Suryani Mile - 2015 Regional Business Forum


Suryani Mile - 2015 Regional Business Forum
Session 3
Cruise Impacts and Innovations
Suryani Mile Doucet
27 August 2015
JANGKAR •  Jaringan Kapal Rekreasi (JANGKAR) is an Indonesian Liveaboard Associa;on. Founded in 2014 by some shared & Liveaboard operators. •  Jangkar purposes to help its Members to grow their businesses successfully and sustainability , and to be the Front Liner on Promo;ng Indonesian as Tourism Des;na;on in the Interna;onal and Nasional Level. JANGKAR •  KM. Amira Sailing Yacht MV AMBAI JANGKAR •  MV Mermaid II JANGKAR Jangkar Sustainable Tourism Consept : The concept of visi;ng a place as a tourist and trying to make only a posi;ve impact on the environment, society and economy. A key aspect is respect for the people who call the loca;on home, the culture and customs of the area, and the socio-­‐economic system. I.  Environment : •  Applies the Mari;me Pollu;on Conven;on. •  Use Water Management JANGKAR ECONOMIC •  Through awareness of the environment and the local culture, you leave behind the resources and customs that keep the local economy going strong. By purchasing local products and using local services, you help to enhance the local economy. These are the main ideas of economic sustainability. •  Sustainable tourism also strives to involve the locals in the tourism industry, so that financial gain from visi;ng tourists stays within the community. JANGKAR 3. Social Sustainability •  Pays special a\en;on to human rights and increasing the opportuni;es for all members of a society. While economic sustainability promotes the idea that tourism profits be kept within the local community, social sustainability deals with the distribu;on of these profits. The emphasis is on preven;ng the exploita;on of one group of a society for the financial gain of another. JANGKAR JANGKAR Mission is TO : •  Promote interest of liveaboard member/with goverment/internal associa;on •  Develop and maintain safety standards for dive/tourism opera;ons •  Promote high standards for ships crews •  Promote high standar for envirionmental standards •  Provide “one voice” for negosia;ng issue with goverment •  Provide bargaining power to standardize fuel/supply cost •  Code of ethics for operators/members •  Promote associa;on social responsibility •  Promote for agent service to liveaboards •  Benefit -­‐  Government revenues : Tax, Taxes & du;es on goods, services supplied,Taxes on Ticket to any MPA ,souvenirs, alcohol, service of tour operator -­‐  Exchange earning -­‐  Gener;on of employment & Business opportuni;es. -­‐  Bring Poeple into contact each other -­‐  Revitalisazion of culture and tradi;on : Improve the preserva;on and transmision of cultural and historical tradision Liveaboard Impact JANGKAR -­‐  Associate with the Boat Operatons : Emission, achorages, waste disposal, oil spills, etc. -­‐  Associate with Tourist ac;vi;es : Diving ,Snorkel, other water sport ac;vi;es. -­‐  Commercializa;on of Local Culture -­‐  Standarisa;on -­‐  Adapta;on to Tourist demand Mooring in Komodo JANGKAR INNOVATION NEED A BIG INTENSIVE COMMUNICATION ON SUSTAINABILITY ISSUES BY INVOLVING ALL STAKEHOLDER. LIVEABOARD CAN BE A WATCHKEEPING ON THE SEA TERIMAKASIH