and up, and the Multiplication and
Division Math Wheels are recommended for
grades 3 and up. When you're done, store your
Math Wheels in their sturdy storage case. - elise
EACH WHEEL . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
Math Gear Fast Facts (PK-4)
Your students will appreciate this clever alternative to the “same old, same old” math drills
and flashcards. Math Gears are round, bound
booklets with six sturdy, double-sided cardboard
wheels inside. Each wheel has a cardboard tab
featuring a number, 1-12, and the corresponding fact is shown in the middle of the wheel,
with a cut-out window at the front. Moving the
tab around the side of the page turns an inner
wheel, causing the numbers 1-12 to appear in
the cutout window in turn. For example, if you
were on the “5 page in the Multiplication set,
the fact in the middle of the page would read
“___ x 5 = ? Moving the tab creates the equations “1 x 5”, “2 x 5”, and so on, all the way
through “12 x 5”. The question mark is a flap
that lifts to reveal the answers. The inside covers
share fun math operation facts. A fun, low-tech
way to practice those math facts! ~ Lisa
EACH SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
War Flashcards (2-6)
Played like the classic war card game, the
more you play, the faster you’ll become at your
times tables up to 9 and your division facts! Sets
include 86 colorful cards that measure 3.25” x
5.25”. ~ Anh
038783Multiplication . . . . . . 3.95
038904Division . . . . . . . . . . 3.95
Flashcard Combo Packs
Math Flash Cards 4-packs (PK-2)
Each of these four-packs holds four sets of
School Zone flash Cards in one package.
EACH PACK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00
060396 Math 1-2
Addition 0-12, Subtraction 0-12, Numbers
0-100 and Math War: Addition/Subtraction
060397 Math 3-4
Multiplication 0-12, Division 0-12, Math
War: Multiplication and Time & Money
Math Power Pack (4 deck set) (K-3)
Build important math skills with this flashcard
bundle. This set includes four packs of cards;
Math Splash War, Addition 0-12, Telling Time
and Subtraction 0-12. Each pack has 52 or more
cards with lots of colorful graphics and easy to
read numbers, aligns with learning standards
and each set comes in their own box for easy
organization. – Laura
060573 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.99
Materials / Manipulatives
Math ScrunchCharts (PK-6)
EACH SCRUNCHCHART . . . . . . 022696Addition
☼Scooby Doo Math Fact Finder (1-5)
Scooby helps you sniff out answers with these
simple little tools. Sturdy. colorful cardstock
cover has a white card inside that slides out to
reveal a vertical list of numbers. These numbers
are added to the function numbers such as -0,
-1, -2…-11, -12. The answer for all of the problems shown is the same, as you see in a small
box at the bottom: 4-0=__; 5-1=__; 6-2=__;
7-3=__; etc., up to 16-12=__. The answer to
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
036023 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.50
2.95 all problems in this list is 4. Each fact finder has
2 sides and shows 2 functions with numbers
Addition/Multiplication Tables Ready Reference 0-12. Keep them in the car, in your day bag,
See description in Home School Helps section. in centers at school, or anywhere you think
002409 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.95 you could squeeze in a little math fact practice!
Scooby Doo is such a lovable character that
children will like doing some math with Scooby!
Write & Wipe Fact Family Board (1-4)
Measures about 6.25” x 4.25” ~ Sara
This simple tool is a great
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.95
asset when teaching begin059721 Add & Subtract
ning math facts. It’s a trian059722Multiply/Divide
gular white board with three
10” sides. It’s double sided
Math Balances
and has a write-and-wipe
surface that works with any
dry-erase marker (not included). Displayed on Working With the Math Balance (K-5)
Do you love the idea of using a math balance
one side are four simple equations with the
numbers left blank (two of __+__=__ and two to teach math concretely, but need more ideas
of __-__ =__ ). The corners of the triangle are to use the balance successfully? Common Core
shaded different colors and teachers can write aligned, this indispensible book contains a wide
variables in the three corners and have students range of activities for a variety of topics includplug them in appropriately. For example, if 10, ing: whole numbers, addition & subtraction,
7, and 3 were written in the corners, students multiplication & division, and algebraic concepts
could write 7+3=10, 3+7=10, 10-7=3, and encompassing equations, inequalities, and vari10-3=7. The opposite side of the board is identi- ables. Included is a CD-ROM containing a digital
cal but displays multiplication and division signs book and interactive math balance, though your
instead of addition and subtraction. With such hands-on learners may prefer using a physical
an open-ended format and a reusable surface, math balance (like #18355). Being an experiential
this board is sure to get plenty of use. ~ Rachel resource, no answers are included. 75 pgs, pb.
046972 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00
2.75 017118 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.95 12.75
Addition & Subtraction Cubes (1-AD)
What a fun way to learn basic addition and
subtraction! The idea is to roll the +/- die, roll
two number dice, and then figure out the equation. It is really quite simple. This set of six
dice includes two dice numbered from 1-6, two
numbered 7-12, one marked + and –, and one
marked with all = signs. Basic nstructions are
included. ~ Phyllis
Holey Cards (1-5)
Math Facts Flexitables (K-6)
These math tools help your child learn addiEACH FLEXITABLE . . . . . . . . . 5.95
4.50 tion, subtraction, multiplication, and division
023534 Addition & Subtraction Numbrs 1-10 with numbers 0-9 (plus another multiplication
023548 Multiplication & Divsn Nmbrs 1-10 that includes 12s). Just fold the 9" x 11 ½" card
in half, slip a piece of paper in the middle for
writing the answers (in the holes), and then start
the two-minute drill! When your child is done,
simply open the card and flip it over to reveal
the answers for easy grading. ~ elise
EACH CARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00
030964 Addition
031722 Subtraction 030965Division
030966 Multiplication (+12's)
Number Cubes (K-2)
Think dice – just larger. These plastic 1.25”
cubes have numbers or arithmetic signs rather
than dots. Use them for practicing mental math
skills – or as required by your math curriculum.
The sixteen number cubes are light green with
black numbers while the four sign (+, +, -, -,
=, and =) cubes are yellow with black symbols. There are six cubes with numbers 0-5, six
with numbers 4-9, two with 10-15, and 2 with
15-20. ~ Janice
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs
058804 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.95 22.49
Addition & Subtraction Self-Checker (K-3)
Check sums and differences from 0 to 20 without a calculator. This handy gadget is made of
two numbered rules, joined so that the bottom
rule slides back and forth across the top rule.
The top rule, approx. 8 ½" long, is numbered
from 0 to 20 on both front and back. The bottom rule, approx. 4" long, is numbered from
+1 to +9 on one side and from -1 to -9 on the
other. To use the self-checker, simply line up
the arrow on the bottom rule with a number
on the top rule, say 7. Then, to determine
the value of 7 + 5, find the number on the top
rule that corresponds to +5 on the bottom rule.
Made of sturdy blue and yellow plastic. Please
note that the self-checker does not handle negative numbers or sums greater than 20. ~ Anh
015822 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.99
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Number Scale Playbook Set (K-3)
Can you balance the monkey scale? This
hands-on set lets kids explore number values,
addition, and subtraction—with the help of a
cute little monkey balance. The 5” tall plastic
balance portrays a cartoon money with his arms
outstretched. The “weights” in the set are plastic
numbers, with values from 1 to 9. The numbers
are sized and weighted proportionally; number
1 is the smallest and lightest, while 9 is the largest and heaviest. To balance the scale, kids must
hang numbers on each of the monkey’s arms
that equal the same amount on each side. (For
example, if a 4 is hung on the left arm, the right
arm needs a 3 and 1, or two 2’s). The ful-color,
illustrated 30 page playbook contains a variety
of activities. These begin with simple recognition and tracing of the number shapes. Then
students are challenged to compare numbers
and find missing numbers using the balance.
Each activity is accompanied by a thumbnail
image of the monkey balance holding a one or
more numbers in his hands. For example, one
of the early challenges shows the monkey holding the number 7 in one hand; the question is:
“Which number will cause the monkey’s 7 to
fall? 6 or 7?”. Later activities show the monkey
holding a mix of numbers; students are challenged to add (or remove) the number(s) that
will balance the scale. 14 number pieces are
included (2 each of 1-5; 1 each of 6-9). ~ Lisa
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs
034505 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.99
Math Balance (PK-5)
The Math Balance provides an excellent, concrete way to show number relationships, operations, and comparisons. This T-shaped number
balance stands 9" tall. Each arm is labeled
from 1 to 10 from the center moving outward.
Pegs are located at each numbered position for
hanging weights. Twenty 10g plastic weights
are included.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
018355 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.99 12.95
Student Math Balance (PK-AD)
This math balance allows students to practice
their addition facts up to 10 in a self-checking
way. Hang two weights on the numbers to be
added together, and place another weight on
the opposite side on the correct answer. Stack
the included 20 weights on the base for storage.
Dimensions are 25½" x 5". ~ Nick
058410 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.99
Mini Number Balance (PK-12)
This mini balance provides hands-on instruction in addition and subtraction, and could even
be used for equations involving multiplication/
division. For addition and subtraction concepts,
you can begin by hanging the blue weights
in various yellow-peg positions on one side,
and balancing the sum on the other side. So,
for example, if you hang a blue weight in the
10-position on one side, you can create balance
by hanging a blue weight in the 6- and 4-position on the other side (6 + 4 = 10). Students can
think through and try all the possible combinations that could work, not limiting themselves to
only two weights on the one side. That will keep
them busy for a while, and you may want to
have them write down their answers in logical
order to make sure they haven’t overlooked any
possibilities. Subtraction follows, as students
try to determine where the missing blue weight
should go (10 – 4 = ?). Multiplication occurs
when multiple weights occupy a certain peg (2
weights at the 2 position is 2 x 2 = 4, so one
weight in the 4-position on the other side creates a balanced equation). Your equations can
get even more complicated: what if you have a
3 and a 4 on one side and three 2’s on the other?
What do you need to add to make it balance,
and where? The scale is not super precise in its
ability to be perfectly calibrated, but little plastic
weights are provided so that the calibrated accuracy will be sufficient for your purposes. ~ Caryl
047865 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.75
Audio / Visual
Classical Math to Classical Music (PK-6)
If you’re going to set math facts to music to
learn them, why not set them to classical music?
And why not throw in a little study of the composers as a bonus? If you did, you’d have this
product. Each of the tables is set to a classical melody taken from a work by the likes of
Beethoven, Mozart, Brahms, Chopin, Handel,
and other famous composers. For example,
the 5x table is presented with a theme from
Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony. The 9+ facts
are set to a song from Verdi’s Aida. Each “song”
is performed four times on the CD; the first three
are sung with answers, the last time your child
will solo. Songs are not lyrical; they just repeat
all of the math facts for that number. These are
much like the Audio Memory method, only the
music is less sing-songy because the melodies
are more complex. Each CD is accompanied
by a short booklet with a 2-page spread for
each number. The left facing page has all of
the math facts for that number shown in both
horizontal and vertical format. The right facing
page has a brief composer biographical sketch
followed by a short crossword puzzle about the
composer. The addition and subtraction packages cover facts from 1’s to 10’s. Multiplication
and division sets cover tables to 12’s. The last
page in each book is a reproducible drill sheet
with all of the mixed facts, including space
for completion time and score. An appealing
math memory aid and drill product that’s sure to
become a classic in its own right.
EACH CD & BOOKLET SET . . . . 15.95
045222 Addition 045224Multiplication
045225 Subtraction045223Division
Audio Memory CD Song Kits (1-6)
Learn your arithmetic facts painlessly, through
song! After the vocalist sings you through the
facts in echo style, songs are sung without
answers, and it’s your turn to solve the problem!
Each day practice a different “song.” In just
9-12 days, you’ll have these facts memorized
with very little effort. Play again and again for
review and drill. Kits each include a CD and
reproducible workbook.
EACH KIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.95
004848Addition 004854Multiplication
Rock ‘N Learn Math DVDs (1-8)
EACH DVD . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.99
030175 Addition & Subtraction Rap
030182 Division Rap
030271 Multiplication Rap
Meet the Math Facts (1-3)
065982 Level 1 DVD . . . . . . 14.95 11.95
065983 Level 2 DVD . . . . . . 14.95 11.95
065984 Level 3 DVD . . . . . . 14.95 11.95
065981 3 DVD Boxed Set . . 39.95 31.95
065985 Coloring Book Level 1 4.95 4.25
065986 Coloring Book Level 2 4.95 4.25
065987 Coloring Book Level 3 4.95 4.25
MTMFCBColoring Book Package14.85 11.50
MTMFCPComplete Package . 132.50 97.95
065990 Flashcards Level 1 . . 12.95 10.95
065991 Flashcards Level 2 . . 12.95 10.95
065992 Flashcards Level 3 . . 12.95 10.95
MTMFFCFlashcards Package . . 38.85 29.50
MTMFL1 Level 1 Package . . . . 45.80 34.95
MTMFL2 Level 2 Package . . . . 45.80 34.95
MTMFL3 Level 3 Package . . . . 45.80 34.95
065997 Workbook 1 . . . . . . 12.95 10.95
065998 Workbook 2 . . . . . . 12.95 10.95
065999 Workbook 3 . . . . . . 12.95 10.95
MTMFWB Workbook Pkg . . . . 38.85 29.50
Monkey Math Balance Game (PK+)
Help the monkey balance himself out by adding bunches of bananas together in each of his
outstretched hands. If your addition is correct,
the monkey’s arms will be level and his eyes
will look straight ahead, but if you need to try
again, his arms will be up and down and his
eyes will be crossed. Bananas go from singles
to bunches of 10 and are numbered for easy recognition. There are 15 banana number tokens
in all. The monkey stands 7.25” tall.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
040522 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.99
Sum Swamp Addition & Subtraction (PK-6)
Be the first to navigate your little critter safely
through the swamp by adding or subtracting the
numbers on the dice. This game includes one
game board, four little critter game pieces, two
Math Song CDs and Workbooks (1-7)
number dice, and one operation die. A fun way
Learn your math facts and properties by singto build addition and subtraction skills! ~ Anh
ing along with these catchy rock and pop tunes!
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
These audio sets are based on the idea that
015882 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.99 14.95
repetition is the key to memorization. Many
songs involve the recitation of entire fact famiMath Animals (K-4)
lies. Songs also introduce strategies (such as
With more than six variations for game play,
the “doubles plus one” addition strategy) and
your children will not soon tire of playing this
math properties (like the “zero property” for
award-winning game from Aristoplay.
multiplication). There are 13 addition songs, 14
with most games from this manufacturer, Math
subtraction songs, and 19 multiplication songs.
Animals is an educational game; this one teachThe multiplication CD is the longest partially
es and reinforces basic math skills.
because because the multiplication rap goes
race around a colorful game board according
through every fact in the 12-by-12 times table.
to die-roll to land on an animal with the highest
Other CDs range from about 40-50 minutes.
point value. They then either add, subtract, or
Each set comes with a workbook. These are
multiply the number on the die to the number
full-color and contain math worksheets, word
they are on, trying to accumulate enough points
problems, charts, practice drill pages, timed
to reach a preset goal number and win. Choose
tests, and games. Answers to workbook pages
from three levels of play depending on the math
are included in .pdf format on the CD. ~ Anh
skills of the (two to four) players. While recomEACH SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.99
mended beginning age is 5, a child can play as
013802 Addition 013806Multiplication
soon as he or she is ready to add.
050250 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.00 15.75
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Math-Fact Oh! Games (K-AD)
EACH GAME . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.99 16.75
044914 Addition & Subtraction
044920 Multiplication & Division Game
the rest of the game. A “No brakes!” space on
the spinner means you can put your token on
the car of your choice that contains the other
addend spun. The subtraction game follows the
same rules except for you only spin the spinner
once, this time using the outer two portions. The
outmost section gives you the whole, while the
middle portion will show you one part. Students
have to solve the equation for the other part,
and then place their token on the corresponding
car. If two rounds go by with no player able to
place a token, the game is over and points are
awarded based on the number of cars controlled
by each player’s buses and tokens.
In the multiplication/division version, each
player spins to see what two numbers they are
multiplying or dividing, solves the related equation, and places a token on the corresponding
car. Cars are clustered by product/quotient,
each fact appearing in only one cluster, starting
with 9’s. (meaning 2x9 appears in the 9 cluster,
not the 2 cluster). You can bump others off
clusters as you get answers right. Each cluster of
bumper cars has between 1 & 7 cars. You are
building fluency in multiplication facts 2’s-9’s
and division facts (up to 81÷9, not including
1’s) by solving mental math problems, as well
as building the relationship between the two.
Directions are simple and specific; board
unfolds to a 16” square. The spinner and
tokens are made of sturdy cardboard and there
are some plastic pieces. It is colorful and well
made. Made for 2-4 players age 9+. Supports
state, national, & CC standards. – Steph
042359Addition/Subtraction 23.99 19.50
058996 Multiplication/Div . . 23.99 19.50
Super Genius Math Games (1-5)
If you’re a fan of Spot It! your family will love
these math games based on the same concept.
Each game contains 42 double-sided cards in
a handy, magnetic-close case. The cards each
show a sprinkling of numbers on one side, and
addition or multiplication facts on the other. As
in Spot It! games you would draw a card, flip it
over next to the pile, and compare the two cards
for the one and only match between them (fact
and answer). When a player matches the fact
to the solution, they win the cards. If the traditional flash card drills are getting a little stale,
pull this one out! For 1-6 players. - Jess
EACH GAME . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.99 10.50 Tri-FACTa Games (1-AD)
Triangles galore! Learn fact families through
fun play with Tri-FACTa games. Each triangle035899Multiplication
shaped card has a different number. The game
063978 ☼Multiplication 2
board consists of a larger triangle, with several
operational signs and space to place three cards.
Bumper Car Math Games (1-6)
My favorite thing about this math game is The goal is for players to fill in the missing
that each bumper car holds a fact family, so spaces by completing the fact families. The first
children are seeing each whole and its parts player to run out of cards shouts, “Tri-FACTa!”
together and strengthening those number bonds This game will raise awareness of the relationin their mind every time they play the game. The ships between numbers and operations—and
colorful board is set up like a bumper car arena your kids will have so much fun, they won’t
with tires around the outside and the groups of even realize they’re learning! Includes game
bumper cars spread around the inside. In the board, 100 cards, and 4 card trays, all in a
Addition/Subtraction game, cars are grouped box shaped like a… Yep, a triangle. 2-4 playby the number of the sum/minuend (whole), ers. –Chad
and each group shares a common color. The EACH GAME . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.99 14.95
whole appears at the top of the bumper car, 032362 Addition & Subtraction
with the addends/subtrahends (parts) on the 032396 Multiplication & Division
wheels. Some groups may only have one car,
such as the “2” group with only a car for 1 and S'MATH Game (1-AD)
Players face off in this Scrabble-like game,
1, while other groups have up to five: the “10”
group has cars for 4 and 6, 3 and 7, 2 and 8, 5 trying to make equations to score points. In
and 5, and 1 and 9. Fact families up to 18 are typical Scrabble fashion, plays are allowed
included. This game can be used to strengthen either vertically or horizontally, and the board
has bonus ‘2x’ and ‘3x’ spaces for extra points.
either addition or subtraction skills.
To practice addition facts, players spin the Players each receive ten tiles that may be numspinner twice, reading the addends from the bers or math symbols (‘+’, ‘-‘, ‘x’ or ‘÷’). Equal
inner section, and then place a token of their signs and parentheses are placed to the side of
color on the bumper car featuring those two the board, and any player may use them at any
parts and their sum in the center. If the car time. Players take turns placing equations on
already has another player’s token on it, they the board or adding on to existing equations.
bump it off and place it in that player’s repair All tiles have point values in the corner, so
shop. If you manage to place tokens on all the players can score their turns. The game is over
bumper cars in a group, you replace your tokens when there are no more moves or tiles.
with a school bus and control the group for 028295 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.00 12.95
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Tenable Pyramid Game (1-AD)
Practice your mental math
as you build a number pyramid! A sturdy game board
shows blocks of the pyramid. Your stones, made
of heavy cardboard with a
multiple of 10 (from 0-100)
on each end, like a domino, are in a bag. Each
player chooses 6 stones to begin. You begin
laying the stones across the bottom by placing
them next to a stone that is +/- ten. So you could
place a 40 next to 30 or 50. The next layer gets
trickier, as you can lay on top of or next to a
stone that is +/- ten; a double match forces your
opponent to draw additional stones. If you don’t
have a stone that fits, you draw from the bag as
your turn. The player who runs out of stones
first is the winner. 2-4 players, or you can play
solitaire. There is a good balance of basic math,
strategy, and chance. It was not as easy as I
thought it would be. Math out of the textbook
can be just as challenging! ~ Sara
057660 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.99 19.50
Number Ninjas! (2-7)
Practice the ancient art of Mathjitsu, Karadd-e, Tai-sub-tract. And please, make sure to
do it with friends. In this ninja-styled game, your
mission is to navigate your ninja through the
treacherous game board by using the four basic
math operations. A Ninja Recruit will have an
easier time with the riddles, but may not move
as fast across the board. A Ninja Mathster - I
mean Master - will have the addition of multiplication and division dice to roll with, giving
a mobility edge, but the challenges are harder.
Once you make it to one of the four “Number
Ninja challenge cards”, you must answer a math
riddle in order to unlock a piece of the Golden
Dragon. In one card, Yamamoto’s aunt may
have kites to sell, or Fujimoto is taking pictures
of animals in his back yard, requiring you to use
a mix of math operations to solve the problem.
Who cares if Oshima is counting tiger stripes?
You do. It could mean the difference between
victory and defeat! ~ Stephen
052743 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.99
Sequence Numbers (2-AD)
If you mix Sequence with a little addition and
subtraction action, what do you get? Sequence
Numbers! The game plays like Sequence, but
the board is covered with the numbers 1-30
instead of card faces. The card deck is made up
of cards with addition and subtraction problems
whose sums match the numbers on the board.
Each player is dealt a hand of cards and receives
a pile of chips in one color. Players then take
turns playing cards and placing chips on a space
on the board that features the answer (sum) of
the addition or subtraction problem on the card
played. Even children just learning their addition and subtraction facts can play, aided by
the color-coded cards and board which narrow
down the possible answers. Plus and Minus
cards add another fun twist; Plus cards are wild
and Minus cards allow players to remove a chip
from the board. If you like Sequence but wish it
was more educational, or if you are looking for
a math game everyone will enjoy, try Sequence
Numbers. For 2-6 players. – Jess
018850 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.00 18.50
Muggins / Knockout Math Games (4-AD)
These well thought-out math games really
encourage players to use what they've learned!
These games are played on a reversible doublesided board with Muggins on one side and
Knockout on the other. Muggins is fast-paced
and brain-stretching; it uses all basic arithmetic
operations and requires the use of strategic
thinking and mental math skills. The game is
for 1-4 players and requires players to occupy as
many number spaces as possible while blocking
their opponents' attempts to do the same. After
rolling 3 dice (6-sided or 12-sided, depending
on the level of play), players try to claim an
unoccupied numbered space. To do this, they
must form an equation (using any combination
of basic arithmetic operations) with those three
numbers with an answer equal to the number
shown on an unclaimed space. A few extra
rules like "bumping" and "bluffing" provide
additional complexity to the game and allow for
more challenging play. Knockout is a "King of
the Mountain" with numbers type game for 1-4
players. Roll dice and add or subtract to build
lock-out points for yourself or knock out your
opponents in this fun game of strategy and luck.
There are many different levels of play.
035039 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44.95 43.95
☼Secret Code 13+4 Game (3-AD)
Your mission - use your sharp calculation
skills to find your way through this museum
filled with light barriers and retrieve the mask of
Amun Re. Roll the six dice and figure out how
you can use the numbers to match the tile number in front of you. For example, the number
for the laser in front of you is a 4. If one of the
dice rolled is a 4, use that die to deactivate the
light barrier. If not, add, subtract, multiply, or
divide the dice numbers to try to calculate that
number. Once past a barrier, reroll all the dice
not used for the last barrier to try to get past the
next one. Variations of the game and a board
that changes with every game give this great
replay value for continuous calculation practice.
063121 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.00 17.95
Card Games
Math War Card Games (K-7)
My little brother, Stephen, at age 6, loved working addition and subtraction problems. For reasons unbeknownst to me, he got quite a thrill out
of just coming up to you and saying, "Hey, 4 + 7
= 11". When he discovered the card game War,
he constantly asked people to play it (or one of
his many original variations, such as "Looking
War"). I think what he needed was a deck of
these cards, which seem like such a great idea
to me. The flashcard sized cards feature various math facts, and kids will have to answer the
problems to find out who wins the match. The
Addition and Subtraction set cards have pictures
of kids forming the plus or minus signs, and the
Multiplication deck is even more colorful, with
different sea life illustrations on the cards. Both
decks also include wild cards for another twist on
the classic game of War. - Melissa
EACH CARD SET . . . . . . . . . . 2.99
014796 Addition & Subtraction (K-6)
014797 Multiplication (2-7)
☼Math Splash War (1-3)
How do you play math war? Each card states
a math problem and the person with the highest
answer wins the hand and keeps the cards. If
your answers are the same, then it’s war! Half
the deck is blue and half is red with colorful sea
life illustrations in the middle. The cards have
addition and subtraction problems on them for
numbers 0-10. A fun way to reinforce math facts
(including greater and lesser than) with your
younger students as you enjoy the funny fish
friends! 54 rounded-edge playing cards, 1 activity card, 1 answer card (all 3” x 5.25”). ~ Sara
060574 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.99
Snap It Up! Games (1-6)
You had better be quick if you want to be
the winning player in these games! The basic
rules are the same for each Snap It Up! Game.
Players sort out the two types of cards. One
stack goes in the middle and the rest are divvied
up among the players. Each player holds three
cards in their hand and puts the rest facedown
in their draw pile. The card in the center is
overturned, and players try to make some kind
of match with two of the cards in their hand
- but watch out, everyone is trying to get that
center card! Players can never have more than
three cards in their hand, but they can draw
and discard as quickly as possible to try to find
a match. If you are skillful and lucky enough to
be first, yell "Snap!" and snatch the card and its
pairs from your hand. The first player to make
three matches will have "Snapped It Up" to win
the game. 2 or more players. ~ Megan
EACH GAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
015872 Addition and Subtraction (1+)
015873 Multiplication (3+)
Numbers League Card Game (2-5)
Here is your task: A plague of villains has
descended on Infinity City. In Numbers League
you are the leader of a team of superheroes in
a quest to rid the streets of villainy. To do so,
you must use the sum of your team’s powers
(using addition, subtraction, and multiplication)
to save the day. This comic book inspired math
game is loads of fun and is bound to get your
boys excited about math! The deck of 120
cards comes with 75 Hero Cards (25 heads,
25 bodies, 25 legs), 21 Device Cards, and 24
two-sided Villain Cards. Here is how you play
– lay down all the villain cards in the “Rogues
Gallery,” lay down three cards designated as
the “Sidekick,” and then each player begins
with seven cards in their hands. Play moves
clockwise, and each player’s turn has three
phases: action phase, capture phase, and energize phase. During action phase, you can either
play up to two cards from your hand or return as
many unwanted cards from your hand back to
“headquarters” (the deck of heroes) and redraw,
for a total of seven cards, thus ending your turn.
If you choose to play two cards, you lay them
on the table face up in front of you. Hero cards
are used to build superheroes and they must
consist of 1 head, 1 chest, and 1 leg card. You
can only build one superhero at a time, and
they cannot be altered once completed. You
can also play a device card (such as a zap gun,
which is worth a value of adding 15 or a Utility
Belt which you subtract 5), which can be placed
on a completed superhero to help them capture
a villain. In the capture phase, you can try to
capture one villain from the Rogues Gallery.
Each villain has a “weakness number” that you
must match in order to capture it. Use any or all
of your completed superheroes, with or without
devices to match a villain’s weakness. If successful, you place the captured villain in your
“trophy pile.” The energize phase is when you
end your turn by drawing enough cards from
the Hall of Heroes to bring your hand back to
7 cards. Play continues until all villains have
been captured. Each player adds the points of
the villains in their trophy pile (this number is
different than their weakness number), and the
player with the highest total is the winner! This
is just a brief explanation of this super fun game.
There is also a sidekick aspect I left out, and
more rules on how you can customize numbers
league so you can play the “Superheroes Level.”
If you love this game and are looking for an
“added challenge,” then I highly recommend
the Infinity Expansion Deck. This deck will
introduce 24 new villains (12 two-sided cards),
11 new superheroes (33 cards), and 15 new
devices. To defeat the villains, you will need
even more skill than before, as now you must
use division and decimals to reach your target
sums. Two additional expansion decks are also
now available: Critters and Dinosaurs. These
30-card expansion decks feature themed creature cards to add more variety to your current
hero, villain and device collections. Now, cue
the superhero music and remember, it’s up to
you and your heroes to keep Infinity City free of
villainy! – elise
013269Game . . . . . . . . . . 15.95 12.50
044916 Infinity Expansn Deck 9.95
052513 Critters Expan. Deck 5.00
052514 Dinosaurs Exp. Deck 5.00
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
7 Ate 9 (3-AD)
You better have nimble fingers and a quick,
calculating mind if you hope to win this
rambunctious math card game! The deck is
composed of 73 cards, each of which has a
large yellow number (ranging from 1-10) on the
center, and a ± 1, 2, or 3 in the corner. The
cards are shuffled, the top card is turned over
in the center of the table and the rest of the
cards are dealt evenly into each player’s draw
pile. Players must draw one card at a time into
their hand and play them on the center pile as
quickly as they can. There is no limit to how
many cards they can hold in their hand, but
they must draw them individually. If the card
in the middle is a ‘6’ with a ± 2 in the corners,
players may play either a ‘4’ or an ‘8’. If addition or subtraction results in a number greater
or less than ten, ten can be added or subtracted
to the number to put it back in the 1-10 range
[e.g. if it is a ‘9’ with a ± 3, 9 + 3 = 12, 12 - 10
= 2 – so a two could be played, or a 6 (9 – 3
= 6)]. The first player to run out of cards is the
winner. So put away that calculator (you won’t
have time to use it!) and get that brain racing for
the win! 2-4 players, game time is about 5-10
minutes. Cards are stored in a handy travel
case. ~ Megan
047645 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
Electronics & Software
Minute Math Electronic Flash Card (1-4)
Ready for flashcards that are more “flashy”?
This electronic version of the traditional “triangle” flash card gives your student a portable
practice device for addition/subtraction and
multiplication/division. No more cards falling
all over the couch or the floor of the car. The
device has three windows. In the case of multiplication/division, for example, the two lower
windows are for the factors and the window at
the top is for the product of the multiplication.
One of those windows will be blank, and your
student will key in the answer using the numeric
keypad. As you can tell, if a factor is missing,
the student will think in terms of division. If
the product is missing, that’s a multiplication
problem. The student switches at will between
addition/subtraction and multiplication/division,
and has three skill levels from which to choose.
This handheld-size device (each side measures
4”) uses 3 AAA batteries, not included. ~ Caryl
047569 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.99 14.95
Math Trekker (1-8)
Technology is everywhere, and let’s be honest,
sometimes it is nice to engage our children with
just a bit of techno-fun. These handy little “electronic flashcards” provide your children a fun
tool to reinforce math facts. They look like small
calculators and contain 13 levels for each operation (1-12 and a mixed level). Simply push the
power button, use the arrow to select a level,
and then use the number buttons to answer the
facts as they appear on the screen. A switch at
the bottom allows you to change between the
two operations. Constructed of sturdy, bright
plastic with a built-in carabineer to attach to a
book bag or purse, these portable units would
make great reinforcement at home or on the go.
Two options are available: Addition/Subtraction
and Multiplication/Division and both offer math
practice through the 12 facts. Additional bonus
features are the automatic turnoff after 2 minutes
of inactivity and a sound button that can be
turned on or off at your discretion. An inexpensive and fun way to reinforce math facts. Comes
with batteries, which are replaceable. ~ Deanne
EACH TREKKER . . . . . . . . . . 12.99
Basic Operations - Addition
☼Flash Skills Addition Workbooks (1-2)
Small books (7” x 9”) with focused practice
might be just what your student needs to move
forward. Sometimes kids get stumped on a
concept and need a little extra time with it.
FlashKids books are colorful, interactive & age
specific too, helping you dial in just what you
need to work on! These can also be used for
students to work independently while you are
homeschooling other children. Carry one in a
back pack or purse for those times you need a
little something for the kids to do. Choose from
math or reading-related topics. They each have
a certificate of completion plus 2 pgs of stickers
in the back! 64pp, sc ~ Sara.
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.95
060454 Addition Activities: Gr. 1
060455 Addition Activities: Gr. 2
10 On the Spot! Ten Frame Game (K-2)
Be the first at to fill in all of your ladybug’s
spots! The only way to do so is to get to ten as
quickly as possible by matching the spot with
the proper dot (6 would need a 4 in order to
work, for example). It’s a fast, frantic counting
game! 10 on the Spot! includes 72 dots and 6
double sided cards. The first side is for beginners and features pictures of a ten frame under
each number. The advanced side shows only
the number. Great practice for making ten again and again! ~ Nick
057124 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.99 11.95
Shut the Box (2-6)
A really active way to learn to manipulate
numbers! Game consists of an open box, with
flip-up number "keys." A felt area in the base
provides room for the two dice to roll "in captivity." To begin, the 1st player rolls the dice.
The player may then flip up any combination
of numbers which match their roll. Example:
If player rolled a 12 they could flip up just 12
or 11 and 1 or 10 and 2, or any 1 or 2 number
combination which totals their roll. The 1st
player continues rolling the dice until rolling
a number which cannot be played. Example:
Player rolls 12 again but has used all possible
combinations while making other rolls. Player
1 now counts up all numbers which have not
been flipped over. This is the 1st players score.
If a second round is played, the 2nd player
begins first. The player with the lowest score
wins. Although simplest to describe with two
players, any number may play. ~ Alysia
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
032154 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.00
Basic Operations - Multiplication
Access to the Answers: Multiplication Songs at
Your Fingertips CD (PK-2)
Using familiar tunes and repetition, Lori
Morrison helps children easily master skip
counting. Children will learn 2s to the tune of
“Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star,” 3s to the tune of
“Jingle Bells,” 4s to “The Star Spangled Banner,”
“Yankee Doodle” accompanies 6s, “This Old
Man” for 7s, “Hokey Pokey” for 8s, “I’ve Been
Working on the Railroad” for 9s, and 12s are
learned to the tune of “Hurrah for the Red,
White, and Blue.” Each track on the cd repeats
two to four times, with two tracks for each
song – did I mention repetition? Lori suggests
using these songs along with the “Math Wheel”
(#2306) to help students apply the songs to
multiplication facts as well. She finds that her
techniques are successful for struggling learners
and better enable students to master long division, fractions, and factorizations.
037001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 13.50
100 Sheep Audio CD and Songbook (K-3)
Skip counting songs from the Gospels! Skip
counting is an important skill to lay the groundwork for multiplication. These original songs
teach and reinforce skip counting by 2’s, 3’s,
4’s....all the way through 10’s. This CD also
comes with a complete lyric booklet.
006194 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.00 11.50
I Sea 10! Game (1-5)
Turn to Learn Multiplication Board Book (K-3)
Learn basic addition with this fun, sea-themed 047510 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.99 10.95
game. The set includes 100 round cards: one
side has a cute illustration of a fish or sea animal; the reverse side displays a number from
1-9. Players take turns flipping cards up in front
of them to show the numbers, then shouting
“I see 10!” when they spot combinations of
numbers that add up to 10. The player that
collects the most 10’s is the winner. Watch out
for the shark cards - if you flip one over your
whole catch goes back! 100 cards (90 number
cards + 10 shark cards) store easily in a sturdy
cardboard box. Designed to meet the CCSS for
Operations and Algebraic Thinking. 2-4 players.
057800 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Times Tales DVD (2-5)
Multiplication tables can be
so difficult to learn. If a child
can memorize or use a manipulative to learn their tables,
there are plenty of products to
help you out, but what about
those children who are more
visual/auditory? Times Tales
DVD makes learning upper tables fun – and in
a short amount of time.
Learning is done in two parts. Children are
to listen and watch the stories in the first part
of the DVD in order to master the facts being
presented. After completing the steps in the
first part of the DVD, they can then proceed to
the second part. The second part of the DVD
presents more stories that build on the stories
in part 1. Children will learn 3x6, 3x7, 3x8,
3x9, 4x6, 4x7, 4x8, 4x9, 6x6, 6x7, 6x8, 6x9,
7x7, 7x8, 7x9, 8x8, 8x9, 9x9 with the creative
mnemonics presented in the illustrations and
stories in the DVD. When children recall the
story, they will recall the fact. The characters in
the stories are represented by number people –
3 is a butterfly, 4 is a chair, 6 is the children of
the first grade class, 7 is Mrs. Week, 8 is Mrs.
Snowman, and 9 is a tree house. The story then
tells about a fact that is illustrated in the picture.
For example, “Mrs. Week (7) went butterfly
hunting. She captured 20 butterflies in her net
and one landed on her head.” The illustration
is Mrs. Week (7) holding a butterfly net with 20
butterflies (3) in the net and 1 butterfly (3) on her
head. The fact to learn is 3 x 7 = 21.
A CD-ROM is also included with the DVD.
It includes written tests, flashcards, crossword
puzzles, and a fun game all in pdf format.
If you want your child to have a small flip
chart for story review, there is a set that includes
a 3”x 5” spiral-bound flip chart. The cardstock
flip chart includes a picture for each story from
the DVD along with the story. The reverse of the
page has just the picture, so children can retell
the story. There is also a fact review page at the
end of part one and part two.
This is a product with no student boundaries
– use it for the very young, for remedial work,
or for students with learning disadvantages. It is
non-consumable, so great for multiple students.
Have some fun and work on those harder-toremember multiplication facts. ~ Donna
006408DVD . . . . . . . . . . . 24.95 21.95
006428 DVD w/Mini Flip Kit 30.95 26.95
Making Friends With Numbers (2-5)
Is rote memorization of math facts not working for you? Then take a look at this book. Its
whole goal is familiarization with math facts.
That’s a different idea, isn’t it? Based on four
educational strategies – manageable amounts
at a time, connecting facts to other facts and to
patterns, exploring factor pairs, and readiness
for higher level concepts – these very creative
worksheets are filled with interesting activities.
Students progress through “easy” multiples (10,
2, 9, and 5) and move onto square numbers (9,
16, 25, 49, and 64) and lastly consider factors
of 18, 24, 28, 32, 42 and 48. The last section
is a multiplication fact review designed to prepare the student for work with fractions, factors/
multiples, and equivalent fractions. Instead
of page after page of math facts to be worked
with increasing speed, these worksheets seek
to employ the brain, to get the student thinking about the numbers and the relationships
between them. 108 pgs, pb. ~ Janice
060644 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.95
Multiplication Facts Little Get Ready Book (3-4)
Repetition is a great way to learn multiplication
tables, but without some variety, it can become
boring. It’s time to mix up your math! This grayscale illustrated book covers the various ways
in which multiplication problems may be written and suggests different methods of checking
answers (“count by twos” or “use a calculator”).
The perforated pages and sturdy cardboard back
of this handheld book make it easy to take some
– or all – of the 48 pages on the go. Please note
that there is no answer key. – Rachel
030245 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.99
☼I Can Learn Multiplication Facts (3-4)
Sometimes a student will struggle with one
concept that keeps them from moving forward
with your math curriculum. Luckily, there are
programs like this one to help you through it
and carry on. Multiplication is presented both
in DVD and book form and you are encouraged
to use both formats together. The author, Lembit
Ruutelmann, is a Golden Apple nominated math
teacher. He presents multiplication is a way
that is simple and logical. His materials are like
this as well. The teacher is used to instruct and
demonstrate, then the student practices in the
student workbook. At the beginning of each lesson, the student takes a pre-test. Then watch the
video lesson together and the student completes
worksheet #1. After correcting this exercise,
you decide to go right to lesson 2 or finish the
other worksheets in lesson 1. If your student
is struggling with lesson 1, you can watch the
DVD again, if needed, before completing worksheet #2. Each lesson topic should be mastered
before moving forward. There are 8 lessons
total. Disc 1 has instruction for lessons 1-4,
and disc 2 contains 5-8. The video pictures Mr.
Ruutelmann in front of a whiteboard teaching
the concepts. He speaks in a pleasant voice and
is very friendly. There are a few times where his
hand is counting and is off the camera, but you
still see the whiteboard and can tell what he is
doing that way. While I think you could use just
the videos or just the books, the combination
is what is going to give you the most teaching,
practice and reinforcement. Each book is 68pp,
pb. ~ Sara
061163 DVD Disc 1 . . . . . . . . 9.00
061164 DVD Disc 2 . . . . . . . . 9.00
061165 Student Ed. . . . . . . 10.00
061166 Teacher Ed. . . . . . . 10.00
ICLMFP All 4 Components . . 38.00 34.95
Times Tables the Fun Way Activity Book (3-6)
So, you’ve tried the “conventional” methods
of helping your child memorize his tables.
Maybe you’ve even tried singing the tables, but
he wasn’t an auditory learner. Drills fall flat,
because you have to memorize the tables before
you can succeed. Even after practice, practice,
practice, you’re wondering if they’ll ever really
stick. Well, here’s a novel approach - actually,
more of a “short story” approach. Judy Liautaud
has come up with some cute, and memorable,
little stories to help fix these facts finally in the
mind’s eye, using a visual-memory-association
technique that just may work for your little multiplier. Numbers become characters or objects
in visuals and storylines in which the product is
an integral part. Yeah, some of them are silly all the better to remember them by. You know,
I almost wrote a book like this after teaching the
twins their tables. We used similar mnemonic
devices and silly sayings like “76 trombones in
the big parade....and 42 clowns!” and “He licks
(six) his plate (eight) before he ate (forty-eight)”
and a football game tied 7 to 7 until the 49ers
got a last-minute touchdown. Okay, they’re
goofy, but they work! These were our particular
problem products, but Judy’s got all the tables
covered. This activity book contains all of the
“tricks” and stories to get your child through
the tables, plus “Make Your Own Posters” and
“Make Your Own Flashcards” sections so your
student can also create his own helpful tools.
002577 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.95 12.95
Five Times Five is Not Ten: Make Multiplication
Easy With Lots of Great Strategies! (3-6+)
Multiplication facts should be committed to
memory for immediate recall during timed tests
and to succeed at higher math levels. There
are enough new concepts to assimilate at the
high school level without being hindered by
inadequate retention of the basic math facts.
These will also be used continuously in real-life
applications. Whether a student is just beginning to learn the multiplication facts or needs
a little more help to totally master them, this
book can help.
Similar to Two Plus Two is Not Five (for
addition and subtraction), this volume presents
multiplication facts incrementally, using mastery
strategies. As in that book, strategies are meant
to bridge the way between counting and memorization, not as a substitute for instant recall.
There are 33 sets of strategy introductions,
followed by practice, review, and cumulative
review pages – a total of 148 reproducible
pages in all. The Guide to Introducing the Facts
supplies helpful terminology and instructions
for each introduction. Facts are not introduced
in order; they are introduced by strategy, with
easier strategies (like doubles) near the beginning. You will probably want to use a set of
multiplication flash cards for daily drill and
practice of presented facts to use in tandem
with this book. The Guide lists facts to add to
your flash card drill with each introduction. As
facts are presented, students can check them off
on their Record-Keeping Checklists. As they
are mastered, they can be circled on the Math
Facts Baseline Recorder. This sheet of the 81
multiplication facts can also be used for remedial students as a starting point for instruction.
Practice pages of facts contain both vertical
and horizontal format problems and sometimes
include a few addition and/or subtraction facts
for review. This keeps children on their toes so
they remember to look at the sign of a problem
before working. There are also cumulative
review pages that review all facts introduced to
that point. Some of these (listed in introduction) are meant to be used for testing and timed
drills to determine mastery. Children should
only answer the ones they know from memory,
without counting; others should be left blank.
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Other Review pages are used for reinforcement
of particular strategies and math facts. Many of
these are concentrated toward the back of the
book as a final review. You will probably use
these only if your child has not demonstrated
mastery of those facts yet. The pages are easy
on the eye; very clean and clear-looking with
problems nicely spaced. This one looks like a
good bet for nailing those multiplication facts
once and for all.
044676 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.95 13.95
Multiplication - Games & Tools
“battle” aspect, kids and adults alike are sure to
enjoy reading the tidbits about the various gods,
heroes and monsters depicted on the cards, taking in a little mythology along the way. My only
complaint? The somewhat vague instructions.
Although I’m sure the designers wanted to keep
it simple, you will have to read between the
lines and perhaps make up some of your own
rules to apply to various situations not addressed
in the rules. Now gather up your army, raise
your banner and charge! – Jess
047961Celtic/Greek . . . . . . 15.99 13.50
047962Norse/Egyptian . . . . 15.99 13.50
Multispin Games-8 pack spinner games (PK-8)
064912 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.99 14.25
Multiplication Master Electronic Flash Card
Game (2-5)
Love electronic games? Need to practice your
times tables? This hand-held electronic flash
card game helps you learn your 0-12 times
tables while encouraging speedy fact recall. The
digital display shows multiplication problems in
vertical problem format. The player’s primary
goal is to correctly key in as many multiplication fact answers as possible within 60 seconds.
There are two different skill levels for adjustable
game play. Level 1 allows you to narrow down
your practice to one particular number family.
Level 2 presents randomly mixed facts involving
all numbers 0-12. For added flexibility, you can
choose to turn off the 60 second timer for nontimed practice, plus the device is easy to mute.
This disc-shaped electronic flash card measures
4.5” in diameter and requires 3 AAA batteries
(not included). ~ Anh
052212 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.99 14.95
☼MathDice Chase (3-AD)
It’s hot potato… plus multiplication! Four to six
players sit in a circle, and two players directly
opposite each other each roll two of the four
large, 12-sided dice. Multiply the two numbers
on the dice, then shout out the answer and pass
the dice to the left. The high-speed multiplication challenge continues until one player ends
up with both pairs of dice, and they are out.
Optionally, you could play with addition or
subtraction for younger players or just to switch
things up. The game includes four dice (two
Mythmatical Battles (3-7)
One way or another, those multiplication purple, two blue), a travel bag and instructions.
tables have to be mastered, and you can either 015620 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.99
plug away with the ol’ flashcards, or take part
in an epic clash of the titans with this engaging, Snap It Up! Multiplication Game (4+)
This game contains the same cards and is
yet educational card game. Each game includes
two decks of cards: Norse and Egyptian or Celtic played in the same fashion as the Addition/
and Greek. It’s a duel between two players, Subtraction game. The only difference is that
each of which “battles” with one deck from players try to make equations equal the center
the set (if you have both sets, you can mix and card by using multiplication instead of addition
match). The deck consists of gods, monsters, or subtraction.
heroes, minions, weapons and magic cards, 015873 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
each of which has an attack and defense value,
or another special attribute. The game begins Multiplication Table/Grid Chart (2-12)
Multiplication facts right at your fingertips in
with both players drawing five cards from their
deck and playing as many of them on the central one handy location! One side provides individ“field” as possible. Character cards can always ual times table from one through twelve while
be played, but weapons must be attached to a the other side shows the “classic” multiplication
character to be played. The first player then chart through twelve. This sturdy, laminated
uses their cards to attack their opponent’s cards. chart measures 14 ½” x 10”. - Enh
To do this, they’ll need to keep close tabs on 039827 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the attack values of their own cards, and the
defense values of their opponent’s cards, which ☼Multiplier Board (3-12)
A fun, effective tool to help children “see”
are stated as a multiplication problem such as
“7x8.” A player can attack an opponent’s card their multiplication facts. Colorful, plastic board
if their attacking card has a higher attack value measures 8 ½” x 8 ½” and contains a grid with
than their opponent’s defense value… but the numbers 1-100 on one side and solid red and
ability to use several weak cards to “gang up” blue circles on the other. Imagine the exciteon a higher-value one and the special instruc- ment when children can quickly see that an
tions on “magic” cards make this much more array with 6 rows and 7 squares in each row has
than a game of multiplication war. The game the same number of squares as an array with 7
continues until a player has depleted their draw rows with 6 squares each, proving that 7 x 6 =
deck, and the player who has “plundered” the 6 x 7! ~ Deanne
most cards is declared the victor. Besides the 057324 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Multiplication Table Cards (3-AD)
Learn the multiples of the numbers 1-12 with
these double-sided, laminated cards. One side
shows the multiplication problem displayed
with a given number first (i.e. 1x1, 1x2, 1x3,
1x4) and the other side shows the multiplication
problem switched (i.e. 1x1, 2x1, 3x1, 4x1).
Two blank practice cards are also included for a
total of fourteen pieces. 11cm x 20 cm, approx.
4.3” x 7.8”. – Rachel
041664 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.95
Multiplication Table - Small (3-AD)
One side of this 12 x 12 table lists the multiples
(1-144), and the other side is a blank table for
practice. The table is laminated, so dry-erase
markers can be used on either side. 14 cm x 16
cm, or approx. 5.5” x 6.3”. – Rachel
041634 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.50
Multiplication Table - Large (3-AD)
033391 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.99
☼Multiplication Tables Bulletin Board (3-6)
A colorful visual aid for your home or classroom, this set includes 15 cardstock charts
(8”x18”) showing times-tables for the numbers
0 to 12 (plus a blank times table to plug in
your own numbers). Each outlined in a different
color: great for your visual learners! An activity guide includes fun ideas for your home or
classroom. Cover up some of the numbers with
a Post-It note and make your own game or quiz!
Bright and bold lines are easy to read. ~ Sara
058917 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.99
☼Multiplication Tables Quick-Check Reference
Pad (2-6)
This pad provides 30 multi-colored sheets of
multiplication tables for numbers 1 through 12.
Great for putting in a binder or at a student
desk—anywhere you need a handy reference.
On the back of the pad is a reproducible multiplication tables sheet so students can practice.
The front of the 8 ½” x 11” sheets are nonreproducible. ~ Ruth
060745 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.99
Math Bands for Multiplication (K-6)
061728 Math Bands (set/12) . . 9.95
065437 Math Bands Task Cards 9.95
☼Times Tables Cube (3-AD)
Practice your times tables with this cubed
“book.” Start at the dot and then follow the
arrows around the cube book for the times
tables through number 6. (Each face contains
the times table for each number.) Then, at the
double-pointed arrow, turn the cube inside
out to find the tables for 7-12. Children can
cover the answers with their fingers and quiz
themselves. Numbers are identified in English,
German, French and Spanish. The hinges are
reinforced and have been tested to 10,000
turns. Some PDF quiz sheets are available at Great kinesthetic tool! ~ Ruth
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
062377 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
☼Ruler with Multiplication Print (4 pack) (2-6)
This four-pack of jewel-tone rulers has an extra
feature! One hole at the 1 ½” spot is for hanging. Measure in centimeters (30) or inches (12).
Multiplication tables for numbers 2 through 10
are printed in the center of each as a handy
reminder. Rulers are opaque and include pink,
orange, green and blue. A great pack for your
multiple students—or to share. ~ Ruth
059429 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.73
theMultiples Fact Family Dishes (K-6)
If you are fan of educational placemats you
will love these melamine dishes with times
tables and fun characters on them. Each is
illustrated with an animal whose story you can
read about on their website (www.themultiples.
com) They have a quirky, soft, watercolor style
on an ivory background. In the center of the
plate or bowl (or side of the tumbler) is the face
of an animal with 12 multiplication facts. For
example, Bugsy Eight Hops shows the x8 table
(1x8, 2x8, etc.), Inspector Eleven shows x11s,
etc. Around the rim, like the face of a clock,
you see the multiples and dots of the number.
So around Duke Nine Bills you see 9, 18, 27,
36, etc., each with a set of 9 dots next to it. A
sneaky way to casually bring up math at the
breakfast or lunch table!
Bowls measure 7.5” across with a nice, wide
rim and about 1.25” deep. Small plates are
6.5” across and about a half inch deep. Large
plates are 9” round and .75” deep. Tumblers
are 4.25” high, 2” across the bottom and 2.5”
across the top. The Early Years Set has Professor
One Hoot large plate, Porky Five Bellies tumbler, Madame Two Moos bowl & Goatee Ten
Beards small plate. Middle Years Set has Sister
Three Baas large plate, Duke Nine Bills bowl,
Monsieur Six-y (dog) tumbler & Bugsy Eight
Hops small plate. Later Years Set includes Tiny
Seven Squeeks large plate, Inspector Eleven
(cat) tumbler, Duke Nine Bills bowl & Lord
Twelve Tales (hare) small plate. The 12 pc
9” plate set includes one of each large plate.
Dishwasher safe, not microwave safe, BPA free.
Now when your kids ask the age-old question:
“Mom, how many more bites do I have to eat?”
you can give a new answer: “3x2”! ~ Sara
EACH BOWL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.99
EACH SMALL PLATE . . . . . . . . . 8.99
EACH LARGE PLATE . . . . . . . . . 9.99
EACH TUMBLER . . . . . . . . . . . 7.99
Bowl 6.5" Plate 9" Plate Tumbler
1x 010524010547010557010577
2x 010417010436010442010446
3x 010694010697010698010706
4x 010584010600010606010631
5x 010510010515010519010521
6x 010458010467010472010500
7x 010723010725010728010732
8x 010115010137010205010211
9x 010239010241010244010248
MP6PEM 1-6x 9" Plate Set . .
MP6PML 7-12x 9" Plate Set .
MP12PL 12pc 9” Plate Set .
038450 ☼Early Years Set . .
038463 ☼Middle Years Set .
038459 ☼Later Years Set . .
. . . . 99.96
. . . . . . 49.99
Computational Skills / Mental Math
Singapore Math: Mental Math (2-7)
On a daily basis, we do math in our heads – a
necessary skill. This series of workbooks is great
for teaching and strengthening mental calculation skills. Each book includes 52 practice
pages and review pages and is to be done at
a rate of one page per week. The reproducible practice pages offer strategies for solving
problems mentally, a step-by-step example with
both numeric and verbal explanations, and 10
problems to be solved. The table of contents
offers a schedule and lets you know when the
review pages should be done and two pages of
strategy overview offer a summary of the strategies found in that book along with an example.
Answer keys are found at the back of each book.
One of the strengths of the Singapore approach
math programs is the focus on thinking skills
and mental math. This series offers extra practice in the mental math area and can be used
as a supplement for any math curriculum – get
thinking! ~ Donna
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.99
049614 Grade 2
049617 Grade 5
049615 Grade 3
049618 Grade 6
049616 Grade 4
049619 Grade 7
Idiot’s Guides: Speed Math (6-AD)
056977 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.95
Place Value
☼Place Value Chart (17"x 22") (PK-AD)
Brightly colored, this cardstock chart contains
a place value chart (thousandths through billions), model form example, expanded form
examples, and a brief explanation of place
value. The back of the chart contains four 8 ½”
x 11” black and white, reproducible worksheets
covering place value and expanded notation as
well as reduced copy of the place value chart.
~ Deanne
039164 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.49
Place Value Mat (K-3)
059715 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25
☼Place Value Disk Sets (1-3)
Use these easy-to-manipulate disks to provide
hands-on practice for place value. Each disk is
printed with the number and is color coded:
Ones are white; Tens are light red; Hundreds
are orange; and Thousands are yellow. These
are larger sets of 100 disk packages. The Small
Group set (total 600 pieces) contains 2 100packs of Ones disks; 2 100-packs of Tens disks;
1 100-pack of hundreds disks; and 1 100-pack
of Thousands. The Classroom Set (total 1500
pieces) contains 5 100-packs of Ones disks; 5
100-packs of Tens disks; 3 100-pack of hundreds disks; and 2 100-pack of Thousands.
Packs come in reseal-able bags and each set
comes with one instruction sheet. The doublesided Place Value Mat is 17” x 11”, laminated,
and allows for work with whole numbers or
decimals in 1 1/4” x 1 1/2” spaces. One side
allows for tens, ones, tenths, hundredths and
thousandths placement (decimal spaces are
grayed). The other side allows for placement
from Ones to Ten Thousands. ~ Ruth
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
059713 Class Set (1500) . . . . . 99.99 83.95
059714 Small Group Set (600) 42.99 29.95
059715 Place Value Mat . . . . . . 1.25
Sensational Math Jumbo Magnetic Place Value
Demonstration Discs (1-6)
Packaged in re-sealable poly bag for easy storage. Discs are 1” in diameter, 1/8” thick, and
made of EVA foam.
064927 7-Value, Set of 140 39.99 26.95
20 each of 7 values: thousandth, hundredth,
tenth, one, ten, hundred, thousand.
064928 10-Value, Set of 200 59.99 39.95
20 each of 10 values: thousandth, hundredth, tenth, one, ten, hundred, thousand,
ten thousand, hundred thousand, million.
064929 4-Value, Set of 80 . 24.99 16.95
20 each of 4 values: one, ten, hundred,
064930 10-Value, Set of 250 14.99 10.50
25 each of 10 values: thousandth, hundredth, tenth, one, ten, hundred, thousand,
ten thousand, hundred thousand, million.
064931 4-Value, Set of 100 . . 7.99
25 each of 4 values: thousandth, hundredth,
tenth, one.
064932 4-Value, Set of 100 . . 7.99
25 each of 4 values: one, ten, hundred,
064933 7-Value, Set of 175 11.99
25 each of 7 values: thousandth, hundredth,
tenth, one, ten, hundred, thousand.
Place Value Dice (1-AD)
This set contains 2 sets of 4 dice for a total of
8 dice. Each die is 10-sided to represent each
of the ten digits. The Units die can roll 0-9.
The Tens die can roll 00-90. The Hundreds die
can roll 000-900. The Thousands die can roll
0000-9000. The dice for different place values
are different colors so they are easy to visually
distinguish. ~ Anh
Foam Place Value Disks (1-AD)
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
040524 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
049326 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.80
Magnetic Place Value Disks & Headings (1-3)
064902 Set of 140 . . . . . . . 15.99 12.75
Place Value Cards
9 digit cards (1-9), 9 tens cards (10-90), 9 hundreds cards (100-900), and 9 thousands cards
(1000-9000). These thin, plastic cards can be
stacked to form numbers from 1 to 9999. ~ Anh
025803 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.75
Write-and-Wipe Desktop Place Value Card (K-8)
Measuring 15” x 5”, this single-sided place
value card can be moved from desk to table or
easily attached to a desk using tape or removSee page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
able magic mounts (#35644). Highlighted yellow on the top with billions (100, 10, 1) through
decimals (1/10, 1/100, 1/1000) places clearly
marked, this flexible, dry erase mat offers empty
boxes below each place for students to write
in the numbers they are assigning place value.
Place value boxes alternate yellow and white for
ease of writing and reading. Use with any dry
erase markers. ~ Deanne
036603 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25
sandths, such as 0.4, 0.04, and 0.004. ~ Sara
EACH STRIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.83
030727 4-Digit Strip (40pcs)
030734 Decimal Strip (30pcs)
☼Place Value TWIZT’R Set (5-8)
Whaaaat? – you might ask. Except for knowing that this is somehow involved with place
value, it’s hard to envision what this might be
from its name. However, trust me; it’s a handy
little gadget that can be used to illustrate and
to help students with beginning calculations in
Place Value Cards Sets (1-6)
the often confusing world of place value. What
064925 10-Value Decimals to Whole Numbers . . . . . . . . 14.9910.50 you have is a set of five stacking yellow plastic
cups. The bottom cup has an up-pointing arrow
064926 4-Value Decimals to . Whole Number . . . . . 5.994.95 on the edge. The next cup is the thousands cup
and has red digits 0-9 along the edge; each
digit followed by three zeroes up the side of
☼Place Value Decimal Tiles Sets (3-6)
Place value can be a difficult concept for the cup. The next three cups are like this one
students, particularly with decimals. This set of with green (hundreds), light blue (tens) and
foam place value tiles allows students to experi- dark blue (ones). Perhaps a bit hard to imagine,
ment with manipulatives and see the concepts it’s never-the-less a clever way to demonstrate
in concrete ways. These multiple sets are com- place value. When the cups are stacked and
prised of individual sets (90 pc total; 30 for each held sideways in your hand, they twist and you
of 3 values). Each individual set comes with an can form numbers starting with the arrow on the
instruction sheet showing how to build place left. Rotating the cups clockwise shows addivalue and a conversion chart using place value tion and counter-clockwise shows subtraction.
disks (such as #045431). Represent numbers Starting simply by using just the tens and ones
using the tiles to work through addition, subtrac- cup, you can begin to get a feel for the whole
tion, multiplication and division problems. Each process. A brief how-to instruction sheet gives
manipulative is 1” square: the tenths are brown; you the basics and then you’ll be ready to use
hundredths are green; and thousandths are yel- this simple device for number sense problems,
low. The group set provides five individual sets adding/subtracting and skip counting. I have to
The class set includes 15 individual sets. ~ Ruth admit to being a bit confused by the grade level
designations. The manufacturer says 5th grade
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
059711 Class Set (1350 pc) .176.95 114.50 and up. However, the device seems simple
059712 Group Set (450 pc) 62.95 40.95 enough and the demonstrated concepts are
often introduced at a much younger level – say
2nd/3rd grade. ~ Janice
☼Place Value Abacus (K-AD)
A great tool for the visual and kinesthetic 038279(B.) . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.95
learner, the Place Value Abacus can take some
of the confusion out of teaching/learning place
value concept. This set includes 3 stands (each
holds 3 pegs), 9 pegs, 81 beads, and 9 sets of 0
through 9 number tiles. There is a small ledge
on the front of each stand on which to place the
number tiles. Place one tile next to each peg
and children can make the association between
the digit and the number of beads placed on
that peg. Use each stand separately to practice
up to 3 digit numbers or connect the stands to
practice larger numbers. There are no decimals
included with the set, but you could make your
own and place them appropriately on the ledge
to practice decimal places less than one (tenths, Place Value Versa-Charts (1-3)
030519 Hundreds/Tens/Units Student
hundredths, thousandths). ~ Donna
(C.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.75
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
036950(A.) . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.99 19.95 030608Thousands/Hundreds/Tens/Units
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.75
Place Value Strips (1-6)
Do your children love color in their lessons? Place Value Flip Chart (Thousands): Student
Do they like to have something to handle as Size (K-3)
Perfect for a desk or table, this flip chart is
you teach math? Teaching place value can be a
tricky business and these strips have to be one made of sturdy cardboard with a bright teal lamof the simplest solutions! Bright colors help to inated finish. A spiral binding at the top allows
separate ones, tens, hundreds and thousands you to flip over 4 sets of numbers 0-9 (each
on perforated card stock. If you are explaining a different color.) The place value is labeled
the number 4,865 you will start with the 4,000, below the numbers (thousands, hundreds, tens,
overlay the 800, then the 60, and finally the sin- ones.) I like how the chart folds flat and then
gle 5 on the very top. When you separate them pops up to use. When flat, it measures about
again, your student can see the values of each 8.25” x 5.5” x .5” and when upright it is about
number. Ta da! The decimal strips work the 3.25” tall. ~ Sara
same way with tenths, hundredths, and thou- 060921 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.49
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
☼Student Place Value Flip Charts, Millions
A great tool for your kinesthetic and visual
learners! Pleasantly colored, the green chart
contains cards with numbers 1-9 in each place
up to one million. Each placement is a different
color of the rainbow, in order (starting at the
millions place with red). Number cards are 1.5”
x approx. 2.5” and can be easily flipped over
the spiral bound top. Place names are labeled
on both sides. Chart is 14” x 5 ¼” (including
spiral). ~ Ruth
040968 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
Calculator Skills / Calculators
Student Calculator (asst. color) (K-6)
This light-weight, dual powered (solar and
battery) calculator is basic enough for beginners
to use, but it contains enough features such as
3-key memory and square roots and percents
functions that older students can use it too. It
features an 8 digit display and has automatic
power off. Colors vary. Measures 2 ½” x 4.”
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
018910 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10
☼Desktop Calculator (8-digit display)
Reasonably priced,
with full memory function. This calculator is
powered with either a
mercury-free battery or
solar power. Back has
four small pads that
keep it from slipping.
The 8-digit display is tilted at approx. 35% for
better viewing. At approx. ½” x ½”, keys are easy
for multiple ages to use. Overall size is 3 1/2”
x 4 1/2”. ~ Ruth
036341 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.99
Victor Calculators
Victor Calculators (1-AD)
Victor Technology has been serving customers since 1918 with quality products. They now
offer a complete line of calculators with prices
that make them accessible outside of an office
setting. The Victor calculators that we have
added to our inventory range from basic to the
scientific – there are calculators for all of your
math or household needs.
Victor Super Large Display Compact Calculator
700BTS (1-AD)
This very basic calculator comes in assorted
colors and is ergonomically shaped. It is solar
powered with ½”, 8-digit readout; functions
include add/subtract/multiply/divide/square
root/percent/memory. Approx. 4”x 2.5”
042036 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.95
Victor Mini Desktop Calculator 1000 (1-AD)
This solar-powered black and silver calculator
offers an 8-digit LCD angled display and is made
of 50% recycled plastic. Functions include add,
subtract, multiply, divide, square root, percent,
memory, and positive and negative integers.
Approx 4.25”x 3.25”.
041934 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.89
Fractions Charts (5-8)
Teach and reinforce tricky fractions concepts
with these large visual references. Set contains
four 17” x 24” charts, each covering a different topic (adding, subtracting, multiplying, and
dividing fractions), with step-by-step explanations and examples. The set also includes six
resource guide pages holding preparation and
display tips, suggested activities, and reproducible activity pages. Answer key included.
Aligned to CCSS. ~ Lisa
024947 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.99
☼Fraction Circles (61-piece set) (2-8)
This 61-pc set allows children to work tactilely with fractions by applying them to circles.
Plastic pieces include an avocado green whole,
blue halves, green thirds, peach fourths, magenta fifths, orange sixths, pink eighths, highlighter
green tenths, and purple twelfths. A transparent
cylindrical box with lid holds the whole set.
Show equivalents by placing the whole piece
in the bottom and see what combinations of
other fractions will fill the circle. You could
also enhance the pieces by adding magnets to
the back. ~ Ruth
060634 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.75
Working With Fractions Workbooks (5-8)
Sometimes a student just needs a little more
explanation and practice in one area to get them
over a hump in their regular math program. A
Victor 920 Compact Scientific Calculator supplement like these may be just what you
need! A concept is introduced, practiced, and
062285 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.99
5.95 then assessed in a tidy little package. All skills
needed to cover addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions are in these
two books. Lessons state which Common Core
standards are met by that particular lesson, so
they make for good test preparation and review.
Pages are quite full but do not look cluttered.
You could add these to a program you feel
needs more written practice problems such as
the Life of Fred series. Answer key in the back.
62pp, pb. ~ Sara
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
031253 Adding & Subtracting
031267 Multiplying & Dividing
Fraction Tiles (2-8)
These are rectangular pieces that are all the
same height, but with lengths determined by
the fractional part they represent. When all the
fractional pieces of each color are put together,
they form bars, or rows, that are the same total
length. Tiles are marked with the fractions they
represent. By placing strings of tiles beneath
each other, it is easy to determine equivalence.
Victor Scientific Calculator V30-RA (1-AD)
This Victor model V30-RA is comparable to
Texas Instruments TI-30XA. It features a 10-digit
LCD readout, is made of 40% recycled plastic,
has antimicrobial protection, and a removable hard slide cover. It is battery-powered
and includes two LR44 button cells and an
owner’s guide. It has the capability for the following functions: decimal/scientific/engineering
notation, fractional calculations, angles, trigonometric functions, statistics and probability,
logarithm, exponents, square and square root,
reciprocals, common exponents, cube and cube
root, hyperbolic functions, convert rectangular
to polar coordinates and the reverse, add subtract, multiply, divide and positive and negative
integers. Approx. 5.75”x 2.875”.
041994 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.99
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
Victor Scientific Calculator 930-2 (1-AD)
The 930-2 has a 10-digit LCD readout and is
black with a removable hard cover. It is both
solar and battery powered and includes one
LR1130 button cell. The owner’s guide will help
you get started using the many functions: decimal/scientific/engineering notation, fractional
calculations, angles, trigonometric functions,
statistics and probability, logarithm, exponents,
square and square root, reciprocals, common
exponents, cube and cube root, hyperbolic
functions, convert rectangular to polar coordinates and the reverse, add, subtract, multiply,
divide, percent, memory, and positive and
negative integers. Approx. 5.5” x 3".
041960 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.79 11.95
Victor 2 Line Scientific Calculator V34 (1-AD)
The Victor V34 is comparable to the Texas
Instruments TI-30X IIS. It has a 10-digit, twoline scrolling LCD readout and is black and
silver with a removable, sliding hard cover. It
is both solar and battery operated and includes
one LR44X1 button cell. The capabilities of this
calculator include decimal/scientific/engineering notation, fractional calculations, angles,
trigonometric functions, statistics and probability, logarithm, exponents, square and square
root, reciprocals, common exponents, cube and
cube root, hyperbolic functions, convert rectangular to polar coordinates and the reverse, add,
subtract, multiply, divide, percent, memory,
and positive and negative integers. It includes
an owner’s guide and measures approx. 6”x 3”.
041918 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.99 13.95
004573 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.25
Fractions - Materials
Fraction Dice (Molded 5/8) (3-AD)
Six die (4 white, 1 red, 1 green) with twelfths,
eighths, fifths, thirds, sixths, quarters, and
halves. CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
049321 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00
Math Fractions Dice (3-AD)
Six dice with 1/1, ½, 1/3, ¼, 1/5 and 1/6 fractions printed on the sides.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
049323 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00
☼Magnetic Foam Fraction Tiles (2-8)
Similar to other fraction tiles we sell, these tiles
are rectangular and brightly colored, with the
value printed in white. Instead of hard plastic,
these tiles are foam with a magnetic backing
and come in a resalable bag. Great for use on a
magnetic dry erase board. – Laura
038268 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.95
Deluxe Fraction Manipulatives (2-8)
Modeling and demonstrating fractional concepts is easier with manipulatives. We offer
fraction circles and squares, both similarly color-coded (i.e., the halves of each set are always
the same color, etc.). The circles measure 3 ½"
in diameter and the squares are approximately
3" x 3". 51 plastic tiles in: 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5,
1/6, 1/8, 1/10 and 1/12, plus one whole.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
004552 Deluxe Squares . . . . 4.95
004563 Deluxe Circles . . . . . 4.95
Fraction Cut-Outs (K-5)
Sometimes a student just needs that one key
thing to unlock a concept such as fractions. It
might be something to hold or fold or move
around or a colorful chart that makes the pieces
fall into place. Fraction Bars is a rainbow-colored chart (5.5" x 5.5”) made of card stock that
serves as a quick reference for fractions from
a whole to twelfths. Your visual learners will
appreciate seeing how two blue “one-eighth”
sections equal one yellow “one-fourth” section.
Fraction Circles come in a rainbow assortment
of 36 cardstock pieces (colors correspond to
the Fraction Bars chart.) Each set includes four
circles of each color divided into the corresponding fractions with black lines (i.e. yellow
circles are fourths; blues are eighths). The really
clever thing about these circles is that each one
has a cut to the middle on one side, so you can
fit them together and spin to reveal more or less
of the one in front or behind and really see how
the sizes relate to one another. For instance, if
you fit together the yellow fourths circle and the
purple twelfths circle, you can show show half
of each circle and see that 2/4 equals one half
and 6/12 equals one half. Or twist a little more
so you can see three of the yellow fourths, and
discover that the other fourth holds three of the
purple twelfths! Set also includes four white
covers, also cut, so you could even practice
addition and subtraction with fractions by sliding the cover to reveal more or less. Inexpensive
and effective! ~ Sara
056081 Fraction Bars . . . . . . . 0.50
056082 Fraction Circles . . . . 5.99
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
offers printables, interactive activities, games,
etc., to enhance the content of your lessons and
provide more practice.
The Fraction Bars™ Activity Mats are for use
with the Teacher’s Guides and include colorful, paper, 8.5” x 11” inch mats for games like
BINGO, racing mats, number lines and more.
The number lines measure 11” x 17” inches and
are included in items #001294 and #001325 –
for grades 2-8 and 5-8.
Fraction Bars™ Playing Cards are durable,
plastic cards that show fraction numbers and
names. This 49-card set corresponds to a set of
Fraction Bars™. ~ Donna/Janice
056559 Fraction Bars . . . . . . . 6.95 5.95
056560 Tchr Guide Gr. 1-2 . . 18.00 14.95
061267 Tchr Res Pack Gr. 1-2 9.00 7.50
056561 Tchr Guide Gr. 3-4 . . 25.00 20.50
061268 Tchr Res Pack Gr. 3-4 12.75 10.75
056562 Tchr Guide Gr. 5-8 . . 40.00 32.95
061269 Tchr Res. Pack . . . . . . 27.25 22.75
001179 Activity Mats Gr. 1-2 .12.00 9.95
001294 Activity Mats Gr. 2-8 .25.50 21.50
001308 Activity Mats Gr. 3-4 .27.50 22.95
001325 Activity Mats Gr. 5-8 .30.00 24.75
001356 Playing Cards . . . . . . . 5.95 5.25
☼Fraction Bars (1-8)
These fraction manipulatives are a great handson tool to teach and practice fractions. The flat
bars (strips) are made of colorful, flexible plastic
and each row is 6 in length when combined
into a whole. There are 49 pieces in the set
representing halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, sixths,
tenths, and twelfths, and each fraction group is
a unique color. Place each group on the corre- ☼Mini Fraction Tiles - Printed (2-8)
sponding marked strip. A sheet of sample teachMeasuring approximately 6”x 1”, these coloring ideas is included with the bars, so if you ful plastic tiles are the perfect tool to review and
want to use them without guides it can be done. solidify fraction concepts. Tiles include 1, ½,
Basic concepts, equality, inequality, addition, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6, 1/8, 1/10, and 1/12. With the
subtraction, multiplication, and division ideas differing, vibrant colors, children will be able
are offered.
to easily see that 1/3 is equivalent to 2/6 and
If you want instruction that is geared toward 4/12 or determine which is larger, 1/8 or 1/5!
grade-level activities, Teacher Guides are avail- A perfect way to teach the abstract concepts
able. Grade 1-2 has 17 lessons in basic con- with concrete, hands on resources to introduce
cepts, readiness for equality and inequality, fractions, equivalencies and the more complex
story problems, fractions for collections, build- concepts like addition and subtraction of fracing a number line, and measuring length. tions. ~ Deanne
Grade 3-4 has 24 lessons and covers fractions CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
and fraction names, equality, fraction fami- 058409 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.95
lies, common denominators, inequalities, word
problems, number lines and mixed numbers, Fraction of Quantities Set (1-5)
measuring length and rounding, fractions/deci- 064908 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.99 19.50
mals/percents, addition, subtraction, and probability and predictions. Grade 5-8 is formatted a Fractions Plastic Pattern Blocks (K-8)
bit differently. There are 8 sections and 5 steps Some students need a more hands-on approach
then break down each section: each building on to learning, and these Fraction Pattern Blocks
the previous. This book covers basic concepts, are just that. The Teacher Starter Set includes
equality, inequality, addition, subtraction, mul- three yellow hexagons (whole), 6 red trapezoids
tiplication, division, and fractions/decimals/per- (halves), 9 blue parallelograms (thirds) and
cents. Each teacher guide includes masters to 15 green triangles (sixths) made of transparent
be used along with some of the activities. The plastic; and a guide which includes 8 activities
lessons are easy to implement and include the for grades 3 and up. Students will learn how to
purpose of each lesson, along with the materi- solve problems that contain fractions by manipals needed (Fraction Bars, copied masters), and ulating the fraction pattern blocks to model the
instruction for the concept and accompanying problem. Because the pattern block pieces are
activities. There is even a section for indepen- transparent, you could even use them on an
dent practice and assessment.
overhead projector for demonstration purposes.
A Teacher Resource Pack is a set of double- If you are working with more than one student
sided, reproducible pages that come packaged or you just want an extra set to demonstrate conin a manila accordion file with tabbed dividers cepts, the Fractions Plastic Pattern Blocks are
and are used in conjunction with the Teacher also available separately, in the same amount as
Guide. Grades 1 and 2 include 9 activity in the set. The publisher offers a free introducsheets for 1st and 17 for 2nd. Grades 3 and 4 tory webinar at their website, www.borenson.
include 11 sheets for 3rd and 24 for 4th. The com, for developing fraction sense. ~ Donna
5th through 8th grade Resource Pack includes CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
activity sheets in different concept areas – 14 029596 Teacher Starter Set . . . 4.95
basic concepts, 13 equality, 15 inequality, 14 029591 One Set . . . . . . . . . . . 3.95
addition, 15 subtraction, 12 multiplication, 12
division, and 11 fractions/decimals/percents.
Fraction Number Line Flip Book (3-5)
This manufacturer has a website with even 064879 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.95
more activities ( that
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Fraction Builder Set (3-6)
Do you have a student
struggling to grasp the concept of fractions? If so, use
these fraction tiles to give
your student a hands-on
way to visualize this difficult concept. The set contains 51 tiles and represent
the whole, halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, sixths,
eights, tenths, and twelfths. Tiles are color
coded by fractional value and are sized to scale
with the piece representing the whole measuring
6” and the smallest piece representing 1/12th
measuring 1/2”. The tiles are made of a hard
plastic and are approximately 1/16” thick. ~ Enh
007863 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.95
Equivalents Magnetic Wall Sticker (PK-AD)
Looking for a fun way to teach or reinforce
fractions, decimals and percents? Allow me to
introduce you to this inventive full color magnet
set. Consider it flannelgraph for the 21st century
student and teacher! This quality constructed,
magnetic wall sticker measures approximately
15 ¾” x 23 ½” and includes 100 magnetic pieces
for a hands-on, interactive learning solution.
The magnetic wall sticker shows a pie shaped
diagram with 12 marks to evenly identify fractions, large boxes in the form of a line graph in
8 sizes (whole, half, thirds, fourths, fifths, sixths,
tenths and twelfths) and two templates - a place
value template for decimals and one to write out
the fraction to decimal to percent equivalency.
The accompanying magnetic pieces include 12
triangle “pie-shaped” pieces; fraction tiles for
whole, half, thirds, fourths, fifths, sixths, tenths
and twelfths; and equivalent decimals/percents
for the more common fractions including 1, ½,
1/3, ¼, 3/4, 1/5 1/6, 1/10 and 1/12 plus others.
Dry erase earkers are recommended (but not
included). A helpful learning tool for home and
school. ~Deanne
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs
006970 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.95 15.75
☼Equivalence Fractions Tile Set (1-8)
Learning fractions, decimals and percentages
and seeing the connections between them can
be challenging. They were for me! Manipulatives
such as these can be just the aid needed to help
students grasp the concepts. This set includes
three tile sets: fractions, decimals, and percentages. The tiles correlate in shape and color.
So, to build a tile that represents the large “1”
blue tile (6” long), your student can use twelve
1/12 pink tiles, six 0.166 orange tiles, or eight
12.5% tiles. You can also show correlation with
colors: the yellow tiles are 2.5%, ¼, and 0.25.
So helpful to bridge between the three equivalents! I would personally add magnets to the tile
backs for further usability. Colors, from largest
to smallest, are blue, brown, black, yellow,
green, orange, red, purple and pink. Nine different fractions (and their equivalents) included:
1, ½, 1/3, ¼, 1/5, 1/6 1/8, 1/10, and 1/12. Tiles
are 1” tall and range from 6” long for the “1”
(or whole) tile to 1/2” long for the 1/12 tile.
Comes in a transparent, plastic storage case with
attached lid (bottom is 6 ¼” x 4 ¼”; top of case
is 6 ½ x 4 ½). ~ Ruth
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
060913 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.95 21.25
Comparative Fractions Magnet (3-12)
This colorful magnet set contains 51 magnets in
a collection of fractions including whole, halves,
thirds, quarters, fifths, sixths, eighths, tenths, and
twelfths. The dry erase surface allows you to customize your instruction. – Laura
018953 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.99
Fractions, Decimals & Percents Chart (1-5)
Having a chart like this in your learning
center is not cheating for kids. Think of it as
a learning poster. They will refer to it often as
they are learning fractions and decimals and
eventually will memorize it without even trying.
Classroom aids like this are helpful to visual
learners because they will “see” this chart in
their minds when they think of decimals and
percents in the future. This graph gives you a
fraction, and then tells you eleven equivalent
fractions, followed by the percent and the
decimal forms. Bright yellow and red at the top
with a blue border make this graph attractive to
young learners. The numbers alternate gray and
white for easy reading. This is a useful learning
tool. ~ Sara
052030 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.49
Fraction Dominoes (4-AD)
Enjoy fun practice with equivalent fractions
as you play dominoes! This colorful card set
includes 56 two-sided cards (measuring 3 1/8" x
5 1/4"). Each card has two fractions on one side
and a corresponding graphical representation of
the fraction on the other. To spice things up,
there area also six wild cards! Two to four players participate, and the object is to be the first
player to play all of your "dominoes!" Play with
either the fraction side or the picture side - you
choose! - elise
035403 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.99
Decimals / Percents
Fraction Tower Cube Equivalency Set (K-8)
Build a solid foundation for understanding fractions, decimals, and percents with Fraction Tower
Cubes. This set contains 51 proportional cubes
that snap together to form towers. All sets are
color-coded according to their fractional values:
1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6, 1/8, 1/10, 1/12. The
Equivalency Set is a great value since it is a combination of all individual sets (Fractions, Decimals,
and Percents), displaying equivalent fractional,
decimal, and percent values on each cube.
Rainbow Tiles (2-6)
Have you been looking for a way to help your
student understand the concepts of percents and
decimals? These sets provide a colorful, handson way to practice what can be difficult math
concepts. Each set includes a sturdy plastic
activity tray in which 51 color-coded tiles can
be stored or used for demonstration of decimal
or percent facts. The tiles can be used to identify and compare values and practice reading,
writing, adding and subtracting percents or decimals. A one-page activity guide is included with
suggestions for use. The decimal set includes
values of 1.0, 0.5, 0.33, 0.25, 0.2, 0.166,
0.125, and 0.083. The percent set includes values of 100%, 50%, 33.3%, 25%, 20%, 16.6%,
12.5%, 10%, and 8.3%. There will be a need
to explain repeating numbers and rounding,
because not all values will add up to one whole
unit. These would be a very helpful tool for students to practice concepts on their own or as a
demonstration of the concept. ~ Donna
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
018354 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.99
Fractions - Games
Pizza Fraction Fun Game (1-5)
Seven games in one!
Learn to identify, match
equivalent, add, and subtract fractions. This game
includes three doublesided spinners and 13
double-sided pizzas with
fractions identified on one
side only. 2-6 players.
018363 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.99
Fraper Deck Original: Fractions/Decimals/
Percents (2-8)
This deck of cards lets kids play fun games that
also teach the relationship between fractions,
decimals, and percents. The deck consists of
61 standard-sized cards: 20 common fractions
(from 9/10 to 1/20), the corresponding decimal
and percent equivalents, and one Old Buffalo
Card. A conversion chart and a few ideas for
games using the cards are also included. Using
the deck, you can play many standard card
games like War, Old Maid and Crazy 8’s, but
players will have to figure out the value of the
various fraction, decimal, and percent cards
they have in order to play. Whether played during math time or game night, this game will provide lots of fun for your entire family. ~ Rachel
043171 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.95
EACH SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.25
005354Decimals 005360Percents
☼Mini Decimal Tiles - Printed (2-8)
This set of 51 1” tall plastic pieces teaches decimals. Decimals are printed on one side and the
other sides are blank. The largest (the 1.0), measures 6.0” wide. The brown 0.5 pieces measure
3”; the three black 0.33 are 2”; the four yellow
0.25 are 1.5”;the five green 0.2” are 1 3/4”; the
six orange 0.166 are 1”; the eight 0.125 pieces
are 3/4”; the ten purple 0.1 are 9/16”; and the
twelve pink 0.083 are 1/2”. ~ Ruth
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
058408 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.95
☼Decimal Squares (3-8)
The makers of Fraction Bars have designed
a manipulative to help students who might
struggle with the decimals concept. A deck of
57 Decimal Squares provides a visual manipulative for tenths, hundredths, and thousandths and
are made of flexible vinyl. Square cards are color-coded (tenths/pink, hundredths/green, thousandths/tan) and come with a simple instruction
page and a few teaching suggestions. The set
can be used to reinforce the concepts being
taught in your math curriculum or use with the
Teacher Guide to really focus on decimals.
The Teacher’s Guide is divided into seven
sections – basic concepts, equality, inequality,
addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Each section is then divided into two-page
lessons that include illustrations and text. The
lessons have three sections – readiness, which
lists the purpose, materials needed and games
played in this lesson; teacher modeling/student
response is where you find the instruction for
activities; expanding the concepts includes
expansion activities for the concept; and independent practice/evaluations is the final section
that includes practice and evaluations from the
Teacher Resource Package. There are reproducible blacklines for blank decimal squares, grids,
number lines, and place value tables found at
the back of the Teacher’s Guide. A thorough
explanation of the lesson components (that you
will want to read before beginning) is found at
the front of the book.
The Teacher Resource Package is a manila
folder that contains 139 reproducible blackline worksheets. Activity worksheets, tests, and
answer sheets are included and correspond
to the seven topics or concepts in the teacher
guide. There are seven tabbed dividers in the set
for organized storage, along with some recordkeeping forms for student progress.
061264Squares . . . . . . . . . . 9.95
061265 Teacher Res. Pkg . . 26.00 21.50
061266 Teacher’s Guide . . . 20.00 16.50
001175 Activity Mats . . . . . 27.00 22.75
Includes 44 mats for activities referenced in
the Teacher's Guide, along with 200 game
markers and seven dice.
001178 Playing Cards . . . . . . 7.95
Set of 57 plastic cards each with a decimal,
name and corresponding fraction. Cards
are color-coded to correspond to Decimal
Time - Instruction
Complete Book of Time & Money (K-3)
The Complete Book of Time & Money contains
all of this type of instruction you'll need: Time
to the Hour; Time to the Half-Hour; Time to the
Quarter-Hour; Time to the Minute; Time Review;
Coins (Pennies through half-dollars); Coins and
Bills (dollar bills only); Money Review.
008120 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.95 10.95
Telling Time with the Judy Clock (K-3)
A 64-page book to use with your Judy Clock
to teach telling time. Reproducible pages guide
children through the concepts of day and night,
hour and minute hands, and telling time to the
hour, half-hour, and minute. Also goes into
seasons, years, decades, and centuries.
004077 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Mastering the World of Telling Time with the
Master Clock (K-4)
The Master Clock is a clock face with three
hands (hours, minutes and seconds) and three
clear, plastic overlays that mark the clock face
with hours, minutes, and seconds. The clock
is geared so that moving the minute hand also
progresses the hour hand. In fact, the hour hand
cannot be moved independently, to reinforce
the concept that hours are composed of minutes. The hands of the clock may be removed
and used in any combination. Two dials atop
the clock allow you to set the corresponding
analog time above the clock face (hours and
minutes only). This clock allows you to present an “uncluttered” clock face to children just
learning to tell time.
The corresponding workbook begins with an
interesting history of time, followed by two
clock-building activities (sand clock and water
clock). Teaching worksheets begin with event
sequencing, then familiarizing students with
the Master Clock manipulative, then focusing
on perceptions of time. After these preliminary
exercises there is more typical time instruction,
beginning with hours, then minutes. After children have mastered time to the minute, time to
the second is covered. Half hours and quarter
hours follow, along with AM and PM designations. The last several activities are about
schedules and scheduling, which show students
how all this new-found knowledge can be used.
At the end of the book there’s a bibliography of
children’s books about time, teaching suggestions and an answer key. While either of these
items may be used without the other, they do
make a nice set!
045503 Master Clock . . . . . 17.95 15.95
045504Workbook . . . . . . . . 7.95
☼Write-On/Wipe-Off Clock Faces (1-4)
These cute little clocks are made from a sturdy
flexible plastic with the hands riveted on. The
yellow face features the hour number in large
red letters with the minute numbers (in increments of 5) in smaller numbers. The hour and
minute hands are red and blue respectively to
match the numbers. There is a space at the bottom where students can write in the time with
a dry-erase marker (not included). Comes in a
pack of 5, making this great for sharing with
other students. – Laura
060840 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.95
☼Clock faces Write-on/Wipe-off (PK-AD
Although we’re in the “digital age,” reading
analog clocks is still a valuable skill. This set of
six magnetic, punch-out clock faces with multicolored backgrounds will help your students
practice. Use with a dry-erase marker to practice telling time. Set them up in different locations as project-time reminders. Can be used
on any steel surface or a magnetic whiteboard.
Magnets are 3 ½” in diameter. ~ Ruth
035731 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.99
☼Judy Clocks Colorful Cut-Outs (PK-3)
A class set of 36 Judy teaching clocks made
of cardstock are an inexpensive way for every
student to learn firsthand. Each yellow clock is
printed on a white 5.5” square. They have the
familiar blue border showing notches for each
minute and bold black numbers. The red clock
hands are perforated at the bottom. You have to
punch these out and use a brad (not included)
to attach them to the clock center. Cut out the
clock or leave it on the square. Now each kiddo
has a clock with moveable hands of his/her very
own! Use them in centers, small groups or a
whole group for instruction and review. At this
About Time: First Look at Time and Clocks (3-5)
price, you can even send them home! ~ Sara
A beautifully-illustrated book, About Time tells 059464(A.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.99
the history of time keeping from sun dials to
water clocks to pocket watches and beyond. It
Geared Clocks - Student
also gives a description of how the minutes and
hours system was created. A very detailed, yet ☼Student Geared Clock (PK-AD)
well-presented description of how time works.
Clock manipulatives are common, but an
28 softcover pages by Bruce Koscielniak - Laura important tool for helping learn time. This spe056238 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.99
6.25 cific clock is bright orange. Geared, the hour
hand moves just as it would on a real clock
(example: if the time is 6:30 the hour hand
Time - Manipulatives
would be between the six and the seven instead
of directly on top on the six.) The face of the
Clock Faces
clock is also printed with the words “After”
on the right hand side and “To” on the left,
Student Clock Face (PK-AD)
helping students to learn another way that we
This 4 ½" square student-size clock face is discuss time. A nice choice for learning to tell
made from sturdy plastic, and features indepen- time. – Laura
dently movable hands, and hour/minute mark- 060101(B.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.25
ings. Clock face is blue on a white background
Day/Night Student-Sized Geared Clock
with blue clock hands.
This little (4" diameter) clock is geared like the
026122 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25
larger Judy clocks. While smaller than our 5"
Write On/Wipe Off Student Clock (1-4)
clock, it's still large enough for close-up demThis flat, 4.5" square clock features bright pri- onstration and student use AND so inexpensive,
mary colors on a write and wipe surface. The we don't know why you'd even consider a nonanalog clock face shows hour, 5 minute, and 1 geared substitute.
minute intervals, while the digital display under- 015339 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.49
neath is blank. Create tons of practice problems
by simply adjusting the moveable hands while My Own Little Judy Clock with Booklet (K-3)
Judy has gone miniature! These 5” x 5” plasyour child fills in the digital display. ~ Anh
031066 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25 tic clocks have bright, knobbed hands, a clear
window revealing working red and green gears,
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
and non-locking hands that allow for individual
movement of hour and minute hands without
damage. A 16-page reproducible activity book
is included. The clock is also available without
the booklet or fancy packaging for less.
003086 Clock with Booklet . . 8.99
003070 Clock Only . . . . . . . 5.83
☼24-Hour Student Clock (PK-3)
These look just like the familiar bright yellow
student clocks you know (11cm diam) with 1-12
in red & minutes marked in blue around the outside, but around the inside of the face is 13-24
in small red numbers. This gives you the option
to teach the 24 hour clock (aka military time.)
The hour hand is red, minute hand is blue, and
it comes with a small stand.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
060904(C.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.99
24 Hour Advanced Student Clock (K-6)
This purple clock is printed with lime and yellow numbers for easy readability. Because it is
geared, the hour hand moves just as it would
on a real clock (example: if the time is 6:30, the
hour hand would be between the six and the
seven instead of directly on top on the six. The
face has two rings of numbers, the first is 1-12
and the second is 13-24 so students can learn to
identify 24 hour or military time. – Laura
062332 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.25
Geared Clocks - Large / Teaching
Judy Clock (PK-3)
In our opinion, the best geared clock available. The advantage of the Judy Clock is that
it’s practically child-proof. If hands are moved
in an abnormal way, the gear mechanism will
not break. We’ve had ours for years and it looks
good and works perfectly despite some pretty
rugged “time telling!”
018730(D.) . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.99 18.95
Lego Time Teacher Clock - Boy Colors (1-3)
Teaching (and learning!) time has never been
so fun! Each of these sets includes a LEGO®
themed wrist watch (water resistant to 165’),
instructions and pieces to assemble a teaching
clock, and activity cards. Made out of mostly
blue pieces with a blue, green, red, and green
wristwatch featuring a little LEGO® man on the
watch and the activity cards.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
058924 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29.99 22.95
☼Tell Time Flip Chart Student Size (K-3)
A brightly-colored flip chart that stands up on a
table/desk can be such a valuable teaching tool
for a parent/teacher. This one is made of sturdy
cardboard (12.5x3.5”) in shiny, bright teal with
a spiral binding across the top. A clock face with
moveable hands (red hour hand/blue minute
hand) corresponds with the red hour numbers
and blue minute numbers that you can flip. It’s a
fun way to show both the clock and the numeric
representation at the same time. (Imagine an
analog and a digital watch next to each other.)
You can show a 24-hour clock too (aka military
time), as the clock face features smaller 13-24
hour numbers under each typical hour and the
corresponding numbers in the hour number flip
cards. Use it to show students when it is time to
leave the house or go to recess. Folds pretty flat,
base is 12.5x3.25” when standing up.) ~ Sara
060925 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.99
Money - Manipulatives
Plastic Coins (PK-AD)
A set of 94 realistic plastic coins (same as in
Cash Pax set) including 30 pennies, 20 nickels,
20 dimes, 20 quarters and 4 half-dollars.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
Student Elapsed Time Ruler (2-AD)
How much time has passed since breakfast?
This unique ruler can help you answer that
question! It uses a number line format to help
students visually “see” where the time goes.
The left side of the ruler begins with Midnight:
12 A.M., then progresses in 15 minute increments over a 24-hour period. The center of the
ruler is marked Noon: 12 P.M., and it ends on
the right edge with Midnight 12 A.M. Hours are
marked with large numbers (A.M. in red; P.M.
in green), while the smaller time increments (15,
30, and 45 minutes) appear below and between
the hours in smaller black type. You can also
measure in five minute increments (using the
unlabeled tick marks) for even more precision.
The 17” x 1.25” yellow ruler is made of flexible vinyl and has a write on/wipe off surface.
Interlocking ends allow students to bend the
ruler, and then mark its place to solve elapsed
time questions. A fun, linear variation on the
analog clock. ~ Lisa
057123 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.99
Primary Fractime Teller - Student (K-3)
Another handy tool for learning to tell time,
this one incorporates fractions. Printed on a
sturdy board (think of a thick board book page),
this time teller has three clock faces with moveable hands. One with hour and minute hands,
one with just hour, and one with minutes.
Underneath are two fraction circles divided
into twelfths. The face of the clock at the top
with both hands is also printed with the words
“After” on the right hand side and “To” on the
Money - Instruction
left, helping students to learn another way that
we discuss time. – Laura
Complete Book of Time & Money (K-3)
038283 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.95
Please see description in Time - Workbooks.
008120 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.95 10.95
Telling Time Flashcards (K-1)
Learn to tell time to the nearest five minutes The Coin Counting Book (K-4)
with these self-checking, easy-to-read cards.
Money can be a little bit of a confusing conThe clock face on the front has a digital partner cept for little kids - after all, why is one silver
on the back. Ninety-six 3” x 5” cards.
coin that weighs less worth ten copper coins?
017631 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.99
2.50 This book's colorful pages and catchy rhymes
are ideal for explaining change to kids. Starting
Time Number Line (K-3)
with pennies and five pennies equal to a nickel,
This was a little different than I was expecting. your children will understand how coins work
A strip of laminated posterboard (4 1/8” x 19.5”) and how their values compare. Of course, once
marked with a linear “clock,” i.e. hours from they understand, they won't be so easily bribed
12 am to 12 am with five minute designations with pennies anymore... ~ Steph
and fifteen minutes labels to help you calculate 021659 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.95
elapsed time. There is also space to write a start
and end time digitally and on an analog clock Money Math DK Workbook (3)
face with additional space to show the elapsed 045582 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.99
time digitally.
050335 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.75 Drive-Thru Menu Math (3-6)
These are not your ordinary math workbooks
☼Elapsed Time Write on/Wipe off Magnet
because they’re based entirely upon fast food
Practice telling time
menus! Each book contains 4 colorful, lamiand figuring elapsed time
nated, realistic fast food menus (with prices) that
with this large magnet
students use to complete the workbook activifeaturing two large (7
ties. The workbooks consist of reproducible
1/8” in diameter) writeworksheets with activities that practice real-life
on/wipe-off, punch-out
math skills, such as counting money, totaling
clock faces. One clock
food orders and receipts, figuring discounts,
face is green-faced and one yellow, each with a and calculating change. The activities are high
black center dot. This set comes with removable interest and the menus are very realistic (with
hands, start-stop markers in blue and magenta, yummy photos of burgers, fries, sandwiches,
and start and stop diamond shape “buttons.” breakfast items, desserts, and more). Don’t be
The bottom of the magnet holds two yellow 15” surprised if your students are hungry after math
time telling strips to help students view time class! Answers included. 45-62 pgs, pb. ~ Lisa
linearly and solve elapsed time problems. Use EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.99
with dry-erase or damp-wipe markers. ~ Ruth
047748 Add & Subtract Money (3-5)
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
047749 Beginning Money Skills (3)
059416 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.99
5.95 047750 Multiply & Divide Money (4-6)
015344 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.99
Mixed Coins Set (K-3)
This set of 94 plastic coins contains 30 pennies, 20 nickels, 20 dimes, 20 quarters, and
4 half-dollars. The coins are realistically sized
and colored, complete with realistic “engraved”
images (coin edges have ridges, where appropriate). Great for hands-on math practice. ~ Lisa
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
047866 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50
Play Money: Coins & Bills (K-6)
This set contains realistic looking coins and
bills, although the bills are smaller than real
money. You get the following quantities and
denominations: 30-$1, 20-$5, 20-$10, 15-$20,
10-$50, 5-$100, 30 pennies, 30 nickels, 20
dimes, 15 quarters, and 5 half dollars. ~ Anh
024922 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.99 10.50
Play Money (K-6)
Great for pretend play (grocery store, pet
shop), group centers, learning to count money,
skip counting, and more. Bills are 90% the
size of legal tender, with similar coloring and
imagery and the set of 110 includes: thirtyfive $1 bills, twenty-five $5 bills, twenty $10
bills, twenty $20 bills, five $50 bills, and
five $100 bills. Assorted Coins set includes
pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters & fifty-cent
pieces. Suggested activities included. The penny
includes the new penny design with the shield/
Lincoln head. ~ Sara
EACH SET (except noted) . . . . 3.99
039997 Assorted Bills (110) . 4.49
039198 Assorted Coins (110)
039203 Dimes (100)
039206 Nickels (100)
039214 Pennies (100)
039225 Quarters (100)
Classroom Money Set (1-4)
Learning to make correct change is a valuable
skill that is quickly being lost in this day of automated cash registers and calculators. Whether
you desire to teach change-making or simply
money management skills (how quickly do I run
out of money when buying everything I want!),
this money set will be a valuable hands-on learning resource in the classroom or at home.
A sturdy 18½”x10½" plastic case contains 12
compartments-six each for bills and coins. A
clear plastic lid is included for easy storage.
Included bills are realistic, down to the use of
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
two-colored graphics, and measure 2”x5 ½”. Set
contains 100 each of dollar bills, fives, tens and
twenties, and 50 each of fifties and hundreds.
Authentic in appearance, the coins have authentic dimensions (although thicker), groves, if applicable, and are colored as their real counterparts.
Coinage consists of 100 each of pennies, nickels,
dimes and quarters plus 50 each of Kennedy halfdollars and Sacajawea dollar coins. This would
make a great tool for learning money skills with
a mock store or alongside mom and dad during a
monthly budget meeting. ~ Deanne
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
049246 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44.99
on their total sheet. After you decide to stop (20
minutes or so,) have each child show their totals
and explain their math. Maybe you could write
a total (like $3.61) and your child can show you
the number using the dice - $, $, $, 50¢, 10¢,
1¢. Try this the other way around too. ~ Sara
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
049324 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00
Money Flash Cards (1-5)
These handy flash cards contain color images
of real U.S. coins on one side, while the back
of the card lists the sum of the coins (in numbers
and in words). This deck contains 52 fact cards
and 4 parent cards. ~ Lisa
008509 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.99
Play Money Set
Small, but realistic-looking paper bills for
hands-on learning or play. Includes 25 ones, Pretend & Play Checkbook & Calculator (PK-5)
What’s better than play money? How about
20 each of fives, tens and twenties, 5 fifties and
a play checkbook to write checks for that
10 hundreds.
015345 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.25 unlimited amount of imaginary money? This
set lets kids pretend they’re writing out checks
☼Pretend Play Money Magnetic Playset (PK-AD) and keeping track of their money in a realistic
What a fun way for any youngster new to way. Set includes a book of 25 checks, a check
finance to learn, practice, and reinforce money register, pen, calculator, deposit slips, and an
skills! Run a cash register, count change back, instruction card. Take those lessons on addadd up grocery totals or even create a budget. ing and subtracting amounts of money a little
And when it’s time to pack up shop, the 70 further with a realistic example of balancing
illustrated, magnetic money pieces and shop- the checkbook! Checkbook replacements are
ping activity sheets all neatly fit into the 7”x also available; the Replacement Set includes 72
9.25”x 0.75” magnetic travel tin with hinged lid checks, 30 deposit slips, and 3 check registers.
that doubles as an illustrated cash register on the 036070 Checkbook Set w/ Calculator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.99 14.50
inside. Cha-Ching!
036069 Replacement Set . . . . 9.99
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
031426 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.99 10.79
U.S. Currency Coin Stickers (K-2)
These coin stickers are great for work sheets,
making flashcards, or money problems. Includes
25 pennies (10 backs, 15 fronts), 20 nickels
(10 backs, 10 fronts), 25 dimes (15 fronts, 10
backs), 20 quarters (10 backs, 10 fronts), and 10
half dollar pieces (5 backs, 5 fronts).
036102 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.49
☼U.S. Currency (Write On/Wipe-Off Magnets)
These U.S. currency magnets are heavy-duty
and allow you to write-on/wipe-off with dryerase or damp wipe markers. Coins range from
1.5” to 2” in diameter, and the set includes 10
pennies, 5 nickels, 10 dimes and 8 quarters.
Bills are 4” x 2” and include 5 ones, 2 fives, 2
tens, 1 twenty, 1 fifty and 1 hundred. All currency uses realistic colors and design, including
even the most recent update on the $100 bill.
Use for counting, making change, and money
recognition. ~ Ruth
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
EACH SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.99
035740 US Coins
035747 US Dollars
Money Dice (1-AD)
Looking for an alternative to the classic pretend
money to liven up learning about our currency?
This set of ten white “money” dice, each of
which has six sides: 1¢, 5¢, 10¢, 25¢, 50¢ and
$, all printed in green. So, what do you with
money dice? I have a few ideas! Let children
roll the dice and total up each roll. The first one
to get ten dollars wins. Or maybe roll the dice
and total the amounts on a paper. Give each
child a quarter for every five dollar increment
Money - Toys & Games
Exact Change Game (1-AD)
This fun card game is simple to learn and
easy to play – and as an added bonus, kids will
become more familiar and comfortable with
money. Game play is similar to Uno, with
players trying to discard cards in their hands
by matching either the color or money amount
on the previously played card. Each player is
dealt 7 cards and the rest of the deck becomes
the draw pile, with one card overturned to start
the discard pile. The deck is composed of 110
cards, with cards featuring all coin types (from
pennies to half dollars), $1.00 cards, wild cards,
loose change cards (with varying amounts of odd
change), tax collection cards, and bank withdrawal cards. Play goes clockwise, each player
trying to be the first to empty their hand. You
can match the money amount, either by playing
the same coin or by announcing “Exact Change”
and playing several cards that add up to the previously played card, or you can match the color.
If you cannot discard, you must draw cards until
you can play. Wild cards can be anything, but
you must announce the color and amount when
you play them. Tax collection cards force all
other players to draw one card from the draw
deck, and bank withdrawal cards forces an
opponent of your choice to randomly draw a
card from your hand. When one player runs out
of cards, the round is over and they pick another
player’s hand, total the cards remaining and this
becomes the balance in the bank account of the
player who went out. The first player to “save”
$2.00 is the winner. 2-6 players. ~ Megan
047977 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
Pretend and Play Cash Register (PK+)
After winning almost every imaginable toy
reward, we felt this “toy” deserved a place in
our catalog! It is a real, working, solar-powered
calculator with a cash drawer that holds realsize bills and coins. Oversized buttons and big
number display make it perfect for even your
littlest storekeeper. Comes complete with play
bills, plastic coins, pretend Citibank credit card,
and suggested activities. Measures 10 ½”w x 9 Loose Change Game (1-AD)
½”d x 5 ½”h. Mom will be tempted to borrow
Kids will have fun practicing their money
this one for her next garage sale!
counting skills with this coin card game. The
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
set contains 108 cards (94 coin cards, 10 lucky
003050 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39.99 31.75 find cards, and 4 save cards). Each coin card has
a labeled color photo of a coin (nickel, dime,
Teaching Cash Register (PK+)
quarter or 50 cent piece), the lucky find cards
More teaching features make this a more edu- have illustrations of a treasure chest with values
cational tool than a toy. Coin reader identifies greater than just one coin (30 cents, 35 cents,
real or plastic (included) coins and even quizzes and 45 cents), and the save cards allow players
your children! There are four built-in games to pass on their turns. The object of the game is
(teaching coin identification, addition, subtrac- to play cards that equal exactly one dollar withtion and place value) that increase in difficulty out going over. Each player take turns drawing
as players improve their math skills. Checkout a card from the pile while playing a card from
scanner is built in, as is a real working scale. their hand to add to the running total of cards
Three-line large display includes type of trans- laid out on the table. Once a player plays a card
action (just like a real register!) and prompts that adds up to exactly one dollar, he/she gets
“cashier” to run credit card through. Register to keep the pile and a new round is started. If a
comes equipped with sounds, lights and voice player plays a card that adds up to over one dolmessages - AND a volume control. An auto- lar, the player “busts” and claims the cards face
matic shutoff will turn off unit when not in use down. When all of the cards have been used,
to save on batteries. These (three “C”) are not the players tally up their points. Each dollar pile
included, but play money, coupon and Bank is worth one point, while each “bust” pile is a
One credit card are.
negative point. The player with the most points
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
is the winner! For 2-6 players. ~ Lisa
024197 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54.99 39.95 047615 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.95 11.66
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Moneywise Kids (2+)
Painlessly teach your child the meaning of
money with these two easy games. Vital mathematical concepts such as: addition, subtraction,
multiplication, place value, making change,
budgeting, and money management are taught
and practiced. Both games (“Bill Maker” and
“Bill Breaker”) are fun and fast-paced, with two
players competing. In “Bill Maker” your goal
is to be the first player to accumulate one $100
bill. Play money is included in 1’s, 5’s, 10’s,
20’s, 50’s, and 100’s. Players are constantly
exchanging smaller bills for larger ones until that
winning $100 is obtained.
“Bill Breaker” deals more with real life and is
slightly more advanced. A parents’ pay check
may seem like big bucks to a small child, but
where does it all go? This game uses moneywise kids markers representing some of the
costly expenses and necessities of life (not
realistically priced, of course!) such as taxes,
clothing, food, medical care, transportation,
and housing. Players constantly take the risk of
picking up a financial explosion that will really
blow a hole in their savings. The first player
with all six markers and $100 wins. - Megan
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
005380 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.99
Allowance Math Game (3-8)
Unlike many money games, Allowance
includes coins ranging from pennies to half dollars rather than just paper money. One, five,
ten, and twenty dollar bills are included. Each
player starts the game with $10 and proceeds
around the board. The board is the size of a
typical game board and has several types of
spaces you can land on. There is a spinner in
the middle of the board that tells players how
many spaces to move. There are pay days (collect $5), library fines (pay $.18) and spaces
where you either have to pay or collect money
for various reasons (these reasons are more
realistic than other games, for example players get $4 for washing the windows and not a
million dollars for discovering titanium deposits
in their backyard). The board and spinner also
have spaces that make players draw a “Take a
Chance” card, which offer additional monetary
rewards or punishments. Ultimately, the player
with the most money wins the game (though
there are some variations for playing and ending the game). This is a great game because it
is simple to play, has kids make change and
add/subtract money in a fun way, and can be
very quick to play (or last longer if you want it
to). More practical for kids than Monopoly or
Payday, this is sure to cause some mathematical fun in your house. Six player markers are
included. 2-6 players. ~ Rachel
040889 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.99 17.95
Baby Bears Balance Set (PK-3)
Introduce young students to weight and measurement with this durable set from Learning
Resources. Included is the actual balance,
which measures 16.5” x 6.5” x 6”. It holds
two clear plastic buckets that can be removed
easily for emptying and allows students to see
what they have placed inside. Any dry or liquid
material can be measured in the buckets. Lids
are included, which you can snap on top of the
buckets and use as measurement platforms. The
base of the balance scale has a built-in drawer
to use as storage. In case you need something
to weigh and balance, this set comes with some
cute little bears that will certainly do the trick.
There are 102 bears in six rainbow colors (17
of each color) and each bear measures 1” and
weighs 4 grams. This is a very handy set that
will help students have fun while they learn
about balance and measurement. ~ Rachel
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
040593 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29.99
☼Working w/ the Rocker Scale Book & CD
If you are using a bucket balance (aka a
rocker scale) with your math curriculum and
want to get more out of it, this book is chock
full of activity ideas and practice pages for you.
Introduce algebraic thinking to your primary
students by teaching them to balance equations
early using this simple math tool. Unifix cubes
and stacking weights will be needed as you
compare, learn about equals/not equals, greater/
less than, expressions, composing/decomposing and equations vs vertical computations. A
homeschool parent or classroom teacher can
follow the step by step instruction in the short
lessons here. The CD is a digital version of the
book with interactive tools for whiteboard presentation. Blackline masters may be reproduced
for 1 classroom , co-op, or family. Meets several
CC standards. Great for the hands-on learner!
98pp. ~ Sara
060839 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.95 12.75
Bucket Balance (1-8)
As the name suggests, this sturdy balance scale
uses buckets instead of pans. Measures both
solids and liquids, and the transparent buckets
are removable for easy cleaning. Colorful scale
is made of durable plastic, and there's even a
storage drawer in the base. Less expensive than
the pan balance, with more features. The deep
buckets hold approximately 300 ml, with markings every 50 ml, for measuring. Also features
sliding compensators.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
018729 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.99
Bucket Balance (1-8)
This inexpensive sturdy plastic bucket balance would be a perfect complement to your
math curriculum or a fun exploration tool for
children. Easily removable, clear plastic buckets measure up to 500 ml with markings every
100 ml. Side spout makes for easy pouring of
liquids allowing scale to be used for liquids or
solids. Colorful scale is made from sturdy plastic and contains side calibration. There is no
storage drawer with this balance, as compared
to our Bucket Balance #18729. Comes preassembled. ~ Deanne
049245 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.99 11.95
Pan Balance (1-8)
Capable of holding up to 16.9 ounces (500ml)
within each of its graduated containers, the Pan
balance is ideal for comparing the mass of two
objects. Composed of durable plastics for either
dry or liquid comparisons, the balance also
contains built-in sliders to compensate for slight
irregularities. W 21” x H 11”. ~ Nick
058411 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.99
Pan Balance Combo Bucket/Number (1-8)
This scale is versatile and can be used as a
pan or bucket scale. Two large white buckets
and two clear pans are included and are easily changed, depending on what you want to
weigh. The scale also features non-removable
plastic compensators at the top, 20 hanging
masses and an activity guide. Whether you
are weighing liquids or solids, clean or messy
objects, this is a great, all-inclusive balance set.
It’s built well and the price is right. ~ Donna
038875 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34.95 32.50
Platform Scale 2.2kg/5 lbs. (PK-AD)
064626 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.95
Platform Scale (1-8)
When dealing with weight, Horizons Math recommends using a platform scale instead of a balance bucket like Saxon Math. It measures both
liquids and solids in a pan that can be removed
from the weighing platform. The weight is easy
to read on the large display, which features both
the English and metric scales. The scale has a 5
kg/11 lb. capacity.
043835 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.99 11.95
Platform Scale (PK-3)
This sturdy red platform scale weighs liquids
or solids in a rounded square pan. The large display shows both English (.1 lb) and metric (40g)
increments with a 5 kg/11 lb capacity. ~ Lisa
006738 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.95 11.75
Classroom Precision Balance (1-AD)
This accurate balance provides the implementation of precise measurements, yet is
simple enough for any student to use. Balance
measures 12" x 6.5" x 4.5" and has a 2000g
capacity with +1 - 5g accuracy. The built-in
storage compartments hold 10 brass weights
and tweezers (included), and accuracy controls
include calibrated pointer, damping button,
and calibration slider. The large capacity pans
hold up to a ½ liter, and pans are removable to
accommodate larger items. ~ Alysia
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
032125 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.95
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
Compact Digital Scale with Bowl (3-AD)
I love it when things are simple and just work.
This white plastic scale has 2 buttons: on/off and
tare (the adjustment for the weight of the bowl.)
A switch on the bottom of the scale allows
you to choose grams or ounces. Digital weight
display (LCD) is easy to read and even has an
auto shut-off to save power. Runs on 4 included
AAbatteries. The wide, clear plastic bowl has a
pour spout and holds 5 cups. Maximum capacity is 4.4lb/2.0kg and accuracy is 1.0g/0.1oz.
Scale platform is a 6” circle and the bowl measures about 7” diameter at the opening and is
about 2” deep. Useful in the kitchen or in your
lessons! Simple and sleek, this scale is a winner
in my book! ~Sara
057319 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.95 17.95
Digital Compact Scale - 5kg (3-AD)
This attractive electronic scale is shiny silvercolored metal and plastic with a 6” round
platform. You click the mode button to choose
kg or lb. The tare function is easy to use and
adapt to any bowl you may be using. It runs on
4 AAbatteries which are included. Auto power
off is helpful to save those batteries! Capacity
is 5000g or 176oz. The easy to read display
is backlit. Overall height is about 2”, and it is
about 7” round. A useful item in your math and
science lessons and in your kitchen too! ~ Sara
057320 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35.95 32.25
Scale Masses (Weights)
Weigh Too Centimeter-Gram Cubes
Colorful plastic cubes that measure 1 sq. centimeter and weigh exactly one gram. Possibilities
are endless. For more fun, use with Liter Cube
with lid. Exactly 100 will fit.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
015051 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.99
Three Bear Family Rainbow Counters (PK-3)
Cute plastic bears in three sizes, three weights,
and six colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue,
purple). Baby bear weighs 4 grams, mama
weighs 8 grams, and papa weighs 12 grams.
Proportional weights allow use on balance for
measurement discoveries (“How many babies
weigh as much as mama and papa?”). We
recommend doing these activities on a pan
balance, not a teeter-totter type balance where
placement of the bears is crucial (and potentially frustrating for young children). Includes
24 papa, 24 mama, and 48 baby bear counters.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
003057 Set of 96 . . . . . . . . 24.99
Customary Safe-T Weights (13-Piece) (2-AD)
This safety-minded yet visually appealing set
features metal weights covered with colorful
plastic. This set includes 13 hexagon-shaped
weights: 8 blue 1oz, 2 red 4oz, 2 yellow 8oz,
and 1 green 1lb. All are stored in a 5” x 4.5”
plastic case with snap-on lid. ~ Rachel
048994 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.99 19.95
Kumon My Book of Measurement (PK-1)
Understanding measurement comes from practice, and sometimes our children need more
practice to have that “aha” moment. This series
of books from Kumon provides children structured practice in three areas: length, volume
and weight. The books are colorfully illustrated
and may be used independently of one another.
Answers and certificate of completion included.
Non-reproducible. 76 pgs, pb. ~Deanne
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.95
Children begin with simple concepts of
longer and shorter advancing to longest/
shortest. An overview of numbers 1-100 and
ruler activities follow, covering inches and
centimeters. Child will need his/her own
ruler for later activities.
Children begin with simple concepts of
more/less and most/least as well as an overview of numbers 1-100 before advancing
into cups/pints, and liters/milliliters.
Simple concepts of heavier/lighter and
heaviest/lightest are introduced before the
overview of numbers 1-100. Advanced
concepts covered are pounds and grams
through the use of scale graphics.
Measure It! (3-5)
The concepts of time, space, distance and area
are a breeze thanks to the Measure It! series by
Capstone. Every book has a section dedicated
to the history of each form of measurement,
devices used in measurement, the conversion
rates for imperial and metric units and word
problems that can help reinforce the lessons.
With clear and easy to use reference tables,
formulas and charts, each book can also serve
as a quick look-up. 32 pgs, pb. 7.5" x 9". ~ Nick
EACH BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.29
056076 Distance, Area and Volume
056077 Mass and Weight
056078 Speed and Acceleration
Inchimals (PK-3)
Kids will think these colorful blocks are toys,
not teaching tools! It really provides the perfect
way to teach and introduce kids to measurement
and adding lengths. The set includes 12 solid,
colorful wooden blocks that are each 1" wide,
but are different heights representing different
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
032158 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29.99 22.50 animals. So the ladybug block is 1” high, the
frog is 2” high, etc., all the way up to the giraffe
who is 12” high. There are inch measurement
Hexagram Weights (1-8)
Set of 54 Hexagram weights for use with your markings on the sides of the blocks that the anibalance scale. Includes twenty 1g, twenty 5g, mals aren’t featured on, and the length is shown
in numbers and dots (like dice) on the top and
ten 10g, and four 20g weights.
bottom of the blocks. Even independently the
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
005983 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.99
7.95 blocks can be used for activities like sequencMetric Weights, Set of 58
These hexagon shaped weights are stackable
and each weight size is a different color. This
kit contains twenty 1 g, twenty 5 g, ten 10 g,
four 20 g, two 100g, one 500 g, and one 1000
g., for a total weight of 2000 g.
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
ing, stacking, creative play, and number recognition, but a spiral-bound puzzle book is
included to get even more use from the blocks.
The book is write-on/wipe-off (a marker is even
included) and includes 100 puzzles. Puzzles are
fairly simple: A lady bug plus a rabbit equals
what? A monkey minus a penguin equals what?
Kids can stack the blocks on top of each other to
find answers. There are also blank boxes so students can find the inch values on the blocks and
write them in to finish the problems numerically
as well as visually. The puzzle book gets progressively more difficult, from simple addition
and subtraction to problems with multiple numbers to finding equivalent sums to finding multiple ways to create a given number. Whether
kids work individually together, they’ll enjoy
exploring with these colorful blocks. ~Rachel
021809 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34.95 32.95
Master Ruler (1-AD)
Your students will no longer be confused by
all the little lines on their rulers, thanks to the
Master Ruler. Its design is unique: a white base
ruler with clear plastic overlays. In the English
version, the base is one foot with 12 inch markings. Separate overlays have 1/2”, ¼”, 1/8”, and
1/16” markings. The Metric version starts with
a plain solid base ruler and has overlays for
decimeters, centimeters, and millimeters. This
design allows the student to develop a solid
understanding of the relationship between these
fractional markings. For instance, they can
measure an item first in inches, then in ¼ inches,
then switch rulers to measure in centimeters and
millimeters. The back of the white base ruler has
an equivalents chart (in feet/yards/miles on the
English ruler and in meters, etc. on the Metric
ruler). The packaging for each ruler includes a
brief set of exercises for becoming familiar with
the ruler’s usage, as well as a statement describing how the idea for the ruler was an answer to
a teacher’s prayer.
Mastering the World of Measuring Workbook
includes a classroom-size (23” x 36”) poster
illustrating English measurements. [Did you
realize that feet, gallons, and pounds are all
based on 1/16 divisions? I didn’t, until I studied
this poster.] The Workbook itself has 22 pages of
well-designed measuring activities with a complete answer key in the back. It also includes
a comprehensive introduction to measuring that
is essentially a scope and sequence for teaching
measurement, covering the basics, fractions,
scale drawing (map skills), geometric concepts,
and metric/English conversion. These materials
would make an excellent supplement to your
comprehensive math curriculum. - Janice
053237Workbook . . . . . . . . 9.95
053238 Metric Student . . . . . 9.95
053239 Standard Student . . . 9.95
Measuring Sticks & Tapes
SAFE-T Rulers
What Weights and Measures section would be
complete without the good 'ol ruler. But, leave
it to us to give you lots of ruler choices! We
have 12", 6", flexible, Ultra-flexible, colored,
plain - you get the idea. Whatever your budget
or preference, we have just the ruler for you!
All below are marked with standard inch and
metric calibrations. Unless extremely flat, they
have beveled edges on both sides and rounded
safety corners. Highly unbreakable.
Flat Flexible SAFE-T Clear Ruler
A clear, 12" English/metric ruler - great for the
overhead (if you have one). Flexible, but springs
back to shape.
015347 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.75
Basic View-Thru Clear Ruler
Very inexpensive, rigid (just a little flex) clear
ruler. 12" model has binder holes.
01535212" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.95
0153536" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.65
Flexible 12" Ruler - Blue
These blue 12"/30cm rulers are clear for easy
placement and fairly bendable for drawing
curves, or wrapping around objects. Sensibly
priced too.
015350 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.60
Ultra-Flex SAFE-T Ruler
These rulers can be totally twisted - even rolled
- to measure curved surfaces - yet bounce back
to a flat shape. Virtually impossible to break.
12" ruler is View-Thru and comes in 4 assorted
colors (sorry, no color choice).
015351 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.99
12” Ringbinder Ruler (PK-AD)
Ideal for introducing children to measurement, this colorful see-through plastic ruler
sticks to the basics, displaying only half inches
and inches on one edge and centimeters on the
other edge. Includes holes for easy storage in a
ringbinder. Assorted colors.
035679(A.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.80
☼Easy Read 12” Ruler
Need to place a ruler in an unusual place? This
adhesive-backed, larger print ruler is a great
option for primary children, students with vision
needs, or to use in a location with poor lighting.
Opposite sides of the ruler offer two different
high-contrast options for either English (pink or
blue side) or metric (black side) measurement.
The traditional measurement lines are there, but
each fraction of an inch is also labeled down
to the sixteenth. Half centimeters are labeled
as well. Its flexible qualities allow it to be used
(with the backing still on) to measure round
items. For traditional measurements, it is best
used attached to a student’s desk or other flat
surface. ~ Ruth
EACH RULER (B.) . . . . . . . . . . 3.99
057650Blue/Black 057651Pink/Black
☼Gallon Man Colorful Cut-Outs (240 pcs)
Bright rainbow colors are fun to “play” with as
children learn about gallons, quarts, cups and
pints. Eight complete sets make it a fun group or
classroom option. Gallon Man is a robot-looking creature with a purple head, red body (gallon) and orange (quart), green (pint), and blue
(cup) limbs. Pieces are made of flat sturdy cardstock and are each labeled with the appropriate
measurement. If using with several children, I
would laminate them for longer wear. The gallon piece is a 5” square and all other pieces fit
on him accordingly (4 quarts on the gallon, or
8 pints, or 16 cups). As students play with their
creation, they can easily see how 2 cups are the
Measure By Color Ruler (PK-AD)
065924(C.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.48
4.25 same as 1 pint, etc. Use for hands-on practice,
content review, centers, brain-breaks or as takehome manipulatives. (240pcs). ~ Sara
Meter Sticks - Hardwood
A sturdy hardwood meter stick (inch markings 060738(E.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.99
on the reverse side) that will hold up for years.
The plain end stick is 5 mm thick and 3 cm
wide. The metal end stick (more durable) is 7
Dual Scale Student Thermometers
mm thick and 2.6 cm wide.
Set of 10 simple student thermometers marked
024178 Plain ends . . . . . . . . 4.49
024177 Metal ends . . . . . . . . 3.58
3.50 in Celsius on one side, Fahrenheit on other. The
sturdy plastic backing measures approx 15 cm
and thermometer is about 12 cm. They contain
Sticky Meter Stick (set of 30) (1-AD)
064629 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.95
9.95 no mercury and are individually calibrated for
accuracy from -25 to +122 F and -35 to +50 C.
HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
Customary/Metric Tape Measure 60” (K-12)
A basic 60" tape measure (like you would find 015327 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.99 10.50
in a sewing kit) with inches on one side and
Outdoor Thermometer
centimeter/millimeters on the other.
Use indoors or out - has large, visible numbers
043832(D.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.75
in Celsius and Fahrenheit. Includes mounting
screws and is made of durable, waterproof plasVolume
tic. 3” x 14½”.
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.
Liter Volume Cube
Demonstrate the volume of a liter visually with 018745 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . this liter volume cube. The clear plastic cube
holds exactly 1000 mL and features horizontally Magnetic Thermometer Recording Charts (K-3)
lined 100 mL calibration markings. It can hold 064623 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . liquid or 1000 centimeter or unit cubes. ~ Lisa
048128 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.99
Graphing, Charts, Tables
Gallon Balance Tile Set - 31 Piece (K-AD)
In a classroom or co-op it can be tricky to Coordinate Graphing Hidden Pictures (3-5)
This book helps to familiarize students with
actually pour 4 quarts into a gallon to demonstrate volume. Instead, you can use this set basic graphing concepts in conjunction with the
of colorful weighted plastic tiles on a hanging fun of hidden pictures. It contains 36 activities
balance scale. This particular balance scale is with each activity requiring students to plot
tall enough for the tiles to hang without touch- points, draw line segments, identify ordered
ing the table and made of bright blue plastic. pairs, and answer several geometry questions.
It come in 3 simple parts that fit together eas- Reproducible, answers included. -Enh
ily. The gallon tile is large (12x20cm) and will 044931 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.99
hang down 19cm from the scale peg. I like the
colors too: 1 red gallon, 2 blue half gallons, 4 X-Y Axis Stamp (1-12)
This stamp is easy to grasp and use, measures
orange quarts, 8 green pints, 16 yellow cups
(half pints.) Cute white graphics identify each 3” x 3” and stamps a 144 block grid with an x
size tile with containers representative of each and y axis.
size that feature their names. These are fun for 016707 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a visual and hands-on learner. Large enough to
use in a classroom or co-op group. It’s a clever ☼X-Y Axis Slide Board with 50 Pegs (4-12)
Imagine the tangible properties of a geoboard
math manipulative really and the scale makes it
seem grand. Combine this with a kitchen cook- with an XY graph. Simply slide the clear X and
ing lesson and try doubling or halving a recipe! Y lines over the red board to allow yourself the
Base of the scale is about 9x5x1” and has spots proper graphing proportions, set the included
to store the tiles. It is about 12.5” high and the white pegs to match your coordinates, then use
the included rubber bands to connect points as
arm span is about 18”. ~ Sara
necessary. A really neat way to take graphing off
CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs..
057323 Set of 31 Tiles . . . . 10.50
9.50 the page. – Laura
004002 Balance w/31 Tiles . 25.95 23.25 038324 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.35
See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels.
freely. The numbers zero through nine are
Consumer Math
listed in numerical order going clockwise. You
Humongous Book of Statistics Problems (6-AD) won’t find a better spinner for the price! – elise Grocery Cart Math (3-5)
Please see Programs – Middle/Upper Grades 016678 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Now this is practical math! Designed as a
section previously in Math for a complete
supplement to be taken along with you to the
Game Spinners (K-8)
description of this series.
store, this 38 page book contains a variety of
Customize your own spinner to suit your game- grocery store activities including size and price
044790Statistics . . . . . . . . 21.95 15.50
making or math needs. Each spinner is a 4” comparisons, determining the cost of a recipe,
plastic square that supports a metal spinner in finding fat grams, figuring sales tax, and much
☼Cartoon Introduction to Statistics (7-12)
What do an old man carrying a huge pickle, the center. We offer two types of spinners-blank more. Activities are to be completed at the
a pirate with a bag of gold and a minimally and transparent. Blank spinners can be made store and many activities also contain addidressed superhero have in common? They’re more permanent while transparent spinners can tional questions that analyze the information
all on the cover of this statistics book giving be placed over anything. ~ Tasha
gathered. The activities increase in difficulty
0.95 as the student works through the book. Activity
you a hint that this is not your statistics-as-usual 042616Blank/White . . . . . . . . 1.30 sheets are black and white. This inexpensive
sort of course. It is, however, a fairly compre- 042619Overhead/Transpare