The innovation in the touristic promotion of the territory
The innovation in the touristic promotion of the territory
The Dolomites Unesco experience: The innovation in the touristic promotion of the territory Consorzio BIM Piave of Belluno Represents 67 Municipalities and was founded in 1955 Purpose: to pursue the economic and social progress of the local population through the use of incomes (extra fees) related to the activity of production of hydroelecttic power in the territory of its jurisdiction. The Consorzio BIM supported the socio-economic development of the territories of its members in different fields: ・ Public works; ・ Provincial network of natural gas and of LPG for minor networks; ・ Techniques and systems in the field of renewable energy and of energy conservation; ・ Computer and information services as well as broadband connectivity in the Province; ・ Support of social initiatives, cultural sports and entertainment initiatives. 400 million euro Comunità Montana Agordina Project titled “Geo-touristic WebGIS for the enhancement of the natural and cultural heritage of the “Alto Bellunese” territory” Municipalities of Lozzo di Cadore, Selva di Cadore and Zoldo Alto Encouragement of the activities and tourism services in the rural areas nelle aree rurali through the Tourist information Local Action Group “Prealpi e Dolomiti” GAL: Gruppo di Azione Locale (LAG - Local Action Group) aims to participate to the promotion of the rural development of its territory Southern part of the Province of Belluno which includes 26 municipalities The LAG works within the Asse 4 of the Rural Development Programme 2007-2013 of the Veneto Region through the “Leader method”. Local Action Group “Prealpi e Dolomiti” The main task is the implementation of the measures and actions of its Programme of Local Development, called “PRE.D.I.R.E” -Prealpi e Dolomiti per l'Innovazione e il Rilancio dell'Economia (Prealps and Dolomites for the innovation and relaunch of the economy). LAG as the project’s Director: the project stems from the dialogue with the territory Encouragement of the activities and tourism services in the rural areas through the Tourist information Total expenditure of the project: € 270.316,50 Public financing: € 216.253,20 (80%) Partnerships Cooperation with the Province of Belluno Mission To create an information system Modern Durable Efficient For the promotion, divulgation and improvement of the knowledge of the territory and its main attractive features Conditions and operative framework The need to coordinate and share the activities both in public and in private. The will to start from an existing system to avoid duplication or overlap Involve all the stakeholders of the production process in the tourism sector Guarantee immediate visibility to the tourist values and the strengths of the LAG Prealpi e Dolomiti Build a container that embraces the different tourist needs and that the same container is also useful for the local tourist information, both the virtual and the already existing one. The choice To guide the choices of the consumer / visitor To ensure a high and common standard to all of the information offices on the territory Institutional public website, owned by the Province of Belluno. Excellent search engine indexing The cost of raphics and of technological development will be financed by another project of the Veneto Region The web as a tool of democracy will ensure to each area its own share of visitors profiled and will allow to start a gradual but necessary process of sharing the tourist objectives of wider scope. Coordination and Tourism governance Output: infodolomiti Back office: central editorial office Which has the task of coordinating itself with the other tourist activities located in the territory Local Authorities Consortiums of Tourism promotion Operative network of the tourism field Planned actions: web Editing Coordination of the action necessary to achieve multiple objectives; The increase of the visibility and indexation of the website; The building of a structure, suitable to be a unique tool for the territory’s information; The definition of the editorial lines, the operative decisions and their implementation; The check of the existing contents, their update and the creation of new ones; The management of the social media channels and a newsletter; The supplying of a Internet press and communication agency and the to the territories and events. App: Dolomiti Live Planned actions: materials Translations in English and German “Cammino delle Dolomiti” (circular route with 30 stages, not only trekking but also a itinerary to relive the history, spirituality and culture of ancient times) Pilot Project: “digital diary” Printed material in the form of thematic maps 1) Bike 2) Summer and Winter active holiday 3) Culture – food and wine - events 4) Nature Planned actions: video Thematic videos will be made: Environment and nature The territory’s products and culture Opportunities for entertainment and leisure • Conveyed on Italian television stations • Advertising spots for the web